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  • Linear Search
  • Binary Search
  • Ternary Search

Bubble Sort

  • Selection Sort
  • Insertion Sort
  • Counting Sort
  • Bucket Sort
  • Basics of Greedy Algorithms
  • Graph Representation
  • Breadth First Search
  • Depth First Search
  • Minimum Spanning Tree
  • Shortest Path Algorithms
  • Flood-fill Algorithm
  • Articulation Points and Bridges
  • Biconnected Components
  • Strongly Connected Components
  • Topological Sort
  • Hamiltonian Path
  • Maximum flow
  • Minimum Cost Maximum Flow
  • Basics of String Manipulation
  • String Searching
  • Z Algorithm
  • Manachar’s Algorithm
  • Introduction to Dynamic Programming 1
  • 2 Dimensional
  • State space reduction
  • Dynamic Programming and Bit Masking
  • Visualizer BETA


  • An alphabet
  • A special character
  • Minimum 8 characters

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Sorting is a very classic problem of reordering items (that can be compared, e.g., integers, floating-point numbers, strings, etc) of an array (or a list) in a certain order (increasing, non-decreasing (increasing or flat), decreasing, non-increasing (decreasing or flat), lexicographical, etc).

There are many different sorting algorithms, each has its own advantages and limitations.

Sorting is commonly used as the introductory problem in various Computer Science classes to showcase a range of algorithmic ideas.

Without loss of generality, we assume that we will sort only Integers , not necessarily distinct, in non-decreasing order in this visualization. Try clicking Bubble Sort for a sample animation of sorting the list of 5 jumbled integers (with duplicate) above.

Remarks : By default, we show e-Lecture Mode for first time (or non logged-in) visitor. If you are an NUS student and a repeat visitor, please login .

Sorting problem has a variety of interesting algorithmic solutions that embody many Computer Science ideas:

  • Comparison versus non-comparison based strategies,
  • Iterative versus Recursive implementation,
  • Divide-and-Conquer paradigm (e.g., Merge Sort or Quick Sort ),
  • Best/Worst/Average-case Time Complexity analysis,
  • Randomized Algorithms , etc.

Pro-tip 1: Since you are not logged-in , you may be a first time visitor (or not an NUS student) who are not aware of the following keyboard shortcuts to navigate this e-Lecture mode: [PageDown] / [PageUp] to go to the next/previous slide, respectively, (and if the drop-down box is highlighted, you can also use [→ or ↓/← or ↑] to do the same),and [Esc] to toggle between this e-Lecture mode and exploration mode.

When an (integer) array A is sorted, many problems involving A become easy (or easier), please review the applications , the slower/harder unsorted array solutions, and the faster/easier sorted array solutions.

Pro-tip 2: We designed this visualization and this e-Lecture mode to look good on 1366x768 resolution or larger (typical modern laptop resolution in 2021). We recommend using Google Chrome to access VisuAlgo. Go to full screen mode ( F11 ) to enjoy this setup. However, you can use zoom-in ( Ctrl + ) or zoom-out ( Ctrl - ) to calibrate this.

There are two actions that you can do in this visualization.

Pro-tip 3: Other than using the typical media UI at the bottom of the page, you can also control the animation playback using keyboard shortcuts (in Exploration Mode): Spacebar to play/pause/replay the animation, ← / → to step the animation backwards/forwards, respectively, and - / + to decrease/increase the animation speed, respectively.

The first action is about defining your own input, an array/a list A that is:

  • Totally random,
  • Random but sorted (in non-decreasing or non-increasing order),
  • Random but nearly sorted (in non-decreasing or non-increasing order),
  • Random and contain many duplicates (thus small range of integers), or
  • Defined solely by yourself.

In Exploration mode, you can experiment with various sorting algorithms provided in this visualization to figure out their best and worst case inputs.

The second action is the most important one: Execute the active sorting algorithm by clicking the "Sort" button.

Remember that you can switch active algorithm by clicking the respective abbreviation on the top side of this visualization page.

View the visualisation/animation of the chosen sorting algorithm here.

Without loss of generality, we only show Integers in this visualization and our objective is to sort them from the initial state into non-decreasing order state. Remember, non-decreasing means mostly ascending (or increasing) order, but because there can be duplicates, there can be flat/equal line between two adjacent equal integers.

At the top, you will see the list of commonly taught sorting algorithms in Computer Science classes. To activate each algorithm, select the abbreviation of respective algorithm name before clicking "Sort".

To facilitate more diversity, we randomize the active algorithm upon each page load.

The first six algorithms in this module are comparison-based sorting algorithms while the last two are not. We will discuss this idea midway through this e-Lecture.

The middle three algorithms are recursive sorting algorithms while the rest are usually implemented iteratively.

To save screen space, we abbreviate algorithm names into three characters each:

  • BUB - Bubble Sort,
  • SEL - Selection Sort,
  • INS - Insertion Sort,
  • MER - Merge Sort (recursive implementation),
  • QUI - Quick Sort (recursive implementation),
  • R-Q - Random Quick Sort (recursive implementation).
  • COU - Counting Sort,
  • RAD - Radix Sort.

We will discuss three comparison-based sorting algorithms in the next few slides:

  • Bubble Sort ,
  • Selection Sort ,
  • Insertion Sort .

They are called comparison-based as they compare pairs of elements of the array and decide whether to swap them or not.

These three sorting algorithms are the easiest to implement but also not the most efficient, as they run in O( N 2 ).

Before we start with the discussion of various sorting algorithms, it may be a good idea to discuss the basics of asymptotic algorithm analysis, so that you can follow the discussions of the various O( N ^2), O( N log N ), and special O( N ) sorting algorithms later.

This section can be skipped if you already know this topic.

You need to already understand/remember all these: -. Logarithm and Exponentiation, e.g., log 2 (1024) = 10, 2 10 = 1024 -. Arithmetic progression, e.g., 1+2+3+4+…+10 = 10*11/2 = 55 -. Geometric progression, e.g., 1+2+4+8+..+1024 = 1*(1-2 11 )/(1-2) = 2047 -. Linear/Quadratic/Cubic function, e.g., f1(x) = x+2, f2(x) = x 2 +x-1, f3(x) = x 3 +2x 2 -x+7 -. Ceiling, Floor, and Absolute function, e.g., ceil(3.1) = 4, floor(3.1) = 3, abs(-7) = 7

Analysis of Algorithm is a process to evaluate rigorously the resources (time and space) needed by an algorithm and represent the result of the evaluation with a (simple) formula.

The time/space requirement of an algorithm is also called the time/space complexity of the algorithm, respectively.

For this module, we focus more on time requirement of various sorting algorithms.

We can measure the actual running time of a program by using wall clock time or by inserting timing-measurement code into our program, e.g., see the code shown in SpeedTest.cpp | py | java .

However, actual running time is not meaningful when comparing two algorithms as they are possibly coded in different languages, using different data sets, or running on different computers.

Instead of measuring the actual timing, we count the # of operations (arithmetic, assignment, comparison, etc). This is a way to assess its efficiency as an algorithm's execution time is correlated to the # of operations that it requires.

See the code shown in SpeedTest.cpp | py | java and the comments (especially on how to get the final value of variable counter).

Knowing the (precise) number of operations required by the algorithm, we can state something like this: Algorithm X takes 2n 2 + 100n operations to solve problem of size n .

If the time t needed for one operation is known, then we can state that algorithm X takes (2n 2 + 100n)t time units to solve problem of size n .

However, time t is dependent on the factors mentioned earlier, e.g., different languages, compilers and computers, the complexity of the operation itself (addition/subtraction is easier/faster to compute than multiplication/division), etc.

Therefore, instead of tying the analysis to actual time t , we can state that algorithm X takes time that is proportional to 2n 2 + 100n to solving problem of size n .

Asymptotic analysis is an analysis of algorithms that focuses on analyzing problems of large input size n , considers only the leading term of the formula, and ignores the coefficient of the leading term.

We choose the leading term because the lower order terms contribute lesser to the overall cost as the input grows larger, e.g., for f(n) = 2n 2 + 100n, we have: f(1000) = 2*1000 2 + 100*1000 = 2.1M, vs f(100000) = 2*100000 2 + 100*100000 = 20010M. (notice that the lower order term 100n has lesser contribution).

Suppose two algorithms have 2n 2 and 30n 2 as the leading terms, respectively.

Although actual time will be different due to the different constants, the growth rates of the running time are the same.

Compared with another algorithm with leading term of n 3 , the difference in growth rate is a much more dominating factor.

Hence, we can drop the coefficient of leading term when studying algorithm complexity.

