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Cue cards for public speaking 

How to make cue cards & use them effectively.

By:  Susan Dugdale  

Making good cue cards from standard office supply index or note cards to help you confidently deliver an extemporaneous  speech is relatively easy.  And using them well will lift the quality of your presentation immeasurably. (Truly! I promise you that's not hyperbole. ☺)

What's on this page

Step-by-step guidelines on how to make cue cards and use them well:

  • what are cue cards ?
  • the benefits of using cue cards
  • the materials required to make cue cards
  • the 10 features of an effective cue card
  • how to write up cue cards - the 3-step process to get from a speech outline to cue cards that work the way you want them to  
  • how to rehearse with cue cards
  • the difference between cue cards and flash cards

What are cue cards?

Cue * or note cards, used by speakers when making an extemporaneous speech * , are typically handheld. They are about 4 inches by 6 inches in size, with carefully selected and ordered words and phrases written on them. These act as prompt to help speakers remember what they have to say.

* A  cue is a signal or a prompt to say or do something. * extemporaneous speech -a well-prepared speech that relies on research, clear organization, and practiced delivery, but is neither read nor completely memorized.

The benefits of using cue cards

People who do not use cue cards to help them deliver a prepared speech either read it from a word-for-word printout or rely entirely on their memory.

However, both these delivery methods have potential traps for the unwary.

  • Reading a speech well is a skill and like any skill it needs work to become proficient at it. Someone who hasn't practiced reading aloud is very likely to be difficult to listen to and to watch.
  • Opting to deliver a speech entirely from memory is only effective if you've done enough practice. A blank-out and trying to chase down lost words in front of an audience can be hard to recover from. (There is no safety-net!)

Enter cue cards!

The benefits of using cue cards well are:

  • Not being anchored to a podium reading the entire text of your speech. This enables you to freely interact with your audience: -to make eye contact, -to observe and readily respond, for instance to clarify a   point you can see has not been understood, to leave out   bits you can tell are not wanted or needed..., -to gesture and move easily.
  • Not being left stranded and floundering because you have forgotten important details, or the sequence of your material. Cue cards are reassuring.  

A well-prepared set of cue cards will give you confidence. You will sound, look and feel more present, and your entire delivery will have more life, more energy! ďťż

For those of you who are nervous about making the transition from the safety of a complete sentence by sentence script to note cards, don't be. Take it slowly. Give yourself time to thoroughly prepare and rehearse with them, and you'll be delighted with the result.

The materials needed

You'll need a packet of standard index cards, similar to the one in the illustration below, a selection of highlighters, (for example, yellow, pink, blue and green), and an easily-read pen. I suggest using one with either blue or black ink.

Image - materials needed for cue cards: index card, colored highlighters, and pen

The 10 features of good cue cards 

The information you put on your cards and how you lay it out is critically important. You need to be able to read and understand them at a glance. (See the illustration below)

The most user-friendly cue cards:

  • have ONE main subject heading or idea per card
  • have a heading showing which part of the speech the card belongs to  
  • are written or printed clearly using larger than usual font   - so you can read them easily
  • have plenty of white space around each word or phrase to help them stand out
  • use bullet points or numbers to itemize the supporting ideas under the main heading
  • are written on ONE side of the card only
  • are clearly numbered so that you know the order they come in and it can be a good idea to tie them together .   Use a hole punch to make a hole through the left corner of your cards and tie with a loop of string long enough to allow them to be flipped. The advantage of that is if you drop or somehow get them out of sequence, you're not scrabbling around trying to get them back into the right order and find where you'd got up to while being watched. That can be tough with dozens of pairs of eyes on you!  
  • are color-coded to show your main idea, supporting ideas, examples and transitions or links.
  • have where props are to be shown . For example: Main Idea One - Supporting Idea - Example - Show slide 1
  • have approximate timings marked so you can track yourself through your allotted time. If you find you're going over you can adjust by leaving out an extra example or conversely if you're under time, you can add one in.

Image: How to make a cue card - illustration showing features of a good cue card.

Preparing your speech for cue cards

Before starting the cue cards you need to make sure your speech is fully prepared.

The next 3 steps are an essential part of the preparation process.

1. Reviewing your speech outline

Using your speech outline go through from the beginning checking the sequence of ideas, supporting material and  transitions to ensure all your information is in an effective and logical sequence.  (And if you haven't made an outline yet  download and use the blank one available from the link below.)

Have you outlined your speech?

If you haven't got a speech outline already prepared ...

Use the printable blank speech outline template you'll find on this page: sample speech outline . It will make preparing your cue cards a breeze. 

Image: Excited girl exclaiming: Click here to get a printable speech outline template! Yes, yes, yes.

2. Try your speech out loud

Use your outline to try your speech out loud. Say it through as if you were actually giving it and time yourself.

Remember to allow for pausing, waiting for the audience to finish laughing before you begin talking again, and so on.

You may need to edit if it's too long and it's a lot easier to do that at this stage. 

3. Feedback

Once you have the length right for your time allowance, ask a few people whose judgment you trust to listen to you give your speech. Have them give you feedback on its content, structure and delivery, paying particular attention to the introduction and the close.

(For more information see speech evaluation| giving and receiving meaningful feedback .) 

Use the feedback you've been given to rework your speech if you need to.

When you're satisfied you have it the best it can possibly be, you're ready to prepare it for cue cards.

Getting from outline to writing up your cue cards

Identifying good keywords and phrases.

Each segment or part of your speech, from its introduction to conclusion, should be reducible to a key word or phrase.  The phrase or keyword will act as a prompt, or trigger, making you immediately remember what it was you wanted to say.

Before you can write your cue cards you need to go through your speech outline and choose a word or phrase that best represents what each part is about.  

Once you've finished, you're ready to write up your cards using the  1-10 guidelines  above.

Test your cards as you make them

Double check the effectiveness of each card as you write them to make sure you are using keywords or phrases that actually do trigger your memory.

This is also particularly important for links or transitions. Forgetting how you got from one piece of information to the next not only leaves you stranded but your audience as well.

NB.  Be sure to note the names of important people, facts or processes too.

A word of warning

Do not be tempted to print or write the whole of your speech out, then cut it into bits and stick those bits onto cue card sized pieces of cardboard. * It will defeat your purpose entirely.

You'll finish with ridiculously cramped notes that, as well as being difficult to read, stop you from freely interacting with your audience. You'll be head down trying to decipher what you wrote!

* (I've seen it in action! Occasionally one of my student's would try it and the result was never, ever good.)

Rehearsing with your cue cards

Image: black and white - young man standing on a stage. Text: About rehearsing a speech

You'll find a full page here on ' how to rehearse ' .

It includes notes specifically on rehearsing using your cue cards as well as other valuable tips for delivering your speech successfully.

Now that you've completed your set of cards, please don't shortchange yourself by assuming you are fully prepared and ready for delivery.

To use them well you really do need to practice with them. Before you give your speech aim for at least three concentrated rehearsal sessions and do more if possible.

Cue cards and flash cards. What's the difference? 

The principal difference between them is their purpose.

Flash cards are used to help memorize information for example, vocabulary lists for a new language you're learning, the sequence of events leading to the outbreak of WW2, or the names and placement of all the bones in the human body.

They frequently have diagrams and pictures as well as words on them to make the information easier to remember. 

The goal or purpose of them is instant recall. They are extensively used by students, particularly as part of their exam preparation.

In comparison, cue cards are generally larger than flash cards and have less information on them - just an ordered sequence of a speech's key words and phrases.

