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BRO REVIEW | இதுதான் அந்த திரைக்கதை மாற்றமா ப்ரோ..?

Bro ( 1.5 / 5).

நேரம் இல்லை என ஓடிக் கொண்டிருக்கும் ஒருவனுக்கு இன்னும் 90 நாள் தான் உயிரோடு இருக்க முடியும் என்ற நிலை வந்தால்?

மார்கண்டேயன் aka மார்க் (சாய் தரம் தேஜ்) ஒரு டெக்ஸ்டெயில் நிறுவனத்தில் AGM ஆக பணிபுரிகிறார். GM ஆகும் கனவுடன் உழைக்கிறார். பணம் சம்பாதிப்பது, குடும்பத்தை கரை சேர்ப்பது தான் வாழ்க்கையின் லட்சியம் என ஓடிக் கொண்டிருக்கிறார். அவருக்கு இரண்டு விஷயங்களில் தீவிரமான நம்பிக்கை. தான் இல்லாவிட்டால் குடும்பம் நிர்கதி ஆகிவிடும். இன்னொன்று தான் இல்லாவிட்டால் தான் பணியாற்றும் நிறுவனமே இயங்காது. நேரம் இல்லை நேரம் இல்லை என ஓடிக் கொண்டிருக்கும் மார்க், எதிர்பாராத ஒரு விபத்தில் சிக்கி மரணமடைகிறார். விழித்துப் பார்க்கும் அவர் முன் அந்த நேரமே ஒரு மனித (பவன் கல்யாண்) உருவில் தோன்றுகிறது. தான் இல்லாவிட்டால் குடும்பமும், பணியாற்றும் நிறுவனமும் தன்னுடைய GM கனவு எல்லாமும் தகர்ந்து போகும் என நேரத்திடம் முறையிடுகிறார். சரி மார்க்கிற்கு ஒரு கடைசி வாய்ப்பு கிடைக்கிறது. 90 நாட்கள் கெடு, அதற்குள் அவர் முடிக்க வேண்டிய பணிகளை முடிக்க வேண்டும். இதன் பின் என்ன ஆனது என்பதுதான் மீதிக்கதை.

2021ல் சமுத்திரக்கனி `விநோதய சித்தம்’ என்ற நாடகத்தை தழுவி அதே பெயரில் படத்தை இயக்கியிருந்தார். அதன் தெலுங்கு ரீமேக் தான் `ப்ரோ’. ஆனால், பவன் கல்யாண் போன்ற மாஸ் ஹீரோவை நடிக்க வைப்பதால் கதையில் எக்கச்சக்க மாற்றங்கள். விநோதய சித்தம் கதைக் களத்தின் பலமே அதன் ஃபேன்டசி கலந்த கான்செப்ட். கூடவே ”நீ இல்லாவிட்டால் உலகமே நின்றுவிடுமா?” என்ற கேள்விதான் மொத்தக் கதையுமே. அதையே ரீமேக்கிலும் அப்படியே கொண்டு வந்திருப்பது சிறப்பு. படத்தின் ஒரு சுவாரஸ்யமான விஷயம் முதன்மைக் கதாபாத்திரங்களின் பெயர்கள். சாய் தரம் தேஜ் கதாபாத்திரப் பெயர் மார்கண்டேயன் (இந்து புராணங்களின் படி மார்கண்டேயன் சீக்கிரமே இறந்துவிடுவார் என சொல்லப்படும்.) பவன் கல்யாணின் கதாபாத்திர பெயர் Titan. (பிரபலமான வாட்ச் ப்ராண்ட் என்பதல்ல விஷயம். Titan என்றால் மிக முக்கியமானது என்று பொருள்). படத்தின் கதையை சுருக்கமாக இந்தக் கதாபாத்திரங்களில் பெயரில் பிரதிபலித்திருக்கும் ஐடியா சூப்பர். ஆனால் இந்த புத்திசாலித்தனம் படம் முழுக்க இல்லை என்பதுதான் சோகம்.

விநோதய சித்தத்தை தெலுங்கு படமாக மாற்ற சமுத்திரக்கனி, ஸ்ரீவத்சன், விஜி என மூவர் கதை எழுதியிருக்கிறார்கள். ஆனால் படத்தைப் பார்த்தால் மூன்று பேர் மெனக்கெட்டிருப்பதாக தோன்றவில்லை. எல்லா காட்சிகளும், எல்லா வசனங்களும் ஒரு சீரியல் பார்ப்பதைப் போன்ற உணர்வையே கொடுக்கிறது. தெலுங்கு சினிமாவின் முன்னணி இயக்குநர் த்ரிவிக்ரம் ஸ்ரீனிவாஸ் எழுதியிருக்கிறார். இந்தப் படத்தைப் பொறுத்தவரை திரைக்கதை என நாம் புரிந்து கொள்ள வேண்டியது மூன்று விஷயங்கள்.

1. இந்தக் கதைக்குள் எங்கெங்கு பாடல்களை வைப்பது. Foreign song, club song, set song மற்றும் ஊர்வஷி ரௌடலா வரும் பாடல். இவற்றை வற்புறுத்தி கதைக்குள் செருகுவது திரைக்கதை. 2. பவன் பல்யாணின் பழைய படங்களுடைய Referenceஐ படத்திற்குள் சேர்ப்பது. Thammudu, Jalsa, Tholiprema, Beemla Nayak போன்ற படங்களின் Referenceஐ வசனமாகவோ, பாடலாகவோ படம் நெடுக கொண்டு வருவது திரைக்கதை. 3. இந்தக் கதையை பவன் கல்யாண் போன்ற மாஸ் ஹீரோவுக்கு தகுந்தது போல மசாலா சேர்த்து தருவது. உதாரணமாக படத்தின் இடைவேளைக் காட்சியில் கேலக்ஸியில் பவன் கல்யாண் இருப்பார். அவர் முன் இருக்கும் பூமிப்பந்தின் மீது காலை வைத்தபடி படத்திற்கு இண்டர்வெல் விடுவார்கள். இதுவும் திரைக்கதை.

படத்தில் நல்ல காட்சிகளோ, திரைக்கதையோ தான் இல்லை என நினைத்தால், நடிப்பும் சுமார் ரகம் தான். பவன் கல்யாண் படம் முழுக்க charm ஆக இருக்க முயற்சிக்கிறார். அவரது முந்தைய சில படங்களில் அவர் அப்படி நடித்தது நன்றாக இருந்திருக்கிறது. ஆனால் இந்தப் படத்தில் எடுபடவில்லை. சாய் தரம் தேஜ் எமோஷனலாக நடிக்க முயற்சித்திருக்கிறார். அதுவும் அவ்வளவு சிறப்பாக இல்லை. இது தவிர பல நடிகர்கள் இருக்கிறார்கள், சமுத்திரக்கனி, பிரம்மானந்தம் சிறப்பு தோற்றத்தில் வருகிறார்கள். ஆனால் அனைவரின் நடிப்பும் ஒரு சீரியல் தன்மையிலேயே இருக்கிறது. தொழில்நுட்ப ரீதியாக சுஜீத் வாசுதேவ் ஒளிப்பதிவு தரமாக இருக்கிறது. ஆனால் படத்தின் மோசமான சிஜி அதில் ஒரு திருஷ்டியாக உருத்துகிறது. தமனின் பின்னணி இசைதான் படத்தை ஓரளவு தாங்கிப் பிடிக்கிறது. ஆனால் பாடல்கள் பொறுத்தவரை தமனும் நம்மைக் கைவிடுகிறார்.

