
Inviting Techniques in Network Marketing: 15+ Tips

If you’re involved in network marketing, you know that inviting is a crucial part of your business. Inviting is the process of reaching out to people who might be interested in your product or business opportunity and inviting them to learn more.

Done correctly, inviting can lead to new customers and business partners, but done incorrectly, it can turn people off and damage your reputation.

To be successful at inviting, you need to understand the key techniques and strategies that work. This includes knowing what to say, how to say it, and when to say it.

You also need to be able to read people and understand their needs and desires, so you can tailor your approach to them.

In this article, we’ll cover some of the most effective inviting techniques in network marketing, so you can start seeing better results from your efforts.

Table of Contents

  • Inviting is a crucial part of network marketing, as it creates opportunities for people to learn about the products or business opportunities.
  • Effective inviting techniques include keeping the message short and sweet, using examples of success, leveraging technology, personalizing the message, and using the phone.
  • Dealing with objections and rejections requires listening and acknowledging, addressing concerns with relevant information, reframing objections as opportunities, overcoming the fear of rejection, and reminding oneself of goals and motivations.

Importance of Inviting in Network Marketing

Inviting is one of the most important aspects of network marketing. It is the first step towards building a successful business .

When you invite someone to look at your network marketing business, you are creating an opportunity for them to learn about the products or services you offer and the business opportunity itself. This can lead to increased sales and a growing team of distributors.

Inviting is not just about getting people to join your business. It is also about building relationships and creating trust. You are showing them that you value their opinion and that you believe in what you are offering. This can help to establish a long-term relationship that can lead to future sales and referrals.

The success of your network marketing business depends on your ability to invite effectively. This means understanding your goals and being able to communicate them clearly to your prospects.

network marketing invitation importance

You need to be able to explain the benefits of your products or services and the potential for financial success. You also need to be able to answer any questions or concerns they may have.

Your position in the company can also play a role in your success as an inviter. If you are a new distributor, you may not have as much credibility as someone who has been in the business for a while. However, this does not mean that you cannot be successful.

By focusing on building relationships and communicating effectively, you can establish yourself as a knowledgeable and trustworthy business owner.

SUMMARY – Inviting is a crucial part of network marketing success. By inviting effectively, you can build relationships, create trust, and ultimately grow your business. Remember to focus on your goals, communicate clearly, and establish yourself as a credible business owner.

Effective Inviting Techniques

When it comes to network marketing, the ability to invite prospects effectively is crucial for success. Here are some effective inviting techniques that you can use to increase your chances of converting prospects into customers or team members.

1. Keep it Short and Sweet

When inviting a prospect, it’s important to keep your message short and to the point. Avoid overwhelming them with too much information at once. Instead, provide a brief overview of the opportunity and let them know that you’d like to schedule a time to discuss it further.

2. Use Examples

Using examples is a great way to illustrate the benefits of your opportunity and help your prospect understand how it can benefit them. Be sure to use real-life examples of people who have achieved success with your company.

3. Leverage Technology

Technology has made it easier than ever to invite prospects to learn more about your opportunity. Consider using tools like video conferencing or screen sharing to give your prospect a more immersive experience.

4. Personalize Your Message

Personalizing your message can help you stand out from the competition and make a lasting impression on your prospect. Take the time to learn about their interests and goals, and tailor your message accordingly.

5. Use the Phone

While face-to-face meetings can be effective, sometimes a phone call is more convenient for both you and your prospect. When using the phone, be sure to speak clearly and confidently, and avoid using industry jargon that your prospect may not understand.

By using these effective inviting techniques, you can increase your chances of converting prospects into customers or team members. Remember to stay confident, knowledgeable, and clear in your message, and always be respectful of your prospect’s time and interests.

The different types of EXPOSURES & The most EFFECTIVE WAY to INVITE!

Creating a Professional Invitation

When inviting someone to learn more about your network marketing business, it’s important to present yourself in a professional manner. This will help you establish credibility and make a good first impression.

Here are some tips to help you create a professional invitation:

1. Be Clear and Concise

Your invitation should be clear and concise. You want to provide enough information to pique their interest, but not overwhelm them with details. Stick to the basics and avoid getting too technical. You can always provide more information later on.

2. Use Professional Language

When writing your invitation, use professional language. Avoid using slang or informal language. This will help you come across as knowledgeable and confident.

3. Highlight the Benefits

Make sure to highlight the benefits of your product or business. This will help the person you’re inviting understand why they should be interested in learning more. Focus on how your product or business can help them solve a problem or achieve a goal.

4. Provide Relevant Information

Make sure to provide relevant information in your invitation. This includes the date, time, and location of the presentation. You may also want to include information about the speaker or any special guests who will be attending.

5. Use a Professional Template

Consider using a professional template for your invitation. This will help you create a polished and professional-looking invitation without having to spend a lot of time on design. There are many templates available online that you can customize to fit your needs.

By following these tips, you can create a professional invitation that will help you make a great first impression and get people interested in learning more about your network marketing business.

Dealing with Objections and Rejections

In network marketing, objections, and rejections are a common occurrence. It is important to know how to handle them effectively to keep the conversation going and possibly turn a “no” into a “yes.”

Here are some tips for dealing with objections and rejections:

1. Listen and Acknowledge

When someone raises an objection or expresses concern, the first thing you should do is listen attentively. Acknowledge their concern and show that you understand where they are coming from. This helps to build trust and rapport with the prospect.

2. Address the Concern

Once you have listened and acknowledged their concern, it’s time to address it.

Provide relevant information and facts that can help to alleviate their concerns. Be confident and knowledgeable in your response, and try to provide specific examples or case studies to back up your claims.

3. Reframe the Objection

Sometimes, objections can be reframed as opportunities.

For example, if someone says they don’t have the time to commit to network marketing, you could reframe it by saying, “I understand that you’re busy, but what if I showed you how you could earn extra income in just a few hours a week?” This helps to shift the focus from the objection to the potential benefits of the opportunity.

4. Overcome the Fear of Rejection

Fear of rejection is a common barrier to success in network marketing. To overcome this fear, remind yourself that rejection is not personal. It’s simply a part of the sales process.

Focus on the positive outcomes that can come from getting a “yes,” and don’t let the fear of rejection hold you back.

5. Remind Yourself of Your Why

When facing objections and rejections, it can be easy to lose sight of why you started in network marketing in the first place. Remind yourself of your goals and motivations, and use them as fuel to keep going. Remember that every “no” brings you one step closer to a “yes.”

Leveraging Curiosity and Excitement

In network marketing, leveraging curiosity and excitement is crucial when inviting prospects to learn more about your business opportunity.

By creating a sense of curiosity and excitement, you can pique your prospect’s interest and motivate them to take the next step.

network marketing inviting tips

One way to leverage curiosity is by using the curiosity gap technique. This involves creating a gap between what your prospect knows and what they want to know.

For example, you could say something like, “I’ve discovered a way to earn extra income from home, and it only takes a few hours a week. Would you like to know how?” This statement creates a gap between what your prospect knows (that you’ve discovered a way to earn extra income) and what they want to know (how to do it). This gap will naturally spark curiosity and encourage your prospect to ask for more information.

Another way to leverage excitement is by sharing your own enthusiasm for your business opportunity. When you’re genuinely excited about your business, your prospect will feel that excitement and be more likely to get excited too.

Share your personal success story, talk about the benefits of the business, and explain how it has changed your life. By doing so, you’ll create a sense of excitement and motivation in your prospect.

Once you’ve piqued your prospect’s curiosity and excitement, it’s important to guide them to the next step. This could be scheduling a follow-up call, inviting them to a presentation, or sharing more information about the business.

Be clear about what the next step is and why it’s important. This will help your prospect feel confident and motivated to take action.

SUMMARY – Leveraging curiosity and excitement is a powerful technique for inviting prospects to learn more about your network marketing business opportunity. By creating a sense of curiosity, sharing your enthusiasm, and guiding your prospect to the next step, you can increase your chances of success and build a strong team.

Setting Up the Next Step

Now that you have successfully invited your prospect to learn more about your network marketing business, it’s time to set up the next step. This is a crucial part of the process as it ensures that your prospect stays engaged and interested in what you have to offer.

The next step could be anything from a follow-up call to an in-person meeting or a business presentation. Whatever it is, it should be something that your prospect is comfortable with and that fits their schedule.

When setting up the next step, it’s important to be clear and concise. Make sure you provide all the necessary details, including the time, date, and location. If it’s an in-person meeting, provide directions and any other relevant information.

It’s also important to confirm the appointment with your prospect. This shows that you are organized and professional. Send a reminder email or text a few days before the appointment to ensure that your prospect doesn’t forget.

During the follow-up call or meeting, be sure to address any questions or concerns your prospect may have. This is your chance to build a relationship and show that you are committed to helping them succeed.

Remember, the next step is all about keeping your prospect engaged and interested. By being clear, organized, and professional, you can set yourself up for success in network marketing.

Using Testimonials and Success Stories

One of the most effective ways to attract new prospects to your network marketing business is by sharing customer testimonials and success stories .

These powerful tools help potential customers see the value in your products or services and can increase your credibility.

success stores are powerful inviting techniques in network marketing

When using testimonials, it’s important to choose ones that highlight the success and value your customers have experienced.

For example, if you sell weight-loss products, share testimonials from customers who have lost a significant amount of weight and improved their health. This will help potential customers see the real-life results they can achieve by using your products.

Success stories are also effective in network marketing. These stories should focus on the journey of a customer who has achieved their goals through your products or services . By sharing these stories, you can inspire potential customers and show them that your products can help them achieve their own goals.

When sharing testimonials and success stories, it’s important to be transparent and honest. Don’t exaggerate or make false claims about your products or services. Instead, focus on the real-life experiences of your customers and how your products have helped them.

SUMMARY – Using customer testimonials and success stories is a powerful way to attract new prospects to your network marketing business. Choose testimonials that highlight the success and value your customers have experienced, and share success stories that inspire potential customers and show them what’s possible. Be transparent and honest when sharing these stories and focus on the real-life experiences of your customers.

Inviting Family and Friends

Inviting your family and friends to join your network marketing business can be a great way to get started. It’s important to approach this with confidence and knowledge, but also with a neutral and clear tone. Here are some tips to help you invite your family and friends successfully:

1. Build Trust

Before you invite your family and friends, it’s important to build trust with them. You want them to see you as a credible and trustworthy source of information. Share your own personal experiences with network marketing and how it has helped you.

Be honest about the challenges you’ve faced, but also highlight the benefits. This will help build trust and credibility with your family and friends.

2. Be Clear and Concise

When you invite your family and friends, be clear and concise about what you’re offering. Explain the benefits of network marketing and how it can help them achieve their goals.

Make sure to answer any questions they may have and provide them with all the information they need to make an informed decision. Avoid using jargon or complicated language that may confuse them.

3. Use Personal Stories

Using personal stories can be a powerful way to invite your family and friends. Share stories about how network marketing has helped others, including yourself. This can help them see the potential benefits of joining your business. Make sure to focus on the positive aspects of network marketing, but also be honest about the challenges.

4. Don’t Pressure Them

It’s important not to pressure your family and friends into joining your business. Network marketing is not for everyone, and it’s important to respect their decision if they choose not to join. Instead, focus on building a relationship with them and providing them with the information they need to make an informed decision.

5. Follow Up

After you’ve invited your family and friends, make sure to follow up with them. This can help answer any additional questions they may have and provide them with more information about your business.

However, make sure not to be too pushy or aggressive in your follow-up. Respect their decision and continue to build a relationship with them regardless of whether or not they choose to join your business.

Inviting your family and friends to join your network marketing business can be a great way to get started. By building trust, being clear and concise, using personal stories, avoiding pressure, and following up, you can increase your chances of success.

Online Inviting Strategies

In today’s digital age, online inviting strategies have become a crucial component of network marketing. With the ability to reach a wider audience and generate leads from the comfort of your own home, online inviting strategies have become an essential tool for network marketers.

One effective online inviting strategy is to use lead capture forms on your website or landing pages . These forms allow you to capture the contact information of potential leads, such as their name and email address. You can then use this information to follow up with them and invite them to learn more about your network marketing opportunity.

Another effective strategy is to leverage social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

By creating engaging content and building a strong online presence, you can attract potential leads and invite them to learn more about your business. You can also join relevant groups and communities on these platforms to connect with like-minded individuals and expand your network.

When it comes to online inviting, it’s important to remember that building relationships is key.

Rather than simply promoting your business, focus on providing value and building trust with your audience. This can be done by sharing helpful tips and information related to your industry, engaging with your followers, and offering personalized support.

SUMMARY – Online inviting strategies can be a powerful tool for network marketers looking to expand their reach and generate leads. By using lead capture forms, leveraging social media platforms, and focusing on building relationships, you can attract potential leads and invite them to learn more about your business.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, mastering the art of inviting prospects to network marketing presentations is crucial to your success in the industry. Knowing your goals, understanding your prospects, and having a clear, concise message are all key factors that can make or break your invitation.

Remember that inviting is not about selling or enrolling someone in your business right away. It’s about piquing their interest and getting them to take a closer look at what you have to offer. Keep your invitation simple, honest, and focused on the benefits that your product or opportunity can provide.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different inviting techniques and scripts to find what works best for you. Whether it’s using mobile phones, social media, or face-to-face meetings, the key is to find a method that you feel comfortable with and that resonates with your prospects.

