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  • To enhance the number of PhDs in Electronics System Design & Manufacturing (ESDM) and IT/IT Enabled Services (IT/ITES) sectors in the country.
  • Give thrust to R&D, create an innovative ecosystem and enhance India’s competitiveness in these knowledge-intensive sectors.
  • To fulfill the commitments made in National Policy on Electronics (NPE 2012) and National Policy on Information Technology (NPIT 2012) which recommend giving special thrust on significantly increasing the number of PhDs in the country to enable India to compete globally in the coming decades, to develop an ecosystem of research, development and IP creation in these knowledge-intensive sectors.
  • To Support 1500 Ph.D. Candidates including both Full-Time (500) and Part-Time (1000) in each of the ESDM and IT/ITES sectors (Total: 3000 PhDs).
  • The scheme is also expected to encourage working professionals and non-PhD faculty members to pursue Ph.D.
Salient features of the Ph.D. scheme are as follows:
  • This Scheme provides 25% more fellowship amount than most of the other Ph.D. Schemes.
  • The scheme also provides an infrastructural grant of ₹ 5,00,000/- per candidate to the academic institutions for the creation/ up-gradation of laboratories.
  • Part-time Ph.D. candidates get a one-time incentive on completion of the Ph.D.
  • The scheme also supports 200 Young Faculty Research Fellowships in the areas of ESDM and IT/ITES with the objective to retain and attract bright young faculty members in these sectors.
Full-Time Ph.D. Candidates
  • Fellowship: ₹ 31,500/- per month (I & II years); ₹ 35,000/-(III to V year); revised to 38,750/- per month (I & II years); ₹ 43,750/-(III to V year).
  • Annual Contingency Grant support of ₹ 30,000/- per year. Following items may be booked under 'Annual Contingency grant/support" meant for a full-time Ph.D. candidate- Books/Documents of relevance to the research topic; Equipment/software exclusively for research; Consumables/Chemical/Electronic components for research work; ReprintlOff-Prints of research papers, reports, etc; Registration fee for attending Symposia/Seminars/Conferences in India/abroad provided the Ph.D. candidate is presenting a paper that has been accepted; Similar items of relevance / directly contributing towards the furtherance of the candidate's research work for his Ph.D., etc.
  • Reimbursement of Rent for those Full-Time PhD candidates who are not provided accommodation or choose not to avail of the accommodation provided by the institution.
  • The ceiling for Reimbursement of Rent would be 30%, 20%, and 10% of the fellowship amount as per the Government of India norms for class X, Y, or Z cities respectively.
  • Support for attending international conferences (Supports for 1000 conferences with an amount up to ₹ 50,000/- per conference). Any individual Full-Time Ph.D. candidate would be eligible to avail of the support for attending a maximum of 2 conferences under this scheme.
Part-Time Ph.D. Candidates
  • A one-time incentive of ₹ 2,50,000/- would be provided to Part-Time Ph.D. candidates on successful completion of the Ph.D.
Young Faculty Research Fellowship(YFRF)
  • Financial support provided to the YFRFs is as mentioned below:

Fellowship @ ₹ 20,000/- per month in addition to the regular income

  • Contingency/ Research Grant of ₹ 5,00,000/- per annum for presenting paper and research work at national and international conferences and other research expenses for a maximum of five years.
Eligibility Criteria for the Applicant
Eligibility Criteria for the Institute
  • Indian Institutes of Technologies (IITs)
  • National Institutes of Technologies (NITs)
  • Indian Institute of Science (IISc)
  • Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISERs)
  • Central Universities
  • Deemed Universities under Central Government
  • Colleges/Institutions of National Importance
  • Universities created under a Provincial Act/State Act
  • State Universities
  • Private Universities
  • Private Deemed to be Universities
  • Colleges that are allowed to offer PhDs
  • Other academic and R&D institutions
  • The Institution should have an existing postgraduate stream in ESDM/IT/ITES and have produced PhDs in these areas for the last 3 years.
  • The Ph.D. student(s) under this scheme to be admitted as per UGC admission norms.
  • The Institution should be recognized by AICTE and NBA (National Board of Accreditation) accredited with respect to ESDM & IT/ITES Programmes. OR The Institution should be accredited by NAAC (National Assessment and Accreditation Council of UGC).
  • Such an institution would be required to furnish a copy of documents in support of meeting the above-mentioned eligibility criteria for the Ph.D. Cell, MeitY.
  • Date of Birth (DOB) Certificate or High School (Class 10th) Certificate with DOB
  • SC/ST/OBC(NCL) Certificate, if applicable
  • Certificate of Physical Disability, if applicable
  • Sponsorship certificate for sponsored candidates, if applicable
  • A valid GATE/CSIR/UGC score card (Computer generated printout is also accepted)
  • Copies of mark/grade sheets of qualifying degree or higher
  • No Objection Certificate from employer (only for part-time/external) (Item 12). Full-time students currently working must produce NOC or Relieving Certificate from the employer at the time of admission.
  • Two letters of reference (for Ph.D. applicants only)

What are the seven categories of institutions who Are Eligible To Participate In The Scheme And Receive Grants?

All institutions falling in the following seven categories are eligible to participate in the scheme and receive grants: Indian Institutes of Technologies (IITs) National Institutes of Technologies (NITs) Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISERs) Central Universities Deemed Universities under Central Government Colleges/Institutions of National Importance

What are the number of slots per institute for the Young Faculty Research Fellowship (YFRF)?

As per guidelines of the scheme for Young Faculty Research Fellowship (YFRF), each institute supported under the scheme is eligible for an award of 01 YFRF for each 05 Full-Time Ph.D. candidates, enrolled under the scheme.

What is the amount of the fellowship Provided To The YFRFs?

What is the Institutional Overhead for a Full-Time Ph.D. Candidate?

The scheme provides an Institutional Overhead of ₹ 25,000/- per year per Full-Time Ph.D. candidate for a maximum of five years to the academic institutions.

Is Direct Funding Support Provided To The Ph.D. Candidates under this scheme?

The support under the scheme will be provided to the institution granting the Ph.D. degree and no direct funding support will be provided by the Government of India to the Ph.D. candidates or faculty members or to the departments in the supported institution.

List Of Institutions Supported Under The Scheme

List Of Conferences Supported Under The Scheme

Key Research Areas

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4th Floor, NeGD, Electronics Niketan, 6 CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003, India


(011) 24303714

Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme

For participation in phase-II of the scheme, please visit

Phase 1 of the Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme was initiated in March 2014 for a duration of 9 years, i.e. March 2023.

