spanish 1 homework

Easy Peasy All-in-One High School

An extension of easy peasy all-in-one homeschool, found a problem check  here ..

Recommended: grades 8-10

Test Prep: Spanish CLEP  You should wait until you’ve completed all of your Spanish studies.

Course Description : This high-school level course introduces students to effective strategies for beginning Spanish language learning, and to various aspects of Spanish speaking culture. This course encourages interpersonal communication through speaking and writing, providing opportunities to make and respond to basic requests and questions, to understand and use appropriate greetings and forms of address, to participate in brief guided conversations on familiar topics, and to write short passages with guidance. This course also emphasizes the development of reading and listening comprehension skills, such as reading isolated words and phrases in a situational context and comprehending brief written or oral directions. Additionally, students will examine the practices, products and perspectives of Spanish-speaking culture; recognize basic routine practices of the target culture; and recognize and use situation-appropriate non-verbal communication. This course further emphasizes making connections across content areas and the application of understanding Spanish language and culture outside of the classroom.  (The base of this course is “Spanish 1” offered by Georgia Virtual Learning. Much of the wording and assignments come from there except that more activities have been added to it. The course was altered where necessary to make it usable at home with a parent/teacher who doesn’t know Spanish. The vocabulary lists are from there, such as from this unit . Where videos and images have been downloaded, the source link has been included.)

You can find a good online Spanish-English and English-Spanish dictionary at . You can even hear the Spanish words pronounced for you on this site, with a choice of Mexican, Spanish (from Spain), or Argentinian pronunciation. Simply click where it says “escuchar” next to the word.

Etapa Preliminar

Lesson 1(*): La pronunciación. (Note that an asterisk in parentheses (*) indicates that there is an optional page to print on this lesson)

Welcome to your first day of school! I wanted to give you one important reminder before you begin. Many of your lessons below have an internet link for you to click on. When you go to the different internet pages for your lessons, please DO NOT click on anything else on that page except what the directions tell you to. DO NOT click on any advertisements or games. DO NOT click on anything that takes you to a different website. Just stay focused on your lesson and then close that window and you should be right back here for the next lesson. Okay?

  • If you didn’t get here through My EP Assignments , I suggest you go there and create an account.

If a link is not working to follow the steps on the FAQ page.

  • (*)Print out a Spanish Grade Sheet   ( PDF or  Excel ) to keep track of all the little grades from quizzes and assignments. (You don’t have to grade this course, but if you are considering that it might be used on a transcript, then you should.)
  • This link goes to a site with many excellent lessons on sounds in the Spanish language.
  • Please listen to a number of different topics and repeat after the speaker.
  • Then, go back and listen and repeat again.  The more times you do this, the more quickly you will assimilate the sound of Spanish.
  • You should be practicing Spanish for 15-20 minutes a day. You can’t just watch it and be done with it. You have to practice. If you have taken the introductory Spanish courses, then you will be able to move quickly through the beginning lessons of this year without a lot of practice. Just make sure you know it!
  • This is the end of your work for this course for your first day. You are allowed to move at your own pace (this is homeschooling), but it’s intended you complete one lesson a day.

Lesson 2: El abecedario

  • The alphabet in Spanish looks similar to the alphabet in English, but definitely sounds different.  Listen to each letter in order to learn how to say them correctly. Repeat after the speaker. Listen again if you need to!
  • Continue getting familiar with the sounds of Spanish here .
  • Remember, practice is key to learning a language! When you practice, do it out loud!

Lesson 3 :  Los Números

  • Go to this YouTube video to see and hear the numbers in Spanish . Make sure you know the numbers and listen to how they are pronounced.
  • Then play these games to practice the numbers from 0-30 in Spanish.
  • Make sure you practice until you learn them.   Numbers 1-30

Lesson 4 :  La Fecha

  • Let’s learn about the days of the week (Los días de la semana) and the months of the year (Los meses del año)!
  • View the presentation on days and months .
  • Writing out the words is a good way to practice them.
  • It’s up to you to learn these words. Click on the right topic to find flashcards .

Lesson 5 : Los Números

  • Match the days of the week .
  • Can you spell the months?
  • For this  assignment , you will be writing your numbers out in word form and record ten points for completion.
  • Don’t forget to practice what you know.

Lesson 6 :  La Fecha

  • Watch and read about the days of the week and the months of the year .
  • Here are the days and months all written out (you will need to scroll down to find them). Copy them down.
  • Try the quiz. There are 30 questions. You can record your score out of 5. Basically, if you get more than six wrong, give yourself a 4; otherwise you should get a 5 out of 5.
  • Practice numbers . Use any of the activities. Can you spell the numbers? Try a game.
  • Practice the days of the week . Hint: they aren’t capitalized in Spanish.

Lesson 7 :  Los Saludos

  • Do you know how to greet someone in Spanish?  Let’s learn that now!
  • Watch the presentation  to see and listen to Spanish greetings and expressions.
  • Now look at and listen to some common greetings and other expressions in Spanish. Repeat them all aloud. Then, scroll down to the very bottom of the page below the signature and try the “Know It” quiz in the gray box. It will give you a written word in English and you will say it in Spanish, and then check your answer. There are 41 questions. If you get at least 10 right, give yourself a score of ten out of ten. If you get fewer than ten, go over the expressions again and try the quiz again.

Lesson 8 :  La Hora

  • ¿Qué Hora Es?  Let’s learn how to tell time in Spanish.
  • Watch the presentation for a lesson on time.  Be sure and take notes.
  • Quiz yourself on telling time .
  • Make sure you are taking time every day to practice all of the vocabulary. Read it out loud. Have someone quiz you. Write it out. Find what helps you remember it best. You can look at this site , another page of flashcards .

Lesson 9 :  Los Acentos

  • Accents are very important in Spanish.  As you continue to learn the language, you will see how omitting accents can change the meaning of the word.
  • View this page to see more on the importance of using accents and how to make them on your computer.  Take notes / print out the instructions as you will be required to use accents on all assignments in your Spanish course!  (Here’s the link for “ For instructions about using accent marks on your computer, link “)
  • Review the days, months , and learn seasons .
  • Try this game on spelling . Can you get ten correct?

Lesson 10 :  Palabras Interrogativas

  • These games teach the question words . Choose one or all of the top three activities.
  • Listen to the question words and expressions on this page and then try one or more of the quizzes at the bottom of the page. You don’t need to record a score for this one.

Lesson 11 :  Los Saludos

  • Review numbers .
  • Try this quiz on the greetings. Some expressions might be new; don’t worry too much about that. If you get at least 8 right out of the 15, record your score as five out of five. If you got fewer than eight right, try again.
  • Practice. Study. You aren’t finished just because you completed the activity. Here is a list of vocabulary that you could read through. Read it out loud! Spanish is a spoken language. If you don’t have anyone to speak Spanish with, you just have to talk to yourself. Speak it out loud!

Lesson 12 :  La Hora

  • Try this telling time activity. Make sure you click on all four question sets. There are ten questions. Count how many you get wrong on the first try.
  • For five bonus points, go tell someone what time it is right now.
  • Record your total out of 15.
  • Review accent marks and give the quiz a try just for practice.

Lesson 13 :  Palabras Interrogativas

  • For this assignment, you will practice writing out the question words  in Spanish and record nine points for completion.  Make sure you have reviewed the section on accents and are prepared to use them in this assignment.
  • For best results as you go on, you should study all of your notes from the lessons.  Go back and review, if necessary.
  • Do you know how to pronounce the alphabet in Spanish?
  • Do you capitalize the days of the weeks and months of the year in Spanish?
  • Do you know how to tell time in Spanish?
  • Do you know how to greet others in Spanish?
  • Make sure you are speaking out loud. Practice out loud! If you can, get someone to quiz you.
  • First review this list of question words and then do these flashcards as a quiz. If you get at least ten correct, record your score as five out of five.
  • Don’t move on until you know the vocabulary.
  • Do these time telling flashcards until you can answer all 16 correctly, and record your score as 5 out of 5 points.
  • Do the time telling quiz and record your grade out of 10.
  • Match the terms and record your score out of 10. You can check your answers by clicking on the key. ( source ) NOTE: Do NOT click on “source” links.  Those tell us where we originally got the lesson material from. You do NOT need it for your lesson.

Los Adjectivos y Ser

Lesson 16* :  Vocabulario – Los Adjetivos y Nacionalidades    Los Adjetivos y Los Números

(Note that an asterisk * indicates that there is a page to be printed on this lesson)

  • *This vocabulary list  uses words associated with nationalities, numbers, and adjectives.  You can listen to the words at the links below. ( source ) It is highly recommended that you make flashcards of the terms from all three sections.
  • Here are  flashcards to help you with this set.
  • You can work on these on Lesson 17 as well.
  • Here are  flashcards  to help you with this set.

Lesson 18 :  Los Artículos Definidos

  • Every day you should be studying the vocabulary list . You don’t have to know these all today, but you should be studying these every day. You should know them by Lesson 29.
  • Learn about the definite  articles .

Lesson 19 :  Los Artículos Indefinidos

  • Learn about indefinite articles .
  • Then do the practice quiz , part B, true or false. Record your score out of 8.
  • Complete the matching activity . Check your answers by clicking on the key.

Lesson 20 Vocabulary and Grammar Project

  • To incorporate the vocabulary and grammar you have learned in the chapter, you will need to create a presentation to show off your creativity.  You could make a PowerPoint or Prezi. You could make a video. You could make a poster and then present it in Spanish. You could do something else. 🙂
  • Your presentation must include information about yourself and at least one other person.
  • It must include pictures of yourself and/or others.
  • You can use images if pictures aren’t available.
  • You must have at least 8 sentences.
  • You must include an audio presentation in Spanish.  (You can just read your sentences, but you could record yourself.)
  • Finally, it must be completely done in Spanish. 🙂
  • Look below at number three to see how your project will be graded.
  • You will score up to 20 points for completing 8 sentences. You will score up to 5 points for your audio presentation, for being clear and confident, not stumbling. You will score up to 5 points for correctness. Your parent will have you show them a few things that they point out. They’ll have you look them up in the learning material so that they can check the spelling and they can try to spot similar sentence patterns.
  • This is due on Lesson 24.

Lesson 21   Vocabulary and Grammar Project

  • Remember, you will be scored on completing 8 sentences, on your presentation being clear and confident, and on your presentation being correct.

Lesson 22   Vocabulary and Grammar Project

Lesson 23   Vocabulary and Grammar Project

Lesson 24  Vocabulary and Grammar Project

  • Score your project. Score up to 20 points for completing 8 sentences. Score up to 5 points for your audio presentation, for being clear and confident, not stumbling. Score up to 5 points for correctness. Parent, point out a few things in their sentences, pictures, audio presentation. Have your child look them up in the learning material  and show you so that you can check the spelling and you can try to spot similar sentence patterns.
  • Record your score on your grading sheet. (out of 30)

Lesson 25 :  The Verb “Ser” & Negation

  • Ser is an important verb in Spanish.  We use ser to describe ourselves and others.  Watch this video and take notes.
  • Negation is used to make sentences negative.  This is easy to do in Spanish.  Simply put no in front of the verb in the sentence.
  • Learn more about ser .  Watch the video, review the chart, and copy one of the examples of the use of negatives.

