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3 Steps To Creating A Facebook Review Link

To get reviews on Facebook , you need to make sure your customers know where to write a review by sending them a review link.

It’s easy enough to get your Facebook review link. Just open your Facebook Business page in a desktop browser, click on the “Reviews” tab, and copy the URL.

The problem with this, however, is that this review link won’t prompt customers to log in. This means an extra action some customers will have to complete, which can, believe it or not, discourage them.

The key is to make the review process as quick and easy as possible for your customers. This, in turn, will increase the likelihood of them posting a review.

You can do this by creating a Facebook review link with a login prompt . It’s not as hard as it sounds, as we break it down in just three steps.

Why It’s Important To Get Reviews For Your Business

Facebook reviews (Facebook Recommendations) have more benefits than most business owners realize.

And knowing these benefits is important as it will help you understand how Facebook reviews work and, as a result, how you can use them to your advantage.

Facebook reviews are social proof . And with more first-hand endorsements of your products and services, more customers will trust your business.

As it turns out, 88% of customers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

So it’s about building a reputation (through positive reviews and a high star rating) that customers can trust. This will increase your search visibility as well as increase the chance Facebook recommends your business in users’ Feeds.

What’s also worth knowing is that Facebook reviews can appear in search engine results. And if your reviews are positive, this will draw more traffic to your Facebook page.

How To Create A Facebook Review Link: 3 Steps

To get more reviews on Facebook, it’s vital to make writing reviews as easy as possible for customers. In other words: reducing the steps it takes for customers to write a review.

This is why creating your own Facebook review link (with a login prompt) is better than simply using the URL of your Facebook Business review page, as the latter will require some customers to log in first.

There are three steps to creating a Facebook review link:

  • Create a Facebook login URL
  • Modify the URL to redirect customers after login
  • Add your business name to the URL

It sounds technical, but it’s not. You’ll see as we explain each step below.

Step 1: Create A Facebook Login URL

Customers can’t post a Facebook review for your business without logging in to Facebook first. 

Most Facebook users will know how to log in if needed, but, again, we’re trying to make it as easy as possible by assisting customers through the process.

All this step requires is adding “/login” to the end of the Facebook homepage URL, so that it looks like this:

Step 2: Modify The URL To Redirect Customers After Login

After the customer logs in, you want to make sure that the customer is taken to your Facebook Business page – not to the Facebook News Feed.

This ensures the customer won’t have to search for your business or enter your Facebook URL a second time. 

To do this, add “?next=” to the end of the Facebook login URL made in step 1, so that it looks like this:

Step 3: Add Your Business Name To The URL

The final step is to add “” to the URL made in step 2.

However, you’ll need to replace “yourbusiness” with your business name as it reads in the URL of your Facebook page.

Once you have made the change and added it to the URL made in step 2, the final URL—your Facebook review link—should look like this (except with your business name):

How To Request A Review On Facebook 

3 Steps to Creating a Facebook Review Link (1)

Creating your Facebook review link is only half the work, unfortunately. You’ll need to send the review link to customers, needless to say, but you’ll also need to use best practices for your review request to be effective.

This involves two things:

  • Sending your Facebook review requests using the appropriate channels
  • Including a message that encourages the customer to click the link to write a review

The key to creating an effective review request message is to be direct yet friendly while expressing why their feedback is valued.

You can send your review requests using email, SMS, and Facebook messages, but, in general, email is more recommended. Customer emails are easier to collect than phone numbers, and emails are less personal than Facebook messages.

How To Enable Facebook Reviews

It’s no good to send Facebook review request links to your customers if your reviews aren’t turned on. While Facebook reviews are enabled by default, it’s worth checking to make sure!

Thankfully, enabling Facebook reviews takes just five simple steps:

  • Log in to your Facebook Business page
  • Click on “Settings” (located at the top right-hand corner)
  • Click on “Templates and Tabs” (located in the left-hand sidebar)
  • Scroll down to “Show Reviews” (in the “Reviews” section) and click the toggle “On”  
  • Click “Save” to confirm the change

Remember: Facebook reviews are enabled by default. So if you find that your Facebook reviews are enabled (the toggle will be green/“On”), make sure not to change the setting.

How To Increase Engagement On Facebook

Your customer reviews are the most important factor determining your business’s reputation on Facebook. 

How you interact with customers on Facebook is also important, however, with the potential to increase page traffic and encourage sales.

There are countless ways to engage and interact with your Facebook audience. But to help you out, we’ve listed three key strategies below.

Share User-Generated Content

User-generated content that promotes your business is essentially free marketing. And like customer reviews, it’s more social proof that you can leverage to build your reputation and increase audience engagement on Facebook. 

This includes any kind of Facebook content a customer has posted that endorses your products or services. You’ll get notified when it happens, as a Facebook user will tag your business, check-in to your location, or include a hashtag of your business name.

It’s a great way to showcase more positive feedback on your Facebook Business page that followers and new page visitors will see. 

Reply To Facebook Reviews

Did you know that 56% of consumers say that the way businesses respond to reviews matters ? This makes it important to respond to Facebook reviews as it can influence customers to trust and use your business.

Most businesses do not respond to reviews. This provides a chance for your business to stand out, however, so it’s worth responding to as many of your Facebook reviews as you can – even the positive reviews.

There are best practices for responding to reviews, and these include responding punctually, professionally, and transparently.

Your responses should always be appreciative, as this will demonstrate that your business cares for its customers and values their feedback – good or bad.

Share Google Reviews On Facebook

Sharing Google reviews on Facebook is more social proof you can use to back up what your positive Facebook reviews are saying.

The good thing about this is that it’s easy to do and provides more engaging content for your Facebook page that users can interact with.

Using Google’s free Marketing Kit , sharing your positive Google reviews on Facebook is as simple as it gets. You can even customize the review as it will appear in your post (such as themes and fonts), which will make the content more visually appealing.

All you need to share Google reviews using Google’s Marketing Kit is a verified Google Business Profile. Google Business Marketing Kit also gives you the ability to create other marketing materials, so it’s a free tool that’s well worth using.

How To Get More Reviews (On All Review Sites)

It isn’t difficult to create a Facebook review link, but there is an easier and more effective way to get reviews for your business – not just on Facebook, but on Google, Yelp , and more.

Having a review link is only half the work, as mentioned. You need to write a persuasive review request to get your customers to click the review link, which you’ll also have to send to all new customers your business deals with.

The easier and more effective method is to automate the process . And it’s the reason why thousands of businesses use ReputationStacker – a tool that will automatically send review requests to your customers using a proven approach to get more reviews.

Ultimately, it’s not necessary to create review links or even put time and effort into a long-term review marketing strategy – not when ReputationStacker will handle all of it for you. 

Ian Kirby Image


Ian Kirby has been working in digital marketing for over 15 years. Having worked both with and for digital marketing agencies and in-house with multiple companies, he has a specific interest and expertise in online reputation management, online reviews, and the implementation of business systems. Ian’s writing, videos, and interviews have garnered millions of reads, views, and listens.

About Ian Kirby • Ian's Articles

How To Get Google Reviews

The average ReputationStacker user triples their review count in the first 3 months .

How to Create the Perfect Link to Ask for Facebook Reviews & Recommendations

by Tevya | Jan 25, 2019 | Facebook Reviews , Reviews Toolbox | 27 comments

get facebook review link

Skip to the URL generator tool to get your ideal URL right now.

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are not supported. The URL will only function on desktop sites.

Premium URL Generator Coming Soon!

So you want to get more Facebook recommendations , huh? Whether you’re using a review generation tool like Starfish Reviews or sending a message on Facebook messenger, posting on Facebook, or sending out an email to all your clients or subscribers, it’s simple, right? You just send them to the reviews tab like this: , right?

Facebook’s Review Linking Problem

Not so fast! Unfortunately, Facebook hasn’t made it super simple as Google My Business has . If you send them a link like the example above, users who are logged out of Facebook won’t arrive at the right place! Check out what they’re going to see:

facebook recommendations reviews leave review login

It’s confusing, right? Not only that, using either of those options will not take them back to your reviews page after they log in. Another Facebook failure…. ?‍ Here’s where they will be taken:

  • If they use the normal, top-right login (#1), they’ll just end up on their normal feed, with nothing to do with your page at all!
  • If they use the “Log In” button at the bottom (#2), they’ll be taken to your page, but  not the Reviews section, where you want them to be!

Outsmarting Facebook’s Issues

It turns out that Facebook does have a way to redirect people to wherever you want after login though. That means we can construct a URL that will redirect people to the reviews section of your Facebook page. This link works great for logged-in users and will take logged-out users to the right place as well, no matter which of the above login options they use.

It’s a little complicated, so we created two methods for you. For both methods, you’re going to need to know your page’s “slug,” aka the part of the URL that designates your page. To get your page’s “slug”, go to your page, look in the address bar of your browser and get the part that’s between two forward slashes: / following “”.

Constructing the Facebook Recommendations Link

Method 1 – the easy way.

The easy way is to use our Facebook Reviews link generator below. Just input your Facebook page’s “slug” and your email address, and we’ll email you the very best link for your Page’s reviews. NOTE: it’s not the whole Facebook page’s URL. Just the “slug” is the part between the first two slashes (“/”) as shown in the demo animation below.

Facebook Reviews Link Generator

" * " indicates required fields

Copy your Facebook page's slug, like this:

For Example: The Facebook URL for Starfish Reviews is: StarfishWP /reviews/

The Slug would be StarfishWP ; this is what you enter into the form below.

Paste the slug into the field below, then add your email in the other.

Answer this question, then click the "Generate URL!" button.


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Brilliant. Thank you.

Eric Gracieta

This is not working anymore


Hi Eric! We’ve had a few people report this. But it works every time we try it. You have to ensure you just enter the “slug” of your Facebook page’s URL. So based on the Facebook link in the footer of your website, you’d just put in “brockway.production”. If you do that, it’ll work. I already did it and will have it send you the resulting email. If you don’t see it, try checking your spam/junk. Thanks!

Richard Sui

Works like a charm, however, is there a way that I can get it to open up the Facebook App instead of the mobile browser. Thanks

Hi Richard! The link should open in whatever is the default for Facebook links, on the device where the link is clicked/tapped. So for example, on my Android phone I have the Facebook Lite app. Android previously asked me if I wanted to open Facebook links in Chrome browser or in the Facebook Lite app. I told it the Facebook Lite app, so that’s now the default on my phone. If I tapped your link on my phone that’s where it would open. So this same link should work for any device, but it’s up to the user and the OS to decide if it gets opened in the app or browser. Does that make sense?

Sean Craig

As of Nov 2020 on Android it will open in app. On iOS browser will open and user needs to log into FB in the browser.

Vin M

Hi Tevya! Awesome article. Works like a charm! You really saved me a headache. You will get SuperMan Mega Bonus Points if you happen to know of a way to modify the URL link format you recommended so it also forces “Most Recent” reviews to display first by default rather than the current and only apparent default “Most Helpful.” I’ve looked everywhere but can’t seem to find anything on it in terms of a special parameter or way to manage it in Facebook page settings. For record, its not that the review that shows up in “most helpful” is negative, but rather this issue is its in Spanish and from a vendor in Spain not a customer (which are primarily based in North America). More importantly, with “Most Helpful” as the default it only shows a review or two I think instead of the full list. Whereas, most recent shows them all and chronologically. Thanks again for the article and thanks in advance for any and all suggestions.

Hey Vin! Thanks for the compliments. So glad it’s helpful for your review marketing.

I looked into selecting the Most Recent tab as you’re hoping for. I’m not sure it’s possible. It appears that Facebook controls those through Javascript, as they don’t actually link anywhere in the HTML. So unfortunately, I’m not sure there’s much we can do, unless there’s some way to control the aria-selected state in the URL. But I’m not aware of anything like that.


Make the process as easy as possible. Whether you’re emailing customers directly or asking for their reviews with a call-to-action on your website, the most important thing is to make the process super simple for your customer. Provide the link to your Facebook page, and give clear directions on how to leave a review.

Karmen K

Thank you! Just what I needed!


Thank you for this link build. What I’m finding with this link is that the user is taken to the reviews section of my page but there is no button for them to actually review my business. The only way to get them there is to take them to the actual Yes / No boxes option that seems to only appear in the Feed of my business’ home page. And the only way to get them there is to just link them to the business homepage and give them directions to scroll and click yes. This is not as effective as a direct link to that yes button. When I try that – it doesn’t work. What am I missing?

Hi JoAnne, this is a great question! The problem is that you can’t see the Recommendation box when you view your own page’s Reviews tab. You can’t recommend your own business/product/etc so Facebook doesn’t give you the option if you’re an admin on the page. But others will see a box that says “Do you recommend [page name here]?” Followed by a “Yes” and “No” button. If they click either of those, they’ll be prompted for more information to leave their recommendation and review. But this isn’t as visible (have to scroll usually) on the main page as it is on the Reviews tab, where our generator’s link will take people.


This is great – Works perfectly and it’s just what I was looking for.


works great.. is there a way to create a link search Facebook?


Great resource. Thanks a bunch


Nice , very useful .Thanks a bunch !!


Can I make the URL more “friendly” – it’s rather long. Would a ‘tiny url’ or ‘bit url’ also work?


It works on the old Facebook, but not the new one that I updated to a few weeks ago

Matt Galloway

Jesse, Could you explain further what your issue is exactly and we can assist you? You can submit the details here: . Thank you!


This works and was fantastic! Thanks!


worked for me! What a great resource thanks very much for your free information


Works a treat, I put it through a url shortener as well so now I just copy and paste it into a text


This is great! Thanks a lot for this. You made my life that much easier!


It’s still working, but not as good) Now, even if you’re logged into Facebook, Facebook will display a message “The page you are trying to visit requires you to re-enter your password.” It’s a bit of a pain, but still the best way I’ve found, thank you for sharing.

Natalia Golenkova

does not work on mobiles. Only on desktops

Christopher Hundley

nice no method 2


Thanks for the explanation, but it doesn’t work when I share the URL on mobile apps like Whatsapp. It leads to a “page not found”. On desktop it works fine.

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Home / Blog / Platform / How to Create a Facebook Review Link

How to Create a Facebook Review Link

  • April 27, 2024
  • Facebook , Links , Reputation Management , Reviews

get facebook review link

Table of Contents

A Facebook review link simplifies the process for customers to leave reviews, directly impacting a business’s reputation and visibility on social media. This article explains what a Facebook review link is and how to create your own custom link.

What is a Facebook Review Link?

A Facebook review link is a direct URL that takes customers to the review section of a Facebook business page.

This link is designed to make the process of writing reviews as easy as clicking a button, encouraging more customers to share their experiences.

Effective use of a Facebook review link can boost a business’s social proof and online presence, driving more engagement and potential business through Facebook.

Creating a Facebook review link involves a few simple steps that can significantly enhance customer interaction on your business page. Here’s how to do it:

  • Open Facebook and go to your Facebook Business Page.
  • Right click on the Reviews tab and copy the URL.
  • You can also get the link by updating this URL with your page ID:[YourPageID]/reviews/
  • (Optional) Paste the URL into our Facebook link shortener to create your own custom review link.

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How to get Facebook Review Links for Improved Feedback in 2023

facebook reviews and likes

Table of Contents

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses of all sizes. One of the key elements of a strong online presence is having a positive reputation. One way to establish and showcase a positive reputation is by having a link to your Facebook reviews. These reviews provide potential customers with valuable insights into the experiences of past clients and can be a powerful tool for building trust and credibility for your business. In this article, we will discuss why it’s essential to have a Facebook review link and how it can benefit your business. Having reviews on your Facebook business page is a must to build credibility and broaden the reach of your brand. Plus, these ratings can boost search engine rankings too – Google values feedback from its users!

This post is going to go into detail about how you can get Facebook reviews link for your business pages easily.

Let us dig in.

How to get Facebook review links

We will follow a 9-step process that can help you get invaluable feedback from your customers on Facebook.

Step 1 – How to Create Review Links for Sharing

Establishing a straightforward connection with your current customers, website visitors and email subscribers is effortless. There are numerous ways to accomplish this; however, the most convenient route would be providing them easy access to use.

If you possess tech skills, yet don’t use WordPress; then creating a redirection in the .htaccess file on your server can be of great help. This line of code will direct people who visit to the review tab on your Facebook business page – further cementing customer reviews and trustworthiness!