Finally, always remember that inviting is a numbers game. Not everyone you invite will say yes, but the more invitations you send out, the greater your chances of success. So stay positive, stay persistent, and keep inviting!

What are some effective prospecting strategies in network marketing?

To effectively prospect in network marketing, you need to identify your target audience and understand their needs. Some effective prospecting strategies include developing a strong online presence, building relationships with potential customers, and leveraging your personal network. Additionally, offering free samples or trials can be a great way to attract new prospects.

How to approach strangers in network marketing?

Approaching strangers in network marketing can be challenging, but it can also be an effective way to expand your customer base. One approach is to start a conversation with the person and ask them about their interests. Once you have established a connection, you can then introduce your product or service. Remember to be respectful and avoid being pushy.

How can you make your network marketing invitations more compelling?

To make your network marketing invitations more compelling, you need to clearly communicate the benefits of your product or service. Focus on how your product or service can solve a problem or meet a need for the prospect. Additionally, using social proof, such as testimonials from satisfied customers, can help make your invitations more compelling.

What are some tips for inviting prospects to events in network marketing?

When inviting prospects to events in network marketing, it is important to be clear about the purpose of the event and what the prospect can expect to gain from attending. Additionally, offering incentives, such as free samples or exclusive discounts, can be a great way to encourage attendance. Remember to follow up with prospects after the event to answer any questions and address any concerns they may have.

How can you effectively prospect online in network marketing?

To effectively prospect online in network marketing, you need to have a strong online presence and engage with potential customers on social media. Use targeted ads and email marketing to reach out to potential customers and offer them valuable content. Additionally, participating in online communities and forums related to your product or service can help you connect with potential customers.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when inviting prospects in network marketing?

Some common mistakes to avoid when inviting prospects in network marketing include being too pushy, failing to listen to the prospect’s needs, and not following up with the prospect after the initial invitation. Remember to be respectful and focus on building a relationship with the prospect.

How can you increase your customer base in network marketing?

To increase your customer base in network marketing, you need to focus on building relationships with potential customers and providing them with value. Offer free samples or trials and follow up with prospects to answer any questions and address any concerns they may have. Additionally, leveraging your personal network and building a strong online presence can help you attract new customers.

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MLM Presentation: How to Do It the Right Way

If you are trying to find out how to give an effective MLM business presentation , you are in the right place.

I’ve been involved with this industry for almost thirteen years now, and I have to tell you that most distributors over-complicate their business presentation.

And other distributors never really get started, because they fear giving a presentation to someone else.

The key to success in this industry is to keep things SIMPLE.  

My best tip I can share with you is to never give a business presentation yourself.

Always use third party tools, such as a video, webinar, three-way call, in home party, hotel event, or something else to do your presentation for you .

When you take YOU out of the equation you keep things simple and give your prospect belief that they could do what you do.

That being said, if you’re still set on doing presentations yourself, there is a right way and a wrong way to do it.

In the paragraphs below, I want to share six helpful tips to teach you how to give an effective presentation for your network marketing opportunity.

These are things I’ve learned mostly through trial and error.

Let’s get started.

Step # 1: Qualify Your Prospect

The biggest mistake that distributors make is not qualifying their prospect BEFORE they give them a presentation.

If you were selling houses, you wouldn’t give a presentation to a homeless, unemployed person who wasn’t looking for home, would you?

Hopefully not.

When it comes to MLM, you need to qualify your prospect before you give a presentation .

In other words, you want to find out if they are looking to start a business, if they are looking to make some extra income or even replace their full-time job income.

You also want to know if they would potentially be interested in your products.

For example, if you try to sell a coffee product or opportunity to someone who doesn’t like or drink coffee, you are wasting your time.

If they aren’t qualified, don’t waste your time doing a presentation.

Just doing this one step alone can save you lots of time.

After you have qualified someone first, you can then proceed to the next step.

Step # 2: Make Small Talk & Ask Questions

At the beginning of your presentation, make small talk with your prospect.

Ask them a few questions about themselves.

Find out about their background and what their goals are.

Ask them any of the following questions:

  • Where are you from?
  • What hobbies do you have?
  • Are you looking to make extra money?
  • Do you love what you do for a living?
  • Could you use a Plan B?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years?
  • What type of business could you see yourself doing?
  • Would you like to work from home ?

Your goal is simply to break the ice and introduce yourself to each other.

Spend at least three to five minutes making small talk.

This helps you warm up the prospect.

You don’t have to draw this out for hours and hours.

Be short and to the point.

You just want to show a genuine interest in the person before you start trying to sell something.

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Step # 3:  Tailor the Presentation to Their Wants, Needs, Hopes and Desires

Do not use the same cookie cutter presentation for everyone you talk to.

Rather than doing that, tailor your presentation “slightly” to match the person’s hopes, needs, wants and desires.

You can still share the same basic information, but make sure you modify it slightly to match up to the person you are showing it to.

For instance, if someone tells you they are looking to make a full-time income, tailor your presentation around making a full-time income with your business opportunity .

And if they are interested in making $500 to $1k per month, show them how to do that.

If you ask questions ahead of time and make some small talk, you will get this information from them so you can tailor your presentation.

Step # 4: Keep it to 15-30 minutes or less

Do not, and I mean NEVER do a one to two hour presentation.

You will overload your prospect with information and they will never join your team.

At a maximum, keep the actual presentation to about 15 to 30 minutes.

20 minutes is ideal.

Keep it short and sweet and to the point.

Respect the other person’s time.

Here is a good break down to follow:

  • 3-5 minutes of small talk
  • 1-2 minutes about the industry
  • 1-2 minutes about the company
  • 3-5 minutes about the products
  • 3-5 minutes about the compensation plan
  • 2 minutes closing

Remember, you don’t need to tell your prospect EVERY SINGLE THING about the company, products or compensation plan .

You want to give them an overview so they can make an informed decision.

If they want more information AFTER your presentation, than by all means give it to them.

I’ve been to some business opportunity meetings in the past that lasted one or two hours.

This is a big NO NO.

Remember, most folks have a short attention span.

Plus, most folks are busy and don’t have one or two hours to sit around and hear about a business opportunity.

Keeping it to 20 minutes or less is a good goal to shoot for.

Step # 5: Use Business Tools

Business tools are your friend.

If your company offers a short video, audio, webinar, or brochure, use that as your presentation.

Let the tools do most of the selling for you.

This lets you work smart and gives you added credibility.

Personally, I refuse to show a business presentation one-on-one.

I send people to a short video, audio or webinar.

This frees up my time so I don’t have to drive all over town to show the plan.

You need to remember that your prospect is watching you.

You want to keep things so simple that your prospect says “I can do that.”

This is where third party tools help you out.

Step # 6: Overcome Objections and Close

Even your most serious prospects will normally have several objections and questions.

Answer the objections and ASSUME the person will join your team.

Always be closing!

Have a sign up kit with you and help them get started.

Don’t pressure or try to convince them, but overcome their objections and LEAD them to the decision you want them to make.

You see, I’ve found that most people don’t know how to make a decision.

If you don’t tell them what to do, they won’t do it!

Just assume they are going to join your team or become a customer and take them to the sign up page online or fill out the distributor agreement together.

BONUS TIP: Remember that your prospect is always watching you.

If you make things overly complex, they will never join you because they will think to themselves that they could never do what you do.

So keep it simple, short and to the point.

Final Thoughts

In summary, these are my six tips to give an effective MLM presentation.

If you want to achieve success in your network marketing business , you need to give lots of presentations to qualified prospects.

You need to make sure that the presentation is tailored to the person you are talking to.

Utilize the company’s tools when you can and assume that each person will join your team.

Overcome their objections and lead them to the decision you want them to make.

What are your thoughts?

What tips can you share with us about giving an effective MLM presentation .

Please leave a comment below and let us know.

I look forward to hearing from you.

chuck holmes

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21 thoughts on “MLM Presentation: How to Do It the Right Way”

I’ve found there are two areas in every presentation that seem to hurt your results…

1) Too much emphasis on the compensation plan in the first look (which creates total confusion for people unfamiliar with MLM/Direct Sales)

2) A ‘defense’ of network marketing in the initial presentation, by putting up reasons as to why the business is not illegal or a pyramid scheme. This often makes prospects consider things they never had even first thought about. Chuck, I do agree that tools that save you time and money are the best way to go. A good sharp video presentation (under 15 mins) followed up by a prompt meet up if possible is the way to go for me.

Keeping it short and sweet is the way to go.

I agree Chuck, I have seen people talk to a very interested prospect and have the prospect end up turning the person down because of the presentation. When someone talks so much they sometimes sound like they are trying to convince themselves. I like to have the presentation as a tool so the prospect can get all the information that they need, they also can sometimes re-watch information that is important to them.

I agree 100% “The truth about MLM” is that it must contain true “value” in order to survive.

Couldn’t agree more, Matt!

I use a video my company provides to give a good MLM Presentation. The video is 22 minutes long and explains everything the prospect needs to know. I simply sit down with my prospect, put the DVD in, and watch it with them. At the end of the presentation I answer their questions and sponsor them if they are ready. The best thing is this approach is so easy to follow. I have everyone on my team doing it.

I totally believe using video is a great idea. In my opinion, I think that if your MLM doesn’t have these available it may be in your benefit to develop your own. If they work well, depending on the rules of the MLM you are with, you may be able to sell them to others in the business as a tool. This would create another stream of income.

The only negative with video is not going after the exact needs of the prospect, that is why it should be generic and you as the sponsor will go after the “deep” subjects after the short video.

Videos are a great way to give a presentation if it is short and to the point (about 10 minutes). The last thing you want to do is send your prospect to a 30-60 minute video that just overwhelms them with information.

Whenever I give a MLM Presentation, I send people to a recorded webinar. I’ve found it just takes too long to all your presentations one on one, or face to face. You should leverage technology to free up your time and work smart. By all means, qualify the prospect first, but then send them to the presentation. After the presentation is complete, follow up with them to answer their questions and help them get started. In today’s world, there’s no reason to meet face to face to give a presentation. With the price of gas, and the time it takes to drive around, I would suggest using technology instead.

Eduardo, many people would prefer to have access to initial information online first, before they schedule a meeting. As you said, the price of gas and the opportunity cost of time spent can sometimes make a difference in whether or not someone is even open to learning more. I would, however, keep in mind that an online presentation should be an introduction, with some information and attention-grabbing material, but not everything. The online presentation will have to leave them wanting more, and not everyone is skilled at creating this kind of interest. Face-to-face meetings have tremendous, irreplaceable value. For one thing, it is difficult to create a relationship with an online presentation, and relation-ship building is important. I would be curious to hear from you again about whether or not you have tried online presentations, and what the results were.

This seems to be a great strategy and one that is preferred by many on the receiving end. I also give people access to a link where they can hear/watch a recorded presentation on their on time and I pair that with a pamphlet that contains additional information that they can look over. Then on their own terms they are able to contact me whether it is for more information or for a one on one meeting. I never want someone to be pressured or bored by what I have to offer so by allowing them to access the information when they are ready I save time and energy.

Qualifying my target market or prospect I find is the hardest thing to do for some reason. But you’ve given some great tips here. Much appreciated Chuck!!

It is hard to take the time and qualify someone before you show a presentation. Most of us get so excited by having new prospects that we want to rush into our MLM Presentation right away. It takes discipline not to do that. If you just start showing your presentation to everyone you meet you will wasted a lot of time and you won’t sponsor many people either. Just my thoughts.

I agree it takes time to properly qualify a prospect. I like your use of the word “discipline,” Chuck. It does, indeed, take discipline to have the patience to build rapport and understanding to determine if your prospect’s needs and wants are inline with what you offer. Can you work with each other, communicating effectively, to a common end result? Are there any red flags raised that will make the potential partnership a waste of time for both of you? It is important that the relationship work well for all parties involved.

When you’re giving a MLM Presentation, you need to take time to qualify them first. It’s not hard to do. Just ask them a few questions about their background, their goals, their interest, etc. Find out what they are looking for and see if your business or products can help fill that need. It it can, give them a complete MLM Presentation. If it can’t, go find another prospect to talk with.

I think it really is important not to overload prospective clients as Chuck says. A little interest could become enough to make a purchase with the right words and sentiments, but coming on too strongly or overwhelming your target will invariably lead to a no-sale situation.

Giving a good presentation is an art. The only way to learn is through real world experience. It takes time to learn: probably a couple years. But once you have it figured out and can do an effective MLM Presentation, the sky really is the limit.

I agree James. Sometimes we try to provide prospects with everything we know that took us years to learn. This becomes an overload and they will think it is too much. It is best just to “hit” the fine points, and let them learn as you did. If you do your job as a sponsor correctly, you will have the time to teach them all the other things as time goes by.

Great point James. Do not give information overload!

The less you say the better. Be short and to the point. Your prospect can learn more as they become involved.

I agree that keeping a MLM presentation to 20-30 minutes or less is best. You want to make sure you get your point across, but in a concise manner so that the prospect does not suffer from information overload. It can be tough for people like me who enjoy talking, but you have to remember what your goal is. Impart information to the prospect in a manner that will get him/her interested. Once you start rambling on the person will lose sight of the main points and you more than likely will not nab your prospect.

Short and to the point is the way to go. Don’t give your prospect information overload. At the end of the presentation, if they have questions, by all means take the time to explain it to them. But don’t bombard them with so much information they get overwhelmed. I’ve seen presentations where people showed interest and would have signed up, but the person giving the MLM Presentation kept talking, and talking, and eventually changed the prospect’s mind for them. Don’t do that. If the prospect wants to sign up a minute into your presentation sign them up!

