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160+ System Analysis and Design Solved MCQs

A. System
B. Data
C. Process
D. All
Answer» A. System
A. Operational
B. Environmental
C. Competitive
D. Tactical
Answer» D. Tactical
A. Rectangle
B. Ellipse
C. Diamond shaped box
D. Circle
Answer» A. Rectangle
A. System
B. Information
C. Technology
D. Service
Answer» B. Information
A. Procedure Writing
B. Simultaneous processing
C. Parallel Operation
D. File Conversion
Answer» C. Parallel Operation
A. system specification
B. performance specification
C. design specification
D. None of these
Answer» C. design specification
A. Only emanate from an external entity
B. Only terminate in an external entity
C. May emanate and terminate in an external entity
D. May either emanate or terminate in an external entity but not both
Answer» C. May emanate and terminate in an external entity
A. System Analysis
B. System Data
C. System Procedure
D. System Record
Answer» A. System Analysis
A. Accuracy and Relevance
B. Form of information and Timeliness
C. Completeness and Purpose
D. All A, B & C
Answer» D. All A, B & C
A. Conceptual
B. Logical
C. Physical
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Logical
A. it is not allowed in DFD
B. a data store is a passive repository of data
C. data can get corrupted
D. they will get merged
Answer» D. they will get merged
A. a, b, c and d
B. a, c, d and e
C. a, b, c, d and e
D. a, b, c, d, e and f
Answer» D. a, b, c, d, e and f
A. System process
B. System flowchart
C. System design
D. Structured System
Answer» B. System flowchart
A. documentation
B. flowchart
C. program specification
D. design
Answer» C. program specification
A. Maintenance and Evaluation
B. Design
C. Analysis
D. Development and Documentation
Answer» D. Development and Documentation
A. Maintenance and Evaluation
B. Problem/Opportunity Identification
C. Design
D. Development and Documentation
Answer» A. Maintenance and Evaluation
A. Hierarchy input process output
B. Hierarchy input plus output
C. Hierarchy plus input process output
D. Hierarchy input output Process
Answer» A. Hierarchy input process output
A. Effective communication
B. Effective analysis
C. Queasier group or relationships
D. All A, B, C
Answer» D. All A, B, C
A. Decision tables
B. Decision tree
C. Decision Method
D. Decision Data
Answer» A. Decision tables
A. to identify the top level functions by combining many smaller components into a single entity
B. to prepare flow charts after programming has been completed
C. to identify a top level function an d then create a hierarchy of lower‐level modules and components.
D. All of the above
Answer» C. to identify a top level function an d then create a hierarchy of lower‐level modules and components.
A. at every stage
B. at system design
C. at system analysis
D. at system development
Answer» A. at every stage
A. pictorial depictation of alternate conditions
B. nodes and branches
C. consequences of various depicted alternates
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above
A. system design phase
B. systems analysis phase
C. before system test
D. All of the above
Answer» B. systems analysis phase
A. Actions
B. Programs
C. Tables
D. Operation
Answer» A. Actions
A. System Development Life Cycle
B. CASE tool
C. Phased Conversion
D. Success Factors
Answer» A. System Development Life Cycle
A. planning
B. review
C. maintenance
D. batch Processing
Answer» B. review
A. Array
B. Linked list
C. Tree
D. All of the above
Answer» C. Tree
A. users do not participate at this preliminary stage
B. should be comprehensive
C. every statement should be executed
D. All of the above
Answer» A. users do not participate at this preliminary stage
A. implies structure and order
B. refers to the manner in which each component functions with other components of the system.
C. means that parts of the computer system depend on one another.
D. refers to the holism of system
Answer» D. refers to the holism of system
A. a decision should be given a name
B. the logic of the table is independent of the sequence in which conditions rules are written, but the action takes place in the order is which the events occur.
C. standardized language must be used consistently.
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above
A. System
B. Network
C. Team
D. System Unit
Answer» A. System
A. a process
B. a data store
C. an external entity
D. an input unit
Answer» C. an external entity
A. Source of input data only
B. Source of input data or destination of results
C. Destination of results only
D. Repository of data
Answer» B. Source of input data or destination of results
A. determine whether information is needed by an organization
B. determine what information is needed by an organization
C. determine how information needed by an organization can be provided
D. determine when information is to be given
Answer» B. determine what information is needed by an organization
A. it is always good to prioritize
B. there are conflicting demands from users
C. there are constraints on budgets, available time, human resource and requirement
D. all good organization do it
Answer» C. there are constraints on budgets, available time, human resource and requirement
A. after requirements are determined
B. before requirements are determined
C. simultaneously with requirements determination
D. independent of requirements determination
Answer» A. after requirements are determined
A. architect designing a building
B. a structural engineer designing a building
C. a contractor constructing a building
D. the workers who construct a building
Answer» A. architect designing a building
A. only top managers
B. only top and middle management
C. only top, middle and operational managers
D. top, middle and operational managers and also all who will use the system
