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Explanatory Essay: Definition, Outline, Writing Steps & Samples


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An explanatory essay  is a type of essay that aims to explain or describe a particular topic or subject. The purpose of an explanatory essay is to provide readers with information and to educate them about a topic in a concise manner.

In this article, we will discuss an explanatory writing definition, provide an outline of key components, and guide you through how to write an explanatory essay. Additionally, we will provide a well-written explanatory essay example to further illustrate required structure and format of writing the paper. Whether you are a college student or a professional, this article will offer all the tools you need to write a clear and effective explanatory essay. Our professional essay writers did their best to share all essential details on an explanatory essay – beginning with an introduction and ending with a conclusion. Let’s get started!

What Is an Explanatory Essay: Definition

An explanatory essay is a type of academic writing in which the writer presents an explanation or analysis of a specific topic or idea. Its main goal is to provide the reader with a clear, unbiased and well-supported understanding of the subject matter, through use of evidence and logical reasoning.  Instead of persuading or arguing with the reader, explanatory essays provide relevant information to them. Therefore, a writer must present information objectively, without injecting their own personal opinions or biases.  Additionally, explanatory writing can be used in professional settings as well, for example, in a scientific report, or in a business proposal to explain the process of a product or service creation, or to provide data analysis. According to definition of explanatory writing, it explains why things happen the way they are.

What is the Purpose of an Explanatory Essay?

Explanatory essay purpose is to provide an explanation or clarification of a particular topic or subject. This type of assignment is used to inform or educate readers about a specific concept or idea. Similarly to writing an informative essay , the focus is on offering a clear and comprehensive understanding of topic, rather than arguing about a particular point of view.  A writer should present information, define terms, and use evidence to support their explanations. Explanatory essay also aims to explain complex ideas in a clear and concise manner, making information accessible and understandable to reader.

Explanatory Essay Outline

Explanatory essay outline varies depending on information that author is trying to present. Aim of explanatory outline is to organize points into paragraphs and provide a framework on how to write an explanation paper. You can find an example of an essay outline online that can help guide you on what to do.  Below is an example of an explanatory essay outline template.

  • Background information on the topic.
  • Thesis statement.
  • First point supporting thesis statement.
  • Evidence or examples to support this point.
  • Explanation of evidence provided.
  • Concluding statement.
  • Second point supporting thesis statement.
  • Evidence or examples to support point.
  • Third point supporting thesis statement.
  • Summarize main points
  • Restate thesis statement
  • Call to action or future implications.

Explanatory Essay Structure

Structure of an explanatory essay typically includes an introduction , body , and conclusion .  Writing an explanatory essay begins with drafting an introduction . Introduction provides background information on topic and  thesis statement in closing sentence. Thesis statement offers the main idea of paper. Subsequent parts of an explanatory essay support the developed thesis statement using valid evidence.  Body of the paper is where writers present evidence, examples, and explanations to support their thesis statement. Body typically contains several paragraphs, each focusing on a specific aspect of topic and providing evidence to support it.  Finally, conclusion summarizes main points and arguments of the writing, and restates thesis in different ways. It also provides a final perspective on topic, and may offer some recommendations or suggestions for further reading or research.

Explanatory Essay Introduction

Have you been wondering how to write an explanatory essay introduction? A good introduction for an explanatory essay should have three main elements:

  • Background information
  • Thesis statement

The hook is an attention-grabbing and interesting sentence that entices reader to continue reading. It can be a surprising fact, a quote, or a thought-provoking question. Background information provides context for the topic being discussed and helps readers to understand significance of the issue. This section should be brief and to the point. Last part of introduction paragraph for an explanatory essay is a thesis statement . This is a statement that author will support by using facts, quotes and examples throughout the body of paper before concluding with personal opinion based on provided evidence.

Explanatory Essay Thesis Statement

It is important to know what is an explanatory thesis statement before exploring its purpose. Thesis is a statement that presents main idea or topic in a clear and concise manner. Thesis statement for an explanatory essay is an essential element as it serves as a roadmap for the entire work. It should be specific and arguable.  Thesis statement should be presented early in paper, typically in introduction, to guide reader's understanding of essay's main points. It should be specific enough to clearly convey a topic, but not so specific that it limits the paper’s scope. Additionally, it should be arguable, meaning that it should be open to interpretation and debate.  With this information, you can practice how to write a thesis statement for an explanatory essay.

Explanatory Essay Body

Next step after introduction is to write a body paragraph for an explanatory essay . Explanatory essay body paragraph provides evidence that supports thesis statement. It should include facts, statistics, expert opinions, examples and other evidence that help to prove thesis statement is accurate.  Body paragraphs should be written in a clear and logical manner, making a strong case for thesis statement. It should also be written in a way that is easy for readers to understand and follow, ensuring that evidence is presented in a clear and convincing manner.  To effectively convey information in the body of an explanation essay, it is important to use a variety of different techniques and strategies. This may include use of images, infographics, examples, theories, quotes, and other relevant information. By incorporating these different elements, writers can more effectively engage readers and provide a more comprehensive understanding of topic at hand. Additionally, use of these different techniques can help to break up text and make it more visually appealing and easier to read.

Explanatory Essay Conclusion

An explanatory essay conclusion is the final section of the paper that summarizes main points and restates the thesis statement. Conclusion for explanatory essays should be written in a way that ties all of information presented in paper together, providing a clear and concise summary of main ideas.  Steps on how to write a conclusion for an explanatory essay are as follows:

  • Restate the thesis statement.
  • Summarize main points: conclusion should sum up key points and evidence presented in paper, highlighting most important information.
  • Provide a sense of closure: indicate that paper has come to an end and that main points have been fully discussed. Your conclusion must show that the ideas have been explored fully.
  • Emphasize significance of the topic.
  • Provide final thoughts or recommendations: give reader something to consider after reading your work.

How to Write an Explanatory Essay Step-by-Step?

Best way to understand how to write an explanatory essay is by practicing certain steps involved in the process. By following these steps, writer will have a clear understanding of process and be able to effectively present information in a logical and easy-to-understand manner. Subsequent section will discuss how to do an explanatory essay by covering some important tips and considerations for each step, to help you produce a high-quality writing. Details on each step are discussed below.

1. Produce an Idea

First step in producing an idea in an explanatory essay is by thinking about what you are passionate about or interested in. This will make writing process more enjoyable and will also make it easier for you to have a strong understanding of the topic. When brainstorming a topic in explanatory essay writing, you should consider your audience and what they may be interested in reading about. More ways to brainstorm new ideas include looking at current events or trending topics in your field of study or area of interest.  Narrow down your list of ideas by evaluating which explanatory essay topics would make most interesting and informative writing. Once you have a topic in mind, do some preliminary research to ensure that there is enough information available to write a comprehensive paper.

2. Make a Detailed Research

Before writing an explanatory essay, you should do detailed research to collect relevant information. Here are some steps to follow when gathering information:

  • Identify topic and focus of your research paper. This will help you determine what types of sources to look for and where to find them.
  • Search for sources using a variety of methods, such as online databases, library catalogs, and search engines.
  • Evaluate credibility of each source. Check for things like author's credentials, publisher, and date of publication.
  • Take detailed notes as you read through your sources. Be sure to note author, title, and publication date for each source, as well as any key information or quotes that you plan to use in your paper.
  • Finally, review all sources again, and make sure they are reliable and trustworthy before you use them in your explanatory paper.

3. Use Appropriate Examples

Examples in explanatory writing are an effective way to explain a concept or idea because they provide a concrete illustration of topic being discussed. They can make complex ideas easier to understand by providing a real-world context. Using an appropriate explanatory essay example can help to strengthen credibility of information being presented. Sources used in this paper should be applicable to the real world. Examples can be used to persuade readers to see a certain point of view. For instance, when discussing a controversial topic, providing examples can help to demonstrate validity of the writer's argument. Also, providing illustrations helps the reader to understand unfamiliar concepts.

4. Create an Explanatory Essay Outline

Best way to know how to write an explanatory essay outline is to consider the amount of information gathered through detailed research and obtaining logical arrangement to ensure flow of ideas. Created through identifying a specific idea from detailed research and ensuring readers can easily relate logical flow throughout the paper. Appropriate outline for explanatory essay entails introduction, body and conclusion each containing specific information arranged in a logical manner to provide flow of your paper.  Example of an outline provided above follows a general structure and provides the best organization of communicating directly to readers. Moreover, a sample above shows a flawless way of obtaining information and opinion of an author. Besides, it provides an outline in a manner that is easy to follow and comprehend.

5. Write an Outstanding Beginning

Capturing attention of the reader to go ahead and read entire paper is dependent on the introduction. Therefore, providing a hook seems like the best way on how to start an explanatory essay. First step to capture your audience’s attention is usually to write an introduction paragraph for an explanatory essay. Introduction becomes the first paragraph in any type of writing, and it is important in capturing interest among readers.  Writing an effective introduction involves providing a hook and general description of the topic, background information and thesis statement. These elements provide an overview of your paper and instigate readers to expect more detailed information about your topic throughout the writing.

Explanatory Essay Introduction Example

Introduction paragraph is the beginning of paper and helps to introduce general ideas about topic and to capture attention and interest of your readers to continue reading. Introduction must begin with a hook, followed by scope of the topic and closing sentence should include a debatable thesis statement. Revising explanatory essay introduction examples can help you understand the concept better. Below is an example of introduction paragraph.

Why do teenagers commit suicide? The rate of committing suicide among teenagers have been on rise. Some leave suicide notes while others left nothing to show the cause of their actions. Suicide has been linked with mental disorders. Nevertheless, there has been a need to investigate other underlying causes apart from mental disorder. Therefore, there are several underlying factors that lead to suicidal actions among youths that need to be investigated. Increase in suicide rates among teenagers can be attributed to a combination of societal pressures, mental health issues, and a lack of access to proper resources and support.

6. Come Up With an Explanatory Essay Thesis Statement

Understanding how to write a thesis statement for an explanatory essay is essential in ensuring that the reader comprehends whole idea author is trying to prove. Thesis statement for explanatory essays provides main idea in a precise manner. It is usually written in concluding statement of introduction paragraph of explanation writing.  Effective thesis statement should be specific but must consider scope of the work. In addition, an outstanding thesis statement doesn’t include your emotions or opinion. Save arguments and viewpoints for an argumentative essay .

Explanation Essay Thesis Statement Example

Thesis statement is written in the concluding sentence. It is supposed to be specific and concise in providing the main idea of your paper. Additionally, to make it effective, thesis statement should be outstanding and debatable with open interpretation. Thesis statement sums up central point of the writing, and should articulate it in a few words without providing too much information. However, reader has to note specific ideas that author is trying to relay.  Example of an explanatory essay thesis statement is stated as follows:

Increase in suicide rates among teenagers can be attributed to a combination of societal pressures, mental health issues, and a lack of access to proper resources and support.

7. Support Your Ideas With Evidence

The central idea that author intends to express can only be validated through relevant evidence from credible sources. Supporting thesis statement is based on how well one knows how to write an explanatory body paragraph. Body of an explanatory essay entails evidence to support your topic. Evidence supporting the idea is obtained from detailed research conducted after identifying a specific idea.  Main aim of the body paragraph is to prove thesis statement. Some ways used to communicate in body include examples, facts and opinions among other evidence that are deemed relevant and credible. Having an effective body in writing requires presenting evidence in a clear and convincing way that will enable reader to easily relate important ideas to thesis statement. Including different techniques of presenting evidence in body of report, provides vivid understanding and wider perception of the topic.

Example of an Explanatory Essay Body Paragraph

Body paragraph provides evidence that supports thesis statement. Below is a perfect explanatory body paragraph example about factors that cause suicide among teenagers.

Society plays a significant role in shaping mental health of teenagers. With constant pressure to fit in and meet societal expectations, many teens struggle with low self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy. Social media amplifies this pressure by providing a platform for teens to compare themselves to others and constantly measure themselves against impossible standards. This can lead to depression, anxiety, and ultimately, suicide. Mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, are also major contributing factors to suicide among teenagers. These conditions are often left undiagnosed and untreated due to a lack of access to proper resources and support. Many teens may not have the means to seek out professional help or may not understand the severity of their condition. Additionally, the stigma surrounding mental health can prevent teens from seeking help, leaving them to struggle alone with their thoughts and feelings. This further increases the risk of suicide.

8. Summarize Your Explanatory Paper

Last section of the explanatory essay writing is to summarize your evidence to support the thesis statement. Explanatory summary restates thesis statement and highlights important information presented throughout the work. Main idea is to link all information in the paper together to provide a common relationship between main ideas and thesis statements. Opinion of author is provided in summary section, which is dependent on depth of evidence provided in body. Author can agree or disagree with thesis statement, if it is efficiently supported by credible and relevant sources. Besides, the summary provides necessity of the topic at hand and possible recommendations.

Example of Explanatory Essay Conclusion

Conclusion paragraph starts by restating thesis and summarizing main points. Sample of an explanatory essay conclusion as one provided below will help you understand concept better.

In conclusion, suicide among teenagers is a complex issue that is influenced by a combination of societal pressure, mental health issues, and a lack of access to proper resources and support. It is important that we take a holistic approach to addressing this issue by solving underlying causes and providing teens with support and resources they need to navigate challenges of adolescence. This includes providing mental health education, addressing societal pressures, and increasing access to professional help and support. By working together, we can help to reduce suicide rates among teenagers and give young people the chance to live happy and fulfilling lives.

9. Proofread an Explanatory Essay

Final step in writing an explanatory article involves proofreading your work properly. It entails revising paper a couple of times to check if it has proper flow of thoughts, communicate to audience with the clear ideas, and understand if conclusion provides a concise value of the thesis statement. It is usually done a day after completion to easily spot mistakes. Moreover, proofreading explanatory essays aims at detecting minor errors and grammatical mistakes that might affect clarity and quality of the paper. During proofreading, any error or mistake is noted and necessary editing done to improve the value of the paper.

Explanatory Essay Format

Format for an explanatory essay depends on the discipline provided in the paper. There are different formats to write an explanatory essay including APA style format , MLA format and Chicago style paper format which are provided in instructions. Format provided in paper also dictates the style of structure and citation of sources used in the paper. The format does not have any influence on content of the paper and is usually based on a system preferred by the author. Writer uses the recommended format that seems easier and familiar. Therefore, explanatory papers can take any format with similar structure and enable the author to communicate effectively to readers.

Explanation Essay Examples

Explanatory writing examples  provided below show the required structure of the essays. Under the structure there are possible sections with some clarifications to help the reader understand the main idea. Explanatory essay samples are necessary to readers because they help in understanding how to build up the topic under study. Moreover, each of the example of explanatory writing provided below is important in learning different formats of writing, conveying a general idea of the work.

Explanatory Essay Writing Tips

Writing tips are essential in ensuring an excellent explanation essay. Some of these writing tips are listed below:

  • Take advantage of transition and linking words and write a hook for an explanatory essay.
  • Cite sources from which facts were drawn. Sources should be credible and recent to ensure high value of paper. Following examples of explanatory essays is the best way of learning how to cite.
  • Proofread the paper. This involves revising work to ensure topic is analyzed in a logical manner that follows correct explanatory essay layout which is easily understood by audience.
  • Edit an essay. Follows after identifying and noting errors and mistakes during proofreading. It is done a day after completion of writing to ensure all mistakes are edited and paper’s value improved.
  • Share the paper with a close person as a way of further improving its value and ensuring explanatory essay meaning is maintained. In addition, by sharing, authors can get feedback on where to make necessary corrections and changes to ensure writing is more understandable and clearly communicates to the audience.

Explanatory Essay Checklist

Before final submission of the explanatory essay, there are several checks it should go through first to ensure a proper flow in the paper and that the intended information is easily understood by the reader. The checklist enables one to write a good explanatory essay. The checklist includes the following:

Bottom Line on How to Write an Explanatory Essay

The question of what is explanatory writing has various definitions but generally,  it is usually academic writing which provides analysis of a specific topic or idea to readers. Explanatory essay template provides the basic structure that can be followed in explanatory writing. Besides, explanatory essay examples provide vivid understanding on how to write a good explanatory paper. Through using templates and examples, one can master steps and structure of writing an explanatory essay.  Structure of explanatory paper has three parts that are logically arranged to enable readers to easily understand what the author intends to prove.  Besides, flow of ideas in a logical manner enables relating different evidence provided in body to thesis statement and accounting for correct conclusion. If you need more help on writing, feel free to seek more suggestions in our Blog. From guides on exemplification essay to tips on evaluation essay , you will find tutorial fitting any academic need.


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Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.

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  • checkbox My explanatory writing is clear.
  • checkbox Provided information has required flow and is connected with transition words.
  • checkbox Supporting evidence proves my thesis statement.
  • checkbox I started an explanatory essay with a hook that grabs reader’s attention.
  • checkbox My writing is understandable to the reader or doesn’t leave them confused.
  • checkbox My summary ties key points to the thesis statement.
  • checkbox The citation and referencing style is appropriate to the paper format.

Explanatory essay basics

FAQ About Explanatory Essays

1. how is an explanatory essay different from an argumentative essay.

Differences between explanatory and argumentative essay is that explanatory paper is about presenting information to explain something while an argumentative writing is about persuading the readers to agree with an opinion. In the explanatory paper, the author provides an open interpretation of the topic before finally providing links between main ideas  that proves the thesis statement. 

2. Is an explanatory essay the same as an informative essay?

No. An informative essay is based on detailed facts and data while an explanatory paper requires author’s opinion on some certain points. Explanatory essay meaning is drawn from author’s presentation of idea and how well it is supported. Despite having an open interpretation and debatable thesis statement, clear facts about topic in explanatory paper are not easily determined. Author makes rational decisions based on the weight of evidence provided.

3. What is included in explanatory essay?

Explanatory essay is a type of writing where author presents some points of view on a certain topic, event or situation. Opinion of author is generally the idea supported by most of the evidence provided in body. Remember to include introduction, body, and conclusion to adequately support your claims and understand the difference between those parts of your paper.

4. Is an explanatory essay objective or subjective?

Explanatory writing is about presenting a balanced, objective description of the topic. The paper is objective and provides an all around perception of topic both opposing and proposing evidence on thesis statement. General description provides the author's idea and reader can easily understand point of view based on provided sources and evidence.

5. How many paragraphs are in an explanatory essay?

Explanatory essay has five paragraphs though it can include more. Paragraphs vary with subheading the author decides to include in essay. General structure requires one paragraph for introduction, three for body and last one for conclusion. However, in case of extra evidence in body and long introduction, more paragraphs can be used.

7+ Explanatory Essay Examples That Get the Best Grades

7+ Explanatory Essay Examples That Get the Best Grades

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outline of an explanatory essay

Meredith Sell

Writing explanatory essays is hard, even for experienced scholars.

In this post, I want to try to tackle the major challenges students face when writing this type of essay, using examples of successful essays. These challenges include:

  • Struggling to come up with the right idea . (solution:  brainstorming techniques )
  • Difficulty in organizing the essay. (solution: working on the outline of the essay)
  • Not having enough evidence or sources to back up points. (solution: doing proper research )
  • Failing to come up with a conclusion. (solution: following our guide to conclusions )
  • Not having enough knowledge of the topic. (solution: summarizing key articles on the topic)
  • Having trouble finding the right words. (solution: writing with Wordtune )
  • Not having enough time to finish the essay. (solution: working on student time management )
  • Not being able to present arguments effectively. (solution: learning essay persuasion techniques )

As you can see, for every issue there is the relevant solution, but it takes time to implement it. Another way of tackling this essay is to see other people's essay examples and getting inspiration from them.

Write your explanatory essay faster with this FREE AI tool > Write your explanatory essay faster with this FREE AI tool >

Explanatory essay generator

What Is an Explanatory Essay?

What Is an Explanatory Essay?

If you google “explanatory essay”, you’ll find a bunch of sites saying that an explanatory essay is the same as an expository essay, or that it’s totally different, or not even mentioning that expository essays exist. Who’s right?

Answer: Whoever your professor agrees with.

No, seriously. Your professor decides the parameters of your assignment. So if your professor defines an explanatory essay as one that describes a perspective or analyzes the efficacy of, for example, a local housing policy—that’s the definition you should work from.

But if your professor distinguishes between explanatory essays (which simply explain what something is and how it works or was developed) and expository essays (which expose the reality of a person, place, thing, or idea through investigation and evaluation), you should distinguish between them as well.

For the purposes of this piece, we’re going to use explanatory and expository interchangeably. The dividing line that some draw between these essay types is unnecessarily technical. What’s important is that both:

  • Use an objective perspective
  • Let the facts speak for themselves

As long as your essay does the same (and includes analysis if required by your professor), you should be in good shape.

Example of explanatory essay

We wrote a whole article on generating essay topic ideas , but here is a good example that can help you get an idea for your own essay:

Why is having a dog as a pet such a wonderful experience?

Dogs are one of the most popular pets in the world. They are beloved companions that bring joy and happiness into the lives of their owners. Dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years and have evolved to become the perfect pet for humans. In this essay, I will explain why having a dog as a pet is a wonderful experience.

One of the primary benefits of having a dog as a pet is the companionship they offer. Dogs are social animals that thrive on human interaction. They are loyal and loving creatures that are always there for their owners. Dogs can help alleviate feelings of loneliness and depression, and provide comfort and support during difficult times.

Another benefit of having a dog as a pet is the health benefits they offer. Studies have shown that owning a dog can help lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and improve overall health. Dogs require daily exercise, which encourages their owners to be more active and can lead to a healthier lifestyle. Additionally, having a dog can boost the immune system and reduce the risk of allergies and asthma in children.

Dogs are also great for families with children. They can help teach children about responsibility, compassion, and empathy. Children can learn to care for and nurture their pets, which can be beneficial for their emotional development. Dogs are also great playmates for children and can provide hours of entertainment and fun.

Training and caring for a dog can also be a rewarding experience. Dogs can be trained to perform a variety of tasks, such as fetching, obedience, and even therapy work. The process of training a dog can help strengthen the bond between the owner and the dog and can be a fulfilling experience. Additionally, caring for a dog requires daily attention and can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment for the owner.

In conclusion, having a dog as a pet can be a wonderful experience. Dogs offer companionship, health benefits, and can be great for families with children. Caring for a dog can also be a rewarding experience and can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment for the owner. Owning a dog is a big responsibility, but the rewards far outweigh the effort required.

Example of an explanatory paragraph, generated with AI:

outline of an explanatory essay

A few subtypes of explanatory essays:

Description or definition essay example

‍ Perhaps the most basic, this subtype does the deceptively simple work of, well, describing or defining a concept, place, person, etc.

Example: How Suspension Bridges Work

This essay explains: The way suspension bridges are constructed and how their design enables them to carry such immense weight.

Cause-and-effect essay example

This type of essay hones in on a particular phenomenon to show what caused it (i.e., where it came from) and how it influences other things.