If algorithm A requires time proportional to f(n) , we say that algorithm A is of the order of f(n).

We write that algorithm A has time complexity of O(f(n)) , where f(n) is the growth rate function for algorithm A.

Mathematically, an algorithm A is of O( f(n) ) if there exist a constant k and a positive integer n0 such that algorithm A requires no more than k*f(n) time units to solve a problem of size n ≥ n0 , i.e., when the problem size is larger than n0 , then algorithm A is (always) bounded from above by this simple formula k*f(n) .

Big-O Notation

Note that: n0 and k are not unique and there can be many possible valid f(n) .

In asymptotic analysis, a formula can be simplified to a single term with coefficient 1.

Such a term is called a growth term (rate of growth, order of growth, order of magnitude).

The most common growth terms can be ordered from fastest to slowest as follows: O( 1 )/constant time < O(log n )/logarithmic time < O( n )/linear time < O( n log n )/quasilinear time < O( n 2 )/quadratic time < O( n 3 )/cubic time < O(2 n )/exponential time < O( n !)/also-exponential time < ∞ (e.g., an infinite loop).

Note that a few other common time complexities are not shown (also see the visualization in the next slide).

Common Growth Terms

We will see three different growth rates O( n 2 ), O( n log n ), and O( n ) throughout the remainder of this sorting module.

Given an array of N elements, Bubble Sort will:

  • Compare a pair of adjacent items (a, b),
  • Swap that pair if the items are out of order (in this case, when a > b),
  • Repeat Step 1 and 2 until we reach the end of array (the last pair is the ( N -2)-th and ( N -1)-th items as we use 0-based indexing),
  • By now, the largest item will be at the last position. We then reduce N by 1 and repeat Step 1 until we have N = 1 .

Without further ado, let's try Bubble Sort on the small example array [29, 10, 14, 37, 14].

You should see a 'bubble-like' animation if you imagine the larger items 'bubble up' (actually 'float to the right side of the array').

Comparison and swap require time that is bounded by a constant, let's call it c . Then, there are two nested loops in (the standard) Bubble Sort. The outer loop runs for exactly N-1 iterations. But the inner loop runs get shorter and shorter:

  • When R= N -1, ( N −1) iterations (of comparisons and possibly swaps),
  • When R= N -2, ( N −2) iterations, ...,
  • When R=1, 1 iteration (then done).

Thus, the total number of iterations = ( N −1)+( N −2)+...+1 = N *( N −1)/2 ( derivation ).

Total time = c* N *( N −1)/2 = O( N ^2).

See the code shown in SortingDemo.cpp | py | java .

Bubble Sort is actually inefficient with its O(N^2) time complexity. Imagine that we have N = 10 5 numbers. Even if our computer is super fast and can compute 10 8 operations in 1 second, Bubble Sort will need about 100 seconds to complete.

However, it can be terminated early, e.g., on the small sorted ascending example shown above [3, 6, 11, 25, 39], Bubble Sort can terminates in O( N ) time.

The improvement idea is simple: If we go through the inner loop with no swapping at all, it means that the array is already sorted and we can stop Bubble Sort at that point.

Discussion: Although it makes Bubble Sort runs faster in general cases, this improvement idea does not change O(N^2) time complexity of Bubble Sort... Why?

The content of this interesting slide (the answer of the usually intriguing discussion point from the earlier slide) is hidden and only available for legitimate CS lecturer worldwide. This mechanism is used in the various flipped classrooms in NUS.

If you are really a CS lecturer (or an IT teacher) (outside of NUS) and are interested to know the answers, please drop an email to stevenhalim at gmail dot com ( show your University staff profile/relevant proof to Steven ) for Steven to manually activate this CS lecturer-only feature for you.

FAQ: This feature will NOT be given to anyone else who is not a CS lecturer.

Given an array of N items and L = 0, Selection Sort will:

  • Find the position X of the smallest item in the range of [ L ... N −1],
  • Swap X -th item with the L -th item,
  • Increase the lower-bound L by 1 and repeat Step 1 until L = N -2.

Let's try Selection Sort on the same small example array [29, 10, 14, 37, 13].

Without loss of generality, we can also implement Selection Sort in reverse: Find the position of the largest item Y and swap it with the last item.

Total: O( N 2 ) — To be precise, it is similar to Bubble Sort analysis .

Quiz: How many (real) swaps are required to sort [29, 10, 14, 37, 13] by Selection Sort?

Insertion Sort Illustration

  • Start with one card in your hand,
  • Pick the next card and insert it into its proper sorted order,
  • Repeat previous step for all cards.

Let's try Insertion Sort on the small example array [6, 2, 10, 7].

The outer loop executes N −1 times, that's quite clear.

But the number of times the inner-loop is executed depends on the input:

  • In best-case scenario, the array is already sorted and (a[j] > X) is always false So no shifting of data is necessary and the inner loop runs in O( 1 ),
  • In worst-case scenario, the array is reverse sorted and (a[j] > X) is always true Insertion always occur at the front of the array and the inner loop runs in O( N ).

Thus, the best-case time is O( N × 1 ) = O( N ) and the worst-case time is O( N × N ) = O( N 2 ).

Quiz: What is the complexity of Insertion Sort on any input array?

Ask your instructor if you are not clear on this or read similar remarks on this slide .

We will discuss two (and a half) comparison-based sorting algorithms soon:

  • Merge Sort ,
  • Quick Sort and its Randomized version (which only has one change).

These sorting algorithms are usually implemented recursively, use Divide and Conquer problem solving paradigm, and run in O( N log N ) time for Merge Sort and O( N log N ) time in expectation for Randomized Quick Sort.

PS: The non-randomized version of Quick Sort runs in O( N 2 ) though.

Given an array of N items, Merge Sort will:

  • Merge each pair of individual element (which is by default, sorted) into sorted arrays of 2 elements,
  • Merge each pair of sorted arrays of 2 elements into sorted arrays of 4 elements, Repeat the process...,
  • Final step: Merge 2 sorted arrays of N /2 elements (for simplicity of this discussion, we assume that N is even) to obtain a fully sorted array of N elements.

This is just the general idea and we need a few more details before we can discuss the true form of Merge Sort.

We will dissect this Merge Sort algorithm by first discussing its most important sub-routine: The O( N ) merge .

Given two sorted array, A and B, of size N 1 and N 2 , we can efficiently merge them into one larger combined sorted array of size N = N 1 + N 2 , in O( N ) time.

This is achieved by simply comparing the front of the two arrays and take the smaller of the two at all times. However, this simple but fast O( N ) merge sub-routine will need additional array to do this merging correctly.

Try Merge Sort on the example array [1, 5, 19, 20, 2, 11, 15, 17] that have its first half already sorted [1, 5, 19, 20] and its second half also already sorted [2, 11, 15, 17]. Concentrate on the last merge of the Merge Sort algorithm.

Before we continue, let's talk about Divide and Conquer (abbreviated as D&C), a powerful problem solving paradigm.

Divide and Conquer algorithm solves (certain kind of) problem — like our sorting problem — in the following steps:

  • Divide step: Divide the large, original problem into smaller sub-problems and recursively solve the smaller sub-problems,
  • Conquer step: Combine the results of the smaller sub-problems to produce the result of the larger, original problem.

Merge Sort is a Divide and Conquer sorting algorithm.

The divide step is simple: Divide the current array into two halves (perfectly equal if N is even or one side is slightly greater by one element if N is odd) and then recursively sort the two halves.

The conquer step is the one that does the most work: Merge the two (sorted) halves to form a sorted array, using the merge sub-routine discussed earlier .

Contrary to what many other CS printed textbooks usually show (as textbooks are static), the actual execution of Merge Sort does not split to two subarrays level by level , but it will recursively sort the left subarray first before dealing with the right subarray.

That's it, running Merge Sort on the example array [7, 2, 6, 3, 8, 4, 5], it will recurse to [7, 2, 6, 3], then [7, 2], then [7] (a single element, sorted by default), backtrack, recurse to [2] (sorted), backtrack, then finally merge [7, 2] into [2, 7], before it continue processing [6, 3] and so on.

In Merge Sort, the bulk of work is done in the conquer/merge step as the divide step does not really do anything (treated as O( 1 )).

When we call merge(a, low, mid, high) , we process k = (high-low+1) items. There will be at most k-1 comparisons. There are k moves from original array a to temporary array b and another k moves back. In total, number of operations inside merge sub-routine is < 3 k -1 = O( k ).

The important question is how many times this merge sub-routine is called?