Answer» D. top, middle and operational managers and also all who will use the system
A. look at only current work and document flow in the organization
B. discuss with top level and middle level management only
C. interview top, middle, line managers and also clerks who will enter data and use the system
D. only clerical and middle level staff who have long experience in the organization and will be users of the system
Answer» C. interview top, middle, line managers and also clerks who will enter data and use the system
A. after final requirements specifications are drawn up
B. during the period when requirements specifications are drawn up
C. before the final requirements specifications are drawn up
D. at any time
Answer» C. before the final requirements specifications are drawn up
A. to assess whether it is possible to meet the requirements specifications
B. to assess if it is possible to meet the requirements specified subject to constraints of budget, human resource and hardware
C. to assist the management in implementing the desired system
D. to remove bottlenecks in implementing the desired system
Answer» B. to assess if it is possible to meet the requirements specified subject to constraints of budget, human resource and hardware
A. top management cannot ensure that a project is feasible before calling a system analyst
B. top management is not sure what they want from the system
C. even though top management is in favour of the system, technology may not be mature for implementation
D. all organizations do it
Answer» C. even though top management is in favour of the system, technology may not be mature for implementation
A. managers of the organization
B. system analyst in consultation with managers of the organization
C. users of the proposed system
D. systems designers in consultation with the prospective users of the system
Answer» B. system analyst in consultation with managers of the organization
A. not changed till the end of the project
B. continuously changed during project implementation
C. only a rough indication of the requirement
D. changed and finalized after feasibility study
Answer» C. only a rough indication of the requirement
A. system analyst in consultation with the management of the organization
B. the managers of user organization
C. system analyst in consultation with programmers
D. system designers along with users
Answer» A. system analyst in consultation with the management of the organization
A. to tell the organization’s managers how the system will function
B. to tell the organization’s managers what the proposed system will achieve in a language understood by them
C. to compute the cost of implementing the system
D. to assist in designing the system
Answer» B. to tell the organization’s managers what the proposed system will achieve in a language understood by them
A. after feasibility study
B. during feasibility study
C. just before implementation phase
D. when the system is being designed
Answer» A. after feasibility study
A. when the final specifications are drawn up
B. during feasibility study
C. during the requirements specifications stage
D. during system study stage
Answer» A. when the final specifications are drawn up
A. to find out cost of computer system needed
B. to determine the type of computer system and software tools needed to meet the final system specification
C. to make sure that the system does not become obsolete
D. to find how to implement the system
Answer» B. to determine the type of computer system and software tools needed to meet the final system specification
A. after the final system is specified
B. at the requirements specification stage
C. before the requirements are specified
D. whenever management decides it is necessary
Answer» A. after the final system is specified
A. as soon as system requirements are determined
B. whenever a system analyst feels it is urgent
C. after final system specifications are approved by the organization
D. whenever the user management feels it should be done
Answer» C. after final system specifications are approved by the organization
A. design the programs, databases and test plan
B. design only user interfaces
C. implement the system
D. find out how the system will perform
Answer» A. design the programs, databases and test plan
A. after the system has been operational for a reasonable time
B. during system implementation
C. whenever managers of user organization want it
D. whenever operational staff want it
Answer» A. after the system has been operational for a reasonable time
A. to see whether the system met specification
B. to improve the system based on operational experience for a period
C. to remove bugs in the programs
D. to asses the efficiency of the system
Answer» B. to improve the system based on operational experience for a period
A. user’s requirements change
B. new computers are introduced in the market
C. new software tools become available in the market
D. other similar organization modify these system
Answer» A. user’s requirements change
A. to use the latest software tools
B. to meet the user’s new/changed needs
C. to use the latest hardware
D. to have the most modern system
Answer» B. to meet the user’s new/changed needs
A. use good software tools
B. use the best hardware available
C. design the system which can be changed at low cost
D. keep the programming team happy
Answer» C. design the system which can be changed at low cost
A. new computers are introduced every year
B. new computer languages become popular every year
C. organizations’ requirements change over a period of time
D. systems need continuous debugging
Answer» C. organizations’ requirements change over a period of time
A. impossible
B. expensive and done selectively
C. never required