Lesson 26 :   Cultura

  • Watch this YouTube video on  Buenos Aires – La Ciudad del Tango.
  • It’s a good idea to start looking ahead now at the school-related vocabulary introduced on Lessons 30-31. See what you can pick up so that it’s not so overwhelming when you get to those lessons.

Lesson 27 :  Escribir (Writing)

  • Talk about your physical appearance, where you live, your nationality, and where you go to school.  (10 points)
  • You can also mention brothers and / or sisters and what they are like.  (10 points)
  • You can include questions to be counted as one of your 5 sentences.
  • Be as BASIC as possible, as your teacher will be able to recognize the use of an online translator.  Use only the vocabulary and grammar you have been taught so far.
  • Ejemplo:  Me llamo Elisa.  Soy de Atlanta, GA.  Yo soy alta, inteligente, y morena.  Mi hermano es bajo y cómico.  ¿Cómo te llamas?
  • Score your assignment. Score up to 20 points for following the directions listed above. Score up to 10 additional points for correctness. Because the student is asked to only use vocabulary and grammar found in the learning material, your child should be able to show you any word so that you can check the accuracy of the spelling. You can also have your child show you similar sentences to the ones used.
  • Record your score out of 30.

Lesson 28 :  Repaso

  • Can you greet someone in Spanish?
  • Can you count with higher numbers?
  • Can you use the verb ser correctly?
  • Can you make a sentence negative?
  • Can you describe yourself and others?
  • Here is your vocabulary .
  • Review what you need to practice.
  • * Read through these words out loud! Keep all these sheets together. You can use them when you have writing assignments.
  • Give your brain a rest. That’s an important part of language learning, too. No new vocabulary to memorize today.  🙂 You’ll have new words in the next lesson.

Lesson 30: La Escuela

  • Audio Links ( source )
  • The best way to remember vocabulary is to use it, even if that means mixing English and Spanish in your sentences.
  • Here are some  flashcards  to help you.

Lesson 31: La Escuela

Lesson 32(*)

  • (*)Read “¿ Qué hago en mi colegio ?” ( source ) You fold it in half and in half again to make a minibook. Or, read it online if you need to.
  • Play a school matching game .
  • Listen to these sentences and repeat them out loud. (You don’t have to know all of the words. Understand as best as you can. This is a speaking exercise, not a comprehension exercise.)

Lesson 33 :  Subject Pronouns

  • Learn the subject pronouns . (If you need a song to remember them…note: this goes to YouTube.)
  • Identify the pronouns .
  • Make sure you are working every day on your vocabulary .
  • Review past vocabulary too. The best way to not lose the vocabulary you have learned is to use it. Greet people in your family in Spanish. Announce the weather each morning, what you are wearing, what you are eating, etc.
  • If your grading sheet shows quizzes here, cross them off and subtract those points from the total.

Lesson 34 :  Los Plurales (Pluralization)

  • Read about changing nouns into the plural or watch the video .
  • The plural of el is los .
  • The plural of la is las .
  • The plural of un is unos .
  • The plural of una is unas .
  • If a noun ends in a vowel, make it plural by adding -s .
  • If a noun ends in a consonant, make it plural by adding  -es .
  • Try this exercise  and record your score out of 15. You get two points each for exact matches with the answers. You must spell them correctly and have the correct article. You can give yourself one point if one of the two words is correct (article and plural). There is potential for one point extra credit.
  • Remember the subject pronouns ?
  • Can you write the subject pronouns ? Record you score out of 10.

Lesson 35 :  “Ser”

  • In this lesson, you will learn more forms of ser .
  • Complete the 4 exercises under “Present Tense – Identity.” Click on “Present Tense” and you’ll see four different symbols under the line which reads just “Present Tense Identity.” You’ll click on each of those four symbols.
  • Review your vocabulary. Always do it out loud!
  • Practice writing your vocabulary too. Can you spell it?

Lesson 36 :  Possessive Adjectives

  • Watch this  presentation on possession , and/or you can read about it here .
  • In Spanish, we do not say “my brother’s friend.”  Instead it has to be said:  el amigo de mi hermano, which means literally, “the friend of my brother.”  The word mi is the possessive adjective.
  • Complete this activity and record your score as the total 19 minus whatever it has there as what you got wrong (example: -2 is what it shows, then 19 – 2 = 17, your score). There’s potential for extra credit because it’s being recorded out of 15.

Lesson 37   Vocabulary and Grammar Project

  • To incorporate the vocabulary and grammar you have learned in the chapter, you will need to create a PowerPoint with audio, to show off your creativity. You could also make a Prezi, a Sway presentation, a video, or just make presentation that you will do live.
  • This is due on Lesson 41.
  • Your presentation must include information about yourself and your school life (la vida escolar).
  • It must include pictures / images of related to your presentation.
  • You must have at least 4 slides, and a total of 8 sentences.
  • You must include an audio presentation in Spanish.  (You can just read your sentences, but practice first!)  To help with this, you can record it and upload the audio using Audacity if you are using something like PowerPoint. You could record yourself with a webcam, with a phone, etc.
  • Finally, it must be completely done in Spanish.

Lesson 38  Vocabulary and Grammar Project

Lesson 39   Vocabulary and Grammar Project

Lesson 40   Vocabulary and Grammar Project

Lesson 41   Vocabulary and Grammar Project

  • Score your project. Score up to 20 points for completing 8 sentences. Score up to 5 points for your audio presentation, for being clear and confident, not stumbling. Score up to 5 points for correctness. Parent, have your child show you a few things that you point out. Have your child look them up in the learning material so that you can check the spelling and you can try to spot similar sentence patterns.

Lesson 42 : Cultura

  • The Day of the Dead is a celebration held on November 1 and 2 in Mexico.  It is a national holiday and banks, schools, and government offices are closed.  Family and friends gather to remember family members and friends who have died.  Traditions include building private altars honoring the dead or bringing favorite foods or possessions of the deceased to grave sites.
  • Watch this YouTube video on El Dia de los Muertos en Mexico.

Lesson 43 :

  • Write a conversation of 8-10 sentences among three people – two teenagers and an adult.
  • Be sure the teenagers address each other as tú (speaking to one person), ustedes (speaking to more than one person), and the adult as usted .
  • Keep your sentences simple, using some of the adjectives you have previously learned.
  • Remember to use ser and subject pronouns you have learned.
  • For example, instead of saying someone’s name more than once, you can use ella or él .
  • Be as BASIC as possible. (It is so easy to tell when someone uses Google Translate. Don’t do it.)
  • Use only the vocabulary and grammar you have been taught so far. (This is different from what you did in the introductory courses.)
  • Ejemplo:  ¡Hola David!  Soy Lucinda.  ¿Cómo te llamas?  Me llamo Luz.  Yo tengo cuatro clases: inglés, biología, matemáticas, y español!
  • Score your assignment. Score up to 20 points for completing the assignment. It should include what’s listed in numbers 1-7. Score up to 10 points for accuracy. Parent, have your child show you in the learning material several words from the sentences. You can check the spelling.
  • Don’t forget to put your score on your grade sheet. (out of 30)

Lesson 44 : Repaso (Review)

  • Can you recognize and use ALL forms of the verb ser ?
  • Can you make words plural correctly?
  • Can you identify possessive adjectives?
  • What are all the subject pronouns?  When are they used?
  • Study your notes and practice with your flashcards.
  • Practice your vocabulary .
  • Match the terms .  ( source )
  • Record your score out of five.

Time for a report card and portfolio/records updating.

Portfolio/records: In your portfolio you should include one of your writing assignments from this quarter. You can also take a screen shot of one of the online quizzes. You could save any other assignment that’s different–like a printout of a PowerPoint. Choose things that are neat and well kept. NOTE! If you are turning your portfolio into the school district, keep a separate records binder for yourself at home. Include the best writing assignment and maybe one other assignment that you think highlights the course or your child. This is for your high school records. You will hold onto these records until your child is in college! You don’t want to save too much, but you want to have enough, just in case.

Report Card: In public school you get your grade for your class every quarter of the school year. That’s about now. This isn’t your final grade for your course. It just lets you know how you are doing. This is how you find your grade: add up all the grades you have been recordings. Add up your scores and write that number down.

Divide your score by total possible  Move the decimal point over two places to the right. In the next box over, write the number in front of the decimal (something between 1 and 100). This is your percent grade. In the next box over write your letter grade. Anything starting with a 9 is an A. Anything starting with an 8 is a B. Anything starting with a 7 is a C and so forth. If you have everything perfect, then your grade is 100. That’s an A too.

Your goal is to get an A for the course at the end of the year. Go back and look at where you lost points. What can you do to avoid losing those points in the next quarter?

Lesson 46*(*)

(*)Print out a Second Quarter Grading Sheet  ( PDF  or Excel )  to keep track of all the little grades from quizzes and assignments.

  • It is highly recommended that you make flashcards for the vocabulary. For some students it helps a lot to write out the words and definitions. If you don’t need to write them in order to learn them, here are some flashcards you can use to practice.
  • Always repeat words out loud (not just in your head).
  • You have the next few days to make flashcards and practice, Lessons 46 – 48.
  • Try to find what helps you learn best. Write down the words. Say them out loud. Have someone quiz you. Try different methods of studying.
  • You need to know these by Lesson 63. (But don’t forget to review old words as well.)
  • You have tomorrow to make flashcards and practice.
  • You have the next few days to make flashcards and practice.

Lesson 49   Los Verbos “-AR”

  • Now that we have learned our vocabulario, let’s begin conjugating -ar verbs .
  • Conjugating verbs in Spanish can be complex, and requires significant practice.
  • Conjugating verbs ensures that the form of the verb matches the pronoun used.
  • When you review your vocabulary, notice how the words that end in -ar mean “to do” something.  For example, hablar means “to speak.”
  • Now that we will be able to use verbs correctly with subject pronouns, we have to change the verb to fit the pronoun.  We wouldn’t say “yo hablar” because that means “I to speak.”  Essentially, we have to change the verb to hablo so it corresponds with the pronoun.
  • Read all about it.
  • Once changed, it means “I speak, you speak, he speaks…” Watch this video  on conjugation of -ar verbs.
  • Now, practice  -ar verbs. Change the VOSOTROS choice to No at the top of the page.
  • If you’d like a few more useful -ar verbs, you can hear and see the infinitives here .

Lesson 50  Adjetivos

  • Practice again with – ar verb conjugation  and record all three scores (out of 7, 8, 6). You can do this exercise even though you may not know all the verbs, because all -ar verbs are conjugated the same way: just take off the -ar ending and add the correct endings for the person you are talking about.
  • Learn about Spanish adjectives .
  • It’s always a good idea to take notes, copy down sentences, practice your spelling.

