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  • Published: 05 April 2024

A systematic review of Stimulated Recall (SR) in educational research from 2012 to 2022

  • Xuesong Zhai   ORCID: 1 , 2   na1 ,
  • Xiaoyan Chu 1   na1 ,
  • Minjuan Wang 3 , 4 ,
  • Chin-Chung Tsai 5 ,
  • Jyh-Chong Liang 5 &
  • Jonathan Michael Spector 6  

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications volume  11 , Article number:  489 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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  • Science, technology and society

Stimulated Recall (SR) has long been used in educational settings as an approach of retrospection. However, with the fast growing of digital learning and advanced technologies in educational settings over the past decade, the extent to which stimulated recall has been effectively implemented by researchers remains minimal. This systematic review reveals that SR has been primarily employed to probe the patterns of participants’ thinking, to examine the effects of instructional strategies, and to promote metacognitive level. Notably, SR video stimuli have advanced, and the sources of stimuli have become more diverse, including the incorporation of physiological data. Additionally, researchers have applied various strategies, such as flexible intervals and questioning techniques, in SR interviews. Furthermore, this article discusses the relationships between different SR research items, including stimuli and learning contexts. The review and analysis also demonstrate that stimulated recall may be further enhanced by integrating multiple data sources, applying intelligent algorithms, and incorporating conversational agents enabled by generative artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT. This article provides a comprehensive analysis of SR studies in the realm of education and proposes a promising avenue for researchers to proactively apply stimulated recall in investigating educational issues in the digital era.

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Stimulated Recall (SR) is an approach commonly used to prompt participants’ retrospection by employing diverse stimuli and interview strategies. This method is frequently applied to examine instructors’ and students’ reflections on their cognitive and affective responses during or after specific educational events or activities (Calderhead, 1981 ; Gass and Mackey, 2016 ). This type of SR represents an effective qualitative method for educational researchers to gather implicit data and has been broadly practiced to investigate various teaching and learning occurrences, including teacher cognition, study strategies, and language learning (Meade and McMeniman, 1992 ; Van der Kleij et al., 2017 ; White et al., 2016 ; Sundberg et al., 2018 ; Martinelle, 2018 ; Cao et al., 2019 ; Martinelle, 2020 ). Moreover, in addition to serving as a research tool to explore instructors’ and learners’ internal thoughts, several studies have innovatively implemented SR as a teaching and learning strategy to foster students’ metacognition (Zhai et al., 2018 ; Jensen, 2019 ). Nevertheless, although the purposes of SR-enabled research appear to be diverse, there are reasons to extend its use in more educational and research settings.

The vast technology integration into education has ushered in changes in the selection of stimuli and technologies for adopting SR in educational research (Gazdag et al., 2019 ). Technological advancement applied in teaching and learning settings have also expanded the sources of stimuli beyond traditional written notes, classroom photographs, and video recordings. Participants’ learning records on digital platforms and mobile devices can also be used as stimuli to evoke the memory of their own learning path (Koltovskaia, 2020 ; Lindfors et al., 2020 ). Furthermore, the shift of instructional environments from offline to online has rendered educational activities in physical scenes more static, lacking observable interactivity to generate an effective stimulus (Duo and Song, 2012 ; Gijselaers et al., 2016 ; Tan et al., 2021 ). Some studies have leveraged physiological feedback signals such as eye movement, setting position, and EEG data to provide valuable cues about changes in learners’ inner thoughts (Zhai et al., 2018 ; El and Windeatt, 2019 ). However, owing to the constantly evolving technological landscape in learning environments and pedagogical strategies, the question of whether traditional stimuli need to be improved and how to choose new stimuli remains unresolved (Wijayasundara, 2020 ).

When practicing interview strategies, researchers have exhibited distinctive tendencies in time arrangement and questioning techniques (Gass and Mackey, 2016 ). Even when the same stimuli were selected, the adoption of interview strategies varied across studies. Concerning the time arrangement of the interview, most researchers contend that participants should be presented with the stimuli and interviewed immediately after the instructional activity, while some researchers intentionally introduce an interval before further interviewing (Gass and Mackey, 2000 ; Kurki et al., 2016 ). In terms of questioning techniques, interviewers’ questions can be either entirely open-ended or focused, depending on the research design and educational settings. For instance, Heikonen et al., ( 2017 ) commenced with general questions and subsequently narrowed the question scope to explore student and instructors’ reflections on classroom incidents. In contrast, Hu and Gao ( 2020 ) posed rather specific questions on students’ responses to linguistic challenges in learning science through English. These disparities may be attributed to the distinct subjects and research questions that SR measures aim to address (Jackson and Cho, 2018 ; Tiainen et al., 2018 ).

In light of the ongoing developments in education and technology, it is worthwhile to conduct a meticulous review of the latest research on applying SR methods in education. Previous reviews were either outdated or narrow in scope. For instance, Keith’s ( 1988 ) review centered on studies that applied SR to investigate instructors’ cognitive processes, which, although valuable at the time, can only provide limited guide for current applications of SR in education. More recently, Gazdag et al., ( 2019 ) reviewed 35 articles on the use of Video Stimulated Recall (VSR) to enhance instructors’ reflective thinking. However, this study’s scope was confined to implementing VSR in teacher training and excluded studies in broader educational settings. Therefore, further studies are needed to comprehensively examine the application of SR across diverse contexts.

The present study offers a comprehensive review of research using SR in manifold teaching and learning contexts over the past decade. The investigation scrutinizes the characteristics of these studies, such as their research aims, stimuli, and interview strategies. It examines the interplay among these elements, including variations in the purposes of SR employment across disciplines. The ultimate goal of our study is to provide valuable insights for future applications of SR in education and also to aid researchers in exploring the external behaviors and internal thought processes of both instructors and students in a more effective manner.

Literature review

The theoretical foundation of sr in education.

SR is a research technique inspired by Dewey’s ( 1933 ) reflective thinking concept, which involves presenting participants with vivid prompts to evoke their memories of an original scenario (Bloom, 1953 ). Since its inception by researchers at Stanford University in 1970, SR has been an essential tool in pedagogical research and widely adopted to investigate various teaching and learning activities in educational research (Stough, 2001 ). Typically, SR comprises two stages: presenting stimuli and proposing recall questions (see Fig. 1 ) (Chu and Zhai, 2023 ). Researchers select specific artifacts, such as notes, audio or video recordings, that exhibit participants’ behavior or cognitive tasks as stimuli, followed by interviews that prompt participants to articulate their intrinsic thoughts, mental processes, or individual feelings at the moment when the stimuli were generated (Calderhead, 1981 ; Lyle, 2003 ).

figure 1

The figure shows the main stages of presenting stimuli and proposing recall questions when applying SR.

The theoretical basis of SR in educational research draws on the Retrocue Effect and the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (CTML) (Mayer and Moreno, 1998 ; Moreno and Mayer, 1999 ; Souza and Oberauer, 2016 ; Shepherdson et al., 2018 ). The Retrocue Effect, a cognitive psychology theory, suggests that an individual’s visual working memory is enhanced when their attention is directed toward prior information, even after a delay or distraction (Souza and Oberauer, 2016 ). Neuroscientific and biopsychological research both provide evidence supporting the protective effect of retroactive attentional focusing on working memory (Duarte et al., 2013 ; Schneider et al., 2017 ). According to this theory, retro cues, such as visual stimuli, improve the quality of retrieval and cognitive processes while also reducing cognitive load effects (Shepherdson et al., 2018 ). Based on this mechanism, SR can offer accurate and specific insights into an instructor or a learner’s thoughts and attitudes towards educational tasks.

In addition, the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (CTML) suggests that multimedia learning is most effective when information is presented in both visual and auditory formats, as learners are actively engaged in the learning process (Mayer and Moreno, 1998 ; Moreno and Mayer, 1999 ). As described in the CTML, learners have two separate channels for processing information: visual and verbal (Mayer, 2002 ; Mayer and Moreno, 2003 ). When multiple forms of stimuli are presented during the SR interview, instructors and learners become more cognizant of their prior experiences in each channel, which helps them articulate their thought processes in greater detail and enhances their retrospection of previous knowledge and cognition. In conclusion, the application of SR in educational research is rooted in the principles of the ICT and the CTML. Implementing SR provides researchers and practitioners with a valuable tool to gain insight into learners’ and instructors’ cognitive processes, ultimately leading to more effective teaching and learning.

The educational application using SR

The SR method is an effective technique used in qualitative educational research to gather data on instructors’ and learners’ thought patterns related to specific events. This method allows researchers to explore instructors’ and learners’ thinking and decision-making processes, making it a valuable tool for data collection (Nguyen et al., 2013 ; Bowles, 2018 ). The use of SR in educational research is critical for maintaining internal validity, as it provides introspective data. Additionally, SR has broad applicability and can be employed in various disciplines for a range of research aims (Meade and McMeniman, 1992 ; Kurki et al., 2016 ; Yu and Hu, 2017 ; Rietdijk et al., 2018 ; Martinelle, 2020 ). For instance, Yu and Hu ( 2017 ) used SR to probe second language learners’ intrinsic and personalized perceptions of peer feedback in collaborative writing assessment, by exploring students’ learning behaviors through interviews. Similarly, Kurki et al. ( 2016 ) and Rietdijk et al. ( 2018 ) tapped into SR to explore how instructors use various teaching strategies and their underlying beliefs, particularly concerning non-cognitive dimensions such as social and emotional factors.

Aside from its application as an educational research method, SR can also serve as an effective teaching and learning strategy. Instructors can use SR to assess what learners remember or may have overlooked to determine learning reinforcement strategies. SR enables learners to examine and articulate their thoughts through memory retrieval and thus elevating their thinking to a new level of expression. Therefore, SR can enhance learning rather than solely serving as a research approach (Smagorinsky, 1998 ; Egi, 2008 ). In addition, VSR is a valuable teacher training and development tool that includes video-supported reflection and questioning. This approach motivates instructors to reflect on themselves and their practice consciously, facilitates metacognitive reflection among preservice teachers, and provides reflective prompts for educational interactions (Geiger, Muir, and Lamb, 2016 ; Endacott, 2016 ).

While linguistics and teacher education are the primary application areas of SR, it is also used in other subjects, such as STEM education (Gass and Mackey, 2016 ; Al Mamun, Lawrie, and Wright, 2020 ; Schindler and Lilienthal, 2019 ). However, the purpose of applying SR varies depending on the subject and learning environment. Recent advances in instructional technologies have transformed teaching strategies and educational settings, yet the relationship between these elements and the principles of SR application in distinct contexts is still ambiguous.

S timuli and interview strategies in SR

The rapid diffusion of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the exponential growth of online learning have brought new challenges and opportunities for using SR in educational research and in teaching and learning. Integrating ICT into education requires a careful selection of stimuli that can adapt to the constantly evolving learning environments. When applied in physical environments, audio or video stimuli respond favorably to interactions between teachers and students, enabling subsequent interviews to investigate their inner impressions or perceptions (Chu and Zhai, 2023 ). In contrast, educational activities incorporating digital technologies are not easily observable, with instructional behaviors conducted through electronic devices and in video or audio conference systems. It is often challenging to find informative stimuli reflecting teacher-student interactions in digital settings.

Nevertheless, technological breakthroughs have enriched stimuli by expanding data collection channels and capacities at the same time. Through the integration of additional stimuli sources such as weblogs, computer screen captures, and biofeedback data, researchers are able to unearth information about learners’ inner workings. For example, Révész et al., ( 2017 ) gained a comprehensive picture of the L2 writing process and acquired a deeper understanding of implicit thinking using eye movement data-based stimuli. Overall, considering the diverse data collection methods and changing learning contexts, stimuli selection in SR in technology-enabled schooling still requires further clarification.

The interview stage is another crucial aspect of SR that distinguishes it from conventional memory recall. This stage emphasizes estimating internal thinking processes and determining how the method can encourage instructors’ and learners’ reflection and delve into their internal ideas. During the interview stage, researchers mainly acquire tacit data. Previous studies are inclined to perform interviews promptly after class and employ standard open-ended questions to encourage participants’ agency in reflecting on their experiences (Gass and Mackey, 2000 ; Chu and Zhai, 2023 ). However, some studies have chosen different approaches. For example, when investigating early childhood teachers’ instructional activities, behavior, and emotions, Kurki and his colleagues (2016) delayed inviting teachers to take part in the interview by two weeks. Additionally, researchers argue that, apart from using generic questions, incorporating specific follow-up questions that closely align with the research aim is equally crucial (Heikonen et al., 2017 ; Hu and Wu, 2020 ). Despite the significance and disparities in interview strategies, few studies have specifically analyzed this issue, and well-developed principles of organizing interviews and questions is absent.

SR has become an essential technique for examining cognition and behavioral patterns in education by activating instructors’ and students’ retrospection through stimuli and interviews. As SR has evolved and educational paradigms have transformed, the research purpose and critical steps, such as stimuli selection and interview strategies, of applying SR in educational research require further discussion. Education is a complex system with intertwined intrinsic elements such as discipline differences and learning environments (Jacobson and Wilensky, 2006 ; Jacobson et al., 2019 ), which can influence stimuli preference and the conduct of interviews.

Therefore, in order to provide insights for learning from past educational applications of SR and enhancing future developments, the present systematic review scrutinized the evolution of the SR method in educational research from 2012 to 2022. It aimed to elucidate what the contributions SR has made, how SR has been implemented, and the challenges and potentials it presents. To fulfill these objectives, we further proposed six specific coding items (see Table 1 ) to guide our content analysis coding procedure and decoding interpretation.

Guided by the aforementioned research questions, we systematically analyzed and interpreted studies related to SR from 2012 to 2022. Given the significant changes in teaching environments and research methods associated with the rapid development in educational technology, we believe that a 10-year time span can provide sufficient coverage of research in a variety of disciplines. We used qualitative content analysis to examine these studies, which consists of two steps: selecting papers for review and coding these papers by using an established coding scheme.

Paper selection

To guarantee the quality of selected, our research team reviewed well-recognized peer-reviewed articles in the Web of Science (WOS) core collection, Scopus, and IEEE Xplore. These databases contain reputable journals with recognized impact factors. The articles retrieved in WOS and Scopus can be further refined into social science or educational categories, allowing for more precise retrieval. Additionally, given the focus of this research on the use of technology in education, the IEEE database provides focused research in scientific and technical disciplines.

Two stages comprise the processes used to identify the research papers. In the first stage, the keyword “SR” was selected, and the discipline was refined to “education and educational research”. This process yielded 309 articles. In the second stage, the abstracts and full text of the chosen articles were manually and systematically screened by researchers to confirmed that they: (1) included the SR protocols, (2) prompted participants to reflect on their thinking process, (3) focused on research issues in the field of education, and (4) provided empirical evidence or evaluation rather than solely summarizing previous findings. For example, some articles merely reviewed others’ research on the SR method employed in teaching settings or using painting-based stimuli to spark students’ prior knowledge did not meet the inclusion criteria (Gazdag et al., 2019 ; Walan and Enochsson, 2019 ).

According to Golhasany and Harvey’s ( 2023 ) study, the coder should pose doctoral degrees or professorships in the relevant field, and each identified papers should be individually scrutinized by experts. Finally, three experts were selected to examine the sample pool: two of whom have doctoral degrees and professorships on learning technology, while the third have a doctoral degree in educational management and post-doctoral experience on learning technology. Moreover, to ensure there are no conflicts of interest, only one coder is involved in the authorship. The inter-coder reliability was assessed following a specific schedule: first, the coders independently examine the selected samples and provided their judgment. Then we use the Fleiss Kappa test in SPSS 26 to test the reliability. The results ranged from 0.874 to 0.973 indicating satisfactory inter-rater reliability and consistent coding for each item. Finally, we adopted the final coding results if all the experts or at least two of them agreed. Finally, the research team identified 257 representative papers as the research sample of this study. As recommended by Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA, Page et al. 2021 ), we conducted the systematic review with a strong and thorough methodology. Figure 2 depicts the flow of this screening process, which is in accordance with Moher et al. ( 2009 ).

figure 2

The diagram presents the systematic review flow according to PRISMA.

Coding procedure

The identified articles were systematically coded to carry out a precise and thorough examination of the utilization of SR in education. By adopting Gass and Mackey’s ( 2000 ) definition of SR, this study identifies its key components. They established a coding framework, including the research aim, stimuli, questioning technique, and questioning interval. Additionally, coding the learning subject and educational context helped clarify how to implement SR effectively in various situations. Table 2 illustrates the background information of SR research, such as the learning subject and educational context. Despite reviewing research involving instructors and students as subjects, this study did not differentiate between these two groups as the primary focus of SR is to investigate the participants’ consciousness and thinking behind their behavior, regardless of their roles. The table included in supplementary information described our data collection process.

The coding process involved identifying and extracting relevant data from the selected papers. Any discrepancies were resolved through discussion and consensus-reaching among the research team. We then analyzed the coded data and identified patterns and themes abiding by the content analysis method. The findings of this review are presented in the following sections, addressing the research questions outlined earlier.

Results and discussion

In accordance with the content analysis and coding criteria mentioned above, 257 papers were thoroughly examined. The following sections present the results and provide a corresponding discussion of the research questions.

RQ1: Research aims

The current literature reveal that SR is often applied to studying instructors’ and learners’ inner thoughts and ideas, prompting them to recall and comment on their thinking process. Furthermore, this approach can also examine the effect of teaching and learning strategies and to improve participants’ metacognitive skills. Because SR has long been used in educational settings, it is surprising that more substantial research has yet to be conducted on how it might be expanded and how to overcome its limitations such as time factors and distractions. Therefore, our work focuses on promoting the effectiveness of widespread application of SR in teaching and learning.

Exploring thought patterns

Exploring thought patterns is the primary focus of most educational research that uses SR. This includes investigating non-cognitive and cognitive processes, as well as higher-order thinking. As shown in Table 3 , over half (157 in total) of the research reviewed employed SR to achieve this objective. Eighty-two of the reviewed studies explored patterns of non-cognitive processing, such as motivation, emotions, and cultural orientation (Lichtinger and Kaplan, 2015 ; Ucan and Webb, 2015 ; Wilby et al., 2017 ). This method can also investigate the variables influencing the willingness to communicate or the ethical considerations of instructional practices in language learning (Rissanen et al., 2018 ; Chichon, 2019; Peng, 2020 ).

In addition, fifty-five studies explored patterns of cognitive processing, probing the epistemic thinking of diverse participants in various subjects, including language learning, STEM, and the arts (Bogard et al., 2013 ; dos Santos and Loveridge, 2014 ; Révész et al., 2017 ). Furthermore, some studies based on SR also obtained insight into both cognitive as well as non-cognitive processes through the integration of multimodal data (Lambert and Zhang, 2019 ). It is worth mentioning that a total of 11 papers explored both cognitive and non-cognitive thought processes with SR.

