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One of the key aims of the Death Penalty Research Unit (DPRU) is to encourage death penalty scholarship including at graduate level through, among other means, research dissemination. A second aim is to engage in knowledge production, exchange and dissemination with local academics, civil society and criminal justice professionals in the countries where we work, in the global south. To these ends, we established the DPRU Research Paper Series.

The Research Paper Series is intended to promote dissemination of research on topics related to the death penalty. Articles (of about 4-5,000 words) will draw on original research – either empirical or library-based. While established academics may wish to use this series for wider engagement or to showcase their work prior to/following publication in academic journals that may be inaccessible to non-academic audiences, early career scholars, including doctoral or post-doctoral researchers, have the opportunity to disseminate research either before they are ready to publish in academic journals or in addition to academic publishing to reach a wider audience often excluded by publishing paywalls. Indeed, we actively encourage engagement with this series from emerging scholars who are working on the death penalty, including those who have completed master’s or doctoral dissertations on the death penalty. We also invite civil society, criminal justice and legal professionals who are engaged in research on the death penalty to submit to the series.

Papers are reviewed for quality and presentation by an internal (DPRU) referee and the Series Editor, Daniel Cullen . However, the contents and opinions expressed remain the responsibility of the author.

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' (December 2023)

This paper reflects on the role of international human rights treaties in promoting universal abolition and progressive restriction of the death penalty. It suggests that over the past quarter of a century a ‘new human rights dynamic’ has aimed to generate universal acceptance that however it is administered, the death penalty violates the human rights of all citizens exposed to it. Nevertheless, defences of capital punishment based on principles of national sovereignty are engrained in some parts of the world, particularly in Asia and the Middle East. The human rights project struggles to make inroads into such jurisdictions where political will is opposed to abolition, and trenchant protection of sovereignty threatens the very universality of these rights.

' (December 2023)

In popular, intellectual and political culture, the Middle Ages are intrinsically tied to violent images of public executions. To historians of the medieval period, this temporal attachment of the death penalty to a remote period is puzzling, especially since it is still widely enforced in the world today and was only relatively recently abolished in Europe. Capital punishment is not only a part of history, but a modern-day reality. Why, therefore, do we pin this punishment to the Middle Ages? This paper aims to analyse the discourses surrounding the usage of the Middle Ages in modern discussions on the death penalty, and to clarify medieval practices of capital punishment, showing how remote they are from our contemporary understanding.

' (December 2023)

This paper seeks to map the political economy of capital punishment in Iran, in particular in relation to dual and foreign nationals, and examines its external and internal functions. The external functions include suppressing the ‘cultural threat’ of cross-border drug trafficking, achieving more power in sanctions negotiations, seeking reciprocal prisoner swaps or demanding recompense for outstanding multinational debt. The internal functions include quashing protests against the regime, supressing separatist movements, or even just ‘otherness’. It is evident that those facing disadvantage across foreign national and intersectional lines face the death penalty disproportionately. In addition, although only representing a fraction of the overall population of death row, the arbitrary detention of dual nationals has a disproportionate political function.

' (December 2023)

The global demise of the death penalty has led to the emergence of new issues, among the most notable of which is the rising prominence of life without parole (LWOP) sentencing. In critical scholarship on this topic, however, LWOP has been understood as nothing less than the death penalty in disguise – the ‘identity critique’. This paper proposes guidelines for a re-thinking of the identity critique, drawing on a Foucauldian/post-structuralist framework to see LWOP as a composite punishment, before examining the ‘biopolitical’ and ‘necropolitical’ elements of the punishment. The paper ultimately argues that LWOP is not a new or more refined version of the death penalty, but a uniquely peculiar punishment which serves both to eliminate as well as to exclude.

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Maurer Theses and Dissertations

Reforming the death penalty in egypt: an islamic law perspective.

Gaber Mohamed , Indiana University Maurer School of Law Follow

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Master of Laws (LLM)

The main goal of this thesis is to reform the imposition of the death penalty in the Egyptian legal system through the tools and theories of Islamic law. This subject will be discussed in three main chapters: The first chapter will be a survey of the current application of the death penalty in the Egyptian legal system, including the death penalty’s history, laws, courts, appeals, legal procedures, and general comments on the current application of the penalty. The second chapter will be about the death penalty in Islamic law – including the sources of Islamic law, the crimes that merit the death penalty, the procedural rules of the death penalty, the blood money right, the victim’s family’s right, and the maxim of legal doubt. The third chapter concerns the rules of Islamic law – which Egyptian law is supposed to follow – that should work to reform and restrict the application of the death penalty in Egypt. Finally, the last section includes recommendations for reforming the application of the death penalty in the Egyptian legal system through the tools and theories of Islamic law.

