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PhD Economics / Overview

Year of entry: 2024

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Streams : The 1+3 stream consists one year of PhD level teaching followed by 3 years of research. The 1+1+3 stream consists of one year of MSc teaching followed by the 1+3 stream.

High level of performance: Achieving an average of 65% in coursework with no unit marks below 55% for both UG and PG degrees as well as 65% mark for dissertation. Typically, offer holders tend to achieve much higher standards than this.

Degree Requirement : Economics degree training should be equivalent to the training given at the University of Manchester. Applicants with degree in quantitative fields other than economics will be considered on a case by case basis. We will not normally consider applicants whose previous studies have been in non-quantitative fields. Our criteria are:

  • 1+1+3 Stream: High level performance in degree equivalent to BSc or MA in Economics from the University of Manchester.
  • 1+3 Stream: High level performance in degree equivalent to the training in the MSc phase of our PhD programme.

Full entry requirements

Apply online

Please ensure you include all required supporting documents at the time of submission, as incomplete applications may not be considered.

Application Deadlines

Admission to the PhD programme is highly competitive, so please allow as much time as possible to prepare your application, browse our research pages and academics' profiles, and familiarise yourself with the application process and any important deadlines.

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, but you must submit your application before the deadline below to be considered. You will not be able to apply after this deadline has passed.

  • For September 2024 entry: 30 June 2024

It should be noted that the deadlines for funding competitions will often be earlier than the deadline shown above. For internal studentships from the School of Social Sciences, the application deadline is the same as the programme deadline above. However, we reserve the right to close the competition at any stage if all awards have been allocated, so we recommend that you apply as early as possible. If you intend to apply for external funding sources (e.g. ESRC NWSSDTP), you must submit your programme application far enough in advance of the relevant external funding deadlines, which are usually much earlier than the programme deadline listed above.

Programme options

Full-time Part-time Full-time distance learning Part-time distance learning

Programme overview

  • Join a vibrant and active research hub, with weekly seminars in macroeconomics, economic theory and applied economics.
  • Benefit from staff with expertise across all areas of economics.
  • We host prestigious events such as the Annual Conferences of the Royal Economic Society and the Summer Meeting of the European Economic Society and the Econometric Society.

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We will be conducting our Humanities PGR virtual open week in October 2024. Find out more about future events and postgraduate research sessions by signing up for our email alerts.


There are a range of scholarships, studentships and awards available to support both UK and overseas postgraduate researchers, details of which can be found via the links below.

To apply University of Manchester funding, you must indicate in your application the competitions for which you wish to be considered .

All external funding competitions have a specified deadline for submitting your funding application and a separate (earlier) deadline for submitting the online programme application form, both of which will be stated in the funding competition details below.

For more information about funding, visit our funding page to browse for scholarships, studentships and awards you may be eligible for.

  • ESRC North West Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership (NWSSDTP) PhD Studentships - Competition Closed for 2024 Entry
  • School of Social Sciences Economics PhD Studentships 2024 Entry
  • China Scholarship Council - The University of Manchester (CSC-UoM) Joint Scholarship Programme - Competition Closed for 2024 Entry
  • Commonwealth PhD Scholarships (Least Developed Countries and Fragile States)
  • President's Doctoral Scholar (PDS) Awards - Competition Closed for 2024 Entry
  • Trudeau Doctoral Scholarships 2024 Entry
  • PhD Studentship with the Stuart Hall Foundation (Social Sciences) - Competition Closed for 2024 Entry
  • Commonwealth PhD Scholarships (High Income Countries)
  • Humanities Doctoral Academy Humanitarian Scholarship 2024 Entry

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The University of Manchester is regulated by the Office for Students (OfS). The OfS aims to help students succeed in Higher Education by ensuring they receive excellent information and guidance, get high quality education that prepares them for the future and by protecting their interests. More information can be found at the OfS website .

You can find regulations and policies relating to student life at The University of Manchester, including our Degree Regulations and Complaints Procedure, on our regulations website .

phd in economics in the uk

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PhD in Economics

Applicants who wish to be considered for a department of economics scholarship need to apply before april 15th,  2023., structure of the phd programme.

In the first year of the Programme students are required to take Advanced Research Methods in Economics and strongly recommended to take Advanced Research Training in Microeconomics, Advanced Research Training in Macroeconomics and Advanced Research Training in Econometrics. Depending on their needs doctoral researchers could substitute one course (other than Advanced Research Methods in Economics) with another from the Department’s suite of  MSc Programmes .

Students are required to achieve a high standard in the examinations held at the end of the first semester in order to proceed to the research phase of their PhD.  

  • Economics PhD details

By the end of the second semester first year PhD students will have completed, as part of the course in Advanced Research Methods, a 10,000 word research proposal that they will present at a PhD workshop. This research proposal forms the basis for supervised research over the remaining two years of the Programme and ultimately, the production of the 80,000 word PhD thesis. Full time students must finish all substantive research within three years and submit their thesis within four years (the end of the ‘writing up’ year).

View Doctoral Researcher profiles  for the Department of Economics, as well as other departments within the Business School.


As a research student your key relationship will be with your supervisors. You will be allocated a main supervisor, a second supervisor and a mentor who can give you independent advice on a range of matters. You will meet with your supervisors regularly to discuss your PhD. Your supervisory team will provide timely oral and written feedback on your research. As a PhD student you can expect to meet with your supervisors at least once every four weeks and to meet your mentor whenever required.

How to apply

You are encouraged to apply online. You will be required to supply a covering letter, your academic transcript, evidence of English Language ability (if applicable), two academic references and a short research proposal 3 to 4 pages in length. The objective of the research proposal is to ensure that suitable PhD supervisors are available to supervise you in your chosen field and also to assist the selection committee in identifying candidates who are already able to structure a Programme of research and who can demonstrate an awareness of the key research papers. The PhD proposal should be your own work and is subject to checking.  

The decision process can take up to four weeks if, for example, your PhD applications is thought to be promising but a particular supervisor is for whatever reason unable to accept you as a student and an alternative has to be found. In such instances the Department will write to you and explain the delay.  

It is now the policy of the Department to interview all candidates before making them an offer of a place on the PhD Programme. In most cases this will take the form of a telephone interview or an email exchange intended to clarify aspects of the student’s application or explore further the student’s research interests and discuss sources of funding. The Department wishes to make sure that Birmingham is the appropriate choice for any students to whom it makes an offer. 

The Department accepts PhD applications throughout the year. However, students who apply later than the middle of August may find that there is insufficient time for the Department to evaluate the application and, if we make an offer, for the student to complete all the necessary formalities (particularly if the student is from outside the EU). Late applicants are likely to be offered admission to the PhD Programme in the following year. Note that students must commence the PhD Programme at the beginning of the first semester i.e. at the end of September. PhD students are not permitted to start their studies at any other time of the year.

PhD students are expected to participate to the fullest possible extent in the life of the Department. This means taking part in the Department’s regular internal and external seminars, as well as miscellaneous events organised by the various research groups. All students are required to attend the weekly PhD workshop. Once a year students are required to present their work to the PhD workshop and can expect to receive lively feedback from members of staff not directly involved in the student’s supervision. 

PhD students are expected to stay informed about the activities of professional bodies and societies. As a PhD student you should be prepared to take advantage of relevant workshops and conferences in other Universities since these provide an excellent opportunity to network and meet leading international researchers. Generous funding is available to all PhD students to promote participation in external activities. 

If appropriate for their research PhD students have the opportunity to spend part of their studies in top Chinese and Korean University as part of a formal exchange agreement, as well as to participate with the Universitas 21 network of research led universities, of which Birmingham is a member. 

Entry requirements

Admission to the PhD Programme requires an MSc degree in Economics, or some closely related discipline e.g. Finance, from a respected academic institution and with an average mark of at least 65 percent. In some instances the Department will make its offer of admission to the PhD Programme conditional on an applicant’s exam results. This offer is then made firm as soon as the terms of the offer have been met.

Fees and Scholarships

PhD students in Economics pay standard fees over the course of the 3 year Programme. 


It is likely that the Department will have at least two fully funded ESRC scholarships. These offer the payment of fees and generous maintenance grants of circa £16,500 per annum. These are available to students from both inside and outside the EU. There are moreover no restrictions on the area of research. There are however strict deadlines regarding the application process. Applications must be received by 9 December 2013. Competition for these scholarships is intense and those hoping to obtain one of these awards will need to have an outstanding academic transcript. 

At the time of writing it also appears likely that the Department will be in a position to offer a number of PhD scholarships tied to research in a particular area. These also offer the payment of fees and generous maintenance grants of circa £16,500 per annum. When these have been finalised they will be posted on the website (please keep checking – we anticipate that further information will be available by the middle of November). 

The Business School also offers a number of student bursaries offering the payment of fees but without maintenance. The precise deadline for applications is yet to be announced but is likely to be in March (please keep checking the website). 

You must explicitly state that you wish to be considered for scholarships otherwise we will assume that you have private means of support. The Department will automatically shortlist candidates on the basis of academic merit and submit these applications to a panel for further evaluation. We will inform you if you have been successful (no further action is required on your part). If in the meantime you decide to take up the offer of another institution it is important that you inform the Department at the earliest possible opportunity, otherwise you risk depriving another student of financial support. 

Finally, the University of Birmingham itself also offers a number of scholarships to PhD students through the Graduate School. Competition for these scholarships is similarly intense. To obtain further information on these scholarships applicants should visit the Graduate School website.

Teaching opportunities

The Department relies heavily on its PhD students to serve as class teachers. PhD students are permitted to teach undergraduate and taught postgraduate courses up to an average of 6 hours per week. A student teaching up to the permitted maximum can expected to defray a considerable proportion of their annual fees. PhD students are however not normally permitted to teach in the first year of the PhD Programme. Furthermore class teachers are required to undergo training and are screened for suitability as class teachers. Although the majority of PhD students serve as class teachers the availability of teaching cannot therefore be guaranteed. For this reason applicants to the PhD Programmes must not rely on class teaching in order to cover their fees or maintenance.

Visiting students

Apart from admitting its own PhD students the Department occasionally accepts visits from PhD students enrolled at other Universities. Applications which are not targeted to specific members of staff and which are not supported by existing links between members of staff between Birmingham and the host institution are however unlikely to succeed. Applications for visitor status should send a detailed research proposal to the Director of the PhD Programme. Visitors are liable to pay a bench fee whose value is linked to the duration of the visit. .

Frequently asked questions

Does the Department offer part time PhDs or part time external PhDs?

Because of the existence of the taught component the first year of the PhD Programme is open only to full time students. It may however be possible to transfer to part time status for the second and third year of the PhD Programme. There are now strict requirements about part time external PhD students. Please contact the Director of the PhD Programme for details. 

How should I structure my research proposal?

The research proposal should extend to no more than 3 or 4 pages. It should pinpoint a number of closely related research questions, identify the relevant literature and provide an explanation of the manner in which the research will contribute to the stock of knowledge (a fundamental requirement for a PhD). The research proposal should further explain what techniques and / or data you anticipate using and also provide a plan for completion within three years. The PhD proposal should be your own work and is subject to checking. It might be helpful to explain in a covering letter precisely why you feel that Birmingham is a suitable place for your proposed PhD e.g. you wish to study under the supervision of a particular member of staff. 

Can I change my research or am I tied to studying what I said I would in my PhD research proposal?

Unless your source of funding specifically binds you it is possible to change your research topic at up to the end of the first semester subject to approval and being able to find suitable supervisors. 

Can I defer admission? 

Once you have been accepted onto the PhD Programme it is normally possible to defer admission to the next academic session. This is subject to the approval of both the Director of the PhD Programme and the two supervisors. .

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phd in economics in the uk

PhD Economics

During your PhD programme, you’ll be guided by leading research-active academics with expertise in various fields, including macroeconomics, microeconomic theory, econometrics and applied Microeconomics. These experts will help you delve into comprehensive research and advanced study within these key areas.

Key course information

October 2024 - full-time, october 2024 - part-time, why choose this programme.

We have a reputation as a leading research-intensive department in the UK. In  the 2021 Research Excellence Framework , Economics ranked in the top 10 in the UK for world-leading research. We achieved an overall ranking of 6th for real-world impact and 8th for research environment in REF 2021.

Our doctoral programme starts with the  MRes Economics programme  in the first year, followed by the three-year PhD programme (with the possibility of a one-year extension).

During your PhD programme, you’ll learn from leading research-active academics with expertise in a wide range of areas, including:

  • Macroeconomics
  • Microeconomic theory
  • Econometrics
  • Applied microeconomics.

We belong to the South East Doctoral Training Arc (SEDarc), a consortium of six leading UK universities promoting inventive and inclusive social science research training and collaboration, as well as the possibility of funding for your studies.

When you apply to the MRes/PhD course, if you require funding, you will automatically be considered for one of our scholarships. See also  other available scholarships .

We offer generous studentships for the duration of the MRes/PhD course for outstanding candidates.

Programme details Open

What you will study.

Our PhD programme produces graduates who are sought-after by leading economics departments, business schools and research institutions around the world.

Your first year will be spent studying core modules in microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics, while working on your research. The final two years of your PhD will be entirely dedicated to independent research, leading to a PhD dissertation.

You’ll also have the opportunity to contribute to the teaching and research activity.

Your first year will be spent studying the core modules below whilst simultaneously working on your research.

  • Topics in Empirical Microeconomics
  • Topics in Macroeconomics Modelling 1
  • Topics in Macroeconometrics .
  • Topics in Microeconomic Theory
  • Topics in Applied Theory
  • Topics in Macroeconomics Modelling 2 .

These modules are correct as of August 2023.

Personal and professional development

We have a package of development opportunities that will boost your research and teaching skills and put you in the best position to secure employment at the end of your course.

In addition to our  Researcher Development Programme , which is provided to all PhD students at the University, we also offer a number of other learning opportunities.

Research assistant opportunities

During your PhD, you’ll have the opportunity to work alongside your research supervisor and other academic colleagues as a paid research assistant. You will be involved in activities such as conducting literature reviews, helping with data analysis and interpretation for current research projects, and you will play an active role in the research community. These activities will typically be more intensive during the summer months.

Graduate Certificate of Higher Education

In the first year of your PhD, you will have the opportunity to enrol on the  PG Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education  programme offered at Surrey, by our own highly regarded Department of Higher Education. You will learn about pedagogy, practise your teaching skills and receive an internationally-recognised teaching qualification that will allow you to become a member of the Higher Education Academy.

Teaching opportunities

During your PhD, and on successful completion of your teacher training, you will be offered the opportunity to take on a range of paid teaching activities, fully supported by your academic colleagues. These teaching opportunities will further reinforce your personal and academic skills and help to enhance your understanding of your subject area as well as adding significantly to your CV.

