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  • Botany, PhD


Graduate students in Botany work with faculty and staff on a range of projects in plant biology at all levels of organization — from molecules, through cells and organs, to populations, communities, and lineages of organisms. Major research areas include evolution and systematics; molecular, cellular, and developmental biology; plant biology; biochemistry; and ecology. We also provide advanced instruction and opportunities for research in phycology, bryology, mycology, ethnobotany, paleoecology, conservation and restoration ecology, taxonomy, genetics, and physiology. Increasingly, graduate student projects encompass two or more of these categories.

Students interested in fields bordering botany will find rich opportunities for coursework, collaborative research, and seminars in many other departments and schools such as Bacteriology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Engineering, Entomology, Forest and Wildlife Ecology, Genetics, Geography, Geoscience, Integrative Biology, Physics, Plant and Agroecosystem Sciences, Plant Breeding/ Plant Genetics, Plant Pathology, Statistics, Soil Science, and the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies. Interdisciplinary work is encouraged.

Graduate study in the Department of Botany requires a combination of advanced coursework, participation in seminars, and original research. Course requirements follow one of four pathways: general botany; ecology; evolution; or molecular, cellular, and developmental biology. The department encourages students to pursue independent research soon after arriving. In consultation with the faculty advisor, each student selects a pathway that includes courses and research topics related to their interests as well as training in the array of techniques and approaches needed to pursue research.

Please consult the table below for key information about this degree program’s admissions requirements. The program may have more detailed admissions requirements, which can be found below the table or on the program’s website.

Graduate admissions is a two-step process between academic programs and the Graduate School. Applicants must meet the minimum requirements of the Graduate School as well as the program(s). Once you have researched the graduate program(s) you are interested in, apply online .

Graduate Admissions Requirements
Requirements Detail
Fall Deadline December 1
Spring Deadline The program does not admit in the spring.
Summer Deadline The program does not admit in the summer.
GRE (Graduate Record Examinations) Not required.
English Proficiency Test Every applicant whose native language is not English, or whose undergraduate instruction was not exclusively in English, must provide an English proficiency test score earned within two years of the anticipated term of enrollment. Refer to the Graduate School: Minimum Requirements for Admission policy: .
Other Test(s) (e.g., GMAT, MCAT) The GRE subject test in Biology or in Cell and Molecular Biology is not required.
Letters of Recommendation Required 3

Please submit all your application materials before the fall deadline to ensure full review of your application. Applications submitted after the above deadline through April 15 will be considered if space is still available. Space for students is typically limited by the department’s ability to provide  financial support . To check if space is available, please email: [email protected] or contact faculty with whom you are interested in working to ask if they have graduate student funding available.

The Department of Botany will consider applicants for graduate degrees who surpass the minimum admissions requirements of the Graduate School. Neither the general Graduate Record Exam (GRE) nor the Graduate Record Exam subject test in Biology or in Cell and Molecular Biology is required. Admission is based on the applicant's statement of purpose, undergraduate record, letters of recommendation, experience in research, and the interests they share with one or more potential faculty advisors.

Courses may be required to address deficiencies in the following: GENETICS 466 Principles of Genetics or equivalent; CHEM 103 General Chemistry I and  CHEM 104 General Chemistry II or equivalent; CHEM 341 Elementary Organic Chemistry or equivalent; a physics course including electricity and light; one semester of statistics; one semester of calculus. Contact the department for more information.

Graduate School Resources

Resources to help you afford graduate study might include assistantships, fellowships, traineeships, and financial aid.  Further funding information is available from the Graduate School. Be sure to check with your program for individual policies and restrictions related to funding.

Program Resources

Financial support is available to qualified graduate students in the form of teaching, research, and project assistantships and fellowships . Typically, there are approximately 35 graduate students who hold assistantships or fellowships in the botany department. In addition, graduate students are eligible for a number of intradepartmental awards and grants .

Graduate students who have a teaching, research, or project assistantship of at least a 33.3% appointment (approximately 13.3 hours per week) for a fall or spring term are eligible to receive remission of full tuition . Fellowships or traineeships that are payrolled through the university and that carry stipends equivalent to at least a 33.3% research assistantship also qualify for remission of nonresident tuition. Tuition remission is conditionally awarded at the start of the semester based on the expectation that actual earnings during the semester will be at least 33.3% of the full-time rate. All students pay segregated fees. The only exception is that fellowships paid through the Graduate School have segregated fees waived in addition to tuition. 

Assistantships and fellowships also provide eligibility for an excellent health insurance program , an extremely valuable benefit that provides single or family coverage that is more comprehensive than individuals can usually purchase on their own.

Teaching Assistantships

The most common source of support is a teaching assistantship. Historically, stipend rates for teaching and project assistants are governed by the Teaching Assistants' Association (TAA) bargaining unit.

To receive a teaching assistantship, candidates for admission must meet the following requirements:

  • evidence (usually from the undergraduate transcript) of an appropriate background in the relevant subject matter of the course(s) to which appointment is being considered; 
  • evidence (usually from letters of recommendation or verbal communication) of the candidate's potential as a teaching assistant;
  • an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or above (on a 4.0 scale); and
  • for students whose native language is not English, evidence of competence in spoken English through the SPEAK test that is administered by the UW.  International applicants should note that a TA appointment is not normally possible during the first year of graduate study. 

Current students who apply for their first teaching assistantship are also subject to the above criteria, as well as their performance as a graduate student. Reappointment as a teaching assistant depends upon satisfactory progress as a graduate student, satisfactory performance as a teaching assistant, and completing the Equity/Diversity TA Training.

Teaching assistants may be eligible for University teaching awards , including the UW–Madison Early Excellence in Teaching Award, UW–Madison Exceptional Service Award, UW–Madison Innovation in Teaching Award, UW–Madison Capstone PhD Teaching Award, and the College of Letters & Science Teaching Fellow. 

Research or Project Assistantships

Research and project assistantships are made possible by grants awarded to individual professors for particular research programs. Recipients are selected by the individual professor concerned. Availability of research and project assistantships varies.

Advanced Opportunity Fellowships

Advanced Opportunity Fellowships (AOF) are granted to the UW–Madison’s Graduate School by the State of Wisconsin and are combined with other graduate education funds to support the recruitment and retention of highly qualified underrepresented students in UW–Madison graduate programs.  Fellowships are competitive and merit-based. AOF funding is intended to increase the racial and ethnic diversity of the graduate student population, as well as to support economically disadvantaged and first-generation college students. AOF fellowships are paid through the Graduate School by the College of Letters & Science's Community of Graduate Research Scholars (C-GRS) program.

External Fellowships

Fellowships from professional societies and outside agencies provide another important source of aid for which students may apply either before or after commencing graduate work at UW–Madison. If necessary, external fellowships can often be supplemented with university funds up to prevailing university fellowship rates.

All qualified students who are U.S. citizens, nationals, or permanent resident aliens of the U.S. are urged to apply to the National Science Foundation for the pre-doctoral fellowship competition. Students apply directly to NSF; the closing date is usually in early November. Please check the NSF website for the application instructions and deadline.

Intradepartmental Fellowships and Awards

For more information on Intradepartmental Fellowships and Awards, please see the latest descriptions on the botany website.

Minimum Graduate School Requirements

Major requirements.

Review the Graduate School minimum academic progress and degree requirements , in addition to the program requirements listed below.

Mode of Instruction

Mode of Instruction
Face to Face Evening/Weekend Online Hybrid Accelerated
Yes No No No No

Mode of Instruction Definitions

Accelerated: Accelerated programs are offered at a fast pace that condenses the time to completion. Students typically take enough credits aimed at completing the program in a year or two.

Evening/Weekend: ​Courses meet on the UW–Madison campus only in evenings and/or on weekends to accommodate typical business schedules.  Students have the advantages of face-to-face courses with the flexibility to keep work and other life commitments.

Face-to-Face: Courses typically meet during weekdays on the UW-Madison Campus.

Hybrid: These programs combine face-to-face and online learning formats.  Contact the program for more specific information.

Online: These programs are offered 100% online.  Some programs may require an on-campus orientation or residency experience, but the courses will be facilitated in an online format.