Example: How Federally Funded Highways Transformed the United States

This essay explains: The history of federally funded highways in the U.S., when federal programs to fund highway construction started, why politicians and others thought highways were important, and what the effect has been on the landscapes, communities, economies, and ecosystems of the country.

Compare-and-contrast essay example

Take two or more things, gather the facts about them, and then write about their similarities and differences.

Example: Hybrid vs. Electric Cars

This essay explains: The various features of hybrid and electric cars, and shows how they are either different or similar in terms of: cost, energy consumption, size, drive time, ease of use, and so on.

‍ How-to essay example

Walk your reader step-by-step through a procedure so they can do it for themselves. (We’re doing this later!)

Example: How to Prepare for an Intercontinental Bike Trip

This essay explains: How to get ready for a bike trip between nations and continents. Readers learn how to research their route, find out what travel documents they need, choose the right gear, and determine how much training they should do before leaving.

Problem and solution essay example

Explain a problem (along with its causes and effects) and then describe one or more potential solutions to that problem. This subtype could also be combined with compare-and-contrast to determine the most effective solution.

Example: How Bike Infrastructure Could Solve American Obesity

This essay explains: How American reliance on motorized vehicles promotes a sedentary lifestyle that drives obesity, whereas building bike lanes and trails could encourage Americans to be more active and improve their health one pedal at a time.

‍ Chronology essay example

Explain the history or backstory of a person, place, thing, or idea in chronological order.

Example: The Evolution of the Bicycle

This essay explains: The initial invention of the bicycle and how its shape, frame, and size changed over the years.

What type of explanatory essay are you writing? Hopefully, this list helped you hone in. Now, let’s start the writing process.

5 Steps to Write Your Essay

Whether you’re writing an explanatory/expository essay or a persuasive essay, the process of researching and writing is pretty much the same. Both genres require research, organization, and thought . But with expository essays, the thought focuses on making sure you understand your topic inside-out and determining the best way to explain it, while with persuasive essays, you’re focused on crafting a convincing argument.

Follow these steps to turn that blank page into a final manuscript:

1. Choose topic and angle. 

Do you have free rein to write about the topic of your choice? Make the most of it.

In college, my public speaking professor let us choose all of our own speech topics. A classmate gave an explanatory presentation on how to survive the zombie apocalypse . She brought props and had the class totally enchanted. Our professor encouraged creativity, so I’m sure she earned a winning grade—and had fun in the process.

You can’t use props or sound in a written essay, but you can still work some creative magic. That magic starts with choosing your topic and angle.

To choose well, first make sure you understand the assignment: 

  • What exactly has your professor asked you to write? Which of the subtypes should your piece be?
  • Are there any parameters for what type of topic you can write about?
  • What kind of class is this? An English composition class will offer more freedom than, say, a history class focused on the French Revolution.

If you’re allowed to write about anything, brainstorm a list of topics you’re curious about. Then think of smaller topics within that area.

Example: Transportation

  • Electric cars
  • The highway system
  • Engineering

Any of these topics you could easily write volumes about, so next, narrow down to your specific angle. One way I like to come up with angles is to think of how two or three different topics intersect.

Example 1: electric cars + the highway system 

Angle: How Much Will It Cost to Update Federal Highways with Charging Stations for Electric Cars

Notice that this angle includes a third element: cost

Example 2: bicycles + bridges

Angle: The Safest Bridges for Bicycles Have One Thing in Common: No Cars

Third element: safety

Example 3: electric cars + buses

Angle: Electric Cars vs. Buses: Which Is Better for the Environment?

Third element: environment

Your turn: Make a list of topics you’re interested in. Then, identify some intersecting topics. Based on your assignment parameters, develop an angle that narrows your focus to an intersection that interests you.

Not sure what angle to go with? Do some broad research on your topics and then return to this step.

2. Research, research, research.

Explanatory essays require solid research. These essays exist to lay out the facts for the reader so they can clearly understand the topic. Your opinion—what you think about electric cars or suspension bridges or transportation infrastructure—doesn’t matter. And it doesn’t belong here.

Where you should start your research depends on how much knowledge you already have.

If you’re writing about suspension bridges and you already know the Brooklyn Bridge and Golden Gate Bridge are suspension bridges, you probably don’t need to start with the encyclopedic entry for “suspension bridges”. But if you don’t know the basic facts about your topic, encyclopedias are a great place to start.

Thanks to the advances of technology—and this marvelous thing called the internet—you don’t have to go to a research library to gain that ground-level knowledge of your topic. But you do still need to make sure you’re drawing from credible sources.

For encyclopedias, try these to start:


Dictionaries can be helpful too:

  • Merriam-Webster

Once you know your topics’ basic facts, focus on researching those topics in the context of your angle . It may help to make a list of questions you’re trying to answer so you can keep your research focused.

Example: Electric Cars vs. Buses: Which Is Better for the Environment?

  • Are most buses gas-powered or electric?
  • What’s the average emissions of greenhouse gas from gas-powered buses?
  • How much energy do electric cars use? What’s the lifespan of their batteries? Are they just using electricity that was produced in a polluting way somewhere else? What about electric buses?
  • How many people can ride a bus? How many people typically are transported by one car? 
  • What would be the average energy consumption per person in an electric car versus a bus?

Once you know the questions you need to answer, look for sources that address those questions. For an academic essay, you’ll probably want to stick with academic sources : peer-reviewed studies and research papers published by academic journals. But official government databases can also be useful. And news stories from reputable publications can provide some direction as well (check with your professor to see whether or not you can use news publications as sources for your essay). Your educational institution likely provides access to all of these kinds of sources through the university library.

Your turn: Think through your angle and make a list of questions your piece needs to answer. Next, start searching academic databases for the information you need. Take notes as you research, and be sure to save any links, titles, author names, page numbers, and publication information you’ll need to properly cite your sources.

3. Outline your essay.

Call me crazy, but I actually think this is the fun part. I hated writing outlines when I was in school, but since making my living as a professional writer, they’ve become the #1 way I beat writer’s block.

First: Throw out the idea that your outline should be a series of bullet points neatly organized into sections and subsections. Your outline only needs to make sense to you , so play around to find an approach that works with your brain. The idea here is simply to make a map you’ll follow when you sit down to write.

Here’s what I do:

  • Identify the specific hook I’m going to use to start things off.
  • List the different examples and details I need to include.
  • Use the main focus or idea of my piece to order everything in a natural, logical way.

A lot of times, my outline becomes a combination of bullet points and sentences or paragraphs I write as I’m sketching out the piece. I’m basically just thinking the piece through, from beginning to end. Instead of getting stuck while I’m writing, I work through the tough spots in the outlining stage.

This is what my outline looked like for this piece:

outline of an explanatory essay

Okay, that’s kind of long, so I cut it off early—but you get the point. 

A lot of times, my outline starts as bare-bones bullets. As I work on it, ideas pop up that I stick in where they make sense. But when I write, those elements might move around ( notice how the examples of transportation essays got bumped up to the section on subtypes of essays ).

Your outline is just a guide. It’s not an architect’s blueprint that needs to be followed to the exact millimeter. There’s room for things to change. 

But an outline keeps you on-track when you’re writing . If you find yourself stuck (or lost) in the writing step, reference your map. You might need to backtrack, move what you’ve written around, or adjust your route. 

Your turn: Take a few minutes and sketch out your essay. Where does it start? What points does it hit? Are there any ways you see the different points connecting that should inform how you order them? As you think it through, scribble out any lines or paragraphs that come to you and stick them in the outline where they make the most sense. Even if you don’t use these exact words later, they’ll help prevent that deer-in-the-headlights stare that hits when you see a blank page.

Time to put everything together! 

With your outline and research ready, start your intro and set up your piece. Your opening should briefly introduce your readers to the topic(s) you’re writing about and the questions you’re going to answer—but don’t give everything away. You want to stir up readers’ curiosity and give them a reason to keep reading.

Depending on the length of your essay, your intro may be one to three paragraphs long (longer pieces get longer intros). But it should be concise and to the point, and smoothly transition into the body of your essay.

The body is the meat and potatoes of your piece. Answer those questions, flesh out your explanation, and give readers a thorough understanding of your topic. Show off your research! Include those bizarre and fascinating facts you learned along the way. Use a tasteful metaphor or compelling anecdote to explain some of the more difficult aspects of your topic. 

As you write, be sure to follow a consistent logic throughout your piece: 

  • If you’re detailing a history or an event, use chronological order: start at the beginning and write about the events in the order that they happened.
  • Are you explaining how a machine or other invention works? Start with where the movement starts—the pedals of a bicycle, the wind turning the turbines—or with the feature doing the most significant work (e.g., the wires of the suspension bridge). 
  • Other logics include: size (small to large, large to small), significance (greatest to least), or space (left to right, right to left, outside to center, center to outside).

You don’t need to label everything you write about as the “next biggest” or “least significant”, but sticking to a logic helps your readers orient themselves—and helps you determine which paragraph or subtopic should go where. This way, your thoughts clearly flow from one paragraph to the next. 

‍ Quick note: If you can’t name the logic that’s guiding your piece, don’t worry. As long as your paragraphs naturally follow each other and all questions raised in the intro are answered by the end, your essay probably follows a logic just fine. But if you feel like your piece bounces around willy-nilly, play with a couple different logics and see if one smoothly orders your sentences and paragraphs.

Your turn: Get writing! If you’re stuck on the intro, try writing a working title for your piece to focus your attention. Then, follow your outline to work all the way from the beginning to a conclusion that sums everything up.

If you can, let your piece sit for at least a day. Then, for the editing process , open up that document and read through with these questions in mind:

  • Does the essay fulfill the assignment? Review the assignment description from your professor. Does your essay tick all the boxes? If not, what’s missing? Can you weave that element into what you’ve already written? Revise as necessary.
  • Are the sentences and paragraphs ordered in a way that makes logical sense? If your essay feels clunky in places, you might have switched logics (as explained above) or you might need to insert some more explanation that clearly ties the sentences or paragraphs together. Make sure your essay doesn’t just list facts, but also shows how they relate to each other.
  • Does the hook catch your eye? The beginning of your piece should grab your reader’s attention. Check out our advice for prize-winning hooks here .
  • Does the conclusion effectively sum things up? Instead of repeating everything your essay says, your conclusion should briefly distill the main takeaway or core idea for your reader. It should show that you’ve fulfilled the promise made in your intro, without being unnecessarily repetitive or redundant.
  • Have you cited all your sources? Make sure to cross this off before hitting “submit.” Follow the citation style specified by your professor.
  • Is spelling and grammar clean and correct? You are writing, after all, and these things matter. A bonus tip to help you catch those sneaky typos: Read your piece backwards. You might be surprised what you spot.

Did We Explain That Well Enough?

This blog was basically a long, non-academic explanatory essay, so hopefully, you’ve learned something new and are feeling less overwhelmed about your essay on medieval literature, transportation infrastructure, Persian history—or whatever you’re writing about.

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The Subtle Art of Writing an Explanatory Essay

21 July, 2020

10 minutes read

Author:  Richard Pircher

When writing an explanatory essay, you may have many questions connected with this paper type. You might wonder how to craft it, structure it, represent your thoughts, and many more. But the main question will refer to the paper type you’re working on. And the first thing you have to remember is that it’s not a persuasive essay. In this paper, you only have to describe some event or subject and explain its major aspects and importance to a reader.

Explanatory Essay

Our article contains exhaustive information on writing explanatory essays. Also, we’ve written the tips that will help you craft an excellent paper. So, keep on reading for more details.

how to write an explanatory essay

What Is an Explanatory Essay?

Before you start writing your task, it’s necessary to find out what is an explanatory essay. Without a clear understanding of this paper type, it’s impossible to craft a brilliant paper and get excellent grades. An explanatory essay is a work in which you present a point of view on some subject and describe its main features, importance, or simply answer questions, “ Why? ” and “ How? ”

This paper type requires you to research, analyze facts, and explain the opinion of other people. Of course, you’ll have your thoughts concerning the subject, but you’ll have to avoid sharing them in your essay. The writer’s opinion remains neutral, and it doesn’t matter if you agree or disagree with the topic. Your goal is to help a reader understand the problem or subject by explaining details.

When crafting an essay, you can also add statistics and examples to become the guide leading the audience through the topic. The analysis of the subject and facts you’ve found during the research will help readers understand why and how things have happened. People don’t have to agree with the information from your article – they will only have to find answers to questions concerning the topic.

6 Types of an explanatory essay

Now that you know the definition of an explanatory essay, it’s necessary to learn its major types. We’ve prepared the list that will help you cope with a task correctly. Here are 6 explanatory essay types you need to know:

  • Compare and contrast. This essay type requires you to describe differences and similarities between subjects, events, people, etc.
  • Definition. This essay type is written to explain the idea, term, or subject.
  • Classification. When crafting this essay type, you have to divide the characteristics of a subject or idea by groups and explain their features in detail.
  • Cause and effect. It’s necessary to describe the situation that has happened and the event it’s caused.
  • How-to. The explanation of this paper type  is in its name – you have to explain how to do something or how things  work.
  • Problem and solution. This type of essay  requires a writer to research, analyze, and evaluate a problem. It’s also necessary to provide suggestions on its solution.

How to Start an Explanatory Essay?

How to write an explanatory essay? If you haven’t ever crafted this paper, this question will disturb you most of all. Before you start writing an explanatory essay, it’s necessary to take a few preparatory steps. Comprehensive research, fact-checking, and analysis are the most important stages of task completion. When exploring the topic, write down all the relevant details because you’ll use them in your article.

topics for explanatory essays

Keep in mind that this essay should only contain facts and a few of your thoughts – it’s a perfect combination that will allow you to describe things without persuasion. You’ll have to find several credible resources to come up with truthful information. And our recommendations will help you craft an excellent paper:

  • If a professor allows you to pick a topic, pick the neutral yet interesting one. For example, you can explain why people should learn more than two languages or how students can improve their writing skills.
  • Look for credible sources. You can use Wikipedia, JSTOR, or Google Scholar to find the necessary information. Besides, the door of the college library is always open for students.
  • Note essential details and quotes because you’ll use some of them in your paper.
  • Create an outline.
  • After researching the topic, collecting information, and writing an outline, it’s necessary to create a thesis statement. The latter explains what this topic is about. A thesis statement consists of one sentence and thoroughly describes a major idea of your essay.
  • Check the data you’re planning to use and start writing an essay.

Explanatory Essay Outline

The best way to organize your thoughts and the collected details you’re planning to describe in your essay is to design an outline. It’s basically a summary of a paper and it will only contain major ideas and arguments. Typically, an explanatory essay outline has the following structure:

1) Introduction. This section is a combination of three important ingredients – it should contain a hook, a short explanation of the topic, and a thesis statement. At this stage, a writer engages the reader by adding a relevant quote, joke, fact, or question concerning the subject. A few sentences are enough for the introduction section.

2) Body text. The optimal size of this section is 3 paragraphs. However, it will depend on the complexity of your explanatory essay and the professor’s requirements. Start a new paragraph if you want to describe another thought. Write a topic sentence to explain the main idea of every section. Support your thoughts by adding the facts you’ve found. They will develop the reader’s confidence in the trustworthiness of your statements.

3) Conclusion. In this section, you have to mention your thesis statement again, summarize the information from your essay, and highlight the topic’s value. Finish a paper with a call to action to motivate readers to research the subject in the future.

Explanatory Essay Examples

Here are some online explanatory essay examples:


Useful Tips for Successful Explanatory Essay

Since writing an explanatory essay may be challenging, it’s necessary to start with preparation and research. We’ve created some tips on crafting an expository paper to help you impress your professor. Follow our guide to come up with an excellent essay:

1. Pick an understandable topic

If a professor allows you to choose explanatory essay topics, it’s better to focus on subjects that are easy to write about. There’s a thing called the “ writer’s block ” which doesn’t let you craft any sentence. You can’t find the necessary words, and writing turns into the impossible mission. Sometimes a complicated topic is a problem that causes the writer’s block. That’s why you have to pick it carefully. It should be neutral yet interesting to you. Here  are a few examples of topics you can select:

  • Why does everyone need friends?
  • How to choose a career that is right for you?
  • How do technologies shape your life?
  • Why do Chinese people respect the symbol of the Dragon so much?
  • What are the main stressors in students’ lives?

2. Conduct comprehensive research

It’s necessary to dedicate some time to research, fact-checking, and data analysis to come up with an excellent explanatory essay. Pick reputable resources to avoid providing misinformation. Write down all the relevant details and return to them later to choose the most important ones.

3. Craft an outline

An outline is a brief model of your future paper that will help you organize your ideas. As we’ve mentioned, it will consist of three sections, including an introduction, body text, and a conclusion. Divide your outline by sections, and you’ll see how many paragraphs your piece will have. A traditional explanatory essay format is a paper with 5 paragraphs. They include an introduction and conclusion. The body section usually has 3 paragraphs. However, a number of sections will depend on the complexity of a topic and the professor’s requirements.

4. Check your essay

After you’ve written an explanatory essay, it’s necessary to check it for grammar mistakes, punctuation errors, and miswording. We recommend you to read the text aloud to make sure it sounds natural. And you can use online tools like Grammarly and Thesaurus to improve your writing.

Write an Excellent Explanatory Essay with HandmadeWriting

Sometimes it’s better to ask for professional help rather than taking a risk and getting bad grades. HandmadeWriting is a reputable writing service offering the execution of high-quality papers. You can hire a professional essay writer specializing in your discipline, and they will help you complete the task excellently and improve your academic picture.

HandmadeWriting consists of more than 700 writers, which means that you’ll definitely find the one who’ll assist you even with a specific task. It’s fine if you have an urgent order because an experienced specialist will quickly craft an essay and deliver it even before the deadline. You’ll receive a professionally proofread paper meeting all your requirements,

When crafting an explanatory essay, follow such fundamental rules as picking an understandable topic, researching, using credible sources, writing an outline, and revising your paper. Hiring a professional writer from HandmadeWriting is another way to get an excellent writing piece done. So, choose the solution that works best for you and hurry up to improve your scores.

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How to write a biography essay, how to write a profile essay, how to quote a poem in an essay, how to write an explanatory essay.

Lesley J. Vos

Whether you’re a high school student or a university attendee, you’ve probably encountered the task of writing an explanatory essay. At first glance, it might seem like a straightforward assignment. However, this type of writing has its quirks that can trip up even the best of us. These nuances often lead to lower grades and a sense of frustration. But fear not! We’ve got your back. In this guide, we’ll break down everything you need to know to craft a top-notch explanatory essay. 

What is an Explanatory Essay

An explanatory essay is a piece of writing that breaks down complex ideas into bite-sized, understandable pieces for someone who’s completely new to the topic. Imagine explaining how a car engine works or the process of photosynthesis to a friend or, even better, a child. That’s the essence of an explanatory essay. Its primary goal is to clarify a specific topic or concept in a clear, straightforward manner. You’ll often find these essays in academic settings, but they are also quite common in newspapers, magazines, and online articles.

As with any type of writing, explanatory essays have their standout characteristics. The main one of that they present information objectively without trying to argue a particular viewpoint. Explanatory texts are called to give the reader a thorough understanding of the subject using evidence and logical reasoning.

For this very reason, when writing an explanatory essay, you should avoid including personal opinions or biased statements. Your job is to explain, not persuade. Also, don’t use unnecessary jargon or overly complex sentences that might confuse your readers. The goal is to make the information accessible and easy to grasp so that by the end of the essay, your audience can explain the topic to someone else confidently.

Creating an Explanatory Essay Outline

To start your writing right you need to set a foundation, which means creating an outline. And to make a proper draft for your essay, you need to understand its structure. Typically, an explanatory essay includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Explanatory Essay Introduction

Start with some background information on your topic to set the stage for your readers. This is where you capture their interest with a hook, such as a surprising fact or a thought-provoking question. Finish your introduction with a clear thesis statement that outlines what you’ll be explaining.

Body Paragraphs  

Each body paragraph should focus on a single point that supports your thesis statement. Begin with a topic sentence that introduces the point, followed by evidence or examples that back it up. Make sure to explain how the evidence relates to your main point and wrap up each paragraph with a concluding statement that ties it all together.

Summarize the main points you’ve covered and restate your thesis in a new way to reinforce your argument. Offer a final thought or recommendation to leave your readers with something to ponder.

Now, that you have an understanding of what each of the writing parts should be focused on, you can start creating an outline. Note though, that to make it useful, you need to figure out the topic you are going to explain. Only then will you be able to organize everything effectively. When you settle on the subject, you can use the outline we included below as an example.

Example of an Outline

  • Background information on the topic.
  • Thesis statement.
  • First point supporting the thesis statement.
  • Evidence or examples to support this point.
  • Explanation of the evidence provided.
  • Concluding statement.
  • Second point supporting the thesis statement.
  • Third point supporting the thesis statement.
  • Summarize main points.
  • Restate thesis statement.
  • Call to action or future implications.

How to Write an Explanatory Essay Step-by-Step

You may think that writing an explanatory essay is challenging, but following a clear, step-by-step process can make it manageable, quick, and even enjoyable. Here’s how you can go about it:

How To Write An Explanatory Essay

Start by picking a topic you’re passionate about or find interesting. This makes the writing process more engaging for you and helps you show off your strong understanding of the subject. If you’re fascinated by how smartphones work, even this could be your topic.

How To Write An Explanatory Essay

Gather all the necessary information about your topic. Use reliable sources such as academic journals, books, and reputable websites. For instance, if you’re explaining the process of photosynthesis, you’ll need scientific articles and biology textbooks. Take detailed notes and work only with credible sources.

How To Write An Explanatory Essay

An outline helps organize your thoughts and make your essay flow logically. Start with an introduction that includes a hook and thesis statement. Then, outline your body paragraphs, each focusing on a single point supported by evidence. Finally, plan your conclusion to summarize your main points and restate the thesis. Above we have given you a detailed outline so all you need to do is just fill it out with the details on your specific topic.

How To Write An Explanatory Essay

Your introduction should grab the reader’s attention with something like interesting fact or question. It should also provide background information and end with your thesis statement. 

Example. “Did you know that plants have their own version of food factories? This process, known as photosynthesis, is essential for life on Earth.”

How To Write An Explanatory Essay

Each body paragraph should start with a topic sentence that introduces the point, followed by evidence or examples, and an explanation of how this evidence supports your thesis. Each paragraph should smoothly transition to the next.

Example . If explaining photosynthesis, one paragraph could cover the role of sunlight, another water, and third carbon dioxide.

How To Write An Explanatory Essay

Summarize your main points and restate your thesis in a new way. Offer a final thought or call to action to leave a lasting impression.

Example . “Understanding photosynthesis not only helps us appreciate the complexity of nature but also highlights the importance of protecting our environment.”

How To Write An Explanatory Essay

Review your essay for clarity, coherence, and any grammatical errors. Pay attention whether each part of your essay serves its purpose and if your argument flows logically from start to finish.

