Essay on Wildlife Conservation

Narayan Bista

Introduction to Wildlife Conservation

Wildlife conservation is crucial for maintaining the planet’s ecological balance and preserving biodiversity. Wildlife faces numerous threats as human activities continue to expand, including habitat destruction, climate change, and poaching. The loss of wildlife impacts ecosystems and communities that depend on them for their livelihoods and cultural practices. For example, the African elephant, with its iconic status, is facing a severe poaching crisis due to the demand for ivory. Without conservation efforts, these magnificent creatures could face extinction in the wild. This essay explores the importance of wildlife conservation, the threats facing wildlife, and strategies to protect these vulnerable species.

Essay on Wildlife Conservation

Importance of Wildlife Conservation

  • Biodiversity Preservation: Wildlife conservation helps maintain the diversity of life on Earth, ensuring that various species, ecosystems, and genetic diversity are preserved for future generations.
  • Ecosystem Balance: Wildlife plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems. Species interact with each other and their environment in complex ways, and losing one species can have cascading effects on others.
  • Economic Benefits: Wildlife conservation can have significant economic benefits, including ecotourism, which generates revenue and employment opportunities in local communities.
  • Cultural Importance: Many cultures around the world have deep connections to wildlife, and conservation helps preserve these cultural practices and traditions.
  • Ecological Services: Wildlife provides essential ecological services, such as pollination, seed dispersal, and nutrient cycling, which are vital for the health of ecosystems and human well-being.
  • Medicinal Resources: Many wildlife species provide sources for medicines and other valuable products that can benefit human health.
  • Climate Regulation: Wildlife plays a role in regulating the climate by sequestering carbon and contributing to the overall health of ecosystems.
  • Education and Research: Wildlife conservation provides opportunities for education and research, helping us better understand the natural world and develop sustainable practices.
  • Aesthetic and Recreational Value: Wildlife enriches our lives through its beauty and provides recreational activities like birdwatching and hiking opportunities.
  • Ethical Considerations: Many people believe that wildlife has intrinsic value and a right to exist independent of its usefulness to humans, making conservation a moral imperative.

Threats to Wildlife

Threats to wildlife are numerous and diverse, ranging from direct human activities to broader environmental changes. Here are some of the major threats:

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  • Habitat Loss and Fragmentation: One of the biggest threats to wildlife is the destruction and fragmentation of habitats due to human activities such as deforestation, urbanization, and agriculture. This habitat loss reduces the available space for wildlife to live and thrive.
  • Climate Change: Climate change alters habitats and ecosystems, making them less suitable for many species. Changes in temperature, precipitation patterns, and sea levels are affecting the distribution and behavior of wildlife.
  • Poaching and Illegal Wildlife Trade: Poaching for body parts, such as ivory, horns, and skins, continues to threaten many species, including elephants, rhinos, and tigers. The illegal wildlife trade is a multi-billion-dollar industry that drives many species to the brink of extinction.
  • Pollution: Pollution from various sources, including chemicals, plastics, and oil spills, can devastate wildlife. Pollutants can contaminate water and soil, harm ecosystems, and directly impact the health of wildlife.
  • Overexploitation: Overexploitation of wildlife for food, medicine, pets, and other purposes can lead to population declines and even extinction. Unsustainable hunting and fishing practices can deplete populations faster than they can recover.
  • Invasive Species: Invasive species introduced by humans can outcompete native species for resources, prey on them, or introduce diseases, leading to declines in native wildlife populations.
  • Human-Wildlife Conflict: As human populations expand and encroach on wildlife habitats, conflicts between humans and wildlife increase. This can result in retaliatory killings of wildlife and further habitat destruction.
  • Infrastructure Development: The construction of roads, dams, and other infrastructure can fragment habitats, disrupt wildlife migration routes, and increase the risk of collisions between wildlife and vehicles.
  • Lack of Awareness and Conservation Efforts: A lack of awareness about the importance of wildlife conservation and inadequate conservation efforts can also threaten wildlife. Without proper conservation measures, species are more vulnerable to other threats.

Conservation Strategies

Conservation strategies aim to protect and restore ecosystems, preserve wildlife populations, and promote sustainable practices. Here are some key conservation strategies:

  • Protected Areas: Establishing and maintaining protected areas, such as national parks, wildlife reserves, and marine protected areas, to safeguard habitats and wildlife from human activities.
  • Habitat Restoration: Restoring degraded habitats through reforestation, wetland restoration, and other measures to improve habitat quality and connectivity for wildlife.
  • Wildlife Corridors: Creating wildlife corridors or greenways to connect fragmented habitats, allowing species to move between areas and maintain genetic diversity.
  • Anti-Poaching Efforts: Implementing measures to combat poaching, such as increasing patrols, strengthening law enforcement, and reducing demand for wildlife products.
  • Community-Based Conservation: Involving local communities in conservation efforts through sustainable livelihoods, education, and partnerships to promote conservation while meeting their needs.
  • Sustainable Land Use Practices: Promoting sustainable agriculture, forestry, and fisheries practices that minimize negative impacts on wildlife and ecosystems.
  • Climate Change Mitigation: Addressing climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting renewable energy, and supporting climate-resilient habitats.
  • Invasive Species Management: Managing and controlling invasive species to reduce their impact on native wildlife and ecosystems.
  • Research and Monitoring: Conducting research and monitoring better to understand wildlife populations, habitats, and threats and to inform conservation strategies.
  • Education and Awareness: Educating the public about the importance of wildlife conservation and promoting behavior change to reduce threats to wildlife.

