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Top 15+ Project Management Case Studies with Examples 2024

Home Blog Project Management Top 15+ Project Management Case Studies with Examples 2024

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Having worked for more than 9 years in the dynamic field of project management, I would strongly refer to real-world case studies as invaluable resources for both budding and experienced professionals. These case studies provide critical insights into the challenges and triumphs encountered in various industries, illustrating the application of project management principles in practical scenarios.   I have curated the project management case studies as a part of this article in such a way that it delves into a selection of compelling case studies, ranging from the healthcare sector to infrastructure and technology. Each case study is a testament to the strategic planning, adaptability, and innovative problem-solving skills necessary in today's fast-paced business environment. These narratives not only highlight past successes but also offer guidance for future projects, making them essential tools for anyone eager to excel in project management.

What is Case Study?

A case study refers to an in-depth examination of a specific case within the real-world context. It is a piece of content that sheds light on the challenges faced, solutions adopted, and the overall outcomes of a project. To understand project management case studies, it is important to first define what a project is . A project is a temporary endeavor with a defined beginning and end, aimed at achieving a specific goal or objective. Case studies are generally used by businesses during the proposal phase. However, they are also displayed on the websites of companies to provide prospects with a glance at the capabilities of the brands. It can even serve as an effective tool for lead generation. In simple words, case studies are stories that tell the target audience about the measures and strategies that the organization adopted to become successful.

What is Project Management Case Study?

A project management case study is a piece of content that highlights a project successfully managed by the organization. It showcases the challenges that the organization faced, the solutions adopted, and the final results. Keep reading in order to explore examples of successful project management case studies.

Top 15 Project Management Case Studies and Examples 

Are you looking for some project management case study examples? If yes, here are some of the best examples you can explore. Let’s dive in! Before diving in, here is the list of top 15 project management case studies: 

  • Mavenlink Helps Improve Utilization Rates by 15% for BTM Global
  • Boncom Reduces Billing Rate Errors by 100%
  • whyaye! Reaches 80% Billable Utilization
  • Metova Increases Billable Utilization by 10%
  • Appetize Doubles Length of Forecasting Outlook
  • RSM Improves Client Satisfaction and Global Business Processes
  • CORE Business Technologies Increases Billable Utilization by 35%
  • Health Catalyst Improves Business Processes and Increases Consistency in Project Delivery
  • Optimus SBR Improves Forecasting Horizon by 50%
  • PlainJoe Studios Increases Projects Closing Within Budget by 50%
  • RPI Consultants Decreases Admin Time by 20%
  • CBI's PMO Increases Billable Utilization By 30%
  • Butterfly Increases Billable Time by 20%
  • TeleTracking Increases Billable Utilization by 37%
  • Taylors Improves Utilization Rates by 15%
  • Hospital El Pilar improves Patient Care With implementing Disciplined Agile
  • British Columbia’s Ministry of Technology and Infrastructure (MoTI)

1. Mavenlink Helps Improve Utilization Rates by 15% for BTM Global

The case study is all about how Mavenlink helped BTM Global Consulting to save hours of work and enhance utilization with resource management technology. BTM Global Consulting offers system development and integration services to diverse clients. The challenges that the company faced were that tools like Netsuite OpenAir and Excel spreadsheets were not able to meet the customization needs as the company grew. It impacted their overall productivity.

BTM Global saw the following benefits: 

  • 15% increase in utilization for project managers
  • 10% increase in companywide utilization
  • 4-hour resource allocation work reduced to 10 minutes
  • 100% Company-wide time tracking adoption

In order to overcome the challenge, the solution they adopted was to switch to Mavenlink. The result was that it increased the utilization of the company by 10% and enhanced project manager utilization by 15%. It also reduced resource allocation work from 4 hours to just 10 minutes.

2. Boncom Reduces Billing Rate Errors by 100% With Mavenlink

Boncom is an advertising agency that collaborates with different purpose driven brands to create goods worldwide. The challenge was that the company relied on several-point solutions for delivering client-facing projects. However, the solutions failed to offer the required operational functionality. An ideal solution for Boncom was to adopt Mavenlink. The result was that the billing rate error got reduced by 100%. Accurate forecasting became possible for Boncom, and the company could generate reports in much less time.

3. whyaye! Reaches 80% Billable Utilization with Mavenlink

Here are the top benefits whyaye got: 

  • 6% increase in utilization
  • Tripled company size
  • Doubled in number of new clients every quarter
  • Support through constant business scaling

whyaye is a digital transformation consultancy delivering IT transformation solutions to businesses operating in diverse sectors. The challenge was that whyaye used to manage resources and projects using tools such as emails, PowerPoint, and Microsoft Excel. However, with the growth of the company, they were not able to access project data or gain insights for effective management of the projects . The ultimate solution to this challenge was to make a switch to Mavenlink. The result was an increase in the utilization by 6%, doubling of new clients, tripling of the company size, and seamless support through business growth.

4. Metova Increases Billable Utilization by 10% With Mavenlink

If you are looking for a project planning case study, Metova can be the right example. Metova is a technology firm, a Gold Partner of Microsoft, and an advanced consulting partner of AWS. The challenge was that the company handled several projects at a time. However, its heavy dependence on tools like Google Sheets limited the growth capabilities of the organization. So, the company looked for a solution and switched to Mavenlink. The result was that it was able to increase its billable utilization by 10%, increase its portfolio visibility, and standardize its project management process.

