artificial intelligence in architecture research paper

A systematic review on artificial intelligence applications in architecture

Buse Bölek, who graduated with first place honors from the Architecture Department at ESOGU (Eskisehir Osmangazi University), has subsequently obtained two years of significant professional experience as an architect in an office environment. Presently, she is pursuing doctoral studies as a TUBITAK 2211 scholarship recipient, with a specific emphasis on augmenting her proficiency in a variety of artificial intelligence and software skills that are indispensable to the field of architecture.

Prof. Dr. Osman Tutal is currently working at Eskişehir Technical University, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Department of Architecture. His researches mainly focus on sustainable urban and architectural design which include accessibility, universal design/inclusive design/design for all and emergency architecture. He has numerous Project Management experiences and publications about accessibility for all.

Associate Professor Hakan Özbaşaran is a member of ESOGU (Eskisehir Osmangazi University), Department of Civil Engineering, Mechanics Division. He, as the coordinator of the Artificial Intelligence in Structural Engineering (AISE) Research Group, conducted artificial intelligence projects such as "Development of an expert system to simplify the design process of structural system plans for reinforced concrete residential buildings" and "Accelerating the structural optimization processes with machine learning". He has authored papers on artificial intelligence, structural optimization, and applied mechanics.

Since the advent and usage of artificial intelligence approaches in architecture, a significant number of studies have focused on integrating technological solutions to architectural issues. Artificial intelligence applications in architectural design range from intelligent material design to architectural plan solutions. The ubiquity and distribution of research in this field, as well as the rising use of artificial intelligence techniques to solve design challenges, require an analytical classification of the essential literature review. This article presents a descriptive and analytical review of the work on artificial intelligence applications in architecture. A strong review has been made that identifies and addresses the gaps in artificial intelligence and architecture; and the literature review is transformed into statistical plots. The study's findings indicate a growing interest in artificial intelligence in the field of architecture. There is a need for novel research to be conducted in these areas using advanced technology and techniques.

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Artificial Intelligence in Landscape Architecture

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The use of artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly common in landscape architecture. New methods and applications are proliferating yearly and are being touted as viable tools for research and practice. While researchers have conducted assessments of the state of AI-driven research and practice in allied disciplines, there is a knowledge gap for the same in landscape architecture. This literature review addresses this gap by searching and evaluating studies specifically focused on AI and disciplinary umbrella terms (landscape architecture, landscape planning, and landscape design). It includes searches of academic databases and industry publications that combine these umbrella terms with the main subfields of artificial intelligence as a discipline (machine learning, knowledge-based systems, computer vision, robotics, natural language processing, optimization). Initial searches returned over 600 articles, which were then filtered for relevance, resulting in about 100 articles that were reviewed in depth. The work highlights trends in dissemination, synthesizes emergent AI-Landscape (AI-LA) themes, and argues for unifying dissemination and compilation in research and practice so as not to lose relevant AI-LA knowledge and be caught off guard in the built environment profession’s next technological leap.

  • Landscape architecture
  • landscape design
  • landscape planning
  • machine learning
  • optimization
  • computational design

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2019, Artificial Intelligence in Architecture

• What is AI? How does it work? • How is AI helping in Architecture? • What else can AI do? • Is the Architect dead?

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Architectural Intelligence

Michal Šourek

Artificial intelligence invades our lives and professions at an ever-increasing pace and intensity. Architecture, engineering, construction, and operation of the real estate have been joining the trend only timidly and belatedly. The paper overviews the basic concepts, methods, general background, and results of artificial intelligence in architecture to date, discusses the achievements and prospects, and concludes the perspectives on the deployment of machine learning in the field. The record of some of the most recent "famous achievements" in the field is set straight and challenged, the flawed idea of a (truly) creative potential of the technology is debunked. Its roots equidistributed both in a farsighted vision of the next workflow of both productive and creative architectural and engineering designing, and construction and real estate management on the one hand and state-of-the-art machine learning on the other, an ambitious though realistic blueprint for R&D of AI-fostered architectural creativity, building design, planning, and operation is tabled for discussion. The attention turns to open-source patterns platforms, generative patterns processing, generative pre-design, parametric evaluation and optimization, latest achievements in machine learning building on reinforcement learning, imitation-based learning, learning a behavior policy from demonstration, and selflearning paradigms zooming in on the design-development processes instead of only on their results. Leveraging the objectivity of assessments and streamlining workflows, artificial intelligence promises to unleash true architectural creativity and leverage the productivity and efficiency of the design, planning, and operation processes.