Whereas flash cards are used prior to an examination or test, cue cards are used during a presentation. Their purpose is to prompt or remind the speaker to say what they wanted to.

presentation cue cards

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The Classroom | Empowering Students in Their College Journey

How to Make Cue Cards

Michael Green

How to Structure a Presentation

Cue cards or flashcards are a memory device used in test preparation, acting auditions and oral presentations. They can be a speaker's best friend, but they must be used properly to be effective. Simple techniques are used so information on the cards can catch the speaker's eye at just the right moment to cue memory. Once the cards are created, the speaker should use them to rehearse and revise and edit the cards as needed.

Use Short Bullets

Create cue cards to be short bullets of information. Each card should contain one main idea and keywords as a guide for that specific section of the speech. Avoid writing full sentences, because these are difficult to read while presenting and may cause more confusion when a speaker is nervous. Susan Dugdale, a veteran speaker and speechwriter, explains that a clear presentation also requires eye contact with the audience for a smooth delivery. Writing cure cards with bullets will keep the orator from reading his entire speech.

Color Code Topics

Categorize the cue cards and their information by using particular colors for each topic. Highlight each section of the speech in one color. This will help the speaker's eyes note transitions, and when cues cards are used during rehearsals, the colors become additional memory prompts. Use a bright color to highlight key points and facts that are difficult to remember. This ensures the speaker won't skip them if she feels nervous or rushed.

Include Cues to Guide the Speech

Add cues to the cards that will not be spoken but will assist with the overall presentation. For example, placing a card number in the same location on every card can help a speaker maintain a pace during the speech and will keep the speech note cards organized. Other cues such as "eye contact" and "breathe" return the speaker's attention to the audience when he might be tempted to speed up and just read from the cards. If the presentation has a time limit, it can help to include time estimates on two or three cue cards throughout the set. This keeps a speaker on pace to finish in the allotted time.

Aim for Clarity and Readability

Design and write cards to be easily read at a glance. This is done with neat handwriting in a font size that is larger than normal. Use the white space of a card to guide the eyes to the most important information. Use a “less is more” approach. A card that is cluttered or difficult to read will not be effective and may increase the speaker's anxiety if the facts are hard to find. If the presentation requires the use of visual aids, include prompts on the cards to cue when to display them or draw the audience's attention to them. While it might be tempting to type the cue cards in order to enhance legibility, writing the cards neatly by hand provide the added benefit of improving memory.

Use Transitions to Anticipate Upcoming Information

Place transitional statements at the bottom of the card that foreshadow the information to come. On the last card for each topic, for example, write a brief transitional statement at the bottom that previews what the next topic will be. Motivational speaker Nick Skellon uses this simple tactic to make his speech delivery smoother. By giving himself a hint about the information on the next card, he can start speaking, while making eye contact, as he flips his cards. He suggests using only one side of each cue card.

Practice with Cue Cards

Whether preparing for a test, an audition or an oral presentation, using the cue cards to practice the material is beneficial because it can help identify areas that need improvement. Rehearsing the information with cue cards also helps identify the right pace to strive for and can further aid memorization of the material.

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  • Write Out Loud: Cue Cards -- How to Make and Use Them Effectively

Michael Green graduated from one of the top journalism schools in the country, the University of Missouri, where he also received his master's degree in education. Green has taught creative writing, journalism and health and has been published in "Body Balance," "Alive" and "PUSH Monthly."

presentation cue cards

Cue Cards Keep Speakers On Track

Speaker using cue cards

Cue cards ,  also known as   note cards ,  contain either the key points of a speech (or the entire text) to help a speaker stay on track or jog the memory if the speaker has not memorized the speech. They can help the speaker pace their talk for extemporaneous speeches.

If you’ve ever given a speech or presentation and forgotten what you intended to say or in what order you wanted to make your points, you understand the usefulness of cue cards.  The seemingly insignificant reminders written on what are typically small cards can be a lifesaver in many instances.

Table of Contents

What Are Cue Cards Used For In Speech Making?

Cue cards are an essential tool for public speakers and presenters. They help the speaker remember important points, facts, and figures during a speech or presentation .

Using cue cards, the speaker  can maintain eye contact with the audience while delivering a well-organized and coherent message.  They also help  ensure the speaker doesn’t miss any important information or points  during the presentation, which can be crucial when making a persuasive argument or delivering a compelling message.

In some cases, cue cards  assist with transitions  between different parts of the speech or remind the speaker of specific examples or stories they want to share.

Cue cards come in many variations depending on the speaker’s preference. Some speakers prefer to write their entire speech on cue cards, while others only write down key points or phrases. In some cases, cue cards can take the form of a PowerPoint presentation, in which case the slides can prompt the speaker through each part of the speech.

Cue cards for speech on breaking bad habit

What Are The Benefits Of Using Cue Cards?

Cue cards are an effective way to organize information and create prompts to ensure a speech goes smoothly. That’s not the only benefit of using cue cards, however.

Among the additional advantages of using cue cards are.”

  • Helping to  keep you focused and on track  during presentations or speeches.
  • Ensuring you remember all essential points.
  • Making eye contact and audience engagement easier . By having a clear and concise outline of your presentation or prompts, you can maintain better eye contact with the audience, which helps to build rapport and keep the audience engaged.
  • Reducing anxiety and nervousness when speaking in front of an audience. Having key points written down makes it  easier to feel confident in your ability to deliver information  and avoid stumbling.
  • As a  reference tool  for future presentations or speeches. By keeping cue cards organized and accessible, you can refer back to them whenever needed, saving time and effort in preparing for future events.

Are Cue Cards Still Used?

Cue cards have been a visual aid staple of public speaking for decades. They’ve been used by politicians, actors, and anyone who needs to deliver a speech or presentation.

However,  with the rise of technology and the availability of teleprompters, cue cards have often taken a backseat.

But the answer is yes; cue cards are still used in certain situations. Teleprompters may have become more prevalent in recent years, but cue cards still have their place.

Improv shows and late-night TV  are areas where handwritten cue cards are still used regularly. Shows l ike Saturday Night Live (SNL)  have teams like the one led by Wally Feresten dedicated to creating handwritten cur cards to help facilitate the performances.

The cue cards for the iconic “Live From New York” show are revered by the show’s performers – so much so that  Seth Meyers, known for his Weekend Update bits, has his final cue card framed and hanging in his home .

Cue cards offer a  level of flexibility that teleprompters can’t match . For example, cue cards can be easily adjusted on the fly if there is a technical issue with the teleprompter or if the speaker wants to make an impromptu change to their speech.

Additionally,  cue cards give presenters flexibility  and the ability to maintain eye contact with their audience while delivering their speech. This helps to build rapport and engage listeners.

What Is The Difference Between Cue Cards And Flashcards?

Cue cards and flashcards are both  commonly used study aids,  but they serve different purposes.

Cue cards, or note cards, provide a speaker with a brief outline or critical points of a speech or presentation. They’re designed to be used as a memory prompt, helping the speaker to deliver their message more effectively.

Cue cards are also typically larger and contain fewer details than flashcards. They’re generally used in public speaking or oral presentations to help the speaker stay on track and remember key points.

On the other hand, Flashcards are used primarily for  memorization and recall.  They’re small cards, typically index cards, that contain information on both sides and are intended for study aids to memorize facts, concepts, or vocabulary.

Flashcards are often used for test preparation and other academic settings. They’re generally handwritten, portable, and a great way to practice active recall, which is the process of trying to retrieve information from memory.

The major difference between cue cards and flashcards is their purpose.

Cue cards are used as a memory prompt for a speaker, whereas flashcards are used for memorization and recall purposes.

Flashcard for learning French

Are Their Downsides To Using Cue Cards?

Although cue cards can be helpful, there are downsides if you become too reliant on them. For instance,  reading directly from the cue cards can cause your speech to sound canned and too speechy.

There are things you can do, however, to prevent cue cards from being a problem.