Human-Wildlife Conflict

Human-wildlife conflict occurs when there are competition or antagonistic interactions between humans and wildlife, often resulting in negative consequences for both. Here are some key aspects of human-wildlife conflict:

  • Causes: Human-wildlife conflict can arise due to various factors, including habitat loss and fragmentation, competition for resources such as food and water, crop raiding by wildlife, predation on livestock, property damage, and threats to human safety.
  • Impacts on Humans: Human-wildlife conflict can have significant socio-economic impacts on communities, including crop losses, damage to property and infrastructure, loss of livelihoods, injuries, and even loss of human lives. These impacts can exacerbate poverty and food insecurity, particularly in rural areas.
  • Impacts on Wildlife: Human-wildlife conflict can also negatively impact wildlife populations, including retaliatory killings, habitat destruction, reduced reproductive success, and fragmentation of habitats. This can lead to declines in wildlife populations and loss of biodiversity.
  • Species Affected: A wide range of wildlife species can be involved in human-wildlife conflict, including large mammals such as elephants, big cats, bears, and wolves, as well as smaller animals like monkeys, deer, and rodents.
  • Conflict Hotspots: Human-wildlife conflict tends to occur in areas where humans and wildlife overlap, such as agricultural lands, peri-urban areas, and areas adjacent to protected areas or natural habitats.
  • Management Strategies: Various strategies, including preventive measures such as fencing, deterrents, and land-use planning, as well as reactive measures such as compensation schemes, translocation of problem animals, and community-based conflict resolution, can help mitigate human-wildlife conflict.
  • Community Engagement: Engaging local communities in decision-making and implementing solutions is essential for addressing human-wildlife conflict effectively. This can involve participatory approaches, community-based monitoring, and capacity building to empower communities to coexist with wildlife.
  • Policy and Legislation: Governments play a crucial role in addressing human-wildlife conflict by developing and enforcing policies promoting coexistence, protecting wildlife, and supporting affected communities.
  • Research and Monitoring: Research on human-wildlife conflict’s causes, impacts, and dynamics is essential for informing management strategies and developing evidence-based solutions. Monitoring of conflict incidents and their outcomes can help assess the effectiveness of mitigation measures.
  • Long-Term Solutions: Addressing the root causes of human-wildlife conflict, such as habitat loss, land-use change, and socio-economic disparities, is crucial for achieving long-term solutions that promote sustainable coexistence between humans and wildlife. This may require integrated approaches that consider the needs of both people and wildlife and involve multiple stakeholders.

Economic Aspects of Wildlife Conservation

The economic aspects of wildlife conservation are multifaceted and interconnected with broader socio-economic factors. Here are some key economic aspects of wildlife conservation:

  • Ecotourism: Wildlife conservation can stimulate economic growth through ecotourism, which involves visiting natural areas to observe wildlife. Ecotourism can create jobs, generate revenue for local communities, and provide incentives for conservation.
  • Ecosystem Services: Wildlife conservation contributes to the provision of ecosystem services, such as pollination, water purification, and carbon sequestration, which have economic value for human well-being and livelihoods.
  • Biodiversity-based Industries: Conservation of wildlife and habitats supports industries that rely on biodiversity, such as pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and biotechnology, by maintaining genetic resources and ecosystem functions.
  • Cultural and Spiritual Values: Wildlife conservation can preserve cultural and spiritual values associated with wildlife, such as traditional practices, beliefs, and aesthetics, contributing to cultural heritage and identity.
  • Property Values: Proximity to protected areas and wildlife habitats can increase property values, benefiting local economies and communities.
  • Research and Education: Conservation efforts contribute to scientific research and education, creating opportunities for innovation, capacity building, and knowledge transfer.
  • Regulation and Enforcement: Wildlife conservation regulations and enforcement mechanisms incur costs but are necessary for preventing illegal activities, such as poaching and habitat destruction, which can have long-term economic consequences.
  • Sustainable Resource Use: Conservation promotes sustainable resource use practices, which can lead to long-term economic benefits by ensuring the availability of resources for future generations.
  • Opportunity Costs: Conservation often involves trade-offs, as protecting wildlife and habitats may require limiting certain economic activities, such as logging, mining, or agriculture, which can have short-term economic costs.
  • Externalities: Wildlife conservation can generate positive externalities, such as improved ecosystem health and resilience, benefiting society as a whole but not necessarily captured in market transactions.

Challenges and Limitations

Despite efforts to conserve wildlife, several challenges and limitations persist, hindering effective conservation outcomes. Here are some of the key challenges and limitations:

  • Funding Constraints: Limited funding for conservation projects often restricts the scale and effectiveness of conservation efforts, leading to gaps in the protection and management of wildlife and habitats.
  • Lack of Political Will: Inadequate political support and commitment to conservation initiatives can result in insufficient policies, enforcement, and allocation of resources for conservation efforts.
  • Human-Wildlife Conflicts: Conflicts between humans and wildlife, such as crop raiding by elephants or livestock depredation by predators, can lead to negative perceptions of wildlife and undermine conservation efforts.
  • Limited Stakeholder Engagement: Ineffective engagement with local communities, indigenous peoples, and other stakeholders can hinder conservation efforts, as their support and participation are crucial for successful conservation outcomes.
  • Poverty and Livelihoods: Poverty and lack of alternative livelihood options can drive communities to engage in activities harmful to wildlife, such as poaching and illegal logging, undermining conservation efforts.
  • Inadequate Law Enforcement: Weak law enforcement, corruption, and insufficient penalties for wildlife crimes contribute to illegal wildlife trade and poaching, exacerbating threats to wildlife populations.
  • Climate Change: Climate change poses significant challenges to wildlife conservation by altering habitats, disrupting ecosystems, and increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events.
  • Limited Data and Information: Only complete or adequate data on wildlife populations, habitats, and threats can impede evidence-based conservation decision-making and monitoring of conservation outcomes.
  • Conflicting Interests: Conflicts of interest between conservation goals and economic development, infrastructure projects, or resource extraction activities can compromise conservation efforts and lead to habitat destruction.
  • Scale and Scope: The vast scale and complexity of conservation challenges, including global biodiversity loss and habitat degradation, require coordinated and sustained efforts at local, national, and international levels.