Finally, nine studies applied SR to investigate patterns of higher-order thinking, such as creative thinking and critical thinking, as well as the collaborative process (Rissanen et al., 2019 ; Schindler and Lilienthal, 2020 ; Łucznik and May, 2021 ). The application of SR in these studies allowed for a more comprehensive understanding of participants’ thinking processes and the factors that contribute to effective collaboration and higher-order thinking.

Investigating the effect of educational strategies

Another purpose for research employing SR is to investigate how participants’ learning processes and experiences are affected by instructional design or learning models. Specifically, 35 articles used SR to investigate the impact of specific learning strategies in educational settings, yet 54 studies examined instructional techniques. It seems that SR can facilitate investigating how instructors and students understand and apply newly adopted teaching or learning strategies.

For instance, SR has revealed the pedagogical knowledge base related to the use of dashboards and the provision of feedback by novice teachers (Karimi and Norouzi, 2017 ; Molenaar and Knoop-van Campen, 2018 ; Yu, 2021 ). In terms of the effectiveness of learning techniques, such as computer-enhanced self-directed learning, SR offers a more precise and comprehensive understanding from students’ viewpoints (White et al., 2016 ; Deng, 2020 ; Chu and Zhai, 2023 ).

Extensive empirical studies have shown that data acquired through SR can enhance the interpretability of single-outcome data, such as test results, and also produce more insightful information to evaluate and enhance strategies for improved learning outcomes for both instructors and students (Van der Kleij et al., 2017 ). In these studies, SR provided a deeper comprehension of how instructional design or learning strategies impact participants’ learning experiences and outcomes.

Improving metacognition

Nine articles took advantage of SR to improve participants’ metacognition. One example is using SR in online language learning, where learners can compare feedforward and eye-movement data to develop their metacognitive skills (Zhai et al., 2022 ). Metacognition refers to an individual’s awareness of their thinking processes and understanding of the underlying patterns (Flavell, 1979 ). Educational psychologists have widely acknowledged the significance of metacognition due to its substantial correlation with learners’ academic achievements.

Metacognitive activities usually occur during the self-reflection phase and involve the participants’ evaluation of their own cognition, understanding, and task performance. Using recorded learning processes as stimuli, participants are prompted to explain or evaluate their past behavior instead of simply recalling knowledge. Encouraging student participation in video-stimulated recall conversations enhances their self-reflection and improves their metacognitive skills by giving them a scaffold (Van der Kleij et al., 2017 ).

RQ2: Stimuli

Regarding the stimuli used to arouse recall, video recordings of the learning process have gained tremendous popularity. While some changes have occurred during the evolution of SR methods, such as the improvement of video stimuli and the integration of physiological feedback data.

Optimizing video stimuli

Video recordings are a widely popular type of stimuli in educational SR research, as evidenced by nearly 70% of the reviewed studies (173 articles) that utilized them. This prevalence of video stimuli has been noted in previous review research by Gazdag et al. ( 2019 ), which to some extent, explains the exclusive focus on video stimuli in his study. These recordings commonly consist of real-life scenes from classrooms, laboratories, and screen captures of technology-mediated learning settings. To serve as effective incentives for participants, video recordings should reflect the interactions between instructors and learners, and researchers ought to regulate their length to prevent participant weariness (Lee, 2020 ).

A number of enhancement options have been suggested by researchers. One technique is to use multiple cameras to record and display split-screen videos, providing various perspectives of the learning environment. For instance, Jackson and Cho ( 2018 ) produced a split-screen video recording of teachers’ and students’ simultaneous behaviors, enabling a more potent stimulus for supporting event recall, contextual and situational recall.

Additionally, some researchers have used head-mounted video cameras to record video from the participant’s perspective, visually reproducing original learning scenarios. Such an approach is beneficial in studies examining interpersonal communication, such as those exploring teacher-student interactions or teacher interventions in early childhood peer conflict (Agricola et al., 2021 ; Myrtil et al., 2021 ).

Utilizing biofeedback data

With more accurate and detailed data, biofeedback data (14 articles) is increasingly considered a stimulus choice for self-reflection. Currently, eye-tracking technology is the most commonly used physiological feedback technique. The Eye-Mind hypothesis suggests that eye movements correspond to mental operations, allowing researchers to infer cognitive processes from gaze patterns (Obersteiner and Tumpek, 2016 , p. 257). By combining eye-tracking data with self-reflection, potential ambiguity and uncertainty in eye-tracking techniques are reduced, giving a more thorough overview of the educational process for reflection (Schindler and Lilienthal, 2019 ; El and Windeatt, 2019 ; Chu and Zhai, 2023 ).

Moreover, other physiological indicators have served as informative stimuli in self-reflection. Zhai et al. ( 2018 ) found that online learners’ reading comprehension and cognitive abilities were significantly improve by using both eye-movement and EEG physiological signals as stimuli. Multiple physiological indicators can be included to provide a more thorough and accurate picture of the cognitive and affective states of learners during the learning process.

RQ3: Time factors

Considering time factors is crucial for the utilizing SR method in educational research. This is because time not only influences the selection and processing of stimuli but also has implications for the subsequent interviews. Specifically, enhancing the temporal properties involves both reducing the presentation time and increasing the span of information provided by the stimuli source. Moreover, it is essential to set appropriate time intervals to schedule the interviews. The reviewed literature suggests that the interview schedule may vary depending on the study.

Enhancing the temporal properties of stimuli

Presenting learners with stimuli is intended to assist them in reflecting on their previous learning activities. Nevertheless, if the presentation of stimulus sources persists for too long, it can also impose a heavier cognitive load on learners (Pratt and Martin, 2017 ). In general, stimuli sources in textual, image, and other static formats are more convenient due to their controllable presentation duration for participants. However, for classroom video recordings stimuli, direct video replay may take a considerable amount of time. Considering the time spent, one such approach involves selecting clips from full-length video footage, reducing the duration of the stimuli, and enabling participants to concentrate specifically on behaviors that are pertinent to the research aim (Määttä et al., 2016 ).

The time span of stimuli is also not limited to the classroom. As demonstrated in the 16 studies reviewed, combining multiple data sources has proved more effective. The integration of various materials, including text, video, and pictures, enhances the information capacity and authenticity of the recorded details. For instance, in limited interaction scenarios, researchers often use think-aloud methods, allowing participants to verbalize their thoughts, along with the videotapes, to augment the information provided (Kang and Pyun, 2013 ).

In addition, incorporating stimuli from multiple sources can encompass both subjective and objective aspects. Video recordings only capture a limited timeframe, while learning behaviors extend beyond the confines of the classroom. Cues to stimulate participants’ recall can also come from guide sheets, teacher preparation notes, and student class notes (Chu and Zhai, 2023 ). In an investigation on the use of metacognitive interventions in twenty-first century writing pedagogies, stimuli included a classroom tour video, a literacy autobiography, a teaching plan, and other instructional materials (Jensen, 2019 ).

Setting up flexible intervals

The time interval between in-class instructional activities and SR interviews generally varies across researchers. Among the 149 reviewed studies where the time interval was specified, the majority of the study (126) preferred instant reflection. Instant reflection involves conducting SR interviews as soon as participants finish their learning tasks, typically with only a 5- or 10-min interval or a slight delay according to the timetable for curriculum (White et al., 2016 ; Rassaei, 2015 ; Shintani, 2016 ; Fernandez, 2018 ).

A shorter time span makes sure that participants recollect the task’s cognitive processes more precisely, which improves the accuracy of the interview results (Gass and Mackey, 2000 ). Instant reflection is particularly valuable in studies that require precise information about the learners’ cognitive processes and strategies during the learning task.

However, some researchers (23 studies) purposefully extended the time interval between instruction and recall, for example, 2–4 weeks after the task was completed (Harvey et al., 2014 ). This design may optimize the study by allowing more time for the process of previously recorded raw data and footage (Nurmukhamedov and Kim, 2010 ; Kurki et al., 2016 ). Delayed interviews can also reduce research impact on participants by avoiding interference with subsequent teaching and learning activities (Dos Santos and Hentschke, 2011 ).

RQ4: Interview strategies

During the interview phase of SR, to better guide participants in autonomously reflecting on the teaching and learning process, researchers also need to pay attention to the use of strategies, including the openness and value-oriented nature of the questions.

Posing appropriate questions

SR interviews are utilized to encourage reflective thinking in participants within an open and dialogic environment through questioning strategies. Typically, this kind of interview consists of a succession of open-ended, introspective, and generic questions that do not require predetermined answers. This pattern has been observed in 88 reviewed studies, including research merely posing general questions, as well as those starting with general questions and then progressively narrows down the focus. During these interviews, researchers should take on the role of listeners, serving to train, facilitate, and illuminate while avoiding asking leading questions that could result in biased responses (Ramnarain and Modiba, 2013 ; Egi, 2008 ; Gass and Mackey, 2000 ; Sato, 2019 ). For instance, researchers should avoid yes-no questions that could encourage participants to react a specific way or provide presentational responses. This approach ensures that the purpose of the SR interview is maintained and that the risk of biased responses is minimized (Thararuedee and Wette, 2020 ; Rassaei, 2020 ;).

While questioning in SR interview should leave ample room for participants to retrospect, it must also address the research questions. Thus, 25 papers suggest that questions should be open-ended at the beginning but become increasingly specific as the interview progresses (Stolpe and Björklund, 2013 ). Researchers can use supplementary queries as prompts to ensure that the interview stays on topic and delves deeper into the research questions, depending on participants’ responses (Qiu and Lo, 2017 ; Qiu, 2020 ; Chu and Zhai, 2023 ).

Staying value-neutral in guiding

In addition to the scope of questioning, the neutrality and guidance provided by the interviewer are crucial. Participants receive training before the interview on how to reflect on previous cognitive processes, and the interviewer should remain as neutral as possible during the interview to capture retrospective thinking solely supported by the stimuli (Consuegra et al., 2016 ). If respondents feel that the questions are biased or contain value judgments, they may feel pressured to rationalize or make up explanations, leading to inaccurate reporting of their thoughts. Therefore, the interviewer must carefully design questions wording and adopt a supportive attitude that indicates curiosity in the descriptions provided by participants rather than making judgments (Wu, 2019 ; Schindler and Lilienthal, 2019 ).

RQ5: The relationship between different coding items

In addition to key application procedures such as research aims, stimuli, time factors, and interview strategies, the implementation of SR in educational research is also influenced by intrinsic factors within the educational context, such as learning subjects and educational context. The results of the review (see Table 3 ) indicate that SR is primarily employed within the fields of linguistics (115 articles) and teacher education (48 articles), with relatively fewer studies in areas such as the arts (9 articles). Over 75% of the articles still apply SR in physics learning environments, while nearly 20% explore the use of SR in online platforms.

To enhance the exploratory nature of the research discussion, the current study delved deeper into the intricate relationship between coding items. It is important to note that only outcomes warranting further exploration and discussion are presented in the subsequent section.

The relationship between research aims and learning subject

This bubble chart (Fig. 3 ) illustrates the connection between research aims and learning subjects, with the size of the bubbles indicating the number of relevant papers reviewed. Our current analysis aimed to explore whether SR is more suitable for investigating specific research questions in different disciplines.

figure 3

The relationship between research aims and learning subjects is depicted in this bubble chart, where the size of the bubbles represents the quantity of relevant studies.

Regarding research aims, SR was primarily used to investigate patterns of non-cognitive processing and the effect of instructional strategies across all subjects. In linguistics, researchers most frequently utilized SR to explore patterns of cognitive processing (29 articles), non-cognitive processing (29 articles), and learning strategies (26 articles). Another six studies focused on both cognitive and non-cognitive occurrences in linguistic teaching and learning. These findings are consistent with prior research highlighting the importance of non-cognitive factors (e.g., motivation) and learning strategies in language learning (Lin et al., 2017 ). Furthermore, 20 studies using SR investigated non-cognitive elements in teacher education contexts where teachers’ non-cognitive factors, such as intrinsic motivation, are strongly associated with their professional development (Maaranen et al., 2019 ).

In the realm of educational subjects, SR has also occupied a pivotal within the domain of STEM and art education research. Within the STEM disciplines, researchers have employed this methodology to probe the impact of pedagogical strategies (13 articles), non-cognitive processing (10 articles), and cognitive processing (6 articles). Intriguingly, SR has been invoked more frequently to investigate cognitive rather than non-cognitive factors within the sphere of art education (four articles versus three). This inclination may stem from the intricate nature that cognitive processing exhibits in artistic creation (Révész et al., 2017 ). Nonetheless, SR has demonstrated its utility as an effective facilitator, enabling arts educators to acquire profound insights into the cognitive aspects of art instruction and learning. For instance, dos Santos ( 2018 ) documented music teachers’ approaches to the instruction of rhythmic skills as stimuli, facilitating their reflection upon their cognitive processes and their utilization of their didactic content knowledge.

Linguistics and teacher education are two fields that more frequently took advantage of SR as a teaching strategy beyond research methods (Meade and McMeniman, 1992 ; Geiger et al., 2016 ; Sanchez and Grimshaw, 2019 ). Four articles in linguistics and three in teacher education explore using SR to improve participants’ metacognition. In particular, teacher’s professional development and language learning emphasize reflective practice and metacognition (Belvis et al., 2013 ; Zahid and Khanam, 2019 ). For example, research on teachers’ noticing highlights the importance of their cognition and behavior in classroom situations (Chan et al., 2021 ; Amador et al., 2021 ). In language learning, metacognitive awareness has been found to enhance foreign language writing ability, emphasizing the need for metacognitive strategies to improve learners’ skills (Ramadhanti and Yanda, 2021 ; Farahian, 2015 ). These requirements for introspective behavior and metacognition in language learning and teachers’ professional development align with the essential steps and reflective characteristics of SR.

The relationship between stimuli and educational context

The bubble diagram (Fig. 4 ) displays the stimuli and learning environment, with the size of the bubbles corresponding to the number of articles in the review. Our analysis aimed to scrutinize which stimuli are commonly adopted in different learning environments.

figure 4

With the size of the bubbles indicating the number of articles in the review, the bubble diagram illustrates connection between learning environment and stimuli.

Firstly, video footage remains the dominant stimulus across various scenarios, with over half of the studies (141 articles) utilizing video in physical learning settings and 23 studies using video footage to stimulate reflection in digital learning platforms and OMO settings. However, there is a disparity in the type of videos used in these settings. Physical learning environments mostly relied on live-action videos that authentically recorded participants’ behaviors and interactions (Chan and Yung, 2015 ; Nyberg and Larsson, 2017 ), whereas digital learning environments utilized device screen recordings that captured participants’ operations on computer-supported learning platforms (Rassaei, 2013 ; Lee, 2020 ).

Secondly, alongside video recordings, physiological data of participants is most frequently used as a stimulus for SR research based on online platforms (10 articles). This trend is reasonable as screen recordings alone may not fully reflect students’ behavior, mainly if they do not perform mouse manipulation or keyboard input. For instance, eye-gaze behaviors provide direct and objective evidence, including fixation duration, fixation count, and scanning path, allowing for stronger conclusions about learners’ cognitive processes and learning strategies (Lai et al., 2013 ; Michel et al., 2020 ).

Thirdly, the diagram indicates that studies utilizing SR in physical environments are more mature and inclined to utilize multimodal stimuli. However, studies in online platforms, OMO environments, and VR environments are still limited, with predominantly homogeneous stimuli. Only one study explored students’ learning strategies in an English task using video footage as stimuli in a virtual reality setting (Park, 2018 ). Thus, more than relying on text, images, or audio and video alone as stimuli is required, and more physiological and multimodal stimuli should be employed in future teaching and learning environments.

The relationship between questioning strategy and research aim

The diagram presented here (Fig. 5 ) displays the questioning strategy and purpose of the study using the SR method, with the size of the bubbles representing the number of articles. Based on this information, our analysis aimed to explore whether the purpose of the study influenced questioning strategies.

figure 5

With the size of the bubbles signifying the number of articles, the diagram illustrates the SR questioning strategy and the research aim.

They were excluding articles that did not mention questioning techniques, 23 studies exploring non-cognitive processing utilized general questions during SR, outnumbering studies that implemented more focused questioning strategies (20 articles). This preference for general questioning may stem from the diverse and individualized nature of non-cognitive skills, which include motivation, responsibility, and perseverance (Smithers et al., 2018 ). Consequently, general questions are more appropriate as they allow participants to autonomously recall non-cognitive processing activities with the aid of stimulus materials. Moreover, reflection on non-cognitive processing is prone to interference from external factors. If interview questions are too directed towards the research objectives, they may interfere with the results.

In contrast, studies focusing on cognitive processing patterns predominantly utilized questioning sessions centered on research questions (21 articles), nearly double the number of studies using general questioning strategies (14 articles). Cognitive processing is often intimately related to the teaching or learning activity. Thus, researchers tend to focus their questioning on the learning activity that concerns the research goals. Notably, one article exploring cognitive patterns adopted a different questioning technique: focused first and then general. This article investigated what musicians learned when teaching older adults (Perkins et al., 2015 ). On the one hand, the research questions themselves were exploratory, and the researcher expected participants to provide more cognitive information. On the other hand, this phenomenon may also reflect the divergent and creative thinking of art learning, requiring questions that encourage participants to reflect freely after satisfying the research objectives.

RQ6: Potential improvements

In addition to exploring how effectively employ SR in education, the current review also points to possible future directions on SR research with existing models of computer-supported learning and technology-assisted instruction.

Enhancing the dependability of outcomes through the synthesis of multifaceted data sources

Table 3 shows that a mere fraction under 10% of the studies (16 articles) utilized multi-source stimuli. Indeed, the amalgamation of data derived from disparate stimuli can provide a complementary and robust scaffold for the outcomes of SR. This is attributable to the fact that the integration of heterogeneous types of stimuli broadens the information spectrum, providing participants with supplementary prompts that facilitate the recollection of cognitive processes. Such an approach diminishes the cognitive load on subjects, assists them in articulating more accurate reflections, and arguments the reliability of SR. Furthermore, this practice contributes to the transparency of educational research (D’Oca and Hrynaszkiewicz, 2015 ). For instance, combining video, audio, and text stimuli can offer a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of learners’ cognitive processes and behaviors.

Additionally, using multimodal stimuli can help address the limitations of using a single type of stimuli and enhance the ecological validity of the study by better replicating real-world learning environments. Some researchers (e.g., Rankanen et al., 2022 ) conducted a study that employed both quantitative and qualitative methods to investigate the impact of non-instructional clay-making in art education on learners’ creative thinking and positive emotion stimulation. By combining multiple data sources, including physiological data such as heart rate variability (HRV) and electrocardiogram signals, this study provides a more detailed understanding of the art experience and the mechanisms at work in different art forms. Unlike previous research that relied solely on questionnaires, this study includes more objective and in-depth quantitative data analyses of art learning tasks. Additionally, the researchers used video-stimulated recall in addition to HRV data to provide a comprehensive perspective on the learners’ experience of non-instructional clay-making in art education. Including qualitative data can reveal the positive or negative value of the emotional experience of artmakers and provide a more nuanced understanding of the emotional complexity of art.