5. Hospital El Pilar improves Patient Care With implementing Disciplined Agile

If you are looking for an example of one of the best hospital related project management case studies, then Hospital El Pilar can be the ideal one. Hospital El Pilar is a private hospital in Guatemala City, Guatemala, that provides comprehensive care to patients in various medical specialties. The challenge was that the hospital’s application development team faced several obstacles in managing and delivering projects, such as unclear priorities, a lack of visibility, little interaction with users, and competing demands. The solution that the team adopted was to use Disciplined Agile® (DA™), a flexible and pragmatic approach to project management that optimizes the way of working (WoW). The result was improved project outcomes, increased user satisfaction, greater transparency, and more trust from stakeholders and customers.

6. British Columbia’s Ministry of Technology and Infrastructure (MoTI) gets its principal corridor for transportation up in 35 days

Reconnecting Roads After Massive Flooding (2022) is a case study of how the British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) used a project management approach based on the PMBOK® Guide to restore critical routes after a catastrophic weather event. It is one of the examples of successful project management case studies you can look into. The challenge was that an atmospheric river caused severe flooding, landslides, and bridge collapses, cutting off the lower mainland from the rest of Canada2. The solution was to prioritize the reopening of Highway 5, the principal corridor for transportation of goods and people, by creating scopes, work breakdown structures, and schedules for each site3. The result was that Highway 5 was reopened to commercial traffic in 35 days, despite additional weather challenges and risks4. The construction project management case study we discussed demonstrated the benefits of flexibility, collaboration, and communication in emergency response.

7. Appetize Doubles Length of Forecasting Outlook with Mavenlink

Here the the benefits Appetize got with Mavenlink: 

  • Forecasting horizon increases to 12 weeks
  • Management of 40+ major projects per quarter
  • Support for rapid companywide scaling
  • Salesforce integration supports project implementation

Appetize is one of the leading cloud-based points of sale (POS), enterprise management, and digital ordering platform that is trusted by a number of businesses. The challenge of the company was that its legacy project tracking systems were not able to meet the growing needs of the company. They experienced growth and manual data analysis challenges. The solution they found was to switch to Mavenlink. The result was an increase in the forecast horizon to 12 weeks, support for effective companywide scaling, easy management of over 40 major projects, and Salesforce integration for project implementation.

8. RSM Improves Client Satisfaction and Global Business Processes with Mavenlink

RSM is a tax, audit, and consulting company that provides a wide array of professional services to clients in Canada and the United States. The challenge of the company was that its legacy system lacked the necessary features required to support their work- and time-intensive projects and delivered insights relating to the project trends. An ideal solution to this challenge was to switch to Mavenlink. The result was better to risk mitigation in tax compliance, improved client-team communication, templatized project creation, and better use of the KPIs and project status.

9. CORE Business Technologies Increases Billable Utilization by 35% with Mavenlink

Here are the top benefits CORE Business Technologies got with Mavenlink: 

  • Simultaneous in-progress projects doubled
  • 100% company-wide time entry compliance
  • 35% Increase in Billable Utilization
  • 50% Increase in Team Productivity

Another top project management case study is the Core Business Technologies. CORE Business Technologies is a reputed single-source vendor self-service, in-person, and back-office processing to the clients. It offers SaaS-based payment solutions to clients. The challenge faced by the company was that its tools like spreadsheets, Zoho, and Microsoft Project led to a hectic work schedule owing to a huge number of disconnected systems. The solution to the challenge was to switch to Mavenlink. The result was the enhancement of team productivity by 50%, time entry compliance by 100%, and enhancement of the billable utilization rate by 35%.

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10. Client Success: Health Catalyst Improves Business Processes and Increases Consistency in Project Delivery with Mavenlink

Here are the top benefits Health Catalyst saw with Mavenlink:   

  • Consistency in Successful Project Delivery 
  • Improved Interdepartmental Communication 
  • Deeper Resource Data Insights 
  • Stronger Resource Forecasting

Health Catalyst is a company that delivers data and analytics services and technology to different healthcare organizations. The firm provides assistance to technicians and clinicians in the healthcare sector. The challenge of the company was that the tools like Intacct and spreadsheets that is used for project management were not able to provide the required data insights and clarity for better project management. It also limited effective resource management. The solution was to embrace Mavenlink. The result was better resource forecasting, enhanced interdepartmental communication, consistency in project delivery, and better resource data insights .

11. Client Success: Optimus SBR Improves Forecasting Horizon by 50% with Mavenlink

Optimus SBR is a leading professional service provider in North America. It offers the best results to companies operating in diverse sectors, including healthcare, energy, transportation, financial services, and more. The challenge was that legacy software tools that the firm used gave rise to project management issues. The company was not able to get a real-time revenue forecast or gain insights into its future financial performance. The solution that the company adopted was to switch to Mavenlink. The result was better data-driven hiring decisions, efficient delivery of remote work, and enhancement of the forecasting horizon by 50%.

12. Client Success: PlainJoe Studios Increases Projects Closing Within Budget by 50% With Mavenlink

Here are the benefits how Mavenlink helped PlainJoe: 

  • Improved data insights for project success
  • Enablement of fast shift to remote work
  • Improved budgeting
  • Increased rates in billing

PlainJoe Studios is an experimental design studio that focuses on digitally immersive and strategic storytelling. The company has a team of strategists, architects, and problem solvers to create value for the clients. The challenge of the company was that the manual processing of the company affected its ability to grow and manage the diverse project effectively. They lacked clarity about their project needs and profitability. The solution to deal with the challenge was to switch to Mavenlink. The result was an enhancement in the billing rates by 15%, better project closing within budget by 50%, better data insights for the success of different projects, and a faster shift to remote work.