Recommended Citation

Mohamed, Gaber, "Reforming the Death Penalty in Egypt: An Islamic Law Perspective" (2017). Maurer Theses and Dissertations . 52.

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Indian Legal Solution Journal of Criminal and Constitutional Law


Posted on April 15, 2020 April 16, 2020 Author Your Admin Leave a comment

Capital Punishment in India- A Critical Analysis

Author: Prateek Jain

LL.M. (2 nd Semester) Seedling School of Law & Governance, Jaipur National University, Jaipur, Rajasthan

ISSN: 2581-8465

In the 21st century, each and every developed and developing country dealing with the issue related to increasing crime rate. As a developing country, India has a wide range of written legislation that offers various punishments to punish the wrongdoer and reduce the crime rate. There are different types of punishment in India such as capital punishment, life imprisonment, imprisonment, fine, etc. Capital punishment/Death punishment considered a grave type of punishment that is ordered in the rarest and rare cases. This particular paper gave an overview of the history and background of capital punishment in India with some landmark judgment given by the Supreme Court. It explains the methods of execution of the death penalty and gave an overview of the sentences passed for the death penalty in India: Annual Statistics report 2019. It also explains the theories related to capital punishment in India and the doctrine of rarest and rare cases. And provide statistical data about those countries that abolished the death penalty for all crimes or some ordinary crimes. And In the end, it gave an explanation about Mercy Petition, a statistical report published by the Law Commission of India on Mercy petition decided by the President of Indian. And it provides a brief about the recommendation given by the Law Commission of India on the punishment of the death penalty.


“Capital Punishment is against the better judgment of modern criminology, and, above all, against the highest expression of love in the nature of god.”

-Martin Luther king, Jr. 

In the Mauryan Dynasty era, if a person is performing any act that is against the law of dynasty then they punish them with various punishments according to the nature of the act. The principal followed by dynasty to punish the wrongdoer was an eye for an eye, a hand for a hand, etc. The dynasties give capital punishment in the following ways which include, dragging the body by a horse, cutting of head or any body part, stamping by an elephant which was very brutal in nature.

When we look back into history, we found that King Hammurabi of Babylon was the first king who codified the criminal laws regarding Death penalty/Capital Punishment. In other parts of world different forms of capital punishment are practiced such as guillotining in France, beheading in middle east countries, execution by electrocution in Russia, etc.

Capital punishment or Death penalty is always the uppermost level of punishment that can be given to a wrongdoer under any law (penal law) in force in any part of the world. The death penalty is the lawful technique of the state in which it practices its capacity to take a person’s life. It has been in action since the initiation of the State itself.

In the British era, there were many cases of Indians were awarded death penalty and hanged till death after the proper trial or even before it. But after India got independence a new era of Indian judicial system came into existence. It was a complete contrast to the British era judicial system in which the Indians had no chance to access to justice, or if we take a glimpse of empires and kingdoms where the ruler or king holds the divine power to provide justice to the victim and punishment to the wrongdoer. The king, thus had the authority to sentence any person to death whoever may he or she be, even on a whim.

After 1947, when India became a republic nation and got its independence from the British ruler, and that brings a huge change in the system of passing death penalties to the accused. The lawmaker followed the rule of natural justice and amend The Indian penal code read with The Indian Constitution provided for the passing of death penalty only in rarest of rare cases and offences.

The Indian Constitution is Grundnorm for the judicial system of India that provides fundamental rights to the citizens. Article 21 of the constitution, provides the right to life as a fundamental right and guarantees that, “no person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to the procedure established by law.” This explains that every citizen has the right to live without any restriction and no one can withdraw their right to live from them, except by the procedure established under law, that is the state can take away your life through the given process of law if it deems fit.

But in the 21 st century with written and codified legislation and developed ethics, Is capital punishment still really the most adequate option of punishment? Even after many Human rights organizations and NGO’s raising their voice and protesting against capital punishment and demand for its abolishment, it is still in practice by different countries. The United Nations declares, capital punishment or Death punishment as a violation of human rights and a crime against humanity.