The following public speaking tips for using cue cards as part of your speech can help you deliver your presentation successfully:

  • Keep the cue cards  simple and easy to read . This means using large font sizes and avoiding cluttered layouts. Additionally, bullet points or short phrases rather than complete sentences are advisable.
  • Practice!  Using cue cards effectively requires a lot of practice before the actual speech. Familiarizing yourself with the content will reduce the need to constantly refer to the cards during the speech. Reading your speech off cue cards word for word will prevent your audience from connecting with you.
  • Place the cue cards at the appropriate spot . This may mean holding them at a proper distance and angle from your face. If a camera’s involved, ensure the cue cards are just to the side of the camera and flipped as needed.
  • Be sure to  maintain eye contact with the audience  as much as possible while referring to the cue cards when needed. This will help keep their attention on the speaker rather than the cards.

By following these tips, cue cards can be a helpful aid in public speaking without becoming a distraction.

How Can They Be Useful For Remote Meetings, Interviews, And Presentations?

In remote meetings, cue cards can be especially useful as they help keep the discussion focused and on topic . They also ensure that all participants have access to the same information, making it easier for everyone to follow along.

Speaker using notes in virtual meeting

During interviews, cue cards can remind the interviewee of key points they want to make or questions they want to ask. This helps them stay calm and composed while ensuring they don’t forget anything important.

Lorin Harrott

After years as a professional speaker and corporate trainer,Lorin Harrott has turned her attention to sharing her knowledge through writing. She's currently a writer, photographer, and mom in Sacramento, CA, with occasional speaking engagements related to education and STEM topics in the public school system.

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What are Cue Cards: A Comprehensive Guide

What are Cue Cards: A Comprehensive Guide

In public speaking, cue card plays a pivotal role, acting as a silent yet powerful ally for performers and presenters alike. Much more than mere prompts, these unobtrusive cards become a guiding force, ensuring speakers stay on course while providing a safety net for seamless delivery.

Cue cards for presentations amplify the impact of every spoken sentence, contributing to the overall success of the presentation.

What are Cue Cards?

Cue cards are brief prompts that assist speakers in delivering a well-structured and engaging presentation. These handy tools help speakers stay on track while maintaining a natural and confident delivery.

Understanding how to utilize cue cards effectively can elevate your communication skills to new heights. Think of them as compact companions that provide a speaker with a roadmap, ensuring they stay on course while allowing for a fluid and authentic delivery. The beauty of cue cards lies in their ability to distill complex ideas into succinct points, offering a safety net that empowers speakers to confidently convey their message without the constraints of a rigid script.

How do you write on a cue card?

what are cue cards

Crafting cue cards involves strategic note-taking, utilizing bullet points, and organizing ideas for optimal impact. Whether using cue cards, note cards, or even going for a blank canvas, the key lies in concise, well-structured content.

Each word, each line, represents a carefully chosen cue that guides your presentation. It's about distilling complex ideas into simple prompts that serve as your navigation through the talk, ensuring a seamless and confident delivery. 

The Role of Cue Cards in Presentation

Maintaining eye contact with the audience is essential for an engaging presentation. Using cue cards effectively allows speakers to balance delivering their message with engaging the audience, creating a harmonious connection between the speaker and the listeners. With cue cards, speakers can maintain a fluid and natural delivery, letting their words resonate authentically with each audience member and creating an impactful presentation.

Practical Tips for Using Cue Cards

Engaging in regular and purposeful practice with cue cards for presentations is a cornerstone for honing your presentation skills. The saying "practice makes perfect" holds true, as the more familiar you become with your cue cards, the smoother and more confident your delivery will be. 

Consider making practice enjoyable by incorporating games and exercises. This not only makes the process more enjoyable but also enhances the effectiveness of your learning experience. Turning practice into an interactive session refines your familiarity with the material and ensures you are well-prepared for any unexpected twists during your presentation.

Overcoming Challenges

Mistakes are inevitable, but cue cards provide a safety net. Learn how to recover gracefully and turn challenges into opportunities for improvement. Embrace resilience and master the art of graceful recovery, turning blunders into growth opportunities

Additionally, in this age of technology, teleprompters stand as invaluable companions. Integrating these tools into your arsenal not only enhances performance but also ensures a polished and uninterrupted presentation. By acknowledging and overcoming challenges with a strategic blend of traditional and technological tools, speakers can transform setbacks into moments that add depth and authenticity to their public speaking journey.

The Visual Impact: Integrating Camera Techniques

a presenter holding cue cards

In a visual-centric world, the camera becomes a critical element in public speaking. Whether you're addressing an audience in person or through a virtual platform, understanding how the camera operates can significantly enhance your presentation. 

Consider the framing, lighting, and overall composition to ensure that your words and expressions are effectively conveyed. Pay attention to the nuances of non-verbal communication , allowing the camera to capture the essence of your speech. Visual impact in presentations is crucial for audience engagement.

Crafting Engaging Lines for Impactful Delivery

When scripting your speech , focus on crafting lines that resonate with your audience. A well-written script is the foundation upon which your entire presentation stands. Each word should be carefully chosen to convey your ideas effectively.

Consider the rhythm and flow of your lines, ensuring that they are not only easy to deliver but also memorable for your audience. Treat your script as a roadmap, allowing room for spontaneity and connection with your audience, making the experience more engaging and dynamic. Here are some presentation tips with cue cards to keep in mind.

Advanced Cue Card Techniques

For speakers looking to refine their use of cue cards, advanced techniques can make a significant difference. Here are some tips for using cue cards effectively:

  • Color Coding : Use different colors for various sections of your speech. This can help you quickly locate information and stay organized during your presentation.
  • Highlight Key Points : Bold or underline crucial words and phrases to ensure they stand out. This helps you emphasize important parts of your speech without losing your place.
  • Cue Cards and Teleprompters : Combining cue cards and teleprompters can enhance your delivery. While teleprompters provide a continuous script, cue cards offer flexibility, allowing you to glance at key points and maintain natural eye contact with your audience.
  • Interactive Elements : Incorporate interactive elements, such as questions or prompts, into your cue cards. This can engage your audience and make your presentation more dynamic.
  • Minimal Text : Keep text on cue cards minimal. Use keywords and short phrases to trigger your memory rather than complete sentences. This encourages a more conversational and less robotic delivery.

Turning Ideas into a Game Plan for Effective Communication

Transforming an idea into a compelling presentation is akin to playing a strategic game. Your speech is the playbook, and each word, line, and idea serves as a crucial move. Develop a game plan that not only captures your audience's attention but also guides them through a journey of discovery. 

Use your words strategically, turning each idea into a piece of the puzzle that contributes to the overall narrative. By approaching your speech as a well-thought-out plan, you inject enthusiasm and energy into your delivery, keeping your audience captivated from start to finish. This approach embodies effective cue card techniques.

Navigating the Stage

The stage is more than just a physical platform; it is a dynamic space where your words come to life through movement and presence. Understand the power of stage dynamics for speakers to amplify the impact of your talk. Utilize the entire stage to engage with different sections of the audience, making them feel included and connected. 

Your movements should complement your words, adding depth and emphasis to key points.  Master the art of stage presence and you can transform your talk into a multidimensional experience that resonates with your audience on a visual and emotional level.

Final Thoughts

Cue cards are more than just props; they are tools that empower speakers to deliver memorable presentations. Beyond being a crutch for those stepping onto the stage, cue cards serve as a strategic companion for seasoned performers, guiding them through the intricacies of a flawless delivery. 

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Create Professional Palm Cards Instantly

EasyPalmCards makes it easy to convert paragraphs of text into perfect sized palm cards every time. EasyPalmCards is the essential tool for debates, presentations, speeches and so much more.