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Natalie Heeley

13 Tips When Presenting Your Network Marketing Opportunity To People

  • Post author: Natalie Heeley - Shields
  • Post published: August 27, 2020
  • Post category: Network Marketing Recruitment

When it comes to how to be presenting your network marketing opportunity to people there is some skill required. 

It’s easy to be disheartened when you see how charming and persuasive some people can be, but with a bit of intentional skill and authenticity, that too can be you. 

Knowing how to present is an integral part of building your business and so learning how to do it properly can be a game-changer in not only this area, but the rest of your life too.

In this article, I explore some helpful and practical ways you can start presenting like a boss today. 

13 Sales Tips and Tricks To Make Your Presentation Perfect

1. be authentic.

Learning how to sell is something we think we have to do, but really all that’s required is refining what we already do. 

We are constantly “selling.”

When you share with a friend about a new nail salon you visited or restaurant you ate at, you are inadvertently selling. We do it all the time without even realising it. 

Now when it comes to your business we tend to hit a roadblock and feel uncomfortable about sharing because we’re afraid of coming off “salesy.”

I encourage you to drop this notion and come from a place of complete authenticity because when you can share from here, people will see the potential of your business.  

Natalie Heeley

Get clear on your goals! Read my article on ‘Goal Setting How To: A Guide For Mums Who Who Want Massive Success’ here.

2. Ask Them To Share Their Thoughts 

Verbally bulldozing someone will definitely not encourage a person to join your network marketing business. 

It’s important that while you are sharing the opportunity with them you ask them for their thoughts and not force your views onto them. 

If they come back with some heavy concerns, instead of outright telling them they are wrong or that it’s not like that at all, approach them with: 

“I know you have some well-thought-out opinions on Y. Are you open to discussing them?” or “I completely understand why you may feel that way about X, this has been my experience and what I’ve come to understand…”

3.     Match Their Reasoning

Remember that saying “fight fire with fire,” well turns out it’s actually a very clever technique for persuasion. 

Research shows that when you use the same type of reasoning as the person you’re trying to present to, this is a lot more effective than using a different one.

If the person you are presenting to is being logical, use logic too. If they happen to be making decisions based on their emotions, encourage them with emotional reasoning.

Use this list to help you differentiate between different arguments types. Bring awareness to which words the other person is using.

Logical Reasoning Words:

  • Hypothesize

Emotional Reasoning Words:

Want to dive deeper into network marketing? Download my “Why Network Marketing is For You Video Series” here.

4. Give Them A Genuine Compliment

Compliments when done genuinely can have such a positive effect on a person. It can immediately turn a stranger into a friend. 

Try complementing the person you are presenting to on something they may not typically be complimented for.

When you can sincerely connect with someone like this they are far more likely to be encouraged by what you are offering. 

Learn how to work productively by reading my article ‘9 Ways to Increase Productivity Working From Home During Covid-19’ here.

5. The Counter-Argument

You should always be prepared for any counter-arguments you think the person that you’re presenting to will bring up. 

With this said, I even encourage bringing up counter-arguments for them.

It might sound counterproductive.

However, a meta-analysis of 107 studies with a total of 20,111 participants showed that, across the board, two-sided arguments are more compelling than one-sided ones.

It’s essential to refute the counter-argument after you’ve raised it—otherwise, this approach won’t work so well.

For example, you could tell the person, “I know you may be concerned that this is a pyramid scheme and I too can understand where that concern comes from, but I would love to explain and show you how this company is not one of those.”

Ready to embrace your most confident self? Read my article ’13 Ways on How to Build Confidence for Network Marketing Success’ here.

6. Speak Directly And With Clarity 

No matter how compelling you might think your presentation is if you are not delivering it in a clear, concise and direct way the whole thing will go downhill from there.

Make sure you are speaking and using language in a way that this person will understand and relate to.

7. Share Both Positives And Negativ es

This ties in with the counter-argument tip I discussed above.

Just focusing on the positive aspects of the opportunity you’re presenting will actually be a disservice to you. 

According to University of Illinois professor Daniel O’Keefe , sharing an opposing viewpoint or two is more useful than sticking only to your point of view.

It’s about being real with this person, you were once in their shoes, how did you feel before you joined? 

Don’t beat around the bush, talk to them about things they may be considering or are concerned about. 

When you bring up the negative aspects you can then address them head on and put their mind at ease right then and there before they overthink anything. 

Read “23 Reasons Why Network Marketing is the Biz To Be In Right Now”

8. Make Your Words Powerful

You’ve got to make sure that the presentation itself includes words that will actually elicit a response from the person you’re speaking to. 

This can be easily done by framing your statements around key phrases such as “financial freedom,” “work from home,” “passive income” etc. 

Read my article,‘7 Essential Ways To Generate More Network Marketing Leads’ here. 

9. Dress Up, But Don’t Talk Down

Presenting your network marketing opportunity like a pro

Dress how you want to feel. So if you want to feel confident, wear something that exudes that for you. 

Regardless of whether I’m meeting someone in person or over a video call I dress for success.

How you present yourself can really have an effect on how the other person receives you. 

But remember, there is a clear difference between being confident and being arrogant.

So even though you might feel like the bee’s knees, don’t let that make you think you’re better than someone else. 

10. Focus On The Future

When I present to someone new I like to speak in the future tense.

This establishes confidence in the relationship and it tells the person you are here to move forward with them. 

This can be done by using the word “will.”

Phrases like “We will” and “Then we’ll do this” will get the person used to the idea that this is going to happen.

With that said, don’t overdo it and come across pushy.

You don’t want to be making decisions for the other person, instead, you want to get them excited about all the possibilities the business can offer. 

11. Avoid Verbal Fillers

Everytime you use typical “millennial or Gen Z speak” and interrupt your speech with—”like”, “um”, “uh”—you immediately lose credibility with the person you’re pitching to. Regardless of how important what you have to say is, it won’t matter. 

You want your speech to flow naturally, so if you have to, practise what you want to say before you meet the person. 

12. Be A Master Of Timing

Timing can completely make or break your presentation.

If you catch someone at a rubbish time they are not going to be interested in anything you have to say, even if it’s something they would likely want to do. 

So get some understanding of who you’re going to be speaking with. If they’re a mom, mornings might be best when the kids have gone to school as opposed to evenings when they’re completely knackered.

Find out what time would be best to speak with them. 

Develop your leadership skills by reading my article ‘How To Improve Leadership Skills When Building A Business’ here. 

13. Build To Your Emotions

Excitement and enthusiasm are good, but let these emotional responses build naturally within the conversation as opposed to being like this from the get-go. 

You don’t want to overwhelm the person with too much emotion that they are unable to relate to yet. 

As I mentioned earlier, be authentic in how you present the information.

If excitement is what you feel this person needs then start sprinkling some of that emotion in from the start. 

Otherwise a good rule of thumb is to start a conversation on a relaxed, yet upbeat note. Then as you start talking, you can gradually grow more passionate and excited about what you’re sharing with them. 

Read “Network Marketing Recruitment: 15 Powerful Tips To Grow Your Business!”

How To Build Rapport for Presentation Success

Building rapport is such a powerful way to connect and gain trust with people, hence why I’m expanding further on this below. 

You are naturally more drawn to a person when they are like you.

This reaches beyond our conscious decisions to our unconscious behaviours.  

When we mirror and match others habitual behaviours (body language, cadence, language patterns, etc.) you are able to build a sense of rapport where people feel more at ease with you and become more open to what you’re offering.

Make sure you’re not being overly obvious with this so they don’t feel you are mimicking them.

1. ‘Match’ your body language to the person you’re speaking to.

So if they cross their right leg, then you cross your right leg too, if they put their left hand on their hip, you do the same. 

 2. ‘Mirror’ your body language.

This is similar to ‘matching,’ in that you are simply ‘mirroring’ body language.

So if the person you’re speaking with makes a hand gesture with their right hand, when you start to speak you would make a similar hand gesture with the opposite hand (so it’s like you are mirroring them).

Subtlety is key here!

3. Adjust the volume of your voice to suit the person you are speaking with.

This may seem obvious, but often it’s not.

You might be someone who is very boisterous and speaks loudly, that’s not going to work well with someone who is quiet and soft spoken. 

So if their voice is much softer than yours then it will pay off to not shout at them.

Same goes for if they have a loud voice— adjust your voice accordingly so it matches their style of speaking. 

4. Adjust the speed of your voice so it’s in time with your conversation.

As you would adjust the volume of your voice, you should do the same for speed. 

If the person you are presenting your network marketing opportunity to speaks a lot slower than you, talking very fast over them is not going to get you any brownie points. 

This will likely break rapport and result in them feeling annoyed, so make sure you match the ‘pace’ of the person you are speaking with. 

5. Notice what’s important to the person you are engaging with.

The key here is to listen attentively, take note of any words or topics that keep coming up. This will indicate what’s significant to them. 

When you repeat the same words or focus on the same topics, they will feel like you are really listening and understanding them. 

An example: if this person keeps mentioning time with family and how spending time with her children is a priority, then you will tell them how you understand how important family time is and explain how this business can afford them that. 

Ready To Tap Into Your Most Powerful Self?

When you first start to present and share your network marketing opportunity it can be really daunting, but just remind yourself that every person has had to start where you are. 

It gets easier, I promise!

I hope that these practical tips on how to ace it when presenting your network marketing business has been as helpful for you as it’s been for me. 

I’d love to hear from you, so please leave your comments below and feel free to ask me any questions you may have on how to be convincing.

Please click the social icons below to share this article with all those in your inner circle that you feel it will bring value to, until next time.

With love, Nat

Free Download “Network Marketing Business Setup: What I Wish I Knew Before Starting!

Network marketing business setup

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How to Develop the Best Network Marketing Presentation

May 16, 2018 by ListGuy

Humans beings process visuals 60,000 times faster than words. This is probably why marketing presentations have become such a visual performance filled with so much showmanship.

Irrespective of the industry you serve, a marketing presentation has become the key step to introducing services to prospective clients, selling a product, conveying targets or sharing potential ideas.

A marketing presentation can occur at a coffee shop, a large hotel with hundreds of people, a meeting room, or a conference hall.

No matter the location or the people surrounding you, when it comes to creating and delivering a good marketing presentation, you’re usually on your own.

And there’s nothing worse than having to fumble through a presentation, having your audience sneak out, or fall asleep midway through your delivery or that nauseous feeling after a botched presentation.

But not anymore.

Here’s a strategy to make your next marketing presentation a hit!

What Makes A Good Marketing Presentation?

Now, there are two parts to this strategy. These are the presentation and the presenter. Let’s look at the presentation first.

Get Customer Input

So, you’ve spent a chunk of time with prospecting clients either through cold calls or software . You’ve got the date! Then what?

A good marketing presentation takes the customers input into consideration. What is the customer looking for? What do they need? What are their pain points?

If you don’t know, ask.

Get in touch with your prospect and find out what they want. Going in blind and throwing all your products at them is not going to help them unless it addresses their concerns or business requirements.

Tailor Each Client’s Content

It’s very easy to roll out the same marketing presentation to every client you meet when you’re presenting five times a week or five times a day. But that should not be the case.

Tailor your marketing presentation to the client. Even if that means changing a few slides. Every client wants to feel special. If you’ve listened to your client then you can position yourself for the hook.

By including a few well-researched details in your presentation, the client is made aware that you took the time to read about their requirements. Also tailoring the presentation to a client can help you market special products that specifically meet their needs.

Have Key Take Away Points

After your introduction, identify the goals of this marketing presentation. Add the key takeaway points in the form of a bullet list or a quick hit list that is easy to read. That way your clients know exactly what they’re going to get from your presentation.

Get to the Point

The average attention span of the human mind is 20 minutes. There’s no point in sharing meaningless data and wasting time. Get to the point and present information that is relevant to the client.

Tell A story

Chip and Dan Heath wrote a book called Made to Stick , where they gave an example of Stanford students. After a presentation, 63% of the students remembered the stories and only 5% remembered the actual statistics that were cited.

That tells us that you should use your marketing presentation to tell a story that connects your products with their company.

This connection is very important and once established, the prospect sees themselves in the story you create about the product and their success using it.

Stay Away From The Clutter

In your bid to tell a story, don’t go crazy and add every image, gif, and animation available on Powerpoint or google slides.

Busy slides are distracting. It confuses them as they dart between your voice and everything on the slide.

Add Images and Charts

If you’re going to add statistics, use a chart. Adding images instead of texts also helps.

A picture really is worth a thousand words. Speak your words but don’t write them on your slides. Use high-resolution images that are beautiful and convey what you’re trying to say.

But don’t be too generic.

Sales are emotional and if your image can convey emotions, then you can be sure of leaving a good impression.

Highlight Current information

The business world is changing rapidly and what was trending once has vanished only a season later. Make sure your marketing presentation reflects current market trends.

Most clients are sensitive to market fluctuations, so don’t brush this step off. Invest some time in studying the changes in your niche and update your presentation accordingly.

Physical Demo

A physical demo of your product and service is an opportunity to put on a show. The client gets a chance to see that your product actually works just as you say in your marketing presentation.

You can use a video too of someone else using it. This builds trust. The best part is, video marketing is proven to have an 80% conversion rate .

Include Testimonials

Another important addition to your marketing presentation must be testimonials. Nothing adds more credibility than other customers confirming that your product or service is worth investing money in.