A Capital punishment/Death penalty is a legal process where if any person commits any act that is against the law, then the wrongdoer is punished with the death penalty by the state. An order passed by the judicial authority of the death penalty is called the death sentence, while the whole process of killing the person is called the execution of the death order. Penal laws explain various crimes that can result in capital punishment are called capital crimes/ offences. The term capital has originated from a Latin word ‘capitalist’ that means ‘regarding the head’.It refers to a judgment that punished a wrongdoer to death. It is also a condition or scenario that is considered to be deadly; also a forecast of death.

In India, Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 provides the authority to High Courts for confirmation of death sentence under section 368. High courts pass an order of death penalty in rarest of rarest cases and murder, rape, for waging war against nation.


“Capital Punishment is a legal death penalty in India. India gives capital punishment for a serious offence.” [1] In the Indian legal system the death penalty is given for most grievous offence and heinous offences that fall under the category of rarest and rarest cases. Article 21 of the Indian Constitution is “Protection of life and personal liberty” that says, “No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except as according to procedure establish by law”. This article explains that every citizen has the right to life and no one has the authority to take it without procedure established by law. In India, the Indian Penal Code provides the death penalty as a punishment in various offences such as ‘Criminal conspiracy, murder, waging war against the state, abetment of mutiny, dacoity with murder, and anti-terrorism. The Indian constitution provides the remedy of mercy petition to convicts that is presented before the president and president has to power to grant an order of mercy to convicts. Since 1995, the 22 death penalty is done in India and after Independence,52 death penalty is done in India. InMithu v. State of Punjab[2]case the Apex Court struck down the Indian Penal Code Sec 303 which provide mandatory death sentence for the offenders.[3]During passing of the resolution, calling for a prohibition on the death penalty by UN General Assembly, India cast a vote in favor of it.[4] In the year 2012, India continues its support on the prohibition of the death penalty by casting its vote against the United Nations General Assembly draft resolution request to ban the death penalty. [5]


“In this case the Supreme Court struck down Section 303 of the Indian Penal Code, which recommend for mandatory death sentence for offenders.” [6]


“In this case the Supreme Court says that capital punishment was given only to the rarest of rarecases.” [7]


“This was the first case dealing with the question of constitutional validity of capital punishmentin India.” [8]


In India the death penalty is performed by hanging or shooting.

  • HANGING: All death penalty in India is executed by hanging. Post-Independence, In India Nathu Ram Godse, was the first convict to be executed by the death penalty in Mahatma Gandhi Murder case. The Apex Court of India gave its suggestion that the death penalty must be awarded only in the rarest of rare cases trial in India.[9]
  • SHOTTING: The Army Act and The Air Force Act of India also provides provisions of the implementation of the death penalty in India.[10] Section 34 of The Air Force Act, 1950 provides the power of the court-martial of any person who commits any act that is unlawful in the eye of law. [11]

Mostly, Indian Government practice hanging method to implement the death penalty.

No. of persons currently on death row103811916344
MaharashtraKarnatakaT.N.Kerala TelanganaChhattisgarhOrissaManipur

* Total number of Prisoners on Death Row as on 31 st December, 2019 = 378

“National Law School, Delhi, and National Legal Service authority carried out a project called “The Death Penalty India Report (DPIR)” that presents yearly statistics report about the death penalty given in India. According to the Project39A report, the total no. of prisoners on death row as on 31st December 2019 is 378 but the authorities carried out only a few executions. In India the death sentence rarely converted into executions. The law commission in India mostly recommends abolishing death sentence.” [12]


There are two prime theories of punishment that are related capital punishment:

1. Reformative theory

2. Preventive theory


Once Mahatma Gandhi quoted, “An eye for an eye turns the whole blind.” This reformative theory is based on this particular quote. The main objective behind this theory is to rehabilitating the wrongdoer and reform into law-abiding members of society. The purpose to practice this theory is to disapprove of all kinds of corporal punishment and put more pressure on reform the offender.

