PhD in STEM Education

The PhD in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education offers students the opportunity to advance knowledge in STEM Education through original research. Graduates of this program pursue careers as researchers and educators dedicated to improving STEM education.

STEM Education is an interdisciplinary program. We conduct research in many different STEM learning environments including, college-level STEM courses, K-12 classrooms, makerspaces and afterschool programs, and community-based collaborations. We work collaboratively across other departments at Tufts and with the Center for Engineering Education and Outreach (CEEO) and the Institute for Research on Learning and Instruction (IRLI).  

The program enrolls five students each year on average. Both full-time and part-time options are available. Full-time PhD students receive full tuition support for five years, a stipend, and health coverage.

We encourage interested students to look over faculty research areas and email a potential mentor, providing a brief summary of your background and research interests, before the application deadline. Admissions decisions are made by the STEM Education faculty as a whole.

Message from Program Director

Julia Gouvea Director, STEM Education Program

Program of Study

Upon entry into the program, each PhD student is assigned two program advisors, one of whom is a faculty member in STEM Education and serves as the student’s primary mentor. Program advisors help students choose courses, internships, and research activities. These advisors can be changed at any time within the program.

PhD students generally work in research assistantships on externally funded projects and may also have opportunities to serve as teaching assistants, either in education or in STEM courses. We also encourage students to apply for a teaching fellowship through the GIFT Program.

Course Requirements

Students are required to complete 18 courses to fulfill requirements for the PhD in STEM Education degree. These include:

  • 12 graduate-level courses in Education
  • 2 graduate-level courses in a STEM discipline
  • Enrollment in the STEM Education program seminar for 2 years (2 courses)
  • Two courses in dissertation work

These requirements can be adjusted, depending on the student's background as evaluated by their advisors and by the STEM Education Program Committee. Students who have taken graduate-level coursework in education or in STEM may reduce the number of required courses by applying for a transfer of credits. No undergraduate courses will count towards the PhD degree.

Research/Internship Requirement

PhD students must complete an original research study for their dissertation. The program is built around a set of experiences designed to help students reach this goal. In addition to coursework, PhD students complete two qualifying papers. Ideally, qualifying papers lead to professional presentations and publications and into the dissertation project.

Read more about STEM PhD Program Requirements .

Job Placement

Graduates of the STEM Education program pursue careers in many areas of PreK-university STEM Education. About 40% of graduates conduct research or teach in higher education institutions. About 25% of graduates are K–12 educators. And about 35% have research or administrator positions in educational institutions including museums, non-profits, and universities.

Examples of positions held by alumni of the STEM Education PhD include:

  • Program Coordinator for Math and Science at Lakes Region Community College
  • Research Scientist at Educational Testing Service (ETS)
  • Manager of Research and Evaluation at the Museum of Science and Industry
  • Tenured and tenure track faculty at research institutions around the world

To learn about our alumni visit the Meet Students and Alumni page.

Related and Joint Programs

Students interested in cognitive science may consider the joint Cognitive Science PhD program. In order to apply to this program through the Education Department, you must identify a primary mentor in the STEM Education program who is also affiliated with the Cognitive Science program.

Students may also consider applying to graduate programs in STEM disciplines, many of which have formal or informal opportunities to conduct education research. Students with strong backgrounds in physics may consider the Physics Education track , which we offer in collaboration with the Department of Physics & Astronomy. 

Students with a strong background in biology may consider the Biology Education Research concentration offered through the Department of Biology. We encourage prospective students to discuss these options with potential advisors.

Program Objectives

The objectives of the PhD STEM Education program will allow students to do the following:

  • Theory and research on learning, development, and teaching; cognitive science; and the sociocultural foundations of education, both broadly and within their discipline
  • Developmental, pedagogical, content specific, and sociocultural challenges inherent in teaching and learning
  • Research methods and results appropriate for the development of studies that will contribute to new theoretical insights and practical approaches to education
  • Knowledge and practices in their respective disciplines
  • Theory and research on learning and teaching in their disciplines
  • Express themselves and disseminate effectively within professional research communities through oral presentations and manuscripts submitted for publication in peer-reviewed venues.
  • Address questions of educational and social relevance grounded in disciplinary knowledge, where relevance refers both to the field at large and to students' particular professional experiences and interests
  • Collaborate with others on joint research projects
  • Situate their research within a global and international community
  • Understand the importance of respecting the children, teachers, students, and educators with whom they work
  • Build on the work of others and eventually contribute to the corpus of human knowledge and understanding in their fields
  • Formulate researchable questions, design methods for addressing them, execute empirical studies, and validate conclusions

Program Faculty

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STEM Education, Ph.D.

STEM Education, Ph.D.

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The PhD in STEM Education

The PhD in STEM Education is designed for those who seek to increase their competence in a selected area of STEM education (e.g., science education, mathematics education, educational technology), including competence in a particular STEM field (science, technology, engineering, mathematics). Recipients gain appropriate knowledge and skills for teaching, supervisory, research, and administrative positions in higher education, including college and university STEM Education programs, and programs in STEM fields in community and state colleges, liberal arts colleges, and universities.

There are three primary specializations within the PhD in STEM Education program: Science Education, Mathematics Education, and Educational Technology.

Who May Apply for This Program

Admission to this PhD program requires completion of a Master's degree. Program requirements include completion of:

  • a major technical area (MTA), with 21 graduate credits in a STEM field beyond the Bachelor's degree; and
  • a minimum of 42 credits of PhD coursework and research.

In addition, Master's graduates who have a strong background in their content field because of their Bachelor's degree and graduate coursework have been admitted into this PhD program. For example, doctoral students with a background and interest in Environmental Education have pursued their PhD studies in Science Education.

Although it is advisable that Master's students seeking to pursue a PhD complete a research experience, students with non-thesis research experience have been allowed to pursue PhD study in STEM Education.

There are three phases of study in this PhD program:

  • Phase 1 consists of coursework, both for the MTA requirement and in educational theories and trends, research, and statistics. The coursework in Phase 1 is designed to broaden and deepen students' knowledge in their STEM field and in education, as well as prepare them for dissertation research. Upon completion of the coursework, PhD students take their doctoral comprehensive exams.
  • Phase 2 involves the development and defense of a research proposal, with guidance from your major advisor and committee. The preparation and defense of a proposal ensures that each student is able to translate their knowledge into a coherent and feasible research plan.
  • Phase 3 involves carrying out all aspects of the proposed study, collecting and preparing data, running analyses, and completing and defending a dissertation. Students enhance their understanding of what goes into the conduct and reporting of educational research in an area of STEM education.

Typically, Phases 1 - 3 require at least four years of full-time effort, but can require more time.

The knowledge and experience gained in this program are useful to graduates as teachers, consumers of research, researchers, and research advisors.

Do Cutting-Edge, Real-World Research

The PhD program in STEM Education is designed to emphasize coursework and research; unlike Bachelor's and Master's degrees, it does not include an internship opportunity. However, courses in educational theories, research, and statistics engage students in projects, and these can be as real-world as students wish. MTA coursework often includes lab and fieldwork.

In addition, although dissertation studies usually emphasize theory and research, many PhD students also design their study to address needs within a particular area of educational practice.

Internationally Recognized Faculty

Among the faculty who teach in this program, Dr. Thomas Marcinkowski has received the Walter E. Jeske Award (2010) and the award for Outstanding Contributions to Research in Environmental Education (1994), both from the North American Association for Environmental Education. His emphasis is on assessment, evaluation, and research studies in the areas of environmental literacy, responsible environmental behavior, and environmental quality. He has been involved in the development of assessment tools in these areas and, more generally, in program evaluation studies.

Samantha Fowler has received the Outstanding Position Paper Award (2013) from Southeastern Association for Science Teacher Education. She focuses on socio-scientific reasoning - how the general public uses scientific information in their day-to-day lives and how policy-makers use scientific evidence in their decisions. She is currently researching how social media effects socio-scientific reasoning, particularly regarding controversial issues. She also explores the effectiveness of new pedagogy styles in lecture and laboratory classes.

Career Benefits

This PhD degree is not designed to help doctoral students satisfy credentialing requirements - that is undertaken at the Bachelor's and Master's levels. However, from both an occupational and a professional perspective, one of the benefits of completing a PhD is to become more competitive career-wise, which is vital in today's challenging job environment. The research background and experience students gain in this PhD program adds depth to their teaching, and provides them with insights that aid them in their future research and research advisory work.

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STEM Education Doctoral Program

Stem education.

Doctoral Program

STEM Education Programs

The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in STEM Education examines how people learn STEM subjects and how teachers, schools, and communities can inspire learners of all ages in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.

  • The program is designed for students who are preparing for research careers.
  • 63 hours of coursework (including dissertation) are required for the degree, 12 of which are graduate coursework in a discipline area (science, mathematics, engineering).
  • The discipline content hours may be waived for students who have a master’s degree in a content area (e.g., mathematics, not mathematics education).
  • The typical timeframe for completing the degree is 4-6 years.
  • The Ph.D. degree requires active engagement with faculty and a research group on campus, and therefore it is not usually recommended for students who are working full time or not in residence at UT Austin.
  • All admitted applicants to the PhD program are considered for research fellowships; no additional materials are required to be considered.
  • Due to the limited number of fellowships, most first-year PhD students work as Teaching Assistants (TAs) in the College of Natural Science (in their area of undergraduate specialty such as math), or in the College of Education (primarily for those with K-12 teaching experience).
  • Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) positions are typically reserved for PhD students in later years of their program.

Students in the Ph.D. STEM program will learn about and participate in cutting-edge research that explores ways in which to make STEM education more effective, inclusive, and transformative. The overall focus of the program is to ensure that all learners have an equitable opportunity to learn. Our faculty are involved in research across a range of topics, including how people learn core ideas and practices in STEM, how the nature of learning environments affects STEM student access, opportunity, and identity, the preparation and professional development of STEM teachers, and the role of STEM learning in informal spaces.

Please note:  Required STEM Ed Core and Advanced Topics courses must be taken for a letter grade. Other coursework (including content courses, research methods, and supporting coursework) may be taken as credit/no credit with instructor permission. However, no more than 20% of a student’s program of work (no more than 9 credit hours for Ph.D. students; no more than 6 credit hours for master’s students) can be taken as credit/no credit.

Photo of faculty member Maura  Borrego

Studies engineering and STEM higher education, including faculty, graduate students and undergraduates.

Photo of faculty member Emma  Gargroetzi

Explores the intersection of the sociopolitical and mathematical lives of children with a focus on identity and learning.

Photo of faculty member Carlos Nicolas  Gómez Marchant

Investigates intersections of race, language, and mathematics through the experiences of Latinx students learning and doing mathematics.

Photo of faculty member María González-Howard

Research explores the intersections of multilingualism, scientific sensemaking, and teacher education, with a specific focus on the ways multilingual students engage in science practices through translanguaging.

Photo of faculty member Kemper Lipscomb

Focuses on the ways students learn in science courses using computational modeling.

Photo of faculty member Tia  Madkins

Engages humanizing research approaches to examine equity-focused PK-16 STEM teaching and learning across urban contexts with a focus on Black girls.

Photo of faculty member Jill A Marshall

Teaches courses for pre-service in STEM subjects and explores student understanding of mathematical and physical models.

Photo of faculty member Catherine  Riegle-Crumb

Focuses on the social construction of gender and racial/ethnic inequality in educational opportunities and experiences in STEM fields from a sociological perspective. Methodological expertise in quantitative research methods and analyses of large sca...

Photo of faculty member Victor  Sampson

Studies the ways culturally and linguistically diverse groups of people use disciplinary the core ideas and practices of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) to explain phenomena or to solve problems that are meaningful and consequ...

Photo of faculty member Jennifer C Smith

Teaches preservice K-12 teachers how to teach meaningful STEM content in innovative, student- and community-centered ways.

Photo of faculty member Cathery  Yeh

Dr.Yeh's research examines the intersections of race, language, and disability to provide a more nuanced analysis of the constructions of ability in mathematics classrooms and mathematics education systems. Her scholarship centers on partnerships wit...

Prerequisites for Admission

Prerequisites for admission to the doctoral degree program are a baccalaureate or master’s degree and prior coursework in one or more STEM fields. The amount of prior coursework expected depends upon the student’s grades and area of interest. Teaching experience is highly desired.

Admission into the doctoral program is not automatic for STEM Masters graduates. A STEM Master’s student applies to the doctoral program by completing the full application process. This requires submission of three letters of recommendation (as many as possible from professors on our faculty attesting to your ability to fulfill the requirements for a Ph.D.), transcripts, and a personal statement. The personal statement should address why you want to pursue a Ph.D., what you plan to research, which faculty members you wish to work with on research and why, and what you anticipate doing with a Ph.D.

Graduate students wanting to pursue a degree in STEM Education will matriculate once a year, during the fall semester. Graduate students may transfer from other programs within the Graduate School to a degree plan in STEM Education. In order to transfer, students must apply to and be recommended for admission into the GPSME. Transfer student applications from other programs in the Graduate School will be handled in a manner consistent with the policies established above for regular applicants. In addition, students should follow current Graduate School policies regarding transferring to UT.

NOTE:  Those of you applying to the STEM Education program should select STEM Education (32800) for your major. 

Application Guidelines

As a prospective student, you are required to apply first using the state application system,  ApplyTexas . Here, you will input your biographical information, resume/CV, statement of purpose, transcripts and letters of recommendation. We strongly encourage you to start this process well in advance of the deadline to allow us enough time to process your information.

NOTE: Those applying to the STEM Education program should select STEM Education (32800) for your major.

Program Requirements

A bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution in the U.S.; or proof of equivalent training at a foreign institution.

A minimum GPA of 3.0, particularly during the last two years of college and in any previous graduate study. The department will consider applications with lower GPAs. If you feel that your grade point averages or test scores are not valid indicators of your ability, please wait till you have submitted your application and  upload a miscellaneous document  explaining your concerns.

We also consider teaching experience as a criterion during the admission process. EC-16 teaching experience, especially among underserved populations, is preferred by most program areas. 