The Recursion Tree of Merge Sort

Level 1: 2^0=1 calls to merge() with N /2^1 items each, O(2^0 x 2 x N /2^1) = O( N ) Level 2: 2^1=2 calls to merge() with N /2^2 items each, O(2^1 x 2 x N /2^2) = O( N ) Level 3: 2^2=4 calls to merge() with N /2^3 items each, O(2^2 x 2 x N /2^3) = O( N ) ... Level (log N ): 2^(log N -1) (or N /2) calls to merge() with N /2^log N (or 1) item each, O( N )

There are log N levels and in each level, we perform O( N ) work, thus the overall time complexity is O( N log N ). We will later see that this is an optimal (comparison-based) sorting algorithm, i.e., we cannot do better than this.

The most important good part of Merge Sort is its O( N log N ) performance guarantee, regardless of the original ordering of the input. That's it, there is no adversary test case that can make Merge Sort runs longer than O( N log N ) for any array of N elements.

Merge Sort is therefore very suitable to sort extremely large number of inputs as O( N log N ) grows much slower than the O( N 2 ) sorting algorithms that we have discussed earlier .

There are however, several not-so-good parts of Merge Sort. First, it is actually not easy to implement from scratch ( but we don't have to ). Second, it requires additional O( N ) storage during merging operation , thus not really memory efficient and not in-place . Btw, if you are interested to see what have been done to address these (classic) Merge Sort not-so-good parts, you can read this .

Merge Sort is also a stable sort algorithm. Discussion: Why?

Quick Sort is another Divide and Conquer sorting algorithm (the other one discussed in this visualization page is Merge Sort ).

We will see that this deterministic, non randomized version of Quick Sort can have bad time complexity of O( N 2 ) on adversary input before continuing with the randomized and usable version later.

Divide step: Choose an item p (known as the pivot) Then partition the items of A[i..j] into three parts: A[i..m-1] , A[m] , and A[m+1..j] . A[i..m-1] (possibly empty) contains items that are smaller than (or equal to) p . A[m] = p , i.e., index m is the correct position for p in the sorted order of array a . A[m+1..j] (possibly empty) contains items that are greater than (or equal to) p . Then, recursively sort the two parts.

Conquer step: Don't be surprised... We do nothing :O!

If you compare this with Merge Sort , you will see that Quick Sort D&C steps are totally opposite with Merge Sort.

We will dissect this Quick Sort algorithm by first discussing its most important sub-routine: The O( N ) partition (classic version).

To partition A[i..j] , we first choose A[i] as the pivot p .

The remaining items (i.e., A[i+1..j] ) are divided into 3 regions:

  • S1 = A[i+1..m] where items are ≤ p ,
  • S2 = A[m+1..k-1] where items are ≥ p , and
  • Unknown = A[k..j] , where items are yet to be assigned to either S1 or S2 .

Discussion: Why do we choose p = A[i] ? Are there other choices?

Harder Discussion: If A[k] == p , should we put it in region S1 or S2?

Initially, both S1 and S2 regions are empty, i.e., all items excluding the designated pivot p are in the unknown region.

Then, for each item A[k] in the unknown region, we compare A[k] with p and decide one of the three cases:

  • If A[k] > p , put A[k] into S2 ,
  • If A[k] < p , put A[k] into S1 ,

These three cases are elaborated in the next two slides.

Lastly, we swap A[i] and A[m] to put pivot p right in the middle of S1 and S2 .

Case when a[k] ≥ p, increment k, extend S2 by 1 item

Try Quick Sort on example array [27, 38, 12, 39, 29, 16]. We shall elaborate the first partition step as follows: We set p = A[0] = 27 . We set A[1] = 38 as part of S2 so S1 = {} and S2 = {38} . We swap A[1] = 38 with A[2] = 12 so S1 = {12} and S2 = {38} . We set A[3] = 39 and later A[4] = 29 as part of S2 so S1 = {12} and S2 = {38,39,29} . We swap A[2] = 38 with A[5] = 16 so S1 = {12,16} and S2 = {39,29,38} . We swap p = A[0] = 27 with A[2] = 16 so S1 = {16,12} , p = {27} , and S2 = {39,29,38} .

After this, A[2] = 27 is guaranteed to be sorted and now Quick Sort recursively sorts the left side A[0..1] first and later recursively sorts the right side A[3..5] .

First, we analyze the cost of one call of partition .

Inside partition(A, i, j) , there is only a single for-loop that iterates through (j-i) times. As j can be as big as N -1 and i can be as low as 0, then the time complexity of partition is O( N ).

Similar to Merge Sort analysis , the time complexity of Quick Sort is then dependent on the number of times partition(A, i, j) is called.

When the array A is already in ascending order, e.g., A = [5, 18, 23, 39, 44, 50], Quick Sort will set p = A[0] = 5 , and will return m = 0 , thereby making S1 region empty and S2 region: Everything else other than the pivot ( N -1 items).

On such worst case input scenario, this is what happens:

Worst Case analysis of Quick Sort

The first partition takes O( N ) time, splits A into 0, 1, N -1 items, then recurse right. The second one takes O( N -1) time, splits A into 0, 1, N -2 items, then recurse right again. ... Until the last, N -th partition splits A into 0, 1, 1 item, and Quick Sort recursion stops.

This is the classic N+(N-1)+(N-2)+...+1 pattern, which is O( N 2 ), similar analysis as the one in this Bubble Sort analysis slide ...

The best case scenario of Quick Sort occurs when partition always splits the array into two equal halves , like Merge Sort .

When that happens, the depth of recursion is only O(log N ).

As each level takes O( N ) comparisons, the time complexity is O( N log N ).

Try Quick Sort on this hand-crafted example input array [4, 1, 3, 2, 6, 5, 7]. In practice, this is rare, thus we need to devise a better way: Randomized Quick Sort .

Same as Quick Sort except just before executing the partition algorithm, it randomly select the pivot between A[i..j] instead of always choosing A[i] (or any other fixed index between [i..j] ) deterministically.

Mini exercise: Implement the idea above to the implementation shown in this slide !

Running Random Quick Sort on this large and somewhat random example array a = [3,44,38,5,47,15,36,26,27,2,46,4,19,50,48] feels fast.

It will take about 1 hour lecture to properly explain why this randomized version of Quick Sort has expected time complexity of O( N log N ) on any input array of N elements.

In this e-Lecture, we will assume that it is true.

If you need non formal explanation: Just imagine that on randomized version of Quick Sort that randomizes the pivot selection, we will not always get extremely bad split of 0 (empty), 1 (pivot), and N -1 other items. This combination of lucky (half-pivot-half), somewhat lucky, somewhat unlucky, and extremely unlucky (empty, pivot, the rest) yields an average time complexity of O( N log N ).

Discussion: For the implementation of Partition , what happen if A[k] == p , we always put A[k] on either side ( S1 or S2 ) deterministically?

We will discuss two non comparison-based sorting algorithms in the next few slides:

  • Counting Sort ,
  • Radix Sort .

These sorting algorithms can be faster than the lower bound of comparison-based sorting algorithm of Ω( N log N ) by not comparing the items of the array.

It is known (also not proven in this visualization as it will take about half-an-hour lecture about decision tree model to do so) that all comparison-based sorting algorithms have a lower bound time complexity of Ω( N log N ).

Thus, any comparison-based sorting algorithm with worst-case complexity O( N log N ), like Merge Sort is considered an optimal algorithm, i.e., we cannot do better than that.

However, we can achieve faster sorting algorithm — i.e., in O( N ) — if certain assumptions of the input array exist and thus we can avoid comparing the items to determine the sorted order.

Assumption : If the items to be sorted are Integers with small range , we can count the frequency of occurrence of each Integer (in that small range) and then loop through that small range to output the items in sorted order.

Try Counting Sort on the example array above where all Integers are within [1..9], thus we just need to count how many times Integer 1 appears, Integer 2 appears, ..., Integer 9 appears, and then loop through 1 to 9 to print out x copies of Integer y if frequency[ y ] = x .

The time complexity is O( N ) to count the frequencies and O( N+k ) to print out the output in sorted order where k is the range of the input Integers, which is 9-1+1 = 9 in this example. The time complexity of Counting Sort is thus O( N+k ), which is O( N ) if k is small.

We will not be able to do the counting part of Counting Sort when k is relatively big due to memory limitation, as we need to store frequencies of those k integers.

PS: This version of Counting Sort is not stable, as it does not actually remember the (input) ordering of duplicate integers. The version presented in CLRS is stable, but is a bit more complex than this form.

Assumption : If the items to be sorted are Integers with large range but of few digits , we can combine Counting Sort idea with Radix Sort to achieve the linear time complexity.

