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The national awards program, also known as competitive events, recognizes and rewards excellence in a broad range of business and career-related areas. fbla competitive events also prepare students for successful careers in business by providing opportunities to apply classroom concepts in a workforce-simulated competitive environment.  , competitive events guidelines for 2022-23, announcements, summary of 2022-23 competitive event changes.

  • NEW EVENT : Introduction to Marketing Concepts will be an individual, objective test event for 9 th and 10 th .
  • MODIFICATION: 3-D Animation will be renamed Digital Animation and competitors will be able to submit their projects in any digital format (2-D or 3-D) they wish.
  • MODIFICATION: Introduction to Public Speaking and Public Speaking will now have a different topic posted each year from which the speech must be developed.
  • PROCEDURAL CHANGE: The cover and table of contents do not count toward the 15-page limit for reports.
  • PROCEDURAL CHANGE: The FBLA score sheets will be modified to include a “score range” for the descriptors of each expectation item.
  • PROCEDURAL CHANGE: Time penalties will be eliminated from all events, and timers will stop students from continuing once their allotted time has elapsed.
  • PROCEDURAL CHANGE: Permanently move to have all team event objective tests taken individually by each team member.  The scores of all team members will be averaged to determine the average team score.  Any team member who does not sign in and take the test will be removed from the team and prevented from advancing to final round competition.
  • PROCEDURAL CHANGE: Members may compete in an event at NLC more than once if they have not previously placed in the top ten of that event at NLC.  If a member places in the top ten of an event at NLC, they are no longer eligible to compete in that event.  This eliminates the exceptions for team events that were previously in place, as this change will now affect all events.
  • PROCEDURAL CHANGE:  Pilot a digital badging policy to give recognition to members who earn a proficient level (level to be determined) on objective tests.

Updates to FBLA High School Rating Sheets

Rating Sheets are currently being updated from a single point-entry option to a sliding scale, and all time penalties are being removed. Any rating sheets that require content changes to specific line items will be denoted in additional announcements as needed.

2022 NLC Competitive Events Results Now Available

2022 NLC Competitive Events Results

2022-23 FBLA High School Objective Test Competency/Task Lists

2022-23 fbla high school rating sheets, 2022-23 choose your fbla high school event, 2022-23 fbla high school competitive events event topics, 2022-23 competitive events format guide, 2022-23 fbla high school competitive events at-a-glance (updated version coming soon), fbla high school competitive event preparation resources.

fbla business plan event

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fbla business plan event

Nebraska FBLA

Future business leaders of america.

fbla business plan event

Business Plan

Category: Prejudge Report

Type: Individual, Team

Grade Level: 9-12

Deadline/Testing: 15-Feb

Competitor Limit: 1 team of 1-3 members

Event Guidelines

Report formats must follow the same sequence shown on the rating sheet. If information is not available for a particular criterion, include a statement to that effect in the report. The report must be similar to that of a business report with substantiated statements in a clear and concise format. Creativity through design and the use of meaningful graphics is encouraged.

  • Executive Summary provides a brief synopsis of the key points and strengths included in the plan.
  • Company Description includes the basic details of the business, including an overview, location, legal structure, and organization.
  • Industry Analysis provides an analysis of the larger industry in which the business will belong; analyzes key trends and players in the industry; demonstrates an understanding and awareness of external business decisions.
  • Target Market provides a brief overview of the nature and accessibility of the targeted audience.
  • Competitive Analysis includes an honest and complete analysis of the business competition and demonstrates an understanding of the business’ relative strengths and weaknesses.
  • The marketing Plan and Sales Strategy demonstrate how the business’s product or service will be marketed and sold; includes both strategic and tactical elements of the marketing and sales approach.
  • Operations provide an overview of the business operations on a day-to-day basis, including production processes, physical facility reviews, use of technology, and processes followed to ensure delivery of products or services.
  • Management and Organization describe the key participants in the new business venture and identify the human resources the business can draw upon as part of the management team, employee pool, consultants, directors, or advisers. It also portrays the role each will play in the business development and discusses compensation and incentives.
  • Long-Term Development gives a clear vision of where the business will be in three, five, or more years. It offers an honest and complete evaluation of the business’ potential for success and failure and identifies priorities for directing future business activities.
  • Financials indicate the accounting methodology to be used by the business. Discuss any assumptions made in projecting future financial results. Presents projections honestly and conservatively.
  • The appendix includes copies of key supporting documents (e.g., certifications, licenses, tax requirements, codes, letters of intent or advance contracts, endorsements, etc.). Note: Business must not have been in operation for more than 12 months.