Strengthening the acquiring and processing of stimuli by adopting intelligent algorithms

The synthesis of the review indicates that over 70% of the studies (185 articles) employ video recordings as a singular or combined source of stimuli as depicted in Table 3 . Therefore, the employment of AI algorithms to refine the processing of video stimuli could markedly enhance the application of SR in education research.

Firstly, algorithm-supported techniques can assist in selecting the relevant learner interaction portion of video stimuli, thus shortening the length of SR and automatically extracting key information. Wass and Moskal ( 2017 ) proposed an automatic video annotation tool, which scaffolds more profound reflections and reduces the cognitive load in participating instructors and students. This intelligent excerpting and annotation process saves time and reduces labor, thus improving the efficiency of SR. Furthermore, algorithm-supported techniques can help to automate the coding and analysis of the data, reducing the potential for human error and increasing the reliability of the findings.

Intelligent algorithms can effectively address the challenge of identifying specific moments or events in classroom videos that are relevant to research questions and require meticulous observation, particularly in cases where the video playback duration is extended. Recent advances in computer vision and machine learning have made it possible to automatically extract valuable information from classroom videos, such as the head pose, gaze direction, and facial expressions of instructors and learners, as well as synchronous behaviors between neighboring students (Goldberg et al., 2021 ). Furthermore, the use of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Deep Neural Network (DNN) enables the analysis of audiovisual data to identify and annotate class environments, such as the teacher’s instructional strategies, student engagement, and classroom management (Ramakrishnan et al., 2023 ). The application of these intelligent algorithms has significant implications for using video recordings in SR, as they provide an accurate and comprehensive depiction of the classroom experience, enabling a more efficient analysis of video recordings in SR. By integrating intelligent algorithms, the effectiveness of retrospection can be enhanced, as algorithm-supported stimuli playback offers a reflective cognitive scaffolding beyond the mere recollection of the learning process.

Considering that many researchers have begun to incorporate physiological data as a source of stimuli (14 articles, as indicated in Table 3 ), the application of computer vision or machine learning algorithms could also be instrumental in capturing and analyzing learners’ physiological data in a lightweight manner, such as recognizing and analyzing their gestures and micro-expressions via webcam, which enriches the informativeness of stimuli (Zhai et al., 2022 ). Machine learning algorithms can now identify and analyze patterns in learner behavior that may not be apparent to human observers, providing a more nuanced understanding of cognitive processes. Moreover, intelligent algorithms enhance the reliability of findings and can also prevent the potential for the Hawthorne effect resulting from direct observation and data collection.

Facilitating the implementation interviews by using virtual agents powered by generative AI

Interviews are instrumental in the process of SR, with the majority of researchers opting to pose not merely general enquiries, but targeted ones (99 articles, as referenced in Table 3 ). This necessitated the undertaking of comprehensive interviews with each participant, a process that is notably time-intensive and requires substantial human endeavor. Future research could explore the use of virtual agents supported by generative AI technologies as an alternative approach to completing the questioning process of SR. Educational research has shown that intelligent agents positively affect learner motivation, academic performance, and cognitive load, making them ideal for training learners’ metacognitive abilities (Dinçer and Doğanay, 2017 ; Kautzmann and Jaques, 2019 ).

Intelligent conversational agents powered by natural language processing (NLP) and large language models (LLM) can replace researchers in providing participants with questions that prompt their recall and offer adaptive feedback based on their responses (Bozkurt, 2023 ). Employing intelligent agents to conduct interviews increases the number of subjects without increasing labor costs. For instance, OpenAI has developed several cutting-edge AI technologies, including the GPT series of language models such as ChatGPT, which can presumably be applied to provide personalized intelligent tutoring services in which feedback-enabled iterative learning occurs (Qadir, 2022 ). Furthermore, the LangChain architecture makes it easier to develop domain-specific agents. Such technologies provide tailored feedback to learners, enhancing their metacognitive awareness and learning outcomes. Additionally, recent advancements in generative AI have shown promising results in producing various forms of multimedia content, including text, images, videos, and 3D models (Gozalo-Brizuela and Garrido-Merchan, 2023 ). This ability to generate multimodal content aligns with the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning, which emphasizes using multiple sensory channels to facilitate learning experiences (Mayer, 2002 ; Mayer and Moreno, 2003 ). By providing learners with diverse visual and auditory information, this technology can enhance the effectiveness of educational activities and promote reflection among instructors and students.

Nonetheless, using virtual agents in educational SR research raises ethical and privacy concerns that require attention in future studies. Firstly, the employment of generative AI in SR interviews involves communicating students’ sensitive data, including grades or personal information. Secondly, conversational virtual agents are trained on specific data, leading to the possibility of biased and discriminatory responses when posing SR questions. Therefore, SR researchers must utilize generative AI responsibly and ethically (Mhlanga, 2023 ).


This study reviews 257 empirical articles on using SR in education research from 2012 to 2022. The paper examines the changes and adaptations of the SR method in the present educational landscape, where virtual and online spaces are prevalent, and technological tools are increasingly involved in the teaching and learning process.

The revealed that researchers frequently employed SR to investigate participants’ internal viewpoints and thoughts, improving their metacognitive abilities. In terms of stimuli selection and processing, the commonly employed video stimuli undergo continuous advancements. Moreover, the sources of stimuli are becoming diverse, with the inclusion of physiological feedback data. Additionally, providing participants with space to respond to interview questions is crucial. Researchers should ensure the discussion does not deviate from the research questions and avoid influencing participants’ thoughts.

Furthermore, using technologies such as generative AI can enhance the reliability and generalizability of SR, and the study proposes suggestions for future research in result enhancement, stimuli optimization, and interview implementation. This study provides theoretical supplementation to manifesting the Retrocue Effect in educational settings. It strengthens the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (CTML) with specific pedagogical strategies by combining it with SR. From a practical perspective, the current research synthesizes current findings and can serve as a valuable reference for educators and researchers in this field.

As with any systematic review, the current research has limitations inherent to the selection and filtering process. Primarily, the sample size is restricted to articles available through the Web of Science, IEEE, and Scopus databases. There might be relevant and high-qualify studies published outside these three databases and are worthy studying. We hope future researchers can build on our research and offer a more comprehensive review of the use of SR in education.

In addition, education has now entered the era of Metaverse and artificial intelligence (Wang et al., 2022 ). How can instructors effectively apply SR in 3D virtual learning environments and in learning setting empowered by AI and AIGC (AI-generated content) remains a new territory for our continued research.

Data availability

All data generated or analyzed during this study are included in this published article.

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This research is funded by the National Science and Technology Major Project (Grant No. 2022ZD0115904), 2021 National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 62177042), and 2024 Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. Y24F020039).

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These authors contributed equally: Xuesong Zhai, Xiaoyan Chu.

Authors and Affiliations

College of Education, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

Xuesong Zhai & Xiaoyan Chu

Hangzhou International Urbanology Research Center & Zhejiang Urban Governance Studies Center, Hangzhou, China

Xuesong Zhai

Department of Mathematics and Information Technology, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China

Minjuan Wang

Learning Design and Technology, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, USA

Program of Learning Sciences and Institute for Research Excellence in Learning Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan

Chin-Chung Tsai & Jyh-Chong Liang

Department of Learning Technologies, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA

Jonathan Michael Spector

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All authors have contributed to material preparation and data analysis. Conceptualization, design and data collection: XS Zhai, and XY Chu. Methodology: All. Original draft: XS Zhai and XY Chu. Second draft: MJ Wang. Third draft: CC Tsai and JC Liang. Final round revision and quality check: JM Spector. All authors discussed the results and reviewed, edited, and approved the final version of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Xiaoyan Chu or Minjuan Wang .

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Zhai, X., Chu, X., Wang, M. et al. A systematic review of Stimulated Recall (SR) in educational research from 2012 to 2022. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 11 , 489 (2024).

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Received : 01 June 2023

Accepted : 25 March 2024

Published : 05 April 2024


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The International Database of Education Systematic Reviews (IDESR) is a free-at-the-point-of-access electronic database of published systematic reviews in the field of Education and an online space where planned and ongoing Education systematic reviews can be registered, searched for and viewed.

IDESR is currently in its first phase of development, focusing on cataloguing and registering systematic reviews from one sub-field of Education: language education. This phase of the project has been generously supported by a John Fell Fund award and will serve as proof of concept for future funding bids to support the expansion of IDESR to include systematic reviews from all sub-fields of Education.

Ethical and useful research should build on what is already known, and systematic reviews of existing research are key in this regard. Systematic reviews aim to locate, critically assess, and synthesise the totality of reliable evidence relevant to a particular topic or question. When looking to inform educational policy, decision makers frequently rely on systematic reviews for an up-to-date, quality-assessed overview of available evidence. Teachers, teacher educators and publishers also look to systematic reviews for digestible, evidence-based guidance, seeking to underpin pedagogy and materials development with substantiated insights and approaches, a practice which is ultimately beneficial to their learners and so to society at large. Systematic reviews are thus a crucial element of the knowledge base on which the field of Education is founded. Despite their importance, however, locating systematic reviews in Education can be difficult and time-consuming. A dedicated database of Education systematic reviews is needed to simplify the location of Systematic Reviews in Education.

In addition to a database of completed systematic reviews, Education lacks a platform through which to register ongoing and planned systematic reviews. Prospective registration provides transparency by providing a permanent record of planned systematic reviews, irrespective of whether they are eventually published, and helps to detect and address publication bias (with underreporting of 'unflattering' or 'unexciting reviews'). Prospective registration helps researchers and other users to assess the published versions of systematic reviews against their protocols, and helping them to identify instances of poor practice, e.g., outcome switching. Prospective registration also helps those commissioning or planning systematic reviews to identify whether reviews on their chosen topic are already in preparation, thus helping to avoid duplication of effort, and facilitating collaboration. While registries for planned systematic reviews exist in other disciplines (e.g., PROSPERO for health-related reviews), until IDESR there has been no such registry in Education.

IDESR is coordinated by Dr Hamish Chalmers of the Department of Education, University of Oxford. Initial set up of IDESR was supported by Dr Jessica Briggs Baffoe-Djan and Jessica Brown (IDESR Research Assistant), and the IDESR advisory group as listed below.

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  • Review article
  • Open access
  • Published: 28 October 2019

Systematic review of research on artificial intelligence applications in higher education – where are the educators?

  • Olaf Zawacki-Richter   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Victoria I. Marín   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Melissa Bond   ORCID: 1 &
  • Franziska Gouverneur 1  

International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education volume  16 , Article number:  39 ( 2019 ) Cite this article

322k Accesses

912 Citations

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According to various international reports, Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIEd) is one of the currently emerging fields in educational technology. Whilst it has been around for about 30 years, it is still unclear for educators how to make pedagogical advantage of it on a broader scale, and how it can actually impact meaningfully on teaching and learning in higher education. This paper seeks to provide an overview of research on AI applications in higher education through a systematic review. Out of 2656 initially identified publications for the period between 2007 and 2018, 146 articles were included for final synthesis, according to explicit inclusion and exclusion criteria. The descriptive results show that most of the disciplines involved in AIEd papers come from Computer Science and STEM, and that quantitative methods were the most frequently used in empirical studies. The synthesis of results presents four areas of AIEd applications in academic support services, and institutional and administrative services: 1. profiling and prediction, 2. assessment and evaluation, 3. adaptive systems and personalisation, and 4. intelligent tutoring systems. The conclusions reflect on the almost lack of critical reflection of challenges and risks of AIEd, the weak connection to theoretical pedagogical perspectives, and the need for further exploration of ethical and educational approaches in the application of AIEd in higher education.


Artificial intelligence (AI) applications in education are on the rise and have received a lot of attention in the last couple of years. AI and adaptive learning technologies are prominently featured as important developments in educational technology in the 2018 Horizon report (Educause, 2018 ), with a time to adoption of 2 or 3 years. According to the report, experts anticipate AI in education to grow by 43% in the period 2018–2022, although the Horizon Report 2019 Higher Education Edition (Educause, 2019 ) predicts that AI applications related to teaching and learning are projected to grow even more significantly than this. Contact North, a major Canadian non-profit online learning society, concludes that “there is little doubt that the [AI] technology is inexorably linked to the future of higher education” (Contact North, 2018 , p. 5). With heavy investments by private companies such as Google, which acquired European AI start-up Deep Mind for $400 million, and also non-profit public-private partnerships such as the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence Footnote 1 (DFKI), it is very likely that this wave of interest will soon have a significant impact on higher education institutions (Popenici & Kerr, 2017 ). The Technical University of Eindhoven in the Netherlands, for example, recently announced that they will launch an Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute with 50 new professorships for education and research in AI. Footnote 2

The application of AI in education (AIEd) has been the subject of research for about 30 years. The International AIEd Society (IAIED) was launched in 1997, and publishes the International Journal of AI in Education (IJAIED), with the 20th annual AIEd conference being organised this year. However, on a broader scale, educators have just started to explore the potential pedagogical opportunities that AI applications afford for supporting learners during the student life cycle.

Despite the enormous opportunities that AI might afford to support teaching and learning, new ethical implications and risks come in with the development of AI applications in higher education. For example, in times of budget cuts, it might be tempting for administrators to replace teaching by profitable automated AI solutions. Faculty members, teaching assistants, student counsellors, and administrative staff may fear that intelligent tutors, expert systems and chat bots will take their jobs. AI has the potential to advance the capabilities of learning analytics, but on the other hand, such systems require huge amounts of data, including confidential information about students and faculty, which raises serious issues of privacy and data protection. Some institutions have recently been established, such as the Institute for Ethical AI in Education Footnote 3 in the UK, to produce a framework for ethical governance for AI in education, and the Analysis & Policy Observatory published a discussion paper in April 2019 to develop an AI ethics framework for Australia. Footnote 4

Russel and Norvig ( 2010 ) remind us in their leading textbook on artificial intelligence, “All AI researchers should be concerned with the ethical implications of their work” (p. 1020). Thus, we would like to explore what kind of fresh ethical implications and risks are reflected by the authors in the field of AI enhanced education. The aim of this article is to provide an overview for educators of research on AI applications in higher education. Given the dynamic development in recent years, and the growing interest of educators in this field, a review of the literature on AI in higher education is warranted.

Specifically, this paper addresses the following research questions in three areas, by means of a systematic review (see Gough, Oliver, & Thomas, 2017 ; Petticrew & Roberts, 2006 ):

How have publications on AI in higher education developed over time, in which journals are they published, and where are they coming from in terms of geographical distribution and the author’s disciplinary affiliations?

How is AI in education conceptualised and what kind of ethical implications, challenges and risks are considered?

What is the nature and scope of AI applications in the context of higher education?

The field AI originates from computer science and engineering, but it is strongly influenced by other disciplines such as philosophy, cognitive science, neuroscience, and economics. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the field, there is little agreement among AI researchers on a common definition and understanding of AI – and intelligence in general (see Tegmark, 2018 ). With regard to the introduction of AI-based tools and services in higher education, Hinojo-Lucena, Aznar-Díaz, Cáceres-Reche, and Romero-Rodríguez ( 2019 ) note that “this technology [AI] is already being introduced in the field of higher education, although many teachers are unaware of its scope and, above all, of what it consists of” (p. 1). For the purpose of our analysis of artificial intelligence in higher education, it is desirable to clarify terminology. Thus, in the next section, we explore definitions of AI in education, and the elements and methods that AI applications might entail in higher education, before we proceed with the systematic review of the literature.

AI in education (AIEd)

The birth of AI goes back to the 1950s when John McCarthy organised a two-month workshop at Dartmouth College in the USA. In the workshop proposal, McCarthy used the term artificial intelligence for the first time in 1956 (Russel & Norvig, 2010 , p. 17):

The study [of artificial intelligence] is to proceed on the basis of the conjecture that every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can in principle be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it. An attempt will be made to find how to make machines use language, form abstractions and concepts, solve kinds of problems now reserved for humans, and improve themselves.

Baker and Smith ( 2019 ) provide a broad definition of AI: “Computers which perform cognitive tasks, usually associated with human minds, particularly learning and problem-solving” (p. 10). They explain that AI does not describe a single technology. It is an umbrella term to describe a range of technologies and methods, such as machine learning, natural language processing, data mining, neural networks or an algorithm.

AI and machine learning are often mentioned in the same breath. Machine learning is a method of AI for supervised and unsupervised classification and profiling, for example to predict the likelihood of a student to drop out from a course or being admitted to a program, or to identify topics in written assignments. Popenici and Kerr ( 2017 ) define machine learning “as a subfield of artificial intelligence that includes software able to recognise patterns, make predictions, and apply newly discovered patterns to situations that were not included or covered by their initial design” (p. 2).

The concept of rational agents is central to AI: “An agent is anything that can be viewed as perceiving its environment through sensors and acting upon that environment through actuators” (Russel & Norvig, 2010 , p. 34). The vacuum-cleaner robot is a very simple form of an intelligent agent, but things become very complex and open-ended when we think about an automated taxi.

Experts in the field distinguish between weak and strong AI (see Russel & Norvig, 2010 , p. 1020) or narrow and general AI (see Baker & Smith, 2019 , p. 10). A philosophical question remains whether machines will be able to actually think or even develop consciousness in the future, rather than just simulating thinking and showing rational behaviour. It is unlikely that such strong or general AI will exist in the near future. We are therefore dealing here with GOFAI (“ good old-fashioned AI ”, a term coined by the philosopher John Haugeland, 1985 ) in higher education – in the sense of agents and information systems that act as if they were intelligent.

Given this understanding of AI, what are potential areas of AI applications in education, and higher education in particular? Luckin, Holmes, Griffiths, and Forcier ( 2016 ) describe three categories of AI software applications in education that are available today: a) personal tutors, b) intelligent support for collaborative learning, and c) intelligent virtual reality.

Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) can be used to simulate one-to-one personal tutoring. Based on learner models, algorithms and neural networks, they can make decisions about the learning path of an individual student and the content to select, provide cognitive scaffolding and help, to engage the student in dialogue. ITS have enormous potential, especially in large-scale distance teaching institutions, which run modules with thousands of students, where human one-to-one tutoring is impossible. A vast array of research shows that learning is a social exercise; interaction and collaboration are at the heart of the learning process (see for example Jonassen, Davidson, Collins, Campbell, & Haag, 1995 ). However, online collaboration has to be facilitated and moderated (Salmon, 2000 ). AIEd can contribute to collaborative learning by supporting adaptive group formation based on learner models, by facilitating online group interaction or by summarising discussions that can be used by a human tutor to guide students towards the aims and objectives of a course. Finally, also drawing on ITS, intelligent virtual reality (IVR) is used to engage and guide students in authentic virtual reality and game-based learning environments. Virtual agents can act as teachers, facilitators or students’ peers, for example, in virtual or remote labs (Perez et al., 2017 ).

