Under Pressure: An essay on school stress and mental health

Immense pressure built into school isn’t consistent with supporting students’ mental health.

stress about school essay

I was in my Psychology class taking notes on anxiety when I felt like I had just read my life story. Mid-assignment, I started shaking and had difficulty continuing my work. My thoughts began to spiral: If I didn't write my notes, I would fail the test. If I failed the test I wouldn’t graduate. If I didn’t graduate I wouldn’t go to college, wouldn’t be accomplished, and soon enough, would have failed at life.

This account from a Kentucky student is just a fraction of the plethora of tales that the subject of mental health in schools is incomplete without. Unfortunately, I can relate, because education is one of the most powerful tools we need to change the world. We all want to be accomplished–but now, the biggest milestone we have is surviving it. 

Throughout America, schools give awards for best attendance, but they come with no recognition of the mental toll it takes to be present in the classroom. Academic accomplishment is presented as the Holy Grail–yet for students, the pursuit of schools' measures of success often feels like pushing ourselves to the breaking point. That leads to losing sight of the connections that make school meaningful. In the United States, almost 1 in 7 kids and teens have a mental health condition, and nearly half go untreated. According to recent studies, in Kentucky alone, at least 16% of children ages 3 to 17 have depression or anxiety. Schools aren't meeting the mental health needs of students, but this problem–as well as the students experiencing it firsthand–isn’t being understood or approached correctly. The immense pressure built into school isn’t consistent with supporting students' mental health.  

Somewhere a student is sitting in detention for interrupting class with excessive fidgeting, talking, and physical movements. For this student, having ADHD becomes a punishable offense; they are seen as unruly and wayward. 

In another school, a student is barred from attending Prom or after-school activities—a common punishment for students with too many unexcused absences. Is this fair for students with depression, who can face challenges gathering up the strength just to get out of bed, much less to have the capacity to attend a school that doesn't accommodate their needs? 

Elsewhere, a student not participating in class or activities because of a sense of hopelessness and lack of energy is written off as lazy, rather than having their specific needs met as a student with Bipolar Disorder. 

And when common conditions such as anxiety and depression remain stigmatized and punished in schools, what about students with experiences that remain deeply misunderstood by the general public? Students with such diagnoses often struggle to find understanding and support within the structure of school. 

More in school support and friendly environments are both pertinent needs for students with diagnosable and treatable mental health conditions, as well as ways of tending to overall student mental well-being. We can start now by enhancing awareness among our peers, the staff, and ourselves. Some research shows that academic-related stress negatively impacts mental health, physical health, and school performance. The pressure doesn’t help.

Today, it is a normalized and regular occurrence for  students to be forced to stand in front of their class, despite being petrified, often unable to utter a full sentence. Anxiety is seen as "stage fright,” to be casually confronted and overcome; the complexities of mental health are continuously overlooked in the school building. Little do they know how that simple act reinforces the idea of feeling worthless and not good enough in that student's mind by subjecting them to all that anxiety and worry. Then, that can spiral into the affirmations from classmates who feel pity for you, the blank stares and whispers, the cackles, and then, their own self-pity. Even after numerous presentations, it never gets better. It's always the same ambiance, the same fear, and the same high expectations that seem improbable to meet. Having encountered this countless times, I can assert that the way we approach mental health in school needs to change.  

I hope that one day in America every student will see school as a place to be heard, and won't look at school as a place where dreams are deferred, where we are destined to be misunderstood. What we need is understanding as the basic foundation of awareness. Knowledge of the existence of mental health conditions, without the ability to discern whether school stress worsens it, makes it powerless. It is only when we have sufficient understanding of a problem that we can begin to acknowledge and fix it. The understanding of whether stress from school exacerbates a student’s mental health challenges isn’t easy to acquire, but it’s where we have to start. 


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stress about school essay

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stress about school essay

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stress about school essay

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stress about school essay

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Essay on Stress On Students

Students are often asked to write an essay on Stress On Students in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Stress On Students

Stress on students: a pressing concern.

Stress has become a significant problem for students of all ages. Many factors, such as academic pressure, social expectations, and family issues, can contribute to stress in students.

Impact On Students’ Well-being:

Stress can negatively affect students’ physical and mental health. It can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Physically, stress can cause headaches, stomach aches, and other physical symptoms.

Effects on Academic Performance:

Stress can interfere with students’ ability to learn and focus in school. When students are stressed, they may have difficulty paying attention, remembering information, and solving problems. This can lead to lower grades and a decreased interest in school.

Coping With Stress:

Students need to learn effective ways to manage stress. Some helpful strategies include:


250 words essay on stress on students, stress on students.

School children always experience stress. Stress can be influenced by various factors including exams, relations with peers, and expectations from parents and teachers. A little bit of stress can be helpful as it can motivate a child to study harder and perform better. However, too much stress can be harmful. It can cause physical symptoms, such as headaches and stomachaches and emotional symptoms, such as anxiety and depression.

Causes of Stress In Students

Stress in students can be caused by a variety of factors, including academic pressure, extracurricular activities, and social interactions. Academic pressure can be a major source of stress for students. Students may feel stressed about getting good grades, taking tests, and meeting the expectations of their parents and teachers. Extracurricular activities can also be a source of stress, especially if students are trying to balance their academic and extracurricular commitments. Social interactions can also be a source of stress for students, especially if they are struggling to make friends or fit in.

Effects of Stress on Students

Stress can have a negative impact on students’ physical and mental health. Physically, stress can lead to headaches, stomachaches, and sleep problems. Mentally, stress can lead to anxiety, depression, and difficulty concentrating. Stress can also make it more difficult for students to learn and remember information.

Coping with Stress

There are a number of things that students can do to cope with stress. These include:

500 Words Essay on Stress On Students

What is stress, causes of stress in students.

One of the main reasons students feel stressed is because of the pressure to do well in exams. Many students feel they have to get the best grades to be successful in the future. This pressure can come from their parents, teachers, or even themselves. Another reason is the amount of homework and assignments they have to complete. Sometimes, there is so much work that students don’t know how to manage their time well. This can make them feel overwhelmed and stressed.

Stress doesn’t just affect students’ health; it also affects their behavior. Some students might become irritable or angry easily, while others might withdraw and stop talking to their friends and family. This can make them feel lonely and even more stressed.

Dealing with Stress

In conclusion, stress is a common issue that many students face. It comes from academic pressure, too much homework, and social issues. Stress can have negative effects on students’ health and behavior, but there are ways to manage it. By organizing their time, taking breaks, and talking to someone about their feelings, students can reduce their stress levels and enjoy their school life more.

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stress about school essay

420 Stress Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

To write a stress essay, you’ll need a good idea to start your research and writing process. We have some for you to check.

📑 Aspects to Cover in a Stress Essay

🏆 best stress topic ideas & essay examples, 🥇 most interesting stress topics to write about, 🎓 simple & easy stress essay topics, 📌 research titles about stress, 👍 good stress essay topics, 💡 interesting topics to write about stress, ❓ stress research questions.

As a student, you’re likely familiar with the subject already. Yet, you may struggle to choose between composing about stress management or mental health issues. That’s why our team has prepared this list of stress essay topics. Look through them to consider every possible title and pick the most suitable one.

Stress has become one of the most common problem individuals experience today. It is possible to say that everyone has felt stressed out at least once in their life.

Stress essays are challenging and engaging assignments that can help students to learn more about the issue. We are here to help you write an outstanding essay on stress.

Let us start by choosing the subject for your paper. We would suggest choosing one of the following stress essay topics and titles:

  • Stress management techniques and their significance

The effects of stress on the body

  • How bullying increases stress among students
  • Causes and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (you can choose another mental health disorder, too)
  • Benefits of leisure activities to reduce the level of stress
  • The link between nutrition and stress
  • Consequences of workplace stress
  • Common causes of stress among students

Note that you can select one of the other stress essay titles, too. You can search for them online. Remember to only use online examples as an inspiration for your paper and avoid copying the information you will find.

Once you have chosen one of the topics, you are ready to work on your outstanding essay. Here are the aspects you should cover in your paper on stress:

  • Think about what you already know about the subject you had selected. Check out stress essay examples online if you are not sure that your topic is relevant. Research the information about the issue, using credible sources (Wikipedia is not one of them!).
  • Select the sources that you cite in your paper. The general rule is that you should use peer-reviewed articles and scholarly books. Ask your professor about the sources in advance.
  • A well-developed stress essay outline is important. Include an introductory paragraph, several body paragraphs (we would recommend writing at least three), and a conclusion.
  • Think about the purpose of your paper. Do you want to help the reader to minimize stress? Should your essay provide statistical data? Do you want to address workplace stress or school-related stress? Consider these questions while working on the essay.

A thesis statement is a must. Generally, it should be present in the last sentence of your introduction. Here is how a thesis can look like:

Nutrition is directly linked to the level of stress in an individual. / Workplace stress can lead to depression among employees.

  • Define stress. Provide a dictionary definition of stress or select one from the articles you have studied. Your reader should understand the concept of stress clearly. Remember that there are different types of stress based on its causes.
  • Discuss the consequences of stress, referring to the sources you have selected. Address the physical and emotional outcomes of stress.
  • Discuss the potential ways of dealing with stress. According to the purpose of your paper, address one or several methods in detail. What are the positive changes an individual can feel after these interventions? Reflect on this question, too.
  • Remember to support your claims with evidence from the sources you have studied. Cite the literature properly using the citation style guide.
  • Your concluding paragraph should restate the main arguments of the paper. Avoid adding new information or in-text citations in this section.

Please feel free to analyze our free samples and get the best ideas for your essay!