artificial intelligence in architecture research paper

MSA Engineering Journal

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Proceedings of S.Arch 2020, the 7th international conference on architecture and built environment

Giuseppe Gallo , fulvio wirz

The proliferation of data together with the increase of computing power in the last decade has triggered a new interest in artificial intelligence methods. Machine learning and in particular deep learning techniques, inspired by the topological structure of neurons network in brains, are omnipresent in the IT discourse, and generated new enthusiasms and fears in our society. These methods have already shown great effectiveness in fields far from architecture and have long been exploited in software that we use every day. Many computing libraries are available for anyone with some programming skills and allow them to "train" a neural network based on several types of data. The world of architecture has not remained external to this phenomenon: many researchers are working on the applications of artificial intelligence to architectural design, a few design software allow exploiting machine learning algorithms, and some large architectural firms have begun to experiment with deep learning methods to put into practice data accumulated over years of profession, with a special interest in environmental sustainability and building performance. If on the one hand, these techniques promise great results, on the other we are still in an exploratory phase. It is then necessary, in our opinion, to understand what the roles of this technology could be within the architectural design process, and with which scopes they can facilitate such a complex profession as that of the architect. On this subject we made ten interviews with as many designers and researchers in the AEC industry, In the article we will report a summary of their testimonies, comparing and commenting on the responses of the designers, with the aim of understanding the potentials of using artificial intelligence methods within the design process, report their perceptions on how artificial intelligence techniques can affect the architect's approach to the project, concluding with some reflections on the critical issues identified during the interviews with the designers.

Barie Fez-Barringten

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M. Sherif El-Attar

Prior knowledge plays a major role in architectural design. This knowledge pertains to the products and processes of design. Utilizing computers as a design medium requires the representation of such knowledge for reasoning purposes. The choice of what to represent from these concepts (i.e., products and processes) is critical in the utilization of knowledge-based systems in design. The goals of this research are the enhancement of architectural flexibility and generative capabilities in design environments. Both goals are largely influenced by the knowledge represented in design environments. Architectural flexibility pertains to the compositional diversity required when using this stored knowledge to address the design of different space and building types. Generative capabilities pertain to the application of design processes to propose possible solutions, that add to the explication of the problems we are facing. The problems of this research pertain to the level and type of decomposition that is applied on the concepts of architectural design, representation of these concepts, and their utilization in knowledge-based design systems. To enhance the flexibility and generation capabilities of design environments, the research proposes to aggregate space functions to the set of human activities that will be performed in them. This functional decomposition provides the basis for refining, adapting, and creating new space types from existing knowledge about human activities. Consequently, building types can be refined, adapted, and created from their functional aggregates (i.e., spaces). The contributions of this research are based on the ability to represent, manipulate, and create space functions. Consequently, it is possible to describe and manipulate different building types. which achieve the goals of this research. Those contributions are theoretically grounded on cognitive and AI-based design research, and technically examined through the design and implementation of a knowledge-based experimental design environment (APE-1), that is intended to support architects in an early stage of design (i.e., architectural programming).

Harvard University

Stanislas Chaillou

The practice of Architecture, its methods, traditions, and know-how are today at the center of passionate debates. Challenged by outsiders, arriving with new practices, and questioned from within, as practitioners doubt of its current state, Architecture is undergoing a truly profound (r)evolution. Among the factors that will leave a lasting impact on our discipline, technology certainly is one of the main vectors at play. The inception of technological solutions at every step of the value chain has already significantly transformed Architecture. The conception of buildings has in fact already started a slow transformation: first by leveraging new construction techniques, then by developing adequate software, and eventually today by introducing statistical computing capabilities (including Data Science & AI). Rather than a disruption, we want to see here a continuity that led Architecture through successive evolutions until today. Modularity, Computational Design, Parametricism and finally Artificial Intelligence are to us the four intricated steps of a slow-paced transition. Beyond the historical background, we posit that this evolution is the wireframe of a radical improvement in architectural conception. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Article:

Artificial Intelligence, as a discipline, has already been permeating countless fields, bringing means and methods to previously unresolved challenges, across industries. The advent of AI in Architecture is still in its early days but offers promising results. More than a mere opportunity, such potential represents for us a major step ahead, about to reshape the architectural discipline. Our work proposes to evidence this promise when applied to the built environment. Specifically, we offer to apply AI to floor plans analysis and generation. Our ultimate goal is three-fold: (1) to generate floor plans i.e. optimize the generation of a large and highly diverse quantity of floor plan designs, (2) to qualify floor plans i.e. offer a proper classification methodology (3) to allow users to “browse” through generated design options. Our methodology follows two main intuitions (1) the creation of building plans is a non-trivial technical challenge, although encompassing standard optimization technics, and (2) the design of space is a sequential process, requiring successive design steps across different scales (urban scale, building scale, unit scale). Then, in order to harness these two realities, we have chosen nested Generative Adversarial Neural Networks or GANs. Such models enable us to capture more complexity across encountered floor plans and to break down the complexity by tackling problems through successive steps. Each step corresponding to a given model, specifically trained for this particular task, the process can eventually evidence the possible back and forth between humans and machines. Plans are indeed a high-dimensional problem, at the crossroad of quantifiable technics, and more qualitative properties. The study of architectural precedent remains too often a hazardous process, that negates the richness of the number of existing resources while lacking in analytical rigor. Our methodology, inspired by current Data Science methodologies, aims at qualifying floor plans. Through the creation of 6 metrics, we propose a framework that captures architecturally relevant parameters of floor plans. On one hand, Footprint Shape, Orientation, Thickness & Texture are three metrics capturing the essence of a given floor plan’s style. On the other hand, Program, Connectivity, and Circulation are meant to depict the essence of any floor plan organization. In a nutshell, the machine, once the extension of our pencil, can today be leveraged to map architectural knowledge, and trained to assist us in creating viable design options. Related Articles: • Background & Framework: • Organization: • Style: Thesis PDF Online Viewer:

ALFA – Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design of the Slovak University of Technology

Henrich Pifko , Veronika Krauskova

SUMMARY There is a trend that artificial intelligence (AI) is a direction to take in various scientific disciplines. The idea of ​​AI originated before the 1960s, and with the development of computer technology, the capacities of AI have multiplied. It currently affects many areas of everyday life where we may not even realize that we are already using AI. We are certain that AI is a challenge in the field of architecture and the entire construction industry, where sustainability is one of the current issues. A notable technological shift in the field of building design is BIM. The participants in the process of design are effectively informed about the current state of the project, but the BIM model should be used for further actions, such as utilising information as interactive tool in the construction, operation or renovation phase. The objective of the study is to acquire knowledge about AI usability in the optimization of sustainable design BIM processes in architecture. The aim of the study is knowledge of the applicability of AI in the conceptual solution for reducing the carbon footprint in the BIM model of the building of Faculty of Architecture and Design STU. An assumption for formulating the hypothesis is to use AI to predict the pattern of users’ behaviour. Due to need in the older buildings, where massive refurbishment is not possible or appropriate because of the historical or cultural value. So, it is nearly impossible to meet current requirements for energy-efficient buildings. The article provides a brief overview of AI usability. The base knowledge is presented with terminology in the field of information technology, the processes of artificial intelligence and their applicability to the field of architecture. The context of historical development refers to the considerations of Stanislas Chaillou, who evaluates the connection between the work of an architect and AI as a logical step in technical development. As examples and sources of information studies of application AI in architecture and building industry were used. The study by Stanislas Chaillou is about architecture and AI, where it focuses on the ways and processes of using GAN (Generative Adversarial Network) in floor plan design. The optimization of design processes in BIM is presented by a study that tries to use BIM and artificial intelligence in the design process of buildings. It creates a project called BIMBOT, which generates solutions based on defined priorities for a specific project. The most discussed part of the article is the work of Ekaterina Petrova. Aim of the study is: Integrating knowledge discovery and semantic data modelling for support of evidence-based design decisions. Suggesting a solution to systematization of building design using the BIM-based design, she draws attention to BIM building models, which contain a lot of information that will eventually remain unused. Petrova develops the architecture of a comprehensive software “consultant” system using AI and the cooperation of experts in the field of information technology and the building industry. The result of the study will be a “consultant” which collects information from real buildings throughout their life cycle into a robust database. AI methods are used for re-evaluation and sorting of information to gain new knowledge for sustainable building design processes. The main goal of Petrova research is to transfer the acquired knowledge from real constructions back to the design process, in order to create a connection between relevant factual and data-based knowledge within the initial phase of the design of new buildings. In her work, Petrova also dealt with obtaining specific data from case studies. Based on the statistics, she processed a database of collected information. The data was taken from measurements of two case studies of erected buildings, where she had to find a system categorizing information. The issue of sustainable building designing with AI in the study is proposed from the perspective of the functionality of information technology rather than from the architect’s point of view. The study addresses the challenges of data collection, processing of information in databases and its compatibility. However, this is the point of utilising knowledge, because it clarifies the idea of ​​correct data and outputs when working with a database which consists of many BIM models. A dramatic science fiction for which AI is often taken, may be sometimes true. The article outlines challenges and directions of AI development. Some of them are still unrealistic in the current state of scientific knowledge. However, working with AI itself is advancing in various scientific disciplines, such as medicine and disease diagnosis. AI is currently able to find connections in the data based on statistics of the occurrence of a certain phenomenon. AI is also able to recognize that phenomena. To decide based on abstraction, whether to put phenomena in context, AI is still in its infancy and needs the help of a human expert. AI and humans acquire skills through experience. Some knowledge is very difficult to transform so that AI can “understand” it. If we use AI as a chatbot, it is able to learn concepts based on experience, but does not fully understand the meaning. These issues of working with AI are also transferred to the use in the construction industry or architecture. The article outlines some of these possible problems. Few of them have already been named in studies as specific problems for that case. Other problems are of a general nature or related to the overall development of work with AI. Finally, the study evaluates the potential of working with AI in architecture and ideas about future research. Keywords: architecture, sustainability, artificial intelligence, AI, building information model, BIM, generative adversarial network, GAN