Lesson 51   El Verbo Estar

  • Practice again with adjectives .
  • Today you will be introduced to a second way to say “to be” in Spanish: the verb estar . Remember that you already learned the verb ser . The two verbs are used in different situations. Read the lesson , do the practice verb conjugation  and record your score out of 12.
  • Continue to practice estar .
  • Use the lesson and do the quiz on ser vs. estar . Record your score out of 25.
  • Try the quiz .
  • There are ten questions; each worth half a point. Record your score out of five.
  • Quick review: numbers . Do the activities.
  • Read “ El Pájaro y El Pan .” There are many new words in this story, so it will be a bit of a challenge. You should click next to any word you don’t know in the white boxes at the bottom of each page, and a definition will appear. Otherwise, you can look up any word you don’t know in your online dictionary. You don’t have to memorize all the new words now, but try to get familiar with them.
  • After you finish the story, take the quiz .
  • Check your answers .
  • Record your score out of ten.
  • Review the conjugation of the present tense of  ser and estar .
  • At the link above, click on “generate unique quiz.” Change it to 15 questions. You are going to write the conjugations. If you need to, you may look up unknown words in your online dictionary. You may need to know their meanings in order to decide between ser and estar .
  • Record your score out of 15.
  • Make sure you are daily reviewing vocabulary. If it stays fresh in your mind, you’ll be able to hold onto it longer. There will be a big vocabulary test on Lesson 94.
  • To incorporate the vocabulary and grammar you have learned in this chapter, you will be required to make a comic strip.  You can use this program if you like, or just make it on paper (download the free version).
  • Your comic strip must include verbs you have learned in this chapter (including estar ).
  • Your comic strip must include 6-8 detailed sentences using vocabulary words from this chapter or the previous chapters. You can include questions to be counted, as well. Show off what you know!
  • Your project should be grammatically correct, including the use of appropriate punctuation and accents.
  • You will present your comic strip and read it to an audience.
  • It’s due on Lesson 58. See Lesson 58 for how you will be scored.
  • Listen to “ The Greatest Treasure ” and read along. What can you understand? What words do you recognize? There will be many unfamiliar words; don’t worry about this. It’s good to just practice listening. It’s also good to get used to different types of accents. This story is read with the pronunciation used in Spain, which is a bit different from that of Latin America.
  • Now listen again, but turn away from the computer. Just listen.
  • Work on your project. Keep in mind the requirements and the grading rubric.
  • Listen to a couple of minutes of Spanish. Listen to how it sounds. Listen for words you know. Listen for words whose meanings you can guess. Note that this story is spoken with the pronunciation used in Spain.
  • Work on your project. Keep in mind the requirements.
  • It’s due on Lesson 58.
  • Finish up your project.
  • Score your project. Score up to 20 points for completing 6-8 detailed sentences. The sentences should not just be subject and verb. There should be adjectives. Score up to 5 points for your audio presentation, for being clear and confident, not stumbling. Score up to five points for correctness. Parent, have your child show you a few things that you point out. Have your child look them up in the learning material so that you can check the spelling and you can try to spot similar sentence patterns.

Lesson 59   Thanksgiving

  • Watch this turkey Thanksgiving song video .
  • Then learn these vocabulary words . If you’re celebrating Thanksgiving, try to use all the words with your family during the holiday. They’ll be impressed!
  • Check out this page on tips for learning Spanish .

Lesson 60  Cultura

  • Watch this video on the Quinceañera .  (This is on YouTube. Make sure you have it on safe mode.)
  • Answer the following questions:
  • At what age does the Quinceañera occur?
  • What are the two parts of the Quinceañera?
  • What is the last toy that a girl receives?
  • Explain the “changing of the shoes”.
  • Name three of the seven important items needed for the Quinceañera.
  • In what part of the world is Quinceañera celebrated?
  • Compose a paragraph describing what supplies you have and need at school / home to do your coursework.
  • ¡Importante!:  Write in Spanish only!
  • Include at least 5 sentences.
  • Be as basic as possible.  You can use Tengo to mean “I have” and you can use uso to mean “I use.” An example: Tengo una calculadora. Uso una calculadora en la clase de matemáticas.
  • Use the vocabulary and grammar that we’ve covered so far.  You may not be able to say much, but that’s OK!
  • Please remember your honor code and do not use online translators!  If you were in a classroom and used Google Translate, your teacher would know right away. My (Lee’s) husband used to teach French, German, and Russian, and he could always tell when someone used Google Translate. Don’t practice cheating. Practice so you can learn.
  • Score your project. Score up to 5 points for each of your 5 sentences. Score up to 5 points for correctness. Parents: Since only taught vocab and grammar is used, have your student show you a couple of words and similar sentences in the learning material, so that you can check for accurate spelling and construction.
  • Speaking is a great way to enhance your language learning.
  • Language learning has four components: reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
  • Prepare your answers and then read them in front of an audience.
  • Select 4 of the 9 questions. A few new words or expressions are explained in parentheses.

1.   ¿Vives en una casa ? (Vivir means “to live.” Yo vivo, tú vives…)

2.   ¿Escuchas la radio?

3.   ¿Estudias para la clase de español?

4.   ¿Estudias con tus amigos?

5.   ¿Hablas por teléfono mucho?

6.   ¿Cuántos cuadernos usas ? ( Usar means “to use.” Yo uso, tú usas…)

7.   ¿Trabajas en la computadora?

8.   ¿Trabajas con una pluma o un lápiz?

9.   ¿Trabajas por la tarde?  ¿Dónde? ( Por la tarde means “in the afternoon.”)

5.  Score up to 15 points for completing the assignment according to the directions and score up to 10 points more for not stumbling, for speaking easily (out of 25).

6.  Record your grade.

  • Can you conjugate -ar verbs correctly?
  • Can you conjugate the verb e star correctly?
  • Can you place nouns and adjectives together?
  • Are you able to name classroom objects in Spanish?
  • Do the crossword puzzle for más práctica!
  • Match the terms .

Lesson 64   La familia

  • This chapter’s vocabulary focuses on the age, family, parts of the house, prepositions, and the verb hay. Here is the  vocabulary list . (September 8th should be September 9th.)
  • You can use these flashcards as well.
  • Audio Link ( source)
  • Play this game to practice family names.

Lesson 65*   La Casa y Hay

  • Audio Link ( source )
  • Play this game to practice rooms of the house. Do the game a couple times and try different rooms.
  • You need to know the words on your vocabulary list by Lesson 81.

Lesson 66   Hay

  • Read the lesson and do the quiz on hay . You will only do sections A and B, and record your score out of a total of 15. You are allowed to use an online dictionary if you don’t know a word.
  • Listen to and repeat at least ten sentences . Try to sound like the speaker.

Lesson 67  

  • In Spanish, when we want to express a liking for an activity or a thing, we use the verb gustar .
  • This verb has a special construction and does not work the same way as the -ar verbs you learned in the previous chapter.
  • Gustar literally means “to be pleasing”.
  • Practice with gustar .
  • Read this description of using gustar with personal pronouns to tell who likes something.
  • Now practice with the questions of the quiz and record your score out of ten. 

Lesson 68  

  • Tener is a verb that is used to say what you have.
  • Tener is also used to tell age.
  • It is important to understand how this verb conjugates and works in sentence formation.
  • Go through this lesson on tener . Read, watch, answer the questions.
  • Learn to conjugate the verb tener , review ser , and play the game.
  • Remember to use whatever methods help you to learn best. Copy the conjugations. Say them. Get quizzed on them.

Lesson 69 Verbs

  • Match the family words .
  • Read this page and watch the video .
  • We’re learning -er verbs! Write the conjugation of deber . Now write the conjugation of comer , to eat, and aprender, to learn.
  • Listen and repeat at least ten sentences . You don’t have to know all the words, but try to sound like the speaker.

Lesson 70  Verbs

  • Now we’re learning -ir verbs! You can do this! Write out the conjugation of vivir . Now write out the conjugation of abrir , to open. Just follow the format.
  • Listen to and repeat at least ten sentences . Out loud!
  • Play the game and review the question words .
  • Take this quiz until you get at least 10 out of the 19 questions correct and give yourself a score of 10 out of ten.
  • Remember that the best way to remember your Spanish vocabulary is to use it. Insert whatever words you know into your sentences.
  • To incorporate the vocabulary and grammar you have learned in this chapter, you will be required to make a comic strip.  Use this website or make one on paper.


1. Your comic strip must include the verb tener and other –er/-ir verbs.

2. Your comic strip must include 6-8 detailed sentences using vocabulary words from this chapter or the previous chapters. You can include questions to be counted, as well. Show off what you know!

3. Your project should be grammatically correct, including the use of appropriate punctuation and accents.

4. You will present your comic strip and read it to an audience.

5. This is due on Lesson 76. You can look at Lesson 76 to see how you will be graded. 4.   Every day while you are working on this project, be learning verb vocabulary . Don’t worry if some of the verbs on here are not on your vocabulary list; just try to pick up whatever verbs you can by listening multiple times.

  • Listen to a story in Spanish .
  • Work on your project. Keep in mind your requirements and your grading rubric.
  • Every day while you are working on this project, be learning  verb vocabulary .
  • Listen to a couple minutes of Spanish . You can scroll down to another lesson. There are many on the page. The point is to listen.
  • Score your project. Score up to 20 points for completing 6-8 detailed sentences according to the directions on Lesson 72. The sentences should not just be subject and verb. There should be adjectives. Score up to 5 points for your audio presentation, for being clear and confident, not stumbling. Score up to five points for correctness. Parent, have your child show you a few things that you point out. Have your child look them up in the learning material so that you can check the spelling and you can try to spot similar sentence patterns.
  • Take three -er verbs and three -ir verbs and write out their conjugations. Here’s a reminder of the conjugation endings .

Lesson 77   Cultura

  • Read about Christmas in Mexico .
  • Now learn this Christmas  vocabulary.

Lesson 78  

  • You will need to answer the questions in bold in complete sentences using the vocabulary and grammar you have been taught thus far. Scroll down to do all four. The first one is about how many family members you have. If you don’t have a pet, just make it up!
  • Remember DO NOT use online translators!

Lesson 79  

  • Write a paragraph about your family and where you live.
  • Write at least three sentences. in Spanish.
  • Don’t get fancy. Use what you know.  Use the vocabulary and grammar from this chapter.  
  • An example:  “Yo vivo en una casa grande.  Yo tengo una familia grande.  Yo tengo una madre, un padre, un hermano, y dos hermanas.” ( source )
  • Do not use online translators! They often produce crazy sentences!
  • Score your project. You get 25 points for completing the assignment. Score up to 5 points more for correctness. Parent, have your child show you the words in the learning material so that you can check the spelling.

Lesson 80   (Speaking)

  • Speaking is a great way to enhance your language learning.  Language learning has four components:  reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
  • Prepare your answers and then read them out loud to an audience. Answer in complete sentences, not with single-word answers.
  • Select 3 of the 8 questions.

1.            ¿Cómo se llama tu madre?

2.            ¿Cuántas hermanas tienes? ¿Cuántos hermanos?

3.            ¿Tienes primos?

4.            ¿Cuántos años tienes?

5.            ¿Te gusta recibir regalos?