What to Avoid in Your Explanatory Essay

When writing an explanatory essay, there are certain pitfalls that can undermine your work. Firstly, avoid including personal opinions or bias, as the purpose of an explanatory essay is to inform and explain rather than to persuade. Stick to presenting factual, objective information.

Secondly, try not to use overly complex language or jargon that might confuse your readers. Aim for clarity and simplicity to ensure your essay is accessible to a broad audience. Additionally, do not veer off-topic or include irrelevant details that do not support your thesis statement. Staying focused on your main points keeps your essay cohesive and engaging.

Additionally, avoid choosing an overly broad topic. Selecting a theme that is too broad can make it challenging to cover all necessary aspects in detail. Narrowing down your topic allows for a more focused and detailed discussion. It is also a good idea to keep in mind the level of knowledge and interests of your audience. This will let you tailor the writing to suit your audience’s needs and understanding.

Lastly, avoid neglecting proper citation of your sources. Plagiarism is a serious offense, so always credit the original authors of the information you use. By being mindful of these common errors, you can craft a clear, informative, and effective explanatory essay.

An Example of The Explanatory Essay Format

Now, as we’ve covered all the major steps of the writing process, let’s take a look at how an explanatory essay can look like. We have decided to take the already established topic on the process of photosynthesis and write a brief exemplary text.

Consider a scenario where plants can’t synthesize their own food. Such a situation would fundamentally alter life on Earth, as plants are primary producers in the food chain. This essay elucidates the process of photosynthesis, explicating how plants convert sunlight into energy, the role of water, and the significance of carbon dioxide.

The first indispensable element of photosynthesis is sunlight. Sunlight is captured by chlorophyll, a green pigment found in the leaves of plants. Chlorophyll absorbs light energy and converts it into chemical energy. Without sunlight, plants are unable to perform photosynthesis and produce food.

Water is another crucial component of photosynthesis. Plants absorb water through their roots. During the light-dependent reactions, water molecules are split into oxygen and hydrogen. The oxygen is subsequently released into the atmosphere, while the hydrogen is utilized in the next stage of photosynthesis.

Carbon dioxide constitutes the final key ingredient in the photosynthesis process. Plants intake carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through small openings called stomata. Carbon dioxide combines with hydrogen to form glucose, which serves as the plant’s primary source of energy. This process not only sustains the plant but also produces oxygen, essential for animal life.

Sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide are all fundamental to the process of photosynthesis. By understanding photosynthesis, we gain a deeper appreciation of how plants sustain life on Earth. Protecting our environment is imperative to ensure that this vital process continues to support both plant and animal life.

Possible Topics to Discuss in Your Next Explanatory Essay

You’ve learned everything you need to know to create a compelling and well-organized explanatory essay. Now the writing is in your hands. All you need is an interesting topic. We know that picking out a subject for your explanatory essay can be hard. After all, there are so many different things you could discuss and explain. However, be sure to choose the matter that not only interests you but also provides enough material for research and discussion. Below are some engaging topics that can make your next explanatory essay both informative and intriguing.

The Mechanism of Global WarmingExplore the scientific principles behind global warming and its impact on the environment.
How Social Media Influences Mental HealthDiscuss the positive and negative effects of social media on mental health, particularly among youth.
The Process of Human Memory FormationExplain how memories are formed, stored, and recalled in the human brain.
Renewable Energy Sources and Their BenefitsExamine different types of renewable energy and their advantages over traditional energy sources.
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Modern MedicineDiscuss how AI is being used to improve diagnostics, treatment plans, and patient care.
The Evolution of the InternetTrace the development of the internet from its inception to its current state.
The Impact of Diet on Physical and Mental HealthExplain how various dietary choices affect overall health and well-being.
The Basics of Quantum MechanicsProvide an overview of quantum mechanics and its fundamental principles.
The Importance of Sleep for Cognitive FunctionDiscuss the relationship between sleep quality and cognitive performance.
The History and Cultural Significance of Traditional MusicExplore the origins and importance of traditional music in different cultures.

These topics offer a wide range of information to explore and can serve to engage your readers with interesting and relevant content. Select a topic that resonates with you, do your research, and clearly present all the important findings.

How do you write an explanatory essay?

To write a quality explanatory essay, start with a clear thesis statement that outlines what you’ll be explaining. Break down the topic into easily digestible parts and don’t forget to give examples and evidence for each point. Keep your language simple and your structure organized. Finish everything with a conclusion that summarizes your main points and leaves your readers with a clear understanding of the topic.

What is an exploratory essay?

An exploratory essay is a type of writing where, instead of presenting a clear argument or thesis, you explore a topic from various angles, considering different perspectives and possibilities. It’s more about the process of discovery than arriving at a final answer. 

What is the difference between expository and explanatory essays?

Expository and explanatory essays are cousins in the essay family, but they’re not identical twins. An expository essay aims to inform or explain a topic clearly and straightforwardly, often breaking down complex ideas into simpler parts. An explanatory essay, on the other hand, strives to explain the how and why of a particular subject, often exploring causes and effects or different viewpoints. 

Can you say I in an explanatory essay?

Generally, you want to keep the “I” out of your explanatory essay. Using this pronoun takes away from objectivity as it mostly indicates personal opinions or experiences. When writing an explanatory essay, you should be a narrator telling a story without becoming a character in it. However, some instructors might allow a bit of personal reflection, so it’s always good to check the guidelines you’re working with.

How do you start an exploratory essay?

To give the right start to your exploratory essay begin with an engaging hook that piques curiosity—maybe a question, a quote, or an interesting fact. Then move on to introducing the topic and explain why it’s worth exploring. Outline the different paths you might take in your further discussion. 

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How to Write an Explanatory Essay: Authority Writing Guide

What is an explanatory essay.

explanatory essay definition

Explanatory essays have many purposes, but the primary explanatory essay definition is to explain an unknown subject.

In an explanatory essay, the writer presents information, facts, and evidence to support a thesis statement, which is a clear and concise statement that expresses the main idea or purpose of the essay. The essay may analyze, compare and contrast, define, or provide a cause-and-effect analysis of a particular topic.

Explanatory essays are common in academic settings, including high school and college courses. They can be assigned as a standalone writing assignment or as part of a larger research project. In addition, explanatory essays can be found in various forms of media, such as news articles, instructional manuals, and technical reports.

Overall, the goal of an explanatory essay is to educate readers on a particular topic, providing them with a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

The author’s role in an expository essay is much like in any other academic paper: to take a position on a particular topic and use evidence to support and defend that position. The difference between this type of essay and more personal writing is that the author does not share personal opinions or experiences in an expository essay.

aims of an explanatory essay

How to start an explanatory essay

Begin an explanatory essay with a sentence that defines the topic. Next, write a sentence that includes background information about the subject. Write another sentence with the main idea of the essay. Following that, provide reasons why the reader should care about the topic. To complete your essay, write a conclusion sentence that briefly describes the points you have made in the body of your essay.

Explanatory essay format

The main idea behind an essay of this type is to provide a detailed description of an object, event, person, etc., in the most objective way possible. The main difference between explanatory essays and other types of writing lies in the fact that explanatory essays do not aim at proving or disproving anything or relating any sort of personal experience. Instead, you should focus on building your explanatory paper around a central idea that you present to your readers.

The main point is to show the readers a new perspective on something they already know or at least have some background information about. However, you need to do your research, analyze it, and then put it all together in an exciting way so that your readers don’t get bored. When writing an essay of this type, keep in mind that you need to stick to a particular format provided below and avoid any direct accusations, attacks on other authors, and judgments.

On the other hand, If you come across a specific problem that you cannot solve on your own, get help from qualified writers with degrees in relevant fields. These writers will make sure that your paper is original and written according to the highest standards.

Explanatory essay outline

An explanatory essay is a short piece of writing that explains and describes something. This type of content usually concerns a physical object, building, or event, although it can also include abstract concepts. An explanatory essay aims to explain things in a logical, cohesive manner. Lucid writing is essential when creating an explanation so that readers understand the subject matter thoroughly. Although it might seem relatively simple, the explanatory essay structure is much more complex than it looks.

An adequately structured explanatory essay includes a specific outline to guide you through the first draft process. If you follow this outline carefully and answer all of the questions it asks, you’ll ensure that your essay will be logically organized and easy to understand. Essays require a thesis statement so that your article has an overall purpose and readers know what to expect from the content that follows.

examples of explanatory essay thesis statements

After your thesis statement, you should formulate at least three supporting points which directly relate to this statement. Your supporting arguments must include as much evidence as possible to help prove your thesis statement. At the end of your essay, create a conclusion that makes a final point about your subject and restates your thesis statement.

Explanatory essay topics

An explanatory essay is an essential type of essay that requires you to put your knowledge into context and explain how your ideas connect to other sources. If you wish to present your expertise clearly and concisely, you will be able to write an explanatory essay based on your experience and expand your knowledge.

Explanatory writing is used to inform the audience about something or analyze a particular situation. If you want to make a difference in the world, you will have a lot of opportunities to do so through different types of essays, such as explanatory essays. Explanatory essay topics are usually chosen from various subjects such as geography, literature, history, psychology, science, languages, and other fields of study. If you have selected one of these topics and you are looking for a sample essay, you will be able to find it in different places.

Average level topics

  • My ideal home
  • My dream project
  • An admirable person
  • Defining responsibility
  • Unique celebrations
  • Advanced Level Topics
  • Moral dilemmas
  • Talking about the generation
  • Analyzing modern career options
  • Talking about long-term relationships

Psychology explanatory essay topics

  • The impact of social media on mental health
  • The psychology of addiction
  • The role of sleep in cognitive functioning
  • The influence of childhood experiences on adult relationships
  • Cognitive development in aging

Marketing explanatory essay topics

  • The impact of influencer marketing on consumer behavior
  • The psychology of brand loyalty
  • The role of social media in modern marketing strategies
  • Green marketing
  • The evolution of E-commerce

Sociology explanatory essay topics

  • The impact of social media on social movements
  • Gender inequality in the workplace
  • The influence of cultural diversity on team dynamics
  • The social effects of urbanization
  • The impact of education on social mobility

Computer science explanatory essay topics

  • AI in healthcare
  • The impact of cybersecurity threats on modern businesses
  • The role of Big Data in personalized marketing
  • The future of human-computer interaction
  • The ethical implications of algorithmic decision-making

Explanatory essay example

Check an explanatory essay example written by one of writers of our essay writing service .

How Can a Person Remain Optimistic Amidst Negativity and Hardships?

Negativity and hardships cause anxiety and unrest, negatively affecting a person’s decision-making ability. One may think it is easy to remain optimistic when things go sideways, which is not valid. According to Bradberry (2016), the actual barrier to being positive when challenged is that our brains are conditioned to look for and focus on a threat. A person must focus on achievements to motivate them to stay positive that they will overcome the hardship. Staying optimistic requires a person to focus on the positive side rather than the negative crucial for finding the motivation to overcome difficulties.

Positive thoughts are crucial in refocusing one’s brain to be attentive. When faced with hardships and dominated by negative thoughts, one must find a positive thing to shift their attention to (Bradberry, 2016). An optimistic view acts like a reset button needed to refocus our thoughts and energy towards being optimistic. A person can use a previous success as a positive element to refocus their attention. It may not be easy but refocusing on positive thoughts helps people remain optimistic. Without seeing the positive side of the problem, one is likely to fail because of giving up.

Also, gratitude helps eliminate pessimistic thoughts when faced with hardships. Contemplating what we are grateful for at work reduces stress hormone cortisol by 23% to improve our moods and attitude (Bradberry, 2016). When faced with a hardship about a project, being grateful for having it in the first place improves a person’s spirit motivating them to work on it. It helps settle their nerves by reducing any panic or stress-related incidence by elevating their positive mood. Thus, being thankful for small achievements help a person remain optimistic.

Spending time with the positive and the right company is crucial in helping a person remain optimistic through hardships. The people one interacts and associates with when facing difficulties is responsible for cultivating positive attitudes to aid them to cope with the problems. Negativity and positivity have been established to be contagious, and an optimistic company can help improve a person’s self-esteem needed to attain the set goals to overcome the challenge (Santos-Longhurst, 2019).

Spending time with an opposing company will discourage one from achieving the set goals. The person is likely to become distressed, especially if the hardship threatens their livelihood, making company a critical component to consider if one wants to remain optimistic at times of trouble. Thus, spending time with positive people is an effective way of remaining positive even at times of hardships because they motivate us to stay focused and overcome challenges.

Furthermore, opening oneself to humor and related fun activities helps a person relax and remain optimistic that they will find a solution to the hardship and, in the process, overcome negativity. Psychologists propose that laughter lowers stress, anxiety, depression, and other co-occurring conditions by elevating one’s mood and improving coping abilities (Santos-Longhurst, 2019). When faced with a challenge, our reaction will determine whether we will cope or will be overwhelmed and lose control of the situation. One way of remaining in power is to ensure that we do not panic during hardship, and humor can help us stay relaxed. It does not matter who is the source of relaxation at times of adversity; the aim is to ensure that the negative thoughts do not cloud the already established positivity. To summarize, our brains are wired to identify threats making it crucial for people to refocus their thoughts and actions to positive outcomes to stay happy. The objective is to engage in activities that promote positive reviews to suppress the negative ones at times of hardship.

Bradberry, T. (2016, Aug 23). Three powerful ways to stay positive. Forbes,

Explanatory essay FAQ

 – what is an explanatory essay sample.

An explanatory essay example is a sample essay structure on any topic that people can read to understand how to write a descriptive essay. Illustrative essays are effective because they discuss a specific topic and give background information while also explaining the subject in different ways so that the reader understands the information.

 – What is explanatory writing?

Explanatory writing explains something in detail. Sometimes this type of essay is also called expository writing. It includes all the skills you need to develop a comprehensive understanding of the topic under consideration. There are four major parts to an explanatory essay: explanatory essay introduction, body, conclusion, and title.

 – What is an explanatory essay?

An explanatory essay is a free-writing assignment in which you explain something in such detail that your reader or listener gets a complete understanding. In an explanatory essay, you should include an introduction, body, and conclusion. The entire purpose of the essay is to get readers to understand something better.

Explanatory essay writing assistance from EssayShark

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Explanatory Essay: Guidelines for an A+ Paper

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  • Icon Calendar 15 July 2024
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Higher educational institutions require students to write papers that explain some concepts. Basically, an explanatory essay refers to academic tasks that allow learners to provide clear explanations for some unique concepts. In principle, this guide provides detailed information on what an explanatory essay is, its format, and how to write it, with some examples to include and mistakes to avoid. Further on, students must choose some prompts that are supposed to provide clear explanations. Besides, such prompts contain some guiding words, like “explain,” “viewpoint,” “discuss,” “describe,” and “detail.” Then, outstanding explanatory papers are products of keen consideration, collection of the necessary and adequate evidence, and drafting while writing. Finally, such compositions should include a clear introduction, a hook, and a clear thesis. In turn, other essential elements include objective and irrefutable evidence, topic sentences, supporting examples, and relevant explanations.

What Is an Explanatory Essay and Its Purpose

According to its definition, an explanatory essay is a type of composition that allows authors to inform, explain, or clarify some perspectives on a specific topic. In practice, readers may fail to agree with a writer’s point of view. However, the main purpose of writing an explanatory essay is to increase a reader’s understanding of a particular theme by providing detailed information, examples, and analysis and proving a sense of a validity of some concepts (Hampton, 2021). This type of paper often involves exploring complex ideas, breaking them down into simpler components, and presenting them logically. Moreover, such compositions are commonly used in academic settings to allow students to develop critical thinking and writing skills, and, in professional contexts, they help to communicate information clearly and effectively. As a result, one must rely on accurate research and logic to make a paper feasible (Graham, 2019). In turn, the length of an explanatory essay depends on academic levels, subjects, course requirements, and specific instructions, while general guidelines are:

High School

  • Length: 2-3 pages
  • Word Count: 500-750 words

College (Undergraduate)

  • Length: 4-6 pages
  • Word Count: 1,000-1,500 words

University (Undergraduate Advanced)

  • Length: 6-8 pages
  • Word Count: 1,500-2,000 words


  • Length: 10-16 pages
  • Word Count: 2,500-4,000 words
  • Length: 20-30 pages
  • Word Count: 5,000-7,500 words

Explanatory essay

TitleA paper’s title should be clear and informative, reflecting a main topic.
IntroductionHook: An engaging opening sentence to capture a reader’s interest.
Background Information: Brief context or background information on an assigned topic.
Thesis Statement: A clear and concise statement outlining a main point or purpose of a composition.
Body Paragraph 1Topic Sentence: Introduces a main idea of a paragraph.
Explanation: Detailed explanation of a topic sentence.
Evidence: Facts, examples, or quotes supporting an explanation.
Analysis: Interpretation and analysis of the evidence provided.
Transition: A sentence smoothly transitioning to a next paragraph.
Body Paragraph 2Topic Sentence: Introduces a main idea of a paragraph.
Explanation: Detailed explanation of a topic sentence.
Evidence: Facts, examples, or quotes supporting an explanation.
Analysis: Interpretation and analysis of the evidence provided.
Transition: A sentence smoothly transitioning to a next paragraph.
Body Paragraph 3Topic Sentence: Introduces a main idea of a paragraph.
Explanation: Detailed explanation of a topic sentence.
Evidence: Facts, examples, or quotes supporting an explanation.
Analysis: Interpretation and analysis of the evidence provided.
Transition: A sentence smoothly transitioning to a next paragraph.
Body Paragraphs 4+Follow a similar writing structure provided above for any other paragraph.
ConclusionRestatement of Thesis: Restates a thesis statement in different words.
Summary: Summarizes key points discussed in body paragraphs.
Final Thought: A closing sentence providing a final thought or call to action.
List of References (if required)List of sources cited in a document and formatted according to an appropriate style guide, like MLA, APA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard, and others.

Note: Some sections can be added, deleted, or combined with others, and it depends on what needs to be written and explained. In writing, a standard format of an explanatory essay includes an introduction paragraph with a thesis statement sentence, several body paragraphs that provide supporting evidence, examples, detailed explanations, and a conclusion paragraph that summarizes key points and restates a main idea (Jones, 2016). Moreover, the main difference between an explanatory essay and an argumentative essay is that the former aims to explain a topic or concept clearly and objectively, while the latter seeks to persuade a reader of a particular viewpoint or stance using evidence and reasoning. In turn, an explanatory essay is similar to an informative essay, as both aim to provide detailed information and explanations on a specific theme without presenting an argument.

Scholars write explanatory essays when showing other people’s views or reporting a specific situation or occurrence. In higher learning institutions, these papers are common in some subjects, like history and other humanities. For example, explanatory writing is a form of language that aims to inform, define, or explain a specific topic, providing a clear and comprehensive understanding through detailed descriptions, examples, and analysis (Sentell, 2020). As such, scholars rely on these papers to explain facts and real situations in these areas of study. Besides, they must give unbiased explanations to support facts and evidence. In turn, such an approach allows one to discuss a specific subject effectively. Hence, students must provide sufficient evidence to reach a specific outcome.

Among other types of essays, writers prepare explanatory compositions when providing an unbiased point of view. For example, a scholar must evaluate existing evidence and create a logical and unique argument (Moore & Wright, 2023). In this case, the primary aim of presenting such facts is to ensure readers appreciate ideas without experiencing any form of confusion. Further on, an explanatory essay is objective in writing, focusing on providing factual information and unbiased explanations about an assigned theme (Jones, 2016). Essentially, lucid explanations must show why things happen in a specific way. In turn, outstanding papers allow readers to have a rational understanding of presented ideas, even when they disagree.

Examples of Prompts

Learners may come across different types of explanatory paper prompts in a particular course of their studies. Basically, such topics differ from other types of compositions, which makes it easy for learners to identify them. Hence, possible prompts for writing an explanatory essay one may consider are:

  • Explain how two individuals of different interests and backgrounds could become unlikely allies.
  • Tell about a world-class athlete. Explain why you include this person in a category.
  • Describe specific purposes of the Internet. Include various viewpoints, including those of users and providers.
  • Write about a public health issue you think is serious enough to warrant immediate attention.
  • Describe a significant environmental problem and what you believe should be done about it.
  • Discuss some events in the life of your favorite actor, author, sports figure, famous leader, or performer. Furthermore, explain how these events relate to person’s achievements.
  • You want to buy a new computer. Detail specific steps you would have to take to ensure you will make an appropriate decision regarding this significant investment.
  • Brothers and sisters do not always get along. Describe specific kinds of problems this discord creates in families and how to handle a situation like this.
  • Your goal is to write a paper about an individual newly arrived from another country. Discuss some kinds of information you would include.
  • Your best friend’s birthday is coming up. Describe a specific plan you created to make this birthday celebration the kind your friend will always remember.

Students may identify a unique pattern from explanatory essay prompts. From 10 examples provided above, a writer can locate common phrases available. In principle, such terms act as guidance to show an essayist must provide detailed explanations of various concepts. Moreover, some of these sign-positing words include “explain,” “viewpoints,” “discuss,” “describe,” and “detail.” As such, one can rely on such terms to make an accurate decision on the most appropriate format for writing explanatory essays. In turn, some written examples include:

  • Understanding Blockchain Technology and Its Significance
  • How Does Animal Behavior Inform Human Psychology
  • Roles of Ethics in Artificial Intelligence
  • Exploring the Biological Clock: Impact on Human Behavior and Health
  • Consequences of Sleep Deprivation on Mental Health
  • Influences of Social Media on Teen Mental Health

Steps on How to Write an Explanatory Essay

Step 1: Preparation

Writing an explanatory essay requires one to make necessary preparations. Basically, failing to prepare adequately can undermine an overall quality of a whole work presented (Hampton, 2021). In most cases, writers who fail to take a required preparation score low grades. Hence, important steps one can follow when writing explanatory essays are:

Defining a Topic

Students must define explanatory essay’s themes or questions clearly. For instance, writers need to learn how to understand specific topics or prompts correctly (Jones, 2016). Basically, the most effective way of defining a subject is by identifying all the complex terms and finding their accurate meaning. Finally, scholars must figure out all the concepts required in a particular response before embarking on a writing process.

Addressing All the Issues

Prudent writers take their time to address all the issues and relate their ideas to a specific explanatory paper’s theme. For the prompt “Discuss some events in the life of your favorite actor, author, sports figure, famous leader, or performer. Furthermore, explain how these events relate to person’s achievements,” one must define significant concepts and write about this famous individual who faced during them his or her life. Then, students may opt to describe a “sports figure.” In this case, they should provide a clear explanation of a preferred athlete’s performance and how it relates to personal achievements. Therefore, one must consider all the terms that can lead to an adequate description of a theme.  

Preparing Ideas

Outstanding writers must prepare different ideas and remain relevant to assigned themes in question. For instance, one should gather all the ideas and support an explanatory issue directly (Sentell, 2020). In this case, a good writer organizes main ideas together, intending to enhance an overall flow of a topic. Furthermore, essayists can organize their thoughts before responding to explanatory writing prompts. In turn, some essential tools, like flow charts and flashcards, help authors to recognize vital concepts and places where they should appear in their compositions. Therefore, one should consider preparing ideas to avoid unnecessary omissions.  