Curricular Requirements

University General Education Requirements
Requirements Detail
Minimum Credit Requirement 51 credits
Minimum Residence Credit Requirement 32 credits
Minimum Graduate Coursework Requirement 26 credits must be graduate-level coursework. Refer to the Graduate School: Minimum Graduate Coursework (50%) Requirement policy: .
Overall Graduate GPA Requirement 3.00 GPA required.
Refer to the Graduate School: Grade Point Average (GPA) Requirement policy: .
Other Grade Requirements Students must earn a B or above in all track coursework and maintain a 3.00 GPA in all minor coursework.
Assessments and Examinations The preliminary examination should be taken by the end of the fourth semester in residence and must be taken by the end of the fifth semester. The preliminary exam includes a written research proposal, an oral presentation of the proposal to committee members, and an oral exam.

At least one semester of at least a 33% Teaching Assistantship appointment is required.

During the final semester, candidates must present a department seminar on their dissertation research and complete a final oral exam. A written dissertation based on work conducted in a formal research course is required. All PhD dissertations must be deposited at the Graduate School.
Language Requirements Language requirements are determined on an individual basis with the major professor and will depend on the area concentration within the department.
Graduate School Breadth Requirement All doctoral students are required to complete a doctoral minor or graduate/professional certificate. Refer to the Graduate School: Breadth Requirement in Doctoral Training policy: .

For an "Option A" minor, the department signs the minor agreement.

For an "Option B" minor between two or more departments, the Botany chair signs the minor agreement.

Required Courses

A minimum of 51 credits in natural sciences (undergraduate and graduate program courses combined) is required. A minimum of 6 credits in graduate-level botany courses must be completed at UW–Madison. Seminars and research credits do not count toward the 6 credits in botany.

PhD students complete a minimum of 32 credits while in residence at the UW prior to earning dissertator status. For students completing a Botany MS at UW-Madison, credits taken toward that program can be used to satisfy these requirements. These credits complete the following requirements:

  • Courses required for their selected pathway (see below)
  • Six (6) credits within the botany department (can also fulfill track requirements)
  • Two (2) seminar courses (at least one in BOTANY; see full list of seminars below)
  • Courses for the student’s minor field of study
  • Courses assigned by the Academic Advisory Committee and/or the student’s PhD committee
  • Research credits (see full list of research courses below)

Each graduate student in botany selects one of the following pathways 1 :

General Botany Pathway 1

Complete one course from each of the following.

  • biochemistry, cell or molecular biology,
  • plant physiology or plant developmental biology,
  • cryptogamic botany,
  • plant anatomy or morphology,
  • ecology, and
  • evolution or systematics

These pathways are internal to the program and represent different curricular paths a student can follow to earn this degree. Pathway names do not appear in the Graduate School admissions application, and they will not appear on the transcript.

Ecology Pathway 1

Complete a minimum of five courses as follows:

  • at least three courses (minimum of 9 credits) in ecology,
  • one course in evolution, and
  • one course in any of the following: systematics; cryptogamic botany; biochemistry, cell or molecular biology; plant physiology or plant developmental biology; plant anatomy or morphology; or genetics

Evolution Pathway 1

Complete a minimum of five courses, at least one from each of the following:

  • systematics or cryptogamic botany,
  • population or quantitative genetics,
  • one course in any of the following: biochemistry, cell or molecular biology; plant physiology or plant developmental biology; or plant anatomy or morphology

Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (MCDB) Pathway 1

  • plant physiology,
  • plant developmental biology or genetics, and
  • one course in any of the following: ecology; systematics; evolution; or cryptogamic botany

Seminar Course Options

Course List
Code Title Credits
Limnology and Marine Science Seminar1
Seminar in Algology: Fresh Water Algae1
Seminar in Plant Systematics and Evolution1
Seminar-Plant Ecology1
Seminar-Plant Physiology1
Earth System Science Seminar1
Seminar in Methods of Scientific Oral Presentations1
Seminar in Organismal Entomology1
Seminar in Clinical Cytogenetics1
Seminar in Laboratory Operations and Quality Control1
Seminar in Clinical Cytology1
Seminar in Animal Breeding0-1
Seminar-Plant Breeding1
Seminar in Genetics0-1
Seminar in Geography1-3
Seminar in Cultural Geography2-3
Seminar in Political Geography2-3
Seminar in Physical Geography1-3
Seminar in People-Environment Geography2-3
Seminar in American Environmental History3
Seminar in Geographic Information Science1-3
Earth System Science Seminar1
Interdepartmental Seminar in the Latin-American Area1-3
Interdepartmental Seminar in African Studies Topics3
Seminar-Plant Breeding1
Graduate Seminar1
Limnology and Marine Science Seminar1
Seminar in Endocrinology-Reproductive Physiology0-1
Seminar-Biophysical and Physiological Ecology1
Seminar in Cellular Biology1
Earth System Science Seminar1
Energy Analysis and Policy Capstone3
Seminar-Land Problems: Institutional Development2-3
Environmental Monitoring Seminar2
Introduction to Ecology Research at UW-Madison1-2
Wildlife Seminar1
Seminar in Glacial and Pleistocene Geology1-3
Seminar in Paleontology1
Seminar: Geophysics1-3
Seminar-Plant Breeding1
Materials Research Seminar1

Research Course Options

Course List
Code Title Credits
Research: Fungal Biology1-12
Research-Plant Systematics1-12
Research-Plant Ecology1-12
Research-Plant Physiology1-12
Independent Work1-3

Graduate School Policies

The  Graduate School’s Academic Policies and Procedures  provide essential information regarding general university policies. Program authority to set degree policies beyond the minimum required by the Graduate School lies with the degree program faculty. Policies set by the academic degree program can be found below.

Major-Specific Policies

Prior coursework, graduate credits earned at other institutions.

No credits from other institutions are allowed to transfer toward the minimum credit requirement and the minimum graduate coursework requirement.

Undergraduate Credits Earned at Other Institutions or UW-Madison

No credits from an undergraduate degree are allowed to transfer toward the minimum graduate degree credit requirement and the minimum graduate coursework requirement.

Credits Earned as a Professional Student at UW-Madison (Law, Medicine, Pharmacy, and Veterinary careers)

No credits from a UW-Madison professional degree are allowed to transfer toward the minimum credit requirement and the minimum graduate coursework requirement.

Credits Earned as a University Special Student at UW–Madison

No credits earned as a UW–Madison Special student are allowed to transfer toward the minimum residence credit requirement, the minimum credit requirement, or the minimum graduate coursework requirement.

Refer to the Graduate School: Probation policy.

Advisor / Committee

A major professor must be chosen as soon as possible after beginning graduate study and in all cases by the end of the first year. A vice major professor is required.

Students meet with an advisory committee before their first semester and with their thesis committee by the end of their first year to plan their coursework.

Students are required to conduct a yearly progress report meeting with their thesis committee after passing the preliminary examination.

Credits Per Term Allowed

Time limits.

The doctoral degree is typically completed within five to six years.   Refer to the Graduate School: Time Limits policy.

Grievances and Appeals

These resources may be helpful in addressing your concerns:

  • Bias or Hate Reporting  
  • Graduate Assistantship Policies and Procedures
  • Office of the Provost for Faculty and Staff Affairs
  • Employee Assistance (for personal counseling and workplace consultation around communication and conflict involving graduate assistants and other employees, post-doctoral students, faculty and staff)
  • Employee Disability Resource Office (for qualified employees or applicants with disabilities to have equal employment opportunities)
  • Graduate School (for informal advice at any level of review and for official appeals of program/departmental or school/college grievance decisions)
  • Office of Compliance (for class harassment and discrimination, including sexual harassment and sexual violence)
  • Office Student Assistance and Support (OSAS)  (for all students to seek grievance assistance and support)
  • Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards (for conflicts involving students)
  • Ombuds Office for Faculty and Staff (for employed graduate students and post-docs, as well as faculty and staff)
  • Title IX (for concerns about discrimination)

Students should contact the department chair or program director with questions about grievances. They may also contact the L&S Academic Divisional Associate Deans, the L&S Associate Dean for Teaching and Learning Administration, or the L&S Director of Human Resources.

Assistantships are only available for thesis MS and PhD degrees.

  • Professional Development

Take advantage of the Graduate School's  professional development resources to build skills, thrive academically, and launch your career. 