With the advancement of AIEd and the availability of (big) student data and learning analytics, Luckin et al. ( 2016 ) claim a “[r] enaissance in assessment” (p. 35). AI can provide just-in-time feedback and assessment. Rather than stop-and-test, AIEd can be built into learning activities for an ongoing analysis of student achievement. Algorithms have been used to predict the probability of a student failing an assignment or dropping out of a course with high levels of accuracy (e.g. Bahadır, 2016 ).

In their recent report, Baker and Smith ( 2019 ) approach educational AI tools from three different perspectives; a) learner-facing, b) teacher-facing, and c) system-facing AIEd. Learner-facing AI tools are software that students use to learn a subject matter, i.e. adaptive or personalised learning management systems or ITS. Teacher-facing systems are used to support the teacher and reduce his or her workload by automating tasks such as administration, assessment, feedback and plagiarism detection. AIEd tools also provide insight into the learning progress of students so that the teacher can proactively offer support and guidance where needed. System-facing AIEd are tools that provide information for administrators and managers on the institutional level, for example to monitor attrition patterns across faculties or colleges.

In the context of higher education, we use the concept of the student life-cycle (see Reid, 1995 ) as a framework to describe the various AI based services on the broader institutional and administrative level, as well as for supporting the academic teaching and learning process in the narrower sense.

The purpose of a systematic review is to answer specific questions, based on an explicit, systematic and replicable search strategy, with inclusion and exclusion criteria identifying studies to be included or excluded (Gough, Oliver & Thomas, 2017 ). Data is then coded and extracted from included studies, in order to synthesise findings and to shine light on their application in practice, as well as on gaps or contradictions. This contribution maps 146 articles on the topic of artificial intelligence in higher education.

Search strategy

The initial search string (see Table  1 ) and criteria (see Table  2 ) for this systematic review included peer-reviewed articles in English, reporting on artificial intelligence within education at any level, and indexed in three international databases; EBSCO Education Source, Web of Science and Scopus (covering titles, abstracts, and keywords). Whilst there are concerns about peer-review processes within the scientific community (e.g., Smith, 2006 ), articles in this review were limited to those published in peer-reviewed journals, due to their general trustworthiness in academia and the rigorous review processes undertaken (Nicholas et al., 2015 ). The search was undertaken in November 2018, with an initial 2656 records identified.

After duplicates were removed, it was decided to limit articles to those published during or after 2007, as this was the year that iPhone’s Siri was introduced; an algorithm-based personal assistant, started as an artificial intelligence project funded by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 2001, turned into a company that was acquired by Apple Inc. It was also decided that the corpus would be limited to articles discussing applications of artificial intelligence in higher education only.

Screening and inter-rater reliability

The screening of 1549 titles and abstracts was carried out by a team of three coders and at this first screening stage, there was a requirement of sensitivity rather than specificity, i.e. papers were included rather than excluded. In order to reach consensus, the reasons for inclusion and exclusion for the first 80 articles were discussed at regular meetings. Twenty articles were randomly selected to evaluate the coding decisions of the three coders (A, B and C) to determine inter-rater reliability using Cohen’s kappa (κ) (Cohen, 1960 ), which is a coefficient for the degree of consistency among raters, based on the number of codes in the coding scheme (Neumann, 2007 , p. 326). Kappa values of .40–.60 are characterised as fair, .60 to .75 as good, and over .75 as excellent (Bakeman & Gottman, 1997 ; Fleiss, 1981 ). Coding consistency for inclusion or exclusion of articles between rater A and B was κ = .79, between rater A and C it was κ = .89, and between rater B and C it was κ = .69 (median = .79). Therefore, inter-rater reliability can be considered as excellent for the coding of inclusion and exclusion criteria.

After initial screening, 332 potential articles remained for screening on full text (see Fig.  1 ). However, 41 articles could not be retrieved, either through the library order scheme or by contacting authors. Therefore, 291 articles were retrieved, screened and coded, and following the exclusion of 149 papers, 146 articles remained for synthesis. Footnote 5

figure 1

PRISMA diagram (slightly modified after Brunton & Thomas, 2012 , p. 86; Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, & Altman, 2009 , p. 8)

Coding, data extraction and analysis

In order to extract the data, all articles were uploaded into systematic review software EPPI Reviewer Footnote 6 and a coding system was developed. Codes included article information (year of publication, journal name, countries of authorship, discipline of first author), study design and execution (empirical or descriptive, educational setting) and how artificial intelligence was used (applications in the student life cycle, specific applications and methods). Articles were also coded on whether challenges and benefits of AI were present, and whether AI was defined. Descriptive data analysis was carried out with the statistics software R using the tidyr package (Wickham & Grolemund, 2016 ).


Whilst this systematic review was undertaken as rigorously as possible, each review is limited by its search strategy. Although the three educational research databases chosen are large and international in scope, by applying the criteria of peer-reviewed articles published only in English or Spanish, research published on AI in other languages were not included in this review. This also applies to research in conference proceedings, book chapters or grey literature, or those articles not published in journals that are indexed in the three databases searched. In addition, although Spanish peer-reviewed articles were added according to inclusion criteria, no specific search string in the language was included, which narrows down the possibility of including Spanish papers that were not indexed with the chosen keywords. Future research could consider using a larger number of databases, publication types and publication languages, in order to widen the scope of the review. However, serious consideration would then need to be given to project resources and the manageability of the review (see Authors, in press).

Journals, authorship patterns and methods

Articles per year.

There was a noticeable increase in the papers published from 2007 onwards. The number of included articles grew from six in 2007 to 23 in 2018 (see Fig.  2 ).

figure 2

Number of included articles per year ( n  = 146)

The papers included in the sample were published in 104 different journals. The greatest number of articles were published in the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education ( n  = 11) , followed by Computers & Education ( n  = 8) , and the International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning ( n  = 5) . Table  3 lists 19 journals that published at least two articles on AI in higher education from 2007 to 2018.

For the geographical distribution analysis of articles, the country of origin of the first author was taken into consideration ( n  = 38 countries). Table 4 shows 19 countries that contributed at least two papers, and it reveals that 50% of all articles come from only four countries: USA, China, Taiwan, and Turkey.

Author affiliations

Again, the affiliation of the first author was taken into consideration (see Table 5 ). Researchers working in departments of Computer Science contributed by far the greatest number of papers ( n  = 61) followed by Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) departments ( n  = 29). Only nine first authors came from an Education department, some reported dual affiliation with Education and Computer Science ( n  = 2), Education and Psychology ( n  = 1), or Education and STEM ( n  = 1).

Thus, 13 papers (8.9%) were written by first authors with an Education background. It is noticeable that three of them were contributed by researchers from the Teachers College at Columbia University, New York, USA (Baker, 2016 ; Paquette, Lebeau, Beaulieu, & Mayers, 2015 ; Perin & Lauterbach, 2018 ) – and they were all published in the same journal, i.e. the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education .

Thirty studies (20.5%) were coded as being theoretical or descriptive in nature. The vast majority of studies (73.3%) applied quantitative methods, whilst only one (0.7%) was qualitative in nature and eight (5.5%) followed a mixed-methods approach. The purpose of the qualitative study, involving interviews with ESL students, was to explore the nature of written feedback coming from an automated essay scoring system compared to a human teacher (Dikli, 2010 ). In many cases, authors employed quasi-experimental methods, being an intentional sample divided into the experimental group, where an AI application (e.g. an intelligent tutoring system) was applied, and the control group without the intervention, followed by pre- and posttest (e.g. Adamson, Dyke, Jang, & Rosé, 2014 ).

Understanding of AI and critical reflection of challenges and risks

There are many different types and levels of AI mentioned in the articles, however only five out of 146 included articles (3.4%) provide an explicit definition of the term “Artificial Intelligence”. The main characteristics of AI, described in all five studies, are the parallels between the human brain and artificial intelligence. The authors conceptualise AI as intelligent computer systems or intelligent agents with human features, such as the ability to memorise knowledge, to perceive and manipulate their environment in a similar way as humans, and to understand human natural language (see Huang, 2018 ; Lodhi, Mishra, Jain, & Bajaj, 2018 ; Welham, 2008 ). Dodigovic ( 2007 ) defines AI in her article as follows (p. 100):

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a term referring to machines which emulate the behaviour of intelligent beings [ … ] AI is an interdisciplinary area of knowledge and research, whose aim is to understand how the human mind works and how to apply the same principles in technology design. In language learning and teaching tasks, AI can be used to emulate the behaviour of a teacher or a learner [ … ] . (p. 100)

Dodigovic is the only author who gives a definition of AI, and comes from an Arts, Humanities and Social Science department, taking into account aspects of AI and intelligent tutors in second language learning.

A stunningly low number of authors, only two out of 146 articles (1.4%), critically reflect upon ethical implications, challenges and risks of applying AI in education. Li ( 2007 ) deals with privacy concerns in his article about intelligent agent supported online learning:

Privacy is also an important concern in applying agent-based personalised education. As discussed above, agents can autonomously learn many of students’ personal information, like learning style and learning capability. In fact, personal information is private. Many students do not want others to know their private information, such as learning styles and/or capabilities. Students might show concern over possible discrimination from instructors in reference to learning performance due to special learning needs. Therefore, the privacy issue must be resolved before applying agent-based personalised teaching and learning technologies. (p. 327)

Another challenge of applying AI is mentioned by Welham ( 2008 , p. 295) concerning the costs and time involved in developing and introducing AI-based methods that many public educational institutions cannot afford.

AI applications in higher education

As mentioned before, we used the concept of the student life-cycle (see Reid, 1995 ) as a framework to describe the various AI based services at the institutional and administrative level (e.g. admission, counselling, library services), as well as at the academic support level for teaching and learning (e.g. assessment, feedback, tutoring). Ninety-two studies (63.0%) were coded as relating to academic support services and 48 (32.8%) as administrative and institutional services; six studies (4.1%) covered both levels. The majority of studies addressed undergraduate students ( n  = 91, 62.3%) compared to 11 (7.5%) focussing on postgraduate students, and another 44 (30.1%) that did not specify the study level.

The iterative coding process led to the following four areas of AI applications with 17 sub-categories, covered in the publications: a) adaptive systems and personalisation, b) assessment and evaluation, c) profiling and prediction, and d) intelligent tutoring systems. Some studies addressed AI applications in more than one area (see Table  6 ).

The nature and scope of the various AI applications in higher education will be described along the lines of these four application categories in the following synthesis.

Profiling and prediction

The basis for many AI applications are learner models or profiles that allow prediction, for example of the likelihood of a student dropping out of a course or being admitted to a programme, in order to offer timely support or to provide feedback and guidance in content related matters throughout the learning process. Classification, modelling and prediction are an essential part of educational data mining (Phani Krishna, Mani Kumar, & Aruna Sri, 2018 ).

Most of the articles (55.2%, n  = 32) address issues related to the institutional and administrative level, many (36.2%, n  = 21) are related to academic teaching and learning at the course level, and five (8.6%) are concerned with both levels. Articles dealing with profiling and prediction were classified into three sub-categories; admission decisions and course scheduling ( n  = 7), drop-out and retention ( n  = 23), and student models and academic achievement ( n  = 27). One study that does not fall into any of these categories is the study by Ge and Xie ( 2015 ), which is concerned with forecasting the costs of a Chinese university to support management decisions based on an artificial neural network.

All of the 58 studies in this area applied machine learning methods, to recognise and classify patterns, and to model student profiles to make predictions. Thus, they are all quantitative in nature. Many studies applied several machine learning algorithms (e.g. ANN, SVM, RF, NB; see Table  7 ) Footnote 7 and compared their overall prediction accuracy with conventional logistic regression. Table 7 shows that machine learning methods outperformed logistic regression in all studies in terms of their classification accuracy in percent. To evaluate the performance of classifiers, the F1-score can also be used, which takes into account the number of positive instances correctly classified as positive, the number of negative instances incorrectly classified as positive, and the number of positive instances incorrectly classified as negative (Umer et al., 2017 ; for a brief overview of measures of diagnostic accuracy, see Šimundić, 2009 ). The F1-score ranges between 0 and 1 with its best value at 1 (perfect precision and recall). Yoo and Kim ( 2014 ) reported high F1-scores of 0.848, 0.911, and 0.914 for J48, NB, and SVM, in a study to predict student’s group project performance from online discussion participation.

Admission decisions and course scheduling

Chen and Do ( 2014 ) point out that “the accurate prediction of students’ academic performance is of importance for making admission decisions as well as providing better educational services” (p. 18). Four studies aimed to predict whether or not a prospective student would be admitted to university. For example, Acikkar and Akay ( 2009 ) selected candidates for a School of Physical Education and Sports in Turkey based on a physical ability test, their scores in the National Selection and Placement Examination, and their graduation grade point average (GPA). They used the support vector machine (SVM) technique to classify the students and where able to predict admission decisions on a level of accuracy of 97.17% in 2006 and 90.51% in 2007. SVM was also applied by Andris, Cowen, and Wittenbach ( 2013 ) to find spatial patterns that might favour prospective college students from certain geographic regions in the USA. Feng, Zhou, and Liu ( 2011 ) analysed enrolment data from 25 Chinese provinces as the training data to predict registration rates in other provinces using an artificial neural network (ANN) model. Machine learning methods and ANN are also used to predict student course selection behaviour to support course planning. Kardan, Sadeghi, Ghidary, and Sani ( 2013 ) investigated factors influencing student course selection, such as course and instructor characteristics, workload, mode of delivery and examination time, to develop a model to predict course selection with an ANN in two Computer Engineering and Information Technology Masters programs. In another paper from the same author team, a decision support system for course offerings was proposed (Kardan & Sadeghi, 2013 ). Overall, the research shows that admission decisions can be predicted at high levels of accuracy, so that an AI solution could relieves the administrative staff and allows them to focus on the more difficult cases.

Drop-out and retention

Studies pertaining to drop-out and retention are intended to develop early warning systems to detect at-risk students in their first year (e.g., Alkhasawneh & Hargraves, 2014 ; Aluko, Adenuga, Kukoyi, Soyingbe, & Oyedeji, 2016 ; Hoffait & Schyns, 2017 ; Howard, Meehan, & Parnell, 2018 ) or to predict the attrition of undergraduate students in general (e.g., Oztekin, 2016 ; Raju & Schumacker, 2015 ). Delen ( 2011 ) used institutional data from 25,224 students enrolled as Freshmen in an American university over 8 years. In this study, three classification techniques were used to predict dropout: ANN, decision trees (DT) and logistic regression. The data contained variables related to students’ demographic, academic, and financial characteristics (e.g. age, sex, ethnicity, GPA, TOEFL score, financial aid, student loan, etc.). Based on a 10-fold cross validation, Delen ( 2011 ) found that the ANN model worked best with an accuracy rate of 81.19% (see Table 7 ) and he concluded that the most important predictors of student drop-out are related to the student’s past and present academic achievement, and whether they receive financial support. Sultana, Khan, and Abbas ( 2017 , p. 107) discussed the impact of cognitive and non-cognitive features of students for predicting academic performance of undergraduate engineering students. In contrast to many other studies, they focused on non-cognitive variables to improve prediction accuracy, i.e. time management, self-concept, self-appraisal, leadership, and community support.

Student models and academic achievement

Many more studies are concerned with profiling students and modelling learning behaviour to predict their academic achievements at the course level. Hussain et al. ( 2018 ) applied several machine learning algorithms to analyse student behavioural data from the virtual learning environment at the Open University UK, in order to predict student engagement, which is of particular importance at a large scale distance teaching university, where it is not possible to engage the majority of students in face-to-face sessions. The authors aim to develop an intelligent predictive system that enables instructors to automatically identify low-engaged students and then to make an intervention. Spikol, Ruffaldi, Dabisias, and Cukurova ( 2018 ) used face and hand tracking in workshops with engineering students to estimate success in project-based learning. They concluded that results generated from multimodal data can be used to inform teachers about key features of project-based learning activities. Blikstein et al. ( 2014 ) investigated patterns of how undergraduate students learn computer programming, based on over 150,000 code transcripts that the students created in software development projects. They found that their model, based on the process of programming, had better predictive power than the midterm grades. Another example is the study of Babić ( 2017 ), who developed a model to predict student academic motivation based on their behaviour in an online learning environment.

The research on student models is an important foundation for the design of intelligent tutoring systems and adaptive learning environments.

  • Intelligent tutoring systems

All of the studies investigating intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) ( n  = 29) are only concerned with the teaching and learning level, except for one that is contextualised at the institutional and administrative level. The latter presents StuA , an interactive and intelligent student assistant that helps newcomers in a college by answering queries related to faculty members, examinations, extra curriculum activities, library services, etc. (Lodhi et al., 2018 ).

The most common terms for referring to ITS described in the studies are intelligent (online) tutors or intelligent tutoring systems (e.g., in Dodigovic, 2007 ; Miwa, Terai, Kanzaki, & Nakaike, 2014 ), although they are also identified often as intelligent (software) agents (e.g., Schiaffino, Garcia, & Amandi, 2008 ), or intelligent assistants (e.g., in Casamayor, Amandi, & Campo, 2009 ; Jeschike, Jeschke, Pfeiffer, Reinhard, & Richter, 2007 ). According to Welham ( 2008 ), the first ITS reported was the SCHOLAR system, launched in 1970, which allowed the reciprocal exchange of questions between teacher and student, but not holding a continuous conversation.

Huang and Chen ( 2016 , p. 341) describe the different models that are usually integrated in ITS: the student model (e.g. information about the student’s knowledge level, cognitive ability, learning motivation, learning styles), the teacher model (e.g. analysis of the current state of students, select teaching strategies and methods, provide help and guidance), the domain model (knowledge representation of both students and teachers) and the diagnosis model (evaluation of errors and defects based on domain model).

The implementation and validation of the ITS presented in the studies usually took place over short-term periods (a course or a semester) and no longitudinal studies were identified, except for the study by Jackson and Cossitt ( 2015 ). On the other hand, most of the studies showed (sometimes slightly) positive / satisfactory preliminary results regarding the performance of the ITS, but they did not take into account the novelty effect that a new technological development could have in an educational context. One study presented negative results regarding the type of support that the ITS provided (Adamson et al., 2014 ), which could have been more useful if it was more adjusted to the type of (in this case, more advanced) learners.

Overall, more research is needed on the effectiveness of ITS. The last meta-analysis of 39 ITS studies was published over 5 years ago: Steenbergen-Hu and Cooper ( 2014 ) found that ITS had a moderate effect of students’ learning, and that ITS were less effective that human tutoring, but ITS outperformed all other instruction methods (such as traditional classroom instruction, reading printed or digital text, or homework assignments).

The studies addressing various ITS functions were classified as follows: teaching course content ( n  = 12), diagnosing strengths or gaps in students’ knowledge and providing automated feedback ( n  = 7), curating learning materials based on students’ needs ( n  = 3), and facilitating collaboration between learners ( n  = 2).