Application Status

Once all application materials are uploaded and completed, the  Graduate School  will refer your application to the department. This initial review process by the grad school will take about 1 – 2 weeks, so be sure to have everything turned in well in advance of the deadlines. 

After Your Decision

Applicants may be admitted, admitted with conditions, or denied admission.  Learn more on the Graduate School website .

Contact  Stephen Flynn , our departmental Graduate Admissions Coordinator, with any questions regarding C&I or STEM Education admissions. 

Please also see  General Guidelines from the Graduate School .

Course Requirements

  • Core courses: 12 hours
  • STEM content courses: 12 hours
  • Research Methodology courses: 12 hours
  • Research Practicum: 9 hours
  • Advanced Topics courses: 6 hours
  • Supporting course work: 6 hours
  • Dissertation: 6 hours
  • Total: 63 hours

Core Courses: 12 hours

All doctoral students are required to take  f our core courses:

  • STM 385 Knowing & Learning in STEM Education
  • STM 386 Curriculum History and Development in STEM Education
  • STM 390-1 Equity in STEM Education
  • STM 390-2 Research on Teaching and Teacher Development in STEM Education

STEM Content Courses: 12 hours

Students must take a minimum of 12 hours of courses in one or more STEM content areas. This requirement is waived for students who have a master’s degree in Science, Math, Engineering, or Computer Science. Other kinds of degrees or course work are considered on a case-by-case basis.

If students are preparing to teach at the post-secondary level, they will be advised to study one particular discipline in depth. If they are preparing to work at the elementary or secondary level, a broader program of study is recommended.

Research Methodology Courses: 12 hours

A minimum of 12 hours of courses in research methodology is required. All students must enroll in a qualitative and a quantitative course or courses sufficient for competent technical review of manuscript articles and proposals.

In addition, students must have a methodology specialty that will be used in dissertation research. A course in program evaluation can also be used to satisfy this requirement.

Students who enter the program with a Master’s degree in Education will have one, 3-hour Research Methodology Course waived.

STEP 1: 6 hours

  • EDC 385R  Introduction to Quantitative Research Design Other course choices for this requirement must be approved by the Graduate Advisor
  • AND  EDC 386R  Introduction to Qualitative Research; other course choices for this requirement must be approved by the Graduate Advisor.

STEP 2: 6 Hours

Two Advanced Research Courses—either Quantitative, Qualitative or Mixed-Methods. Courses that meet this requirement are at the consent of the student’s Faculty Advisor and the Graduate Advisor.

Examples of Advanced Quantitative Research Choices

  • EDC 387R  3-Survey Research Methods
  • EDC 387R  4-Mixed Methods Design-Based Research
  • ELP 392P   Advanced Quantitative Research Design

Examples of Advanced Qualitative Research Choices

  • EDC 388R  1-Narrative and Oral Tradition
  • EDC 388R  2-Discourse Analysis
  • EDC 388R  3-Ethnographic and Qualitative Research methods

Research Practicum (9 hours)

  • STM 396 T* Directed Research in STEM Education (9 hours)

Note : These 9 credit hours are to be completed over the course of at least three different semesters.

One course (3 hrs) is a content- Specific Education Course; students choose a content area in which they want to focus in terms of education research (e.g. math education, science education, physics education, engineering education) and sign up for an independent study to work with a faculty member to read key research in the field. Recommended that students do this the summer of their first year or beginning of the second year. For the remaining two courses (6 hours total, but to be taken in separate semesters), students join and actively participate in a faculty member’s research working group. Recommended that students enroll in these courses during the second year of coursework.

Advanced Topics Courses: 6 hours

Faculty will provide regular advanced topic courses on special areas of interest or on emerging areas of research. These courses appear under the STM 390T heading in the online course schedule.

Students who enter the program with a Master’s degree in Education will have one 3-hour Advanced Topics Course waived.

Supporting Courses: 6 hours

Students are expected to broaden and deepen their program of work through taking a variety of related course work consonant with their scholarly interests, in consultation with a graduate adviser. 

Students who enter the program with a Master’s degree in Education will have one 3-hour Supporting Course waived.

Dissertation: Minimum 6 hours

Students are required to continuously register for at least three credits of dissertation once they have  advanced to candidacy . 

You must register in X99W (399, 699, or 999W) in each semester of candidacy until you graduate.

Please Note:  Students receiving fellowships, assistantships, or other financial aid, may be required to take 9 hours of dissertation credit each semester.

Research Methodology Requirements

STEP 1 (6 hours)

  • EDC 385R  Introduction to Quantitative Research Design Other course choices for this requirement must be approved by the Graduate Advisor  

STEP 2 (6 Hours)

Two Advanced Research Courses—either Quantitative, Qualitative or Mixed-Methods. Students should meet with their individual Faculty Advisor or the STEM Education Graduate Advisor to select these courses.

Additional Resources

  • Request More Information
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Current Student Resources

At a Glance

Program Starts : Fall

Deadline to Apply : December 31

Credit Hours Required : 63

Schedule : Flexible

Program Location : On Campus

GRE Required? No

Photo of Catherine Riegle-Crumb

Program Area Coordinator, Advisor Catherine Riegle-Crumb

Find out information about the admission process and application requirements.

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College of Education and Human Development

Department of Curriculum and Instruction

STEM education

The PhD in STEM education is interdisciplinary across STEM fields. Students pursuing this degree will choose an area of emphasis in one of four specializations—science, mathematics, engineering, or agriculture—while simultaneously participating in scholarly work that spans all areas of STEM education. This integrated style of study is one of the first in the nation, and is designed to prepare scholars to conduct thoughtful disciplinary and interdisciplinary research in STEM education in order to assume roles as university faculty members, educational leaders, policymakers, and researchers.

This program emphasizes: 

  • K-12 STEM integration 
  • Teacher preparation and professional development 
  • Equity and social justice 
  • Research on K-12 and higher education teaching and learning

Quote from Felicia Leammukda

I chose the University of Minnesota because I wanted to work with a diverse population of students and develop a curriculum that would fit the needs of a differentiated classroom. The grant I was first assigned to allowed me to do both those things. Felicia Leammukda PhD candidate 2019

Mathematics specialization

Mathematics education faculty spend significant time in K-12 schools, collaborating with teachers, and conducting research to improve mathematics curricula and pedagogy. Coursework and research in this field emphasizes both: 

  • Mathematics teacher preparation 
  • Mathematical knowledge for teaching 
  • Practice-based teacher education 
  • Teaching and learning rational numbers and fractions in grades 4-8 
  • Identifying strategies to increase underrepresented student achievement 
  • Math in urban classrooms 

Agricultural specialization

This is a research-oriented program that will prepare students for university faculty positions, public and corporate leadership roles in education, natural resource management, extension education, international development, and many other professional careers in agriculture and life sciences. 

Career outlook

Graduates of the program have assumed positions as university faculty, instructional leaders in the public schools, curriculum developmental specialists, and assessment specialists. 

Some recent graduates have gone on to the following positions: 

  • Assistant Professor, Teacher Education, St. Thomas University 
  • Assistant Professor, University of Idaho
  • Visiting Assistant Professor at Carleton College 
  • Assistant Professor of Science Education at Iowa State University 
  • Assistant Professor, Purdue University 
  • Assistant Professor of Natural Sciences at Metropolitan State University 
  • Coordinator of Science and Mathematics, St. Cloud Public Schools 
  • STEM Coordinator, Owatonna Public Schools 

Science specialization

This includes both science and environmental education in PK-12 settings, at the college level, and in informal and adult settings. Focus areas of research include: 

  • Pre-service and in-service science teacher education and induction and mentoring of beginning science teachers
  • Design and implementation of K-16 curricula 
  • Environmental education 
  • Integrated STEM education 

Engineering specialization

Engineering education is an emerging research discipline that spans pioneering work in how engineering concepts are introduced, learned and effectively taught at the K-12 level. Connect with students and faculty in the University of Minnesota's College of Science and Engineering . Be challenged by the rigors of the engineering field and the complexities of integrating and evaluating engineering curricula in both formal and informal settings. 

PhD curriculum

The PhD in STEM includes a core curriculum and four specializations to choose from depending on your research interests. Students will complete 48 course credits and 24 thesis credits for 72 in total. To view the curriculum requirements in detail visit the Education, Curriculum, and Instruction PhD page in the course catalog,  go to Requirements, go to program subplan, scroll down to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics education.

Research opportunities

Students can engage in research that advances the field of STEM education and ties into their area of interest. Faculty work closely with each student to achieve research and educational goals and improve educational opportunities for students. Learn more about the student research experience in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. 

Gillian Roehrig Gillian Roehrig

My research and teaching interests are centered on understanding how teachers translate national and state standards into their classrooms.

Gillian Roehrig

How to apply

Application deadline and instructions.

Priority deadline : December 1 for admission to the fall of the following year Admissions decisions : January

Applications submitted after this date are considered on a case-by-case basis and may not be reviewed until the following year. Faculty review applications in mid-late December, and the Graduate School will notify applicants about admission decisions shortly thereafter. Final admission decisions are based on complete applications. All application materials must be included for the application to be released for review.

Before applying online , go through the application checklist to ensure you have all the required materials. We are here to help! If you have questions, please contact the Graduate Studies Coordinator . If you are a returning Graduate School student, follow the Readmission guidelines . If you are a current Graduate School student and need to change your program, follow the Change of Status guidelines.

Tuition and funding

We have several funding options to support students full-time through program completion. Support is available in the form of:

  • Teaching Assistantships. The majority work as student teaching supervisors for MEd initial licensure students. Daytime availability, a teaching license, and teaching experience are required
  • Research Assistantships
  • Fellowships. Based on a departmental nomination process. You will be notified by the Director of Graduate Studies if you are being considered for a fellowship. Decisions are made by April 15.
  • Graduate students are also eligible to apply for fellowships and graduate assistantships through other University departments. Visit the University's employment page or fellowships through the Graduate School's Graduate Fellowship Office .
  • Find more detailed federal financial aid and graduate tuition information.
  • Financial support through Teaching Assistantships in MELP , the Writing Center , or the undergraduate TESL program.
  • Fellowships such as FLAS

Application requirements

What we look for.

Admission to our master's of arts and doctoral programs are competitive and we look for candidates whose goals and interests align with the program’s research and scholarship. Program faculty make admissions decisions based on the candidate’s experience and research competencies, along with compatibility of research goals.

Please look at our current faculty members’ research interests.

Our masters and doctoral candidates display

  • Evidence of strong interest in research and in the development of research competencies
  • Evidence of substantial experience in the discipline
  • Strong writing skills
  • Bachelor's degree from an accredited U.S. institution or foreign equivalent

Required application documents

  • Unofficial transcripts .Upload your transcripts into the application system. Please include all transcripts from any institution you have attended, even if you did not earn a degree or certificate. Please do not mail your transcripts. Official transcripts are required only after you are admitted. Tips for uploading your transcript(s) .
  • CI Application Form . Upload in the graduate program additional materials section.
  • Three letters of recommendation . Ask professors, employers, or supervisors to speak to your potential for successfully completing your degree; they will upload their letters directly into the online application.

The GRE is being waived for those applicants applying for Fall 2025.

Required written statements

  • Why you want to study in our department
  • What strengths, expertise, and research experience would contribute to your success in our program
  • Your professional goals for pursuing a research-focused degree
  • Diversity statement .Upload to the Applicant Statements section of the online application. Identify the distinctive qualities, characteristics, and life experiences you would contribute to our community. You may wish to include examples that address your contribution to the diversity of the student body and illustrate your motivation to succeed by setting high standards for accomplishing intellectual and other goals, overcoming obstacles to achievement, and/or helping others to gain access to the resources necessary for success. (please do not exceed one page in length)
  • Short writing sample .(Optional except for Literacy Education applicants). For example, an excerpt from a term paper or research paper for publication. No longer than five pages in English.
  • Common Ground Consortium Fellowship. (Optional) The primary purpose of the CGC is to assist graduate programs in the College of Education and Human Development to recruit exceptional students with the distinct experience provided by HBCUs or similarly distinguishing contexts, provide these students with financial assistance support during their graduate studies, and assistance with career development and job placement afterwards. It offers a pipeline to excellence and an opportunity to diversify perspectives in the academy. If you wish to apply, submit a statement that describes how your participation as a CGC scholar would a) enhance your graduate student experience, b) prepare you for your chosen career, and c) benefit the public. Upload to graduate program additional materials section.

Additional admissions information

Application checklist.

Before applying online , go through the application checklist to ensure you have all the required materials. We are here to help! If you have questions, please contact the Graduate Program Coordinator .

If you are a returning Graduate School student, follow the Readmission guidelines. If you are a current Graduate School student and need to change your program, follow the Change of Status guidelines .

Transfer credits

MA students must complete at least 60 percent of their coursework (not including thesis credits) within our program. PhD students may transfer no more than 15 credits from an outside institution.

A maximum of 12 graduate course credits taken as non-degree seeking or non-admitted status at the University of Minnesota can be transferred; this is counted separately from the maximum 60 percent or 15 non-UMN credits. For example, a PhD student could transfer a maximum of 27 credits (15 non-UMN and 12 non-degree from UMN).

If you earned a MA at the UMN, please contact the Graduate Studies Coordinator to discuss transfer procedures. Thesis credits cannot be transferred.

After you are admitted, you will work with your adviser to determine which credits may transfer.

International applicants

International applicants may also need:

  • An English translation of your transcripts, if the transcript is not in English. Please note: the Graduate School Admissions Office will not accept an evaluation of your international coursework by an outside agency such as ECE or WES; they only accept the original transcripts.
  • TOEFL/IELTS or MELAB. You may qualify for an exception if you have completed 16 semester or 24 quarter credits within the past 24 months in residence as a full-time student at an accredited institution of higher learning in the United States or other country where English is the official language (i.e. U.K, Canada). Score requirements and submission guidelines

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STEM Education

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Program Overview

The Doctor of Education (EdD) at the University of the Southwest is a practitioner doctoral program for the working professional in the field of educational leadership and administration. The program offers an innovative and real-world curriculum that focuses on preparing educational leaders that are dynamic in nature and diverse in their makeup. Emphasis is placed upon preparing administrators for transformational leadership roles and is structured around four domains:  1. Leadership Foundations, 2. Organizational Dynamics and Change, 3. Strategic Planning, and 4. Research. 