  • Learning Outcomes
  • Demonstrate a fundamental breadth of understanding of the basic properties of plant life from the subcellular to the ecosystem level of organization, and an ability to integrate acquired botanical expertise with knowledge of related disciplines including, but not limited to, mathematics, physical sciences, and other life sciences.
  • Apply all elements of the methodological or theoretical framework within a specialized botanical subdiscipline to skillfully develop and execute original research, thereby demonstrating intellectual and technical competency appropriate to that subdiscipline.
  • Achieve a professional level of proficiency communicating scientific research proposals and/or results in written format.
  • Develop skills in oral presentation of scientific research data to peers and general audiences.
  • Evaluate, critique, and apply critical thinking skills to the generation of hypotheses, analysis of data, and interpretation of scientific results in botany and related disciplines.
  • Value and promote professional ethics in the collection, analysis, storage, and presentation of scientific data.
  • Engage in critical and respectful debate, discussion, and exchange of scientific information among peers and audiences of diverse intellectual and personal backgrounds.
  • Appreciate the importance of professional service.

Faculty: See Botany

  • Requirements

Contact Information

Botany College of Letters & Science botany.wisc.edu

Mark Connolly, Graduate Coordinator [email protected]

Kate McCulloh, Director of Graduate Studies [email protected]

Graduate School grad.wisc.edu

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  • Nondegree/​Visiting Student Guide
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  • Undergraduate Guide
  • Veterinary Guide

University of Florida

UF Graduate Logo

Program Information

Chair : M. L. Wayne Graduate Coordinator : J. (Gordon) Burleigh

The Department of Biology offers graduate work in Botany leading to the degrees of Master of Science, Master of Science in Teaching, and Doctor of Philosophy.

The Department offers studies in the areas of biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, physiology, ecology, systematics, and evolution. Specific areas of specialization include anatomy/morphology with emphasis on extant and fossil vascular plants; ecology and environmental studies including ecosystem ecology, conservation biology and genetics, fire ecology, exotic invasive species, and tropical botany and ecology; cell biology with emphasis on the cytoskeleton and cell morphogenesis; physiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology with emphasis on photosynthesis, growth and development of angiosperms, protein phosphorylation and signal transduction, global analysis of spatial patterns of gene expression; plant secondary metabolism and proteomics; systematics with emphasis on DNA- and morphology-based phylogenetic analyses, phylogeographic studies, molecular evolution/development, and monographic and floristic studies. To be considered for admission to graduate studies, students should have:

  • The equivalent of an undergraduate degree in botany or biology with basic course work in their area of interest
  • Acceptable GRE scores (verbal, quantitative, and analytical writing)
  • Letters of recommendation
  • International students must submit an acceptable score on one of the following: TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language: computer=213, paper=550, web=80), IELTS (International English Language Testing System: 6), MELAB (Michigan English Language Assessment Battery: 77), or successful completion of the UF English Language Institute program. The program of graduate study for each student will be determined by a supervisory committee, and deficiencies in background coursework will be made up early in the graduate program. No more than 9 credits of BOT 6905 Individual Studies in Botany (1-3 cr.) may be used to satisfy the credit requirements for a master’s degree.

Degrees Offered with a Major in Botany

  • without a concentration
  • concentration in Tropical Conservation and Development
  • concentration in Wetland Sciences

Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.

Botany Courses

Course List by Depts
Code Title Credits
Plant Anatomy4
Intermediate Plant Physiology3
Physiological Plant Ecology3
Tropical Botany5
Ecosystems of Florida3
Taxonomy of Vascular Plants4
Plant Growth and Development3
Advanced Taxonomy2
Principles of Systematic Biology4
Individual Studies in Botany1-3
Supervised Research1-5
Advances in Botany1-3
Special Topics1-4
Graduate Student Seminar1-2
Research for Master's Thesis1-15
Advanced Research1-12
Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
Advanced Ecology3
Principles of Ecosystem Ecology3
Tropical Ecology3
Fungal Biology4

Biology Departmental Courses

Course List by Depts
Code Title Credits
Plant Symbiosis3
Broader Impacts of Science on Society2
Computational Tools for Research in Biology3
AI in Biology3
Evolutionary Biogeography3
Population Genetics4
Seminar in Molecular Evolution2

Botany (PHD)

SLO 1     Knowledge         Students will identify, define, and describe basic fundamentals of biology and a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of botany

SLO 2     Skills      Students will design a research project, collect data, analyze and interpret the results. They will be able to present the results of original research in oral and written form

SLO 3     Skills      Students design a research project, collect data, analyze and interpret the results. They will be able to present the results of original research in oral and written form

SLO 4     Professional Behavior    Students will practice ethical behaviors and professional conduct

SLO 5     Professional Behavior    Students will be able to interact and communicate with professionals at scientific conferences

Botany (MS)     

SLO 1     Knowledge         Students will identify, define, and describe the basic fundamentals of biology and botany

SLO 2     Skills      Students will design a research project, collect data, analyze and interpret the results and present this in written and oral form

SLO 3     Professional Behavior    Students will practice ethical behaviors and professional conduct

SLO 4     Professional Behavior    Students will interact and communicate with professionals at scientific conferences, and practice ethical behaviors and professional conduct

Botany (MST)    

SLO 1     Knowledge         Students will identify, define, and describe the basic fundamentals of botany and pedagogy.

SLO 2     Skills      Students will teach botany and biology classroom sessions

SLO 3     Professional Behavior    Students will interact and communicate with professionals at scientific conferences, and practice ethical behaviors and professional conduct

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Information for Ph.D. Degree

A general outline below covers information of completing the Ph.D. degree in Botany.

Please see the official requirements available in The Guide . The Botany Department Handbook , covers additional details about pursuing a degree in the department.

  • Academic Advisory Committee Meeting
  • Selection of Major Professor, Vice Major Professor, and Ph.D. Committee
  • Selection of a Track
  • Minor Field of Study
  • Certification Meeting
  • Completion of Coursework
  • Teaching Requirement
  • Annual Committee Meetings
  • Written Proposal of Research
  • Preliminary Oral Exam
  • Admission to Candidacy for Ph.D.
  • Annual Presentation of Research Progress
  • Dissertation
  • Presentation on Dissertation Research
  • Final Oral Examination
  • Time Limitation

1. Academic Advisory Committee Meeting

All entering graduate students meet with the departmental Academic Advisory Committee (AAC) at the beginning of the first semester, usually during orientation week. The AAC answers questions about the Botany graduate programs and advises the student on meeting general course requirements, making up deficiencies, and formulating a program that will lead to an advanced degree in the time allotted.

2. Selection of Major Professor, Vice Major Professor, and Ph.D. Committee

Students select a major professor, vice major professor and Ph.D. committee within the first year of graduate studies. The major professor is primarily responsible for directing the student’s coursework, supervising the student’s research and preparation of their thesis, chairing the Ph.D. committee, and monitoring the student’s satisfactory academic progress toward a degree. The vice major professor assumes the major professor’s duties when the major professor is unavailable. The Ph.D. Committee consists of at least 5 members: at least 3 Botany Faculty and at least 1 UW Graduate Faculty outside the Botany Department.

3. Selection of a Track

Course requirements depend on which of the four tracks in Botany the student selects. The four  tracks are: General Botany; Ecology; Evolution; and Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology. Students select a track as soon as possible but no later than their Certification Meeting at the end of their first year of study. The Academic Advisory Committee or the Ph.D. Committee will advise the student on available courses that could fill track requirements.

4. Minor Field of Study

Students select a minor field of study prior to the Certification Meeting at the end of the first year of study and no later than half-way through their minor coursework. In all cases, the minor plan must be developed and approved in consultation with the student’s major professor, minor professor (if applicable), and Ph.D. committee. Minor options for Ph.D. students in the Botany Department are:

  • Option A : The student takes courses in a single department/major field of study or to complete a graduate certificate program. This option requires the approval of the minor department or the graduate certificate program and the selection of a minor professor who serves on the student’s Ph.D. committee.
  • Option B : The student takes courses associated with a particular focus from one or more departments. This option requires the approval of the student’s Ph.D. Committee and Botany Department Chair.