eCAADe proceedings

Kacper Radziszewski

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Impacts of generative artificial intelligence in higher education: research trends and students’ perceptions.

artificial intelligence in architecture research paper

1. Introduction

2. materials and methods.

  • “Generative Artificial Intelligence” or “Generative AI” or “Gen AI”, AND;
  • “Higher Education” or “University” or “College” or “Post-secondary”, AND;
  • “Impact” or “Effect” or “Influence”.
  • Q1— Does GenAI have more positive or negative effects on higher education? Options (to choose one): 1. It has more negative effects than positives; 2. It has more positive effects than negative; 3. There is a balance between positive and negative effects; 4. Don’t know.
  • Q2— Identify the main positive effect of Gen AI in an academic context . Open-ended question.
  • Q3— Identify the main negative effect of Gen AI in an academic context . Open-ended question.

3.1. Impacts of Gen AI in HE: Research Trends

3.1.1. he with gen ai, the key role that pedagogy must play, new ways to enhance the design and implementation of teaching and learning activities.

  • Firstly, prompting in teaching should be prioritized as it plays a crucial role in developing students’ abilities. By providing appropriate prompts, educators can effectively guide students toward achieving their learning objectives.
  • Secondly, configuring reverse prompting within the capabilities of Gen AI chatbots can greatly assist students in monitoring their learning progress. This feature empowers students to take ownership of their education and fosters a sense of responsibility.
  • Furthermore, it is essential to embed digital literacy in all teaching and learning activities that aim to leverage the potential of the new Gen AI assistants. By equipping students with the necessary skills to navigate and critically evaluate digital resources, educators can ensure that they are prepared for the digital age.

The Student’s Role in the Learning Experience

The key teacher’s role in the teaching and learning experience, 3.1.2. assessment in gen ai/chatgpt times, the need for new assessment procedures, 3.1.3. new challenges to academic integrity policies, new meanings and frontiers of misconduct, personal data usurpation and cheating, 3.2. students’ perceptions about the impacts of gen ai in he.

  • “It harms the learning process”: ▪ “What is generated by Gen AI has errors”; ▪ “Generates dependence and encourages laziness”; ▪ “Decreases active effort and involvement in the learning/critical thinking process”.

4. Discussion

  • Training: providing training for both students and teachers on effectively using and integrating Gen AI technologies into teaching and learning practices.
  • Ethical use and risk management: developing policies and guidelines for ethical use and risk management associated with Gen AI technologies.
  • Incorporating AI without replacing humans: incorporating AI technologies as supplementary tools to assist teachers and students rather than replacements for human interaction.
  • Continuously enhancing holistic competencies: encouraging the use of AI technologies to enhance specific skills, such as digital competence and time management, while ensuring that students continue to develop vital transferable skills.
  • Fostering a transparent AI environment: promoting an environment in which students and teachers can openly discuss the benefits and concerns associated with using AI technologies.
  • Data privacy and security: ensuring data privacy and security using AI technologies.
  • The dynamics of technological support to align with the most suitable Gen AI resources;
  • The training policy to ensure that teachers, students, and academic staff are properly trained to utilize the potential of Gen AI and its tools;
  • Security and data protection policies;
  • Quality and ethical action policies.