Known as evergreen referrals, testimonials are social proof that plays into the herd mentality of human beings.

A good testimonial has an image of a person, their full name, their job title, their organization, and a link that anyone can verify is a real person.

Ask Questions

If you have a particularly long marketing presentation, ask a question every 8-10 minutes, just so your prospect is still on this journey you’re taking him.

Have a Q&A session

It’s very good to have a short Q & A at the very end of your marketing presentation. You aced the presentation but don’t allow this session to drag you down. Everyone’s watched the video of Elon Musk struggle through his well-prepared presentation when he was confronted by a bizarre question.

Allow your client to speak or clarify any doubts they may have. This is your chance to put to bed any suspicions or any concerns prospects have regarding your service or product.

Also, be prepared for non-questions and hostility. Have a sense of humor about it.

Prepare for Difficult Questions

Prepare for tough questions. There will be one or two of those and the only way you can handle them well is by being absolutely thorough about your product and the market you serve.

If you don’t know the answer to a difficult question, don’t make one up. Inform the prospect you will get back to them at the end of the day and do it.

Next comes the presenter. Just as the content of the presentation is important so is the presenter.

So, What makes a good Presenter?

The following are the traits you should possess.

Establish credibility

What makes you credible is your trustworthiness. Whether you’re an expert on the matter you’re presenting, your audience judgment is critical.

When you make your presentation, you can establish your credibility by trusting your audience, wanting what’s best for them, aligning with their values, using evidence they find credible and embodying the message you give.

Be relatable

Don’t be the salesman or the expert. Be the friend whose recommending them something that they really need.

Your prospect wants to know how this will make them money, how it will benefit their business and whether the returns will justify the investment.

Forbes identified nine elements that make a presentation relatable. They are a singular primary focus, emotion, authenticity, humor, self-deprecation (especially if you’re a CEO), advice, honesty, active conversation, and storytelling.

Presenting can be nerve racking but practice smiling between pauses. When you smile you convey that you are confident about your service, you’re grateful for the opportunity, and you know this will benefit the prospect.

By smiling, you also build a rapport with your audience.

Be a showman

What is showmanship in sales? Showmanship is the ability of a person to hook an audience to achieve a sale through entertainment. It might seem contrary to the goal of giving a serious presentation.

Bob Kennedy talks about how he uses showmanship with a pair of dice at every sales presentation. His little act of rolling the dice and getting sevens is just a little flair to drive across the message that with preparation you can get the desired outcome.

Twenty-five years later he still uses it to get his client’s attention. It doesn’t have to be over the top and it may not work the first time, but practice using some showmanship to set yourself apart from the competition. It will make your marketing presentation stand out from the crowd.

Believe in your service

This is a critical part of your presentation. Discuss your product or solutions, while remaining animated and energetic. Your voice should sound excited.

Also, look and feel enthusiastic. If you don’t get excited about your own service, how can you expect a prospect to be motivated enough to buy?

A true and genuine belief in the product or service you’re selling says with certainty and confidence that your product will make a client’s business more profitable.

Don’t be afraid

Lots of people are afraid of public speaking especially when it comes to marketing. Practice with your own staff or colleagues and build up from there. The size of the audience shouldn’t matter.

If you’re well versed in the subject matter, your pre-speaking jitters will disappear. Prepare well by knowing your material inside out.

Rehearse often. Don’t memorize anything. Use key points and prompts to help connect the examples to stories. Practice visualization, often used by athletes to reduce stress.

Also, find a friend in your audience. This is usually the person whose open to you and you can look in the eye repeatedly while you talk.

Positive Body Language

Body language comprises of your stance, gestures, and facial expressions.

And why is body language important?

Positive body language builds credibility when you are presenting. It also shows your emotions, which allows you to connect you with your listeners.

When it comes to gestures, use your hands. Don’t keep them on your hips or stuff them in your pockets. Neither should you fold them across your chest or behind your back. Use them to highlight a point.

How you stand in front of the room before you can even begin your presentation is called stance. It tells the audience of your emotional state if you’re happy, petrified, confident, or uncomfortable. Prospects “read” your stance unthinkingly.

Stance speaks more than words. A balanced stance looks like your weight is even but pitched slightly forward tends to convey that the speaker is engaged with the audience.

A slumped stance which can be leaning to either side says the speaker isn’t too bothered or is too nervous if slouched.

Keep your feet pointed straight ahead. Constant fidgeting and swaying are repulsive. It distracts the audience and can also annoy your listeners. Stand tall, confidently with controlled movements.

The movements of your eyes, mouth, and facial muscles can convey your emotions to an audience. Don’t avoid eye contact.

Effective presenters can engage with each person, one at a time.

By doing this they focus long enough on an individual to complete a natural phrase and allow him or her to let that sink in. This kind of focus can draw the attention of a room as each member’s attention is riveted to the presenter.

This allows the audience to process the message and keeps them involved with the speaker.

Wrapping Up

Marketing presentations don’t have to be boring. 70 % of industry experts say that presentation skills are critical for career success. It’s no longer just for the top dogs and CEOs.

Engaging presenter behavior can be learned with practice.

And with their growing role in convincing clients and customers, they are becoming the go-to delivery method for sales pitches, communications, reports, and conversions.

Currently, human resources place great emphasis on presentation skills in marketing, requiring some marketers to do them almost every day for clients and internal management. It’s a skill that is now considered essential to marketing.

If you need assistance with marketing presentations for your network marketing company, check out our lineup of high-quality marketing products.

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The Complete Guide To Giving A Networking Presentation

The Complete Guide To Giving A Networking Presentation

Ah yes. The classic business networking presentation.  If you are in the business sphere at all, at some time or another you will have the floor to give a presentation. If you incorporate business networking in your marketing, then, you’ll likely have an opportunity to do a business networking presentation.

But what exactly IS that?

A networking presentation isn’t a sale pitch, or a TEDtalk (although those rock). It is a special blend of who you are, why you do what you do, and what people need to know in order to send you quality business.

While it’s pretty standard to have this kind of opportunity if you are part of a networking group, it can be a challenge to make the most of this time. Even if you are veteran networking beast and have done these types of presentations before – you will find that the networking game have changed immensely in the last few years. So how to do give a networking presentation that benefits both you and your fellow networkers?

After years of networking, building my own businesses , and leading  networking groups  I have seen it all – the good, the bad, the ugly.

I’ve laughed, I’ve cried, I’ve cringed.

I’ve been bored, felt insulted, been inspired. I’ve done presentations and witnessed countless more. 5 minutes long, 10 minutes, 15, 20… big business, small businesses, it doesn’t really matter – there are some ket things that set about a decent networking presentation from one that smashes it out of the park. And that’s really what we are all going for – to take our businesses to the next level. We’re all on the same team, we all have the same goals.

So are you ready to dive in? Grab a cup of coffee and a notepad (or tablet, or voice memo, or however you record your muse) and let’s unpack how to give the ultimate networking presentation!

how to give presentation in network marketing

First things first, we have to lay some ground rules when it comes to networking presentations. The most important thing you need to get straight is your perspective- where you are coming from, how you are approaching your presentation.

Traditionally, a business prevention is coming from a sales perspective  – selling an item, service, or even an idea.

A networking presentation, however, breaks out of that  mold and focuses on the opposite. The goal is not to sell a service or product or even an idea.

Your goal is to sell YOU.

If you go in with a traditional sales mindset, then you are already setting yourself up for failure. Why?

The people listening to your networking presentation are not your customers!

In a business networking group, your goal is to build trusting relationships that lead to referrals  and strategic partnerships. It’s not about selling… at least, not directly. Sales are the fruit  of time spent sowing and cultivating relationships . That perspective is what lead to productive networking , a solid 30/60/90 second  marketing message , and is the key to a successful networking presentation as well.

Now that we have our focus right, we can get into the nitty gritty of planning out a presentation!

Step 1: Determine your goals.

how to give presentation in network marketing

Your networking presentation should have two goals:

  • to tell who you are
  • to tell how we (the people in the room) can send you business.

Sound simple, right? Don’t scroll to the end of this blog so fast, because it’s actually harder than it seems to share these two things well.

If you only share who you are, then all you succeeded in doing was talking about yourself for ten minutes straight. If you only talk about how we can help you, then we don’t have anything to base our trust on.

Why should we trust you? Why should we go out of our way to do the things you are asking us to do? Why should we refer someone to you instead of someone else in the same industry?

People have to know who you are.

how to give presentation in network marketing

To get started with your planning, ask yourself:

Who am I? How can the people in this room best send me business?

Then actually answer those questions.

Got it written down? For real? Ok, fine, it can be digitally recored, if you are anti-paper. But are you clear on those two things? Now we are ready for the next step!

Step 2: The Beginning (of your presentation)

how to give presentation in network marketing

People remember the beginning and the end of your presentation, and that’s about it.

It’s not that they weren’t listening, didn’t find it interesting, or just don’t care… it’s just how people are. So don’t take it personally. What you should do is give some TLC to the beginning of your presentation.  Don’t discredit the first few minutes of your presentation. You only have a few minutes to make an impact, so plan it out!

Plan to start with a bang. Tell a story, ask a proactive question, share a compelling quote.

Pay close attention to how you phrase questions, too. Think “trivia question” format. Instead of “how many of you are ready to retirement?” or “how many of you know someone who is near retirement age?” ask “who do you think the average retirement age is?”

Another key component of a great opening is to tell us what you are going to tell us about.

Get us ready. Get our brains focused. “Think about a time…” We live in an age of pings and tweets and stories to do lists… assume that your audience is distracted, and act accordingly to bring their attention back to you.

Step 3: The Middle (of your presentation)

how to give presentation in network marketing

Now is the time to dive in and start sharing the important information that helps us trust you and want to refer you business. Don’t waste time sharing things that don’t contribute to that goal. Good questions to ask are:

How long have you been in business? What is your experience? How long have you been in your city? Why do you do what you do, what is your passion?

While it’s ok to share person info – like pets, favorite sports teams, hobbies – but be careful not to take up too much time with those things. Pick one unique thing about you and stick to that.

Now for this next one, I need you to hang with me. Put down the coffee for just a sec, because I am about to tell you to

Ditch the slides.

I know I am getting crazy, but hear me out:

If your goal is not to sell a product, service, or idea, but to instead to sell yourself… what better way to do that than to just share you? The real, live, in the flesh, talking and breathing you?

Slides may be pretty, but that is the danger. People end up focusing on what is on the screen and not on YOU.

So what’s a person to do? Slides ARE professional, no doubt about that, and it’s great to have supporting information for what you are verbally speaking.

Instead of a full set of slides, I recommend opting for one or two slides, a simple handout, or other physical object.

how to give presentation in network marketing

Canva is the end all, be all to creating your own visual content, slides included. If you haven’t check out this free tool, you totally should… just be prepared to just sucked in to creating content for social media, your website, and more. They even have tutorials to help you get started.

But I digress. Canva rocks, and slides rock, but don’t let them take over you… because YOU are your own best salesperson.

Step 4: The Ending – what it all comes down to

Cue dramatic cinematic music. The crowd is hushed. You have commanded their attention for 80% of your presentation. The world is yours.

No pressure. Don’t blow it!

But really. Remember when said that people only really remember the beginning and the end of your presentation?  If you give an engaging presentation, but fail to end with a bang, all of your time and planning was in vain. And no one want’s that.  Pay special attention to the last 1-2 minutes of your presentation in a way that leads to cheers and applause.

Here are 2 things that I think are invaluable to ending your presentation strong:

Leave time for questions.

how to give presentation in network marketing

For most presentations you will have a set amount of time. Out of respect for the group and your fellow networkers, make sure you stick to your allotted time. Part of that means building in time for questions. If you have the floor for ten minutes, then you need to present for 8 and then have 2 minutes of questions.  Interactive back and forth conversations is more impactful than one way conversations, so leaving time for questions is worth it!

Remember that questions don’t have to be saved to the end; you can give time throughout your presentation for people to ask, if you would like. Just set the expectations clearly at the beginning. Either say “there will be time for questions at the end,” or “please feel free to ask questions as we go.” The more clarity you give us (the listeners!) the more impactful your presentation will be.

REALLY know what you need! Have a call to action.

how to give presentation in network marketing

And don’t say “I need referrals!” We ALL need more referrals.

Instead, tell people how they can help you specifically:

  • TODAY. Immediately.

This goes back to the beginning, when we really had to get clear on who you are and how other business owners can help you.

If you want to use a flier or handout, make one specifically for your business networking connections, not one that you already have pre-made for your customers. Canva is another great place to make a tool like this, or, just have a simple word document with your logo on it.

Some great things to include would be who you are, your business, your contact information, where they can find you online in social media, what you ideal client is, and who your strategic partnerships are.

Things that do NOT count as a productive call to action: passing around a pile of your business cards, collecting everyone else business cards, having an email sign up sheet. 

To wrap things up, networking presentations can have a huge impact on your business – it just takes some planning and practice. Invest the time to laying a solid foundation, then work through planning out each section of your presentation.

The result will be an impactful, engaging presentation that benefits not only your business, but your networking group as well.

Networking is meant to be awkward, confusing, and so much fun. What I have found is that by working together we can all ultimately grow; so give us a share if you liked this blog (and we sure hope you did) give it a share! Facebook , Twitter, Instagram, good old fashioned email… however you want to spread the love. Snooze-free presentations for everyone!

Download your Complete Guide – including a worksheet – HERE!