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  • Stress and Related Risks in Vulnerable Communities The case study family is between the ages of five and thirty-five years and consists of a father, a mother, and two male children. My rationale behind the ranking is the impact of the risks […]
  • COVID-19, Secondary Traumatic Stress and Burnout The second part of the hypothesis states that the levels of STS and BO among caretakers during the pandemic will be higher than before it.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Preliminary Care Coordination The personal character of trauma and how the patient reacts to it justifies the need to design patient-centered interventions to address this healthcare problem.
  • Circumstances Causing Stress in Adolescence Hold one’s breath for many seconds and gently exhale via the mouth to evacuate the lungs, hence easing the body of stress. The more one is stressed, the more difficult and nervous it is to […]
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Causes and Symptoms The article by Smith entitled Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is valuable because it offers important information on the causes and symptoms of PTSD and ways of recognizing and treating the condition.
  • Mishele’s Theory Applied to Pediatric Medical Traumatic Stress In other words, the theory addresses the problem of the subjective perception of the treatment outcomes and diseases under the prism of uncertainty.
  • Major Depressive Disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Her sleep is turbulent, she has rape nightmares, her mood is depressed, and her affect is congruent and constrained. Her mental process is rational and linear, and her mental faculties are largely intact.
  • Meditation Effects on Anxiety and Stress My goal in this exercise was to use meditation to manage anxiety and stress and improve my general mental well-being. I am not accustomed to meditation and had to turn to YouTube for guidance.
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Case Presentation Report Date of initial assessment: N/A PSEUDO Name: Ana Ana is a self-referred and re-occurring client who entered counseling after the case of domestic violence. As a result, Ana expressed feelings of anxiety and fear […]
  • Panel: Women’s Stress and COVID-19 It is vital to examine what is known about the connection of women’s stress to COVID-19. Overall, the link between COVID-19 and women’s stress is apparent.
  • Effects of Support on Stress in School Principals Threats to living standards and wellbeing, the strain on families and the escalation of injustices, changes in teaching techniques and the role of technology, and the disruption of higher learning and scholarship are among the […]
  • Early Life Stress: Resilience Development in Children For their own and the children’s sake, school counselors may be assigned to a particular institution in primary schools. An attempt to harness the unique qualities and capabilities that evolve in a high-stress setting is […]
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Treatment Research Therefore, the advantage of qualitative research, in this case, relates to the ability to investigate patients’ PTSD treatment experiences and uncover their meanings.
  • Coping with Stress in Clinical Neuropsychiatry Joseph should be able to identify what is stressing him most, which in this case it is financial issues and the fact that his wife is always annoyed with him because he is always around, […]
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Misapprehension A significant proportion of civilians are affected by post-traumatic stress but ignore the symptoms and fail to seek early interventions influenced by misconceptions about how PTSD develops and its symptoms.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Opioid Use in Veterans This study examined the proportion of United States veterans who had PTSD and engaged in the use of illegal opioids to cope with it or had done so in the past.
  • The Impact of Chronic Stress on Pathological Conditions Long-term stress is hazardous, as it damages the mechanisms of self-regulation of the body, leading to constant fluctuations in the level of hormones and unhealthy rhythms of breathing and heartbeat.
  • Toxic Stress and Its Negative Effects The experience of toxic stress in the early years of life also negatively affects school performance and the physical development of children.
  • Sex-Specific Effects of Music Listening on Couples’ Stress in Everyday Life Wuttke-Linnemann et al.also highlight the presence of gender-specific differences as to how specifically music listening can impact stress among men and women.
  • Stress as an Important Psychological Issue The ability to complete work on time, learn new skills at the first request of the bosses, and the need to work overtime – all this is among the constant needs of a modern working […]
  • Traumatic Stress Disorders & Treatment It will be based on the hypothesis that trauma has a detrimental impact on a person’s identity and is likely to result in adverse consequences in the future.
  • Smoking and Stress Among Veterans The topic is significant to explore because of the misconception that smoking can alleviate the emotional burden of stress and anxiety when in reality, it has an exacerbating effect on emotional stress.
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in A Journal for Jordan Considering the loss of her husband in the war, Dana had not recovered, and the expression of irate reaction is a symptom of PTSD.
  • Stress Management Benefits for Health Therefore, stress management strategies are crucial to eliminating the adverse impact of tension and anxiety. Physical activity and socializing are the techniques I have successfully applied to manage stress.
  • Nurses’ Mental Health and Stress at Workplace This is the first research to present the viewpoints of mental health nurses on a resilience program. Theoretical ideas of resilience and understanding of mental health nurses’ resilience emerged through constant comparative study and integration […]
  • The Relationship Between Stress and Health: Article Summary The implications of the study allow for stating that the increased exposure to stress at work leads to worsened health of the stressed individuals.
  • Improving Nurses’ Stress Response During the COVID-19 The article is dedicated to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the overall health of nurses. It is necessary to study the mental health of nurses further and develop ways to level the negative […]
  • Stress Management Skills of Student-Athletes Their responses will then be categorized as “low perceived stress,” “moderate perceived stress,” and “high perceived stress”. The students will then be qualified as possessing superior, above-average, average, or below-average stress management skills.
  • Coping with Stress and Physical Health Problems In this regard, Julie, first of all, needs to accept the situation as it is, to appreciate the things and the context that she is no longer able to change.
  • A Theorist View of Stress, Human Body and Mind As one can see, both K bler-Ross and Frankl focus on human stress as a form of suffering in the face of insurmountable life troubles, such as death or suffering.
  • Employee Stress and Burnout at the Workplace This is done by giving outbreaks to those actively involved in the manufacture of the products and giving leaves for some time; the company has also created shift sessions that allow specified workers to take […]
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Development Avoidance of objects that remind you of the traumatic incident is another symptom of PTSD. Identifying erroneous and unreasonable beliefs about the incident and replacing them with a more balanced image is also part of […]
  • Sexual Aversion and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder This aspect causes difficulties in prescribing therapy, since the latter requires a thorough study of the psychological nature of the problems. In the treatment of sexual aversion disorder, a doctor needs to investigate a complex […]
  • Workplace Stress Among American Nurses During the Coronavirus Pandemic In this systematic review paper, the researcher seeks to discuss workplace stress among American nurses during the peak of the coronavirus pandemic in the country.
  • Secondary Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Children The relationship between parents’ experiences and interactions with the onset of PTSD in children will be explored. There is vast information on the management of treatment and prevention of PTSD in children.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Parenting Style On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being lowest and 10 being highest, how much do you believe that kids need to learn early who the boss is in the family?
  • Durations of Vowels: Effect of Stress, Lexical Focus, and Segmental Focus The article in question addresses the correlation between the duration of a vowel and the type of focus or stress. De Jong and Zawaydeh address this phonetic issue on the basis of the Arabic language, […]
  • Healthcare Workers’ Stress Coping Strategies This is especially relevant for the mental health domain, as the major flows of resources in the healthcare sectors all over the globe are directed towards combating the main adverse physical consequences of the infection.
  • Stress and Depression Among Nursing Students The study aims to determine how different the manifestations of stress and depression are among American nursing students compared to students of other disciplines and what supports nursing students in continuing their education.
  • The Stress of Working with Families There is an intricate shared history that is interpreted in different ways by different members, and the boundaries, psychological distances, and roles within and between family subsystems are constantly shifting.
  • Coping with Stress: Stress and Health In terms of physical, emotional, and behavioral signs, Julia is experiencing severe stress, which requires the help of specialists and the introduction of various techniques that contribute to the normalization of all aspects of life.
  • “Poverty, Toxic Stress, and Education…” Study by Kelly & Li Kelly and Li are concerned with the lack of research about poverty and toxic stress affecting the neurodevelopment of preterm children.
  • Prefrontal Cortex and Effects of Stress Exposure However, the inability to control the stressor can reduce the prefrontal cortex’s capacity to regulate stress responses. Exposure to stress noticeably weakens the effectiveness of the prefrontal cortex while stimulating more primitive responses of the […]
  • Stress as a Result of Combining Work and Family At the same time, it is difficult to say that such a life on a constant clear schedule contributes to the psychological health of a person.
  • Analysis of Stress Management Aspects In the science of stress management, there are a number of practices aimed at strengthening the mental health of the student, thus improving their response to potentially stressful events.
  • Phonetics and Phonology of English Word Stress People have trouble pronouncing some words in their L2 due to the influence of their L1 accent. Many students find it challenging to accurately pronounce words in their second language due to the influence of […]
  • Adaptation to Stress of Endocrine and Sympathetic Nervous System Stress is a non-specific body reaction that occurs under the action of various extreme factors that threaten the violation of homeostasis and is characterized by stereotypical changes in the function of the nervous and endocrine […]
  • The Resilience Handbook: Approaches to Stress and Trauma I was surprised to learn that music is not just the words but also the lyrics in the heart and mind.
  • Assessing the Personal Stress Levels To ascertain the levels of stress in my everyday life, I have used several assessment tools. Implementing the “Symptoms of Stress” methodology, I have discovered that the occurrence of stress in my life is quite […]
  • Stress Management Techniques The proposed strategies and examples should help students to understand different situations and overcome stress disregarding settings and external factors.
  • Occupational Health: Workplace Stress To avoid noise-related stress, Ruth handles her job with a positive attitude and this makes it easy to enjoy work. In conclusion, work-related stress is a major cause of poor performance by employees due to […]
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Substance Use Disorder The hypothesis of self-medication is one of the mechanisms that can expound the comorbidity between post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety illness.
  • Stress Patterns in Police Work: A Longitudinal Study The research problem identified by the investigator relates to the prevalence of distress in the police occupation. The primary variable of the study was the mean stress measure, which was derived from the Langner-22 list […]
  • Occupational Stress: Patient Teaching Plan Physical exercise is helpful for the patients with work-related stress and anxiety. Physical exercise helps alleviate work and stress-related pains in different parts of the body.
  • Stress Among Secondary and Tertiary Students The results of the study by Pascoe et al.demonstrate that the majority of students report high levels of stress and negative effects on their mental and physical health.
  • Stress Reduction Among College Students In conclusion, “Calm” is useful in mindfulness meditation to decrease stress and enhance self-compassion and mindfulness among students. However, there is constrained information regarding the palatability and effectiveness of delivering mindfulness meditation interventions through mobile […]
  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in the Workplace What are the weakness of the study and how can it be improved. According to I/O psychologist work is done to obtain productivity and to improve the quality of life of the clients.
  • Free Radicals, Oxidative Stress, and Antioxidants The presence of ROS in excess causes oxidative stress in the body, leading to the oxidation of proteins and lipids and the transformation of their structures and roles in the body.
  • Stress From a Biblical Perspective The Bible, in that case, provides a sense of hope and relief which leads to relaxation. In 1 Samuel 30:1-31, Amalekites exploited the opportunity of David and his men’s absence in the south city of […]
  • Dealing With Stress: What Makes One’s Life Complete Carrying the burden of stress, I became rather reserved and unwilling to socialize, which led to certain misconceptions among my friends and me.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Pathophysiology Sakellariou and Stefanatou, further link threat responsiveness and fear regulation with the signalling of 5-HT within the amygdala; this is an area within the brain deemed essential in comprehending the reaction to fear and aetiology […]
  • Workplace Yoga Reducing Stress in Employees Since the key idea of a project is to sell the yoga and meditation practice program to the other departments of a firm, it is important to understand the expected benefits.
  • Cross-National Job Stress: A Quantitative and Qualitative Study That is why, in order to fill the substantial research gap, the exploratory study of Liu et al.examines the perceptions of job stress in two culturally dissimilar countries the United States and China using both […]
  • The Effectiveness of Occupational Stress Management However, as it relates to analyzing the shipbuilding and ship-repair industries, the level of occupational stress is higher in comparison to other sectors of the economy, and the effectiveness of managing the problem is lower.
  • Coping With Stress in Breast Cancer Patients Therefore, it is important for research experts to ensure and guarantee adherence to methodologies and guidelines that define scientific inquiry. However, various discrepancies manifest with regard to the initiation and propagation of research studies.
  • Changes in Life and Psychological Stress Assessment The vagueness of the evaluation system and the lack of precision in terms of results assessment, however, beg the question whether psychological assessments can be trusted.
  • Stress Management for Patients With Arthritis The study’s primary objectives were to substantiate the hypothesis of the relation between RA activity and stress and find the evidence for the basis of further decisions.
  • Nursing Work Stress Level During Pandemics In the case of this project, the DNP student was able to review at length the issue of occupational stress in nursing.
  • Stress Management Through Transcendental Meditation Thus, to improve productivity and the general wellbeing of its employees, a company ought to offer stress management program. However, transcendental meditation seems to be the most beneficial as it enables people to deal with […]
  • Stress Analysis of Thin Walled Structures and Results This consideration takes the priority of the passengers’ safety to ensure they do not experience the effects of either deformation or heat dissipated by the parts involved in the impact.”At the same time other structural […]
  • Advanced Stress Analysis – Characteristic of Model The choice of approach is done in the preliminary stages of structural design of shapes. 893Kg/mm3 The density of the envelope is 1.
  • The Unified Trauma Theory of High-Stress Level Fatigue a Case of Loyola University The steps of this process are outlined, concluding with definitions and a description of the middle range theory of unified trauma theory of high-stress fatigue, which was developed.
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  • Effects of Obesity on Neuroendocrine, and Immune Cell Responses to Stress
  • Health and Wellness: Stress, Diabetes and Tobacco Related Problems
  • Effective Use of Prazosin for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
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  • BMI and Stress Levels Among Students in the US
  • Conger’s Stress and Family With Children
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
  • Dealing With Grief – Stress Factors
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  • Wholeness Meeting to Deal With Stress in School
  • Adult Life Stress: Assessment Tools Analysis
  • Relation Work – Stress – Health
  • Stress, Emotional Intelligence, and Job Performance Correlation in Nursing
  • Managing Stress Through Communication Skills in Nursing
  • The Effectiveness of ICU Nurses in Reducing Stress among Family Members
  • Mindfulness-Based Stress and Burnout Reduction in Nurses
  • Identifying Causes of Stress among Nurses
  • Nursing Burnout: Increased Stress Experienced by Nurses
  • Emotions and Stress on the Job
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Among Vets
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Overview
  • ANOVA Analysis: The Influence of Physical Activity on Stress Levels
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment in Intellectually Disabled Patients: The Promise of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy
  • Stress Management in University Students
  • Women in the West Who Are Put Under Stress Due to Social Media
  • Stress in the Teaching Fraternity
  • Work Related Stress: Symptoms and Management
  • Stress at Work: Main Aspects, Globalization Influence
  • Client Diagnosis: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
  • Stress Test Process to a Community Issue
  • Employees’ Stress and Burnout
  • Disaster Crisis: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms
  • Yoga and Stress Reduction
  • Personal & Professional Development: Managing Stress
  • Living With Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • How Stress Affects Learning in Middle School
  • Motivation, Emotion, Stress, Health and Work
  • The Role of Stress in Our Everyday Life
  • Employee Stress Causes in Different Countries
  • Socio-Cultural and Stress Models in Diagnosis
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder After Rape Attempt
  • Stress, Depression and Psychoneuroimmunology
  • How Can College Students Cope With Stress
  • Causes and Effects of Marital Stress on the Health of Women
  • Academic Related Sicknesses: Stress in Medical Students
  • Work Stress: Coping Through Work-Life Programs
  • The Relationship Between Emotion Regulation Suppression and the Academic and Life Stress Levels
  • Health and Stress in College Students
  • Stress: Causes, Sources and Symptoms
  • Sources of Stress Among African American Students
  • Stress and Medical Students’ Lifes
  • Stress of Police Officers and How They Cope With It
  • Educational Psychology: Student Learning and Stress
  • “Stress: How It Affects Us”: Critical Analysis
  • Acute and Post Traumatic Stress Disorders
  • Stress and Higher Education Student: A Critical Review
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: German Researches
  • Preventing Burnout in Preschool Teachers
  • Can Stress Be Fattening: Discussion
  • Sports Demands and Stress Management in Athletics
  • Holmes and Rahe Stress Test and Coping Strategies
  • Reducing Nurses’ Stress: A Web-Based Management Program
  • Student Loans and Financial Stress
  • How Nurses Cope with Job Stress
  • A Healthy Way To Cope With Stress
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Veteran Community
  • Evidence-Based Procedures That Reduce Stress and Promote Health
  • UAE: Stress Management and Organizational Performance
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Treatment Effectiveness
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Missouri Veterans
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Management in Children
  • Chronobiology and Stress in Horses
  • Employment and Stress Management
  • Productivity and Work-Related Stress in the UAE
  • Workplace Stress and Labor Law in the United Kingdom
  • Does Locus of Control and Motivation Predict Occupational Stress?
  • Occupational Stress in the Maritime Industry
  • Racial Disparities in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Treatment
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Hispanic Teenager
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Treatment in Soldier
  • Stress Impact on Self-Esteam and Personal Growth
  • Employee Motivation, Termination, and Work Stress
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Modality Treatment Plan
  • Anxiety Disorder: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
  • Crisis Intervention Model and Critical Stress Management
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Its Theories
  • Emotion Regulation and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
  • Stress Factors in the Fire Service
  • Early-Life Stress and Adult Inflammation: Fagundes & Way’s Study
  • Stress, Conflict and Misunderstandings in the Workplace
  • Stress Increases the Desire to Eat Sweets
  • How Coffee Affects Stress?
  • Burnout, Compassion Fatigue and Stress at Workplace
  • Organisational Stress and Its Possible Transformations
  • Stress in Policing: Reasons and Effects
  • Meditation as a Way to Alleviate Stress
  • Stress Management for Life
  • Sexual Harassment and Psychological Stress
  • Discretion, Job Stress, and Other Policing Issues
  • Kant’s and Mill’s Ideas for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Stress Statistics, Definition, and Perception
  • Physiological Mechanism of Stress
  • Stress as a Risk Factor for Inflammation
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Assets and Facilities
  • Minority Stress and Health: Societal Issues
  • Housewives’ Compensation and Stress Factors
  • Police Stress Within Law Enforcement
  • To Better Cope With Stress, Listen to Your Body
  • “Stress” Video and “A Natural Fix for ADHD” Article
  • Organizational Stress and Job Satisfaction Relationships
  • The Effect Job Stress on Satisfaction with Life
  • Ethics Code for Human Participation in Stress Reduction
  • Office 2010 Transformation: Stress Management Plan
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or Combat Fatigue
  • Genentech Inc.’s Workplace Stress Management
  • Stress, Depression, and Responses to Them
  • Stress Management in the Adulthood
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Caucasian Girl’ Case
  • Acute Stress Disorder: Cynthia’s Treatment Case
  • Food and Stress Relationship: Psychological Factor
  • Stress Management Strategies in Applied Psychology
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Soldiers
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Gender Variations
  • Stress, Its Causes and Effects Relationship
  • Stress Impacts on the Human Development
  • Stress: Effects and Management Proposal
  • Health Psychology: Eating and Stress’ Relations
  • Stress and Recovery After Rape
  • Mood and Stress Psychology: Causes, Effects and Treatments
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – Psychology
  • Managing Stress and Depression at Work Places – Psychology
  • Job’ Stress and Depression
  • Stress and Burnout in Law Enforcement
  • Police and Corrections Officers’ Stress – Psychology
  • Stress and Strains in the Renaissance Society
  • Anger, Stress and Aggression in Violent Offenders
  • Infidelity as a Cause of Divorce and Stress Disorder
  • Walmart Company: Reducing Employee Stress
  • Defining The Stress Response Across Scientific Disciplines
  • Stress Reduction at Work
  • Stress’ Definition and Effects
  • Suggestions on Stress Management
  • Correlation Study of the Relationship Between Individual Resilience, Hope, Stress and Humour
  • Stress & Its Effects on the Brain and Body
  • Ability to Manage Stress as the Most Important Skill of Effective Communicators
  • Stress Management and Work Performance in the UK
  • The Relationship Between Employee Productivity and Work Related Stress
  • The Caregiver Burnout and Long-Term Stress
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Principles and Types
  • Solutions for Students to Reduce Stress in University Life
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Veterans
  • The Effects of Forgiveness Therapy on Depression, Anxiety and Posttraumatic Stress for Women After Spousal Emotional Abuse
  • Critical Evaluation of Stress Management Approaches
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments
  • Stress Management in Work Environment
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Its Treatment
  • Underlying Issues Associated with Sleep Disorders and Stress
  • How College Athletes Deal with Stress and Manage Time
  • Impact and Strategies of Fiscal Stress on States and Municipalities
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Abused Women
  • Biological Factors Involved in Stress
  • Stress Management in the Hospitality Industry
  • Posttraumatic stress. The Case of Mary
  • Stress Management among Customer Service Employees: Antecedents & Interventions
  • Depression: Law Enforcement Officers and Stress
  • The Impact of Stress & Unpleasant Feelings on People
  • The Causes of Stress in the Contemporary Society
  • Earthquakes as a Cause of the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
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  • Effects of stress on physical health
  • Stresses of Being a Student
  • Stress at the Workplace for Correctional Officers
  • Human Stress and Dale Carnegie
  • “Denial: A Memoir” a Book by Jessica Stern
  • The Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Perceived Stress
  • The Relationship between Stress Management and Criminal Recidivism
  • Adjustment in Psychology: Stress
  • Stress and Burnout in the Workplace
  • Reaction to Stress: Flight or Fight
  • Conflict and Stress: Their Potential Impact on a Project
  • Abnormal Psychology: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
  • Diverse Effects of the Work Related Stress
  • Problems of the Employee Stress in Organizations
  • The Problem of Workplace Stress
  • Managing Time and Stress
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Tim O’Brien’s “In the Lake of Woods”
  • Randomized Trial of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders in Adult Female Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse
  • How Stress Affects Your Physical Health?
  • The Experiment to Prove the Fact That Psychological Stress Causes Headache
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Assessment and Treatment Strategies
  • Controlling Stress and Tension
  • Research Application of How College Athletes Deal with Stress and Manage Time
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Veterans and How Family Relationships Are Affected
  • Self Efficacy, Stress & Coping, and Headspace Program
  • Characteristics and Treatments of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Analysis of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Military Personnel
  • Work-Related Stress: Impeding Organization’s Success
  • The Study of Human Behavior and Stress
  • Does Cardiorespiratory Fitness Buffer Stress Reactivity and Stress Recovery in Police Officers?
  • What Does Stress Really Stress?
  • Where Does Stress Come From and How Does It Affect a Pregnant Mother and Her Unborn Child?
  • Can Stress Cause Severe Headache?
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  • How Long Does Birth Trauma Last?
  • Does Telework Stress Employees Out?
  • Can Detox Tea Relieve Stress?
  • Are Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Avoidant Coping Inhibitory Factors?
  • What makes Stress and Burnout?
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  • Can Local Stress Enhancement Induce Stability in Fracture Processes?
  • What Cause Students Stress?
  • Does Practical Parenting Stress You Out?
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  • Does Prolonged Stress Increase the Likelihood of a Stroke?
  • Can Music Therapy Improve Stress Anxiety?
  • Does Emotional Intelligence Buffer the Effects of Acute Stress?
  • Whether Stress Have Any Effect on the Productivity of Employees in an Organization?
  • Can Simulated Green Exercise Improve Recovery From Acute Mental Stress?
  • Can Social Support Alleviate Stress While Shopping in Crowded Retail Environments?
  • Can the Attention Training Technique Reduce Stress in Students?
  • Are Certain Personalities More Prone to Stress?
  • Can Stress Trigger Diseases?
  • Does Acute Stress Impact Declarative and Procedural Learning?
  • Does Prenatal Stress Shape Postnatal Resilience?
  • Are Quebecers More Stressed Out at Work Than Others?
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  • Positive Psychology Titles
  • Chicago (A-D)
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 29). 420 Stress Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/stress-essay-examples/