Your final assessment will be based on the presentation of your research in a written thesis, which will be discussed in a viva examination with at least two examiners. You have the option of preparing your thesis as a monograph (one large volume in chapter form) or in publication format (including chapters written for publication), subject to the approval of your supervisors.

Stag Hill is the University's main campus and where the majority of our courses are taught. 

Research areas Open

Research themes.

  • Behavioural economics
  • Big data and resampling techniques
  • Choice under uncertainty
  • Development economics
  • Duration models
  • Econometric identification
  • Economics of crime
  • Education economics
  • Empirical revealed preference
  • Financial economics
  • Games theory
  • Health economics
  • Heterogeneous agents in macroeconomics
  • Labour economics
  • Learning and imperfect information in macroeconomics
  • Mechanism design
  • Models of household decision making
  • Network and spatial econometrics
  • Optimal taxation
  • Quantile regression
  • Quasi-experimental methods
  • Rational choice theory
  • Strategic experimentation
  • Strategic voting
  • Structural modelling
  • The consumer choice model
  • The econometrics of auctions.

Research centres and groups

  • Applied Microeconomics Group
  • Centre for International Macroeconomic Studies  
  • Econometrics Group  
  • Surrey Energy Economics Centre  
  • Theory Group

Academic staff Open

See a full list of all our  economics academic staff .

Support and facilities Open

Research support.

The professional development of postgraduate researchers is supported by the Doctoral College , which provides training in essential skills through its Researcher Development Programme of workshops, mentoring and coaching. A dedicated postgraduate careers and employability team will help you prepare for a successful career after the completion of your PhD.

Hear from our students Open

Stefano Cellini profile image

Stefano Cellini

Student - Economics PhD

"As soon as I decided to apply and began to talk with possible supervisors, I understood that faculty members and PhD students thrive in such a stimulating environment."

Vedanta Dhamija profile image

Vedanta Dhamija

"Both of my supervisors have been very supportive in my PhD journey. Their expertise in the subject has provided me with valuable insights and I really look up to them as people and as researchers. They have always been around to guide, despite their busy schedules, and at the same time have encouraged me to work independently."

Career opportunities Open

Our PhD students have gone on to academic positions as lecturers and postdoctoral researchers in the UK and overseas, including institutions such as:

  • University of Cambridge
  • University of Sussex
  • University of East Anglia
  • European University Institute
  • University of Glasgow
  • London School of Economics
  • University of Texas at Austin.

Our past students have also gone on to take leading positions in international institutions including:

  • International Monetary Fund
  • European Central Bank
  • Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
  • Financial Conduct Authority
  • Bank of Canada
  • European Investment fund
  • Leading think tanks and economic consultancy firms.

Entry requirements Open

Uk qualifications.

Students enrolled in the MRes in Economics at the University of Surrey will automatically receive a conditional offer on application to the PhD during their MRes studies. The condition to progress into the PhD will be to pass the MRes at least with merit (60%).

Applicants from other institutions are expected to hold an MRes degree in a relevant discipline, normally with a first-class honour (or equivalent). A minimum of two referees should be provided with your application. Applicants are also requested to submit a cover letter specifying their motivation to pursue a PhD in Economics at the University of Surrey and highlighting their broad research interests.

GRE criteria

Applicants should also take the GRE exam, unless they have completed a University of Surrey degree or are currently studying with us. Only the Quantitative Reasoning part of the GRE test is compulsory. Applications without evidence of GRE (Quantitative Reasoning) will not be considered.

Please note your GRE exam statement should be less than five years old at the start of the course.

You should arrange for an official certificate of your score to be sent to Admissions of the University from the Educational Testing Service (ETS), as well as entering your scores in the relevant section of the application form.

Please also select the University of Surrey as an official score recipient. You can also find instructions on how to have your scores sent to an institution. The Surrey institution code for the GRE is 3495; no department code is required as the scores are processed centrally.

For more information about the test please see the GRE website or the ETS website.

English language requirements

IELTS Academic:   6.5 or above with a minimum of 6.0 in each component (or equivalent).

These are the English language qualifications and levels that we can accept. 

If you do not currently meet the level required for your programme, we offer intensive pre-sessional English language courses , designed to take you to the level of English ability and skill required for your studies here.

Selection process

Selection is based on applicants:

  • Meeting the expected entry requirements
  • Being shortlisted through the application screening process
  • Completing a successful interview
  • Providing suitable references.

Fees and funding Open

Fees per year.

Explore  UKCISA’s website for more information if you are unsure whether you are a UK or overseas student. View the  list of fees for all postgraduate research courses.

  • Annual fees will increase by 4% for each year of study, rounded up to the nearest £100 (subject to legal requirements).
  • Any start date other than September will attract a pro-rata fee for that year of entry (75 per cent for January, 50 per cent for April and 25 per cent for July).

Additional costs

There are additional costs that you can expect to incur when studying at Surrey.

When you apply, if you require funding, you will automatically be considered for one of our studentships.

A Postgraduate Doctoral Loan can help with course fees and living costs while you study a postgraduate doctoral course.

How to apply

The standard entry route to this PhD programme is through the MRes Economics programme .

Application process

Applicants are advised to contact potential supervisors before they submit an application via the website. Please refer to section two of our  application guidance .

After registration

Students are initially registered for a PhD with probationary status and, subject to satisfactory progress, subsequently confirmed as having PhD status.

Apply online

To apply online first select the course you'd like to apply for then log in.

Select your course

Choose the course option you wish to apply for.

Create an account and sign into our application portal.

Economics PhD

Full-time, October 2024

Part-time, October 2024

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At Surrey we offer a friendly university campus set in beautiful countryside, with the convenience and social life of bustling Guildford on your doorstep.

Need more information?

Contact our Admissions team or talk to a current University of Surrey student online.

Code of practice for research degrees

Surrey’s postgraduate research code of practice sets out the University's policy and procedural framework relating to research degrees. The code defines a set of standard procedures and specific responsibilities covering the academic supervision, administration and assessment of research degrees for all faculties within the University.

Download the code of practice for research degrees (PDF) .

Terms and conditions

When you accept an offer to study at the University of Surrey, you are agreeing to follow our policies and procedures , student regulations , and terms and conditions .

We provide these terms and conditions in two stages:

  • First when we make an offer.
  • Second when students accept their offer and register to study with us (registration terms and conditions will vary depending on your course and academic year).

View our generic registration terms and conditions (PDF) for the 2023/24 academic year, as a guide on what to expect.

This online prospectus has been published in advance of the academic year to which it applies.

Whilst we have done everything possible to ensure this information is accurate, some changes may happen between publishing and the start of the course.

It is important to check this website for any updates before you apply for a course with us. Read our full disclaimer .

The University of Manchester

Economics PhD programme

Our PhD in Economics is designed to train students for a rewarding career in economic research. With our 5-year programme, students receive rigorous training and sufficient time for producing original research.

Admission to the PhD programme is highly competitive as we typically only admit roughly 8-10 students per year, all of whom are usually funded. We place a high value on attracting the best minds, who will become valued members of our active research environment. Our students typically go on to teaching and research careers in academia, but also to positions in government, research institutions or the private sector.

Full Economics PhD course profile

We have launched a new five-year PhD programme, which consists of two years of coursework, followed by three years of independent research. Our new programme structure is aligned with that of top institutions in the US and the UK, providing students with rigorous advanced training and sufficient time for producing independent research. Furthermore, our training centre is part of the ESRC's accredited  North West Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership (NWSSDTP) .

Over the first two semesters, students take eight courses, including compulsory units in macroeconomics, microeconomics, econometrics and mathematics. In the summer months, students then complete a dissertation, which is the first step towards the preparation of an eventual PhD thesis.

This year of the programme is equivalent to a MSc in economics. Students with a high level of performance in an equivalent degree can enter directly into year 1 of the programme.

In this year, students take advanced PhD-level courses. All students must take core units in macroeconomics, microeconomics, econometrics and research skills. Students must also choose one additional field course. Students may also be allowed to take additional units from one of our partner institutions within the NWSSDTP, from other departments at Manchester, or one of our advanced-level MSc units. There is also the option of taking units in subsequent years.

In addition to coursework, students also prepare a detailed research proposal. Since the research questions described in this proposal and the approach to addressing these questions are a significant part of the training in year 1, students are advised to start working on the research proposal as soon as possible.

Year 2 and beyond

After finishing the coursework, students have three years of independent research, with a possibility of an additional year (for writing up). In this phase, students will work on completing their job market paper, as well as other papers that will be part of their PhD thesis. Students will participate in the  PhD conferences , which consists of both the internal conference and the NWSSDTP conference. Students are also expected to attend regularly  research seminars  in their field and the  Manchester Economic Seminar series .

It is expected that during these three years, students will produce three pieces of substantive work, at least two of publishable quality. Submission to at least one international conference in economics is also expected and highly recommended.

In addition, students must present their work at least once in a weekly  seminar  related to their research area. PhD students also organise a weekly seminar series, and students are expected to attend and present in this seminar series as well.


Normally, a student's supervisory team will consist of a main supervisor and a co-supervisor. Students are assigned a supervisory team upon entry into the programme, regardless of point of entry (i.e., year 0 or year 1).

When applying to our PhD programme, students are advised to identify  potential supervisors . Details on recent publications, ongoing projects and research interests are all available on our academics' profiles. Although guarantees cannot be made, we will do our best to match your area of research to the most suitable supervisor.

Your potential supervisor should be able to give you advice on developing your  research proposal , which must be included with your application to the programme.

Almost all of our students receive some form of funding. All of our applicants will be considered for scholarships from the University, which cover tuition fees and include a stipend. There is also the possibility to compete for ESRC funding . To search for current funding opportunities, please use our funding database search tool .

We view teaching experience as an integral part of the PhD programme. Therefore, PhD students are provided the opportunity to work as Graduate Teaching Assistants (which is paid), beginning in their second year.

In recent years, some of our students have completed internships at the European Central Bank and the Bank of England during the course of their studies.

The department provides resources to support students going on the job market. This includes practice interview sessions, as well as introductory talks on the European and American academic job markets. These talks are aimed towards year-five PhD students, but are open to all students.

In recent years, our PhD students have obtained research positions at universities, central banks and policy institutions. Please see a list of our  recent placements .

How to apply

Apply to the Economics PhD programme using the university's  online application system .

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  • School of Economics and Finance
  • Postgraduate

The standard entry route to the PhD programme is through the School’s MRes programmes in Economics and Finance .

The breadth and depth of our expertise enables us to offer supervision in all major areas of economics and finance. The School has more than 40 research-active faculty working in a wide range of research areas, including macroeconomics, microeconomic theory and game theory, applied microeconomics, econometric theory, time series analysis, theoretical and empirical finance, and financial econometrics.

Recent faculty research has appeared in leading economics and finance journals, including Econometrica, the American Economic Review, the Review of Economic Studies, the Journal of Political Economy, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Journal of Econometrics, and the Journal of Finance. Individual members of staff also have active collaborations with various governmental and non-governmental agencies, including the UK Treasury, the Bank of England, the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, OECD, and ILO.

The School runs external weekly seminars with invited speakers from top European and North American universities and internal workshops.

We have an international community of PhD students , who are central to the research culture of the School. Students are offered an inclusive environment with excellent infrastructure and many opportunities for formal and informal interaction with staff. Students are also provided with office space, a desktop computer, and an annual research allowance.

Excellent career opportunities are open to our PhD graduates. Recent placements include lectureships or postdoc research positions at the universities of Cambridge, York, Leicester, Aarhus, Vienna and Sao Paulo, as well as the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA). Our graduates are also typically hired by central banks: recent placements include the Bank of England, the Bank of France, the Bank of Italy, and the Central Bank of Uruguay.

The standard entry route to the PhD programme is through the MRes programmes in Economics and Finance, please visit the MRes programme deadlines page. 

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Application Procedure

Learn about the entry requirements and the application procedure to join the School of Economics.

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Research Proposal

Your research proposal is an essential component of your application. Learn how to prepare it.

Studying a PhD with us

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  • Schools & departments

Postgraduate study

Economics PhD with Integrated Study

Awards: PhD with Integrated Study

Study modes: Full-time

Funding opportunities

Programme website: Economics

Introduction to Postgraduate Study at the University of Edinburgh

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Research profile

Our PhD programme enables you to pursue your academic interests, and learn the latest methods in research, while providing you with thorough training in modern economics.

Research rankings

We have an impressive history of high rankings for our research.

In the most recent Research Assessment Exercise, 25% of our research was judged world-leading in its originality, significance and rigour. A further 45% was judged internationally excellent.

Academic staff profiles

There are 34 staff members and around 30 PhD students. Profiles of all our economics staff and students are available on the economics website:

  • Staff and students at the School of Economics

Programme structure

Find out more about compulsory and optional courses.

We link to the latest information available. Please note that this may be for a previous academic year and should be considered indicative.

AwardTitleDurationStudy mode
PhD with Integrated StudyEconomics4 YearsFull-time

Training and support

Academic support.

You will be supervised by two faculty members from the School, who will provide academic support and advice on the subject area, methodology and structure of your thesis.

What will I study?

The PhD programme is principally a research degree, but modern economics requires substantial training that exceeds the level of an MSc or other masters study.

In Year 1, you will take 120 credits of advanced research-oriented coursework, with the opportunity to take field courses at the frontier of areas relevant to your research.

Review and progression

Subject to passing an annual review at the end of Year 1, you will proceed to three further years of research, with the possibility of taking a fourth “writing-up” year.

As a postgraduate student at the School of Economics you will be immersed in a rich academic environment and supportive community of staff and students.

You with have all the practical facilities to ensure success in your chosen programme of learning or research.

Career opportunities

Employment opportunities.

While many of our PhD graduates choose to remain in academia as lecturers and researchers, some pursue careers in other sectors.

Recent PhD graduates have found employment as researchers and analysts with:

  • Behavioural Insights Team
  • Danmarks Nationalbank
  • Bank of England
  • other private and public organisations

Post-doctoral opportunities

Recent graduates have successfully attained post-doctoral positions at:

  • University of Oxford
  • King's College London
  • London School of Economics and Political Science
  • European University Institute

As well as faculty positions at:

  • Heriot-Watt University
  • Penn State University
  • University of St Andrews
  • Aarhus University
  • Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf

Practical careers support

Our PhD students benefit from the help of our Placement Director in looking for academic jobs.

As well as offering advice and running information sessions, the Placement Director organises practical preparation sessions tailored to the academic job market, such as practice interviews and job talks.

Entry requirements

These entry requirements are for the 2024/25 academic year and requirements for future academic years may differ. Entry requirements for the 2025/26 academic year will be published on 1 Oct 2024.

A UK masters degree with distinction, or its international equivalent, in analytical economics. This degree should be equivalent to that offered by the Scottish Graduate Programme in Economics .

If you do not hold a masters, or if your masters is in another subject, you will not normally be admitted directly to the PhD.