Considering a Target Audience

Explanatory essays intend to convince readers that a position taken remains valid. Basically, one should identify an intended audience together with their specific needs. In this case, good writers prepare their work to appeal to a particular audience. For instance, one should consider the knowledge and language competency of intended readers (Sentell, 2020). Then, writers use exciting and straightforward language for young individuals that will not limit their reading abilities. In practice, one should identify a unique means of persuading readers by using figurative writing language to support a correct validity of the evidence presented. In turn, such an approach enhances an overall ability to pass an intended message to a specific audience.

Following a Structure

A particular process of considering a target audience requires one to identify a general structure of an essay and its role in supporting a main message. For example, learning institutions require students to utilize a unique writing design when communicating a main message (Hampton, 2021). In this case, authors must focus on a traditional essay structure to enhance a primary ideas’ flow. Besides, this process helps to identify significant flaws, while they may undermine an paper’s overall quality.

Step 2: Setting Up a Stage

Scholars should set up a particular stage for writing an explanatory essay. As a rule, one should not begin writing a composition without organizing necessary ideas. Instead, students must take basic steps needed to understand a central theme and gather the essential information to support main arguments (Sentell, 2020). In this case, writers include all the necessary details in an explanatory composition. Hence, basic steps one must follow when setting up a stage are: 

Finding Sources

Academic essays contain evidence obtained from credible sources. Basically, outstanding writers must search for reliable sources to authenticate examples and facts to present them in their explanatory texts (Lawson & Mayer, 2021). Moreover, scholarly sources should contain credible evidence that supports a writer’s point of view directly. Then, students should gather evidence from a wide range of sources. In this case, all learning institutes require learners to use peer-reviewed articles, volumes, reports, and credible websites as evidence sources. Besides, such rules ensure writers obtain current indisputable evidence to prepare explanatory essays. In turn, a prudent student should avoid doubtful websites that may contain information irrelevant to a paper’s topic.

Making Notes

Note-taking is an important activity in any writing process. For instance, essayists always make notes from researched sources (Sentell, 2020). Basically, students should engage in a critical reading process for all the scholarly sources to identify the subject’s evidence. Then, one should take relevant notes as part of an actual preparation. In turn, quality notes play a significant role in allowing writers to remember and organize the relevant evidence to support all the arguments. Hence, a prudent author must engage in a practical note-taking process when preparing an explanatory essay.

Creating an Outline

The length of an essay outline varies depending on a a specific theme and evidence presented. Basically, a prudent student writes an explanatory essay’s outline that reveals the main points of five paragraphs (Jones, 2016). However, students need to focus on developing an exhaustive outline. As a rule, an exceptional outline in writing must include a brief introduction, a working thesis statement, and main points that support central arguments. In turn, writers should provide a suitable general description for explanatory texts, which contains relevant evidence and supports established arguments and claims.

Writing an Annotated Bibliography

By definition, an annotated bibliography means a list of bibliographic entries for sources identified for writing a paper. In this case, one should follow the necessary formatting guidelines when preparing bibliographic entries. However, each entry must contain a suitable annotation that highlights essential details. As a rule, a credible annotation should have three paragraphs, namely a summary, an evaluation of a text, and a reflection on its applicability to a study (Hampton, 2021). In turn, these three sections play a crucial role in ensuring an author examines a source’s relevance in supporting main arguments. Besides, such a process helps one to understand specific parts of sources that must be used to support ideas in an explanatory paper.   

Step 3: Start Writing an Explanatory Essay

A particular writing process plays a crucial role in preparing explanatory essays because it allows writers to bring all the ideas together. For example, to start an explanatory essay, people begin with a hook that captures a reader’s interest, followed by background information on a specific topic, and end an introduction with a clear thesis statement outlining a main point (Hampton, 2021). Basically, students have a primary duty to ensure they present essential ideas in supporting their arguments. Moreover, the most important aspect is to ensure one must follow necessary writing steps in creating the most outstanding compositions. In turn, some examples of sentence starters for beginning an explanatory essay include:

  • In today’s world, understanding necessary details and implications of [topic] is essential for both individuals and society as a whole because … .
  • Throughout history, a particular development and impact of [topic] have been profound, influencing various aspects of human lives, including … .
  • A unique concept of [topic] can be defined in multiple ways, but a comprehensive understanding requires examining its origins, evolution, and current applications in … .
  • To fully grasp an actual importance of [topic], one must consider its historical context, its influence on contemporary society, and its potential future developments, particularly in the areas of … .
  • Exploring various aspects of [topic] reveals complex factors that contribute to its significance, including its role in … .
  • A comprehensive examination of [topic] shows it is not only an essential element in [related field or discipline] but also a critical factor in shaping possible outcomes of … .
  • A particular phenomenon of [topic] is best understood through a complex approach that includes an analysis of its underlying principles, key contributors, and practical applications in … .
  • When discussing [topic], it is essential to note diverse perspectives and interpretations that have emerged over time, each offering unique insights into … .
  • An in-depth look at [topic] underlines significant themes and issues that have profound implications for people’s understanding of [related subject], such as … .
  • Understanding [topic] requires analyzing potential relationships between its various components, including its historical development, current trends, and future suggestions in a particular context of … .

Creating a Draft

One should utilize notes prepared with a working thesis previously to develop a draft of an explanatory paper. For example, to write an explanatory essay, people clearly introduce a unique topic with a thesis statement, provide well-organized body paragraphs with detailed explanations and supporting evidence, and conclude by summarizing main points and restating a central claim (Hampton, 2021). Basically, acceptable drafts should follow a standard paper’s format and must contain all the relevant parts and sections. In this case, writers should organize explanatory drafts with an introduction, body, and conclusion as three significant parts. Moreover, such a process of uniting the information together helps to create a unique picture of an explanatory essay. In turn, it helps authors to identify necessary factors that relate to their compositions. Hence, drafting an explanatory composition marks a first step in organizing information in a way that reveals a good flow.   

Putting Everything Together

Essayists should put the information together into a complete paper that communicates an intended message. In this case, a writer should include all the evidence gathered for writing a composition. Basically, an explanatory essay typically consists of five paragraphs: 1 opening paragraph with a thesis, 3 body paragraphs, and 1 concluding paragraph (Jones, 2016). Besides, one must ensure all paragraphs or subsections follow a logical order. Further on, an explanatory paragraph follows a standard structure of a topic sentence, introducing a main idea, followed by supporting details and evidence, and concluding with a sentence that reinforces a main idea and transitions to a next paragraph (Jones, 2016). As such, the primary goal of putting everything together in writing is to ensure one can read and grasp an intended message. In principle, this step lays a valid foundation for revising a paper and ensures all the evidence presented supports an essay’s central argument.   

Finding New Sources or Deleting Old Ones

A prudent writer should not stick to sources identified initially. Basically, one must become flexible when identifying credible sources that support an explanatory essay effectively. In this stage, essayists should review a sources’ applicability to enhance an overall clarity of a communicated message. Moreover, if some sources fail to align with presented ideas, students must find new ones. In this case, writers always look for scholarly articles that contain weightier evidence to support thesis statements and other opinions presented in explanatory essays (Hampton, 2021). Besides, scholars may add more sources to avoid distracting a logical flow of ideas throughout a written composition. In turn, authors should delete previous sources if they fail to present weightier evidence to a central argument.  

Altering an Outline

Prudent essayists remain flexible enough to alter an initial procedure. As a rule, this process must take place after adjusting some sources used in a first draft. Basically, one should consider making the most essential and mandatory changes in addressing some issues that relate to a specific subject. In this case, essayists must alter some of the claims presented to ensure they add some significance to a specific theme (Sentell, 2020). Moreover, a reviewed outline plays an essential role in creating a suitable structure for writing a final explanatory essay. Therefore, one should revise an paper’s general description to capture the new evidence from a revised draft.  

Developing a Working Thesis

Each essay should have a remarkable thesis statement that covers main ideas or central messages. For example, an explanatory thesis statement outlines a main point or purpose of an essay, explaining what a paper will cover further in its text and a particular approach it will take without arguing a specific stance (Hampton, 2021). Basically, arguments made in an explanatory essay should reflect a thesis statement. As a rule, a thesis sentence refers to the information that captures a writer’s position. Furthermore, this statement always appear at the end of an introductory paragraph. Then, students should rely on a draft and revised outline to create a working thesis statement. In turn, this approach can ensure one understands an intended message when writing one sentence. Hence, a central claim must reflect on what essayists plan to communicate to an explanatory paper’s targeted audience.  

Step 4: Wrap It Up

A final stage in writing an explanatory essay involves polishing all the elements. Basically, the primary goal is to ensure one submits a flawless paper that effectively communicates a main message (Sentell, 2020). In this case, learners bear a particular responsibility for polishing their work and ensuring it captures all the intended ideas. Hence, specific steps one must consider when preparing to polish an explanatory essay are:

Outstanding papers are products of several revisions. In particular, one must engage in a rigorous revision process to ensure an explanatory essay meets a necessary quality. Basically, writers should consider specific elements during a revision process. For example, some of these aspects include spelling, grammar, and paragraphs (Sentell, 2020). Then, one should ensure all words follow an accepted spelling depending on a writing type of language used. Moreover, the grammar of a paper should enhance its readability. In turn, wise authors rely on their friends to identify such flaws. As a result, such a strategy makes it easier to identify common mistakes that can undermine an overall essay’s quality.  

Prudent writers consider an actual significance of an editing process in enhancing an paper’s quality. For example, an essayist should consider making essential changes in an explanatory essay during an editing process (Hampton, 2021). In writing, such a method may involve removing vague statements and adding more evidence to enhance a text’s quality. Then, one should consider critics to make necessary changes in an explanatory essay and ensure it meets desired outcomes. Hence, editing is a rigorous process, and it must focus on improving a paper’s ability to communicate main ideas.

Topic Sentences

Outstanding explanatory essays should have topic sentences that relate to a central claim. For instance, one must ensure each paragraph begins with a topic sentence (Sentell, 2020). Basically, this opening statement needs to dwell on a single idea and reveal a unique connection to a thesis statement presented in an introduction. In this case, writers must ensure all the paragraphs begin with precise topic phrases. Otherwise, a paper may appear unclear and fail to provide an intended explanation about a chosen theme. As a rule, one must avoid discussing many points in writing a passage to enhance an overall quality. As a result, focused explanatory essays gain more marks.

Concluding Sentences

Outstanding essays must contain a good closing. Basically, a last sentence in each body paragraph must summarize a main idea covered in this part. In turn, one needs to ensure this line gives a summative closure to a specific passage without introducing new evidence or arguments to a paper (Sentell, 2020). However, failure to include an effective closing can disrupt a reader’s attention to a primary message. Moreover, a last sentence in a section must connect to particular ideas presented in a topic sentence of a following passage.


Each passage must link to a next section through a linking phrase. For example, one can use transitioning words throughout an explanatory essay to ensure it has an adequate flow of main ideas (Jones, 2016). Besides, relevant transitions must appear inside an essay’s text. Unfortunately, some learners make a mistake of using many transitioning phrases in writing. In principle, such flaws distract a paper’s readability and may result in a distortion of a main message. Hence, one must rely on significant transitioning elements to communicate an intended message to a target audience.  

Many learning institutions require students to follow specific formatting styles and guidelines. Basically, a successful writer must follow such guidelines when preparing their explanatory essays to ensure they meet necessary academic standards (Hampton, 2021). In this case, students must make relevant professor’s essential consultations to avoid losing grades due to poor writing and formatting. Besides, an explanatory essay’s rubric from an appropriate faculty acts as useful formatting guidelines. In turn, a prudent writer relies on such tools to ensure an entire work submitted meets necessary quality standards. Therefore, each student must consider essential formatting guidelines for explanatory papers. 

Peer Reviewing

Peer reviewing is an essential step in a writing process, but college students tend to ignore it. For instance, writers can share their work with peers for a reading and reviewing process (Hampton, 2021). In this case, one should identify other scholars with adequate knowledge of a subject matter to read an explanatory essay and provide a positive critique. Basically, such choices play an instrumental role in determining possible flaws in written documents. Then, students should consider a feedback and its role in promoting a paper’s quality before making any changes. As a rule, essayists must consider several critics and their role in enhancing a work’s readability and significance.

5-Paragraph Outline Template

An explanatory essay has a unique outline that enhances an ability to communicate an intended message. In this case, a writer should rely on a scheme to avoid unnecessary omissions. Hence, main elements one must include in an explanatory essay are:

I. Introduction

A. An attention-getter.

B. Contextual information that presents all sides and supports an argument.

C. A clear thesis statement that covers three arguments presented in a body of an explanatory essay in writing one sentence.

A. A first body paragraph.

  • A topic sentence that identifies a first argument.
  • Accurate evidence that supports this argument, which should contain an accurate citation.
  • An explanation of the evidence presented, which helps readers to understand an intended message.
  • A concluding statement that solidifies this argument and reveals its standing. Moreover, a concluding statement must be connected to a next paragraph.

B. A second body paragraph.

  • A topic sentence that identifies a second argument.
  • A concluding statement that solidifies this argument and reveals its standing. Moreover, a concluding statement must connect to a next paragraph.

C. A third body paragraph.

  • A topic sentence that identifies a third argument.

III. Conclusion

A. A restated thesis statement.

B. A summary of three arguments presented in essay’s body paragraphs.

C. A final statement that leaves readers with a unique impression.

Important Features

An outline for explanatory essays is unique since all the sections focus on providing an adequate explanation of significant concepts. In writing, the number of body paragraphs should vary depending on an essay’s length. Moreover, one needs to ensure topic sentences provide a detailed explanation of a central claim (Hampton, 2021). In turn, writers should ensure paper’s body paragraphs offer concise and precise answers to the main arguments. Then, one needs to know a paper pertains to an explanatory essay and if all the statements included in an outline provide direct support to a written piece. However, other compositions, like argumentative papers, contain paragraphs that provide counterarguments and rebuttals (Hampton, 2021). Hence, an explanation essay’s outline appears unique since all the main points presented must support a thesis statement directly.

Basic Structure


An introduction section of an explanatory essay must begin with a hook. Basically, such an approach enables writers to capture a reader’s attention (Sentell, 2020). In this case, essayists give a brief overview of a chosen theme to show a particular scope that an entire essay must take. Besides, a closing sentence should include writing a thesis statement. In turn, outstanding papers should have debatable thesis statements.

Body Paragraphs

A body section of an explanatory essay should contain main arguments and support a thesis statement. Basically, students need to ensure all the topic sentences relate to a main thesis statement (Sentell, 2020). In this case, essayists can support a central claim with adequate evidence while writing. As a result, explanatory compositions must contain accurate in-text citations in all the sentences that contain borrowed evidence.  

An explanatory essay should contain a summative conclusion section. In writing, a last paragraph should restate a thesis statement and summarize all the topic sentences presented in an entire text (Sentell, 2020). As a rule, a closing section cannot contain new evidence. Instead, one should bring an overall work to a satisfactory closure and join all the main ideas together.

Explanatory Essay Example

Topic: Explain the Impact of the Rising Child Gangs

Introduction Sample

Every human being strives to develop a sense of belonging. However, most teenagers fail in the process of creating relevant social circles. In this case, the majority of juveniles join various gangs, intending to achieve a sense of belonging. Moreover, the rise of teenage gangs is a major social problem in the twenty-first century. Although most individuals may disregard adolescent gangs’ impacts, they promote crime, drug and substance abuse, and lower education turnout among juveniles.

Examples of Body Paragraphs

Teenage gangs promote juvenile crime. For example, most teenagers who join gangs tend to engage in delinquent activities. In this case, many youths develop a sense of belonging when they engage in crime. Basically, they focus on establishing superiority among their social circles. Moreover, stealing and fighting are some of the activities that enable youths to develop a sense of belonging. In turn, gangs motivate juveniles to engage in such unbecoming activities. Besides, established bands give teenagers the courage to violate the law. Hence, the rising teenage gangs promote juvenile delinquency and encourage drug and substance abuse. 

Teenage gangs are responsible for rising rates of drug abuse among teenagers. For example, many teenagers learn how to use drugs through peer influence. In this case, they interact with friends who have access to cheap illegal drugs. Also, the process exposes most of the young teenagers to hard drugs. Then, the majority of the drug addicts began such behaviors during their teenage life. Besides, membership in groups that engage in drug abuse contributes to the addiction process. In other instances, gangs provide the necessary protection to the youths interested in drug abuse. Therefore, teenage gang membership has a close association with drug abuse and lower education turnouts among juveniles.

Gang membership plays a significant role in undermining adequate education access. For example, being a member of a teenage gang distracts most students from focusing on their education. In this case, many juveniles concentrate on fulfilling the needs of their respective bands. Moreover, the process interrupts their ability to meet educational expectations. Then, the majority of teenagers who engage in delinquent activities and drug abuse records the lowest performance in their studies. In turn, peer pressure forces them to remain in their respective gangs and promote such unfitting behaviors. Eventually, they lose the ability to focus on their academic goals and may drop out of their studies. 

Conclusion Sample

In conclusion, teenage gangs have detrimental impacts on juvenile lives. Firstly, the preceding evidence proves that teenage gangs motivate crime. In this case, the majority of youths who engage in such activities tend to embrace stealing and fighting. Besides, such children tend to engage in drug and substance abuse. Then, peer pressure and the need to remain relevant in their respective social circles motivate the juveniles to embrace drugs. Finally, gang membership lowers education turnout among youngsters. In turn, a large number of youths who belong to specific gangs tend to record poor academic performance. Thus, they may lose an opportunity to end their schools. 

What to Include

DefinitionsClear explanations of key terms and concepts related to a picked topic.
Background InformationHistorical context or relevant background details to provide a foundation for understanding.
ExamplesSpecific instances or cases that illustrate main points.
Statistics and DataRelevant numbers, percentages, and data that support explanations.
Comparisons and ContrastsHighlighting similarities and differences between related concepts or situations.
Cause and Effect AnalysisExploring some reasons behind a phenomenon and writing about its consequences.
Expert OpinionsQuotations or insights from authorities in corresponding fields to add credibility for writing.
Diagrams and ChartsVisual figures that help to explain complex information more clearly.
AnecdotesBrief, relevant personal stories or narratives to illustrate points.
AnalogiesComparisons to more familiar concepts to help explain difficult ideas.
Process DescriptionsStep-by-step explanations of how something works or is done.
CounterargumentsPresentation of opposing viewpoints to show a balanced understanding.
ClarificationsAdditional explanations to clear up potential misunderstandings or ambiguities.
Contextual ExamplesReal-world applications or implications of a discussed theme in different contexts.
QuotationsRelevant quotes from literature, speeches, or authoritative texts that support writing a particular explanation.

Common Mistakes

  • Lack of a Clear Thesis: Failing to provide a well-structured thesis statement can leave readers unsure about a main point or purpose of writing a paper.
  • Insufficient Research and Evidence: Not backing up explanations with sufficient evidence, examples, or data can make a text less convincing and informative.
  • Overly Broad Topic: Choosing a theme that is too broad can make it difficult to cover all necessary aspects in detail.
  • Lack of Organization: Poor writing organization can confuse readers, while a correct structure of an explanatory essay must be clear, logical sections, including an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
  • Using Jargon or Complex Language: Using overly technical terms or complex language can alienate readers who are not familiar with a discussed topic.
  • Not Addressing Multiple Perspectives: Failing to consider writing different viewpoints or aspects of a chosen theme can result in a one-sided explanation.
  • Inconsistent Focus: Wandering off-topic or including irrelevant information can detract from main points and confuse readers.
  • Poor Transitions: Lack of smooth transitions between paragraphs can make a composition difficult to follow.
  • Ignoring a Target Audience: Not considering a knowledge level and interests of a target audience can result in writing explanations that are either too simplistic or too complex.
  • Neglecting Proper Citations: Failing to properly cite sources can lead to issues of plagiarism and reduce an overall paper’s credibility.

Explanatory essays refer to common types of academic assignments that students must complete in their studies. Basically, explanatory prompts give clear explanations of various ideas. Furthermore, a scholar may choose a suitable theme from a wide range of issues in multiple areas of study. In practice, one may identify a particular topic of such a paper through some phrases, like “explain,” “viewpoints,” “discuss,” “describe,” and “detail.” Besides, an explanatory writing process requires one to consider a specific question, gather necessary information, collect adequate evidence, and create a first draft. As a result, key points one should remember when writing explanatory essays are: 

  • An explanatory essay’s introduction must contain a hook. 
  • All papers should contain a clear thesis statement.
  • Compositions should contain relevant ideas and explain a specific subject.
  • A written work must end with a summative conclusion and bring an entire essay to closure.
  • An explanatory essay’s outline must consist of a brief introduction, a working thesis statement, a body, and a final summary.
  • A body section of an explanatory paper must contain topic sentences with brief points.    

Graham, S. (2019). Changing how writing is taught. Review of Research in Education , 43 (1), 277–303.×18821125

Hampton, A. R. (2021). Student success essay writing skills: 9 expository essay rhetorical modes . Lulu.

Jones, J. (2016). How do I write a good explanatory essay?: From start to finish . J Rembrandt International.

Lawson, A. P., & Mayer, R. E. (2021). Benefits of writing an explanation during pauses in multimedia lessons. Educational Psychology Review , 33 (4), 1859–1885.

Moore, B. A., & Wright, J. (2023). Constructing written scientific explanations: A conceptual analysis supporting diverse and exceptional middle- and high-school students in developing science disciplinary literacy. Frontiers in Education , 8 , 1–13.

Sentell, E. (2020). How to write an essay like an equation: A brief guide to writing like you’re doing math . Eric Sentell.

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The Art of Explanation: How to write an explanatory essay

Table of contents.

Welcome to our guide on how to write an explanatory essay! An explanatory essay is a type of writing that is used to explain a specific topic or concept. It is a useful tool for providing readers with a better understanding of a subject, whether it be a historical event, scientific principle, or even a personal experience. The ability to explain complex ideas clearly is an essential skill in today’s society, as it allows us to share our knowledge and understanding with others.

But before we dive into the nitty-gritty of writing an explanatory essay, let’s take a moment to talk about why it’s important. In today’s world, we are constantly bombarded with information from all different sources. It can be hard to sift through it all and make sense of what’s important. An explanatory essay is a way to help make sense of the information by breaking it down into smaller parts and providing a clear and accurate explanation of the topic.

Now that we understand the importance of explanatory essays, let’s talk about the steps involved in writing one. The process can be broken down into several manageable steps, including researching, planning, writing, and revising. By following these steps, you’ll be able to write a clear and effective explanatory essay that informs and educates your readers.

Enhance your writing skills with this informative piece, which is just one part of our comprehensive guide, “ Master the Art of Writing “.