"420 Stress Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 29 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/stress-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '420 Stress Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 29 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "420 Stress Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/stress-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "420 Stress Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/stress-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "420 Stress Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/stress-essay-examples/.

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Understanding Academic Stress in College

How can you tell if your college stress is unhealthy, signs you may need professional support, get more academic stress tips.

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If you’re like most college students, you experience school-related stress. Stress isn’t always a bad thing. At manageable levels, it’s necessary and healthy because it keeps you motivated and pushes you to stay on track with studying and classwork. 

But when stress, worry, and anxiety start to overwhelm you, it makes it harder to focus and get things done. National studies of college students have repeatedly found that the biggest stumbling blocks to academic success are emotional health challenges including:

  • Not getting enough sleep
  • Depression 

Many things can create stress in college. Maybe you’re on a scholarship and you need to maintain certain grades to stay eligible. Maybe you’re worried about the financial burden of college on your family. You may even be the first person in your family to attend college, and it can be a lot of pressure to carry the weight of those expectations.

Stress seems like it should be typical, so it’s easy to dismiss it. You may even get down on yourself because you feel like you should handle it better. But research shows that feeling overwhelming school-related stress actually reduces your motivation to do the work, impacts your overall academic achievement, and increases your odds of dropping out.

Stress can also cause health problems such as depression, poor sleep, substance abuse, and anxiety.

For all those reasons—and just because you deserve as much balance in your life as possible—it’s important to figure out if your stress is making things harder than they need to be, affecting your health, or getting in the way of your life.

Then you can get help and learn ways to reduce the impact of stress on your life. 

First identify what’s causing your stress.

  • Is it a particular class or type of work?
  • Is it an issue of time management and prioritization?
  • Do you have too much on your plate?
  • Is it due to family expectations or financial obligations?

Next think about how college stress affects you overall.

  • Does it prevent you from sleeping?
  • Does it make it take longer to do your work or paralyze you from even starting?
  • Does it cause you to feel anxious, unwell, or depressed?

If any of that feels familiar, it’s time to find support to ease your stress and help you feel better. Check out these tips to figure out the best support and approach for you. 

It’s important to be able to recognize when stress starts to become all-encompassing, affecting your overall mental health and well-being. Here are some signs you might need to get help:

  • Insomnia or chronic trouble sleeping
  • Inability to motivate
  • Anxiety that results in physical symptoms such as hair loss, nail biting, or losing weight
  • Depression, which may manifest as not wanting to spend time with friends, making excuses, or sleeping excessively
  • Mood swings, such as bursting into tears or bouts of anger

Learn how to find professional mental health support at your school or elsewhere. 

If you need help right now, text HOME to 741-741 for a free, confidential conversation with a trained counselor any time of day, or text or call 988 or use the chat function at 988lifeline.org .

If this is a medical emergency or there is immediate danger of harm, call 911 and explain that you need support for a mental health crisis.

Tips for Managing Academic Stress in College

How to Reduce Stress by Prioritizing and Getting Organized

5 Ways to Stay Calm When You’re Stressed About School

6 Ways to Take Care of Yourself During Exam Time

Related resources

Tips for stressful election conversations, what i wish i knew before coming out, 3 steps to make it easier to ask for mental health support, search resource center.