D. usually done
Answer» B. expensive and done selectively
A. iii and iv
B. i, ii and iii
C. ii, iii and iv
D. ii and iii
Answer» B. i, ii and iii
A. specify an information system which meets the requirements of an organization
B. write programs to meet specifications
C. maintain the system
D. meet managers of the organization regularly
Answer» A. specify an information system which meets the requirements of an organization
A. excellent programming skills
B. very good hardware designing skills
C. very good technical management skills
D. very good writing skills
Answer» C. very good technical management skills
A. systems have to interact with other systems
B. they do not have the special skills necessary to design systems
C. it is not their job
D. they are always very busy
Answer» B. they do not have the special skills necessary to design systems
A. all analysts use them
B. they assist in systematic design of systems
C. they are inexpensive
D. they are easily available
Answer» B. they assist in systematic design of systems
A. conduct interviews
B. train users
C. acquire hardware and software
D. test the new system
Answer» A. conduct interviews
A. a document of what has to be accomplished
B. a statement of information processing requirement
C. a hierarchical partitioning of the program
D. All of the above
Answer» C. a hierarchical partitioning of the program
A. Flowcharts
B. Input charts
D. Output charts
Answer» C. HIPO
A. Analysis
B. design
C. development
D. maintenance
Answer» D. maintenance
A. database design
B. system design
C. preliminary investigation and analysis
D. graphical user interface
Answer» C. preliminary investigation and analysis
A. Structured analysis
B. Structured chart
C. Structured English
D. System Flow chart
Answer» B. Structured chart
A. defines a source or destination of system data
B. identifies data flow
C. represents a process that transforms incoming data flow(s) into outgoing data flows
D. is a data store-data at rest, or a temporary repository of data
Answer» D. is a data store-data at rest, or a temporary repository of data
A. value to end user
B. form of representation
C. one shows the logic while other shows the process
D. All of the above
Answer» B. form of representation
A. top-down manner
B. bottom-up manner
C. ad hoc manner
D. cross sectional manner
Answer» A. top-down manner
A. Plan the algorithm
B. Analyze the problem
C. Desk-check the algorithm
D. Evaluate and modify (if necessary) the program
Answer» B. Analyze the problem
A. structured english
B. decision tables
C. pseudocode
D. data dictionaries
Answer» D. data dictionaries
A. help analyse both data and activities
B. help in documentation
C. help in programming
D. generate code
Answer» A. help analyse both data and activities
A. implementation
B. system design
C. system developments
D. All of the above
Answer» A. implementation
A. is a forms-driven technique in which standard forms are used to document the information
B. consists of a hierarchy chart and an associated set of input/process/ output charts
C. captures the essence of top down decomposition.
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above
A. File conversion
B. Program testing
C. User training
D. All of the above
Answer» B. Program testing
A. system design phase
B. system development phase
C. system analysis phase
D. system investigation phase
Answer» C. system analysis phase
A. a hierarchy chart showing the top-level modules
B. a list of alternative solutions considered
C. a data flow diagram describing the proposed new system.
D. All of the above
Answer» C. a data flow diagram describing the proposed new system.
A. conducting tours of a nearby computer center
B. asking questions
C. showing samples of computer reports
D. teaching short courses in programming languages
Answer» B. asking questions
A. includes a statement of the problems
B. considers a single solutions
C. both (a) and (b)
D. a list of alternative solution considered
Answer» A. includes a statement of the problems
A. organization
B. Interaction
C. Interdependence
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above
A. flow chart
B. pictogram
C. data flow diagram
D. histogram
Answer» C. data flow diagram
A. a circle
B. an arrow
C. a square box
D. a rectangle
Answer» C. a square box
A. System Implementation
B. System analysis
C. System development
D. System design
Answer» A. System Implementation
A. piechart
B. data-flow diagram
C. decision table
D. systems flowchart
Answer» A. piechart
A. System - test data
B. Decision table
C. Data Flow Diagram
D. Flowcharts
Answer» A. System - test data
A. Self checking code
B. Sequence code
C. Alpha numeric code
D. Group classification code
Answer» A. Self checking code
A. (i) and (ii)
B. (i) and (iv)
C. (i),(ii) and (iii)
D. (i) and (iv)
Answer» C. (i),(ii) and (iii)
A. very large data
B. data about data
C. data dictionary
D. meaningful data
Answer» B. data about data
A. At requirements specification phase
B. During feasibility analysis
C. When DFD is developed
D. When a datadase is designed
Answer» C. When DFD is developed
A. every data element in a data flow
B. only key data element in a data flow
C. only important data elements in a data flow
D. only numeric data elements in a data flow
Answer» A. every data element in a data flow
A. only integer value
B. no value
C. only real value
D. only decimal value
Answer» B. no value
A. Precise
B. Meaningful
C. Comprehensive
D. Difficult
Answer» A. Precise
A. i and ii
B. ii and iii
C. ii and iv
D. i and iii
Answer» D. i and iii
A. i and ii
B. ii and iii
C. iii and iv
D. i and iii
Answer» B. ii and iii
A. i and ii
B. i, ii and iii
C. ii, iii and iv
D. i, ii and iv
Answer» C. ii, iii and iv
A. i and ii
B. i, ii and iii
C. ii, iii and iv
D. i, ii and iv
Answer» C. ii, iii and iv