If you do know how to make use of WordPress, here’s how you can create review links:

Yoast Tools

  • To set up a redirect with Yoast’s convenient tools, simply hover over the SEO tab in your WordPress admin panel and click Tools. Navigate to this handy feature for easy implementation of redirection for improved website performance.
  • Move to the next page and select File Editor.
  • Now you will need to edit a file (same as before). Editing the .htaccess file is a breeze with Yoast, as it simplifies the whole process and allows you to easily access your server’s file.
  • To increase your visibility and drive more traffic to your website, use a redirect like this:

Redirect 301 /Facebook/

  • Drive more reviews and increase credibility for your business by linking to your review page URL on all of your online platforms.
  • Hit ‘Save’ and your shortened, memorable URL will be ready for you to share with others.

Pretty Links

  • Make your website more efficient and user-friendly by installing Thirsty Affiliates. With this tool, you can create short links that track click stats and make it effortless to swap multiple URLs on your site with minimal fuss.
  • Please insert the URL of your Facebook review page here. It should look similar to this example:
  • Now make a brief URL like facebook-reviews or just simply use ‘facebook’ to easily generate the link.
  • The URL should appear like this:

Share the link!

Step 2 – Include Review Links with Email

Make sure everyone you message has the opportunity to review your business by including a link in your email footer. Here’s an example:

Martha Wayne

Like what we got? Review us on Facebook

Using Review Grower can promote your review links through email.

Step 3 – Promote The Review Link on multiple channels

Be sure to have the review link readily available for customers when you chat with them online. At the end of a conversation on your website, Facebook, WhatsApp, Slack or any other communication channel don’t forget to ask your clients for their opinion and include the relevant link in your message.

Step 4 – Get Likes, Follows & (Hopefully) More Reviews

Increase your page’s likes and followers for improved visibility. Brand trust is created through multiple touchpoints, meaning the more someone sees your company name, the higher their confidence in you will be. When people follow or like a business’ social media accounts, they are much more likely to keep up with what it posts – this establishes an essential connection between them and your brand that encourages future loyalty.

If you are running ads or boosting posts on your business page, take a look at the list of people that liked the post. Why not issue an invitation to all those who aren’t already fans? Bear in mind: If they have engaged with your content previously, it is likely that they’ll like your page too!

Establishing familiarity and trust with consumers can make acquiring reviews that much simpler.

Step 5 – You can Embed Review Widgets On the Website

Posting affirmative reviews of your business on your site not only provides invaluable social proof but can also significantly boost other aspects related to the success of your venture.

Embed a review widget into your website to make it easier for people, especially those who are intrigued by the idea of clicking on something related to Facebook, to give you reviews. By making this process simpler and more accessible, customers will be more likely to provide feedback.

It is possible that adding reviews and comments to your site could improve its rankings on search engines. While there is some debate over how much-embedded content on a website can be read or crawled by search engines, user-generated content such as reviews and blog post comments have been known to positively affect the ranking of that page.

Step 6 – The Right Template for the right occasion

Determine the best template for your business type with this guide:

  • To make adjustments to your business page, navigate to the Settings section and select the ‘Edit Page’ option located on the left of your screen.
  • To edit the current Template, simply click on the “Edit” button.
  • Local companies should select the Business Template to ensure their business operations are running smoothly. Selecting the template that is most appropriate for your company will streamline both internal and external functions.

Step 7 – Does Your Facebook Page Have A Review Tab?

Unfortunately, many people overlook this simple step; if you have set up your business page as a generic-type page, then the review tab will likely be hidden from view.

To make the reviews tab appear on your Page, start by clicking “About” on the left side. Then locate and click “Edit Page Info” which is right below either a Message Us or Contact Us call to action button.

If you’re reluctant to include your full address information (which is understandable for businesses that only operate online), then adding the city will suffice.

The Reviews tab should appear, although this isn’t a guarantee. Facebook is notoriously opaque and no reliable solution exists for this issue. To make matters worse, the support forums are staffed by inexperienced personnel who only add to the confusion.

Experiment with the templates and address settings until you can get a view of the reviews tab. Additionally, make sure to include as much information in this page as possible – it will help optimize results!

Step 8 – Nudge Users into Giving Reviews

Instead of providing incentives to customers for checking in with Facebook when they visit your business, create visibility around the “check-in” feature. Easily hang signs near reception or waiting areas so that guests can easily spot it and take advantage of this offer!

Foursquare may have been the first to introduce a check-in option, but Facebook has something even more powerful in its hand.

After someone visits a location, Facebook will often send out an invitation to review the business. Though this is not always effective, it offers owners of businesses a way to prompt customers for reviews without disregarding Facebook’s regulations. Nevertheless, one must be cognizant that there are laws in place (including FCC and Google guidelines) concerning incentives for positive reviews – Facebook’s rules on this matter remain opaque as with other policies.

Step 9 – Use Facebook Messenger to Ask for Reviews

Inviting customers to review your services and products using a Facebook Messenger chatbot is the most intuitive way of collecting reviews. Customers won’t be caught off-guard, as they are already occupied on that platform. As soon as you remove any potential friction involved in submitting a review, you will undoubtedly see improved results!

What to do if I get a negative review on Facebook?

Rather than attempting to erase unfavorable reviews that don’t violate any laws or policies, use them as an opportunity. Professionalism is paramount when facing and responding to these critiques; they can even improve your profile by demonstrating engagement, providing content, and showcasing your ability to respond promptly and with poise!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can i get a link to my facebook reviews.

You can get a link to your Facebook reviews by following these steps:

  • Go to your Facebook business page.
  • Click on the “More” button under the cover photo.
  • Select “Reviews” from the drop-down menu.
  • Click on the “Get Reviews” button.
  • A pop-up window will appear with a link to your reviews. You can copy and share this link as needed.

Can I embed my Facebook reviews on my website?

Yes, you can embed your Facebook reviews on your website by using Facebook’s embed code. To get the embed code, follow these steps:

  • Click on the “Embed” button in the pop-up window.
  • A code snippet will appear that you can copy and paste into your website’s HTML.
  • Review Grower can also embed your reviews as widgets. You can utilize and test this feature by Signing Up for FREE today!

Can I share my Facebook reviews on other social media platforms?

A: Yes, you can share your Facebook reviews on other social media platforms by following these steps:

  • Click on the “Share” button in the pop-up window.
  • Select the social media platform where you want to share the reviews.

Can I customize the appearance of my Facebook reviews when I share them?

Yes, You can customize the appearance of your Facebook reviews when you share them by Using a 3rd party tools like ReviewPush, ReviewBuzz, etc. These tools allow you to customize the look and feel of your reviews before embedding or sharing them on your website or social media platforms.

What if I don’t have any Facebook reviews yet?

If you don’t have any Facebook reviews yet, you can encourage your customers to leave reviews by following these steps:

  • Click on the “Ask for Reviews” button.

A pop-up window will appear where you can customize a message to send to your customers.

Send the message to your customers and encourage them to leave a review on your Facebook page.

In conclusion, having Facebook review links is essential for businesses as it helps to increase visibility and credibility. By having a link to your Facebook reviews, potential customers can easily find and read the feedback from your past clients. This can help to build trust and confidence in your brand, leading to an increase in conversions and sales. Additionally, having a Facebook review link also allows you to share your positive reviews on other platforms, such as your website or other social media channels, further increasing visibility and credibility. Overall, having a Facebook review link can provide a significant boost to your online reputation and help to grow your business.

get facebook review link

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How to Get Facebook Reviews for Your Business Page (15 Easy Ways)

get facebook review link

Wondering how to get Facebook reviews with ease?

Since it’s the largest social network in the world, Facebook business reviews can be a great way for your brand to get ahead of the competition.

But getting customers to leave reviews on your Facebook page can be tough.

In this article, we’ll show you how to get customer reviews on your Facebook business page and easily transform people into customers.

Here’s a table of content to help you navigate this article quickly. Click any section to jump right to it.

  • Enable Reviews for Your Facebook Page
  • Promote Your Page on Other Social Media Platforms
  • Embed Facebook Reviews on Your Website
  • Add a Facebook Review Widget
  • Send Email Invitations to Recent Customers
  • Write a Facebook Post Asking for Reviews
  • Ask for Reviews via Facebook Messenger
  • Send SMS Messages Asking for Feedback
  • Enable Notifications for New Reviews
  • Respond to Negative Reviews
  • Answer Comments and Questions From Fans
  • Promote Stand-Out Reviews on Facebook
  • Encourage Facebook Check-Ins
  • Ask for Reviews in Person
  • Offer Discounts and Rewards

Before we get started with our list, let’s see how adding Facebook reviews can help your business.

What Are the Benefits of Getting Facebook Page Reviews?

According to our detailed research on social media statistics , Facebook has more than 3 billion monthly active users. It’s definitely one of the best social media platforms to promote your brand’s products or services online.

By getting Facebook reviews and testimonials for your brand, you’re leveraging social proof in your marketing strategy to improve your online presence.

Here are other benefits of Facebook reviews for small businesses and big brands alike:

  • Make your brand’s online reputation more credible to potential customers
  • Increase the organic reach of your posts by boosting Facebook page engagement
  • Gain the trust of your Facebook page fans and potential customers
  • Promote positive customer reviews directly on your page
  • Get to the top position in the Facebook professional services finder
  • Positive reviews act as social proof , which convinces more people to buy from you
  • Boost your site’s SEO when you embed relevant and keyword-rich reviews feeds

Follow the Guidelines for Getting Facebook Business Page Reviews

Before gathering Facebook reviews on your Facebook page, it’s important to check out Facebook’s guidelines and community standards for business recommendations .

According to these recommendations, Facebook reviews should:

  • Focus on the product or service offered by the business
  • Be based on the user’s personal experience
  • Not be from anyone who manages the page for that business

If your reviews don’t meet these guidelines, you can request them to be removed.

With that, let’s take a look at the easiest way to get Facebook reviews and boost your sales.

Easiest Way to Get More Facebook Reviews for Your Brand

For a simple way to get tons of Facebook reviews, you can embed review feeds on your site using a WordPress plugin.

And the best reviews feed plugin you can use to show customer reviews on your site is the Reviews Feed Pro plugin.

reviews feed  pro plugin homepage

Business owners like you use this plugin to create, customize, and embed review feeds on your website in just a few simple clicks — no coding needed.

On top of showing Facebook reviews, you can show feeds with reviews from highly trusted platforms and review sites, like Tripadvisor , Yelp, Google Reviews , Trustpilot and more.

With the plugin’s visual customizer, you can quickly and easily customize the templates and design of your Facebook review feeds using the customization options on the left-hand side.

live feed editor reviews feed pro

Plus, Reviews Feed Pro automatically copies the design of your WordPress site. So, your review feeds will perfectly match your branding and look beautiful right away.

The best part?

Reviews Feed Pro comes with a helpful support team who are always ready to lend their expertise and help you out.

Ready to get more Facebook reviews with ease? Grab your copy of Reviews Feed Pro here .

To learn more, you can look at this guide on how to embed Facebook reviews on your WordPress website .

How to Get Facebook Reviews (15 Proven Ways)

Now, let’s go ahead and look at our tried-and-tested methods that you can use to get more Facebook reviews for your brand.

1. Enable Reviews for Your Facebook Page

The first thing to do is make sure you’re allowing visitors to see and leave Facebook reviews.

To do that, first, start managing your Facebook business page and click on the Settings option on the left.

open page settings

Doing that will allow you to change the settings of your Facebook page.

Next, click on Privacy to change your page’s privacy settings.

get facebook review link

On the left, click on the Page and tagging option to continue.

Finally, look for the option labeled Allow others to view and leave reviews on your Page? and toggle it on.

allow reviews facebook

You can now start collecting customer reviews with star rating and Facebook recommendations from your customers, which will be displayed on your Facebook account’s Reviews tab.

Then, you can also add a short call-to-action in your posts to encourage customers to review your business.

2. Promote Your Page on Other Social Media Platforms

If you’re not telling fans on other social media platforms that they can leave reviews on Facebook, they might never find out.

That’s why it’s crucial that you cross-promote your Facebook business page on the different social channels you own, including Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube .

It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. You can simply promote your page or group on other social platforms and ask people to join you.

follow us on facebook for more

That way, interested people can follow your brand on Facebook, where they can leave reviews and customer testimonials .

Want to kickstart your social media following on all these platforms?

You can embed social media feeds on your website so visitors can interact with your posts and follow you for more.

3. Embed Facebook Reviews on Your Website

By embedding Facebook reviews on your homepage, you can encourage website visitors to leave more reviews of your brand.

After all, you’re showing people that you check your reviews and listen to what they have to say.

It’s easy to embed a feed of Facebook reviews on your website. All you have to do is use Smash Balloon’s Reviews Feed Pro plugin.

facebook reviews feed example

With a few clicks, you can seamlessly connect your page and display beautiful Facebook feeds styled to match your site design.

To help you do this yourself, we’ve put together this guide on how to add a Facebook reviews feed to your WordPress website .

4. Add a Facebook Review Widget

Another way to convince people to leave reviews is to embed a Facebook review widget.

That means anyone browsing your feed only needs a click to visit your Facebook business page and leave a review.

For instance, you can easily add your Facebook reviews feed to your sidebar or footer areas using the Reviews Feed Pro plugin.

Then, you just need to edit the Facebook feed header to something that will encourage your site visitors to review your business, like this:

how to get facebook reviews using review widgets on wordpress

Using Reviews Feed Pro, you can even embed review widgets to show reviews from other major platforms like Tripadvisor, Yelp, and Google Reviews.

The best part is that you can do this for your own website — even if you’re a WordPress newbie. Check out how to add a social media review widget to your website for more information.

5. Send Email Invitations to Recent Customers

Did you know that email marketing can return $36 for every $1 you spend?

Email marketing can be a fantastic way to promote your brand, convert visitors, and get reviews.

encourage facebook reviews with email marketing

You can directly send an email to your new customers and ask them to drop you a review on Facebook. To sweeten the deal, you can try offering discounts, coupons, free trials, and more.

If you want to get started with email marketing, here are some great ways to grow your email list .

6. Write a Facebook Post Asking for Reviews

Sometimes, satisfied customers on your Facebook page might have just forgotten to leave a review.

To fix this, you can create a new post on Facebook and remind your customers to leave a review.

You can also add an engaging image to the Facebook post so you’ll have an easier time grabbing people’s attention.

review request for facebook

As a bonus, you can also use Facebook Feed Pro to embed photos and remind website visitors to leave reviews.

7. Set Up a Chatbot on Facebook Messenger

Chatbots are getting more attention as technology improves. And as they continue to make inroads in the customer service and marketing industry, they’re proving pretty valuable.

The fact is, messages sent by chatbots tend to have higher open rates, and with customers getting used to them, they’re tools worth utilizing.

Asking for a review using a Facebook Messenger chatbot can help you reach lots of new people easily. And that means more reviews for your business.

If you think a chatbot can be helpful, check out our full list of the best Facebook marketing tools .

8. Send SMS Messages Asking for Feedback

Did you know the majority of all searches for local businesses nowadays happen on mobile devices?

The truth is, much of the online world is navigated by mobile now, so collecting reviews in this way makes it super convenient for your customers.

You can use the power of mobile to get more Facebook reviews by asking customers to leave a review via SMS.

If customers have opted in to receive updates via text message, send them a short message containing a link to leave feedback on your Facebook page.

Text message review request

Just make sure you keep your messages short and to-the-point, so people are more likely to read through them.

On top of Facebook pages, you can use SMS messages to grow your Instagram account , Facebook group, Twitter page, and more.

9. Enable Notifications for New Reviews

If you aren’t notified when people leave new reviews, you can’t respond to them or share them with others.

The easiest way to solve this is to enable notifications for new reviews. That way, Facebook will let you know whenever someone leaves a new review.

To enable notifications for new Facebook reviews, follow these steps:

  • Go to your Facebook page
  • Click Settings on the left column
  • Click Notifications
  • Next to New Page review, click Turn On

facebook notifications enable for reviews

Once that option is activated, you’ll be notified whenever someone leaves feedback on your Facebook business page.

And if you get negative Facebook reviews , you can now respond to them immediately.

10. Respond To Negative Reviews

While bad reviews can harm your brand, there are ways you can turn them into positive reviews.

Here are the steps you can take when faced with a negative Facebook review:

  • Respond to the review as fast as you can
  • Start by politely apologizing for the problem
  • Offer them ways to reach out to your support team
  • Remind them to change the review score if you helped solve the issue

example of facebook review response

By helping a customer with a problem like this, you can improve your brand’s reputation and encourage others to leave their feedback as well.

We’ve got a full article on how to handle negative Facebook reviews here that you can check out.

11. Answer Comments and Questions From Fans

Following on from responding to negative feedback, you should also reply to comments on your Facebook business page and questions from potential customers.

If people see your page is busy with activities and conversations about your product, they’re more likely to ask their own questions.

interact with fans to get more reviews

Plus, answering questions removes obstacles that prevent people from shopping with you.