If you or someone you know needs to talk to someone right now, text, call, or chat  988 for a free confidential conversation with a trained counselor 24/7. 

You can also contact the Crisis Text Line by texting HOME to 741-741.

If this is a medical emergency or if there is immediate danger of harm, call 911 and explain that you need support for a mental health crisis.

Celebrating 150 years of Harvard Summer School. Learn about our history.

Managing Stress in High School

Our reasons may vary, but everyone experiences stress. Here are some of the common reasons high school students feel stressed, and what they can do about it.

Pamela Reynolds

Exams. Choosing a college. Figuring out what to do with your life.

No doubt, high school can be a high-pressure time in life. And high school students, as a result, get stressed out.  

In fact, according to the American Psychological Association’s Stress in America 2020 survey, teens who are already under stress due to the normal pressures of high school have felt even more stress in recent years, thanks to the pandemic. About 43 percent of teens surveyed in 2020 said their stress levels had gone up, and 45 percent said they had a hard time concentrating on schoolwork. Many reported feeling less motivated.

Although life has mostly returned back to normal, that doesn’t mean the stress that high school students feel has disappeared. 

The typical challenges that anyone faces in high school continue as they always have, and, in some cases, have grown more complicated. Consequently, surveys suggest, many teens continue to experience a decline in mental and physical health. 

If you’re in high school and stressed, we get it. In this blog, we’ll talk about what stress is, what triggers it, and how you can manage it. 

What is Stress?

“Stress” is a term we use constantly in conversation, but what does it really mean? 

Stress can be defined as our physical and mental responses to some external event. The event might be considered “good” like preparing to go to the prom, or bad, like feeling tense after an illness, an argument with a friend, or while preparing for an upcoming test. 

The good thing about most stress is that it usually goes away once the external event causing the stress is over. 

Alternatively, there is a type of stress that results more from an internal dialogue than an external event. We call this “anxiety.” It involves persistent feelings of dread or apprehension that interfere with your daily life, even after the test, the argument, or prom, are just a distant memory. 

Why Are Teens So Stressed? 

Simply being a teenager can be hard. Your body is changing. You may be grappling with your sexuality or gender identity. Add to that the academic demands of high school and throw in the pressures of social media, and the tension mounts. 

“Some of the common triggers of stress in teens might be anxiety to perform well in academics such as getting into a good college, peer pressure, interpersonal relationships, or body image issues,” says Sakshi Khurana, Research Fellow at Harvard’s Weisz Lab for Youth Mental Health. “Other larger issues that the world is going through — for example, climate change or war— might also act as stressors for teens as they are learning about the world.”

The most common source of stress for high school students, according to the 2017 APA Stress survey , is school itself, with about 83 percent of teens identifying school as a major stressor. The second biggest source of student stress, (according to 69 percent of students), was getting into a good college or deciding what to do after high school. The third biggest teen stress was financial concerns for the family (65 percent of students). 

Here’s a quick breakdown of broad categories of factors that may stress you out:

  • Academics. In high school, not only are you worried about next week’s English, History or Calculus exam, but you’re also worried about applying to college and taking the SAT tests, too. It can all feel overwhelming, and you may feel pressure to please your parents and teachers.
  • Social Stress. Even without the pressures of academics, life in high school can be demanding. Dealing with friends and classmates, starting new romantic relationships, handling bullies and peer pressure both online and off, can be a lot to handle.
  • Family Issues. If your parents are divorcing, if your family is experiencing financial problems, or even if you just have trouble getting along with siblings, your stress levels can go up.
  • Trauma . Dramatic life events ranging from a death in the family, to an accident, to emotional and physical abuse, can cause stress. Also in this category, you can include the collective trauma of such global events such as school shootings, terrorism, and natural disasters. 
  • Big Life Changes . Changes like moving and starting a new school can be a major stress for teens. 

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What are Signs of Stress in High School Students?

If you’re a high school student feeling stressed, you may not even recognize the symptoms. 

In fact, many symptoms of stress might be considered normal for teens who are also dealing with natural hormonal and physical changes. For that reason, it’s important to consider whether behavioral changes can be linked in time to an external event. 

Signs of stress include:

  • Feeling more agitated, anxious, short-tempered, or depressed  
  • Getting sick more often
  • Having more headaches, stomachaches, or other aches and pains
  • Feeling more tired than usual
  • Not being able to sleep, or sleeping too much
  • Skipping meals or overeating 
  • Neglecting chores or hobbies 
  • Trouble concentrating and forgetfulness
  • High blood pressure

According to the APA 2017 survey, the most common symptoms of stress among teens were insomnia, overeating or eating unhealthy foods, skipping meals, feeling angry, nervous, or anxious, feeling fatigued, and snapping at friends and classmates.

Why is Stress so Problematic for Teens?

Let’s be clear, a little bit of stress is a normal part of life, and sometimes even desirable. 

Stress can act as a motivator, getting us to do things we might not otherwise. Good stress is called “eustress” and can help get you excited and energized about that first date or taking the stage in your first musical.

But too much unrelieved stress can lead to mental and physical health issues.  

Your body reacts to stress by releasing a hormone called cortisol which regulates blood pressure and immune function. If you’re stressed all the time and your body produces too much cortisol, it can lower your immunity, raise your blood pressure, and impair your cognitive performance.

In teens, the part of the brain regulating the stress response is less developed than in adults, meaning that if you’re a stressed-out teen, you may experience stress longer than an adult. 

“In the teen years, due to hormonal changes, stress tends to influence the emotional functioning of the brain, which in turn impacts the cognitive and executive functioning,” says Khurana.

You might not be able to sleep, you may overeat, or develop digestive, cardiovascular, or immune problems. Stress can even put you at a higher risk for developing mental illnesses like anxiety or depression . 

What are the Best Techniques to Help Students Manage Stress?

Since too much stress is not a good thing for your mind or body, you should think about incorporating a few stress management techniques into your daily life. 

“A few techniques that might help teens manage stress are relaxation through deep breathing, meditation, or mindfulness, channeling energy into sports or creative pursuits such as music, art, theater, and forming meaningful relationships or friendships,” says Khurana. “Additionally, every culture has its own way of enabling young people to manage stress, so drawing from those traditions might be helpful as well.”

Here are few ideas of how high school students can learn how to deal with stress at school: 

  • Keeping a journal
  • Getting plenty of exercise
  • Eating healthy, regular meals
  • Making sure you get enough sleep  
  • Downloading an app that provides relaxation exercises (such as deep breathing or visualization) or tips for practicing mindfulness
  • Limiting excess caffeine in soft drinks or coffee
  • Reaching out to friends or family members who help you cope in a positive way
  • Making time to do fun things
  • Learning to recognize and prepare for stressful periods by doing all of the above

With so many big life decisions ahead, getting through high school happy and whole can definitely feel challenging at times. It’s easy to see why so many high school students feel stressed. The good news is that there are solutions. Adopt the strategies above, take a deep breath, and remember, it’s not forever! 

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About the Author

Pamela Reynolds is a Boston-area feature writer and editor whose work appears in numerous publications. She is the author of “Revamp: A Memoir of Travel and Obsessive Renovation.”

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School Stress Takes A Toll On Health, Teens And Parents Say

Patti Neighmond

stress about school essay

Colleen Frainey, 16, of Tualatin, Ore., cut back on advanced placement classes in her junior year because the stress was making her physically ill. Toni Greaves for NPR hide caption

Colleen Frainey, 16, of Tualatin, Ore., cut back on advanced placement classes in her junior year because the stress was making her physically ill.

When high school junior Nora Huynh got her report card, she was devastated to see that she didn't get a perfect 4.0.

Nora "had a total meltdown, cried for hours," her mother, Jennie Huynh of Alameda, Calif., says. "I couldn't believe her reaction."

Nora is doing college-level work, her mother says, but many of her friends are taking enough advanced classes to boost their grade-point averages above 4.0. "It breaks my heart to see her upset when she's doing so awesome and going above and beyond."

And the pressure is taking a physical toll, too. At age 16, Nora is tired, is increasingly irritated with her siblings and often suffers headaches, her mother says.

Teens Talk Stress

When NPR asked on Facebook if stress is an issue for teenagers, they spoke loud and clear:

  • "Academic stress has been a part of my life ever since I can remember," wrote Bretta McCall, 16, of Seattle. "This year I spend about 12 hours a day on schoolwork. I'm home right now because I was feeling so sick from stress I couldn't be at school. So as you can tell, it's a big part of my life!"
  • "At the time of writing this, my weekend assignments include two papers, a PowerPoint to go with a 10-minute presentation, studying for a test and two quizzes, and an entire chapter (approximately 40 pages) of notes in a college textbook," wrote Connor West of New Jersey.
  • "It's a problem that's basically brushed off by most people," wrote Kelly Farrell in Delaware. "There's this mentality of, 'You're doing well, so why are you complaining?' " She says she started experiencing symptoms of stress in middle school, and was diagnosed with panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder in high school.
  • "Parents are the worst about all of this," writes Colin Hughes of Illinois. "All I hear is, 'Work harder, you're a smart kid, I know you have it in you, and if you want to go to college you need to work harder.' It's a pain."

Parents are right to be worried about stress and their children's health, says Mary Alvord , a clinical psychologist in Maryland and public education coordinator for the American Psychological Association.

"A little stress is a good thing," Alvord says. "It can motivate students to be organized. But too much stress can backfire."

Almost 40 percent of parents say their high-schooler is experiencing a lot of stress from school, according to a new NPR poll conducted with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard School of Public Health. In most cases, that stress is from academics, not social issues or bullying, the poll found. (See the full results here .)

Homework was a leading cause of stress, with 24 percent of parents saying it's an issue.

Teenagers say they're suffering, too. A survey by the American Psychological Association found that nearly half of all teens — 45 percent — said they were stressed by school pressures.

Chronic stress can cause a sense of panic and paralysis, Alvord says. The child feels stuck, which only adds to the feeling of stress.

Parents can help put the child's distress in perspective, particularly when they get into what Alvord calls catastrophic "what if" thinking: "What if I get a bad grade, then what if that means I fail the course, then I'll never get into college."

Then move beyond talking and do something about it.

stress about school essay

Colleen pets her horse, Bishop. They had been missing out on rides together because of homework. Toni Greaves for NPR hide caption

Colleen pets her horse, Bishop. They had been missing out on rides together because of homework.

That's what 16-year-old Colleen Frainey of Tualatin, Ore., did. As a sophomore last year, she was taking all advanced courses. The pressure was making her sick. "I didn't feel good, and when I didn't feel good I felt like I couldn't do my work, which would stress me out more," she says.

Mom Abigail Frainey says, "It was more than we could handle as a family."

With encouragement from her parents, Colleen dropped one of her advanced courses. The family's decision generated disbelief from other parents. "Why would I let her take the easy way out?" Abigail Frainey heard.

But she says dialing down on academics was absolutely the right decision for her child. Colleen no longer suffers headaches or stomachaches. She's still in honors courses, but the workload this year is manageable.

Even better, Colleen now has time to do things she never would have considered last year, like going out to dinner with the family on a weeknight, or going to the barn to ride her horse, Bishop.

Psychologist Alvord says a balanced life should be the goal for all families. If a child is having trouble getting things done, parents can help plan the week, deciding what's important and what's optional. "Just basic time management — that will help reduce the stress."

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How to Reduce Student Stress and Excel in School

Mike Kemp / Getty Images

As educational requirements become more stringent in all levels of education, students everywhere experience considerable school stress. This stress can affect performance on tests, participation in classes, and the well being of students everywhere.   Therefore, it's vital for all students to have a collection of effective stress management techniques that work.

Stress-Relief Tips to Help Achieve Success in School

The following stress relief tips and tools for students are vital for minimizing school stress. Use these in your life to learn study skills, prepare for exams and minimize stress levels to make learning easier. 

When you find stress management techniques that work for you and make them habits in your life now, you can draw upon these strategies as you face stress throughout your life. For greater success in school and life, master the following.

Manage Time Wisely

It’s important to give yourself plenty of time to work on your studies if you want to do well, and you can save yourself a lot of stress if you plan with good time management skills.  