6.            ¿Vive tu familia en un apartamento o en una casa?

7.            ¿Es tu casa vieja o nueva?

8.            ¿Tienes tú un gato o un perro?

4. Score up to 15 points for completing the assignment according to the directions and score up to 10 points more for not stumbling, for speaking easily (out of 25).

Lesson 81  

  • Can you conjugate -er / -ir verbs correctly?
  • Can you conjugate tener correctly?
  • Can you use gustar and are you able to recognize the two forms?
  • Can you use the verb hay in a sentence?
  • Match the terms. ( source )

Lesson 82 * La Comida

  • Here are flashcards for Group 1 and Group 2 of the new vocabulary.
  • Use this link for practice with food words. Many of these items are not on your vocabulary list. That’s OK; just use the exercise to help you start learning some common food items. There will be a second vocabulary list with more food words to learn “officially” on Lesson 94. This exercise will give you a head start.
  • Continue to study your vocabulary words.

Lesson 84   The Verb IR

  • Ir means “to go.” Don’t confuse it with -ir verbs. They are not the same.
  • Ir is an irregular verb that is very useful. “Irregular” means it doesn’t follow any of the normal patterns. Oddly enough, it’s NOT an -ir verb 🙂
  • In Spanish, we can use ir to talk about the present and the near future.
  • Read this page  on the verb ir in the present tense.
  • There are two prepositions,  a meaning “to,” and de meaning “from” or “of,” which change their form sometimes. Read this page .
  • Then watch these flashcards . These examples use some verbs which are accompanied by the preposition a in Spanish. Two common examples are the verb corregir , meaning “to correct,” and ver , meaning “to see.” In Spanish you have to use a when saying whom you are correcting, for example, or what you see.
  • In Spanish, we have two ways to say “to be”.  It is very important that you understand the uses of each.  You should also know the correct conjugations.
Ser Estar
Identification [Es Marta] Location [Havana está en Cuba]
Origin [Ella es de Madrid] Condition [Ella está cansada (tired)]
Characteristics [Yo soy alta] Opinions [Su hermana está bonita]
Telling Time [Son las tres]
Dates [Hoy es el tres de febrero]
Time / Place of an Event [La fiesta es en mi casa]

4.  Review this page on ser and estar and then try this quiz . Don’t worry if you find it a bit tricky. The quiz will often use the same adjective but with two different verbs ( ser and estar ) with different meanings. Just remember that more permanent characteristics use ser , and more temporary conditions use estar . For example, Soy enfermo (I am sickly, more or less permanent condition); Estoy enfermo (I am sick, temporary).

The word charts are from GA Virtual Learning . We wanted to take them a bit at a time.

Lesson 87  

  • You may have realized that you haven’t actually learned many food words yet. That’s coming in the next vocabulary section. You can get a peek now and practice with food words . If you want, you can then use the text game. You’ll do the audio game on another day.
  • Go to this page and this page and choose a favorite recipe to try. What’s it called in Spanish?
  • Record your score out of 10 (potential for a point of extra credit).
  • Look through the different  recipes . What can you learn about Spanish food from observing?

Lesson 89   Cultura

  • Watch this video : Teotihuacán, Xochicalco, Chichén Itzá.
  • Read about the regions of Spain . Write down five things you learned, or tell someone about what you learned about Spain.

Lesson 90  Escribir

  • You have a personal travel agent, Pablo, who takes care of everything for your trips.  Write him a note, of at least 8 sentences, telling him where you want to go on your next trip.
  • Mention your meals, including what you want to eat and drink for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You may look up food items if you need to (6 points).
  • Remember to use the “contractions” of a + el and de + el , and the preposition a correctly (6 points).
  • Also make sure you have used the conjugations of ir correctly (6 points).
  • Use only the vocabulary and grammar you have been taught so far (except perhaps a few food items)  (6 points).
  • Ejemplo:  ¡Hola Pablo!  Soy Marta.  Quiero ir a Guatemala. Yo voy a Xela, Guatemala.  Yo como los huevos y el pan….

4.  When grading this, you should be able to have your student show you the correct spelling of the word in the learning material because the students were only to use words taught. Have your student point out the meals, the contractions, the -ir verbs. Pick a couple of words to have them show you the correct spelling in the learning material. Completion of each direction above should be scored up to 6 points as marked.

5. Add up to 6 points if the directions were followed. It should have 8 sentences and tell where they want to go on a trip.

6. Record your score out of 30.

Portfolio/records: In your portfolio you should include one of your writing assignments from this quarter. You can also take a screen shot of one of the online quizzes. You could save any other assignment that’s different. Choose things that are neat and well kept.

This is how you find your grade: add up all the grades you have been recording for this quarter. Add up your scores and write that number down.

Divide your score by total possible.  Move the decimal point over two places to the right. In the next box over, write the number in front of the decimal (something between 1 and 100). This is your percent grade. In the next box over write your letter grade. Anything starting with a 9 is an A. Anything starting with an 8 is a B. Anything starting with a 7 is a C and so forth. If you have everything perfect, then your grade is 100. That’s an A too.

Lesson 91(*)  

  • (*)Print out your next grading sheet ( PDF or Excel ).
  • To incorporate the vocabulary and grammar you have learned in the chapter, you will create an audio-visual recording of an avatar . Here are instructions  ( alt ) for using the website. If you want to do something like this another way, that’s fine. There’s no need to record your screen since you aren’t saving this to show a classroom of other students later. If you want to, the Jing doesn’t work. Search for another free screen recorder.
  • Your animated project must include an avatar (character) that best reflects you.
  • You must have a total of 8 sentences.
  • You must record your voki in Spanish. Make sure you have a microphone ready. [To use voki, you will have to create a free account.]
  • You will only have 60 seconds to record your sentences.  Write your sentences first and then record them into your avatar.
  • Score your project. Score up to 20 points for completing 8 sentences according to the directions. Score up to 5 points for your audio presentation, for being clear and confident, not stumbling. Score up to 5 points for correctness. Parent, have your child show you a few things that you point out. Have your child look them up in the learning material so that you can check for correct word endings and similar sentence patterns.
  • Warning! On Lesson 94 you will be having a vocabulary test covering vocabulary from every unit so far. Here’s a study sheet .

Lesson 92*  Práctica con los verbos “ir, ser, y estar”

  • Review the verbs ser and estar with a video .
  • *Follow the directions to practice .

Lesson 93 :  Discutir (Question for Thought)

  • Write a paragraph about eating in “un restaurante” or in “un café.”  Tell what you like to eat and drink. If you don’t yet know the word for a particular food or drink item, you may look it up in your online dictionary.
  • Write 5 sentences in Spanish. Use what you learned in this chapter.
  • An example:  “Yo prefiero comer en un restaurante y en la terraza.  Me gusta comer una hamburgesa y yo bebo té dulce.” ( from )
  • Get up to 5 points for each sentence (out of 25) if you followed the directions, included everything asked and wrote in complete sentences. Score up to 5 points for accuracy. Parent: choose a few words, phrases, or sentences and ask your child to show you where to find that in the learning material for you to check on the accuracy.

Lesson 94   Mas Comida: Vocabulario

  • Take this vocabulary test . It covers vocabulary from the lists you have studied so far.  
  • Record your score out of 45 by subtracting the number you got wrong from 45.

Lesson 95*   Vocabulario

Lesson 96   E-IE Stem-Changing Verbs

  • Stem-Changing Verbs sound like what they are!  These types of verbs change in the stem.  Remember when you first learned how to conjugate verbs from the infinitive?  You learned that a verb, in its infinitive form, has two parts, the stem and the ending. For the verb hablar, the stem is habl-    and the ending is -ar .
  • Stem-Changing Verbs work differently from regular verb conjugations.  Instead of just dropping the ending and adding a new one, you must also change the verb in the stem.  There are 3 types of stem-changing verbs we will be covering.  In this first task, we are going to learn about verbs that change from “e” to “ie” in the stem.

Some of those verbs are:

Stem-Changing Verb Translation
Preferir To prefer
Entender To understand
Comenzar To begin
Cerrar To close
Querer To want

The letter “e” in the stem changes to “ie” in all forms except the nosotros and vosotros forms.

cierro cerramos
cierras cerráis
cierra cierran
entiendo entendemos
entiendes entendéis
entiende entienden
  • Choose two of the verbs from the list and write out the conjugation.
  • Practice with this exercise .
  • Record your score out of 18 (potential for extra credit).

Lesson 97  O – UE Stem-Changing Verbs

  • Another form of stem-changing verbs are those that change from “o” to “ue.”  Some of those verbs are:
Stem-Changing Verb Translation
Almorzar To eat lunch
Costar To cost
Volver To return
Encontrar To find
Dormir to sleep

The letter “o” in the stem changes to “ue” in all forms except the nosotros and vosotros forms.

duermo dormimos
duermes dormís
duerme duermen
  • Practice with this exercise . Score two points each.
  • Practice with food .

Lesson 98   The third type of stem-changing verbs are those that change from “e” to “i.”  Some of those verbs are:

Stem-Changing Verb Translation
Pedir To ask for
Servir To serve
Reír To laugh
Sonreír To smile
Decir * To say / to tell

*Note:  decir has an irregular yo form – digo!

pido pedimos
pides pedís
pide piden
  • Record your score out of 18 (2 points per question; potential for extra credit).
  • Practice with verb conjugation . Try a few of the exercises/quizzes from the first three categories (“e to i,” “o to ue,” and “e to ie” verbs).
  • Read through this lesson on hay .
  • Try this quiz .
  • Record your score out of 20. (You can receive partial credit for misspellings.) Write up to five sentences using hay and receive an extra credit point for each (up to five points).
  • Try this Spanish food terms spelling game .

Lesson 100   Cultura

  • Listen and repeat each  sentence .
  • Watch on YouTube:  Puerto Rico – La Isla del Encanto.
  • Scroll down to the paragraph and learn about Puerto Rico and its history. Choose a culture topic and click on one of the pictures above the article to learn more.
  • Choose some destinations to learn about. What can you learn about Puerto Rico? What are your observations?

Lesson 101   Vocabulary and Grammar Project, Comic Strip

  • Practice with poder .
  • To incorporate the vocabulary and grammar you have learned in this chapter, you will make a comic strip.  Use this link or make it on paper, or write a story on the computer, etc.
  • Your comic strip must include stem-changing verbs from this section (more than one!).
  • Your comic strip must include at least 16 vocabulary words from this chapter or the previous chapters.
  • Your project should be grammatically correct, including the use of appropriate punctuation and accents. Your project must have a total of 12-14 sentences.  You can include questions to be counted, as well.  Here is an example .
  • Score your project. 16 points for 16 vocabulary words, up to 6 points for stem-changing verbs — have your child point out the correct conjugation in the learning material for you to check the spelling, up to 8 points for creating a comic with pictures and story.