In Radix Sort, we treat each item to be sorted as a string of w digits (we pad Integers that have less than w digits with leading zeroes if necessary).

For the least significant (rightmost) digit to the most significant digit (leftmost), we pass through the N items and put them according to the active digit into 10 Queues (one for each digit [0..9]), which is like a modified Counting Sort as this one preserves stability (remember, the Counting Sort version shown in this slide earlier is not a stable sort). Then we re-concatenate the groups again for subsequent iteration.

Try Radix Sort on the random 4-digits array above for clearer explanation.

Notice that we only perform O( w × (N+k) ) iterations. In this example, w = 4 and k = 10 .

Now, having discussed about Radix Sort, should we use it for every sorting situation?

For example, it should be theoretically faster to sort many ( N is very large) 32-bit signed integers as w ≤ 10 digits and k = 10 if we interpret those 32-bit signed integers in Decimal. O(10 × ( N +10)) = O( N ).

Discussion: Using base-10 as shown in this visualization is actually not the best way to sort N 32-bit signed integers. What should be the better setup?

There are a few other properties that can be used to differentiate sorting algorithms on top of whether they are comparison or non-comparison, recursive or iterative.

In this section, we will talk about in-place versus not in-place, stable versus not stable, and caching performance of sorting algorithms.

A sorting algorithm is said to be an in-place sorting algorithm if it requires only a constant amount (i.e., O( 1 )) of extra space during the sorting process. That's it, a few, constant number of extra variables is OK but we are not allowed to have variables that has variable length depending on the input size N .

Merge Sort (the classic version), due to its merge sub-routine that requires additional temporary array of size N , is not in-place.

Discussion: How about Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort (randomized or not), Counting Sort, and Radix Sort. Which ones are in-place?

A sorting algorithm is called stable if the relative order of elements with the same key value is preserved by the algorithm after sorting is performed.

Example application of stable sort: Assume that we have student names that have been sorted in alphabetical order. Now, if this list is sorted again by tutorial group number (recall that one tutorial group usually has many students), a stable sort algorithm would ensure that all students in the same tutorial group still appear in alphabetical order of their names. Radix sort that goes through multiple round of sorts digit-by-digit requires a stable sort sub-routine for it to work correctly.

Discussion: Which of the sorting algorithms discussed in this e-Lecture are stable? Try sorting array A = {3, 4a, 2, 4b, 1}, i.e. there are two copies of 4 (4a first, then 4b).

We are nearing the end of this e-Lecture.

Time for a few simple questions.

Quiz: Which of these algorithms run in O(N log N) on any input array of size N?

Quiz: Which of these algorithms has worst case time complexity of Θ(N^2) for sorting N integers?

Θ is a tight time complexity analysis where the best case Ω and the worst case big-O analysis match.

We have reached the end of sorting e-Lecture.

However, there are two other sorting algorithms in VisuAlgo that are embedded in other data structures: Heap Sort and Balanced BST Sort . We will discuss them when you go through the e-Lecture of those two data structures.

Actually, the C++ source code for many of these basic sorting algorithms are already scattered throughout these e-Lecture slides. For other programming languages, you can translate the given C++ source code to the other programming language.

Usually, sorting is just a small part in problem solving process and nowadays, most of programming languages have their own sorting functions so we don't really have to re-code them unless absolutely necessary .

In C++, you can use std::sort (most likely a hybrid sorting algorithm: Introsort), std::stable_sort (most likely Merge Sort), or std::partial_sort (most likely Binary Heap) in STL algorithm. In Python, you can use  sort  (most likely a hybrid sorting algorithm: Timsort). In Java, you can use Collections.sort . In OCaml, you can use List.sort compare list_name .

If the comparison function is problem-specific, we may need to supply additional comparison function to those built-in sorting routines.

Now it is time for you to see if you have understand the basics of various sorting algorithms discussed so far.

Test your understanding here!

Now that you have reached the end of this e-Lecture, do you think sorting problem is just as simple as calling built-in sort routine?

Try these online judge problems to find out more: Kattis - mjehuric Kattis - sortofsorting , or Kattis - sidewayssorting

This is not the end of the topic of sorting. When you explore other topics in VisuAlgo, you will realise that sorting is a pre-processing step for many other advanced algorithms for harder problems, e.g. as the pre-processing step for Kruskal's algorithm , creatively used in Suffix Array data structure, etc.

You have reached the last slide. Return to 'Exploration Mode' to start exploring!

Note that if you notice any bug in this visualization or if you want to request for a new visualization feature, do not hesitate to drop an email to the project leader: Dr Steven Halim via his email address: stevenhalim at gmail dot com.



Nearly sorted

Many Duplicates

Initially conceived in 2011 by Associate Professor Steven Halim, VisuAlgo aimed to facilitate a deeper understanding of data structures and algorithms for his students by providing a self-paced, interactive learning platform.

Featuring numerous advanced algorithms discussed in Dr. Steven Halim's book, 'Competitive Programming' — co-authored with Dr. Felix Halim and Dr. Suhendry Effendy — VisuAlgo remains the exclusive platform for visualizing and animating several of these complex algorithms even after a decade.

While primarily designed for National University of Singapore (NUS) students enrolled in various data structure and algorithm courses (e.g., CS1010/equivalent, CS2040/equivalent (including IT5003), CS3230, CS3233, and CS4234), VisuAlgo also serves as a valuable resource for inquisitive minds worldwide, promoting online learning.

Initially, VisuAlgo was not designed for small touch screens like smartphones, as intricate algorithm visualizations required substantial pixel space and click-and-drag interactions. For an optimal user experience, a minimum screen resolution of 1366x768 is recommended. However, since April 2022, a mobile (lite) version of VisuAlgo has been made available, making it possible to use a subset of VisuAlgo features on smartphone screens.

VisuAlgo remains a work in progress, with the ongoing development of more complex visualizations. At present, the platform features 24 visualization modules.

Equipped with a built-in question generator and answer verifier, VisuAlgo's "online quiz system" enables students to test their knowledge of basic data structures and algorithms. Questions are randomly generated based on specific rules, and students' answers are automatically graded upon submission to our grading server. As more CS instructors adopt this online quiz system worldwide, it could effectively eliminate manual basic data structure and algorithm questions from standard Computer Science exams in many universities. By assigning a small (but non-zero) weight to passing the online quiz, CS instructors can significantly enhance their students' mastery of these basic concepts, as they have access to an almost unlimited number of practice questions that can be instantly verified before taking the online quiz. Each VisuAlgo visualization module now includes its own online quiz component.

VisuAlgo has been translated into three primary languages: English, Chinese, and Indonesian. Additionally, we have authored public notes about VisuAlgo in various languages, including Indonesian, Korean, Vietnamese, and Thai:

Project Leader & Advisor (Jul 2011-present) Associate Professor Steven Halim , School of Computing (SoC), National University of Singapore (NUS) Dr Felix Halim , Senior Software Engineer, Google (Mountain View)

Undergraduate Student Researchers 1 CDTL TEG 1: Jul 2011-Apr 2012 : Koh Zi Chun, Victor Loh Bo Huai

Final Year Project/UROP students 1 Jul 2012-Dec 2013 : Phan Thi Quynh Trang, Peter Phandi, Albert Millardo Tjindradinata, Nguyen Hoang Duy Jun 2013-Apr 2014 Rose Marie Tan Zhao Yun , Ivan Reinaldo

Undergraduate Student Researchers 2 CDTL TEG 2: May 2014-Jul 2014 : Jonathan Irvin Gunawan, Nathan Azaria, Ian Leow Tze Wei, Nguyen Viet Dung, Nguyen Khac Tung, Steven Kester Yuwono, Cao Shengze, Mohan Jishnu

Final Year Project/UROP students 2 Jun 2014-Apr 2015 : Erin Teo Yi Ling, Wang Zi Jun 2016-Dec 2017 : Truong Ngoc Khanh, John Kevin Tjahjadi, Gabriella Michelle, Muhammad Rais Fathin Mudzakir Aug 2021-Apr 2023 : Liu Guangyuan, Manas Vegi, Sha Long, Vuong Hoang Long, Ting Xiao, Lim Dewen Aloysius

Undergraduate Student Researchers 3 Optiver: Aug 2023-Oct 2023 : Bui Hong Duc, Oleh Naver, Tay Ngan Lin

Final Year Project/UROP students 3 Aug 2023-Apr 2024 : Xiong Jingya, Radian Krisno, Ng Wee Han

List of translators who have contributed ≥ 100 translations can be found at statistics page.