13. Client Success: RPI Consultants Decreases Admin Time by 20% With Mavenlink

If you are looking for an example of one of the best software project management case studies, then RPI Consultants can be the ideal one. RPI Consultants offer expert project leadership and software consulting services for enterprise-level implementation of solutions and products. The challenge was that the task management solutions adopted by the company gave rise to a number of complications. It resulted in poor interdepartmental transparency and time-consuming data entry. The ultimate solution that the company embraced was to switch to Mavenlink. The result was a rise in the utilization rate by 5%, lowing of admin time by 20%, better forecasting and resource management, and a single source for gaining insights into the project data.

14. Client Success: CBI's PMO Increases Billable Utilization By 30% With Mavenlink

CBI is a company that is focused on protecting the reputations, data, and brands of its clients. The challenge that the company faced was that the solutions used were unable to meet the growing needs of the organization. The systems were outdated, data sharing was not possible, and time tracking was inconsistent. The solution to the challenge was to switch to Mavenlink. The result was better interdepartmental alignment, enhancement of time tracking to support business growth, an increase in the billable utilization rate by 30%, and detailed insights for a greater success of the projects.

15. Client Success: Butterfly Increases Billable Time by 20% with Mavenlink

Butterfly is a leading digital agency that provides digital strategy, website design and development services, and ongoing support to businesses across Australia. The challenge was that the different legacy systems used by the agency limited its capability of effective project management and reporting. The systems were time consuming and cumbersome. In order to deal with the challenge, the solution was to make a switch to Mavenlink. The result was the enhancement of billable time by 20%, fast reporting insights, enhancement of productive utilization by 16%, and better Jira integration.

16. Client Success: TeleTracking Increases Billable Utilization by 37% With Mavenlink

TeleTracking Technologies is a leading provider of patient flow automation solutions to various hospitals in the healthcare sector. The challenge of the company was that it used different systems such as Microsoft Excel, Sharepoint, MS Project, Jira, and Netsuite. The use of a variety of solutions created a number of challenges for the company. It had poor forecasting capability, an insufficient time tracking process, and unclear resource utilization. The solution was to switch to Mavenlink. The result was the enhancement of time tracking compliance by 100%, rise in hours to date by 18%, and enhancement of billable utilization by 37%.

17. Client Success: Taylors Improves Utilization Rates by 15% with Mavenlink

This is a perfect example of a construction project management case study. Taylor Development Strategists is a leading civil engineering and urban planning organization in Australia. The challenge that the company faced was that the systems that it used were not able to support the growth of the business. There were a lot of inefficiencies and limitations. The solution to the challenge was to switch to Mavenlink. The result was better global collaboration, an increase in the utilization rate by 15%, consistency of timesheet entry, and in-depth insights relating to utilization and project targets.

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Start Creating Your Project Management Case Study

Not that you have a detailed idea about project management case studies, it is time to prepare your own. When doing the project management case study exercise, make sure to focus on covering all the important elements. Clearly stating the challenges and the solutions adopted by the company is important. If you want to get better at project management, getting a PMP Certification can be beneficial.

Case Study Best Practices and Tips 

Best practice to write a case study

  • Involve your clients in the preparation of the case study. 
  • Make use of graphs and data. 
  • Mix images, texts, graphs, and whitespace effectively.

Project Management Case Study Template 

To create a well-crafted and highly informative case study template in the realms of project management, you should start by providing a brief overview of the client's company, focusing on its industry, scale, and specific challenges. Follow with a detailed section on the challenge, emphasizing the unique aspects of the project and obstacles faced. Next, you might want to describe the solution implemented, detailing the strategies, methodologies, and tools used. Then, you would need to present the results, quantifying improvements and highlighting objectives achieved. Finally, please conclude the case study with a summary, encapsulating key takeaways and emphasizing the project's success and its implications for future endeavors. By following this structure, you can present a comprehensive yet concise analysis that is ideal for showcasing project management expertise and insights. You can also refer to the template for crafting a better case study on project management – Template for writing case studies .

By now, you must have gained a comprehensive knowledge of preparing a project management case study. This article elaborately explains the significance of real life project management case studies as vital tools for demonstrating a company's expertise in handling complex projects. These case studies, showcasing real-world scenarios, serve as compelling evidence of a firm's capability to navigate challenges and implement effective solutions, thereby boosting confidence in potential clients and partners. They are not only a reflection of past successes but also a lighthouse guiding future project endeavors in the discipline of project management within the fields of construction, pharmacy, technology and finance, highlighting the importance of strategic planning, innovation, and adaptability in project management. If you are aspiring to excel in this field, understanding these case studies is invaluable. However, you would also need to learn from project management failures case studies which would provide a roadmap to mastering the art of project management in today's dynamic business landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

In order to write a project management case study, keep everything brief but mention everything in detail. Make sure to write it with clarity and include graphs and images. 

A project study must include information about the client, how your company helped the client in resolving a problem, and the results.

The best-case studies on project management have been listed above. It includes BTM Global, Butterfly, Boncom, and more.


Kevin D.Davis

Kevin D. Davis is a seasoned and results-driven Program/Project Management Professional with a Master's Certificate in Advanced Project Management. With expertise in leading multi-million dollar projects, strategic planning, and sales operations, Kevin excels in maximizing solutions and building business cases. He possesses a deep understanding of methodologies such as PMBOK, Lean Six Sigma, and TQM to achieve business/technology alignment. With over 100 instructional training sessions and extensive experience as a PMP Exam Prep Instructor at KnowledgeHut, Kevin has a proven track record in project management training and consulting. His expertise has helped in driving successful project outcomes and fostering organizational growth.