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Home » Technical Quiz » System Analysis And Design Quiz – Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

System Analysis And Design Quiz – Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

System Analysis And Design Quiz

System Analysis And Design Quiz – Multiple Choice Questions and Answers:  Are you preparing for the System Analysis and Design concept? If your answer is yes, then look over this article. Our team has arranged the System Analysis and Design MCQ Questions & Answers that were asked in various placement exams. So, we advise you to make a move to the below sections and practice the System Analysis and Design MCQ Quiz which is of Objective Type. With the help of these System Analysis and Design Questions and Answers, you can enhance your knowledge of a computer system.

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System Analysis And Design
MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

System Analysis and Design Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

What is the purpose of system analysis and design? A. To develop software B. To improve system efficiency C. To provide training to employees D. To monitor system performance Answer: B. To improve system efficiency Explanation: System analysis and design is the process of examining an existing system, identifying its strengths and weaknesses, and proposing improvements that will make it more efficient and effective.

Which of the following is not a phase of the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)? A. Planning B. Analysis C. Implementation D. Review Answer: D. Review Explanation: The phases of the SDLC are Planning, Analysis, Design, Implementation, and Maintenance.

What is the purpose of the planning phase of the SDLC? A. To determine the system requirements B. To develop a detailed project plan C. To design the system D. To implement the system Answer: B. To develop a detailed project plan Explanation: The planning phase of the SDLC involves developing a detailed project plan that outlines the project goals, scope, timeline, budget, and resources required.

Which of the following is not a type of system requirement? A. Functional B. Non-functional C. User D. Technical Answer: C. User Explanation: The three types of system requirements are functional, non-functional, and technical.

What is the purpose of a feasibility study? A. To determine if a project is technically feasible B. To determine if a project is financially feasible C. To determine if a project is socially feasible D. To determine if a project is politically feasible Answer: B. To determine if a project is financially feasible Explanation: A feasibility study is conducted to determine if a project is financially feasible, that is, if it can be completed within the allocated budget and generate a positive return on investment.

What is the purpose of a data flow diagram? A. To illustrate the system architecture B. To depict the system inputs and outputs C. To depict the system data and relationships D. To illustrate the system processes Answer: B. To depict the system inputs and outputs Explanation: A data flow diagram is a graphical representation of the inputs, processes, and outputs of a system.

Which of the following is not a component of UML (Unified Modeling Language)? A. Use case diagram B. Activity diagram C. Entity-relationship diagram D. Class diagram Answer: C. Entity-relationship diagram Explanation: The components of UML include use case diagram, activity diagram, sequence diagram, state diagram, communication diagram, and class diagram.

What is the purpose of a use case diagram? A. To depict the system architecture B. To depict the system inputs and outputs C. To depict the system data and relationships D. To illustrate the system functionality Answer: D. To illustrate the system functionality Explanation: A use case diagram is a graphical representation of the system’s functionality from the user’s perspective.