Acknowledgements NUS CDTL gave Teaching Enhancement Grant to kickstart this project. For Academic Year 2023/24, a generous donation from Optiver will be used to further develop VisuAlgo.

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VisuAlgo is generously offered at no cost to the global Computer Science community. If you appreciate VisuAlgo, we kindly request that you spread the word about its existence to fellow Computer Science students and instructors . You can share VisuAlgo through social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, etc), course webpages, blog reviews, emails, and more.

Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) students and instructors are welcome to use this website directly for their classes. If you capture screenshots or videos from this site, feel free to use them elsewhere, provided that you cite the URL of this website ( https://visualgo.net ) and/or the list of publications below as references. However, please refrain from downloading VisuAlgo's client-side files and hosting them on your website, as this constitutes plagiarism. At this time, we do not permit others to fork this project or create VisuAlgo variants. Personal use of an offline copy of the client-side VisuAlgo is acceptable.

Please note that VisuAlgo's online quiz component has a substantial server-side element, and it is not easy to save server-side scripts and databases locally. Currently, the general public can access the online quiz system only through the 'training mode.' The 'test mode' offers a more controlled environment for using randomly generated questions and automatic verification in real examinations at NUS.

List of Publications

This work has been presented at the CLI Workshop at the ICPC World Finals 2012 (Poland, Warsaw) and at the IOI Conference at IOI 2012 (Sirmione-Montichiari, Italy). You can click this link to read our 2012 paper about this system (it was not yet called VisuAlgo back in 2012) and this link for the short update in 2015 (to link VisuAlgo name with the previous project).

Bug Reports or Request for New Features

VisuAlgo is not a finished project. Associate Professor Steven Halim is still actively improving VisuAlgo. If you are using VisuAlgo and spot a bug in any of our visualization page/online quiz tool or if you want to request for new features, please contact Associate Professor Steven Halim. His contact is the concatenation of his name and add gmail dot com.

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Version 1.2 (Updated Fri, 18 Aug 2023).

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Since Fri, 07 Jun 2023, thanks to a generous donation by Optiver, anyone in the world can self-create a VisuAlgo account to store a few customization settings (e.g., layout mode, default language, playback speed, etc).

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For other CS lecturers worldwide who have written to Steven, a VisuAlgo account (your (non-NUS) email address, you can use any display name, and encrypted password) is needed to distinguish your online credential versus the rest of the world. Your account will have CS lecturer specific features, namely the ability to see the hidden slides that contain (interesting) answers to the questions presented in the preceding slides before the hidden slides. You can also access Hard setting of the VisuAlgo Online Quizzes. You can freely use the material to enhance your data structures and algorithm classes. Note that there can be other CS lecturer specific features in the future.

For anyone with VisuAlgo account, you can remove your own account by yourself should you wish to no longer be associated with VisuAlgo tool.

Bubble Sort is an iterative sorting algorithm that imitates the movement of bubbles in sparkling water. The bubbles represents the elements of the data structure.

The bigger bubbles reach the top faster than smaller bubbles, and this algorithm works in the same way. It iterates through the data structure and for each cycle compares the current element with the next one, swapping them if they are in the wrong order.

It's a simple algorithm to implement, but not much efficient: on average, quadratic sorting algorithms with the same time complexity such as Selection Sort or Insertion Sort perform better. It has several variants to improve its performances, such as Shaker Sort , Odd Even Sort and Comb Sort .

Average Complexity O(n )
Best Case O(n)
Worst Case O(n )
Space Complexity O(1)


Bubble Sort Visualization

Bubble sort.

Bubble sort is a simple sorting algorithm that repeatedly steps through the list, compares adjacent elements, and swaps them if they are in the wrong order. It has a worst-case and average-case time complexity of O(n^2).

Enter Array Elements


  • InsertionSort
  • SelectionSort
  • SortingAlgorithms

Bubble Sort Algorithm

Bubble Sort is the simplest sorting algorithm that works by repeatedly swapping the adjacent elements if they are in wrong order. Example: First Pass: ( 5 1 4 2 8 ) –> ( 1 5 4 2 8 ), Here, algorithm compares the first two elements, and swaps since 5 > 1. ( 1 5 4 2 8 ) –> ( 1 4 5 2 8 ), Swap since 5 > 4 ( 1 4 5 2 8 ) –> ( 1 4 2 5 8 ), Swap since 5 > 2 ( 1 4 2 5 8 ) –> ( 1 4 2 5 8 ), Now, since these elements are already in order (8 > 5), algorithm does not swap them. Second Pass: ( 1 4 2 5 8 ) –> ( 1 4 2 5 8 ) ( 1 4 2 5 8 ) –> ( 1 2 4 5 8 ), Swap since 4 > 2 ( 1 2 4 5 8 ) –> ( 1 2 4 5 8 ) ( 1 2 4 5 8 ) –> ( 1 2 4 5 8 ) Now, the array is already sorted, but our algorithm does not know if it is completed. The algorithm needs one whole pass without any swap to know it is sorted. Third Pass: ( 1 2 4 5 8 ) –> ( 1 2 4 5 8 ) ( 1 2 4 5 8 ) –> ( 1 2 4 5 8 ) ( 1 2 4 5 8 ) –> ( 1 2 4 5 8 ) ( 1 2 4 5 8 ) –> ( 1 2 4 5 8 )

The #1 Sorting Visualization Tool

Interactive visualization tool for various sorting algorithms. Understand efficiency and learn sorting techniques with ease.

Sorting Visualization

Sorting Visualizers

Following are the visual representations for sorting algorithms showing how they work and their functionalities.


Bubble Sort

Bubble sort algorithm is the simplest sorting algorithm that runs through the list repeatedly, compares adjacent elements, and swaps them if they are out of order.


Radix Sort is a non-comparative sorting algorithm that sorts numbers by processing individual digits. Radix Sort can handle large numbers of elements efficiently when the number of digits


It is similar to the quick sort algorithm as it uses the divide and conquer approach for sorting. It is one of the most popular and efficient sorting algorithm.


Comb sort improves on bubble sort by eliminating turtles, or small values near the end of the list, since it uses a larger gap. This results in a faster and more efficient sorting process.


Selection Sort

Selection sort is a sorting algorithm that selects the smallest element from an unsorted list in each iteration and places that element at the beginning of the unsorted list.


Insertion Sort

Insertion sort is a sorting algorithm that places an unsorted element at its suitable place in each iteration. Insertion sort works similarly as we sort cards in our hand in a cards.


Quick sort is an efficient , comparison-based sorting that uses a divide-and-conquer approach by partitioning elements around a pivot.


Compare Algorithms

An algorithm is a procedure used for solving a problem or performing a computation. Algorithms act as an exact list of instructions that conduct specified actions step by step in either hardware- or software-based routines.

MergeSort(A, p, r):       if p > r         return       q = (p+r)/2       mergeSort(A, p, q)       mergeSort(A, q+1, r)       merge(A, p, q, r)

begin BubbleSort(arr)    for all array elements         if arr[i] > arr[i+1]             swap(arr[i], arr[i+1])         end if    end for    return arr end BubbleSort

insertionSort(array)     mark first element as sorted     for each unsorted element X        'extract' the element X    for j         if current element j > X            move sorted element to the right by 1     break loop and insert X here end insertionSort

selectionSort(array, size)     repeat (size - 1) times     set the first unsorted element as the     minimum     for each of the unsorted elements         if element          set element as new minimum     swap minimum with first unsorted     position end selectionSort

Heapsort(A)     BUILD-MAX-HEAP(A)     for i = A.length downto 2        exchange A[1] with A[i]    A.heap-size = A.heap-size - 1         MAX-HEAPIFY(A, 1)

RADIXSORT (array A, d)     for i = 1 to d         A = COUNTINGSORT(A, i)

Interactive visualizations

Multiple Sorting Algorithms

Custom Input Data

Animation Speed Control

Step-by-Step Execution

Performance Metrics

Comparison Mode

Responsive Design

Visual Sort offers an engaging platform to learn sorting algorithms through interactive visualizations. It covers popular algorithms like Bubble Sort, Merge Sort, and more, making complex concepts easy to understand. Ideal for students and educators, it combines education and user-friendly design to enhance learning experiences.


Visual-Sort has the best team of developers from around the world

Educational Resource

User-Friendly Interface

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Student Reviews

Noah Lee

I recently used Visual Sort for my classes and was thoroughly impressed. The website was intuitive and easy to navigate. Highly recommended!

Sophia Rossi

Sophia Rossi

Visual Sort is awesome! It's super intuitive and made learning algorithms fun. I spent hours playing around with different sorting methods. Definitely worth checking out.