மொத்தத்தில் Bro ஒரு வலுவான கதையுடன் இருக்கிறது, ஆனால் பவன் கல்யாணின் மாஸும், அவரது முந்தைய படங்களின் ரெஃபரன்ஸுமே திரையை ஆக்கிரமித்துக் கொள்வதால் கதை காணாமல் போகிறது. விநோதய சித்தம் சிறந்த படமா, Bro சிறந்த படமா எனக் கேட்டால், இரண்டிலும் அதனதன் அளவில் குறைகள் உண்டு. ஆனால் Bro படத்தில் உள்ள குறைகளின் பட்டியல் மிக நீளம்.



'Bro' movie review: A fantasy drama on time that makes two hours feel like forever

Ten minutes into the film, Markandeya alias Mark (Sai Dharam Tej) dies in a car accident that he is seemingly responsible for. A shot of a white car tumbling across a highway cuts to darkness. We slowly see Mark emerge, unharmed, crying out for help. We then see the silhouette of a man, the superstar himself. Mark yells, “Who are you? Where am I? Show me your face.” No response. Then we get the cue. “Power ledha.” The lights shine on, revealing the power star himself, dressed in his famous Vayyari Bhama garb, dancing to the song. Then we see something downright farcical. The man is dancing, well, swaying lightly, as we see him morph into double, triple and multiple identical translucent figures, moving along to the acoustic hook from Vayyari… All the build-up and tease, followed by that one meta line acting as an OTP for the hero to emerge. Phata poster, nikla hero. Phir kya? It is all downhill from here, my friends, as the rest of the film goes on to replicate the heartbreaking mediocrity the Ameerpet edit of VFX Pawan Kalyans displayed. 

For the most part, Bro is Mark’s story. He gets the Arjun Reddy style unlikeable-but-successful character arc. He finishes an entire workout but leaves his breakfast halfway. He will pay for his sisters’ education but never pays attention to them. He is also extremely fastidious with his time. He fires people on a whim because they have dared to waste his time. He sees his girlfriend Ramya (Ketika Sharma) as an appointment to be squeezed in between work and more work. Mark’s loved ones are the opportunity cost he voluntarily incurs for a coveted promotion in his company. Bro, in that way, is quite the apt title here, considering the whole ‘time is money, money is success’ mantra that drives Mark is also the beloved gospel of our podcast ‘bros’.  

Samuthirakani and his writer-collaborator Trivikram are more inclined to present Mark in a grudgingly positive light, but more on that later. Pawan Kalyan is time, here. If Anne Hathaway suggested that time can be a physical dimension people can climb up and down like a hill in Interstellar — Samuthirakani wants us to know that time can also be reimagined as this demigod superstar we have all grown up loving. 

But who really is this personification of time? This is where the movie entropies rapidly. Trivikram steps in to deliver some philosophical one-liners, which quickly turn into unsubtle digs against a certain Chief Minister. We also have Thaman’s rousing Sanskritised background score trying its best to defibrillate this otherwise comatose film. When we combine Thaman’s contributions with the fact that Bro is alternatively titled Bro The Avatar — we might just be talking about Kaala Bhairava, the Shaivite manifestation of time, reality and retribution. But this is a wasted conclusion since we see Pawan Kalyan’s character borrow his character traits from his own film-mythos-graph. In OMG (Pawan Kalyan features in this film’s Telugu remake), Akshay Kumar’s Sri Krishna apes the character traits of the latter. So we see this actor play the flute, carry a peacock feather keychain and inhale blocks of butter from Paresh Rawal’s fridge. But here, Pawan Kalyan’s Time mowa bro is a highlights reel of the actor in his prime. He prefers chai from a cutting glass (like his character from Thammudu), sings Aadavari Matalaku Ardhale Verule in a car and dances to Jalsa Jalsa in a pub. Costume designer Neeta Lulla chimes into the film’s overall meta-ness, her costumes are an ode to the actor’s clutter-breaking, forever cool fits from the 2000s. 

At this point, a senior star paying meta lip service to his older, more iconic roles is not new. Lokesh Kanagaraj did it with Kamal Haasan in Vikram. Closer home, Bobby Kolli pulled it off with clap backs to vintage Chiranjeevi in Waltair Veerayya. But the trick misfires with Bro, especially considering Kushi, Jalsa and Tholi Prema had some wide and successful re-releases at a time as recent as last year. Speaking of which, how did a song from  Bheemla Nayak feature in this vintage mix? I get that time is relative and stories are subjective, but the only way ‘one year back’ would count as vintage is if human beings had a lifespan of three years. The shtick feels a lot more tired when you realise that Pawan Kalyan is running his own experiments with time, using his past career to propel his future one — cinema be damned.

The rest of the film does little to help its own case. Bro is a remake of a Tamil feature that was once originally a play, but that never meant actors should continue to stay in a single place, swapping the stage for endless green screenshots. Sai Dharam Tej is equally immobile in his acting, as he pantomimes in tandem with Pawan Kalyan’s sluggish and disinterested demeanour. 

Surprisingly, Mark’s family left a greater impression on me than Tej and Pawan Kalyan. There is a sister who knows she is unfairly resented, but still respects her brother. The other sister and brother hide their own relationships, despite Mark being open with his. The film’s only redeeming grace is the way it treats patriarchy. Now when I say patriarchy, I don’t mean it in the way that word has earned its demonic status today. I mean it quite literally. Mark is the oldest child of his family, its sole breadwinner and patriarch after their father’s demise. When he rises to lecture the women in his household, the girls see their father. The mother sees her own father. Mark is riddled with anxiety, about getting his siblings ‘settled’. Turns out, his family needs no help from him. In one of the film’s only aha! moments, we see the ‘nobody needing Mark’ angle take a deterministic turn.

And when Mark realises that it is he who needs his family more than the other way round, he begins to redeem himself. The film though, not so much. This is an interesting time for Pawan Kalyan fans, to watch him transition from a place that made him the power star to a place that could give him actual power. We have seen him build a meta-narrative beneficial for politics in both Vakeel Saab and Bheemla Nayak. But Bro is a slippery beast. Star power means showing greatness, something mortals cannot achieve. But we have Pawan Kalyan in a film that has come down to our level, instead of us wishing to reach theirs, with all the Jaya Surya and Mavayya meme clapbacks. 

It is not easy at all to watch this ‘torchbearer’ feature in a rather torturous film. It feels much more insulting when the star is content with scheduling this piecemeal effort film between politics the way Mark scheduled his time between work for Ramya. We have had 25 glorious years with Pawan Kalyan. Maybe, our time is over.

Cast: Pawan Kalyan, Sai Dharam Tej, Ketika Sharma, Priya Prakash Warrier, Rohini Molleti Director: Samuthirakani 

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Original vs Remake: Why Pawan Kalyan, Sai Dharam Tej's Bro can work despite being adapted by Vinodhaya Sitham

Bro starring Pawan Kalyan and Sai Dharam Tej is the Telugu remake of well acclaimed Tamil film but promises to work big time. Check out inside...