5. Conclusions

  • Database constraints: the analysis is based on existing publications in SCOPUS and the Web of Science, potentially omitting relevant research from other sources.
  • Inclusion criteria: due to the early stage of scientific production on this topic, all publications were included in the analysis, rather than focusing solely on articles from highly indexed journals and/or with a high number of citations as recommended by bibliometric and systematic review best practices.
  • Dynamic landscape: the rate of publications on Gen AI has been rapidly increasing and diversifying in 2024, highlighting the need for ongoing analysis to track trends and changes in scientific thinking.

Author Contributions

Institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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Selected Group of StudentsStudents Who Answered the Questionnaire
1st year595342
2nd year365294
1st year393242
2nd year212152
Australia16Italy2Egypt1South Korea1
United States7Saudi Arabia2Ghana1Sweden1
Singapore5South Africa2Greece1Turkey1
Hong Kong4Thailand2India1United Arab Emirates1
Spain4Viet Nam2Iraq1Yemen1
United Kingdom4Bulgaria1Jordan1
Germany2Czech Republic1New Zealand1
Singapore271United States15India2Iraq0
Hong Kong37United Kingdom6Denmark1Poland0
Thailand33Canada6Greece1United Arab Emirates0
Viet Nam29Spain6Saudi Arabia1
Malaysia29South Africa6Bulgaria1
South Korea29Mexico3Czech Republic0
New Zealand17Germany2Ghana0
CategoriesSubcategoriesNr. of DocumentsReferences
HE with Gen AI 15 ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ).
15 ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ).
14 ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ).
8 ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ).
Assessment in Gen AI/ChatGPT times 8 ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ).
New challenges to academic integrity policies 4 ( ); ( ); ( ); ( ).
Have You Tried Using a Gen AI Tool?Nr.%
Categories and Subcategories%Unit of Analysis (Some Examples)
1. Learning support:
1.1. Helpful to solve doubts, to correct errors34.6%
1.2. Helpful for more autonomous and self-regulated learning19.2%
2. Helpful to carry out the academic assignments/individual or group activities17.3%
3. Facilitates research/search processes
3.1. Reduces the time spent with research13.5%
3.2. Makes access to information easier9.6%
4. Reduction in teachers’ workload3.9%
5. Enables new teaching methods1.9%
Categories and Subcategories%Unit of Analysis (Some Examples)
1. Harms the learning process:
1.1. What is generated by Gen AI has errors13.5%
1.2. Generates dependence and encourages laziness15.4%
1.3. Decreases active effort and involvement in the learning/critical thinking process28.8%
2. Encourages plagiarism and incorrect assessment procedures17.3%
3. Reduces relationships with teachers and interpersonal relationships9.6%
4. No negative effect—as it will be necessary to have knowledge for its correct use7.7%
5. Don’t know7.7%
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Share and Cite

Saúde, S.; Barros, J.P.; Almeida, I. Impacts of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: Research Trends and Students’ Perceptions. Soc. Sci. 2024 , 13 , 410.

Saúde S, Barros JP, Almeida I. Impacts of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: Research Trends and Students’ Perceptions. Social Sciences . 2024; 13(8):410.

Saúde, Sandra, João Paulo Barros, and Inês Almeida. 2024. "Impacts of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: Research Trends and Students’ Perceptions" Social Sciences 13, no. 8: 410.

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Title: the ai scientist: towards fully automated open-ended scientific discovery.

Abstract: One of the grand challenges of artificial general intelligence is developing agents capable of conducting scientific research and discovering new knowledge. While frontier models have already been used as aids to human scientists, e.g. for brainstorming ideas, writing code, or prediction tasks, they still conduct only a small part of the scientific process. This paper presents the first comprehensive framework for fully automatic scientific discovery, enabling frontier large language models to perform research independently and communicate their findings. We introduce The AI Scientist, which generates novel research ideas, writes code, executes experiments, visualizes results, describes its findings by writing a full scientific paper, and then runs a simulated review process for evaluation. In principle, this process can be repeated to iteratively develop ideas in an open-ended fashion, acting like the human scientific community. We demonstrate its versatility by applying it to three distinct subfields of machine learning: diffusion modeling, transformer-based language modeling, and learning dynamics. Each idea is implemented and developed into a full paper at a cost of less than $15 per paper. To evaluate the generated papers, we design and validate an automated reviewer, which we show achieves near-human performance in evaluating paper scores. The AI Scientist can produce papers that exceed the acceptance threshold at a top machine learning conference as judged by our automated reviewer. This approach signifies the beginning of a new era in scientific discovery in machine learning: bringing the transformative benefits of AI agents to the entire research process of AI itself, and taking us closer to a world where endless affordable creativity and innovation can be unleashed on the world's most challenging problems. Our code is open-sourced at this https URL
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG)
Cite as: [cs.AI]
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Must Read AI Research Papers of 2024