Which of the following is not a software development methodology? A. Agile B. Waterfall C. RAD (Rapid Application Development) D. UML (Unified Modeling Language) Answer: D. UML (Unified Modeling Language) Explanation: UML is a modeling language used to represent software systems, while Agile, Waterfall, and RAD are software development methodologies.

What is the difference between black box testing and white box testing? A. Black box testing is conducted by the development team, while white box testing is conducted by the testing team. B. Black box testing focuses on the system’s internal logic, while white box testing focuses on the system’s external behavior. C. Black box testing is conducted without knowledge of the system’s internal workings, while white box testing is conducted with knowledge of the system’s internal workings. D. Black box testing is conducted using automated tools, while white box testing is conducted manually. Answer: C. Black box testing is conducted without knowledge of the system’s internal workings, while white box testing is conducted with knowledge of the system’s internal workings. Explanation: Black box testing is conducted without knowledge of the system’s internal workings, while white box testing is conducted with knowledge of the system’s internal workings.

What is the purpose of a use case? A. To describe the system requirements B. To describe the system design C. To describe the system architecture D. To describe the system functionality Answer: D. To describe the system functionality Explanation: A use case describes the functionality of a system from the perspective of an actor.

What is the purpose of a sequence diagram? A. To depict the system inputs and outputs B. To depict the system processes C. To depict the system data and relationships D. To illustrate the interactions between objects in a system Answer: D. To illustrate the interactions between objects in a system Explanation: A sequence diagram illustrates the interactions between objects in a system in a time-ordered sequence.

What is the purpose of a class diagram? A. To depict the system inputs and outputs B. To depict the system processes C. To depict the system data and relationships D. To illustrate the system architecture Answer: C. To depict the system data and relationships Explanation: A class diagram is a graphical representation of the classes, interfaces, and relationships in a system.

What is the purpose of a state diagram? A. To depict the system inputs and outputs B. To depict the system processes C. To depict the system data and relationships D. To illustrate the behavior of an object in a system Answer: D. To illustrate the behavior of an object in a system Explanation: A state diagram is a graphical representation of the behavior of an object in a system.

What is the purpose of a communication diagram? A. To depict the system inputs and outputs B. To depict the system processes C. To depict the system data and relationships D. To illustrate the interactions between objects in a system Answer: D. To illustrate the interactions between objects in a system Explanation: A communication diagram is a graphical representation of the interactions between objects in a system.

What is the purpose of a use case scenario? A. To describe the system requirements B. To describe the system design C. To describe the system architecture D. To describe the system functionality Answer: D. To describe the system functionality Explanation: A use case scenario describes the steps involved in a use case.

What is the purpose of a system flowchart? A. To illustrate the system architecture B. To depict the system inputs and outputs C. To depict the system data and relationships D. To illustrate the system processes Answer: D. To illustrate the system processes Explanation: A system flowchart is a graphical representation of the system’s processes.

What is the purpose of a data dictionary? A. To provide a glossary of terms used in the system B. To provide a description of the system’s data structures C. To provide a list of all the system components D. To provide a description of the system’s processes

Answer: B. To provide a description of the system’s data structures Explanation: A data dictionary provides a description of the data structures used in a system, including data types, field sizes, and relationships between data elements.

What is the purpose of a context diagram? A. To illustrate the system architecture B. To depict the system inputs and outputs C. To depict the system data and relationships D. To illustrate the system processes Answer: B. To depict the system inputs and outputs Explanation: A context diagram is a graphical representation of the inputs and outputs of a system, showing how the system interacts with external entities. It is a high-level view of the system that provides an overview of the system’s boundaries and interactions with other systems.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a good requirement? A. Specific B. Measurable C. Achievable D. Ambiguous Answer: D. Ambiguous Explanation: A good requirement should be specific, measurable, achievable, and unambiguous. Ambiguous requirements can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations, which can result in the delivery of an incorrect solution.

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system analysis and design essay questions and answers

System Analysis and Design - Short Question Answer

Here in this section of System Analysis and Design Short Questions Answers, We have listed out some of the important Short Questions with Answers which will help students to answer it correctly in their University Written Exam.

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1. What is the difference between an information system and a computer application?

Usually a computer application is a single computer program that may or may not be connected to a database.

An information system is normally multiple computer programs that are connected to a database and thus provide as output various types and quantities of information.