Lesson 102  Práctica de Grámatica

  • Match the vegetables .
  • Match the fruit .
  •  It is important that you understand how to conjugate all 3 types of stem-changing verbs correctly.  The hardest part is knowing which verbs change from e to i, and e to ie.  This takes time and practice!
  • Practice by completing this worksheet .
  • Record your score out of 10  (potential for extra credit).
  • Watch this video on grocery shopping .  (You will be watching this directly on YouTube.  Click to watch it Full Screen and exit when you are done.)
  • Try this exercise on telling time .  Go through all four exercises.
  • Click on the boxes to see the translations. Can you guess what they mean before you look?
  • Spell the foods in Spanish.

Lesson 105  

  • Watch the video  and complete the worksheet . (Note on worksheet: for #2, you only need to answer question “b.” P.S. The answer to “c” is kilo.)
  • Record your score out of 15. (Check your spelling!)  This has potential for 2 points for extra credit. Take off a half point for any misspelled word.

Lesson 106   Conversar

  • Prepare your answers and then read them aloud in front of an audience.
  • Select 3 of the 7 questions and record your answers in complete sentences in Spanish.

1. ¿Adónde vas para comprar las papas?

2. ¿Cuál es tu verdura favorita ?

3. ¿Qué fruta te gusta más?

4. Habla de tres frutas que necesitas para una ensalada de frutas.

5. ¿De qué color son las fresas y los tomates?

6. ¿Quién cocina la cena en tu familia?

7. ¿Qué haces tú en un picnic? ¿Con quién?

4.  Score up to 15 points for completing the assignment according to the directions and score up to 10 points more for not stumbling, for speaking easily (out of 25).

5.  Record your grade.

Lesson 107   Discutir (Question for Thought)

  • Tell about your favorite foods and where to buy them.
  • Include 5 sentences for your response.
  • Be as basic as possible.  An example:  Me gusta carne de cerdo y yo compro la carne a la carnecería.
  • Use the vocabulary and grammar taught in this chapter.  You will not be able to say much, but that’s ok!  Please remember your honor code and do not use online translators!
  • Score up to 5 points for each sentence (out of 25) if you followed the directions, included everything asked and wrote in complete sentences. Score up to 5 points for accuracy. Parent, choose a few words, phrases, or sentences and ask your child to show you where to find that in the learning material for you to check on the accuracy.

Lesson 108   Repaso

  • Ser/Estar quiz for practice.
  • Are you able to recognize the stem-changing verbs and conjugate them correctly? Practice with them here !
  • Are you able to talk about different foods that you would / would not eat? Tell someone about it in Spanish.
  • Practice:  Test your knowledge on this chapter’s content! ( source ) Note that “2 down” on this crossword puzzle is “Buen provecho,” an expression we may not have covered yet. It basically means “enjoy your meal” or “bon appetit.”

Lesson 109*   La Ropa

  • This list will be similar. You can read through and listen to it as you go. (You aren’t responsible for anything on this list that’s not on the other.)
  • Remember to make flashcards if you need further practice!  (Use these flashcards  as well.)
  • You will have Lesson 110 to learn words as well.
  • Continue learning the vocabulary  list.
  • Use these  flashcards  as well.
  • If you want to remember the vocabulary, you have to use it. Say whatever you can in Spanish throughout the day.
  • The direct object answers the question who or what after the verb. For instance: “Sam ate _____.”  What did Sam eat?  A pickle.  Sam ate a pickle.  The pickle is the direct object.  Another example: Sam tickled ______. Who did Sam tickle?  Peter.  Sam tickled Peter.  Peter is the direct object.  Review  direct objects . Answer until you have them correct.
  • Read about direct object pronouns.
  • Watch this video on direct objects.
  • Here’s a fuller lesson on direct object pronouns. Use it as you need it.
  • Now try this exercise for practice  in Spanish.
  • Make sure that you are always reviewing vocabulary for a little bit each day. You should always be practicing words out loud, both new and old words.

Lesson 112   Comparatives

  • “I am bigger than you” is how you compare in English. Comparatives in Spanish also have to be used a certain way.  Look at this example from GVL:  Juan es más bajo que su amigo Pablo. [John is shorter than his friend Paul.]
  • Read this lesson on comparing two things in Spanish.
  • View the  video for more examples of comparatives and how they are written.
  • Now try this activity .
  • Match the sentences and record your score out of 7. ( source )
  • Translate the sentences  using comparison out loud. Then click on “Continue” and listen to and repeat the sentences out loud. Click on “continue” again to move on.
  • Read about -ar verbs and how to conjugate them in the preterit form  (past tense). Note that only the first section describes the endings for – ar verbs. After that, the endings for -er and -ir verbs are given. For now, let’s just concentrate on -ar verbs.
  • Here’s a chart of the conjugation. Note that these are just the endings that you would add to the verb stem for -ar verbs.
  • View the video for more information about the preterit tense. Take notes as you will complete an assignment using the correct conjugations of the preterit tense.
  • Use the chart and write out the conjugation for hablar in the preterit.
  • Write one sentence using hablar in the preterit.
  • Note: the English word “preterit” can also be spelled “preterite.”

Lesson 114   Cultura:  El Rastro

  • El Rastro is an enormous outdoor market that takes place every Sunday in Madrid.  Here you can purchase everything from clothing to birdcages. (There are more pictures on the original page here.)
  • When is El Rastro open for business (days/times)?
  • What types of items are sold around the street, “Ribera de Curtidores?”
  • Where can you find antique items?
  • There are a couple of places to find “ropa de segunda mano.”  What do you think this is?  Where can you find it?
  • Record up to 4 points, one point for each answer found in the reading. Add 1 point extra credit for answer “What do you think it is?”
  • Record your score out of 4.

Lesson 115*   Escuchar

  • *Complete this worksheet  as you watch the video below.
  • Watch this episode on an interactive video series filmed in Spain. This episode was filmed in El Rastro. Follow the directions and get ready to travel through El Rastro del España!
  • Make sure you are reviewing vocabulary and verb conjugations.

Lesson 116   Vocabulary / Grammar Project

  • On each of the next days, Lessons 116 – 120, listen to at least five minutes of radio broadcast in Spanish. Listen to the flow of the language. It’s fast! Be happy if you can pull out any words at all. These are news broadcasts, so you might be able to understand some names or words that sound similar to English, like “política” for politics.
  • To incorporate the vocabulary and grammar you have learned in the chapter, you will create a presentation. You can make a recording or do your presentation live.

1.  You must have a total of 8 sentences that include at least 10 vocabulary words and 8 preterit verbs.  You should discuss clothing.  Talk about what you like / dislike to wear, where you like to shop, the colors you like in your clothing, etc.

2.   It must be at least one minute long.

3.   Write your sentences first and make sure they are grammatically correct.

Lesson 117   Vocabulary / Grammar Project

  • On each of these days, through Lesson 120, listen to at least five minutes of radio broadcast in Spanish. Listen to the flow of the language. It’s fast! Be happy if you can pull out any words at all. These are news broadcasts, so you might be able to understand some names or words that sound similar to English, like “política” for politics.

Lesson 118   Vocabulary / Grammar Project

  • On each of these days, listen to at least five minutes of radio broadcast in Spanish. Listen to the flow of the language. It’s fast! Be happy if you can pull out any words at all. These are news broadcasts, so you might be able to understand some names or words that sound similar to English, like “política” for politics.

Lesson 119   Vocabulary / Grammar Project

Lesson 120   Vocabulary / Grammar Project

  • Finish your project if it is not done and score it.

4.   Score your project. Score up to 16 points for 8 sentences that follow the directions, up to 8 points for 8 preterit verbs — Parents, have your child point out the correct conjugation in the learning material for you to check the spelling, up to 6 points for creating a great video with clear, fluent Spanish audio.

5.  Record your score out of 30.

  • Play a  clothing vocabulary game.
  • Write out the present and preterit conjugations of pensar .
  • You can check your work.

Lesson 122*

  • *Complete the worksheet  and check your answers. Just print page 1.
  • Listen to these sentences and repeat each one out loud. Try to sound like the speaker.
  • Try this  spelling game on “La Ropa”!

Lesson 123 : Escribir

  • Your Aunt Tillie just decided to share some of her fortune.  You receive a nice check in the mail.  You decide to go shopping and enhance your wardrobe.  Write her a nice thank-you note in Spanish telling her what clothes you want to buy with the gift she sent.
  • Write 7-8 sentences and include details about how much the items cost (cuesta, cuestan)
  • You can also mention colors of the items and where you bought them.
  • You can include questions to be counted as one of your sentences.
  • Use only the vocabulary and grammar you have been taught so far.
  • Ejemplo:  ¡Hola Tía Tillie! Gracias por el dinero.  Yo voy a las compras.  Quiero comprar…
  • Remember in Spanish that adjectives come AFTER the noun: La camisa azul, las camisas rojas.
  • Score your project. You get up to 24 points for completing the assignment, following the directions and including everything mentioned. Score up to 6 points more for correctness. Parent, have your child show you the words in the learning material so that you can check the spelling.

Lesson 124   Discutir (Question for Thought)

  • Practice your clothing vocabulary .  Choose “clothing” (this site is free on a computer).
  • Compose a paragraph to tell about what clothes you like / dislike to wear.  What items would you shop for?
  • Write in Spanish only!
  • Include at least 3 sentences.
  • Be as basic as possible.  An example: Yo uso una falda negra y una blusa rosada.  Yo compro mi ropa a Sears.
  • Use the vocabulary and grammar taught in this chapter.
  • Score up to 5 points for each sentence (out of 15) if you followed the directions, included what was expected and wrote in complete sentences. Score up to 15 points for accuracy. Parent, choose a few words, phrases, or sentences and ask your child to show you where to find that in the learning material for you to check on the accuracy.

Lesson 125*  Al Aeropuerto

  • *Study Group 1 from the  vocabulary list  used for this section.  Use the audio link to listen to the words as it will help with your pronunciation. Remember to make flashcards if you need further practice. (audio source )
  • Try the first page of the question word quiz .

Lesson 126*

  • *Study Group 2 from the  vocabulary list  used for this section.  Use the audio link to listen to the words as it will help with your pronunciation. Remember to make flashcards if you need further practice.  (audio source )
  • Try the first page of the  days and months quiz .
  • Watch this video  on travel vocabulary.  Make sure it’s on safety mode. Note that the word el coche is mainly used in Spain. In Latin America, a car is el carro .
  • Write five sentences using the new vocabulary and a conjugated verb in each sentence. Use the past tense!
  • Make sure you know the vocabulary. Review past vocabulary as well. You will be tested on it at some point!

Lesson 128   Grammar:  Tener Idioms

  • Read about tener idioms .
  • Learn more .
  • Take the quiz . Record your score out of 10 (half point for each).
  • Learn about the present progressive tense .
  • You can watch the video explanation as well.
  • Use the two examples on the page as models. Write two similar sentences using the present progressive tense.
  • Who made the initial investment for the airline?
  • When did flight operations begin?
  • When did the company begin to only fly domestic flights?
  • In 2004, the company moved its Latin American hub from Miami to what city in Honduras?
  • Listen and repeat the sentences.

Lesson 131*

  • Watch episode 8  of  Mi Vida Loca and *complete the worksheet .
  • Record 16 points for completing the worksheet. Take off one point for any answer not found.