The EdD - STEM Education is 100% online Doctor of Education specialized in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) is designed for STEM educators who seek to enhance their knowledge related to STEM education and engage and learn about action research related to STEM teaching and learning. Individuals who work in STEM fields in higher education may also find the program of value. The candidates will take 30 credits of core coursework, 6 credits of research preparation coursework, 12 credits of STEM coursework, and 12 credits of dissertation coursework. Graduates of the program can assume the positions as university faculty, instructional leaders in the public schools, curriculum development specialists, and assessment specialists.

Program Highlights

  • The program can be completed 100% online.
  • All textbooks and course materials are included with the cost of tuition – students NEVER pay for a textbook!
  • A free laptop is included in the first course.
  • Free virtual healthcare.
  • Optional self-design track allowing students to customize specialization courses.
  • Two program residencies include access to world-renowned business professionals and speakers. Residencies can be completed live/on-campus or virtually.
  • Includes a turnkey program price with tuition at $799/cr. and no hidden fees.
  • Includes access to an industry-leading software platform designed to guide students through the dissertation process.

Admission Criteria

  • A conferred master’s degree from a regionally accredited university;
  • A grade point average (GPA) of 3.0, or higher, on a four-point scale in all graduate coursework;
  • Three years, or more, of industry experience in the selected field of study;
  • Official masters transcript(s)
  • Program admission application;
  • Program admission essay*
  • Current resume/cv
  • Two letters of reference
  • A conferred MEd or master’s degree in the field of education from a regionally accredited university;
  • A grade point average (GPA) of 3.5, or higher, on a four-point scale in all graduate coursework;
  • Two years, or more, of classroom experience and three years of experience in administration;

*Program admission essay is an opportunity to demonstrate to the committee why you wish to pursue a doctoral degree at the University of the Southwest and showcase graduate-level writing abilities for their consideration. The essay should be 1,000-1,500 words explaining what you hope to achieve by pursuing a doctoral degree, the personal strengths that will help you succeed in a doctoral program, and describe how obtaining a EdD will help you institute a positive social change within your chosen field or industry.

higher learning commission accreditation

The College of Business Administration at the University of the Southwest has received specialized accreditation for its business programs through the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) located at 11960 Quivira Road in Overland Park, Kansas, USA. For a list of accredited programs please view our IACBE Member status page.


University of the Southwest admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the institution. USW does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin, physical handicap, or sex in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, employment policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletics and other university-administered programs.

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College of Education, Department of STEM Education Interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Education Sciences STEM Education Emphasis

What can you do with your degree.

The Education Sciences Interdisciplinary Ph.D. with an emphasis in STEM Education is an intensive program designed to prepare future researchers, teacher educators, and researcher-practitioners to meet the national call for more individuals with heightened scholarly expertise in STEM Education.

Delivery Method : Hybrid on-campus and online.

Credit Hours : 45 credit hours of coursework culminating in a dissertation study designed by the candidate. 

Department of STEM Education

What You'll Study

  • Education Sciences Interdisciplinary Ph.D. core focusing on research methodologies (12 hours) 
  • STEM Education required courses addressing pedagogy and research in STEM Education (15 hours) 
  • STEM Education Methodology (9 hours) 
  • Electives (9 hours) 

See more about program requirements on the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Education Sciences overview page.  

Program Details

Students must be able to commute to UK’s campus in Lexington, Ky., at least once a week for courses. However, some courses are available fully online and others are hybrid (half online and half on campus).

The time needed to complete the program varies based on students' education and professional experiences, interests, and career goals.

Jennifer Wilhelm  Professor and Director of Graduate Studies  (859) 257-1643 [email protected]  

Funding Opportunities 

Graduate Assistantship opportunities are available for our students. We begin reviewing applications for teaching assistantships in April for funding to begin in the fall semester. However, applications are accepted throughout the year. Availability and renewal depends upon classroom teaching and research needs, and priority is given to students enrolled in our degree programs. 

Full-time assistantships involve about 20 hours of job duties and include a stipend, full tuition waiver, and student health insurance.  Please note that assistantships are not guaranteed to be available for all students needing this opportunity as positions are limited.  To be considered for a funded assistantship, students must have already applied to the program. 

Learn more about:

  • Application requirements 
  • Degree requirements

  Visit the University of Kentucky catalog for more program details

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Cost of Attendance

Understand t he total estimated expense to attend UK, including tuition, fees, housing, meals, books, supplies, transportation, and personal expenses.

Tuition and Fees

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Stony Brook University

  • About the program
  • Admissions information
  • Entrance requirements
  • Program timeline
  • STEM education coursework
  • Statistics and research methodology courses
  • STEM content breadth and depth courses  
  • Qualifying examination
  • Thesis Proposal
  • Thesis research, writing and defense
  • Meet the Current PhD Students
  • Meet the Program Alumni
  • Information for current students
  • Professional Meeting Resources
  • K-12 Resources
  • Undergraduate Resources
  • History resources
  • NY and LI resources


  • Recent Student Publications

The Ph.D. Program in STEM Education at Stony Brook offers a rigorous program of graduate study emphasizing core knowledge from the traditional field of Science Education as well as the emerging fields of Discipline-Based Educational Research (DBER) and the Learning Sciences. 

I-STEM Ph.D. Faculty, Students, and Graduates Presenting Papers at the National Association of Research in Science Teaching 2022 Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia

I-STEM Ph.D. Students and Graduates Presenting Papers at the National Association of Research in Science Teaching 2020 Conference in Portland, Oregon

Keith Sheppard & Angela Kelly

10 Best Online STEM PhD Programs [2024 Doctoral Guide]

If you’re passionate about making STEM education more effective, inclusive, and accessible, then earning a STEM PhD may be the next step in your professional journey.

Best Online STEM PhD Programs

Whether your focus is on science, technology, engineering, or mathematics, earning a STEM PhD can help you gain the skills needed to teach and contribute research on STEM education.

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

A STEM PhD program can be beneficial for professionals who are looking to take their careers in education to the next level, whether in an administrative, research, or teaching capacity.

STEM PhD Programs Online

Woman pursuing STEM PhD online

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education PhD programs are designed to prepare students for cutting-edge research, teaching, and administrative careers in STEM education.

Students in this program focus on methods to make STEM education more effective and inclusive for both students and educators.

In this program, you’ll study a range of topics, such as:

  • Advanced evaluation models and survey methods
  • Learning, development, and teaching theory
  • Sociocultural foundations of education
  • Executing empirical studies

Research in this program is also heavily focused on optimizing learning and teaching methods, so there may be a significant amount of cognitive and anthropological coursework. You could also learn about content-specific and sociocultural challenges currently present in teaching and then design study models that analyze these challenges.

In addition, a STEM PhD can help you develop the necessary skills to present to and collaborate with professional research communities as well as submit manuscripts to peer-reviewed publications. Most PhD programs in STEM education also offer various degree specializations, allowing you to focus your studies and research within a specific discipline.

Graduates with an online doctorate in STEM may go on to become research scientists, faculty members at a university, or even directors of program development. It’s also common for graduates to be educators or administrators at K-12 or postsecondary schools.

Some graduates move into instructional design, where they help develop STEM curricula. Others go on to work as policy directors at the local, state, or national level.

Common Online STEM Education PhD Specializations

STEM teacher specializing in Mathematics Education

While online doctoral programs in STEM education have a core curriculum, students are encouraged to choose a specialization that reflects their research interests.

These specializations may include:

  • Educational Technology . This specialization focuses on current and emerging educational technologies used both in classrooms and in online learning environments.
  • Science Education . This specialization focuses on science and environmental education in K-12 and higher education settings, and it also emphasizes science teacher education and the design of science curricula.
  • Mathematics Education . This specialization focuses on mathematics teacher preparation, improving math curricula and pedagogy, and practice-based teacher training.
  • Engineering Education . This specialization explores methods of introduction of engineering concepts, how they are taught, and how to integrate engineering curricula.
  • Agricultural Specialization . This specialization prepares students for corporate or faculty leadership roles in education, resource management, and other careers in life sciences and agriculture.

Different programs may have more or less specializations available. So, before applying to a school, it’s helpful to find out what concentrations they offer.

STEM Careers & Salaries

STEM Careers & Salaries

As a research-focused program, a STEM PhD can help prepare graduates for a variety of careers within the academic world.

Many graduates of this program choose to enter research positions, where they contribute to the body of knowledge regarding STEM education and learning methods. Others become faculty members at universities or community colleges, where they teach STEM education or work as administrators.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , here are the median salaries of potential career paths related to the STEM education field.

Training and Development Managers $120,000
Postsecondary Engineering Teachers $103,550
K-12 Education Administrators $101,320
Postsecondary Education Administrators $99,940
Postsecondary Computer Science Teachers $84,760
Postsecondary Biological Science Teachers $81,650
Postsecondary Mathematical Science Teachers $77,420
Postsecondary Education Teachers $66,930
Instructional Coordinators $66,490
Secondary School Teachers $62,360

Some professionals with a STEM PhD become directors of program development or policy directors, where they help implement policies and curricula direction in STEM subjects.

Graduates with this PhD may also work as instructional coordinators, helping design learning environments and curricula within STEM subjects. Educators with this degree also choose to teach STEM subjects or work as administrators in K-12 schools.

STEM Doctorate Curriculum & Courses

students taking STEM Doctorate degree

While curriculums can differ depending on the school, many courses in online STEM PhD programs cover similar topics. Below are several types of courses you may take:

  • Foundations of Learning, Cognition, and Academic Intervention : This course overviews foundational theories of learning and cognitive development as well as research-based academic interventions.
  • Advanced Intellectual Development of Young Children : This course focuses on theories and research surrounding intellectual development in children, and it explores strategies for applying development research to learning environments.
  • Technological Tools for Thinking and Learning : This course overviews current and emerging learning technologies that may enhance thinking and learning in classrooms.
  • Theory and Research in Science Education : This course covers foundational theories and research in science education, ranging from historical to modern methods.
  • Mathematics Learning Environments : This course overviews learning environments for mathematics, with a focus on classroom environment, cultural environment, and the use of technology to create an immersive learning environment.
  • Anthropology and Sociology of Schooling : This course focuses on schooling from an anthropological and sociological perspective, highlighting traditional schooling methods and cultural influences on learning.
  • Educational Research Methods : This course overviews education research methods, including qualitative, survey, correlational, experimental, and more.
  • Advanced Statistics : This course covers advanced concepts in statistics as well as the practical application of statistical analysis.
  • Problems in Research: Methods and Design : This course explores problems in research methodology and design, including topics like theoretical frameworks, research limitations, and more.
  • Theory and Research in Engineering Education : This course emphasizes foundational theories and research analysis and methodology in engineering education.

You might also be able to complete elective courses, which could consist of topics like curriculum development, cognition, bilingual students in US schools, and more.

Admissions Requirements

Man preparing requirements for STEM PhD

While admission requirements can vary depending on your school, here are some common requirements for doctoral programs:

  • All official college transcripts
  • Resume or CV
  • Personal statement
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Writing sample

Some programs may also require an interview prior to admission. A growing number of schools no longer require the submission of GRE or GMAT scores for admissions. It’s beneficial to check the specific requirements of your prospective school.

Online STEM Programs Accreditation

University offering Online STEM Programs

Confirming whether a prospective school is accredited or not is an essential step to take before applying. Many forms of financial aid are only available to students who attend accredited schools.

In addition, employers, especially those in academia, often require applicants to have received an accredited education. Regional accreditation is considered the most widely recognized type of accreditation, and it acts as quality assurance that your school meets high-quality standards for postsecondary education.

You can verify any prospective school’s accreditation status through the Council for Higher Education Accreditation ’s website.

Financial Aid and Scholarships

STEM PhD Financial Aid

Many students looking to complete STEM doctoral degrees require financial aid to help cover upfront tuition costs.

It’s common for graduate students to apply for student loans from the federal government. Aid may also be available at your state level, depending on where you live or where your school is located.  To determine your eligibility for federal aid and other forms of need-based aid, you can fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) .

You might also be eligible for grants and scholarships from various private institutions, including your prospective school. These financial aid opportunities exist for many situations, so it could be beneficial to explore these options. If you’re currently employed, your employer may also be a resource. Many employers offer benefit programs designed to fund employee education.

What Is a STEM PhD Degree?

Biological Science Teacher with students experimenting in the lab

A science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) PhD degree is designed to increase competence in education in a specific STEM field. Students in this PhD program are provided with the skills needed for advanced research, teaching, supervisory, and administrative positions in STEM higher education.

The cutting-edge research skills gained in this program may allow graduates to make STEM education more effective and inclusive. Students also have the opportunity to contribute original theories in education.  Most PhD in STEM Education programs also offer degree specializations that allow you to tailor your studies and research to a particular STEM discipline.

What Can I Do with a STEM PhD Degree?

Directors of STEM education discussing about their research

Graduates with a STEM doctoral degree often pursue career opportunities in research, teaching, and education administration.

Many of these degree holders choose to enter research or faculty positions at universities or community colleges, where they can teach or conduct and publish original research. Others may become directors of STEM education or policy directors at the local, state, or national level.

Some STEM education professionals become curriculum developers or instructional coordinators and help design curricula and optimize STEM learning environments. Educators may also want to continue teaching STEM subjects at the K-12 level.

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD in STEM Education Online?

Man taking PhD in STEM Education online

Generally, a PhD can take 3 to 5 years to complete with full-time enrollment. This depends not only on the number of credit hours required but also how long it takes to complete your dissertation.

If no dissertation is required, STEM doctoral programs can generally be completed in 3 years with full-time study.Of course, if you enroll part-time at any time, this may extend the overall time it takes to complete your program.