Priyanka Goud

The remake culture is not dying anytime soon. Over the years, films being remade in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, and other languages after an original film becomes successful is quite a common practice. But it is to be noted that earlier audiences didn't have such a wider reach to technology and there was nothing like OTT platforms. But now things have changed. The audience can watch any movie anytime without any language barrier. In this culture, if a remake will work or not is quite a big question. And this week, Vinodhaya Sitham, a Tamil film, which became a hit in Kollywood, is being remade in Telugu. 

Bro vs Vinodhaya Sitham

Titled Bro, the Telugu remake stars Pawan Kalya n and Sai Dharam Tej in the lead roles. Written and directed by Samuthirakani, Bro is a highly anticipated and awaited film in Telugu. The director, who also helmed the original film Vinodhaya Sitham, mentioned that Bro is not a remake but an adaptation. The director said the Telugu version has been customized to suit the industry. And, it looks like, he has done it right. 

The posters, teaser, and trailer of Bro have caught major buzz among Telugu audiences. And another interesting thing that has been a major crowd-puller is the starring of real-life uncle and nephew, Pawan Kalyan and Sai Dharam Tej. This casting is a treat for mega fans. But only time will tell if this film will stand up to the well-acclaimed Vinodhaya Sitham or join the list of remake failures. We think it will work after watching the trailer.   

An insight into Bro with trailer breakdown 

Personally, for the very rare scenario, I liked the trailer of Bro. And, it gained a massive response from the audience too. The biggest factor of Bro is the chemistry of Pawan Kalyan and Sai Dharam Te j. The story revolves around an arrogant man who is given a second chance in life to amend his mistakes after death. Power Star portrays the character essayed by Samuthirakani in the Tamil film, playing the role of a god. Sai Dharam Tej takes on another crucial role named Thambi Ramaiah, whose life undergoes a significant transformation after his death and resurrection.

Sai Dharam Tej plays the role of a young corporate, who is always worried about having no time. But things change when he meets with an accident and eventually meets God, who comes in the form of time, played by Pawan Kalyan.   

What works big time in the Telugu remake Bro

Pawan Kalyan's screen presence is a total show-stealer. He appeared in many avatars in the trailer including a security guard, coolie, a mature middle-aged man, and an enthusiastic party freak. And it promises to be a visual feast for Powerstar fans as there might be plenty of hat tips to popular moments from his filmography. In fact, the trailer ends with Pawan recreating his iconic pose from Jalsa (2008) and it is likely to bring the roof down in the theatres.

It’s been quite a time since filmmakers have explored this side of Pawan Kalyan as fans have been waiting eagerly. Trivikram's dialogues have added a good amount of touch to the film. 

Brahmanandam is back peeps. Who would want to miss him? He appeared in a trailer in the role of a priest. And just in his 30 seconds, he brought a smile on his face to the audience and we personally cannot wait to watch him on the screen.

Music of Bro is a hit-and-miss as well

Compared to the original, what wouldn't work in a remake is a hard thing to say just by watching the trailer. But for sure like every film, Bro has its own set of negatives.

The music of Bro is the biggest pro and con too. The background, composed by S Thaman, has literally given goosebumps to the audience and the depth and Sanskrit lyrics are way too good. While the songs like My Dear Markendaya and Killi Killi became an instant hit, the song Jaanavule disappointed audiences. The music and dance moves were trolled by netizens on social media.

About Bro and Vinodhaya Sitham

Ketika Sharma and Priya Prakash Varrier are the female leads of the film along with Rohini, Brahmanandam, and Subbaraju in the supporting roles. The film is produced by TG Vishwa Prasad of People Media Factory in collaboration with Zee Studios.

Another reason why Bro could work is Vinodhaya Sitham skipped theatrical release and opted for direct OTT release. So there must be very few Telugu people who watched the remake on OTT, which is a plus point.

Directed by Samuthirakani and produced by Abirami Media Works, Vinodhaya Sitham was released on October 13, 2021 on ZEE5 and received critical acclaim.

ALSO READ:   Original vs Remake: Do you think Chiranjeevi's Bholaa Shankar can do justice to Ajith's blockbuster Vedalam?

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Journalist. Taking baby steps to make it big. A graduate in mass communication and journalism, with two and half

Journalist. Taking baby steps to make it big. A graduate in mass communication and journalism, with two and half years of experience, Priyanka is perennially hungry for entertainment and managed to cover stories, exclusives, and features. With over a thousand stories to her credit, a good story makes her feel happy.

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BRO: Where to Watch, Tickets, Review, Box Office and Verdict

BRO: Where to Watch, Tickets, Review, Box Office and Verdict

Samuthirakhani has directed the highly anticipated film, BRO, featuring Pawan Kalyan and Saidharam Tej, which is one of the most awaited releases among the big films of this season.

The movie is hitting the screens today after a considerable gap since the last Pawan Kalyan film.

Here are some interesting facts about BRO:

Where To Watch:

The film is releasing on July 28th in theaters across the world. It is not yet available on any OTT platform.

Book Tickets:

Tickets for BRO can be booked on BookMyShow or PayTM for theaters near you. Tickets can also be booked through Amazon Pay.

Director And Cast:

Samuthirakhani, who is also a popular actor, is making his directorial debut in Telugu with the film BRO.

The film is based on the theme of God-Human relationship and is a commercial version of the Tamil film 'Vinodaya Sitam'.

Trivikram is the writer for this film, while TG Vishwa Prasad and Vivek Kuchibhotla of People's Media have produced it.

Ketika Sharma and Priya Prakash Varrier are also part of the cast, while the music is scored by Thaman.

After watching the film, click here and give your verdict.

The movie in overseas is released by the production house itself on its own. 

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BRO Review:

Click here for Bro movie  review

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Home » Review » Bro review: A well-intentioned sibling drama that needed more emotional heft »

Bro review: A well-intentioned sibling drama that needed more emotional heft

The Telugu remake of the Marathi hit Happy Journey features Naveen Chandra, Avika Gor, Sanjana Sarathy, Sai Ronak in lead roles and is directed by Karthik Thupurani

Bro review: A well-intentioned sibling drama that needed more emotional heft

  • Srivathsan Nadadhur

Last Updated: 09.37 PM, Nov 25, 2021

Madhav is a cheerful school-going boy, full of zest for life, spending time with friends at school, playing an odd game of football. His world drastically changes with the arrival of his sister Subhadra and the two become inseparable in no time. Just then, the infant is diagnosed with a rare medical condition. Madhav's father, who runs a small-time garage, with a heavy heart, asks his young son to take up a job at a construction firm in Dubai, to fund Subhadra's treatment. What will this decision mean to Madhav? Will the family ever lead a normal life again?

The sentimentality and melodrama associated with the brother-sister equation on screen have been done to death so much that any story centred around their relationship has very little chance to excite a viewer. Yet, Bro, the remake of the popular Marathi film Happy Journey (that also inspired Anjali Menon's Koode), wins your curiosity with its entertaining twist to the portrayal of sibling dynamics. 

The film's gloomy setting centres around death, longing, last wishes and yet it surprisingly doesn't drown itself in melancholy. There's a fairytale-like quality to the beautiful story that makes us invest in the characters. As the film takes off, it's impossible to not feel for the barely 11-12-year-old Madhav, whose world comes crashing down when asked to leave his home town, adorable sister, friends, to fend for his family in an alien nation. 