Our programme is designed to enable you to pursue your academic interests, and learn the latest methods in research, while providing thorough training in modern economics. As important as your topic is the ability to match your topic with our supervision team. We will not admit a student, where we cannot provide the very best supervision. Therefore, you should think carefully about whether your topic matches our research interests.

During the application process, you will be asked to provide a research summary that briefly outlines your research interests and why you feel they fit with those of the School.

The criteria we will use to decide upon admission will include:

the quality and rigour of your training in core economics areas.

your performance at undergraduate and postgraduate level

our ability to offer supervision in your chosen area of research

the quality of your research summary and the strength of the match to the research priorities of the School

our assessment of any previous independent work (such as your masters dissertation or extended project)

In exceptional cases, we may consider prior independent research experience as a positive factor for admission.

International qualifications

Check whether your international qualifications meet our general entry requirements:

  • Entry requirements by country
  • English language requirements

Regardless of your nationality or country of residence, you must demonstrate a level of English language competency at a level that will enable you to succeed in your studies.

English language tests

We accept the following English language qualifications at the grades specified:

  • IELTS Academic: total 7.0 with at least 6.5 in reading and listening, and 6.0 in all other components. We do not accept IELTS One Skill Retake to meet our English language requirements.
  • TOEFL-iBT (including Home Edition): total 100 with at least 23 in reading and listening, and 20 in speaking and writing. We do not accept TOEFL MyBest Score to meet our English language requirements.
  • C1 Advanced ( CAE ) / C2 Proficiency ( CPE ): total 185 with at least 176 in reading and listening, and 169 in speaking and writing.
  • Trinity ISE : ISE III with passes in all four components.
  • PTE Academic: total 70 with at least 62 in reading and listening, and 59 in each other component.

Your English language qualification must be no more than three and a half years old from the start date of the programme you are applying to study, unless you are using IELTS , TOEFL, Trinity ISE or PTE , in which case it must be no more than two years old.

Degrees taught and assessed in English

We also accept an undergraduate or postgraduate degree that has been taught and assessed in English in a majority English speaking country, as defined by UK Visas and Immigration:

  • UKVI list of majority English speaking countries

We also accept a degree that has been taught and assessed in English from a university on our list of approved universities in non-majority English speaking countries (non-MESC).

  • Approved universities in non-MESC

If you are not a national of a majority English speaking country, then your degree must be no more than five years old* at the beginning of your programme of study. (*Revised 05 March 2024 to extend degree validity to five years.)

Find out more about our language requirements:

Fees and costs

Scholarships and funding, featured funding.

We offer funding for high quality applicants, although we would encourage you to try and obtained your own funding sources in the first instance.

  • School of Economics scholarships
  • University of Edinburgh Scholarship Search

Other funding opportunities

Search for scholarships and funding opportunities:

  • Search for funding

Further information

  • Postgraduate Administrator
  • Phone: +44 (0)131 651 1795
  • Contact: [email protected]
  • School of Economics
  • 30/31 Buccleuch Place
  • Central Campus
  • Programme: Economics
  • School: Economics
  • College: Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences

Select your programme and preferred start date to begin your application.

PhD with Integrated Study in Economics - 4 Years (Full-time)

Application deadlines.

We encourage you to apply at least one month prior to entry so that we have enough time to process your application. If you are also applying for funding or will require a visa then we strongly recommend you apply as early as possible.

  • How to apply

You must submit two references with your application.

See our supervisors and their areas of research:

  • Economics staff

Before applying for a PhD with us, please send us an enquiry email so we can assist you and give you the best advice.

Find out more about the general application process for postgraduate programmes:

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Economics PhD

Key information.

phd in economics in the uk

  • 4th  in the UK in the field of Energy Economics (Research Papers in Economics 2021)
  • =6th  in the UK  for Economics   (ShanghaiRanking Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2023)
  • =6th  in the UK for our research impact   in Economics and Econometrics   in  REF 2021   (Times Higher Education)

Join an active academic community with a range of seminar activities and research groups. You’ll have access to training opportunities at Sussex, and in collaboration with the SeNSS South East Network for Social Sciences  and other Economics departments in the UK. You’ll have two supervisors, working in a relevant area.

A PhD with us opens a range of careers opportunities in academia, as well as in policy and the private sector.


You’ll join the EQUIS and AMBA-accredited University of Sussex Business School. Learn more about all of our course accreditations here. Find out more

Areas of study

Economics research at Sussex draws on the latest research methods, has an applied focus, and contributes to academic and policy debates in the following areas, where we invite research proposals:

  • empirical microeconomics in developed and developing countries, including labour economics, education and human capital, family economics, crime and law. We have advised the UK government on policies on the minimum wage, school inspections, and the salaries and contracts of teachers and military personnel. The Digital Futures at Work Research Centre  is based in the University of Sussex Business School
  • international economics, and trade and industrial policy, in developed and developing countries. The Department is home to the UKTPO UK Trade Policy Observatory , which conducts analysis on UK trade policy post Brexit, and trains and advises trade policy-makers
  • development economics, where you’ll benefit from our expertise in topics such as migration, conflict, poverty and agriculture. We are affiliated with the Sussex Centre for Migration Research
  • environmental and resource economics
  • behavioural and experimental economics and economic theory.

Find out more about research at the University of Sussex Business School

We expect successful applicants to be admitted to the Integrated PhD. This provides the rigorous research training you need to become a skilled practitioner. If you’re unsure which route to apply for, please apply for the Integrated PhD .

We understand that deciding where and what to study is a very important decision. We’ll make all reasonable efforts to provide you with the courses, services and facilities described in this prospectus. However, if we need to make material changes, for example due to government or regulatory requirements, or unanticipated staff changes, we’ll let you know as soon as possible.

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Entry requirements

  • UK requirements
  • International requirements
Degree requirements

You’re normally expected to have at least a Merit (an average of 60% of overall) in a   Masters degree and an upper second-class (2.1) undergraduate honours degree

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please select your country from the list.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Licenciado/Titulo with a final mark of at least 7.5-8.5 depending on your university. 

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree with second-class upper division.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Magistr or Specialist Diploma with an average mark of at least 4 or 81%

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree with CGPA 3.0/4.0 (Grade B).

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

A 4-year Bachelor degree with GPA of at least 3.3/4.0

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bacharel, Licenciado or professional title with a final mark of at least 7.5 or 8 depending on your university.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors (Honours) degree with second class upper division or CGPA 3.1/4.0.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree with CGPA 3.3/4.0 (grade B+).

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Licenciado with a final mark of at least 5-5.5/7 depending on your university.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree with an overall mark of at least 72%-85% depending on your university. Sussex uses the Shanghai Best Chinese Universities Ranking to inform offer levels.  

As evidence of completing your degree you must provide both a Degree Certificate and Graduation Certificate.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Licenciado with ‘Acreditacion de alta calidad' and a CGPA of 3.5.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree or Ptychion with a final mark of at least 7.5.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree with an overall mark of at least 7 (Good Performance).

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Licenciado with a final mark of at least 17/20.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree from a university with an overall grade of at least 70-75% depending on your university.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Licence with mention bien or Maîtrise with a final mark of at least 13.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree or Magister Artium with a final mark of 2.4 or better.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree from a public university with second-class upper division.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Ptychion from an AEI with a final mark of at least 7.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors (Honours) degree with second-class upper division.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree with an overall mark of at least 55-70% depending on your university.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree from an 'A' accredited university with CGPA 3.0/4.0.

Bachelors degree from a 'B' accredited university with CGPA 3.2/4.0.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree (Licence or Karshenasi) with a final mark of at least 15.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Diploma di Laurea with an overall mark of at least 105.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree with a minimum C/GPA of at least 3.0/4.0 or equivalent.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree with a CGPA of at least 3.0/4.0 or 80%.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree with an overall mark of 4 or better (on a scale of 1-5)/CGPA 3,33.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors (Honours) degree with a second-class upper division.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree with a CGPA of at least 3.0/4.0 or B+.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree with a CGPA 3.5/4.0 or 14/20.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Masters degree, depending on your university.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree with a CGPA of at least 3.0/4.0.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Licenciado with a final mark of at least 8/10.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree with a second-class upper division or CGPA of at least 3.0-3.49/4.0, 3.5-4.49/5.0 or 4.6-5.9/7.0

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree with an overall grade of B.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree with a CGPA of at least 3.3/4.0.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Four-year Bachelors degree with an overall mark of at least 65%-70% or CGPA 2.6 - 2.8 depending on your university. 

Masters degree following a 3-year Bachelors degree with an overall mark of at least 65%-70% or CGPA 2.6 - 2.8 depending on your university. 

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree with at least 80% or CGPA of at least 3.0/4.0

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors with a final mark of at least 7.5/10.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Licenciado with a final mark of at least 13/20 from a public university or 15/20 from a private university.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.


Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Masters degree with 1.5/5.0 (where 1 is the highest) or 3.7/4.0

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree with an overall CPGA of at least 3 (on a scale of 4).

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bakalavr or Specialist Diploma with an average mark of at least 4.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Saudi Arabia

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree with a CGPA of 3.5/5.0 or 3/4.0.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors (Honours) degree with a second-class upper division or CAP 4.0.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

South Africa

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors (honours) degree with a second-class division 1.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

South Korea

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree with a CGPA of at least 3.3/4.5 or 3.1/4.3 or B+

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Licenciado with a final mark of at least 2/4 or 7/10.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors Special degree with an upper second honours.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.


Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Licence or Diplôme with 5/6 or 8/10.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree with an overall mark of at least 67%-80% depending on your university.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree with CGPA of at least 2.8 - 3.0/4.0 or equivalent depending on your university.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Lisans Diplomasi with CGPA of at least 2.8 - 3.0/4.0 or equivalent depending on your university.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

United Arab Emirates

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree with CGPA of at least 3.0/4.0 or equivalent.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree with CGPA of at least 3.3/4.0.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Bachelors degree (with a Graduate Thesis/research component) with CGPA of at least 3.3/4.0 or 7.5/10.

As evidence of completing your degree you must provide both proof of graduation in addition to your transcript.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

Masters degree requirement

You’re normally expected to have the equivalent of a UK Masters degree, which will mean having completed some academic study beyond your Bachelors degree.

Undergraduate degree requirement

Masters degree with GPA of 2.0/2.5 or equivalent.

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

Please note

Our entry requirements are guidelines and we assess all applications on a case-by-case basis.

My country is not listed

If your country is not listed, you need to contact us and find out the qualification level you should have for this course. Contact us

Subject-specific requirements

Your qualification should be in economics. You may also be considered for the degree if you have other professional qualifications or experience of equivalent standing.

English language requirements

Ielts (academic).

High level (6.5 overall, including at least 6.0 in each component).

IELTS scores are valid for two years from the test date. You cannot combine scores from more than one sitting of the test. Your score must be valid when you begin your Sussex course.  Find out more about IELTS

We accept IELTS One Skills Retake.

We do not accept IELTS Online.

Check full details of our English Language requirements and find out more about some of the alternative English language qualifications listed below

Alternative English language qualifications

Proficiency tests, cambridge advanced certificate in english (cae).

169 overall, including at least 162 in each skill.

We would normally expect the CAE test to have been taken within two years before the start of your course.

You cannot combine scores from more than one sitting of the test. Find out more about Cambridge English: Advanced

Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE)

We would normally expect the CPE test to have been taken within two years before the start of your course.

You cannot combine scores from more than one sitting of the test. Find out more about Cambridge English: Proficiency

LanguageCert Academic SELT

High level (70 overall, including at least 65 in each component).

LanguageCert Academic SELT scores are valid for two years from the test date. Your score must be valid when you begin your Sussex course.  Find out more about LanguageCert Academic SELT

We only accept LanguageCert when taken at SELT Test Centres.

We do not accept the online version.  We also do not accept the non-SELT version.

LanguageCert International ESOL SELT

High level (International ESOL SELT B2 with a minimum of 39 in each component)

LanguageCert International ESOL scores are valid for two years from the test date. Your score must be valid when you begin your Sussex course. Find out more about LanguageCert SELT

We only accept LanguageCert when taken at SELT Test Centres. We do not accept the online version.

Pearson PTE Academic

High level (62 overall, including at least 59 in all four skills)

PTE (Academic) scores are valid for two years from the test date. You cannot combine scores from more than one sitting of the test. Your score must be valid when you begin your Sussex course. Find out more about Pearson (PTE Academic)

We do not accept the PTE Academic Online test.


High level 88 overall, including at least 20 Listening, 19 in Reading, 21 in Speaking, 23 in Writing.

TOEFL (iBT) scores are valid for two years from the test date. You cannot combine scores from more than one sitting of the test. Your score must be valid when you begin your Sussex course. Find out more about TOEFL (iBT)

We do not accept TOEFL (iBT) Home Edition.

The TOEFL Institution Code for the University of Sussex is 9166.

English language qualifications

As/a-level (gce).

Grade C or above in English Language.

Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE)/ AS or A Level: grade C or above in Use of English.

GCE O-level

Grade C or above in English.

Brunei/Cambridge GCE O-level in English: grades 1-6.

Singapore/Cambridge GCE O-level in English: grades 1-6.


Grade C or above in English as a First Language (Grade 4 or above in GCSE from 2017).

Grade B or above in English as a Second Language.

Ghana Senior Secondary School Certificate

If awarded before 1993: grades 1-6 in English language.

If awarded between 1993 and 2005: grades A-D in English language.

Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE)

 Level 4, including at least 3 in each component in English Language.

Indian School Certificate (Standard XII)

The Indian School Certificate is accepted at the grades below when awarded by the following examination boards:

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) – English Core only: 70%

Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) - English: 70% 

International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB)

English A or English B at grade 5 or above.

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

Grades A - C in English language

Malaysian Certificate of Education (SPM) 1119/GCE O-level

If taken before the end of 2008: grades 1-6 in English Language.

If taken from 2009 onwards: grade C or above in English Language.

The qualification must be jointly awarded by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES).

West African Senior School Certificate

Grades A1-C6 (1-6) in English language when awarded by the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) or the National Examinations Council (NECO).

Country exceptions

Select to see the list of exempt english-speaking countries.

If you are a national of one of the countries below, or if you have recently completed a qualification equivalent to a UK Bachelors degree or higher in one of these countries, you will normally meet our English requirement. Note that qualifications obtained by distance learning or awarded by studying outside these countries cannot be accepted for English language purposes.

You will normally be expected to have completed the qualification within two years before starting your course at Sussex. If the qualification was obtained earlier than this, we would expect you to be able to demonstrate that you have maintained a good level of English, for example by living in an English-speaking country or working in an occupation that required you to use English regularly and to a high level.

Please note that this list is determined by the UK’s Home Office, not by the University of Sussex.