How It Works

Step 1: create.

Use our easy-to-use editor to create your palm cards.

Step 2: Customise

Customise your cards with different fonts, colours, and layouts.

Step 3: Export

Export your palm cards as PDFs or print them directly.

Palm Cards vs. Flash Cards

Choose the right solution based on your needs: quick reference during presentations (palm cards) or studying and memorization (flash cards).

  • Designed for quick reference during speeches or presentations
  • Usually contain summarised key points or prompts
  • Commonly used by speakers, debaters, and presenters
  • Provide a structured outline for the speaker's talk

Flash Cards

  • Primarily used for studying and memorisation
  • Contain information on both sides for question and answer format
  • Effective for reviewing facts, vocabulary, and concepts
  • Encourage active recall and spaced repetition learning techniques

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Speak with confidence.

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Palm cards promote active recall, a powerful learning technique. By summarising key points, you solidify information in your memory for better long-term retention.

Save Time & Effort

Stop wasting time rewriting notes. Generate palm cards directly from existing documents. EasyPalmCards takes care of the formatting, letting you focus on what's important.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are easypalmcards.

EasyPalmCards is a free online tool that allows you to easily create and customize palm cards, cue cards, debate cards, and flash cards.

What are the benefits of using EasyPalmCards?

EasyPalmCards can help you improve your recall, focus your studies, manage your time effectively, and deliver impactful presentations.

Is EasyPalmCards free?

Yes, EasyPalmCards offers a free plan with basic features. There may be premium plans available with additional features.

Can I collaborate with others on creating palm cards?

This feature is not available yet, but we are working on adding collaboration functionalities in future updates.

How do I format text in my palm cards?

Currently, EasyPalmCards offers basic formatting options like bold and italics. We plan to introduce more advanced formatting options in the future.

Can I add images to my palm cards?

No, image uploads are not supported at this time. We are exploring the possibility of adding image functionalities in a future update.

Classic Editor Discontinuation

Why did you discontinue the classic editor.

We are constantly striving to improve EasyPalmCards and provide the best possible experience for our users. The classic editor was based on older technology and limited our ability to add new features and functionalities.

How do I create palm cards now that the classic editor is gone?

We have introduced a new, modern editor that is easier to use and offers more features than the classic editor. You can access the new editor by visiting our website and clicking on the "Launch Editor" button.

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Should You Use Cue Cards When Presenting?

June 20, 2023 / Blog

A man stands in front of a whiteboard holding a notebook, addressing a group of people sitting and listening attentively. The whiteboard behind him displays conjugated verbs alongside an open pitch deck on the desk’s computer. The room is well-lit with large windows in the background.

While there are various techniques to deliver a presentation, one commonly debated tool is using cue cards.

Cue cards are concise notes that help speakers remember key points, transitions, and important information during their presentations.

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In this blog, we will explore the pros and cons of using these note cards and provide considerations for their effective usage.

The Pros of Using Cue Cards

Enhances organization and structure.

Cue cards offer a structured framework for your presentation. By jotting down key points, you can stay on track and ensure a logical flow of ideas.

Moreover, they act as a roadmap, helping you remember important information and ensuring that you cover all the necessary topics.

Reduces reliance on slides or notes

Unlike slides or detailed notes, cue cards enable you to maintain better eye contact with your audience. This direct engagement enhances the connection between the speaker and listeners, promoting active participation and understanding.

Provides a safety net for nervousness

Public speaking can be intimidating, especially for those who experience stage fright. Cue cards offer reassurance by serving as a safety net.

Having concise prompts in hand can boost your confidence, minimizing the risk of forgetting essential details and helping you navigate the presentation smoothly.

The Cons of Using Cue Cards

Potential drawbacks to delivery.

Relying heavily on cue cards may lead to a scripted or robotic delivery style.

Speakers may become too reliant on reading from the cards, which can hinder the natural flow of speech and engagement with the audience. It is essential to strike a balance between preparedness and spontaneity.

Distraction factor

Constantly shifting attention between cue cards and the audience can be distracting. It may disrupt the speaker’s connection with the listeners and affect the overall delivery.

Struggling to maintain eye contact and a natural speaking pace can hamper the effectiveness of your presentation.

Over-reliance on cue cards

Depending too much on cue cards may result in insufficient practice and preparation. 

If you lose or misplace the cards, you risk stumbling or losing focus during the presentation. Over time, over-reliance on prompters may limit your ability to deliver a polished and engaging presentation.

presentation cue cards

Considerations for Effective Cue Card Usage

Use concise bullet points or keywords.

Instead of writing complete sentences, only jot down bullet points or keywords. This approach allows for a more natural flow of speech and helps trigger the intended message without relying heavily on reading.

Practice and familiarity

Rehearse your presentation with the note cards, gradually reducing your reliance on them over time. Practice will help you internalize the key points, ensuring that you’re well-prepared and familiar with the flow of your presentation.

Alternate techniques

While cue cards can be effective, it’s worth exploring alternative presentation aids. 

Slides, visuals, teleprompters, or presentation apps can provide different ways to engage your audience and enhance your delivery. Experiment with these tools to find what works best for you.

Cue cards can be valuable tools for presenters, offering organization, structure, and a safety net for nervousness. However, it’s crucial to be aware of their potential drawbacks.

Therefore, the decision to use them depends on personal preference and adapting to individual presentation styles. Experiment with different approaches to find what works best for you and captivates your audience most effectively.

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How to Create Cue Cards for Your Presentations

How to Create Cue Cards for Your Presentations

I’m sure you’ve experienced this before. Butterflies in your stomach, palms clammy, knees weak, arms are heavy. On the surface you might look calm and ready to nail that presentation. But you keep on forgetting the content in your slides. I mean, you did spend a ton of time working on them. How could you forget these slides? These things happen. To prevent this from happening again, you  need to learn how to create cue cards for your presentations.

Watch this quick video to learn everything about creating cue cards for your presentations:

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Cue cards can be the unsung heroes of your next presentation, and they can help you deliver a smooth confident presentation. No, cue cards are not just for forgetful stand-up comedians. Here’s how you can use cue cards to remember your presentation material better:

Creating Your Cards:

When creating cue cards, ditch the full script. During the presentation, if you’re going to look at a card full of sentences, you’re just going to be more confused. Instead, just jot down key points and reminders. Think of them as cheat sheets for your memory, not complete manuscripts.

Don’t even write full sentences. Write single words or short phrases that trigger your memory. In a presentation about global warming, just noting down “Greta” should be enough for you to talk about her work.

Choose a card size that is comfortable. Write clearly in large, easy to read handwriting. You can even use different colors for different sections, or use highlighters.

Never write on both sides of your cue cards. You will end up fumbling on stage, and continously turning your cards over looking for the information you need.

Also, remember to always number your cards to maintain the right order. This will prevent frantic shuffling and panicked mid-presentation searches.

Cue Card Confidence:

You should practice reading your cue cards before your presentation. My advice is to find a comfortable way to hold them. Stand in front of a mirror, and practice using them. Get comfortable with the flow, and iron out any awkward moments before the big day.

Remember that cue cards are more of a safety net, not a script. You should not be staring at them all the time. Use them subtly, glance down quickly, and most importantly, maintain eye contact with your audience.

With your cue cards by your side, feel free to improvise. Even if you go off-script, you can always rely on your cue cards to bring you back on track.

Cue cards may seem like a simple tool, but they can be your secret weapon for delivering polished engaged presentations. Remember to rehearse well before using them, who knows, maybe you won’t have to use them during your presentation. So get your cue cards ready and have an amazing presentation!