Is a PhD in STEM Education Worth It?

Mathematical Science Teacher explaining the formula to students

Yes, a PhD in STEM Education is worth it for many students. Many graduates with a STEM PhD pursue administrative, research, or teaching careers in K-12 schools or higher education institutions.

If you want to make an impact on future STEM education, you might consider earning this terminal degree. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of postsecondary teachers is forecast to grow 12% over the next ten years, which is much faster than average.

Universities Offering Online Doctorate in STEM Degree Programs

Methodology: The following school list is in alphabetical order. To be included, a college or university must be regionally accredited and offer degree programs online or in a hybrid format.

American College of Education

American College of Education offers a Doctor of Education in Leadership. Several concentrations are available, including Curriculum and Instruction, Higher Education, Instructional Technology, STEM Education, and Literacy. The courses are housed fully online. On average, the program’s 64 required semester credits can be completed in 36 months of full-time study.

American College of Education is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Drexel University

Drexel University offers a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership and Management. This program may be an ideal fit for educators pursuing career advancements or current administrators hoping to deepen their expertise. The program can typically be finished in 5 years of part-time study or 3 years of full-time study. Classes can be attended entirely online.

Drexel University is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

Montana State University

Montana State University offers a Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Curriculum, and Instruction. Potential courses include Higher Education History, Leading Social Justice, Advanced Quantitative Research, and Program Evaluation. The program utilizes a blend of online and in-person class offerings. It requires the completion of 66 credits.

Montana State University is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.

Texas Tech University

Texas Tech University offers a Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction. Educators teaching primarily in sciences, technology, engineering, or mathematics may find an excellent fit in the STEM Education emphasis. The program requires the completion of 63 credit hours. While classes meet primarily online, periodic on-campus intensives may be required in summer terms.

Texas Tech University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

University of Kentucky

The University of Kentucky offers a Doctor of Philosophy in Education Sciences – STEM Education. The curriculum is designed for researchers and educators who wish to have scholarly expertise in the field of STEM Education. The program may be attended in a hybrid online format. It requires the completion of 45 credit hours to graduate.

The University of Kentucky is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

University of Massachusetts Lowell

The University of Massachusetts – Lowell offers a Doctor of Education in Leadership in Schooling. Individuals who teach science, technology, engineering, or math may find an ideal fit in the STEM concentration. Classes meet entirely online throughout the year, but there are summer residency requirements in summer. The program can typically be completed in 3 years.

The University of Massachusetts – Lowell is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education.

University of Pittsburgh

The University of Pittsburgh offers a Doctor of Education in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The curriculum is designed to help educators gain advanced theoretical and practical knowledge in their field of teaching. The program is housed primarily online, though monthly in-person sessions are required. The program is usually attended part-time and can typically be completed in 3 years.

The University of Pittsburgh is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

University of South Carolina

The University of South Carolina offers a Doctor of Education with an emphasis in STEM Education. Potential courses include Principles of STEM Integration, Advanced Study of Diversity and Curriculum, Educational Policy Analysis, and Research in STEM. Classes meet 100% online and are 8 weeks long. The program requires the completion of 60 credit hours.

The University of South Carolina is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

University of Southern Mississippi

The University of Southern Mississippi offers a Doctor of Philosophy in STEM Education. It is intended for individuals who have completed a previous degree in a STEM-content area while maintaining a 3.0 GPA or higher. The program requires the completion of 66 semester hours. Students can complete their coursework online or at one of two campuses.

The University of Southern Mississippi is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

University of the Southwest

The University of the Southwest offers a Doctor of Education in STEM Education. A master’s degree and three years of industry experience are required to apply. The curriculum emphasizes four key aspects: leadership foundations, organizational change, strategic planning, and research. While classes meet online, the two required residencies may be completed on campus.

The University of the Southwest is accredited by Higher Learning Commission.

Getting Your STEM PhD Degree Online

student getting STEM PhD Degree online

Getting your STEM PhD degree online could be a convenient way to earn a doctoral degree while balancing your current career responsibilities.

If you’re passionate about making an impact in one of the STEM subjects or STEM education as a whole, then this research-focused PhD may be the next step in your professional journey. Whether you’re looking to enter an administrative, teaching, or research position, this degree can help you advance your expertise and qualifications in the STEM education field.

Comparing online PhD in STEM Education programs from accredited schools could help you determine which ones best align with your research interests and career goals.

phd stem education online

University of Pittsburgh Shield

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EdD in STEM Education

Three students working together to build a circuit board.

Become an equity-minded and innovation-driven leader of STEM education in K-12 schools and beyond.

Our EdD in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education (STEM Education) is for teachers and educators who desire the skills and credentials needed to advance their practice-oriented careers.

The major is part of the school’s Doctor of Education (EdD) program , which has a variety of different majors to serve professionals from various fields.

The program offers a rigorous theoretical and practical orientation for scholar practitioners aspiring to become leaders in K-12 schools and institutions of higher learning. Our graduates hold positions such as district STEM curriculum supervisor, faculty member at a teaching-focused university, director of STEM education in informal education settings (e.g., environmental education center), or district leader in the STEM fields of science or mathematics.

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View Tuition

Program Facts

Degree Type

Doctor of Education (EdD)

84 credits (24 credits transfer from your previous graduate credits)

Time Commitment

3 years on average

Enrollment Term

Application Deadline

Admissions Requirements

No GRE Exam is required

Program Overview

The EdD major in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education is part of the Doctor of Education (EdD) degree program at the University of Pittsburgh Pitt School of Education. The program aligns with School of Education’s mission to prepare students to be scholars, leaders, and change-makers in education and health, with a particular focus on equity and justice.

Earn Your Degree While Working

The program accommodates the schedules of working professionals and combines an online learning environment with monthly Saturday in-person sessions.

The Best of Online and Face-to-Face

There is a hybrid course delivery model, including a one-day welcome and information event, a week-long intensive on-ramp experience in the first summer, cross-disciplinary practitioner inquiry and foundations courses, and an internship.

Built for Professionals

The EdD helps graduates advance within their professional areas of practice. This is in contrast to our PhD, which is a full-time program that helps to prepare graduates for research-oriented careers and/or working as faculty within research and doctoral granting universities.

Elizabeth Whitewolf

"I love the dedication to equity demonstrated by the faculty here in the School of Education, where we disrupt and transform inequitable educational structures." Elizabeth Whitewolf - Pitt EdD alumni

Take the Next Step


The EdD requires applicants to have 24 credits of relevant graduate work to transfer from a source institution with a B (3.0) or higher according to University policy.

Candidates for the program must have a master’s degree in a related field, as well as education-related work experience and an experience in or aspirations for a leadership position.

View all EdD Admissions requirements

The EdD program is a three-year program that consists of 60 new credits. Students transfer 24 credits from relevant graduate work.


Learning Experiences

The EdD curriculum is delivered in several stages, through a variety methods:

Orientation (Spring)

The EdD cohort participates in a full-day, on-campus, orientation in the spring before the summer start of the program.

The day includes opportunities to meet program faculty, EdD program information, and cohort-building activities as well as an introductory session with other students in your academic major.

Orientation typically takes place in March or April.

On-Ramp Experience (Summer)

The EdD cohort will participate in a full-week, on-campus, experience that includes intense work focused on understanding enduring problems of practice in education, health, and human development.

This one-week experience typically takes place in June, and is a component of the first summer courses (Foundations 1 and Practitioner Inquiry 1).

Online Classes and Hybrid Seminars (Summer, Fall, and Spring)

You will experience a hybrid model of education through online course experiences and in-person, once per month (typically on Saturdays) sessions on the Pittsburgh campus.

Attendance at in-person, on campus sessions is  required .

Degree Requirements

EdD students at the Pitt School of Education complete 10 requirements that are embedded in coursework, including a practitioner inquiry project.

Career Pathways

Graduates of the STEM major are leaders who are scholar-practitioners, and they work in positions including:

  • Leaders in K-12 schools and institutions of higher learning
  • District curriculum supervisor
  • Faculty members at teaching-focused universities
  • District leaders in the STEM fields

Program Faculty

Program Coordinator

M. Beatrice Dias

Beatrice Dias

Tinukwa Boulder

Tinukwa Boulder

Cassie Quigley

Cassie Quigley

Veena Vasudevan

Veena Vasudevan

Program News

phd stem education online

$3 Million Grant Seeks to Build Stronger Career Pathways for Engineering Faculty of Color

$3 Million Grant Seeks to Build Stronger Career Pathways for Engineering Faculty of Color - Read more

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EdD Alumna Stephanie Fiely Advances New Manufacturing Assistance Program

EdD Alumna Stephanie Fiely Advances New Manufacturing Assistance Program - Read more

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STEM Education PhD

Offered as: 

The STEM Education PhD program at UMass Dartmouth helps address the national shortage of essential STEM educators and the need for better STEM education teaching practices. Doctoral students gain in-depth knowledge, robust interdisciplinary research skills, and a variety of practical experiences. The STEM Education PhD offers concentrations in Mathematics Education and Science Education .

In this doctoral program, you will develop the knowledge and skills needed to:

  • reconstruct, appropriate, and develop mathematical and scientific knowledge
  • explore approaches that emerge from the study of the research literature
  • write original research that represents your own contribution to knowledge
  • use critical-thinking skills to deal with transformation of knowledge
  • formulate and design solutions to complex educational problems

Your research projects involve real-world situations ranging from local schools to higher education departments and other formal and informal learning settings. Your advisors will work with you as you conduct, publish, and present your own research throughout the program.

Doctoral students can explore questions about:

  • how to improve STEM education at the K-12 level
  • how to promote better learning in STEM fields
  • how to engage more K-20 students in STEM-related fields
  • how to prepare teachers to better teach STEM content
  • how to develop materials to support teaching and learning in STEM fields

The Kaput Center

UMass Dartmouth has a long-standing tradition of leadership in STEM with its nationally renowned  Kaput Center for Research and Innovation in STEM Education . The Kaput Center fosters a spirit of innovation among the faculty, graduate students and educational and scientific institutions, industry, and federal agencies. All benefit from the expertise of UMassD faculty and graduates and their research.

Degree requirements

  • 18 credits of introductory coursework to develop your knowledge of research tools, methodologies and theories
  • 18 credits of preparatory coursework that refines and focuses your understanding of the research process
  • 36 hours of doctoral work, 12 of which are doctoral coursework and 24 credits of dissertation research

Student success

Accepts tenure-track position at Appalachia State University

UMassD School of Education mean starting salary: $ 64,362

Assistantship opportunities.

A limited number of assistantships are available on a competitive basis. This award is subject to the work needs of the position and department, your satisfactory performance of duties, your academic record, and availability of funds, and may be subject to change.

Learn more about assistantships at UMass Dartmouth

University requirements for graduate admissions

  • Submit an application via the online portal. Be sure to provide your full legal name and to capitalize the first letter of all proper nouns.
  • Pay non-refundable $60 application fee (American Express, Discover, MasterCard or Visa) via the online portal. For Nursing applicants, the non-refundable application fee is $75.
  • Statement of Purpose, minimum 300 words. Unless otherwise indicated in the program requirement details, indicate your graduate study objectives, research interests and experience, and business or industry experience if applicable. If you are applying for a teaching or research assistantship, include any special skills or experience that would assist us in making assistantship decisions.
  • Transcripts for all post-secondary institutions attended (regardless of whether a credential is earned or not). Unofficial transcripts are accepted for admissions application review, once enrolled a final official transcript is required. International students applying with an transcript evaluation, please submit that document with your unofficial transcripts. International applicants for Data Science must submit semester-by-semester transcripts as well as consolidated transcripts. 
  • Many programs have specific recommendations/requirements, please see the additional program-specific requirements for more information.
  • International students : official TOEFL iBT, IELTS, Pearson PTE or Duolingo (if accepted by program) score. Unofficial scores are accepted for admissions application review, once enrolled official scores are required and must be sent by the testing agency (copies/scans not accepted). This is required of any applicant who did not earn a bachelor’s degree or higher degree from an accredited academic institution in the U.S. or accepted English-speaking country, see exemptions for more details . We require an overall/total minimum score of 72 on the TOEFL iBT or BAND 6.0 on the IELTS or a 52 on the Pearsons PTE Academic for entrance to any program and a minimum score of 79 on the TOEFL iBT or BAND 6.5 on the IELTS for consideration for a teaching assistantship. Some programs require higher minimum scores (see program-specific requirements). Most programs also accept the Duolingo with a minimum score of 95. The following programs do not accept the Duolingo: Art Education, Biology/Marine Biology, Nursing (MS, DNP, PhD), Psychology: Clinical, and Public Policy. 
  • All official documents are required for enrollment, please have documents (ie. test scores) sent prior to the expiration. 

Program-specific requirements

Candidates must submit the required application materials, university requirements and program-specific requirements, for consideration.

  • GRE is waived
  • 3 letters of recommendation. Applicants will be required to provide the recommenders name and email address so we can contact the recommender for the letter of recommendation.

Program deadlines

STEM Education faculty

Explore more.

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement
  • UMassD Course Catalog

Course descriptions, schedules and requirements

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Discover why UMass Dartmouth is the right place to earn an advanced degree or certificate.

Application deadlines

Fall: September 1 Spring: Fall only Summer: Not applicable

Stephen Witzig , PhD

Associate Professor Education Liberal Arts 398E

508-910-9030 w{mx~mkDyqewwh2ihy

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Teaching and Learning, Ph.D.

Related links, specialization in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (stem) education.

Students who select a specialization in STEM develop expertise in designing and conducting research that advances scientific knowledge about STEM teaching and learning, taking into consideration paramount issues of language, culture, gender, student exceptionality, ethnicity, and economic disparities. TAL faculty collaborate with faculty in other UM academic units, including the College of Engineering, College of Arts and Sciences, School of Communication, and Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, as well as schools and community STEM organizations within and beyond Miami-Dade County.