The login facility of the following users of the phase 1 is being made available at phase 2 portal of the scheme ( )

  • The PhD candidates who are yet to complete their PhD may report their details e.g. research papers, PhD Completion, thesis submission, etc., along with the documents
  • The institutions for verification of PhD completion and other details to be reported by their respective PhD candidates.

In the mean time for reporting of PhD completion, updation in research papers or for any query or assistance, etc, the user may write to [email protected] with the subject line :-

Phase 1 - Name of Institution - Topic (Topic may be replaced with - Updation in Research publications/Updation in PhD Completion Status/Thesis Submission/Others)

azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme

Visvesvaraya PhD scheme has been initiated by the Government with an objective of enhancing the number of PhDs in the country to compete globally in the knowledge intensive sectors of Electronics System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) and IT/IT Enabled Services (IT/ITES). Under the scheme, financial support is provided to Full-time & Part-time PhD candidates and Young Faculty who are undertaking research and technology development. The Scheme also provides infrastructure support to institutions. Details of the financial support under the Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme are given at Annexure-1.

Based on the seats allocated to various institutions in the States, State-wise beneficiaries of the Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme under Phase-I and Phase-II of the scheme are placed at Annexure-2.

Under the scheme, proposals are invited from the eligible institutions for allocation of PhD seats. The proposals are considered by the Academic Committee constituted by MeitY for the purpose of the scheme. The PhD seats are allocated to the institutions. The institutions enroll the PhD candidates for the allocated seats for ESDM/IT/ITES sectors. The details are placed at Annexure-3.

Under the Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme: Phase-I, a total of 1423 PhD candidates have been supported. With the objective of covering more scholars, Phase- II of Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme has been initiated for a duration of 9 years to support 1000 Full-time PhD candidates, 150 Part-time PhD candidates, 50 Young Faculty Research Fellowships and 225 Post-Doctoral Fellowships. Out of the 1000 Full-time PhD seats, 200 Full-time PhD seats have already been allocated to 70 institutions across the country for the first year i.e. academic year 2022-23.


Details of Financial Support

Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme: Phase-I (2014-2023)

For Full Time PhD Candidates:

  • Fellowship: ₹ 38,750/- per month (I & II year); ₹ 43,750/- (III to V year)
  • Annual Contingency Grant support: ₹ 30,000/- per year
  • Reimbursement of Rent as per GoI rules
  • Support for international conferences up to ₹ 50,000/-

For Part Time PhD Candidates:

  • One time incentive of ₹ 2,50,000/- after completion of PhD

For Young Faculty Research Fellows undertaking research and technology development:

  • Fellowship @ ₹ 20,000/- per month
  • Research Contingency Grant of ₹ 5,00,000/- per year for a maximum period of 5 years

Support to the Institution registering PhD candidates under the scheme:

  • Research Infrastructural Grant of up to ₹ 5,00,000/- per candidate
  • Institutional Overheads: ₹ 25,000/- per annum / Full-time candidate

Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme: Phase-II(2021-2030)

  • Research Contingency Grant @ ₹ 1,20,000/- per year per Full-time candidate to the institutions registering PhD candidates under the scheme
  • Support for International Conference up to ₹ 1,50,000/- to the institutions registering PhD candidates under the scheme
  • One time incentive of ₹ 3,00,000/- after completion of PhD

For Young Faculty Research Fellows

State-wise beneficiaries of the Visvesvaraya PhD scheme in Phase-I (cumulative from year 2014)


Andhra Pradesh





Arunachal Pradesh








































Himachal Pradesh





Jammuand Kashmir




















Madhya Pradesh













































Tamil Nadu















Uttar Pradesh










West Bengal




State wise seat allocations for the Visvesvaraya PhD scheme in Phase-II (for 2022)


Andhra Pradesh



Arunachal Pradesh



























Jammu and Kashmir












Madhya Pradesh





















Tamil Nadu






Uttar Pradesh






West Bengal


Procedure & Eligibility Criteria

Institutions eligible for support under the scheme

The minimum requirement for the Institutions/Universities, Research Centers etc. for being eligible to receive grants under the scheme is compliant to the UGC’s minimum standards and procedures for award of M.Phil./PhD Degree, Regulation, 2009 (ref. The Gazette of India July11, 2009 Part III sec 4) as amended time to time.

  • All institutions falling in the following seven categories are eligible to participate in the scheme and receive grants:
  • Indian Institutes of Technologies (IITs)
  • National Institutes of Technologies (NITs)
  • Indian Institute of Science (IISc)
  • Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISERs)
  • Central Universities
  • Deemed Universities under Central Government
  • Colleges/Institutions of National Importance
  • Institutions falling in the categories (i) Universities created under a Provincial Act/State Act; (ii) State Universities; (iii) Private Universities; (iv) Private Deemed to be Universities; (v) Colleges that are allowed to offer PhDs and (vi) Other academic and R&D institutions, are eligible to participate in the scheme subject to meeting the additional eligibility criteria as mentioned below:
  • The Institution should have existing post graduate stream in ESDM/IT/ITES and have produced PhDs in these areas for the last 3 years. The PhD student(s) under this scheme to be admitted as per UGC admission norms
  • The Institution should be recognized by AICTE and NBA (National Board of Accreditation) accredited with respect to ESDM & IT/ITES Programme
  • The Institution should be accredited by NAAC (National Assessment and Accreditation Council of UGC).