Teaching course content

Most of the studies ( n  = 4) within this group focused on teaching Computer Science content (Dobre, 2014 ; Hooshyar, Ahmad, Yousefi, Yusop, & Horng, 2015 ; Howard, Jordan, di Eugenio, & Katz, 2017 ; Shen & Yang, 2011 ). Other studies included ITS teaching content for Mathematics (Miwa et al., 2014 ), Business Statistics and Accounting (Jackson & Cossitt, 2015 ; Palocsay & Stevens, 2008 ), Medicine (Payne et al., 2009 ) and writing and reading comprehension strategies for undergraduate Psychology students (Ray & Belden, 2007 ; Weston-Sementelli, Allen, & McNamara, 2018 ). Overall, these ITS focused on providing teaching content to students and, at the same time, supporting them by giving adaptive feedback and hints to solve questions related to the content, as well as detecting students’ difficulties/errors when working with the content or the exercises. This is made possible by monitoring students’ actions with the ITS.

In the study by Crown, Fuentes, Jones, Nambiar, and Crown ( 2011 ), a combination of teaching content through dialogue with a chatbot, that at the same time learns from this conversation - defined as a text-based conversational agent -, is described, which moves towards a more active, reflective and thinking student-centred learning approach. Duffy and Azevedo ( 2015 ) present an ITS called MetaTutor, which is designed to teach students about the human circulatory system, but it also puts emphasis on supporting students’ self-regulatory processes assisted by the features included in the MetaTutor system (a timer, a toolbar to interact with different learning strategies, and learning goals, amongst others).

Diagnosing strengths or gaps in student knowledge, and providing automated feedback

In most of the studies ( n  = 4) of this group, ITS are presented as a rather one-way communication from computer to student, concerning the gaps in students’ knowledge and the provision of feedback. Three examples in the field of STEM have been found: two of them where the virtual assistance is presented as a feature in virtual laboratories by tutoring feedback and supervising student behaviour (Duarte, Butz, Miller, & Mahalingam, 2008 ; Ramírez, Rico, Riofrío-Luzcando, Berrocal-Lobo, & Antonio, 2018 ), and the third one is a stand-alone ITS in the field of Computer Science (Paquette et al., 2015 ). One study presents an ITS of this kind in the field of second language learning (Dodigovic, 2007 ).

In two studies, the function of diagnosing mistakes and the provision of feedback is accomplished by a dialogue between the student and the computer. For example, with an interactive ubiquitous teaching robot that bases its speech on question recognition (Umarani, Raviram, & Wahidabanu, 2011 ), or with the tutoring system, based on a tutorial dialogue toolkit for introductory college Physics (Chi, VanLehn, Litman, & Jordan, 2011 ). The same tutorial dialogue toolkit (TuTalk) is the core of the peer dialogue agent presented by Howard et al. ( 2017 ), where the ITS engages in a one-on-one problem-solving peer interaction with a student and can interact verbally, graphically and in a process-oriented way, and engage in collaborative problem solving instead of tutoring. This last study could be considered as part of a new category regarding peer-agent collaboration.

Curating learning materials based on student needs

Two studies focused on this kind of ITS function (Jeschike et al., 2007 ; Schiaffino et al., 2008 ), and a third one mentions it in a more descriptive way as a feature of the detection system presented (Hall Jr & Ko, 2008 ). Schiaffino et al. ( 2008 ) present eTeacher as a system for personalised assistance to e-learning students by observing their behaviour in the course and generating a student’s profile. This enables the system to provide specific recommendations regarding the type of reading material and exercises done, as well as personalised courses of action. Jeschike et al. ( 2007 ) refers to an intelligent assistant contextualised in a virtual laboratory of statistical mechanics, where it presents exercises and the evaluation of the learners’ input to content, and interactive course material that adapts to the learner.

Facilitating collaboration between learners

Within this group we can identify only two studies: one focusing on supporting online collaborative learning discussions by using academically productive talk moves (Adamson et al., 2014 ); and the second one, on facilitating collaborative writing by providing automated feedback, generated automatic questions, and the analysis of the process (Calvo, O’Rourke, Jones, Yacef, & Reimann, 2011 ). Given the opportunities that the applications described in these studies afford for supporting collaboration among students, more research in this area would be desireable.

The teachers’ perspective

As mentioned above, Baker and Smith ( 2019 , p.12) distinguish between student and teacher-facing AI. However, only two included articles in ITS focus on the teacher’s perspective. Casamayor et al. ( 2009 ) focus on assisting teachers with the supervision and detection of conflictive cases in collaborative learning. In this study, the intelligent assistant provides the teachers with a summary of the individual progress of each group member and the type of participation each of them have had in their work groups, notification alerts derived from the detection of conflict situations, and information about the learning style of each student-logging interactions, so that the teachers can intervene when they consider it convenient. The other study put the emphasis on the ITS sharing teachers’ tutoring tasks by providing immediate feedback (automating tasks), and leaving the teachers the role of providing new hints and the correct solution to the tasks (Chou, Huang, & Lin, 2011 ). The study of Chi et al. ( 2011 ) also mentions the ITS purpose to share teacher’s tutoring tasks. The main aim in any of these cases is to reduce teacher’s workload. Furthermore, many of the learner-facing studies deal with the teacher-facing functions too, although they do not put emphasis on the teacher’s perspective.

Assessment and evaluation

Assessment and evaluation studies also largely focused on the level of teaching and learning (86%, n  = 31), although five studies described applications at the institutional level. In order to gain an overview of student opinion about online and distance learning at their institution, academics at Anadolu University (Ozturk, Cicek, & Ergul, 2017 ) used sentiment analysis to analyse mentions by students on Twitter, using Twitter API Twython and terms relating to the system. This analysis of publicly accessible data, allowed researchers insight into student opinion, which otherwise may not have been accessible through their institutional LMS, and which can inform improvements to the system. Two studies used AI to evaluate student Prior Learning and Recognition (PLAR); Kalz et al. ( 2008 ) used Latent Semantic Analysis and ePortfolios to inform personalised learning pathways for students, and Biletska, Biletskiy, Li, and Vovk ( 2010 ) used semantic web technologies to convert student credentials from different institutions, which could also provide information from course descriptions and topics, to allow for easier granting of credit. The final article at the institutional level (Sanchez et al., 2016 ) used an algorithm to match students to professional competencies and capabilities required by companies, in order to ensure alignment between courses and industry needs.

Overall, the studies show that AI applications can perform assessment and evaluation tasks at very high accuracy and efficiency levels. However, due to the need to calibrate and train the systems (supervised machine learning), they are more applicable to courses or programs with large student numbers.

Articles focusing on assessment and evaluation applications of AI at the teaching and learning level, were classified into four sub-categories; automated grading ( n  = 13), feedback ( n  = 8), evaluation of student understanding, engagement and academic integrity ( n  = 5), and evaluation of teaching ( n  = 5).

Automated grading

Articles that utilised automated grading, or Automated Essay Scoring (AES) systems, came from a range of disciplines (e.g. Biology, Medicine, Business Studies, English as a Second Language), but were mostly focused on its use in undergraduate courses ( n  = 10), including those with low reading and writing ability (Perin & Lauterbach, 2018 ). Gierl, Latifi, Lai, Boulais, and Champlain’s ( 2014 ) use of open source Java software LightSIDE to grade postgraduate medical student essays resulted in an agreement between the computer classification and human raters between 94.6% and 98.2%, which could enable reducing cost and the time associated with employing multiple human assessors for large-scale assessments (Barker, 2011 ; McNamara, Crossley, Roscoe, Allen, & Dai, 2015 ). However, they stressed that not all writing genres may be appropriate for AES and that it would be impractical to use in most small classrooms, due to the need to calibrate the system with a large number of pre-scored assessments. The benefits of using algorithms that find patterns in text responses, however, has been found to lead to encouraging more revisions by students (Ma & Slater, 2015 ) and to move away from merely measuring student knowledge and abilities by multiple choice tests (Nehm, Ha, & Mayfield, 2012 ). Continuing issues persist, however, in the quality of feedback provided by AES (Dikli, 2010 ), with Barker ( 2011 ) finding that the more detailed the feedback provided was, the more likely students were to question their grades, and a question was raised over the benefits of this feedback for beginning language students (Aluthman, 2016 ).

Articles concerned with feedback included a range of student-facing tools, including intelligent agents that provide students with prompts or guidance when they are confused or stalled in their work (Huang, Chen, Luo, Chen, & Chuang, 2008 ), software to alert trainee pilots when they are losing situation awareness whilst flying (Thatcher, 2014 ), and machine learning techniques with lexical features to generate automatic feedback and assist in improving student writing (Chodorow, Gamon, & Tetreault, 2010 ; Garcia-Gorrostieta, Lopez-Lopez, & Gonzalez-Lopez, 2018 ; Quixal & Meurers, 2016 ), which can help reduce students cognitive overload (Yang, Wong, & Yeh, 2009 ). The automated feedback system based on adaptive testing reported by Barker ( 2010 ), for example, not only determines the most appropriate individual answers according to Bloom’s cognitive levels, but also recommends additional materials and challenges.

Evaluation of student understanding, engagement and academic integrity

Three articles reported on student-facing tools that evaluate student understanding of concepts (Jain, Gurupur, Schroeder, & Faulkenberry, 2014 ; Zhu, Marquez, & Yoo, 2015 ) and provide personalised assistance (Samarakou, Fylladitakis, Früh, Hatziapostolou, & Gelegenis, 2015 ). Hussain et al. ( 2018 ) used machine learning algorithms to evaluate student engagement in a social science course at the Open University, including final results, assessment scores and the number of clicks that students make in the VLE, which can alert instructors to the need for intervention, and Amigud, Arnedo-Moreno, Daradoumis, and Guerrero-Roldan ( 2017 ) used machine learning algorithms to check academic integrity, by assessing the likelihood of student work being similar to their other work. With a mean accuracy of 93%, this opens up possibilities of reducing the need for invigilators or to access student accounts, thereby reducing concerns surrounding privacy.

Evaluation of teaching

Four studies used data mining algorithms to evaluate lecturer performance through course evaluations (Agaoglu, 2016 ; Ahmad & Rashid, 2016 ; DeCarlo & Rizk, 2010 ; Gutierrez, Canul-Reich, Ochoa Zezzatti, Margain, & Ponce, 2018 ), with Agaoglu ( 2016 ) finding, through using four different classification techniques, that many questions in the evaluation questionnaire were irrelevant. The application of an algorithm to evaluate the impact of teaching methods in a differential equations class, found that online homework with immediate feedback was more effective than clickers (Duzhin & Gustafsson, 2018 ). The study also found that, whilst previous exam results are generally good predictors for future exam results, they say very little about students’ expected performance in project-based tasks.

Adaptive systems and personalisation

Most of the studies on adaptive systems (85%, n  = 23) are situated at the teaching and learning level, with four cases considering the institutional and administrative level. Two studies explored undergraduate students’ academic advising (Alfarsi, Omar, & Alsinani, 2017 ; Feghali, Zbib, & Hallal, 2011 ), and Nguyen et al. ( 2018 ) focused on AI to support university career services. Ng, Wong, Lee, and Lee ( 2011 ) reported on the development of an agent-based distance LMS, designed to manage resources, support decision making and institutional policy, and assist with managing undergraduate student study flow (e.g. intake, exam and course management), by giving users access to data across disciplines, rather than just individual faculty areas.

There does not seem to be agreement within the studies on a common term for adaptive systems, and that is probably due to the diverse functions they carry out, which also supports the classification of studies. Some of those terms coincide in part with the ones used for ITS, e.g. intelligent agents (Li, 2007 ; Ng et al., 2011 ). The most general terms used are intelligent e-learning system (Kose & Arslan, 2016 ), adaptive web-based learning system (Lo, Chan, & Yeh, 2012 ), or intelligent teaching system (Yuanyuan & Yajuan, 2014 ). As in ITS, most of the studies either describe the system or include a pilot study but no longer-term results are reported. Results from these pilot studies are usually reported as positive, except in Vlugter, Knott, McDonald, and Hall ( 2009 ), where the experimental group that used the dialogue-based computer assisted language-system scored lower than the control group in the delayed post-tests.

The 23 studies focused on teaching and learning can be classified into five sub-categories; teaching course content ( n  = 7), recommending/providing personalised content ( n  = 5), supporting teachers in learning and teaching design ( n  = 3), using academic data to monitor and guide students ( n  = 2), and supporting representation of knowledge using concept maps ( n  = 2). However, some studies were difficult to classify, due to their specific and unique functions; helping to organise online learning groups with similar interests (Yang, Wang, Shen, & Han, 2007 ), supporting business decisions through simulation (Ben-Zvi, 2012 ), or supporting changes in attitude and behaviour for patients with Anorexia Nervosa, through embodied conversational agents (Sebastian & Richards, 2017 ). Aparicio et al. ( 2018 ) present a study where no adaptive system application was analysed, rather students’ perceptions of the use of information systems in education in general - and biomedical education in particular - were analysed, including intelligent information access systems .

The disciplines that are taught through adaptive systems are diverse, including environmental education (Huang, 2018 ), animation design (Yuanyuan & Yajuan, 2014 ), language learning (Jia, 2009 ; Vlugter et al., 2009 ), Computer Science (Iglesias, Martinez, Aler, & Fernandez, 2009 ) and Biology (Chaudhri et al., 2013 ). Walsh, Tamjidul, and Williams ( 2017 ), however, present an adaptive system based on machine learning-human machine learning symbiosis from a descriptive perspective, without specifying any discipline.

Recommending/providing personalised content

This group refers to adaptive systems that deliver customised content, materials and exercises according to students’ behaviour profiling in Business and Administration studies (Hall Jr & Ko, 2008 ) and Computer Science (Kose & Arslan, 2016 ; Lo et al., 2012 ). On the other hand, Tai, Wu, and Li ( 2008 ) present an e-learning recommendation system for online students to help them choose among courses, and Torres-Díaz, Infante Moro, and Valdiviezo Díaz ( 2014 ) emphasise the usefulness of (adaptive) recommendation systems in MOOCs to suggest actions, new items and users, according to students’ personal preferences.

Supporting teachers in learning and teaching design

In this group, three studies were identified. One study puts the emphasis on a hybrid recommender system of pedagogical patterns, to help teachers define their teaching strategies, according to the context of a specific class (Cobos et al., 2013 ), and another study presents a description of a metadata-based model to implement automatic learning designs that can solve detected problems (Camacho & Moreno, 2007 ). Li’s ( 2007 ) descriptive study argues that intelligent agents save time for online instructors, by leaving the most repetitive tasks to the systems, so that they can focus more on creative work.

Using academic data to monitor and guide students

The adaptive systems within this category focus on the extraction of student academic information to perform diagnostic tasks, and help tutors to offer a more proactive personal guidance (Rovira, Puertas, & Igual, 2017 ); or, in addition to that task, include performance evaluation and personalised assistance and feedback, such as the Learner Diagnosis, Assistance, and Evaluation System based on AI (StuDiAsE) for engineering learners (Samarakou et al., 2015 ).

Supporting representation of knowledge in concept maps

To help build students’ self-awareness of conceptual structures, concept maps can be quite useful. In the two studies of this group, an expert system was included, e.g. in order to accommodate selected peer ideas in the integrated concept maps and allow teachers to flexibly determine in which ways the selected concept maps are to be merged ( ICMSys ) (Kao, Chen, & Sun, 2010 ), or to help English as a Foreign Language college students to develop their reading comprehension through mental maps of referential identification (Yang et al., 2009 ). This latter system also includes system-guided instruction, practice and feedback.

Conclusions and implications for further educational research

In this paper, we have explored the field of AIEd research in terms of authorship and publication patterns. It is evident that US-American, Chinese, Taiwanese and Turkish colleagues (accounting for 50% of the publications as first authors) from Computer Science and STEM departments (62%) dominate the field. The leading journals are the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education , Computers & Education , and the International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning .

More importantly, this study has provided an overview of the vast array of potential AI applications in higher education to support students, faculty members, and administrators. They were described in four broad areas (profiling and prediction, intelligent tutoring systems, assessment and evaluation, and adaptive systems and personalisation) with 17 sub-categories. This structure, which was derived from the systematic review, contributes to the understanding and conceptualisation of AIEd practice and research.

On the other hand, the lack of longitudinal studies and the substantial presence of descriptive and pilot studies from the technological perspective, as well as the prevalence of quantitative methods - especially quasi-experimental methods - in empirical studies, shows that there is still substantial room for educators to aim at innovative and meaningful research and practice with AIEd that could have learning impact within higher education, e.g. adopting design-based approaches (Easterday, Rees Lewis, & Gerber, 2018 ). A recent systematic literature review on personalisation in educational technology coincided with the predominance of experiences in technological developments, which also often used quantitative methods (Bartolomé, Castañeda, & Adell, 2018 ). Misiejuk and Wasson ( 2017 , p. 61) noted in their systematic review on Learning Analytics that “there are very few implementation studies and impact studies” (p. 61), which is also similar to the findings in the present article.

The full consequences of AI development cannot yet be foreseen today, but it seems likely that AI applications will be a top educational technology issue for the next 20 years. AI-based tools and services have a high potential to support students, faculty members and administrators throughout the student lifecycle. The applications that are described in this article provide enormous pedagogical opportunities for the design of intelligent student support systems, and for scaffolding student learning in adaptive and personalized learning environments. This applies in particular to large higher education institutions (such as open and distance teaching universities), where AIEd might help to overcome the dilemma of providing access to higher education for very large numbers of students (mass higher education). On the other hand, it might also help them to offer flexible, but also interactive and personalized learning opportunities, for example by relieving teachers from burdens, such as grading hundreds or even thousands of assignments, so that they can focus on their real task: empathic human teaching.

It is crucial to emphasise that educational technology is not (only) about technology – it is the pedagogical, ethical, social, cultural and economic dimensions of AIEd we should be concerned about. Selwyn ( 2016 , p. 106) writes:

The danger, of course, lies in seeing data and coding as an absolute rather than relative source of guidance and support. Education is far too complex to be reduced solely to data analysis and algorithms. As with digital technologies in general, digital data do not offer a neat technical fix to education dilemmas – no matter how compelling the output might be.

We should not strive for what is technically possible, but always ask ourselves what makes pedagogical sense. In China, systems are already being used to monitor student participation and expressions via face recognition in classrooms (so called Intelligent Classroom Behavior Management System, Smart Campus Footnote 8 ) and display them to the teacher on a dashboard. This is an example of educational surveillance, and it is highly questionable whether such systems provide real added value for a good teacher who should be able to capture the dynamics in a learning group (online and in an on-campus setting) and respond empathically and in a pedagogically meaningful way. In this sense, it is crucial to adopt an ethics of care (Prinsloo, 2017 ) to start thinking on how we are exploring the potential of algorithmic decision-making systems that are embedded in AIEd applications. Furthermore, we should also always remember that AI systems “first and foremost, require control by humans. Even the smartest AI systems can make very stupid mistakes. […] AI Systems are only as smart as the date used to train them” (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2019 , p. 25). Some critical voices in educational technology remind us that we should go beyond the tools, and talk again about learning and pedagogy, as well as acknowledging the human aspects of digital technology use in education (Castañeda & Selwyn, 2018 ). The new UNESCO report on challenges and opportunities of AIEd for sustainable development deals with various areas, all of which have an important pedagogical, social and ethical dimension, e.g. ensuring inclusion and equity in AIEd, preparing teachers for AI-powered education, developing quality and inclusive data systems, or ethics and transparency in data collection, use and dissemination (Pedró, Subosa, Rivas, & Valverde, 2019 ).