Report Contents

  • Reports must include a table of contents and page numbers.
  • Follow the rating sheet sequence when writing the plan. If information is not available for a particular criterion, include a statement to that effect in the report.
  • Reports must not exceed fifteen (15) pages, including divider pages and appendices.
  • The front cover and table of contents are not counted against the page limit.
  • Pages must be numbered and formatted to fit on 8½” x 11” paper.
  • Reports may be single- or double-spaced.
  • Each side of the paper providing the information is counted as a page.

Report Covers

  • A front cover is required.
  • Report covers are not counted in the page limit.
  • Report covers must contain the following information: name of the student(s), name of the school, state, name of the event, and year (20xx-xx). The cover may also contain additional information.

Report General

  • Student members, not advisers, must prepare reports. Local advisers should serve only as consultants.
  • Proposals must describe proposed business ventures. The business venture must also be currently viable and realistic. The business described in the business plan must not have been in operation for a period exceeding nine (9) months prior to the State Leadership Conference. Reports should not be submitted that evaluate ongoing business ventures.
  • Reports submitted for the competition become the property of Nebraska FBLA. These reports may be used for publication and/or reproduced by the state association.
  • Reports must be original, current, and not submitted for a previous SLC.
  • Entries not adhering to these regulations may receive point deductions.
  • A PDF of the Business Plan must be submitted to Blue Panda by the deadline.
  • Save the file as BP_chaptername_year.pdf


Each chapter may enter one (1) plan created by an individual or a team of two (2) or three (3) members from Grades 9 through 12.

The project must not have been submitted at a previous State Leadership Conference.

Reports will be reviewed by a screening committee to determine if the projects have complied with event eligibility and regulations. A panel of judges will select the winners. All judges’ decisions are final.

Who Goes to Nationals?

The first-, second-, and third-place winners of this event will represent Nebraska in the Business Plan event at the National Leadership Conference. Members may compete in an event at NLC more than once if they have not previously placed in the top ten of that event at NLC. If a member places in the top ten of an event at NLC, they are no longer eligible to compete in that event.


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Home  | 2024-2025 Competitive Events Changes/Topics/Resources

2024-2025 Competitive Events Changes/Topics/Resources

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Competitive events information/guidelines/topics are not expected to be released to Pennsylvania FBLA until August 19.  PA FBLA information will begin to be updated after receipt from National FBLA.

High School Competitive Events Changes

  • Financial Math (name change/formerly Business Calculations)
  • Database Design & Applications :  Retired
  • Computer Applications/Spreadsheet Applications/Word Processing :  Production portion of event will be administered onsite at National Leadership Conference; it will no longer be administered prior to the NLC.  Nothing changes at the Pennsylvania FBLA RLC and SLC.
  • Business Ethics :  objective test increased to 100 questions
  • Digital Animation :  Video length reduce to 2 minutes
  • Future Business Educator :  Lesson plan not brough to the presentation round
  • Future Business Leader :  Cover letter/resume not brought to the presentation/interview round
  • Job Interview :  Cover letter/resume not brought to the presentation/interview round
  • “Official” National FBLA document with 24-25 high school changes . (make sure to review “high-level” changes at the beginning of this document)