Even better, if customers have a great experience with the buying process, they’re much more likely to leave a review describing that positive experience.

You can also embed Facebook posts on your website to show these interactions to your visitors.

12. Promote Stand-Out Reviews on Facebook

Actively highlighting the feedback you receive on Facebook is another way to draw attention to your reviews tab.

You can make it a regular feature to promote the best reviews on your page to celebrate your customers and add a call to action for others to leave their own feedback.

promote postive review example

Why not run a Facebook Live stream where you read out your recommendations, making it an event your fans can rally around and engage with?

Pro-tip : Are your reviews presented as videos? You can also use Custom Facebook Feed Pro to embed Facebook videos on your website .

13. Encourage Facebook Check-Ins

The likes of Foursquare made virtual check-ins to business locations a viral trend.

Facebook took that functionality and added it to business pages where customers can check-in, notifying friends of their location.

facebook checkins example

Facebook’s check-in functionality also has a nifty feature to help you collect reviews. After someone checks in, they receive a message from Facebook afterward, asking them to review the business.

For a lot of business pages on Facebook, it’s another excellent way to get more reviews for your Facebook page.

On top of getting new reviews, you can also get tons of Facebook likes for your page this way.

14. Remember to Ask for Reviews in Person

Most of the tips in this article focus on getting Facebook reviews online.

But if you have a physical business, you have a great chance to remind them to leave a review on your Facebook page.

You can do that verbally or with reminders around your store. For instance, you can add the review URL on your receipts, hang up signs in your store, and so on.

We’ve got a list of the best visual content creation tools to help you design beautiful signs with ease.

15. Offer Discounts and Rewards

You can also give out discounts or rewards to people in exchange for Facebook reviews.

Here are a few examples to help you get started:

  • Offer a discount coupon
  • Enter people into an online giveaway
  • Give out free product samples
  • Offer a free trial of new products

get facebook review link

Give these offers a try, and you can see which works best for your business. In some cases, it might be best to run your incentives for a limited time.

In some states, offering incentives for reviews is forbidden or requires disclosure, so make sure to check your local laws.

If you want to run a giveaway for people who leave reviews, check out our list of the best WordPress giveaway plugins .

There you have it!

In this article, you’ve learned how to get Facebook reviews for your business page. Give these a try, and you can improve the trust of your customers, increase sales, and grow your business.

For a simple way to get lots of Facebook reviews, you can embed a reviews feed on your website. As a result, you can easily grab people’s attention and remind them to leave a review.

Ready to embed Facebook review feeds? Get your copy of Reviews Feed Pro here .

If you’re interested in increasing your Facebook page engagement, check out our tutorial on how to display a Facebook Events calendar on your website .

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Hi! Just wanted to ask – what do you call the picture on No. 5 (Send Email Invitations to Recent Customers). How do I make one? Is there an app or a website? I can’t seem to find how to make one online. Thank you!

' src=

Hi Joanna, thanks so much for your question.

That picture is a screenshot from an email newsletter. You can recreate it by adding individual call to action buttons in the body of the email, or, depending on which email provider you use, they may have social media buttons you can embed.

Hope this helps! 🙂

' src=

Hi i log in to facebook but is saying account disabled so how am i going to do it

' src=

Hi Victoria,

Thank you for contacting us! I’m sorry for the long delay in our response; your comment went out of our radar. This looks like a problem with the Facebook account itself; you could try using a different Facebook account. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us using the support form here

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Learn more about our products.


Facebook Feed Pro

Seamlessly integrate Facebook content into your website.


Instagram Feed Pro

Display completely customizable Instagram feeds on your website.


Twitter Feed Pro

Seamlessly integrate Twitter content into your website.


YouTube Feed Pro

Display completely customizable YouTube feeds on your website.


TikTok Feed Pro

Seamlessly integrate TikTok content into your website.


Reviews Feed Pro

Build brand trust with positive reviews from Google and more.

social wall

Social Wall

Use our Social Wall aggregator plugin to combine all your channels into one engaging social media wall.

Display reviews

  • Add Reviews to Website
  • All-in-one review widget
  • Google review widget Popular
  • Facebook widget
  • Capterra widget
  • Tripadvisor widget
  • Yelp widget
  • Google Play Review Widget
  • widget
  • Airbnb widget
  • Trusted Shops widget
  • Star rating on Google *****
  • Social media sharing
  • Import reviews

Collect reviews

  • Collect reviews and feedback Popular
  • Feedback form
  • Star rating form
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey Popular
  • Customer satisfaction survey (CSAT)
  • Video reviews form
  • Google review form

Lead generation tools

  • Lead generation forms
  • Call-to-action widgets

Trustmary platform

  • Trustmary Method
  • Review management
  • Trustmary review page
  • Integrations
  • Automations
  • Key features
  • Customer Success
  • Local services
  • Construction and renovation
  • Service business
  • B2B company
  • Squarespace
  • Help Center
  • Book a meeting
  • Case Studies
  • Partner program

Creating and Using Facebook Review Link

Erica Ylimäki

Sending Facebook review requests has never been easier than with Trustmary

facebook review link is easy to add and even easier to use

If Facebook reviews are crucial for your business and industry, I got you. Also, I’ll tell you exactly how to find a Facebook review link, to get more Facebook reviews AND how to get FB reviews to show on Google search.

Firstly, let’s go over what your Facebook business page is looking like at the moment.

Facebook Business Page: Overlook

Navigate to Facebook, and log in.

check that your facebook business profile is up-to-date

Start checking that your Facebook profile is on point.

Or if you don’t have your business on Facebook, create a Facebook page for it now, and check the list below.

Checklist for Facebook Business Page:

  • Add opening hours
  • Check links on the about page
  • Add a description of your business page
  • Are the photos relevant and fresh?
  • Do you have a clear profile picture? Using your company logo is recommended
  • Are your address settings up-to-date? How to reach you via email and where you can be found
  • Check that you’ve allowed customers to leave reviews and recommendations

Engage with Your Audience

After you’ve checked that your Facebook profile is up-to-date, it’s time to make sure you’ve responded to each and every comment, mention, review and message on Facebook messenger.

This is important, because Facebook boasts a massive user base, making it a valuable platform for businesses to connect with their target audience.

Positive online reviews not only boost your brand’s credibility but also attract new customers. Moreover, Facebook reviews contribute to higher search engine visibility, helping your business rank higher in search results.

When you communicate with your existing customer base and potential customers, you’re actually doing online reputation management while being helpful.

Trust me, this is all great social proof, when prospective customers see how you interact with current customers.

Creating a Facebook Review Link

If you want to, for example, send Facebook review requests via email or add a QR code to your FB review page, you need own Facebook review link.

There are two ways to get your Facebook review links:

Facebook Reviews Tab – The Simple Way

  • Log into Facebook business.
  • Go to the reviews tab
  • Copy the address

get facebook review link

Create Review Links – Manually

  • Log in to your Facebook account ( and navigate to your business page.
  • In the browser’s address bar, you’ll find your Facebook page’s URL. If it includes a series of numbers, you need to set a username or vanity URL for your page. To do this, go to the “About” section of your page, click on “Edit Page Info,” then click on “Create Page @Username.” Follow the instructions to set a username that reflects your business name.
  • Once you have your username, add “/reviews/” to the end of it. This will create your Facebook review link.
  • Share Your Customized Review Link

No matter which way you use, the actual link will look something like this:

You can now share your customized review link on your website, social media profiles, email signatures , or any other medium that allows direct access to your Facebook page.

Add Existing Facebook Reviews to Google SERPs

If you add a Facebook review widget to your website, you can actually get your star rating on Google search.

add review schema to gain leverage over competition

The process can be done to both Google reviews as well as Facebook reviews.

How to Add All Positive Reviews to SERPs?

  • Log into Trustmary
  • Import reviews from review sites
  • Create a review widget
  • Enable “ add review schema ” tab
  • Embed review widgets to your website
  • Check with Google’s rich results test that the reviews appear there
  • Ask for reindexing the page from Google’s Search Console

Then you can just wait for search engines to add those star ratings and comments to SERPs .

adding a review widget to website is easy and you can import reviews from all review sources such as facebook, g2, capterra, and tripadvisor

Read more about how adding a Google review badge can increase your organic visibility.

Optimizing Your Facebook Review Link for Maximum Visibility

To optimize your Facebook review link for the keyword “Facebook review link,” consider the following strategies:

Incorporate the Keyword in Anchor Text

Whenever you refer to your Facebook review link, use the anchor text “Facebook review link” instead of simply writing the URL. This signals search engines that your link is relevant to this keyword.

Share the Link on Relevant Platforms

Promote your Facebook review link on platforms such as your website, blog, and social media profiles to increase its exposure.

The same practices also applie to your Google review link .

It’s best to give your customers the option to rate you on the service they wish to do so.

For instance, I don’t like to review most companies with my public gmail address. I like to stay more anonymous OR even use my Facebook account.

Know your customer segment!

Encourage Customers to Leave Reviews

Actively ask your satisfied customers to share their experiences on your Facebook page. Consider offering incentives or rewards to motivate them further.

Respond to Reviews

Engaging with customers who leave reviews shows that you value their feedback.

Always respond to reviews promptly, positively, and professionally to strengthen your brand’s reputation.

Monitoring and Managing Facebook Reviews

It’s crucial to actively monitor and manage your Facebook reviews. Here are a few key steps:

1. Enable Review Notifications

Configure your Facebook settings to receive notifications whenever someone leaves a review. This ensures you can respond promptly and appropriately.

2. Regularly Check and Respond to Reviews

Dedicate time to regularly checking and responding to both positive and negative reviews. Show appreciation for positive feedback and address negative reviews with empathy and a willingness to resolve any issues.

3. Flag Inappropriate Reviews

If you come across any reviews that violate Facebook’s community standards, you have the option to flag them. Facebook will then review the reported content and take action if necessary.

Get More Facebook Reviews

Harnessing the potential of Facebook reviews through an optimized Facebook review link is key to enhancing your brand’s reputation and attracting new customers.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to generate and leverage your Facebook review link effectively. Embrace the power of online reviews and watch your business thrive in the digital world.

With Trustmary, you can easily start getting more Facebook reviews .

A Facebook review link is a personalized link which you can use to collect more reviews for your Facebook review page.

Where do I find my Facebook review link?

You can find your Facebook review link by:

  • Sign into Facebook business page
  • Go to reviews tab
  • Copy the link

How do I get Facebook reviews to show up on Google listing?

If reviews on Facebook business pages are your top-tier marketing materials, you probably want them to appear on search engines too. Here’s a simple way to do just that – for free and in minutes.

  • Import Facebook reviews
  • Create a widget
  • Enable review schema from the widget editor settings
  • Add the review widget to your website

Erica Ylimäki

Erica Ylimäki

  • Google Reviews
  • Facebook Reviews
  • Tripadvisor Reviews
  • Capterra Reviews
  • Yelp Reviews
  • Lead Generation Widgets
  • Lead Generation Forms
  • Lead Generation Pop-ups
  • Social Proof Pop-ups
  • Testimonial Widgets
  • Trustmary AI
  • Get Google Reviews
  • Get Facebook Reviews
  • Get Tripadvisor Reviews
  • Get G2 Reviews
  • Get Capterra Reviews
  • Get Yelp Reviews
  • Get Customer Feedback
  • Get Video Testimonials
  • Measure NPS (Net Promoter Score)
  • Measure CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score)
  • Testimonial Forms
  • Bigcommerce
  • Clickfunnels
  • Google sites
  • Hubspot CMS
  • Oxygen builder
  • WooCommerce
  • Accounting firm
  • Car dealership
  • Chiropractor
  • Cleaning company
  • Construction company
  • Design agency
  • Education provider
  • Financial services provider
  • Health care provider
  • Higher education provider
  • Insurance agent
  • Insurance company
  • IT Services provider
  • Life insurance company
  • Local business
  • Manufacturer
  • Mortgage broker
  • Network marketing representative
  • Personal trainer
  • Professional services provider
  • Real estate agent
  • Real estate business
  • Real estate investor
  • SaaS company
  • Sales representative
  • Small business
  • Staffing company
  • Travel agent
  • Web development company
  • Affiliate program
  • Legal Overview
  • Terms of Service
  • Privacy Policy
  • Data Protection Addendum
  • Contact Sales
  • How to Add Google Reviews to Website (for Dummies)
  • 8 Branded Google Review Widget Templates
  • Embed a Branded Google Review Widget: Wix Edition
  • Embed a Google Review Widget with Elementor
  • Add Google Reviews to Squarespace – in 5 minutes
  • How to Ask for Google Reviews: The Dos and Don’ts
  • Authentic Review Generator: Why You Need One

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Home » Reviews » The complete guide for Facebook Reviews for Business

The complete guide for Facebook Reviews for Business

Facebook Reviews can play a crucial role in helping you grow your business by influencing potential customers and building trust.  In this post, you will learn how to get the most out of the Meta popular website for your business.

What is Facebook reviews

Facebook Reviews are a feature on the Facebook platform that allows users to provide feedback and ratings about businesses, products, or services they have experienced. These reviews typically consist of a star rating system accompanied by written comments detailing the user’s experience.

Facebook Reviews serve as a crucial tool for businesses to build trust and credibility with potential customers, as positive reviews can attract new clientele while negative reviews provide opportunities for improvement and transparency.

Businesses can manage and respond to reviews directly on their Facebook page, fostering engagement and demonstrating a commitment to customer satisfaction. Overall, Facebook Reviews play a pivotal role in shaping the online reputation and perception of businesses within the Facebook community

Benefits of Facebook reviews

Trust and credibility.

Positive reviews (and also, negative reviews ) build trust and credibility among potential customers. When people see positive feedback from others who have used your products or services, they are more likely to trust your business.

Social Proof

Reviews serve as a form of social proof . When people see that others have had positive experiences with your business, it reassures them that they are making a good decision by choosing your products or services.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Reviews can contribute to your business’s online visibility. Search engines often take into account the number and quality of reviews when ranking businesses in local search results. Positive reviews can improve your search engine ranking and increase your business’s visibility.

Customer feedback

Reviews provide valuable feedback from customers. Pay attention to both positive and negative reviews to understand what customers appreciate and where you can make improvements. Use this feedback to enhance your products or services.

Engagement and interaction

Responding to reviews, whether they are positive or negative, shows that you value customer feedback and are actively engaged with your audience. Responding promptly and professionally can enhance your business’s reputation.

Word-of-mouth marketing

Positive reviews act as a form of word-of-mouth marketing. When customers share their positive experiences on Facebook, they are essentially recommending your business to their friends and followers.

Differentiation from competitors

A high number of positive reviews can set your business apart from competitors. It can be a deciding factor for potential customers who are comparing different businesses in your industry.

Customer acquisition and retention

Positive reviews can attract new customers, while also encouraging repeat business from existing customers. Satisfied customers are more likely to become loyal customers and advocates for your brand.

Showcasing success stories

Use positive reviews as success stories. Share them on your website, social media, or other marketing materials to highlight the positive experiences of your customers.

Improving online reputation

Responding to negative reviews constructively and professionally can help mitigate potential damage to your online reputation. It shows that you are committed to addressing customer concerns and resolving issues.

How to add the ‘review’ section to your Facebook page

  • Log in to your Facebook account and go to your company’s Facebook page.
  • Navigate to the Settings section.
  • Click on Templates and Tabs.
  • Search for the Reviews tab in the list of tabs and activate it.

How to get your Facebook review link

Once you have the ‘review’ section on your Facebook page, you can get your review link in two ways.

Copy the Reviews Page URL

  • Log in to Facebook: sign in to your Facebook account.
  • Go to your business page: access your business page on Facebook. To do this, click on the Pages tab in the left menu or search for your page in the search bar at the top of the Facebook homepage.
  • Get the URL of your business page: once you’re on your business page, look at the URL in your browser’s address bar. This is the URL of your business page. It should look something like this:
  • Add the review endpoint to your URL: to direct people straight to the Reviews or Recommendations section of your page, add /reviews/ to the end of your business page URL. It should now look like this:

Now you can share this link in your newsletter, emails or social media platforms, so your clients can leave you a Facebook review.

Create your own direct review link on Facebook

  • Take the login homepage URL:
  • Add a redirect to your reviews page by appending “next”:
  • Convert your page’s URL into the corresponding HTML equivalent and add it after the “next” component. You will get something like this:
  • Just replace the colon (:) with %3A and the slash (/) with %2F.

This way, every time the customer logs in, they will be redirected to your reviews page.

How to get Facebook reviews for your business

Encouraging customers to leave Facebook reviews involves creating a positive customer experience and then guiding them to share their feedback on your page. 