List of exempt countries: 

  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • New Zealand
  • St Kitts and Nevis
  • St Vincent and the Grenadines
  • The British Overseas Territories
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • United Kingdom

** Canada: you must be a national of Canada; other nationals not on this list who have a degree from a Canadian institution will not normally be exempt from needing to provide evidence of English.

English language support

If you don’t meet the English language requirements for your degree, you may be able to take a pre-sessional course

  • Visas and immigration

Admissions information for applicants

Research proposal

If you are applying for a PhD, you will need to write a research proposal.

If your qualifications aren’t listed or you have a question about entry requirements, contact us

  • How to apply

If you’d like to join us as a research student, there are two main routes:

  • browse funded projects in this subject area
  • browse our potential supervisors and propose your own research project.

Find out how to apply for a PhD at Sussex

Full-time and part-time study

Choose to work on your research full time or part time, to fit around your work and personal life. For details about part-time study, contact us at [email protected]

PhD or MPhil?

You can choose to study for a PhD or an MPhil. PhD and MPhil degrees differ in duration and in the extent of your research work.

  • For a PhD, your research work makes a substantial original contribution to knowledge or understanding in your chosen field.
  • For an MPhil, your work is an independent piece of research but in less depth than for a PhD. You’ll graduate with the degree title Master of Philosophy. You might be able to change to a PhD while you study for an MPhil.

Our supervisors

phd in economics in the uk

Prof Sambit Bhattacharyya

Professor of Economics

[email protected]

View profile of Sambit Bhattacharyya

phd in economics in the uk

Dr Ingo Borchert

Reader in Economics

[email protected]

View profile of Ingo Borchert

phd in economics in the uk

Prof Amalavoyal Chari

[email protected]

View profile of Amalavoyal Chari

phd in economics in the uk

Dr Rocco d'Este

Senior Lecturer in Economics

[email protected]

View profile of Rocco d'Este

phd in economics in the uk

Prof Richard Dickens

[email protected]

View profile of Richard Dickens

phd in economics in the uk

Prof Richard Disney

Emeritus Professor

[email protected]

View profile of Richard Disney

phd in economics in the uk

Prof Peter Dolton

[email protected]

View profile of Peter Dolton

phd in economics in the uk

Dr Pawel Dziewulski

[email protected]

View profile of Pawel Dziewulski

phd in economics in the uk

Dr Matthew Embrey

[email protected]

View profile of Matthew Embrey

phd in economics in the uk

Dr Sonja Fagernas

[email protected]

View profile of Sonja Fagernas

phd in economics in the uk

Prof Michael Gasiorek

[email protected]

View profile of Michael Gasiorek

phd in economics in the uk

Dr Iftikhar Hussain

[email protected]

View profile of Iftikhar Hussain

phd in economics in the uk

Dr Julie Litchfield

[email protected]

View profile of Julie Litchfield

phd in economics in the uk

Dr George Mackerron

Senior Lecturer in The Economics of Environment, Energy & Climate Change

[email protected]

View profile of George Mackerron

phd in economics in the uk

Prof Annemie Maertens

[email protected]

View profile of Annemie Maertens

phd in economics in the uk

Prof Andy McKay

Professor of Development Economics

[email protected]

View profile of Andy McKay

phd in economics in the uk

Dr Panu Pelkonen

[email protected]

View profile of Panu Pelkonen

Dr Tom Potoms

Senior Lecturer

[email protected]

View profile of Tom Potoms

phd in economics in the uk

Prof Barry Reilly

Professor of Econometrics

[email protected]

View profile of Barry Reilly

phd in economics in the uk

Prof Shqiponja Telhaj

[email protected]

View profile of Shqiponja Telhaj

phd in economics in the uk

Prof Richard Tol

[email protected]

View profile of Richard Tol

phd in economics in the uk

Dr Selma Walther

[email protected]

View profile of Selma Walther

phd in economics in the uk

Prof L. Alan Winters

[email protected]

View profile of L. Alan Winters

Funding and fees

How can i fund my course, funded projects and scholarships.

Our aim is to ensure that every student who wants to study with us is able to despite financial barriers, so that we continue to attract talented and unique individuals. Don’t miss out on scholarships – check the specific application deadlines for funding opportunities. Note that funded projects aren’t available for all our PhDs.

Details of our scholarships are not yet set for entry in the academic year 2025/26.

Applying for USA Federal Student Aid?

If any part of your funding, at any time, is through USA federal Direct Loan funds, you will be registered on a separate version of this degree which does not include the possibility of distance learning which is prohibited under USA federal regulations. Find out more about American Student Loans and Federal Student Aid .

Part-time work

We advertise around 2,500 part-time jobs a year so you can make money and gain work experience. We have a special scheme to employ students on campus, wherever possible.

Find out more about careers and employability

How much does it cost?

Fees for self-funding students.

Home students: Fees are not yet set for entry in the academic year 2025/26. Fees will become available once set by United Kingdom Research and Innovation.

Channel Islands and Isle of Man students: Fees are not yet set for entry in the academic year 2025/26. Fees will become available once set by United Kingdom Research and Innovation.

International students: £22,575 per year for full-time students

Home PhD student fees are set at the level recommended by United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI) annually, rising in line with inflation. Overseas fees are subject to an annual increase - see details on our tuition fees page

Additional costs

Note about additional costs.

Please note that all costs are best estimates based on current market values. Activities may be subject to unavoidable change in response to Government advice. We’ll let you know at the earliest opportunity. We review estimates every year and they may vary with inflation. Find out how to budget for student life .

Empirical research costs

On top of your PhD fees and living costs, you may also need to cover some research and training costs, relevant to your research project. These costs will depend on your research topic and training needs, but may include: - travel (to archives, collections or scientific facilities) - a laptop - overseas fieldwork costs (travel and accommodation, and language training) - conference costs (travel, registration fees and accommodation) - laboratory consumables and workshop materials - participant costs - transcription or translation costs - open-access publication costs. If you have a scholarship from one of the UK Research Councils, your scholarship should cover these types of costs. You'll receive details of how to claim this additional funding. If you're self funded, or if your scholarship doesn’t cover these costs, check with the Research and Enterprise Co-ordinator in your School for details of School or Doctoral School funding that may be available.

  • Living costs

Find out typical living costs for studying at Sussex

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Economics MRes/PhD

  • Full-time: 1 + 4 years
  • Part-time: Not available
  • Start date: September 2025
  • UK fees: £5,350
  • International fees: £23,000

Research overview

Our MRes is the normal route to PhD Economics at Nottingham. It is an integrated one year Masters in Research, from which students progress to the PhD in Economics lasting four years.

The programme includes: 

  • a one-year MRes during which you will attend a number of modules covering the tools, techniques and literature necessary to allow you to conduct research at the forefront of the economics discipline
  • four years (maximum) PhD during which you will conduct your independent research under the guidance of a world-renowned faculty
  • two supervisors who will help ensure smooth progress of your research work
  • support and resources to enable you to participate in the scientific community and achieve a top job market placement

If you wish to apply for a PhD in economics, you are normally expected to apply to our MRes/PhD programme. In exceptional circumstances (for example, having already completed an MRes or having substantial research experience), you may ask to be admitted directly to the first year of the PhD without completing the preliminary MRes year. The school's Admissions Officer, Maria Garcia de la Vega , can provide advice on your eligibility for this route. 

Course content

During your MRes year, you will complete advanced-level taught modules, coursework and a research dissertation designed to ensure you acquire the necessary skills and knowledge for research in economics. All elements of the programme are examined and you must pass them all in order to progress to our four-year PhD programme.

Once admitted onto the PhD, you will focus in more detail on your research while continuing to have access to research and generic skills training provided by the School of Economics and the Researcher Academy. Training is provided for the preparation of articles for submission to academic journals and for applying for jobs in the international market for research economists.

Core MRes modules taught in the first term are in:

  • microeconomics 
  • macroeconomics 
  • econometrics 

In the second term, you will be expected to take three from a selection of advanced MRes modules, for example:

  • microeconomics
  • applied econometrics 
  • behavioural economics 
  • computational economics 

Entry requirements

All candidates are considered on an individual basis and we accept a broad range of qualifications. The entrance requirements below apply to 2025 entry.


A good grade at Merit or Distinction level in a masters degree (or international equivalent) in economics (including training in advanced micro, macro and econometrics). Evidence of academic excellence in previous taught courses is required.


A good grade at Merit or Distinction level in a masters degree (or international equivalent) in economics (including training in advanced micro, macro and econometrics). Evidence of academic excellence in previous taught courses is required.

International and EU equivalents

We accept a wide range of qualifications from all over the world.

For information on entry requirements from your country, see our .

IELTS6.5 (no less than 6.0 in any element)
English language requirements

As well as IELTS (listed above), we also accept other .

This includes TOEFL iBT, Pearson PTE, GCSE, IB and O level English.

Meeting our English language requirements

If you need support to meet the required level, you may be able to attend a presessional English course. Presessional courses teach you academic skills in addition to English language. Our  Centre for English Language Education is accredited by the British Council for the teaching of English in the UK.

If you successfully complete your presessional course to the required level, you can then progress to your degree course. This means that you won't need to retake IELTS or equivalent.

For on-campus presessional English courses, you must take IELTS for UKVI to meet visa regulations. For online presessional courses, see our CELE webpages for guidance.

Visa restrictions

International students must have valid UK immigration permissions for any courses or study period where teaching takes place in the UK. Student route visas can be issued for eligible students studying full-time courses. The University of Nottingham does not sponsor a student visa for students studying part-time courses. The Standard Visitor visa route is not appropriate in all cases. Please contact the university’s Visa and Immigration team if you need advice about your visa options.

We recognise that applicants have a variety of experiences and follow different pathways to postgraduate study.

We treat all applicants with alternative qualifications on an individual basis. We may also consider relevant work experience.

If you are unsure whether your qualifications or work experience are relevant, contact us .

Our selection process

After an initial check by central admissions, applications are passed on to the admissions tutor in the school , who will assess whether you have the potential to succeed on our programme. One aim of the MRes year is to identify a topic, and appropriate supervisors, for the PhD. This means you do not need to find a supervisor or write a very detailed proposal when applying. Having said that, a brief statement of your research interests – and a check that there are academics in the school who are also interested in the same broad field of research - is useful even at this stage.

If you are in any doubt about the application process, you can contact the our Postgraduate Research Administrator, Dr Natalia Bas .

If you have any questions regarding the admission process, you can contact the Recruitment and Admissions team , or the school's Admissions Tutor, Maria Garcia de la Vega .

Our step-by-step guide contains everything you need to know about applying for postgraduate research.

QualificationPhD and MRes
Home / UK£5,350

Additional information for international students

If you are a student from the EU, EEA or Switzerland, you may be asked to complete a fee status questionnaire and your answers will be assessed using guidance issued by the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) .

These fees are for full-time study. If you are studying part-time, you will be charged a proportion of this fee each year (subject to inflation).

Additional costs

All students will need at least one device to approve security access requests via Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). We also recommend students have a suitable laptop to work both on and off-campus. For more information, please check the equipment advice .

As a student on this course, you should factor some additional costs into your budget, alongside your tuition fees and living expenses.

You should be able to access most of the books you'll need through our libraries, though you may wish to purchase your own copies or more specific titles which could cost up to £50-60.

The school contributes to some costs relating to conference attendance and job market activity; however there may be additional costs such as visas, travel insurance, transport and food which can amount to approximately £150-200 pounds per conference.

Please note that these figures are approximate and subject to change.

There are many ways to fund your research degree, from scholarships to government loans.

Check our guide to find out more about funding your postgraduate degree.

Presenting at conferences 

You will be encouraged to present papers at external conferences, and funds are available to support you with this. There is also an annual conference where you will present your work to academic staff and fellow students. There are also many opportunities to attend conferences, workshop and seminar events within the school. 

Teaching opportunities 

Teaching is an important part of your training as a future researcher/academic and is strongly encouraged in the PhD part of the course. 

Research seminars 

The school provides an exciting environment where you will be exposed to a rich variety of innovative research. Our seminar series attracts internationally acclaimed academics from top economics departments and many run on a weekly basis during term-time. These include seminars in: 

  • Behavioural and experimental economics  (CeDEx seminar series) 
  • Macroeconomics and financial markets  (CFCM seminar series) 
  • International economics  (GEP seminar series) 
  • Development economics  (CREDIT seminar series) 
  • Econometrics  (Granger Centre seminar series) 
  • Political economy  (NICEP seminar series) 

In addition, the school runs a number of generalist seminars, including: 

  • Senior Academic Seminar Series   Recent speakers include Dough Bernheim (Stanford), David Laibson (Harvard), Gerard Padró i Miquel (Yale University), Gianluca Violante (Princeton University) and David Atkin (MIT) 
  • Public lectures and conferences   Recent public lectures were given by Colin Camerer (California Institute of Technology), Giovanni Maggi (Yale University) and Johanna Rickne (Stockholm University and University of Nottingham) 
  • School of Economics brown bag seminars  

Researcher training and development

The Researcher Academy is the network for researchers, and staff who support them. We work together to promote a healthy research culture, to cultivate researcher excellence, and develop creative partnerships that enable researchers to flourish.

Postgraduate researchers at Nottingham have access to our online Members’ area, which includes a wealth of resources, access to training courses and award-winning postgraduate placements.

Graduate centres

Our graduate centres are dedicated community spaces on campus for postgraduates.

Each space has areas for:

  • socialising
  • computer work
  • kitchen facilities

Student support

You will have access to a range of support services , including:

  • academic and disability support
  • childcare services
  • counselling service
  • faith support
  • financial support
  • mental health and wellbeing support
  • visa and immigration advice
  • welfare support

Students' Union

Our Students' Union represents all students. You can join the Postgraduate Students’ Network or contact the dedicated Postgraduate Officer .

There are also a range of support networks, including groups for:

  • international students
  • black and minority ethnic students
  • students who identify as women
  • students with disabilities
  • LGBT+ students

SU Advice provides free, independent and confidential advice on issues such as accommodation, financial and academic difficulties.

phd in economics in the uk

Where you will learn

Library facilities - economics.

The  Hallward Library  stocks all of the major economics publications and journals. Our library facilities open long hours and include areas for group work, individual and silent study.

University Park Campus

University Park Campus  covers 300 acres, with green spaces, wildlife, period buildings and modern facilities. It is one of the UK's most beautiful and sustainable campuses, winning a national Green Flag award every year since 2003.

Most schools and departments are based here. You will have access to libraries, shops, cafes, the Students’ Union, sports village and a health centre.

You can walk or cycle around campus. Free hopper buses connect you to our other campuses. Nottingham city centre is 15 minutes away by public bus or tram.

phd in economics in the uk

School facilities - Economics

The school offers full-time postgraduate research students their own workspace and IT equipment in dedicated rooms.