The pace of inventions and discoveries, especially as we head towards the year 2024 in many fields, has been inevitable. These are discoveries in artificial intelligence, new health methods, and fast-stacking research across the scientific landscape that will leave people speechless. In doing so, AI (Artificial Intelligence) is setting the frontiers of knowledge and promising to rewrite the future. This article delves into some of the noteworthy research papers of 2024, which has given exemplary material so that any academic, professional, or enthusiast can stay atop in their fields after reading it.

Must Read AI Research Papers

1. sparks of artificial general intelligence: early experiments with gpt-4.

This paper explains a few of the first peeks into the mind of GPT-4. GPT-4 can solve zero-shot and challenging tasks spanning from mathematics to coding, vision, medicine, law, and psychology, among many others, not requiring any special prompting. More than that, in all these tasks, the performance of GPT-4 stays very close to human-like, with most of the tasks way higher than prior models like ChatGPT.

2. Textbooks are All You Need

This study aims to answer the question, 'What is the smallest profile that supports large emergent abilities?' In line with its natural predecessor GPT-4 , the largest models show their robust performance and compete with top-tier experts in every textual domain. The short answer is that quite small quantities of high-quality data seem to suffice to achieve very high levels of reasoning ability. Building on this work, and on each other, models Phi1, Phi1.5, and Phi2, each at a scale of 2.7 billion, branch from a parent study.

3. Segment Anything

This paper explores the Meta of releasing the largest segmentation dataset to date with more than 1 billion masks on 11M licensed and privacy-respecting images. The model is designed and trained to follow prompts so that it can transfer zero-shot to new image distributions and tasks. The reason that it is a big deal is mainly due to its ability to identify all "objects" in an image out-of-the-box and generate masks accordingly! No fine-tuning is needed.

Once you have the mask of an object, then you will be able to easily manipulate the image at will manually or via API focusing on that particular object. Examples include fashion virtual try-on, object counting, prompt-based precise editing, etc. The possibilities become endless.

4. Direct Preference Optimization: Your Language Model is Secretly a Reward Model

This paper explains DPO (Direct Preference Optimization), which provides a much easier way to fine-tune unsupervised language models for alignment with human preferences. Unlike complex traditional methods, simple classification loss that doesn't require heavy sampling or tuning of hyperparameters makes DPO much lighter, more stable, and amazingly good at tasks like sentiment control and summarization. DPO reflects huge progress in fine-tuning LMs. The great thing about this approach is that it saves a lot of time and is pretty resource-friendly. It is somehow very much akin to a substitute for traditional methods like reinforcement learning with human feedback.

5. RT-2: Vision-Language-Action-Models Transfer Web Knowledge to Web Transfer

This paper prioritizes ChatGPT moment for Robotics . The work investigates how far vision-language models, trained on vast Internet data, go in generalization in robotic control and emergent semantic reasoning. It simply allows for general-purpose robotics that outperforms all other models that are specialized.

6. Fun Search: Mathematical Discoveries from Program Search with Large Language Models

This paper explains how LLM innovations discover new algorithmic solutions, including explaining a technique that combines a pre-trained large language model with a systematic evaluator that has accomplished brand new problem-solving capabilities, which in turn give ground-breaking discoveries in extremal combinatorics and algorithmic problems by searching for source code of problem-solving programs rather than explicit solutions.

7. GNoME: Scaling Deep Learning for Materials Discovery

This paper ranks among the most influential AI papers on drug discovery. DeepMind, this new paper presents how large-scale deep learning opens up new perspectives into the advanced discovery of new materials and discovers more than 2.2 million new stable structures that increase the known database of stable materials ten times.

For example, lean energy technology with better solar cells and batteries; discovering material with unique quantum properties; nanotechnology; electronics with better sensors, display, and lighting technologies; aerospace and automotive industries with improved strength-to-weight ratios that alone could mean lighter, more fuel-efficient vehicles and aircraft.

8. QLoRA: Efficient Finetuning of Quantized LLMs

This paper explores the problem of fine-tuning these large language models (LLMs) in LLaMA models with the Alpaca approach but on a single machine. QLoRA is an effective method for fine-tuning the model. It allows the training very large language models, such as a 65B model, on a single GPU. Equipping it with methods such as 4-bit quantization and Low-Rank Adapters to drastically save on memory is something.