Elizabeth Victory

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how to give presentation in network marketing

Matt Morris

How to Present your Network Marketing Business

How to Present your Network Marketing Business

My favorite way to present my network marketing business

If I’m presenting to a big group, I usually go through a  full PowerPoint presentation making sure it’s very detailed.

I want to be able to interact with the audience, tell some jokes and create a good rapport, however, if I’m in a one-on-one meeting or with a  handful of people in an in-home presentation, I prefer video.

The DUPLICATION factor. 

When you present your network marketing business…

You want to answer the number one question people have in their minds.

If you don’t answer this question they WILL NOT join.

“Can I do it? Can I Be successful?”

See, you can have the best product in the world but none of that really matters if they don’t believe they can actually be successful in promoting your network marketing business.

On the flip side…

If they really believe that you can make a lot of money or that they can be successful through following your system then they will  almost always lock arms with you.

Now, I’m going to give you my 3-step closing formula when presenting your network marketing business through video.

The 3-step formula to close someone when presenting your network marketing business

For the sake of the lesson, let’s say I’m talking to John.

Me : “John, I want you to pay attention to how little I have to do to explain this to you.” 

Then I OVEREMPHASIZE pressing play on the video (signifying how easy it is to “explain the business to him”).

Once the video is complete I’ll say something like:

Me:  “Awesome, right? What did you like best?”  *Wait for their response…

“Awesome! You know what? I couldn’t agree more. Now, I do have to ask you a question to see if you qualify to be successful with this.”

Now, this is counterintuitive.

What most people expect is for you to start selling them right away on your business but when you ask a question like that…

All of a sudden you’ve got posture, seem to not have much emotional attachment if they join or not and you’re qualifying your prospect.

Then you’re going to say something like:

Me:   “Do you think you have the ability to push play on a video like I just did with you?” 

What do you think they say every single time?

So, step 3: Congratulate them!

Me :  “Congratulations! You qualify. Welcome to the team!”

Put your hand out (signifying the deal has been made)…

…and get them plugged in and let them know that you’re going to show them exactly how to make all their money back in the next few days.

If you want some advanced training on leadership

Feel free to hop over to . I’ve got some strategies there on becoming a powerful leader and recruiting powerful leaders.

I’d love to hear what your biggest takeaway was out of this in the comments below.

If you feel like this can add some value to some others, feel free to share it.

If you’d like to learn how to impact others, check out this blog post .

Go Make Life An Adventure

Be sure to check out my  Facebook  and  Instagram account for daily motivational and inspirational content.

Matt Morris #1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire

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Prospecting Ideas and Tips for Network Marketing Professionals


Prospecting and inviting is the most critical skill you need to develop to find success in your network marketing career. Prospecting is talking to people, and sharing your product and business, and inviting them to learn more via call, coffee, live meeting or event. How many will you have to talk to before you find success? Watch this video below to hear my odds–remember, yours could be different but it will give you a realistic idea of how long it could take, and that we need to maintain “marathon mentality”– it’s not a sprint or a race. Those who win, endure! After watching the video, check out prospecting tips and language below, and also, our 80K Giveaway!!! ===>

— I brainstorm with my newbies regularly “who is your hottest prospect today, tell me about them, how can I help you reach out to them?” You can email them language, and prospecting tips too. For example:

Call or message people you know

 “I wanted to share some exciting news with you. I know you’ve built an incredible network in Chicago. I’m not sure if I mentioned this, but I am building a business there and I immediately thought of you because I know how well networked you are there. I’m hoping I could share more about what we’re doing, and who we’re looking to partner with as we expand there, and see if this is a good fit for anyone you know in the area. I’d love to pick your brains and get ideas of how to expand my business there. Do you have just a few minutes so I can share more?” 

Talk to people who provide you service (waiters, bank tellers, cashiers, etc)

“Thanks for your great service today! We are looking for people like you for our business! I know you are working, but could we exchange information? I’d love to tell you more about what I do! What time are you off of work so I can call?”

  Talk to people when you’re out and about

Start with compliments—ask them questions about their family, where they work, etc. I like to eventually ask:  Where are you from?  –This question will lead you into what I like to call your “professional pick up line” later on.   Keep conversing like the game of ping pong, and eventually say how nice it was to meet them. Then ask: “ Do you have a card? Earlier you mentioned you were from <their city>. My business is expanding to <their city>. I would like to give you a call and take just a few minutes to tell you what we’re doing there, and who we’re looking for and pick your brain.  I’ve so enjoyed talking to you—I’d love to reconnect and see if you can help me out.”

OR Use the “Sample pack approach”

When you’re out, give compliments, ask a lot of questions, and network! Have a normal conversation. Before you leave: “I’ve loved chatting with you today and want to leave you a little gift. I wanted to share some products with you that I am in love with! I know you’ll love them too. There are instructions on how to use them. If you promise you will use them, I promise I will follow-up and stay in touch! Today is Sunday. I will call you on Tuesday to see how you love them. What time works best for you?” Exchange info, schedule a time to follow up, and FOLLOW UP!

Prospect on Facebook

“Hi Joanna! I realize this is out the blue…. hope you’re well! I know you live in Utah & that market is an important area of growth for my business for multiple reasons. You may or may not have a personal interest, but either way I would love to tell you who I am looking for in the hopes you might know someone. Can you please shoot me your cell? I’m hoping you can help me & would love to catch up with you if nothing else. (*personalize the conversation here*) Congrats on your darling son! 10-15 minutes is all I need, as I’m sure that’s all you have time for as well right now. Thanks & I’ll drop you another message later next week if I don’t hear from you first.” Thanks Amy Byrd for this language!

Teach them to invite people on to a call or coffee with you – or to your next meeting or event!

I tell my newbies: Now, you need to start calling people, and scheduling calls and coffees with me. I will present to them and help you to get new customers and consultants. Daily activity and consistency is key! Have long term vision, and give your business the time it takes to be successful! It only takes a few “power partners” to build a big business–but you never know how many you’ll have to talk to until you find them! So keep prospecting and inviting–and GO for your GOLD!

Speaking of GOLD…

You guys truly are some of the brightest blessings in my lives. When I left teaching to pursue my network marketing career, I felt sad to leave a profession that I loved–but I quickly realized that I could fulfill my passion for teaching through this blog, and through my books and CDs, and trainings. You’ve helped us build a dynamic community of people committed to living lives we love through the network marketing profession! Thanks to all of you, we just reached 80,000 fans on our Network Marketing Facebook Training page here=>

In honor of our 80,000 fans and friends on FB, we’re doing a very simple, yet FUN “80k GIVEAWAY!” Come play=> 

Sarah Robbins Giveaway

All you have to do is “share” this blog post on your favorite social site, or our recent Facebook post on prospecting that links to this blog post, HERE ! 🙂 When you do, you are entered to win a 1) signed copy of our best-selling book “ Rock Your Network Marketing Business “, 2) a copy of the #1 selling CD series on Networking times, our “ Network Marketing University ” (our entire 7-figure success system on CDs)! Winners will be announced on Monday’s blog, here! 🙂

If you haven’t already, click the “LIKE” button on our network marketing training fanpage to get daily updates, inspiration, motivation, and education for FREE right to your newsfeed=>

Rock on Rock Stars! Thanks for “sharing” with your rock stars!

XO Sarah Robbins

©all my material is original and copyrighted. Share straight from the source! You rock!

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How to Introduce Your Network Marketing Presentation Online

01/20/2016 04:29 AM

Have you ever avoided giving your sales presentation – simply because you weren't sure how to introduce your opportunity ... without feeling weird or awkward?

Has even the mere thought of “going live,” having a Zoom or Messenger conversation, or hosting your own online event ever caused you to feel stuck in place— paralyzed —like a deer in the headlights? you wind up not doing anything? Believe me, I've been there! When I first started to grow my business online, I realized that one big obstacle to my success was worrying – even obsessing about – exactly how to start my presentation so that folks would actually stick around and hear me out vs. immediately rejecting what I had to say . Just like I did, you might be asking yourself… "Who am I? I don't have any results yet. The results I do have are puny. So why should anybody want to listen to me?” Well, I’ve got some great news for you. You don’t have to stay stuck! Watch the video below to discover a 3-step process that will help you create a killer introduction to any presentation that will disarm your prospects and perk up their ears – so you won’t have to worry about yourself and can focus 100% on making a true positive impact on everyone you speak to!

If you'd like to learn more about presenting your business and effortlessly connecting with your prospects... Click here to sign up for my FREE 10-Day Online Recruiting Bootcamp to discover how to QUICKLY build your audience and convert them into new customers and recruits—all on complete autopilot.

Now, Before I share the process, let me be clear... When you’re conducting meetings or presentations at Starbucks, at a hotel, or in someone’s home, you have your prospect’s undivided attention. They’re a "captive" audience. When somebody’s sitting in the room with you, it’s hard for them to sit there and check their phone, get up to order more food, or leave for a few minutes. That would be rude. It’s different online. When it comes to conducting a meeting or event online, you only get one chance – about 30 seconds – to get and keep somebody's attention before they get distracted and move on. That’s why it's critical to create a powerful introduction for anything you’re doing online.

Here are the three steps to do just that. Let’s begin at the beginning... 1. Recognize it's not about you

how to give presentation in network marketing

As you’re reading this, what else is going on in your life right now? There might be music or the radio playing in the background, kids running around, incoming email or message alerts, and open windows or websites on your monitor. So given that’s all going on in your life, what do you imagine is going on in your audience’s life? You have to break through the noise of distraction, get their attention, and get them to engage with you immediately. Because in their minds, they're thinking –

"What's in it for me?" So don’t start by talking about yourself, your products, your opportunity, or your story! It’s. Not. About. You. Instead, make your introduction all about your audience. Start with something as simple as… “I'm excited you're here because I'm going to share with you three steps to create a killer introduction that sells.” That’s the first step to getting anyone’s attention: speaking to THEIR wants and needs. If you’re worried that you have no credibility or authority because you lack results, I literally just gave you a way to avoid worrying about that.

Did you catch it?

It’s NOT about you, remember! It’s about your audience. Once you share what’s in it for them to pay attention, start engaging their emotions.

2. "Feel" into the Future Here’s what I know for a FACT...

When people get online for a webinar or Facebook Live or any other presentation, they’re distracted. They think they can multitask – that they can watch a Facebook Live, supervise the kids, and do the dishes at the same time, all at 100% efficiency. So after you let your audience know what’s in it for them, pierce the noise by engaging their feelings.

How? Get them to think about their future.

Here are three questions you should ask... A. How would you feel if..? For example, if you offer a weight loss product and you're doing a webinar on weight loss or meal preparation, you can ask questions like:

  • How would you feel if you could effortlessly put on your jeans without lying down, and zip up your fly without your stomach hanging over?
  • How would it feel not to have to worry about how your clothes fit anymore?
  • How would that feel for you?

Then ask a second question... B. What would it feel like if..?

A few examples...

  • What would it feel like if you could chase and play and run around with your kids all day, without losing your breath? What would that feel like?
  • What if you could have all of those things and you didn't have to radically change your diet or work out for 3 hours a day? How would that feel?

Then invite your audience to respond. They might engage by saying things like: “Oh my gosh! That would feel amazing. That would be awesome. I would feel less stressed, or I would feel like I was actually getting somewhere in my weight loss journey.” (I've never heard anyone answer those questions by saying, “that would be terrible,” or “that would be awful,” or, “I don't really want that.”) “Feeling” questions like these help people want to hang out with you. Once they’re engaged in actively feeling that future as a possibility, ask this: C. What would that be worth to you..? This question is really powerful. You've just invited them to engage, to imagine themselves out of their current situation, and to start thinking into the future about what they want. When you ask, “What would that be worth to you?” you are now having a SALES conversation. They're giving you a price tag. Most people will respond with... " Oh my gosh that would be priceless, that would be worth my college tuition, I would pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars for that." You’ve guided your prospect into the space of thinking –

"That would be life changing for me!" Now, they’re invested. The first step is to remind yourself it's not about you and share what you're going to be talking about that will interest them. The second step is to use those three questions to “feel into the future.” Step 3 is this...

3. Share your story and your results

how to give presentation in network marketing

Everybody loves an underdog. Lots of people don’t share because they think they don’t have enough results to effectively share their story.

They ask... “How do I interact with people in the beginning when I don't have the results that I think I need?” When I first started, I thought I had to share all the amazing things that happened in my life, which frankly, when I first started out, weren't happening.

  • I wasn't a top earner.
  • I wasn't a huge producer.
  • I hadn't recruited a bunch of people in a short amount of time.

In fact, every day people messaged me to stop sharing my business opportunity links on their page. I wondered, “How am I going to share my results with people when I’m getting minimal results?” And then, somebody gave me some great advice: "Kate, no one wants to hear about all of your trophies in the beginning. Everybody wants to hear about the journey, everyone loves an underdog." So that’s exactly what you need to realize in order to tell your story. It’s a story of struggle. Talk about when you hit rock bottom, and what you discovered. What you discovered is what you're going to talk about in your presentation. For example, I introduce myself as a former second grade teacher.

My story of struggle is this... I posted my business opportunity links in all my groups, all over other people's fan pages, and all over my own personal timeline. And guess what...I was not getting results. My “rock bottom,” was a conversation I had with my husband after working the business for six months. He saw me struggling, crying every day.

I was not happy.