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Create effective cue cards


Having well-organized cue cards gives you added security when you take the stage. However, if you keep your eyes glued to your cue cards, you may neglect to inject gestures and facial expressions into your presentation. Follow these tips to write cue cards that aid—not hamper—your speech: 

  • Don’t write out your entire speech. Include an outline and word prompts to jog your memory—don’t jot down every word. 
  • Write in short phrases. Use only a few words per line so that you can quickly glance at the cards and continue speaking.
  • Write big. Make your cues easy to see with large print. 
  • Use one topic per card. That will allow you to easily organize your thoughts and skip over topics if you are running short on time.
  • Number your cards to keep them in the right order.
  • Cue visual aid usage. Write on the cards where you plan to use visuals.

—Adapted from “Cue Cards: How to Make and Use Them Effectively,” Susan Dugdale, www.write-out-loud.com. 


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Managing your Presentation Notes

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When you start to give presentations, you will realise that you also have to work out how to manage your text.

Whether you’re confident enough to speak with very brief notes, or you need a full text, you need to consider how you record it to remind you what you’re going to say.

There are various examples of ways you might choose to manage your text.

These include:

Full Text Notes

Notes on Cue Cards

Keywords on Cue Cards

Full text script.

The main advantage of this method is that the entire text is in front of you so you cannot forget what you want to say.

The disadvantage, however, is that you will pay less attention to the group or audience whilst reading the text.  If you are speaking to a small group, this method might be overly formal, as written text sounds very formal when spoken out loud. If you read a prepared text, you should know what you are going to say very well so that you can maintain eye contact with your listeners whilst not losing your place.

Reading the text is not always an easy option as it can sound stilted and rather unnatural. Remember to engage with your audience as much as you can.

When reading from a full-text script it is also much harder to change what you’re going to say halfway through, if you see that your audience is starting to fidget.

To help, you can use big bold headings to guide your eyes through the text so that you can skip sections if you want.

Notes Pages from a Slide Package

Most presentation packages, including PowerPoint, have an option to create a page of ‘Slide Notes’.

You can use these to write out more or less detailed points about what you plan to say in relation to every slide that you use.

The advantage is that everything that you want to say is tailored to your slides. However, the packages are not very sophisticated: you cannot, for instance, highlight sections, or play with the font size very easily. This means that it can be hard to identify quickly and visually the most important points to make.

You will also end up with a sheaf of papers, which can get a bit flappy and hard to handle. This can come across as somewhat unprofessional.

To use cue cards, write your main points on separate index cards and, underneath each point, write the supporting material in a concise way.

When using Cue Cards...

Use only one side of the card and number the cards so that you can easily reorder them if you drop them.

On the bottom of each cue card, write a link statement to lead you into the next point.

The advantage of using cue cards is that you are speaking directly to the audience, which increases your rapport with them.

Small index cards also look more professional than large sheets of paper which may prove difficult to handle. The disadvantage is that you have to write them by hand since PowerPoint and similar packages don’t offer an option for ‘keycards’, only ‘Notes pages’.

To avoid losing your thread, ensure that you are familiar with the main points of your argument and the links between one idea and the next so that you become less reliant on the cards.

Further simplify the information on the cue cards by drawing out keywords that will remind you of the key points that you wish to convey.

The advantages of using keywords on cue cards are the same as above but their use increases spontaneity and rapport with the audience even further.

However, if you become side-tracked, it is easy to lose the thread and possibly miss key points. It’s best only to use this method if you are very familiar with your subject and feel confident in making the presentation.

Mind maps are diagrams used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea. Mind maps are used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas, and can be used as notes to aid a presentation.

The advantages of using a mind map are similar to those of using keywords on cue words but it is easier to illustrate complex relationships than with keywords.

However, again, using mind maps as a presentation aid requires you to be familiar with the subject material and a confident speaker. When presenting it can be difficult to keep track of your progress through a mind map, but it can be very helpful if you want to interact with your audience, as you can just reorder your points to fit the session.

It’s up to you!

When you’re giving a presentation, it’s up to you to choose a method of handling your notes that works for you.

Whatever you do, someone is sure to judge you on it, so you simply have to make sure that you’re comfortable, and don’t worry what anyone else says.

The important thing is to get your points across confidently and competently, and not to show off.

Continue to: Working with Visual Aids Deciding the Presentation Method

See also: Preparing for a Presentation Writing Your Presentation Coping with Presentation Nerves Dealing with Questions

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How to Create Cue Cards in PowerPoint in Just 5 Minutes

How to Create Cue Cards in PowerPoint in Just 5 Minutes

Hanisha Kapoor


Back with another fun tutorial for you all. This time, we are going to teach you to create something which is commonly used. Teachers, TV Presenters, Anchors use them more often. You and I may also have used them at some point of time in our childhood days.

These are known as Cue Cards.

Usage of Cue Cards

Yes, just like the above image. Cue cards can easily fit in pockets, are easy to carry, easy to use and very helpful in taking the notes. You can jot down important things, you can confidently talk about something in public or in person with the help of the cue cards in your hands.

As easy they are to carry, you will find much easier to create cue cards in PowerPoint.

Now, without further ado, let’s show you the simple steps to create one for yourself.

Here are the steps:

  • Insert a Rectangle. Go to INSERT> SHAPES> RECTANGLES> RECTANGLE .

Insert a Rectangle

  • Adjust the Size and Position of the R To do so, Right Click the Rectangle> SIZE AND POSITION . Make Height 4” and Width to 6”.

Adjust the Size and Position


For Gradient Fill, there are THREE STOPS .

For Stop 1 , Color: white, Position: 100%

For Stop 2 , Color: Off white (white, darker 5%), Position: 50%

For Stop 3 , Color: white, Position: 0%

Take a look at the below image.

Gradient Fill the  Rectangle

  • Let’s give an Outline to the R Right Click the Rectangle, FORMAT SHAPE> SHAPE OPTIONS . Select LINE OPTION present below the FILL OPTION. Choose SOLID LINE> COLOR OFF WHITE, DARKER 15%> WIDTH 0.25% .

Change the Outline Color


Give Shadow

The Cue Card is half ready.

Cue Card is Half Ready

Now, we just need to add some lines on it.

  • Insert a Line. Go to INSERT> SHAPES> LINES> LINE . Remember to press the Shift Key when adding lines on the Cue Card in order to get the straight lines.

Insert a Line

  • Once you are done adding the Lines, select all the Lines, go to ARRANGE> ALIGN> DISTRIBUTE VERTICALLY .

Distribute Vertically

  • Again, select all the Lines, Right Click the Lines> OUTLINE> RED COLOR or Color of your choice.

Change the Color of the Lines

The Cue Card is completely ready now.

Go ahead and give it a try now.

In case, you are in hurry and looking for some professionally designed different kinds of Cards then we have them too. Take a look.

Professionally Designed Different Kinds of Cards Templates

Professional PowerPoint Template #1

Business Consulting Diagram 3d Graphic Of Flash Card PowerPoint Slide Template

Click here to download this awesome Cue Card PowerPoint Diagram.

Professional PowerPoint Template #2

Business Plan Identity Cards Infographic Image Slide PowerPoint Template

Grab this amazing Identity Card PowerPoint Template by clicking here .

Professional PowerPoint Template #3

Identity Cards For Male and Female Flat PowerPoint Design

Grab this eye catching Identity Card PowerPoint Template.

Professional PowerPoint Template #4

Business Cards For Introduction Flat PowerPoint Design

Download this amazingly designed Cue Card PowerPoint Template, add your content and set a right impression on your audience.

Professional PowerPoint Template #5

Thank You Our Contact Details Editable PowerPoint Templates

Grab this professionally designed Thank You PowerPoint diagram by clicking here.