Lesson 132   Vocabulary / Grammar Project

  • Listen to the monologue. First just listen and see what you understand. Listen again while reading the transcript . Then listen again, just listen, one last time.
  • To incorporate the vocabulary and grammar you have learned in the chapter, you will create a recording. You can do your recording by video or do your presentation live, but it is harder to not stumble when doing it live.
  • This is due on Lesson 135.

1.   You must have a total of 8 sentences that include at least 10 vocabulary words and 8 present progressive verbs.  You should discuss traveling.  Talk about where you like to go and how you like to get there, etc.

2.   Your video must be at least a minute long.

3.   Write out your sentences before you record and make sure they are grammatically correct.

Lesson 133   Vocabulary / Grammar Project

Lesson 134   Vocabulary / Grammar Project

Lesson 135  Vocabulary / Grammar Project

  • Your recording is due today.

4. Score your project. Score up to 8 points for following the directions, up to 10 points for 10 vocabulary words, up to 8 points for 8 present progressive verbs — have your child point out the correct conjugation in the learning material for you to check the spelling, up to 6 points for clear, fluent Spanish (not stumbling).

5. Record your score out of 30 (potential for 2 points extra credit).

Portfolio/records: In your portfolio you should include one of your writing assignments from this quarter. You can also take a screen shot of one of the online quizzes. You could save any other assignment that’s different–like a picture of you giving a presentation. Choose things that are neat and well kept.

Lesson 136(*)  

  • (*)Print out your new grading sheet ( PDF or Excel ).
  • Write a great sentence using the vocabulary and grammar.
  • It’s always a good idea to take notes, copy down sentences, practice your spelling…
  • Write extra sentences today. Write at least one using each type of verb.

Lesson 141* Las Estaciones

  • *Study Group 1 from the  vocabulary list used for this section.  You have through Lesson 143 to work on the vocabulary. Remember to make flashcards if you need further practice! You can write them, sing them, have someone quiz you, draw pictures of them, whatever helps connect you to the words.
  • *Study Group 2 from the  vocabulary list used for this section. You have through Lesson 143 to work on the vocabulary. Remember to make flashcards if you need further practice! You can write them, sing them, have someone quiz you, draw pictures of them, whatever helps connect you to the words.
  • Continue studying the  vocabulary list  used for this section.  Remember to make flashcards if you need further practice! You can write them, sing them, have someone quiz you, draw pictures of them, whatever helps connect you to the words.
  • Vocabulary drag n’ match
  • Picture quiz
  • Weather game
  • Learn about the use of hacer in expressions . Translate the sentences on the page.
  • Listen and repeat each sentence or phrase. Try to sound like the speaker. Make sure you are speaking in normal voice.
  • See if you can mute your computer and read aloud each one .
  • Write a dialog about the weather. Perform it.
  • Learn about the preterit conjugation for – er and -ir verbs .
  • Write out conjugations for beber and vivir.
  • Check your work by entering the verb on this page.
  • There are six forms of each verb (Yo, tú, él/ella/usted, nosotros, vosotros, and ellos/ellas/ustedes). Write twelve sentences using each conjugation for each verb. They should all use the preterit tense.

Lesson 148  

  • Read about the irregular verbs  in the preterit. Take notes.
  • Read them out loud.
  • What makes them irregular?
  • Example: VER ->VEO
  • Write six sentences. Each one must use an irregular verb and be longer than just a subject and a verb! Get a high five and/or hug  for every sentence longer than 4 words.
  • Who was a key figure for setting the rules of the sport?
  • Which important figure (person) is usually present at the bullfight?
  • What actually happens at a bullfight?
  • Listen to the weather report . Write down any words that you recognize. Listen more than once and get as many as you can.
  • Listen to part of the dialog comparing and contrasting Oxford and Madrid . Skip to 10:50. (Give it a minute to start playing.) Listen carefully. They will be saying some things about the weather. Again, try to catch words that you understand. Write down what you hear. You can listen more than once.
  • Now read it in Spanish, then English, and then check the Spanish once more. The dialog is the second half of part 2.

Lesson 151 Vocabulary Project

  • Create and present an around-the-world weather show that tells about what weather they had in five different locations.
  • Each of the five locations has to have a different type of weather (1) and include 2 vocabulary words (2) and at least 1 verb conjugated in the preterit tense (1).
  • Write your forecast and work on practicing it.
  • Create visuals to show while you give your forecast (1).
  • This is due on Lesson 154.

Lesson 152  Vocabulary Project

Lesson 153 Vocabulary Project

Lesson 154   Vocabulary Project

  • 5 points for presentation, fluency, confident speaking, not stumbling
  • Scoring: For each of the five locations of the forecast you will score points for each element as marked () in the directions. (5 each, total of 25)

Lesson 155   Conversar

  • Read your assignment  and write your answers. Make sure they are grammatically correct.
  • Practice reading your answers.
  • Present your questions and answers.
  •  Score up to 15 points for completing the assignment according to the directions and score up to 10 points more for not stumbling, for speaking easily.
  • Record your score out of 25.

Lesson 157   Discutir (Question for Thought)

  • Compose a paragraph and talk about your likes and dislikes about seasons, weather and activities.
  • Be as basic as possible.  An example: “Me gusta el verano porque hace sol.  Yo prefiero nadar, y pero no me gusta bucear.”
  • Read about Spanish diminutives .
  • Go tell someone about the time using an hacer expression.
  • Review your vocabulary and verbs.

Lesson 159   Los Deportes

  • Last chapter for this school year! Way to go!
  • Study the first group of words from your new vocabulary . Work on the first group of words. Ignore the typo in #1. It should read “Los deportes.”
  • Work on these “ to play ” flashcards.

Lesson 160   Vocabulary

  • Work on learning the second group of  vocabulary .
  • Have someone quiz you on the vocabulary , or quiz yourself.
  • Do the four quiz and game activities under Quizzes and Matching Game.

Lesson 162   Grammar, irregular verbs in the preterit

  • Watch the presentations  on the preterit of ser, dar, ir and hacer and the preterit of estar, tener, poder, venir.
  • Watch the video on irregular verbs . Watch again and sing along.
  • Write a sentence for each of the eight verbs in the presentations.

Lesson 163   Cultura, soccer

  • El fútbol , or soccer, is the most popular sport in the world and is extremely popular in Latin America.
  • Soccer in Latin America
  • What did you learn? Tell someone about it.
  • Review  preterit -er verbs .
  • Review hacer .

Lesson 164   Escuchar

  • Listen about sports and exercise . Listen a couple of times at least while you work on answering the questions .
  • Check your answers . Record your score out of 8.
  • Review  preterit -ir verbs .
  • Review  poder .

Lesson 165  Sportscaster Project

  • Find a sports event online in Spanish.
  • You are going to be the sportscaster for the game.
  • You must use the preterit tense, including at least 3 irregular verbs.
  • You must tell who won or lost the game (1).
  • List the equipment used (bat, ball, puck, etc.)  (2).
  • You must include at least 10 vocabulary words vocabulary words and at least 7 verbs conjugated in the preterit tense (17).
  • You must have at least 7 sentences.
  • You must present your sportscast in Spanish.
  • Score points for the things labeled above (). Score 5 points for following the directions which weren’t given a point value. Score up to 5 points for fluency.

Lesson 166   Conversar

  • Read your  assignment  and write your answers. Write carefully. Look back at anything you need to check. Make sure it’s grammatically correct.
  • Write three questions and three answers about sports. Questions and answers must be complete sentences.
  • Read your questions and answers out loud.
  • Score up to 5 points for each sentence (out of 30) if you followed the directions.
  • Review tener .

Lesson 170  Review for final

  • Study your vocabulary from the whole year for your final on Lesson 180. Here’s a study sheet to help you.
  • Part of your final will be vocabulary. The other part will be sentence translation. All of the sentences come directly from the chapters you studied. ( source )   Practice writing out sentences. Be careful to get the spelling right! You will translate 10 sentences into English and 15 sentences into Spanish.

Lesson 171  Review for final

  • Study your vocabulary from the whole year. Here’s a study sheet to help you.
  • Part of your final will be vocabulary. The other part will be sentence translation. All of the sentences come directly from the chapters you studied. ( source )  Practice writing out sentences. Be careful to get the spelling right! You will translate 10 sentences into English and 15 sentences into Spanish.

Lesson 172 Review for final

Lesson 173 Review for final

Lesson 174  Review for final

Lesson 175 Review for final

Lesson 176 Review for final

Lesson 177  Review for final

Lesson 178  Review for final

Lesson 179   Review for final

Lesson 180*

  • Take the vocabulary portion of your test.
  • Record your score out of 50.
  • *Print and take the translation  portion of your test.
  • Have someone check your answers  when you are done. Don’t check yourself.
  • Record your score out of 100.
  • We have online Spanish practice for those taking Spanish 2.
  • Take the polls .

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Spanish for English Speakers, beginner to advanced grammar, reading, vocabulary, online interactive and printable worksheets with answers, great for teachers and students

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Spanish Worksheets PDF (A2-C1)

Free Downloadable Spanish PDF worksheets with answers for teachers and students: Although all of our online exercises are also easily printable, here you will find our collection of PDF only Spanish grammar worksheets to have more variety and ease of use. You can download and print instantly. Please keep in mind that these PDF worksheets are different than our online exercises. Also See: Spanish Grammar Exercises Multiple Choice Spanish Quizzes

For more colorful PDF activities with pictures, vocabulary matching, word-search, etc. see Spanish for Kids / Beginners PDFs .