Role of Government and NGOs

Both governments and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play crucial roles in wildlife conservation, often collaborating to achieve conservation goals. Here’s how they contribute:

  • Policy and Legislation: Governments are responsible for creating and implementing laws and regulations designed to safeguard wildlife and their natural habitats. This includes establishing protected areas, regulating hunting and trade, and setting conservation goals.
  • Resource Management: Governments manage natural resources , including wildlife, through agencies such as wildlife departments, national parks, and forestry departments, ensuring sustainable use and conservation.
  • Law Enforcement: Governments enforce wildlife protection laws through wildlife rangers, law enforcement agencies, and judiciary systems to combat poaching, illegal trade, and other wildlife crimes.
  • Research and Monitoring: Governments fund and research wildlife populations, habitats, and threats to inform conservation strategies and monitor the effectiveness of conservation efforts.
  • International Cooperation: Governments collaborate with other countries through agreements such as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) to address transboundary conservation issues.

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

  • Advocacy and Awareness: NGOs raise awareness about wildlife conservation issues, advocate for policy change, and mobilize public support for conservation efforts.
  • Field Conservation: NGOs implement on-the-ground conservation projects, such as habitat restoration, anti-poaching efforts, and species conservation programs, often in collaboration with local communities.
  • Research and Monitoring: NGOs conduct scientific research, monitor wildlife populations, and develop conservation strategies to protect endangered species and habitats.
  • Capacity Building: NGOs build the capacity of local communities, governments, and other stakeholders to engage in effective conservation practices and sustainable natural resource management.
  • Community Engagement: NGOs work closely with local communities, indigenous peoples, and other stakeholders to involve them in conservation decision-making and ensure conservation benefits local people.
  • Partnerships and Collaboration: NGOs collaborate with governments, other NGOs, academia, and businesses to leverage resources, share expertise, and coordinate conservation efforts on a larger scale.

Case Studies

Here are some case studies of successful wildlife conservation projects from around the world:

  • Conservation efforts for giant pandas in China have successfully upgraded the species from “endangered” to “vulnerable” on the IUCN Red List. Conservation measures include establishing protected areas, habitat restoration, and captive breeding programs.
  • Black Rhinoceros Conservation (Namibia): Namibia has implemented community-based conservation programs that involve local communities in rhino conservation and provide economic benefits from ecotourism. As a result, black rhino populations have increased in some areas.
  • Mountain Gorilla Conservation (Rwanda, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo): Conservation efforts, including anti-poaching patrols, community engagement, and tourism revenue sharing, have helped increase mountain gorilla populations in the Virunga Massif and Bwindi Impenetrable Forest.
  • California Condor Recovery Program (USA): The California Condor Recovery Program has successfully increased the population of critically endangered California condors through captive breeding, habitat protection, and monitoring programs.
  • Tiger Conservation (India): India’s Project Tiger, launched in 1973, has been instrumental in conserving tiger populations by establishing tiger reserves, improving habitat, and anti-poaching efforts, leading to an increase in tiger numbers.
  • Sea Turtle Conservation (Costa Rica): Conservation efforts in Costa Rica have helped protect nesting beaches, reduce bycatch, and increase awareness about the importance of sea turtle conservation, leading to increased nesting populations.
  • African Elephant Conservation (Kenya): Kenya’s anti-poaching efforts, community-based conservation programs, and wildlife corridors have helped protect African elephant populations and reduce poaching.

Future Outlook

The future of wildlife conservation faces both challenges and opportunities. Here are some key aspects of the future outlook for wildlife conservation:

  • Climate Change: Climate change continues to impact wildlife and habitats, necessitating adaptive strategies to mitigate its effects on ecosystems and species.
  • Habitat Loss and Fragmentation: Addressing ongoing habitat loss and fragmentation will be critical to ensuring the survival of many species, requiring concerted efforts to protect and restore habitats.
  • Technology and Innovation: Advances in technology, such as remote sensing, DNA analysis, and conservation drones, offer new tools for monitoring wildlife populations, combating poaching, and informing conservation strategies.
  • Policy and Governance: Enhancing international cooperation, strengthening wildlife protection laws, and improving governance frameworks will be essential for effective conservation on a global scale.
  • Human-Wildlife Coexistence: Promoting coexistence between humans and wildlife through innovative solutions, such as wildlife corridors, eco-friendly infrastructure, and community-based conservation, will be crucial for reducing conflicts and conserving biodiversity.
  • Public Awareness and Education: Increasing public awareness about the importance of wildlife conservation and promoting sustainable lifestyles will be key to garnering support for conservation efforts.
  • Sustainable Development: Integrating wildlife conservation into sustainable development agendas, such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), will be vital for balancing conservation with human development needs.
  • Inclusive Conservation: Ensuring conservation efforts are inclusive and benefit local communities, indigenous peoples, and marginalized groups will be essential for long-term conservation success.
  • Innovative Financing: Exploring new financing mechanisms, such as biodiversity offsets, conservation finance, and public-private partnerships, will be crucial for funding conservation projects and ensuring their sustainability.
  • Adaptive Management: Embracing adaptive management approaches that allow for flexibility and learning from both successes and failures will be critical for effective conservation in an ever-changing world.

Wildlife conservation is imperative for maintaining biodiversity, ecological balance, and ecosystem services essential for human well-being. While facing numerous challenges, such as habitat loss, poaching, and human-wildlife conflict, conservation efforts have shown promising results in protecting and restoring wildlife populations and habitats. The future of wildlife conservation depends on collaborative efforts involving governments, NGOs, local communities, and individuals. Sustainable practices, innovative solutions, and effective policies are crucial for ensuring the survival of wildlife species and promoting harmonious coexistence between humans and wildlife. By valuing and conserving wildlife, we protect our natural heritage and secure a healthy planet for future generations.