5. Certification Meeting

By the end of their first year of study, students meet with their Ph.D. Committee to determine if additional courses will be required or recommended for their major (e.g., courses for the student’s selected track, seminar courses, and minimum Botany credits) and for approval of their minor field of study.

6. Completion of Coursework

Ph.D. students complete a minimum of 32 credits while in residence at the UW prior to earning dissertator status.  These credits complete the following requirements:

  • Courses required for their selected track
  • Six (6) credits within the Botany Department (can also fulfill track requirements)
  • Two (2) seminar courses, including one outside the student’s track and/or outside Botany
  • Courses for the student’s Minor Field of Study
  • Courses assigned by the Academic Advisory Committee and/or the student’s Ph.D. committee

See the UW Graduate School website for  minimum credit and grade requirements .

7. Teaching Requirement

At least one semester of classroom teaching experience is required of all Ph.D. students while in residence at UW-Madison.  Prior teaching experience and grader positions do not count.  Additional teaching experience is highly recommended.

8. Annual Committee Meetings

Students must meet at least once a year with at least 3 members of his/her Ph.D. committee to report progress, receive advice and guidance, discuss possible new directions or approaches, and be certified as making adequate progress toward the Ph.D. degree.

9. Written Proposal of Research

A written research proposal is reviewed and approved by the student’s Ph.D. committee. The proposal includes a project summary, a clear statement of questions and hypotheses to be addressed, methods and approaches to be used, the significance of the results expected and their relationship to ongoing research in the field.

10. Preliminary Oral Exam

The preliminary oral exam follows a presentation of the proposed research by the student. The preliminary exam is administered by at least 5 members of the student’s Ph.D. committee, including the major and, if applicable, minor professors. The committee will explore the appropriateness of the proposed research topic and approach, with the objectives of evaluating the student’s ability to propose a rigorous and significant research plan and providing advice for improving the research plan.

11. Admission to Candidacy for Ph.D.

A student is officially admitted to candidacy for the Ph.D. at the start of the semester or summer following completion of all DISSERTATOR requirements except for the dissertation and final exam.  To be eligible for dissertator status, a student must have:

  • passed the preliminary examination in the major field,
  • satisfied the Graduate School’s 32 credit requirement, and
  • completed all major and minor coursework requirements.

12. Annual Presentation of Research Progress

After the achieving dissertator status, each candidate for the Ph.D. degree gives an annual public presentation of her/his research progress on campus.  

13. Dissertation

A written dissertation based on original research is required. The dissertation is reviewed and approved by the student’s Ph.D. Committee during the final oral exam and deposited with the UW Graduate School.

14. Presentation on Dissertation Research

During the final semester in residence, a candidate for the Ph.D. degree presents a departmental seminar on his/her research. This seminar is treated as a Botany Colloquium with a public announcement distributed to Botany faculty, staff and graduate students, and any other interested parties at least one week prior to the seminar.

15. Final Oral Examination

All candidates must pass a final oral examination administered by the student’s Ph.D. committee. The committee bases the final oral exam on the student’s dissertation and will test the student’s ability to:

  • analyze biological problems and formulate effective research approaches,
  • integrate and apply knowledge from a variety of fields related to his/her research,
  • respond articulately to questions regarding his/her research and related fields, and
  • demonstrate knowledge of recent advances and exhibit perspective on the history and philosophy of scientific investigation in his/her field.

16. Time Limitation

Normally a Ph.D. degree in Botany is completed within 5 calendar years of residency (four years if the student enters with a Master’s degree.)

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Doctor of Philosophy in Botany Top Colleges, Syllabus, Scope and Salary

phd in botany syllabus

Waqar Niyazi

Content Curator

Ph.D. in Botany is 3-year doctorate degree in Botany. Botany is a branch of biological science that focuses on the study of plants and how they survive and interact with other living and nonliving components of the environment. At undergraduate and graduate levels, the curriculum of the course typically consists of lecture-based lessons, lab sessions, and field research. Doctoral programs however, focus more on research.

Eligible candidates aspiring to pursue the course need to have attained a Master’s degree in the relevant discipline with a minimum aggregate score of 55% (50% for SC/ST/PH candidates) or an equivalent grade from a recognized university/institute of higher learning, besides a 5-year teaching/ industry/ administrative/ professional experience at a senior level.

Such postgraduates are hired in capacities such as Mycologist, Administrator, Ecologist, Fruit Grower, Plant Biochemist, Forester, Researcher, etc.

The average tuition fee charged for the course in India ranges between INR 2,000 and 8 Lacs for a span of 3 years. Such professionals in India are offered an average annual salary ranging between INR 15,000 and 80,000, with the pay scale varying across private and government sectors, and depending on factors such as the candidate’s qualification, designation, experience and skillset.

Ph.D. in Botany: Course Highlights

Listed below are some of the major highlights of the course.

Course Level Doctorate
Duration 3 years
Examination Type Semester System
Eligibility Post Graduation
Admission Process Based on short-listed candidates’ performance in the round of interview.
Course Fee INR 2,000 to 8 Lacs
Average Starting Salary INR 1.5 to 6 lacs per annum
Top Recruiting Companies Biotechnology Firms, Seed And Nursery Companies, Plant Resources Laboratory, Educational Institutions, Plant Health, Inspection Services, Oil Industry, Arboretum, Forest Services, Land Management Agencies, National Parks, Chemical Industry, Food Companies, Biological Supply Houses, etc.
Job Positions Mycologist, Administrators, Ecologist, Fruit Growers, Plant Biochemist, Forester, Researchers, and such.

Ph.D. in Botany: What is it about?

The discipline’s coursework primarily allows students to conduct independent research. Doctorate scholars may also enroll to graduate-level courses focused on more advanced concepts in Botany. The course’s curriculum typically covers the following components of study:

  • Foundations of medicine
  • Biomedical research
  • Nomenclature
  • Biological conservation

The course is designed for scholars interested in studying on an advanced level about animal behavior, evolutionary trends, species, characteristics, and the structure, functioning, behavior, and evolution of animals, including living beings.

Popular areas of employment for such scholars would include biotechnology firms, seed and nursery companies, plant resource laboratories, educational institutions, plant health inspection services, oil industry, arboretum, forest services, land management agencies, national parks, chemical industry, food companies, biological supply houses, etc.

They may also choose to work as teachers/ lecturers in schools and colleges, often upon qualifying the NET.

Ph.D. in Botany: Who should opt?

Ideal candidates for the course would possess:

  • data-handling skills such as recording, collating, and analyzing data using appropriate techniques and equipment.
  • written communication skills
  • presentation and oral communication skills such as to present research findings and make presentations in a clear, succinct way.
  • project management skills, such as organizing and undertaking research projects, experiments, etc. (including budgeting, contingency planning, and time management).
  • good understanding of information technology
  • ability to work both independently and as part of a team.

Top Institutes offering Ph.D. in Botany

Listed below are some of the top institutes in India that offer the course.

Name of Institute City  Average Fees
Chennai INR 7,200 (course)
Bangalore INR 51,667 (course)
Chennai INR 2,695 (course)
Chennai INR 2,205 (course)
Kolkata INR 2,388 (course)
Kanpur INR 28,044 (course)
Gurgaon INR 72,000 (course)
Greater Noida INR 1,23,000 (course)
Ranchi INR 59,000 (course)
Kanpur INR 53,000 (course)
Thanjavur INR 18,000 (course)
Ranchi INR 24,967 (course)
Kochi INR 5,538 (course)
Bhubaneswar INR 73,333 (course)
Faridabad INR 75,000 (course)
Moradabad INR 40,000 (course)
Varanasi INR 10,100 (course)
Mathura INR 67,500 (course)
Amritsar INR 30,000 (course)
Varanasi INR 6,627 (course)
Gurgaon INR 65,000 (course)
Nagpur INR 30,833 (course)

Eligibility for Ph.D. in Botany

As a minimum criterion of eligibility, aspiring candidates need to meet the following minimum eligibility criteria:

  • Postgraduate degree in a relevant discipline, completed from a recognized institute/university.
  • A minimum aggregate score of 55% (50 % for SC/ST candidates) or equivalent grade at the level of post-graduation.
  • At least 5 years of teaching/ industry/ administrative/ professional experience at a senior level.