Here are some strategies you can implement to encourage client reviews:

Claim and optimize your Facebook page

Make sure your business has an official Facebook Page. Claim it if you haven’t already and provide complete and accurate information.

Make your page review-friendly

Confirm that the review section is enabled on your Facebook Page. Follow the steps mentioned earlier to ensure the Reviews tab is visible and active.

Engage with your audience

Respond to comments, messages, and other interactions on your Facebook Page. Engage with your audience to build a positive online community.

Include a call to action in email communications

When sending emails to customers, include a call-to-action asking them to leave a review on your Facebook page.

Use social media posts

Regularly post on your social media channels, encouraging satisfied customers to share their experiences on your Facebook Page.

Run Facebook Ad campaigns

Consider running targeted Facebook ad campaigns to reach a broader audience and encourage them to leave reviews.

Highlight positive reviews

Share positive reviews on your page and other marketing materials to showcase the positive experiences of your customers.

Remember, authenticity is key. Do not buy fake reviews or attempt to manipulate the system, as this goes against Facebook’s policies and can harm your reputation. Focus on delivering excellent products or services and building genuine relationships with your customers.

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Written by GrowFrog

A marketing tool for online reputation management and increasing conversions

How to Deal with Negative Reviews and Turn Them into Business Opportunities

Video Testimonials: Why they matter for your business and how to get them

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The best way to use a Facebook review link

Pexels brett jordan 5426402

With 2.7 billion users, as of 2021 , Facebook is one of the most useful networks for businesses to grow their online presence and authority. For startups and small businesses, it represents a grand opportunity with regard to reviews. If you're looking to build your company's presence online, online reviews are perhaps the most important marketing tool .

After all, 90% of customers treat online reviews on an equal footing with personal recommendations and personal recommendations bring twice the traffic and the revenue compared to paid ads.

Cool, right? So how do you get more reviews on Facebook, then?

Well, for starters, you need to set up your review link on Facebook.

How to set up a Facebook review link

Creating a review link on Facebook is pretty straightforward. Nevertheless, there are two things you need to do first:

Create a Facebook business page

Allow reviews and feedback on your page

How to turn Facebook review on

Go to your Facebook Business page's settings

Click on Templates and Tabs on the left menu

get facebook review link

3. Go down until you see Reviews. If you don't see it, select "Add a Tab" at the bottom of the list to add Reviews.

get facebook review link

4. But wait! Before sending that link, there could be an issue . Even though a vast number of people have a Facebook account, your customers could not be logged into it beforehand.

That means that when they arrive on the Facebook login, they'll then proceed onto their feed, and you don't want that.

So this is how you fix that :

For instance, this is your link: [yourreviewlink]. You will want to change:

The colon (:) into %3A

The forward-slash (/) into "%2F"

Consequently, your link should look like this: https %3A%2F%2F %2F yourbusiness %2F reviews %2F

So now that you have set up your review link...

How do you get more Facebook reviews?

The obvious, simple answer is to ask for them directly. You can do that by implementing simple, yet creative requests.

The request email campaign

Email marketing is still one of the best ways to reach out to your customers online. You can leverage this by using follow-up emails after they've made a purchase.

Creating review request templates is an effective way to boost your customer feedback on your page.

Promote your link on social media

Whatever platform you may be using, such as Whatsapp, Messenger or Instagram, keeping your link close by might be handy while conversing with a customer.

By measuring the tone of the voice, or rather the text, you can send the link across to them if you feel a positive ‘vibe’. The review doesn't necessarily need to be centred on what you're selling, but also about the customer service.

Embed Facebook reviews widget

Showcasing your reviews directly on your page is a great way to invite people to rate their experience with your company. Furthermore, it acts as social proof.

This also makes your business easier to find on Facebook directly without searching for its name.

Promote your business

Engagement through likes, comments and shares creates visibility for your brand on Facebook. And the more visibility you gain, the more chances you will have to attract customers, and further down the line, more reviews.

Online reviews are a hugely important part of your business’s sales and marketing strategies. By creating a Facebook review link, you are making it even easier for your loyal customers to respond to your review requests.

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get facebook review link

Nikola Bojkov

How to get facebook reviews for your business [5 ways].

In this blog post we are covering 5 easy ways on how you can get more Facebook reviews effortlessly.

Epic guide to Facebook Reviews

Where is the place where you turn to when deciding what will be your next dinner or trip destination? Reviews, of course!

And you are not the only one –  57% of consumers  say that social media influences their shopping. And 44% of them said that Facebook was the social network that influenced their decisions the most.

The rule of thumb is: The more positive reviews you have, the higher the chances they will visit or buy from you.

Just having a presence on social media is not enough anymore. It would be best if you started yielding results from it.

And what’s a better way to do that than Facebook Reviews?

Along with Google Reviews, Facebook Reviews are one of the most efficient digital versions of word-of-mouth marketing and have the potential to influence your future customers buying decisions that will visit your Facebook business page.

You are probably already familiar with  online reviews’ power  and what they can bring you from a business perspective, so I will skip to the fun part – how to get Facebook reviews for your business.

Here is a list of 5 easy ways on how you can get more Facebook reviews effortlessly:

  • Ask your customers via chat or email
  • Add ‘‘Leave us a Review’ buttons on your website
  • Ask for Facebook reviews offline
  • Respond to every review
  • Promote customers feedback on social media and Facebook Ads

How to Find Your Facebook Review Link

First things first.

Before we dive into the methods on how to ask customers for Facebook recommendations and reviews, please make sure you actually know where is your Facebook Reviews section and how to get the link so you can drive customers to that page.

To find your Facebook reviews page link, go to your ‘Reviews tab’ and copy the URL.

For EmbedSocial, it will be this one:  

We encourage you to go with the 2nd option, so below, we are listing some simple ways to collect more Facebook reviews for your business.

Pro tip:  To make the reviews link more appealing, you can always use a  custom link shortener  to provide you with the essential info on the link activity. For more detailed insights and to track from where users are coming to your review link, check out  Google’s Campaign URL builder .

Okay, now let’s see how we can use this link to navigate customers to write their reviews.

1. Ask your customers via email or chat

What is the easiest way that to ask your current customers you already have a relationship with to leave you a review?

Here are 2 ways how to do this:

Chat communication is growing during the pandemic and has become one of the main channels for direct interaction with customers.

Therefore, a perfect way to collect customer feedback !

Companies need to implement procedures in their Customer support departments where every employee at a certain point of interaction will ask their customers for feedback.

And for companies wanting to increase their Facebook reviews, the best way is to ask customers to post their reviews publicly with a direct link to your Facebook Page’s reviews section.

Another option to ask for reviews is to send request emails to your customer list.

“Hey, let us know what you think – Leave us a review here’’

and add a direct link to your Facebook reviews option.

Our email review request message looks like this:

request email for reviews

And if a client doesn’t leave you a review, don’t be shy to do a follow-up.

Send something like:

‘’Hey, did you ever get a chance to write a review for us?’’

Just make sure you are not pushy cause you will never get the desired review.

Pro tip:  It’s all about timing, and Facebook reviews are no exception. Thus, the optimal time to contact a new customer is 3 to 5 days after purchase. Ensure they are happy with the product or service, thank them for choosing you, and then ask for a review.

2. Add ‘‘Leave us a Review’ Buttons and Facebook Badges on Your Website

Another way of ‘it never hurts to ask’ is by adding CTA buttons like ‘ Leave us a Review ’ on your website to direct users to your Facebook reviews page.

The easiest way to start collecting customer feedback on your website is with the  EmbedReviews platform .

You have the option to display a Facebook review widget or add a ‘ Leave a review ’ button anywhere on your website.

Here is how our ‘Leave a Review’ button and Facebook widget look in action:

Once your web visitors click on the review button, they will be redirected to your Facebook Reviews tab where they can submit their feedback.

Embed Facebook reviews badge

As for the badges in the EmbedReviews button, you can choose from the available designs and again use an embeddable code to display on your website.

facebook rating badges

Note that the badge will update every time you have a new Facebook review.

3. Ask for Facebook Reviews Offline

When it comes to offline engagement with your customers, you will also need to think of placements how to make sure you encourage and collect their feedback.

Here are some ways how you can do this:

Print QR codes on receipts, flyers, menus, posters, and similar

QR codes can help you bridge the offline and online worlds and give customers an easy way to submit Facebook reviews.

You will only need to generate a QR code that will include the Facebook link to your Facebook Page’s reviews section.

Big posters with your customer reviews is a definitely great idea, showing your social proof offline and also inspiring people to do the same and get their name on your business location walls.

Ask customers to check in on Facebook

Encourage customers to check in on your location with their Facebook profiles.

If you are a local business owner of a place, provide a stable Wi-Fi network and ask people to check in there, and Facebook will send them a reminder to write a review 1-2 days later.

 You will be surprised how many of them will land you a hand.

PRO tip:   Most of these offline encouragements usually include some incentives, such as discounts or free staff, that can improve the response rate of your offline customers. So, think about how you can incentivize them to give you feedback on Facebook. 

4. Respond to Facebook Reviews (even the negative ones)

Take time to respond to every review! Users will surely notice your interaction and how you value customers’ feedback and award you with leaving a review.  Respond even to star ratings without comments, no matter if it is 5-star reviews or less.

To tackle your review responses more effectively, you try an  Autoresponder for Facebook reviews  that can automate your reply. This way, you will never forget to reply to a review and show your customers that you value their time and effort.

Responding to all reviews includes responding to the negative ones, too, right?

What to do when you encounter a negative review? How should you deal with it to not hurt the customer’s feelings and your business, too?

Don’t dare to delete negative reviews (unless they violate  Facebook Community standards ). 

It will hurt your reputation, and it will show that you lack transparency. Instead, use them to your advantage – apologize for the bad experience and offer a solution.

Yes, potential customers will notice the negative review, but they will also see that you have handled the situation and will respect you more.

Guess what – negative customer feedback can do more good than harm. Despite improving your online reputation management , they can help business owners see the bigger picture and improve their digital marketing strategy based on that.

If you ignore negative reviews and they proceed to come up, you will probably run out of business sooner or later.

So, take a deep breath and follow these action steps below:

  • First, you should try to understand why the customer is leaving a negative review. Why are they not happy with your product or service? What is the trigger?
  • Reply to the negative feedback ASAP. Thank the customer for leaving a review. Try to understand the reason behind the testimonial (make sure you don’t go into defense mode). And if it is your fault, acknowledge it and do something about it – at least suggest replacing the products or refunding the customer.

Please note that whatever your response is, it will be seen by other visitors. This is the perfect way to show how you care about your consumers (and, as a result, get more sales and even more reviews).

We created a detailed  guide on the best practices for responding to negative reviews . Suggested responses are included, too.

5. Promote customers’ Feedback on Social Media and Facebook Ads

Business reviews are the best user-generated content , so make sure you aggressively promote them across every social media platform you have. This will unconsciously inspire other customers to leave their feedback, too.

With a simple share among your community, your customer reviews will attract new customers who will be encouraged to share the same

Here is our latest social media campaign on Facebook, featuring one of our customer reviews:

? Success Story: How EmbedReviews helped 3 Key Elements show instant social proof and get more clients We talked with… Posted by Embed Social on  Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Yes, it’s possible to turn your customer feedback into Facebook ads! And you can do that in just a few clicks with our review management tool.

Before you craft your perfect Facebook ad, you need to connect EmbedSocial with your Facebook Advertising Account.

Then, you should select a customer testimonial from your Facebook page and customize your review template the way it demonstrates your marketing message loud and clear.

facebook ads

Check out our detailed guide on  How to Turn Customer Testimonials Into Facebook Ads .

Other places where you can promote your Facebook reviews include

  • Your website homepage and product pages
  • In the walls of your physical store
  • Social media networks like LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.
  • Company newsletters
  • Blog articles

Yet, these are just a couple of ideas we have tried (and proved successful). After all, the best place to promote your testimonials and encourage people to leave you a new one is wherever your customer is (online and offline).

We really hope this short guide on how to get Facebook reviews gave you some specific directions on how to maximize your Facebook testimonials’ potential,  improve their visibility, and as a result –  level up your digital marketing strategy in a blink.

After all, getting more reviews on Facebook can take a little effort, but it’s an investment that pays off (you’ll see).

Thanks for reading, and don’t forget to  leave us feedback on Facebook . 🙂

It’s all about asking, right?

FYI: You can embed Facebook reviews widget  automatically with  EmbedReviews platform.  Start a free trial  and display your Facebook Page recommnedations now. 

Embed Facebook reviews widget

Embed Facebook Recommendations and Reviews on your Website

Try EmbedReviews , generate Facebook and Google reviews, and display a social media reviews widget on your website. Automatically and in seconds.

All PRO features | Cancel any time.

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Aggregate user-generated content and display social proof on any website.

CEO of EmbedSocial 

Nikola Bojkov is the CEO of EmbedSocial, an entrepreneur who turns problems into products. With over a decade of hands-on experience with social media APIs, he guides EmbedSocial in its role as a technical partner for both SMEs and large agencies, maximizing the impact of their user-generated content. EmbedSocial has offices in Skopje, Tokyo and Lisbon with over 250,000 users.

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How to Use a Facebook Review Link

Picture of Laura Nelson, VP of Marketing

Laura Nelson, VP of Marketing

facebook review link

  • November 13, 2020

As companies seek to build a stronger online presence, local business owners have several tools at their disposal to grow their business’s visibility and boost local SEO. Facebook happens to be a powerful method to improve a business’s local footprint.

With almost 2.5 billion users on the platform , Facebook is one of the most useful networks for local businesses to grow their customer base and get their brand name out there. In fact, among active Facebook users in the US, 74% visit the site (or use the app) every day .

This presents a goldmine of opportunity for small and growing businesses, especially in the form of customer reviews on your business’s Facebook page. 

Online reviews authenticate and provide more credibility to your business. Today’s consumers   trust online reviews just as much as they trust personal recommendations from friends or family members. By doing their research on other customers’ experiences with your business, prospective customers are more confident when deciding whether they want to purchase from your business. 

Not only is Facebook the most popular social media platform today, but it can also influence our preferences.

How do reviews on Facebook impact consumer decision-making?

According to social media reviews statistics, Facebook influences more than half of buyers’ purchase decisions.

One of the best decisions you can make for your business’s online reputation management strategy is improving your overall ratings and by getting 5-star reviews on these platforms. If you haven’t already, a good place to get started is by generating a Facebook review link and inviting customers to write a review. 

Read on to find out just how to do that (it’s easier than it sounds!).


Download our free guide to discover the best ways to get more reviews for your Facebook profile, fast!

Steps to Create a Facebook Review Link

Unlike Google’s business listing and review platform, Google My Business (GMB), Facebook’s isn’t too straightforward where review links are concerned.

For example, most users will encounter an issue if they aren’t logged in and click on the review link. They will be directed to your Facebook Business Page, yes, but not the Reviews section. Instead, Facebook will ask them to log in first. 

After doing so, one of two things may happen.

Facebook Review Link

If users log in through the normal method, that is, by using the top-right login as pictured below in #1, this will redirect them to their Facebook feed where they can view status updates by friends and their connections. This will disconnect them from your page entirely, defeating the purpose of the link.

Using the “Log In” option at the bottom of the page, indicated by #2, will successfully redirect them to your page. But there’s a catch! It won’t take them to the reviews tab. 

If you’re getting worried that this process sounds complicated on Facebook, don’t be! There are several third-party tools such as link generators you can find through a simple Google search that will help you create a direct review link.

Otherwise, you can learn how to build that link yourself. Knowing how to construct these links on your own can prove useful, especially if you decide to grow your business and expand into different brands/multiple groups of businesses in the long run. 

Follow these three simple steps to build your own Facebook review link from your business page: 

Building a link is easy. All you have to do is put yourself in your customer’s shoes and follow their journey to your review page. 

The first thing you want is for your customer to log in through the homepage. After all, without logging in, your customer won’t be able to submit any reviews for your Business page. 

The URL for the login page is:  

Remember the challenge we discussed before, when your customer is redirected to their feed after logging in? To avoid that, Facebook has a neat little sequential system in place within their URLs. 

You want Facebook to believe that after logging in, something else comes “next.” And what should that be? Redirecting to your page is the answer.

The URL we’re building to generate your direct link grows to include this:  

You might be thinking, “Hey, that’s pretty straightforward. I’ll just add in my Facebook Reviews page URL at the end, and we’re good to go!” 

And while your logic is perfect, Facebook won’t accept this. 

So, for example, if we’re linking to the reviews page of the local plumbing business pictured before, it shouldn’t look like this:  

That, unfortunately, won’t work. 

The special characters introduced after the “next” component in the URL must be in their corresponding HTML format. Doesn’t make sense? That’s alright. 