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  • Essay on Wildlife Conservation


500+ Words Essay on Wildlife Conservation

Going by the importance of climate change and associated topics are garnering importance worldwide, an essay on Wildlife Conservation for students in English is an expected topic in the English exams. To prepare well in advance Vedantu has brought this essay for you. It is written by experts having expertise in English. Enough data and content are brought to you so that you can recall maximum points in the exam. This will ensure you achieve amazing marks in the English examination.

Let’s Being with the Essay on Wildlife Conservation for Students in English

Like forests, wildlife consisting of animals, birds, insects, etc. living in the forest is a national resource, which not only helps in maintaining the ecological balance but is also beneficial for various economic activities that generate revenue from tourism. The rich flora and fauna also play a major role in maintaining the ecological balance of a region. There was a time when human needs were minimal and there was bare interference in the wildlife. There is no denying the fact that due to urbanization, pollution, and human interventions wildlife is rapidly disappearing from the planet.

Today the biodiversity of the world is threatened due to the extinction of species. There are thirty-five hotspots around the world, which supports 43% of birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians as endemic. The IUCN has compiled a list of species and has classified the different species under extinct, critically endangered, less endangered, vulnerable, near threatened, and least concerned. This list is called the Red Data Book. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the number of birds, animals, marine and freshwater creatures has dropped by almost one-third of its earlier population.

Causes for Decline or Threat to Wildlife

One of the major reasons for the constant decline of wildlife is human’s ever-increasing demands and greed that have led to deforestation and habitat destruction. For development and urbanization, man has chopped down trees to build dams, highways, and towns and this has forced the animals to retreat further and further into the receding forests.

Rapid industrialization and urbanization due to the fast growth in population in recent decades have taken a heavy toll on wildlife. Global warming and extensive environmental pollution have largely threatened wildlife as they lead to habitat destruction and rising temperature.

There is a huge demand for animal fur, skin, meat, bone, etc. across the globe that has led to a decrease in the wildlife population. Poachers kill the animals for the illegal trading of their body parts. For example, elephants are massively poached for ivory, rhinoceros are poached in Assam for their horns. The desire to keep animals in captivity or their desire to consume certain animals as exotic food has resulted in the disappearance of many animal species such as tigers and deer.

Forest fires, food shortage, increase in the number of predators, extreme weather conditions and other extraneous reasons have led to the extinction and endangerment of many species. For instance, the recent forest fires in the Amazon (Brazil), Uttarakhand (India), Australia, etc. lead to the death of many animals every year. 

Many types of animals, birds, and fauna are needed to retain the ecological balance. They are considered necessary for scientific research and experiments that will benefit mankind.

Steps to Conserve Wildlife

The protection and conservation of wildlife is the need of the hour. Some conservation efforts which are widely implemented are given below:


First and most importantly, humans need to have control over their needs. We need to prevent man from felling trees unnecessarily. Trees should be replanted if they are felled.

Pollution is one of the major causes that have led to the destruction of the habitat of animal species. Pollution of the environment like air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution hurts the entire ecosystem. It has become of utmost importance to control environmental pollution.

More campaigns must be launched to raise awareness in humans on the need to keep our environment clean. A man should be responsible to maintain a healthy and balanced ecosystem so they should be cordial with the environment. More organizations like PETA should be set up to create awareness among people for the protection of wildlife.


The man should consciously put a check on the rapid growth of the population. The slow growth of population will decrease the rate of urbanization and that will have a major impact on the preservation of wildlife.

Wildlife Sanctuaries:

Wildlife sanctuaries should be made to ensure the protection of the areas of ecological significance. Under the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 various provisions for protecting habitats of wildlife are made by constructing national parks and sanctuaries. These parks and sanctuaries ensure the protection and maintenance of endangered species.

Ban of Illegal Activities:

Illegal activities like hunting, poaching, and killing animals, birds, etc. for collections and illegal trade of hides, skins, nails, teeth, horns, feathers, etc. should be strictly prohibited and severe punishments and fines should be imposed on people who do these kinds of activities.

Community initiatives

Communities come together to take various conservation initiatives such as the establishment of community forests, raising their voice against illegal activities, creating awareness among the masses, raising voice for the rights of the animals, conserving animals of cultural significance, and many more. For example, members of the Bishnoi community of Rajasthan are very vocal against poaching activities in the region.    

Many countries have taken the initiative to help animals by proclaiming various birds and animals either as national animals or as protected species. In India, the government has launched a program of Joint Forest Management to protect the wildlife and their habitat. Under this program, responsibilities have been assigned to the village communities to protect and manage nearby forests and the wildlife in them.  Animal species have the right to live just like humans. Therefore, we should take every step to conserve them and ensure their survival and betterment.

Wildlife is an integral part of our planet. Wildlife plays a significant role in the ecology and the food chain. Disturbing their numbers or in extreme cases, extinction can have wide-ranging effects on ecology and humankind. Valuing and conserving forests and wildlife enhance the relation between man and nature. We want our future generation to be able to hear the lions roar and peacocks dancing with their extravagant feathers and not just see them in picture books. We must take steps today or else it will be too late and we should always remember 

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.”

-Mahatma Gandhi


FAQs on Essay on Wildlife Conservation

1. How is Wildlife Important for Humankind?

Wildlife comprises animals, birds, insects, and aquatic life forms. They provide us with a number of products, such as milk, meat, hides, and wools. Insects like bees provide us, honey. They help in the pollination of flowers and have an important role to play as decomposers in the ecosystem. The birds act as decomposers by feeding on insects. Birds like vultures are known as scavengers and cleansers of the environment by feeding on dead livestock. Thus, wildlife helps in maintaining ecological balance.