2. What is the purpose of systems analysis? Why is it important?

The purpose of systems analysis is to enable the system developer to understand the user's requirements.

Without a good analysis of the user's needs and requirements the new system will be inadequate in its solution or erroneous in its implementation.

3. What is the difference between systems analysis and systems design?

Systems development is systematic process which includes phases such as planning, analysis, design, deployment, and maintenance. 

Systems Analysis

Systems analysis is to determine the “what” the new system should do. It is discovery and understanding.

It is a process of collecting and interpreting facts, identifying the problems, and decomposition of a system into its components.

System analysis is conducted for the purpose of studying a system or its parts in order to identify its objectives. It is a problem solving technique that improves the system and ensures that all the components of the system work efficiently to accomplish their purpose.

Analysis specifies  what the system should do .

Systems Design

Systems design is to determine “how” the new system should be built. It is structure and architecture.

It is a process of planning a new business system or replacing an existing system by defining its components or modules to satisfy the specific requirements. Before planning, you need to understand the old system thoroughly and determine how computers can best be used in order to operate efficiently.

System Design focuses on  how to accomplish the objective of the system .

System Analysis and Design (SAD) mainly focuses on −

4. What is the purpose of the system development life cycle (SDLC)?

It provides a framework, including methodologies, models, tools and techniques, to build and deploy an information system.

Its purpose is to provide structure and organization to the development process.

5. What are the 6 core processes for software systems development?

The six core processes for software systems development are

  • Identify the problem.
  • 2. Plan and monitor the project.
  • 3. Discover and understand the requirements.
  • Design the system components.
  • 5. Build, test, and integrate the system components.
  • 6. Finalize testing and deploy the solution.

6. What is meant by Agile Development and iterative development?

Agile development is a philosophy of systems development that emphasizes flexibility to handle changing requirements during the development project.

Iterative development is a broader term that defines several iterations of defining and building the new system.

It is an approach to incrementally build a new system. Agile development is one methodology that supports iterative development.

7. What is the purpose of a System Vision Document?

The System Vision Document is a brief statement which describes the overall objective of the new system.

Its purpose is to provide basic information about the need and solution approach to assist the client in deciding whether to approve a development project.

8. Give an example of a business problem.

The answer should focus on the business needs of the problem.

Business problems that are applicable for information systems include either a business process that requires or processes information.

The other type of applicable business problem entails producing reports or providing critical information to the organization.

For example, the self-insured health insurance program needs to project expenses for the next year based on past claims, changes in employee demographics, and estimated increases in health care costs. Notice that this example has an extensive requirement for information that can best be provided by a computer system.

9. What is System?

A collection of interrelated components that function together to achieve some outcome.

10. What is Information System?

A collection of interrelated components that collect, process, store, and provide as output the information needed to complete business tasks.

11. What types of information systems are found in most organizations?

Customer relationship management system, Accounting and financial management system, Manufacturing management system, and Human resources management system, Knowledge management system, Business intelligence system, Supply chain management system, Collaboration support system. 

12. Describe a business problem your university has that you would like to see solved. How can information technology help solve it?

Some likely answers are the following:

  • It takes too long to register each semester (put registration on the Web);
  • information about open seats in course sections is out of date (use real-time updating in the course enrollment database);
  • information about required texts is only at the bookstore (add required text information to the Web so students can purchase texts anywhere);
  • too many parking spaces are sold for student parking lots (develop a DSS/KBS to forecast parking demand and balance the number of permits sold), and so on.

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system analysis and design essay questions and answers

System Analysis and Design

The system Analysis and Design course familiarize students with the concepts of information systems development including the systems development life cycle, different approaches to systems development, project management, planning, analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance. This course also covers some fundamental concepts of object-oriented systems analysis and design.

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  • Question Banks
  • SAD Model question I
  • SAD Question Bank 2080
  • SAD Question Bank 2079
  • SAD Question Bank 2076
  • SAD Question Bank 2078

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

Bachelor Level / fifth-semester / Science

Computer Science and Information Technology( CSC315 )

Full Marks: 60 + 20 + 20

Pass Marks: 24 + 8 + 8

Time: 3 Hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt any two questions.

What activities are at the heart of systems development process? List and explain some of the problems with the traditional waterfall SDLC. Explain Agile development in brief.

What do you mean by balancing DFDs? Draw context diagram and data flow diagrams for online movie rental system that allows its users to watch movies online.