I was doing everything wrong and I wasn't seeing any light at the end of the tunnel. My husband said... “Kate, it's okay if this business isn't for you. Maybe you should go back to teaching. That would be okay.” But for me, it wasn’t okay.

That's when I discovered "attraction marketing" and started creating real, positive results. Telling your story of struggle means revealing the ineffective, stupid things you've done that didn’t get you any results. Admitting the struggle creates authenticity.

It creates vulnerability. It makes you relatable and real. That's all people want.

People want relatability; they want REAL

how to give presentation in network marketing

They don't want to know how many trophies you've received, how much money you’ve made, or how many awards you have. They want to know… “Is there anybody else in a situation like mine? Have they been in a worse situation than I have?” Very often when I share my story of struggle, I have to laugh. Some people respond by saying, “Thank goodness I never got that bad.” I'm okay with that because my job is to be a messenger of information, not to toot my own horn. The next step is to share what I call RESULTS . I’m going to ask you to think differently about what that word means. First, let me ask:

  • Have ever reached out to a prospect and had them respond back?
  • Have you ever recruited anyone into your network marketing business, whether they’re from your cold market, your warm market, or your friends or family?
  • Do you believe that what you're doing in your business is going to help you take the vacation you've always wanted, take care of your family the way you’ve always wanted, or create the kind of significance in your life that you've always wanted?

Think about it. Your business is a vehicle to help you do the things you want to do in your life. You've HAD results – even if you’re not where you ultimately want to be! You have results that someone else wants to know about. So don’t be afraid to talk about the stupid, ineffective, or embarrassing things you did when you first started out.

Just talk about them. Talk about the results you DO have. Your results do not have to be as big and badass as people say.

Share your small victories that are leading you toward a bigger future for yourself. Here are some examples:

  • Maybe you’ve had a few prospects reaching out to initiate contact with you
  • Maybe you’re learning how to close people in an easier, more effective way
  • Maybe you’re now achieving things you’re proud of
  • Perhaps you have more energy than you ever had before
  • Perhaps you’re closer to taking your family to Disney World next year
  • Maybe you’re a better parent because working from home gives you more time with your kids
  • Heck, maybe you can now schedule date nights more often!

Those are results people actually WANT. The point is, even if you’re not where you ultimately would like to be, you’re on your way. Share that. Share your 'small' victories as results. In summary, here’s how to create a killer opening that will lead to more sales... 1. First, share what your audience is going to get from the training/presentation/event. Then, quickly introduce yourself.

Remember, it's not about you, so don't linger too long on you. 2. Second, ask three questions to get them to feel into the future…

  • How would it feel if you had …?
  • What would it feel like to …?
  • If you had those things what would that be worth to you?

3. Third, share your story and your results. Talk about what you did ineffectively at first, share those results, and then share what you discovered – because you are already much more powerful than you even realize. Once you hone this process and practice, your introduction only needs to take a few minutes. Yet it will prove to be very powerful as part of any presentation, live event, or training you’re doing. It's a great way to get people engaged. Here’s the thing, though... Until you take action, NOTHING is going to happen!

There's no substitute for getting out of your comfort zone and getting started.

You've got to grow as a person to achieve the life you want.

And you're not just growing yourself, you're also helping others to grow. Now, if you'd like to learn more about presenting your business and connecting with your prospects... Click here to sign up for my FREE 10-Day Online Recruiting Bootcamp to discover how to QUICKLY build your audience and convert them into new customers and recruits—all on complete autopilot. I do hope this was helpful to you, and if it was, please share it with others you know that might benefit! To your success!

how to give presentation in network marketing


Finally, An Easy Way To Recruit Into Your Network Marketing Business – Rejection FREE – Without Wasting Your Time & Money Chasing Dead Beat Prospects & Leads…

Claim Your Free Internet Recruiting Bootcamp...

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Top 10 Network Marketing Templates with Samples and Examples

Top 10 Network Marketing Templates with Samples and Examples

Hanisha Kapoor


A persuasive, sincere-looking man or woman reaches your face-to-face (either individually or as part of a group) and convinces you to make a purchase.

His/her speech or the sales pitch is part of network marketing, where the agent tries to get you on board. The idea they plant in your head is to consider becoming an independent sales representative of the company they are associated with.

To sound authoritative, he/she walks the audience through the business model and showcases slideshows with testimonials on how people have benefitted from this business in terms of income, lifestyle, status, and more.

Wish to create an unbeatable marketing strategy? Read this exclusive guide featuring marketing mix PPT templates to devise a solid product or service offering that connects with you with your target audience.

Network marketing, by definition, depends on person-to-person sales by independent representatives, often working from home. Cosmetics and nutraceutical companies like Amway, Herbalife, Mary Kay are some businesses with top-grossing network marketing programs. In 2021, Amway reported $8.9 billion in revenue, topping the list of network marketing schemes. Network marketing or multi-level marketing requires you to build a network of business partners with strong sales skills to appeal to people with high net-worth. The industry is typically looking for individuals with the doggedness to make a sale, even after multiple rejections.

Network Marketing Templates to Work as Independent Agents

If you want to your career in network marketing to skyrocket, you need a presentation at your disposal. A presentation that highlights your business model, products, and services. A well-structured presentation will grab the attention of your audience and encourage them to join your business.

To this end, SlideTeam brings you content-ready network marketing PPT Templates to design a spectacular and professional presentation to give your business a head start. These PowerPoint Slides are custom-made. You can personalize these by adding your business logo, contact info, visuals, and more. Get these ready to use PowerPoint Templates and widen your horizon to earn money through direct selling.

Use custom-made 90-day marketing plan PowerPoint templates to extend your customer reach and escalate sales.

Browse the collection of network marketing templates below to become an individual distributor!

Let’s begin!

Template 1: Network Marketing PPT Template

This is a content-ready PPT Template to showcase to your audience what network marketing is. It covers topics on affiliate marketing and even educates your audience on the pyramid scheme. Grab this ready to use PowerPoint Template and use it to direct your customers to join this business to increase their revenue stream and income. Deploy this presentation template to generate curiosity among your audience about the business and build a network of independent partners. Download now!

Network Marketing Template

Download this template

Template 2: Network Marketing Business PowerPoint Slide

Want to train your audience on scaling up their sales skills? Use this content-ready PPT Template and coach your team on the key areas of building a network marketing business. Deploy this predesigned PPT Slide to cover the basics of multilevel marketing to hone your team’s sales skills. Help them enhanced their knowledge on prospecting, advertising, and content with this preset. This is a professional and appealing PowerPoint Template that showcases the business value that networks of individuals working toward a common purpose can generate. Download now!

Network Marketing Business PowerPoint Template

Grab this slide

Template 3: Network Marketing PPT Template

Working as an independent sales representative of a company? Grab this ready to use PowerPoint Template to encourage others to join your network. Use it to spread the message on tactics that are used to grow your distributors, and consequently sales, with this PPT Template. This PowerPoint Slide showcases ways to harness personal networks to sell a product. Help your audience internalize the in and outs of becoming an ace sale person using this ready-made PowerPoint slide. Use this PowerPoint graphic to recruit other customers or partners as well. Download now!

Key Functions of Network Marketing PPT Template

Template 4: Network Marketing Strategy PowerPoint Template

Here is another PowerPoint Template to help you enhance your network marketing strategy. Incorporate this predesigned PPT layout to outline a plan to generate money through direct sales or new member’s affiliations. Create a multilevel marketing strategy structure using this PPT Diagram to create leads and close sales. This presentation template is perfect to strengthen your strategy on multilevel marketing. Grab this PPT Template and pen down ways to become a confident independent sales representative. Download now!

Network Marketing Strategy PPT Template

Grab this template

Template 5: Network Marketing Business PPT Slide

Looking for ways to generate curiosity about your business on social media? Use this PPT Template to create a buzz among your audience and get them to like your business model. This PowerPoint Template showcases ways you can engage people in this digital age. Learn to add value to the content, share events, polls, and more to keep your brand alive in the market. You can also use transformational stories such as testimonials and user-experience to authenticate and prove the credibility of your products and services. Download now!

Social Media Network Marketing PPT Template

Template 6: Multilevel Marketing Incentive Model PPT Template

Wish to create an incentive model structure of multilevel marketing? Deploy this predesigned PPT Template and walk your audience through every step of the network marketing process. Use this PowerPoint Slide to showcase how an independent sales representative reaches top and starts to earn money through direct selling. This PowerPoint Diagram demonstrates a layout to explain multilevel marketing process in way that your audience will recall for a long time. Download now!

Network Marketing Incentive Model PPT Template

Template 7: Network Marketing PPT Slide

Want to exhibit a network marketing model to your audience? This is a perfect diagram to help you give a brief introduction on how network marketing works. It is a content-ready PowerPoint Template comprising a chart showcasing the starting point of a business, which is the manufacturing- distribution centre. You can elaborate on the process from manufacturing to direct seller to customers to downline sellers with this PowerPoint Template. The business icons in this presentation do a lot to uplift the look of the slide and give it a modern touch. Use this template to give a valuable lesson in network marketing to the audience. It is win-win for all with this presentation slide.  Download now!

Direct Selling Network Marketing Model PPT Template

Template 8: Affiliate Network Marketing Steps PowerPoint Template

Here is another actionable PowerPoint Template to help you persuade your audience on becoming a part of network marketing. Grab this content-ready PPT slide to showcase your customers’ steps toward earning a commission via multilevel marketing. This PowerPoint Diagram comprises a comprehensive chart explaining affiliate network marketing process to grow sales and revenue. It also has relevant making it easier for the audience to comprehend the system, just at a mere glance. Download now!

Affiliate Marketing Steps PowerPoint Slide

Template 9: Half-Yearly Affiliate Marketing Roadmap PowerPoint Template

This is a ready-made PowerPoint Template showcasing a roadmap of affiliate marketing to make commissions on sales they make. You can deploy this predesigned PowerPoint Slide to grab your audience’s attention on ways to start earning through network marketing. This half-yearly PPT roadmap highlights steps to target your audience and encourage them to join the business to mark your milestone. Use this PowerPoint Layout to build a network of distributors to grow a company. Download now!

Network Marketing Roadmap PPT Template

Template 10: Affiliate Network Marketing PowerPoint Slide

Is network marketing your side hustle? Make it lucrative and valuable by increasing distributors under your team. Deploy this content-ready PowerPoint Template and use it to train your audience and hone their sales skills. Help your team members up their game and learn to be convincing and confident with this PowerPoint Diagram. This ready to use PPT Graphic showcases ways to engage audience, increase product awareness, drive quality traffic, and more. Grab this predesigned PowerPoint Template and use it to be your own brand. Download now!

Affiliate Network Marketing PPT Template

Product Knowledge Counts

Network marketing is a unique marketing technique to double or even quadruple your revenue stream. Apart from top-notch people and sales skills, you need to be well-versed with the products to promote them. You should be ready with your pitch and answers to clarify your audience’s doubts on company’s background, history, real life examples, etc. Network marketing may not have traditional processes to scale up the business processes. However, it requires you to have in-depth knowledge on products and strategies to encourage the audience to join your venture. Therefore, deploy SlideTeam’s custom-made and flexible PPT templates to promote your products with complete efficacy and zeal. These premium PowerPoint Slides are available to download from above collection or here .

PS: Grab these content-ready marketing and sales proposals to help you create new avenues and fulfil your business potential.

FAQs on Network Marketing

What are the tips of network marketing.

Network marketing may look like selling and buying goods while gossiping and chit chatting. Or a high-pressure salesperson trying to persuade on how you can become a millionaire in simple steps. It is neither a hobby nor a get-rich-quickly Ponzi scheme. It is an opportunity to increase your income, running your part-time or full-time business. However, there are some tips that you should use in network marketing to grow your business. These tips will help you pave your path to success and help you gain confidence in your endeavor. These are as follows:

  • Choose your company wisely
  • Follow what multilevel marketing veterans teach you
  • Take guidance and help from the seniors in the network
  • Take up the lead with your downline
  • Identify your target market
  • Try to meet and share your plan every day
  • Develop a system to follow-up with leads

How to start network marketing?

Network marketing is a business model which include creating a network of people who buy and sell products or services. This business allows you to work in a particular segment and reach customers who are interested in your products. To become a network marketer, you require good communication and customer handling skills. Other than this, there a few points you need to adhere to be successful in this business. These are:

  • Develop your ability to study and analyze the market
  • Determining affordability
  • Finding your target audience
  • Searching for a network marketing company like Amway
  • Invest cautiously, after completing all enquires and due diligence
  • Identifying opportunities
  • Connecting with other marketers

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  • Presentation Hacks

How to Give a Killer Network Marketing Presentation

  • By: Kelly Allison

There’s little more important to growing your network marketing business than how you present it. Network marketing businesses are built on a foundation of others trusting what you have to say about what you’re selling. If you present it in a subpar manner, you’re going to have a subpar business. But if you completely nail the presentation , you’ll ignite enthusiasm and light a fire under prospects to get involved.

Delivering a killer network marketing presentation doesn’t need to be stressful or overwhelming; it just needs to be done with attention to a few key factors.

how to give presentation in network marketing

Remember the Mission of Your Presentation A lot of presenters make the mistake of focusing all of their attention on the facts and data they want to share and not enough on the reason they’re sharing that data in the first place, which is to get people invested in the business. Facts and figures are great for contextual purposes, but it’s more important to focus on making your audience feel like they can do what you’re doing. Therefore, you want to spend plenty of time sharing real-life experiences, anecdotes, and digestible directives that your audience can relate to and picture themselves doing.