Middle School Competitive Events Changes

  • New :  Exploring Computer Applications (production test)
  • Objective test increased to 50 questions
  • Exploring Leadership (formerly Leadership)
  • Exploring Parliamentary Procedure (formerly Running an Effective Meeting)
  • Exploring Public Speaking (formerly Elevator Speech)
  • Exploring Website Design (formerly Multimedia & Website Development)
  • “Official” National FBLA document with 24-25 middle school changes . (make sure to review “high-level” changes at the beginning of this document)

National FBLA will be releasing new revised national guidelines for ALL competitive events to advisers on August 19 .  After that, Pennsylvania will modify its guidelines to reflect administration at Pennsylvania region conferences and the state conference.

Competitive Events Topics

  • High School Topics
  • Middle School Topics

Pennsylvania FBLA Competitive Events Documents

  • PA FBLA Competitive Events Guidelines (complete list)
  • High School Competitive Events Descriptions
  • PA FBLA RLC Planning Document for Chapter Members/Advisers
  • Pennsylvania FBLA Middle School Competitive Events Flyer
  • Search the web for quizlets related to specific competitive events
  • Search YouTube for specific competitive events presentations that may be recorded and posted
  • Study the rating sheets for written reports and presentations and role plays
  • Study the event competencies for online objective tests

Competitive Events Resources Provided by National FBLA

  • National FBLA Competitive Events at-a-Glance
  • National FBLA Competitive Events Descriptions
  • National FBLA High School Rating Sheets
  • National FBLA Format Guide
  • National High School Preparation Resources (requires an FBLA Connect login)
  • Choose Your Event! Interactive Slides for High School Competitive Events (requires an FBLA Connect login)
  • National FBLA Competitive Events at-a-Glance (does not include Pennsylvania-only events)
  • National Middle School FBLA Rating Sheets
  • National Middle School Event Preparation Resources (requires an FBLA Connect login)
  • Choose Your Event! Interactive Slides for Middle School Competitive Events (requires an FBLA Connect login)

Topics are available for the following high school events .

  • Broadcast Journalism
  • Business Ethics
  • Coding & Programming
  • Computer Game & Simulation Programming
  • Data Analysis
  • Digital Animation
  • Digital Video Production
  • Financial Statement Analysis
  • Future Business Educator
  • Graphic Design
  • Introduction to Business Presentation
  • Introduction to Programming
  • Introduction to Public Speaking
  • Introduction to Social Media Strategy
  • Mobile Application Development
  • Public Service Announcement
  • Public Speaking
  • Social Media Strategies
  • Visual Design
  • Website Coding & Development
  • Website Design

Topics are available for the following middle school events .

  • Exploring Business Issues
  • Exploring Public Speaking
  • Exploring Website Design
  • Video Game Challenge

2023-2024 “Deep Dive” Competitive Events Preparation Sessions — conducted by Derek Selleck, Competitive Events Coordinator

February 01:  Chapter Events (American Enterprise Project, Community Service Project, Local Chapter Annual Business Report, Partnership with Business Project)

All titles are linked to recordings of sessions November 14:  Production Tests (Computer Apps / Database Apps / Spreadsheet Apps / Word Processing) November 14:  All Online Objective Tests

November 15:  Broadcast Journalism November 15:  Business Ethics

November 16:  Business Plan November 16:  Coding & Programming / Introduction to Programming / Mobile Application Development / Computer Game & Simulation Programming

November 20:  Client Service November 20:  Website Design / Website Coding & Development

November 21:  Future Business Educator November 21:  Impromptu Speaking November 21:  Job Interview

November 27:  Data Analysis / Financial Statement Analysis November 27:  Digital Animation / Digital Video Production

November 28:  Electronic Career Portfolio November 28:  Future Business Leader November 28:  Banking & Financial Systems / Business Management / Entrepreneurship / Help Desk / Hospitality & Event Management / International Business / Introduction to Event Planning / Marketing / Sports & Entertainment Management November 29:  Network Design / Management Information Systems November 29:  Parliamentary Procedure November 29:  Introduction to Social Media Strategy / Social Media Strategies

