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Zen Media - B2B Marketing & PR Agency for B2B Brands

19 Successful PR Campaigns from Innovative Companies

  • Megan Noorman
  • December 28, 2023

examples of successful pr campaigns

Successful PR campaigns come in as many different forms as there are brands. What could be innovative and on-point for one company may be totally off-key for another.

Despite that, looking at other companies’ PR successes can still be helpful when developing a comprehensive PR campaign for your brand . So let’s look at 19 major PR successes over the years from companies across various industries and key takeaways to strengthen the impact of your next PR campaign.

1. The “Summer of Barbie” Campaign

The “Summer of Barbie” campaign, associated with the 2023 Barbie movie, created a global buzz. This vibrant campaign included painting mansions pink and setting up life-sized Barbie boxes for photo ops, leading to a surprising pink paint shortage. The campaign’s success was monumental, contributing to the movie’s staggering $2.9 billion global gross.

The Barbie campaign tapped into the nostalgia of a beloved brand while aligning it with contemporary trends. Brands can learn to blend nostalgia with modern elements to appeal to both long-time followers and new audiences.

By weaving a compelling narrative around Barbie and integrating it with real-world experiences, the campaign created a story that people wanted to be a part of. Brands should focus on crafting stories that are not only engaging but also offer opportunities for the audience to participate and contribute, creating a shared and more impactful brand journey.

2. Reinventing Financial PR with Dwolla

Dwolla, an established player in the modern payments platform sector, sought to rejuvenate its image and boost brand awareness in 2022. Zen Media’s approach was a dynamic 90-day PR blitz, focusing on forward-thinking announcements and unveiling new partnerships. This comprehensive strategy also highlighted unique case studies and proactive podcast pitches, cementing Dwolla’s position as a fintech thought leader. The outcome was impressive: over 170 media pieces and 250+ social media engagements, significantly raising Dwolla’s profile and exceeding their expectations in brand visibility.

Dwolla’s campaign also underscores the importance of innovation within industry norms. In the financial sector, where trust and reliability are paramount, Dwolla managed to inject freshness and dynamism into its brand image without losing sight of these core values. Brands in other sectors can take note of this balance between innovation and adherence to industry standards.

3. Lego Rebuild the World 

Their first global PR campaign in decades, Lego’s Rebuild the World was focused on inspiring creative thinking in kids—but also adults. As part of the public relations campaign, Lego asked customers to submit pictures of their creations, aggregated onto a 3D globe on the brand’s website. Users can move and spin the globe to see what people worldwide have created. 

The best part is that Rebuild the World struck the perfect balance between inspirational and playful—an exact fit for Lego’s overall brand personality.

4. Kamua’s Product Launch campaign

Our client Kamua, an AI-powered video editing platform, wanted to establish itself as an authoritative voice in the video editing industry and rapidly expand its base of dedicated users. 

We worked with them to create a comprehensive, strategic public relations strategy that included bylined articles by Kamua founder and CEO Paul Robert Cary; multiple monthly mentions including in tier-one publications; and, most importantly, a Product Hunt launch campaign that would get Kamua’s name and product in front of thousands of tech-savvy users and influencers. 

Kamua became one of the top three most-hunted products on Product Hunt, was featured in Product Hunt’s email newsletter , and was named Best Product of the Week by Product Hunt the week of its campaign. Just one outcome of this PR campaign? The platform gained 400 new users literally overnight.

Related read: Product Launch Marketing: Strategy, Plan, and Execute

Top 3 Most Hunted on ProductHunt banner

5. Dove’s #TheSelfieTalk Campaign

A decade after the women’s skincare brand launched its Real Beauty campaign, it’s still going strong. 

Why? Because they’ve involved real women (and girls) every step of the way. Their latest campaign is a commentary on how social media affects girls’ self-esteem. Their #TheSelfieTalkCampaign shows a young girl editing a photo of herself to post online. To make their point, Dove shows this process in reverse. The advertisement ends by showing the girl’s natural face without makeup or filters. 

From honest conversations on beauty standards to what it means to “throw like a girl,” Dove’s public relations campaigns have evolved and adapted to the times by staying sincerely in touch with what its customers are experiencing in their daily lives.

6. BBC’s Peaky Blinders fan art campaign

Fan art is a world unto itself—but surprisingly few brands embrace this “unofficial” view, even though it’s probably the best possible source of user-generated content a brand could ever ask for. 

An exception to this was the show Peaky Blinders , which issued a call to fans to create art for their new season’s imagery in 2019. Not only did this generate interest among casual viewers and those who were not yet fans, but it also strengthened the relationship between the show’s creators and the viewers who love it—a win-win. 

Related read: How to Take Your User-Generated Content from Good to Great

7. Caldwell’s newsjacking campaign

Caldwell, a law firm specializing in high-growth startups and early-stage tech and life sciences, aimed to extend its brand beyond its founder’s reputation. The firm worked with Zen Media, and our innovative strategy involved a newsjacking campaign, seizing real-time opportunities for Caldwell’s attorneys to comment on global cases. This proactive approach led to numerous features in trade magazines covering tech and biotech cases, enhancing Caldwell’s visibility and establishing its lawyers as industry thought leaders.