They would have to look like this:

Do you see a pattern here? The colon and forward slash (i.e., “special characters”) have corresponding codes that you would have to replace them with to make the link work. 

There you go. That’s how you build your own Facebook Review links!

Resources To Get More Facebook Reviews

Now that you’ve generated your Facebook review link for your business account, how can you put it to good use?

As obvious as it sounds, the best thing you can do is ask your customers directly to write a Facebook review. There are several creative ways you can go about making this request. 

Keep reading to find a strategy that works for you best to make the process easier.

Create a Review Request Email Campaign

Email marketing continues to be a successful tactic used by many businesses to maintain and boost customer relationships. One way you can leverage this form of communication with your customers is by following up on the sale of a product/service provided with post-sale emails. 

Creating Facebook review email templates will be an effective way to generate more feedback on the platform. If you keep these templates handy, you can shoot out an email to the concerned customer at your earliest convenience. 

Of course, depending on the kind of business you operate, the language and syntax of the review template may vary. However, it never hurts to keep one ready!

Promote the review link on social media

Keep the link handy because you never know when you may need it. For example, you may be conversing with a customer over text, Facebook Messenger or even on WhatsApp. Gauge their tone and level of enthusiasm throughout the conversation, and if you feel a positive vibe from their end, make sure to drop in that direct review link before you end your conversation.

Remember – business reviews don’t always have to be centered around your product or service itself. Sometimes, happy customers may want to give glowing feedback on the quality of your customer service!

Embed Facebook reviews widgets on your website 

Showcasing positive reviews you’ve gained on Facebook through a widget on your website acts as social proof. Prospects and customers scanning your website will be tempted to read more. They may even redirect to Facebook to see if anyone within their mutual circles has reviewed/rated/used your products or services. 

This will also make it easy for your website’s visitors to find your business on Facebook directly without searching for your business name. 

Promote your business on Facebook

Likes, comments, and shares: make them your goal. The more visibility your business gains on Facebook, the more chances of attracting additional customers and down the line, growing your reviews. 

Check out these additional resource articles to get started:

Turn on Facebook reviews by enabling them on your Facebook Business  page

Ask your customers to check-in on Facebook through the Location option when they visit your business 

Share Google reviews you’ve received to your Facebook audience

Growing your business’s online reputation is no easy feat, but with time, dedication, and the right strategies, you can build more credibility in your brand in your local market. 

Signpost’s review management service can help you along this journey, easing your manual work by automating review management tasks and smoothly integrating this practice into your online business processes. 

After all, when growing those reviews on any social platform, you can use expert help to achieve your goals faster and more sustainably.

get facebook review link

You learned how to use a Facebook Review Link. Now what?

Discover the best ways to get more reviews for your Facebook profile, fast!

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get facebook review link

How to get reviews on Facebook

Social media plays an important role in running your local business today. With almost 3 billion users , it’s no question that your potential customers are using Facebook. Every business should have an active Facebook business page to easily connect with potential customers.

Facebook is particularly crucial for local, service-based businesses. A Facebook business page lets you keep your customers up-to-date about your company, allows you to interact with them, and enables them to leave reviews and feedback. A Facebook business page also improves your SEO rankings, making you appear higher on search result pages.

There is no doubt that potential customers are using Facebook to search for your business. They’re looking at your profile and customer reviews and comparing you to your competitor to decide who to buy from. 

Let’s understand how Facebook reviews help your business and how you can promote your business on Facebook .

Free Guide: 10 Tips To Get More Customers From Facebook

How facebook reviews impact business.

How Facebook Reviews Impact Business

Small businesses worldwide rely on Facebook and Google reviews as the new word-of-mouth. Positive reviews on Facebook will increase your chances of getting new customers because online reviews build trust. 

Your ideal customers are not only paying attention to your star rating but also reading the reviews left by customers and how you, as a business owner, respond. Even if you have a few poor reviews sprinkled in, a thoughtful response shows that you value their feedback and will take action to fix the situation.

84% of people trust online reviews just as much as personal recommendations. These positive reviews are testimonials for your business from real customers. Now that we know how much they matter, let’s look at the ins and outs of Facebook reviews.

How to enable reviews on your Facebook Business Page

If you search for a company on Facebook, you’ll see a star rating correlating to their business listing. You might wonder how they got that!

Once you have a Facebook Page set up for your company , you’ll want to ensure your page is configured to receive star ratings and reviews. Your reviews might be hidden, which means you’re missing out on the chance to snag some stellar comments!

How to enable reviews on your Facebook Business Page:

  • Click “Settings” at the top of your Page
  • Go to “Edit Page” in the left-hand column
  • Scroll down to “Reviews”
  • Click “Settings” next to the Reviews section
  • Change the slider from OFF to ON
  • “Save” changes

How to enable reviews on your Facebook Business Page:

How to get the reviews tab to show up on your Facebook Page

After your Facebook page is capable of receiving reviews, you’ll want to make it as easy as possible for your audience to access the feature. Facebook allows Page Managers to customize their tabs on the left-hand side of the page, and you can make one of those tabs feature “Reviews” for easy access.

Here’s how to get the Reviews tab to show up on your Facebook Page:

  • Click “Settings”
  • Click “Edit Page”
  • You will see a section titled Tabs

how to get the Reviews tab to show up on your Facebook Page:

  • There, choices for pre-picked tabs will show up
  • Scroll down until you see “Add a Tab.” Click it.

How to get the Facebook Page Reviews tab to show up

You can now order your tabs as you’d like them to appear on your page. The more importance you place on getting reviews, the higher on the list you may want to put it. Just hover over the tab until your cursor becomes the little hand symbol, then click and drag the tab to the position you’d like.

How to ask for Facebook reviews

Once you’re set up to receive Facebook reviews, you can gently push your customers to leave their thoughts and recommendations. Customers often don’t realize how critical their reviews are to their favorite businesses. 

7 out of 10 customers will leave a review if asked to do so. That means all you need to do is ask, and you shall receive. If asking for Facebook reviews sounds uncomfortable, know you’re not alone. Many business owners have trouble with this part, but luckily, we have some ideas to help you.

  • Use these email templates to ask for reviews
  • Create automated follow-ups via text, email or direct mail
  • Offer a coupon or voucher if people check in
  • Require people to check in if they want to use your WiFi
  • Give a free upgrade if people check in
  • Promote a great review from Facebook on your website with a call-to-action
  • Put up signs requesting reviews in the office waiting room
  • Ask customers directly after you’ve provided a service they’re happy with
  • Create a link to your review page so its easier for customers

Troubleshooting Facebook reviews

You may run into complications with your Facebook reviews. Maybe you’re getting bad reviews from someone who is not a customer, or the review isn’t truthful. You can report these reviews to Facebook for an independent review. Facebook will evaluate it and decide if the review will be removed. Learn more about removing negative reviews from your Facebook page.

How to respond to negative reviews

Responding to reviews is a critical part of your social media presence. Customers want to see your response to positive and negative reviews. Although, we can all admit that responding to negative reviews is the most difficult. 

When responding to negative reviews, acknowledge their concerns, commit to improving the situation, and then take the conversation offline. You can use a template like this: 

“Thank you for your review. Customer satisfaction is really important to us, and we’re sorry that we may have missed the mark. We’re working with our team to remedy the situation, and we will reach out to you with the next steps.” 

Responding to your reviews helps solidify your online reputation. Whether they are positive or negative reviews, thoughtful responses should be part of your social media marketing strategy.

How to turn off Facebook reviews

Before you turn off your Facebook reviews, consider the repercussions. Consumers often view a lack of reviews as a deterrent to hiring a company. So unless you’re in an extenuating circumstance, reviews should likely be left on.

However, if you do need to turn off your Facebook reviews, you can do so in your Facebook settings. Keep in mind that other review sites, like Google, will not let you turn off reviews.

Improve your social media reputation with Broadly

There are plenty of ways to let customers know you’d like to receive more Facebook reviews , and one of those ways is to express how helpful they are to your business’s success. Broadly can help you get more reviews and manage your online reputation across social media platforms from one platform. 

Transform your local business with revolutionary AI-powered software

Get more out of broadly., how sms chatbots can transform your small business, how to create a chatbot for your business without any code, customer care chatbots: benefits, types, and more, 6 key types of chatbots for transforming customer engagement, the marketing automation playbook for small businesses, affordable seo for small business: 10 budget-friendly strategies, 10 essential marketing tools for small business success, top 10 local business advertising strategies for success, the ultimate guide to digital marketing for small business: strategies, tools, and tips, the power of email marketing for small businesses.

How to find a listing review link for your business on Google, Facebook & more

Make it easy to encourage customers to leave reviews for your business by learning how to get the review link for a listing on Google, Facebook, Capterra and Yelp.

Meghan Tocci

We’ve shared a few strategies to get more online reviews for your business . From Google reviews to Facebook ratings , we’ve even written a step-by-step guide on how to send NPS and review requests via SMS !

Now you might be wondering, why all the chatter about reviews? There’s actually a good reason for so much content on a single subject.

  • 94% of online customers read reviews before making any purchasing decisions
  • 83% of job seekers use reviews to support their decisions on which companies to apply to
  • 93% of online shoppers determine whether a business has a good reputation (or not) based on the available reviews

And that just scratches the surface!

Customer reviews are more important than ever, and it’s all a numbers game. The more reviews, the higher the trust signal you send. It can also help paint a more representative picture of people’s opinions when you have more data pooled to make an average.

Which leaves one important question—how do I make it easier for customers to leave reviews?

The short answer, you’ll need to generate a review link. A review link is just a URL you can send to customers that automatically directs them to a space to leave a rating or some feedback. These links however can look different for every site.

Which is why we’ve put together this handy guide on how to create review links for all the major platforms, as well as some helpful tips on how to get these links out to your audience.

How to get your Google My Business profile and Google Maps review links

Before you read any further, be sure you’re logged in to your Google My Business profile. They’re free to create, so if you have yet to do so, check out this handy guide that will walk you through the steps!

When you set up this profile, you open yourself up for ratings and reviews from everyone . Reviews will display as a star rating, as well as full-length, individually submitted reviews available when clicked. A little bit like this:

Customer reviews on a Google business listing

Note that a customer must have a free Google account in order to leave you a Google review. However, with over 1.5 billion active users, this will most likely not be an issue!

You can generate your Google review link in a few simple steps.

How to generate a Google Review link

Step 1: Search for a find your business listing on Google.

Step 2: Click the “Write a Review” button, located below your contact information.

How to find a link to write a new review on your Google listing.

Step 3: When clicked, a form should pop up prompting you to choose a star rating and leave a comment. Copy the URL of this form in the search bar.

The URL for a new Google review.

Step 4: Paste that URL into any communication (we recommend texting) and it will redirect viewers right to this review form.

💡 SimpleTexting Tip : The URL you copy and send is long. We recommend using a URL shortener to make it easier on the eyes and the characters.

How to get a Capterra review link

When a customer lands on your Capterra page, they’ll see a button encouraging them to review your business.

SimpleTexting review page on Capterra.

However, if you want to save them some scrolling, you can also generate a direct link to your review page. It only takes a few extra steps on your end.

Step 1: Navigate to your public Capterra page.

Step 2: Click the “Write A Review Button”

Step 3: Copy the URL for that review page.

How to find the URL for Capterra listing reviews.

💡 SimpleTexting Tip : If you need a little boost, offer an incentive! Capterra runs a program where they’ll send a review request on your behalf and offer a gift card in exchange for the feedback! Reach out to your Capterra rep for more information.

How to get a review link for Facebook

Facebook review links are the easiest to retrieve. Similar to Google reviews, however, a customer must have a Facebook account in order to leave one.

Additionally, your business needs to have a business profile, and the ability to leave ratings and reviews switched on.

[Read: How to Generate and Nurture Leads with Facebook and SMS ]

How to turn Facebook reviews on:

Step 1: Open your business page.

A business page on Facebook.

Step 2: Click on “Settings”.

Settings for a business page on Facebook.

Step 3: Select “Templates and Tabs” from the left-side menu.

How to add a tab in a business page on Facebook.

Step 4: Scroll down until you see the “Reviews” tab. If you don’t have a review tab, click the “Add a Tab” button to add one.

get facebook review link

Step 5: Click the grey “Settings” button next to Reviews. Make sure “Show Reviews” is switched to the on position. Below, you’ll find your review link. Copy that link, and send it to your customers to start collecting valuable feedback!

How to find the reviews tab link or URL on Facebook.

How to get a link to a Yelp review

Over 148 MILLION reviews have been left on Yelp. The app itself has nearly 92 million unique mobile users per month! Ensuring your business Yelp profile is filled out and active can only benefit you. Making it easy for customers to leave reviews with a handy link is one of the first steps to take.

Just like the profiles before, generating your link is simple.

Step 1: Log in to your Yelp business account.

Step 2: Click on the arrow next to your business name in the top left corner of your dashboard. This will show you what your public Yelp listing looks like.

Step 3: Click the red “Write a Review” button.

A business listing on Yelp.

Step 4: Copy the URL of the review page, and send!

How to find a review URL for a business page on Yelp.

💡 SimpleTexting Tip : Unlike other review sites, Yelp can flag too many positive reviews as suspicious. As such, it’s important that, if you’re sending out Yelp review links, you send it to all customers. A mix of the good and the mediocre will help your profile stand out as authentic!

If there’s one thing you take away from this piece, it should be this: the easier you make it for people to leave you reviews, the more likely they’ll be to leave them. There are plenty of ways to do this, from shortening URLs to mass texting them out at the right moment.

Meghan Tocci

Meghan Tocci

Meghan Tocci is a content strategist at SimpleTexting. When she’s not writing about SaaS, she’s trying to teach her puppy Lou how to code. So far, not so good.

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get facebook review link

How to get more customer reviews on your Facebook business page


by Travis Pflanz | May 14, 2016

If you follow along with the Search Centered blog, you already know that Google Business Profile reviews are the most important type of online reviews for your business. Facebook business pages come in as the second most important place businesses in most industries should aim to collect reviews.

With more than 1.5 billion daily users on Facebook , it is much easier to get your customers to leave you a review on Facebook, than it is on Google Business Profile.

Why are Facebook business reviews important?

With Google Business Profile reviews it is easy to understand why reviews are important – Google controls the internet and they see content/reviews on their own site as important to their users. Customers reviews on your Google Business Profile listing goes to reinforce that your business actually does offer the services and products to customers that you say you do on your website.

The same is true with Facebook business reviews. Google does not exist in a vacuum. While Google does like it’s own content, it also pulls from other reliable sources to validate and confirm the quality of the information that has been directly provided via reviews of your business on your Google Business Profile listing.

Facebook is valuable in this regard because users must create an account to use the social media network. This means that a review is much more likely to be written by a real person, rather than a fake review or bot. Industry experts estimate that only  5% of Facebook profiles are fake . In comparison, some experts estimate that 1/3 of all Twitter traffic is from fake accounts, bots, or spammers. Again, this means people are more likely to use their real identity on Facebook and use their real identity when writing a review of your business.

A real review from a real person – that’s the key. The more likely a review is real, the more value search engines will give it, meaning the more search engine optimization (SEO) value it has, eventually leading to higher search rankings (with all other things SEO being equal).

Don’t be shy, ask customers to leave a review of your business

As with Google Business Profile customer reviews , the first step is to ask your customers to leave you a review – and make it easy for them to do so.

When we complete a project at Search Centered, we send a short “Thank You” email follow up to our clients, and we close each email by asking for a review. We usually ask for a review on Google Business Profile, but we occasionally ask for Facebook business reviews as well. In this email, we send a direct link to the reviews page on our Facebook business page –

Facebook business page review form

When a customer is logged in on Facebook, they see the easy to use review form immediately. Screenshot uses our old business name

Your customers must be logged into Facebook to leave a review of your business on your Facebook page. If the customer is not logged in, they will be asked to login, before writing their review.

How to get a review form link for your Facebook business page

Getting your Facebook business page review form link is MUCH more simple than getting a direct link to the review form for your Google Business Profile listing .

  • Login to Facebook, and go to your Facebook business page.

Facebook business page reviews page link

Make sure to check the “More” menu. Not all Facebook business page menus are setup the same way. Screenshot uses our old business name

Facebook business page reviews page url

Screenshot uses our old business name

Writing the message to your customer asking for a review of your business

Now that you’ve done all the hard work: get the customer, make the customer happy, there’s only one thing left. Ask for the review. My advice is to keep it short and sweet. You’ve already made the customer happy – you don’t want to turn that all around by annoying them now.

Our Search Centered Digital Marketing “Thank You” emails are very simple:

Hi John Doe,

It was a pleasure working on your project!

Would you mind taking a moment to leave Search Centered a short and honest review on our Facebook page?