Setting up a schedule for study, breaking up your studies into smaller chunks, and other time management skills are essential.

Setting what is known as SMART goals can be an effective way to get things done without becoming overly stressed. SMART is an acronym that reminds you to set goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. By breaking down a larger project into smaller steps, you can progressively work toward achieving a larger goal without becoming overwhelmed.

Get Organized

Have a system of organization for note-taking, keeping track of assignments, and other important papers. Being organized can bring you the peace of mind that comes from knowing where everything is, remembering deadlines and test dates, and clearing your mind of some of the mental clutter that disorganization brings.

Keep a calendar, a schedule, and a filing system for your school assignments, and you’ll find it prevents a significant amount of stress!

Create a Good Study Environment

Creating a soothing environment can reduce stress and help you learn.

Aromatherapy , for example, is a known stress reliever, and peppermint essential oil is said to wake up your brain.   Playing classical music as you study can also soothe you and help you learn (unless you find it distracting).   

Consider what would make a good study environment for you. Each individual is different, so what works for someone else might be less than ideal for you. 

Know Your Learning Style

Learning style theories suggest that people learn information in different ways. You may find it helpful to determine whether you are more of a visual, kinesthetic or auditory learner , as you can tailor your study practices around your particular learning style and make success easier to attain. 

Practice Visualizations

Visualizations and imagery are proven stress management techniques .   You can also reduce student stress and improve test performance by imagining yourself achieving your goals.

Take a few minutes each day and visualize, in detail, what you'd like to happen, whether it’s giving a presentation without getting nervous, acing an exam, or something else that will support your success. Visualization and guided imagery are the most effective when you can use all of your senses to create a vivid image. Then work hard and make it happen.

Develop Optimism

It has been proven that optimists —those who more easily shrug off failures and multiple successes—are healthier, less stressed, and more successful.   While some level of optimism is inborn, optimism is a state that can be practiced, and your overall levels of optimism can increase as a result.  Positive self-talk is a great way to start developing a stronger sense of optimism. 

Develop the traits of optimism and you'll do better in your studies and your future career.

Get Enough Sleep

If you want your performance to be optimum, you need to be well-rested. Research shows that those who are sleep-deprived have more trouble learning and remembering, and perform more poorly in many areas.   You can also be more reactive to stress when you are sleep-deprived, so there are many reasons to focus on getting quality sleep each night. 

Students are notoriously busy and sleep-deprived, so you may need to go against the grain at times in order to protect your sleep schedule, but it will be worth it both now and in the future. Work your schedule so you get enough sleep, or take power naps.

Learn Study Skills

When you know and practice specific study skills, your entire school experience becomes easier. Learning to stay focused on tasks and organized with your study schedule, for example, can enable you to get more done when you study.

Many of these skills transfer to productivity skills in your career, so they are important to know. Here are some more specific study skills and techniques that can help you improve your performance. 

Use Stress Management Techniques

Chronic stress can impair your ability to learn and remember facts as well;   stress management is one of the most important—and most overlooked—school necessities. Some effective stress management techniques include breathing exercises, taking a walk, exercising, and journaling.

Making relaxation techniques , or stress management techniques, a part of your daily routine can help your overall health and wellness and will help decrease the likelihood of going into a state of chronic stress.

A Word From Verywell

A regular stress management practice can reduce your overall stress level and help you to be prepared for whatever comes. The more you identify and practice techniques that work for you now, the more prepared you will be to cope with the challenges you face throughout your life.

Shankar NL, Park CL.  Effects of stress on students' physical and mental health and academic success . Int J School Educ Psychol . 2016;4(1):5-9, doi:10.1080/21683603.2016.1130532

Alshutwi S, Alkhanfari H, Sweedan N. The influence of time management skills on stress and academic performance level among nursing students . J Nurs Educ Prac . 2020;10(1):96-100. doi:10.5430/jnep.v10n1p96

Ali B, Al-Wabel NA, Shams S, Ahamad A, Khan SA, Anwar F. Essential oils used in aromatherapy: A systemic review . Asian Pac J Trop Biomed . 2015;5(8):601-611. doi:10.1016/j.apjtb.2015.05.007

Lehmann JAM, Seufert T. The Influence of Background Music on Learning in the Light of Different Theoretical Perspectives and the Role of Working Memory Capacity .  Front Psychol . 2017;8:1902. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01902

Bigham E, McDannel L, Luciano I, Salgado-Lopez G. Effect of a brief guided imagery on stress . Biofeedback . 2014;42(1):28-35. doi:10.5298/1081-5937-42.1.07

Conversano C, Rotondo A, Lensi E, Della Vista O, Arpone F, Reda MA. Optimism and its impact on mental and physical well-being .  Clin Pract Epidemiol Ment Health . 2010;6:25–29. doi:10.2174/1745017901006010025

Krause AJ, Simon EB, Mander BA, et al. The sleep-deprived human brain .  Nat Rev Neurosci . 2017;18(7):404–418. doi:10.1038/nrn.2017.55

Vogel S, Schwabe L. Learning and memory under stress: Implications for the classroom .  NPJ Sci Learn . 2016;1:16011. doi:10.1038/npjscilearn.2016.11

By Elizabeth Scott, PhD Elizabeth Scott, PhD is an author, workshop leader, educator, and award-winning blogger on stress management, positive psychology, relationships, and emotional wellbeing.

Daniel P. Keating Ph.D.

Dealing With Stress at School in an Age of Anxiety

Building a culture of resilience at school counters a growing stress epidemic..

Posted August 15, 2017 | Reviewed by Jessica Schrader

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In our modern age of anxiety , many of us are so stressed out that it’s hard to maintain focus on important goals . This isn’t just in our imaginations, or because of increased sensitivities that in an earlier era we would have simply ignored or overcome. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show sharp increases in stress-related disorders and diseases over the past few decades , and the Brookings Institution’s Hamilton Project found that the physical stress load we carry is sharply higher over a similar time period . Even more worrisome in that report is that this stress epidemic appears to be increasing with each new generation.

Teachers and educational leaders in particular feel the stress coming from all directions—teachers are stressed, students are stressed, staff is stressed, and parents are stressed. Added to the mix are demands for compliance with multiple directives and heightened accountability from numerous sources. Dealing effectively with this system-wide stress is critical, and it helps to first understand how it works.

Early Life Adversity Impacts Mental and Physical Health: A “Vicious Cycle”

We’ve known for some time that toxic stress arising from early life adversity poses a high risk for mental as well as physical health, and recent evidence shows that these risks are long lasting. Excess stress in early life—even in the womb—can “get under the skin” to affect how the brain is wired as well as how genes are expressed . “Stress dysregulation” (SDR) is a common consequence of early adversity . It shows up in most students with a clinical mental health diagnosis, but many students even without a diagnosis exhibit behaviors—such as hair-trigger anger , inability to self-regulate or calm themselves, sudden withdrawal from learning and social interaction—that affect not only themselves but everyone in their orbit. It acts as a silent disruptor in the classroom and in school life generally.

New research findings also show that stress is contagious at a physiological level (Palumbo et al., 2017). More students are arriving at school with SDR and with difficulties in coping, making it hard to build a positive learning environment. The source of this dynamic is more obvious in schools that serve a high proportion of students from families facing major economic and social challenges, but it is also observed in schools that serve students from advantaged families with highly competitive expectations, as Denise Pope documented in Doing School .

This “vicious cycle” of disruption connects the phenomena of more stressed-out students, accelerating stress contagion at school, and increased societal demands and anxieties. This cycle poses a difficult but often unrecognized challenge for teachers and educational leaders. We don’t yet know all the social and cultural forces that contribute to this stress epidemic, although increasing inequality and decreasing social mobility surely play a role in provoking the anxiety that is at the heart of the matter. But even if educational leaders can’t directly change the larger social dynamic, they can work at the classroom, school, and system level to counteract its effects .

A Culture of Resilience at School

In doing background research for my recent book Born Anxious , I had a conversation with the principal of an alternative secondary school for high-risk students, many of whom display this SDR pattern. His approach struck a chord: building a culture of resilience throughout the school. This notion draws on extensive research on individual resilience, explained in Ann Masten’s Ordinary Magic , and extends those findings to considering how any educational organization can build support for resilience to counteract the negative effects of excess stress for everyone. Here are the key elements:

Social connections . The single most effective route to providing a more resilient developmental pathway for students with a history of adversity is through positive social connections. Schools can provide a crucially unique setting to support resilience, offering an opportunity for students to connect with teachers, coaches, and mentors who exhibit caring and concern for students, communicating to them that they do matter to important adults in their lives. In addition, schools can create a context for meaningful engagement and participation in a larger community in which positive social connections can flourish (Eccles & Roeser, 2013).

The principal I spoke with described an exemplary scenario. One particularly troubled student, with an extensive history of early and continuing adversity, seemingly could not be reached when he arrived. A teacher kept probing to find any point of connection, and would not give up. Eventually, finding an interest in popular music that was meaningful to the student, the teacher began making innovative links, both to the curriculum and to broader social issues. Taking the time for this kind of “super-nurturing” doesn’t happen in a vacuum—it requires a culture of resilience as well as committed teachers. This student became one of the school’s best “turn-around” successes.

Neither of these—involved teachers and an engaged community—is automatic. Both depend predominantly on educational leadership within the organization to promote a culture of resilience. And a key part of that culture is that it needs to include not only students but also the whole organization, which in turn requires a collegial, collaborative leadership model, such as the one described by Michael Fullan in The Six Secrets of Change . This emphasis on positive social connections also highlights the reality that effectively counteracting the ravages of excess stress is critical not only for students, but also for teachers, staff, and education leaders themselves.

stress about school essay

Mindfulness in action . The practice of mindfulness has received increasing attention in educational practice recently, and for good reasons. Social connections lead to resilience through social support and socio-emotional learning, but also biologically, as they counteract the stress hormone cortisol (Keating, 2017). Mindfulness confers benefits similar to social connection, but using the uniquely powerful part of our brain, the prefrontal cortex, propelling us toward a habitual focus on the present and the opportunities it offers, while minimizing rumination about the past or fear of the future. For organizations, this implies thoughtfully learning the lessons from past experiences combined with openness to a well-considered, collaborative process of change. For individuals and for organizations, a mindful approach provides a valuable “workaround” for stressful times, allowing us to avoid anxiety-driven responses that launch an excessive stress response.

Attention to the physical . A third major approach to supporting resilience and counteracting toxic stress is to attend to the physical domain. Although not always seen as central to the educational mission, there are crucial supports as well as risks that can be identified and implemented. Physical exercise is a readily available, highly effective method of stress reduction, and one that can be promoted in school settings as part of the school day and/or through extra-curricular opportunities that are available to all, not just to elite high school athletes.

A second major physical contributor to personal resilience is sufficient sleep. Sleep deficits are a major risk factor for a range of mental and physical health problems, as well as depleting the ability to cope with stress. The challenges to learning arising from early start times, especially for teens, have been increasingly recognized, but their impact on mental health and the ability to cope with stress are equally important.

The dangers of short-term “remedies” for feeling overstressed and being unable to cope with demands are also essential: comfort food and psychoactive substances can provide instant relief but are highly likely to lead to long-term problems. Education that highlights and explains these risks can be effective, along with the provision of healthy nutrition options during the school day.

It’s important to emphasize that these supports for resilience and for counteracting excess stress are just as important for teachers, staff, and leaders as they are for students . The pathways to teacher burnout and student burnout travel the same route, and benefit from the same protective factors: social connection; mindfulness; and taking care of the physical dimension. A bonus to this approach is that they can benefit everyone, even those not at risk from toxic stress or mental health challenges.

Building a Culture of Resilience for Mental Health, Learning, and Positive Development

Drawing on what we know about how supporting resilience, it is clear that a leadership style that integrates collaboration , social connection, and mindful attention to current challenges offers the best opportunity for moving toward and sustaining a culture of resilience. Articulating this approach as an explicit goal, and bringing all the stakeholders—including parents—on board creates the basis for sustainable progress toward building a culture of resilience.

The impact of the stress epidemic and of increasing SDR among students is felt in all areas of the school experience. It clearly interferes with learning, not only for the students who struggle with staying in the game while feeling highly stressed, but for teachers and the rest of class who need to cope with the resulting disruptions.