Criteria for support of PhD candidates

  • The support is for additional PhD candidates taken up by an institution. No support is provided for current levels of enrolment in the PhD programme.
  • The candidates enrolled/registered for PhD during the period of the scheme only are eligible to apply for the financial support.
  • The number of PhD candidates that an institution can take up under the scheme will be determined department-wise based on number of faculty members available to guide/mentor/advice the PhD candidates and the current levels of enrolment. It will not be permissible to take more candidates in one department in lieu of vacancies in another department. Departments which are primarily in the area of ESDM or IT/ITES as the case may be are automatically eligible for assistance under the scheme.
  • ESDM and IT/ITES are meta technologies, and the work in these sectors also span other sectors. Departments which are primarily not in the area of ESDM or IT/ITES, may also take advantage of the scheme, provided the research work being pursued by the identified PhD candidate is related to ESDM or IT/ITES. Such requests for support to other Departments will be considered by the 'Academic Committee' constituted by MeitY for the purposes of this scheme. However, the total number of candidates supported in other Departments will not exceed the total number of supports provided to the Departments (in the same institute/University) which are primarily in the area of ESDM or IT/ITES.
  • Student/Faculty (S/F) ratio for any Department of the institution will be the determinant of the number of PhD candidates that can be supported in the said Department. This ratio will be determined by ‘Academic Committee' constituted by the Ministry. The Faculty members for the purpose of this ratio will be those faculty members who are qualified as per UGC norms to guide/advise PhD candidates work under them.
  • The candidate is eligible for Fellowship for the period during which the candidate is in good standing, and fulfills the requirements of the PhD successfully. The maximum period for which the support is available for any fulltime candidate is five years or till the completion of PhD whichever is earlier.
  • The participating institution has to ensure that a candidate receiving fellowship under this scheme is not receiving any financial support for PhD from any other scheme of Government of India/States etc. at the same time. The candidates who have availed support for their PhD from any other scheme of Government of India/States etc. will be automatically be stands disqualified for support under this scheme.

Criteria for support for Young Faculty Research Fellowship

  • Young Faculty Research Fellowship is meant for those who have a proven track-record as evident from their research publications and recognitions. The Young Faculty must have a regular position in the Institute and should be engaged in research or must be in a position on a regular scale, which leads to a regular position in the Institute and should be engaged in research. If he /she is availing any other fellowship, he/she will have to opt for only one of the fellowships.

Criteria for Participating Institutions

  • The support under the scheme will be provided to the institution granting the PhD degree and no direct funding support will be provided by Government of India to the PhD candidates or faculty members or to the Departments in the supported institution.
  • The participating institution shall ensure that a PhD candidate supported under the scheme is not funded from CSIR/UGC.
  • IPR generated under the Scheme will be governed by existing rules and regulations of Government/UGC/CSIR.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Electronics and Information Technology, Shri Rajeev Chandrasekhar in a written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.

Ministry of Electronics & IT

Based on the seats allocated to various institutions in the States, State-wise beneficiaries of the Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme under Phase-I and Phase-II of the scheme are placed at Annexure-2.

Under the scheme, proposals are invited from the eligible institutions for allocation of PhD seats. The proposals are considered by the Academic Committee constituted by MeitY for the purpose of the scheme. The PhD seats are allocated to the institutions. The institutions enroll the PhD candidates for the allocated seats for ESDM/IT/ITES sectors. The details are placed at Annexure-3.

Under the Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme: Phase-I, a total of 1423 PhD candidates have been supported. With the objective of covering more scholars, Phase- II of Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme has been initiated for a duration of 9 years to support 1000 Full-time PhD candidates, 150 Part-time PhD candidates, 50 Young Faculty Research Fellowships and 225 Post-Doctoral Fellowships. Out of the 1000 Full-time PhD seats, 200 Full-time PhD seats have already been allocated to 70 institutions across the country for the first year i.e. academic year 2022-23.

State-wise beneficiaries of the Visvesvaraya PhD scheme in Phase-I (cumulative from year 2014)


Andhra Pradesh





Arunachal Pradesh








































Himachal Pradesh





Jammuand Kashmir




















Madhya Pradesh













































Tamil Nadu















Uttar Pradesh










West Bengal




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Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme-Phase-I:   To enhance the number of PhDs in the country in Electronics & IT, Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme was initiated in March 2014 by MeitY with Cabinet’s approval, for 9 years (extended till March 2024) with outlay of Rs. 466 Cr. The scheme is being implemented by DIC. The scheme has covered 97 institutions in 25 states & 4 UTs. 512 full time & 100 Part Time PhDs are completed whereas 170 Full Time & 100 Part-Time PhD theses submitted. 223 Full Time & 200 Part Time candidates are pursuing PhDs.158 Young Faculty Research Fellowships awarded, 3 are currently pursuing. 5750 Research Papers have been published & 82 Patents have been filed.

Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme-Phase-II: The 2nd phase of the scheme was approved in September 2021 for 9 years with budget of Rs. 481.93 Cr. to support 1000 Full Time and 150 Part Time PhD Candidates, 225 Post-Doctoral Fellowships & 50 Young Faculty Research Fellowships.  Selected 250 Full Time PhD candidates would get opportunity of 6 months visits to labs abroad. DIC will enter into agreement with the selected Labs. 120 Full Time PhD candidates are currently pursuing at 53 institutions. 200 more Full-time PhD seats have been allotted to 57 institutions where the Candidates are being enrolled. Proposals for 200 Full-time and 30 Part-time PhD seats have been received.

For more details, please visit:

  • AcSIR Emblem
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  • Research Papers with AcSIR Affiliation (till 2021)
  • AcSIR Ph.D. Thesis Abstract Portal
  • PhD Notification
  • Request for Transcript from AcSIR
  • Request for Degree Certificate (Routine/ Priority to Indian/ foreign destination) and/or Duplicate Degree/ Grade Card
  • AcSIR Best Ph.D. Thesis Awards
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  • QIP | Quality Improvement Programme
  • Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme January-2024 (Open)
  • AcSIR-RMIT University Joint PhD (Cotutelle) Fellowship Program 2023
  • AcSIR-Deakin University Joint PhD (Cotutelle) Program, 2023
  • AcSIR, India–UWA, Australia, Joint PhD (Cotutelle) Program
  • National Ragging Prevention Programme
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  • Opportunities

Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme January-2024 (Open).

Applications are invited for admission to full-time Ph.D Engineering program of the Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR) in January-2024 session for three seats under Visvesvaraya Scheme supported by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY), Government of India . Following are the research areas at four participating CSIR Institutes:







A Master’s degree in Engineering or Technology following a four-year engineering/technology or 4/5 year science degree; or an integrated minimum-5-year M Tech degree; or equivalent.

How to Apply: Online applications may be submitted at the AcSIR Online Admission Portal ( ). Following are the steps:

  • Select New User Signup
  • Select Session “Visvesvaraya January-2024”
  • Fill all the requisite details and proceed with your online application.
  • Pay the application fee (Rs. 1000 for General/OBC/EWS and Rs. 500 for the SC/ST/PWD candidates)

Last date :  September 17, 2023 (Sunday)

  • The institute reserves the right to fix suitable criteria for short listing of eligible candidates satisfying qualification and experience. Only shortlisted candidates may be called for an interview.
  • Please visit the following link for Fellowship and general information regarding this scheme: Visvesvaraya Ph.D scheme ( )
  • In case of any query, please write at [email protected]


July 04, 2024 (Thursday)

Written Examinations/Interviews

July 08, 2024 (Monday)

Announcement of Results (Tentative)

* The exact date/time for the written examinations and/or interview will be communicated to the shortlisted candidates by the coordinators of the respective themes.