Spanish Grammar

  • Spanish Adjectives Worksheet 1
  • Adjectives Comparatives Mas / Menos Que Worksheet
  • Adjectives Comparatives Tan / Como Worksheet
  • Adjectives Superlatives Isimo / Isima Worksheet
  • Adjectives Superlatives Mas / Menos De Worksheet
  • Adjectives in Spanish Mixed Exercise
  • Spanish Adverbs Worksheet 1
  • Compound Adverbs Spanish Worksheet
  • Adverbs Spanish Tan / Como Exercise
  • Spanish Adverbial Expressions Worksheet
  • Spanish Interrogative Adverbs Worksheet
  • Comparative Adverbs Mas / Menos Que Worksheet
  • Negative Adverbs Spanish Worksheet (nunca, nada, ni, sin nada…)
  • Spanish Definite Articles Worksheet 1 (la / las / el / los)
  • Spanish Definite Articles Exercise 2 (la / las / el / los)
  • Spanish Indefinite Articles Worksheet 1 (una / unas / uno / un / unos)
  • Spanish Indefinite Articles Exercise 2 (una / unas / uno / un / unos)
  • Spanish Coordinating Conjunctions Worksheet (e, u, y, o, pero, sino…)
  • Spanish Subordinating Conjunctions Exercise (ya que, como, para que, porque…)
  • Spanish Conjunctions Mixed Exercise (sino, excepto, sin embargo, ya que…)
  • Spanish Demonstratives Worksheet (aquí / ahí / allí / esa / esta / esas / aquel…)
  • Modal Verbs Spanish Worksheet
  • Gender of Nouns Worksheet 1 (la vs el)
  • Gender of Nouns Exercise 2 (la / las / el / los)
  • Spanish Plural Nouns Worksheet (las / los + noun)
  • Passive Voice Spanish Exercise (convert active to passive)
  • Spanish Prepositions Exercise (mixed)
  • Prepositions of Place Spanish Worksheet (lejos, abajo, cerca…)
  • Compound Prepositions Exercise (a cargo de, debajo de…)
  • Spanish Para vs Por Worksheet
  • Prepositions of Place Picture Worksheet
  • Spanish Prepositions Picture Worksheet (Mixed)
  • 6th Grade Spanish Prepositions Worksheet (en / por / a / de / con)
  • Prepositions En / Por / A / De / Con 2
  • Prepositions Exercise A / DE / EN / CON 3
  • Spanish Pronouns Exercise (Mixed)
  • Spanish Indirect Object Pronouns Worksheet (le, les, me, nos…)
  • Spanish Personal Pronouns Worksheet (yo, tú, él, ella…)
  • Spanish Possessive Pronouns Worksheet (el mío, el tuyo)
  • Spanish Possessive Adjectives Worksheet (mío, mis, su…)
  • Spanish Prepositional Pronouns Worksheet (mí, conmigo, ti…)
  • Spanish Relative Pronouns Worksheet (que, quien, el que…)
  • Spanish Direct Object Pronouns Worksheet (lo, la, los, las, me)
  • Reflexive Verbs / Pronouns Exercise (me, se + verb…)
  • Possessive Adjectives Worksheet 2 (Re-write sentences using possessives)
  • Spanish Reflexive Verbs Chart Exercise
  • Muy / Mucho / Un Poco / Nada Quantifiers Worksheet
  • Si Clauses in Spanish Exercise 1 (first, second, third conditional)
  • Present Tense Conjugation Mixed
  • Present Tense Regular Verbs Worksheet
  • Present Tense Irregular Verbs Conjugation
  • Present Subjunctive Mood
  • Present Subjunctive Irregular Verbs Spanish Worksheet
  • Present Subjunctive Stem Changing Verbs Worksheet
  • Present Indicative Spanish Worksheet
  • Spanish Present Tense Conjugation
  • Present Participle Spanish Worksheet
  • Present Participle Irregulars Spanish Worksheet
  • Conditional Tense Worksheet 1
  • Conditional Tense Regular Verbs Worksheet
  • Conditional Tense Irregular Verbs Worksheet
  • Future Tense Spanish Worksheet Mixed
  • Future Tense Spanish Regular Verbs Worksheet
  • Future Tense Spanish Irregular Verbs Worksheet
  • Imperfect Tense Spanish Worksheet Mixed
  • Preterit in Spanish Mixed Worksheet
  • Preterit in Spanish Regular Verbs Worksheet
  • Preterit in Spanish Irregular Verbs Worksheet
  • Spanish Present Perfect Mixed
  • Present Perfect Subjunctive in Spanish Worksheet
  • Conditional Perfect Spanish Worksheet
  • Past Perfect Spanish Worksheet
  • Past Perfect Subjunctive Worksheet
  • Spanish Future Perfect Worksheet
  • Perfect Infinitive Spanish Worksheet

More Spanish Worksheets

SubjectWorksheet (PDF)
Sports Sports Spanish
Math Operations
Conjugation Worksheet
Salidas & LLegadas Spanish Grammar Worksheet
Irregular Verbs Irregular Verbs Grammar Worksheet
Conjugation Conjugation Worksheets
Verbs Verbs Spanish Worksheet
Verbs Spanish Exercise 2

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Similar Lessons and Exercises

  • Hobbies in Spanish Worksheets
  • Present Perfect Spanish Worksheets 4
  • Spanish Simple Present Irregular Verbs Worksheets 4
  • Spanish Grammar Exercises (B1-C1)
  • Spanish Reading Comprehension Worksheets 9


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Spanish, or Castilian, is a Romance language that originated in the Iberian Peninsula of Europe and today is a global language with more than 483 million native speakers, mainly in Spain and the Americas. It is the world’s second-most spoken native language after Mandarin Chinese.

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Spanish Foreign Language Worksheets and Printables

Spanish Household Items

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Spanish worksheets for beginners

Download the free printable spanish worksheets..

With answers – Completely free – Printable – Interactive PDF – Fill in directly

Spanish worksheet – participle

Spanish worksheet – participle

Spanish worksheet – weather

Spanish worksheet – weather

Spanish worksheet – gerundio

Spanish worksheet – gerundio

Spanish worksheet – preterite tense

Spanish worksheet – preterite tense

Spanish worksheet – beach vocabulary

Spanish worksheet – beach vocabulary

Spanish worksheet – rooms in the house

Spanish worksheet – rooms in the house

Spanish worksheet – connect the synonyms

Spanish worksheet – connect the synonyms

Spanish worksheet – computer vocabulary

Spanish worksheet – computer vocabulary

Spanish worksheet – connect opposites

Spanish worksheet – connect opposites

Spanish worksheet – pets

Spanish worksheet – pets

Spanish worksheet – sports

Spanish worksheet – sports

Spanish worksheet – zodiac signs

Spanish worksheet – zodiac signs

Spanish worksheet – fruit

Spanish worksheet – fruit

Spanish worksheet – translate verbs English to Spanish

Spanish worksheet – translate verbs English to Spanish

Spanish worksheet – Vegetables

Spanish worksheet – Vegetables

Spanish worksheet – Months of the year

Spanish worksheet – Months of the year

Spanish worksheet – Question words

Spanish worksheet – Question words

Spanish worksheet – Colors

Spanish worksheet – Colors

Spanish worksheet – translate verbs

Spanish worksheet – translate verbs

Spanish worksheet – Days of the week

Spanish worksheet – Days of the week

Free Printable Spanish Worksheets for 1st Grade

Spanish Foreign Language Worksheets: Discover a vast collection of free printable resources for Grade 1 students, designed to enhance their language learning experience and support teachers in their journey to inspire young minds.


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Explore printable Spanish worksheets for 1st Grade

Spanish worksheets for Grade 1 are an essential tool for teachers looking to introduce young learners to a foreign language. These worksheets provide a fun and engaging way for students to practice their Spanish vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. With a variety of activities, such as matching, fill-in-the-blank, and multiple-choice questions, these worksheets cater to different learning styles and help students build a strong foundation in the language. Teachers can easily integrate these Spanish worksheets into their lesson plans, using them as supplementary material or as a way to assess students' progress. By incorporating Spanish worksheets for Grade 1 into the classroom, teachers can create a dynamic and interactive learning environment that fosters a love for foreign languages.

Quizizz is an excellent platform for teachers to access a wide range of Spanish worksheets for Grade 1, as well as other foreign language resources. This platform offers a variety of engaging and interactive quizzes, games, and activities that can be easily customized to suit the needs of individual students or entire classes. Teachers can use Quizizz to track students' progress, identify areas for improvement, and provide targeted feedback to help students excel in their foreign language studies. In addition to Spanish worksheets, Quizizz also offers resources for other languages, making it a one-stop-shop for teachers looking to diversify their foreign language curriculum. With Quizizz, teachers can create a dynamic and engaging learning experience for their Grade 1 students, setting them on the path to success in their foreign language journey.

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spanish 1 homework

spanish 1 homework

AI Homework Helper for Grade 1 – Spanish

Ask your xtutor about your grade 1 – spanish homework.

spanish 1 homework

Grade 1 – Spanish Skills

  • Recognizing and pronouncing the Spanish alphabet
  • Identifying and naming basic colors in Spanish
  • Counting from 1 to 20 in Spanish
  • Greeting and introducing oneself in Spanish
  • Identifying and naming common animals in Spanish
  • Identifying and naming basic body parts in Spanish
  • Identifying and naming common fruits and vegetables in Spanish
  • Identifying and naming basic shapes in Spanish
  • Using basic Spanish vocabulary related to family members
  • Identifying and naming common objects in the classroom in Spanish
  • Understanding and using basic Spanish phrases and expressions
  • Listening and responding to simple instructions in Spanish
  • Engaging in basic conversations in Spanish
  • Reading and understanding simple sentences in Spanish
  • Writing and spelling basic words in Spanish
  • Understanding and using basic Spanish grammar rules (e.g., gender and number agreement)
  • Recognizing and understanding basic Spanish cultural traditions and celebrations

Grade 1 – Spanish Curriculum

As children embark on their language learning journey, Grade 1 Spanish curriculum introduces them to the basics of the Spanish language. This foundational year focuses on building vocabulary, developing listening and speaking skills, and fostering an appreciation for Hispanic culture. Let’s explore the key topics taught in Grade 1 Spanish:

1. Greetings and Introductions

In Grade 1 Spanish, students learn how to greet others and introduce themselves in Spanish. They become familiar with common greetings like “¡Hola!” (Hello) and “¡Buenos días!” (Good morning). They also practice introducing themselves by saying “Me llamo” (My name is) followed by their name.

2. Numbers and Counting

Understanding numbers is an essential skill in any language. Grade 1 Spanish introduces students to numbers from 1 to 20. They learn to count, recognize, and write these numbers in Spanish. Additionally, students practice basic math operations like addition and subtraction using Spanish numbers.

3. Colors and Shapes

Exploring colors and shapes helps students expand their vocabulary and develop visual recognition skills. In Grade 1 Spanish, children learn the names of various colors such as “rojo” (red), “azul” (blue), and “verde” (green). They also become familiar with basic shapes like “círculo” (circle), “cuadrado” (square), and “triángulo” (triangle).

4. Family and Friends

Grade 1 Spanish curriculum introduces students to vocabulary related to family and friends. They learn the Spanish words for family members such as “madre” (mother), “padre” (father), “hermano” (brother), and “hermana” (sister). Students also practice describing their family members using simple sentences.

5. Animals and Nature

Children have a natural curiosity about animals and the natural world. In Grade 1 Spanish, students learn the names of common animals like “perro” (dog), “gato” (cat), and “pájaro” (bird). They also explore nature-related vocabulary such as “árbol” (tree), “flor” (flower), and “sol” (sun).

6. Daily Routine and Activities

Grade 1 Spanish curriculum focuses on teaching students how to express their daily routines and activities in Spanish. They learn verbs related to daily actions like “comer” (to eat), “dormir” (to sleep), and “jugar” (to play). Students practice forming sentences to describe their daily routines and favorite activities.

7. Holidays and Celebrations

Learning about holidays and celebrations in Spanish-speaking countries helps students appreciate different cultures. Grade 1 Spanish introduces students to important celebrations like “Día de los Muertos” (Day of the Dead) and “Navidad” (Christmas). They learn related vocabulary and engage in activities that promote cultural understanding.

8. Basic Grammar and Sentence Structure

While Grade 1 Spanish primarily focuses on vocabulary acquisition, students also begin to grasp basic grammar concepts. They learn about gendered nouns, such as “el” (masculine) and “la” (feminine), and how to use them correctly. Students also practice forming simple sentences using subject-verb agreement.