When it begins to manifest as diagnosable mental health issues, which will be true at some point for about 25% of students (Merikangas et al., 2010), providing an appropriate blend of services becomes paramount. The need for a comprehensive approach is acute, pulling together a shift toward a culture of resilience but also providing a range of prevention and intervention services. A helpful organizational framework is to think of such services as existing along a continuum from universal services helpful for everyone (mindfulness, coping strategies), to targeted services for at-risk students, to direct clinical or educational services for students with an existing diagnosis. Although these are often not exclusively school-based, they are more effective when there is close coordination between schools and community-based mental health providers.

A hopeful direction for teachers and educational leaders at all levels is that a better awareness of the sources of the stress epidemic will enable a broader and more effective approach to dealing with it. Rather than adding a new stressor, the path toward a culture of resilience has the potential to be helpful in coping with these increasing challenges, both personally and for organizations. This can benefit all students as well as school professionals, and function as a major support for positive youth development.

Center on the Developing Child (2007). The Impact of Early Adversity on Child Development (InBrief). Retrieved from www.developingchild.harvard.edu .

Eccles, J. S., & Roeser, R. W. (2013). Schools as developmental contexts during adolescence. In R. M. Lerner et al. (Eds.), Handbook of psychology: Developmental psychology (pp. 321-337). Hoboken, NJ, US: John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Keating, D. P., (2016). The transformative role of epigenetics in child development research. Child Development , 87 (1), 135-142.

Keating, D. P. (2017). Born Anxious: The Lifelong Impact of Early Life Adversity – and How to Break the Cycle. New York: St. Martin’s Press. stmartins.com/bornanxious

Merikangas KR, He JP, Brody D, Fisher PW, Bourdon K, Koretz DS. (2010). Prevalence and treatment of mental disorders among US children in the 2001-2004 NHANES . Pediatrics, 125(1):75-81.

Palumbo, R. V., Marraccini, M. E., Weyandt, L. L., Wilder-Smith, O., McGee, H. A., Liu, S., & Goodwin, M. S. (2017). Interpersonal autonomic physiology: A systematic review of the literature . Personality and Social Psychology Review, 21(2):99-141.

Schanzenbach, D. W., Bauer, L., Mumford, M., & Nunn, R. (2016). Money Lightens the Load. Brookings Institution: The Hamilton Project. www.hamiltonproject.org

Walker, T. (2016). Educators Look to Parents and Communities To Help Reduce Student Stress. NEA Today . (Retrieved at http://neatoday.org/2016/09/16/reducing-student-stress/ )

Daniel P. Keating Ph.D.

Daniel P. Keating, Ph.D., is Professor of Psychology, Psychiatry, and Pediatrics, and Research Professor, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan.

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Causes of stress, effects of stress.

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stress about school essay

Essay Sample on Causes and Effects of Stress on Students, With Outline

Published by gudwriter on January 4, 2021 January 4, 2021

Cause and Effects Essay Outline About Stress Among Students


Stress in students may have serious harmful effects and thus needs to be addressed.

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Paragraph 1:

One of the causes of stress in students is poor sleeping habits.

  • Students who do not get enough sleep at night or lack healthy sleeping habits are likely to develop stress.
  • Enough sleep allows the brain and body of a student to relax and recharge.
  • Lack of it can limit a student’s ability to learn, concentrate and solve problems.

Paragraph 2:

Student stress is caused by academic pressure.

  • They are given homework assignments.
  • They have classroom assignments and term papers that are supposed to be completed and submitted in strict deadlines.
  • Pressure to do well from those close to them such as family, friends, and teachers.

Paragraph 3:

Student stress may result from poor nutrition and unhealthy eating habits.

  • Stress-inducing foods are those that have high refined carbohydrates, sugar, caffeine, and fat.
  • A stress-reducing diet is made up of foods that are high in complex carbohydrates and fiber and low in fat content.

Paragraph 4: 

High stress levels could make students develop physical symptoms that could negatively affect their academic performance.

  • When a student experiences these symptoms, they might not feel the motivation they once felt about doing their best on academic tasks.
  • The symptoms are detrimental to the health of students.

Paragraph 5:

Stress makes students to have poor management skills.

  • A student could become disorganized and uncertain about their priorities and goals.
  • They become incapable of effectively budgeting and managing their time.
  • They develop a tendency of procrastinating and neglecting responsibilities.

Paragraph 6:

Stress leads to self-defeating thoughts.

  • A student under stress may consistently think about the adversity or negative situation in which they are.
  • They could constantly focus on their weaknesses and failures.

Paragraph 7: 

There are various stress management strategies students may take to reduce stress.

  • Get regular physical activity and practice.
  • Spend quality time with friends and family, and keeping a sense of humor.
  • Find time for such hobbies as listening to music, playing football, and reading a book.
  • Get enough sleep and consume balanced diet.
  • Stress in students cause serious negative effects, both physical and academic.
  • It results from poor sleeping habits, academic pressure, and poor nutrition and unhealthy eating habits.
  • It results into physical symptoms, poor management skills, and self-defeating thoughts.
  • Parents and teachers should work together to ensure that students do not experience much stress.

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A Cause and Effect Essay on Stress in Students

Stress is the natural response the human body gives to challenges. Students are exposed to stress by various factors. When a student undergoes chronic stress or high stress levels, their ability to learn, memorize, and post good academic performances can be interfered with regardless of their age or grade. Stress can also make a student experience poor mental, emotional, and physical health. Teachers and parents may help students avoid chronic stress in their lives if they learn about and develop a good understanding of common stressors. Stress in students may have serious harmful effects and thus needs to be addressed.

One of the causes of stress in students is poor sleeping habits. Compared to students who get plenty of sleep, students who do not get enough sleep at night or lack healthy sleeping habits are likely to develop stress. Enough sleep allows the brain and body of a student to relax and recharge. It also helps in ensuring that the immune system remains strong. On the other hand, lack of enough sleep can limit a student’s ability to learn, concentrate, and solve problems and can also make them more aggressive. According to Hales and Hales (2016), it is recommended by the National Sleep Foundation that young people, especially students, should maintain a regular sleep schedule and that they should sleep for between 8.5 and 9.25 hours per night.

Another major cause of student stress is academic pressure. As teachers prepare students for standardized tests, they give them homework even if the students are as young as six only. In addition to these homework assignments, there are classroom assignments and term papers that are supposed to be completed and submitted in strict deadlines. The pressure that comes from these assignments coupled with the desire by students to succeed academically culminates into stress. Students also experience pressure to do well in their academic work from those close to them such as family, friends, and even teachers (Raju, 2009). They therefore feel so much pushed that they even resort to academic dishonesty such as cheating in exams so as to match these high expectations.

A student’s stress levels can also increase due to poor nutrition and unhealthy eating habits. Foods that are associated with high stress levels in students include those that have high refined carbohydrates, sugar, caffeine, and fat. This is the case with many types of fast, processed, and convenience foods. Examples of foods that induce stress include French fries, white bread, processed snack foods, candy bars, donuts, energy drinks, and sodas (Kumar, 2015). A healthy stress-reducing diet is made up of foods that are high in complex carbohydrates and fiber and low in fat content. Examples of such foods include lean proteins, nuts, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.

It is noteworthy that high stress levels can make students develop physical symptoms that could negatively affect their academic performance. These signs and symptoms include chest pain, elevated blood pressure, stomach upset, mumbled or rapid speech, nervous habits such as fidgeting, back and neck pains, tremors and trembling of lips, and frequent headaches (Kumar, 2015). When a student experiences these symptoms, they might not feel the motivation they once felt about doing their best in such academic tasks as completing assignments or preparing for tests. Moreover, the symptoms are detrimental to the health of students, a factor which may father make their academic fortunes to dwindle.

Stress also makes students to have poor management skills. A student could become disorganized and uncertain about their priorities and goals as a result of suffering from high levels of stress. This could further make them incapable of effectively budgeting and managing their time. Moreover, highly stressed students have the tendency to procrastinate and neglect such important responsibilities as meeting deadlines and completing assignments (Hales & Hales, 2016). This, of course, negatively impacts the quality of their academic work and study skills.

High stress levels could further lead to self-defeating thoughts among students. While undergoing stress, it is likely that a student may consistently think about the adversity or negative situation in which they find themselves. In addition, they could constantly focus on their weaknesses and failures while ignoring their strengths and achievements. These are self-defeating thoughts that not only deal a blow to their self-esteem but also affect how they behave and how they feel both as humans and as students (Patel, 2016). They result into a student lacking confidence in their abilities and this negatively impacts their success in school since they cannot perform to their highest potential.

There are various stress management strategies students may take to reduce stress. One of these is to get regular physical activity and practice such relaxation techniques as massage, tai chi, yoga, meditation, and deep breathing. Students may also keep stress away by spending quality time with friends and family, and keeping a sense of humor. Another strategy may be to find time for such hobbies as listening to music, playing football, and reading a book. It is also important that one gets enough sleep and consumes balanced diet (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2019). These strategies may both alleviate and prevent stress among students.

Stress in students cause serious negative effects, both physical and academic. Students may experience stress due to poor sleeping habits, academic pressure, and poor nutrition and unhealthy eating habits. Students need enough sleep and less pressure for their brain to relax and recharge for it to function well. They also need to avoid stress-inducing foods such as fries and sodas. As has been seen, high stress levels could lead to physical symptoms, poor management skills, and self-defeating thoughts among students. As such, parents and teachers should work together in ensuring that students do not experience much stress because it is not good for their health and academic ability.

Hales, D., & Hales, J. (2016). Personal stress management: surviving to thriving . Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Kumar, N. (2015). Psychological stress among science students . New York, NY: Springer.

Mayo Clinic Staff. (2019). “Stress symptoms: effects on your body and behavior”. Mayo Clinic . Retrieved March 27, 2020 from https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/in-depth/stress-symptoms/art-20050987

Patel, G. (2016). An achievement motivation and academic anxiety of school going students . Lunawada: Red’shine Publication. Inc.

Raju, M. V. (2009). Health psychology and counselling . Delhi, India: Discovery Publishing House.

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Students Experiencing Stress

Students experiencing stress

This information is designed to help teachers respond to students who may be in need of support. It is not intended to be used as a diagnostic tool or to replace the use of formal assessments employed by mental health professionals. Additionally, it is important to consider the context of the situation, individual differences, and cultural and linguistic factors.

Teachers are an important part of establishing and maintaining healthy environments for students to learn and grow. Avoiding students who display signs of stress does not help them in any way. They also play an important role in guiding students suffering from excessive stress to professionals in the building who can be of assistance. Teachers can assist students who are expressing stress by providing emotional support, promoting positive peer relationships, and connecting students with other professionals in the school who may be helpful resources.

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What Is Stress?

  • Stress is the body’s emotional, physical, or behavioral response to environmental change. 
  • Stress can be a short-term reaction in response to an upcoming event, such as homework deadlines, an upcoming exam, or speaking in front of the class. Stress can also result from traumatic or ongoing experiences, such as coping with parents’ divorce, public health crises, natural disasters, or community violence, as well as adapting to different cultural or social expectations or values. 
  • Some amount of stress is beneficial and can motivate students to perform better. 
  • Too much stress can be harmful, even if it is associated with sowing the seeds for a positive event (e.g., academic/sports competition or going to college). 

Left unaddressed, the negative effects of stress can disrupt a student’s behavior, physical and emotional well-being, school success, and friendships.

How Might Stress Be Expressed by Students in School?

Students of any age can show the responses to excessive stress as described below. However, some responses are more commonly seen at certain ages. What a teacher might perceive as a minimal stress or even positive stressor may not be viewed similarly by the student. Refrain from making judgments about how much stress the student “should” be able to handle.

Students of any age can show the responses to excessive stress.

May complain of stomach aches or headaches, experience incontinence, become clingier, or start habits like hair twirling or thumb-sucking.

May cry easily, take frequent trips to the bathroom or school nurse, have difficulty staying in their seats, or become irritable. On the one hand some students may become angry, oppositional, or defiant and have disruptive outbursts. On the other hand, some students may laugh excessively.

May express worry, show anxiety, or feel isolated or lonely. On the one hand, some students may become angry, oppositional, or defiant. On the other hand, some students may laugh excessively.