 Ph.D. in Botany: Admission Process

Admission to the course in India is made on the basis of the candidate’s performance in a relevant written test and/or a round of Personal Interview and/or performance in a relevant qualifying examination. Candidates are shortlisted based on both academic record and performance in a relevant nation-wide screening test, such as:

CSIR NET- which is conducted twice a year. Qualifying candidates can apply for government-funded scholarship to pursue the course.

  • DBT- which is a national-level entrance examination conducted for supporting shortlisted candidates in pursuing advanced research work in the discipline.
  • UGC NET- also conducted for supporting shortlisted candidates in pursuing advanced research work in the discipline.

Latest Ph.D. (Botany) Admission Alert

  • RGUHS Admission 2024: Courses, Fees, Eligibility, Selection Criteria, Application Process
  • VNSGU Admission 2024: UG, PG, PhD, Eligibility, Courses, Fees, Form, Last Date
  • Geeta University Admission 2024: Eligibility, Selection Criteria, Scholarship
  • NTRUHS Admission 2024: Courses, Fees, Eligibility, Selection Criteria, Application Process
  • MUHS Admission 2024: Dates, Courses, Eligibility, Selection Criteria, Application Process
  • VJTI, Mumbai Admission 2024: Courses, Fees, Eligibility Criteria, Selection Process, Cut-Off

Ph.D. in Botany: Syllabus and Course Description

A semester-wise breakup of the course’s syllabus is tabulated here.

Research Methodology Taxonomy, Biodiversity & Conservation
Research Proposal Recent advances in Ecology
Recent advances in Plant Physiology Trends in Biotechnology
Recent advances in Mycology and Plant Pathology -

Ph.D. in Botany: Career Prospects

For successful Botanies, careers opportunities abound in the discipline, in capacities such as Soil and Plant Scientist, Biophysicist and Biochemist, Biological Technician, Environmental Scientist and Specialist, Mycologist, Plant Breeder, and Horticulturist.

Botany involves observation and also management of fossils, living plants, and their relationship with nature. Specializations in the discipline include Taxonomy, Physiology, and anatomy of plants and their life processes.

Some of the popular professional avenues open to such postgraduates are listed below with the corresponding job descriptions and salaries offered for the respective positions.

Job Position Job Description Average Annual Pay Scale in INR
Taxonomist Taxonomists research about, and sub-divide types of plants into classifications, subsequent to observing their species and grouping them based on similitudes. 4,80,000
Agronomist Agronomist are soil and plant researchers who work to enhance the yield of field crops like grain and cotton. They develop techniques that help farmers in creating more yield and avoiding harvest-failures. 6,45,000
Ecologist Ecologists observe and research on plants’ relationship and behavior with the soil and with other living beings. They research on the biological categories of plants with the objective of explaining their life phenomena. 6,70,000
Mycologist Customarily, Mycologists consider growth patterns and how harming living beings harms vegetation. Mycologists are a kind of Microbiologists that observe and analyze microscopic organisms and green growth in relation to microorganisms. 6,60,000
Plant Breeder Plant Breeders apply customary hybridizing and crossbreeding methods, instead of hereditary building, to enhance plants for human use, with focus on nature’s conservation. Plant Breeders are a type of Plant Geneticists, and Geneticists work directly in the science of plant genomes. 5,50,000

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PhD in Botany

Claremont Graduate University’s MS and PhD programs in Botany focus on systematics and evolution of higher plants. The programs are offered in conjunction with California Botanic Garden , one of the nation’s premier research-focused botanic gardens.

Claremont Graduate University’s PhD in Botany is a research-intensive program with a robust fieldwork component. Located in a unique 86-acre learning environment dedicated to conservation of the state’s flora, program highlights include a botanical library, fully equipped molecular and anatomy laboratories, comprehensive herbarium, scanning electron microscope, greenhouses, and growth chambers. You’ll find abundant opportunities for hands-on research at California Botanic Garden , working alongside collegial faculty-mentors dedicated to advancing knowledge in the field. A seminar series addressing topics of systematic and evolutionary botany is offered weekly during each semester and draws attendees not only from our student body, but also from the biology research community, faculty, and students at nearby colleges and universities.

Botany students may pursue concentrations in the following subdisciplines:

  • Comparative morphology
  • Molecular systematics
  • Monographic and revisionary studies
  • Phylogenetics
  • Plant anatomy
  • Plant geography
  • Population and conservation genetics
  • Reproductive biology

This program is STEM designated, allowing international students who hold F-1 visas to apply for OPT work authorizations for a total of 36 months (an initial 1-year period and a 24-month OPT STEM extension) of paid work experience in the U.S. after graduation.

Program At-a-glance

required units

degree awarded

program start

5 years | full time*

estimated completion time

Portrait of Lucinda McDade

Lucinda McDade

Professor of Botany Chair, Botany Department Executive Director, California Botanic Garden Judith B. Friend Director of Research

Research Interests

Family Acanthaceae; Role of hybridization in plant evolutionary history, phylogeny reconstruction, and plant reproductive biology; Tropical plants; Systematics

Portrait of Travis Columbus

Travis Columbus

Professor of Botany, Research Scientist

Agrostology (study of grasses), Plant systematics, Biological nomenclature, Phylogenetics

Portrait of Naomi Fraga

Naomi Fraga

Associate Professor of Botany

Floristics in western North America; Plant conservation; Rarity and endemism in California; Systematics of Phrymaceae; Pollination biology

Mare Nazaire

Mare Nazaire

Assistant Professor of Botany

California floristics, peatlands and wetlands, desert systems, alpine floras, systematics of Mertensia (Boraginaceae)

Application Guidelines

University Requirements
Application Fee
Official Transcripts

Applicants must submit a sealed, official transcript from every undergraduate and graduate institution that has granted the applicant a degree. Electronic transcripts sent to are also accepted. For undergraduate coursework, applicants are required to submit proof of a completed bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university. Unofficial copies of transcripts are accepted for review purposes, but official copies will be required upon admission.

Applicants currently earning a degree that will be completed prior to attending CGU are required to submit a transcript showing work in progress for evaluation purposes. Once the degree has been granted, a final official transcript documenting the degree conferred must be submitted to CGU.

International applicants are advised to review the for additional information on submitting international transcripts.

English Proficiency Exam

A valid score on one of the following examinations TOEFL, IELTS, Pearson PTE, Duolingo English Test is required of all non-native English-speaking applicants. The examination is not required for the following applicants:

CGU’s school code for the TOEFL exam is .

International applicants are encouraged to visit our for more information, including score requirements.

Program Requirements
Statement of Purpose
Academic Prerequisites
Letter of Recommendation

When filling out the online application, please enter references acquainted with your potential for success who will submit a written recommendation on your behalf. In most academic departments, references from faculty members who can speak to your academic ability are preferred; applicants with substantial work experience may request professional references. Please do not enter family members as references.

You will be required to input information for your recommenders (whether they are submitting online or not) in the “Recommendations” section of the online application. Please follow the directions in this section carefully before clicking on “Recommendation Provider List” to input the names and contact information for each recommender. You will have an opportunity to indicate if the reference writer will be submitting online. These reference writers will receive an email from CGU with instructions on submitting an online recommendation.


Standardized Test Scores

Standardized test scores are required in order to apply for this program. Applicants who have taken the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) General Test are invited to submit scores, but are not required to do so.

Applicants who feel that their Grade Point Averages do not adequately represent their ability to succeed in a graduate program may find it helpful to submit GRE scores for consideration.

CGU’s school code:

Key Dates and Deadlines

CGU operates on a priority deadline cycle. Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit complete applications by the priority dates in order to assure maximum consideration for both admission and fellowships.

Once the priority deadlines have passed, the University will continue to review applications for qualified candidates on a competitive, space-available basis. The final deadlines listed are the last date the University can accept an application in order to allow sufficient time to complete the admissions, financial aid, and other enrollment processes.

Fall 2025 Application Deadline – January 15, 2025 Classes begin – August 25, 2025

Additional Information

It is strongly recommended that prospective students communicate directly with prospective faculty advisors whose research best fits their own interests.  Owing to the small size of the program, “fit” is a key component of admission.

Review General Costs

California Botanic Garden

Spread across 86 acres in Claremont, California, the Garden displays about 2000 taxa of California plants and includes those native to the California Floristic Province as a whole. Nestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains, the Garden offers beautiful mountain vistas.