This theory helps a law-offender to live a life like a normal citizen in society. The prisons and reform homes are constructed with a motive to treat the inmates and help them to rebuild and reform themselves and as soon as offenders feel that they are ready to settle in the society and its members with a reform mindset. The transformation was generally done either through probation or parole as tools for reforming criminals. This reformative theory always supports the ideology of criminology. Criminology explains that “every crime as a diseased phenomenon, a mild form of insanity. criminal anthropology, criminal sociology, and psychoanalysis support Reformative theory. This theory aims to correct the criminal minds in a good manner and they can live a life like a normal citizen. This theory criticizes all kind of corporal punishment.” [13]


As it is quoted, “Prevention is better than cure”. Prevention is always helping us to prevent any unfortunate act to happen that may cause loss. The main objective behind this theory is to isolate the wrongdoer from the community and kept under security. According to this theory, the main purpose behind this is to set an example for the members of the community and prevent them to do any act that is against the law. In this theory, the judiciary passes sentence of the death penalty, life imprisonment, rigorous imprisonment to the offenders. This theory was supported by many law schools and law reformers because it helps to improve the penal law of the state and it shows the real effect on members of community & offenders. The main aim of the preventive theory is to take proper measures that the offender doesn’t repeat the unlawful act in the future after completing his/her punishment. This theory shows that the death penalty is the most severe form of punishment because of its impairment result. Taken the life of the accused person that killed an innocent person. If a person has killed someone and taken the life of that person. So, he is also liable to be deprived of his life as a punishment. In India penal law majorly follows this theory to provide justice and prevent the increasing rate of the crime rate.


There is no proper definition of rarest of the rare cases mentioned in any penal or procedural law but during a criminal trial, the nature, gravity, and facts of the crime are taken into consideration for judge whether particular falls under the category of rarest of rare case. “ Therefore, weightage is given to the atrocity and brutality with which the crime has been perpetrated, the enormity of the crime warranting public abhorrence and it should respond to the society’s cry for justice against the criminal”. [14] That is to say, “the existence of such extraordinary grounds under which the Court has no other resort than to effect a capital punishment for the survival of the State as well as society.” [15]

In Delhi Gang Rape-cum-murder case, the supreme court examines the nature and gravity of the case and considered it as a rarest of a rare case and passes an order of death penalty to the accused.

Evolution of Rarest of rare case-

  • In Maneka Gandhi’s case, the Apex Court held that “the death penalty can be given only in special cases. It constitutes an exceptional punishment which will be imposed only with special reason and must be properly conferred by the High Court.”[16]
  • In a case[17], Justice Krishna Iyer observed that “If the murderous operation of a die-hard criminal jeopardizes social security in a persistent, planned and perilous fashion then his enjoyment of fundamental rights may be rightly annihilated.”[18]
  • In the Bachan Singh case,[19] the Supreme Court laid down the caveat of rarest of rare.
  • In Santosh Kumar Case, the Apex Court held that “appropriate punishment is to be determined on a case-by-case basis. The death sentence is not to be given in the `rarest of rare’ case where reform is not possible.” [20]

Article 5 of UDHR, 1948 and Article 7 of ICCPR, 1966 explains that “no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” Even Article 3 European Convention of HR explains that “Capital Punishment has been recognized as a cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment which infringes on the basic human rights of the accused.” And Article 3 of UDHR provides the right to life, liberty and security to every human being.

Capital punishment were opposed by United nations, many countries and various law reformers and they demand for abolishment of capital punishment around whole world. The General assembly of UN explains that if any offender is sentenced with capital punishment then there must be proper fair trial which should be conducted by state.

Abolitionist for all Crimes106
Abolitionist for Ordinary Crimes only7
Abolitionist in Practice29
Retentionist Countries56
Total Abolitionist in law or practice142

“There are 106 countries which were abolitionist death penalty for all crimes, 7 countries were abolitionist death penalty for ordinary crimes only, and 29 were abolitionist death penalty in practice and 142 countries in the world abolitionist capital punishment in law. Only a minority of countries use capital Punishment in practice. Countries that practice capital punishment including India, China, Indonesia, and the United States.” [21]


The aim behind the mercy petition is to save the life innocent of a person form the death penalty. The Constitution of India provides power to the President and The Governor of a State to grant pardon under article 72 and 161.

If the Supreme Court sentenced the death penalty to a convict or reject his appeal against the order of High court, then the convicted person can use the remedy of mercy petition as a last resort to suspend his death penalty and pray for pardon. In the case, the supreme court held that “the grant of pardon by the President is an act of grace and therefore, cannot be claimed as a matter of right. The power exercisable by the President being exclusive of administrative nature is not justifiable.” [22]

President and Governor of a state are not independently exercising their power of granting the pardon, they need to take advice from the home ministry and head of the states. In the case, the supreme court held that “The power under Articles 72 and 161 of the Constitution can be exercised by the Central and State Governments, not by the President or Governor on their own. The advice of the appropriate Government binds the Head of the state.” [23]

President and Governor of a state has the power to grant pardon, commute, remission, reprieve and respite the punishment.