Our Students’ Career Objectives

  • We prepare our doctoral students to become academic researchers and university faculty who will assume professional and leadership roles in organizations focused on some combination of science, technology, engineering, and/or mathematics education in the United States and around the world
  • Our doctoral students have assumed post-Ph.D. positions as faculty at research-intensive institutions of higher education, as research scientists or professional development specialists at non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or think tanks, and as specialists in some combination of STEM curriculum, teaching, or testing

phd stem education online

Walter G. Secada

phd stem education online

Jennifer Kahn

Professor Walter G. Secada is a graduate of Miami’s Curley High School. He left Southeast Florida to earn a BA in philosophy (magna cum laude) from the University of Notre Dame, an MS in mathematics and Ph.D. in education, both from Northwestern University. He is Vice Dean of the School of Education and Human Development and Vice Chair of the University’s Social and Behavioral Sciences Institutional Review Board (IRB).

Secada’s scholarly interests include issues of student diversity and equity in education, how people learn across the various STEM fields, curriculum reform, school restructuring, bilingualism and the education of non-dominant-language learners, and assessment. Over the past ten years, he has collaborated with colleagues from Florida State University on two large-scale randomized-control-trials and a follow-up to the original RCT studying the impacts of a professional development program that is known as Cognitively Guided Instruction. His research contrasts CGI and traditional classrooms in terms of mathematics-curriculum enactment and teaching practices; and also, it incorporates issues of equity within the PD. Secada continues to study how the language features of mathematics may provide challenges and affordances to late-elementary and middle-school students who are learning mathematics and who range from English learners to fully proficient in English. A fluent speaker of and literate in Spanish, he is analyzing a series of videotapes where high-school algebra is taught bilingually in terms of teacher practices and language-based math-classroom participatory structures.

Secada has provided consultative assistance to the Peruvian Ministry of Education; been interviewed on Telemundo and Univision; appeared on Oppenheimer Presenta; been a Senior Fulbright Fellow to la Universidad San Pablo in Arequipa, Peru; and been awarded an honorary professorship by Universidad La Salle also in Arequipa. Secada has presented at major conferences throughout the United States and in Chile, China, England, Germany, Greece, Norway, Peru, South Africa, Taiwan, and Thailand. He is a fellow of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), a lifetime member of the National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE), and a longstanding member of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Ji Shen is working on technology-enhanced STEM learning environments, interdisciplinary and integrated learning, modeling-based instruction, and alternative assessments in STEM education. As a native Chinese speaker, he is also interested in issues related to international STEM education. His work has been funded by the National Science Foundation. Dr. Shen holds a doctorate in Physics from Washington University in St. Louis. Prior to joining the University of Miami, Dr. Shen was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, and an assistant professor at the University of Georgia.

As a Learning Scientist, Dr. Kahn looks at how to broaden participation in interdisciplinary, technology-rich activities to support youth learning across community settings, including museums, libraries, and cultural-heritage sites. Her current research qualitatively explores how youth and families critically engage with large-scale data and data visualization tools to connect personal, local experiences with global social-scientific issues. Dr. Kahn teaches courses on qualitative research methods, including video analysis; theories of learning; and the design of informal learning environments. Dr. Kahn’s current collaborations include projects to support storytelling with data and explorations of how youth and families learn together in informal STEM contexts. Dr. Kahn earned her doctorate from Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College.

Core STEM Courses

TAL 774: Research on Learning in STEM Overview of research on student learning, reasoning, problem solving, and sense making; the study of learning in STEM classrooms.

TAL 776: Assessment in STEM Education Classroom based assessment, testing for high stakes and other purposes, national and international comparisons in mathematics and science.

TAL 775: STEM Curriculum Study of STEM curricula and the competing forces that shape them, including standards documents, state and national policy, conceptions of the disciplines, modern and postmodern analyses of curriculum theory.

Program Contacts

Admission inquiries (stem).

Ji Shen Professor Merrick 324B 305-284- 4970 [email protected]

Application Process Questions

Graduate Studies Office 305-284-2167 [email protected]

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Learning and Teaching in STEM, Ph.D.

The PhD in Learning and Teaching in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is designed to produce scholars and learners dedicated to addressing the challenges of providing high quality STEM education to  all students  through a rich variety of organizations and innovative methods of delivery .  Graduates from this program forge new ground in developing theories, designs, and practical solutions for future generations. This degree has three program areas of study: Mathematics and Statistics Education, Science Education, and Engineering and Technology Education.

All doctoral degrees in the College of Education require a minimum of 72 graduate credit hours beyond the bachelor’s degree. Most doctoral programs in the College of Education require a minimum of 60 graduate credit hours beyond an approved master’s degree.

Doctoral Program Areas of Study

Engineering and technology education.

Graduates of our program become rising leaders in engineering and technology education in K-12 formal and non-formal settings. Through scholarly pursuits in the field, learning and teaching, and public policy they take positions as scholars, supervisors, teacher educators, non-formal science/engineering educators, entrepreneurs, designers, and as faculty members in institutions of higher education.

phd stem education online

Mathematics & Statistics Education

Through the Mathematics Education doctoral program, students extensively develop instructional expertise and extend their knowledge of learners, teaching, teacher education, professional development, technology, equity and policy – all while deepening their understanding of mathematical sciences. Before completing the program, students use, conduct and evaluate educational research at the highest level, and engage in professional leadership activities.

phd stem education online

Science Education

Graduates from our program become state and nationally recognized leaders in science education. You will have the opportunity to work with nationally recognized experts in many facets of science education research and practice.

phd stem education online

2024 Best Online PhD in Science Education Programs

Earning a PhD in Science Education can help you advance your science teaching career or help you prepare for a more research-oriented path.

Online PhD in Science Education Programs

Science education is an ever-evolving field, and earning a doctoral degree can allow you to develop specialized skills and expertise in this area.

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

There are a number of PhD programs in science education, so it’s beneficial to research your options in order to find the program that is best suited for your goals and aspirations.

Universities Offering Online Doctorate in Science Education Degree Programs

Methodology: The following school list is in alphabetical order. To be included, a college or university must be regionally accredited and offer degree programs online or in a hybrid format.

Indiana University

Indiana University offers a Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction: Science. The program requires the completion of 60 credit hours, including a dissertation. To be eligible for the program, applicants must have a bachelor’s degree with a minimum GPA of 2.75, a master’s degree, two recommendation letters, and a personal statement.

Indiana University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission.

Texas Tech University

Texas Tech University offers a Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction with a track in STEM. Students must complete 63 credit hours to graduate. Those interested in the program must have a master’s degree in education and submit college transcripts, GRE test scores, and three professional recommendations.

Texas Tech University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

University at Albany

The University at Albany offers a Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction with the option to add a specialization in Science and Mathematics Education. To graduate, students must complete a dissertation, a qualifying exam, and an educational research tool exam. Applicants must submit three letters of recommendation, all official transcripts, and GRE test scores.

UAlbany is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

University of Colorado – Denver

The University of Colorado—Denver offers an online Doctor of Education in Leadership for Educational Equity, Science Education. Students must complete 54 credit hours to graduate. To be eligible for the program, applicants must have a master’s degree. They must also submit a written statement of purpose, three letters of recommendation, and official transcripts from all schools attended and complete an interview.

The University of Colorado – Denver is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

University of Miami

The University of Miami offers a Doctor of Education in Applied Learning Sciences. The program can typically be completed online in 2.5 years. A final project and two one-week residencies at the school are required to graduate. Applicants must submit official transcripts, a resume, a personal statement, and two letters of recommendation.

The University of Miami is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

University of Pennsylvania

The University of Pennsylvania offers a Doctor of Philosophy in Learning Sciences and Technologies. Students must complete 12 classes and a final dissertation to graduate. Applicants must have a master’s degree and two years of experience and submit a statement of purpose, three letters of recommendation, and GRE test scores.

The  University of Pennsylvania  is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

University of South Carolina

The University of South Carolina offers a Doctor of Education in STEM Education. Classes are offered online and are 8 weeks long. To graduate, students must complete 60 credit hours. Those interested in the program must submit two letters of recommendation, a personal statement, a writing sample, and official transcripts from all previously attended institutions.

The University of South Carolina is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

University of Texas – Rio Grande Valley

The University of Texas—Rio Grande Valley offers a Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction with the option to add a specialization in Science Education. Applicants must have a master’s degree with a GPA of 3.25 and three years of experience in the field and submit GRE test scores and three letters of recommendation.

UTRGV is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech offers a Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Integrative STEM Education. A total of 90 credit hours, a dissertation, and a residency must be completed to graduate. Applicants must have a master’s degree with a minimum GPA of 3.3 and submit three recommendation letters and a current resume.

Virginia Tech is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

Online PhD in Science Education Programs

PhD in Science Education Programs

A Doctor of Philosophy in Science Education can be useful for careers that involve teaching science, utilizing science knowledge, and helping others understand the continual development of the scientific community.

Doctorate degrees are highly specialized for professionals who seek to enhance their skills in specific areas and want to pursue knowledge in those fields.

Science education PhD programs, while minimal in program variety, are abundant in content. They can often help qualify doctoral students  for roles as professional educators or researchers in postsecondary institutions and beyond. Some doctoral programs options include:

  • Science Education . This program is the most common title for this particular doctorate. Professional educators can learn how to teach science and share its concepts and theories with others who are both in and out of the scientific community.
  • Chemistry . This program equips doctoral students with the knowledge of chemistry and how to utilize this subject in science education.
  • Teaching and Learning . This program is designed to prepare professional educators for leadership positions by helping them develop a substantial knowledge base in science education.

Because the subject of science education is very particular, you will likely notice a small variety of doctoral program options.

Science Education Careers & Salaries

Science Education Careers & Salaries

Because this field is so specialized, there are a range of science education careers that can be structured in educational, developmental, and corporate settings. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , here are a few career paths that can relate to the field of science education, along with their median annual salaries.

Elementary, Middle, and High School Principals $98,420
Postsecondary Education Administrators $96,910
Postsecondary Physics Teachers $93,070
Postsecondary Biological Science Teachers $81,440
Postsecondary Geography Teachers $81,440
Postsecondary Chemistry Teachers $79,410
Instructional Coordinators $63,740
High School Teachers $61,820
Middle School Teachers $61,320
Survey Researchers $59,740

Your career options may vary greatly depending on what area you specialize in. Your salary options can also depend on a number of factors, such as your education, work experience, employer, industry, and location.

Science Education PhD Curriculum & Courses

Science Education PhD Curriculum

The doctoral program you select will consist of particular courses and an overall science education curriculum. You can expect to see a few common doctoral science education courses across many program maps as you do your research.

  • Science in Childhood Education : This course provides an introduction to the creation of science curriculum and is geared toward teaching science well to children.
  • Environmental Science : This course focuses on connections between contemporary environmental issues and environmental science concepts.
  • Quantitative Methods in Science Education Research : This course offers a critical analysis of current published research in science education.
  • Nature of Science : This course is designed to help students develop an adequate understanding of the nature of science or how science is practiced.
  • Science Teacher Education : This course examines the classic and contemporary knowledge base of teacher education as well as current issues and questions in the realm of science education, such as multicultural education, for example.
  • Qualitative Methods in Science Education Research : This course is designed to support students in qualitative educational research methods.
  • Informal Science Education : This course goes over the development of curriculum and teaching practices that support learning in informal settings.
  • Concepts in a Specific Science Subject : These types of science education courses examine the major concepts in a specific scientific field, such as biology, chemistry, or physics.
  • Science Knowledge and Curriculum Design : This course goes over the organization of and the relationships between learning sciences and scientific concepts, with a focus on classroom-based analytical techniques suitable for curriculum design research.
  • Modern Principles of Evolution : This course features scientific theories about the origin and evolution of life on earth.

Depending on your concentration in science education courses and area of expertise, you might intend to utilize your doctoral degree in a traditional classroom setting, in an informal environment, or in a research setting.

Ph.D. in Science Education Admissions Requirements

Ph.D. in Science Education Admissions

The specific admissions criteria required to enter into a PhD program in science education will often vary for each school. Here are some common requirements, though, that you may come across:

  • GRE or GMAT test scores (if required)
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Curriculum vitae (CV) or resume
  • Letter of intent or statement of purpose
  • Masters degree in science, science education, or related field

You can contact a prospective school’s admissions office if you have any questions or concerns about their listed requirements.

Science Education PhD Programs Accreditation

Science Education PhD Programs Accreditation

Regionally accredited colleges and universities meet high quality standards for educational and student services. They are also regularly assessed by regional accrediting organizations in order to maintain their accreditation status.

There are many benefits to attending an accredited school. For instance, postsecondary institutions typically only consider accepting transfer credits if they were earned at an accredited institution, including those from online instructional design degree programs. In addition, accreditation can also be a precondition for some forms of financial aid.

Financial Aid and Scholarships

Science Education PhD Programs financial aid

There are various types of financial aid available for doctoral programs students who qualify. Financial aid options can include federal and private loans, scholarships, and payment plans. You can fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to see if you’re eligible for federal or state aid.

When it comes to scholarships, you may want to explore opportunities provided by your university and public organizations. At the PhD level, there may also be grants or work study programs that you can look into. A number of employers also offer tuition assistance to workers who are advancing their education in graduate programs.

What Can You Do with a PhD in Science Education?

PhD in Science Education careers

Professionals with a PhD in Science Education can pursue a variety of career options. Graduates tend to pursue careers in educational research or academia. Some prefer to teach science in the classroom, either at the secondary or postsecondary level. Others aim to teach other science teachers or to influence science curriculum for various grade levels, including multicultural education.

Professionals with this degree can often qualify for leadership or administrative positions in the education field as well.

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD in Science Education Online?

EdD vs. PhD in Science Education

In general, a PhD takes 3 to 5 years to complete, depending on the number of credit hours required and how long it takes you to complete your dissertation. If no dissertation is required, a doctoral program can typically be completed in 3 years with full-time study.