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School of Integrative Plant Science

PhD Field of Plant Biology

Revealing fundamental principles of plant biology and evolution.

Graduate study in Cornell's Integrative School of Plant Science is organized into five Graduate Fields providing unparalleled opportunities to connect disciplines, creatively solve problems, and integrate complex systems, preparing graduates for diverse careers and futures as leaders in science and society.

Programs in the Field of Plant Biology range from the molecular/genetic investigation of fundamental plant processes and mathematical modeling of plant development to study of plant diversity and evolution. Most of the faculty advisors in the Field of Plant Biology are affiliated with the Section of Plant Biology in the School of Integrative Plant Science. The Graduate Field of Plant Biology encompasses a broad range of topics.

Grand Challenge Fellowships

The School of Integrative Plant Science (SIPS) is offering four two-year fellowships to graduate students for research tackling our  Grand Challenges .

  • Fellowships are for August 2024 admission.
  • Application deadline is December 1, 2023.  (November 15, 2023 for Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology.)
  • More information.

Apply to the Graduate Field of Plant Biology

  • Apply (Cornell Graduate School Application)
  • Graduate Field of Plant Biology application information

three people examining plants on a desk

Development, organelle biology, evolution and diversity, or systems biology - our students are making breakthroughs in many important research areas of plant biology

Program metrics, demographics and outcomes

Select the graduate field of interest from the pull-down menu on the linked page

  • PhD program statistics
  • Career outcomes

Karin Jantz Graduate Field Coordinator 233 Emerson Hall Phone: 607-255-4075 Email: kpg2 [at] cornell.edu (kpg2[at]cornell[dot]edu)

Adrienne Roeder Director of Graduate Studies 239 Weill Hall Phone: 607-255-4467 Email: ahr75 [at] cornell.edu (ahr75[at]cornell[dot]edu)

More information about graduate study in Plant Biology

See these links for information specific to MS/PhD studies in the Field of Plant Biology

  • Faculty in the Field of Plant Biology
  • More about the SIPS Section of Plant Biology
  • Recent theses in the Field of Plant Biology
  • Meet our Plant Biology graduate students
  • Plant Biology field requirements
  • Plant biology student life

Learn more about graduate study in SIPS

Five interrelated Graduate Fields are associated with the School of Integrative Plant Science (SIPS) with many resources common to all

  • Financial Support
  • NSF Research Traineeship
  • Schmittau-Novak Small Grants Program
  • SIPS People
  • Campuses and Facilities
  • SIPS Graduate Student Council
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Miami University

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  • Dynamical Systems and Mathematical Modeling Graduate Certificate
  • Entrepreneurship and Emerging Technology Certificate
  • Esports Management Certificate
  • Geographic Information Sciences Certificate
  • Mental Health Intervention Certificate
  • Reading Endorsement Certificate
  • Self-​Designed Graduate Certificate in Sport
  • Sport Analytics Certificate
  • Sport Management Certificate
  • Sport Psychology Certificate
  • Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Endorsement Graduate Certificate
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  • Courses of Instruction
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  • Graduate Awards
  • Graduate Fields of Study ·

Botany- M.A., M.S., Ph.D.

For information, contact: Botany Program Graduate Advisor Department of Biology 212 Pearson Hall, 513-529-3100 www.miamioh.edu/cas/academics/departments/biology/

Research and Support Facilities

The Department of Biology in Pearson Hall is well-equipped with research laboratories in plant anatomy and morphology, cell biology, plant ecology, plant evolutionary genetics, plant molecular biology, mycology, plant physiology, plant systematics, and bioinformatics. Special facilities include: Center for Advanced Microscopy and Imaging, Willard Sherman Turrell Herbarium, Center for Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics, plant growth chamber facility, and the Ecology Research Center (184 acres). Special departmental funds are available on a competitive basis to support student research projects.

Admission Requirements

Admission is based on evaluations by departmental faculty, the Graduate School, and (where applicable) the International Programs Office. All application instructions can be accessed through the Miami University Graduate School website.  You should submit a departmental application, transcripts, Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores, three letters of recommendation, a copy of your resume/CV, and a statement that describes your training and experience and defines your area of research interest and long-range goals.

Combined Bachelor/Master's Program

The combined BA(BS)/MA program in Botany allows students to pursue a Masters of Arts degree in an accelerated manner while pursuing their bachelor’s degree.  It is designed for students who wish to acquire knowledge in plant sciences in order to prepare for a career in industry, governmental agencies, biological consulting, the non-profit sector, or related areas. Please contact the Botany Program Graduate Advisor for more information about the combined program.

Botany- Master of Arts

(30 semester hours)

  • general biology or botany
  • organic chemistry or biochemistry
  • genetics or evolution
  • Complete BIO 601  (Graduate Colloquium) during your first fall semester in residence.
  • one of BIO 650 ,  BIO 710 ,  BIO 720 , or equivalent;
  • three courses from the following:  BIO 502 , BIO 525 ,  BIO 566 ,  BIO 581 , BIO 582 , BIO 583 ,  BIO 605 , BIO 671 , BIO 672 ;
  • up to 12 hours of BIO 700 .
  • Complete an internship experience (or approved substitute), write a report in accordance with current Graduate School guidelines, and pass an oral defense of the internship report.

Botany- Master of Science

  • Complete BIO 689  and  BIO 601 during your first fall semester in residence.
  • one of BIO 650 , BIO 720 , or equivalent;
  • one botany graduate (500 or above) course of three credit hours or more (with a "B" or higher) from three of the four core areas in botany;
  • one additional pedagogical botany graduate course exclusive of BIO 601 , BIO 720 , and BIO 750 ;
  • completing six to 12 hours of BIO 700 .
  • Demonstrate adequate knowledge of botany and related areas by passing an oral comprehensive examination.
  • Pass an oral defense of the thesis.

Botany- Doctor of Philosophy

(60 semester hours)

In addition to the general requirements specified by the Graduate School, you must meet minimum requirements for the master's degree or equivalent and fulfill the following requirements:

  • two of BIO 650 , BIO 720 , or equivalent;
  • one biology graduate (500 or above) course of three credit hours or more (with a "B" or higher) from each of the four core areas in biology;
  • two additional pedagogical biology graduate courses exclusive of BIO 601 , BIO 720 , and BIO 750 ;
  • 16 to 60 hours of BIO 850 .
  • Demonstrate adequate knowledge of botany and related areas by passing a written and oral comprehensive examination.
  • Pass an oral defense of the doctoral dissertation.
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PhD in Botany: Course Details, Eligibility, Admission, Fees

Roumik Roy

PhD in Botany is a 3 years doctorate degree program that deals with botanical science such as studying the plants and how they survive and examining different living and nonliving components. Some of the job roles that might attract aspirants include Mycologist, Administrators, Ecologist, fruit growers, and Plant Biochemist.

Table of Contents

About phd in botany, who should pursue a phd in botany course, when to do phd in botany course, how to get admission for phd in botany, types of phd in botany courses, popular entrance exams for phd in botany, top phd in botany colleges in india, study phd in botany abroad, fee structure for phd in botany, syllabus and subjects for phd in botany, why choose phd in botany course, phd in botany course comparison, preparation tips for phd in botany course, salary of a phd in botany graduate, career options after phd in botany graduation, skills that make you the bestphd in botany graduate, phd in botany course details.

Degree Doctorate
Full Form Doctor of Philosophy in Botany
Duration 3 Years
Age No age limit
Subjects Required M.Sc in Botany and previous research work on the field of Botany
Minimum Percentage 50%
Average Fees ₹2K - 8 LPA
Average Salary INR 1.5 - 6 LPA
Employment Roles Mycologist, Administrators, Ecologist, Fruit Growers, Plant Biochemist, Forester, Researchers

PhD in Botany full form is Doctor of Philosophy in Botany. It is an advanced research course which focuses on the development of methods, techniques, schemes and theories in the field of botanical science. The subject matter is delved into research work to find, formulate and devise new ideas and theories in botany with an introduction to new methods and techniques along with renovation to the old methods. P.hD in Botany course is the study of science life and a branch of biology. A botanist, plant scientist, or phytologist is a scientist who specializes in this field. PhD in Botany duration is 3 years.