Professional PowerPoint Template #6

Thank You Address Details PPT Slides Diagrams Templates

Click here to download this creatively designed Thank You PowerPoint Template.

Professional PowerPoint Template #7

Thank You Details PPT Slides Presentation Diagrams Templates PowerPoint Info Graphics

Grab this amazing PowerPoint Template by clicking here .

Liked our eye grabbing PowerPoint designs. Go through our website and find more awesome designs which can help you with your presentation.

Stay tuned for more fun and creative PowerPoint Tutorials.

Want to add a professional touch to your next business presentation? Get in touch with our Presentation Design Agency .

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What Are Cue Cards Definition Examples and Purpose Featured

What Are Cue Cards — Definition, Examples and Purpose

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C ue cards are more than just an assist for on-camera actors in a pinch, they’re an essential tool productions can use when their show is changing too quickly for the performers to properly acclimate. Though most frequently used in live television, its origins stem all the way back to black and white cinema. As we define what cue cards are, we’ll dive deeper into its history and how it’s evolved over the years in both TV and film. Let’s dig in.


First, let’s define cue cards.

Are cue cards just an analog version of a teleprompter? Does the cue card holder have to write every single card or is that another person’s job? Before we dive too deep, let’s first define the term.


What is a cue card.

A cue card is a large sheet of paper with an on-camera host or performer’s lines written on them, as a means to help the performer remember what they have to say. They are usually held off-camera, unseen by an at-home audience. The most common use of cue cards can be found in TV variety shows, where script changes are often too rampant and down to the wire for performers to memorize the new line changes.


  • The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon
  • Saturday Night Live
  • Late Night with Seth Meyers
  • The Drew Barrymore Show


A brief history of cue cards.

What may seem like a modern practice actually stretches all the way back to the 1930s. In the sections below, we’re going to go over the origins of cue cards and how it can be utilized in both TV and film.

Cue Cards in Film

In the 1930s, “Talkies” had arrived and for the first time, film actors were facing the premise of memorizing their lines for every shot. This proved especially difficult for older actors, who grew so accustomed to having either their lines read to them by an off-screen production member or relied on purely emoting with their face. 

Cue cards weren’t actually utilized by productions for these cases, but rather engineered by the performers themselves – at least that was the case for film actor John Barrymore.

Around the mid-to-late 1930s, Barrymore’s off-screen lifestyle proved difficult with maintaining his memory and focus on-set, so he started writing “little notes” so that he’d never miss a line.

John Barrymore in 1939, performing a monologue most likely aided by film cue cards

Barrymore soon became known as a “cue card artiste,” specifically for the creative ways in which he hid these cards throughout a film set, with the audience at home none the wiser.

Cue Cards in TV

At the advent of cue cards, they were mostly known as a “dirty little secret” in film production, and considered “cheating” within the acting community. It wouldn’t be until a few decades later, when cue cards would first make their appearance on a TV show set and that perception would change. 

In 1949, a CBS page named Barney McNulty was working on The Ed Wynn Show and saw that the show’s host and star was struggling with his lines. Due to his military past, McNulty was skilled at writing quickly and cleanly, and knew he could utilize these talents to craft cue cards he could hold for Wynn just off-camera.

The plan worked, and the need for cards in TV caught on, with McNulty eventually becoming the personal cue card operator for Bob Hope until he retired. Throughout his life, McNulty became known as “The Cue Card King,” applying this brand identity to his company, “Ad-Libs” which created cue cards for stars like Lucille Ball, Jack Benny, Fred Astaire, Orson Welles, and more.

What Are Cue Cards Cue Cards TV Example StudioBinder

Cue cards are held for Bob Hope during his famous USO Tour shows

Cue cards vs. teleprompters.

Many believe that cue cards are the predecessor to teleprompters, or that both forms are one in the same. Though they’re similar in their use, the difference lies in the end visual effect for the audience.

Teleprompters (also known as “autocues”) is a digital scroll of text that a performer reads either on a small screen or on the camera itself. Most commonly, teleprompters are either in front of or below a camera’s lens.

The words on the screen appear on a sheet of glass commonly referred to as a, “beam splitter,” placed at an angle so that it may not interfere with the footage the camera’s capturing and so the performer’s eye-line is focused directly to the camera’s lens.

Teleprompter Mastery explores teleprompters for Presidents 

How to make cue cards, cue cards today.

Since its invention, cue cards have now become ubiquitous within TV and film, but no show utilizes or celebrates cue cards more than Saturday Night Live . Their “Barry McNulty” is a cue card operator named Wally Feresten, who’s been writing lines for performers since the 1970’s.

In the clip below, Wally describes SNL’s unique way of incorporating cue cards, from his role as part of the “welcome committee” greeting every new host that enters the show, to appearing several times on-camera. In this case, cue cards aren’t just a necessity for the cast, but a way to inject more comedy.

As Wally and his cards have become more integrated into the show, it’s easy to see them both as “honorary cast members” – appearing beyond just simple necessity, sometimes even in the celebrity host’s opening monologue. 

What are cue cards in the modern era  •  SNL’s Wally Feresten gives a guide

What are subtitles in film & tv.

Now that we’ve gone over cue cards, let’s dive into another essential tool within film and TV: subtitles. How do they work and who gets to write them? Does it change for live events? In the article below, we’ll provide all the answers as well as go over a brief history. 

Up Next: Subtitles in Film & TV →

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8 tips for your speaker cue cards

You’re about to present. Some of us like it. Some of us can’t sleep anymore. Speaker cue cards are there to give you support and trust throughout your presentation. From TV presenters with years of experience to junior professionals that have to give their first presentation. Regardless of your experience, the following 8 tips will help all of us:

Man presenting on stage

1. Keywords

Prevent yourself from writing down entire sentences. In essence you know what to say. Trust yourself with that. Remember that YOU are the expert on your subject.

2. Whitespace

Keep sufficient whitespace on your cards. It is calmer to the eye and will help you to easily browse through your keywords. Next to that it allows you to scribble down last-minute thoughts.

3. Speaker names

When you’re in charge of announcing or thanking speakers, then write down names. In the heat of presenting, you can easily forget the most logical things.

4. Speaker pictures

In line with the previous tip, you might also want to add [LinkedIn] portrait pictures of speakers. This way you won’t mix up names with people.

5. Slide screenshot

A tiny slide screenshot reminds you of where you are in your [PowerPoint] storyline. Plus it helps you not to forget to click through to the next slide.

6. Time indication

On paper a story is always shorter than when telling it out loud [!]. Write down your time slot per item in the top right corner. Nothing is as stressful as having to catch up time.

7. Personal presentation

Don’t hold a crumpled piece of paper, but use a carton card instead. The backside of your speaker card can carry the logo of the organisation. It’s all about that first [professional] impression!

8. Tablet alternative

A tablet, compared to carton speaker cue cards, can be a little challenging to hold and operate while you’re presenting. Especially when also holding a microphone. Cards are easier to hold , to store and to put aside throughout your presentation.

Bonus tip: use technology

In addition to the tips mentioned above, technology can also provide solutions to enhance your presentation experience. Sendsteps.ai is an AI presentation maker that allows you to engage with your audience in real-time, making your presentation interactive and more memorable. With Sendsteps.ai, you can create interactive presentations that your audience can participate in using their mobile devices, creating a more dynamic and engaging presentation. It also provides real-time feedback, allowing you to adjust your presentation as needed. With Sendsteps.ai, you can transform your presentation from a one-way communication to a two-way conversation, making it more impactful and effective. Whether you are a seasoned presenter or a beginner, Sendsteps.ai can help you deliver a more engaging and memorable presentation.