*In 2013, Afzal Guru’s Mercy Petition was rejected and he was sentenced to death by death penalty on 9 Feb, 2013.

*In 2014, Yakub Memon’s Mercy Petition was submitted before President Pranav Mukherjee, but it was rejected and Yakub Memon was executed to death by death penalty on 30 July, 2015.

*In 2020, All 4 convicts in Nirbhaya’s Case presented their mercy petition before President Ram Nath Kovind, but it was rejected and they executed to death by death penalty on 20 March, 2020.


  • On 31 st August, 2015, Justice A.P. Shah, Chairman, Law Commission, presenting the 262 nd Law Commission report on death penalty in India.
  • The Supreme Court of India referred issue of death penalty to Law commission of India in Santosh Kumar Satish Bhushan Bariyar v. State of Maharashtra[25]and Shankar KisanraoKhade v. State of Maharashtra[26].
  • In 1967, 35th Law Commission report on capital punishment recommended the retention of death penalty in India.
  • In Landmark case the supreme court upheld, “the constitutionality of the death penalty, but confined its application to the ‘rarest of rare cases’, to reduce the arbitrariness of the penalty.”[27]
  • But after the 35th Report of Law Commission, the social, economic and cultural perspectives of the Nation have changed. So, it’s high time to reconsider and conduct a wide study about the application of the death penalty in India.
  • After conduct, extensive study commission concludes that the death penalty does not serve the penological goal of deterrence any more than life imprisonment and it fails to achieve the penological goal.
  • The Law Commission also concludes that India should adopt a reformative and rehabilitative form of punishment than a preventive form of punishment.
  • The Law Commission recommended that the death penalty/capital punishment need to be abolished for all the crimes except crimes related to terror and waging the war that affect the national security and there is no reason to wait longer for the abolishment of the death penalty, we need to take proper and adequate steps against it.
  • Finally, the Law Commission recommended that states should establish victim relief funds for the victims of crimes.

Death Penalty/ Capital Punishment is not a new concept it has been practicing since the era of kings and emperors but it is an offence against human rights. Article 21 of the Indian Constitution and Article 3 of the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights provides the right to life and personal liberty and death penalty which is completely against these provisions. Thus, the punishment of the death penalty should be declared unconstitutional and against humanity.

The main aim to practice the death penalty is to prevent the increasing rate of crime rate in India. But when we look into the crime statistics of our nation, the death penalty has not proved as an effective weapon to decrease the rate. Even the Law Commission of India recommended in its report that Indians need to abolish the death penalty for all crimes except offences related to terror. And we need to adopt a reformative form of punishment to punish offenders and educate them for being better human beings & law-abiding citizens of the nation. Law reformers should adopt the required steps to eliminate the punishment of the death penalty form society. Because it is not effective to control the crime rate in India.  

[1] Sanjoy Majumder, “India and the death penalty” BBC News-South Asia, Aug. 4, 2005.

[2] Mithu v. State of Punjab, (1983)2 S.C.R. 690 (India).

[3] V. Venkatesan, “A case against the death penalty” Frontline-The Hindu, 7 September 2012.

[4] “General Assembly GA/10678 Sixty-second General Assembly Plenary 76th & 77th Meetings”. ANNEX VI.

[5] “General Assembly GA/11331 , Sixty-seventh General Assembly Plenary 60th Meeting”. Dec. 20, 2012.


[6] Mithuv. State of Punjab, (1983) 2 S.C.R. 690 (India).

[7] Bachan Singh v. State of Punjab, A.I.R. 1980 S.C. 898 (India).

[8] Jagmohan v. State of U.P.,(1973) 2 S.C.R. 541 (India).

[9] Monica Sakhrani&MaharukhAdenwalla, “Death Penalty” Economic & Political Weekly; Vol. 40; Issue No. 11, 12 March, 2005.

[10] Law commission of India, “Consultation paper on mode of execution of death sentence and incidental matters” (PDF).”.

[11] Sec. 34, cl. a-o, The Air Force Act, No. 45, Acts of Parliament 1950 (India).