List of Scholars | PhD — Find out more

Eligibility Criteria

First Class or 65% marks (60% for SC/ST/PD) or 6.5(6.0 for SC/ST/PD) CPI/CGPA on the scale of 10 in: BE/BTech/ME/MTech or Equivalent degree in the broad area of Electrical and/or Electronics engineering and/or Computer Science, OR BE/BTech/ME/MTech or Equivalent degree in other branches of Engineering may be considered in areas consistent with the research areas of the discipline, OR MSc in disciplines consistent with the research areas of the discipline.

Salary and Benefits

  • 1. Fellowship: ₹ 38,750/- per month (I & II year); ₹ 43,750/- (III to V year).
  • 2. Research Contingency Grant support of Rs. 1,20,000 / year for support duration of PhD candidate.
  • 3. One Time International Conf. Support @ Rs. 1.5 Lakhs/Full Time PhD
  • 4. One Time Support for Visit to Labs abroad
  • 5. Reimbursement of Rent (as per GoI norms)

Duration of Fellowship

Admission procedure.

Admission is generally offered on the basis of an interview, which is supplemented by a written test if necessary. The Institute will invite a limited number of candidates for a written test and/or interview based on the academic records, statement of purpose, etc. The final selection will be mainly based on academic credentials, written test and/or interview.

Application Procedure

All applications must be submitted online. If you are applying for more than one themes, please submit a separate application for each theme. After successful submission of the application form, you will receive an application number and a link to download the application form. Please save the application form. You may need to furnish hardcopy of the application form and self attested copies of all the relevant documents at the time of interview. Incomplete applications will be rejected

You NEED NOT send the hard-copy of the application form. Application Fees: Rs. 150/- (SC/ST/PD Category), Rs. 300/- (Others) For any further query you may write to : [email protected]

Application Deadline - June 26, 2024
Announcement of the Shortlisted Candidates (Tentative) - July 1, 2024
Written Examinations/Interviews - July 4, 2024
Announcement of Results (Tentative) - July 8, 2024

what is visvesvaraya phd scheme

  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Astronomy & Space Sciences
  • Chemical Sciences
  • Cognitive Sciences and Psychology
  • Computer Sciences and IT
  • COVID-19 Research
  • Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences
  • Energy Sciences

Engineering Sciences

  • Life Sciences & Biotechnology
  • Mathematical Sciences
  • Material Sciences
  • Medical Sciences
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Physical Sciences
  • Traditional Knowledge
  • Other Areas
  • Institutional
  • International
  • Grants for Seminar and Conferences
  • Startup Grants
  • Ministries & Departments
  • Centres of Excellence
  • Thematic Centres
  • Centres of Higher Learning
  • National Academies
  • Statewise S&T Organisations
  • Industry Related Associations
  • Laboratories
  • International Organisations
  • Civil Societies
  • Science Centres & Planetaria
  • All Programmes & Schemes
  • Research and Development
  • Human Resource and Development
  • Women Schemes
  • International Programmes
  • Societal Development
  • Academia Industry Partnerships
  • School Students
  • Graduate Students
  • Post Graduate Students
  • PhD Scholars
  • Post Doctoral Fellowships
  • Scholarships for Women
  • Faculty and Scientists
  • National Fellows
  • Grassroot Innovations
  • Industrial Innovations
  • Agricultural Technology
  • COVID-19 Technology
  • Earth, Atmosphere & Env. Sciences
  • Rural Technologies

Research Area Menus

  • Astronomy & Space Sciences
  • Computer Sciences and Information Technology
  • Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences
  • Life Sciences & Biotechnology
Title :
Area of research :Engineering Sciences, Computer Sciences and Information Technology
Focus area :Engineering Sciences
Principal Investigator :Dr. Anil K. Sao
Timeline Start Year :2014
Timeline End Year : 2019
Contact info : [email protected]
Total Budget (INR): 3,09,90,000

Organizations involved

Implementing Agency :
Funding Agency :

Related Research

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Schemes / Projects

The following schemes/activities pertaining to Human Resource Development for Electronics and ICT sector have been approved/under implementation / being evolved:-

A- Post Graduate and Doctorate Level

Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics & IT

Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India has launched “Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics and IT” with an objective to enhance the number of PhDs in Electronics System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) and IT/IT Enabled Services (IT/ITES) sectors in the country.

Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) has approved the scheme in 2014 for a period of nine years.

The total estimated cost of the Scheme is Rs. 466 crores (Rupees Four Hundred sixty six crores only)

Salient features of the PhD Scheme are as follows:

  • Give thrust to R&D, create an innovative ecosystem and enhance India’s competitiveness in these knowledge intensive sectors.
  • To fulfill the commitments made in NPE 2012 and NPIT 2012.
  • Support to 1500 PhD Candidates including both Full-Time (500) and Part-Time(1000) in each of ESDM and IT/ITES sectors (Total: 3000 PhDs).
  • Support 200 Young Faculty Research Fellowships in the areas of ESDM and IT/ITES with the objective to retain and attract bright young faculty members in these sectors.
  • The scheme is also expected to encourage working professionals and non-PhD faculty members to pursue PhD.


a) Full Time PhD Candidates:

  • Fellowship : ₹ 31,500 p.m.(revised as ₹ 38,750/- pm w.e.f. 1-4-2019) (I & II yr); ₹ 35,000 (revised as ₹ 43,750/- pm w.e.f. 1-4-2019)(III to V yr);
  • Annual Contingency Grant support ₹ 30,000/- per year for consumables etc.
  • Reimbursement of Rent for those PhD candidates who are not provided accommodation or choose not to avail the accommodation provided by the institution.
  • Support for attending international conferences (1000 supports @ up to ₹ 50,000 per conference)

b) Supported Institutions:

  • Infrastructural grant to Academic Institutions for creation/upgrade of laboratories. 50% of the expenditure by the Institutions (upto 5.00 lakh per candidate) for lab equipments.
  • Institutional Overheads: ₹. 25000/- p.a. / full time candidate
  • Part-time PhD Candidate: One time incentive of ₹ 2,50,000 on completion of the PhD Young Faculty Research Fellowship
  • Fellowship @ ₹ 20,000 per month in addition to the regular income
  • Annual grant of ₹ 5,00,000 for research expenses and presenting research work, to be granted for a period of up to 5 years.