In a hurry? Get a quick overview of the steps in our 2-minute summary

In this guide, we’ll take you through each of these steps in detail. We’ll talk about how to conduct thorough research, how to plan and organize your essay, and how to write an engaging and attention-grabbing introduction. We’ll also cover how to clearly and effectively explain complex ideas, how to write a strong conclusion, and how to revise and edit your explanatory essay to make it the best it can be.

So, grab a notebook and a pen and let’s get to the first step: researching. Conducting thorough research on your topic is essential for writing a clear and accurate explanatory essay. It allows you to identify key information and sources that will be used to support your main idea. When researching, it’s a good idea to use a variety of sources, including books, articles, and online resources. Make sure to take notes and organize your research so that you can easily access the information you need when writing your essay.

Next, we’ll move on to the planning stage. This includes outlining the main idea and key points of your essay, as well as organizing the information you have gathered. Creating an outline will serve as a roadmap for your essay , helping you to stay on track and ensure that your essay is logically structured.

With your research and planning complete, it’s time to start writing the introduction. The introduction is the first impression that readers will have of your essay, so it’s important to make it engaging and attention-grabbing. This can be done by using an interesting fact or statistic, asking a question, or providing a personal anecdote. The introduction should also establish the main idea and purpose of the essay.

The next step is writing the body of your essay. This is where you’ll provide a clear and detailed explanation of your topic or concept. It’s important to use evidence and examples to support the main idea, and to organize your information in a logical and easy-to-understand way. Use headings and subheadings to make the essay easy to follow and make sure to keep the tone friendly and engaging.

The conclusion of your essay is where you’ll summarize the main idea and key points of your essay. It’s also an opportunity to make a lasting impression on the reader. This can be done by providing a call to action, asking a thought-provoking question, or making a prediction. The conclusion should end the essay on a strong note and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

Finally, it’s time to revise and edit your essay. This is an essential step in the writing process and will help you to identify and fix any mistakes, and to polish your essay to make it the best it can be. Read through your essay several times, checking for grammar and punctuation errors, and making sure that the information is presented in a clear and logical way.

And there you have it! By following these steps, you’ll be able to write a clear and effective explanatory essay that informs and educates your readers. Remember, the ability to explain complex ideas clearly is an important skill and writing explanatory essays is a great way to practice and improve this skill. So, don’t be afraid to take on a challenging topic, and don’t be discouraged if your first draft isn’t perfect. Keep practicing and you’ll be writing great explanatory essays in no time!

Identify key information using research matrix

What is an explanatory essay.

An explanatory essay is a type of writing that explains or clarifies a certain topic . This is distinct from other forms of writing such as persuasive, narrative, and expository essays. While these other types of essays often revolve around making a certain argument, an explanatory essay is meant to explain a topic to readers in a concise and straightforward manner.

At its core, an explanatory essay is all about breaking down complex topics into more manageable and digestible chunks. Rather than trying to persuade readers to agree with a certain point, the goal of this form of writing is to impart knowledge on the specified topic. It typically follows the fundamental structure of an introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion.

The body of the essay is where the majority of the information is conveyed. Here, the writer must organize their thoughts and ideas into clear, concise points that can be easily understood by the reader. Additionally, the writer should use simple language to ensure that their points are easily followed by all audiences.

Explanatory essays differ from other forms of writing in that they do not require the author to take a specific stance on the subject. Rather, they are meant to simply provide information and educate the reader on the topic at hand. By presenting facts and data in an easily digestible format, the writer can help the audience gain a better understanding of the subject.

How to Choose a Topic

When it comes to writing an explanatory essay , the most important decision you will make is choosing your topic. Selecting the right topic can be crucial to the success of your essay as it should challenge you while also providing value to the reader. Here are some tips to help you choose the perfect topic.

Consider Your Audience

Take some time to think about who your readers will be and what they might be expecting from your essay. This will help narrow down the subject matter and allow you to focus on topics that your audience will find interesting and informative.

Ask Yourself Questions

Before you settle on a topic, consider the type of questions you can ask related to it. If the questions you come up with don’t have clear answers or invite further exploration, then it likely isn’t the right topic for you. Aim to select a topic that offers plenty of food for thought.

Narrow Down Your Choices

Once you have a few topics in mind, take some time to research each one and consider the amount of available materials. If there isn’t enough material to draw upon it might not be the best choice. Additionally, make sure your topic is neither too broad nor too narrow. Aim to strike a balance between the two.

Pick the Right Topic

Choosing the right topic is an important part of writing an explanatory essay . Spend some time considering your audience, asking yourself questions related to potential topics and doing research to narrow down your list of choices. Once you’ve done all this, you should have the perfect topic to write about.

Researching the Topic

Conducting research for an explanatory essay is a key step in the writing process. Research helps you to accurately and effectively support your argument, providing evidence and authority to back up your claims. To research effectively, follow these steps:

  • Decide on your topic. Be sure that it’s specific and can be explored in depth.
  • Gather resources. Use both online and offline sources such as books, articles, and interviews. Utilize reliable sources such as government websites and published materials.
  • Organize your research. Utilize a spreadsheet or other visual tool to keep track of all the relevant information for your essay. This will help you better understand the material and quickly locate the information you need.
  • Take notes. As you are researching and gathering information, take notes on the significant points of the material. It is important to stay organized and focused on the most important points so that you don’t get distracted while writing your essay.
  • Cross-check sources. Be sure to double check your sources and make sure that the information you are citing is accurate. Don’t forget to cite any sources you use in the essay.

Research is an important step when writing an explanatory essay. By researching your topic ahead of time, you can ensure that you have enough information to accurately and effectively support your argument. Taking the time to properly research and organize your material will go a long way in helping you write a successful essay.

Other Topics to Read:

  • How to Write an Executive Summary for an Essay
  • How to Write an Essay on a Book
  • How to Write Interesting Essays
  • Argumentative Essay Introduction
  • How to Write a Good Hook for an Argumentative Essay
  • Strong Transition Words for Essays
  • How to Write a Reaction Paper About an Article
  • How to Ask Questions in an Essay
  • How to Create Essay Title
  • How to Analyze a Short Story

Constructing an Outline

Constructing an outline for an explanatory essay is an important step to ensure that the essay is organized and structured. An outline provides a starting point and framework for writing, while allowing you to keep track of the main points and arguments you wish to make in the essay. It also helps you set the tone of the essay and focus on the topic.

Writing an outline can seem daunting but it doesn’t have to be. To begin, think about the overall structure of the essay and the topics or ideas you would like to include in each section. From there, start to break those topics down into smaller points. Once you have outlined the main points you want to make, create an introduction, body and conclusion structure.

The introduction should present the main topic of the essay and why it is important. The main body should contain the evidence and arguments that support the main topic. Finally, the conclusion should summarize all the points made in the essay and provide a memorable takeaway for the reader.

An outline is also a great way to make sure you are keeping your sentences and paragraphs focused and on track. Thinking through the sequencing of the essay in advance will help you avoid any potential confusion or disjointedness in the finished product.

After creating the outline, you can use it as a guide for writing the essay. This step-by-step approach will help you stay organized and focused while generating ideas and composing the essay.

Overall, constructing an outline before writing an explanatory essay is a valuable tool that will help you create a well-structured and effective essay. Not only will it help you stay organized and focused while writing, but it will also give your readers a clear and organized essay to read.

Writing an Explanatory Essay

Writing an explanatory essay can be a demanding task. It requires the writer to present and explain a particular topic in a clear and organized way in order to effectively communicate their ideas to their readers. To ensure success, there are certain best practices to keep in mind while drafting your essay.

Using Clear Language

The language you use should be direct and easy to understand. Avoid unnecessarily complex words or phrases that may confuse the reader. It is also important to use language consistently throughout your essay; if you introduce a particular term make sure that same term is used each time you refer back to it. This is especially true when referencing sources as they often use their own specific terminology.

Organizing Your Ideas

Organizing your ideas helps to ensure that the essay flows logically and makes for easier reading. To start, map out the main points of your essay with an outline. This can be done using bullet points or diagrams that organize your thoughts into categories. Doing this also helps you to identify any areas of your argument that might need more development or explanation.

Developing Strong Arguments

Your arguments should be supported by facts, evidence and other sources. Make sure to provide context and explain the reasoning behind your claims. If possible, include counterarguments and explain why they are incorrect or incomplete. This will help to strengthen your overall argument.

It is also important to reference any sources you used in your research. Not only does this build credibility, it also prevents any allegations of plagiarism. When quoting or paraphrasing someone else’s work, make sure to cite them properly and include the source in your bibliography.

Proofreading and Editing

Proofreading your essay is an essential step before submitting it. It is important to review your work for any errors in grammar, punctuation or spelling that may have been overlooked. Re-read your essay to make sure that it is clear, consistent and persuasive. Editing is also useful for shaping the structure of your essay and developing stronger arguments.

By following these tips and best practices, you will be better equipped to write an effective explanatory essay. Keep in mind that practice makes perfect and don’t forget to take frequent breaks as writing can be an exhausting task. With enough dedication and hard work, you can craft a well-structured and highly convincing essay.

The introduction of an explanatory essay is essential for capturing your reader’s attention and introducing them to the topic. Crafting a strong and effective introduction is the key to setting the foundation for the rest of the essay.

When writing your introduction, it is important to remember that your primary goal is to capture your reader’s attention and introduce them to the topic. You can do this by creating an engaging and creative opening sentence or phrase. This could be a thought-provoking statement, a rhetorical question, or an interesting fact.

After your opening statement, you will want to provide your readers with a brief overview of what you will be discussing in your essay. You can do this by including a few sentences that cover the main points of your argument. Make sure that you provide enough information so that your readers can get a good understanding of your overall argument but not so much that they become overwhelmed and lose interest.

Finally, you will want to end your introduction with a thesis statement. A thesis statement is essentially a sentence that summarizes your main argument and outlines the key points you will discuss in your essay. Your thesis statement should clearly state your position and provide your reader with a sense of focus and direction as they read the rest of your essay.

By taking the time to craft an effective introduction, you can ensure that your readers stay engaged in the content of your essay and understand the main points of your argument.

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Creating a strong body.

Once you have finished drafting your essay’s introduction and have an outline that you are satisfied with, it’s time to move onto the body paragraphs. The body of your essay is where you’re able to provide evidence, detail and further explain the points you make in your introduction. It’s important to structure each body paragraph in a logical and organized way to ensure they are strong and effective while supporting the main points of the argument.

Key Points To Consider:

  • Structure each paragraph logically and clearly around one specific idea.
  • Provide supporting facts, examples and quotes to back up your main point.
  • Ensure you include a transition phrase at the start of each paragraph.
  • Link the paragraphs appropriately using  strong transitional words .
  • Analyze and evaluate evidence to provide effective support for your argument.
  • Maintain focus on the topic throughout the body paragraphs.

The first step in creating strong body paragraphs is to structure them properly. Each paragraph should cover one specific main idea or point and be made up of a single sentence. You should then elaborate on this point by providing evidence, facts and quotes to back up your claim. This will help to make your argument more convincing and compelling.

It is also important to ensure that you use appropriate transition phrases at the beginning of each paragraph to make sure they are connected effectively. This can be done through the use of connecting words and phrases such as ‘nevertheless’, ‘on the other hand’, ‘in addition to’, ‘as a result’ etc.

Throughout the body of your essay, you should analyze and evaluate the evidence you are providing to ensure it is effective. This involves discussing any counterarguments or opposing viewpoints and refuting these accordingly. By doing this, you show that your argument is well-rounded and demonstrate that you have thought about the issue thoroughly.

Finally, you should maintain focus throughout your body paragraphs. Making sure you stick to the main points of your argument and don’t drift off track is key to keeping the reader engaged. If you find yourself going off-topic, simply return to the main point and refocus on it.

Creating strong body paragraphs that support the main points of your  argument is essential to writing an effective explanatory essay . With the right structure, evidence and analysis, you will be able to provide compelling arguments to your readers and ensure your essay has the desired impact.

Developing a Memorable Conclusion

Once you have written the body of your essay, it’s time to craft a memorable conclusion. This is often the most challenging part for many writers. It’s important that your conclusion not only summarizes the main points of your argument and leaves a lasting impact on the reader, but also ties together all the strands of your essay. Here are some tips for writing an effective conclusion:

  • Restate the main points of your essay in a concise way. This can be done in one or two sentences.
  • Reflect on the significance of your argument. Why is this topic worth discussing? What can the reader take away from your essay?
  • Provide a thought-provoking statement or question. This can be used to stimulate the reader to think of potential solutions or implications.
  • Avoid introducing new information. Your conclusion should only include information that has already been discussed in the essay.
  • Connect the conclusion back to the introduction. This can help bring the essay full circle and create a sense of closure.

A well-crafted conclusion should leave the reader with something to think about and make them remember your essay. If you put in the effort to write a compelling conclusion that ties the entire  essay  together, you will be sure to make a lasting impression.

Editing the Essay

The editing phase of  writing an explanatory essay is essential for achieving a successful  final product. Editing allows writers to ensure that their essays are effective and make sense to the reader. It also provides writers with the opportunity to improve the flow and quality of their work.

When it comes to editing your essay, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Check your essay for any spelling or grammar errors, and make sure all your facts are accurate.
  • Make sure the essay has a strong introduction and conclusion that appropriately connect to each other.
  • Be sure to eliminate any unnecessary language or passages that distract from the main point.
  • Look for ways to make the essay more engaging and readable, such as using active voice, varying sentence structure, and including vivid narrative details.
  • Read over the essay several times, paying attention to areas where more explanation or evidence may be needed.
  • Have a friend or fellow student read over the essay, and ask them to provide feedback.

By making the most of the editing phase, you can create an explanatory essay that accurately expresses your message and impresses your readers. While this task may seem daunting, it’s important to remember that editing is an essential part of the writing process.

Staying Motivated and Pivoting When Challenges Arise

Writing an explanatory essay is a rewarding and challenging project. Although it can seem daunting, setting yourself up for success from the beginning will make the journey much easier. Here are some strategies for successfully completing your essay:

  • Set goals and break your essay down into manageable chunks:  Instead of overwhelming yourself with the entire essay, break the project down into smaller tasks such as research, outlining and drafting. Setting specific, achievable goals will help you stay motivated and track your progress.
  • Reach out for help:  Don’t be afraid to seek help when you need it. Ask friends, family or teachers for assistance if things start to feel overwhelming. Having a second set of eyes review your work can also be beneficial for catching mistakes.
  • Find ways to stay inspired:  If you find that you are getting burned out, take a break from your essay and do something else that inspires you. Take a walk, watch a movie or read a book to give yourself time to recharge.
  • Be flexible:  When challenges arise, be open to shifting gears and exploring different approaches. As you write, you may realize that your original plan was not the best course of action. Be prepared to pivot if a roadblock appears.

These strategies can help you stay motivated, focused and inspired while writing your essay. With the right amount of effort and the right attitude, you can  create a successful explanatory essay .

Conclusion: Summarizing Our Guide to Writing an Explanatory Essay

Writing an explanatory  essay is a great way to build your knowledge , strengthen your writing skills and present your point of view in a clear and concise manner. This guide has covered the essential steps of the process, from choosing a topic, researching the material and constructing an outline all the way to crafting a memorable conclusion.

We have discussed the importance of properly researching your topic and understanding the main points you want to make before structuring your essay. We also touched on the best practices for drafting, editing and proofreading your work for accuracy and clarity. Finally, we offered strategies for staying motivated throughout and finding balance in the creative process.

We hope that this  guide has made the task of writing an explanatory essay  much easier by providing all the information you need in one place. By following the steps outlined in this guide and utilizing the tips and techniques provided, you will be well on your way to successfully completing your next essay assignment.

  • Last Edit 27 APR 2023

Nick Radlinsky

Nick Radlinsky

Nick Radlinsky is a devoted educator, marketing specialist, and management expert with more than 15 years of experience in the education sector. After obtaining his business degree in 2016, Nick embarked on a quest to achieve his PhD, driven by his commitment to enhancing education for students worldwide. His vast experience, starting in 2008, has established him as a reputable authority in the field.

Nick's article, featured in Routledge's " Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe: Development through Internationalization ," highlights his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to advancing the educational landscape. Inspired by his personal motto, "Make education better," Nick's mission is to streamline students' lives and foster efficient learning. His inventive ideas and leadership have contributed to the transformation of numerous educational experiences, distinguishing him as a true innovator in his field.

outline of an explanatory essay

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outline of an explanatory essay

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outline of an explanatory essay

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Explanatory Essay: Definition, Outline, Writing Steps & Samples

Explanatory Essay: Definition, Outline, Writing Steps & Samples

An explanatory essay informs readers about a specific topic or idea. It gives clear information without trying to change anyone's mind. This article will help you create a good explanatory essay. We'll cover what it is, how to plan it, and how to write your ideas clearly.

What Is an Explanatory Essay: Definition

An explanatory thesis is the main idea of this type of writing. It's a sentence that tells the reader what the essay is about. Explanatory essays need to present facts, not opinions. They use evidence and logic to explain things.

For example, if you're writing about climate change, your explanatory thesis might say: "Climate change is influenced by both natural events and human activities, and it affects the planet's ecosystems in many ways."

How to Start an Explanatory Essay: Important Steps

Knowing how to start an explanatory essay is important to get readers interested. Here's what to do:

  • Pick an interesting topic
  • Conduct thorough research
  • Develop a clear thesis statement
  • Create an outline

When choosing a topic, think about what your readers might like and what information you can find. For instance, if you're writing about clean energy, you could focus on new ways to use sunlight for power.

After you gather information, write your thesis statement. It should be specific and give a clear roadmap for your essay. For example: "Solar technology is changing how we produce and use energy around the world, offering both environmental and economic benefits."

Explanatory Essay Outline

A great outline helps you organize your thoughts and make your essay easy to follow. Here's a basic informational essay format:

1. Introduction

  • A catchy hook
  • Background information
  • Thesis statement (Main idea)

2. Body Paragraphs (usually 3-5 sentences)

  • Topic sentence
  • Facts that support your idea
  • Explanation
  • Transition to the next point

3. Conclusion

  • Restate main idea
  • Sum up the main points
  • Final thoughts

This structure helps keep your essay clear. Remember, each paragraph should focus on one main point that supports your main idea.

How to Write an Explanatory Essay

Now that you know the structure, let's talk about how to write explanatory essay well.

  • Introduction: Start with something interesting—a surprising fact, a question, or a short story. Give some background on your topic and end with your main idea.
  • Body Paragraphs: Each paragraph should talk about one part of your topic. Use reliable sources to support your points, and explain how this information relates to your main idea. For example, when writing about solar energy, you might have paragraphs about how it helps the environment, how much it costs, and new ways to use it.
  • Conclusion: How to write a conclusion for an explanatory essay: Sum up your main points and say your main idea again in a different way. Share some final thoughts about why your topic matters.

Throughout your essay, use words that help connect your ideas. This keeps readers interested and shows how your points are related.

Remember, the goal of an explanatory essay is to inform, not to argue. Stick to the facts, present them clearly, and let the information speak for itself.

Explanatory Essay Conclusion

How to write a conclusion for an explanatory essay is important to make your readers remember what you wrote. Your conclusion should:

  • Restate your main idea but in a fresh way
  • Go over the main points you talked about in your essay
  • Give a final thought or suggest what to do next

For example, if you wrote about clean energy, you might end by stating the importance of continued research and investment in these technologies for a sustainable future.

Explanatory Essay Example

Here's a short example about artificial intelligence in healthcare:


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is bringing significant changes to various fields, with healthcare being a notable beneficiary. From diagnosis to treatment planning, AI is enhancing the capabilities of medical professionals and improving patient care outcomes.

Body Paragraph (example): 

One significant application of AI in healthcare is in medical imaging analysis. AI algorithms can now detect abnormalities in X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans with accuracy comparable to experienced radiologists. A 2020 study demonstrated that an AI system outperformed human experts in breast cancer detection, reducing false positives by 5.7% and false negatives by 9.4%. This technology not only improves diagnostic accuracy but also potentially reduces the workload on healthcare professionals, allowing them to focus on complex cases and patient care.


As AI technology advances, its integration into healthcare promises to enhance diagnostic accuracy, streamline treatment plans, and ultimately improve patient outcomes. While challenges remain, the potential benefits of AI in medicine underscore the importance of continued research and responsible implementation in this field.

Concluding Words

Writing a well-structured, informative, and explanatory essay requires careful planning and a clear understanding of the topic you are writing about. If you follow the tips in this guide and practice regularly, you'll get better at writing exceptional explanatory essays about any topic.

For writers looking to simplify their essay-writing process, Aithor can provide valuable assistance in organizing ideas, suggesting relevant information, and ensuring clear, coherent prose. While the core of your essay should always come from your own understanding and research, such tools can enhance your writing efficiency and effectiveness.

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How to Write an Explanatory Essay: A Step-by-Step Guide

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by  Antony W

June 9, 2024

how to write an explanatory essay explained

If you’re looking for a complete guide on how to write an explanatory essay, you’ve come to the right place.

In this guide, you’ll learn what an explanatory essay is, how to write the essay, and some tips to help you ace the assignment.

Key Takeaways 

  • An explanatory essay is a type of an essay that requires you to give your opinion about a process, a story, a person, or an event.
  • You don’t make an argument in an explanatory essay. Rather than taking sides, you simply explain an issue to make it easy for a reader to understand.
  • To write an explanatory essay, you choose a topic, conduct research, create an outline, write the essay, and then edit your final draft prior to submission. 

What is an Explanatory Essay?

Also known as an expository essay, an explanatory assignment in which you give your opinion about an event, a story,   a  person, a subject, or a process.

You don’t necessarily have to agree with the view that you give. But your point of view must be thoroughly researched and logical.

An explanatory essay is different from an argumentative writing in that instead of taking a position and debating its validity, you simply explain the issue to make it easier for your audience (readers) to understand.

In other words, you have to take a neutral position on a topic and provide a clear analysis of the subject in question.

The primary objective of an explanatory essay is to help your reader to understand why something happened the way they did.

By the time they finish reading the essay, they should get a clear picture of your explanation, even if they don’t agree with it.

How to Write an Explanatory Essay Step-by-Step

Writing an expository essay shouldn’t be difficult if you have the right lead.

Continue reading this step-by-step guide to learn how to write the best explanatory essay fast.

1. Pick a Topic

Check the essay prompt to determine if your instructor has given you a topic to focus on. 

If they have, write the essay according to the instructions that they provide.

If they haven’t, consider choosing an interesting topic that you can easily explore.

2. Research and Gather Evidence to Support Your Essay

Research your topic well and gather as much information about it as you possibly can.  

Don’t worry if part of your explanatory essay will include merely opinions.

As long as the opinion is reasonably strong, your essay should stand out.

While there’s a wealth information that covers the topic under examination, it’s best to use reliable sources to write the essay. 

Keep  a record of your source somewhere in a separate notepad, because you need to cite and reference  them at the bottom of the essay.

3. Create a Relevant Outline

All essays have one thing in common:

They follow a particular format to make ideas clear.