Its backbone model, Guanaco, almost reaches the same performance as ChatGPT on the Vicuna benchmark, demanding drastically less resources. This makes it possible for finetuning with a very large pool of models while showing that GPT-4 evaluations are a practical method for the assessment of chatbots. Findings, models, and code, courtesy of QLoRA, are publicly released for the good of language model development.

 At the cutting edge of novelty, just before 2024 arrives, with so much rapid development in artificial intelligence and frontier fields have never ceased to amaze and stimulate the mind's imagination. The research papers mentioned below have represented insights in the ability to help redefine to others what was edging toward impossible. These range from things that GPT-4 can already do, to pioneering applications in the domains of AI in material discovery and robotics.

They aren't just abstract papers, the inferences and contributions drawn in AI industries have their impact on policy-making and are changing the very way people have been interacting. Whether it be more effective drug design, democratizing AI through primo-tuning, or just thinking of the ethics of deploying AI, the work being done miles and years from today will surely echo through the annals of history.

Anyone who has the compulsion and the instinct to stay informed and up to date about these rapidly growing fields should consider reading these research papers. They provide an in-depth review of what Artificial Intelligence represents today, how it is in practice, and what to expect in the future.

These are only steps closer to more studies exploring the possibilities of artificial intelligence, which, simply through being written, convert into predominant texts for the researcher, practitioner, or enthusiast, establishing a solid foundation from which to stride forward into the future, in which technology and the creativity of humans work hand in hand to provide solutions to the world's ever-growing list of problems.

1. What makes the research papers of 2024 particularly noteworthy?

A: The research papers of 2024 are significant because they showcase groundbreaking advancements across various fields, particularly in artificial intelligence, that are expected to have a profound impact on both industry and academia. These papers introduce novel methodologies, innovative applications, and new technologies that are likely to shape the future.

2.  Why is the paper "Sparks of Artificial General Intelligence: Early Experiments with GPT-4" important?

A: This paper is crucial because it offers insights into GPT-4’s capabilities, which are significantly closer to human-like performance across a wide range of tasks. It marks a major step forward in the development of artificial general intelligence (AGI), demonstrating the potential of AI systems to perform complex tasks with minimal human intervention.

3. What are the key findings of the ‘Textbooks are All You Need’ paper?

A: The key finding is that relatively small quantities of high-quality data can suffice to achieve high levels of reasoning ability in AI models. This research highlights the efficiency of large models like Phi1, Phi1.5, and Phi2, suggesting that scaling AI does not always require massive data inputs.

4. How does the "Segment Anything" model impact image processing and AI?

A: The ‘Segment Anything’ model is a major leap in image processing as it can identify and generate masks for all objects in an image without the need for fine-tuning. This capability opens up numerous possibilities for applications such as virtual try-ons, precise editing, and object recognition, making it a versatile tool in various industries.

5. What is Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) and why is it significant?

A: DPO (Direct Preference Optimization) is a novel approach to fine-tuning unsupervised language models for alignment with human preferences. It simplifies the process by using a classification loss method that is resource-efficient and stable, making it an important advancement for tasks like sentiment control and summarization.


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    Artificial intelligence (AI) represents one of the most advanced and promising frontiers of modern technology as it possesses in nuce the potential to radically transform an ever-increasing number of economic and productive sectors with their inevitable social and cultural spin-offs [].. Architecture too, like other disciplines, has been invested by the transformative potential of AI and, as ...

  13. Full article: The Intelligence of Architectural Research

    The three-volume The Handbook for Artificial Intelligence, proposed in 1975 and finally published in 1981, was intended to be an encyclopedic documentation of the first 25 years of work in the field.The editors had an explicit goal to elevate the specialization by compiling the array of existing research, capturing the state of artificial intelligence.

  14. PDF Evolution of AI role in architectural design: between parametric

    This paper provides an exploratory study that critically reviews the evolution of AI in architectural design. The study highlights the potentials, limitations, and future ... Conceptual design, Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Image Generation. 2 MSA ENGINEERING JOURNAL Volume 2 Issue 2, E-ISSN 2812-4928, P-ISSN 28125339 (https://msaeng ...

  15. PDF Artificial Intelligence in Architecture: An Educational Perspective

    Accordingly, artificial intelligence as an effective factor in architecture needs to be a part of architectural education. However, as mentioned in the previous chapters, architecture and AI have a multifaceted and complicated relationship. Additionally, architectural education has a very complex and dynamic structure.