When Madhav returns home many moons later owing to a death in the family, you understand his pent-up anger, frustration at a decision that robbed him of the childhood that he deserved. You see a man who grew up without the love of his family and becomes so comfortable with loneliness. The empathy for him only multiples when you realise he's not lucky with love either.

What if life provides an opportunity to bond with a loved one, make up for lost time after their death? With this arresting premise that's an interesting mix of fantasy and realism, Bro should have ideally soared to great dramatic heights. The writing though doesn't dive into the minds of the characters completely. The first-time director Karthik Thupurani prefers to underplay, maintain a measured tone in situations that could have made for solid drama.


Once the premise is established, the film loses its fizz and the sequences get repetitive. Bro, in the first hour, lingers on moments that could've done with more brevity. Disappointingly, it doesn't dig into the psychological conflicts, trauma enough. The stark contrast between the characterisation of the siblings, a sombre Madhav and his over-enthusiastic sister Subhadra, is interesting initially, though their conversations get a little jarring and cinematic later. 

The tension between Madhav as a grown-up man and his agitated father remains underutilised, while it's disappointing that the women, the mother and the grandma, are mostly restricted to the background. The film draws a wonderful mythological parallel too, where the father compares Krishna's lifting of the Govardhana hill to Madhav's efforts to fend for his family. While you don't mind that comparison, the references get too indulgent and on-the-face with the character names like Madhav, Subhadra (the sister), Savyasachi (prospective brother-in-law) and Radha (love interest).


Once Madhav comes to terms with the family situation, heals himself and his relationships with Subhadra and his parents, the narrative gathers some steam. The second hour has better-written scenarios and dialogues and strikes a chord. The director has a knack for subtle humour and it's quite evident in the scene where Madhav's parents and Radha's parents are in conversation before the climax. The fact that the film stresses the importance of closure in every relationship gives it depth. The ending may look slightly old-school but it works, because it doesn't depend on verbose dialogue and states the obvious with the visuals.

Bro could've done a better job in treating the romance chapter in the lives of the lead characters. The love track between Madhav and Radha lacks impact. The conflict and the resolution in their relationship are way too superficial, though the director wanted to infuse some playful humour in the proceedings. Meanwhile, with Savyasachi and Subhadra, their idea of love is a tad too idealistic and unconditional. These two tracks just don't gel well together and feel like subplots from two different films. The subplot on Madhav's love for football is also perfunctory.


Naveen Chandra has chosen his script well and is earnest in his attempt to get into the skin of a character with a fascinating conflict. It's tiring to see Avika Gor time and again play the stereotyped 'bubbly' girl bursting with enthusiasm. The film doesn't focus on the tender side of her personality enough and utilises Avika's presence more for comic relief. 

Sai Ronak makes a mark in a brief but impactful appearance. Sanjana Sarathy may be making her Telugu debut but is not at all new to cinema. The character she plays, Radha, lacks the range to elicit a strong performance. A veteran like Sri Lakshmi doesn't get to do much. Shekar Chandra's music is pleasing to the ears and Nazeem Mohammad's surreal cinematography makes us long for a life in an ever-idyllic Araku.  

Bro has a wonderful story and may have its heart in the right place though it's a bumpy ride on the whole. Naveen Chandra and Devi Prasad hold fort with assuring performances that help us look beyond the jerky screenplay. A subtler performance from Avika Gor could've done the trick. Look past the dull, meandering first half in Bro and you may be genuinely surprised. 

P.S. Those who've watched the earlier versions Koode or Happy Journey may not appreciate this effort.

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Home » Bollywood » BRO Telugu Movie Review: A Thought-Provoking Tale of Redempt …

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BRO Telugu Movie Review: A Thought-Provoking Tale of Redemption and Time

BRO Movie Review – Pawan Kalyan’s much-awaited Telugu film “Bro” has finally released in your nearby cinemas on 28 July 2023. Read first Bro telugu movie review to decide if it’s worth booking your ticket!

“Bro” is Telugu movie remake of 2021 tamil film “Vinodhaya Sitham”. Bro movie is directed by Samuthirakani and produced by TG Vishwa Prasad and Zee Studios, is a thought-provoking fantasy thriller comedy Telugu film. Sai Dharam Tej and Pawan Kalyan as Time lead the cast, with notable supporting performances by Priya Prkash Warrior, Ketika, Subbaraju and Vinnela Kishore. Scroll down to read full honest Bro movie review and highlight points of the BRO film.

Overall Rating: 3.5/5

The story follows Markande Yulu (Sai Dharam Tej), a controlling individual who tragically meets with an accident and encounters Time (Pawan Kalyan) after his passing. Time grants him 90 days to fulfill his unfulfilled dreams and correct his mistakes. The film effectively delivers social messages, but the overtly spelled-out screenplay limits surprises and engagement. Telugu movie “Bro” story start after the death of Markande Yulu (Dharam Tej), The God of Time (Pawan Kalyan) resurrects him for three months to mend his family and work life, drastically altering his responsible yet egoistic existence.

BRO Review and Movie Rating – Direction, Screenplay, Music, Acting, and Cinematography

Direction : P. Samuthirakani’s direction in “BRO” film is noteworthy. He adeptly crafts a fantasy universe where social messages seamlessly blend with the storyline. However, the overtly spelled-out screenplay hampers the film’s potential for twists and turns. Read movie review of Today released Telugu Movie BRO here.

Plot & Screenplay : The plot revolves around Sai Dharam Tej resurrection after death, granted by The God of Time. While the concept is intriguing, the execution lacks surprises. The film effectively portrays the protagonist’s journey to mend his family and work life, but a more nuanced storyline would have added depth.

BGM & Songs : Music works moderately well in certain portions, but it often serves as cues rather than complementing the scenes. A more immersive and emotionally resonant score could have enhanced the movie’s impact.

Cinematography : Some visuals are a highlight in this movie, adding aesthetic value to the film. The cinematography captures the essence of the fantasy universe and provides a solid production quality.

Nonetheless, the performances and a concise runtime of just over an hour and a half contribute to the movie’s overall appeal. Bro” will particularly resonate with fans of Samuthirakani’s unique brand of films, making it worth watching for its thought-provoking message and unique storyline of fantasy comedy and thriller genre. So if you are Pawan Kalyan or Sai Dharam Tej Acting fan then you must watch this fantasy film. Share this Bro movie review with your friend who’s a Pawan Kalyan die hard fans.

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Budidinne Obulesu 2 319 days ago

Very good film about time and extraordinary about family realtionships

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Shockwave 41007 325 days ago

king kalyan

nithyasree sree 2 336 days ago

Good message

Vadla bramhaiah 240 342 days ago

Jalasai81 saikiran yadav 27 342 days ago.

I like it..��������

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Ketika Sharma

Ramya krishnan, ravi anchor, sai dharam tej, samuthirakani, tamannaah bhatia, tanikella bharani, thambi ramaiah.

                Bro is a remake of the hit tamil film Vinodhaya Sitham.


                The tamil version of the film starred .Samuthirakani and thambi ramaiah in the lead roles. The telugu version, starring pawan kalyan and Sai Dharam Tej, is directed by samuthirakani himself and is written by Trivkram. Apart from that, the project also has ketika sharma in a prominent role and will star opposite Sai Dharam Tej. The film also has Brahmanandam, rohini Molleti, Subbaraju, tanikella bharani and raja Chembolu in supporting roles.