Explain physical database design. Why is physical database design important? Differentiate logical database design with physical database design.

Attempt any eight questions.

Describe different activities performed by the project manager during project planning.

Describe the steps involved in corporate strategic planning.

Define feasibility study. Explain economic and schedule feasibility in brief.

List traditional methods for determining system requirements. Explain advantages and pitfalls of observing workers to determine system requirements.

Draw ER diagram to store data about students, programs, and courses at your college.

Describe several methods for interacting with the system.

What are the major activities of system maintenance? Explain.

Explain class diagram with suitable example.

Write short notes on:

a. Network Diagram

b. Structural and Behavioral Diagrams

System Analysis and Design Question Bank Solution 2080

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1000’s Best System Analysis And Design MCQ Questions

Table of Contents

MCQ on Fundamentals of System Analysis and Design

This section includes a collection of MCQ questions on the definition and concept of a system, types of systems, system life cycles, information levels with characteristics, and the decision-making process with a decision support system(DSS) .

  • Solved Objective Questions on System Analysis and Design Set-1
  • Objective Questions on System Analysis and Design Set-2
  • Solved Multiple Choice Questions on SAD Set-3
  • MCQ of System Analysis and Design with answer set-4
  • Solved Objective Questions on SAD set-5
  • MCQ of System Analysis and Design With Answer set-6

System Analysis And Design MCQ on System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

This section includes objective-type questions on an overview of the system development life cycle (SDLC) and its stages, the organization or electronic data processing department, and the responsibilities/duties of the system analyst in managing project review and selection.

  • Top 20 Interview Questions on SDLC set-1
  • Solved MCQ Questions on SDLC set-2
  • Solved Objective Questions on SDLC set-3
  • Multiple Choice Questions on SDLC set-4
  • Top 20 Objective Questions on SDLC set-5

System Analysis And Design MCQ on System Development Tools

  • Solved MCQs on System Development Tools set-1
  • MCQ Questions on System Development Tools set-2
  • Objective Questions on System Development Tools set-3
  • Interview Questions on System Development Tools set-4
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System Analysis And Design MCQ Questions & Answers | Computer Science

Section 1 Section 2 Section 3

1. System Study involves

A. study of an existing system

B. documenting the existing system.

C. identifying current deficiencies and establishing new goals

D. All of the above

E. None of the above

Answer & Solution

2. the primary tool used in structured design is a:.

A. structure chart

B. data-flow diagram

C. program flowchart

3. In a _____ one module of the new information system is activates at a time.

A. System Development Life Cycle

B. CASE tool

C. Phased Conversion

D. Success factors

E. None of the above.

4. In Prototyping

A. BASIC is used

B. COBOL is used

C. 4GLs are used

D. system is documented

5. The step-by-step instructions that solve a problem are called _____.

A. An algorithm

D. A sequential structure

6. The approach used in top-down analysis and design is

A. to identify the top level functions by combining many smaller components into a single entity

B. to prepare flow charts after programming has been completed

C. to identify a top level function an d then create a hierarchy of lower-level modules and components.

7. Which of the following is not a factor in the failure of the systems developments projects?

A. size of the company

B. inadequate user involvement

C. failure of systems integration

D. continuation of a project that should have been cancelled

8. A Ring, refers to a record chain, the last of which refers to the first record, in the chain, is called a/an

A. addressing

B. location

9. The primary tool used in structured design is a:

A. data-flow diagram

C. structure chart

D. program flowchart

10. A problem's _____ will answer the question, "What information will the computer need to know in order to either print or display the output times?"

C. Processing

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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Each Section contains maximum 100 MCQs question on System Analysis and Design . To get more questions visit other sections.

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  • System Analysis and Design - Section 3
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System Analysis & Design AS ICT Past Paper Questions Scenario 3

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System Analysis & Design

1) ______level supply information to strategictier for the use of top management..

Answer Is: (D) tactical

Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.

2) technical writers generally provide the ______fo the new system

Answer Is: (D) documentation

3) in a dfd external entities are represented by a

Answer Is: (A) rectangle

4) _____phase is a time-consuming phase and yet a very crucial phase

Answer Is: (C) analysis ahse

5) advantages of system flowcarts _______

Answer Is: (D) all a,b,c,

6) sdlc stands for

Answer Is: (A) system development life cycle

7) the actual programming of software code is done during the______step in the sdlc

Answer Is: (D) development and document

8) a data store in a dfd represents

Answer Is: (C) a repoository of data

9) which are the following is/are the sources for the project requests?