Olivia Davis

Olivia Davis

Visual Sort is a lifesaver for understanding sorting algorithms! The visualizations are so clear and interactive. I finally get how Bubble Sort and Merge Sort actually work.

Emma Brown

Great tool for my algorithms class! The step-by-step animations helped me ace my exam on sorting algorithms. Highly recommend it for anyone struggling to grasp these concepts.

Frequently Asked Question

What is visual sort.

Visual Sort is a website designed to visually demonstrate how different sorting algorithms work. It provides an interactive and educational experience for users to understand the steps and logic behind various sorting methods.

Which sorting algorithms are demonstrated on Visual Sort?

Visual Sort covers a range of popular sorting algorithms including Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, and Heap Sort. Each algorithm is visually represented to help users grasp their unique processes and efficiencies.

How can Visual Sort help me learn sorting algorithms?

Visual Sort provides step-by-step visualizations of sorting algorithms in action. By watching how the algorithms operate, users can better understand the underlying logic and principles. The visual approach makes it easier to compare different algorithms and see their strengths and weaknesses.

Is Visual Sort suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! Visual Sort is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to learners of all levels. Whether you are a beginner trying to understand the basics of sorting algorithms or an advanced user looking to study their complexities, Visual Sort provides a comprehensive and engaging learning platform.

Do I need any prior knowledge to use Visual Sort?

No prior knowledge is required to use Visual Sort. The website is designed to be intuitive and educational, making it easy for users of all levels to learn about sorting algorithms. Each algorithm comes with a clear explanation and visual demonstration to help you understand how it works.

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Bubble Sort is the simplest sorting algorithm that works by repeatedly swapping the adjacent elements if they are in the wrong order.

Problem Statement:

Given an array "arr" of integers of size N . We have to sort the array "arr" in non-descreasing order using Bubble Sort (Assuming array indexing starts from 0).


Complexity analysis:, time complexity:.

Best Case: The best case occurs when the array is already sorted. So the number of comparisons required is N-1 and the number of swaps required = 0. Hence the best case complexity is O(N) .

Average Case: It occurs when the array elements are in jumbled order that is not properly ascending and not properly descending. The average case time complexity of bubble sort is O(N*N) .

Worst Case: The worst-case condition for bubble sort occurs when elements of the array are arranged in decreasing order. In the worst-case scenario, the outer loop runs O(N) times. As a result, the worst-case time complexity of bubble sort is O(N*N) .

Space Complexity:

O(1) as it requires only a fixed amount of extra space for the variables.

How you want the array to be?

Select an algorithm to view its Theory

Select an algorithm to view its performance.

Bubble Sort Visualization

Bubble sort algorithm animation and implementation., bubble sort.

  • Selection Sort
  • Insertion Sort
  • Odd-even Sort
  • Cocktail Sort
  • Bitonic Mergesort

Comparisons are blue , swaps are red .

What is Bubble sort

Bubble Sort is the most straightforward sorting algorithm that repeatedly swaps the adjacent elements if they are in the wrong order. This algorithm is unsuitable for large data sets as its average, and worst-case complexity are of Ο(n2) where n is the number of items. Bubble sort works by iterating through a list and checking whether the current element is larger or smaller than the next element.

Computer programmers and product managers alike are responsible for sorting data. Despite this, it can be pretty tiresome if not undertaken with care. A bubble sort is one such algorithm that can be applied here. This article will provide us with an understanding of how it works! A bubble sort is a simple sorting algorithm, but its use can be confusing at times. Comparing each number with its adjacent ones will allow you to sort them if they are not in the correct order.

There are no adjacent elements that are positioned incorrectly after the entire string has been examined. Sinking sorting is so-named since it simultaneously displays all the largest and smallest items at the top of your list. This algorithm might be among the simplest in terms of design, but professionals do not use it since it is inefficient to use when working with large data sets.

What does a bubble sort look like?

A bubble sort is a sorting algorithm that cycles through two elements at a time, after which the cycle repeats until all data has been sorted. To better understand how this works, take an example of three digits in ascending order: four followed by one and then three. In each pass under the algorithm's guidelines, bubbles will be swapped so as to make it appear like these are now ordered properly with 4 being first leading up to 3; however, during further passes, they may get mixed around again if not careful enough!

A Bubble Sort is a type of sorting method used for ordering large strings or lists where items can only be compared from left to right on their position within the list/string (i.e., there cannot be any other.

If we wish to count lines of code, we should not regard them as ‘lines produced’ but as ‘lines spent.’ Edsger Dijkstra

Bubble Sort Algorithm with Visualization and Examples

  • Jun 26, 2020
  • Article · 3 min
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In this tutorial, we’re going to learn how the bubble sort algorithm works. Let’s get started:

Table of Contents

Explanation, visualization, implementation in java, implementation in c, implementation in c++, time complexity.

Bubble sort is an algorithm that compares the adjacent elements and swaps their positions according to order criteria. The order can be ascending or descending. Let’s assume, we need to sort an array in ascending order using Bubble sort. To do this, we need to follow these steps:

  • Compare the first and second items. If the first item is greater than the second item, they are swapped.
  • Then compare the second and the third items. Swap them if they are not in order.
  • The above process goes on until the array is being sorted.

Let’s have a look at the visualization of Bubble sort algorithm:

Bubble sort in Java:

Bubble sort in C:

Bubble sort in C++:

There are two loops. So the complexity is  n*n = n 2 . The time complexity (both average and worst) of Bubble Sort is O(n 2 ) .


Md Obydullah

Software Engineer | Ethical Hacker & Cybersecurity...

Md Obydullah is a software engineer and full stack developer specialist at Laravel, Django, Vue.js, Node.js, Android, Linux Server, and Ethichal Hacking.

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Sort Visualization

  • Bubble Sort
  • Selection Sort
  • Insertion Sort

Sorting Algorithms Visualizer

Bubble sort.

A simple comparison-based sorting algorithm. Bubble sort repeatedly compares and swaps adjacent elements if they are in the wrong order, moving larger elements towards the end with each pass through the list. This process continues until the list is sorted and no more swaps are needed.

Time Complexity

Worst Case: O(n²)

Average Case: O(n²)

Best Case: O(n)

Sorting Algorithms

Sorting algorithms are ubiquitous in computer science. This webpage provides a visual demonstration of some popular sorting algorithms.


The height of the candles represents their numerical value. Initially, the candles are randomly distributed. You can use various sorting algorithms to put them in ascending order. Sorted sections of the list are shown in blue, whereas unsorted sections are shown in red. In divide-andconquer algorithms like quick sort and merge sort, sections of the list being ignored are colored gray. White candles convey that the iterator is at their position. Yellow candles are used to depict candles of interest, eg: the maximum number envountered so far during selection sort. In quick sort, the pivot candle is colored purple (and is placed at the end of the list).


  • Bubble sort: A simple sorting algorithm that just goes through the list comparing adjacent elements and swapping them if they are not in order. It's performance and utiity are very poor, and is primarily taught for educational purposes. It has an average time complexity of O(n 2 ). However, if the machine performing the sort has a sizeable probability of not comparing elements properly, then bubble sort is the most fault tolerant algorithm in this list (since it makes frequent comparisons, and can detect mistakes made previously).
  • Selection sort: Another simple sorting algorithm. It scans all N elements, finds the largest one, and puts it at the Nth position. Then, it scans all N-1 elements, finds the largest one, puts it at the (N-1)th position, and so on. It is as worse as bubble sort, with an average time complexity of O(n 2 ). It doesn't use the advantages from an approimately sorted list. However, it is noted for it's simplicity.
  • Insertion sort: An algorithm that most humans likely use unconsciously to sort things. It considers the first k elements to be sorted, and figures out where the (k+1)th element should be placed within the sorted portion. Although it's time complexity is still O(n 2 ), insertion sort has significant advantages over the last two. It is extremely good to sorting lists that are already approximately sorted, nearing a time complexity of O(n) in this case. Even if a list is already sorted, it can readily accept another element and put it in it's correct place.
  • Cocktail Shaker sort: A variation of selection sort that scans for the maximum element while going forward, and the minimum element while going backwards. It is useful for electromechanical machines that use a physical data reader to scan and sort through values sorted in a tape.
  • Heap sort: A slightly complex sorting algorithm that uses a data structure called heaps. First algorithm on this list to have a time complexity of O(n log n), although it comes with a space complexity of O(n), and the only algorithm on this list to require explicit space. It is extremely good at keeping frequently updated lists sorted dynamically, an advantage conferred by the data structure that it is built on. For information on the heap data structure, please refer GeeksForGeeks website.
  • Quick sort: As the name implies, it has the fastest time complexity of O(n log n) despite not requiring any explicit memory. It randomly choses an element as a pivot, and transports all elements lower than the pivot to the left, and the elements greater than the pivot to the right of the pivot. The same operation is repeated on the portion of the list to the left and right of the pivot, recursively. Despite it's charasmatic name, it is difficult to implement, and certain choices of pivots can be disastrous on it's runtime.
  • Merge sort: The industrial standard for sorting huge lists. It recursively divides the list into smaller lists, sorts the smaller ones and merges them in the right way. It always has a time complexity of O(n log n). A merge sort routine with multithreading support can sort billions of numbers in no time. However, it uses some auxillary memory while merging, and is really difficult to implement.
  • If the simulation freezes then please refresh the page
  • Related: Maze Generation