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The Construction Writer Inc.

How to Write Construction Case Studies

Construction case studies are one of the best kinds of text-based content you can add to your construction website, and they're also a great opportunity to share images of your projects or create a project gallery.

Let's take a closer look at how you can write construction case studies for your website, no matter what industry, sector or specialty you focus on.

1. Download Our Construction Case Study Template

We write case studies very often, and we've found a formula that works really well for information gathering. Download the free case study template on this page so you can organize your thoughts and put all the relevant information on one page.

Download Our Explainer Video Here

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2. Create Your Sections and Headings

When we write construction case studies, we usually work according to the same format, based on different headings and sections, which are usually:

  • Project overview, which is a high-level summary of what you did during that project
  • The problem or scope of work - every project is about solving a problem for a client, whether that's needing a new building for a specific purpose or expanding floor space during a renovation - this section should describe what the client needed to achieve
  • The solution - describe how your company approached the problem and if there were any creative or innovative solutions used on the project
  • Project budget - provide a brief description of the project budget and whether you came in under, on, or over budget, and don't forget to explain why!
  • Project timeline - after money, one of the most important construction criteria is always time, so explain how you finished on time, or if you ran into challenges that affected timing, how you tackled them to minimize their impact
  • Conclusion - wrap things up at the end by again highlighting the main successes on your project

It's important to note that case studies aren't all marketing and sales, and it's okay to admit there were challenges in your case study. Just make sure you also explain how you overcame those challenges.

3. Write Your Case Study

Once you've got your headings set up for your case study, it's time to get writing!

Case studies are intended for customers and end users, so they're usually not as technical as a white paper might be, but they tend to be a little more formal and less conversational than a blog post, so make sure your style and tone are based around that.

Like any other content you post on your website, you also need to ensure that you pay close attention to spelling and grammar as well as the flow of the piece. Try to use shorter sentences, avoid too much jargon, and don't repeat words if you can avoid it.

Use a proofing tool like Grammarly to double-check your case study before you publish it.

4. Optimize It

Case studies are fantastic for construction company content marketing because they usually contain location information, which is good for local SEO, but they are also a fantastic opportunity to include keywords and phrases on your website.

You can also link to service pages on your website from your case studies, and don't forget to add metadata and keywords when you publish your case study.

Download Our Case Study Template Here

Construction case study template pdf, before download..., construction case study template word.

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sample case study construction project management

Project Management Case Study Examples

Anshita Singh

By Simpliaxis

sample case study construction project management

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Case study studies for project management present and contrasts actual project management scenarios and procedures. Project managers often face similar difficulties, which these studies have illuminated. To overcome challenges and produce successful outcomes, this aids project managers in creating methods that work.

Organisations may improve their operations using project management case studies, which offer insights into the most practical strategies. Providing a successful project completion is attainable with the appropriate application of these case studies, tactics, and procedures. These case studies provide an example of project management in action. You will be able to understand how theory and practice come together to address project management problems by studying actual instances.

What Is A Project Management Case Study?

A case study on project management is a written article showcasing a project the company has effectively managed. It displays the company's difficulties, strategies, and outcomes. Businesses typically use case studies in the proposal stage. They are often included on business websites to give customers a quick overview of the brand's capabilities. It can even be a valuable tool for generating leads. 

Project Management Case Studies With Examples

Taylors uses mavenlink to increase utilisation rates by 15%.

It is an excellent example of a case study on construction project management. Taylor Development Strategists is one of Australia's top urban planning and civil engineering firms. The company's problem was that the systems it was using could not keep up with the company's expansion. There were numerous shortcomings and inefficiencies. Making the move to Mavenlink was the answer to the problem. The outcomes were better international cooperation, a 15% increase in utilisation, consistent timesheet entry, and comprehensive insights on utilisation and project goals.

Billable Utilisation Rises by 37% with TeleTracking and Mavenlink

Healthcare institutions nationwide turn to TeleTracking Technologies as a top supplier of patient flow automation systems. Using many platforms, including Jira, Netsuite, Microsoft Project, Sharepoint, and Excel, presented a hurdle for the organisation. The organisation faced several issues as a result of using different solutions. Its ineffective time monitoring system, imprecise resource utilisation, and poor forecasting capacity were all present. Migrating to Mavenlink was the solution. Improvements in time tracking compliance of 100%, hours worked to date up 18%, and billable utilisation up 37% were the outcomes.

Butterfly Uses Mavenlink to Increase Billable Time by 20%.

Butterfly is a top digital agency offering businesses across Australia digital strategy, website design and development services, and continuous support. The issue was that the agency's capacity to manage projects and provide reports effectively was constrained by the various old systems it was using. The systems required a lot of time and effort. Better Jira integration, faster reporting insights, a 16% increase in productive utilisation, and a 20% increase in billable time were the outcomes.

CBI's PMO Uses Mavenlink To Increase Billable Utilisation By 30%

CBI's primary concerns are its clients' reputations, information, and brands. The company's problem was that the employed solutions couldn't keep up with the expanding demands of the corporation. There needed to be more data sharing, unreliable time tracking, and antiquated technology. Using Mavenlink was the answer to the problem. The outcomes were improved departmental coordination, improved time monitoring to facilitate business expansion, a 30% rise in chargeable utilisation, and comprehensive project success insights.