Show a Willingness to Be Vulnerable Vulnerability is one of the few things all humans have in common, so showing yours is a no-fail way to help your audience feel more connected to you. Now, this doesn’t mean you have to spill your deepest, darkest secrets to a room full of strangers. Instead, be willing to say what mistakes you’ve made along the way, how much you’re still learning, and what you would’ve done differently. People will be much more inclined to trust and relate to you if you’re authentic than if you come across as a know-it-all.

Talk About the Good and the Bad Of course you want to emphasize all of the benefits of your business, but if you don’t point out any of the downsides, your audience is going to find it tough to trust you—after all, most people know that there’s no such thing as an opportunity without risks. So, prepare to highlight all of the life-changing, super awesome benefits of your business, but also take care to pepper in a few potential drawbacks (along with your proposed solutions to those drawbacks). This way, your audience will feel like it’s getting a truthful, well-rounded picture of the venture.

Have Fun With It Audiences have a tendency to mirror the feelings and emotions of those presenting, so if you’re dry, bored, or disengaged, you can bet they will be too. If you want your audience to get excited about your venture, then you have to show your own excitement. Tap into your personal passions and enthusiasm for your business and share it openly; be conversational, playful, and don’t be afraid to crack a joke or two. Even if your jokes are bad, it’ll lighten the mood and help your audience relax and receive what you’re delivering. If you want to know more about how to deliver a presentation that sells, then check out our Catapult training designed to elevate your presentation game to the next level.

Picture of Kelly Allison

Kelly Allison

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Internet Marketing Blog

8 important tips for inviting prospect for network marketing opportunity.

network marketing invitation tips

Killer Tips & Tricks to ensure Your Prospects comes to see your Network Marketing Business Opportunity Presentation

Learning the art of Invitation is highly important for you to have long term Success in Network Marketing business opportunity. There are a few things you need to consider before you start inviting your prospects. I will be sharing 8 Important Tips for Inviting your prospects for the network marketing business opportunity.

Currently, I am working on data-driven marketing strategies that will help you in take your marketing efforts to the next level. I will be sharing the details on my Instagram account . Follow me so that you don’t miss out! 

MLM & Network Marketing Invitation Tips

Tip # 1: Invite using Mobile Phone

It’s always better to use a mobile phone for inviting your prospects , rather than trying to invite them face to face. I try to invite them face to face, prospect always tries to take as much information from you, and you will not be able to provide many details then & there.

When you invite prospects on the phone & then they ask question/queries, you can simply ask them to meet you & discuss the things more professionally over a table .

A Perfect Network Marketing Invitation call ends within 3 minutes! — Vineet Gupta (@vineet18del) July 20, 2015

Tip # 2: Don’t talk unnecessary stuff while inviting the prospect

I would ask you to check the meaning of the word “Invitation” in the dictionary. It only says “inviting someone”. I see many people giving unnecessary information to the prospects while they invite. Telling the company name, products, a business plan is totally not recommended while you are inviting your prospects.

Tip # 3: Be Excited, Maintain CURIOSITY & Talk with Conviction

Very important! Walk & Talk while inviting 😉 This will help in keeping your blood circulating going in your body & your voice will not be dull. Don’t lie down while inviting. You need excitement in your voice while inviting.

When the person on the other side feels you have got something, he will be willing to meet, as simple as that. Maintaining CURIOSITY is very important if you are able to do that the prospect will definitely turn up to see the business opportunity.

And obviously, whatever you talk, talk with conviction. If you are convinced half the work is done. If the prospect feels you are not sure about what you are talking about, chances are he will not have any interest in meeting you & listen to what you had to offer.

Tip # 4: KISS, don’t KILL

“KISS: Keep It Short & Simple”

“KILL: Keep It Long & Lengthy”

Your invitation call should be a maximum 3 – 5 minutes. You can use FORM:

F – Family Chit Chat

O – Occupation

R – Recreation

M – Message

Start like this (in the following example I had used FORM , on a telephonic conversation):

Hey Sachin (prospect name), how are you, buddy? How’s life going? (give a pause & let Sachin speak)

(Use of F) How’s uncle, aunty, his bro/sis? (let Sachin reply to your question)

(Use of O) How’s your Job / Business going? You must be earning well by now & enjoying your life, am I right? (let him speak. Always appreciate prospects profession)

Most of the prospects will say they are not earning sufficient. You can relate it to yourself, saying “even same was the case with me”, “but now I had found a great opportunity”, “and it seems that financial crunch won’t remain anymore & I will be a free bird soon”

Now the prospect will surely ask you : What you have got? What is that? What are you doing?

(Use R & M) As you know I am in Job / Business, but was not fully satisfied with it, so I was looking for some extra income options & I came across this project… (give a very brief introduction of your opportunity).

(Now you are giving solution to Sachin by offering your opportunity) Sachin, how about having a look at the project? If it suits you we shall work together?

Tip # 5: Always give Time Choice to the prospect

After having the above conversation it’s important for you to give 2 Time Choices to the prospect so that prospect can choose any of the given Time.

Giving an only 1-time option to the prospect to meet you is not recommended because prospects might not be ready for that. But if you give 2-time choices, psychologically prospect will Accept 1 of the given time.

Tip # 6: Invite the prospect 24 – 48 hours before Business Presentation

You should give an invitation call to the prospect 24 – 48 hours only before the business presentation. If you invite him 5 – 7 days before the business presentation, you will again call him a day before or the same day of business presentation to confirm if he’s coming or not.

And the prospect might feel that you need him & you will lose your Posture (I have explained Posture in next para). In spite of calling him again & again give a call 24 – 48 hours prior to the presentation so that the prospect also remembers & you need not call him again & again.

A Must-Read Book for Everyone in Network Marketing – The Business School: For People Who Like Helping People

Tip # 7: Maintain Your Posture

This is something very important while inviting the prospect for a  network marketing business opportunity presentation. While you are inviting the prospect, make sure the prospect SHOULD NOT feel that you need him.

Always remember/keep in mind, You are GIVING an opportunity to the prospect to help him change his life . You should always keep your self-respect & never beg him to come to see the business presentation .

Important Read: How not to beg Prospects to Join you , rather Maintain your Posture & Get Prospects interested in joining you!

Tip # 8: Take Confirmation

On the scheduled day when you are supposed to meet the prospect, before leaving for the meeting venue you should call the prospect & confirm if he’s coming on time for the meeting. This is important so that if in the case due to any reason he’s not coming you can utilize your time.

Here it’s important that while taking the confirmation you should not lose your Posture.

What I do is :

As soon as I fix the meeting, I SMS the Venue address to the prospect (most prospects don’t reply, whether they have got the SMS or not)

I call them on scheduled meeting day & just ask:

Me: Hi Sachin (prospect name), Vineet this side, how are you? (give a pause, let him speak), Sachin I just wanted to confirm – you got the venue address for our meeting today?”

Sachin says: Yes

Me: Ok, great! See you soon, take care, Bye 🙂

If the prospect had earlier replied to my SMS, I still call him on the scheduled meeting day & I start like this:

Me: Hi Sachin, Vineet this side, how are you? (give a pause, let him speak). Sachin I just wanted to confirm you will be reaching on the given time, i.e. 11 AM (meeting Time fixed in previous invitation call with Sachin) for our meeting today?

This will help you in maintaining your posture & the prospect will not feel you are after him.

Free Gift for You

If you are wondering how to generate leads for your network marketing business so that you can start inviting them, I have an answer for that as well 😉

To Conclude

Always keep in mind the above Inviting Prospect for Network Marketing Opportunity tricks for network marketing business opportunity presentation. The more you do, the more your Learn. There’s no magic pill 😀


  • How to Start Internet Marketing Blog

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About author.

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Vineet Gupta

Vineet Gupta is an internet marketing professional. He loves to research and learn about the latest developments Google does in their search algorithms. For 8 years he has been helping businesses in brand building and improving sales and revenue. In his free time, he likes to play with his Dog, watch Cricket and listen to Luis Fonsi. You can connect with him on Instagram .

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OMG!! Talking on phone while invitation, this tip is awesome …

Thanks you so much Vineet for sharing this

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You are Welcome Rohit. Implement it & see the results.

All The Best

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Thank you so much reading every matter you sent has made me know more about the MVT products and also about how to go about NET Working . Thank You once again giving knowledge and training . U rrrrr to good .God Bless .

Thanks for stopping by & commenting Rajalakshmi 🙂

And its great to know the information is helping you grow.

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Hello everyone..first of all thanks Vineet sir ..your tips help me a lot. I have a great concept for u all Mlm guys .as we are experiencing product MLM is so challenging. I have an very interesting concept in which we only have to do is to invest money and get back returns as an high interest . This concept is for both INVESTORS who don’t want to do Mlm as well as network marketers. Min investment is 10000 rs. For more details u can contact me – 9325588599

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What if you’ve already posted the info for your business on Facebook? Is it too late to create curiosity? Should I go through my posts and delete the ones with the company name? There will still be many who have seen it, but that would be the best I could do, I think..

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bro you video tip recording is good, I m following ur blog from long time & I am learning so much from here…

I have even recommended ur blog to many of my folks, thanks dear for all the support.

Thanks for following Steve 🙂

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pls contact me for a gr8 opportunity

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Thanks for d tips .. it will help me

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join the ever bst ……….

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Very interesting tips

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Best of luck for the next!

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Do you have any tips and hints for novice blog writers? I’d really appreciate it.

hmm, I am not sure why you are not able to see your previous comment. Anyways Welcome back 😀

Please ask specific question, I’ll be able to help you better. You can even email me at [email protected]

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Mariam, just try to close this tab, it will ask you to Subscribe 😛

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superb tips….sir …. i get more knowledge from your site….. but i have implemented first than i give training to my downline…. sir r u ebizer…

Hi Deepak, Good to know you like the post & learnt something from it. You should surely implement the things taught above & even share with your downlines so that they can succeed faster. Better would be sharing this blog article with them, so that they can also learn. Wish you success 🙂

Great to know Deepak, you like the article.

No I am not from eBiz

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Thank you soo much,very helpful information for my business.

You are welcome Zufa

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i woke up sad not knowing what to do after i plan a launch and paid for a venue. i invited 20+ person and just 1 came. i knew i just didnt do it right. but thank you for this i feel happier. am just going to share this link with my teammates and bookmark you. am 5months in this industry and i love it everyday. Nigeria. Thanks bruv

Happy to know that the article helped. Don’t worry if people ddon’t turn up for the invitation. Some will come some will not. You need to follow the number game. More number of people you will invite, more will come. Focus on quality & quantity. Both are important in our industry when inviting people for the presentation.

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My whatsapp no 8195003884 Tusi kehri company ch kam Karde ho

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Hi there, the whole thing is going perfectly here and ofcourse every one is sharing facts, that’s truly fine, keep up writing.

Yes, I will keep posting new content & tips

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As the admin of this site is working, no uncertainty very soon it will be well-known, due to its feature contents.

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I’ve read several good stuff here. Deffinitely worth bookmarking for revisiting. I wonder how so much attempt you set to make one of these excellent informative web site.

Hey Rodilla!

Thanks for liking.

All the information here is 6+ years of my experience in the industry. Nothing more 🙂

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I want your phone no sir more quarry

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tip is great but im fearing before inviting the give the solution for this problem

lol, why you are fearing Manjunath?

The Prospect can only say – NO!

And your Success doesn’t depend on 1 prospect. Follow this:

– Take out 1 hour, – Have a list of 20 people in front of you & – Start calling

Always Maintain Posture to successfully invite your Prospects. Learn how you can maintain your Posture –

Let me know if you have any query. All the best 🙂

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Hello vineet, How are you? I have a query that what can I give brief information about business over the call during in inviting. And how can I do cold calling for inviting? What is best script for cold calling?

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A very good topic for network builder! I have ever been in two MLM companies. Now still building network in one. In the former one, I was a salesman but I didnt know myself about that. Now I came across a big opportunity from the company I now am in. The problem I m now faced is the lack of Friends. I mean no more friends to be invited to my opportunity. I had used nearly all of my friends in my former one. Please give me advice how to make new friends fast and how to invite these new friends. If I make a friend today, Is the next day a good scheduled day for inviting such a new friend. I’d like to know the average time gap between making friends and inviting them. Thanks.

If you make someone your friend today, you should not invite them to MLM presentation for coming few days. Make good relation with your prospects. Here are some of the ways to generate leads –

I’ll also share some of the details from the article which I am writing as of now & now yet published, as I always want to help people, not sure if you get to the article which is to be published yet, so I am copying & pasting the Content from my Article here itself, for you 🙂

Here are some of the Pointers:

– Where to get people to talk to? In Public Transport(Bus, Metro, Railways, Airplane), Your Friend & Colleagues(Office, Gym, Clubs, Parties, etc.), In Shopping Malls, etc. etc., You will find people around you all the time!

– Once in a while & depending on the prospect: Call, SMS, WhatsApp your prospect. Connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or any other Social Media Platform they are active.

– IMPORTANT: Engage with your Prospect on Social Media (but, don’t over do it). Example: Like, Comment, your prospects status update or any other post (it should be done genuinely).

– Using Emails: Greet them on their Birthday, Festive occasions. If you get a chance meet with you prospects, like in Family functions, Parties, Events, Meetings, etc.

You may feel if you spend so much time in Building Healthy Relation with your future prospects then when will you do the business? But, this is part of the business. It is essential if you wish to increase your Conversation rate.