Much like with an online masters in science education program, when earning an online PhD, your schedule can also impact your timeline for degree completion. For instance, if you’re balancing schoolwork on top of additional responsibilities, such as a job or a family, you might benefit from enrolling part-time. This would likely push your graduation date back, but it could also allow you to maintain your various responsibilities.

What’s the Difference Between an EdD vs. PhD in Science Education?

There are generally two types of degrees to consider when pursuing science education at the doctoral level: a PhD and an EdD.

  • Doctor of Philosophy : A PhD is a terminal degree that allows educators to pursue a career in higher education as professors or researchers. This degree is research-focused, and educators may aim to inspire change based on their research and studies.
  • Doctor of Education : An EdD is an applied or professional doctorate that allows experienced individuals to advance in their careers within their respective organizations. This degree is more practice-based.

Both a Ph.D. or Ed.D. in Science Education can allow you to advance in your career. Your career goals may help you determine which is best for you. 

Is a PhD in Science Education Worth It?

PhD in Science Education

Yes, a PhD in Science Education is worth it for many students. Pursuing a doctoral degree in science education can expand your current skills and advance your career options in this lucrative field.

Jobs related to science education are steadily growing. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment for education, training, and library occupations is expected to grow 10% over the next ten years. Schools and organizations are in need of science education professionals in order to meet standards in student training and administrative achievement.

Common careers in this field include postsecondary teacher, instructional coordinator, educational administrator, and academic researcher.

Getting Your Doctorate in Science Education Online

Doctorate in Science Education Online

Pursuing a Science Education PhD can enable you to further develop your skills and expertise in this growing field.

The field of science education has a positive job outlook, and a PhD can help you qualify for advanced teaching, administrative, or educational research positions. A growing number of accredited universities with graduate programs now offer credible online education programs as well, offering more flexibility and convenience as you complete your coursework.

If you want to contribute your expertise to the educational community, you can start exploring accredited universities to find the doctoral program that works best for your schedule and aspirations.

phd stem education online

Ph.D. in Education: STEM Education

The Ph.D. in STEM Education prepares you at an advanced level to work in the professorial ranks of higher education or assume positions of leadership in schools and agencies. The degree provides rich preparation by exposing you to a wide variety of courses and experiences related to fundamental theories and concepts associated with education, as well as current issues and trends in teaching and learning.

World-Improving Research and Creativity

Students will develop expertise in mathematics or science education by studying and engaging in research on how students think and learn in these content areas. This high-quality program prepares candidates to engage in interdisciplinary collaborations and research.

About Our Program

The STEM Education area of emphasis prepares educators to pursue higher education careers or leadership positions in mathematics or science education. Specializations include:

  • Elementary mathematics education (K-8)
  • Secondary mathematics education (7-12)
  • Elementary science education (K-8)
  • Secondary science education (7-12)

Candidates will develop expertise in mathematics or science education by studying and engaging in research on how students think and learn in these content areas. This high-quality program prepares candidates to engage in interdisciplinary collaborations and research. It allows candidates to work collaboratively with faculty to develop an individualized program of study based on their area(s) of interest. This program is flexible for both the working professional and full-time students. Graduate assistantships and financial aid may be available.

The STEM Education area of emphasis is guided by the general framework found in the Doctoral Program in Education Application Manual. The manual provides general information about doctoral concentrations offered in the College of Education. This page will provide you with specific information that is unique to the STEM Education strand.

Request More Information

Admission deadlines.

Applications and all associated documents must be received by the following dates to be considered. Fall Semester: July 1 | Spring Semester: Oct. 1.

Program Information

If you miss the Graduate School deadline, you may still apply to be a Graduate Special to begin taking coursework for your intended first semester. Materials and criteria for the STEM Education area of emphasis are as follows:

  • Undergraduate and graduate GPA of 3.00 or higher
  • At least three years of teaching experience
  • Resume or curriculum vitae
  • Statement of Intent that includes a Philosophy of Education
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • One sample of scholarly writing

To get started on the application process, please contact Teruni Lamberg, program coordinator, at [email protected] .

All materials are submitted through the University's application portal . Once you create your account, go back to MyNevada to log in and start your application. Please reach out to Dr. Lamberg if you have any questions.

Program Structure

The Ph.D in Education with a concentration in STEM Education is a research-oriented degree intended for educators who wish to advance their study in elementary mathematics education, secondary mathematics education, elementary science education, or secondary science education . Students may select either subject as their key research focus and take STEM courses of interests in a cognate area that can include engineering education. This degree program prepares students to advance their K-12 careers (teaching or curriculum leadership), pursue education-related positions at the state or national levels, or earn a tenure-track professorship in higher education.

The full-time track is intended to be completed in three years, but the program also exercises flexibility for working professionals with part-time options that allow for evening courses. Students get to work closely with faculty mentors to develop an individualized course of study and area of research. A minimum of 72 credits are required beyond the baccalaureate degree, which includes a minimum of 12 credits of dissertation. At least 30 credits of 700-level courses, exclusive of dissertation credits, are required for this degree. Degree requirements must be completed within eight years of admission to the program.

Tuition, Cost, and Graduate Assistantships

Please see the University tuition and fee rates for information regarding costs and financial aid. Graduate assistantships are available  through various departments in the College of Education & Human Development. Prospective students who indicate their interest in a graduate assistantship will  be interviewed for one of multiple positions within the department following their application. Several highlights of a graduate  assistantship include:

  • 20-hour work week
  • Monthly salary
  • Grant-in-aid/fee waiver (does not include fees such as room/board, textbooks, etc.) (Students will have to pay remaining portion of tuition, per credit fees and ALL mandatory and differential fees.)
  • Health insurance coverage
  • In-state Nevada resident status
  • Funding to present at conferences through the support of the Graduate Student Association (competitive process)

Looking for a Graduate Assistantship?

The College of Education & Human Development has a limited number of Graduate Assistantships for full-time students admitted to masters or doctoral programs. 

Program Faculty

Teruni Lamberg

  • Apply to UMaine

College of Education and Human Development

Stem education ph.d., note: due to the covid-19 pandemic, we have suspended the gre requirement for applications to the stem education ph.d. program..

The STEM Education Ph.D. is an interdisciplinary degree program for those who have an interest in improving the quality of science, technology, engineering, or mathematics education through research. The concentration is housed in the College of Education and Human Development (COEHD) and governed by an interdisciplinary committee consisting of STEM education faculty associated with COEHD and the Maine Center for Research in STEM Education (RiSE Center). The program prepares people for faculty positions in STEM education research.

  • Are eligible for financial support
  • Carry out STEM education research studies broadly, and in their discipline(s)
  • Build robust research skills while strengthening their knowledge of the discipline(s)
  • Join a vibrant interdisciplinary community of STEM education researchers and students associated with the Maine RiSE center
  • Are full-time students

This program is designed so graduates can pursue careers:

  • As faculty in science or mathematics education research, in discipline departments or colleges of education
  • As education researchers in museums, research centers and think tanks

The program consists of coursework as well as mentored and independent research, culminating in a dissertation research study. Students complete a common core of required courses, as well as courses specific to their focus within STEM education research. In the program’s initial years, all students will be full-time graduate students funded by assistantships from within participating colleges and departments. In future years the core program of full-time students may be augmented by exceptionally qualified part-time students.

Program details There are two pathways through the PhD program. In both pathways, a bachelor’s degree in a STEM or STEM education is a prerequisite for admission.

Pathway 1 is for students who do not already have graduate level experience in STEM education research. Pathway 2 is for students who have both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in STEM or STEM education and whose master’s program included a STEM education research thesis.

Details About Pathway 1

Pathway 1 is for students who are not graduates of the University of Maine’s Master of Science in Teaching (MST) Program or a similar program which includes a thesis in STEM education research. In this pathway, students enroll concurrently in one of several of UMaine’s master’s degree programs and the STEM Education PhD program. The following are some of the options for the master’s degree component of the program:

  • The MST program
  • A master’s degree in the Department of Physics & Astronomy with a research thesis in STEM education
  • A master’s degree in the Department of Mathematics & Statistics with a research thesis in STEM education
  • A master’s degree from another STEM department at the University of Maine that includes a research thesis in STEM education

By design, there is substantial overlap between the course requirements of the MST program and the first two years of requirements for the STEM PhD program. In consultation with their advisors, students in other master’s programs will plan their program of study so it fulfills requirements for the PhD as well as the master’s degree.

Completing the thesis of whichever master’s program the student is enrolled in and its oral defense will be a necessary step for advancing to candidacy.

Application Information for Pathway 1:

Prospective students for Pathway 1 select master’s degree program options as part of the application process. Follow the links below for prerequisite requirements for each of these degrees. To be admitted to the STEM Education PhD program, students pursuing Pathway 1 must also be admitted to a UMaine master’s degree program. Some possibilities are below.

  • Master’s degree in Department of Physics & Astronomy
  • Master’s degree in the Department of Mathematics & Statistics

Details About Pathway 2

Pathway 2 is for students who are graduates of the MST or a similar program that includes a STEM education research thesis. After applying for and being accepted into the PhD program, and upon successful review by the admissions committee, students in this pathway will normally receive credit for coursework required in the MST and for having met master’s thesis and oral defense requirements. Decisions about credit for prior courses may be influenced by the recency of graduate work.

Tuition and fees For current information about tuition and fees, please visit the Bursar’s office .

Use the Graduate School application . Your application packet should include the following:

  • Graduate School application with essay (see note below about content of the essay)
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Official transcripts
  • TOEFL scores (if required)
  • A sample of scholarly writing.  For Pathway 1, the sample can be from any field. For Pathway 2, it should be your education research thesis. If your thesis is not yet finished, provide an excerpt from your thesis.

Your application essay should be 900 to 1200 words, not 300-500 words as stated in the Graduate School application.  This essay should be a statement of purpose that addresses the following:

Describe your career goals and how pursuing graduate study in STEM education contributes to those goals. Discuss your particular interests in STEM education research.  Also, describe any research experience you have STEM education, including any teaching experiences. Include any other information that will help us get to know your qualifications and interests better. If, as part of Pathway 1, you wish to also pursue teacher certification while in the program, let us know the Subject Concentration Area(s) in which you are most interested in concentrating.

Science Education-1

Request Information

Program faculty.

Justin Dimmel , Associate Professor of Mathematics Education and Instructional Technology Elizabeth Hufnagel , Associate Professor of Science Education Asli Sezen-Barrie , Associate Professor of Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction Natasha M. Speer , Associate Professor of Mathematics Michael C. Wittmann , Professor of Physics

Doctoral Students

Professional learning outcomes and curriculum plan information, stem education — professional learning outcomes.

  • Tuition & Financial Aid
  • Online Experience

The University of Iowa Online Master’s in STEM Education

“The importance of a diverse STEM-educated workforce to the nation's prosperity, security, and competitiveness grows every year.” 1

We urgently need more highly qualified and effective STEM teachers to create that workforce. The online MS in STEM Education, focusing on integrated inquiry and innovation, will help you prepare K-12 students to thrive in the 21st-century economy. Earn this experience-rich degree no matter where you live in as little as two years on a part-time schedule.

  • Complete in as few as 2 years
  • Start in Spring, Summer, or Fall
  • 8-week courses

Fill the need for STEM educators

Energize your career.

Put your MS to work in the classroom, as an administrator or beyond.

Ignite your students’ learning

Give them the power to see and explore STEM connections all around.

Teach while you learn

Our flexible program fits your life and offers immediate career impact.

Take your career and students further

Want to see how a master’s degree can help you teach better, lead more effectively and fuel your career? Complete the form to get a program brochure.

Get valuable insights into the online experience, learn more about the College of Education, and see where this degree can take you.

This will only take a moment.

Uniquely practical curriculum

Experience first-hand the educational power of our teaching model in the uniquely well-designed fieldwork opportunity that is the centerpiece of our flexible curriculum. Working with your advisor and community partners, you’ll devise 10 real-world STEM research questions, then select one to develop into a capstone project. Your project will include community engagement, research, and lesson plans for your classes.

Iowa stands for innovation

The University of Iowa has been moving education forward for more than 175 years. In the 1930s, we hosted the first educational television station in the country. Today we’re pioneering new and better ways to teach STEM subjects to students at all grade levels. That's one reason U.S. News and World Report ranks us as the #23 Best Online Master’s in Education and the #1 college in Iowa. 2, 3

Embrace the future as a STEM teacher

Kindle your career and your students’ passion for STEM with the holistic problem-solving skills you gain in the University of Iowa online MS in STEM Education. Learn strategies and techniques to successfully implement a STEM-integrated curriculum, empowering students to succeed in the innovation-centered roles dominating the 21st-century job market.

Depending on the electives you choose, you may also be able to complete many of the requirements for the State of Iowa K-12 STEM Education Specialist endorsement. Candidates seeking the endorsement may need to complete additional coursework before applying to the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners.

The 36 semester-hour curriculum for the online MS in STEM Education encompasses:

  • 6 semester hours of independent research
  • 3 semester hours on issues in U.S. schools
  • 6 elective semester hours on math and science subjects
  • 6 semester hours of additional electives
  • 6 semester hours of extracurricular experience and capstone

When you complete the program, you will have a sturdy theoretical foundation for your STEM teaching and extensive practical experience, plus several new connections with classmates, faculty, and your community research partners.

Review the Curriculum

Woman wearing sweater sitting outside writing in book

This program fits your schedule. Not the other way around.

You don’t have to give up your other commitments to complete this 24-month program, which is thoughtfully designed for working teachers. You can begin the program when the time is right for you and carry a part-time course load, taking one 8-week class at a time, without courses overlapping.

Female student in green sweater working on laptop

Lots of collaborating, no commuting.

Asynchronous course delivery and our robust online learning platform allow you to work on your schedule while sharing the journey with peers and professors.

Two education students speaking with two young girls in a classroom setting

Immediate impact.

Because you can keep teaching while you learn, you can immediately see the impact of your new skills and techniques as they help your students thrive.

Core Course Highlight

Stem through mathematical modeling.