November 30:  Introduction to Public Speaking / Public Speaking November 30:  Public Service Announcement

December 04:  Graphic Design / Visual Design December 04:  Sales Presentation December 04:  Introduction to Business Presentation

State Leadership Workshop Presentation:  Derek Selleck SLW Slide Deck on Competitive Events Changes

Zoom Meeting Recordings :

1.  State-Only Competitive Events Overview Zoom Recording, November 09 — November 09 slide deck

2.  RLC Competitive Events Overview Zoom Recording, November 08 — November 08 slide deck

3.  State-Only Competitive Events Overview Zoom Recording, October 24 — October 24 slide deck

4.  RLC Competitive Events Overview Zoom Recording, October 23 — October 23 slide deck

fbla business plan event


  1. FBLA Business Plan by Gabby Ello on Prezi

    fbla business plan event

  2. FBLA

    fbla business plan event

  3. FBLA Nationals Business Plan Presentation 2021

    fbla business plan event

  4. FHC FBLA Business Plan Presentation

    fbla business plan event

  5. Business Plan

    fbla business plan event

  6. Fillable Online Business Plan

    fbla business plan event


  1. Baal Veer

  2. FBLA Business Financial Plan 2021

  3. FBLA Introduction to Business Planning Presentation 2023

  4. Finnair A350 Business Class Helsinki

  5. Introduction to Business

  6. Introduction to Business Presentation


  1. 2024-25 Competitive Events Guidelines

    2024-25 Competitive Events GuidelinesBusiness plans are an effective tool for evaluating, organizin. , and selling a new business concept. A well-developed business plan can be a key compon. nt of a successful business start-up. Business Plan provides members with the o. portunity to prepare a business plan. This competitive event consists of a ...


    FBLA HIGH SCHOOL COMPETITIVE EVENTS FBLA competitive events recognize and reward excellence in a broad range of business and career-related areas. They also prepare students for successful careers in business by providing opportunities to apply classroom concepts in a workforce-simulated competitive environment and receive feedback from business professionals. 2024-25

  3. FBLA Event

    Business Plan provides members with the opportunity to prepare a business plan. This competitive event consists of a pre-judged report only on the state level. 17-page report due by date specified in the State Conference registration packet. Career & Self-Development, Critical Thinking, Communication, Leadership, Professionalism, Teamwork.

  4. PDF 2024-25 Competitive Events Guidelines

    2024-25 Competitive Events GuidelinesFuture Business Leader is the premier competitive event where outstanding FBLA members who have demonstrated leadership qualities, participation in FBLA, and evidence of knowledge and skills essential for successf. l careers in business are recognized. This competitive event consists of pre-judged materials ...


    FBLA National Leadership Conference Dozens of competitive events. Powerful learning workshops. An amazing Future Leaders Expo Hall. And,

  6. FBLA Competitive Event Topics

    Business (global) - A story or current event impacting the global economy. Entrepreneurship (local) - A story about a local business (real or fictional) in the area. Event - A story about the FBLA State or National Leadership Conference. Education - A report on financial literacy. Finance - A report on the stock market, interest rates ...

  7. FBLA Collegiate Competitive Event Preparation Resources

    FBLA Collegiate Competitive Event Preparation Resources - Future Business Leaders of America.


    FBLA HIGH SCHOOL COMPETITIVE EVENTS The National Awards Program, also known as competitive events, recognizes and rewards excellence in a broad range of business and career-related areas. FBLA competitive events also prepare students for successful careers in business by providing opportunities to apply classroom concepts in a workforce-simulated competitive environment.

  9. FBLA Event

    FBLA Event - Business Financial Plan — Florida FBLA. Financial Statement Analysis provides members with the opportunity to apply knowledge in accounting and analyzing financial information. This competitive event consists of a presentation component, with a specific topic. 3-minute set-up, 7-minute presentation time, 3-minute question ...