May isolate themselves, give up easily when frustrated, or react with strong emotions (e.g., anger, hostility), or adopt new and negative coping mechanisms. What is stressful to one person may not be equally stressful to another.

What Can Teachers Do?


Do : Listen, express understanding, and (if appropriate) offer help.  For example, “I notice you seem a bit stressed (or worried or distracted) lately. Is there something I can help you work through?”

Don’t avoid or ignore the student, express displeasure or make judgments. 


Do : Offer ways for students to cope.  A “peace area” in your room where students can quietly reflect or engage in calming activities can help. Young students may enjoy tactile activities (e.g., zen garden, calming jar, buddha board, blowing a pinwheel). Older students may respond well to writing in a journal or meditating.

Don’t automatically send the student away (e.g., to the principal’s office).


Do : Speak to the student privately (but with the door open if you are in a physical space).

Don’t address or share the student’s behavior publicly.


Do : Remind students you care about their academic and social success. For example, “I care about you, and I know the great work you’re capable of.” Be mindful not to exacerbate their stress if it appears to be related to academic performance.

Don’t ignore or avoid the student and the issue.


Do : Confer with colleagues who also work closely with the student. This may reveal a fuller picture of the issue and help determine if the behaviors are persistent in other classes, between classes, or during extra-curricular activities as well.

Don’t gossip about the student’s behavior.


Do : Continue to monitor the student. If they continue to demonstrate stress-based behaviors for an extended period of time, or the behaviors reemerge after seeming to have abated, consult with the school counselor regarding introducing stronger support resource opportunities.

Don’t assume that if stress-based behaviors diminish or appear to have disappeared, that they might not return or be re-triggered.

Refer Students to Further Help if Needed

  • Review your school policy for seeking student supports.
  • Contact school counselors, psychologist, social worker, and other personnel.

Additional Resources

  • KidsHealth in the Classroom
  • 6 Simple Ways to Reduce Student Stress In the Classroom
  • Take the Time: Mindfulness for Kids
  • Peace Corner: Creating Safe Space for Reflection
  • Creating a Peace Place
  • How Kids Experience Stress
  • The Science of Childcare Social and Emotional Development
  • Low Self-Compassion and Perceived Competence, Crisis, Sadness

Empirical Research

Chrousos, G. P. (2009). Stress and disorders of the stress system. Nature reviews endocrinology, 5 (7), 374-381.

Heissel, J. A., Levy, D. J., & Adam, E. K. (2017). Stress, sleep, and performance on standardized tests: Understudied pathways to the achievement gap. AERA Open, 3 (3), 2332858417713488.

Jennings, P. A. (2015). Mindfulness for teachers: Simple skills for peace and productivity in the classroom (the Norton series on the social neuroscience of education). WW Norton & Company.

Jennings, P. A., & Greenberg, M. T. (2009). The prosocial classroom: Teacher social and emotional competence in relation to student and classroom outcomes. Review of educational research, 79 (1), 491-525.

McEwen, B. S. (2008). Central effects of stress hormones in health and disease: Understanding the protective and damaging effects of stress and stress mediators. European journal of pharmacology, 583 (2-3), 174-185.

The Mental Health Primers are developed by the Coalition for Psychology in Schools and Education . This resource was updated in October 2021 with support from cooperative agreement NU87PS004366 funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views or endorsement of the CDC or the Department of Health and Human Services.

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Essay on Stress Management

500 words essay on stress management.

Stress is a very complex phenomenon that we can define in several ways. However, if you put them together, it is basically the wear and tear of daily life. Stress management refers to a wide spectrum of techniques and psychotherapies for controlling a person’s stress level, especially chronic stress . If there is effective stress management, we can help one another break the hold of stress on our lives. The essay on stress management will throw light on the very same thing.

essay on stress management

Identifying the Source of Stress

The first step of stress management is identifying the source of stress in your life. It is not as easy as that but it is essential. The true source of stress may not always be evident as we tend to overlook our own stress-inducing thoughts and feelings.

For instance, you might constantly worry about meeting your deadline. But, in reality, maybe your procrastination is what leads to this stress than the actual deadline. In order to identify the source of stress, we must look closely within ourselves.

If you explain away stress as temporary, then it may be a problem. Like if you yourself don’t take a breather from time to time, what is the point? On the other hand, is stress an integral part of your work and you acknowledging it like that?

If you make it a part of your personality, like you label things as crazy or nervous energy, you need to look further. Most importantly, do you blame the stress on people around you or the events surrounding you?

It is essential to take responsibility for the role one plays in creating or maintaining stress. Your stress will remain outside your control if you do not do it.

Strategies for Stress Management

It is obvious that we cannot avoid all kinds of stress but there are many stressors in your life which you can definitely eliminate. It is important to learn how to say no and stick to them.  Try to avoid people who stress you out.

Further, if you cannot avoid a stressful situation, try altering it. Express your feelings don’t bottle them up and manage your time better. Moreover, you can also adapt to the stressor if you can’t change it.

Reframe problems and look at the big picture. Similarly, adjust your standards and focus on the positive side. Never try to control the uncontrollable. Most importantly, make time for having fun and relaxing.

Spend some time with nature, go for a walk or call a friend, whatever pleases you.  You can also try working out, listening to music and more. As long as it makes you happy, never give up.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Stress Management

All in all, we can control our stress levels with relaxation techniques that evoke the relaxation response of our body. It is the state of restfulness that is the opposite of the stress response. Thus, when you practice these techniques regularly, you can build your resilience and heal yourself.

FAQ of Essay on Stress Management

Question 1: What is the importance of stress management?

Answer 1: Stress management is very efficient as it helps in breaking the hold which stress has on our lives. Moreover, you can also become happy, healthy and more productive because of it. The ultimate goal should be to live a balanced life and have the resilience to hold up under pressure.

Question 2: Give some stress management techniques.

Answer 2: There are many stress management techniques through which one can reduce stress in their lives. One can change their situation or their reaction to it. We can try by altering the situation. If not, we can change our attitudes towards it. Remember, accept things that you cannot change.

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Returning to Routine: Five Tips to Lessen Back-to-School Stress

School of Education expert offers ideas to help make the start of the new school year less stressful for everyone

Schoolboy with curly hair on the background of a group of children classmates holding a sign with the inscription "back to school."

(Credit: Kalinovskiy / Collection: iStock / Getty Images Plus)

Contact:  Kelly Craine , 254-297-9065 Follow us on Twitter:  @BaylorUMedia

As summer comes to an end – earlier than ever, it seems – parents and children are getting ready for the new school year. For younger children, making the transition from a relaxed summer schedule to the routine of school can be jarring.

Veteran teacher and Baylor University School of Education faculty member Gae Connally, M.S.Ed. , offers five practical ideas to help make the start of the new school year less stressful, especially for younger students.

From the Summer Snooze to Back-to-School: Connally's Five Tips

1. plan ahead for busy mornings.

Before going to bed, help your child pick out clothes for the next day. It will make the morning routine smoother. 

2. A Simple Gesture

When you pack your child's lunch, write a note on the napkin even, if your child is just beginning learning to read. A simple message or “I Love You” can bring so much joy.

3. Break Time

Give your child a break when getting home from school before starting homework. Play, have a snack, rest and then do homework. This can benefit students of all ages. From Pre-K to high school seniors, your child will be more engaged if taking a break before diving into homework.

4. Unwind After a Long Day Together

Read to your child every day. It is a special time between parents and children, especially if it is right before bedtime. Reading to your child every day also makes a huge difference in literacy development. 

5. Ready to Read

Sing songs, read nursery rhymes and play games. Together, these fun moments help promote oral language development and start your child on the road to becoming a reader.


Gae Connally, M.S.Ed., School of Education

Gae Connally, M.S.Ed.,  lecturer and elementary certificate coordinator in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction at Baylor, taught in public schools for 35 years, all but one as a reading specialist. Her other roles included English as a Second Language coordinator and instructor, Reading Recovery teacher, dyslexia specialist and assessor, staff development presenter and leader, and teacher coach and mentor. She has a passion for literacy and helping children become proficient and lifelong readers.


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More US schools are taking breaks for meditation. Teachers say it helps students' mental health

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The third-grade students at Roberta T. Smith Elementary School had only a few days until summer vacation, and an hour until lunch, but there was no struggle to focus as they filed into the classroom. They were ready for one of their favorite parts of the day.

The children closed their eyes and traced their thumbs from their foreheads to their hearts as a pre-recorded voice led them through an exercise called the shark fin, part of the classroom's regular meditation routine.

"Listen to the chimes," said the teacher, Kim Franklin. "Remember to breathe."

Schools across the U.S. have been introducing yoga, meditation and mindfulness exercises to help students manage stress and emotions. As the depths of student struggles with mental health became clear in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last year endorsed schools' use of the practices.

Research has found school-based mindfulness programs can help, especially in low-income communities where students face high levels of stress or trauma.

Malachi Smith meditates during a mindfulness session in his classroom at Roberta T. Smith Elementary School, May 14, 2024, in Rex, Georgia.

The mindfulness program reached Smith Elementary through a contract with the school system, Clayton County Public Schools, where two-thirds of the students are Black.

GreenLight Fund Atlanta, a network that matches communities with local nonprofits, helps Georgia school systems pay for the mindfulness program provided by Inner Explorer, an audio platform.

Joli Cooper, GreenLight Fund Atlanta's executive director, said it was important to the group to support an organization that is accessible and relevant for communities of color in the Greater Atlanta area.

Children nationwide struggled with the effects of isolation and remote learning as they returned from the pandemic school closures. The CDC in 2023 reported more than a third of students were affected by feelings of persistent sadness and hopelessness. The agency recommended schools use mindfulness practices to help students manage emotions.

"We know that our teenagers and adolescents have really strained in their mental health," CDC Director Dr. Mandy Cohen told The Associated Press. "There are real skills that we can give our teens to make sure that they are coping with some big emotions."

Approaches to mindfulness represent a form of social-emotional learning, which has become a political flashpoint with many conservatives who say schools use it to promote progressive ideas about race, gender and sexuality.

But advocates say the programming brings much-needed attention to students' well-being.

"When you look at the numbers, unfortunately, in Georgia, the number of children of color with suicidal thoughts and success is quite high," Cooper said. "When you look at the number of psychologists available for these children, there are not enough psychologists of color."

Black youth have the fastest-growing suicide rate among racial groups, according to CDC statistics. Between 2007 and 2020, the suicide rate among Black children and teens ages 10 to 17 increased by 144%.

"It's a stigma with being able to say you're not OK and needing help, and having the ability to ask for help," said Tolana Griggs, Smith Elementary's assistant principal. "With our diverse school community and wanting to be more aware of our students, how different cultures feel and how different cultures react to things, it's important to be all-inclusive with everything we do."

Nationwide, children in schools that serve mostly students of color have less access to psychologists and counselors than those in schools serving mostly white students.

The Inner Explorer program guides students and teachers through five-to-10-minute sessions of breathing, meditating and reflecting several times a day. The program also is used at Atlanta Public Schools and over 100 other districts across the country.

Teachers and administrators say they have noticed a difference in their students since they've incorporated mindfulness into their routine. For Aniyah Woods, 9, the program has helped her "calm down" and "not stress anymore."

"I love myself how I am, but Inner Explorer just helps me feel more like myself," Aniyah said.

Malachi Smith, 9, has used his exercises at home, with his father helping to guide him through meditation.

"You can relax yourself with the shark fin, and when I calm myself down, I realize I am an excellent scholar," Malachi said.

After Franklin's class finished their meditation, they shared how they were feeling.

"Relaxed," one student said.

Aniyah raised her hand.

"It made me feel peaceful," she said.

The Associated Press' education coverage receives financial support from multiple private foundations. AP is solely responsible for all content. Find AP's standards for working with philanthropies, a list of supporters and funded coverage areas at AP.org.

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What Research Says About Being a Stay-at-Home Parent

Ask people what they think about  stay-at-home moms  (SAHMs) and stay-at-home parents in general, and you'll likely get a variety of answers. Some might say they've got it easy, or that life at home with the kids would be boring. Some might think they're lazy or not contributing much to society. Others contend that stay-at-home parents are making the best decision of their lives and that they're making a noble, worthwhile sacrifice to stay home and nurture their kids day in and day out.