                Recently, the makers also released a teaser for the film. Bro: The avatar is touted to be a family drama with elements of fantasy and spirituality. The teaser had Pawan Kalyan’s iconic style and charisma, and he captured the audience with his vintage charm. While sai dharam tej was seen for a few moments in the teaser, Pawan Kalyan’s character dominated it.Meanwhile, Rajinikanth will soon be seen in Nelson Dilipkumar’s directorial Jailer. Produced by sun Pictures, the film also stars tamannaah bhatia in the lead. The ensemble cast also includes Jackie Shroff, priyanka Mohan, shiva Rajkumar, yogi Babu, Jaffer Sadiq, ramya krishnan , Vasanth ravi and Vinayakan. It is believed that superstar mohanlal will also make an extended cameo in the film. Composer Anirudh Ravichander’s second song from the film, Hukum, released on monday and has left Thalaiva fans impressed. The first song from the film, Kaavaalaa, has created a buzz around the film and netizens are eagerly awaiting the film’s release on august 10.


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19/07/2023 12:03 PM

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bro movie review in tamil

Bro movie review: A few good laughs and nothing more

A few good laughs in a movie that spans 2 hours 5 minutes is not enough. The film more often than not placed higher value on nostalgia than story telling.

Bro movie review: A few good laughs and nothing more

Director: P Samuthirakani

Cast: Pawan Kalyan, Sai Dharam Tej

Language: Telugu

The idea that death is the destination and life is nothing but a journey towards this destination is the grand idea that Trivikram has adapted from Tamil film Vinodhaya Seetham . Helmed by Samuthirakani, who directed the original, Bro starring Pawan Kalyan and Sai Dharam Tej, brings to life the story of an arrogant, pompous young man who believes that only he is capable of shouldering responsibilities in his family.

He assumes that his absence would incapacitate his family, and bring them to the streets. In Markandeya’s (Sai Dharam Tej) case, his struggles to an extent quantify his fear, however, the fact that life does go on for those left behind is something that he is forced to accept.

Now, the story is simple enough and it was portrayed as such in Tamil. With Pawan Kalyan ’s entry into the mix, however, Bro takes on an avatar that doesn’t just include random dance numbers, but also multiple moments which idolize Pawan Kalyan. Each moment received attention from fans as the theater was peppered with hooting, screaming and clapping.

The film had to become bigger than the story to be befitting of Pawan Kalyan’s stardom and that is sad and unfortunate because the truly enjoyable parts in the film was the more subdued rapport between Pawan Kalyan and Sai Dharam Tej. Their conversations are a mix of witty, thoughtful and outright hilarious. Especially the scene where Markandeya has to swallow his pride and return to work just moments after rage quitting is one worth mentioning.

Yet, a few good laughs in a movie that spans 2 hours 15 minutes is not enough. The film more often than not places higher value on nostalgia than story telling. It banks on the said nostalgia factor to elicit a reponse from the audience, not realizing the fact if more attention was paid to the story, it could have very well featured fresh iconic moments. The repurposing of popular songs from Pawan Kalyan’s filmography becomes tedious after a point, especially so when the film begins to delve into melodrama for an impactful ending.

I would obviously have preferred for Markandeya’s younger sister to have had a better relationship arc with her brother. In fact, the moments that really shined were of Markandeya learning time and again that he was indeed wrong, and he became more relatable with every punch that his ego took. If the film had more such nuanced moments instead of a rehash of songs from hit Pawan Kalyan movies such as Bheemla Nayak, Bro would have been so much more fun.

Also, inconsistent is the film’s dialogues and it’s intention. One moment it speaks for equality and the next moment we see an unnecessary set piece with an ‘item number’. I wonder if objectifying women falls under a different bracket. Then, there are dialogues such as “Only the rich usually get diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.” The jump in logic at this point has become something one has come to expect of Telugu commercial films. If only Bro was a simple commercial film, writing it off would have been simpler too. Instead, what we get is a brilliant idea with inferior execution.

Rating: 1.5 (out of 5 stars)

Bro is playing in cinemas

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BRO Telugu Movie Review

Release Date : July 28, 2023

123telugu.com Rating : 3/5

Starring: Pawan Kalyan, Sai Dharam Tej, Priya Prakash Varrier, Ketika Sharma, Brahmanandam, Raja Chembol, Rohini Molleti, Tanikella Bharani, Urvashi Rautela

Director: Samuthirakani

Producers: T. G. Vishwa Prasad, Vivek Kuchibotla

Music Director: Thaman S

Cinematographer: Sujith Vaassudev

Editor: Naveen Nooli

Related Links : Trailer

Bro is a special film for mega fans as it marks the coming together of Pawan Kalyan and Sai Dharam Tej. The movie, directed by Samuthirakani, is a fantasy comedy-drama. Star director Trivikram penned the screenplay and dialogues. Amidst a massive fan frenzy, Bro hit the screens today, and let’s see how it is.

Markandeya, a.k.a Mark (Sai Dharam Tej), is always swamped with work, and he is the only earning member in his family. Mark is in love with Ramya (Ketika Sharma), but he neither spends time with his lady love nor his family as he has a lot of responsibilities to deal with. One day he dies in a road accident, and Mark’s soul meets Time God, a.k.a Titan (Pawan Kalyan). Mark requests Titan to give him a second chance in life so that he can fulfill his obligations. Titan gives 90 days time to Mark, and he hangs around Mark during this period. The rest of the film is about how Mark fulfills his commitments.

Plus Points:

The movie banks heavily on the performance and charm of Pawan Kalyan. The star actor is at his absolute best in Bro, and his screen presence is full on throttle. His entry scene is pure goosebumps stuff, and Pawan gave his best throughout. He evokes laughs in a few scenes with his antics. But the best part about Bro is the looks of Powerstar, which are far better than his recent flicks.

Sai Dharam Tej gives a decent performance in this fantasy drama. A few scenes between Pawan Kalyan and Sai Dharam Tej came out well, and they will appeal to mega fans. The way Pawan teases Sai Dharam Tej initially is funny.

The first half has decent moments which keep the film going. Ketika Sharma does well despite her limited screen presence. It was good to see Brahmanandam and Pawan in a single frame once again. Rohini, Ali Reza, Vennela Kishore are okay in their respective roles.

Minus Points:

The movie has a nice message which emphasizes that it is more important to live in the present than worry about the future. But this has been marred by many dull scenes. The film is weak on the emotional front as the relationship between Sai Dharam Tej’s character and his family isn’t showcased well. A few scenes looked artificial. Priya Prakash Varrier has nothing much to do in the film. Had the emotions been presented even better, the message could have been more impactful.

In order to please the fans, the director added many references of Pawan Kalyan’s old songs. Though they are enjoyable initially, they become boring after a point in time. These scenes might appeal to fans, but for others, these portions will turn out to be tedious due to their over usage. Also, the movie doesn’t have a proper flow, and even a few decent scenes lacked impact due to their placement.

Except for Bro title song, the other songs are a huge drawback in this biggie. The film’s tempo goes down further during these songs, and they add no value to the proceedings. There should have been solid drama to take things to a further level, but that didn’t happen here. A few bland scenes could have been edited out to make things interesting.