9. Hispanic Culture and Traditions

Grade 1 Spanish curriculum aims to foster an appreciation for Hispanic culture and traditions. Students explore aspects of Spanish-speaking countries, such as traditional clothing, music, and food. They engage in activities that promote cultural awareness and develop an understanding of diversity.

Grade 1 Spanish curriculum provides a solid foundation for further language learning. By the end of the year, students will have acquired a basic vocabulary, developed listening and speaking skills, and gained cultural knowledge that will serve as a stepping stone for their Spanish language journey.

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IXL Spanish

IXL lays the foundation for Spanish fluency with interactive questions, engaging audio, and real-world narratives that put a fresh spin on vocabulary and grammar skills.

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  • A The Spanish alphabet
  • B Numbers 0‑10
  • C Numbers 11‑20
  • D Numbers 21‑31
  • E Days of the week
  • F Months of the year
  • G Provide the date
  • H Weather and seasons
  • I Recognize Spanish‑speaking countries: North and Central America, Europe, and Africa
  • J Name Spanish‑speaking countries: North and Central America, Europe, and Africa
  • K Recognize Spanish‑speaking countries: South America
  • L Name Spanish‑speaking countries: South America
  • M Greeting people and saying goodbye
  • N How are you doing?
  • O Introductions
  • P Listen and fill in a form with personal information: letters and numbers
  • Q Listen and choose the appropriate response to basic questions
  • R What is the conversation about?
  • A Recognize nouns to identify people
  • B Provide nouns to identify people
  • C Recognize adjectives that describe appearance
  • D Provide adjectives that describe appearance
  • E Recognize adjectives that describe personalities
  • F Provide adjectives that describe personalities
  • G Subject pronouns
  • H Informal and formal language: tú and usted
  • I Informal and formal language: greetings and introductions
  • J Select the correct present‑tense form of ser
  • K Provide the correct present‑tense form of ser
  • L Basics of gender and noun‑adjective agreement: singular forms
  • M Basics of number and forming the plural
  • N Categorize words based on gender and number
  • O Listen and identify the person from the description
  • P Listen to people describe themselves and others
  • Q Read about famous people from the Spanish‑speaking world
  • A Telling time: provide hours and minutes
  • B Telling time: provide complete sentences
  • C Recognize school subjects
  • D Name school subjects
  • E Recognize school supplies
  • F Name school supplies
  • G Recognize ‑ar verbs related to school
  • H Provide ‑ar verbs related to school
  • I Schedules with ordinal numbers and times
  • J Common adjectives
  • K Common ‑ar verbs
  • L Definite and indefinite articles
  • M Gender and number agreement: articles, adjectives, and nouns
  • N Select the correct present‑tense form of regular ‑ar verbs
  • O Provide the correct present‑tense form of regular ‑ar verbs
  • P Sentence structure in affirmative and negative sentences
  • Q Listen and recognize classes and school supplies
  • R Listen to people talk about the school day
  • S Read materials related to school and student life
  • T Choose the correct form to describe an image
  • U Use ‑ar verbs in conversations about classes and school supplies
  • A Recognize things in the classroom
  • B Name things in the classroom
  • C Recognize places in school
  • D Name places in school
  • E Prepositions of place
  • F Recognize question words: set 1
  • G Provide question words: set 1
  • H Common adverbs
  • I Select the correct present‑tense form of estar
  • J Provide the correct present‑tense form of estar
  • K Select the correct present‑tense form of ir
  • L Provide the correct present‑tense form of ir
  • M The prepositions a and de and the contractions al and del
  • N Listen to questions about student life and choose the appropriate response
  • O Listen to people talk about their school and everything in it
  • P Read about schools and education in the Spanish‑speaking world
  • Q Describe scenes from around school
  • R What's happening at school?
  • S Complete conversations about student life
  • A Recognize immediate family members and pets
  • B Name immediate family members and pets
  • C Recognize extended family members
  • D Name extended family members
  • E Adjectives for feelings or states of being: recognize the correct word
  • F Adjectives for feelings or states of being: provide the correct word
  • G Recognize numbers: 30‑100
  • H Provide numbers: 30‑100
  • I Common ‑er and ‑ir verbs
  • J Cognates and parts of speech
  • K Common prepositions: a , con , de , en , para
  • L Select the correct possessive adjective
  • M Provide the correct possessive adjective
  • N Present tense of tener : recognize the correct form
  • O Present tense of tener : provide the correct form
  • P Select the correct present‑tense form of regular ‑er / ‑ir verbs
  • Q Provide the correct present‑tense form of regular ‑er / ‑ir verbs
  • R Listen and match the statement to the image
  • S Listen to people talk about their families
  • T Read about families from the Spanish‑speaking world
  • U Complete a letter to a pen pal
  • V Write sentences about yourself, your family, or people you know
  • A Recognize meals and types of food
  • B Name meals and types of food
  • C Recognize food items
  • D Name food items
  • E Recognize drinks
  • F Name drinks
  • G Recognize fruits and vegetables
  • H Name fruits and vegetables
  • I Verbs for talking about food, eating, and drinking
  • J Recognize question words: set 2
  • K Provide question words: set 2
  • L Common stem-changing verbs: e to ie
  • M Time expressions to talk about frequency
  • N Select the correct present-tense form of ver
  • O Provide the correct present-tense form of ver
  • P Present tense of stem‑changing verbs: e to ie
  • Q Acabar de + infinitive
  • R Listen to statements about actions and habits related to food
  • S Listen to people talk about their favorite foods and drinks
  • T Read about typical meals and foods from the Spanish‑speaking world
  • U Ask questions related to plans and preferences
  • A Recognize day‑to‑day activities
  • B Name day‑to‑day activities
  • C Recognize pastimes and hobbies
  • D Name pastimes and hobbies
  • E Recognize sports
  • F Name sports
  • G Recognize people, places, and things associated with sports
  • H Name people, places, and things associated with sports
  • I Question words: review
  • J Common stem‑changing verbs: o to ue and jugar
  • K Time expressions to talk about the present and the future
  • L Recognize the correct form of gustar + infinitive
  • M Provide the correct form of gustar + infinitive
  • N Present tense of stem‑changing verbs: o to ue and jugar
  • O Ir a + infinitive to talk about the future
  • P Select the use of tener or tener que
  • Q Provide the correct form of tener or tener que
  • R Listen to conversations about making plans
  • S Listen to people talk about sports, hobbies, and free time
  • T Read street interviews about plans, habits, and free time
  • U Respond to plans and invitations by giving reasons and excuses
  • V Write sentences that are true for you about sports, hobbies, and free time

Textbook alignments

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Español Santillana

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Pearson EDEXCEL 2024 Spanish - Module 2 - Unidad 5 (Mi aventura por Latinoamérica)

Pearson EDEXCEL 2024 Spanish - Module 2 - Unidad 5 (Mi aventura por Latinoamérica)

Subject: Spanish

Age range: 14-16

Resource type: Lesson (complete)

La Tenda del Marxant

Last updated

25 August 2024

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A set of 2 lessons to cover unit 5 (Mi aventura por latinoamérica) of module 2.

They’re well developed, come with a starter and even optional homework to give to the students.

Lesson 1 - Mi aventura por latinoamérica (Focus on soler + infinitive) + also includes mini-whiteboard activity for grammar practice and an engaging “disappearing translation” activity for the students.

Lesson 2 - Una aventura cronológica por el mundo hispano (Focus on talking about holidays and writing practice ) includes mini-whiteboard activity for grammar practice.

These lessons might even benefit from being split into three due to the high levels of grammar within them.

I will continue to upload lessons for this module as I work through them!

*There is bundle available for this entire unit with 13 lessons overall if you are interested! **I have now uploaded a free sample of 1 of 3 lessons for Module 2 - Unit 1. Have a look at that one if you are undecided about paying for any others!

Tes paid licence How can I reuse this?

Get this resource as part of a bundle and save up to 40%

A bundle is a package of resources grouped together to teach a particular topic, or a series of lessons, in one place.

Pearson EDEXCEL new spec 2024 Spanish - Module 2 (Viajes) Bundle

A bundle of all the lessons and resources I have planned/created for Module 2 (Viajes). This bundle consists of 13 lessons designed to cover the key grammar and vocabulary of the module. All lessons include a starter activity, optional homework, a variety of activities and interactions to engage the students, and could potentially be stretched and divided into further lessons. The lessons are as follows: Lesson 1 (Zona de Cultura) - An introductory lesson to Module 2 covering the double-page spread of “Zona de Cultura - Descubre Andalucía” with an introductory translation starter, a focus on photo description, and potentially a writing plenary (or hw). Lesson 2 (U1) - ¿Adónde te gustaría ir de vacaciones? (Focus on asking questions and reading practice) Lesson 3 (U1) - En ruta (Focus on comparatives, reading and translation) Lesson 4 (U1) - Se puede viajar (Focus on impersonal verb phrases, implicit grammar approach and writing). Lesson 5 (U2) - Los festivales del mundo hispano (Focus on translation, superlatives and “if” clauses) Lesson 6 (U2) - La cultura en la calle (Focus on speaking/presentation, superlatives and “if” clauses) Lesson 7 (U3) - Mis últimas vacaciones (Focus on acabar + de structure, and giving opinions) + also includes partnered dictation activity, mini-whiteboard activity for grammar and a fun “disappearing translation”. Lesson 8 (U3) - Las mejores vacaciones! ¿O las peores? (Focus on lo + adjective strucutre, time phrases and writing) Lesson 9 (U4) - Dónde te quedaste? (Focus on the imperfect and negative formation) + also includes mini-whiteboard activity for grammar and a fun game I created that is led by the students to reinforce the grammar. Lesson 10 (U4) - Lo bueno era que… (Focus on the imperfect + irregulars, spanish cultural reading and writing) Lesson 11 (U4) - Cuando estaba en un hotel… (Focus on imperfect consolidation, giving/spotting negative/positive opinions and practicing the roleplay + an additional roleplay for practice). Lesson 12 (U5) - Mi aventura por latinoamérica (Focus on soler + infinitive) + also includes mini-whiteboard activity for grammar practice and an engaging “disappearing translation” activity for the students. Lesson 13 (U5) - Una aventura cronológica por el mundo hispano (Focus on talking about holidays and writing practice ) includes mini-whiteboard activity for grammar practice. *Please remember to leave a rating if you decide to buy! *Buy the bundle to save 40%!

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  11. Spanish 1 Review homework packet by Spanish KO Creations

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  17. Spanish Homework Help & Answers

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  20. IXL Spanish

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    I'm Uncomfortable - TDR #227: With Tate Harris. Tate shares his experience of recording his vlog in a public space, updates viewers on his fitness routine, and reflects on the challenges of adjusting to college life, including managing a busy gym and tackling early homework assignments.

  25. Pearson EDEXCEL 2024 Spanish

    They're well developed, come with a starter and even optional homework to give to the students. Lesson 1 - Mi aventura por latinoamérica (Focus on soler + infinitive) + also includes mini-whiteboard activity for grammar practice and an engaging "disappearing translation" activity for the students.