If you're contemplating whether or not to be a stay-at-home parent, what matters most is what works best for your family. So, first and foremost, consider your personal beliefs, priorities, finances, and lifestyle. However, there is also a wealth of research on the subject that you can consult when making your decision. The findings on life as a stay-at-home parent may surprise you.

Brianna Gilmartin

Pros and Cons of Staying at Home

There are, of course, many personal reasons for or against staying home with your kids. Benefits may include more opportunities for quality time with your children and having more direction over their learning and development. You may not want to miss a minute of their childhoods. You also might not trust others to care for your little loves. Drawbacks include the big hit to your family's income and the trajectory of your career as well as the big change to your lifestyle.

While there is no right or wrong answer, this research may help inform your choice. Remember that each of these benefits and drawbacks may or may not apply to you. There are many different factors, such as budget, lifestyle, priorities, social support, relationship status, spousal involvement, and your kids' specific needs, to consider before making your final decision.

Evidence-Based Benefits of Being a Stay-At-Home-Parent

There are many reasons that parents choose to stay at home with their children. Studies have shown that many people think this is the best option for kids when financially plausible. According to a Pew Research Center study, about 18% of American parents stayed home with their children in 2021.

According to Pew Research Center's Social and Demographic Trends, 60% of Americans say a child is better off with at least one parent at home. While 35% of responders said that kids are just as well off with both parents working outside the home.

Benefits for Children of Stay-at-Home-Parents

A 2014 study found that the benefits of having a parent at home extend beyond the early years of a child's life. The study measured the educational performance of 68,000 children. Researchers found an increase in school performance to high school-aged children. However, the biggest educational impact was on kids ages 6 and 7.

Most  homeschooled students  also have an at-home parent instructing them. A compilation of studies provided by the National Home Education Research Institute supports the benefits of a parent at home for educational reasons. Some research has found homeschoolers generally score 15 to 30 percentile points above public school students on standardized tests and achieve above-average scores on the ACT and SATs.

Regardless of whether parents stay home or work outside the home, research shows that parent involvement in schools makes a difference in children's academic performance and how long they stay in school.  Some kids with learning differences and/or special needs may do better in a school (vs. homeschooling) to access any required services .

Decreased Stress and Aggression in Kids

Some studies link childcare with increased behavioral problems and suggest that being at home with your children offers benefits to their development compared with them being in  being in childcare  full-time.  This may be reassuring news for stay-at-home parents knee-deep in diapers and temper tantrums.

Studies have found that children who spend a large amount of their day in daycare experience high stress levels, particularly at times of transition, like drop-off and pick-up.

Subsequent studies also showed higher levels of stress in children in childcare settings compared with those who are cared for at home. But that doesn't mean you have to keep your children with you every minute until they're ready to go to school. Look for a nanny or babysitting co-op that allows your kids to play with others while giving you some time alone.

Greater Control of Children's Upbringing

The ability to directly protect, spend time with, and nurture their children each day is often cited as a primary benefit of not working outside the home. Studies show that some parents stay home specifically to have greater first-hand control over the influences their child is exposed to. Others simply see it as their duty to be the one who provides daily care to their little ones.

More Parents Want to Stay Home

According to the Pew Research Center, more people are becoming stay-at-home parents—and 60% of Americans believe that choice is best for children. The number of stay-at-home parents jumped from a low of 23% in 1999 to 29% in less than 15 years. However, today's rates don't match those of the 1970s and earlier when around 50% of women (and very few men) were stay-at-home parents.

While the number of men taking on this role is far lower than that of women (around 210,000 compared with over 5.2 million), the rate of men becoming stay-at-home dads is on an upswing, too. Between 2010 and 2014, the prevalence of men choosing to stay home increased by 37%.

Downsides of Being a Stay-at-Home Parent

Regardless of the increasing numbers and some important benefits, a decision to quit your job to become a stay-at-home parent shouldn't be made out of guilt or peer pressure. While there are many great reasons to be a stay-at-home parent, it's not necessarily right or beneficial (or financially plausible) for everyone. For some families, the drawbacks significantly outweigh any positives.

Some People Miss Working

Research shows that many stay-at-home parents miss working outside the home and think about  going back to work  someday.  It can be tough to leave behind the tangible rewards and results of a job, especially one you enjoyed and were good at.

If you stay home when your kids are little but plan to return to the workforce, you can take some steps to bridge that employment gap, such as taking classes, earning licenses or certificates that enhance your resume, or even taking a part-time job.  You might also consider at-home business opportunities as well as  remote jobs  that let you stay home while also earning money and reclaiming some of what you missed about your career.

Costs to Your Career and Wallet

The decision to stay at home with your kids means giving up income. Research shows that stay-at-home parents must contend with lost wages now and decreased wages when returning to work. This "wage penalty" often amounts to 40% less in earned income over time.

There is also a big hit to the stay-at-home parent's career trajectory. Some parents can regain their previous work roles upon reentering the workforce, while others struggle to get a foothold professionally after taking time off.

The direct impact on your family's finances will depend on your personal earning potential, skills, and career choices—as well as the income of your partner if you have one. However, studies show that mothers who reenter work after having children experience between a 5% and 10% pay gap compared with their childless peers. This is in addition to the gender pay gap.

Adverse Impacts on Physical and Mental Health

Studies show that stay-at-home parents experience poorer physical and mental health compared with parents who work outside the home. Effects include higher rates of mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety, as well as higher rates of chronic illness. A 2012 Gallup poll surveyed 60,000 women including women with no children, working moms, and stay-at-home moms who were or were not looking for work, and found more negative feelings among SAHMs. There are likely several reasons for this, including experiencing more parental and financial stress. Working parents tend to have access to more robust health insurance plans than stay-at-home parents. They also tend to benefit from greater self-worth, personal control over their life, economic security, and more dynamic socio-economic support.

However, it's worth noting that significant research shows that whether they work outside the home or not, parents generally are less happy than their childless counterparts.  Of course, the joy you get from parenting (and staying home with the kids) is likely to be highly individual.

More Social Isolation

A 2015 study found that many moms are spending lots of time with their kids, more so than in years past. Researchers believe this extra kid-focus results in a higher potential for social isolation. Interestingly, the research found no scientifically proven difference in outcomes for the children with this additional parental attention.

Some stay-at-home parents may feel isolated or undervalued by what some call the " mommy wars, " which pit parents against each other. This social dynamic can create perceived judgments or pressures that leave some stay-at-home parents feeling like they're not respected as worthy members of society. On the flip side, some working parents may feel criticized for not spending as much time with their children. Both groups can end up feeling socially isolated.

A 2021 study found that around a third of all parents experience loneliness. That's why it's so important for all parents (whether they stay at home or work outside the home) to find the right balance of social activities, exercise, sleep, hobbies, and self-care. Additionally, it's helpful to make the most of your family time, including  creating gadget-free zones  and planning fun activities you can all enjoy.

It's also key to take care of your own emotional well-being and let your children spend some time away from you. Whether it's a date night with your spouse or scheduling a day off so you can have some alone time, you're not going to shortchange your child because you didn't spend every minute with them. Giving yourself parenting breaks and opportunities to socialize is important for your well-being, particularly during times of stress.

Parenthood and well-being: A decade in review .  J Marriage Fam .

Stay at home moms and dads account for about 1-in-5 U.S. parents . Pew Research Center. 

After decades of decline, a rise in stay-at-home mothers . Pew Research Center. 

Home with mom: The effects of stay-at-home parents on children’s long-run educational outcomes .  J Labor Econ. 

National Home Education Research Institute.  Research facts on homeschooling .

Effect of parental involvement on children’s academic achievement in chile .  Front Psychol.  

School performance among children and adolescents during COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review .  Children (Basel) .

The NICHD study of early child care and youth development . U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 

Toddlers’ stress during transition to childcare .  European Early Childhood Education Research Journal .

Examining change in cortisol patterns during the 10-week transition to a new child-care setting .  Child Dev .

7 key findings about stay-at-home moms . Pew Research Center. 

The mother's perspective: Factors considered when choosing to enter a stay-at-home father and working mother relationship .  Am J Mens Health .

The relationships between mothers' work pathways and physical and mental health .  J Health Soc Behav .

The motherhood penalty at midlife: Long-term effects of children on women's careers .  J Marriage Fam .

Parents' work schedules and time spent with children .  Community Work Fam .

Gallup.  Stay-at-home moms report more depression, sadness, anger .

Parenthood and happiness: Effects of work-family reconciliation policies in 22 OECD countries .  AJS .

Does the amount of time mothers spend with children or adolescents matter? .  J Marriage Fam.

Experiencing loneliness in parenthood: A scoping review .  Perspect Public Health .

  First things first: Parent psychological flexibility and self-compassion during COVID-19.   Behav Anal Pract .

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Application Advice: How to Approach the Booth Essay

Starting your application here are five questions to ask yourself before drafting your essay..

  • By EW Admissions FT Admissions
  • July 16, 2024
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Alumni and students routinely describe applying to Chicago Booth as a life-changing decision. This is why we encourage candidates to use our application not only as a means of gaining admission, but also as an opportunity for self-reflection and to prepare for this exciting next step. One of the best ways to communicate your MBA motivations and connection to Booth is through the essay portion of the application. The essay prompts for this cycle are as follows:

Part-Time MBA Program:

  • Why are you seeking an MBA from Chicago Booth, and why is Chicago Booth's Evening MBA or Weekend MBA your program of choice? (maximum 400 words)
  • Optional Essay: If there is any important information relevant to your candidacy you were unable to address elsewhere in the application, please share that information here. (maximum 500 words)

Full-Time MBA Program:

  • How will the Booth MBA help you achieve your immediate and long-term post-MBA career goals? (250-word minimum)
  • An MBA is as much about personal growth as it is about professional development. In addition to sharing your experience and goals in terms of career, we’d like to learn more about you outside of work. Use this opportunity to tell us something about who you are. (250-word minimum)

Before starting your application and writing your essay, here are five questions we suggest you ask yourself:

  • What inspired me to pursue an MBA? Take time to reflect on your personal and professional experiences, relationships, and goals. Did you know you wanted to pursue an MBA during your prior educational training? Is there a family member, friend, mentor, or professional colleague who influenced you to pursue an MBA? Are you looking to better understand your industry, develop leadership skills, or improve your career? There is no right or wrong answer, we just want to understand why an MBA is important to you at this stage in your life.
  • What do I hope to accomplish professionally? There are innumerable ways our students and graduates use an MBA to transform their careers. Whether it's a job promotion or a career pivot, a Chicago Booth MBA will open doors that can change the trajectory of your career and influence your professional goals. Have a clear plan for what immediate and future success might look like for you. Take time to assess where you’ve been, where you are now, and where you want to be. Think deeply about how a Booth MBA can fill any gaps and help get you there.
  • How will I apply what I learn in and out of the classroom to my current or future role? The Chicago Booth MBA experience will provide you with the space to learn frameworks you can directly apply to your current role (for Part-Time students) or future role (for Full-Time students). The skills you develop at Booth continue to be one of the biggest returns on investment Booth students rave about. With the instant impact a Booth MBA can have on your career, we encourage you to be clear about the MBA experiences, resources, and relationships that will help you meet your desired career goals.
  • How will the collaborative culture at Booth be a part of my experience? Boothies are well-known to help one another. Whether it's through referrals for new opportunities, collaboration on group projects, or providing the confidence to embrace new challenges, support is at the heart of our culture. Consider how you can give back to the community by leveraging your unique strengths and skills to contribute and help others, ultimately creating a cycle of support that extends well beyond graduation. Let us know how these values resonate with the MBA experience you seek.
  • How can I show my true self? Be honest. Share your experiences, thoughts, and emotions truthfully. Admissions directors appreciate authenticity and value your unique perspective. The optional essay provides a great platform to reflect on your personal experiences, challenges you've faced, and how they've influenced your growth.

Whenever you decide to apply, we wish you the best of luck! Looking for more application tips? Check out more application advice  from Boothies and Admissions. We’re also hosting events ( Full-Time ; Part-Time ) throughout the summer, where you can get your questions answered in real time. We wish you the best of luck with your application!

Start Your Application Journey Today

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