2. Why Should we Conserve Biodiversity?

We should conserve biodiversity because it is very significant for all living organisms and for the environment. We must conserve biodiversity to save it from becoming extinct.

3. Why are Animals Poached?

The animals are hunted and poached for collection and illegal trade of skins, fur, horns, skins, and feathers.

4. Write Two Steps that the Government has Taken to Conserve Wildlife.

The two steps that the government has taken to conserve wildlife are:

In order to conserve wildlife, the government has established national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, and biosphere reserves.

Many awareness programs are launched by the government to create awareness of protecting wildlife.

5. What is the importance of essays on Wildlife Conservation for students in English?

Essay on Wildlife Conservation is a topic given to students because it serves many purposes and holds a lot of importance in the present times. Before starting the essay, students will do adequate research to get enough data about the topic. In the process, they will learn a lot about wildlife conservation. While writing this essay they will learn to empathize with the plight of the animals. Also, they will become better at expressing themselves in written words by writing an essay on this topic as it is a very sensitive topic. This essay will not just help them in fetching excellent marks but it will also sensitize them about the current happenings.

6. What message does an essay on Wildlife Conservation for students in English carry?

Essay on Wildlife Conservation for students in English carries a very significant message that emphasizes the importance of the conservation efforts taken and that are needed. The essay talks about the efforts which have already been taken and are under implementation and it also talks about what needs to be done in the future. It also talks about why we need to conserve wildlife and what significance it holds. Overall the central message of the essay is to conserve and protect the wildlife as much as we can.  

7. What important points should be covered while writing an essay on Wildlife Conservation for students in English?

As such there are no rigid pointers that you need to cover while writing an essay on Wildlife Conservation, but you may use the following pointers for reference:

Definition of wildlife conservation

Explain the reasons for conserving the wildlife with valid points

Efforts that are taken by international agencies. This should also include various treaties and protocols signed 

Mention the efforts that are taken by the Indian government. Talk about various laws and legislations present.

Mention various provisions on the local level

Talk about various popular civil movements such as efforts undertaken by the Bishnoi Community

What can you do as students to conserve wildlife? Give suggestions and examples.

8. What steps taken by the government should be mentioned in the essay on Wildlife Conservation?

The Indian government has undertaken various measures to conserve wildlife in the country. You can mention some of these in the essay on Wildlife Conservation:

Wildlife Conservation Act, 1972

Schedules involved and protections provided to the animals

Conservation efforts for particular animals like tigers, elephants, etc.

Formation of various protected areas such as National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries, Biosphere reserves, etc.

Awards and accolades received by India on various international forums

Various international treaties and agreements were signed by India. 

Mention names of international grouping dedicated to conservation efforts whose India is a part of

You may refer to Vedantu’s forum to get more information about steps to conserve wildlife. 

9. In how many words should one write an essay on Wildlife Conservation?

Word count for writing an essay on Wildlife Conservation for students in English can vary depending on which standard the student is studying in. it can range from 300 words to 800 words. Accordingly, the level of writing and richness of the content should vary. You can refer to Vedantu’s guide on essays for further understanding the demand of any given topic. If the essay is being written by a student studying in class 10 then the essay should be data and opinion-driven. It should reflect the ideas and thoughts of the student that are substantiated with authentic data and valid reasons.

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How many species are there?

  • Calculating background extinction rates
  • Pacific island birds
  • Flowering plants
  • Freshwater mussels and clams
  • Freshwater fish
  • Australian mammals
  • Calculating relative rates of extinction
  • Inexorable declines
  • Surviving but threatened small populations
  • The loss of populations
  • The loss of ecosystems
  • Endemic species
  • Terrestrial hot spots
  • Predictions of extinctions based on habitat loss
  • Fire suppression as habitat loss
  • In the oceans
  • In fresh water
  • Introduced species
  • Logging and collecting
  • Secondary extinctions
  • Global warming
  • Endemism and rarity
  • Body size and related reproductive characteristics
  • Size of home range
  • Concentration
  • Low dispersal
  • Mating systems
  • Protective custody
  • Genetic intervention
  • Protecting species
  • Removing invasive species
  • Introducing species
  • Habitat protection
  • Habitat connections
  • Fire control
  • Flood control
  • Habitat restoration
  • Putting a price on conservation

terrestrial hot spots of biodiversity


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  • Table Of Contents

terrestrial hot spots of biodiversity

conservation , study of the loss of Earth’s biological diversity and the ways this loss can be prevented. Biological diversity, or biodiversity , is the variety of life either in a particular place or on the entire planet Earth, including its ecosystems , species , populations , and genes . Conservation thus seeks to protect life’s variety at all levels of biological organization.

(Read E.O. Wilson’s Britannica essay on mass extinction.)

Species extinction is the most obvious aspect of the loss of biodiversity. For example, species form the bulk of the examples in a comprehensive assessment of the state of the planet published in the early 21st century by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, an international effort coordinated by the United Nations Environment Programme . The subject of conservation is broader than this, however. Even a species that survives extinction can lose much of its genetic diversity as local, genetically distinct populations are lost from most of the species’ original range. Furthermore, ecosystems may shrink dramatically in area and lose many of their functions, even if their constituent species manage to survive. Conservation is involved with studying all these kinds of losses, understanding the factors responsible for them, developing techniques to prevent losses, and, whenever possible, restoring biodiversity.

Conservation is a crisis discipline , one demanded by the unusual rates of loss; it is also a mission-driven one. By analogy , ecology and conservation have the same relationship as physiology and medicine . Human physiology studies the workings of the human body , whereas medicine is mission-oriented and aims to understand what goes wrong and how to treat it. The major parts of this article thus deal first with the “pathology” of extinction—why and how biodiversity is lost—and second with the “treatment” methods to prevent these losses.