The duration of scheme would be for a period of five years for the purposes of selecting candidates for support under the scheme. However, the funding would be continued till 9th year for the commitments already made during the scheme period.

  • Important Links


  • Revision in Fellowship under PhD Scheme

For More Details.. )

For further details, kindly refer to the portal of the PhD Scheme :

B- Graduate level

Scheme of Financial Assistance for setting up of Electronics and ICT Academies

The objective of the above scheme is to set up seven (07) Electronics and ICT Academies as a unit in IITs, IIITs, NITs, etc., for faculty/mentor development/up gradation to improve the employability of the graduates/diploma holders in various streams, through active collaboration of States/UTs with financial assistance from the Central Government. Electronics and ICT Academy would aim to provide specialized training to the faculties of the Engineering, Arts, Commerce & Science colleges, Polytechnics etc, by developing state-of-the-art facilities.

Approval has been accorded for setting up of 07 such regional Academies in NIT Patna, (Bihar), IIITDM Jabalpur, (Madhya Pradesh), NIT Warangal, (Telangana), IIT Guwahati, (Assam), IIT, Kanpur (Uttar Pradsh), IIT, Roorkee (Uttarakhand) and MNIT, Jaipur (Rajasthan). The Ministry has earlier setup two ICT Academies at Tamil Nadu and Kerala respectively.

Click Here for More details.

C- Niche Area

i) FutureSkills PRIME: MeitY in collaboration with SSC-NASSCOM has initiated a programme titled FutureSkills PRIME (Programme for Re-skilling/Up-skilling of IT Manpower for Employability) which has been approved under the Champion Services Sector Scheme (CSSS), Department of Commerce. The programme is aimed at re-skilling/ up-skilling of IT professionals in 10 new/emerging technologies which include Augmented/Virtual Reality, Internet of Things, Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Robotic Process Automation, Additive Manufacturing/ 3D Printing, Cloud Computing, Social & Mobile, Cyber Security and Blockchain.

FutureSkills PRIME Programme is a first of its kind initiative which follows an ‘aggregator of aggregators’ approach for digital skills training on a national scale, with the entire platform being hosted online. Premium content from Indian and global content providers is aggregated on the FutureSkills PRIME portal and made available to candidates, to facilitate any time any where learning, in line with their aptitude and aspirations.

Under the programme IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council (SSC) NASSCOM is the Key Implementing Agency. To strengthen physical and digital connectivity, the existing pan-India presence & skilling capabilities of training providers (SSC NASSCOM, NIELIT, C-DAC etc.) is also leveraged. Towards this, 40 C-DAC/ NIELIT Centres are identified as Lead & Co-Lead Resource Centres (RCs) to institutionalize the blended-learning training programmes in a hub and spoke mode for the 10 emerging technologies.

Click Here for More details.. ( )

ii) Information Security Education and Awareness (ISEA) Project

The ISEA Project which is aimed at generation of manpower in the area of Information Security at various levels, train government officials and create mass awareness was completed on 31.3.2014 under which more than 42,000 students were trained in various formal and non-formal course at various academic institutions, NIELIT and CDAC; and more than 500 awareness workshops were conducted throughout the country. A Phase-II of the project has been approved with an outlay of Rs. 96.08 crore to be implemented over a period of 5 years w.e.f. 01.4.2014. Under the ISEA Phase-II, 1.14 lakh persons are proposed to be trained under formal and non-formal courses, faculty training etc. In addition, about 400 Paper publications are expected. The project also aims to provide training to more than 13,000 Government officials and creating mass information security awareness targeted towards Academic users, Government users and General users (approximately 3 crore Internet users in five years through direct and indirect mode).

Click Here for More details..

iii) Special Manpower Development Program for Chips to Systems :is an Umbrella programme initiated under Digital India Program in December 2014 at 60 Academic and Research & Development Institutions spread across the country including IITs, NITs, IISc, IIITs, etc. The project aims to not only develop more than 50,000 Specialized Manpower in the area of VLSI/System Design at B.Tech, M.Tech & Ph.D levels but also to design & develop proof-of-concept Working Prototypes of 15 SoCs/ 70 ASICs/30 FPGA based designs thereby moving up in the value chain by bringing in culture of SoC/ Chip Design in the Country. The main objectives of the Special Manpower Development Program for Chips to System Development are:

  • Capacity building in the area of VLSI/ Microelectronics and Chips to System Development
  • Broaden the base of ASIC/ IC designing in the country
  • Broaden the R&D base of Microelectronics/ Chips to System Design through networked PhD program
  • Promote 'Knowledge Exchange Program'
  • Protection of Intellectual Property generated

Click Here for More details..

ii) Capacity building for human resource development in Unmanned Aircraft System (Drone and related Technology): The primary objective of the programme is to leverage collaborative activities in human resource development through capacity building in education and training in the area of Unmanned Aircraft System (Drone and related Technology). Under the project, implementation is being carried out by 30 premium institutions, in a hub-n-spoke mode, comprising 5 Resource Centres; 15 Academic Participating Institutes (PI-Academic); and 10 C-DAC/NIELIT Participating Institutes (PI-C-DAC/NIELIT) Centres. The programme has approved to achieve the following broad objectives:

  • To enhance capacity & capabilities of select institutions in identified WTs on Unmanned Aircraft Systems.
  • To institutionalize a collaborative ecosystem through identified Resource Centres (RCs) and Participating Institutions (PIs) for synergy of capabilities & expertise.
  • To foster development of competent human resources at various levels including Post Graduate & Graduate programs, PG Diploma/Certificate programs, Faculty Updation and Master Trainers in niche areas of UAS.
  • To promote entrepreneurial mindset and nurture technical talent among the student community through innovative interventions such as Bootcamps and Proof-of Concepts.
  • To nurture technical talent and ideation among the student community through IPR generation, Competitions, Workshops / Conferences, etc.