PlainJoe Studios Increases Projects Closing With Mavenlink Within Budget by 50%

Strategic and digitally immersive storytelling is the primary focus of PlainJoe Studios, an experimental design studio. The organisation employs a group of strategists, architects, and problem solvers to generate value for its clients. It needed to be more apparent because its manual procedures hindered its expansion and poor project management. They needed to be more transparent regarding the requirements and profitability of their project. Making the move to Mavenlink was the answer to the problem. As a result, there was a 15% increase in billing rates, a 50% improvement in project completion within budget, more significant data insights for various projects' success examples , and a quicker transition to remote work.

Optimus SBR Uses Mavenlink to Increase Forecasting Horizon by 50%.

Optimus SBR is one of North America's top professional services providers. Businesses across various industries, such as healthcare, energy, transportation, financial services, and more, can benefit from its finest outcomes. The problem was that the company's outdated software tools led to problems with project management. The business could not obtain a real-time revenue projection or financial performance predictions for the future. The company decided to go with Mavenlink as a solution. The outcomes were better data-driven employment decisions, more effective remote work delivery, and a 50% longer forecasting horizon.

CORE Business Technologies Uses Mavenlink to Increase Billable Utilisation by 35%.

CORE Business Technologies is a reputable single-source provider of back-office, in-person, and self-service processing for clients. It is respected. Clients can get SaaS-based payment solutions from it. The company's problem was that many disjointed systems caused a busy work schedule because of its tools, which included Microsoft Project, Zoho, and spreadsheets. Using Mavenlink was the answer to the problem. The end outcome was a 50% increase in team productivity, 100% compliance with time entry, and a 35% increase in the billable utilisation rate.

RSM Uses Mavenlink to Enhance Global Business Processes and Customer Satisfaction

RSM is a tax, audit, and consulting firm that offers clients in the US and Canada a broad range of professional services. The company's problem was that its old system needed the functionality to support their labour- and time-intensive projects or provide insights into project management trends . Making the move to Mavenlink was the best way to overcome this difficulty. The outcomes were better risk minimisation in tax compliance, more client-team communication, templated project creation, and more effective utilisation of KPIs and project status.

Appetize Uses Mavenlink to Double Forecasting Outlook Length

Appetize is a highly reputable cloud-based platform for digital ordering, enterprise management, and point of sale (POS) systems. The company needed assistance because its outdated project monitoring tools could not meet its growing needs. They needed help with manual data analysis and growth. Making the move to Mavenlink was the answer they discovered. The outcome included extending the forecast period to 12 weeks, facilitating efficient scaling throughout the entire organisation, simplifying the management of more than 40 significant projects, and integrating Salesforce to facilitate project execution.

Metova Uses Mavenlink to Increase Billable Utilisation by 10%.

Metova may be the ideal example for a case study on project planning that you are searching for. Metova is a technology company that is a consulting partner of AWS and a Gold Partner of Microsoft. The company's ability to manage multiple projects at once presented a hurdle. However, the organisation's capacity to grow by its excessive reliance on programmes like Google Sheets. As a result, the business turned to Mavenlink for a solution. As a result, it was able to standardise its project management procedure, raise portfolio visibility, and enhance billable utilisation by 10%.

How Do You Create Your Project Management Case Study?

A brief overview of the client's business with a focus on its size, industry, and unique issues can help you build a well-written and handy case study template for project management. Add a thorough project management challenge piece highlighting the unique features and difficulties. The solution should then be described, including the tactics, procedures, and equipment you would need, which would be necessary to showcase the outcomes, emphasise the goals reached and measure advancements. Ultimately, kindly provide a summary of the case study highlighting the main lessons learned, the project's accomplishments, and its implications for future work. 

If you follow this format, you can give a thorough but concise analysis that highlights your knowledge and ideas about project management. You may also use the project management case study template found at Template for writing case studies to help you write a better one.

Tips And Best Practices For Case Studies

If you plan to make a successful case study, here are some tips to help. 

  • Get your clients involved in the creation of the case study. 
  • Make use of data and graphs. 
  • Effectively combine text, graphs, photos, and white space.

Understanding Project Management Techniques across various industries is possible with the help of Simpliaxis' project management training programmes . This certification gives you the skills to tackle any situation with real-world case studies demonstrating effective techniques and solutions. This course includes all the skills you need to succeed in technology, finance, construction, and pharmacy: strategic planning, innovation, and adaptation. Seize the chance to improve your project management abilities and establish yourself as a highly sought-after expert. Start your journey to project management excellence by enrolling with Simpliaxis today!


  • What format does a case study follow?

Reports and essays are the most common formats for case studies. If the latter, you will typically discover that your work is easily navigable by headers and subheadings.

  • What are the ways to analyse a case study?

Carefully read the case and any related questions. Draw attention to the primary arguments made in the case and any problems you see. Analyse the tasks that the questions ask you to perform after carefully reading them. Reread the case, making connections between the details that pertain to each question posed to you.

  • What goals does the case presentation want to achieve?

The following are the goals of the case presentations: 1) Encourage interns to approach daily clinical practice using an evidence-based, scientist-practitioner model. 2) Get comfortable with presenting. 3) Sharpen your clinical abilities. 4) Address inquiries and criticism professionally.

     4.  Which are the best-case studies on project management?

The Apollo 11 moon landing project, the construction of the Sydney Opera House, and the Panama Canal project are a few of the best case studies for project management. These well-known projects provide examples of creative problem-solving, efficient planning, and good project management.

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The Power of Continuous Improvement in Construction

The company.

The origins of the company date back to the end of the XIX century, with the construction of chimneys for factories in the Textile Industry. In the 90s, the company invested in the design area and started to develop projects from “A to Z”, taking on large projects for national and multinational companies. It specializes in the Design & Build of industrial, logistic, commercial, and residential buildings. It offers an integrated service that, depending on the needs, can go from the choice of a location to the construction, including the design, ensuring a result on spec, time, and budget. 