Eligibility Criteria for PhD in Botany

PhD in Botany eligibility is that aspirants need to complete their post-graduation degree. Students need to score a minimum of 55% marks in aggregate from a recognized university. Universities in India will conduct interviews to get admission to this program. Eligibility for a PhD in Botany is quite critical as students need to look into three aspects such as their post-graduation marks, entrance exam and interview. There is no age limit for this course.

Students who had a keen interest in research in botanical science should opt for this course. Students who had quality presentation and oral communication skills such as presenting research findings and making presentations in a clear, succinct way.

Usually, aspirants can pursue this course after completing their post-graduation degree with a minimum of 55% marks in aggregate. Students need to give the entrance exams and also meet eligibility requirements.

PhD in Botany admission is based on the post-graduation marks that students need to score well for admission. Students should carry all the documents including the results during the admission process. All the institutes will focus on the post-graduation results first after that they will look at the interview round for qualification criteria. PhD admission in Botany had a long format that students need to look at before applying for this doctorate course.

How to Apply?

Students can apply for this course in two ways: either they search for the university's official websites or they can visit the university campus office for the admission process. Students should carry their ID proofs during the time of admission.

Selection Process

Students need to focus on the post-graduation exam as well as the entrance exam as both the marks obtained from it are taken into consideration for the selection process. Deserving students are allocated seats. The admission process depends on the chosen institution, and students need to look into the procedure to receive the admit card.

PhD in Botany course is categorized into three types one is full-time part-time and distance mode. Given below are the types of PhD in Botany courses.

Full-Time P.h.D. in Botany

PhD in Botany is a 3 years doctorate degree program. In the full-time learning mode, students have to attend regular classroom-based learning. They also need to submit all the assignments and projects and they need to appear for their exams on their institute campus. 

Students can learn from their peers and also can solve issues with the faculties which is the best thing in this mode of learning.

Part-Time PhD in Botany

A part-time course is designed for professionals who do not have the time to dedicate to a full time course. Since it is a practical course, there is no Part-time option available.

Distance PhD in Botany

A distance learning course is designed for students who do not have time and proper financial background to pursue a full-time course. Since it is a practical course, there is no distance learning option available.

Various institutes in India conduct PhD in Botany entrance exams for admission to the PhD in Botany course. Some help the aspirants get admission at the national level to universities, some at the state level, and selected institutes conduct some for PhD in Botany admissions. Aspirants may go for any of the three choices, depending on the level of difficulty and competition they are willing to face. Given below are the entrance exams:

A Quick Glance at the PhD in Botany Entrance Exams

Admission proceeds through both entrance exams and merits basis. Students preparing for the entrance exams can get to know the complete course structure and syllabus of the entrance exams and prepare accordingly.

  • The exam patterns consist of sections like verbal & reading comprehension, data interpretation & logical reasoning, and quantitative ability. The test includes language comprehension, mathematics, data analysis, critical reasoning, and the Indian and global environment.
  • The time duration of the entrance tests is usually 3 hours or 3 hours 30 minutes.
  • The exam will be offline, on OMR sheet-based paper, or online.
  • The syllabus, mode of examination, and question pattern may change according to a university.

PhD in Botany in India has the best infrastructure and top faculties. Students will get many options to choose from where to take admission. Given below are the top 10 colleges in India offering PhD in Botany courses:

Top PhD in Botany Colleges in India
Sl.No Name of the College Average Fee
1 INR 50,000
2 INR 1 Lakhs
3 INR 50,000
4 INR 50,000
5 INR 1 Lakhs
6 INR 3 Lakhs
7 INR 50,000
8 INR 25,000
9 INR 25,000
10 INR 1 Lakhs

Top PhD in Botany Colleges in Delhi

Given below are the colleges for PhD in Botany in Delhi:

PhD in Botany Colleges in Delhi
Sl.No Institution
4 Sanjay Gandhi College
5 R.G College

Top PhD in Botany Colleges in Pune

Given below are the colleges in Pune offering PhD in Botany courses:

PhD in Botany Colleges in Pune
Sl.No Institution
3 Prof Ramkrishna More Arts Commerce and Science College
4 Regional Ayurveda Institute for Fundamental Research
5 RUIA College

Top PhD in Botany Colleges in Chennai

Given below are the colleges in Chennai offering PhD in Botany courses:

PhD in Botany Colleges in Chennai
Sl.No Institution

Top PhD in Botany Colleges in Bangalore

Given below are the colleges for PhD in Botany in Bangalore:

PhD in Botany Colleges in Bangalore
Sl.No Institution

Top PhD in Botany Colleges in Hyderabad

Given below are the colleges in Hyderabad offering PhD in Botany courses:

PhD in Botany Colleges in Hyderabad
Sl.No Institution

Top PhD in Botany Government Colleges

There are many government colleges offering PhD in Botany courses across the country. Check the table below for top government colleges in India:

PhD in Botany Government Colleges
Sl.No Institution
4 Government Arts College, Ooty
5 Institute of Science, Mumbai

Top PhD in Botany Private Colleges

India has the best private colleges offering PhD in Botany with top faculties and the best infrastructure. Given below are the top PhD in Botany private colleges;

PhD in Botany Private Colleges
Sl.No Institution

PhD in Botany abroad is the best option for students with the best infrastructure and top faculties. Students will choose their college according to their specialization. They will get a lot of experience with the subject matter and the diverse culture.

Top PhD in Botany Colleges Abroad

Given below are the colleges for PhD in Botany abroad:

Top PhD in Botany Colleges Abroad
Institution Fees
GBP ​​33220
USD 46690
GBP 25670
USD 41722
USD 17501
USD 54650
USD 52538
USD 32160
USD 53346
USD 59105

Top PhD in Botany Colleges in USA

Given below are the colleges for PhD in Botany in the USA

PhD in Botany Colleges in USA
Sl.No Institution

Top PhD in Botany Colleges in the UK

Given below are the colleges in the UK offering PhD in Botany courses:

PhD in Botany Colleges in the UK
Sl.No Institution

Top PhD in Botany Colleges in Canada

Given below are the colleges for PhD in Botany in Canada

PhD in Botany Colleges in Canada
Sl.No Institution
2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
3 Rice University

Top PhD in Botany Colleges in Australia

Given below are the colleges for PhD in Botany in Australia

PhD in Botany Colleges in Australia
Sl.No Institution

PhD in Botany fees vary according to some factors such as location, faculty, demand, and structure available for the students. Bachelor in Fashion Technology duration is 4 years. The average course fee is around INR 2,000 - 8 LPA

Fee Structure for PhD in Botany
Sl.No. Name of the College Total Fee Structure (INR)
1. Loyola College, Chennai 7,200 LPA
2. Christ University, Bangalore 52,660 PA
3. Presidency College, Chennai 2,656 PA
4. Shiv Nadar University, Greater Noida 1.23 PA

PhD in Botany course syllabus is divided into 2 semesters. The crux of the syllabus is maintained throughout colleges across the nation. Given below are some of the subjects that students need to go through while pursuing this course:

  • Research Proposal
  • Recent advances in Plant Physiology
  • Recent advances in Mycology and Plant Pathology
  • Taxonomy, Biodiversity & Conservation
  • Recent advances in Ecology

Read More: PhD in Botany Syllabus and Subjects

Students can choose this program as it provides a large number of career options. They should know the key facts about these subjects. Some of the questions that come into students' minds are "What is PhD in Botany and Why PhD in Botany?" To short out these queries we can break this into three short questions.

What is PhD in Botany All About?

PhD in Botany is a full-time 3 years doctorate degree program that deals with botanical science such as studying the plants and how they survive and examining different living and nonliving components. PhD in Botany course details include that coursework primarily allows students to conduct independent research

What Does a PhD in Botany Graduate Do?

Students will have lots of career opportunities after completing their graduation degree in different roles which are dynamic and diverse.

Taxonomist: In this career, professionals need to research, and subdivide types of plants into classifications, subsequent to observing their species and grouping them based on similarities.

Reasons Why PhD in Botany Can Fetch You a Rewarding Career?

PhD in Botany is a very rewarding and demanding career where students will get various opportunities in top organizations in India and abroad. PhD in Botany courses help students to acquire multidisciplinary skills and knowledge which includes topics of mechanical engineering, computer technology, etc.