It follows then that your explanatory (expository) essay should also have a clear format.

Divide the essay into three parts: the introduction, body section, and the conclusion paragraph.

Don’t worry about writing the whole essay at this point. Just focus on organizing your main ideas in point form while keeling the three sections in mind.

Your instructor may ask to see the outline before you proceed with writing the essay.

But even if they don’t, you should make the outline as comprehensive as possible so that you have an easy time writing the expository.

4. Write the Body Paragraph

With a clear outline, writing the whole essay shouldn’t be difficult at all.

While it’s fine to start from the introduction, move to the body section, and then write the conclusion, writing the body of your paper makes your work a whole lot easier.

The consensus is that an expository essay should be at least  five paragraphs . 

That’s a good starting point. 

So if your instructor hasn’t specifically stated that your assignment should be this short, you shouldn’t hesitate to make the essay longer .

The rule to getting the body paragraph right is to focus on one point or idea per paragraph.

Start that with a topic sentence, write your explanation, and then end with a conclusion that easily transitions to a new idea in a completely new paragraph.

6. Write Your Introduction

Your introduction can make or break the explanatory essay. So you shouldn’t take chances here.

Read the body of the article to get a clear idea for a hook. And then start the introduction with a statement that will attract eyeballs instantly.

Include a short background. Then, end the instruction of your expository essay with a strong thesis statement .

6. Write a Conclusion

Really, there’s no magic bullet to ending an essay and this part of the assignment should be a no brainer to complete.

The approach is to end the assignment on a very strong note.

Tie your idea together into a powerful statement that gives your readers something to think about.

Tips to Write a Good Expository Essay

Below are some tips you can use to write a good explanatory essay within the shortest time possible.

1. Use an Appropriate Writing Style

An explanatory essay uses the same three-part format used in all essays.

Beyond that, however, it doesn’t require you to take a side or persuade someone to do, say, or believe something.

As such, it’s important to use an appropriate writing style when writing this assignment.

Your explanation should be more of a discussion. And while you do have to present evidence to back your topic, you shouldn’t do so to put your reader in a position where they have to make a solid case.

2. Get Help from Professional Essay Writers

Still don’t have time to write an explanatory essay yourself even after reading this guide?

You can  pay someone to write an essay for you   and get the task completed in the shortest time possible.

You can use the essay you receive from us as reference to help you write your final draft, deliver the final copy to your teacher for review, and score good grades.

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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How to Write an Expository Essay | Structure, Tips & Examples

Published on July 14, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on July 23, 2023.

“Expository” means “intended to explain or describe something.” An expository essay provides a clear, focused explanation of a particular topic, process, or set of ideas. It doesn’t set out to prove a point, just to give a balanced view of its subject matter.

Expository essays are usually short assignments intended to test your composition skills or your understanding of a subject. They tend to involve less research and original arguments than argumentative essays .

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Table of contents

When should you write an expository essay, how to approach an expository essay, introducing your essay, writing the body paragraphs, concluding your essay, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about expository essays.

In school and university, you might have to write expository essays as in-class exercises, exam questions, or coursework assignments.

Sometimes it won’t be directly stated that the assignment is an expository essay, but there are certain keywords that imply expository writing is required. Consider the prompts below.

The word “explain” here is the clue: An essay responding to this prompt should provide an explanation of this historical process—not necessarily an original argument about it.

Sometimes you’ll be asked to define a particular term or concept. This means more than just copying down the dictionary definition; you’ll be expected to explore different ideas surrounding the term, as this prompt emphasizes.

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An expository essay should take an objective approach: It isn’t about your personal opinions or experiences. Instead, your goal is to provide an informative and balanced explanation of your topic. Avoid using the first or second person (“I” or “you”).

The structure of your expository essay will vary according to the scope of your assignment and the demands of your topic. It’s worthwhile to plan out your structure before you start, using an essay outline .

A common structure for a short expository essay consists of five paragraphs: An introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Like all essays, an expository essay begins with an introduction . This serves to hook the reader’s interest, briefly introduce your topic, and provide a thesis statement summarizing what you’re going to say about it.

Hover over different parts of the example below to see how a typical introduction works.

In many ways, the invention of the printing press marked the end of the Middle Ages. The medieval period in Europe is often remembered as a time of intellectual and political stagnation. Prior to the Renaissance, the average person had very limited access to books and was unlikely to be literate. The invention of the printing press in the 15th century allowed for much less restricted circulation of information in Europe, paving the way for the Reformation.

The body of your essay is where you cover your topic in depth. It often consists of three paragraphs, but may be more for a longer essay. This is where you present the details of the process, idea or topic you’re explaining.

It’s important to make sure each paragraph covers its own clearly defined topic, introduced with a topic sentence . Different topics (all related to the overall subject matter of the essay) should be presented in a logical order, with clear transitions between paragraphs.

Hover over different parts of the example paragraph below to see how a body paragraph is constructed.

The invention of the printing press in 1440 changed this situation dramatically. Johannes Gutenberg, who had worked as a goldsmith, used his knowledge of metals in the design of the press. He made his type from an alloy of lead, tin, and antimony, whose durability allowed for the reliable production of high-quality books. This new technology allowed texts to be reproduced and disseminated on a much larger scale than was previously possible. The Gutenberg Bible appeared in the 1450s, and a large number of printing presses sprang up across the continent in the following decades. Gutenberg’s invention rapidly transformed cultural production in Europe; among other things, it would lead to the Protestant Reformation.

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The conclusion of an expository essay serves to summarize the topic under discussion. It should not present any new information or evidence, but should instead focus on reinforcing the points made so far. Essentially, your conclusion is there to round off the essay in an engaging way.

Hover over different parts of the example below to see how a conclusion works.

The invention of the printing press was important not only in terms of its immediate cultural and economic effects, but also in terms of its major impact on politics and religion across Europe. In the century following the invention of the printing press, the relatively stationary intellectual atmosphere of the Middle Ages gave way to the social upheavals of the Reformation and the Renaissance. A single technological innovation had contributed to the total reshaping of the continent.

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An expository essay is a broad form that varies in length according to the scope of the assignment.

Expository essays are often assigned as a writing exercise or as part of an exam, in which case a five-paragraph essay of around 800 words may be appropriate.

You’ll usually be given guidelines regarding length; if you’re not sure, ask.

An expository essay is a common assignment in high-school and university composition classes. It might be assigned as coursework, in class, or as part of an exam.

Sometimes you might not be told explicitly to write an expository essay. Look out for prompts containing keywords like “explain” and “define.” An expository essay is usually the right response to these prompts.

An argumentative essay tends to be a longer essay involving independent research, and aims to make an original argument about a topic. Its thesis statement makes a contentious claim that must be supported in an objective, evidence-based way.

An expository essay also aims to be objective, but it doesn’t have to make an original argument. Rather, it aims to explain something (e.g., a process or idea) in a clear, concise way. Expository essays are often shorter assignments and rely less on research.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, July 23). How to Write an Expository Essay | Structure, Tips & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from

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Get the ultimate guide on writing an expository essay – step-by-step tips and examples.

How to write expository essay

Are you grappling with the challenge of composing a compelling expository essay? Look no further, as this comprehensive guide will provide you with all the essential tools and techniques to effectively convey your ideas and captivate your readers. By employing powerful writing strategies and supplementing your work with concrete examples and real-life anecdotes, you will unlock the true potential of your explanatory essay.

Begin your writing journey by harnessing the power of clarity and conciseness. Structuring your essay with a logical flow will allow your readers to effortlessly follow your thought process and grasp your central ideas. Employing strong transitions between paragraphs and employing cohesive language will ensure a seamless reading experience. Additionally, honing your analytical skills and supporting your claims with factual evidence will lend credibility to your work while fostering a deep understanding of the topic.

Furthermore, incorporating vivid examples and engaging anecdotes will breathe life into your expository essay, making your content relatable and memorable. By utilizing descriptive language and the art of storytelling, you will create a lasting impact in the minds of your readers. Whether it is a personal experience, a historical event, or a scientific study, weaving in these narratives will amplify the effectiveness and persuasiveness of your essay, leaving a lasting imprint on your audience.

Mastering the Art of Crafting a Compelling Expository Composition: Pointers and Illustrations

Mastering the Art of Crafting a Compelling Expository Composition: Pointers and Illustrations

An in-depth exploration of the fundamentals behind composing an impactful expository essay can serve as an invaluable tool in your academic and professional endeavors. By harnessing the power of language, analysis, and evidence, you can construct a persuasive and enlightening piece of writing that will captivate your readers. Let us embark on a journey to unravel the secrets of crafting an exquisite expository essay.

1. Avoid monotony: Deliver your ideas in a fresh, stimulating manner to enthrall your audience. Strive to maintain a captivating narrative flow by skillfully employing synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and metaphors. This will invigorate your writing and make it truly memorable.

2. Be concise yet comprehensive: Accomplish the delicate balance of being succinct without sacrificing the clarity and depth of your exposition. Remember to select your words wisely, presenting each idea concisely while ensuring it is thorough and complete.

3. Provide evidence: Back up your statements with solid evidence and well-researched examples. Citing credible sources, such as reputable studies, expert opinions, and statistical data, will add credibility and weight to your arguments, making them more persuasive and powerful.

4. Organize your thoughts: Structure your essay in a logical and coherent manner, ensuring that each idea flows seamlessly into the next. Utilize transitional words and phrases to guide your readers through the different sections of your essay, enabling them to follow your line of reasoning effortlessly.

5. Cater to your audience: Tailor your language, tone, and examples to suit the preferences and background of your intended audience. Use relatable and engaging references to convey your message effectively and establish a connection with your readers.

6. Emphasize clarity: Clarity is key when it comes to expository writing. Avoid excessive jargon, convoluted sentences, and ambiguous expressions. Instead, strive for lucidity and precision, ensuring that your readers can easily grasp the main points of your essay.

7. Show don’t tell: Instead of merely stating information, aim to vividly illustrate your ideas through anecdotes, case studies, and real-life examples. This will make your essay more relatable and memorable, enabling your readers to form a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

8. Revise and refine: Do not underestimate the importance of the revision process. Review your essay meticulously, focusing on grammar, clarity, and coherence. Eliminate redundancies, enhance sentence structure, and refine your vocabulary to elevate the quality and impact of your writing.

By equipping yourself with these essential guidelines and examples, you are well-prepared to embark on your expository essay writing journey. Remember, mastering the art of crafting a compelling expository composition requires practice and perseverance. Let your ideas flow, embrace creativity, and allow your words to inspire, educate, and leave an indelible mark in the minds of your readers.

The Significance of an Expository Article

When it pertains to written compositions, the significance of an expository article cannot be underestimated. This type of writing piece serves a crucial purpose in communicating information, presenting facts, and explaining ideas in a clear and concise manner. By utilizing objective analysis, evidence-based reasoning, and logical arguments, an expository essay provides readers with a deeper understanding of a subject matter.

Unlike other forms of writing, an expository essay focuses on informing rather than persuading or entertaining. It acts as a reliable source of knowledge, offering readers an opportunity to broaden their horizons and gain new insights. Whether used in academic, professional, or personal settings, the expository essay serves as a valuable tool for conveying information accurately and objectively.

Furthermore, an expository essay aids in building critical thinking and analytical skills. Through the process of researching and organizing information, the writer develops the ability to evaluate sources, discern facts from opinions, and present arguments based on logical reasoning. This type of writing encourages readers to question assumptions, analyze evidence, and draw their own conclusions.

Moreover, mastering the art of composing an expository essay equips individuals with essential communication skills that are applicable in various aspects of life. By learning how to present complex ideas in a clear and coherent manner, one becomes an effective communicator across different fields and disciplines. Whether it be writing research papers, reports, or even delivering presentations, the skills acquired from writing an expository essay are invaluable in expressing ideas persuasively and engaging an audience.

In conclusion, the importance of an expository essay lies in its ability to provide a comprehensive and objective understanding of a subject matter. By offering factual information, logical arguments, and clear explanations, this type of writing contributes to the development of critical thinking skills and effective communication. Whether in academic, professional, or personal settings, the expository essay plays a vital role in disseminating knowledge and fostering intellectual growth.

Understanding the Purpose and Audience

In order to create a compelling and impactful expository essay, it is important to have a clear understanding of the purpose and audience of your writing.

The purpose of an expository essay is to explain or inform the reader about a specific topic or idea. Unlike other types of essays, the main goal is to provide a balanced analysis and present factual information in a clear and concise manner. The purpose may vary depending on the specific assignment or context, but it is important to always keep the purpose in mind when writing an expository essay.

Equally important is knowing your audience. Understanding who will be reading your essay will help you tailor your writing style, tone, and level of complexity to effectively communicate your ideas. Consider the background knowledge, interests, and beliefs of your audience to ensure that your essay is accessible and engaging.

  • Start by identifying the demographic characteristics of your audience, such as age, education level, and background.
  • Consider their prior knowledge on the topic. Are they familiar with the subject matter, or do you need to provide additional context?
  • Think about their potential biases or preconceived notions. Are there any potential challenges or objections you need to address?

By understanding the purpose and audience of your expository essay, you can craft a well-written and relevant piece that effectively communicates your ideas and engages your readers.

Choosing the Right Topic and Gathering Information

One of the crucial steps in writing an outstanding expository essay is selecting a compelling topic and gathering relevant information. The topic should be interesting, relevant, and align with the purpose of your essay. It’s important to choose a topic that you are passionate about and have a good understanding of, as it will make the research and writing process more enjoyable and easier.

Start by brainstorming different ideas and concepts that you find intriguing. Consider your personal experiences, hobbies, or areas of expertise that you would like to explore further. You can also look for inspiration from current events, popular trends, or societal issues that grab your attention. Once you have a list of potential topics, narrow it down to the one that has enough depth and scope for exploration.

Once you have chosen a topic, it’s time to gather information to support your thesis statement and provide evidence for your claims. Start by conducting thorough research using various sources such as books, scholarly articles, reputable websites, and interviews with experts in the field. Take notes and keep track of the sources you use for referencing purposes.

Tips for Gathering Information:
1. Use reliable and credible sources to ensure the accuracy of the information.
2. Take detailed notes and organize them based on different subtopics or arguments.
3. Look for different perspectives and opinions on the topic to present a well-rounded view.
4. Don’t rely solely on internet sources, but also explore books and academic journals.
5. Use quotation marks or proper citation methods when including direct quotes or paraphrasing information from sources.
6. Keep track of all the sources you use to avoid plagiarism and provide proper references in your essay.

By choosing the right topic and gathering relevant information, you lay the foundation for a well-researched and compelling expository essay. Take the time to explore different ideas, conduct thorough research, and organize your findings effectively. Remember, a well-chosen topic and solid information will make your essay engaging and informative for your readers.

Structuring Your Expository Essay

Structuring Your Expository Essay

When it comes to composing an expository essay, the way you structure your piece is crucial. Organizing your thoughts and ideas in a clear and logical manner will not only make your writing more coherent and easy to follow, but it will also help you effectively convey your message to the readers.

One effective way to structure your expository essay is to use the traditional five-paragraph format. This format consists of an introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. Each paragraph serves a specific purpose and contributes to the overall development of your essay.

The introduction paragraph is where you grab the attention of your readers and provide them with a brief overview of what your essay will be about. It should include a strong thesis statement that clearly states your main argument or point of view.

The body paragraphs are where you present your evidence, provide supporting details, and analyze your topic. Each body paragraph should focus on one main idea or aspect of your topic. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main point, and then provide examples, facts, or explanations to support your argument.

In the conclusion paragraph, you should summarize your main points and restate your thesis statement. Avoid introducing new information or arguments in this section. Instead, focus on leaving a lasting impression on your readers and reinforcing the main ideas discussed throughout your essay.

Remember to use appropriate transition words and phrases to ensure a smooth flow between paragraphs and ideas. Examples of transitional phrases include “firstly,” “in addition, “finally,” and “on the other hand,” among others.

By following a well-structured approach, you can effectively organize your expository essay and make it engaging and informative for your readers. Take the time to plan your essay, identify your main points, and arrange them in a logical order. With a clear structure, your expository essay will be a powerful piece of writing that effectively conveys your ideas.

Enhancing Clarity and Coherence

Creating a clear and coherent expository essay requires skillful use of language and organization. By carefully selecting words and arranging ideas logically, you can ensure that your essay is easy to understand and follow.

Word Choice: One of the most effective ways to enhance clarity is through thoughtful word choice. Consider using precise and specific language to convey your ideas. Instead of using general terms, opt for more descriptive words that accurately depict the information you are presenting.

Logical Organization: Coherence in your essay can be achieved through proper organization. Present your ideas in a logical progression, ensuring that each paragraph flows smoothly into the next. Use transitional words and phrases to connect your thoughts and guide the reader through your essay.

Consistent Structure: To enhance clarity and coherence, maintain a consistent structure throughout your essay. Use a clear introduction to outline your main points and a strong conclusion to summarize your findings. Each body paragraph should focus on a single topic and provide sufficient evidence and examples to support your claims.

Effective Transitions: Transitions are essential in ensuring a cohesive flow between ideas and paragraphs. Use transitional words and phrases such as “however,” “in addition,” and “furthermore” to link your ideas and create a smooth transition between different sections of your essay.

Eliminating Ambiguity: To enhance clarity, it is crucial to eliminate any ambiguity or confusion from your writing. Be precise in your language and avoid using vague terms or jargon. Make sure your ideas are clearly articulated and leave no room for misinterpretation.

Proofreading: Finally, closely edit and proofread your essay for clarity and coherence. Look for any unclear sentences or confusing phrases and revise them for greater clarity. Ensure that your ideas are presented in a logical and coherent manner, leaving no room for confusion.

By enhancing clarity and coherence in your expository essay, you can effectively communicate your ideas and engage your readers. Thoughtful word choice, logical organization, consistent structure, effective transitions, and careful proofreading all play important roles in creating a clear and coherent essay that will leave a lasting impact.

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How to write a good explanatory essay

Published September 27, 2020. Updated May 3, 2022.

Explanatory Essay Definition

An explanatory essay describes a set of ideas. An explanatory essay focuses on one point of view and supports it with a set of facts.

Overview of Explanatory Essay

The purpose of an explanatory essay is to make a topic easier to understand for the reader. An explanatory essay takes the form of a discussion that one might have about this topic. For one point of view to be validated, one must also assess the validity (or non-validity) of opposing points of view. Explanatory essays are distinct because they analyze and explain key concepts and viewpoints to the reader.

An explanatory essay has room for a little bit of creativity as you describe various concepts and ideas.  A well-written explanatory essay highlights your ability to help the reader understand particular points of view on a topic. Writing an explanatory essay helps you learn how to communicate ideas, concepts, and opinions clearly and concisely. It also helps in training you to be neutral, and this is especially true if you are explaining a point of view that is not your own.

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How is an explanatory essay different from other essays?

Explanatory essays are distinct because they analyze and explain key concepts and viewpoints to the reader. An explanatory essay has room for a little bit of creativity as you describe various concepts and ideas. There may even be a few opportunities to lay out your own personal opinion.

In contrast, an informative essay is purely about educating the reader with facts.

  • Informative essays usually do not contain opinions.
  • Informative essays are much more straightforward and utilitarian, while explanatory essays may include humor and other elements that entertain the reader.

Why is an explanatory essay important?

A well-written explanatory essay highlights your ability to help the reader understand a particular point of view on a topic. Writing an explanatory essay helps you learn how to communicate ideas, concepts, and opinions clearly and concisely. These factors are, of course, subject to our interpretation of the event itself, and these interpretations change over the course of history (and depending on who is writing the history books). This is exactly why an explanatory essay is so important.

Writing an explanatory essay also trains you to be neutral, and this is especially true if you’re explaining a point of view that is not your own. When a reader finishes reading an explanatory essay, they should have a clear understanding of that point of view, even if they do not agree with it.

Planning your explanatory essay

Choose your topic.

  • Choose a topic for your explanatory essay unless assigned one by your instructor.
  • If you are allowed to choose your own topic, choose a relatively neutral and non-controversial topic
  • There are many different points of view for complex, divisive issues, and you will need to address all of these viewpoints if you choose an especially controversial topic. This is why it’s easier to choose more straightforward subjects.
  • With less controversial and complex subjects, there is usually only one or two widely accepted stances or opinions.

Another tip is to choose a topic that you understand. A foundation of background knowledge will help make the research phase easier. In addition, choosing a topic that you’re interested in will also help you stay motivated throughout the writing process.

Research the topic

Next, you’ll need to research your topic. Finding suitable evidence is key when writing an explanatory essay, because you will need to support each opinion with facts. Try to find respected, peer-reviewed sources in online journals and assess the reliability of your sources as you research your topic.

Keep the following in mind as you research:

  • Keep track of sources so you can properly cite them later—a notebook or laptop is handy for jotting down sources and important notes.
  • Look for relevant facts or quotes supporting the viewpoint you’re explaining.
  • The whole point of research is to gather evidence suggesting why this viewpoint is credible.

Create an outline

Once you’ve finished researching your topic, you should have a number of ideas for your essay. Now it’s time to organize these ideas and notes into a clear, structured outline. Organizing your thoughts in this manner gives you a framework to follow when writing your essay, and you’ll find that it makes the entire process much easier.

The general structure of an explanatory essay is as follows:

  • introduction
  • main point #1
  • main point #2
  • main point #3

Writing your explanatory essay

Write the introduction.

Your first step should be to write a captivating introduction for your explanatory essay. The introduction familiarizes the reader with the topic and helps them understand your thesis. First of all, make sure the reader is interested in what you’re about to discuss with an impactful first sentence.

In the main body of your introduction, spend a few sentences explaining the background of your topic. Don’t assume the reader already has a firm understanding of the topic you’re about to launch into. The last sentence of your introduction should be your thesis statement.

Tips for effective thesis statements:

  • A good thesis statement isn’t just a summary of the topic—it’s a clear, concise encapsulation of the specific opinion you’re going to explain.
  • For example, instead of saying he Roman Empire fell in 395 CE, a more compelling thesis statement would explore the what, when, why, how, and who of that event.
  • A better alternative would be saying the Roman Empire fell in 395 CE due to a number of internal and external factors, and it wasn’t simply the result of a barbarian invasion as is commonly believed.

Finishing the introduction with a clear thesis helps the reader understand exactly what the essay will focus on in the later paragraphs.

Write the body paragraphs

Once you have created an introduction that helps the reader understand your topic and the viewpoint you’re about to discuss, you can begin the main body paragraphs. The exact length of your explanatory essay will depend on the format and guidelines laid out by your instructor.

Start each paragraph with an introductory sentence explaining the information you’ll explore. Next, explain why this information supports your thesis with a second sentence.

For example, you could start a paragraph by saying:

In the years leading up to the fall of Rome, there was significant internal corruption. 

Then you could explain why this supports your thesis by saying:

This internal corruption made Rome weak and especially vulnerable to invasion. 