Leave your review here –

Travis Pflanz

Another tactic we use is to simply send a text message to the client, including the review form link. Of course this takes a little more finesse, but if you regularly text with clients, this method is an even quicker way to get that review.

Again, we keep the message super-simple:

It was a pleasure working on your project!  Would you mind taking a moment to review us on Google? →

What if your customer doesn’t have a Facebook account?

As mentioned above, your customer must have a Facebook account to be able to write a review of your business.

At Search Centered, we know that our clients DO have a Facebook account, because we assist each client with creating their Facebook business page. Of course, this isn’t always the case for the customers of many other businesses.

Hopefully, you are asking happy customers to leave a review of your business, so they would be happy to leave you a review on another website if they don’t have a Facebook account. If your customers don’t have a Facebook page, ask for a review on your other profiles, like your Google Business Profile listing , Yelp, Angie’s List, Amazon (for products), Open Table (for restaurants), TripAdvisor (for travel and entertainment), or at very least send you a testimonial via email that you can add on your website.

Happy customers are happy to help out businesses they love.

Now that you have the knowledge, go out and get more reviews on your Facebook business page

Ultimately, I recommend that you get a minimum of 5 reviews on your Google Business Profile listing before asking for reviews on other platforms. Right now, Google Business Profile reviews will have the most impact on the SEO aspect of your business website.

No matter where you would like your customers to review your business online – Start asking for reviews and top it off by making it even more simple for customers to review your business.

Tell me about your success with Facebook business reviews in the comments below!

At what stage are you getting an error message? I did a search on Facebook for your business (based on the URL you entered with your comment). This is the direct link to leave a review for your business on Facebook –

Hello, Just tried to follow these instructions with no luck, receive an error message. It looks like I’m going to have to create a shortened link like your google business tutorial… have you experienced this after new facebook changes recently, or could it be an error on my end? Thanks!

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  • Review Management

How To Get Google reviews link [4 Easy Ways]

Getting your Google review link is the first step to boosting customer feedback! Once you have it, sharing becomes easy through email, text, social media channels, or even a QR code.

How To Get Google reviews link

“The power of reviews lies in their profound influence on customer behavior, shaping perceptions and swaying future purchase decisions with just a few words.”

Reviews are the lifeblood of any business, and their impact on customer decisions is undeniable. A single review can influence whether someone chooses to buy from you or not. A whopping 90% of consumers are swayed by reviews, with 63% checking Google reviews before even stepping foot in a business.

So, what’s the key to harnessing this power? It’s all about making it easy for customers to leave reviews. That’s where the Google Review link comes in. 

But what is a Google review link? Let us understand that first. 

Google review links are handy URLs that lead customers to your Google Business Profile. This makes it easier for them to leave feedback effortlessly. By generating and sharing your Google Review link, you can significantly increase the number of reviews, improve your search rankings, and ultimately, grow your business.

Now, are you wondering about how to get a Google review link? Let’s dive deeper into four options to get your Google business review link and how you can share them.

How to Get Google Review Link (4 Easy Ways)

Option 1: conducting google search, option 2: through google business profile manager, option 3: using google maps.

  • Option 4: Through a Place ID Finder

This option is one of the most straightforward choices. You can get your Google review link by a simple Google search.  Let us go through it step by step. 

Step 1: Find your business on Google Search and click the link that displays the number of reviews you have. 

Step 2: No click on the option that reads “ Get more reviews.”

Step 3: There you have it! Copy and share the link with the customers through email, SMS, or social media. 

The below image higlights the link displaying the number of reviews you have. Go ahead and clickon it to find your link for Google reviews.

Link displaying number of reviews on Google

Another approach to generating a custom URL link that leads to the review page is via the Google Business Profile. Follow these steps: 

Step 1: Log into Google Business Profile.

Step 2: Once logged in, select the business for which you want to get a link to Google reviews.

Step 3: Scroll down and go to the “Share your Business Profile” option.

Step 4: Here is your link for Google reviewsk. Just copy it and share it with customers through your favored media. 

You can also generate direct links to your company’s Google review page through Google Maps. Follow these steps: 

Step 1: Start with authorizing your Google Business account.

Step 2: Now go on to opening the Google Maps application via the desktop or app button.

Step 3: Search for your business on Maps by name and address.

Step 4: Go to the business’s information panel located on the left side of the screen.

Step 5: Look for the “Share” button and click on it. 

Step 6: Click on the “Copy Link” button or share their view page on Google Maps by selecting Facebook, Gmail, Twitter, and more. 

In the image, you can see the share button. Once you click on it, a pop-up appears where you can trace your Google review link.

Generate review link through Google Maps

Option 4: Through a Place ID Finder 

You can also use a Google Place ID Finder tool to generate Google review links for your business. A place ID is a unique identifier that Google utilizes for each location. The tool helps businesses to search for their Place ID easily.

Step 1: Open the Place ID Finder in Google Maps for developers.

Step 2: Search for your business by name and location.

Step 3: Select your business in the search bar. 

Step 4: When your business appears, copy the unique Place ID, which consists of a series of numbers and letters.

Step 5: Add the Place ID towards the end of the below URL:

Step 6: You have it! Your Google review link is ready to be shared with your audience. [Add your Place ID here]

In the image below, you can see how your Place ID will appear in the Google Place ID tool. 

Google Place ID of a business

How to Share a Google Review Link?

Once you have secured your Google Business review link, the next step is to share it with your customers so they can use it to access your review page seamlessly and leave you glittering star ratings. 

Here are five simple ways to share your review link: 

1. Send Email Review Requests to Your Customers

About 70% of online reviews are a result of email review request . Therefore, you must draft visually appealing and engaging messages sharing your Google review link. This can help you convince your customers to provide substantial feedback to attract more customers.   

Here are 2 email review request templates that you can use to attract more customer reviews. 

Email Review request template 1: 

Subject Line: We Value Your Feedback! 🌟 Share Your Experience

Hi [Customer Name],

I’m [Your Name], the [Your Position] at [Your Business Name]. Thank you for choosing us! We hope you had a great experience.

Could you spare a moment to share your thoughts? Your feedback helps us improve and attracts more wonderful customers like you. Please click the link below to leave a review:

[Google Review Link]

If you have any additional feedback, feel free to reach out to us at [Your Contact Information].

Thank you for your time!

Best regards,  

[Your Name]

Email Review request template 2: 

Subject Line: Help Us Improve! Leave a Quick Review

Dear [Customer Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I’m [Your Name] from [Your Business Name], and I wanted to thank you for your recent visit.

We’d love to hear about your experience with us! Would you mind leaving a quick review? It only takes a few minutes and greatly helps us improve our services.

You can leave your feedback here: [Google Review Link]

If you prefer, feel free to contact us directly at [Your Contact Information] for any other comments or questions.

Thanks so much!


2. Send Text Review Requests to the Customers

You can also use your mobile devices to develop a direct line of communication with your customers. Your text message should be short and should be able to capture the attention of the receiver. 

Because most text messages are opened within minutes, using a shortened link along with a brief, clear message increases the likelihood that customers will leave those valuable reviews. 

Here are two sample text messages that you can share with your customers when asking for their reviews: 

Message Template 1:

Hi [Customer Name], thank you for choosing [Your Business Name]! We’d love to hear your thoughts. Please take a moment to leave us a review: [Shortened Google Review Link]. Your feedback means a lot to us!

Message Template 2:

Hey [Customer Name], we hope you enjoyed your experience with [Your Business Name]. Could you share your feedback? It only takes a minute! [Shortened Google Review Link]. Thank you for your support!

3. Sharing your Review Link on Social Media 

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter (now X), Instagram, and more are a great way to share your Google review link. It can be used to share review links via engaging posts, video clips, stories covering positive experiences of happy customers, and more, along with a direct link to the Google review page. 

The more you can make it interactive and engaging for the readers, the more likely your customers will leave those valuable reviews!

When it comes to effectively managing your review generation campaign, you can use a review management tool to manage and track your progress from a single dashboard. 

It can be challenging for you to manage review request email and SMS campaigns especially if you have multiple locations to manage. What if we say that there is an easy way out?

Leverage SocialPilot Reviews to manage campaigns across multiple locations at once. Through smart campaign management, manage your email and SMS campaigns customized to specific customer journeys, maximizing review volume with minimal effort.

SocialPilot Reviews

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4. Sharing your Review Link on the Website

Another way of sharing the link is through leveraging your website. By adding a widget to your website, you can increase your online credibility and ranking. Adding a review widget or a prominent call-to-action (CTA) button increases the accessibility of your review link. 

By making it easy for visitors to leave reviews right from your site, you encourage more customer feedback, which can positively impact your online reputation and search engine ranking.

As seen in the image here, you can see a Google review widget which has a ‘Write a Review’ button.  

Google Review Widget

5. Use QR Code

In the end, you can use a QR code to share review links and gather more Google customer feedback. You can add this QR code to product packaging, marketing materials, and receipts. Customers can then scan this QR code and leave a review, ultimately leading to more traffic to your page.

As you can see in the image here, QR codes like these can be shared easily with your customers. Customer can simply scan this code and go to your review page to leave you a feedback.

QR code for review collection

Sharing your Google review link is an essential strategy for boosting your online presence and credibility. Whether through email, text messages, social media, your website, or QR codes, making it easy for customers to leave reviews can significantly improve your business’s reputation and search engine ranking. 

If you leverage these various methods, you can encourage more customer feedback, ultimately leading to increased trust and growth for your business. Start sharing your review link today to maximize your impact!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can't I find my Google Business Profile?

If you can't find your Google Business Profile to get a Google review link, it may be because your profile isn't verified, it is not optimized with relevant information, or it has been recently edited, causing a delay in visibility.

Moreover, if your profile violates Google's policies, it could be suspended, hindering its visibility in search results or on Google Maps. You need to make sure that your profile is verified, up-to-date, and follows all Google guidelines to ensure it's visible for reviews.

How do I create a short URL for Google Reviews?

Once you have your Google review link, you can use a URL shortening tool like TinyURL or Bitly to create a shorter version of the Google review link. After that, you can share this shortened URL with your consumers.

What are the benefits of Google Review links?

Some benefits of sharing your Google Review link are:

  • Build trust with customers
  • Create a call to action
  • Get more reviews

About the Author

Picture of Abhas Mathur

Abhas Mathur

Abhas is a seasoned content wizard with expertise in developing researched content that resonates with the target audiences. With a rich digital marketing and social media background, Abhas is adept at devising content strategies that drive organic brand growth.

You can find Abhas on LinkedIn here.

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Trump Reposts Crude Sexual Remark About Harris on Truth Social

Though the former president has a history of making crass insults about opponents, the reposts signal his willingness to continue to shatter longstanding political norms.

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Former President Donald J. Trump framed by American flags.

By Michael Gold

  • Aug. 28, 2024

Former President Donald J. Trump used his social-media website on Wednesday to amplify a crude remark about Vice President Kamala Harris that suggested Ms. Harris traded sexual favors to help her political career.

The post, by another user on Truth Social, was an image of Ms. Harris and Hillary Clinton, Mr. Trump’s opponent in 2016. The text read: “Funny how blowjobs impacted both their careers differently…”

The remark was a reference to Mrs. Clinton’s husband, former President Bill Clinton, and the Monica Lewinsky scandal, and a right-wing contention that Ms. Harris’s romantic relationship with Willie Brown, the former mayor of San Francisco whom she dated in the mid-1990s while he was speaker of the California State Assembly, fueled her political rise.

Mr. Trump’s repost was the second time in 10 days that the former president shared content from his personal account making sexually oriented attacks on Ms. Harris. Though he has a history of making crass insults about his opponents, the reposts signal Mr. Trump’s willingness to continue to shatter longstanding norms of political speech.

The image Mr. Trump shared on Wednesday morning was another user’s screenshot of a post on X, and it was a reply to an unrelated video clip Mr. Trump had posted on Tuesday night.

Mr. Trump reposted the image as part of a series of 30 reposts he made on Truth Social between 8:02 and 8:32 a.m. on Wednesday, including several posts with references to the QAnon conspiracy theory movement and its slogan. Mr. Trump also reposted photos that called for the prosecution or imprisoning of top Democrats and members of the House committee that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. The former president has vowed to direct federal prosecutors to investigate his political enemies if elected.

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Our advice is expert-vetted and based on independent research, analysis and hands-on testing from our team of Certified Sleep Coaches. If you buy through our links, we may get a commission. How we test mattresses

Saatva Classic Mattress 2024: An Expert Review of Saatva's Responsive and Supportive Bed

The Saatva Classic is a durable mattress with enhanced lumbar support to promote healthy spinal alignment. Find out if this luxurious bed is right for you.

get facebook review link

Saatva Classic

  • Supportive dual-layer innerspring
  • Neutral and responsive feel
  • Perfect for heavier sleepers and people who want more support
  • Multiple firmness options

Don't like

  • A little overkill for petite sleepers
  • Not ideal for people who want a soft mattress

Product details

  • Type Hybrid mattress
  • Firmness 3 firmness levels | Plush Soft
  • Trial 365 nights
  • Warranty Lifetime warranty

Although  memory foam mattresses have grown in popularity in recent years, many high-quality innerspring mattresses are still on the market. The Saatva Classic mattress is one of the more notable  innerspring mattresses available today. It's a reliable luxury bed with plenty of comfort and holds up well after years of wear and tear.

Saatva is known for being a luxury brand that doesn't overcharge despite using premium materials. The Saatva Classic mattress offers luxury, durability and comfort all wrapped into one. Although it's not the most affordable mattress, it's reasonably priced for how luxurious it is.

The Saatva Classic mattress on a bed frame.

First impressions of the Saatva Classic mattress

Even without knowing what's inside the Saatva Classic mattress, the first time you look at it, you can tell it's one hefty bed. I tried out the 11.5-inch model, but the Saatva Classic also comes in a taller 14.5-inch mattress. 

Saatva isn't a  bed-in-a-box brand, so it won't be delivered inside a cardboard box. Instead, two professionals hand-deliver it to you, ready for you to sleep on. It's a pretty heavy  mattress , so this takes the hassle out of setting it up and moving it around yourself. 

When I first laid down, I could tell there were innersprings in the foundation, but only by how bouncy and responsive it was. The foam and comfortable, airy pillow top ensure you don't feel the steel coils poking through the bed. Instead, it feels like the perfect combination of springy and pressure-relieving.

Video: Saatva Classic mattress review

Watch CNET senior video producer  Owen Poole  review the Saatva Classic mattress.

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Saatva Classic firmness and feel

How firm is the saatva classic mattress.

Testing the firmness of the Saatva Classic mattress.

Saatva offers three different firmness options, so you can select your mattress according to your primary sleeping position. 

  • Plush Soft:  This lands around a 5 out of 10 (medium on the  firmness scale ). This offers the most pressure relief while retaining a fair balance of support and is typically what we recommend for side sleepers.
  • Luxury Firm:  Around a 7 out of 10 on the firmness scale or a medium firm, this is heading into the firm territory. If you prioritize support but still want a little pressure relief around your shoulders and hips, the Saatva Classic's luxury firm model is a good option. We recommend this option for combination sleepers or those who sleep primarily on their backs or stomachs. 
  • Firm:  For firm bed lovers or heavier back and  stomach sleepers , this lands around a 9 or 10 out of 10. This Saatva Classic mattress is one of the most supportive firm options out there. It's a bit more than necessary for me, but I know the right type of sleeper will appreciate this bed model. 

What does the Saatva Classic mattress feel like?

The Saatva Classic mattress reminds me of a fancy hotel mattress or a traditional innerspring bed that's been given a few comfy upgrades. It's like a thick, supportive box spring with a cushy  foam mattress . It's quick to respond to pressure and is extremely easy to move around in, so you won't get that stuck feeling that memory foam tends to provide. 

Although this bed has two layers of durable steel coils, you really can't feel them at all, so they won't bother you while you sleep. Instead, they give the bed a nice bounce and extra-supportive feel. 

Saatva Classic mattress construction 

There are two height options, so the construction will differ slightly depending on the model you get. The materials will be the same, but the thickness of the innerspring system will be a little different. Either way, the bed is going to be extra durable. Unlike 99% of the mattresses I've seen online, the Saatva Classic mattress has back-to-back coils for maximum support. Here's a breakdown of the 11.5-inch model:

1.  Tempered steel coils make up the first layer of the Saatva Classic mattress, and they're reinforced with dense foam edges to help boost edge support. 2.  Next is a system of individually wrapped coils that help improve motion isolation as they move independently. 3.  A layer of "high-density" memory foam is next, adding pressure relief and comfort and neutralizing the feel of the steel coils below.  4.  Topping the bed is a thick, 3-inch pillow top made with fluffy fibers and comfy foams. It adds another layer of coziness on top of the memory foam, and it's wrapped in an organic cotton cover. 