Learn mathematical modeling as an integrated approach for teaching science, engineering and technology, as well as math. You’ll engage in a process that focuses on understanding new concepts based on existing knowledge and includes:

  • Developing conjectures
  • Critiquing arguments
  • Revising ideas to reach conclusions

This course will show you how to create a learning environment that helps your students understand the core concepts in STEM and apply them to real-world situations.

Instructor assisting student at desk with computer

Elective Course Highlight

Generation innovation: technology integration in 21st-century k-12 schools.

Explore the shifting paradigm of technology deployment in K-12 settings. Examine several topics related to technology in education, including

  • Diversity and equity
  • Theories of technology-enhanced teaching and learning
  • Digital citizenship and more

Get a big-picture perspective on how technology shapes curriculum, teacher professional development, and student learning and identity development.

Three students seated at table in front of window and studying

Craft a capstone project as unique as you are

A third of your course credits for the MS in STEM Education at Iowa derive directly from your independent work to synthesize the concepts you’ve learned and apply them in your local school environment.

Through partnerships with local organizations and STEM experts, you will develop research projects and lesson plans that address teaching standards in your subject and school system, and present it all to your classmates at the end of the course. Students typically take the 6-semester-hour capstone course (EDTL 6764) in the summer.

You decide, with support and advice from our expert faculty, which to pursue as your capstone experience. Students have done projects on endangered species, water quality monitoring and conservation, and the flow of energy and matter in an ecosystem, among others.

View the video

Kimberly Brisby lesson plan and screenshot of video

Online Master’s in STEM Education Faculty

When you enroll in Iowa’s online MS in STEM Education, you can count on coaching and support from our faculty with recognized expertise and thought leadership in their fields. Our instructors are active researchers who have published extensively and contribute to the profession through their involvement with professional organizations.

Ted Neal, PhD

Ted Neal, PhD

Clinical Professor of Science Education, Program Coordinator

Dae Hong, EdD

Dae (Danny) S. Hong, EdD

Associate Professor of Math Education

Meet the faculty

Put your MS to work right away or go on for your PhD

Iowa’s MS in STEM Education provides immediate career impact for licensed STEM teachers and practitioners, and sound preparation for doctoral work.

Although a master’s degree is not required for most K-12 teaching positions, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has found that a master’s degree can boost your salary. Nationally and across professions, those with master’s degrees earn an average of 18% more than those whose highest degree is a bachelor’s. 4

Your master’s degree also opens doors to educational leadership and administration opportunities.

  • K-12 classrooms
  • Community programs
  • Content creation and publishing
  • Education advocacy
  • Instructional leadership
  • Curriculum development

Admissions Overview

Candidates for the MS in STEM Education should have a teaching license or certification and a GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4-point scale from a bachelor’s degree program that included an educator preparation program.

Candidates with degrees or professional experience in the following areas are preferred.

  • A science or math subject area
  • Science or math education
  • Elementary education with a science or math emphasis

Candidates who do not fit this description may still be admitted. Explore your options with an admissions outreach advisor .

More Admissions Info Apply Now

Circle of students seated outdoors on Iowa campus

Frequently Asked Questions

What services and support do i have access to as an online student.

  • Remote access to UI Libraries’ subscription databases and research collections
  • Research assistance by phone, email, or online meeting
  • Book delivery (within the U.S.)
  • Scanning and delivery of articles and book chapters
  • Resource guides and recommendations for research tools

What are the technology requirements?

Is the university of iowa accredited, can i apply if my gpa is lower than 3.0, will my degree indicate that i completed coursework online, does this program offer licensure in iowa or any other state, is the gre or any other examination required, can i take the courses out of sequence or start at a later date, can transfer credits from another college/university apply toward program requirements, how are the courses delivered, do i qualify for financial aid, admissions deadlines, spring 2025 term, spark your career, galvanize your students with iowa stem education.

* Tuition and fees are subject to change.

  • Retrieved on February 9, 2023, from
  • Retrieved on February 7, 2024, from
  • Retrieved on February 9, 2023, from
  • Retrieved on February 9, 2023, from

The University of Iowa has engaged Everspring , a leading provider of education and technology services, to support select aspects of program delivery.

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  • Events Calendar
  • PhD in Education with an emphasis in STEM Education

This program emphasis is designed to support educators who are interested in developing greater understanding and expertise in the teaching and learning of mathematics and science. We help teachers develop their own content knowledge in mathematics and science, as well as greater understanding of how curriculum and instructional strategies can be tailored to foster students’ understanding of mathematics and science.

This is an ideal program emphasis for those interested in the processes of instruction and learning within mathematics and science, and/or in the education and professional development of teachers. It will prepare you for careers in research and teaching in university settings, educational leadership and services to schools, or research and development in the private or non-profit sector.

Financial Support

All of our doctoral students are awarded generous funding packages. Stipends and grants cover tuition costs and provide experiential graduate assistantships that further prepare you for your future as a researcher, educator, and leader in the field. Fellowship and assistantship packages are awarded on a competitive basis and vary for each student, but all funding packages cover five years of full-time study. 

A typical package will include a total of a 50% appointment (~20hr/week) through a Graduate Research Assistantship and/or Teaching Assistantship, full tuition remission and a fellowship to assist with student fees, the majority of the  CU Student Health Gold Insurance Plan , and a stipend of approximately $21,400 per academic year. Please note that these figures are subject to change and summer funding is not guaranteed.

Our  Miramontes Doctoral Scholars Program  provides five years of funding for full-time doctoral study, including one year of support focused solely on the dissertation year. The program offers a dedicated, supportive community for doctoral students with research interests focused on educational equity and cultural diversity, and prospective students from underrepresented groups and those who are first-generation college graduates are encouraged to apply.

Admissions Requirements

  • A Personal Statement
  • 3 Letters of Recommendation
  • Unofficial Transcripts (official transcripts are required after admission)
  • Optional GRE test score
  • TOEFL scores for international students
  • Application Fee ($60 domestic application/$80 international) along with the application

Admission to all our graduate programs is competitive and based on multiple criteria, including undergraduate academic record, letters of recommendation, personal statement, evidence of special accomplishments, and relevant past experience. In an effort to safeguard educational equity and access, the CU Boulder School of Education has adopted a test-optional policy for the GRE requirement for prospective doctoral applicants seeking Fall 2022 admission. Students may still submit GRE scores for consideration, which will be reviewed as a part of a holistic process. However, not submitting GRE scores will in no way make your application less competitive for admission to the School of Education. Candidates from historically underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.

How to apply FAQ

  • December 1, domestic
  • November 15, international 

For more information about courses and program requirements, visit the CU Boulder Course Catalog . 

  • Undergraduate Programs
  • Educational Foundations, Policy & Practice
  • Equity, Bilingualism & Biliteracy
  • Learning Sciences & Human Development
  • Literacy Studies
  • Research & Evaluation Methodology
  • MA in Curriculum & Instruction: Math & Science track
  • Teacher Learning, Research & Practice
  • Teacher Leadership
  • Teacher Licensure

CU Course Search 

People Directory

We warmly invite you to apply for the Doctoral Mentorship Pathway Program for 2024-25

doctoral mentorship

This program is designed to create a pathway for historically underrepresented and marginalized education scholars and practitioners who are considering doctoral studies in Fall 2025. We hope to use this program to make the sometimes mystifying process of applying to a PhD program more visible, to provide an opportunity for you to get to know our students and faculty, and participate in sessions where we’ll talk about how to apply and what the realities are for students of color studying in a predominantly white research institution. 

Applications due Aug. 5—apply today!

Meet Our Faculty

Erin Furtak

Erin Marie Furtak

Victoria Hand

Victoria Hand

Enrique Lopez

Enrique López

Valerie Otero

Valerie Otero

Edd Taylor

Edd V. Taylor

David C. Webb

David C. Webb

Program chair.

Melissa Braaten Photo

Melissa Braaten

Graduate students

We offer Colorado’s top-ranked graduate education in multiple program areas and would love to connect with you to provide you with relevant information about our programs. We look forward to learning about your graduate studies journey!

Fall 2023 Information Sessions

We hope you will join us at our many upcoming opportunities. This fall, we are offering: 

Graduate Information Sessions (Virtual)

MA Open Houses with Faculty (Virtual)

Graduate Studies Preview Day on Nov. 11 (In-person)

Learn more and register


Request Graduate Info

K-12 Integrated STEM Education Graduate Certificate (Online)



The K-12 Integrated STEM Education Grad Certificate allows students to advance their understanding of integrated STEM education approaches, learn how to design curriculum materials for integrated STEM education, and teach their disciplines using integrated STEM approaches.

This fifteen (15) credit program can be taken over three semesters.  Students will be provided with a conceptual understanding of integrated K-12 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education and the philosophical underpinnings/nature of the disciplines of STEM.

What makes for a successful STEM teacher in education?

Purdue specific outcomes and program highlights: 

  • Distinguish yourself in the education industry with a superior credential from an institution with worldwide recognition and impact.
  • Learn tools & highly relevant techniques for integrating STEM in K-12 schools.
  • Advance and network with an experienced and motivated peer group for mutual support, team exercises, and enhanced learning.

Purdue quality. Flexible schedule.

Online students enjoy the same rigorous academic programs as on-campus students, but with a much more flexible class schedule. Assignments, discussions, and other coursework are posted each week in the virtual classroom. For those interested in the on-campus program, please see K-12 Integrated STEM Graduate Certificate (Residential) .

Courses are eight weeks long and 100% online. 

Purdue University believes in stackable credentials.  Complete the K-12 Integrated STEM Graduate Certificate on the way to completing the MS Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in Integrated STEM (Online) .

Purdue University is excited to partner with the Center for Leadership Learning (CELL) to offer tuition assistance through the STEM Teach program. Participants will need to first apply for the STEM Teach program before applying for university admission.

To find out more about this fully funded program for IN teachers, visit the STEM Teach program website .


For more information, view the Admissions Application Checklist

Request Information – Integrated STEM Graduate Certificate

  • Your Name * First Last
  • Email Address * Enter Email Confirm Email

This program does not lead to licensure in the state of Indiana or elsewhere. Contact the College of Education Office of Teacher Education and Licensure (OTEL) at [email protected] before continuing with program application if you have questions regarding licensure or contact your state Department of Education about how this program may translate to licensure in your state of residence.

Career Outlook

STEM  careers have the potential to engage students in critical thinking, problem solving, practical literacy, creativity, and much more, every day. This engagement in turn helps students find careers that are interesting, challenging, and productive.

STEM  education includes the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.  Teachers  deliver  STEM  education across all grade levels, from preschools to post-doctorate, in a wide range of settings that include traditional classrooms, distance learning, and informal non-credit programs.

  • K-12 STEM Teacher
  • Technology Teacher
  • Computer Science Teacher
  • High School Pre-engineering Teacher
  • Math Teacher
  • Algebra Teacher
  • Geometry Teacher
  • Science Teacher
  • Biology Teacher
  • Physics Teacher
  • Life Science Teacher
  • Chemistry Teacher
  • High School Teacher

Let this program give you the credentials and the experience to make your own future bright.

Online courses have the same rigor and quality of our face-to-face courses.  All courses have been designed by Purdue Faculty.  If faculty do not teach the course our Online Lecturers have been selected by our faculty and will teach the courses designed by Purdue faculty.  Faculty have done research in the area of STEM Education and offer the most up to date pedagogy and methodology for today’s teachers.

Students spend an average of 15 hours a week on homework .

The online program offers:

  • 100% online
  • 8 week courses

Current online MEd students in Curriculum and Instruction with STEM focus can earn the online K-12 Integrated STEM Graduate Certificate that can be earned as a stand-alone certificate.

EDCI 53900: Introduction to K-12 Integrated STEM Education (3 credits) This foundational course will provide students with a conceptual understanding of integrated K-12 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education and the philosophical underpinnings/nature of the disciplines of STEM. Students will explore implications for teaching, learning, and teacher education through an evaluation of integrated approaches to STEM, national teaching standards and current research. This course also introduces integrated STEM pedagogies including project/problem-based (PBL), design-based, and inquiry-based approaches to teaching. Students learn to plan and create integrated STEM instruction for K-12 classrooms.

EDCI 54900: Assessment in STEM Education (3 credits) Teachers of STEM will recognize the link between productive assessment and productive instruction, using STEM education standards for teacher competence in educational assessment. This course also helps STEM teachers meet professional standards and understand the public pressure as well as instructional need for effective formative and summative assessment.

EDCI 55800: Integrated STEM Education Methods – Secondary (3 credits) This methods course will focus on operationalizing the theoretical pedagogical approaches to integrated Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Agriculture (STEM) education. Students will collaboratively and cooperatively investigate, plan and deliver integrated learning experiences appropriate for secondary education. Course content will blend philosophical considerations with practical application. Undergraduate and graduate students in these areas are encouraged. Currently practicing teachers interested in integrated pedagogies are encouraged to participate and should contact the instructor.

Requisite: Must be taken after or concurrently with EDCI 53900 and a disciplinary methods course, or with instructor approval.

EDCI 55850: Introduction to Teaching Engineering and Technology Design in the Context of Integrated STEM (3 credits) In this course, students are introduced to engineering and technology design and examination of where and how best fits in the K-12 curriculum. Students learn how to use engineering and technology tools to design, develop, prototype, deliver and assess authentic integrated STEM artifacts and lessons utilizing engineering and technology design principles.

EDCI 55950: Engineering Design Practicum (3 credits) This practicum is an EDCI version of EPICS–a course in which graduate students will participate in the traditional EPICS course with an additional research component. EPICS is a service-learning design course in which teams of students from across campus work together on long-term projects that benefit the community. The students will engage in a small-scale research project with their project team. The students will study one aspect of design such as teamwork, problem identification, client communication, ideation, decision making, or a variety of other topics. The student will have 2 roles on their project team. They will be a researcher of their team and they also will have a role as a team member on the project. This will allow the student to learn about engineering design as well as understand one aspect of design from a research perspective.

The Graduate Certificate in K-12 Integrated STEM Education is affordable and competitive in cost.