[12] Death Penalty in India: Annual Statistics (Year 2019), .

[13] Bachan Singh v. State of Punjab, A.I.R. 1980 S.C. 898 (India).

[14] Ravji alias Ram Chandra v. the State of Rajasthan, (1996) 2 S.C.C. 175 (India).

[15] Rajendra Prasad v. State of Uttar Pradesh, (1979) 3 S.C.C. 646 (India).

[16] Maneka Gandhi v Union of India, A.I.R. 1978 597(India).

[17] Rajendra Prasad v. State of Uttar Pradesh, (1979) 3 S.C.R. 78(India).

[18] Dr.Janak Raj Jai, Death Penalty 120, (Regency Publications, New Delhi, 2005).

[19] Bachan Singh v. State of Punjab, A.I.R. 1980 S.C. 898(India).

[20] Santosh Kumar Bariyar v. State of Maharashtra, (2009) 6 S.C.C. 498(India).

[21] Abolitionist and retentionist countries, .

[22] Kehar Singh v. Union of India, (1989) 1 S.C.C. 204 (India).

[23] Dhananjoy Chatterjee alias Dhana v. State of West Bengal, (1994) 2 S.C.C. 220 (India).

[24] Law Commission of India, 262 nd Report on Death Penalty, (August 2015).

[25] Satish Bhushan Bariyar v. State of Maharashtra, (2009) 6 S.C.C. 498.

[26] Shankar KisanraoKhade v. State of Maharashtra, (2013) 5 S.C.C. 546.

[27] Bachan Singh v. Union of India, (1982) 3 S.C.C. 24.

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Law dissertations : a step-by-step guide

Lammasniemi, Laura (2021) Law dissertations : a step-by-step guide. London: Routledge. ISBN 9780367568771

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Law Dissertations: A Step-by-Step Guide provides you with all the guidance and information you need to complete and succeed in your LLB, LLM or law-related dissertation. Written in a simple, clear format and with plenty of tools to help you to put the theory into practice, Laura Lammasniemi will show you how to make writing your law dissertation easy, without compromising intellectual rigour.

As well as explaining the process of research and outlining the various legal methodologies, the book also provides practical, step-by-step guidance on how to formulate a proposal, research plan, and literature review. Unlike other law research skills books, it includes a section on empirical research methodology and ethics for the benefit of students who are studying for a law-related degree.

Packed full of exercises, worked examples and tools for self-evaluation, this book is sure to become your essential guide, supporting you on every step of your journey in writing your law dissertation.

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Publisher: Routledge
Place of Publication: London
ISBN: 9780367568771
Official Date: 14 December 2021
Number of Pages: 198
Status: Not Peer Reviewed
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LAW54660: Dissertation I

It is possible that changes to modules or programmes might need to be made during the academic year, in response to the impact of Covid-19 and/or any further changes in public health advice.

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Level 4
Credits 60
Availability Available in 2024/2025
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Department Law


Corequisites, excluded combinations of modules.

  • The opportunity to write a dissertation is designed to bring a greater element of research into the LLM by allowing students the opportunity to pursue in-depth any areas which are of particular interest to them, under the supervision of a member of staff with appropriate specialist expertise. The LLM dissertation may be up to 10,000 words (equivalent to 60 UCU). Students presenting a dissertation are required to submit it by 15 September of the year following entry.
  • No syllabus as such is appropriate for this module. [See Appendix A - Extract from the current LLM Handbook. A full revised version will be produced before the introduction of the new LLM Programmes (October 2003), taking account of the current assessment policy in the University's Core Instructions to Examiners for Masters programmes, and the Teaching and Learning Handbook].
  • Dissertations may be presented on a topic chosen by the candidate provided that:
  • (a) the topic chosen falls generally within the streams offered by the LLM Programme;
  • (b) it is approved by the Chair of the Board of Studies.
  • The candidate shall make every effort to identify a topic for dissertation as soon as possible, but certainly before the end of the Michaelmas Term. For general guidance on the matter, the candidate may consult any member of staff responsible for LLM teaching.
  • A definite topic for a dissertation and provisional title indicating the precise subject matter and scope thereof, shall be submitted by the end of Michaelmas Term.
  • The Chair of the Board of Studies shall formally approve the topic of dissertation and appoint a supervisor.
  • Subsequent changes in the topic may be approved by the Chair of the Board of Studies if the candidate so requests, reasonable grounds being shown.