The challenge

This company faced a decrease in net income and the consequent awareness of the decrease in the organization’s efficiency. It was necessary to rethink the entire strategy, from people to processes, and define a growth strategy with solid foundations to leverage operational results. 

In an external context of increased investment and possible attraction of new customers and projects, it was necessary to increase efficiency and identify everything considered waste, directing the focus to optimize processes. In parallel, external difficulties emerged due to labor shortages and the demands posed by customers for increasingly shorter deadlines in an increasingly competitive market. 

The project’s primary goals were to ensure the agility and quality of the execution of processes in the support areas, minimizing rework; improve the quality of execution and management on site; adopt visual management processes and increase productivity on site; review the procurement process; improve productivity in project execution (Multi-Projects) release resources for value-added activities (more projects) and design and implementation of a strategic planning process to increase profitability to continue to invest and sustain growth based on operational indicators – Increase in business volume in non-core areas, on-time delivery of projects, margin per project. 

The approach

The implementation process entailed two cycles. 

During the 1st cycle, the focus was to build base teams and identify core areas that needed improvement. Then, the 2nd cycle, after the operational improvements, was about defining a strategic improvement process to grow and consolidate the 1st cycle improvements, together with identifying new opportunities. 

Mission Control Room

The implementation of the Mission Control Room marked the beginning of the project. The Mission Control Room is a visual control room for project management , which presents the project’s main indicators, a summary A3 for the follow-up of ongoing initiatives, and includes a routine of meetings for presentation and follow-up of the project.

Project Management

Another aspect addressed was project management with the definition of the meeting cascade, implementation of a sales funnel, definition and analysis of load-capacity per project and creation of the project manager role, and creation of structured meetings to pass information between the commercial and the multi-projects team.


Simultaneously, a Daily KAIZEN management and development model provided visibility to each team’s work plan, definition and analysis of each team’s process indicators, and timely reaction to deviations.

This team alignment and development model allows for greater involvement and participation of all team members in the processes and their improvement.

Improving the teams’ work involves mapping and identifying the main processes to simplify and eliminate associated waste. The mapping of the critical processes of each team generated a series of points to standardize: the creation of an indicator of execution hours and the standardization of models.

Visual management

The construction site was also the focus of improvement implementation. All construction sites worked on visual management. Each construction site included a control room with visual management, allowing for monitoring of the main elements for project management. Some of these elements were the construction planning, the map of needs, and tools such as the last planner and pull planning for managing the entire project.

The project also implemented some actions to physically organize the construction sites, resulting in gains in productivity and safety.

Such actions counted on coaching and a lot of behavior reinforcement to succeed. The process has been rolled out across all teams and works in progress. Frequent audits accompanied all this.

Purchasing process

The second implementation cycle focused on improving the purchasing process, with its standardization and request for supplier consultation and evaluation and defining a supply chain control process.

Man-hours on site

Another area of work in this second cycle was the reduction of man-hours on site with the development of solutions to increase work performance and reduce waste hours.

Strategic Plan

Finally, we worked on the strategic plan defining disruptive objectives in Growth, Quality, Cost, and Service. We defined the key processes to improve by assigning metrics and resources needed for implementation.

This transformation journey has profoundly impacted the growth and success of the business, setting a benchmark for excellence in the marketplace. The company achieved solid and sustainable financial results with increased net income and turnover through a focused approach to resource management and identifying savings opportunities. 

One of the standouts was the 42% improvement in on-time delivery. This achievement reflects the company’s commitment to meeting strict deadlines and ensuring customer satisfaction. It directly results from teamwork, adopting best practices, and optimizing planning and execution processes. 

In addition, the company achieved a 25% reduction in purchasing time, optimizing and streamlining the materials acquisition process. This reduction in purchasing time allowed the company to respond quickly to market requests, ensuring the availability of essential resources. 

The success of this project was mainly due to the involvement of more than 800 employees, internal and external. Commitment, dedication, and collaborative efforts were vital to implementing the changes and fostering a culture of continuous improvement throughout the organization . 

The outstanding results and positive impact generated in the construction industry are a reason for celebration. This case exemplifies how a continuous improvement project can empower operations, ensure efficiency, and reinforce the company’s commitment to outstanding service.  

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Project Management Case Studies

Roofing isolated repairs—leeds.

A leading national trade supplier appointed Bradley-Mason LLP as Project Manager, Contract Administrator and Principal Designer to manage the roof refurbishment works following ongoing water ingress issues to their property held on a FRI Leasehold basis.

Recoat Profiled Metal — Maidenhead

A leading national trade supplier appointed Bradley-Mason LLP as Project Manager, Contract Administrator and Principal Designer to manage the roof refurbishment works.

Roofing Asbestos Replacement- Newbridge

A leading national trade supplier appointed Bradley-Mason LLP as Project Manager, Cost Consultant and Principal Designer to manage the roof refurbishment works following extensive ongoing water ingress issues to their property held on an FRI Lease basis.

Roofing Overclad Asbestos—Hamilton

A leading national trade supplier appointed Bradley-Mason LLP as Project Manager, Contract Administrator and Principal Designer to manage the roof refurbishment works following extensive ongoing water ingress issues to their property held on a FRI Leasehold basis.

Design and Project Management, Speedy, Super Workshop, Erith

Bradley-Mason LLP were pleased to act as lead consultants and project managers in the creation of the Erith “Super Workshop” for Speedy Asset Services. A lengthy consultation with operational and managerial stakeholders from all four divisions of the business formed an essential part of the procurement process.