Technical Aspects:

Though Thaman’s songs aren’t great, his background score is good. The music director tried to lift many scenes through his background score. The cinematography by Sujith Vasudev is neat. The production values are fine, but the VFX works could have been a lot better. The editing is sloppy, and a few portions could have been trimmed.

Coming to the director Samuthirakani, he did a passable job with the film. His focus was more on making the film appeal to the fans, but the emotions took the beating. A few redundant scenes could have been avoided totally. Pawan did his best to gloss over the loopholes.

On the whole, Bro is a fantasy drama that relies heavily on the performance of Pawan Kalyan. The star actor’s mannerisms and style will go well with fans. Sai Dharam Tej does a neat job, and a few of his scenes with Pawan came out well. The first half has some moments going its way. But the way emotions and drama is handled is not great. A few bland scenes will bog down the impact. Bro will appeal to fans, but for others, it will end up being an okay watch. Hence it is suggested to keep your expectations in check.

123telugu.com Rating: 3/5

Reviewed by 123telugu Team

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BRO Movie Review – An Average film

Bro Movie Review

Bro Movie Review

Telugu360 Rating: 2.5/5

Powerstar Pawan Kalyan and his nephew Sai Dharam Tej are teaming up for the first time in BRO. The film directed by Samuthirakani is inspired by the Tamil film Vinodaya Sitham. BRO is carrying decent expectations and is hitting the screens today. Ketika Sharma and Priya Prakash Warrier played other important roles. Top director Trivikram worked on the screenplay and dialogues for the Telugu version. Bollywood beauty Urvashi Rautela danced for a special number. People Media Factory and Zee Studios are the producers. Here is the review

Story: Mark alias Markandeyulu (Sai Dharam Tej) is the breadwinner of the family. After losing his father at a young age, Mark raises his brother and two sisters. Mark is a principled family head who is loved by all at home and in the office. The fantasy turn in the story is his happy life abruptly ending in an accident and since then backed by the TIME character (played by Pawan Kalyan). Mark gets a 90-day extension to his life and the rest of the story is what happens in the 90-day grace period.

BRO film has been adapted from a Tamil film called ‘Vinodhaya Sitham’. Directed by the same director Samuthirakani, who handled the original, this Telugu film ‘BRO’ outcome is a mixed bag. To improvise the film on the commercial front, the Telugu version team has overly dependent on power star pawan kalyan’s charismatic past. The writing team has compiled all Pawan Kalyan hit songs, and inserted them throughout the film sometimes perfectly syncs with the context, sometimes forcibly. In the first half the theme worked out and appeared entertaining. Pawan Kalyan as TIME shows up in various characters and entertains fans. His costumes and histrionics are of his top-class form. The subtle political flavor dialogues are smartly embedded without being out of place.

The main story is philosophical in nature, the climax summarizes the essence of modern days life very well. However, this essence of the film is overshadowed by elements added to appeal to Pawan’s fans. At some point, this film appears as if we are watching a Pawan Kalyan AV played in audio functions or in prerelease functions. There is not much scope for songs, but the songs that exist are decent. Production values by ‘people media factory’ are adequate. The VFX work could have been better though. Trivikram’s  improvisation doesn’t help much other than inserting fans stuff


Pawan Kalyan rescues this film with his screen presence.  Sai Dharam Tej acted adequately as Mark. However, in the dance sequences apparently, he is not comfortable yet. Brahmanandam appears in one scene, and it is a good one. Vennela Kishore and Tanikella Bharani had very limited roles. Primarily the entire film is carried out between Pawan and Sai Dharam Tej.

Pawan Kalyan Screen Presence Pawan Hit Songs as a backdrop to a few scenes. Entertainment in the First half Crisp Run Time

Negatives :

Shallow story Overstuffed fans elements The original story lost its flavor.

Bro film works only for fans, subpar experience for all others. While trying to commercially elevate Pawan’s character, the writing team has overstuffed the fan elements aspect and lost the original soul of the film. Thaman’s energetic background score and Pawan’s past hit songs keep this film alive. An average film AT THE BEST!

Telugu360 Rating : 2.5/5

Release date: 28 July 2023 Director: Samuthirakani Music : S.S.Thaman Cinematography: Sujith Vaasudev Producers: T. G. Vishwa Prasad , Vivek Kuchibotla



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I told before only. This will be. Average film

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3 /5 Filmibeat

  • Cast & Crew

Bro Cast & Crew

Pawan Kalyan

Bro Crew Info

Production People Media Factory
Satellite Rights Zee Telugu
Budget TBA
Box Office 75.20 Cr
OTT Platform Netflix
OTT Release Date 2023-08-25
Addtional Info
Art Direction

Bro Critics Review

Bro trailer.

Okasaari Putti Lyrical Video - Bro

  • My Dear Markandeya Singers: Revanth , Snigdha Sharma Lyricist: Ramajogaya Sastry 0
  • Jaanavule Singers: Thaman S , K.Pranati Lyricist: Kasarla Shyam 0
  • Theme of BRO Singers: Revanth , Saicharan Lyricist: Kalyan Chakravarthy 0
  • Bro Rap Singers: Aditya Iyengar Lyricist: Aditya Iyengar 0
  • Okasaari Putti Singers: Ravi G Lyricist: Kasarla Shyam 0

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Bro

In this Bro film, Pawan Kalyan , Sai Dharam Tej played the primary leads.

The Bro was released in theaters on 28 Jul 2023.

The Bro was directed by Samuthirakani

Movies like Mechanic Rocky , The Raja Saab , Mr Bachchan and others in a similar vein had the same genre but quite different stories.

The Bro had a runtime of 135 minutes.

The soundtracks and background music were composed by Thaman S for the movie Bro.

The cinematography for Bro was shot by Sujith Vasudev .

You can watch the Bro movie on Netflix,.

On 25 Aug 2023 Bro was released on the Netflix, platform.

The movie Bro belonged to the Action,Drama, genre.

Bro User Review

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Mahesh 375 Days Ago

bro is a powerstar film but lot of lag and many unnecessary scenes makes a below par movie thaman music stands out may be a below average fare for others and vintage papk for fans

Jagan 375 Days Ago

BRO Strictly for PK fans ….high whistle blowing moments with PK vintage mash up songs …Rest all goes flat …again Trivikram failed to deliver an remake with unwanted emotions and unexceptional Lag in screenplay …BGM 👍🔥 2.75/5

Nag 375 Days Ago

BRO -Good script which should have been executed more convincingly , a pure feast for fans with vintage pawankalyan show in modern ultra stylish looks with reference to his old super hit songs.. saidharamtej has done good job and all the charac..

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‘Bro’ movie review: Pawan Kalyan, Sai Dharam Tej cannot save this bore

Barring the occasional fun banter between uncle-nephew duo pawan kalyan and sai dharam tej, director samuthirakani’s telugu film ‘bro’, written by trivikram srinivas, is drab.

July 28, 2023 03:37 pm | Updated 05:05 pm IST

Sangeetha Devi Dundoo

Pawan Kalyan and Sai Dharam Tej in Samuthirakani’s Telugu movie ‘Bro’

When a film banks heavily on a star’s hits from the past, referencing songs and dialogues from his blockbusters, but fails to have fresh standout moments, it can end up as a huge misfire. The Telugu film Bro - the Avatar , starring uncle-nephew duo Pawan Kalyan and Sai Dharam Tej , is one such case in point. Director Samuthirakani who had written and directed the Tamil original Vinodhaya Sitham , reworks the plot to suit Pawan Kalyan’s and Sai Dharam Tej’s personas with the help of Trivikram Srinivas’ screenplay and dialogues. Yet, Bro ends up as a film that occasionally brings in some cheer but otherwise fizzles into a boring soap opera, despite a well-intended story. 