  10. PDF 2024-25 Competitive Events Guidelines

    2024-25 Competitive Events GuidelinesFuture Business Executive is the premier competitive event where outstanding FBLA members who have demonstrated leadership qualities, participation in FBLA, and evidence of knowledge and skills essential for successf. l careers in business are recognized. This competitive event consists of pre-judged ...

  11. Competitive Events Program

    Competitive Events Program The Competitive Events Program exemplifies the range of activities and focus of Future Business Leaders of America, Inc. These events are based on projects developed from the goals of FBLA and the curricula of business education programs.

  12. FBLA Event

    This competitive event consists of an objective test. It aims to inspire members to learn about the different functions of businesses. Check with your District leadership for District-specific competition information. · FBLA membership dues are paid by 11:59 pm Eastern Time on December 1 of the current program year.

  13. PDF 2024-25 Competitive Events Guidelines

    2024-25 Competitive Events GuidelinesEntrepreneurship provides members with the opportunity to gain understanding of the knowledge and skills need. d to establish and manage a business. This competitive event consists of an ob.

  14. FBLA Home

    FBLA is the largest business career & technical student organization in the world, helping more than 230,000 members prepare for careers each year.

  15. Event

    SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT PLAN . This event recognizes Collegiate members that demonstrate an understanding and mastery of the process required to develop and implement a new business venture. ... Limited to one entry per charter that is on record in the FBLA/PBL state office as having paid state and national dues by February 15 of the current ...

  16. Business Plan

    The marketing Plan and Sales Strategy demonstrate how the business's product or service will be marketed and sold; includes both strategic and tactical elements of the marketing and sales approach.

  17. PDF 2024-25 Competitive Events Guidelines

    2024-25 Competitive Events GuidelinesPartnership with Business Project provides chapter members with the opportunity to share their chapter's development and implementation of an innovative, creative, and effective partnership with a. business to benefit the greater good. This competitive event consists of a pre-jud.

  18. 2024-2025 Competitive Events Changes/Topics/Resources

    Nothing changes at the Pennsylvania FBLA RLC and SLC. Business Ethics: objective test increased to 100 questions Digital Animation: Video length reduce to 2 minutes Future Business Educator: Lesson plan not brough to the presentation round Future Business Leader: Cover letter/resume not brought to the presentation/interview round

  19. FBLA Event

    FBLA Event - Entrepreneurship — Florida FBLA. Entrepreneurship provides members with the opportunity to gain understanding of the knowledge and skills needed to establish and manage a business. This competitive event consists of an objective test and a role play scenario. 20-minute preparation time, 7-minute presentation time.

  20. PDF 2024-25 Competitive Events Guidelines

    Event Elements: Pre-judged Lesson Plan and Presentation Pre-judged Component: Lesson Plan due May 13, 2025. ership, Professionalism2024-25 TopicCompetitors can choose a business-related topic from one of the following subject areas: Accounting, Economics, Entre. neurship, Marketing, or Technology. Judges will play the role a.

  21. PDF Crosswalk: FBLA Competitive Events & National Business Administration

    FBLA Competitive Events and MBA Research Crosswalk 3 FBLA Event Objective Test Competencies Production/Performance Competencies Business Administration Performance Indicators Accounting I Journalizing Explain the nature of special journals (FI:407) (CS) Journalize business transactions (FI:381) (CS)

  22. FBLA Event

    FBLA Event - Management Decision Making — Florida FBLA. Business Management provides members with the opportunity to gain knowledge around management themes. This competitive event consists of an objective test and a role play scenario. 20-minute preparation time, 7-minute presentation time. Career & Self-Development, Communication ...

  23. PDF 2024-25 Competitive Events Guidelines

    Introduction to Business Presentation - Page 1 of 5 - Updated August 2024 Eligibility FBLA membership dues are paid by 11:59 pm Eastern Time on March 1 of the current school year. in the top ten of that event at NLC. If a member places in the top ten of an event at NLC, they are no lon