You would then back up this claim with evidence collected during your research while carefully citing each source. Each time you introduce a new piece of evidence that supports your thesis statement, you must support this evidence with facts.

Conclude each paragraph with a summary of the information and how it relates to your thesis. For example:

The truth is that internal corruption had weakened Rome to the brink of collapse by the time the barbarians arrived, and all it needed was a slight push to come toppling down. 

In this sentence, you’re clearly summarizing how your evidence supports the viewpoint you’re discussing.

Follow the exact same formula for each of your body paragraphs. Each body paragraph should present a new reason why your thesis statement is viable, including evidence and facts. Do not repeat the same information.

Before you turn in that paper, don’t forget to cite your sources in APA format , MLA format , or a style of your choice.

When you’ve finished writing your body paragraphs, it’s time to finish your essay with a conclusion. Start by restating your thesis in a new way. Then, summarize the information laid out in your body paragraphs, making sure to highlight the significance and credibility of each claim in relation to your thesis. This helps bring together all of your evidence in a few cohesive statements, solidifying its importance and relevance in the reader’s mind.

Finally, finish off your explanatory essay with a concluding sentence. In this last sentence, explain why the point of view you’ve outlined is important. What kind of relevance does it have today? Leave a strong impression on your reader, and make them feel encouraged to research the topic further.

Edit your essay

  • When you’ve finished writing your explanatory essay, don’t forget to re-read the entire piece and check for any glaring errors.
  • Look for small grammar and spelling mistakes. Once you’ve finished, read the essay once again and focus on polishing up your use of language.
  • Make your argument as clear as possible.
  • Finally, find a fellow student who is willing to read over your essay and offer their own advice on how you might make your overall message clearer for the reader.

Example critical analysis on  De-extinction

Additional tips for writing your explanatory essay.

  • Do not try to defend one point of view or another. This is probably the biggest mistake students make when writing explanatory essays. Your goal is to explain a point of view, not to persuade the reader that it is the correct point of view
  • Do not accidentally start writing another type of essay, such as an informative essay or a persuasive essay. It’s easy for the tone and structure of the essay to shift unknowingly as you write.
  • Do not assume that the reader already has background knowledge of your topic.

Published September 7, 2020.

By Andrew Block. Andrew received his BA in English from the University of South Carolina and his MA from the University of New Mexico. After more than a decade as a faculty member in a community college, he has worked in client success for an educational technology company since 2018.

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Explanatory Essay

Explanatory essay generator.

outline of an explanatory essay

Essays Writing  For a lot of students this word seems to get them to react in a very informal manner. In a way that they perceive this word or this activity as punishment from their professors. When it should not be seen as such. But what about you? What is the first thing that you can think of when you hear the word essays? For those who have gone through this type of discussion, you may have a different type of reaction compared to the majority of the population. Going back, we know that each kind of essay plays a different role and each essay has its own definition and uses. Of course we are not here to talk about the other types of essays except for the explanatory essay, also known as an expository essay. You know that an explanatory essay is also called an expository essay, But what is it about this kind of essay that makes it different from the rest? We know that there are uses for each but what about this? Is it from its term to explain? Are you curious enough to know what do you think this is about? If you are, check the article right now for more.

What is an Explanatory Essay?

An explanatory essay is a type of writing that explains a certain viewpoint, situation, or event. Unlike argumentative essays, which aim to persuade, explanatory essays focus on presenting information in a clear and straightforward manner, allowing readers to understand the topic without the writer’s bias. The goal is to explore a topic in detail by examining various perspectives and providing evidence, such as facts, examples, and statistics, to support the explanation. This essay type encourages critical thinking and research skills, as the writer must thoroughly understand and convey complex information to the audience effectively.

How to Write an Explanatory Essay

Here’s how to craft an effective explanatory essay:

  • Understand the Prompt: Begin by thoroughly understanding the essay prompt or question. Identify the key aspects of the topic you need to explain.
  • Choose a Topic: If you have the freedom to choose your topic, select one that is interesting and has enough information available for exploration.
  • Conduct Research: Gather information from credible sources to gain a comprehensive understanding of your topic. Take notes on significant facts, statistics, and perspectives.
  • Create an Outline: Organize your main points and evidence into an outline. This will serve as a roadmap for your essay, ensuring a logical flow of information.
  • Write the Introduction: Start with a hook to capture the reader’s interest, followed by background information on your topic. Conclude the introduction with a clear thesis statement that outlines the main points of your explanation.
  • Develop Body Paragraphs: Each body paragraph should focus on a single aspect of your topic. Start with a topic sentence that introduces the paragraph’s main idea. Provide evidence and facts to support your points, and explain how this information contributes to understanding the topic.
  • Craft a Conclusion: Summarize the key points discussed in your essay and restate how they contribute to a deeper understanding of the topic. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion.
  • Review and Revise: After completing your first draft, take time to review and revise your essay. Check for clarity, coherence, and logical progression of ideas. Ensure that your essay adequately explains the topic without expressing personal opinions.
  • Edit for Grammar and Style: Carefully proofread your essay for grammatical errors, punctuation, and spelling mistakes. Use clear and concise language to maintain the reader’s interest and understanding.
  • Cite Your Sources: Properly cite all the sources you used to gather information. This adds credibility to your essay and avoids plagiarism.

Tips for writting an Explanatory Essay

  • Begin with a clear understanding of the essay prompt to ensure your essay remains focused and relevant.
  • Choose a topic that is both interesting and has sufficient information available for comprehensive exploration.
  • Conduct thorough research from credible sources to gather diverse perspectives and facts about your topic.
  • Create a detailed outline to organize your ideas and evidence logically, ensuring a coherent flow of information throughout the essay.
  • Craft a compelling introduction that includes a hook to grab the reader’s attention, followed by background information on the topic and a clear thesis statement.
  • Develop each body paragraph around a single main idea, using facts, examples, and explanations to support your points and enhance understanding.
  • Ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs to maintain the flow of your essay and guide the reader through your explanations.
  • Write a conclusion that summarizes the main points discussed, reinforcing the understanding of the topic without introducing new information.
  • Maintain an objective tone throughout your essay, focusing on explaining the topic without inserting personal opinions or arguments.
  • Review and revise your essay to improve clarity, coherence, and organization, and to ensure it adequately addresses the essay prompt.
  • Proofread your final draft for grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors to ensure your essay is polished and professional.
  • Properly cite all sources used in your research to lend credibility to your essay and avoid plagiarism.
  • Use clear and concise language to convey your explanations, making complex information accessible and understandable to your audience.

Important Steps for a Strong Explanatory Essay Conclusion

Creating a compelling conclusion for an explanatory essay is crucial for leaving a lasting impression on your readers. It’s the final chance to reinforce your thesis and the insights you’ve shared throughout your paper. Here are essential steps to ensure your conclusion is powerful and effective:

Explanatory Essay Conclusion

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Restate Your Thesis: Start by rephrasing your thesis statement. This reminds readers of the main argument of your essay without repeating it word for word. Ensure it reflects the discussion and evidence presented in your essay.

Summarize Key Points: Briefly summarize the key points you made throughout the essay. Highlight the most compelling evidence and how it supports your thesis. This recap helps readers recall your arguments and reinforces the essay’s overall message.

Connect to the Bigger Picture: Tie your essay’s insights to broader themes or implications. Discuss how your analysis contributes to understanding the topic at a deeper level or its relevance in a broader context. This can involve suggesting how your conclusions might apply to other situations or the implications for future research or policy.

Reflect or Project: Depending on your essay topic, you might choose to reflect on the significance of your findings or project future developments. Reflection can provide personal insights or lessons learned, while projection can speculate on how the topic might evolve.

End with a Strong Closing Sentence: Your final sentence should be memorable. It can be a call to action, a rhetorical question, or a profound statement that leaves the reader thinking. Aim for a closing line that encapsulates your essay’s essence while also pushing the reader to consider its implications further.

Avoid Introducing New Information: The conclusion is not the place to introduce new arguments or evidence. Stick to synthesizing the information already presented in your essay.

Personal Connection (Optional): If appropriate, you can briefly mention what the topic means to you or why it’s important on a personal level. This humanizes your conclusion, making it more relatable and impactful.

10+ Explanatory Essay Samples

  • Explanatory Essay on My Favourite Sport
  • Explanatory Essay on Road Safety
  • Explanatory Essay on Responsibility
  • Explanatory Essay on Time Management
  • Explanatory Essay on Video Games
  • Explanatory Essay on Value of Time
  • Explanatory Essay on Tajmahal
  • Explanatory Essay on Summer Vacation
  • Explanatory Essay on Student Life
  • Explanatory Essay on Trees

10+ Explanatory Essay Examples

1. animal explanatory essay.

Animal Explanatory Essay

2. Explanatory Essay Checklist

Explanatory Essay Checklist

3. Internet Explanatory Essay

Internet Explanatory Essay

4. Explanatory Synthesis Essay

Explanatory Synthesis Essay

5. Explanatory Essay Sample

Explanatory Essay Sample

6. Informative Explanatory Essay

Informative Explanatory Essay

7. Baseball Explanatory Essay

Baseball Explanatory Essay

8. Student Explanatory Essay

Student Explanatory Essay

9. Education Explanatory Essay

Education Explanatory Essay

10. Explanatory Essay Analysis

Explanatory Essay Analysis

11. Descriptive or Explanatory Essay

Descriptive or Explanatory Essay

Purpose of an Explanatory Essay

An explanatory essay, often referred to as an expository essay, serves a dual purpose of exploring a topic and informing the audience. Its main goal is to provide a clear and detailed explanation of a subject, idea, process, or set of circumstances, based on facts and devoid of the writer’s personal opinions or biases. This type of essay is fundamental in academic settings as it fosters critical thinking, research skills, and the ability to communicate complex ideas in an accessible manner. Below are the key purposes of an explanatory essay:

  • To Inform and Explain: The primary purpose is to educate the reader about a specific topic in a straightforward and logical manner. It aims to break down complex subjects into more understandable segments, ensuring the reader grasitates the full scope and context.
  • To Analyze Concepts: Explanatory essays often delve into the analysis of ideas, processes, or phenomena. Through detailed examination, these essays present various perspectives and components of the topic, facilitating a deeper understanding.
  • To Provide Clarity: One of the essay’s goals is to clarify any misconceptions or complexities surrounding the subject matter. It seeks to answer questions and resolve any ambiguities, making the topic accessible to all readers regardless of their prior knowledge.
  • To Enhance Research and Writing Skills: Crafting an explanatory essay encourages students to conduct thorough research, evaluate sources for credibility, and organize their findings coherently. This process hones their ability to sift through information critically and present it in a structured and compelling manner.
  • To Present a Neutral Viewpoint: Unlike persuasive or argumentative essays, the explanatory essay prioritizes neutrality and objectivity. It presents information without taking a stance, allowing readers to form their own opinions based on the facts provided.
  • To Encourage Critical Thinking: By analyzing and explaining a topic from multiple angles, explanatory essays stimulate critical thinking in both the writer and the reader. They encourage questioning, exploration, and the synthesis of information into coherent understanding.

When writing the essay, what is best to avoid?

Avoid not editing your work, as well as avoid not doing extensive research. As this kind of essay requires the writer to do their research. Providing the fact and the ideas that an opinion from one writer is not enough to convince the readers. Regardless of what topic you may choose to write, you must have proof.

Is an expository essay and an explanatory essay the same?

Yes. An expository essay is also known as an explanatory essay. However, the term expository is more well known but they are the same type of essay.

This is all the information you may need as you plan to write your essay. Remember to always do extensive research on the topics you choose before you write. As well as ending your essays with a stronger statement or stronger opinion of the topic.

How Do You Write an Explanatory Research Paper?

To write an explanatory research paper, start with thorough research on your topic from credible sources. Organize your findings into a structured outline, categorizing information logically. Write your paper by explaining the research findings clearly, supporting your explanations with evidence, and maintaining an objective tone throughout.

How Do You Start an Explanatory Essay?

Start an explanatory essay with a hook to grab the reader’s attention, followed by a brief introduction to the topic that provides necessary background information. Conclude the introduction with a clear thesis statement that outlines the main points you will explain in the essay.

How Should I Start My Explanatory Essay?

Begin your explanatory essay with an engaging opening sentence or question that piques curiosity. Provide a concise overview or context for the topic, leading smoothly into a well-defined thesis statement that previews the essay’s key points or focus.

Can I Use “I” in an Explanatory Essay?

While it’s generally advised to maintain an objective tone in explanatory essays, using “I” might be acceptable if sharing personal experiences or observations directly relates to explaining the topic. However, this should be used sparingly and only when it enhances the explanation.

What Is the Difference Between Expository and Explanatory Essays?

Expository essays aim to inform and explain a topic to the reader, often involving a thorough analysis or breakdown of a concept. Explanatory essays focus on clarifying or elucidating a specific viewpoint, situation, or event, typically in a more straightforward and less analytical manner. Both share the goal of informing, but their approaches and focuses can vary


Text prompt

  • Instructive
  • Professional

Write an Explanatory Essay on the process of photosynthesis

Discuss the causes and effects of global warming in an Explanatory Essay

How to research effectively for an explanatory essay.

Crafting a thesis statement for explanatory essays.

Organizing your explanatory essay: Outline essentials.

Writing introductions that captivate in explanatory essays.

Developing coherent body paragraphs in explanatory essays.

Concluding your explanatory essay: Summarizing key points.

Importance of revision in the explanatory essay process.

Citing sources correctly in explanatory essays.

explanatory essay topics

Explanatory Essay Writing Guide

outline of an explanatory essay

Before writing any type of assignment, you must understand its definition. The following approach can be applied to any other type of academic writing, including an explanatory essay.

In this article, our write my essay for me service professionals will try to explain what an explanatory essay is, its primary goal, and key features. Even though many people think that there is nothing more simple than writing an explanatory essay, for most students, it can still be a challenge to distinguish explanatory paper from other types of essays.

We highly recommend you read this article till the end. Guidelines outlined in our manual will help you gain new knowledge and enhance your writing skills. Designing explanatory essay will become an easy task for you once you put recommendations from our professional paper writing service into practice.

What is an Explanatory Essay?

An explanatory essay is a type of academic paper in which the author presents some point of view or opinion on a particular topic, subject, event or situation. It’s worth noting that explanatory essay is also known as expository essay. 

When completing this kind of assignment you shouldn’t necessarily agree with the point of view you are writing about. Your goal is to report a certain event or situation and offer an analysis of a given subject. Try to present information or arguments of other people impartially. It’s also essential that you do not include any form of criticism in your explanatory essay. You shouldn’t argue or persuade while giving explanations. Let readers make their conclusions rather than persuading them to agree or disagree with the given point of view.

Explanatory essay is all about presenting a neutral view on the set topic by providing analysis from research. Its primary goal is to present a lucid explanation as to why things happened the way they did. After reading your essay, the audience should have a clear understanding of your point of view, even if they don’t pick your side.

Usually, the author of the explanatory essay decides upon a set topic and then approaches the issue from a specific angle. In most cases, this angle is complicated and gives room for discussion. The author presents a point of view of his or her choice that fairly explains why a certain outcome was reached.

Explanatory Essay Topics

In most cases, explanatory essay topics are pre-assigned to students by their teachers or college professors. For instance, you can be asked to explain how your brain works or outline the events that led to the 2008 financial crisis.

explanatory essay

If you are asked to select the essay topic by yourself, remember that explanatory papers are based on facts. That’s why our custom essay writing professionals recommend that you choose a neutral topic that can be easily explained. The idea here is that the more controversial the topic, the more points of view you will need to explore in your essay, making it more complicated and time-consuming. Fortunately, we can explain almost everything as long as it falls within the parameters of the given assignment. Here are a couple of explanatory essay topics created by our paper topic generator you can choose from:

Beginner Explanatory Essay Topics

  • Describe the day you came to school for the first time. How did it make you feel?
  • What qualities do you believe make someone a good friend?
  • Explain what makes dogs the best pet for a person.
  • Who is your favorite superhero or movie/book character? Why?
  • Describe your dream home.
  • Who is that person you admire and look up to the most?
  • Define what happiness means to you.
  • Who is your favorite teacher?
  • Tell what kind of food you love most and explain why you love it.
  • What kind of job do you think will suit you the most?

Intermediate Explanatory Essay Topics

  • What is the best lesson that parents can teach their kids?
  • Describe your favorite kind of sport.
  • What unique traditions does your family have?
  • Tell about something you are really good at and could teach it to others.
  • Does the word “responsibility” mean the same thing for adults and children?
  • Describe what you believe makes a person truly rich.
  • What is your favorite place on the planet?
  • Explain how someone you know (a friend, teacher, parent) helped you become a better person.
  • What is the school subject you enjoy the most?
  • Describe how having a sibling can affect one’s personality.

Advanced Explanatory Essay Topics

  • Explain one of the forms of cyberbullying and suggest ways to address it.
  • Do you believe animals can really feel your fear?
  • Describe a moral dilemma you have faced. How did you handle it?
  • Do you believe in UFOs and aliens? Explain your point of view.
  • Explain how your personality has changed as you were growing up.
  • How can we measure happiness?
  • Define your generation. What makes it different from other generations?
  • Explain how you understand the universe.
  • How do you imagine your perfect future?
  • Describe your first work experience ever. What did it teach you, and how did you handle it?

College Level Explanatory Essay Topics

  • Define the positive and harmful effects the Internet has on a human personality and life.
  • What real-life lessons do you wish you’d learn 5 years ago?
  • Tell about someone who has authority in your eyes and explain why.
  • Do you think expressing the whole spectrum of emotions is better than suppressing them?
  • Explain what experience was the most life-changing for you.
  • How to cope with financial difficulties?
  • Explain the benefits of social networks for modern students.
  • What makes a person generous?
  • Describe the technological advancement that took place over the last decade.
  • Define what difference you see between “living” and “existing”.

outline of an explanatory essay

Explanatory Essay Format

The typical format for an explanatory paper is the traditional 5-paragraph essay. Usually, this includes an introduction, three body paragraphs (limited to one subtopic each), and a conclusion. This is a basic essay format. 

Keep in mind that the explanatory writing doesn’t need to be limited to five paragraphs — you can make it longer. No matter how many paragraphs you decide to include in your essay, be sure that your introduction includes a powerful thesis statement. Also, double-check if the paper is based on facts rather than personal opinion. Last but not least: make sure to connect paragraphs with transitions. 

Explanatory Essay Outline

In simple terms, an explanatory essay outline is a plan for your explanatory paper. Usually, it varies based on the length of the topic and the information the author is trying to present. The goal of the outline is to organize the main points into paragraphs — it offers a so-called framework of how to write an explanatory essay. As it was mentioned in the paragraph above, most explanatory essays follow the basic essay structure. They consist of:

  • Introduction;
  • Body paragraphs;
  • Conclusion.

Most explanatory essays tend to be a page or two in length. That's why the overall essay is usually around 5 paragraphs long. Remember that your introduction should present the topic to the audience. Also, it’s vital that you incorporate the thesis statement in the last paragraph. After you are done with it, try to develop the body paragraphs with the information detailed in the thesis statement. Finally, include a conclusion that summarizes your essay's key points after the restatement of the thesis. As you can see, creating an explanatory essay outline is not that difficult as it may seem at first glance. And now let’s dig deeper into the definition of the explanatory essay thesis.

Thesis Statement

When talking about a thesis statement, most people usually mean one or two sentences that summarize the main idea of their academic paper and clearly express what it is they are going to say about the given topic. Overall, your thesis statement identifies what topic will be discussed and the purpose of your essay. As the explanatory essay is tailored to explain or acquaint your readers with something, the goal of the explanatory thesis is to tell readers what it is you are going to explain and what aspects of the topic will be considered.


Before you start writing your explanatory essay, there are some crucial tips to follow. The first recommendation is to carry out proper research and data collection. Explanatory essay authors should ensure that the information in their writing is a blend of personal views and ideas acquired from external sources. Explanatory essay relies heavily on solid research, focus on finding external sources that will supplement your personal opinion. Note down all the important information from those sources and use them as evidence in your essay. So, the first thing you should do is find multiple trusted sources that defend your thoughts. We suggest you look to online journals, historical dictionaries, or find relevant books in your college library to use them as trusted sources.

After collecting all the needed information, the next step is to develop a clear explanatory thesis. A concise thesis will make it easier for readers to understand the essence of the topic from a summarized point of view. In other words, explain what you will be showing to your audience. Be neutral — you are not arguing or criticizing, just stating facts. Remember, you are not supposed to take any side as that causes a loss in the outlook of an explanatory essay.

Another recommendation is to choose a neutral topic you'd like to explain. If your teacher or professor didn’t give you a specific topic, select the one that will be understandable for you. Just choose such a topic that is in line with your assignment.

Once you’ve chosen a suitable topic, it’s time to draft an outline of your explanatory essay. The best option here is to stick to five paragraphs that were mentioned above: draft an introduction, three main body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The outline helps students ensure that they follow a logical pattern to detail all their trains of thought. After completing all of the above steps - review your material and start writing your explanatory paper.

Each explanatory paper should start with an introduction. Try to capture your audience’s attention. No matter how you decide to do that - it may be a quote, rhetorical question, catchy motto, or anecdote. Feel free to improvise and use your imagination. Picking a hook thesis statement is also important. After presenting a thesis statement, include any necessary information that gives a background of the topic. The last sentence of your introduction should integrate a thesis statement to give a preview of the content in the body paragraphs.

Body Paragraphs

No matter how many paragraphs you decide to include in your explanatory essay, they all should follow a similar style. They all should be in-line with each other and maintain a certain flow in the paragraphs. Within each paragraph, you are to include a claim that is linked to the thesis statement. This way, it will be easier to connect all the points.

Try to support your claims with evidence from external sources. Make your readers feel confident about the information you present to them. Don’t forget to integrate a concluding statement that offers a summary of the claim's significance. Concluding statement should go along with the thesis statement. In simple terms, all body paragraphs in your explanatory paper should follow this format.

Conclusion Of Explanatory Essay

The explanatory essay must have a proper conclusion. When finishing your explanatory paper, follow these recommendations:

  • Restate your thesis. This way you will bring your readers’ attention back to the main point as well as add strength to your presented point of view.
  • Summarize your supporting points presented in each of the body paragraphs accordingly. Restate the importance of each one. This way you will logically defend your explanatory thesis.
  • Provide an overall concluding statement. In other words, explain the value of the particular point of view chosen from a global perspective. Your goal here is to captivate your readers to study the subject further on. 

How to Write an Explanatory Essay - Writing Tips

Some useful tips will help you write an excellent explanatory essay. Here are some of the most powerful ones:

explanatory tips

Take advantage of transitions and linking words

While connecting all your body paragraphs, use transition words and sentences. They will make your explanatory paper flow more smoothly. Some of the words you can use to connect your sentences are: 

  • For instance;
  • In comparison;
  • Firstly, secondly, thirdly;
  • On the other hand;
  • In conclusion, to summarise.