Conservation is often considered a purely biological topic, as exemplified by major scientific journals with titles such as Conservation Biology and Animal Conservation as well as college textbooks with such titles as Principles of Conservation Biology and Essentials of Conservation Biology . However, because the underlying cause of the loss of biodiversity is increasing human activity, conservation must inevitably involve human interactions. Many of the techniques to prevent the loss of biodiversity involve issues of economics , law , social sciences , and religion —all of which are covered by the journals and textbooks cited above.

The “pathology” section of this article begins by documenting the losses of species. In doing so, it shows that a set of common factors are responsible; these are then individually identified and discussed. The final part of the section demonstrates that some species and ecosystems are much more likely to lose biodiversity than others. The other main division, the “treatment” section, considers a variety of “therapies” that address the problems identified in the first section.

The pathology of extinction

Rates of natural and present-day species extinction.

essay on conservation

According to the best estimates of the world’s environmental experts, human activities have driven species to extinction at rates perhaps 1,000 times the natural, or background, rate, and future rates of extinction will likely be higher. To show how the experts arrived at these conclusions, it is necessary to pose and attempt to answer a series of extremely difficult questions. How many species are there? How fast were species disappearing before human activity became pervasive ? How fast are they becoming extinct at present? And finally, it is necessary to ask a further question: What does the future hold for extinctions if current trends continue?

Estimates of recent and future extinction rates
group number of living species number of extinctions per indicated time period (in years) extinctions per million species per year
Recent extinctions
*Predictions of future extinctions for all species, as published by various authors since about 1980, range between 1,000 and 10,000 extinctions per million species per year.
Principal source: S.L. Pimm et al., "The Future of Biodiversity," Science 269:347–350 (1995).
birds (described 1800–99) 7,079 39/100 55
mammals 4,300 60/200 70
reptiles 4,700 20/200 21
frogs and toads 4,000 5/25 50
freshwater clams 1,082 21/100 194
Future extinctions*
birds 10,000 1,200/100 1,200
mammals 4,300 650/100 1,512
reptiles 4,700 210/100 447
frogs and toads 4,000 89/100 223
freshwater clams 1,082 120/100 1,109

Any absolute estimate of extinction rate , such as extinctions per year, requires knowledge of how many species there are. Unfortunately, this number is not known with any great degree of certainty, and the problems of estimating it are formidable . Taxonomists have described—that is, have given names to—about 1.9 million species. Only about 100,000 of them, comprising terrestrial vertebrates, some flowering plants, and attractive and collectible invertebrates such as butterflies and snails, are popular enough for taxonomists to know well. Birds are exceptionally well known; there are roughly 10,400 bird species, with only 1 or 2 new species being added each year.

Those who describe species cannot always be certain that the specimen in hand has not been given a name by someone else in a different country and sometimes even in a different century. Consequently, some taxonomic groups may have more names assigned to them than constituent species, which would result in erroneously high species estimates. Potentially much more serious as a source of error is the fact that some species groups have relatively few named members compared with the numbers that experts think exist in those groups. For example, taxonomists have only sparsely sampled some potentially rich communities , such as the bottom of the deep ocean and the canopies of rainforests .

essay on conservation

One estimate of how many species might still be undescribed involves a comparison of fungi and flowering plants ( angiosperms ). In Great Britain, where both groups are well known, there are six times as many named species of fungi as of flowering plants. If this ratio applies worldwide, the world total of about 300,000 species of flowering plants, which are fairly well known globally, predicts a total of about 1.8 million species of fungi, which are not. Other mycologists estimate that there may be between 2.2 million and 3.8 million total species. Only about 144,000 species of fungi currently have names.

For insects , there are about 1 million described species, yet estimates of how many insect species exist are often around 5.5 million.

An obvious concern follows regarding the usefulness of such calculations as a basis for assessing the loss of species. Any absolute estimate of species extinctions must be extrapolated from the 100,000 well-known species of living plants and animals, to the roughly 1.5 million described species, to the likely grand total of very roughly 8.7 million. However, if the potential number of bacteria species are included, some estimates reach as high as 1 trillion species. Because of uncertainties about the total number of living species, published statements regarding the total number of species that become extinct per year or per day can vary a hundredfold.

Another approach to assessing species loss is to derive relative estimates—estimates of the proportion of well-known species that become extinct in a given interval. Estimating such proportions is the basis for the remainder of the discussion on rates of extinction, but it raises a critical concern of its own—namely, are these proportions actually typical of the great majority of species that are still undescribed? They are likely to be so if extinction rates in widely different species groups and regions turn out to be broadly similar.

There also is another way in which estimates of extinctions can be made relative. Extinctions have always been a part of Earth’s history. It is possible to make any estimates of massive future extinction relative to that history.


Essay on Conservation of Forest and Wildlife

Students are often asked to write an essay on Conservation of Forest and Wildlife in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Conservation of Forest and Wildlife


Forests and wildlife are vital parts of our ecosystem. They provide shelter, food, and even oxygen. Sadly, these natural resources are under threat due to human activities.

Importance of Forests and Wildlife

Forests absorb harmful carbon dioxide, helping to combat climate change. They are also home to countless species of animals. Wildlife, on the other hand, contributes to biodiversity, crucial for ecosystem balance.

Threats to Forests and Wildlife

Deforestation and hunting are major threats. Forests are being cleared for agriculture or urbanization, while animals are hunted for their body parts.

Conservation Efforts

Protecting these resources involves creating protected areas, enforcing laws, and promoting sustainable practices. Education also plays a key role in conservation.

250 Words Essay on Conservation of Forest and Wildlife

Forests and wildlife are integral to maintaining ecological balance. They serve as carbon sinks, absorbing greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. Wildlife, on the other hand, plays a crucial role in pollination, pest control, and maintaining a balanced food chain.

Impacts of Deforestation and Loss of Wildlife

Deforestation and loss of wildlife have far-reaching impacts. It disrupts the balance of the ecosystem, leading to severe climatic changes, soil erosion, and loss of biodiversity. The extinction of a single species can have a domino effect, causing the collapse of an entire ecosystem.