Developed by ChanRT | Fork me at GitHub

Visualize Bubble Sort Algorithm using SVG

Visualize Bubble Sort Algorithm using SVG

I was playing around with some SVG ( Scalable Vector Graphics ) for some time and wanted to make a quick article about it. The problem was that I had no idea what to create using SVG. Fortunately, I stumbled upon one thread about sorting algorithms and thought it would be interesting to animate how sorting algorithms work.

Of course, I decided to go with the simples of the bunch, Bubble Sort, just to give it a try. To cut to the chase, you can check it out on the demo page.

How Bubble Sort works

Most of you already know about sorting algorithms, but let's just give a quick introduction to Bubble Sort so we understand how it works.

If you know how the Bubble Sort algorithm works, feel free to skip to the next section.

Bubble Sort is a straightforward sorting algorithm that involves repeatedly comparing and swapping adjacent elements in a list until the list is sorted.

Let's say we have following list of numbers:

The Bubble Sort algorithm will loop over this list a total of n - 1 times, where n is the number of elements in the list. This means, for our example, Bubble Sort will loop over the list four times in total.

Let's see what happens in the first pass through the list:

  • It begins by comparing the first and second elements, starting with the first index (numbers 5 and 6). No swap is needed.
  • Next, compare 6 and 9. No swap is needed.
  • Next, compare 9 and 2. Swap the numbers since they are not ordered.
  • Continue this process until the biggest numbers ”bubble” up to the top.

At the end of the first pass, we will have the following list of numbers:

For the second pass , exactly the same thing will happen, but in this case we do not have to compare with the last number in the list since we already know that it's the biggest number. At the end of the second pass, we will have the following list of numbers:

We are almost there; when the third pass starts, we do not have to check for the last two numbers in the list since we know that the list does not have bigger numbers. At the end of the third pass, we will have the following list of numbers:

Hmmm, it looks like the list is already sorted, and we did not even start the fourth pass. Well, that can happen, but it does not really matter.

There is nothing to prevent the algorithm from starting the final, forth , pass. At least it will be a quick one since we know that the last three numbers are already sorted. And as we expected, at the end of the fourth pass, the list stays the same.

Prepare wireframe

So, there is a simple question: how can we visualize the Bubble Sort algorithm? Let's start with the basics and define what we want to make. Take a look at the following image.

Wireframe of the animation player and controls

In the image, you can see the basic UI of our Bubble Sort visualization player. We will have two inputs that allow us to tweak player settings a little bit.

  • Number of items - changes the number of items in the list.
  • Animation speed - changes the time it takes for animation to finish a single step.

Underneath, we have three buttons that control the player.

  • “Play” button - starts the visualization.
  • “Pause” button - pauses the currently running visualization.
  • “Stop” button - stops the currently running visualization and reset the player.

Finally, under the buttons, we have a player section where the visualization is going to be shown. Initially, the text “Press Play button to start” is shown. As soon as the “Play” button is pressed, we have to remove the text and start the player.

To make the article shorter, only important parts of the code will be shown. You can always find complete code on Github.

The wireframe is complete, and it helps us visualize what the end result should look like, but now it's time to bring it to life.

List and elements

When the “Play” button is clicked, we have to generate the list (array) that needs to be sorted, as well as the elements that have to be animated, and insert them into the player container.

Let's start by creating a random list of numbers that the Bubble Sort algorithm has to sort. A function to quickly generate the list can be created like this:

The function is quite simple; it generates a list that has a certain length of elements. To limit the maximum number that can be generated, maxNumber is used.

This generated list of numbers will also be represented using SVG elements. Every list number will have its own corresponding SVG element. By animating these elements, we can visualize how the list itself is being sorted.

Representation of single number using SVG elements

You can see different SVG elements used to represent one single number from the list. The exact number value is shown using the text element. This value is then visualized as a bar represented by the rect element, and finally, the g element is used to group both text and rect elements together so they can be easily animated to the correct positions during sorting.

Before we can focus on creating SVG elements, there are a couple of variables that we need to take care of. Consider the following image:

Relation between SVG elements

To properly layout elements, we have to define certain variables that describe how the elements are related to each other.

On the image, you can see that we need to define four different variables as follows:

  • Bar with - width of the single bar.
  • Bar spacing - spacing between neighboring bars.
  • Text offset - space between the bar and correlated text.
  • Maximal bar height - maximum height that a single bar can reach.

Using these variables, we can make sure that our SVG representation of the list looks consistent. This makes things easier when we need to apply animations.

Since SVG is basically a 2D (two-dimensional) graphic, we have to use the x and y axes to position our elements.

SVG elements in 2D grid

On the image, you can see how we can position our SVG elements inside the 2D coordinate system. You might notice that the 2D coordinate system on the image looks upside-down. This is because of the scroll behavior in the browser. As you scroll down, the y value is increasing; the more you scroll, the bigger the value of y .

To make sure that our elements are initially positioned at the same level on the y axis, we want to put them exactly where the maximum bar height is. From there, we can change the height property of the rect element to visualize the value.

To calculate the value for the x axis, we have to take into account the bar width, bar spacing, and position of the element in the list.

First, we create a svg element using the document.createElementNS API and save it into svgContainer . We will need it at the end of the function again.

After that, we loop over the dataList , which contains numbers that we want to visualize. For each item in the list, we have to do a couple of things:

  • Calculate the x coordinate value using the formula: item index * (bar width + bar spacing) , and save the result into coordinateX . We have to use the item index, i , to make sure that the elements are not stacked on top of each other.
  • Calculate the y coordinate value using the formula: maximal bar height - item value , and save the result into coordinateY .
  • Create a rect element and attach the required attributes.
  • Create a text element, attach the required attributes, and set the textContent property. The x attribute is set to half of bar width to keep the text in the center of the bar. And the y attribute is set to maximal bar height + text offset to keep it under the bar.
  • Create an g element and attach the required attributes. We use the data-index attribute to link the g element with the corresponding item from the list. Also, the transform attribute is initialized, as it will be used to update the element's position later on.
  • The rect and text elements are then appended to the g element to keep them grouped with each other.
  • Finally, the grouped elements are then appended to the svgContainer created at the beginning.

Function will return the svgContainer itself, which can be inserted in the player container when the play button is pressed. With preparation done, we are ready to continue with the animation part.

Bubble Sort animation driver

To animate the Bubble Sort algorithm, we cannot just write a function that will do the sorting. We need to be able to control the algorithm and execute side effects at each iteration. To do this, we need to make some kind of “driver”.

For a driver to properly work, it needs to manage its internal state. Here are the things we need to take care of:

  • Player element - HTML element where the animation player is located.
  • Timer id - ID of the currently active timer.
  • List - a list of numbers that is currently being sorted.
  • Pause - a flag to indicate that the animation is paused.
  • Loop index - index of the running loop.
  • Remaining repetitions - the total number of remaining repetitions.

As we already know from the wireframe, we have three buttons: play , pause, and stop . This means that the driver needs to be able to properly respond to these buttons. For that, we can create corresponding functions.

The driver function returns an object that provides methods for controlling the sorting animation. We can call the specific method when the corresponding button in the UI is clicked.

You might have noticed that in the play method, there is a call to the bubbleSort function. This function implements the Bubble Sort algorithm and controls the sorting animation.

We first have to create an SVG container element where the sorting visualization is displayed by calling the getPlayerSvgContainer function. This container will hold the bars that represent the data being sorted.

This function will return the existing svg element if it is found, or create a new one by calling the createDOMElements function.

Next, we have to adjust the horizontal scroll bar in case the svgContainer width is bigger than the wrapping player container. We can do that by calling the adjustHorizontalScroll function.

So far, so good. Let's continue with our bubbleSort function.