Learning Outcomes

Subject-specific Knowledge:

  • a detailed knowledge of a specified field of law chosen by the student and approved by the Board of Studies;
  • to evaluate critically and work from those materials to arrive at a clear and defensible opinion on the issues;
  • to offer a personal and justifiable opinion on the effectiveness of specific laws relating to the dissertation topic and the desirability for their reform,
  • to recognize and understand competing arguments on reform;

Subject-specific Skills:

  • the ability to identify accurately legal material relevant to those issues selected (whether print-based or electronic),
  • Plan and investigate a theory or argument in the context of a particular area of law.
  • Critically analyse and evaluate an aspect of current law in the light, where this is appropriate, of internal considerations (such as inherent inconsistencies) and external considerations (social, political, moral and commercial pressures).

Key Skills:

  • the ability to exercise the above skills independently (with some supervision) on a substantial project requiring work over the academic year.
  • to communicate their knowledge and argument in writing with clarity and confidence in a substantial dissertation;

Modes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and how these contribute to the learning outcomes of the module

  • Every supervisor shall meet with their supervisee to agree the structure of the dissertation and to approve the bibliography.
  • The candidate may meet the supervisor from time to time at the discretion of the latter.
  • The purpose of the meetings shall be one or more of the following:
  • (i) to review and discuss the synopsis;
  • (ii) to give general guidance as regards the subject matter, scope and content of the proposed dissertation.
  • (iii) to propose variations, amendments and necessary changes to the topic outlined;
  • (iv) to indicate appropriate legal sources and materials;
  • (v) to resolve particular difficulties encountered by the candidate;
  • (vi) to offer editorial comments on the dissertation.
  • The candidate shall assume full responsibility for the progress and completion of the dissertation within the stipulated time limit set by the Department, namely 15 September in the year following admission to the course.

Teaching Methods and Learning Hours

Contact Hours4Yes
Individual Study596Yes

Summative Assessment

Component: The DissertationComponent Weighting: 100%
ElementLength / DurationElement WeightingResit Opportunity
Dissertation.7,500-10,000 words100 

Formative Assessment

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  1. Essay on Capital Punishment

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  2. (PDF) Capital Punishment Dissertation

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    LLM/MA in (Theory and Practice of Human Rights) 2018-2019 Supervisor: Dr. Andrew Fagan DISSERTATION (Death Penalty: what keeps it alive and why it should be abolished) Name: Dajana Thomai Registration Number (optional): 1805630 Number of Words: 16004 Date Submitted: 10/09/2019. 3

  2. PDF Does Death Deter? a Critical Analysis of The Need For

    %PDF-1.5 %ÓôÌá 1 0 obj /Type/Page /Resources /Font /F1 2 0 R /F2 3 0 R /F3 4 0 R >> /ExtGState /GS7 5 0 R /GS8 6 0 R >> /XObject /Image16 7 0 R >> /ProcSet[/PDF ...

  3. Capital Punishments! Why it Fails to Meet the Purpose

    Bing Image. Today, after 10 years, I revisited my LLM (Criminology) dissertation titled "The Purpose of Capital Punishment. The hardcover is still intact without any damage. I studied numerous ...

  4. PDF The Human Rights Implications of the Application of the Death Penalty

    research dissertation for the Master 's of Law (LLM) at the University of Venda hereby submitted has not previously been submitted by me or any other person for a degree at this or any other University.

  5. (PDF) Capital Punishment Dissertation

    Criminology Dissertation. Module Code: CRI301 1-N-CJ1-2014. ' A detailed analysis as to why capital punishment still exists in. the United States of America taking into consideration the ...

  6. DPRU Research Paper Series

    The Research Paper Series is intended to promote dissemination of research on topics related to the death penalty. Articles (of about 4-5,000 words) will draw on original research - either empirical or library-based. While established academics may wish to use this series for wider engagement or to showcase their work prior to/following ...


    Capital Punishment Capital Punishment is that type of punishment where an offender is executed after he is found guilty of a specific type of offence, after a legal trial has been conducted. It is necessary for the sentence to be approved by the Government and cannot be carried out by a Non-Governmental Organisation.

  8. (PDF) Understanding Death Punishment: Historical Perspective

    It then situates capital punishment as a human rights issue, and explores how Australia can fully undertake its international legal commitments through more prominent and effective advocacy for ...