Conservation Strategies

Conservation strategies revolve around sustainable use and management of natural resources. These include the establishment of protected areas, implementation of laws against illegal hunting and logging, and promotion of eco-tourism. Additionally, reforestation and afforestation programs can help restore degraded habitats.

The conservation of forests and wildlife is not just an environmental issue; it’s a matter of survival for future generations. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that we use our resources sustainably, preserving the balance of our ecosystems. Through concerted efforts and global cooperation, we can protect and preserve our natural heritage.

500 Words Essay on Conservation of Forest and Wildlife

Forests and wildlife are integral parts of our planet’s ecosystem, playing a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance. They not only support a diverse range of flora and fauna but also provide essential resources for human survival. However, with rapid industrialization and urbanization, the conservation of forest and wildlife has become a pressing issue.

The Importance of Forests and Wildlife

Wildlife, on the other hand, contributes to the biodiversity of the planet. Each species, no matter how small, plays a vital role in the ecosystem. They help in pollination, pest control, decomposition, and much more. Wildlife also has intrinsic value, enhancing our world with their beauty and diversity.

Unfortunately, human activities pose significant threats to forests and wildlife. Deforestation, driven by the need for agricultural land, timber, and urban development, is causing a rapid loss of forest cover. This not only results in a loss of habitat for wildlife but also contributes to climate change.

Efforts towards the conservation of forest and wildlife must be multi-pronged. Legal measures, such as implementing strict laws against deforestation and poaching, can deter destructive activities. Protected areas, like national parks and wildlife reserves, should be established and effectively managed to provide safe havens for wildlife.

Community involvement is also crucial. Local communities should be educated about the importance of conservation and encouraged to participate in conservation efforts. Sustainable practices, such as community forestry and eco-tourism, can provide economic benefits while preserving the environment.

The Role of Technology and Research

The conservation of forest and wildlife is not just an environmental issue; it is a matter of our survival. As we continue to exploit nature for our needs, we must also take responsibility for its protection. By understanding the value of forests and wildlife, implementing effective conservation strategies, and harnessing the power of technology and research, we can ensure a sustainable future for all life on Earth.

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Home — Essay Samples — Environment — Water Conservation — Importance of Water Conservation


Importance of Water Conservation

  • Categories: Water Conservation

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Words: 880 |

Published: Jan 30, 2024

Words: 880 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, the significance of saving water, methods of saving water, case studies/examples, challenges in water conservation and protection efforts, a. water conservation practices at homes.

  • Installing water-saving fixtures and appliances, such as low-flow showerheads, faucets, and toilets.
  • Fixing leaks and reducing water wastage by taking shorter showers, turning off the tap while brushing, and fixing dripping taps.
  • Implementing efficient water usage habits such as using a broom instead of a hose to clean outdoor areas and washing laundry and dishes only with full loads.

B. Agriculture Water Management

  • Implementing efficient irrigation techniques such as drip irrigation and precision irrigation, which reduce water wastage by up to 30%.
  • Crop selection and rotation to optimize water usage by selecting crops that require less water and reducing water-intensive crops, such as rice and cotton.
  • Using precision farming methods such as soil moisture sensors, weather forecasts, and crop modeling to optimize water usage.

C. Industrial Water Conservation

  • Recycling and reusing water in manufacturing processes by using closed-loop systems.
  • Implementing water-efficient technologies such as water-efficient boilers, cooling towers, and dry lubrication processes.
  • Promoting water stewardship among industries by adopting best practices and engaging in water conservation efforts.

D. Government Policies and Programs

  • Providing incentives for water-saving practices such as tax credits, rebates, and grants for installing water-efficient appliances and fixtures.
  • Implementing water regulations and enforceable laws such as water pricing, water rights, and zoning regulations to ensure efficient water use.
  • Educating and creating awareness among citizens through campaigns such as the WaterSense program, which educates consumers on water-efficient products.
  • United Nations. (2021, March 22). Water and Sanitation.
  • WaterSense. (n.d.). Water-Efficient Products.
  • Valsecchi, G. B., & Faggian, R. (2019). The Alliance for Water Stewardship certification program in the Netherlands: measuring the performance of a water sustainability standard for industries. Water, 11(12), 2608.
  • Maheshwari, B. L. (2019). Rainwater harvesting impacts on crop yield: a review with a case study of Tamil Nadu, India. Water, 11(5), 1018.

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essay on conservation

Conservation of Forest Essay

The conservation of forest essay is a useful learning resource for kids to understand the value of forests and wildlife. Forests are important to us. They provide air and water, absorb carbon dioxide, protect us from natural disasters, and house many of our wild animals. Hence, it is our duty to conserve them.

Due to human activities, the world is losing its forests. If we do not take action now, we will lose them forever. The continuing destruction of our forests is both a cause and consequence of climate change. This destroys the habitat of many plant and animal species that cannot adapt to changing conditions. Unfortunately, the trend toward extinction has been accelerated with the recent introduction of exotic species, which have caused millions of trees and other species to be lost or destroyed. We must preserve the environment for future generations, and all of us need to do our part in conserving what is left by keeping invasive species at bay.

Conservation of Forest Essay

To protect the environment, we have to reduce our carbon footprint. Minimising food waste is one of the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint. It is also important for us to care about our wildlife and forests through awareness programmes on the importance of protecting them. The conservation of forest and wildlife essay is a great way to teach kids the significance of coexisting with nature and protecting its elements.

Importance of Conservation of Forests and Wildlife

The conservation of forest essay keeps your little ones engaged in learning the significance of protecting nature and wild animals. Conservation implies preserving something or maintaining it to keep it alive. People have concerns about preserving forests and wildlife because of the need for trees, which is why many people save a fallen tree from being chopped down by cutting it into logs.