That being said, a stunning result of this review is the dramatic lack of critical reflection of the pedagogical and ethical implications as well as risks of implementing AI applications in higher education. Concerning ethical implications, privacy issues were also noted to be rarely addressed in empirical studies in a recent systematic review on Learning Analytics (Misiejuk & Wasson, 2017 ). More research is needed from educators and learning designers on how to integrate AI applications throughout the student lifecycle, to harness the enormous opportunities that they afford for creating intelligent learning and teaching systems. The low presence of authors affiliated with Education departments identified in our systematic review is evidence of the need for educational perspectives on these technological developments.

The lack of theory might be a syndrome within the field of educational technology in general. In a recent study, Hew, Lan, Tang, Jia, and Lo ( 2019 ) found that more than 40% of articles in three top educational technology journals were wholly a-theoretical. The systematic review by Bartolomé et al. ( 2018 ) also revealed this lack of explicit pedagogical perspectives in the studies analysed. The majority of research included in this systematic review is merely focused on analysing and finding patterns in data to develop models, and to make predictions that inform student and teacher facing applications, or to support administrative decisions using mathematical theories and machine learning methods that were developed decades ago (see Russel & Norvig, 2010 ). This kind of research is now possible through the growth of computing power and the vast availability of big digital student data. However, at this stage, there is very little evidence for the advancement of pedagogical and psychological learning theories related to AI driven educational technology. It is an important implication of this systematic review, that researchers are encouraged to be explicit about the theories that underpin empirical studies about the development and implementation of AIEd projects, in order to expand research to a broader level, helping us to understand the reasons and mechanisms behind this dynamic development that will have an enormous impact on higher education institutions in the various areas we have covered in this review.

Availability of data and materials

The datasets used and/or analysed during the current study (the bibliography of included studies) are available from the corresponding author upon request. (accessed 22 July, 2019) (accessed 22 July, 2019) (accessed 22 July, 2019) (accessed 22 July, 2019)

A file with all included references is available at: 335911716_AIED-Ref (CC-0; DOI: ) (accessed July 22, 2019)

It is beyond the scope of this article to discuss the various machine learning methods for classification and prediction. Readers are therefore encouraged to refer to the literature referenced in the articles that are included in this review (e.g. Delen, 2010 and Umer, Susnjak, Mathrani, & Suriadi, 2017 ). (accessed July 5, 2019)

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Faculty of Education and Social Sciences, University of Oldenburg, Ammerländer Heerstr. 138, 26129, Oldenburg, Germany

Olaf Zawacki-Richter, Victoria I. Marín, Melissa Bond & Franziska Gouverneur

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The authors declare that each author has made a substantial contribution to this article, has approved the submitted version of this article and hast agreed to be personally accountable for the author’s own contributions. In particular, OZR as the leading author, has made a major contribution to the conception and design of the research; the data collection, screening of abstracts and full papers, the analysis, synthesis and interpretation of data; VIM has made a major contribution to the data collection, screening of abstracts and full papers, the analysis, synthesis and interpretation of data; MB has made a major contribution to the data collection, screening of full papers, the analysis, synthesis and interpretation of data; as a native speaker of English she was also responsible for language editing; FG has made a major contribution to the data collection, and the screening of abstracts and full papers. She calculated Cohen’s kappa values of interrater reliability.

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Dr. Olaf Zawacki-Richter is a Professor of Educational Technology in the Faculty of Education and Social Sciences at the University of Oldenburg in Germany. He is the Director of the Center for Open Education Research (COER) and the Center for Lifelong Learning (C3L).

Dr. Victoria I. Marín is a Post-doctoral Researcher in the Faculty of Education and Social Sciences / Center for Open Education Research (COER) at the University of Oldenburg in Germany.

Melissa Bond is a PhD candidate and Research Associate in the Faculty of Education and Social Sciences / Center for Open Education Research (COER) at the University of Oldenburg in Germany.

Franziska Gouverneur is a Masters student and Research Assistant in the Faculty of Education and Social Sciences / Center for Open Education Research (COER) at the University of Oldenburg in Germany.

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Zawacki-Richter, O., Marín, V.I., Bond, M. et al. Systematic review of research on artificial intelligence applications in higher education – where are the educators?. Int J Educ Technol High Educ 16 , 39 (2019).

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Received : 26 July 2019

Accepted : 01 October 2019

Published : 28 October 2019


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Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications

A systematic review of educational online peer-review and assessment systems: charting the landscape.

Dmytro Babik , James Madison University Edward Gehringer , North Carolina State University Jennifer Kidd , Old Dominion University Follow Kristine Sunday , Old Dominion University Follow David Tinapple , Arizona State University Steven Gilbert , The TLT Group

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Educational Technology Research & Development

Over the past two decades, there has been an explosion of innovation in software tools that encapsulate and expand the capabilities of the widely used student peer assessment. While the affordances and pedagogical impacts of traditional in-person, "paper-and-pencil" peer assessment have been studied extensively and are relatively well understood, computerized (online) peer assessment introduced not only shifts in scalability and efficiency, but also entirely new capabilities and forms of social learning interactions, instructor leverage, and distributed cognition, that still need to be researched and systematized. Despite the ample research on traditional peer assessment and evidence of its efficacy, common vocabulary and shared understanding of online peer-assessment system design, including the variety of methods, techniques, and implementations, is still missing. We present key findings of a comprehensive survey based on a systematic research framework for examining and generalizing affordances and constraints of online peer-assessment systems. This framework (a) provides a foundation of a design-science metatheory of online peer assessment, (b) helps structure the discussion of user needs and design options, and (c) informs educators and system design practitioners. We identified two major themes in existing and potential research—orientation towards scaffolded learning vs. exploratory learning and system maturity. We also outlined an agenda for future studies.

© The Authors 2024.

This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder.

Original Publication Citation

Babik, D., Gehringer, E., Kidd, J., Sunday, K., Tinapple, D., & Gilbert, S. (2024). A systematic review of educational online peer-review and assessment systems: Charting the landscape. Educational Technology Research & Development , 72 (3), 1653-1689.

Repository Citation

Babik, Dmytro; Gehringer, Edward; Kidd, Jennifer; Sunday, Kristine; Tinapple, David; and Gilbert, Steven, "A Systematic Review of Educational Online Peer-Review and Assessment Systems: Charting the Landscape" (2024). Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications . 253.

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Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Commons , Educational Technology Commons , Instructional Media Design Commons

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  • Published: 02 August 2024

Moral courage level of nurses: a systematic review and meta-analysis

  • Hang Li 1   na1 ,
  • JuLan Guo 1 , 2   na1 ,
  • ZhiRong Ren 1 , 3   na1 ,
  • Dingxi Bai 1 ,
  • Jing Yang 1 ,
  • Wei Wang 1 ,
  • Qing Yang 1 ,
  • Chaoming Hou 1 &
  • Jing Gao 1  

BMC Nursing volume  23 , Article number:  530 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

71 Accesses

Metrics details

Moral distress occurs in daily nursing work and plagues nurses. Improving the level of moral courage is one of the main strategies to reduce moral distress, and low levels of moral courage may lead to nurse burnout, increased turnover, and reduced quality of care.

Nine electronic databases in Chinese and English were searched for the level of moral courage among nurses, including PubMed, Web of Science, EMBASE, CINAHL, CNKI, Wan fang, Wei pu, CBM and Cochrane Library, for the period from the date of database creation to April 5, 2023. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) was used to assess the methodological quality of the included studies, followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines and the Meta-analysis and Systematic Reviews of Observational Studies guidelines, and data from the included studies were meta-analyzed in STATA version 15 using a fixed-effects model.

Seventeen cross-sectional studies of moderate or high quality met the eligibility criteria and involved 7718 nurses, and the Nurses’ Moral Courage Scale (NMCS) was used to measure the self-assessed moral courage level of nurses. Eleven of these studies reported total scores for nurses’ moral courage, and the meta-analysis results showed a pooled mean score of 78.94 (95% CI: 72.17, 85.72); Fourteen studies reported mean entry scores for nurses’ moral courage, and the meta-analysis results showed a pooled mean score of 3.93 (95% CI: 3.64, 4.23).

The results of the meta-analysis showed that nurses’ moral courage levels were in the medium to high range, among the nurses who seemed to be male, non-nursing managers, high school education, had not experienced ethical issues, and considering resignation had lower levels of moral courage. The results of the meta-analysis may provide some reference for nursing managers and even hospital administrators to develop strategies to optimize nursing quality.

Peer Review reports


Nursing is embedded in ethical and moral concerns [ 1 , 2 ], The survey showed that 67.7% of nurses experience moral distress [ 3 ], and that distress is more frequent and more serious for nurses than for other healthcare workers because they have more contact time with patients, so the frequency of moral distress is relatively high [ 4 ], especially during disease pandemics, which creat more ethical issues and distress for nurses, increasing their moral suffering [ 5 , 6 ]. Research suggests that moral distress negatively affects nurses, for example, when nurses are in a chronic moral distress, it decreases their job satisfaction and increases turnover rates [ 7 ]; it can also lead to empathic fatigue [ 8 ], burnout [ 9 ], and an increased rate of medication errors among nurses [ 10 ].Therefore healthcare organizations must recognize the negative effects of moral distress on nurses and take proactive measures in order to mitigate its impact on both individuals and patient outcomes.

Improving the level of moral courage is one of the main strategies to reduce the frequency of moral distress [ 11 ]. Moral courage is the courage to act in accordance with moral principles in the face of moral conflict, even though one may experience negative consequences [ 12 ], and in the field of nursing, moral courage defined as the nurse’s ability to adhere to professional ethical guidelines and to act in strict compliance with those guidelines, even if there is a foreseeable or real negative impact on yourself as a result [ 13 ]. Research [ 14 ]shows that nurses with higher level of moral courage experience lower frequencies of moral distress. High level of moral courage enables nurses to effectively respond to challenging situations and uphold their professional values. Additionally, high moral courage enables them to openly oppose unethical practices, protect patients’ rights and make the right decisions. Low level of moral courage may lead to nurses being unable to adhere to ethical principles, leading to an increase in the frequency of moral distress, thereby reducing the quality of care, and ultimately leading to unethical behavior [ 15 ]. As the backbone of the healthcare system, nurses require a supportive environment to meet their needs [ 14 ].

Encouragingly, scholars are increasingly paying attention to nurses’ current level of moral courage. Therefore, the number of studies on this topic is gradually increasing. However, it is worth noting that there is a wide range of opinions regarding the level of moral courage exhibited by nurses. Tang et al. [ 16 ] surveyed 331 psychiatric nurses in a hospital in Henan Province and the study showed that the moral level of nurses was at a higher level. Other studies have reached different conclusions, for example, Gan et al. [ 17 ] surveyed 368 junior nurses in a hospital in Harbin and showed that nurses’ moral courage was at a moderate to low level, and Nora Hauhio et al. [ 18 ] surveyed 482 registered nurses in a hospital in Finland and showed that nurses’ moral courage was at a moderate to high level, which may be related to the survey area, sample size, and the nurse’s work environment, work experience, and education level [ 13 , 19 , 20 ]. Although different studies have drawn different opinions and conclusions, one thing is still certain - nurses are an indispensable part of maintaining ethical standards in the medical field. Their role cannot be overemphasized, as they are often at the forefront of patient care and promotion. Therefore, we must study the current situation of nurses’ moral courage so that we can identify areas for improvement to enhance their level of moral courage. This not only helps to reduce the ethical distress faced by nurses, but also helps to improve the overall quality of care [ 21 ].

To date, our search of major databases revealed that there are no meta-analyses of nurses’ levels of moral courage, indicating a lack of evidence-based evidence in this area. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to understand the level of moral courage of nurses by pooling studies which using NMCS.

Design and registration

The Systematic review and Meta-analysis followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines [ 22 ] and the Meta-analysis and Systematic Reviews of Observational Studies guidelines [ 23 ], it can enhance the clarity and organization of reports, so the systematic reviews and meta-analysis reports will not miss important information, thus providing high-quality evidence for evidence-based decisions. This systematic review and meta-analysis have been registered on PROSPERO website (Registration number: CRD42023414565).

Search strategy

The studies were searched in nine electronic databases in English and Chinese (PubMed, Web of Science, EMBASE, CINAHL, CNKI, Wan fang, Weipu, CBM and Cochrane Library), for the period from the date of database creation to April 5, 2023. A combination of Mesh terms and free terms was used for the literature search. The Mesh terms included “Nurses”, “Nurse”, “Nursing Personnel”, “Registered Nurses”, and “Moral Courage”. To ensure the comprehensiveness of the literature search, references cited in the literature were manually searched to find the research that may be included in the literature. We will also seek the help of an experienced librarian to refine the search strategy for each database. For full text not available or only abstracts or unpublished documents, we will email the corresponding author or first author for help. (Supplementary Table 1 )

Eligibility criteria

Inclusion criteria:

The research subjects included in the study are nurses.

The Nurses’ Moral Courage Scale was developed by Numminen et al. [ 24 ] in 2018 to assess the level of moral courage.

It is a quantitative study that can extract the mean ± standard deviation of the total score of the scale or the mean ± standard deviation of the mean score of each item.

Observational studies (cross-sectional, case-control, cohort studies).

Exclusion criteria:

Unable to extract mean ± standard deviation of scale scores.

Secondary research (Meta-analysis, Systematic evaluation, Review, etc.).

Full text was not available.

Quality assessment

Since all studies included in this review are cross-sectional the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) was used to assess methodological quality [ 25 ], which is currently an excellent tool for assessing the quality of cross-sectional studies [ 26 ]. It is also one of the widely accepted tools for assessing the quality of cross-sectional studies, and the AHRQ is available at [ 27 ]. The AHRQ has 11 items and assigns a score of 1 when assessing individual items for “yes” and 0 points otherwise. The total score is 0 to 3 for low quality, 4 to 7 for moderate quality, and 8 to 11 for high quality. This study quality was assessed by the LH reviewer and then checked by the reviewer BDX, and any discrepancies were resolved through discussion. (Supplementary Table 2 )

Data extraction

Two researchers (LH and FH) independently selected the literature in EndNote X9, extracted the data, and cross-checked according to search strategies and inclusion criteria. In case of any disagreement, a third researcher (BDX) was consulted for resolution. The main data were extracted in Microsoft Office Excel, including: Study, Country, Study design, Total sample, Number of Male, Number of Female, Age, Moral courage score, Average score of entries. (Table  1 )

Data synthesis

All included studies used a consistent measurement instrument, so meta-analysis was used to synthesize the quantitative data. Mean scores and standard deviations of NMCS scale scores were pooled across studies using Stata15 software, and the pooled mean scores were expressed as weighted effect sizes and 95% confidence intervals (CI). Between-study heterogeneity was assessed using the Cochran Q chi-square test and the I 2 statistic, with I 2 values of 25%, 50%, and 75% for low, moderate, and high heterogeneity, respectively. When I 2  > 50% and p  < 0.05, moderate or high heterogeneity was indicated and a random effects model was used for analysis; otherwise, a fixed effects model was used [ 28 ]. In addition, pre-defined subgroup analyses were used to explore the effects of gender, whether or not they were nurse leaders, education level, on the level of nurse ethics, and whether or not they were experiencing ethical problems or related knowledge. Egger’s test was used to identify publication bias, with P  > 0.05 indicating a low likelihood of publication bias [ 29 ]. If publication bias exists, correction is made by haircutting.

Study screening & selection process

417 literature were obtained through database search, 3 literature obtained by tracing the included references, obtained a total of 420 literature. According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 181 obviously irrelevant literature were excluded from the initial screening; after reading the full text and re-screening, 40 literature with inconsistent study subjects, study content, study design, outcome indicators, non-English and Chinese, non-accessible full text were excluded, and 17 [ 16 , 17 , 18 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 ] citations were finally included. (Fig.  1 )

figure 1

The literature screening flow chart

Study description

A total of seventeen studies involving 7718 nurses were included in this review, eleven of these studies reported total scores for nurses’ moral courage, fourteen studies reported mean entry scores for nurses’ moral courage, we separately merged the mean standard deviation of the total score of moral courage level and the average score of each item to better review the current status of nurses’ moral courage level. The included studies were all published between 2020 and 2023; a few studies (n = 5) were conducted in European countries (Finland, Turkey, Belgium), while the majority (n = 11) were conducted in China, and all studies were cross-sectional. The included studies all used the Nurse Moral Courage Scale developed by Numminen et al [ 24 ]. The scale consists of 21 items in 4 dimensions, namely moral integrity (7 items), commitment to good care (5 items), compassion and true presence (5 items), and moral responsibility (4 items). The Likert 5-point scale was used, with scores ranging from 1 to 5 on a scale of “not at all consistent with me” to “completely consistent with me”, and scores ranging from 21 to 105. Thirteen of the studies further reported mean scores and standard deviations for their four dimensions. (Table  1 )

Nurses’ moral courage

Eleven of these studies reported total scores for nurses’ moral courage, Fourteen studies reported mean entry scores for nurses’ moral courage, and the meta-analysis found that the total scores for nurses’ moral courage ( Q  = 4.00, I 2  = 0.0%, p  = 0.947), mean entry scores for nurses’ moral courage ( Q  = 4.07, I 2  = 0.0%, p  = 0.99), and fixed-effects models were used to pool effect sizes. The meta-analysis results showed a pooled mean score were 78.94 (95% CI: 72.17, 85.72), 3.93 (95% CI: 3.64, 4.23). (Figures  2 and 3 )

figure 2

Forest plot of pooled mean scores for total score of moral courage level

figure 3

Forest plot of pooled mean scores for average score of entries

A total of thirteen studies were included for the analysis of the four dimensions. The meta-analysis found that compassion and true presence ( Q  = 4.16, I 2  = 0.0%, p  = 0.998), commitment to good care ( Q  = 4.63, I 2  = 0.0%, p  = 0.969), moral integrity ( Q  = 2.81, I 2  = 0.0%, p  = 0.997), and moral responsibility ( Q  = 2.65, I 2  = 0.0%, p  = 0.998) was homogeneous, and fixed-effects models were used to pool effect sizes, with a pooled mean scores were 3.84 (95% CI: 3.46, 4.21), 3.76 (95% CI: 3.40, 4.12), 3.89 (95% CI: 3.54, 4.24), and 3.84 (95% CI: 3.46, 4.21) respectively. (Supplementary Figs.  1 – 4 )

Subgroup analyses of moral courage for nurses

The subgroup analysis revealed relatively high level of moral courage among female nurses, nurses with higher education, nurse leaders, nurses who had experienced moral issues or were knowledgeable about them, and nurses who had never considered leaving their jobs. (Table  2 )

Quality appraisal

Eight of the seventeen cross-sectional studies had High methodological quality (AHRQ scores of 8), and nine had moderate methodological quality (AHRQ scores of 6–7). The risk of bias for included studies was mainly from item 2 (The inclusion and exclusion criteria for exposed and unexposed subjects were not listed, or reference was made to previous publications), item 7 (No explanation was given for any patients excluded from the analysis), item 9 (There was no explanation on how to handle missing data in the analysis) and item 11 (The percentage of patients who did not have clear expected follow-up and did not receive incomplete data or follow-up), and all included studies were included in the meta-analysis because they were of moderate to high quality. (Supplementary Table 2 )

Sensitivity analysis/ risk of publication bias

The funnel plot distribution is symmetrical (Figs.  4 and 5 ), and sensitivity analysis revealed no significant differences between the results and the overall comprehensive estimate, indicating that the meta-analysis findings are relatively stable and reliable (Supplementary Figs.  5 – 6 ). Egger’s test result was 0.533 ( p  = 0.993) for the total score of moral courage level for nurses. Therefore, there was no significant publication bias. Egger’s test result was 0.042 ( p  = 0.009) for the mean entry scores for nurses’ moral courage level, in this regard, we performed the cut-and-patch method and the results showed that P  = 0.99. (Supplementary Figs.  7 – 9 )

figure 4

The publication bias in the estimated aggregate average score of moral courage evaluated by the funnel plot

figure 5

The publication bias of the average score of moral courage items evaluated through a funnel plot

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has recommended quality evaluation criteria for observational studies [ 25 ], which assess the risk of bias in 5 domains: selection bias, implementation bias, follow-up bias, measurement bias, and reporting bias. In the cross-sectional studies included in our review, their scores range from 6 to 8, indicating a higher quality of inclusion in the study, the main problem was that the studies lacked exclusion criteria, did not explain the reasons for excluding patients, and did not explain how the analysis handled the missing data. Studies that are rated as high quality are mainly due to their emphasis on sample size and study quality, meaning that they describe any assessments performed to ensure quality and explain the reasons for excluding any patients from the analysis. Therefore, future researchers should pay attention to the above problems when conducting cross-sectional studies.