In-State Out-of-State
Total Cost Per Credit $425 $450
Credit Hours 15 15
Total Costs $6,375 $6,750

*Tuition and fees are charges on a per credit hour basis and are subject to annual increase.  Annual increases may change the total program costs. *Textbooks and course materials are not included

Students can apply to the program throughout the year but start classes in either the summer or fall terms.

Deadline for completed applications:

Fall: August 1 Summer: May 1

You will need the following for your admissions application

  • Official transcripts
  • English proficiency for international students
  • Application fee

For more information, please see  Purdue’s full application instructions and Application Checklist .

Program Faculty

Our faculty are nationally recognized and have the ability to work personally with students to individualize their plan of study to meet personal career interests and goals. These faculty will oversee the intensive coursework required.

Selcen Guzey

William Walker

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are all courses online? Yes, all courses will be 100% online
  • How many credit hours to receive the graduate certificate? 15 credit hours
  • How long are the courses? 8 weeks
  • How much time should I allow for doing homework and completing assignments? Plan on devoting 10–15 hours a week on coursework, depending on the course requirements that week and your study habits.
  • Can you take online and residential courses in combination? The online program and the residential programs have different course requirements. Please select the best option for you (residential or online).  If you need to adjust once you start the program, please consult your advisor.


phd stem education online

The Purdue STEM program was a thought-provoking and engaging experience filled with applicable learning that can be readily and immediately incorporated into my current job as an EL teacher. Since I do a lot of co-teaching, understanding the Engineering Design Process is paramount and attendees are provided ample opportunity to utilize and implement it into current and new lessons and/or units of study. A wealth of resources is made accessible to truly dig into the undeniable need to have integrated STEM opportunities on a regular basis. In fact, we even delved into the impact of project-based learning on not only the majority of students but also students who are multilingual. I feel this program provided the opportunity for attendees to learn specifically the language load within STEM disciplines. This supports my role as an English Language teacher and how we need to spend the time to teach the language of the discipline so that all students can access the full experience of the opportunities we create for our students. Purdue advisors and instructors are quick to respond to attendees and work hard to make this program as interactive as possible – especially since this program, for me, was all online. I really enjoyed getting to know students from around the world and tapping into their respective specialties they bring to the group experiences. If you are ready for an intensive learning experience to advance your STEM teaching repratoire, this is the program for you! CARYN BOETEL Teacher Owatonna Public Schools – ISD 761 – McKinley Elementary STEAM School

Make your next giant leap

Admissions:   [email protected] Course Content Information or Brightspace: [email protected] Course Registration, payment, drops/withdraws, and removing holds: Purdue Online [email protected] Career accounts: ITaP (765) 494-4000

Saint Joseph’s University and the Barnes Foundation Launch Online Museum Education Graduate Program, Marking First-Of-Its-Kind Collaboration in Philadelphia

Innovative partnership offers students a unique opportunity to learn from esteemed museum experts

Left to right: The Barnes Foundation, Detail Room 19, North Wall and Erin Downey, PhD, assistant curator of the Frances M. Maguire Art Museum, speaking with Saint Joseph's students inside of a gallery.

Written by: Kevin Gfeller, BS ’20

Published: August 5, 2024

Total reading time: 3 minutes

PHILADELPHIA, AUGUST 5, 2024 — Today, Saint Joseph’s University and the Barnes Foundation announced a new online graduate program designed to prepare future museum educators for roles in public and private institutions. Beginning in fall 2024, the museum education graduate program will offer a Master of Arts in Museum Education and a Museum Education Certificate . 

Building on the educational affiliation between the Barnes and Saint Joseph’s University, which began in 2018 to further the common missions of both institutions, this new, comprehensive graduate program teaches students how to share knowledge with the public in an engaging and inclusive way, from K-12 school groups to museum visitors. Participants will learn strategies for teaching about objects and collections and develop skills applicable to any type of museum, including art and natural history museums, science institutes and historical sites. 

“The uniqueness of our new museum education program lies in the strength of the partnership between the Barnes and SJU,” says Joshua Power, BS ’05, EdD ’16 , dean of the School of Education and Human Development at Saint Joseph’s University. “This program was co-created by these two great institutions to provide a one-of-a-kind educational experience tailored specifically to the museum industry and advancing your museum career.” 

Offered entirely online, the museum education program was designed for students from around the world, with assignments and projects that encourage participants to engage with their local museums. Students will explore various topics, including the history of museum education; pedagogical strategies for gallery-based teaching; and museum management. Each course will be taught by esteemed faculty who bring a wealth of practical experience.

“This innovative endeavor with Saint Joseph’s University is at the heart of our mission to make art accessible and relatable through education,” says Martha Lucy, Deputy Director for Research, Interpretation, and Education at the Barnes Foundation. “The Barnes has been focused on learning since our founding in 1922, so this really is in our DNA — and we are excited to help shape the next generation of museum educators.”

In addition to learning from expert faculty, students enrolled in the program will use the Barnes’ state-of-the-art Visual Experience Platform (VXP), designed specifically for the study of visual material. This innovative online learning tool allows students to zoom in on artworks in astonishing detail while engaging in dialogue with their peers and educators, creating a highly interactive environment conducive to learning. 

Local students enrolled in the program will have access to the many vibrant cultural offerings of Philadelphia as well as internship opportunities at the Barnes and Saint Joseph’s University’s Frances M. Maguire Art Museum , which is housed in the original Barnes gallery building. Internships require 35 hours of fieldwork and a biweekly seminar component. 

Credits earned from the certificate program in museum education can be applied toward the Master of Arts in Museum Education at Saint Joseph’s University. Students who complete the certificate program with a GPA of 3.0 or higher can take six additional courses to earn the MA. 

To learn more about Saint Joseph’s University’s master’s program for museum education, visit .

Motion blur shot of high school students walking on stairs between classes

Saint Joseph’s University Launches Substance-Use-Prevention Program for Delaware County Middle and High Schools

Funded through a $500,000 grant from Delaware County’s opioid settlement fund, Prevention Academy will support school communities in building a culture and climate of prevention.

Jim Brennan in a suit holding the Hawk mascot head, next to which it reads "James 'Jim' Brennan '58" in white text against a black background with a hawk logo below

In Memoriam: Remembering the Original Hawk, James “Jim” Brennan ’58

The creative mind behind The Hawk mascot was 91.

Jean McGivney-Burelle, PhD, seated in an orange chair

Saint Joseph’s University Announces Jean McGivney-Burelle, PhD, as New Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs

With 26 years of higher education experience, Jean McGivney-Burelle, PhD, assumes the role of provost and senior vice president of academic affairs at Saint Joseph’s University, effective June 17, 2024.


  1. STEM-Education-EN

    phd stem education online

  2. 10 Best Online STEM PhD Programs [2024 Doctoral Guide]

    phd stem education online

  3. 2024 Best Online STEM PhD Programs [Doctorate Guide]

    phd stem education online

  4. 2024 Best Online STEM PhD Programs [Doctorate Guide]

    phd stem education online

  5. 10 Best Online STEM PhD Programs [2024 Doctoral Guide]

    phd stem education online

  6. 6 Best Online STEM Education PhD & EdD Programs for 2024

    phd stem education online


  1. PhD in STEM Education

    Learn how to advance knowledge in STEM Education through original research at Tufts University. The program offers full-time and part-time options, tuition support, and interdisciplinary opportunities in various STEM learning environments.

  2. STEM Education, Ph.D.

    The PhD program in STEM Education is designed to emphasize coursework and research; unlike Bachelor's and Master's degrees, it does not include an internship opportunity. However, courses in educational theories, research, and statistics engage students in projects, and these can be as real-world as students wish.

  3. STEM Education Doctoral Program

    Learn how to pursue a Ph.D. in STEM Education at UT Austin, a research-focused program that examines how people learn and teach STEM subjects. Find out the admission requirements, faculty, courses, and application guidelines for this on-campus program.

  4. STEM Education PhD

    The PhD in STEM includes a core curriculum and four specializations to choose from depending on your research interests. Students will complete 48 course credits and 24 thesis credits for 72 in total. To view the curriculum requirements in detail visit the Education, Curriculum, and Instruction PhD page in the course catalog, go to Requirements ...

  5. Doctor of Education

    The EdD - STEM Education is 100% online Doctor of Education specialized in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) is designed for STEM educators who seek to enhance their knowledge related to STEM education and engage and learn about action research related to STEM teaching and learning. Individuals who work in STEM fields in higher ...

  6. Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction (Track in STEM

    This hybrid program includes online courses and face-to-face summer intensive sessions to prepare professional educators to become university STEM educators, STEM education leaders in the EC-12 setting, or local, state or national leaders in STEM education. The PhD in C&I with a track in STEM education is for EC-12 formal and informal educators ...

  7. Interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Education Sciences STEM Education

    The Education Sciences Interdisciplinary Ph.D. with an emphasis in STEM Education is an intensive program designed to prepare future researchers, teacher educators, and researcher-practitioners to meet the national call for more individuals with heightened scholarly expertise in STEM Education. Delivery Method: Hybrid on-campus and online.

  8. 6 Best Online STEM Education PhD & EdD Programs for 2024

    Explore the path to a PhD or EdD in STEM education online. Dive into the top programs, benefits, and help shape the future of education

  9. 2024 Best Online STEM PhD Programs [Doctorate Guide]

    An online STEM PhD program can help you advance your knowledge and skill sets in the STEM education field. STEM-focused online programs in education can also help you gain a better understanding of how students think and learn when it comes to STEM-related subjects.. In a PhD in Education in STEM program, you can explore how to develop theories and design solutions and curricula for STEM ...

  10. Home

    Program The Ph.D. Program in STEM Education at Stony Brook offers a rigorous program of graduate study emphasizing core knowledge from the traditional field of Science Education as well as the emerging fields of Discipline-Based Educational Research (DBER) and the Learning Sciences.

  11. 10 Best Online STEM PhD Programs [2024 Doctoral Guide]

    University of Southern Mississippi. The University of Southern Mississippi offers a Doctor of Philosophy in STEM Education. It is intended for individuals who have completed a previous degree in a STEM-content area while maintaining a 3.0 GPA or higher. The program requires the completion of 66 semester hours.

  12. EdD in STEM Education

    Become an equity-minded and innovation-driven leader of STEM education in K-12 schools and beyond. Our EdD in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education (STEM Education) is for teachers and educators who desire the skills and credentials needed to advance their practice-oriented careers. The major is part of the school's ...

  13. Doctor of Education in Leadership in Schooling: STEM Option, Ed.D

    Advance your skills as a researcher and instructional leader of PK-12 programs with UMass Lowell's Leadership in Schooling Ed.D. STEM Option. This 100% online program is for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) educators or those who work in STEM fields in higher education. However, leadership aspects are focused on PK-12.

  14. STEM Education PhD Program

    The STEM Education PhD program at UMass Dartmouth helps address the national shortage of essential STEM educators and the need for better STEM education teaching practices. Doctoral students gain in-depth knowledge, robust interdisciplinary research skills, and a variety of practical experiences. The STEM Education PhD offers concentrations in ...

  15. Teaching and Learning, Ph.D.

    305-284-2167. [email protected]. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Situated in South Florida, home to one of the highest numbers of foreign-born residents in the world, TAL's doctoral degree (Ph.D.) program specializing in STEM education at the University of Miami features a diverse group of core and ...

  16. Doctoral

    Learning and Teaching in STEM, Ph.D. The PhD in Learning and Teaching in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is designed to produce scholars and learners dedicated to addressing the challenges of providing high quality STEM education to all students through a rich variety of organizations and innovative methods of delivery. ...

  17. 2024 Best Online PhD in Science Education Programs

    Explore the best online PhD in Science Education programs for 2024. Earn your doctoral degree and advance your career in teaching and research. ... The University of South Carolina offers a Doctor of Education in STEM Education. Classes are offered online and are 8 weeks long. To graduate, students must complete 60 credit hours.

  18. Ph.D. in Education: STEM Education

    The Ph.D. in STEM Education prepares you at an advanced level to work in the professorial ranks of higher education or assume positions of leadership in schools and agencies. The degree provides rich preparation by exposing you to a wide variety of courses and experiences related to fundamental ...

  19. STEM Education (Ph.D.)

    There are two pathways through the PhD program. In both pathways, a bachelor's degree in a STEM or STEM education is a prerequisite for admission. Pathway 1 is for students who do not already have graduate level experience in STEM education research. Pathway 2 is for students who have both a bachelor's and a master's degree in STEM or ...

  20. Online Master's in STEM Education

    The online MS in STEM Education, focusing on integrated inquiry and innovation, will help you prepare K-12 students to thrive in the 21st-century economy. Earn this experience-rich degree no matter where you live in as little as two years on a part-time schedule. Program Details. Complete in as few as 2 years. Start in Spring, Summer, or Fall.

  21. PhD in Education with an emphasis in STEM Education

    We warmly invite you to apply for the Doctoral Mentorship Pathway Program for 2024-25. This program is designed to create a pathway for historically underrepresented and marginalized education scholars and practitioners who are considering doctoral studies in Fall 2025.

  22. Online PhD in Education Program

    Walden's PhD in Education online program is designed for education professionals who wish to contribute to and advance the practice of education. With a doctoral degree, you will be positioned to strengthen the field from scientific, theoretical, and technological standpoints. This credential can help your résumé stand out and show ...

  23. K-12 Integrated STEM Education Graduate Certificate (Online)

    Complete the K-12 Integrated STEM Graduate Certificate on the way to completing the MS Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in Integrated STEM (Online). Purdue University is excited to partner with the Center for Leadership Learning (CELL) to offer tuition assistance through the STEM Teach program.

  24. Saint Joseph's University and the Barnes Foundation Launch Online

    PHILADELPHIA, AUGUST 5, 2024 — Today, Saint Joseph's University and the Barnes Foundation announced a new online graduate program designed to prepare future museum educators for roles in public and private institutions. Beginning in fall 2024, the museum education graduate program will offer a Master of Arts in Museum Education and a Museum Education Certificate.