We need to get SVG elements (representing the bars and their labels) from the SVG container. To do so, we can use the Array.from method by passing the svgContainer.children property.

Before we continue, we need to add an exit condition that is only true when the sorting process is complete. We can do that by checking if the current loopIndex is the same or bigger than the remainingRepetitions . If this is the case, we can mark all SVG elements as sorted by providing 'swapped' CSS class. If the exit condition is not satisfied, we continue with sorting.

To know if elements need to swap positions, we have to get two neighboring elements based on the loopIndex and compare them.

To get the needed elements, leftElement and rightElement , we can call the getBubbleSortElements function. This function uses the data-index attribute to match the corresponding element with the item from the list.

To visually indicate which elements are being compared in the current iteration, we do so by adding the CSS class 'current' to them.

When the elements are marked, it is a good time to handle the eventual pause event; in other words, if the pause button is clicked. We can do so by checking playerState.pause and exiting the function if the pause property is set.

When the play button is pressed again, the pause property will be set to false , and the bubbleSort function will be called again to resume sorting.

Next, we can finally swap elements if they are out of position. To do so, we call the performSwapIfNeeded function.

We pass leftElement and rightElement as arguments to the function. In the function, we can take the list and loopIndex directly from the playerState .

If the item at loopIndex is smaller than the item at loopIndex + 1 , the function returns false , indicating that no swap occurred.

If a swap is needed, we have to update the list by swapping the positions of the two items in the list . By updating the transform attribute of leftElement and rightElement , we can adjust horizontal positions to visually reflect the updated order after the swap.

Compare and swap elements

We also have to update the data-index attribute to match the corresponding elements with the items from the list . Finally, the function returns true to indicate that a swap occurred.

We now have to visually update affected elements and prepare the player state for the next invocation of the bubbleSort function.

Continuing, we have to schedule the timer for the next invocation of the bubbleSort function, update the player state, and set the correct CSS classes on the affected elements from the previous invocation.

To schedule the next step of the sorting animation we can use setTimeout API. The timeout time will be set to the value of settings.animationSpeed property.

Let's focus on callback function that is triggered by setTimeout . First thing we have to do is to increment the loopIndex to move to the next step in the sorting process.

We can now check if the current repetition has finished and updates the visual representation of the elements.

  • Depending on the didSwap flag we can update leftElement and rightElement by removing or setting 'current' and 'swapped' CSS classes.
  • Lastly we can decrement the remainingRepetitions counter and resets loopIndex to 0.

If the current repetition is still in progress, we just have to remove the 'current' class from both leftElement and rightElement .

When the player state and visual elements are properly updated, we can call bubbleSort recursively to continue the animation with the next comparison.

Use the animation driver

To use the driver, we just need to call driver function which will return interface/object that contains play , pause and stop methods.

We just need to make sure to call correct driver method depending the button that was clicked. Driver encapsulates all logic related to managing Bubble Sort visualization under the hood and exposes simple API that can be easily used.

In this article I tried to give a concrete example on how to use SVG elements to actually visualize data and algorithm in action. We used SVG elements to visualize Bubble Sort algorithm in action by creating an animation driver that can be control using buttons.

I hope you have a better idea about how to use SVG graphic and that this article was helpful is one way or another.

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Bubble Sort

Bubble sort is one of the simplest sorting algorithms and it works on the principle of swapping two elements. Think of the bubble sort as a water bubble that arises from the bottom of the ocean. As it rises up, it grows in size and its the maximum when it reaches the surface.

Similarly, in bubble sort, we arrange items from smallest to the largest at the end one by one in each iteration. The algorithm for bubble sort is as follows:-

  • We start from the bottom of the array and look for smaller elements.
  • Select the last element.
  • If the second last element is greater than the selected number, swap both of them.
  • Now compare the second last number with the third last number. If the number is not small, then do not swap, else again swap.
  • This way by swapping each time, we will get the smallest number in the array and it will bubble at the top of the array.
  • In the second iteration compare till the second position in the array.
  • In the third iteration, compare till the third position in the array and so on.

The image shows a single iteration on an unsorted array. Note that after the iteration is complete, the smallest element has bubbled towards the first position .

Single iteration of bubble sort

The algorithm for the above code can be given as:-

An implementation of the algorithm in C can be done as:

Time Complexity: O(n^2) Space Complexity: O(1)

Fun Fact: This sorting algorithm works better in a case when your array is nearly sorted. You can also note that this method will perform a maximum of O(n) swaps. Hence, it is useful in a scenario when your cost of swapping elements is very high.

Video Explanation:

Check out this video explanation where I show you a different example of bubble sort. The largest element bubbles towards the end after each iteration.

YouTube player

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Selection Sort

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Visualizing Bubble sort using Python

Prerequisites: Introduction to Matplotlib , Introduction to PyQt5 , Bubble Sort

Learning any algorithm can be difficult, and since you are here at GeekforGeeks, you definitely love to understand and implement various algorithms. It is tough for every one of us to understand algorithms at the first go. We tend to understand those things more which are visualized properly. One of the basic problems that we start with is sorting algorithms. It might have been challenging for you to learn those algorithms so here we are today showing you how you can visualize them.

Modules Needed

Matplotlib: Matplotlib is an amazing visualization library in Python for 2D plots of arrays. To install it type the below command in the terminal.

  PyQt5: PyQt5 is cross-platform GUI toolkit, a set of python bindings for Qt v5. One can develop an interactive desktop application with so much ease because of the tools and simplicity provided by this library. To install it type the below command in the terminal.

So, with that all set up, let’s get started with the actual coding. First, create a file named main.py and add the following lines of code to it.



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Selection Sort Algorithm

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Quicksort Algorithm

Bubble sort is a sorting algorithm that compares two adjacent elements and swaps them until they are in the intended order.

Just like the movement of air bubbles in the water that rise up to the surface, each element of the array move to the end in each iteration. Therefore, it is called a bubble sort.

  • Working of Bubble Sort

Suppose we are trying to sort the elements in ascending order .

1. First Iteration (Compare and Swap)

  • Starting from the first index, compare the first and the second elements.
  • If the first element is greater than the second element, they are swapped.
  • Now, compare the second and the third elements. Swap them if they are not in order.

Compare two adjacent elements and swap them if the first element is greater than the next element

2. Remaining Iteration

The same process goes on for the remaining iterations.

After each iteration, the largest element among the unsorted elements is placed at the end.

Continue the swapping and put the largest element among the unsorted list at the end

In each iteration, the comparison takes place up to the last unsorted element.

Swapping occurs only if the first element is greater than the next element

The array is sorted when all the unsorted elements are placed at their correct positions.

The array is sorted if all the elements are kept in the right order.

  • Bubble Sort Algorithm

Bubble Sort Code in Python, Java and C/C++

  • Optimized Bubble Sort Algorithm

In the above algorithm, all the comparisons are made even if the array is already sorted.

This increases the execution time.

To solve this, we can introduce an extra variable swapped . The value of swapped is set true if there occurs swapping of elements. Otherwise, it is set false .

After an iteration, if there is no swapping, the value of swapped will be false . This means elements are already sorted and there is no need to perform further iterations.

This will reduce the execution time and helps to optimize the bubble sort.

Algorithm for optimized bubble sort is

Optimized Bubble Sort in Python, Java, and C/C++

Bubble sort complexity.

Best O(n)
Worst O(n )
Average O(n )

Complexity in Detail

Bubble Sort compares the adjacent elements.

Cycle Number of Comparisons
1st (n-1)
2nd (n-2)
3rd (n-3)
....... ......
last 1

Hence, the number of comparisons is

nearly equals to n 2

Hence, Complexity: O(n 2 )

Also, if we observe the code, bubble sort requires two loops. Hence, the complexity is n*n = n 2

1. Time Complexities

  • Worst Case Complexity: O(n 2 ) If we want to sort in ascending order and the array is in descending order then the worst case occurs.
  • Best Case Complexity: O(n) If the array is already sorted, then there is no need for sorting.
  • Average Case Complexity: O(n 2 ) It occurs when the elements of the array are in jumbled order (neither ascending nor descending).

2. Space Complexity

  • Space complexity is O(1) because an extra variable is used for swapping.
  • In the optimized bubble sort algorithm , two extra variables are used. Hence, the space complexity will be O(2) .

Bubble Sort Applications

Bubble sort is used if

  • complexity does not matter
  • short and simple code is preferred

Similar Sorting Algorithms

Table of contents.

  • Introduction
  • Bubble Sort Code
  • Optimized Bubble Sort Code
  • Applications

Sorry about that.

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