To our knowledge, this is the first quantitative meta-analysis of nurses’ level of moral courage. In our meta-analysis, we analyzed the four dimensions of the Nurses’ Moral Courage Scale and found that mean scores of all four dimensions were in the moderate to high range. Subgroup analyses to further explore how gender, level of education, ethical experience and related knowledge, and whether resignation was considered affected nurses’ levels of moral courage. By doing so, we aimed to provide a more nuanced understanding of this critical aspect of nursing practice.

This review find that the level of moral courage of nurses is at a medium to high range, the results of this review are similar to the findings of Dai [ 32 ] and Xu [ 36 ]. This is an encouraging finding as it suggests that many nurses possess the necessary qualities to provide exceptional care for their patients. The four areas of nurses’ moral courage are moral responsibility, compassion and true presence, moral integrity and commitment to good care. These are important components of effective nursing practices, reflecting a deep commitment to the profession. However, there is always room for improvement. Although the current level of moral courage among nurses is commendable, we believe that with the continuous efforts and support of healthcare organizations, this can be further strengthened. By creating an environment that encourages ethical decision-making and prioritizes patient centered care, we can take our nurses to new heights of excellence. In summary, although there is still work to be done to comprehensively improve the moral courage level of nurses, this review provides optimistic reasons for the future of nursing practice.

With continuous attention to these key areas, including moral responsibility, compassion and true presence, moral integrity and commitment to good care, we can continue to build a good medical system.When the dimensions were analyzed and compared, the highest scores were found for moral integrity, Similar to the results of the study by Hu et al. [ 39 ].Which focuses on adherence to the basic principles and values of the profession and health care, especially in situations where there is a risk of negative consequences for others [ 44 ]. The fact that nurses scored high on this dimension indicates their unwavering commitment to upholding ethical guidelines and demonstrates their courage and ability to act accordingly; commitment to good care is relatively low, similar to the results of Xu et al. [ 36 ], Koning et al. [ 34 ]. The main content of this dimension refers to nurses’ courage to defend the good rights of patients in the case of insufficient resources or professional competence, compromise or coercive practices that threaten the good care of patients [ 44 ]. The low score of this dimension indicates that nurses’ courage to defend the good rights of patients in the case of insufficient resources or professional competence, compromise or coercive practices that threaten the good care of patients Inadequate.

Interestingly, we found that female nurses exhibit higher moral courage than male nurses. This discovery led us to explore the potential reasons for this disparity, assuming that it may be related to the professional identity of male nurses. Our analysis reveals a positive correlation between professional identity and job engagement, indicating that those with stronger professional identity are more likely to participate in their work [ 45 ]. However, we also found that male nurses with lower professional identity often exhibit less work enthusiasm, which in turn affects their moral courage. This is an important insight as it emphasizes the need for healthcare organizations to cultivate strong professional identities among all staff, especially male nurses, who may face unique challenges in establishing themselves in a predominantly female field. In a study on the moral courage level of Argentine doctors, we also found that men have lower level of moral courage than women [ 46 ]. Subgroup analysis revealed that the higher the level of education, the higher the level of moral courage, which may be related to the fact that nurses with higher education have a higher level of professional knowledge and a better judgment of the treatment and care plan for patients; Meanwhile, our subgroup analysis revealed a large difference in the level of moral courage between nurse leaders and clinical nurses. This may be related to the fact that the professional role of the nurse leader needs to deal with complex nurse-patient and health care relationships on a daily basis, and that he or she has a wider range of interactions at work, has more power, and thus has relatively higher moral courage [ 32 ]; Compared to nurses who have experienced moral distress and related knowledge, inexperienced nurses have relatively low levels of moral courage, which may increase with work experience, repeated confrontation with moral challenges, and learning from this may increase with experience, repeated confrontation with ethical challenges, and learning from ethical behavior [ 47 ], for example, the relatively high level of moral courage among nurses compared to graduating nursing students may be related to the environment in which the graduating nurses are placed and their age. Clinical nurses often encounter moral dilemmas in their work, which may be associated with their increasing level of moral courage as they gain experience [ 48 ]; The higher level of moral courage among nurses who had never considered leaving compared to those who had considered leaving may be related to job dissatisfaction among nurses who considered leaving, this result is similar to the view of Khodaveisi M et al. [ 15 ].

Overall, nurses have played a valuable role in promoting ethical practices in the medical environment. They are firmly committed to upholding ethical principles, which not only benefits individual patients but also contributes to building a more just and equitable medical environment. This review suggests that the moral courage level of nurses still needs to be further improved. Therefore, it is imperative that nursing managers and hospital administrators recognize the crucial role of moral courage in the nursing profession. Nurses are often faced with moral distress that require them to make difficult decisions, and having a high level of moral courage can greatly impact their ability to act ethically. To this end, we recommend that senior nurses take an active role in mentoring junior nurses and providing guidance on how to navigate complex ethical situations. By sharing their own experiences and offering support, they can help prevent junior nurses from encountering similar challenges in the future. Additionally, experienced nurses should be encouraged to lead ethics lectures and discussions within their departments. This will not only improve the moral sensitivity of all nurses but also foster a culture of open communication where ethical concerns can be addressed openly and honestly [ 49 ]. Ultimately, by prioritizing the development of moral courage among its nursing staff, hospitals can ensure that patients receive care that is both compassionate and ethically sound.


There are certain limitations to this review. First, the included studies were cross-sectional in design, therefore, no causal relationship can be inferred from the observed association and inevitably had design flaws. Second, the scales we included were patient self-reported outcome scales, which are somewhat subjective. Third, we did not search the gray literature base and may have missed those unpublished papers. Fourth, in the meta-analysis, scales not developed by Numminen et al. were excluded, which may bias the integration results. Finally, more of the included studies were conducted in China ( n  = 11), thus, the scope of our study may have been limited.

Clinical implication

This meta-analysis delves into the key topic of nurses’ moral courage. By incorporating relevant literature, this review reveals the current status of nurses’ moral courage level and provides valuable insights for nursing managers and hospital managers. The findings of this meta-analysis have profound implications for healthcare organizations. By better understanding the factors that contribute to moral courage, hospitals can develop effective management strategies to improve ethical practices and strengthen patient care. A key suggestion is to create a positive work environment that supports professional ethics. When nurses feel supported by colleagues and superiors, they are more likely to demonstrate moral courage in challenging situations. Conversely, it can also provide better care for patients and improve the overall quality of care [ 50 ]. In addition to creating a supportive workplace culture, hospitals should also prioritize providing relevant training and education around ethical issues. Overall, this meta-analysis represents an important step forward in understanding the moral courage of nurses. By taking action based on these findings, hospitals can create a more ethical workplace culture that benefits both patients and nurses.

This review find that the level of moral courage of nurses is at a medium to high range, the level of moral courage was lower among nurses who were male, non-nursing managers, had lower education, had not experienced ethical issues, and were considering resignation. These subgroup analysis results indicate that there is still room for improvement in cultivating an environment where all nurses have the right to act on behalf of the best interests of patients. So it is recommended that nursing managers as well as hospital administrators take appropriate measures to create a good working environment for nurses and improve their level of moral courage in order to improve the quality of care.

Data availability

All the data are available from the corresponding author up on a reasonable request.

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Hang Li, JuLan Guo, and ZhiRong Ren contributed equally to this work.

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Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu, Sichuan, China

Hang Li, JuLan Guo, ZhiRong Ren, Dingxi Bai, Jing Yang, Wei Wang, Han Fu, Qing Yang, Chaoming Hou & Jing Gao

Hospital of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu, Sichuan, China

The Affiliated Fifth People’s Hospital of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu, Sichuan, China

ZhiRong Ren

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1.Hang Li: Topic concept, literature search, data analysis, and article writing. 2.JuLan Guo: Topic concept, language check, and Revised guidance. 3.ZhiRong Ren: Topic concept, PRISMA and MOOSE checklist combed, and Revised guidance. 4.Dingxi Bai: Topic concept, literature search, data analysis, and article writing. 5.Jing Yang: Topic concept, literature search, data analysis, and article writing. 6.Wei Wang: Data processing, analyzing data. 7.Han Fu: Data processing, analyzing data. 8.Qing Yang: Data processing, analyzing data. 9.Chaoming Hou: Revise and review articles. 10.Jing Gao: Revise and review articles.

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Li, H., Guo, J., Ren, Z. et al. Moral courage level of nurses: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Nurs 23 , 530 (2024).

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Received : 24 July 2023

Accepted : 10 June 2024

Published : 02 August 2024


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Published on 31.7.2024 in Vol 13 (2024)

Effectiveness of Mobile App Interventions to Improve Periodontal Health: Protocol for a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Authors of this article:

Author Orcid Image

  • Reem Musa, BDS, MSc   ; 
  • Dalia Elamin, BDS, MSc   ; 
  • Robert Barrie, BChD, MChD, MPA, PhD   ; 
  • Faheema Kimmie-Dhansay, BSc, BChD, PgDipl, MSc, PhD  

Department of Community Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa

Corresponding Author:

Reem Musa, BDS, MSc

Department of Community Dentistry

Faculty of Dentistry

University of Western Cape

Fransie, Francie Van Zijl Dr

Cape Town, 7500

South Africa

Phone: 27 0847177976

Email: [email protected]

Background: Periodontal health plays a key role as a shared reference point for evaluating periodontal diseases and identifying significant treatment outcomes. Providing adequate instruction and enhancing the motivation of patients to maintain proper oral hygiene are crucial factors for successful periodontal treatment, with self-performed regular oral hygiene identified as a critical factor in improving the outcomes of treatment for periodontal diseases. Recently, mobile health (mHealth) solutions, especially mobile apps, have emerged as valuable tools for self-management in chronic diseases such as periodontal disease, providing essential health education and monitoring capabilities. However, the use of mHealth apps for periodontal health is complex owing to various interacting components such as patient behavior, socioeconomic status, and adherence to oral hygiene practices. Existing literature has indicated positive effects of mHealth on oral health behaviors, knowledge, attitude, practice, plaque index score, and gingivitis reduction. However, there has been no systematic review of mobile apps specifically targeting patients with periodontal disease. Understanding the design and impact of mHealth apps is crucial for creating high-quality apps.

Objective: The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to evaluate the effectiveness of existing mobile apps in promoting periodontal health.

Methods: A comprehensive search strategy will be performed in multiple electronic databases (PubMed, EBSCOhost, CINAHL Plus, Dentistry & Oral Sciences, ScienceDirect, Scopus, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials) with the following keywords in the title/abstract: “mobile application,” “mobile health,” “mHealth,” “telemedicine,” “periodontal health,” “periodontitis,” and “text message.” Only randomized controlled trials will be included that assessed the following outcomes to measure periodontal health improvement: gingival index, bleeding index, periodontal pocket depth, and clinical attachment loss. Covidence will be used for data collection, and a PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses) flowchart will be used to describe the selection process of the included, identified, and excluded studies. The Confidence in Network Meta-Analysis approach will be used for meta-analysis of the extracted data from the included studies.

Results: This review will not require ethical approval since no primary data will be included. As of July 2024, a total of 83 articles retrieved from various databases have been imported to Covidence with 13 articles deemed eligible for inclusion in the review. The review is currently ongoing and is expected to be complete by the end of 2024 with the results published in early 2025.

Conclusions: This systematic review and meta-analysis will contribute to developing mobile apps with enhanced criteria to improve periodontal clinical outcomes. The review emphasizes the importance of mHealth and preventing periodontal disease, which can set the stage for informed global health care strategies.

Trial Registration: PROSPERO CRD42022340827;

International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID): DERR1-10.2196/50479


Periodontal health is essential to overall oral health and well-being [ 1 ]. Periodontal health is generally defined as the absence of inflammatory periodontal disease [ 2 ], encompassing the health of the surrounding support system for the tooth, which includes the gingiva, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone [ 3 ]. A standard definition of periodontal health is crucial for identifying a reference point to determine and assess treatment outcomes [ 2 ]. Building upon this understanding, periodontal health is classified into the following 4 levels, as proposed by Lang and Bartold [ 2 ], based on various factors such as the condition of the periodontium, the ability to control modifying factors, predisposing factors, and treatment outcomes:

  • Pristine periodontal health, representing the absence of clinical inflammation, usually with no bleeding on probing, bone loss, or attachment loss involvement, making it difficult to measure clinically.
  • Clinical periodontal health (intact periodontium), referring to minimal or absent gingival inflammation, which is clinically detectable with bleeding on probing.
  • Periodontal disease with stability in the reduced periodontium, defined as major plaque-associated periodontal diseases such as periodontitis, with the condition being effectively treated and no apparent worsening of clinical signs despite a reduced periodontium.
  • Periodontal disease in remission or under control, characterized by a reduction in the severity of symptoms, although they may not be resolved entirely.

Furthermore, the two primary periodontal conditions, gingivitis and periodontitis, play significant roles in oral health. Gingivitis, the mildest form of periodontal disease, is characterized by localized, reversible inflammation of the gingiva caused by dental plaque [ 4 ], whereas periodontitis is a microbe-associated, host-mediated inflammatory condition leading to progressive attachment loss [ 5 ]. Chronic conditions such as periodontal disease and dental caries can cause severe pain in advanced stages and may result in challenges with speaking and eating [ 6 ]. Additionally, there is a strong association between oral diseases and noncommunicable conditions such as diabetes [ 7 ] and cardiovascular disease [ 8 ].

In response to the evolving understanding of periodontal diseases, a global workshop was convened in 2017 to develop a new classification system to simplify diagnosing and treating these diseases in general dental practice [ 9 ]. This updated classification system addresses the form, severity, and extent of periodontitis and formally incorporates recognized risk factors and their associations with systemic diseases. Critical components of this classification system include staging, which categorizes the severity and extent of the disease, and grading, which predicts future risks and potential health impacts. This classification system allows for precise and focused definitions of periodontal health and gingivitis as follows: (1) patients with an intact periodontium, (2) patients with a reduced periodontium due to causes other than periodontitis, and (3) patients with a reduced periodontium due to periodontitis [ 9 ].

The previous classification was formally introduced in 1999 [ 10 ]; the notable distinction between the two classifications was the use of the term “periodontitis” instead of “aggressive and chronic periodontitis” [ 9 ]. Furthermore, smoking and diabetes were identified as major potential risk factors that could influence the staging of periodontal disease in the new classification [ 9 ].

As part of an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment strategy, having clear and focused definitions in a classification system is fundamental in promoting periodontal health. This understanding is vital as neglecting periodontal health can lead to significant conditions such as periodontal disease, bone loss, and ultimately tooth loss [ 10 ]. A combination of effective oral hygiene practices, routine dental examinations, and a healthy lifestyle is essential to maintain optimal periodontal health. Daily brushing and flossing help eliminate plaque, while professional scaling can remove calculus buildup [ 1 ]. The importance of effective self-performed oral hygiene in preventing oral diseases is well-established [ 11 ], including the integration of mobile health (mHealth) interventions to promote the self-management of oral health [ 12 ].

Indeed, the combination of mHealth technology in periodontal care has significantly impacted the field, offering a promising avenue for promoting oral health awareness and empowering patients to take control of their periodontal health [ 13 , 14 ]. mHealth is a medical and public health practice supported by mobile devices such as mobile phones, patient monitoring devices, personal digital assistants, and other wireless devices [ 15 ]. These mobile apps gather users’ health data, offer customized guidance, and facilitate remote patient data monitoring, thereby fostering collaborative relationships between dental professionals and individuals [ 16 ]. The increasing interest in chronic disease management has created opportunities to enhance self-management capabilities [ 17 ].

In light of these developments, Toniazzo et al [ 12 ] performed a systematic review to summarize the role of mHealth in improving oral health, with the measured outcomes being the plaque index and gingival index (GI). The review findings demonstrated a significant improvement in dental plaque and gingivitis resulting from the use of mobile apps, suggesting that these tools may enhance oral health behaviors. However, the lack of regulation during app development increases the risk of patients accessing inaccurate information [ 18 ]. Therefore, this review is designed as a preliminary step prior to the development of an mHealth-promotion app. To our knowledge, no other systematic review has been performed to specifically evaluate mobile apps targeting patients with periodontal disease.

Overall, integrating mHealth technology in periodontal care presents exciting opportunities for advancing oral health promotion and disease management. By embracing these innovations, dental professionals can enhance patient care and improve oral health outcomes while maintaining a comprehensive understanding of periodontal diseases.

Review Objective

The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to evaluate the effectiveness of existing mobile apps or text messages designed to enhance periodontal health among patients compared to the outcomes of patients without any mobile app or digital intervention to support their treatment.

Study Registration and Framework

This systematic review has been registered in PROSPERO under registration number CRD42022340827.