The core plot isn’t bad at all; it’s a relevant one that spells out the universal truth that none of us are indispensable; our home and workplace will adapt and move on irrespective of us. The story can work like a fable that makes the viewer take back a few lessons in humility. 

Samuthirakani and Trivikram Srinivas aptly call the central character Markandeyulu (Sai Dharam Tej). Mark, as his colleagues and friends refer to him, thinks he is presenting the best version of himself to his family and colleagues and that he knows the best. ‘I have no time’ is his constant refrain. 

Bro-the avatar (Telugu)

Bro explores the possibilities when Mark’s life is brutally cut short and time presents itself in a larger-than-life avatar of Pawan Kalyan who is named, hold your breath, Titan! Mark bides for time to fulfil his responsibilities. Titan, who is addressed by Mark as ‘bro’, comes to an agreement with Mark.

The introduction sequence of ‘time’ aka Titan has ample references to the ‘power’ in the ‘power star’ label. He is also presented as a metaphor for a porter who transports people between different worlds, dressed like in the ‘Vayyari Bhama’ song from Thammudu . The fun has just begun, so we don’t mind it. Soon, there are references to Tholi Prema, Khushi, Jalsa, Bheemla Nayak … All this would have been more fun had Bro come up with its share of original moments that can stand the test of time and serve as pop culture references in the years to come. 

Among the songs that play at regular intervals, the most fun and foot-tapping ones are the brief segments from Jalsa and Bheemla Nayak , not the new compositions. So it is with the dialogues as well. Brahmanandam (in a cameo) and Pawan Kalyan have a fun face-off. The duo have sparkled in better-written comic stretches in the past; here, the writing does not have the zing. It never raises above fan service, referencing old dialogues and the star’s political career.

Much of the first hour is spent showing how Mark reassesses his perceptions of people, at home and at work. The sub-plots featuring the siblings are predictable and the office politics too do not hold many surprises. Priya Prakash Varrier, Raja Chembolu, Tanikella Bharani and Ketika Sharma (as Mark’s girlfriend) get a few minutes to make their presence felt. Vennela Kishore is underutilized too. 

The one supporting character who gets to make an impact is Rohini. For a large portion, her role is like that of a stereotypical screen mother and the story conveniently relegates her to the background. When she is brought back, she springs a welcome surprise. This portion and the final segment where Mark gets to look at life afresh and have a heart-to-heart conversation with Titan are the only significant portions of the film.

Bro does not make Pawan Kalyan or Sai Dharam Tej do anything special. They merely go through the different emotional beats required of them. We have seen better from both of them. The subpar visual effects are also a dampener.

In hindsight, Gopala Gopala , in which Pawan Kalyan played God incarnate, was a more entertaining film.  Bro’s original, Vinodhaya Sitham, had a story centred on a middle-aged character (played by Thambi Ramaiah). The Telugu adaptation tweaks certain aspects to suit a younger protagonist and tries to pack in enough entertainment to cater to Pawan Kalyan’s fan base. Yet, lazily written and executed, it squanders its potential.

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Brinda Review: ‘மரணக் காடு.. சடலக் குவியல்.. புயலாய் மாறும் பூ’ த்ரிஷாவின் பிருந்தா திரைவிமர்சனம்!

டிவி முன் உட்கார்ந்தால் அதை ஆப் செய்ய மனமில்லாமல் செய்யும் வெப்சீரிஸ் தான், வெற்றி பெற்ற ரகம். அந்த வரிசையில் வெள்ளிக்கிழமை வெளியாகி, சனி, ஞாயிறு மக்களின் மனதில் ஊஞ்சலாடப் போகும் வெப்சீரிஸ் தான் பிருந்தா. த்ரிஷா, இந்திரஜித் சுகுமாறன், ரவீந்திர விஜய், ஆனந்த் சாமி, ஜெயப்பிரகாஷ் உள்ளிட்ட தென்னிந்திய பிரபலங்கள் பலரும் நடித்திருக்கும் 8 எபிசோட் கொண்ட வெப்சீரிஸ் தான் பிருந்தா.

ட்ரெண்டிங் செய்திகள்

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தப்பிச் செல்லும் அந்த சிறுமி தான் த்ரிஷா. போலீஸ்காரர் ஜெயப்பிரகாஷ் வீட்டில் மூத்த மகளாக வளர்கிறாள். தந்தை இறந்து போக, போலீஸ் வேலை பார்க்கும் அவர், தாயை தவிர வேறு யாருடனும் அதிகம் பேசுவதில்லை. தன் குடும்பத்தை சேராதவர் என்பதால், த்ரிஷாவை அவரது தங்கை வெறுக்கிறர். போலீஸ் ஸ்டேஷனில் எஸ்.ஐ., வேலை பார்த்தாலும், வங்கி பணியாளர் போல முகத்தை எந்நேரமும் வைத்திருக்கிறார் த்ரிஷா.

சூடுபிடிக்கும் க்ரைம் திரைக்கதை

திடீரென குளம் ஒன்றில் ஒரு பிரேதம் கிடக்கிறது. போலீசார் அதை தற்கொலை என்று கூற, த்ரிஷா மட்டும் அதை கொலை என்கிறார். இதனால் இன்ஸ்பெக்டரின் கோபத்திற்கு ஆளாகிறார். இருந்தாலும் சக எஸ்.ஐ., ஆன ரவீந்தர் விஜய் ஒத்துழைப்போடு, வழக்கை தனியாளாக விசாரிக்கிறார். அதே பின்னணியில் இன்னும் பல கொலைகள் நடந்தது தெரிகிறது.

முதலில் அது ஒரு சைக்கோ கொலை என்ற கோணத்தில் போய், பின்னர் அது திட்டமிட்ட தொடர் கொலை என்பது தெரிகிறது. பின்னணியில் மனநலம் பாதிக்கப்பட்டவராக காட்டப்படும் ஆனந்த் சாமி, எதற்காக இந்த கொலைகளை செய்கிறார் என்கிற தேடலுடன் நகர்கிறது அடுத்தடுத்த எபிசோடுகள். உண்மையில் ஆனந்த் சாமி ஏன் இப்படி செய்கிறார்? அவர் பின்னணியில் யார்? அதற்கான காரணம் என்ன? என்பது தான் முழு கதை.

சுற்றி வளைத்து கடைசியில் சஸ்பென்ஸ் வைக்காமல், எல்லா முடிச்சுகளையும் முதல் எபிசோடிலிருந்தே பார்வையாளர்களுக்குத் தெரிவித்து, கதையை நகர்த்தியிருக்கிறார்கள். அதற்காக கதையில் விறுவிறுப்பு குறையவில்லை. இது இதனால் நடக்கிறது, இவன் இதற்காக செய்கிறான் என்கிற தெளிவை, முன்பே பார்வையாளர்களுக்கு தந்துவிட்டார்கள்.

கடைசி 3 எபிசோடுகளில் இன்னும் கொஞ்சம்..