  9. PDF Master of Laws

    century capital punishment has become a very hot and debatable matter in legal world. Arguments for and against the retention of capital punishment can be cited with equal emphasis on either side. The retentionists maintain that capital punishment has great deterrent value and brings obedience for law

  10. Reforming the Death Penalty in Egypt: An Islamic Law Perspective

    Mohamed, Gaber, "Reforming the Death Penalty in Egypt: An Islamic Law Perspective" (2017). Maurer Theses and Dissertations. 52. The main goal of this thesis is to reform the imposition of the death penalty in the Egyptian legal system through the tools and theories of Islamic law. This subject will be discussed in three main chapters: The first ...

  11. (PDF) Review of Capital Punishment

    The legal power to murder an offender for breaking a law is known as capital punishment. In Britain, the first death sentence statutes were enacted in the eighteenth century B.C. for 25 separate ...

  12. An analysis of capital punishment in Uganda in light of international

    Thesis (LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa)) -- University of Pretoria, 2003. dc.description.abstract "The study, considering international law and comparable case law on the subject in Africa, argues that Uganda does not comply with international standards in the use of the death penalty for countries that retain it.

  13. Capital Punishment in India

    CAPITAL PUNISHMENT IN INDIA. "Capital Punishment is a legal death penalty in India. India gives capital punishment for a serious offence.". [1] In the Indian legal system the death penalty is given for most grievous offence and heinous offences that fall under the category of rarest and rarest cases. Article 21 of the Indian Constitution is ...

  14. PDF Research Paper A Critical Analysis of Capital Punishment

    Romans in first century which provides the evidence of capital punishment. In fifth century B.C. Roman law of twelfth tablets, the traces of death penalty can be seen. The description of death penalty is also given thin 14 century B.C. Draconian Code of Athens which made it compulsory that crime should be only punished through death penalty.

  15. Writing a Masters Law Dissertation

    Writing a Dissertation at LLM level. For many students the completion of writing their Masters dissertation may well be the first occasion that they have been faced with writing such a lengthy, independently researched piece. It can be a daunting prospect but with careful planning and consideration students should be able to focus and adapt their ideas and arguments in order to obtain a high ...

  16. Law dissertations : a step-by-step guide

    Abstract. Law Dissertations: A Step-by-Step Guide provides you with all the guidance and information you need to complete and succeed in your LLB, LLM or law-related dissertation. Written in a simple, clear format and with plenty of tools to help you to put the theory into practice, Laura Lammasniemi will show you how to make writing your law ...

  17. Postgraduate

    Aims. The opportunity to write a dissertation is designed to bring a greater element of research into the LLM by allowing students the opportunity to pursue in-depth any areas which are of particular interest to them, under the supervision of a member of staff with appropriate specialist expertise. The LLM dissertation may be up to 10,000 words ...


    changing dimension of capital punishment: a critical analysis ... llm thesis/dissertation in the library army institute of law, library. 8 108 suman yadav right of private defence of person under indian penal code an analysis dr bajirao a rajwade 2014-15 9 101 taran singh law relating to crime against women


    Capital Punishment in simple terms can be considered as the death penalty which is awarded. to a ny offender after his conviction from any court of law for the offence conducted by. him/her. The ...

  20. A Critical Analysis of The Capial Punishment in India ...

    This document appears to be a dissertation submitted by Sandeepani A Neglur to the School of Law at CHRIST (Deemed to be University) in Bengaluru, India in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Bachelor of Law degree. The dissertation provides a critical analysis of capital punishment in India and aims to understand its role in the country's penal regime. It includes chapters on the ...

  21. Dissertation Nishchay

    This is to certified that dissertation entitled " A Critical study of law relating to Death Penalty with special reference to the Doctrine of Rarest of Rare cases in India" which is being submitted by Nishchay Bajaj, for the award of the degree of master of law in independent an original dissertation work carried out by her.

  22. A Study of Capital Punishment in India

    There are different kinds of punishment. in India based on their offence such as capital punishment1 , imprisonment, life im prisonment, imprisonment with f ine, etc.,. Manaviki (January-June 2021 ...


    in preventing tax avoidance schemes from distorting the legalframework and the society in. ner. For the purposes of this thesis, there will be a use of both primary and secondary sources. The. will adopt the le. l method of analysing case law, statute law, books, articles, journals and otherw.