Whether you are considering a career in academia, industry or haven't yet decided, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Expert staff will work with you to explore PhD career options and apply for vacancies, develop your interview skills and meet employers. You can book a one-to-one appointment, take an online course or attend a workshop.

International students who complete an eligible degree programme in the UK on a student visa can apply to stay and work in the UK after their course under the Graduate immigration route . Eligible courses at the University of Nottingham include bachelors, masters and research degrees, and PGCE courses.

Alumni profiles

Georgia Michailidou  received her PhD in experimental economics in 2018, researching economic morality using laboratory and field experiments. She is now a postdoctoral associate at NYU Abu Dhabi and an affiliated researcher at LISER in Luxembourg.

Martina Magli completed her PhD during 2019, researching trade in services and its effects on the labour market in the UK. After a stint at the Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford, she started her position as Assistant Professor at Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich.

Mohamed Diaby  also completed his PhD in 2019, studying topics in macro and monetary economics. He joined the International Monetary Fund as an economist.

100% of postgraduates from the School of Economics secured graduate level employment or further study within 15 months of graduation. The average annual salary for these graduates was £36,000.*

* HESA Graduate Outcomes 2019/20 data published in 2022. The Graduate Outcomes % is derived using The Guardian University Guide methodology. The average annual salary is based on graduates working full-time, postgraduate, home graduates within the UK.

Research Excellence Framework

The University of Nottingham is ranked 7th in the UK for research power, according to analysis by Times Higher Education. The Research Excellence Framework (REF) is a national assessment of the quality of research in UK higher education institutions.

  • The School of Economics is ranked 5th in the UK for economics and econometrics
  • 99% of the School of Economics' research output was considered world-leading or internationally excellent
  • 90%* of our research is classed as 'world-leading' (4*) or 'internationally excellent' (3*)
  • 100%* of our research is recognised internationally
  • 51% of our research is assessed as 'world-leading' (4*) for its impact**

*According to analysis by Times Higher Education ** According to our own analysis.

This content was last updated on 11 July 2024 . Every effort has been made to ensure that this information is accurate, but changes are likely to occur between the date of publishing and course start date. It is therefore very important to check this website for any updates before you apply.

We have 9 Economics (fully funded) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in the UK

United Kingdom


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Economics (fully funded) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in the UK

The economics of rail transport: cost-benefit assessment of innovation and econometric modelling of supply and demand side relationships, phd research project.

PhD Research Projects are advertised opportunities to examine a pre-defined topic or answer a stated research question. Some projects may also provide scope for you to propose your own ideas and approaches.

Funded PhD Project (UK Students Only)

This research project has funding attached. It is only available to UK citizens or those who have been resident in the UK for a period of 3 years or more. Some projects, which are funded by charities or by the universities themselves may have more stringent restrictions.

Renewables and the UK Energy Market

Funded phd project (students worldwide).

This project has funding attached, subject to eligibility criteria. Applications for the project are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates, but its funding may be restricted to a limited set of nationalities. You should check the project and department details for more information.

PhDs at Henley Business School

Funded phd programme (students worldwide).

Some or all of the PhD opportunities in this programme have funding attached. Applications for this programme are welcome from suitably qualified candidates worldwide. Funding may only be available to a limited set of nationalities and you should read the full programme details for further information.

Business Research Programme

Business Research Programmes present a range of research opportunities, shaped by a university’s particular expertise, facilities and resources. You will usually identify a suitable topic for your PhD and propose your own project. Additional training and development opportunities may also be offered as part of your programme.

PhD in Leadership, Organisations and Behaviour at Henley Business School

Phd in finance at henley business school, accounting and financial management phd opportunities, economics phd studentships, warwick business school: phd programme, sustai cdt - the urki ai centre doctoral training in ai for sustainability is now recruiting for september 2024, ukri centre for doctoral training.

UKRI Centres for Doctoral Training conduct research and training in priority topics related to Artificial Intelligence. They are funded by the UK Government through UK Research and Innovation. Students may receive additional training and development opportunities as part of their programme.

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  • Postgraduate study

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Postgraduate research  

Economics PhD

young professionals crew working with new startup project

PhD programmes are offered in Economics, Finance and Quantitative Finance.

As an Economics PhD student, you will have opportunities to:

  • present and discuss your work in progress with colleagues and staff members as part of the Economics workshop programme for PhD students
  • take advanced MSc courses to develop your skills where appropriate
  • benefit from the College of Social Sciences Graduate School Research Training programme, where appropriate

As a research student you may have the opportunity to become a Graduate Teaching Assistant, delivering tutorials to first and second year undergraduate students and help with assessment of undergraduate assignments and examinations. Teaching is payable at a University-wide hourly rate and it is anticipated that an active GTA, subject to suitability and availability, should be able to earn up to £1,500 per annum. GTAs undergo compulsory training. PhD researchers may have the opportunity to become GTAs from their second year.  Vacant posts are advertised towards the end of semester 2.

Supervisors and students are required to complete an Annual Progress Report in April/May of each academic year. All Progress Reports are reviewed by the PhD Convenor and by the College's Graduate School. A satisfactory progress report is a prerequisite for student registration in the following academic session. Final assessment involves the submission of a thesis of between 70,000 and 100,000 words and an oral examination (viva voce).

Initial programme enquiries to  [email protected]

Study options

The Economics PhD programmes are full-time and research-based. Our PhD normally takes 3 years (full-time) to complete, although the maximum is 4 years.

PhD programmes are offered in

  • Quantitative Finance

Entry requirements

Applicants for the PhD in Economics should normally have a good Masters in the area of Economics or Finance. Applicants who are currently studying for their Masters would be expected to complete this before embarking on a PhD.

Applicants for the PhD in Quantitative Finance should normally have overall merit or above in our MSc Quantitative Finance or in a comparable Masters degree.

Required documentation

Applicants should submit:

  • Transcripts/degree certificate 
  • Two references
  • A research proposal (3000 words maximum)
  • Name of potential Supervisor

English language requirements

For applicants whose first language is not English, the University sets a minimum English Language proficiency level.

International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic module (not General Training)

  • 7.0 with no sub-test under 6.5
  • Tests must have been taken within 2 years 5 months of start date. Applicants must meet the overall and subtest requirements using a single test
  • IELTS One Skill Retake accepted.

Common equivalent English language qualifications

All stated English tests are acceptable for admission to this programme:

TOEFL (ibt, my best or athome)

  • 94; with Reading 19; Listening 20; Speaking 20; Writing 21
  • Tests must have been taken within 2 years 5 months of start date. Applicants must meet the overall and subtest requirements , this includes TOEFL mybest.

Pearsons PTE Academic

  • 66 with no subtest less than: Listening 59;Reading 60; Speaking 59; Writing 74
  • Tests must have been taken within 2 years 5 months of start date. Applicants must meet the overall and subtest requirements using a single test.

Cambridge Proficiency in English (CPE) and Cambridge Advanced English (CAE)

  • 185 overall, no subtest less than 176

Oxford English Test

  • Oxford ELLT 8
  • R&L: OIDI level no less than 7 with Reading: 25-26 and Listening: 18-19
  • W&S: OIDI level no less than 8.

Trinity College Tests

Integrated Skills in English II & III & IV: ISEII Pass with Pass in all sub-tests.

University of Glasgow Pre-sessional courses

Tests are accepted for 2 years following date of successful completion.

Alternatives to English Language qualification

  • students must have studied for a minimum of 2 years at Undergraduate level, or 9 months at Master's level, and must have complete their degree in that majority-English speaking country  and  within the last 6 years
  • students must have completed their final two years study in that majority-English speaking country  and  within the last 6 years

For international students, the Home Office has confirmed that the University can choose to use these tests to make its own assessment of English language ability for visa applications to degree level programmes. The University is also able to accept UKVI approved Secure English Language Tests (SELT) but we do not require a specific UKVI SELT for degree level programmes. We therefore still accept any of the English tests listed for admission to this programme.

Fees and funding

  • UK: £4,786
  • International & EU: £25,290

Prices are based on the annual fee for full-time study. Fees for part-time study are half the full-time fee.

Irish nationals who are living in the Common Travel Area of the UK, EU nationals with settled or pre-settled status, and Internationals with Indefinite Leave to remain status can also qualify for home fee status.

  • Fee status and policies

Alumni discount

We offer a 20% discount to our alumni on all Postgraduate Research and full Postgraduate Taught Masters programmes. This includes University of Glasgow graduates and those who have completed Junior Year Abroad, Exchange programme or International Summer School with us. The discount is applied at registration for students who are not in receipt of another discount or scholarship funded by the University. No additional application is required.

Possible additional fees

  • Re-submission by a research student £540
  • Submission for a higher degree by published work £1,355
  • Submission of thesis after deadline lapsed £350
  • Submission by staff in receipt of staff scholarship £790

Depending on the nature of the research project, some students will be expected to pay a bench fee (also known as research support costs) to cover additional costs. The exact amount will be provided in the offer letter.

  • College of Social Sciences - USyd Joint PhD Scholarship: The Socio-Economic Impacts of Colonialisation in Australia
  • Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funding

We provides financial support for PhD students to attend international academic conferences to present their co-authored research.

eSharp  is an international online journal for postgraduate research in the arts, humanities, social sciences and education. It is run entirely by graduate students and aims to provide a critical but supportive entry into the realm of academic publishing for emerging academics.

The School hosts seminars, workshops and conferences open to staff and research students. 

Training opportunities

  • Information technology services  - core computer skills and also specialist training, such as Finding and Using Library Special Collections Material and use of quantitative data analysis software.
  • Staff development service  - Personal effectiveness, working with people, business skills.
  • English language unit  - English and study skills.
  • Learning and teaching centre  - compulsory training for Graduate Teaching Assistants and also a more in-depth training course, 'Approaches to Teaching, Learning and Assessment', useful for students considering an academic career.
  • Researcher development  - personal development planning, effective research skills, business skills.
  • Research skills and professional development  - a single website for research students to find out about college-based and university-wide training initiatives, resources and courses which develop their generic research and employability skills, and support their professional development.
  • Careers service  - one-to-one guidance interviews, careers workshops, practice job interviews with recruitment experts, networking opportunities with a variety of potential employers.
  • Student employability  - access to a range of resources designed to help students get the most out of their University careers and to give them the best possible head-start when they enter (or re-enter) the job market.

A PhD in Economics offers a number of different sources of training:

  • Economics  MSc and MRes (Level 5) courses  - Economics PhD students may be able to attend relevant Economics MSc and MRes courses. 
  • Scottish Graduate Programme in Economics (SGPE) - as an Economics PhD student you may be able to become an  affiliate of the SGPE who provide a number of training opportunities.
  • Scottish Institute for Research in Economics  (SIRE) - occasionally SIRE runs PhD classes which are typically advertised by the SGPE.  It also runs workshops and conferences.
  • In addition to the above possibilities, our economics subject area also regularly offers intensive courses or workshops in different areas of economics and finance, such as courses in Matlab, Panel Data and other topics in Microeconometrics, and topics in Finance.  These are typically offered on a 2-year cycle.

Graduate School

The College of Social Sciences Graduate School draws together internationally recognised scholars and respected practitioners to offer a range of research programmes.

Our programmes are based on thorough training in research methods and we encourage you to take part in numerous exciting seminars, conferences and events. We offer modern library, IT services and a wide-range of support services. You will be living in one of Europe’s most exciting cities which has a vibrant cultural and social life. 

Our Graduate School Researcher Development Programme  will support you to plan your professional development over the course of your PhD and ensure your employability.

For more information get in touch with us at  [email protected] .

Our PhD students

  • List of our PhD students

Career prospects

Recent PhD graduates of the University of Glasgow have secured employment at universities and central banks in the UK and other countries. Examples include:

University placements in the UK

  • Bournemouth

University placements outside the UK

  • American University in Bulgaria
  • University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands)
  • University of Bari (Italy)
  • Catholic University in La Paz (Bolivia)
  • University of Napoli (Italy)
  • Quaid-i-Azam University (Pakistan)
  • Shandong University (China)

Central Banks

  • Deutsche Bundesbank (Germany)
  • Central Bank of Ireland
  • Reserve Bank of Malawi

How to apply

Identify potential supervisors.

All Postgraduate Research Students are allocated a supervisor who will act as the main source of academic support and research mentoring. You may want to identify a potential supervisor and contact them to discuss your research proposal before you apply. Please note, even if you have spoken to an academic staff member about your proposal you still need to submit an online application form.

You can find relevant academic staff members with our staff research interests search .

Also see our Research Clusters & members:

  • Applied Economics
  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics

Gather your documents

Before applying please make sure you gather the following supporting documentation:

  • Final or current degree transcripts including grades (and an official translation, if needed) – scanned copy in colour of the original document.
  • Degree certificates (and an official translation, if needed): scanned copy in colour of the original document.
  • Two references on headed paper and signed by the referee. One must be academic, the other can be academic or professional. References may be uploaded   as part of the application form or you may enter your referees contact details on the application form. We will then email your referee and notify you when we receive the reference.  We can also accept confidential references direct to  [email protected] , from the referee’s university or business email account.
  • Research proposal, CV, samples of written work as per requirements for each subject area.
  • If you have any questions about your application  before  you apply:  contact the Adam Smith Business School
  • If you have any questions  after  you have submitted your application:  contact our Admissions team
  • Any  references  may be submitted by email to:  [email protected]

International Students

  • Advice on visa, immigrations and the Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) can be found on our  International student pages

Our research environment

  • Discover how we support and develop postgraduate researchers
  • Getting started with PGR development:   how postgraduate researchers are welcomed into our community

Postgraduate researcher blogs

  • A community blog, written by and for postgraduate researchers at the University of Glasgow

Related links

  • College of Social Sciences
  • Adam Smith Business School
  • Guide to writing a research proposal

Browser does not support script.

  • Events and Seminars
  • The Beverage Report Podcast


Research - PhD Economics Programme

We take pride in the Department of Economics’ outstanding placement record and it’s our ambition to place our PhD students in the best institutions worldwide. Our placement record is comparable with the top economics departments in the world, as shown by some of our recent placements which include MIT, UC Berkeley, Columbia, Stanford and Northwestern.

Professor Robin Burgess

The LSE Department of Economics is committed to an individualised and contextual review of each application to the MRes/PhD Economics programme. 

Each year the Department of Economics admits around 20 funded students to join our vibrant doctoral programme, consisting of over 100 students from many countries and backgrounds. Our PhD students pursue research in all economic fields, closely supervised by a variety of faculty . We have a Chair and committee for both PhD Admissions and PhD Recruitment, as well as a dedicated professional staff at School and Department level managing funding and admissions.

The  LSE Economics PhD Programme  is grounded in two years of rigorous coursework through the MRes component and by a strong research element. You can find information about the individual  research courses  offered through our programmes.

As is the norm with top economic departments in the US, students entering the LSE PhD Economics programme are typically offered five years financial support; for more information please visit our Cost and Financial Aid page.