C- Vocational, Skill development level

(i) Two Schemes on Skill Development in ESDM sector have been approved:

(a) ‘Scheme for Financial Assistance to select States/UTs for Skill Development in Electronics System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) sector’

(b) Scheme for ‘Skill Development in ESDM for Digital India’

Under the aegis of ‘Digital India’ programme launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister, the Ministry has approved a Scheme for “ Skill Development in ESDM for Digital India ” on 09.12.2014 to cover all the States/UTs of the country in order to facilitate creation of an eco-system for development of ESDM sector in the entire country for facilitating skill development for 3,28,000 persons in ESDM sector at an outlay of Rs. 411 crore (approx.). This is in continuation of the above mentioned ‘Scheme for Financial Assistance to select States/UTs for Skill Development in Electronics System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) sector’ approved earlier which is being implemented in 8 states. Both the Schemes are to be implemented concurrently.

Click Here for More details..

  • List of NIELIT Centr


(ii) Efforts to generate greater participation of Industry through Sector Skill Councils – Electronics, Telecom, IT/ITeS

MeitY is actively associating and supporting the various skill development activities of the following Sector Skill Councils (SSCs) concerning the domains addressed by this Ministry:

  • Sector Skill Council: Electronics ( )
  • Sector Skill Council: IT-ITeS
  • Sector Skill Council: Telecom ( )
  • Sector Skill Council: Health (for Medical Electronics)
  • Sector Skill Council: Automotive (for Automotive Electronics)

The above Sector Skill Councils have taken up various courses for skilling of candidates in their respective domains.

(v) ESDM Skill Development Courses in select 50 CABA-MDTP Centres in five states:

DeitY has approved a project for Skill Development in Electronics Hardware to be implemented jointly by National Council of Promotion of Urdu Language (NCPUL) and National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology(NIELIT) Chandigarh. NCPUL is an autonomous institution under the Ministry of Human Resource Development. Under the said project, courses approved by Electronics Sector Skills Council and Telecom Sectors Skills Council will be imparted at 50 select CABA-MDTP Centres of NCPUL in 5 states namely Bihar, Delhi, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir. The project outlay is Rs 23.2 crore and it is proposed to train 10,000 youth in a period of 3 years. The DeitY grant is being used to equip the CABA-MDTP Centres with requisite lab infrastructure required for the purposes of the training. The list of CABA-MDTP Centres where the training is available is attached.

Click Here for More details.. (

D. Work Based Learning (WBL) programme to Strengthen and Empower SC/ST/Women/EWS Graduate Engineers through MeitY Institutions:

WBL is a programme being implemented across the seven (7) organizations of MeitY i.e. CERT-IN, C-DAC, NIELIT, STQC, CMET, ERNET and SAMEER. The main objective of this programme is to provide an opportunity to SC/ST/EWS/Women candidates to acquire Technical Knowledge Expansion, Real-time Working Skills, Technology Use, Problem Solving Skills, Reasoning, Ideation, Analytical Thinking, Interpersonal Skills, etc. in a professional work environment. The constituent organizations of MeitY are technical / scientific organizations and the Implementing Organizations (IO) identified under the programme are working in the areas of niche / emerging technologies and related fields.

E- Grass root level: Scheme for IT Mass Literacy in the Country

The Ministry has approved the following two Schemes for providing Digital Literacy to the masses:

(i) IT Mass Literacy (National Digital Literacy Mission)

In line with the objective of the National Policy on IT, 2012 to make one person e-literate in every household in the country, a scheme for IT Mass Literacy (renamed as National Digital Literacy Mission) was launched with an objective to provide IT training, relevant to the need of the trainee to enable the beneficiaries to use IT and related applications for their livelihood earning and employability with an outlay of Rs. 97.02 crore (Grant-in-aid from MeitY: Rs. 89.71 crore). The training target of 10 lakh persons under this scheme has been achieved in June 2016.

(ii) Scheme for ‘Digital Saksharta Abhiyan’ (DISHA)

This expanded scheme was approved by Government on 9th December, 2014 under ‘Digital India Programme’ with the objective to make additional 42.5 lakh persons digitally literate in a period of four years. The digital literacy target under the DISHA Scheme has been achieved in December 2016.

(iii) “Pradhan Mantri Gramin Digital Saksharta Abhiyan” (PMGDISHA )

The Government has approved a scheme titled “Pradhan Mantri Gramin Digital Saksharta Abhiyan (PMGDISHA)” to usher in digital literacy in rural India by covering 6 crore rural households (one person per household) by 31.03.2019. This is in line with the announcement made by Hon’ble Finance Minister in the Union Budget 2016-17. To ensure equitable geographical reach, each of the 2,50,000 Gram Panchayats would be expected to register an average of 200-300 candidates.

Special focus of the said Scheme is on training the beneficiaries on use of Electronic Payment System. The outcome measurement criteria would include undertaking at least 5 electronic payments transactions by each beneficiary using UPI (including BHIM app), USSD, PoS, AEPS, Cards, Internet Banking.

The total outlay of the above Scheme is Rs. 2,351.38 Crore (approx.). It is being implemented as a Central Sector Scheme by the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology through an implementing agency namely CSC e-Governance Services India Limited, with active collaboration of all the State Governments and UT Administrations.

For more detail visit on

F- Create skill development facilities in deprived areas through strengthening of National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT)

(i) A project on “Development of North - Eastern Region by enhancing the Training/ Education capacity in the Information, Electronics & Communications Technology (IECT) Area” has been initiated with the following objectives:

(a) Upgrading the six existing centres of the NIELIT in the North-Eastern Region at Guwahati, Imphal, Shillong, Itanagar, Gangtok and Aizwal.; and

(b) Setting up of ten new Extension centres and upgrading two existing Extension centres Fifteen (15) out of proposed Eighteen(18) Centres/Extension Centres are operational as on date. The new seven Extension Centres are imparting training from rented built-up space at Silchar, Jorhat and Kokrajhar in Assam; Pasighat in Arunachal Pradesh; Senapati & Churachandpur in Manipur; and Lunglei in Mizoram. Efforts are being made for allotment/hiring of built-up space for remaining 4 Extension Centres at, Tura (Meghalaya), Dibrugarh (Assam) and Tezu in Arunachal Pradesh. A total of 9774 students were trained so far under the project. Possession of land for construction of permanent campuses has been obtained at 14 locations in Pasighat, Guwahati, Kokrajhar, Jorhat, Tezpur, Dibrugarh, Silchar, Imphal, Senapati, Churachandpur, Aizawl, Lunglei, Gangtok and Chuchuyimlang land is yet to be obtain at Tezu, Tura, Shillong and Itanagar. Three Central PSUs have been appointed as Project Management Consultants (PMCs) for construction of permanent NIELIT Centres & Extension Centres.