Diversity in Job roles: There is a diverse range of job roles available for the graduates of this course. Since the specializations available to the students are very flexible, it enables the students to pursue a wide range of roles in their careers.

Read More:  PhD in Botany Jobs and Scope

PhD in Botany course is a very unique course in terms of employment opportunities and also students will get to learn a lot of things from it. Given below are the comparison between the courses:

PhD in Botany vs PhD in Biology

Given below are the comparison between PhD in Botany and PhD in Biology:

PhD in Botany PhD in Biology
Doctor of Philosophy in Botany Doctor of Philosophy in Biology
Science Science
3 years 3 years
Post Graduate with 55% marks in aggregate Masters's degree in Biology with 50% marks in aggregate 
IFTM University, Moradabad, Christ University, Presidency College Chennai Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, Calcutta University, Kolkata
INR 2,000 - 8 LPA INR 2,000 - 5 LPA

Read More :  PhD in Biology

There are many tips that students must note when deciding to pursue a Diploma in Mechatronics degree. Some important preparation tips are listed below to ensure that the students crack the course and pass the exams without any hurdles. 

Improve Vocabulary: Students need to communicate efficiently such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing which will help them to prosper in every work they do. Steady progress will help them reach their desired goals in their career.

Read and Practice More: Students should do more research work to indulge in this course more deeply and they should try different experiments in botanical science.

Have Intrinsic Knowledge and Interest in Subjects: Having intrinsic knowledge about the subject and having the same interest will keep the student motivated to learn more than what's in the syllabus.

Think about your career in this field and how you can make it big and make sure you are prepared for any sort of challenges

PhD in Botany salary differs according to some factors such as locations, experience, industry, designation, etc. Students can increase their salary and experience by doing internships which will help them to get better opportunities. The average salary for a graduate is around INR 15 - 20 LPA (Source Payscale).

Read More:  PhD in Botany Salary

Students will get lots of job opportunities after completing their degree. The job opportunities will differ according to experience and specialization with a good salary. Listed below are some of the career options for students;

  • Administrator
  • Fruit Growers
  • Plant Biochemist

Students need to learn many soft skills to succeed in this field of study. The student will get the necessary skills from classroom settings. These skills are learned through experience. The student should push their limits and try to learn new things. Listed below are some of the skills that students should learn.

  • Quantitative Analysis Skills
  • Research Skills
  • Analytical Skills
  • The Ability to Work Under Pressure
  • Interpersonal Skills

phd in botany syllabus

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8 degrees at 7 universities in the UK.

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Related subjects:

  • PhD Applied Life Sciences
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  • PhD Microbiology
  • PhD Molecular Biology
  • PhD Mycology
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  • PhD Parasitology
  • PhD Plant Genetics
  • PhD Toxicology
  • PhD Virology
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  • Course title (A-Z)
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PhD Plant Biology

University of essex.

Research in our School of Life Sciences covers a wide spectrum of biology from genes to ecosystems, and this broad-based structure provides Read more...

  • 4 years Full time degree: £4,786 per year (UK)
  • 7 years Part time degree: £2,393 per year (UK)

Plant Science PhD

University of glasgow.

Our Plant Science research covers topics such as plant-environment interactions, cell signalling, cell and membrane biology, protein Read more...

  • 3 years Full time degree: £4,786 per year (UK)
  • 5 years Full time degree: £4,786 per year (UK)
  • 5 years Part time degree: £2,393 per year (UK)

PhD Postgraduate research in Botany

University of wolverhampton.

PhD students at the School of Architecture and The Built Environment are supervised by academics who are leading experts in their Read more...

  • 4 years Full time degree: £4,712 per year (UK)
  • 8 years Part time degree: £2,356 per year (UK)

Plant Biology MPhil/PhD

University of worcester.

We welcome applications to undertake research towards MPhil and PhD degrees in Plant Biology. Research at Worcester has grown Read more...

  • 3 years Full time degree: £4,950 per year (UK)
  • 5 years Part time degree: £2,475 per year (UK)

PhD/MPhil Medical Mycology

University of manchester.

Programme description Our PhD/MPhil Medical Mycology programme enables you to undertake a research project that will improve understanding Read more...

  • 6 years Part time degree: £2,393 per year (UK)

Molecular Plant Sciences PhD

The university of edinburgh.

With world-class facilities and lively collaborations, our Institute of Molecular Plant Sciences provides you with the ideal environment in Read more...

PhD in Plant Sciences

University of cambridge.

The aim of PhD training is to develop both a deep theoretical and practical understanding through research into aspects of Plant Sciences, Read more...

  • 3 years Full time degree: £9,858 per year (UK)
  • 4 years Part time degree: £5,915 per year (UK)

PhD Plant Science

Programme description Our PhD Plant Science programme enables you to undertake a research project that will improve understanding of Plant Read more...

Course type:

  • Full time PhD
  • Part time PhD


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From admission to dissertation. Tips on making the PhD journey happy, productive and successful

phd entrance exam syllabus botany

PhD entrance exam syllabus for botany in India

PhD entrance exam syllabus for botany will be different for each university. But most commonly, every university follows certain common syllabus patterns. Here is my detailed syllabus outlook to write entrance exam for PhD in Botany.

Download PhD entrance exam syllabus for botany

Botany is a stream of Biology subject in which knowledge is shared on the assessment of plants and the process through which they thrive and sustain. At the graduation and pg. level education the course curriculum is usually imparted through lectures, lab based sessions as well as field based research. Suitable and eligible aspiring candidates interested in pursuing the course should have completed master’s degree from any recognized university with a least score of % alongwith year teaching or administrative experience. The course fee is anywhere from INR 2000 -8 lakhs for a term of 3 yr. The average salary that a candidate acquires after completion of the course is anywhere from 15000-80000/-. The pay is variable in accordance to private and govt.sectors.

PhD in Botany is a three year long programme with a doctorate degree. Here the students are allowed to go for independent research work. The curriculum covers the following concepts:

  • The basis of medicine
  • Research on Biomedical activities
  • Terminology
  • Biological preservation

Admission Process:

The candidate has to prove his or her eligibility by undertaking the following examinations

  • DBT- It is an entrance examination of national-level conducted for selecting candidates for research work in the discipline.
  • UGC NET- It is also a national-level examination for selecting eligible candidates for Ph.D. examination
  • CSIR NET- It is usually conducted twice a year. The successful candidates would be able to pursue Ph.D. upon successful completion of this examination.

What is thecourse description and syllabus to pursue Ph.D. in Botany?

Methodology on Research Preservation &Biodiversity
Proposal on Research The latest trends and developments of Ecology
Freshdevelopments in Physiology of Plant Current Biotechnology Trends
Moderntrends in Plant Pathology

A Ph.D. in Botany- What it is all about?

It is all about the scientific assessment and investigations of various types of plants and fungi. This scientific discipline comprises of the assessment of various types of plants and their aspects. The research scholar has to study a varied number of aspects like the growth, structure, reproduction of plants. The major areas of work for the candidates for research would involve nursery and seed companies. It is important for candidates to have clear, concise and verbal abilities so that they can pass the verbal interview round in a Ph.D. entrance examination in Botany.

The career prospects for Botanists

After successful completion of their degree, the doctorates would have a world of opportunities in front of them. One of the most noble and lucrative professions is to opt for lectureship. Moreover, the candidate can also apply in various reputed organizations for the post of plant explorers, ecologists, nursery managers, etc. Moreover, researching on molecular biology is also a great option for potential candidates. Candidates can also undertake research work in their respective institutes. It is also a viable career option for many.

Hence, it is evident that the profession of a botanist is quite prestigious. However, you need to work hard to pass the eligibility test.

Syam Prasad Reddy T

Hello, My name is Syam, Asst. Professor of English and Mentor for Ph.D. students worldwide. I have worked years to give you these amazing tips to complete your Ph.D. successfully. Having put a lot of efforts means to make your Ph.D. journey easier. Thank you for visiting my Ph.D. blog.

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    Here is my detailed syllabus outlook to write entrance exam for PhD in Botany. Download PhD entrance exam syllabus for botany. Botany is a stream of Biology subject in which knowledge is shared on the assessment of plants and the process through which they thrive and sustain. At the graduation and pg. level education the course curriculum is ...