Firstmost Darlington Dilaps to Project Management

Bradley-Mason LLP were engaged to inspect a vacated retail premises in a high street location in Darlington. The previous Tenant’s Lease had expired and the unit was left in poor condition with external defects and redundant shop fittings. A thorough inspection was made and a detailed Schedule of Dilapidations prepared in accordance with the Lease and the relevant clauses.

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Lydon Solutions

Lydon Solutions

Construction Project Management Software Solutions

Microsoft 365 for Construction Project Management

A Case Study on Using Microsoft 365 for Construction Project Management

Many organizations want to use Microsoft 365 to manage their construction projects. Unfortunately, figuring out where to start and how to bring all the Microsoft applications together into a cohesive solution can be overwhelming. We posted a three-part blog a little while back that includes some tips and considerations to help you on your way. You can check out that series here:

  • How to Start Managing Construction Projects in Microsoft 365 – Part 1
  • How to Start Managing Construction Projects in Microsoft 365 – Part 2
  • How to Start Managing Construction Projects in Microsoft 365 – Part 3

Starting with this new post, we are kicking off a new series to describe a case study of a real-world implementation of Microsoft 365 for construction project management. We will detail the challenges, explain some of our decisions, provide sample deliverables, and reiterate critical takeaways that might help your organization develop its construction program management solution in Microsoft 365. In this first post, we will discuss the client’s challenge and then provide a detailed analysis in follow-up posts.

The client’s challenge: How to use Microsoft 365 for effective project management

The client in this case study contracted Lydon Solutions to develop a Microsoft 365 project management solution for a multi-billion-dollar program with over eighty active projects. Meeting the client’s requirements required re-engineering their current processes and tools to deliver a solution using out-of-the-box Microsoft 365 applications effectively.

Below are the requests by the client, the systems they were using, and the Microsoft 365 applications and approaches we are implementing to solve their unique challenges.

Scheduling in Project Online with schedule updates possible via email Project Online Project Online with resource management and schedule updates via Adaptive Cards.
Cash flow forecasting driven by Project Online schedule activities Excel Resource loaded scheduling with payment milestones in Project Online. Power BI reports by period and cumulative cash flows.
Document management migrated into SharePoint External file share SharePoint Online sites for each project with permission-managed document libraries and lists.
Forms (issues, risks, etc.) that are responsive across devices with data stored in SharePoint Excel, Word, and PDFs Power App forms connected to Project Online and SharePoint data and stored in a centralized SharePoint location.
Automated approval workflows Email Power Automate workflows, Power Apps for approval signatures, and Adaptive Cards for approvals via email.
Internal project communication Email and voice Teams with tabs for SharePoint sites and Power BI reports.
Reporting project statuses weekly, monthly, and quarterly Excel, Word, and PowerPoint Power BI reporting utilizing Project Online, Power Apps, and SharePoint data. Reports include data across all disciplines with a rollup and drill-down capability depending on the report.

Diagram of the applications with Project Online at the core of the solution

Before we dive into the solution space, we cannot stress enough the importance of collecting requirements. Without detailed requirements , it’s like building a house without a design. In many cases, we don’t have the luxury to perform a complete requirement gathering session since clients want a solution sooner rather than later, don’t have the resources to support the effort, and often see requirements gathering as unnecessary costs. Fortunately, we have the experience to work with whatever clients can provide and fill in the gaps where needed. But if you use a third-party vendor without this type of experience, you will end up with a disjointed solution that costs an arm and a leg to build.

In the next post, we will discuss how we approached and implemented a Project Online solution.

Lydon Solutions has been developing and implementing construction management solutions in Microsoft 365 since its inception way back in 2011. We also provide a turnkey construction management product called Construction Viz that can be quickly deployed into a client’s Microsoft 365 or hosted externally. You can check out a video of the CMAA product demo here .

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Project Management Strategies for Complex Projects: Case Study Report


Project Management Strategies for Complex Projects: Case Study Report

TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Renewal Project R10 has released a report titled Project Management Strategies for Complex Projects: Case Study Report, which includes case studies of 15 projects in the United States and three international projects that used tools that aid project managers in the delivery of complex projects. The 18 projects represent a number of different types, locations, size, and phases of development. The tools identified fall into two areas—project development and project execution.

In addition, SHRP 2 Renewal Project R10 developed two other reports:

  • Project Management Strategies for Complex Projects , which describes the five-dimensional management approach for complex projects. The goal of the five-dimensional approach is to identify issues that should be planned and managed proactively, rather than retroactively. The five areas of the new project management approach address cost, schedule, engineering requirements, external influences, and financing; and
  • Guide To: Project Management Strategies for Complex Projects , which is designed to help facilitate the application of the five-dimensional project management approach for complex projects. The objective of the guide is to identify and communicate the critical factors involved in successfully managing complex transportation design and construction projects. A training course based on the information in the guide was also developed.
  • Transportation and Infrastructure — Administration and Management
  • Transportation and Infrastructure — Maintenance and Preservation

Suggested Citation

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2014. Project Management Strategies for Complex Projects: Case Study Report . Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Import this citation to: Bibtex EndNote Reference Manager

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Case Studies

Learn about the people behind the projects, the projects they deliver and the organisations raising the bar of project professionalism. We recognise what people can achieve through project management, and have been celebrating excellence in the profession for over 20 years.

Silhouetted construction workers collaborating at sunset

sample case study construction project management

Construction management case study

The use of construction management can offer a flexible procurement method that supports the changing nature of the brief and the potential for the design to evolve.