(ii) NIELIT is presently offering trainings courses from 16 locations in all eight (08) NE States covering two additional locations at Agartala and Kohima under other funded projects by the MeitY.

(iii) Setting up/ upgradation of NIELIT Centres at Srikakulam, Ladakh Region of Leh, Kolkata, Patna, Ranchi, Ajmer, Chennai, and Ropar is underway

Notification of Approved Schemes

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Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme 2015 (Closed)

what is visvesvaraya phd scheme

Organic Electronic Materials, Thin Films and Engineered Surfaces, NanoscalePlasmonics, Femtosecond Pulse Shaping, SurfaceWettability, Biodegradable Solar Cell, Materials for Nonlinear Optics and Molecular Electronics.

Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme.

The  Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DEITY) , Government of India has approved 10 Ph.D positions in our department under the  VisvesvarayaPh.D scheme . Department of Chemistry at IIT Kanpur would like to get motivated and committed Ph.D candidates under this attractive scheme. Interested candidates are requested to apply soon as this scheme is only available to students who join the Ph.D program in 2015. Applications will be reviewed on a regular basis and decision about each application will be made within a month of its submission. The institute reserves the right to fix suitable criteria for short listing of eligible candidates satisfying qualification and experience. Only shortlisted candidates may be called for an interview.

The scheme is available for Ph.D candidates in the following research topicswhich come under the broad research categories of  Electronic Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) and  Information Technology Enabled Services(ITES) .

Research areas

  • Organic electronic materials : Molecular materials are one of the possible building blocks for future electronic devices. Molecules with rectifying and switching functions will be studied on surfaces.
  • Thin films and engineered surfaces : Thin films based on photo-chromic molecules will be prepared on metals and semiconductors. The optical responses, conductance etc of these thin films will be studied using suitable techniques.
  • Nanoscale plasmonics for all-optical switching and signal processing : developing a predictive understanding of structure-optical property relationships in plasmonic nanomaterials and their assemblies using advanced single-molecule level spectroscopic techniques
  • Femtosecond pulse shaping to modulate molecular characteristics : Develop optical approaches to Quantum Information and Computing.  
  • Investigation of wettability of solid surface as a function of its roughness
  • Biodegradable solar cell materials based on imidazolin-5-ones : These molecules are the chromophore present in the green fluorescent proteins.  Apart from being biodegradable the molecules can be tuned by electron push-pull groups to absorb a variety of wavelengths for light harvesting.
  • Synthesis of organic and organometallic molecules for nonlinear optics and molecular electronics

Please visit the following link for general information regarding this scheme. Visvesvaraya Ph.D scheme

Salary and Benefits

Some of the highlights of this scheme are the following:

  • Ph.D fellowship: The position will be offered initially for a period of one year and can be extended upto five years, pending satisfactory progress as determined through periodic evaluations.
  • Scholarship: Currently, Visvesvaraya Ph.D. Fellowship Scheme offers a monthly fellowship of Rs. 22,500 for first two years and Rs. 25,000 for the next two years which is likely to be revised upward in the near future. Till any such revision takes place, students admitted through this scheme will be paid a monthly fellowship of Rs. 25,000 for first two years and Rs. 28,000 after two years at par with other agencies like MHRD, DST etc.
  • A contingency grant of 30,000/- per year.
  • Grants for up to two international conference/workshops. This is  over and above  the travel grants that the department of Chemistry, IIT Kanpur already gives to all its Ph.D students via other sources in the department and the institute which cover international trips to all top-tier conferences.

How to Apply

Original transcripts would have to be produced during the admission for verification.


  • Applicants should have an MSc or equivalent degree with at least 55% marks
  • Students finishing all requirements of their qualifying degree by July, 2015 are also eligible to apply.

what is visvesvaraya phd scheme

what is visvesvaraya phd scheme



Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme

Nangal Road, Rupnagar, Punjab-140001

Special advertisement for admission to the full-time PhD program under the “Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics and IT” sponsored by DeitY, Govt. of India for the Academic year 2015-16.

This is a highly competitive national level PhD fellowship scheme under the National Policy on Electronics, Govt. of India for motivated students in the upcoming state-of-art Electronic System Design and Manufacturing research areas . The salient features of the program are:

*This is a full-time PhD program with fellowship for a maximum period of five years.

*Fellowship @ Rs. 22,500 per month for 1 st and 2 nd yr, and @ Rs. 25,000 per month for 3 rd , 4 th , and 5 th yr. (This will be revised to Rs. 31250 and Rs 35,000 per month, respectively)*

*HRA on the abovementioned amount is available to candidates who do not reside in the campus as per government rules.

*Annual contingency grant @ Rs. 30,000 per year per PhD student.

*In addition, a PhD candidate under this scheme is eligible to apply for an international travel support of upto Rs. 50000 from DeitY.

We invite applications from eligible candidates in the following thrust areas of interdisciplinary research under the above scheme at IIT Ropar.

adresinden ulaşabilirsiniz.

. Please read the instructions carefully before filling the online applications.

* This is subject to confirmation by DeitY. For any queries, please contact: Dr. Rohit Y. Sharma, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Ropar. Email: [email protected] Phone: 01881-242171


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  1. Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme by Government of India

    what is visvesvaraya phd scheme

  2. Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme- Objective, Financial Support and Key Features

    what is visvesvaraya phd scheme

  3. Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics & IT || For Working Professionals and Non- Ph.D. Faculty||

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  4. IT Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw launches Phase II of Visvesvaraya PhD

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  5. Ph.D. Programme Under Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme in NIT

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  6. Centre launches Phase II of Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme to promote research in ESDM & IT/ITES

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  2. Press conference by all Arunachal Pradesh Orphan welfare society

  3. AMU PH.D Admission forms 2022 2023 l visvesvaraya scheme Phd l last date 15 December 2022 phd

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  6. EdUHK- Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS)


  1. PhD Scheme

    Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics & IT. Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India initiated "Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics and IT" with an objective to enhance the number of PhDs in Electronics System Design & Manufacturing (ESDM) and IT/IT Enabled Services (IT/ITES) sectors in the country. ...

  2. MeitY

    This Scheme provides 25% more fellowship amount than most of the other Ph.D. Schemes. The scheme also provides an infrastructural grant of ₹ 5,00,000/- per candidate to the academic institutions for the creation/ up-gradation of laboratories. Part-time Ph.D. candidates get a one-time incentive on completion of the Ph.D.