Robert Daverschot

Robert is a professional moderator, presenter and speaker coach. Robert has years of experience at home and abroad and works for a broad range of industries. He has interviewed ministers, captains of industry and even His Holiness the Dalai Lama. In his dealings with the audience, he always uses Sendsteps. With it, an audience is able to voice their opinions, whereby attendees can cast votes or send in comments to speakers and panels on stage. As such, events turn into lively dialogues with everyone being able to speak up!

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presentation cue cards

Cue cards for webinars

presentation cue cards

Using cue cards may be helpful to use during your live webcast presentation. No large papers flapping in front of you, distracting your audience and possibly causing uncertainty if the pages are in the right order. As simple cue card my help. 

Make sure you number the cards if you are using more than one cue card during your webinar. Don’t put too much text on a cue card as this will also work distracting and there is a greater chance that your speech or presentation is nog looking spontaneous.

presentation cue cards

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Using Cue Cards During Your Presentation

This is a widely-used practice to use cue cards while giving a speech in front of a big audience. There are lots of form cue cards have been associated with public presentations. However speaking about cue cards you will meet not only their fans. Some people avoid using them considering this approach totally incorrect. But most speakers tend to embrace this concept happily. Everything depends on a particular person and his or her choice. So next time when you hesitate, we recommend you to weight carefully all pros and cons of using such cards. Your choice will help you go to the stage well prepared and confident either with cue cards or without them.

Cue cards are tiny piece of paper carrying major points of the entire presentation which you deliver to people. PowerPoint is a great application helping you to create any design you like.

Using Cue Cards During Your Presentation


• You will memorize the speech easily.

• The pressure will take off.

• Cards will serve as reference material so you will never lose your plot.

• Cards will prevent you from unnecessary hand gestures and movements.

• You will look self-confident and professional.

• Your speech will be filled with pauses thanks to cards.


• Some listeners may feel disconnected with the speaker.

• Speaker’s focus may be shifted.

• Speaker has to be extremely caution for not spoiling the general impression.

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Communication Skills - Cue Card Guidelines

To maximize the benefits of cue cards there are several basic guidelines that you should use when creating your own:

1. Clearly number the cue cards 2. Only write on one side 3. One key point per card 4. Each card should contain adequate support and cues 5. Logical levels can be shown by alterations in font size, spacing, color, or highlighting 6. Include timings and pauses.

The first principle is to ensure that a clear and unambiguous numbering convention is applied to all of the cards so that if you drop them you can quickly re-arrange them into the correct sequence.

By only using one side of each card you avoid the distracting behavior of flipping and manipulating cards. It helps prevent you wondering whether or not you have addressed both sides of each card. Clarity is further supported by only communicating one theme or idea on each card.

This way, when you have covered the point you will be confident that you can move on to the next card without having to re-scan the cards, which can be very distracting. It also stops you putting so much detail on the card that you end up reading from it or continually referring to it. This would be distracting and would also reduce your eye contact with the audience.

Cue cards usually evolve during the rehearsal stage and become simpler as you become more familiar with the material. So don't worry if initially they appear to have too much information. You will often find that after two or three rehearsals they are much briefer, with only one or two words where you previously had a sentence.

Use a large font and double-spacing so that the cue cards are easy to read, enabling you to take in the information at a glance. Use color-coding to identify lower-level information that could be dropped if the allocated time is suddenly shortened or you find yourself overrunning. For example, you might use black for all the essential information and red for topics that could be omitted without compromising the integrity of the message.

Many presenters have their own personal shorthand system - for example, a smiley face symbol could be placed at strategic points on your cue cards to remind you to make contact with the audience and smile. This is something you can develop yourself over time. The effectiveness of your delivery when presenting from a list of points is directly related to the amount of time you devote to preparing and rehearsing. You need to plan sufficient time so that you become familiar with the content and your words flow naturally.

Presenting in this style allows the audience to view you as someone who owns the information and is knowledgeable about it, as opposed to someone who is simply passing on information. Cue cards also enable you to adjust the way you speak with regard to your use of technical terms and jargon to match the level of understanding in the audience.

Cue cards enable you to maintain eye contact with the audience and to speak at a fairly natural pace. Because the words are coming from within you, you will be able to naturally change the way that you put the material across in real time depending on the feedback you receive from the audience. This also means that you will have the opportunity to go over certain key points if you feel that they have not been well understood.

Pace plays an important part in the effectiveness of your delivery. It is usually quite clear when the audience wishes you to speed up or slow down and explain points more fully. You will find that when you come to a difficult point you naturally slow down because the words do not come as easily to you. The audience will respond to this change in pace by concentrating a little harder on what you are saying because they intuitively know this is an important or difficult point they need to understand.

Similarly, when you are covering material that is relatively straightforward, the words come more easily and you speak more quickly. This is perfectly acceptable to the audience because they are not struggling to understand something complicated. Nobody expects you to deliver your presentation at exactly the same pace from start to finish. In fact, the presentation will have much more impact if you change the pace to match the complexity or importance of the points you're putting across.

Allocating sufficient time to rehearse your presentation ensures that you are familiar with the topic so that you don't need exact wording on your cards. This familiarity prevents you from becoming lost for words or interrupting the flow of your presentation, reducing the likelihood that you will become flustered.

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President Biden Points To Why Good Speakers Use Cue Cards

We're big fans of cue cards for presenters and public speakers. Yes, we also like a well-prepared script and we also support autocue (teleprompter), but only when you practise it beforehand. But the cue card is so important for any public speaking event. And there are good reasons why good speakers use cue cards.

  • Cue cards are inconspicuous.
  • They keep you on track as you speak.
  • They make sure you hit all the right points.
  • Your cue cards will help you keep to time.

Good speakers use cue cards

Good Speakers Use Cue Cards Effectively

These are all excellent reasons why you'd want to use a cue card system with your next speech. So you can just imagine our delight when we spotted that President Biden uses a cue card. And since reporters spotted him and his cue card at a White House meeting of wind power energy business leaders the story has grown out of all proportion. That's because firstly the inconspicuous cue card wasn't so inconspicuous and secondly it appeared to direct the President's every activity. In fact the cards seemed to prompt all his behaviours well beyond speech. Most odd.

Yes, the President Biden cue card went above and beyond everything we've ever encountered before. And we've seen plenty of them.

Good Speakers Use Cue Cards To Stay On Track

For example the President Trump speaker notes that appeared to be hand-written in upper case letters with a Sharpie pen. That appeared to keep the President on track. Just about.

Meanwhile the UKIP conference speech from Nigel Farage at Doncaster racecourse was another good example. Because the notes from that speech were "liberated" by Sky journalist Gary Honeyford. They certainly showed that the UKIP leader had a plan for his 2014 speech, but there wasn't much else for a casual observer to see.

We also spotted the tea party speech of former Alaska Governor, Sarah Palin. On that occasion the Republican candidate for Vice-President actually wrote her cue points on her hand.

Energy, tax cuts, Lift American Spirits

Amazing. has anything really changed since 2010?

Speakers Without Cue Cards Miss The Key Points

So it's clear that speakers use cue cards and scribbled notes as an alternative to a formal script. In short, that's probably because they're very familiar with their material and they just need a prompt. And that prompt can be vital. For instance, the former Labour party leader forgot to mention the economy in his conference keynote speech in Manchester in 2014. Yes, he'd memorised an earlier script. And, of course he missed out a big chunk from what proved to be a 65-minute epic.

To conclude, nobody wants to lose track of their speech let alone go over their allotted time. And that's why good speakers use cue cards, improving their effectiveness with every word.

Why You Want To Use Cue Cards As A Speaker

Effective speakers use cue cards for a whole range of good reasons.