Up close image of the pillow top of the Saatva Classic mattress

The soft and fluffy pillow top is covered with organic cotton.

Saatva Classic mattress performance 


One of our sleep experts testing out the mattress in her home.

Motion isolation

The motion isolation was  better than expected  on the Saatva Classic mattress, and my water glass didn't tip over on the bed during  my water glass test . The motion isolation isn't quite like  Casper  or  Nectar  because of those two innerspring layers inside. The memory foam layer and different foam and fibers in the bed's pillow top help the bed isolate movement better than a traditional innerspring mattress, but you will probably feel some movement if you have an aggressive tosser-and-turner right next to you. 

Edge support

Saatva offers phenomenal edge support for several reasons. One, the bed is extra supportive because of its dual-coil design. Two, Saatva constructed the mattress with foam edges around the perimeter of the bottom coil layer to help enhance edge support abilities. If you're pushed to the side of your mattress due to an active co-sleeper, the Saatva Classic will keep you from feeling like you won't go rolling off the edge. This also makes getting in and out of bed a little easier because the sides don't give. 


Hybrid mattresses like Saatva (beds that use both foam and coils) tend to be more breathable than all-foam mattresses because the coils allow for increased airflow. The Saatva Classic isn't necessarily a cooling mattress and won't make you feel cold, but it should sleep temperature-neutral . I think it does a good job of not retaining your body heat while you sleep, and factors like room temperature or your pajamas will play a bigger role in how hot you sleep. 

The Saatva Classic is just about as durable as you can ask for in a mattress. With its dual innerspring layers and extra-strength coils in the base layer, the Saatva Classic should be long-lasting and go without sags for at least 10 years. I haven't had the chance to test the Saatva Classic for that long, but its strong construction and lifetime warranty speak volumes about how long it should last. 


The Saatva Classic mattress is one of the handful of online beds that won't emit an unpleasant off-gassing smell. Saatva hand-delivers the mattress to you fully constructed, aired out and ready to go -- no unwrapping or unrolling involved. It also uses thistle pulp as a natural flame retardant rather than chemicals. As a result, there's no chemical off-gassing smell when you receive it. 

Learn more about how we test mattresses .

Who is the Saatva Classic mattress best for?

Beds with back-to-back coils provide maximum support and durability to sleepers. I think a lot of people will enjoy the Saatva Classic, but there will be some who think the coils are unnecessary. 

Saatva Classic offers three firmness levels from medium to firm (on our firmness scale ). This means the beds are generally more firm and supportive, making all of them ideal for back or stomach sleepers .

Diagram of a person sleeping on their back, illustrating the needs of a back sleeper.

Side sleepers will want to opt for the Luxury Plush model to get additional pressure relief, but petite side sleepers under 150 pounds should consider a different mattress . Check out our best mattress for side sleepers , or consider something more plush. Petite sleepers usually find beds to be firmer than the average person, so the Saatva beds will be too firm for smaller side sleepers. 

If you weigh 150 pounds or more, the Saatva Classic mattress offers plenty of support and durability. Unless you're looking for a particularly soft mattress, most sleepers within this range can find a Saatva mattress they enjoy. 

For petite sleepers under 150 pounds, I would recommend you spend your money on a different bed. You really don't need the dual-coil layers this bed offers, and that's one of its prime, bread-and-butter features. 

Saatva Classic mattress pricing

A queen-size Saatva Classic bed retails for $2,095. The brand also frequently runs promotions that lower the cost by a few hundred dollars. I refer to Saatva as "affordable luxury" -- you get a top-quality product for a fairly reasonable price. 

Saatva trial, warranty and shipping 

When you order a Saatva mattress, you're guaranteed a few perks to help incentivize you and make you feel more comfortable buying a mattress over the internet. 

First is free white-glove delivery, which means they will deliver and set up your mattress for you in your home. To give you plenty of time to test your bed, you'll receive a 365-night trial where you can decide if you do or do not like your mattress. If you don't, you will have to pay a $99 fee to return it. If you decide to keep the Saatva bed, you'll receive a lifetime warranty policy to back it. 

Final verdict on Saatva Classic

The Saatva Classic mattress offers up a sturdy, reliable and comfortable feel that you don't see in just any bed. Most hybrid mattresses only come with one innerspring system, but Saatva's dual-coil layer offers twice the support and durability. I think this bed is going to be for that person looking for a traditionally bouncy and responsive mattress feel with the addition of comfy foam. If you have the money to spend on a $2,000 mattress, Saatva is a pretty good choice unless you're in the market for something with a plusher profile. 

You might like Saatva if:

  • You sleep on your back, stomach or a combination
  • You're a side sleeper over 150 pounds
  • You want an extra supportive mattress
  • You have an average to heavy body type
  • You want your mattress delivered and set up in your home

You might not like Saatva if:

  • You're on a tight budget
  • You sleep on your side and want an extra soft bed
  • You weigh under the 150-pound range
  • You want free returns ($99 fee)
  • You want a foam mattress feel

How does the Saatva Classic compare to other mattresses?

The Saatva Classic is a durable hybrid mattress with luxury written all over it. Here are a few other beds that are comparable to the Saatva Classic mattress.

Saatva vs. DreamCloud Hybrid

The DreamCloud mattress is a premium hybrid bed with a pillow top like the Saatva bed, except it only has one layer of pocketed coils in the base layer. The DreamCloud Hybrid is also only available in one height and one firmness level. Saatva has three firmness options, two of which are firmer than DreamCloud. Saatva feels more like an innerspring, bouncy mattress, whereas DreamCloud has more of a memory foam feel. The DreamCloud is also more affordable. 

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Saatva vs. Purple

The Purple mattress is much different than the Saatva mattress. First of all, it has a completely different feel. It has a springy, bouncy gel-like feel that makes you feel weightless. The Saatva, on the other hand, has more of a traditional mattress feel. Purple is rated a medium on the firmness scale, so it's softer than Saatva's Luxury Firm and Firm models. Purple is also a thinner, all-foam mattress. Purple does make a hybrid model that contains pocketed coils for more support. If you want a cooling bed, Purple takes the cake, as it's one of the most breathable beds you can buy. If you're looking at price, Purple is the more affordable option. 

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Saatva vs. WinkBed 

The WinkBed mattress is a hotel-luxury-grade hybrid bed with a pillow top similar to Saatva. It used to have two layers of coils, but the brand replaced the top layer of coils with extra foam layers in a recent update. Now, it has more of a foam feel than Saatva does. WinkBed offers three different firmness levels for the Classic model, including a Softer model that's rated around a three out of 10 on the firmness scale. It's plush, soft and more accommodating for side sleepers than the Saatva mattresses. It's also close in price to the Saatva. The one you choose will ultimately depend on which company is running the best promo. 

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Other mattresses from Saatva

Here's a look at some of the other mattresses you can purchase from Saatva. 

Saatva Memory Foam Hybrid : This is Saatva's memory foam offering. It has more of a foamy, contouring feel than the Saatva Classic. Still, it doesn't have a prominent memory foam feel. It's pretty subtle and much easier to move around on than traditional memory foam. I'd rate it around a medium on the firmness scale, and I think it's great for all body types. 

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Saatva HD : A mattress designed especially for heavier individuals who need more support and durability. It's made with extra strong coils that have Saatva's spinal zone technology. It's also softer than other mattresses made for plus-size individuals and has a big fluffy pillow top that makes it feel extra light and airy. It's rated around a medium on the firmness scale, making it great for all sleeping positions. 

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Saatva Latex Hybrid : This is the brand's organic and natural mattress offering. It's made with pocketed coils, natural latex, organic wool and organic cotton. It's one of the more expensive mattresses from Saatva because of its use of natural materials, but it's worth it if you want a nontoxic, eco-friendly mattress. 

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Saatva Classic mattress FAQs

Is the saatva classic worth the money.

It's worth the money if you want a hotel-luxury mattress with an extra supportive and durable construction. It's great for most sleeping positions, especially back and stomach sleepers who want a supportive and firm profile. It's also great for people who suffer from back pain. If you're okay with a simple, regular ol' mattress, you could save money by going a different route. 

Where are Saatva mattresses made?

Saatva mattresses are made in one of 19 factories across America, never overseas. Saatva also sources all of its foam and 85% of other bed materials from America. 

How long do Saatva mattresses last?

Your Saatva mattress should last around eight to 10 years or more. The Saatva Classic mattress is designed with two steel coil layers, making it more durable and supportive than many of its competitors. Its strong construction helps protect against sags and lumps. The brand also offers a lifetime warranty to protect your mattress for its entire lifespan. 

Can a Saatva mattress be flipped?

No, the Saatva Classic mattress cannot be flipped. Saatva's Zenhaven latex mattress, on the other hand, is flippable.

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Space Marine 2’s campaign is bigger and bloodier than the original, but falters in the back half

Titus returns in Space Marine 2 to fight off hordes of Tyranids and the sorcerous Thousand Sons

by Cass Marshall

Key art for Space Marine 2, showing Titus and two Ultramarines fighting their way through a pile of the insectoid alien Tyranid.

The secret to understanding the vast libraries of lore behind the Warhammer 40K franchise is that all of it, from the Black Library novels to the lavishly detailed Warhammer Plus animations, is there to sell you on the idea of collecting your own army of miniatures to paint and play. No one understands this better than Saber Interactive, the developer of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 .

Space Marine became a cult classic due to how well it captured the joy of playing a transhuman tank of a man, a weapon of war stomping through the battlefield swiftly removing arms from torsos and heads from shoulders. Space Marine 2 doesn’t reinvent the wheel; much of the core combat is similar. Everything else has been expanded and improved upon, so players get to rip and tear their way through one of the best depictions of 40K’s eternal war yet.

Combat doctrines

The main attraction of Space Marine 2 is its combat. The protagonist, Lieutenant Titus, is accompanied by two of his battle brothers. The game begins on the jungle planet of Kadaku, which is being invaded by the voracious Tyranids. These insectoid aliens are highly adaptable and merciless, and they plan to subsume these worlds for valuable biomass, which will create more Tyranids.

Titus is a top-of-the-line genetically modified warrior, but the Tyranids are a worthy match. Saber used the swarm technology from World War Z for the Tyranids, and it’s truly stunning to see wave after wave of them swarming a fortification. These enemies range from thousands of tiny, rat-sized Rippers to the massive and monstrous Carnifex. There’s only one solution at hand: Rip and tear.

A squad of three Space Marines for the game’s co-op  mode, each wearing customized armor with different accoutrements.

This is not a cover shooter; Titus is happiest in the thick of combat. Titus is equipped with both a melee and a ranged weapon, and he switches seamlessly between them. If Titus successfully parries an enemy attack, he gains an opening and can fire a free shot. Stunned enemies can be executed, which triggers a gratuitously gory animation and gives Titus a chunk of free armor.

There are a few moments where the power fantasy weakens, especially on Kadaku. Titus may be a transhuman weapon of war, but he can’t jump over a tiny ledge, or walk through a small wall of rubble. This game is at its best when it flows from combat encounter to combat encounter, and the endless armies of the Tyranids are great fun to tear apart. Some of the execution animations had me hooting and hollering; it’s wildly satisfying to grab an alien by the face, pull its head off, and then stomp whatever remains beneath a big boot.

Twists and turns

Space Marine 2 is more than just a gorefest; the game builds on the narrative established by the original. Space Marines are created to be the ultimate soldiers, built to defend the Imperium of Man. At the end of the first game, Captain Titus of the Ultramarines battles the Archenemy, also known as the forces of Chaos. For his good deeds, his own battle brothers turn him into the Imperium’s secret police. The Imperium tortured Titus until he was eventually sent to serve with a Space Marine group known as the Deathwatch.

After 200 years of punishment, Titus is finally welcomed back into the Ultramarines. The Ultramarine force in Space Marine 2 is much more established, giving orders from aboard the Battle Barge known as the Resilient. In the first game, Titus mostly deals with the Inquisition and the Imperial Guard. This time, Titus spends time dealing with the various subfactions of the Imperium who are present, and navigating the tense political relationships between groups.

Captain Titus seizes up an airborn flight of Tyranid enemies on the industrial gothic world of Space Marine 2

Titus and his battle brothers move off Kadaku and pursue the threat into the Hive world of Avarax. These densely populated urban centers are one of the most interesting parts of 40K , and Space Marine 2 does a great job at depicting these massive environments. I adored Warhammer 40,000: Darktide for the meticulous job of capturing the 40K vibe; Space Marine 2 achieves a similar feat.

In the back half of the game — similar to the first title — a new threat emerges. Chaos Space Marines, specifically the sorcerous Thousand Sons, appear to torment Titus. The Thousand Sons are composed of powerful psykers who command armies of Rubric Marines, empty shells of armor filled with soul dust. Encountering these traitors inspires doubts and suspicion among the Ultramarines, and as they pursue the Thousand Sons, Titus begins arguing with his new squad. Will history repeat itself? Is Titus doomed to fall to Chaos, or will brotherhood and good faith prevail?

A bumpy back half

About halfway through Avarax, I noticed Space Marine 2 started to feel less well realized. There were a couple of cool sequences that, instead of making for a thrilling set-piece, were relegated to being mere cutscenes. The inventive execution animations also fell off. The first few times I wrenched off a Rubric Marine’s helmet and watched magical confetti rocket out like a macabre piñata, I laughed and clapped like a trained seal. The 50th time was less magical.

The storyline about Titus and his squadmates is also core to the main narrative, but there are a few story beats that seem like they’re going to pay off later on, only to go nowhere. Space Marines are also narrowly characterized compared to other groups in 40K, since they’re indoctrinated transhuman soldiers. There’s a lot of squad banter that can be summed up as “Brother, I did not act with honor,” followed by “I understand, brother, but we must always act with honor.”

The Thousand Sons, Space Marines in Egyptian-themed armor, stand side by side in a screenshot from Space Marine 2

Despite a few messy detours and an irritating final boss fight, Space Marine 2 resolves everything neatly and leaves the door open for further adventures. There’s more to discover, including playing the campaign cooperatively with friends, the PvP modes, and the side missions that show different perspectives of the Ultramarines’ campaign. As someone who enjoyed Titus’ first journey all the way back in 2011, I enjoyed his triumphant return.

The core action tickles the same part of my brain, but the expanded narrative, bigger environments, and sheer size and scope of the Tyranids are noticeable and massive improvements. The Space Marine games are one of the best entry points to the vast 40K canon thanks to how satisfying it is to step into the shoes of an Ultramarine, and Space Marine 2 carries on that legacy.

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 will be released Sept. 4 on PlayStation 5, Windows PC, and Xbox Series X. The game was reviewed using a pre-release download code provided by Saber Interactive. Vox Media has affiliate partnerships. These do not influence editorial content, though Vox Media may earn commissions for products purchased via affiliate links. You can find additional information about Polygon’s ethics policy here .

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The creator of the viral Dubai chocolate bar says it's changed her life. After tracking down 3 different versions in NYC, I understand why.

  • A dessert dubbed the " Dubai chocolate bar" has gone viral online.
  • The original bar was created by Fix Dessert Chocolatier, a UAE-based chocolaterie.
  • I tried versions from three New York City stores and totally get the hype.

Insider Today

It all began, as most things do these days, with a viral video on TikTok.

UAE-based creator Maria Vehera filmed a 1 1/2-minute clip in which she opened a chocolate bar, broke it in half, and dipped it in green pistachio cream before taking her first bite. Since she posted the video in December 2023, it has been viewed 77 million times and has over 5 million likes.

The chocolate in the video — a milk-chocolate bar that's filled with pistachio cream and kataifi, a shredded phyllo pastry — took FoodTok by storm. From homemade recipes and vegan substitutes to DIY kits on eBay and small business owners making their own versions, everyone has been trying to recreate the bars.

The original bar, named "Can't Get Knafeh of It," after the traditional Middle Eastern dessert kunafa, was created by UAE-based dessert shop Fix Dessert Chocolatier. Its founder, Sarah Hamouda, launched the brand from her home kitchen in 2021.

"Coming from my dining-room kitchen to a small cloud kitchen with one person and then now a team of 15 people has been surreal," Hamouda told Business Insider.

The brand took off earlier this year and, according to Hamouda, went from getting six to seven chocolate orders a day to 500 orders a day, with the bars selling out within a minute of new products going on sale every evening.

Since the brand's viral success, Hamouda has quit her corporate job and is determined to meet the growing global demands. But Fix Desserts have yet to hit stores in the US, so some local businesses have taken things into their own hands. Banking on the bar's virality and a growing global chocolate market , US-based businesses are creating and selling their own versions.