  3. Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme

    Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme For participation in phase-II of the scheme, please visit Phase 1 of the Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme was initiated in March 2014 for a duration of 9 years, i.e. March 2023.

  4. Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme

    The Scheme also provides infrastructure support to institutions. Details of the financial support under the Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme are given at Annexure-1. Based on the seats allocated to various institutions in the States, State-wise beneficiaries of the Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme under Phase-I and Phase-II of the scheme are placed at Annexure-2.

  5. Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics & IT

    "Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme" is an Institutional Scheme, where the PhD seats are allocated to the institutions and the institutes enroll the PhD candidates on these seats following their admission procedures.Support to 1500 PhD Candidates including both Full-Time (500) and Part-Time(1000) in each of ESDM and IT/ITES sectors. ...

  6. Press ReleaseI:Press information Bureau

    Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme was initiated by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) in 2014 with the approval of Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) with an objective to enhance number of PhDs in ESDM & IT/ITES sectors. PhD seats were allocated to 97 institutions (IITs, NITs, Central & State Universities etc.) in 25 ...

  7. Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme

    Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme. 5750. Research paper published. The Scheme is to enhance the number of PhDs in Electronics System Design & Manufacturing (ESDM) and IT/IT Enabled Services (IT/ITES) sectors in the country. Registered Office. Electronics Niketan Annexe, 6 CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003

  8. Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics & IT

    Research Publications. 726. PhD Completed. 78. Thesis Submitted. " Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronic & IT", with the approval of Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, was initiated in 2014 with an objective to enhance no. of PhDs in the country (Budget: Rs. 466 Cr). PhD seats were allocated to 97 institutions (IITs, NITs, Central ...

  9. PDF Information Brochure

    Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics and IT (Phase II), MeitY, GoI. SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai -603203 Phone: 044-27417140, 27417149 Website: . 2 1.ABOUTTHE PH.D RESEARCH PROGRAMMES

  10. Press Information Bureau

    Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme was initiated by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) in 2014 with the approval of Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) with an objective to enhance number of PhDs in ESDM & IT/ITES sectors. PhD seats were allocated to 97 institutions (IITs, NITs, Central & State Universities etc.) in 25 ...

  11. Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme

    Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme-Phase-I: To enhance the number of PhDs in the country in Electronics & IT, Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme was initiated in March 2014 by MeitY with Cabinet's approval, for 9 years (extended till March 2024) with outlay of Rs. 466 Cr.The scheme is being implemented by DIC. The scheme has covered 97 institutions in 25 states & 4 UTs. 512 full time & 100 Part Time PhDs are ...

  12. Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme January-2024 (Open).

    Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme January-2024 (Open). Applications are invited for admission to full-time Ph.D Engineering program of the Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR) in January-2024 session for three seats under Visvesvaraya Scheme supported by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY), Government of India.

  13. Centre launches phase 2 of Visvesvaraya PhD scheme to support ...

    Visvesvaraya PhD scheme was initiated by the ministry of electronics Phase two of the scheme is being launched with enhanced features to serve the purpose of productive research in India.

  14. IIT Gandhinagar

    IIT Gandhinagar is looking for bright and dedicated young scholars interested in research to join us as Ph.D. scholars under the Visvesvaraya PhD scheme for Electronics and IT. The scheme is available for Ph.D candidates in the research topics which come under the broad research categories of Electronic Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) and ...

  15. PDF Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics & IT- Phase II 1. Background

    svesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics & IT- Phase II1. BackgroundMEITY has approved implementation of Phase-II of Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics & IT with the objective of enhancing the number of PhDs in the Electronic Syst. m Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) and IT/IT Enabled Services (ITES).Phase-I.

  16. Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics & IT

    ISTI Portal is a central repository of content generated in and by the Indian STI ecosystem with a major thrust to reach out to students, researchers, scholars, scientists from India and abroad, as to help them choose fellowships, scholarships, funding, and startup opportunities in India.

  17. Schemes / Projects

    Notification of Approved Schemes; Scheme for scaling up number of PhDs in Electronics and IT. A Scheme to enhance the number of PhDs in the Electronic System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) and IT/IT Enabled Services (ITES), DeitY, March 2014 449.77 KB; Institutions approved for supporting Visvesvaraya PhD scheme for Electronics & IT during academic year 2014-15, as on 7th December,2014 212.42 KB

  18. Press Information Bureau

    Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme was initiated by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) with the approval of Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) in 2014 with an objective to enhance number of PhDs in ESDM & IT/ITES sectors. 908 full-time, 304 part-time PhD candidates and 158YFRFs are enrolled at 97 institutions including ...

  19. Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme

    Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme. The Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DEITY), Government of India has approved 10 Ph.D positions in our department under the VisvesvarayaPh.D scheme. Department of Chemistry at IIT Kanpur would like to get motivated and committed Ph.D candidates under this attractive scheme.

  20. PDF Department of Electronics Engineering Indian Institute of Technology

    Communication regarding Visvesvaraya Ph.D. Admissions 2023-2024 should be sent to the following address with the envelope superscripted with "Ref: Visvesvaraya Ph.D. Admission - 2023-2024" Prof. Ravi Kumar Gangwar INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (INDIAN SCHOOL OF MINES) DHANBAD DHANBAD-826004, JHARKHAND, INDIA

  21. PDF Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme: Phase-II @IIIT ALLAHABAD (Available in ESDM

    Salient features of the Visvesvaraya Scheme (Full Time PhD Candidates) The candidates would be enrolled at the supported institution (IIIT Allahabad) under the scheme as per the procedural norms and 'Terms & Conditions' of supported institution as well as the Terms & Condition of the Visvesvaraya Ph.D. scheme: Phase -II.

  22. Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme

    Special advertisement for admission to the full-time PhD program under the "Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics and IT" sponsored by DeitY, Govt. of India for the Academic year 2015-16. This is a highly competitive national level PhD fellowship scheme under the National Policy on Electronics, ...

  23. PDF Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme: Phase-II @IIIT ALLAHABAD (Available in ESDM

    Visvesvaraya PhD S cheme: Phase-II @IIIT ALLAHABAD (Available in ESDM/ IT/ ITES) IIIT Allahabad invites applications for admission to the Ph.D. programmes for admission in Session July 2024 under the Visvesvaraya Ph.D. Scheme: Phase-II. The available vacancies are as follows - Table - 1 D e par tme n t P rogram for Admi s s i on Avai lable S e ...