  • Speakers stay on track with cue cards.
  • Good speakers hit all the right points and messages with their cue cards.
  • With your cue cards you can easily keep to the time requirements of your speech.
  • You can always use cue cards to prompt for a difficult name or a pronunciation.
  • Above all, your cue cards are inconspicuous and can make your speech appear effortless. And that's always a good look.

You can discover everything you will need for your next conference or seminar speech with a public speaking course  or  one to one coaching from Time to Market. Why not give us a call when you are ready to find out more. Because we might even discuss cue cards…


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About the Author

Andrew Ivey

The Principal Trainer at training business Time to Market . Now based in London, I run presentation and public speaking training courses, coaching sessions and seminars throughout the UK.

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  1. Students

    presentation cue cards

  2. A set of well made cue cards will help you deliver your presentation

    presentation cue cards

  3. How to Create Cue Cards in PowerPoint in Just 5 Minutes

    presentation cue cards

  4. Cue cards: How to make and use note cards in speeches

    presentation cue cards

  5. How to Create Cue Cards in PowerPoint in Just 5 Minutes

    presentation cue cards

  6. Cue cards: How to make and use note cards in speeches

    presentation cue cards


  1. Cue cards: How to make and use note cards in speeches

    In comparison, cue cards are generally larger than flash cards and have less information on them - just an ordered sequence of a speech's key words and phrases. Whereas flash cards are used prior to an examination or test, cue cards are used during a presentation. Their purpose is to prompt or remind the speaker to say what they wanted to.

  2. How to Make Cue Cards

    He suggests using only one side of each cue card. Practice with Cue Cards. Whether preparing for a test, an audition or an oral presentation, using the cue cards to practice the material is beneficial because it can help identify areas that need improvement. Rehearsing the information with cue cards also helps identify the right pace to strive ...

  3. Cue Cards Keep Speakers On Track

    What Are Cue Cards Used For In Speech Making? Cue cards are an essential tool for public speakers and presenters. They help the speaker remember important points, facts, and figures during a speech or presentation.. Using cue cards, the speaker can maintain eye contact with the audience while delivering a well-organized and coherent message.They also help ensure the speaker doesn't miss any ...

  4. Teleprompter

    Cue cards are brief prompts that assist speakers in delivering a well-structured and engaging presentation. These handy tools help speakers stay on track while maintaining a natural and confident delivery. Understanding how to utilize cue cards effectively can elevate your communication skills to new heights. Think of them as compact companions ...

  5. Free Palm Card, Cue Card, Debate Card & Flash Card Generator

    We have introduced a new, modern editor that is easier to use and offers more features than the classic editor. You can access the new editor by visiting our website and clicking on the "Launch Editor" button. Launch Palm Card Editor (it's free!) Easily generate palm cards instantly for any event. Instantly convert speeches from Word Documents ...

  6. Pros and Cons of Using Cue Cards in Presentations

    Constantly shifting attention between cue cards and the audience can be distracting. It may disrupt the speaker's connection with the listeners and affect the overall delivery. Struggling to maintain eye contact and a natural speaking pace can hamper the effectiveness of your presentation. Over-reliance on cue cards. Depending too much on cue ...

  7. How to Create Cue Cards for Presentations

    Creating Your Cards: When creating cue cards, ditch the full script. During the presentation, if you're going to look at a card full of sentences, you're just going to be more confused. Instead, just jot down key points and reminders. Think of them as cheat sheets for your memory, not complete manuscripts. Don't even write full sentences.

  8. Create effective cue cards

    Write in short phrases. Use only a few words per line so that you can quickly glance at the cards and continue speaking. Write big. Make your cues easy to see with large print. Use one topic per ...

  9. Create cue cards in PowerPoint

    Create cue cards in #powerpoint for #articulate elearning courses and other projects. http://www.screenr.com/njh

  10. Oral Presentation: Speaking aides

    Oral Presentation: Speaking aides - Cue Cards and gesture🌎 My website: http://www.stevenkolber.com📱 Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/steven_kolber📘 Faceboo...

  11. PDF How to Make Cue Cards for Speeches

    9 Features of Good Cue Cards: The information you put on your cards and how you lay it out is critically important. You need to be able to read and understand them at a glance. The most user-friendly cue cards: 1. Have ONE main subject heading or idea per card 2. Have a heading showing which part of the speech the card belongs to 3.

  12. Managing your Presentation Notes

    Mind maps are used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas, and can be used as notes to aid a presentation. The advantages of using a mind map are similar to those of using keywords on cue words but it is easier to illustrate complex relationships than with keywords. However, again, using mind maps as a presentation aid requires ...

  13. How to use Cue Cards on stage!!

    Want to refer to your content while speaking on stage?? And not sure how to do that?? The answer is simple - Cue Cards!!We have some guidelines for you about...

  14. How to Create Cue Cards in PowerPoint in Just 5 Minutes

    Here are the steps: Insert a Rectangle. Go to INSERT> SHAPES> RECTANGLES> RECTANGLE. Adjust the Size and Position of the R To do so, Right Click the Rectangle> SIZE AND POSITION. Make Height 4" and Width to 6". Again Right Click the Rectangle, FORMAT SHAPE> SHAPE OPTIONS> FILL> GRADIENT FILL. Choose LINEAR TYPE.

  15. What Are Cue Cards

    A cue card is a large sheet of paper with an on-camera host or performer's lines written on them, as a means to help the performer remember what they have to say. They are usually held off-camera, unseen by an at-home audience. The most common use of cue cards can be found in TV variety shows, where script changes are often too rampant and ...

  16. 8 tips for your speaker cue cards

    Don't hold a crumpled piece of paper, but use a carton card instead. The backside of your speaker card can carry the logo of the organisation. It's all about that first [professional] impression! 8. Tablet alternative. A tablet, compared to carton speaker cue cards, can be a little challenging to hold and operate while you're presenting.

  17. Cue cards for webinars

    Using cue cards may be helpful to use during your live webcast presentation. No large papers flapping in front of you, distracting your audience and possibly causing uncertainty if the pages are in the right order. As simple cue card my help. Make sure you number the cards if you are using more than one cue card during your webinar.

  18. Using Cue Cards During Your Presentation

    Your choice will help you go to the stage well prepared and confident either with cue cards or without them. Cue cards are tiny piece of paper carrying major points of the entire presentation which you deliver to people. PowerPoint is a great application helping you to create any design you like. Advantages: • You will memorize the speech easily.

  19. Cue Cards Presentations

    Cue cards presentations can be effective and powerful, but they are tricky. Here's what not to do...Support Rick on Patreon so he can make more videos https...

  20. Cue Card How-To by Arend Librande on Prezi

    3 - How we do it. - 3-5 jot notes. - Main idea & Number. - if we get stuck, use. - Not exact. - reminds us of topic. An effective cue card has between 3-5 jot points. It should have the main idea of that paragraph at the top and a number (in case you drop the cards and have to find out where you are). Lastly, we write on only one side of the card.

  21. Communication Skills

    To maximize the benefits of cue cards there are several basic guidelines that you should use when creating your own: 1. Clearly number the cue cards 2. Only write on one side 3. One key point per card 4. Each card should contain adequate support and cues 5. Logical levels can be shown by alterations in font size, spacing, color, or highlighting 6.

  22. Using Google Slides to make Cue Cards for your speech

    Quick digital way to make cue cards for a speech using Google Slides.🔔 SUBSCRIBE 🔔 to get notified when new videos and tutorials are posted.#educationtechn...

  23. Speakers Use Cue Cards For Solid Speech Delivery Every Time

    Speakers stay on track with cue cards. Good speakers hit all the right points and messages with their cue cards. With your cue cards you can easily keep to the time requirements of your speech. You can always use cue cards to prompt for a difficult name or a pronunciation. Above all, your cue cards are inconspicuous and can make your speech ...