Research Centres in the Department of Economics

The LSE Department of Economics is somewhat unique for its major  Research Centres . PhD students benefit from these centres both in terms of getting access to research funds as well as other facilities which complement their doctoral research.

Suntory and Toyota International Centre for Economics and Related Disciplines  (STICERD)

Centre for Economic Performance  (CEP)

Financial Markets Group  (FMG)

Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion  (CASE)

International Growth Centre  (IGC)

Centre for Macroeconomics  (CFM)

Programme Requirements

Follow the link below to access information about the PhD routes and coursework.


Programme and School Regulations for research students

Find out more .

Further information

How to apply.

PhD Economics - Admissions FAQs

How to Apply

General Information for prospective research students

Guidelines for submitting Research Statement

An application for 2024 entry to the PhD Economics should include a Research Statement, along with other required information (Note: A separate sample of Written Work is not required as part of the PhD Economics application).

Your Research Statement should be submitted in place of the Outline Research Proposal, along with your application form and other required supporting documents, via the LSE online application system (see the  PhD Economics Admissions FAQs ).

What should my Research Statement contain?

Please answer the following questions clearly and concisely. Max 200 words per question.

1.      Why do you want to do research in economics?

2.      Can you explain how your studies and experience make you suitable to do research in economics?

3.      Which aspect of the PhD do you think you will like the most? Which will you dislike the most? Why?

4.      Tell us about your favourite paper in economics. What do you like about it? How would you improve it?

5.      Write a comment for a general audience on ONE of the following topics (i) Is inequality good for growth?  (ii) Do immigrants take the jobs of native workers?  (iii) Is CEO compensation excessive? (iv) Is universal minimum income a good idea? (v) Overall, has central banks' move to inflation targeting been a success? (vi) Is culture an important determinant of differences in income per capita across countries? (vii) Markets function well as information is aggregated efficiently through prices. (viii) Elections are effective at disciplining politicians who do not have the public interest as their main goal.

How can I demonstrate research potential?

If you have served as research assistant for an economist please ask that person to write a letter focussing on your research skills and describe your experience – reference point 2 (above) of the research statement.

If not, please list any evidence you think would be valuable. Examples include but are not restricted to: experience working autonomously under stress without any guidance, demonstration of creativity in any form, experience of writing original research.

Financial information

Costs and Financial Aid

Financial Support Office  

Job opportunities

Class Teaching Opportunities

Class teaching opportunities are available during the course of research degrees. They represent useful professional training and can be a valuable and important experience. For more information, click here.  

PhD Job Market

Towards the completion of a research degree the Department organises an orientation meeting for prospective job market candidates and offers advice as well as a platform for candidates to present their experience and research. Available soon: the page with our current job market candidates.

Current students

  • MRes/PhD Programme Director:  Professor Maitreesh Ghatak
  • MRes/PhD Programme Manager: Emma Taverner
  • PhD Placement Officer:  Matthias Doepke

You can find more information about the profiles of Faculty and Teaching Fellows or Graduate Teaching Assistants, in the People section.

Quick Links

  • Research Courses   
  • Office Hours
  • LSE Calendar : Regulations for Research Students
  • PhD Academy
  • LSE for You (login and password required)
  • Moodle (Look for individual courses on the PhD Portal) (login and password required)

phd students-welcome-2019

PhD Economics Admissions FAQs

phd offer holders

PhD Offer Holders


PhD Economics Career Placement Job market placement record


LSE Economics Applicant Mentoring Programme

32 Lincoln's Inn Fields

Research students


PhD student profiles

Students talking at a seminar

DPhil in Economics

  • Entry requirements
  • Funding and costs

College preference

  • How to apply

About the course

Oxford has a thriving group of research students studying for the DPhil in Economics. The DPhil, which is the equivalent to a PhD at most other institutions, is similar in structure to a PhD at leading economics graduate schools worldwide.

The majority of students on the DPhil at Oxford have first completed the two-year Oxford MPhil in Economics . You can also apply for the DPhil if you hold, or will hold a Master’s degree or equivalent in Economics from other universities.

All students starting the DPhil are admitted with Probationer Research Student status (PRS) in the first instance. You will take additional courses from the MPhil menu to deepen and broaden your economic training, while starting to work on your first research project. The PRS status allows for a smooth transition from learning about economic research to producing new economic insights yourself. If you haven’t completed the MPhil in Economics at Oxford, you will usually be required to take a year of coursework taking papers from either the first and/or second year of the MPhil programme. Students progressing from the MPhil in Economics at Oxford will usually complete their coursework by taking additional advanced courses from the MPhil. 

You will join one or more of the department's research groups, becoming part of a vibrant educational research community with a large number of doctoral student-led events, seminars and conferences.

You will have opportunities to present your work at a variety of seminars and sessions in the department.

Further information about part-time study

The department is able to offer the DPhil in Economics as a part-time mode. Although there is no requirement to reside in Oxford, part-time research students must attend the University on a regular basis (particularly in term-time: October and November, mid-January to mid-March, and late April to mid-June) for supervision, study, research seminars and skills training.

The department understands that part-time research students will have non-standard attendance and work patterns. To ensure a comprehensive integration into the faculty's and University's research culture and with their full-time peer groups a pattern of attendance at MPhil courses, training events and research seminars would form part of the general part-time study agreement.


The allocation of graduate supervision for this course is the responsibility of the Department of Economics and it is not always possible to accommodate the preferences of incoming graduate students to work with a particular member of staff. Under exceptional circumstances a supervisor may be found outside the Department of Economics. In those cases, the expectation is that a co-supervisor or secondary supervisor from within the Department of Economics will also be appointed.

DPhil students will work closely with their supervisors and will be expected to meet face-to-face on at least two occasions per term with additional contact through online meetings and email exchanges.

Full-time students admitted to Probationer Research Student status are first required to transfer to DPhil status. The Transfer of Status requires the completion of the Qualifying Examinations, necessary coursework, and an interview with two assessors appointed by the department, at which the candidate presents an outline of their proposed thesis and a piece of written work relevant to the thesis. The transfer is normally expected to be completed by the end of the fourth term, and no later than six terms from admission to Probationer Research Student status. In exceptional circumstances, where a student has already successfully completed advanced coursework as part of the MPhil in Economics at Oxford, the department may waive the requirement for Transfer of Status and students may progress directly to DPhil status. Upon a successful transfer to DPhil status, students are required to confirm their DPhil status no later than nine terms after admission to Probationer Research Student status. 

Candidates for Confirmation of Status are required to present a research paper at a workshop or seminar, present a detailed outline of the complete thesis and some complete draft chapters, and will be interviewed by an assessor.

Part-time students admitted to Probationer Research Student status are normally expected to transfer to DPhil status during the first two to three years of study. Upon a successful transfer to DPhil status, students are required to confirm their DPhil status no later than eighteen terms after admission as a Probationer Research Student.

The award of this degree is based on a thesis of not more than 100,000 words in length. It should constitute a significant and substantial piece of research, of a kind which might reasonably be expected of a diligent and competent student in three years of full-time study. The maximum time allowed for completion of the DPhil is four years (eight years for part-time).

Graduate destinations

The interests and strengths of the department's doctoral students are many and diverse and this is reflected in the positions they take up after graduation: most take up tenure track or postdoc positions in academia; others find employment in government, international organisations, or the private sector. The international reputation of Oxford’s doctoral programme also means that its DPhil graduates can be found making a contribution in many different parts of the world.

The department recognises the importance of helping doctoral students find suitable employment and its placement efforts are directed by a senior member of the faculty. The department provides advice and help on all aspects of the job application process, including limited financial assistance to cover travel and conference expenses.

Changes to this course and your supervision

The University will seek to deliver this course in accordance with the description set out in this course page. However, there may be situations in which it is desirable or necessary for the University to make changes in course provision, either before or after registration. The safety of students, staff and visitors is paramount and major changes to delivery or services may have to be made in circumstances of a pandemic, epidemic or local health emergency. In addition, in certain circumstances, for example due to visa difficulties or because the health needs of students cannot be met, it may be necessary to make adjustments to course requirements for international study.

Where possible your academic supervisor will not change for the duration of your course. However, it may be necessary to assign a new academic supervisor during the course of study or before registration for reasons which might include illness, sabbatical leave, parental leave or change in employment.

For further information please see our page on changes to courses and the provisions of the student contract regarding changes to courses.

Entry requirements for entry in 2024-25

Proven and potential academic excellence.

The requirements described below are specific to this course and apply only in the year of entry that is shown. You can use our interactive tool to help you  evaluate whether your application is likely to be competitive .

Please be aware that any studentships that are linked to this course may have different or additional requirements and you should read any studentship information carefully before applying. 

Degree-level qualifications

As a minimum, applicants should hold or be predicted to achieve the following UK qualifications or their equivalent:

  • an outstanding performance in a rigorous master's course in economics;  and
  • a first-class or strong upper second-class undergraduate degree with honours in economics or another approved subject (such as mathematics).

Applicants must demonstrate a strong quantitative preparation. 

Offers will usually be made conditional on obtaining a distinction grade (or an equivalent level of performance where a distinction grade is not officially awarded) at master's level. 

Please note:

  • a master's qualification that is only partially in economics would not be considered a suitable background: for example, a master's course in development studies, public administration, or in finance lacks the required level of economics content, even if there are economics courses as part of the training;
  • a master's qualification in a specialised field within economics (eg development economics, applied economics, or financial economics) may also be insufficient background. Candidates with these qualifications should provide a written statement as part of their research proposal to demonstrate that the courses on which they have been examined covered all the core material of a rigorous master's course in economics.

Applicants with an insufficient master's background in economics who wish to proceed to DPhil are encouraged to first apply to the joint MPhil+DPhil in Economics.

For applicants with a degree from the USA, the minimum cumulative GPA sought is 3.7 out of 4.0.

If your degree is not from the UK or another country specified above, visit our International Qualifications page for guidance on the qualifications and grades that would usually be considered to meet the University’s minimum entry requirements.

GRE General Test scores

If you do not hold, or will not shortly hold, a UK or Republic of Ireland degree, you must submit the results of a GRE Test obtained within the last 5 years. However, we recommend applicants from UK or Republic of Ireland universities also submit a GRE score. Entrance is very competitive and most successful applicants will have a GRE score of Verbal 160, Quantitative 164, Analytical 4.5.

Other qualifications, evidence of excellence and relevant experience

  • All candidates are expected to have working knowledge in one programming language (of the candidate’s choice) at the start of the DPhil. The department will provide advice to accepted candidates on how to acquire such knowledge.
  • Part-time applicants will also be expected to show evidence of the ability to commit time to study and, if applicable, an employer's commitment to make time available to study, to complete coursework, and attend programme and University events and modules. Where appropriate, evidence should also be provided of permission to use employers’ data in the proposed research project.
  • Publications are not expected.

English language proficiency

This course requires proficiency in English at the University's  higher level . If your first language is not English, you may need to provide evidence that you meet this requirement. The minimum scores required to meet the University's higher level are detailed in the table below.

Minimum scores required to meet the University's higher level requirement
TestMinimum overall scoreMinimum score per component
IELTS Academic (Institution code: 0713) 7.57.0

TOEFL iBT, including the 'Home Edition'

(Institution code: 0490)

110Listening: 22
Reading: 24
Speaking: 25
Writing: 24
C1 Advanced*191185
C2 Proficiency 191185

*Previously known as the Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English or Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) † Previously known as the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English or Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE)

Your test must have been taken no more than two years before the start date of your course. Our Application Guide provides  further information about the English language test requirement .

Declaring extenuating circumstances

If your ability to meet the entry requirements has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic (eg you were awarded an unclassified/ungraded degree) or any other exceptional personal circumstance (eg other illness or bereavement), please refer to the guidance on extenuating circumstances in the Application Guide for information about how to declare this so that your application can be considered appropriately.

You will need to register three referees who can give an informed view of your academic ability and suitability for the course. The  How to apply  section of this page provides details of the types of reference that are required in support of your application for this course and how these will be assessed.

Supporting documents

You will be required to supply supporting documents with your application. The  How to apply  section of this page provides details of the supporting documents that are required as part of your application for this course and how these will be assessed.

Performance at interview

Interviews are not normally held as part of the admissions process.  

How your application is assessed

Your application will be assessed purely on your proven and potential academic excellence and other entry requirements described under that heading.

References  and  supporting documents  submitted as part of your application, and your performance at interview (if interviews are held) will be considered as part of the assessment process. Whether or not you have secured funding will not be taken into consideration when your application is assessed.

An overview of the shortlisting and selection process is provided below. Our ' After you apply ' pages provide  more information about how applications are assessed . 

Shortlisting and selection

Students are considered for shortlisting and selected for admission without regard to age, disability, gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity, race (including colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins), religion or belief (including lack of belief), sex, sexual orientation, as well as other relevant circumstances including parental or caring responsibilities or social background. However, please note the following:

  • socio-economic information may be taken into account in the selection of applicants and award of scholarships for courses that are part of  the University’s pilot selection procedure  and for  scholarships aimed at under-represented groups ;
  • country of ordinary residence may be taken into account in the awarding of certain scholarships; and
  • protected characteristics may be taken into account during shortlisting for interview or the award of scholarships where the University has approved a positive action case under the Equality Act 2010.

Processing your data for shortlisting and selection

Information about  processing special category data for the purposes of positive action  and  using your data to assess your eligibility for funding , can be found in our Postgraduate Applicant Privacy Policy.

Admissions panels and assessors

All recommendations to admit a student involve the judgement of at least two members of the academic staff with relevant experience and expertise, and must also be approved by the Director of Graduate Studies or Admissions Committee (or equivalent within the department).

Admissions panels or committees will always include at least one member of academic staff who has undertaken appropriate training.

Other factors governing whether places can be offered

The following factors will also govern whether candidates can be offered places:

  • the ability of the University to provide the appropriate supervision for your studies, as outlined under the 'Supervision' heading in the  About  section of this page;
  • the ability of the University to provide appropriate support for your studies (eg through the provision of facilities, resources, teaching and/or research opportunities); and
  • minimum and maximum limits to the numbers of students who may be admitted to the University's taught and research programmes.

Offer conditions for successful applications

If you receive an offer of a place at Oxford, your offer will outline any conditions that you need to satisfy and any actions you need to take, together with any associated deadlines. These may include academic conditions, such as achieving a specific final grade in your current degree course. These conditions will usually depend on your individual academic circumstances and may vary between applicants. Our ' After you apply ' pages provide more information about offers and conditions . 

In addition to any academic conditions which are set, you will also be required to meet the following requirements:

Financial Declaration

If you are offered a place, you will be required to complete a  Financial Declaration  in order to meet your financial condition of admission.

Disclosure of criminal convictions

In accordance with the University’s obligations towards students and staff, we will ask you to declare any  relevant, unspent criminal convictions  before you can take up a place at Oxford.

Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS)

Some postgraduate research students in science, engineering and technology subjects will need an Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) certificate prior to applying for a  Student visa (under the Student Route) . For some courses, the requirement to apply for an ATAS certificate may depend on your research area.

With more than 60 academics in permanent posts and 30+ postdoctoral research fellows, the Department of Economics is a large and vibrant international community of researchers. In the 2021 REF, Oxford was ranked first in terms of overall research ‘power’ and funding market share.

The department hosts research centres such as the Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE), which is internationally recognised as a hub for innovative research and outreach to the academic and policy-making communities world-wide through their seminars, workshops and annual conferences.

Within the department, specialised research groups play a key role in bringing together faculty and graduate students working in particular sub-fields, supporting and mentoring doctoral students and postdoctoral research fellows, and promoting research of the highest international standard.

The research groups provide an important interface between the research centres and the department, for example, econometrics and the INET programme on Economic Modelling (EMOD); development economics and CSAE. Other research groups facilitate collaboration across departments, as in the case of the economic history group and economic historians in the Faculty of History. Each research group runs a regular seminar series with external presenters, plus a more informal workshop in which members, including DPhil students, present their research in progress.

Students can access a range of internship programmes through the University Careers Office as well as the RCUK Policy Internship scheme for ESRC-funded students. In addition, the Bank of England and Goldman Sachs each provide a short summer internship for a doctoral student specialising in macroeconomics or finance and the Department of Economics is accredited by the Asian Development Bank to nominate candidates for their internship programme. In recent cohorts, students have benefited from an internship with organisations including the EBRD, European Central Bank, UK Home Office, as well as those identified above.

The Department of Economics is located in the Manor Road Building in central Oxford, alongside the Department of Politics and International Relations. The department contains faculty offices and open-plan workspaces for DPhil students and postdoctoral research, with access to Wi-Fi and print services. A BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy is in place within the Economics department, enabling you to access data shares, printing, software and for some, a full Windows desktop via the department's Virtual Desktop environment. The Manor Road IT team support all IT-related infrastructure and systems within the department, including desktops, laptops and tablets, and all associated peripherals (printers, scanners, webcams etc) and software provision.

The Manor Road Building also houses the Bodleian Social Sciences Library (SSL), a first-class research library open to all members of the University. The SSL holds over 250,000 printed books, over 1,000 printed journal titles, as well as statistical publications, working papers, dissertations, pamphlets and reports. Online resources include almost 100,000 e-journals and an extensive collection of databases and archives in the social sciences. Graduate teaching and most seminars take place within the Manor Road Building, where there is also a cafeteria and common room for students' use.

Oxford's Department of Economics is one of Europe's leading research departments and its members include some of the world's most distinguished academic economists.

The department offers its community of around 300 graduate students a rigorous and relevant training in economics, providing a setting in which debate and research can flourish. The department’s graduate courses prepare students for a wide range of careers in academia, government and business.

The department is committed to excellence in teaching and the MPhil and DPhil in Economics are internationally recognised for the quality of the training provided. The University of Oxford is ranked 2nd in Europe in the most recent Tilburg University ranking of Economics departments, based on research contribution for the period between 2016-2020. In the 2021 Research Excellence Framework exercise, that evaluated research output of UK Universities, Oxford was first for overall research strength in Economics and Econometrics, with more research ranked as ‘world-leading’ than any other participating institution.

In a submission of 84 FTE academics, which was the largest number of researchers submitted in the Economics and Econometrics Unit of Assessment, 94% of the department's research output was assessed as ‘internationally excellent’ or ‘world-leading’ (3* or 4*). The scale and breadth of the Department’s research is a product of a vibrant and well-connected community, with particular attention on supporting early career researchers. The Department maintains world-class expertise in the core discipline areas of microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics, while building clusters of research strength in more specialist subfields – notably applied microeconomics; behavioural economics and game theory; the economics of climate change and sustainability; machine learning; economic history; development economics.

Oxford has one of the strongest, largest, and most varied groups of economists in the world. Our objective is to engage in innovative research that extends the frontiers of the discipline, deepening our understanding of the operation of modern economies. Research spans almost all the major sub-fields of economics with particular strengths in microeconomic theory, including behavioural economics; econometrics, both micro-econometrics and time series; economic history and development and international economics. Research activity is focused within smaller, specialised groups, with each group holding regular workshops at which research by faculty and graduate students is presented and discussed. Many distinguished researchers from outside Oxford also visit to present their work at seminars.

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The University expects to be able to offer over 1,000 full or partial graduate scholarships across the collegiate University in 2024-25. You will be automatically considered for the majority of Oxford scholarships , if you fulfil the eligibility criteria and submit your graduate application by the relevant December or January deadline. Most scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic merit and/or potential. 

For further details about searching for funding as a graduate student visit our dedicated Funding pages, which contain information about how to apply for Oxford scholarships requiring an additional application, details of external funding, loan schemes and other funding sources.

Please ensure that you visit individual college websites for details of any college-specific funding opportunities using the links provided on our college pages or below:

Please note that not all the colleges listed above may accept students on this course. For details of those which do, please refer to the College preference section of this page.

Further information about funding opportunities for this course can be found on the department's website.

Annual fees for entry in 2024-25

Full-time study.


Further details about fee status eligibility can be found on the fee status webpage.

Part-time study


Information about course fees

Course fees are payable each year, for the duration of your fee liability (your fee liability is the length of time for which you are required to pay course fees). For courses lasting longer than one year, please be aware that fees will usually increase annually. For details, please see our guidance on changes to fees and charges .

Course fees cover your teaching as well as other academic services and facilities provided to support your studies. Unless specified in the additional information section below, course fees do not cover your accommodation, residential costs or other living costs. They also don’t cover any additional costs and charges that are outlined in the additional information below.

Continuation charges

Following the period of fee liability , you may also be required to pay a University continuation charge and a college continuation charge. The University and college continuation charges are shown on the Continuation charges page.

Where can I find further information about fees?

The Fees and Funding  section of this website provides further information about course fees , including information about fee status and eligibility  and your length of fee liability .

Additional information

There are no compulsory elements of this course that entail additional costs beyond fees (or, after fee liability ends, continuation charges) and living costs. However, please note that, depending on your choice of research topic and the research required to complete it, you may incur additional expenses, such as travel expenses, research expenses, and field trips. You will need to meet these additional costs, although you may be able to apply for small grants from your department and/or college to help you cover some of these expenses.

Please note that you are required to attend in Oxford for a minimum of 30 days each year, and you may incur additional travel and accommodation expenses for this. Also, depending on your choice of research topic and the research required to complete it, you may incur further additional expenses, such as travel expenses, research expenses, and field trips. You will need to meet these additional costs, although you may be able to apply for small grants from your department and/or college to help you cover some of these expenses.

Living costs

In addition to your course fees, you will need to ensure that you have adequate funds to support your living costs for the duration of your course.

For the 2024-25 academic year, the range of likely living costs for full-time study is between c. £1,345 and £1,955 for each month spent in Oxford. Full information, including a breakdown of likely living costs in Oxford for items such as food, accommodation and study costs, is available on our living costs page. The current economic climate and high national rate of inflation make it very hard to estimate potential changes to the cost of living over the next few years. When planning your finances for any future years of study in Oxford beyond 2024-25, it is suggested that you allow for potential increases in living expenses of around 5% each year – although this rate may vary depending on the national economic situation. UK inflationary increases will be kept under review and this page updated.

If you are studying part-time your living costs may vary depending on your personal circumstances but you must still ensure that you will have sufficient funding to meet these costs for the duration of your course.

Students enrolled on this course will belong to both a department/faculty and a college. Please note that ‘college’ and ‘colleges’ refers to all 43 of the University’s colleges, including those designated as societies and permanent private halls (PPHs). 

If you apply for a place on this course you will have the option to express a preference for one of the colleges listed below, or you can ask us to find a college for you. Before deciding, we suggest that you read our brief  introduction to the college system at Oxford  and our  advice about expressing a college preference . For some courses, the department may have provided some additional advice below to help you decide.

The following colleges accept students for full-time study on this course:

  • Balliol College
  • Blackfriars
  • Brasenose College
  • Campion Hall
  • Christ Church
  • Corpus Christi College
  • Exeter College
  • Harris Manchester College
  • Hertford College
  • Jesus College
  • Keble College
  • Kellogg College
  • Lady Margaret Hall
  • Linacre College
  • Lincoln College
  • Magdalen College
  • Mansfield College
  • Merton College
  • New College
  • Nuffield College
  • Oriel College
  • Pembroke College
  • The Queen's College
  • Regent's Park College
  • Reuben College
  • St Anne's College
  • St Antony's College
  • St Catherine's College
  • St Cross College
  • St Edmund Hall
  • St Hilda's College
  • St Hugh's College
  • St John's College
  • St Peter's College
  • Somerville College
  • Trinity College
  • University College
  • Wadham College
  • Wolfson College
  • Worcester College
  • Wycliffe Hall

The following colleges accept students for part-time study on this course:

Before you apply

Our  guide to getting started  provides general advice on how to prepare for and start your application. You can use our interactive tool to help you  evaluate whether your application is likely to be competitive .

If it's important for you to have your application considered under a particular deadline – eg under a December or January deadline in order to be considered for Oxford scholarships – we recommend that you aim to complete and submit your application at least two weeks in advance . Check the deadlines on this page and the  information about deadlines and when to apply  in our Application Guide.

Application fee waivers

An application fee of £75 is payable for each application to this course. Application fee waivers are available for the following applicants who meet the eligibility criteria:

  • applicants from low-income countries;
  • refugees and displaced persons; 
  • UK applicants from low-income backgrounds; and 
  • applicants who applied for our Graduate Access Programmes in the past two years and met the eligibility criteria.

You are encouraged to  check whether you're eligible for an application fee waiver  before you apply.

Readmission for current Oxford graduate taught students

If you're currently studying for an Oxford graduate taught course and apply to this course with no break in your studies, you may be eligible to apply to this course as a readmission applicant. The application fee will be waived for an eligible application of this type. Check whether you're eligible to apply for readmission .

Do I need to contact anyone before I apply?

You do not need to make contact with the department before you apply but you are encouraged to visit the relevant departmental webpages to read any further information about your chosen course.

Completing your application

You should refer to the information below when completing the application form, paying attention to the specific requirements for the supporting documents . 

If any document does not meet the specification, including the stipulated word count, your application may be considered incomplete and not assessed by the academic department. Expand each section to show further details.

Referees: Three overall, academic and/or professional

Whilst you must register three referees, the department may start the assessment of your application if two of the three references are submitted by the course deadline and your application is otherwise complete. Please note that you may still be required to ensure your third referee supplies a reference for consideration.

It is recommended that you provide three academic references, however the department will accept one professional reference of the three required overall. Your references will support intellectual ability, academic achievement, and motivation.

Official transcript(s)

Your transcripts should give detailed information of the individual grades received in your university-level qualifications to date. You should only upload official documents issued by your institution and any transcript not in English should be accompanied by a certified translation.

More information about the transcript requirement is available in the Application Guide.

A CV/résumé is compulsory for this course. Most applicants choose to submit a document of one to two pages highlighting their academic achievements and any relevant professional experience.

Research proposal: A maximum of 1,500 words

You should submit a detailed outline of your proposed research, written in English, covering areas such as the background to the research, methodology, expected results and the contribution to the field of learning.

It is not necessary to include your bibliography in the overall word count. 

If possible, please ensure that the word count is clearly displayed on the document.

This will be assessed for:

  • your reasons for applying;
  • the coherence of the proposal;
  • the originality of the project;
  • evidence of motivation for and understanding of the proposed area of study;
  • the ability to present a reasoned case in English;
  • the feasibility of successfully completing the project in the time available for the course (a maximum of 4 years);
  • commitment to the subject, beyond the requirements of the degree course;
  • preliminary knowledge of research techniques;
  • capacity for sustained and intense work;
  • reasoning ability; and
  • ability to absorb new ideas, often presented abstractly, at a rapid pace.

Written work: One essay of a maximum of 2,000 words

An academic essay or other writing sample from your most recent qualification, written in English, is required. An extract of the requisite length from longer work is also permissible. The written work should be related to the subject you propose to study.

The written work should be typed and in English. The word count does not need to include any bibliography or brief footnotes.

  • a comprehensive understanding of the subject area;
  • understanding of problems in the area;
  • ability to construct and defend an argument;
  • powers of analysis; and
  • powers of expression.

GRE General Test results

If you do not hold, or will not shortly hold, a UK or Republic of Ireland degree, you must submit the results of a GRE Test obtained within the last 5 years. However, we recommend that applicants from UK or Republic of Ireland universities also submit a GRE score. Entrance is very competitive, and most successful applicants have a GRE score of at least 160 for verbal, 164 for quantitative and 4.5 for analytical.

Start or continue your application

You can start or return to an application using the relevant link below. As you complete the form, please  refer to the requirements above  and  consult our Application Guide for advice .

Application Guide   Apply - Full time Apply - Part time


Closed to applications for entry in 2024-25

Register to be notified via email when the next application cycle opens (for entry in 2025-26)

12:00 midday UK time on:

Friday 19 January 2024 Latest deadline for most Oxford scholarships Final application deadline for entry in 2024-25

Key facts
 Full TimePart Time
Course codeRD_W1RD_W9P1
Expected length3-4 years6-8 years
Places in 2024-25 c. 25c. 3
Applications/year*169 9
Expected start
English language

*Three-year average (applications for entry in 2021-22 to 2023-24)

Further information and enquiries

This course is offered by the Department of Economics

  • Course page on the department's website
  • Funding information from the department
  • Academic and research staff
  • Departmental research
  • Social Sciences Division
  • Residence requirements for full-time courses
  • Postgraduate applicant privacy policy

Course-related enquiries

Advice about contacting the department can be found in the How to apply section of this page

✉ e [email protected] ☎ +44 (0)1865 281290

Application-process enquiries

See the application guide

Other courses to consider

You may also wish to consider applying to other courses that are similar or related to this course:

MPhil + DPhil in Economics

You can study this course as part of our five-year integrated  MPhil+DPhil in Economics  which enables students to first study for the two-year MPhil in Economics and then automatically switch to the DPhil in Economics.

Visa eligibility for part-time study

We are unable to sponsor student visas for part-time study on this course. Part-time students may be able to attend on a visitor visa for short blocks of time only (and leave after each visit) and will need to remain based outside the UK.

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Course closed:

Economics is no longer accepting new applications.

This is the most advanced programme of graduate studies in Economics at Cambridge which offers the opportunity for detailed research on a specific topic within the broad field of Economics under the supervision of leading experts. Upon its completion, candidates are awarded a PhD degree for producing a thesis of high-quality, original, and publishable research.