Since forests are home to many species, it’s vital to preserve them because it is where animals can escape from danger and find food, water, and shelter. Moreover, forests contribute to climate stability and provide food for animals who live there or depend on them for their livelihoods.

The Earth is full of species, and it is our responsibility to take care of them. Some animals need conservation as they are facing the threat of extinction. The more we help these animals, the better the planet will be. Also, the conservation of forest essay PDF helps create awareness among kids so that they can take the necessary steps to protect our planet.

With the Earth’s resources being depleted, protecting our wildlife and nature is crucial. Conservation of wildlife has a lot of benefits to society that many people are unaware of, and it also helps the environment by reducing pollution and protecting endangered species.

You can find more essays similar to the conservation of forest essay on BYJU’S website. Also, explore a range of kid-friendly learning resources, such as short stories, poems, worksheets, etc., for young learners on the website.

Frequently Asked Questions on Conservation of Forest Essay

Does deforestation affect climate change.

Yes. Deforestation affects climate change, as it increases the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which leads to a rise in atmospheric temperature.

Why is it important to conserve wildlife and forests?

It’s important to preserve wildlife and forests because animals can escape from danger and find food, water, and shelter. Moreover, forests contribute to climate stability and provide food for animals who live there or depend on them for their livelihoods.

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Wildlife conservation.

Wildlife conservation aims to protect plant and animal species as the human population encroaches on their resources.

Biology, Ecology, Conservation, Storytelling, Photography

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Wildlife conservation is the practice of protecting plant and animal species and their habitats . Wildlife is integral to the world’s ecosystems , providing balance and stability to nature’s processes. The goal of wildlife conservation is to ensure the survival of these species, and to educate people on living sustainably with other species. The human population has grown exponentially over the past 200 years, to more than eight billion humans as of November 2022, and it continues to rapidly grow. This means natural resources are being consumed faster than ever by the billions of people on the planet. This growth and development also endangers the habitats and existence of various types of wildlife around the world, particularly animals and plants that may be displaced for land development, or used for food or other human purposes. Other threats to wildlife include the introduction of invasive species from other parts of the world, climate change, pollution, hunting, fishing, and poaching. National and international organizations like the World Wildlife Fund, Conservation International, the Wildlife Conservation Society, the United Nations, and National Geographic, itself, work to support global animal and habitat conservation efforts on many different fronts. They work with the government to establish and protect public lands, like national parks and wildlife refuges . They help write legislation, such as the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973 in the United States, to protect various species. They work with law enforcement to prosecute wildlife crimes, like wildlife trafficking and illegal hunting (poaching). They also promote biodiversity to support the growing human population while preserving existing species and habitats. National Geographic Explorers, like conservation biologist Charudutt Mishra and conservation technologist Rebecca Ryakitimbo, are working to slow the extinction of global species and to protect global biodiversity and habitats. Environmental filmmakers and photographers, like Thomas P. Peschak and Joel Sartore, are essential to conservation efforts as well, documenting and bringing attention to endangered wildlife all over the world.

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Essay on Save Environment for Students and Children

500+ words essay on globalization.

Environment refers to the natural surroundings and conditions in which we live. Unfortunately, this Environment has come under serious threat. This threat is almost entirely due to human activities. These human activities have certainly caused serious damage to the Environment. Most noteworthy, this damage risks the survival of living things on Earth. Therefore, there is an urgent need to save the Environment.

Essay on Save Environment

Ways of Saving Environment

First of all, planting trees should be given massive attention. Above all, a tree is the source of oxygen. Unfortunately, due to construction, many trees have been cut down. This certainly reduces the amount of oxygen in the environment. Growing more trees means more oxygen. Hence, growing more trees would mean better life quality.

Similarly, people must give attention to forest conservation. Forests are vital for the Environment. However, deforestation certainly reduces the area of forests around the World. The government must launch programs to conserve the forests. The government must make harming forests a criminal offense.

Soil conservation is yet another important way to save the Environment. For this, there must be control of landslides, floods, and soil erosion . Furthermore, there should also be afforestation and tree plantation to conserve the soil. Also, terrace farming and using natural fertilizers are some more ways.

Waste management is a powerful way of protecting the environment. There must be proper disposal of wastes. Most noteworthy, this would help to keep the surroundings healthy. The government must ensure to clean the streets and other polluted land areas. Furthermore, there should be toilets in every house. Also, the government must provide enough public toilets.

Pollution is probably the biggest danger to the Environment. Smoke, dust, and harmful gases cause air pollution. These causes of air pollution come from industries and vehicles mostly. Furthermore, Chemicals and pesticides cause land and water pollution.

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Benefits of Saving Environment

First of all, the world climate will remain normal. Harming the Environment and causing pollution have caused global warming. Due to this many humans and animals have died. Hence, saving the environment would reduce global warming .

The health of people would improve. Due to pollution and deforestation, the health of many people is poor. Conserving the Environment would certainly improve the health of people. Most noteworthy, saving Environment would reduce many diseases.

essay on conservation

Saving Environment would certainly protect the animals. Extinction of many species will not take place due to saving Environment. Many endangered species would also increase in population.

The water level would rise. Damage to Environment has severely reduced the level of groundwater. Furthermore, there is a scarcity of clean drinking water around the World. Due to this, many people fell ill and die. Saving Environment would certainly avoid such problems.

In conclusion, Environment is a precious gift on this planet. Our Environment is facing a big danger. Saving Environment is the need of the hour. Probably, it is the biggest concern of Humanity right now. Any delay in this regard could be disastrous.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Name any two ways for soil conservation?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “First of all, the ways for soil conservation are many. Two of them are afforestation and using natural fertilizers.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How world climate would become normal because of saving the Environment?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”Saving Environment would certainly make the world climate normal. This is because there would a reduction of global warming.”} }] }

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