There is no fun Inviting (30 Prospects), Show the plan (to 15-18 Prospects)& Following Up (10 Prospects) & Signing Up (2 Prospects). It makes more sense spending time in building Relationship with Prospects first & then initiate business talk.

Doing this you will see huge increase in your Conversation Rate!

Hope it helps 🙂

Thanks alot. Very helpful points for me. I will often come and see your website. Looking forward seeing more interesting topics!

Hi vineet, what we are supposed to give brief information about the opportunity while inviting?

Hi Chander,

Sorry could not revert to your earlier message.

Here are some of the sample Invitation Pitch:

Invitation Pitch 1

Hey, I don’t have a lot of time to talk, but it was really important I reach you.

Listen, you’re one of the most financially intelligent people I know and I’ve always respected that about you.

When you told me you really didn’t like your job, were you serious or were you just kidding around? Great. I think I’ve found a way for you to create an exit strategy without jeopardizing your family.

I have a CD that you have to listen to. It describes what I’m talking about better than I can.

Invitation Pitch 2

Hey, I’m running out the door, but I needed to talk to you real quick.

You’ve always been so supportive of me and I appreciate that so much.

I’ve just started a new business and I’m scared to do any mistake . Before I get going I need to practice on someone friendly. Would you mind if I practiced on you?

Invitation Pitch 3

I know you’re busy and I have a million things going on too, but I’m glad I caught you.

You’ve been wildly successful and I’ve always respected the way you’ve done business.

I’ve recently started a new business and I’m looking for some sharp people. It ’s clearly not for you, but I wanted to ask, who do you know that is ambitious, money motivated and would be excited about the idea of adding more cash flow to their lives?

Initation Pitch 4

Now isn’t the time to get into this and I have to go but… You are super sharp

and I happen to be looking for some sharp people. Do you plan on doing what you’re doing now for the rest of your career? No? Good. I have something that might interest you.

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sir, can you give a sample speech over a phone with some one else who is not my friend.

hmm ok, ping me at [email protected]

Will discuss on email.

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Another choice for the marketer would be to invite the prospect to review a tool, whether that means to listen to a CD, watch a video presentation, look at a magazine, website etc the professional marketer will allow the tool to do the work for them.

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very important tip for invitation and i will apply the same for our business.

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Thank you! Sir for sharing your precious experience with others who really needs them.

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Am happy reading your tips today. I’ll implement it right away.

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Wow..Very helpfull

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I have been in MLM before and now im awake again to do this business.This article is similar on what i have done before and its totally effective.The only problem is my time management thats why im forced to quit many years ago.Now that i read this,i was boosted.Someone invites me on MLM and it suites my interests.Many people are skeptic on MLM,thats why it really needs a proper inviting.Thanks for sharing this article may the force be with us.

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How to take stranger phone number for invitation???

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Ossam sir , starting and ending too much purity I can follow or tricks sir . Always I failed in closing but now I can use or trick Thankyou so much to sharing ur great knowledge.

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Business Solutions help companies to get more out of their business by making more faster and easier transactions.

very good tips thanks sir

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Sir Muje invitation main bahut hee problem aw rahe hai meri please help kijiye. Main iss baat se bahut he upset ho gaya hoon or down feel karna raha hoon.please sir slution my problem.

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Please sir convert this material in hindi for undestood easily for all persons

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Hi, do you allow guest posting on ? 🙂 Please let me know on my e-mail

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Yes, we do allow Guest Post. You can read more about it here:

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What we do if our friend say ya its really good but I don’t wanna do other thing I am satisfied in my profession

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thanks its my great healp page i hope

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Wow this is so helpful.. I wonder what mlm company are you working at right now? Can you help me with my company? Thanks and Godbless

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very important

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Hy friends m also working in mlm direct sale company if u people want to join my business then most welcome it will be big opportunity for u people for more information contact me Email [email protected] Facebook spiky.spidy.9 M.o.b 9045467452 WhatsApp 9045467452

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Hiiii vineet I m gireesh,i have join a network marketing industry before 1 month ago i don`t have an idea how to invite prospect and how to build my own team quickly plz give me reply or suggestion or contact no. If possible

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Thank u so much veenit ji For this idea of invitation I have join network marketing in just this month Thanks again

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My team is totally I want to built a new team please tell some suggestion how to built a team????

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Hi sir good morning this is veera,,my family is very poor sir but I have choosed a network marketing business for growing up I have created nearly around15 team in a month with hardworking but now my team is not honouring me and listening my words sir I am requesting you plz give me a suggestion sir plz plz

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Thanks for that much good and killer tips.

Thanku sir …. bcuz of suggest all people. .

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why network marketing means people of india afraiding ?

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Super invitation sir. Very useful

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Hey Vineet, This post is beneficial for the beginners in the world of Networking Marketing. I must follow all these tricks.

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Networking with PowerPoint: Use Your Presentation to Build Your Network

LinkedIn, Xing, your personal blog – all are great tools for increasing your visibility in the business community. But what about networking with PowerPoint presentations? A presentation doesn’t have to end with the last slide. Engaging with your audience is the key to creating networking opportunities once your PowerPoint presentation is finished.

 Networking: What is it and how do you make new business contacts?


Networking is the process of building and maintaining a system of contacts. Each member of the network brings their own contacts, leading the network to continue growing.

A network brings a lot of advantages. Professional support and shared knowledge are not the only benefits; a network also brings career-building advantages. Network contacts often make a job search a much simpler process and can even help kick-start a career.

We’ve put together four effective networking tips to help you start networking with PowerPoint:

1. Set goals

Decide what you hope to gain from your contacts and what you hope to achieve through networking.

2. Quality over quantity

A good network is only as valuable as its members. Don’t keep adding new members for the sake of statistics – only add new members that are pursuing similar goals.

3. Give and take

The best way to get a network started is to find contacts with the same goals and professional interests. Exchange ideas with other members without expecting anything in return. Sooner or later, you too will gain valuable tips and information.

4. Keep at it

Cultivate your contacts and strengthen the connections you make. You can do this both online and in person. To learn how to become an ace at networking, take a look at this article .

Networking with PowerPoint: How to use presentations to make business contacts


No matter what the topic, presentations are all about sharing information with your audience in the most descriptive and interesting way possible. Successful PowerPoint presentations exude competence and inspire confidence. These same qualities are the backbone of effective networking, which is why building contacts after a presentation is a natural next step.

PowerPoint presentations: Connect with genuine prospects

Presentations are an ideal platform to share your information and messages with others.

We’re all inundated with information, 24/7. And that can be overwhelming, to say the least. While email newsletters or Instagram posts are often deleted or ignored completely, an audience makes a conscious decision to listen to a presentation.   Those who attend your presentation are genuinely interested in learning more about your topic. What’s more, your audience trusts that you’re competent in your field. Take advantage of this opportunity and win over new business contacts, customers and followers.

6 tips for effective networking and building business contacts with presentations

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1. Be yourself

Even though you may think you’re playing your role perfectly, most people know if someone is pretending to be someone they aren’t. Stay true to yourself during your presentation. This is a surefire way of gaining your audience’s confidence and at the same time, laying the foundation for new business contacts.

2. Your presentation should be interesting and relevant to your audience Think about what information you want to share with your audience and how you want to deliver it. It’s important to provide them with facts and information that they’ll find interesting.

Read this article  to learn how to use rhetoric and public speaking techniques to deliver an inspiring presentation. Sharing pertinent information with your audience creates confidence and provides a solid basis for networking.

3. Use the right body language

Even the most interesting information will be less than convincing if it’s not presented in the right way. Your body language not only communicates confidence and poise, but also supports your content. Needless to say, body language plays a decisive role in successful networking too. In this article , you’ll learn what body language is all about and how you can use it to sell yourself to your audience.

4. Stir your audience’s emotions

Meaningful facts and figures are the core of any presentation. But you need to engage your audience on an emotional level, too. Rouse your audience, inspire confidence and motivate them to improve their professional and/or personal lives. When it comes to networking, you need to connect with potential business partners and customers on a more emotional level. A great way to do this is through storytelling. You’ll find some great tips on storytelling in our blog .

5. Prepare for your presentation  

Being nervous is normal. While some people seem to be made for the stage, others find it utterly nerve-wracking to speak in front of an audience. But with the right preparation, you can control your nerves and present confidently.

It’s always a good idea to rehearse your PowerPoint presentation and prepare a mental checklist. Go over your core messages, make sure your slides and equipment are in order and that you’re ready for any questions from your audience.

6. Engage your audience

Networking is all about building rapport and trust with others and a presentation is a great way to lay that foundation. Actively involving your audience in your presentation creates a connection and builds excitement. Interacting with your audience will not only increase their interest, but also creates a personal connection between you and them. Ask your audience for personal stories or give them the chance to answer technical questions.

Networking doesn’t stop – not even after your presentation!


Most presenters are happy when the presentation is over, and the stress of presenting behind them. Nevertheless, it’s still important to continue networking and exchanging ideas with the audience. We’ve put together 10 tips on how to network after your presentation.

1. Be accessible

Don’t rush out after your presentation. Instead, plan some time to talk to your audience. This gives you the opportunity to receive feedback and discuss your topic with them.

2. Set a goal  

You may have a goal for your presentation, but you need a goal for networking afterwards. For example, aim to collect at least 10 business cards or speaking to 7 people.

Being a good listener is key to establishing contacts. Your presentation was the time to put your ideas in the spotlight. Once it’s over, let your audience ask questions and listen attentively.

4. Avoid sales pitches

Making contacts is not about selling yourself. It’s more important to exchange ideas and have conversations that can be followed up on later. You’ve already presented your facts and figures; follow-up conversations shouldn’t signal a second round of your presentation.

5. Revisit comments and concerns

If anyone has asked questions or made comments during your presentation, make sure to follow up with those people. Address any concerns and try to come to an understanding before the rest of the audience has left the room.

6. Get feedback…

Seek feedback from your audience and be open to it. Getting face-to-face feedback is a great networking opportunity.

7. … with a questionnaire

If you don’t have time to talk to your audience personally, there are other ways to get their reaction to your presentation. Hand out a questionnaire or send a call-to-action email to get feedback.

8. Set a time limit

Networking can be pretty exhausting. You have to be patient; you may have to put up with criticism or uncomfortable questions. If this seems a bit daunting, it may help to set a time limit.

Allow at least 15 minutes for questions and comments. Providing your audience with additional information in a handout will allow you to moderate and steer the discussion at any time.

9. Keep in touch

If you get someone’s contact information, reach out to them. This is how you continue to share ideas and open up potential business opportunities.

10. Learn from mistakes Maybe your presentation didn’t go perfectly. Take a look at your presentation the day after and make a list of things that did and didn’t go well. Review this list before your next presentation and learn from any mistakes you may have made.

Use your presentation for effective networking!


A presentation gives you the chance to convince an interested audience of your expertise. This lays the foundation to steadily expand your network and build your professional reputation.

If you have any questions about networking or PowerPoint in general, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] . We’d be happy to help you! Looking to build your network at your next presentation? Take a look at our shop . You’ll find everything you need to make your next PowerPoint presentation a success.

Product Presentation Shop

Check out our blog for more helpful articles on how to master your presentation and build a strong foundation for networking. here are a few that might interest you:

  • Humor in presentations
  • PowerPoint Presenter View
  • Body language in presentations
  • Public speaking skills
  • How to end a presentati

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UW and Wyoming SBDC Network to Host Small Business Showcase in Cheyenne Aug. 22

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Published August 08, 2024

Small-business owners will have the opportunity to give five-minute presentations about their businesses and raise awareness about their offerings during the Small Business Showcase Thursday, Aug. 22.

Kenny Overby and small-business owners will head the Wyoming Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Network event from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the Cottonwood Room at the Laramie County Library, located at 2200 Pioneer Ave. in Cheyenne.

Businesses interested in presenting must register with the Wyoming SBDC Network and email Overby at [email protected] . To register, go here . Registration is free, and the public is invited. Light refreshments and drinks will be provided.

The Wyoming SBDC Network offers business expertise to help Wyoming residents think about, launch, grow, reinvent or exit their business. The Wyoming SBDC Network is hosted by the University of Wyoming with state funds from the Wyoming Business Council and funded, in part, through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.

The Small Business Showcase will only select one business per category so that a variety of industries can be heard. No items may be sold at the event, but businesses can offer discount codes or coupons to attendees.

Overby is the Wyoming SBDC Network’s regional director for Goshen and Laramie counties and has 18 years of experience owning and running small businesses. He is passionate about helping entrepreneurs demystify small businesses and enjoy the journey of business ownership.

For more information, call Overby at (307) 631-7721 or email [email protected] .

Close Like a Pro: Top Network Marketing Scripts & Strategies to Boost Enrollments My Lifestyle Academy Podcast

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Let's help you close more prospects with the same scripts and strategies I share with my team! Should you give up if you can't enroll more people right away? No! It's all about testing, tweaking, messing it up and improving until you find what works for you and your network marketing business. "Don't get bitter, get better! Don't get frustrated, get fascinated!" More juicy resources: 00:00 - Episode intro 03:15 - Skills you need to improve to recruit more and close more sales 06:04 - Simple questions you can ask to get your prospects talking 08:59 - Become a master of content creation when you establish this foundation 10:02 - The sooner you follow this system, the sooner you make money 12:36 - Success becomes inevitable when you overcome this common struggle 16:03 - Episode outro

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