Our PhD students receive high-quality training on a variety of research methods and are exposed to cutting edge research conducted by our own Faculty members, as well visitors to the Faculty (via the Janeway Institute Cambridge, seminars, PhD workshops, locally organised conferences, etc.). Faculty members can supervise a wide range of topics from six broadly defined research areas: microeconomic theory, macroeconomics, econometrics, applied microeconomics, economic history and alternative approaches to economics.

PhD students in Cambridge benefit from a high faculty-to-student ratio and therefore form close relationships with many Faculty members. They also forge strong links with our post-doctoral researchers, and they actively participate in the Faculty’s vibrant research life. They have access to a wide range of facilities, such as their own desk/office space in the same building as regular Faculty members, computing equipment, a variety of software and access to a wide range of databases.

Please see the University ranking in the world and the UK at  The World University Rankings 2022 . 

PhD students are encouraged to attend academic conferences and showcase their research work in a variety of ways. Upon completion of their studies, many of our PhD students become academics, or researchers at international or government research institutions (see recent job market placements on Faculty website ).

The Postgraduate Virtual Open Day usually takes place at the end of October. It’s a great opportunity to ask questions to admissions staff and academics, explore the Colleges virtually, and to find out more about courses, the application process and funding opportunities. Visit the  Postgraduate Open Day  page for more details.

See further the  Postgraduate Admissions Events  pages for other events relating to Postgraduate study, including study fairs, visits and international events.

Key Information

3-4 years full-time, 4-7 years part-time, study mode : research, doctor of philosophy, faculty of economics, course - related enquiries, application - related enquiries, course on department website, dates and deadlines:, michaelmas 2024 (closed).

Some courses can close early. See the Deadlines page for guidance on when to apply.

Funding Deadlines

These deadlines apply to applications for courses starting in Michaelmas 2024, Lent 2025 and Easter 2025.

Similar Courses

  • Economics MPhil
  • Economics AdvDip
  • Economic Research MPhil
  • Technology Policy MPhil
  • History MSt

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PhD Programs in Economics in the United Kingdom

Study economics in the united kingdom.

If you are looking to do your PhD degree in economics abroad, the United Kingdom is a great international destination. The UK is home to many of the best universities for economics in the world, all engaged in cutting-edge economics research. A doctoral degree in economics in the UK only takes 3-4 years to complete making it a quick and affordable option. Graduates from UK economics colleges also have excellent career prospects, while teaching here encourages individual research alongside group discussions and assignments.

Pursue your research interests, be it economics theory, macroeconomics, econometrics, health economics, financial economics, behavioral economics, applied economics or development economics. Start your postgraduate training in the UK and enjoy the cosmopolitan atmosphere of British Universities.

Key Information

• Academic year: September – May • Study length: 3-4 years • Type of degrees: Doctor of Philosopy (Ph.D or D.Phil.), Doctor of Science (D.Sc.), Postgraduate Certificate (PgCert), Professional Doctorate, e.g. Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.) • Fees: between £15,000 and £25,000/year (funding usually covers most or all costs) • Scholarships: The Chevening Scholarships , The Royal Society Grants , The Commonwealth Scholarhips , scholarships from UK universities • Living costs: £700 – £1300 (London most expensive) • Average starting salary: £52,000 for economists with a PhD degree ( INOMICS Salary Report )

Highlighted PhD courses in economics in the United Kingdom

Logo for School of Economics, University of Surrey

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Doctoral programme in Economics (MRes+PhD)

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MRes and PhD research programme in Economics

Logo for University of Exeter

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PhD Scholarships at Exeter Economics

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Cardiff Business School - Wales Graduate School for the Social Sciences (WGSSS) (ESRC DTP) FULLY FUNDED GENERAL STUDENTS

Best universities to study economics uk.

The University of Cambridge , Oxford , and The London School of Economics all rank in the Top 10 of the Times Higher Education World Rankings for Economics . Indeed, the United Kingdom is the only country to rank institutions in the Top 10 outside the United States. Other World Top 100 UK universities for PhD in economics include UCL , Warwick , Manchester , Edinburgh , Surrey , Leeds , Sussex and Lancaster .

Best Universities in London for Economics

A global financial centre and cultural giant, London boasts more highly rated economics schools than perhaps any other city in the world. Economics colleges in London include the London School of Economics , UCL and City, University of London . Pursuing an economics doctoral degree in London opens the door to one of the liveliest job markets for economists after graduation and the chance to live in the political and cultural hub of the UK.

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PhD programs in London

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PhD programs in Edinburgh

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PhD programs in Glasgow

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PhD programs in Liverpool

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10 Most Affordable Countries in Europe to Do Your Economics PhD

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Sample Motivation Letter For Your Economics PhD Application

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UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources

Sustainable Resources MPhil/PhD


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You will join an interdisciplinary School that with a mission to provide evidence, expertise and training to respond to climate change and support sustainable transitions for people and planet. Our research spans energy, finance, sustainable economies, innovation and human-ecosystem interactions. Our faculty is where the UK’s most ‘World Leading’ and ‘Internationally Excellent’ built environment research is undertaken in the UK (REF 2021).

Dedicated support

You will benefit from UCL’s Doctoral School , a cross-university support platform for our postgraduate research community. They are committed to enhancing your UCL research experience offering many resources, guidance, training opportunities and more to help you succeed.

Interdisciplinary learning environment

UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources is one of four Institutes within  The Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources  with a shared mission to address the challenges of global sustainability. Your PhD experience will be enriched by joining a cohort of PhD students tackling these challenges across sustainable resources, energy, sustainable heritage, and environmental design and engineering.

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Best universities in the UK 2024 - University Rankings

The university of oxford is top in a list of the best universities in the uk 2024, which includes institutions in england, wales, scotland and northern ireland.

  • Rankings for Students

The University of Oxford

Top 10 universities in the UK 2024

Scroll down for the full list of best universities in the UK

UK Rank 2024 World University 2024 Rank  World University 2023 Rank  University City/town
1  1   1  Oxford
2  5   =3  Cambridge
3  8   10  London
4  22   22  London
5  =30   29  Edinburgh
6  =38   35  London
7  46   37  London
8  51   =54  Manchester
9  81   76  Bristol
10  =87   =82  Glasgow

Which are the top universities in the UK? If you want to study in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, which universities should you consider?

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This league table reveals the best UK universities and colleges, according to the trusted Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024.

The University of Oxford takes the first place position, with the University of Cambridge following in second place, while two of London’s best universities and a Scottish university complete the top five.

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Three universities in Scotland appear in the top 25 – the University of Edinburgh , the University of Glasgow and the University of St Andrews – while Cardiff University is the top-ranked Welsh university, sitting in 24th place.

For students looking to study in Northern Ireland, the best university in the ranking is Queen’s University Belfast .

Of the top universities in the UK, about 20 are in London, including well-known institutions such as Imperial College London and King’s College London.

A guide to student funding in the UK for international students A guide to the NHS for international students in the UK Where did UK royals go to university? A day in the life of a university student in the UK

Top 5 universities in the UK

5.  university of edinburgh.

Founded in 1583, the University of Edinburgh is the sixth-oldest university in the English-speaking world and one of Britain and Ireland’s seven ancient universities.

It is made up of three colleges: arts, humanities and social sciences; science and engineering; and medicine and veterinary medicine. Within these colleges are 20 academic schools.

A range of student clubs and societies is on offer, including a music society, a theatre society and a variety of sports teams including football, rowing, judo and rugby.

The student newspaper, The Student , is one of the oldest student newspapers in the UK. It was founded by the author Robert Louis Stevenson.

UCL’s main campus is in the central London area of Bloomsbury. Nearly half of all UCL students are from outside the UK, with significantly more from Asia than from continental Europe.

UCL was the first university in England to admit students irrespective of class, race or religion, and the first to admit women on equal terms with men, following the educational philosophy of Jeremy Bentham, the university’s “spiritual founder”.

For admission, undergraduate students are required to have achieved top grades in their high school exams. The most competitive degree is the BSc in philosophy, politics and economics, which receives 30 applicants for every place.

Famous alumni include Mahatma Gandhi; Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone; and Coldplay’s Chris Martin, who met the other members of his band at the university.

3. Imperial College London

Imperial’s main campus is near Kensington Palace in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, with other campuses around the city. The student cohort is extremely international and is made up of more than 125 nationalities.

Imperial College London is consistently ranked among the best universities in the world for science, technology, engineering, medicine and business.

It was formed in 1907 from a merger of three colleges in London and now has 17,000 students and 8,000 staff.

In addition to top scientists, Fields medallists and Nobel prizewinners, Imperial also produces influential government advisers and policymakers. Many graduates go on to achieve breakthrough innovations in industry and business, and are highly sought after by blue-chip companies and start-ups.

The author H. G. Wells and Sir Alexander Fleming, who discovered penicillin, are among Imperial’s famous alumni.

Ten things every international student in London should know

2. University of Cambridge

In total, 117 Nobel laureates are affiliated with the University of Cambridge , and Cambridge-linked mathematicians have won 11 Fields medals. Notable alumni include actors, athletes, politicians, royals and cultural figures, including biologist Charles Darwin, broadcaster David Attenborough, conservationist Jane Goodall and actress Olivia Colman.

Like Oxford, the University of Cambridge is fundamentally collegiate and is also one of the world’s oldest and most prestigious universities. The town is just an hour from London.

The university is home to more than 19,000 students and 9,000 staff. There are 31 colleges, some of which date back to the 13th century, and more than 100 academic departments.

Cambridge is particularly renowned for excellence in mathematics and has educated some of the most famous British scientists.

Undergraduates are taught via lectures and supervisions – intimate tutorials with only a couple of other students at most. The workload is heavy but terms are shorter than at many other UK universities.

Cambridge libraries are home to extensive collections of medieval manuscripts, and the university museums display collections of archaeological artefacts and zoological specimens.

Oxbridge and the Ivy League: tips for applications

1. University of Oxford

More than 30 world leaders, 27 British prime ministers, 50 Nobelists and 120 Olympic medallists were educated at Oxford. Stephen Hawking, Hugh Grant and Indira Gandhi are some of its famous graduates.

Undergraduates and postgraduates belong to one of its 44 colleges and often live in the college building or college-owned accommodation.

One of the world’s oldest and most prestigious universities, the University of Oxford attracts top scholars and students. Entry standards are high and admission is competitive; on average, the institution receives five applications for each available place.

Social life and recreational activities – such as rowing, cultural events and societies – also revolve around the college. Undergraduates are taught almost exclusively by tutors in their college, while postgraduate students are primarily served academically by a centralised faculty.

There are more than 100 libraries at Oxford, the most famous of which is the Bodleian, built in 1602. The city also has a number of museums, including the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, which houses the remains of a dodo, and the Museum of the History of Science, which displays a blackboard used by Albert Einstein.

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Best universities in the UK 2024

Click each institution to view its full World University Rankings 2024 profile

UK Rank 2024 World University 2024 Rank  World University 2023 Rank  University City/town
1  1   1  Oxford
2  5   =3  Cambridge
3  8   10  London
4  22   22  London
5  =30   29  Edinburgh
6  =38   35  London
7  46   37  London
8  51   =54  Manchester
9  81   76  Bristol
10  =87   =82  Glasgow
11  =97   =108  Southampton
12  101   =108  Birmingham
13  105   =114  Sheffield
14  =106   =104  Warwick
15  129   =128  Leeds
16  =130   130  Nottingham
17  135   =124  London
18  147   =139  York
19  =155   122  Lancaster
=20  =168   =176  Liverpool
=20  =168   =139  Newcastle
22  174   =198  Durham
23  =177   =137  Exeter
24  190   =187  Cardiff
25  =193   201–250  St Andrews
=26  201–250   =192  Aberdeen
=26  201–250   =163  Leicester
=26  201–250   =198  Belfast
=26  201–250   =198  Reading
=26  201–250   201–250  Brighton
=31  251–300   251–300  Bath
=31  251–300   201–250  Norwich
=31  251–300   351–400  Loughborough
=31  251–300   201–250  Guildford
=31  251–300   251–300  Swansea
=31 301-350 NR London
=37  301–350   201–250  Dundee
=37  301–350   301–350  Essex
=37  301–350   351–400  Egham
=37  301–350   201–250  London
=37  301–350   401–500  Strathclyde
=42  351–400   401–500  London
=42  351–400   351–400  London
=42  351–400   501–600  Edinburgh
=45  401–500   401–500  Birmingham
=45  401–500   401–500  Bangor
=45  401–500   251–300  Bournemouth
=45  401–500   501–600  London
=45  401–500   501–600  Hull
=45  401–500   351–400  Kent
=45  401–500   401–500  Plymouth
=45  401–500   401–500  Portsmouth
=45  401–500   351–400  London
=45  401–500   501–600  London
=45  401–500   351–400  Stirling
=56  501–600   501–600  Aberystwyth
=56  501–600   301–350  East Anglia
=56  501–600   501–600  Bradford
=56  501–600   251–300  Brighton
=56  501–600   401–500  Edinburgh
=56  501–600   501–600  London
=56  501–600   601–800  Huddersfield
=56  501–600   501–600  Keele
=56  501–600   401–500  Lincoln
=56  501–600   401–500  Liverpool
=56  501–600   601–800  Manchester
=56  501–600   401–500  London
=56  501–600   501–600  Northumbria
=56  501–600   501–600  Nottingham
=56  501–600   401–500  Bristol
=70  601–800   501–600  Birmingham
=70  601–800   801–1000  Coventry
=70  601–800   601–800  Leicester
=70  601–800   601–800  Derby
=70  601–800   601–800  Glasgow
=70  601–800   601–800  Hatfield
=70  601–800   601–800  London
=70  601–800   601–800  Nationwide
=70  601–800   601–800  Oxford
=70  601–800   401–500  Edinburgh
=70  601–800   601–800  Ulster
=70  601–800   601–800  Paisley
=70  601–800   601–800  Wolverhampton
=83  801–1000   801–1000  Brighton
=83  801–1000   NR  Cheltenham
=83  801–1000   801–1000  London
=83  801–1000   801–1000  Leeds
=83  801–1000   1001–1200  Aberdeen
=83  801–1000   801–1000  London
=83  801–1000   801–1000  Salford
=83  801–1000   801–1000  Sheffield
=83  801–1000   1001–1200  London
=92  1001–1200   801–1000  Luton
=92  1001–1200   1201–1500  Kent
=92  1001–1200   1001–1200  Preston
=92  1001–1200   1001–1200  London
=92  1001–1200   801–1000  Ormskirk
=92  1001–1200   1001–1200  Pontypridd
=92  1001–1200   1201–1500  Stoke-on-Trent
=92  1001–1200   1001–1200  Teesside
=92  1001–1200   NR  London
=92  1001–1200   801–1000  Winchester
=102  1201–1500   1001–1200  Cardiff
=102  1201–1500   1201–1500  Chester
=102  1201–1500   1001–1200  Sunderland


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