Answer Is: (D) all of the above

10) the key consideration involved in the feasiblity nalysis is/are

11) data store in a dfd represennts., 12) decision making model was proposed by ______.

Answer Is: (B) herbert a simon

13) a context diagram

Answer Is: (B) is a dfd which gives an overview of the system

14) the first step in the systems development life cycle (sdl©is….

Answer Is: (C) problem/opportunity identification

15) a______system in no more than an idea

Answer Is: (A) conceptual

16) which is a clear ststement of the goals and objectives of the project?

Answer Is: (C) program spacification

17) documentation is prepared________

Answer Is: (A) at every stage

18) how many staps are in the program development life cycle (pdlc)?

Answer Is: (B) 5

19) _______is a tabular method for decribing the logic of the decision to be taken.

Answer Is: (A) decision tables

20) the out put of problem definition stage is_______

Answer Is: (B) terms of refrence

21) hipo stand for

Answer Is: (A) hierarchy input procrss output

22) a physical dfd

Answer Is: (D) can show the flow of material

23) ____design and implement datbase structres

Answer Is: (D) database administrators

24) the data flow diagram is thr basic component of______system

Answer Is: (B) logical

25) dds stands for_____

Answer Is: (C) data dictionary systems

26) the information systerms are considered to be evoled though ____different level of the system.

Answer Is: (C) three

27) the information ssytems are considered to be evoved thouught…..

28) _______means coordinated effort,to communicate the information of the system written form.

Answer Is: (A) system documentation

29) the first task to complete in the design phase of the sdlc is to

Answer Is: (A) design alternative systems

30) the final specifications are arrived at

Answer Is: (A) after feasibility study

31) 8a data floe can

Answer Is: (C) may emanate and terminate in an external entity

32) mdp atands for

Answer Is: (A) master development plan

33) system development process is also called as___

34) problem analysis is done during ________.

Answer Is: (B) systems analysis phase

35) statement of scope and objective opportunities and performance criteria_____

Answer Is: (A) problem definition

36) _______is a good example of the deterministic system.

Answer Is: (B) computer program

37) a rectabgle in a dfd represents

Answer Is: (C) an external entity

38) the data flow between two data stores because

39) a decision table followin is not a characteristi to be related to.

Answer Is: (A) actions

40) the first of system development is to purchase or custom design

Answer Is: (A) software

41) the actual logic built uo for individual programs is defined in the _______

Answer Is: (D) program specifications

42) the final step of the implementation phase of the sdls is to

Answer Is: (A) train the users

43) the final output of____stage of sdlc is terms or refrence

Answer Is: (C) system design

44) _______level supply information to strategic tier for the use of topmangement

45) after the design phase the document prepare is know as______.

Answer Is: (C) design specification

46) the make or buy decision is associated with the___step in the (sdlc)

Answer Is: (B) design

47) in a feasibility study,the ___feasibility include a study of the organizational behavior.

Answer Is: (C) behavioral

48) the make or software code is done during the _____step in the sdlc

49) in a dfdexternal entetities are represented by a, 50) ______refers to the collection of information pertinery to systerms project.

Answer Is: (A) data gathering

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System Analysis And Design Quiz: Test!


S.A.D means System Analysis and Design.

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There are three major components in every system namely input processing and output. 

System life cycle is not an organized process of developing and maintaining a system., the system development life cycle means the software development life cycle. , a preliminary study is the second phase of the life cycle. , the feasibility study is basically the test of the proposed system., interviews, onsite observation, and questioner are tools used for detailed system study. , system analysis is a process of not collecting factual data. , the major objective of system analysis is to find answers for each business process., normally system design proceeds in three phases., programming is not a part of coding., the system design needs to be implemented to make it a workable system., before implementing the new system into operation a test run of the system is done. , implementation is the stage of a project during which theory is turned into practice. , maintenance is not necessary to eliminate errors in the system during its working life., structured design is a blueprint of a computer system solution to a given problem. , sometimes system testing is considered not a part of the implementing process. , system analysis and design mainly deal with software development activities., return on investment defines the resources needed to complete the detailed investigation., studying the performance of the system is also a part of the maintenance..

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