  16. Artificial Intelligence and Architecture Towards

    Artificial intelligence, architectural & urban design, evolution of algorithms, creative problem-solving, ... In addition, there is also some research on AI and its impact on architecture funded by the US . 31 Department of Defense. The primary aims of the paper are to explore the current state-of-the

  17. Buildings

    Over the past decade, there has been a dramatic increase in the use of various technologies in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction sector. Artificial intelligence has played a significant role throughout the different phases of the design and construction process. A growing body of literature recognizes the importance of artificial neural network applications in numerous areas of ...

  18. A systematic review on artificial intelligence applications in architecture

    Since the advent and usage of artificial intelligence approaches in architecture, a significant number of studies have focused on integrating technological solutions to architectural issues. Artificial intelligence applications in architectural design range from intelligent material design to architectural plan solutions. The ubiquity and distribution of research in this field, as well as the ...

  19. Artificial Intelligence in Landscape Architecture

    The use of artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly common in landscape architecture. New methods and applications are proliferating yearly and are being touted as viable tools for research and practice. While researchers have conducted assessments of the state of AI-driven research and practice in allied disciplines, there is a knowledge gap for the same in landscape architecture ...

  20. The role of Artificial Intelligence in architectural design

    Leaving aside the ethical considerations related to artificial intelligence in general, it is necessary to reflect on the data we inject in these processes. The ways we collect and organize them can lead to biased output, and on more than one occasion artificial intelligence has shown discriminatory behaviours concerning ethnicity or gender [8].

  21. PDF Artificial Intelligence in Architecture: Using Deep Learning in

    This paper explores the use of deep learning in conceptual design in architecture. Deep learning is a subset of artificial intelligence that uses neural networks to analyze and learn from large amounts of data. In this study, we apply deep learning algorithms to analyze existing architectural designs and generate new designs based on this analysis.

  22. AIA Artificial Intelligence in Architecture GENERAL UNDERSTANDING AND

    The paper overviews the basic concepts, methods, general background, and results of artificial intelligence in architecture to date, discusses the achievements and prospects, and concludes the perspectives on the deployment of machine learning in the field.

  23. Artificial Intelligence Aided Architectural Design

    Artificial Intelligence Aided Architectural Design. Jan Cudzik 1, Kacper Radziszewski. 1,2 Gdansk University of Technology. 1,2 {jan.cudzik|kacper.radziszewski} T ools and methods used ...

  24. Artificial intelligence Internet of Things: A new paradigm of

    The result is a new interdisciplinary field and paradigm termed as the artificial intelligence Internet of Things (AIoT). 1 The AIoT is beginning to receive a significant amount of interest from the research communities and industries. The widespread acceptance and penetration of artificial intelligence (AI) technology have resulted in more ...

  25. Impacts of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education

    In this paper, the effects of the rapid advancement of generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI) in higher education (HE) are discussed. A mixed exploratory research approach was employed to understand these impacts, combining analysis of current research trends and students' perceptions of the effects of Gen AI tools in academia. Through bibliometric analysis and systematic literature ...

  26. Recent articles and discoveries in Artificial Intelligence

    Find the latest research papers and news in Artificial Intelligence. Read stories and opinions from top researchers in our research community. ... Artificial Intelligence. Uncover the latest and most impactful research in Artificial Intelligence. Explore pioneering discoveries, insightful ideas and new methods from leading researchers in the field.

  27. Researchers develop state-of-the-art device to make artificial

    Researchers develop state-of-the-art device to make artificial intelligence more energy efficient ... an expert on computing architecture, co-author on the paper, and Associate Professor in the ...

  28. [2408.06292v1] The AI Scientist: Towards Fully Automated Open-Ended

    One of the grand challenges of artificial general intelligence is developing agents capable of conducting scientific research and discovering new knowledge. While frontier models have already been used as aids to human scientists, e.g. for brainstorming ideas, writing code, or prediction tasks, they still conduct only a small part of the scientific process. This paper presents the first ...

  29. Must Read AI Research Papers of 2024

    In doing so, AI (Artificial Intelligence) is setting the frontiers of knowledge and promising to rewrite the future. This article delves into some of the noteworthy research papers of 2024, which has given exemplary material so that any academic, professional, or enthusiast can stay atop in their fields after reading it.

  30. The role of Artificial Intelligence in architectural design

    The world of architecture has not remained external to this phenomenon: many researchers are working on the applications of artificial intelligence to architectural design, a few design software ...