In New York City, Nuts Factory, a specialty food store with six Manhattan locations and six others across the state, introduced the chocolate bar in July.

"We hand-make about 1,000 bars of chocolates every day to send across all our stores," Din Allall, the CEO of Nuts Factory, told Business Insider. And while he doesn't have a number on the chocolate sales yet, it's been popular enough a product to warrant expansion. The brand has already launched a dark and white chocolate option alongside its milk chocolate offering and plans to introduce additional flavors in the upcoming months.

Since I can't make a trip across the Atlantic to try the original, I decided to try bars from three local businesses selling them in New York — the Chocolate House, Mokafe, and the Nuts Factory — to determine which appears to be the most authentic and tastes the most delicious.

Here's how the chocolate bars tasted, ranked from my least favorite to my favorite.

To find out what the hype was all about, I tracked down three versions of the bars in NYC. One came from Chocolate House in Astoria.

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I came across this dessert shop, which has six locations in New York City while scrolling through Instagram. I saw that, in addition to selling the chocolate, they had remixed the pistachio cream and toasted kataifi — shredded phyllo pastry used to make kunafa — flavors to create pistachio chocolate crepes and waffles.

I picked up the chocolate from its Astoria location, where it costs $8.99, excluding tax.

The bar came wrapped in a clear cellophane with a gold clip on top and felt soft, not firm.

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Just from holding and seeing the bar, I could tell this wasn't the most accurate dupe, as it appeared to have used molten chocolate instead of tempered, which gave it a flat and mottled appearance.

The bar broke easily and lacked the snap that made the original famous.

In terms of size, this was the smallest of the three bars I tried from stores in NYC, but it was also the cheapest.

I thought the sweet milk chocolate overpowered the creamy and crunchy pistachio flavors.

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While I usually opt for dark chocolate, I also enjoy the occasional milk option when mixed with nuts or berries. And though this chocolate combined both, it didn't seem to get the balance of flavors right. When I broke the bar in half, I also did not get the crunch or snap that I watched on scores of TikTok videos.

However, if you're new to Middle Eastern desserts and would prefer a largely American flavor profile with hints of kataifi and pistachio, then this chocolate bar might be the one for you.

I also tried a version of the chocolate bar from the Nuts Factory. This was my second favorite.

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Several New York-based creators on TikTok have called this bar the Dubai bar dupe. While I haven't tried the original, based on watching several online videos of Fix's chocolate, I have to agree: At $18.99, excluding taxes, this 7.5-ounce bar comes closest to its Dubai cousin in terms of both costs — the 7-ounce Fix chocolate bar costs about $20 — and appearance.

I ordered my chocolate online on DoorDash from the closest store in Manhattan, and it came swiftly, packed in a plastic container with no branding.

The bar did not melt easily and was quite large.

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At first glance, the chocolate felt firm and had an even tone throughout, which suggested its base was tempered.

Din Allall, the CEO, told BI the chocolate is sourced from Belgium, the pistachio cream from Italy, and the kataifi from Greece.

As per tradition set online, I did the snap test by breaking the bar in half and was instantly satisfied by its sound.

The bar is also quite big — equivalent to four chocolate bars stacked — making it ideal for sharing with friends or family.

The bar was rich and crunchy, but I wish the chocolate and pistachio flavors had been better balanced to complement each other.

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Despite being the perfect dupe appearance-wise, the flavor profile didn't work the best for me. Again, I thought the richness of the milk chocolate overpowered the pistachio cream. I also wish the kataifi was a bit roasted and dipped in extra pistachio cream so that both flavors could shine equally.

Having said that, I think lots of people with a fondness for crunchy milk chocolate would enjoy this decadent dessert, and I can see why it has an online fanbase.

My favorite bar had a perfect blend of pistachio cream and chocolate, with neither overpowering the other. It came from Mokafe in Astoria.

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Just across from the Chocolate House in Astoria is a small specialty coffee shop, Mokafe, that's most popular for its premium Yemeni coffee blends but is also selling the famous chocolate bars.

So naturally, I walked across the street and managed to get the last remaining bar of dark chocolate for $9.36, excluding tax.

The bar came wrapped in branded cellophane and had a white chocolate glaze.

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The bar had a firm exterior and a smooth, consistent texture. It did not melt easily and passed the snap test with flying colors. The chocolate seemed so perfectly tempered that it had a nice gloss and took some strength to break in half.

While it's much smaller than the bar from Dubai, it appeared to match it in some aspects.

I also felt the bar was priced fairly for a specialty chocolate, neither too low nor too high.

I enjoyed the crunch of roasted kataifi combined with dark chocolate.

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One of the reasons this bar stood out to me was its use of roasted kataifi, a texture and flavor profile I could taste well and that integrated nicely with the pistachio cream.

The other reason, of course, was that this was the first place that used dark chocolate instead of milk, which I felt helped balance the overall sweetness.

Although the chocolate wasn't 100% dark and had hints of sugar, it still paired better, in my opinion.

Each shop added a unique spin to the original bar, and I can understand why the indulgent dessert is such a hit.

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If I were to buy one of these bars again, Mokafe would be my first choice, but all the bars offered a distinct experience, from melt-in-your-mouth smoothness to a delicate crunch.

Each shop provided a unique spin on the original bar from Dubai's Fix Dessert Chocolatier and offered chocolate enthusiasts a variety of flavors, types, and textures to pick from — all without having to travel 7,000 miles across the ocean.

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Will Kamala Harris or Donald Trump Be Better for the Economy? Here's What 1 Top Wall Street Analyst Says

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  • The firm concluded that one candidate's policies would be clearly better for the U.S. economy.
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Goldman Sachs Group

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Jobs growth and GDP would be higher with one presidential candidate, according to Goldman Sachs.

As the U.S. economy goes, so goes the stock market. At least, that's generally the case. When the economy is strong, corporate earnings tend to rise. And when earnings rise, stocks usually move higher.

With the presidential election just around the corner, many investors are understandably interested in how the policies of the two major candidates might affect the economy. Will Kamala Harris or Donald Trump be better for the economy? Here's what one top Wall Street analyst says.

A donkey and an elephant with ropes appearing to pull the White House in opposite directions.

Image source: Getty Images.

The clear winner, according to Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs ( GS 1.87% ) is a financial services giant with operations spanning the globe. It's a leading investment bank and offers asset and wealth management services. Because of the intersection between politics and its business, the firm recently evaluated the potential impact of Harris' and Trump's proposed economic policies.

There's a clear winner between the two based on how their policies would affect the U.S. economy, in Goldman Sachs' view. It's Kamala Harris.

The Wall Street firm projects that under a Harris administration with Democratic control of Congress, jobs would grow by around 10,000 per month higher than if Trump wins with a divided Congress. A Harris win would create 30,000 more jobs per month compared to a sweep where Trump becomes president and the GOP controls both the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Goldman Sachs analysts also predicted that Trump's economic plans would reduce gross domestic product (GDP) by around 0.5% in the second half of 2025. However, they think this negative impact to GDP would diminish beginning in 2026.

Why the Wall Street firm views Harris' policies more favorably

Vice President Harris has proposed economic policies including expanded child tax credits, bans on price gouging, tax incentives for first-time homebuyers, and an increase in the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%. She also recently called for raising the long-term capital gains tax rate to 28% for Americans who earn $1 million or more and giving up to $50,000 in tax deductions for new small businesses.

Former President Trump wants to reduce corporate tax rates to 15%. He proposes tariffs of at least 10% on all imports with tariffs of 60% on imports from China. Trump also plans to reduce government regulations to help businesses. His idea of a massive deportation of illegal immigrants could have an economic impact as well.

Goldman Sachs likes Harris' proposed spending initiatives and tax credits for the middle class. The firm projects these plans would "slightly more than offset investment due to higher corporate tax rates." The result, in Goldman Sachs' view, is that a Harris administration with a Democratic Congress would boost GDP growth a little in 2025 and 2026.

The Wall Street firm has a negative take on Trump's economic proposals, however. Goldman Sachs analysts wrote to investors earlier this week, "We estimate that if Trump wins in a sweep or with [divided] government, the hit to growth from tariffs and tighter immigration policy would outweigh the positive fiscal impulse."

What's the potential impact on investors?

Not everyone agrees with Goldman Sachs' outlook. The Trump campaign responded to an inquiry from Bloomberg: "[T]hese Wall Street elites would be wise to review the record and acknowledge the shortcomings of their past work if they'd like their new forecast to be seen as credible."

Unsurprisingly, the Harris campaign liked Goldman Sachs' analysis. It released a statement saying, "Vice President Harris has a positive vision to strengthen the economy by building up the middle class, cutting taxes and lowering costs for working families and small businesses, and creating opportunities for all Americans to get ahead."

What's the potential impact on investors if Goldman Sachs' take is right? The easy answer is that it depends on who wins in November. However, the stock market has risen in the past during both Democratic and Republican administrations. For long-term investors, the occupant of the Oval Office over the next four years won't matter nearly as much as the quality of the stocks they buy and how long they own those stocks.

Keith Speights has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Goldman Sachs Group. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy .

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    Click on "Settings" (located at the top right-hand corner) Click on "Templates and Tabs" (located in the left-hand sidebar) Scroll down to "Show Reviews" (in the "Reviews" section) and click the toggle "On". Click "Save" to confirm the change. Remember: Facebook reviews are enabled by default.

  3. How to Create the Perfect Link to Ask for Facebook Reviews

    Method 1 - The Easy Way. The easy way is to use our Facebook Reviews link generator below. Just input your Facebook page's "slug" and your email address, and we'll email you the very best link for your Page's reviews. NOTE: it's not the whole Facebook page's URL. Just the "slug" is the part between the first two slashes ...

  4. How to Create a Facebook Review Link

    How to Create a Facebook Review Link - Clickly

  5. How to get Facebook Review Links for Improved Feedback in 2023

    Go to your Facebook business page. Click on the "More" button under the cover photo. Select "Reviews" from the drop-down menu. Click on the "Get Reviews" button. Click on the "Share" button in the pop-up window. Select the social media platform where you want to share the reviews.

  6. Mastering Facebook Reviews: The Complete 2024 Guide

    Mastering Facebook Reviews: The Complete 2024 Guide

  7. How to Get Facebook Reviews for Your Business Page (15 Easy Ways)

    How to Get Facebook Reviews for Your Business Page (15 ...

  8. Creating and Using Facebook Review Link

    Creating a Facebook Review Link. If you want to, for example, send Facebook review requests via email or add a QR code to your FB review page, you need own Facebook review link. There are two ways to get your Facebook review links: Facebook Reviews Tab - The Simple Way. Log into Facebook business. Go to the reviews tab; Copy the address

  9. The complete guide for Facebook Reviews for Business

    Copy the Reviews Page URL. Log in to Facebook: sign in to your Facebook account. Go to your business page: access your business page on Facebook. To do this, click on the Pages tab in the left menu or search for your page in the search bar at the top of the Facebook homepage. Get the URL of your business page: once you're on your business ...

  10. The best way to use a Facebook review link

    Go to your Facebook Business page's settings. Click on Templates and Tabs on the left menu. 3. Go down until you see Reviews. If you don't see it, select "Add a Tab" at the bottom of the list to add Reviews. 4. But wait! Before sending that link, there could be an issue. Even though a vast number of people have a Facebook account, your ...

  11. How to Get Facebook Reviews for Your Business [5 Ways]

    Here is a list of 5 easy ways on how you can get more Facebook reviews effortlessly: Ask your customers via chat or email. Add ''Leave us a Review' buttons on your website. Ask for Facebook reviews offline. Respond to every review. Promote customers feedback on social media and Facebook Ads.

  12. How to Use a Facebook Review Link

    How to Best Use A How to Use a Facebook Review Link in 2024

  13. Facebook reviews & recommendations: complete guide I Birdeye

    Here's how you can get started. How to create a Facebook review link. If you want to create a Facebook review link to drive your customers to your Facebook page, there are a few workarounds that you need to get past. The primary issue is that the customer will be directed to a login page on Facebook if they're not logged in already. Here ...

  14. Manage your Business Reviews in Business Manager or Meta ...

    Manage your Business Reviews in Business Manager or ...

  15. How To Get Reviews On Your Facebook Business Pages in 2023

    Now let's look at how to get Facebook business page reviews. Table Of Contents. Step 1 - Create Review Links To Share. Step 2 - Add Review Links To Your Email. Step 3 - Actively Promote The Review Link. Step 4 - Get Likes, Follows & (Hopefully) More Reviews. Step 5 - Embed Review Widgets On Your Website.

  16. 10 Ways To Get More Facebook Reviews For Your Business

    Engagement Opportunity: If a customer checks in on your business, they create an opportunity for you to engage with them, thanking them for their visit and asking them to leave a review. This might delight the customer and prompt them to leave an amazing review. 3. Get Reviews Through a 'Leave Us a Review Email'.

  17. How to get reviews on Facebook

    Here's how to get the Reviews tab to show up on your Facebook Page: Click "Settings". Click "Edit Page". You will see a section titled Tabs. Turn ON the option to "Use default tabs". There, choices for pre-picked tabs will show up. Scroll down until you see "Add a Tab." Click it. Add the "Reviews" tab. You can now order ...

  18. How to Get More Facebook Reviews + FB REVIEWS LINK

    Do you want to get more reviews on your Facebook page to attract new customers? I'm going to show you lots of different ways to get reviews, plus the best li...

  19. Find your business review link on Google, Facebook and more

    How to turn Facebook reviews on: Step 1: Open your business page. Step 2: Click on "Settings". Step 3: Select "Templates and Tabs" from the left-side menu. Step 4: Scroll down until you see the "Reviews" tab. If you don't have a review tab, click the "Add a Tab" button to add one. Step 5: Click the grey "Settings" button ...

  20. How can I see reviews on Facebook?

    From your Feed, tap an ad for a business you'd like to see reviews for to open the Facebook Mobile Browser. The overall review score will be shown on the bottom. Tap to open the More Info screen. Tap the review score to see details of the review score and to see individual reviews. Keep in mind, businesses may reply to reviews, but they can ...

  21. How To Get Reviews On Your Facebook Business Page

    Login to Facebook, and go to your Facebook business page. Find and click the "Reviews" link in your Facebook business page's menu. Make sure to check the "More" menu. Not all Facebook business page menus are setup the same way. Screenshot uses our old business name. Copy your Facebook business page's reviews page URL from your ...

  22. About business ratings and reviews

    Your business rating reflects customers' overall purchase experience and is an average of the ratings shared by your customers across Meta technologies, weighted by recency and other factors. Only the ratings and reviews that we have not deemed to be in violation of our Community Standards are included in calculating your business rating. If ...

  23. How To Get Google reviews link [4 Easy Ways]

    How to Get Google Review Link (4 Easy Ways) Option 1: Conducting Google Search; Option 2: Through Google Business Profile Manager; Option 3: Using Google Maps; ... Step 6: Click on the "Copy Link" button or share their view page on Google Maps by selecting Facebook, Gmail, Twitter, and more. In the image, you can see the share button. Once ...

  24. Trump Reposts Crude Sexual Remark About Harris on Truth Social

    Former President Donald J. Trump used his social-media website on Wednesday to amplify a crude remark about Vice President Kamala Harris that suggested Ms. Harris traded sexual favors to help her ...

  25. Saatva Classic Mattress 2024: An Expert Review of Saatva's ...

    Saatva Classic Mattress Review 2024: An Expert Take on ...

  26. How to request a review of your Page's feedback score

    How to request a review of your Page's feedback score

  27. Space Marine 2 review: One of the best ways to get into 40K

    Space Marine 2's campaign is bigger and bloodier than the original, but falters in the back half. Titus returns in Space Marine 2 to fight off hordes of Tyranids and the sorcerous Thousand Sons

  28. iPhone 16: Release date, prices and new rumoured features

    The Telegraph values your comments but kindly requests all posts are on topic, constructive and respectful. Please review our commenting policy.

  29. Review: NYC Shops Offering the Viral Dubai Chocolate Bar, Ranked

    A dessert dubbed the "Dubai chocolate bar" has gone viral online. The original bar was created by Fix Dessert Chocolatier, a UAE-based chocolaterie. I tried versions from three New York City ...

  30. Will Kamala Harris or Donald Trump Be Better for the Economy? Here's

    Goldman Sachs evaluated the economic plans of Harris and Trump. The firm concluded that one candidate's policies would be clearly better for the U.S. economy. For long-term investors, which person ...

SizeMeasurements (inches)Price
Twin 38x75 inches$1,395
Twin XL 38x80 inches$1,495
Full 54x74 inches$1,995
Queen 60x80 inches$2,095
King 76x80 inches$2,595
Cal king 72x84 inches$2,595