இதை ட்விஸ்ட் என்று பார்த்தால், த்ரிஷாவின் இளமை பருவத்திற்கும், இந்த கொலைகளுக்கும் தொடர்பு இருப்பது தான் என்பதை சொல்ல வேண்டிய நேரத்தில் சொல்லி, ட்விஸ்ட் கொடுத்திருக்கிறார்கள். முதல் 5 எபிசோடுகள், ஆக்சிலேட்டரை காலில் இருந்து எடுக்க முடியாத அளவிற்கு, வேகமாகவும், பரபரப்பாகவும், த்ரில்லராகவும் போகிறது.

அதன் பின் வரும் 3 எபிசோடுகள், கதைக்கு ப்ரேக் போடுவதை கண் கூடாக காண முடிகிறது. கடவுள் நம்பிக்கை, மூட நம்பிக்கை என புதிய ட்ராக்கில் பயணிக்கிறது. அதை ஒரு எபிசோடில் முடித்திருந்தால் நன்றாக இருந்திருக்கும். படம் தொடங்கியது என்னமோ மலையாள சினிமா பாணியில் இருந்தது. முடிக்கும் போது, பக்கா தெலுங்கு படைப்பு என்பதை நிரூபித்துவிட்டார்கள்.

ஆனாலும், இதில் ஆறுதலான விசயம், தமிழ் டப்பிங் என்கிற சுவடே தெரியாத அளவிற்கு மேக்கிங் சிறப்பாக உள்ளது. த்ரிஷா உள்ளிட்ட பலரும் தமிழில் நன்கு அறிமுகமான பிரபலங்கள் என்பதால், வேற்று மொழி சீரியல் என்கிற ஃபீல் வரவே இல்லை. இருந்தாலும் தெலங்கான போலீஸ் சீருடை மட்டுமே வேறுபடுத்துகிறது.

தரமான இசை.. பலமான ஒளிப்பதிவு

சக்திகாந்த் கார்த்திக்கின் இசை, டைட்டில் கார்டிலும் சரி, பின்னணியிலும் சரி, தூக்கி நிறுத்துகிறது. தினேஷ் கே பாபுவின் ஒளிப்பதிவு வேறு ரகம். சூர்யா மனோஜ் வங்கலாவின் இயக்கம், ஏற்கனவே சொன்னது போல, முதல் 5 எபிசோடுகளில் மிரட்டிவிடுகிறது. ஆனாலும், அடுத்த 3 எபிசோடுகளில் இன்னும் கொஞ்சம் கவனம் செலுத்தியிருக்கலாம். குறிப்பாக த்ரிஷாவின் தங்கை தொடர்பான காட்சிகளை இன்னும் குறைத்திருக்கலாம். அதனால், படத்திற்கு பெரிய பயனில்லை.

மற்றபடி, போலீஸ் அதிகாரியாக த்ரிஷா மிரட்டுகிறார். ஓடுகிறார், ஓடிக் கொண்டே இருக்கிறார். அவரோடு திரைக்கதையும் ஓடுகிறது. வார இறுதியில் த்ரில்லர் சீரிஸ் பார்க்க விரும்புவோருக்கு பிருந்தா ஒரு நல்ல விருந்து!

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  1. Bro Review

    ஆனால் Bro படத்தில் உள்ள குறைகளின் பட்டியல் மிக நீளம். pawan kalyan Movie Review

  2. 'Bro' movie review: A fantasy drama on time that makes two hours feel

    29 Jul 2023, 3:09 am. Ten minutes into the film, Markandeya alias Mark (Sai Dharam Tej) dies in a car accident that he is seemingly responsible for. A shot of a white car tumbling across a highway ...

  3. Bro (2023 film)

    Bro (transl. Brother) is a 2023 Indian Telugu-language supernatural fantasy comedy film directed by Samuthirakani, from a screenplay by Trivikram Srinivas.Produced by People Media Factory and Zee Studios, it stars Sai Dharam Tej and Pawan Kalyan.It is a remake of director's own 2021 Tamil-language film Vinodhaya Sitham.. The film was announced in December 2021.

  4. 'Bro' Movie Review: What The Hell, Bro!

    A remake of a Tamil film, Bro stars Pawan Kalyan as Time and Sai Dharam Tej as a man who gets another chance to live. The film has a promising start, but loses steam in the second half with poor writing and weak songs.

  5. Bro (2023)

    Movie explanation was very different from the remake of Tamil movie it's added to sumBro (stylized as BRO) (meaning: Brother) is a 2023 Indian Telugu-language fantasy comedy-drama film directed by Samuthirakani, from a screenplay by Trivikram Srinivas.

  6. Bro review. Bro Tamil movie review, story, rating

    Bro is a fantasy drama that revolves around Pawan Kalyan's impeccable performance as the Time God. He helps Sai Tej, who dies in a car accident, to change his fate and reunite with his family.

  7. BRO Movie Review in Tamil

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  8. 'Bro' movie review: Entertains and make you think

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  9. BRO (2023)

    BRO (2023), Comedy Drama Fantasy released in Telugu language in theatre near you in tamil-nadu. Know about Film reviews, lead cast & crew, photos & video gallery on BookMyShow.

  10. Original vs Remake: Why Pawan Kalyan, Sai Dharam Tej's Bro can work

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  12. Bro review: A well-intentioned sibling drama that needed more ...

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  13. BRO (2023)

    SPOILERS MUST BE TAGGED : r/tollywood. BRO (2023) - Review/Discussion Thread. SPOILERS MUST BE TAGGED. BRO is a 2023 Indian Telugu-language fantasy comedy-drama film directed by Samuthirakani from a screenplay by Trivikram Srinivas. Produced by People Media Factory and Zee Studios, it is a remake of the 2021 Tamil film Vinodhaya Sitham.

  14. Bro Movie Review 2023

    Scroll down to read full honest Bro movie review and highlight points of the BRO film. Overall Rating: 3.5/5. The story follows Markande Yulu (Sai Dharam Tej), a controlling individual who tragically meets with an accident and encounters Time (Pawan Kalyan) after his passing. Time grants him 90 days to fulfill his unfulfilled dreams and correct ...

  15. Bro Movie Review: Banks more on Pawan Kalyan's fame than the story

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  16. Pawan Kalyan

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  17. Bro is a remake of the hit Tamil film Vinodhaya Sitham.

    Bro is a remake of the hit tamil film Vinodhaya Sitham. The tamil version of the film starred .Samuthirakani and thambi ramaiah in the lead roles. The telugu version, starring pawan kalyan and Sai Dharam Tej, is directed by samuthirakani himself and is written by Trivkram. Apart from that, the project also has ketika sharma in a prominent role and will star opposite Sai Dharam Tej.

  18. Bro movie review: A few good laughs and nothing more

    Director: P Samuthirakani. Cast: Pawan Kalyan, Sai Dharam Tej. Language: Telugu. The idea that death is the destination and life is nothing but a journey towards this destination is the grand idea that Trivikram has adapted from Tamil film Vinodhaya Seetham.Helmed by Samuthirakani, who directed the original, Bro starring Pawan Kalyan and Sai Dharam Tej, brings to life the story of an arrogant ...

  19. BRO Telugu Movie Review

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  20. Bro Movie Review, Rating, Public Talk

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  21. Bro Movie (2023): Release Date, Cast, Ott, Review, Trailer ...

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