The Participants, Interventions, Comparators, Outcomes, and Study design (PICOS) framework is used to guide the eligibility criteria [ 19 , 20 ]. Participants include all patients, regardless of age or sex, with or without periodontal disease, except those who cannot participate independently. The intervention of interest is the use of mobile apps available on Android or iOS devices and mobile phones for sending SMS text messages or web-based interventions. As comparators , this review considers studies that compare the intervention to standard or usual care such as a placebo or control group without using mobile technology. The main outcome is improvement in the periodontal health of participants based on signs of progress in the following indicators: GI, bleeding index (BI), clinical attachment loss (CAL), and periodontal probing depth (PPD). All of these periodontal clinical parameters (described in further detail below) are considered crucial for assessing periodontal health because they provide valuable information about the condition of the gingiva and surrounding tissues [ 2 ].

Outcome Measures

Gingival index.

The GI is a clinical examination tool used to assess the condition of the gingival tissue and differentiate the lesion severity. To perform the examination, the alterations in 4 areas around the tooth are located. Each area (mesial, distal, buccal, palatine, or lingual) is assigned a score ranging from 0 to 3. The overall score is calculated by summing the scores from the 4 areas and dividing the total by 4. [ 21 ]: a total score of 0 indicates a normal gingiva; a score of 1 represents mild inflammation, characterized by a slight color change and edema with no bleeding on probing; a score of 2 signifies moderate inflammation, characterized by redness and edema; and a score of 3 indicates severe inflammation marked by pronounced redness, edema, ulceration, and a tendency toward spontaneous bleeding [ 21 , 22 ].

Bleeding Index

The BI is a tool to assess and reflect the histological and bacterial factors associated with the severity of periodontal diseases [ 23 ]. The BI is typically determined using a Williams periodontal probe inserted into the gingival crevice to a depth of approximately 2 millimeters. The probe is angled at approximately 60° to the tooth’s longitudinal axis. The presence or absence of bleeding is then assessed within 30 seconds after probing [ 24 ].

Clinical Attachment Loss

CAL is one of the most important tools to measure periodontitis, which is crucial in diagnosing and managing periodontal diseases. CAL is calculated as the distance from the cementoenamel junction or the border of restoration to the bottom of the periodontal pocket [ 25 ].

Periodontal Probing Depth

PPD represents a deepened gingival sulcus around a tooth at the gingival margin due to pathological causes. The PPD is an important marker to indicate the presence of inflammation or infection and to monitor the progress of periodontal treatment [ 26 ]. The values are recorded in millimeters at 6 sites per tooth (mesio-buccal, mid-buccal, disto-buccal, mesio-lingual, mid-lingual, and disto-lingual) to measure the distance between the base of the pocket and the gingival margin [ 25 ].

Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

All published randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published in English will be included in the review. Studies aimed at improving tooth mobility and the grey literature will be excluded from this review. There will be no limitations on the time frame for measuring the outcome of the intervention.

Search Strategy for Identification of Potential Studies

The search strategy for identifying potential studies will be designed by 3 team members (RM, DE, and FKD) to ensure a comprehensive exploration of eligible studies. This will involve performing a thorough search across various electronic databases, including PubMed, EBSCOhost, Dentistry & Oral Sciences, ScienceDirect, CINAHL Plus, and Scopus. The search will use combinations of Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) key terms in the title or abstract, including “mobile applications,” “periodontal health,” “periodontitis,” “mHealth,” “smartphone application,” and “app-based intervention.” These terms will be combined using Boolean operators such as “AND” and “OR” to capture relevant studies. Additionally, databases such as the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, International Clinical Trials Registry Platform [ 27 ], and [ 28 ] will be searched. A final rerun of the search will be performed before the final meta-analysis to include any additional studies. An example of the search strategy for PubMed is provided in Multimedia Appendix 1 .

Study Selection Process

Two independent reviewers (RM and DE) will review all included articles. The selection will be based on the eligibility criteria and discrepancies will be resolved through consultation with a third reviewer (FKD). The identified articles will be imported to Covidence software [ 29 ], which is a web software system that assesses the data management process by reviewers during the systematic review process. The screening process will be performed independently by the two reviewers in 2 stages: (1) screening the abstract and (2) screening the full texts. Duplicate records will be removed automatically by Covidence.

Ongoing trials with no results will be flagged and recorded in an “Ongoing studies” table. Articles not meeting the eligibility criteria will be excluded and listed in a “Characteristics of excluded studies” table along with the reasons for exclusion. The study selection process will be described in a PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses) flowchart [ 30 ]. This protocol adheres to the PRISMA Protocols checklist (see Multimedia Appendix 2 ).

Data Extraction and Management

Two independent reviewers (RM and DE) will extract data into Covidence using a specific form designed for this purpose. Data categories to be extracted include the field of research, sample size, setting, authors, publication year, countries, number of participants, app name and platform, app purpose, intervention period, and outcomes. Any disagreements will be resolved through discussion between the two reviewers. In cases where disagreements are unresolved, the third reviewer (FKD) will be consulted to reach a consensus through discussion.

Assessment of Risk of Bias of Included Studies

Two independent reviewers (RM and DE) will assess the methodological quality of the included RCTs using the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool [ 31 ]. Any disagreements with quality ratings will be settled by consensus-based discussion.

The following domains for the risk of bias will be assessed for all included studies: random sequence generation (selection bias); allocation concealment (selection bias); blinding (performance bias and detection bias), separated for blinding of participants and personnel and blinding of outcome assessment; incomplete outcome data (attrition bias); selective reporting (reporting bias); and other bias [ 31 ].

The risk of bias for each domain will be categorized as high, low, or unclear. The risk of bias assessment outcomes will be documented in a table with a justification of the decision. A description of the criteria for a decision of “low risk,” “high risk,” or “unclear risk” will be documented [ 31 ].


Measures of treatment effect.

If there is a probability that data are skewed with a fixed upper and lower limit, a “rule of thumb” calculation will be used to detect the distribution of the data. This calculation will follow the method proposed by Higgins et al [ 31 ], who suggested that if the SD doubled is greater than the mean, the assumption that the data are normally distributed cannot be made (ie, that the mean is at the center of the distribution). If the outcomes are dichotomous data, the data will be presented as risk ratios, odds ratios, or risk difference values. Data that include continuous outcomes will be presented as means or standardized mean differences. All significance tests will be judged at the 5% α level with 95% CIs. Time-to-event outcomes will be reported as hazard ratios and 95% CIs [ 31 ].

Assessment of Heterogeneity

The heterogeneity of results among studies will be interpreted by considering the variation of participant characteristics (eg, age) and trial characteristics such as randomization and allocation concealment in the different studies. Heterogeneity will be generally assessed by visually inspecting the forest plots to detect the proximity of the point estimates and the overlapping of CIs. Specifically, heterogeneity will be examined using the I ² statistic with a P value threshold of <.10, which quantifies inconsistency across studies to assess its impact on the meta-analysis. The I 2 statistic will be classified as follows: 0%-40%, negligible to minor heterogeneity; 30%-60%, moderate heterogeneity; 50%-90%, substantial heterogeneity; and 75%-100%, considerable heterogeneity.

Heterogeneity will further be investigated using sensitivity analysis. This involves assessing the robustness of the findings to different decisions or ranges of values made during the study. This process helps ascertain whether the findings are dependent on specific decisions or if they are robust and reliable [ 32 , 33 ]. If heterogeneity is found to be significant, the Mantel-Haenszel method will be used for the fixed-effects model. The random-effects model will be selected if I ²≥50% or P <.10.

Assessment of Reporting Biases

When the outcomes are reported in 10 or more studies, a funnel plot will be constructed to investigate the possibility of reporting bias according to the guidelines outlined in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions [ 31 ].

Confidence of Study Findings

The results of the meta-analysis will be analyzed using the Confidence In Network Meta-Analysis (CINeMA) tool if there are more than 2 interventions included in the analysis; CINeMA is a software based on the framework developed by Salanti [ 34 ] and refined by Nikolakopoulou [ 35 - 37 ]. This framework’s efficiency lies in combining direct and indirect evidence from included studies in a meta-analysis when comparing more than one intervention.

Specifically, the CINeMA framework evaluates network meta-analysis through the following 6 domains: (1) within-study bias, (2) reporting bias, (3) indirectness, (4) imprecision, (5) heterogeneity, and (6) incoherence. The evaluation of each domain determines the level of concern, categorized as having no, some, or major concerns. These judgments across the domains are combined into a single confidence rating of “high,” “moderate,” “low,” or “very low.”

CINeMA serves as an alternative to the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation) approach, which has traditionally been used to assess confidence in the outcomes of systematic reviews and meta-analyses [ 33 ].

Data will be narratively synthesized when a meta-analysis is unsuitable according to the nature of included studies.

Sensitivity Analysis

A sensitivity analysis will be performed to determine the possible effect of loss to follow-up on the effect estimates for the primary outcomes. The results of the sensitivity analysis will be matched to the overall findings. However, for continuous data, the sensitivity analysis will be aligned with the methods described by Ebrahim et al [ 38 , 39 ]. These methods involve 5 sources of data for imputing means for participants with missing data: (1) best mean score among intervention arms, (2) best mean score among control arms, (3) mean score of the same trial among the control arms, (4) worst mean score among intervention arms, and (5) worst mean score among control arms [ 38 ].

Dissemination of Findings and Data Sharing

All data, regardless of publication quality, will be included in the review. If study details cannot be obtained, the librarian will be consulted. If the study remains unobtainable, it will not be included in the meta-analysis.

Of the 159,214 publications identified, 83 were imported into Covidence to remove duplicates and perform the screening. This was followed by full-text reviewing and data extraction, resulting in 13 included articles. CINeMA analysis of the data is underway. This review is expected to be completed by the end of 2024, and we plan to publish the results in a peer-reviewed journal.

The significance of this systematic review and meta-analysis lies in its contribution to the development of mobile apps with enhanced criteria specifically aimed at improving periodontal clinical outcomes. To enhance the quality of new apps, a comprehensive understanding of the design and impact of mHealth apps is essential in improving treatment outcomes.

Using mHealth apps to improve periodontal health represents a complex intervention due to the numerous interacting components involved (eg, patient behaviors, socioeconomic status, and adherence to oral hygiene practices). The existing literature in this field has mainly focused on promoting oral health, hygiene, practices, and adherence to orthodontic treatment.

In a previous systematic review, Toniazzo et al [ 12 ] evaluated the effects of mobile apps on oral hygiene, revealing significant improvements in reducing dental plaque and gingivitis and in promoting better oral health behaviors. Another systematic review on the impact of digital media for promoting oral health showed improved knowledge, attitude, practice, and plaque index scores, along with overall gingivitis reduction [ 40 ].

Chen et al [ 41 ] performed a systematic review with a thematic focus on the prevention of dental caries through mobile apps aiming to improve oral hygiene, encourage adequate fluoride usage, and regulate dietary intake, while addressing adherence to orthodontic treatment. However, the authors concluded that dental caries outcomes management could have been more precise. In another systematic review and meta-analysis, Al-Moghrabi et al [ 42 ] assessed behavioral changes in orthodontic patients, covering aspects such as adherence to appliance use, oral health–related behaviors, hygiene levels, periodontal outcomes, appointment attendance, and knowledge, finding very low to moderate evidence supporting the effect of digital health; the authors thus recommended designing a well-constructed mobile app to enhance orthodontic outcomes.

Limiting our review to studies published in the English language may introduce bias. Nevertheless, we acknowledge that studies with significant findings are often published in English to enhance their visibility and citation potential. Furthermore, this review exclusively includes RCTs and we are excluding the grey literature. An important recommendation for future systematic reviews will be to assess the applicability and feasibility of the mHealth apps.

Finally, the broader implication of this systematic review and meta-analysis is its pivotal contribution to advancing the global integration of mobile apps for oral health by highlighting the positive impact of these tools on periodontal outcomes and emphasizing the importance of periodontal health management. These findings can help to enhance our understanding of mHealth interventions, elevate the quality of life among the target population, and set the stage for informed health care strategies in periodontal care.


All authors declared that they had insufficient or no funding to support open access publication of this manuscript, including from affiliated organizations or institutions, funding agencies, or other organizations. JMIR Publications provided article processing fee (APF) support for the publication of this article.

Conflicts of Interest

None declared.

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bleeding index
clinical attachment loss
Confidence In Network Meta-Analysis
gingival index
Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation
Medical Subject Heading
mobile health
Participants, Interventions, Comparators, Outcomes, and Study design
periodontal pocket depth
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses
randomized controlled trial

Edited by A Mavragani; submitted 04.07.23; peer-reviewed by MA Rusandi; comments to author 09.11.23; revised version received 22.02.24; accepted 11.03.24; published 31.07.24.

©Reem Musa, Dalia Elamin, Robert Barrie, Faheema Kimmie-Dhansay. Originally published in JMIR Research Protocols (, 31.07.2024.

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published in JMIR Research Protocols, is properly cited. The complete bibliographic information, a link to the original publication on, as well as this copyright and license information must be included.


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    Systematic reviews are still a controversial topic in some quarters, with the arguments for and against their use being well-rehearsed. In an attempt to advance a more nuanced approach to thinking about systematic reviewing, this paper illustrates the wide range of theoretical perspectives, methodologies and purposes that underpin the vast range of systematic review approaches now available ...

  11. The trials of evidence-based practice in education: a systematic review

    The primary role of educational research, ... Through a systematic review of all RCTs conducted in education from 1980 to 2016, this article seeks to assess these four criticisms against the actual evidence. Following an outline of the methods used for this systematic review, the article sets out the key findings and then returns to these four ...

  12. Overviews in Education Research: A Systematic Review and Analysis

    Overviews, or syntheses of research syntheses, have become a popular approach to synthesizing the rapidly expanding body of research and systematic reviews. Despite their popularity, few guidelines exist and the state of the field in education is unclear.

  13. PDF Overviews in Education Research: A Systematic Review and Analysis

    ure repositories yielded 25 total education-related over-views. Our analysis revealed that many commonly reported aspects of sys-tematic reviews, such as the. search, screen, and coding procedures, were regularly unreported. Only a handful of overview authors discussed the syn-thesis technique and few.

  14. Systematic review of research on artificial intelligence applications

    The purpose of a systematic review is to answer specific questions, based on an explicit, systematic and replicable search strategy, with inclusion and exclusion criteria identifying studies to be included or excluded (Gough, Oliver & Thomas, 2017).Data is then coded and extracted from included studies, in order to synthesise findings and to shine light on their application in practice, as ...

  15. Overviews in education research: A systematic review and analysis

    Overviews, or syntheses of research syntheses, have become a popular approach to synthesizing the rapidly expanding body of research and systematic reviews. Despite their popularity, few guidelines exist and the state of the field in education is unclear. The purpose of this study is to describe the prevalence and current state of overviews of education research and to provide further guidance ...

  16. Review of Educational Research

    The Best of Two Worlds: A Systematic Review on Combining Real and Virtual Experiments in Science Education. Salome Wörner. Jochen Kuhn. Katharina Scheiter. Preview abstract. Open Access Research article First published April 6, 2022 pp. 911-952. xml PDF / EPUB.

  17. Evolution of topics in education research: a systematic review using

    The interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary characteristics of education research make it difficult for researchers to identify the overall development of specific topics within the field. In this paper, we first collect core papers from the field of education. Then, we construct keyword co-occurrence networks using these papers.

  18. Educational Research Review

    Educational Research Review is an international journal addressed to researchers and various agencies interested in the review of studies and theoretical papers in education at any level. The journal accepts high quality articles that are solving educational research problems by using a review approach. ... A systematic review. Fan Ouyang ...

  19. Systematic Reviews of Educational Research: Does the medical model fit

    Abstract There has been a recent increase in interest in the research review as a method of presenting cumulative data about the effects of educational policies and practices. This is part of a wider movement in 'evidence-informed policy-making' espoused by the current Government. In part, the interest as been sparked by the perceived success of the Cochrane Collaboration in medicine ...

  20. A systematic review of research on educational superintendents

    Aim and research question. This systematic literature review (Hart, Citation 2018) addresses the abovementioned gap, with the aim of contributing knowledge about research into the decision-making tasks undertaken by educational superintendents, and understanding the characteristics of superintendents' duties as decision-makers at the administrative level.

  21. "A Systematic Review of Educational Online Peer-Review and Assessment S

    We present key findings of a comprehensive survey based on a systematic research framework for examining and generalizing affordances and constraints of online peer-assessment systems. This framework (a) provides a foundation of a design-science metatheory of online peer assessment, (b) helps structure the discussion of user needs and design ...

  22. Moral courage level of nurses: a systematic review and meta-analysis

    The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has recommended quality evaluation criteria for observational studies [], which assess the risk of bias in 5 domains: selection bias, implementation bias, follow-up bias, measurement bias, and reporting bias.In the cross-sectional studies included in our review, their scores range from 6 to 8, indicating a higher quality of inclusion in the ...

  23. Systematic Phonics Instruction Helps Students Learn to Read: Evidence

    Systematic phonics instruction helped children learn to read better than all forms of control group instruction, including whole language. In sum, systematic phonics instruction proved effective and should be implemented as part of literacy programs to teach beginning reading as well as to prevent and remediate reading difficulties.

  24. Advancing nursing education in Brazil: A systematic literature review

    To commemorate the inaugural annual special issue on systematic literature reviews in the International Journal of Consumer Studies, the editors have pooled their expertise and experience of ...

  25. Correction to: The impact of typical school provision of physical

    MacDonncha, Ciaran: Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland. Adamakis, Manolis: School of Physical Education and Sport Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece. Source. Adolescent Research Review, Vol 9(2), Jun 2024, 365. ISSN. 2363-8354(Electronic); 2363-8346 ...

  26. Professional development for praxis transformation in early childhood

    European Early Childhood Education Research Journal List of Issues Latest Articles ... A systematic review of English-language empirical research published between 2018 and 2022 was conducted to identify the features and impacts of CPD approaches that have a significant influence on the transformation of ECEC practices and contexts. The ...

  27. The Relationship Between Empathy and Psychological Capital: A

    The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between empathy and psychological capital through a systematic literature review. Outlining the concept of empathy, the components and measurement of psychological capital, and current research on the relationship between these two constructs, it examines the theoretical frameworks that explain the interaction between empathy and ...

  28. Review of Educational Research

    The Effects of Educational Technology Interventions on Literacy in Elementary School: A Meta-Analysis. Rebecca D. Silverman. Kristin Keane. Elena Darling-Hammond. Saurabh Khanna. Preview abstract. Educational technology is ubiquitous, and educational technology interventions often target literacy.

  29. PDF Systematic Reviews in Educational Research

    education research to share their experiences as worked examples, and to reect on the promises and pitfalls in each step of the review process. We hope that these examples will be particularly helpful and can serve as a kind of roadmap for col-leagues who are conducting a systematic review for the rst time. Part I: Methodological considerations

  30. JMIR Research Protocols

    The review is currently ongoing and is expected to be complete by the end of 2024 with the results published in early 2025. Conclusions: This systematic review and meta-analysis will contribute to developing mobile apps with enhanced criteria to improve periodontal clinical outcomes.