You can download the construction management case study here or find the full text below.

Construction management is a procurement where the ‘traditional builder’ is replaced by a construction management organisation. Their responsibility is to work directly for the client in the management of the construction phase. A construction manager has expertise in both building and management and is contracted to the client to provide management services only. The works are completed by a series of trade contracts arranged by the construction manager, but entered into directly between each trade contractor and the client. A significant aspect of construction management is that the construction manager has no direct involvement in the payments to the trade contractors. The role of the design team and its relationship with the client and construction manager is very similar to the traditional contracts between architect, client and contractor. The design team is commonly novated to the construction manager.

Action to benefit good design

  • Early involvement of the construction manager to assess buildability prior to commencing design development.
  • Engage independent design advice from either a design champion, design quality team (DQT) or the OVGA to assist with design quality management in preparing the brief and contract development and at key project milestones.
  • An established and positive working relationship between the construction management organisation and the sub-contractors.
  • Ensure that the construction management fee is subject to achieving design benchmarks or assessment via Key Result Areas (KRAs) as assisted by independent design advice.
  • Ensure that each trade contract agreement specifically refers to design quality and explains how it will be delivered.

Case study: Sidney Myer Music Bowl, Kings Domain, Melbourne

Project background.

Originally opened in 1959, the Sidney Myer Music Bowl is a celebrated, rare survivor of Melbourne’s heroic postwar period of architecture and is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register. Over time the Bowl was in need of significant restoration

and upgrade required to address its substantial functional deficiencies which made it inadequate to support performances. The upgrade required a change to sightlines, regarding of the grassy berm and flexibility in delivery of the project to avoid impacting the operation of key annual events, specifically the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind’s Carols by Candlelight.

The brief required an upgrade of all facilities to integrate back of house production, catering artist change and warm up, theatre infrastructure and technologies, commercially supportive facilities, hire-out function spaces and a cafe. The refurbishment needed to respect the heritage value of the original structure, while rejuvenating its cultural life as one of Melbourne’s most loved venues. Apart from the original cable network and supporting columns, the existing fabric has been restored and reconstructed. The new work extends the original footprint, mainly underground. Major areas for refurbishment included replacing the canopy damaged by prolonged water penetration through the edges of the ‘Alumply’ panels which caused deterioration of the plywood, and some delamination of the aluminum cladding. The entire canopy was replaced with a new cladding system. The use of construction management offered a flexible procurement method that supported the changing nature of the brief and the potential for the design to evolve.

sample case study construction project management

Key initiatives to protect the design quality

  • Design advice early in the procurement process supported the management of design quality in contract and brief development.
  • An early understanding of the complexity and heritage sensitivities of the site.
  • Independent advice from the original architect Barry Patten.
  • An “open book” approach offered transparency with preliminaries and profits declared.
  • Use of Hooker Cockram as experienced sub-contractors, as the construction management organisation.


  • The breakdown of the project into two separate stages to facilitate the continuity of use for the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind’s Carols by Candlelight.
  • Unexpected change to the brief for required patron sightlines to the stage area.
  • Unforseen industrial issues beyond the control of the client or construction management organisation.
  • A change in government halfway through the project.

What worked well

  • The flexibility of construction management as a procurement method supported the design changes required, including adjustment to audience sightlines, the need to raise the berm and additional fill.
  • Efficient and effective resourcing of the project by Hooker Cockram as the construction management organisation.
  • Major Projects Victoria (MPV) acting as design champion.

Updated 5 July 2023


  • General & Introductory Industrial Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering / Project Management

sample case study construction project management

Project Management Case Studies, 6th Edition

ISBN: 978-1-119-82199-1

Digital Evaluation Copy

sample case study construction project management

Harold Kerzner

The latest edition in the gold standard of project management case study collections

As a critical part of any successful, competitive business, project management sits at the intersection of several functional areas. And in the newly revised Sixth Edition of Project Management Case Studies , world-renowned project management professional Dr. Harold Kerzner delivers practical and in-depth coverage of project management in industries as varied as automotive, healthcare, government, manufacturing, communications, construction, chemical, aerospace, and more.

The latest edition of this bestselling book acts as the perfect supplement to any project management textbook or as an aid in the preparation for the PMP certification exam. The author includes new topics, like risk management, information sharing, scope changes, crisis dashboards, and innovation.

The Sixth Edition includes ten new case studies and a wide array of updates to existing cases to meet today’s industry standards and reflect the unique challenges facing modern project management professionals. This new edition:

  • Features 10 new case studies from LEGO, NorthStar, Berlin Brandenburg Airport, and more
  • Includes over 100 case studies drawn from real companies illustrating successful and poor implementation of project management
  • Provides coverage of broad areas of project management as well as focused content on the automotive, healthcare, government, manufacturing, communications, construction, chemical, and aerospace industries
  • Offers new topics including risk management, information sharing, scope changes, crisis dashboards, and innovation

Perfect for students taking courses on project management during their undergraduate degrees and at the graduate level as part of an MBA or graduate engineering program, Project Management Case Studies is also an indispensable resource for consulting and training companies who work with other professionals.

Harold Kerzner, PhD, is Senior Executive Director for Project, Program and Portfolio Management at the International Institute of Learning, Inc. (IIL). Dr. Kerzner’s impact on the project management industry inspired IIL to establish the Kerzner International Project Manager of the Year Award. IIL also donated $1M to the Project Management Institute Educational Foundation (PMIEF) to establish the Dr. Harold Kerzner Scholarship Fund.


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