Cite your sources

This one is an absolute requirement when writing an explanatory essay. You better try hard in this area. A successful explanatory essay will be factual and contain verifiable information. Cite your sources and make it easy for the audience to check where you drew your facts. 

Revise your essay

After completing your explanatory paper, it’s always a good tip to revise it a couple of times. To make your revision phase more effective we advise you to answer the following questions:

  • Does the essay give an objective analysis that unfolds logically? Did I use relevant facts and examples in your essay?
  • Has the information in my paper been communicated to the audience? Is the word choice precise?
  • Did I use transitions and linking words in the essay to help the reader’s understanding?
  • Does the concluding paragraph communicate the value and meaning of the thesis statement and supporting ideas?

Edit your essay

Double-check your paper for different of mistakes and typos. When proofreading your paper, make sure that nobody distracts you. It would be perfect if you revise and proofread your essay in silence. If you notice any kinds of errors - edit your paper to improve both style and clarity. Even though your essay should be clear and concise, also think on how to make it engaging and lively as well.

Share your essay with a close person

Showing your essay to your parent, friend or other readers can be both useful and exciting. They can give you their opinion on what should be changed. They can also notice some grammar or punctual mistakes you missed while writing the essay. Overall, it always good to use the feedback to make your essay even better.

Explanatory Essay Example

Read the following essay sample to understand this type of essay better. If you need more examples, don’t hesitate to buy essay samples from our website.

What are the benefits of social networks for modern students?

According to the World Health Organization, people spend around 6 years and 8 months on various social media in their lifetime. These numbers are both impressive and terrifying. Given that the average lifespan across the world is 72 years, in 2020, the time spent on social networks makes up almost 10% of our entire life. And these figures keep changing and hitting higher points every year. Unsurprisingly, students are the largest group of active social network users. There always have been plenty of controversies concerning this matter. But, there is a belief that social media can actually have quite a few benefits for them.

One of the most obvious benefits of social media is that it keeps people connected. Clearly, many modern students are using these channels to make connections and communicate with their peers. Also, though it may not sound like too big of a deal, it can have a very positive effect on their lives in college. A recent study has shown that social media can play an integral role in the process of adjustment to college. The research found that student-centered networks can provide first-year students with so-needed support and help them adapt to the new environment faster, easier, and more effectively.

Another benefit of social networks for students is that such channels can boost students’ overall literacy and reading skills. Various literacy studies confirm that the general level of literacy and reading skills among younger generations is dropping. The biggest issue behind that is the fact that young people almost never pick up a book when they are outside of the class. They are just no longer interested in books as they make them bored. However, this does not mean that students don’t read at all. In fact, they do. It’s just that they are more inclined to read the information provided in smaller chunks and, preferably, containing some eye-catching animations, videos, or images. In other words, they are much more interested in reading publications on blogs, websites, and, of course, social networks. Keeping all that in mind, it shouldn’t surprise you that, according to the National Literacy Trust, social networks really can (and already do) help modern students enhance their reading skills and overall literacy.

Finally, the last significant benefit of social media is the accessibility of education. Such channels have provided us with plenty of opportunities for distance learning. The global quarantine has shown us that the effectiveness of distance learning can equal the effectiveness of traditional learning. But only if we integrate the right tools in the process. Among such tools are various social network channels. Numerous researches have found that social media can bring extra value in terms of education. It enables students to search for information, collaborate, and stay engaged and motivated through the learning process. Also, such channels make education more accessible. They can have a practical use in creating the right conditions for efficient distance learning. At the same time, they also streamline both learning and teaching processes and help deliver better results.

Based on what has been discussed earlier, we can conclude that social networks do have a number of weighty benefits for modern students. Such channels encourage continuous learning, create new opportunities for distance learning, boost students’ levels of literacy and skills, and also serve as great tools for communication and support. We can’t deny the fact that social media is invading our lives at a rapid pace, so the only thing we can do is to adapt to this and start making the most of it.

We hope we managed to explain how to write a great explanatory essay. Now you know how this type of academic paper differs from other essays and what writing style and topic to choose when preparing such kind of assignment.

We sincerely hope that the tips outlined in our guide will help you enhance your writing and get better grades. However, if you have difficulties with completing this kind of assignment, our team of professional writers is always ready to help you draft a top-notch explanatory essay from scratch. All you need to do is order an essay you need. We can also help you with other types of assignments, such as coursework, dissertation writing, or research paper. If you experience any kind of difficulties writing an explanatory essay — welcome to our first-class service!

Need some help with your explanatory essay? — Pay for essay online right now! Contact our experienced essay writers today!

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How to Write an Expository Essay: Definition, Outline, Writing Tips, and Examples

outline of an explanatory essay

In the realm of academic writing, this type of essay stands as a beacon of clarity, demanding writers to illuminate a subject with precision and objectivity. Whether you're a seasoned essayist or a student embarking on your first exploration of this genre, mastering the art of expository writing is a valuable skill that transcends disciplines. This form of essay invites you to delve into expository essay topics, dissect their intricacies, and present your findings in a straightforward manner. 

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the terrain of expository writing, unraveling the techniques and strategies that transform a mere composition into a beacon of insight. From understanding the fundamental principles to honing your ability to craft a compelling thesis, join us on a journey that promises to demystify the process of writing, empowering you to articulate ideas with clarity and purpose. Or, you can get our essay writing help and take care of other important tasks set for today.

What Is an Expository Essay

An expository essay is a form of academic writing that aims to elucidate, clarify, and present a balanced analysis of a particular topic or idea. Unlike other essay types that may delve into personal opinions or narratives, the expository essay emphasizes objectivity and factual accuracy. The primary objective is to provide a clear and comprehensive explanation of the chosen subject, exploring its various facets, presenting evidence, and ensuring a logical progression of ideas. 

What Is an Expository Essay

According to an expository essay definition, this genre requires the writer to delve into research, organize information systematically, and deliver a coherent and informative piece that educates the reader on the chosen topic. Whether investigating a scientific concept, historical event, or literary work, it serves as a vehicle for conveying knowledge in a concise, lucid manner.

Expository Essay Examples

An expository essay example serves as a valuable tool for students, offering a concrete illustration of the structure, style, and depth expected in this genre of writing. By studying examples, students gain insights into effective thesis formulation, organizing ideas within paragraphs, and integrating supporting evidence to bolster arguments. 

Additionally, examples showcase how to balance factual accuracy and engaging prose, providing a model for clear and concise communication. Students can draw inspiration from the content and presentation of well-crafted expository essays, honing their own skills in research, analysis, and effective expression. By the way, we have an interesting autobiography example , so check it out!

Example 1: “The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence”

This expository essay explores the multifaceted evolution of artificial intelligence (AI), examining its historical roots, contemporary applications across various industries, and the consequential societal impact. It provides a comprehensive overview of AI's journey from philosophical debates and early computational developments to its current role as a transformative force in healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and entertainment. Additionally, the essay addresses ethical considerations surrounding the widespread adoption of AI, including concerns related to job displacement, privacy, and responsible development. Ultimately, it navigates the complex landscape of artificial intelligence, shedding light on its remarkable advancements and its challenges to our ever-changing society.

Example 2: “The Benefits of Outdoor Education for Children”

This essay highlights the advantages of outdoor education for children, emphasizing its positive impacts on their physical, mental, and social development. It argues that outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and team sports not only promote physical health by encouraging movement and reducing sedentary behavior but also contribute to mental well-being by providing a respite from everyday stressors and fostering a connection with nature. Furthermore, it suggests that exposure to outdoor environments cultivates environmental awareness and a sense of stewardship among children.

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Types of Expository Essay

Expository essays come in several distinct types, each serving a unique purpose and requiring specific approaches to convey information effectively. One common categorization includes:

  • Descriptive Expository Essay. This type focuses on painting a vivid picture of a subject, using sensory details to engage the reader's imagination. It aims to create a clear and sensory-rich portrayal of a person, place, object, or experience.
  • Process Expository Essay. Here, the writer breaks down a complex process or procedure into manageable steps, providing a detailed and sequential explanation. This type of essay is instructional, guiding readers through a series of actions to achieve a specific outcome.
  • Comparison and Contrast Expository Essay. This form involves analyzing similarities and differences between two or more subjects, offering insights into their shared characteristics or divergent qualities. It requires a careful examination of the chosen elements to highlight their relationships.
  • Cause and Effect Expository Essay. Focused on exploring the reasons behind an occurrence and its subsequent consequences, this type delves into the cause-and-effect relationships within a given topic. Writers elucidate the connections between actions and outcomes, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
  • Problem and Solution Expository Essay. Addressing real-world issues, this essay type identifies a specific problem, analyzes its root causes, and proposes viable solutions. It encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills, compelling readers to consider alternative approaches to challenges.
  • Definition Expository Essay. This essay seeks to clarify and explain the meaning of a particular term, concept, or idea. Writers provide a comprehensive definition, often including examples and illustrations to ensure readers grasp the essence of the subject.
  • Cause and Effect Expository Essay. This type of essay examines the reasons behind a particular phenomenon or event and explores its subsequent effects. It aims to establish a clear cause-and-effect relationship, allowing readers to comprehend the interconnected elements of the topic.

Understanding these diverse types of essays empowers writers to choose the most suitable approach for effectively conveying information and achieving their communicative goals. Our experts can rewrite essay that you already did according to any of the above-mentioned types.

Expository Essay Topics

Selecting compelling expository essay topics requires thoughtful consideration of both personal interest and the potential engagement of the intended audience. Start by identifying subjects that genuinely captivate your curiosity or align with your expertise, as this enthusiasm will naturally infuse vigor into your writing. Additionally, assess the topic's relevance in the broader context, ensuring it addresses contemporary issues or timeless themes. 

Consider the audience's interests, aiming for subjects that resonate with their experiences or evoke a sense of shared relevance. Striking a balance between uniqueness and accessibility is key—opt for topics that allow you to offer fresh perspectives while ensuring there is ample research material available. Ultimately, the best topics seamlessly blend your passion, the audience's interests, and the broader significance of the chosen subject, ensuring a captivating and informative exploration for both writer and reader alike. Here are expository essay ideas from our writers for your inspiration:

Expository Essay Topics

  • The influence of art on human emotions.
  • Exploring the life cycle of a star.
  • Tips for sustainable living in urban areas.
  • The impact of social media on political awareness.
  • How to cultivate a positive mindset in challenging times.
  • The history and cultural significance of tattoos.
  • The process of recycling electronic waste.
  • Benefits of incorporating meditation into daily routines.
  • The role of laughter in maintaining mental health.
  • Understanding the psychology of decision-making.
  • The impact of fashion on individual expression.
  • Tips for effective conflict resolution in relationships.
  • The science behind the sense of taste.
  • The significance of biodiversity in ecosystems.
  • Exploring the history of traditional folk music.
  • How to foster a sense of community in a neighborhood.
  • The benefits of learning a musical instrument.
  • The evolution of communication technologies.
  • The process of seed germination in plants.
  • Tips for creating a productive home office space.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on job markets.
  • Understanding the concept of emotional intelligence.
  • The benefits of practicing gratitude daily.
  • The history and cultural importance of tea.
  • How to develop effective public speaking skills.
  • Exploring the world of virtual reality technology.
  • The significance of water purification methods.
  • Tips for maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
  • The process of making sustainable food choices.
  • The role of literature in shaping societal norms.

Expository Essay Outline

An outline for expository essay is a structured plan that serves as a roadmap for organizing the main ideas and supporting details of the essay in a logical and coherent manner. While the specific structure may vary based on the assignment or preferences, a typical outline generally includes the following components, beginning with how to start an expository essay:

expository essay outline

Expository Essay Introduction

  • Hook or attention-grabbing statement.
  • Background information on the topic.
  • Clear thesis statement that presents the main idea.

Body Paragraphs (usually three or more)

  • Topic sentence for each paragraph, presenting a main point or supporting idea.
  • Supporting evidence, facts, or examples to illustrate and explain the topic sentence.
  • Analysis or interpretation of the evidence to connect it back to the thesis.

Expository Essay Conclusion

  • Restatement of the thesis in different words.
  • Summary of the main points discussed in the body paragraphs.
  • Concluding thoughts or insights, possibly suggesting implications or future considerations.


  • Smooth transitions between paragraphs to ensure a cohesive flow of ideas.
  • Clear connections between sentences and paragraphs to guide the reader through the essay.

Revising and Editing

  • Space for notes on areas that may need revision or improvement.
  • Consideration of clarity, coherence, and overall effectiveness.

By creating an expository essay outline, a college essay writer can organize their thoughts, ensure a logical progression of ideas, and maintain a clear and concise structure. This framework helps writers stay focused on the main purpose of the essay – to inform, explain, or analyze a particular subject – while providing a roadmap for readers to follow and comprehend the information presented.

How to Write an Expository Essay Step by Step

Writing an expository essay involves a systematic process that ensures clarity, coherence, and effectiveness in conveying information. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you craft an expository essay:

Choose a Topic

  • Select a topic that interests you and aligns with the purpose of an expository essay – to inform, explain, or analyze a subject.

Conduct Research

  • Gather relevant and credible information to support your chosen topic. 
  • Utilize reputable sources such as academic journals, books, and reliable websites.

Create an Outline

  • Develop a clear and organized outline that includes the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
  • Each section should have a specific purpose and contribute to the overall coherence of the essay.

Write the Introduction

  • Start with an attention-grabbing hook that relates to your topic. 
  • Provide background information and context, leading to a concise and focused thesis statement that outlines the main idea.

Develop Body Paragraphs

  • Each body paragraph should begin with a clear topic sentence that introduces the main point. 
  • Support the topic sentence with evidence, facts, or examples. 
  • Ensure a logical flow between paragraphs, using transitions to guide the reader.

Provide Evidence

  • Support your points with credible evidence and examples. 
  • Ensure that each piece of evidence directly relates to the topic sentence and supports the overall thesis of the essay.

Analyze and Interpret

  • After presenting evidence, analyze and interpret it. 
  • Explain the significance of the evidence and how it relates to your thesis. 
  • This step helps to ensure that your audience understands the relevance of the information presented.

Write the Conclusion

  • Summarize the main points discussed in the body paragraphs without introducing new information. 
  • Restate the thesis in different words and offer concluding insights or implications related to the topic.

Revise and Edit

  • Review your essay for clarity, coherence, and consistency. 
  • Check for grammatical errors and awkward phrasing, ensuring a smooth flow of ideas. 
  • Consider feedback from others or take a break before revising to gain a fresh perspective.
  • Carefully proofread your essay to catch any remaining errors, typos, or issues. 
  • Pay attention to grammar and punctuation.

By following these steps, you can systematically approach the writing process and create a well-organized and informative expository essay. Remember to stay focused on the purpose of informing, explaining, or analyzing the chosen topic throughout the entire writing process.

Final Thoughts

Learning how to write an expository essay offers students several important advantages. First off, it helps them express their thoughts clearly and organize ideas effectively, skills that are useful not only in academics but also in various professional situations where clear communication is key. 

Moreover, writing expository essays improves critical thinking as students practice analyzing information, connecting ideas, and presenting well-supported arguments. This skill is valuable in everyday decision-making and problem-solving scenarios. 

Additionally, the process of crafting such essays enhances research abilities, teaching students how to find, evaluate, and use information effectively. Overall, mastering expository writing equips students with practical, transferable skills that can positively impact their academic and professional pursuits. You can use our research paper service to cope with assignments better and faster.

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What are the Different Types of Expository Essays?

What is the most important part of the expository essay structure, what is the main idea in expository writing.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

outline of an explanatory essay

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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Types of Outlines and Samples

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Alphanumeric Outlines

This is the most common type of outline and usually instantly recognizable to most people. The formatting follows these characters, in this order:

  • Roman Numerals
  • Capitalized Letters
  • Arabic Numerals
  • Lowercase Letters

If the outline needs to subdivide beyond these divisions, use Arabic numerals inside parentheses and then lowercase letters inside parentheses. Select the "Sample Outlines" PDF in the Media Box above to download the sample of this outline.

The sample PDF in the Media Box above is an example of an outline that a student might create before writing an essay. In order to organize her thoughts and make sure that she has not forgotten any key points that she wants to address, she creates the outline as a framework for her essay.

What is the assignment?

Your instructor asks the class to write an expository (explanatory) essay on the typical steps a high school student would follow in order to apply to college.

What is the purpose of this essay?

To explain the process for applying to college

Who is the intended audience for this essay?

High school students intending to apply to college and their parents

What is the essay's thesis statement?

When applying to college, a student follows a certain process which includes choosing the right schools and preparing the application materials.

Full Sentence Outlines

The full sentence outline format is essentially the same as the Alphanumeric outline. The main difference (as the title suggests) is that full sentences are required at each level of the outline. This outline is most often used when preparing a traditional essay. Select the "Sample Outlines" PDF in the Media Box above to download the sample of this outline.

Decimal Outlines

The decimal outline is similar in format to the alphanumeric outline. The added benefit is a system of decimal notation that clearly shows how every level of the outline relates to the larger whole. Select the "Sample Outlines" PDF in the Media Box above to download the sample of this outline.


  1. Sample Essay Outlines

    outline of an explanatory essay

  2. How to Write an Explanatory Essay: Tips, Steps & Examples

    outline of an explanatory essay

  3. Middle School Explanatory Essay Basic Outline by Northwest Literacy Express

    outline of an explanatory essay

  4. How to Write an Explanatory Essay: Guide With Examples

    outline of an explanatory essay

  5. How to Write an Explanatory Essay Like a Pro

    outline of an explanatory essay

  6. How to Write An Explanatory Essay: Topics, Outline, Example

    outline of an explanatory essay


  1. Explanatory Essay

  2. Explanatory Essay

  3. Explanatory Essay: Introductory Paragraph

  4. Explanatory Essay

  5. Why I am a Moderate Conservative?

  6. How to write an outline for an essay or a literature review


  1. How to Write an Explanatory Essay: Topics, Outline, Example

    Wonder how to write an explanatory essay? Click for the full guide that contains an explanatory essay example for your help.

  2. How to Write an Explanatory Essay: Guide With Examples

    Use our guide on how to write an explanatory essay with examples. Follow the right structure, format, outline & writing steps to create an A+ explanation paper.

  3. How to Write an Essay Outline

    An essay outline is a way of planning the structure of your essay before you start writing. It involves writing quick summary sentences or phrases for every point you will cover in each paragraph, giving you a picture of how your argument will unfold.

  4. 7+ Explanatory Essay Examples That Get the Best Grades

    Find out how to write an explanatory essay: choosing a topic, researching, outlining, writing, and revising.‍

  5. How to Write an Explanatory Essay

    Crafting an explanatory essay may be challenging. Read our article to know what paper type it is, what its specifics are, and how to compose an excellent piece.

  6. How To Write An Explanatory Essay: Format & Outline

    What is an Explanatory Essay An explanatory essay is a piece of writing that breaks down complex ideas into bite-sized, understandable pieces for someone who's completely new to the topic. Imagine explaining how a car engine works or the process of photosynthesis to a friend or, even better, a child. That's the essence of an explanatory essay.

  7. How to Write an Explanatory Essay

    In an explanatory essay, the writer presents information, facts, and evidence to support a thesis statement, which is a clear and concise statement that expresses the main idea or purpose of the essay. The essay may analyze, compare and contrast, define, or provide a cause-and-effect analysis of a particular topic.

  8. How to Write an Explanatory Essay With Examples

    This guide on how to write an explanatory essay covers the main rules of organizing such papers with recommendations and examples to follow.

  9. The Art of Explanation: How to write an explanatory essay

    Constructing an outline for an explanatory essay is an important step to ensure that the essay is organized and structured. An outline provides a starting point and framework for writing, while allowing you to keep track of the main points and arguments you wish to make in the essay.

  10. Explanatory Essay: Definition, Outline, Writing Steps & Samples

    An explanatory essay informs readers about a specific topic or idea. It gives clear information without trying to change anyone's mind. This article will help you create a good explanatory essay. We'll cover what it is, how to plan it, and how to write your ideas clearly. What Is an Explanatory Essay: Definition An explanatory thesis is the main idea of this type of writing. It's a sentence ...

  11. How to Write an Explanatory Essay: A Guide with Examples

    Learn how to write an explanatory essay with our comprehensive guide. Includes explanatory essay examples, formats, and topic ideas to get you started.

  12. How to Write an Explanatory Essay: A Step-by-Step Guide

    You don't make an argument in an explanatory essay. Rather than taking sides, you simply explain an issue to make it easy for a reader to understand. To write an explanatory essay, you choose a topic, conduct research, create an outline, write the essay, and then edit your final draft prior to submission.

  13. How to Write an Expository Essay

    The structure of your expository essay will vary according to the scope of your assignment and the demands of your topic. It's worthwhile to plan out your structure before you start, using an essay outline. A common structure for a short expository essay consists of five paragraphs: An introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

  14. How to Write an Expository Essay (Professor Approved Guide)

    Expository essays inform and educate the reader while allowing the writer to learn more about a topic. Our "How to Guide" helps you write an expository essay without meandering off-topic.

  15. Guide to Writing an Effective Expository Essay

    Learn how to write an effective expository essay with this step-by-step guide, including tips for choosing a topic, organizing your ideas, and crafting a compelling introduction and conclusion.

  16. How to Write an Explanatory Essay

    An explanatory essay has room for a little bit of creativity as you describe various concepts and ideas. A well-written explanatory essay highlights your ability to help the reader understand particular points of view on a topic. Writing an explanatory essay helps you learn how to communicate ideas, concepts, and opinions clearly and concisely.

  17. Explanatory Essay

    What is an Explanatory Essay? An explanatory essay is a type of writing that explains a certain viewpoint, situation, or event. Unlike argumentative essays, which aim to persuade, explanatory essays focus on presenting information in a clear and straightforward manner, allowing readers to understand the topic without the writer's bias. The goal is to explore a topic in detail by examining ...

  18. Writing an Expository Essay: Structure, Outline, Example

    An expository essay is one where a topic or subject is explained and explored. It is a form of academic writing where the subject is presented in a completely objective manner.

  19. Expository Essay Guide With Definition & Examples

    Read our complete guide on expository essays, from topic selection to structure, and learn how to write an essay that shines.

  20. Explanatory Essay Writing Guide

    Wondering how to write an excellent explanatory essay? Check out this article — here you will find topics, outline and tips on how to draft a great paper.

  21. Topics, Outline, Examples

    An outline for expository essay is a structured plan that serves as a roadmap for organizing the main ideas and supporting details of the essay in a logical and coherent manner.

  22. PDF Writing an Expository Essay

    1. Introductory paragraph The fi rst paragraph of an essay should introduce the reader to the essay topic. It should create interest in the essay, outline the writer's main ideas, and suggest how these ideas will be presented within the body of the essay. The introduction consists of three main elements: a hook, building sentences, and a thesis statement.

  23. Types of Outlines

    Your instructor asks the class to write an expository (explanatory) essay on the typical steps a high school student would follow in order to apply to college. What is the purpose of this essay?