Caldwell’s approach illustrates the effectiveness of creating a multi-dimensional brand identity . By showcasing their expertise on various platforms and media, they not only enhanced their brand visibility but also added depth to their brand’s persona. Brands should strive to create a diverse yet cohesive image that reflects their multiple strengths and areas of expertise.

8. The Eras Tour — More than just a concert

Can we call a concert tour a campaign? Why not! Taylor Swift took over the world in 2023 with her Eras Tour. She not only blasted through global attendance and revenue records for a tour and had a direct impact on local economies where she performed (and released multiple albums and a film), but she also created a widespread culture that consumed the market. 

The Eras Tour exemplifies the power of a holistic marketing approach. By integrating various elements—music, visual arts, storytelling—into a cohesive campaign, Swift managed to create a brand experience that was both immersive and memorable. Brands can learn to integrate different marketing elements to create a more comprehensive and engaging campaign.

Another critical aspect of the Eras Tour’s success was Swift’s strong fan base. Brands should focus on building and nurturing a loyal community around their products or services—it can be a powerful tool in amplifying the impact of campaigns.

9. State Street Global Advisors Fearless Girl 

The Fearless Girl statue that the Wall Street firm State Street Global Advisors firm placed to face down the famous Wall Street bull became a symbol of the financial sector’s lack of gender diversity, and the women who have been at the forefront of trying to change that. 

But in addition to its symbolic importance, it’s also a carefully crafted advertisement—one for the firm’s exchange-traded Gender Diversity Index SHE fund. 

The firm has faced some criticism over the years since putting up the statue, as it hasn’t always been clear whether State Street Global Advisors is making gender diversity a true priority. 

And this brings up another important point when it comes to creating successful PR campaigns: Your brand needs to put its money where its mouth is. If you say diversity, or sustainability, or another issue is important to you, make sure you’re backing that up with real action. 

Related read: Negative Public Perceptions and Other PR Problems: How To Change The Narrative

 "The Fearless Girl" statue facing Charging Bull in Lower Manhattan, New York City

10. Calian IT & Cyber Solutions—Blending brands for a bigger impact

Following its acquisition of Computex, Calian IT & Cyber Solutions faced the challenge of merging brand identities and penetrating the U.S. market. They partnered with us at Zen Media, and we created a strategic PR roadmap, including curated proactive pitching topics to position two of Calian IT & Cyber Solutions’ senior executives as thought leaders in their areas of expertise. 

Zen would also help secure the executives Forbes Technology Council memberships and launch a regular cadence of published bylines. This robust campaign led to significant media coverage and awards, with Calian’s IT & Cyber Solutions division reporting double-digit revenue growth, largely credited to their expanded U.S. presence.

In merging two brands, it’s crucial to balance innovation with the preservation of core values and strengths that define each brand. This balance helps in maintaining loyalty among existing customers while attracting new ones.

11. New Cosmos USA’s community-first approach

New Cosmos USA, committed to preventing natural gas explosions with their DeNova Detect alarm, took a unique community-centric PR approach. In response to a gas explosion in West Reading, Pennsylvania, they collaborated with Zen Media for a rapid community support and media outreach strategy. This involved donations, local PSA publications, and educational materials on gas safety. 

The campaign, replicated in other locations, not only bolstered community safety but also positioned DeNova Detect as a leader in natural gas safety, leading to increased sales in those areas. By positioning the DeNova Detect alarm as a solution to a community issue, New Cosmos USA effectively aligned their product with community welfare, enhancing the product’s value proposition. Brands should evaluate the success of their campaigns not just in terms of sales but also by their impact on community welfare and social awareness.

12. Gender Pay Gap Bot Fights For Fair Wages 

As we’ve stated, many companies like to raise awareness of social issues and fight for change. The Gender Pay Gap Bot is an automated Twitter account that advocates for women’s rights to equal pay—and on International Women’s Day, the bot ran a PR campaign to hold companies accountable. 

Their slogan: “Stop posting platitudes. Start fixing the problem.” 

As companies in various industries filled users’ feeds with empowering messages, the Gender Pay Gap Bot responded with data revealing the inequities in compensation between their male and female employees. This PR strategy sheds light on these issues through transparency and neutral messaging. Today, the Twitter account has over 240,000 followers. 

13. McDonald’s ‘We Hire People’ Campaign

Companies that emphasize the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives are paving the way for a kinder, more inclusive world. Promoting these brand values through public relations strategies is a great way to show your commitment to welcoming all of your employees and customers. 

McDonald’s ‘We Hire People” Campaign does just this. The fast-food chain introduces viewers to many individuals with various cultural backgrounds, passions, and ages. The advertisement shows that McDonald’s doors are open to everyone. These messages are essential in 2024. 

14. Nike’s ‘Just Do It’ Campaign

This campaign has been one of the most successful PR campaigns of all time. The tagline “Just Do It” is simple yet powerful and has become synonymous with Nike’s brand identity. The campaign’s success is due to its inspirational message that encourages consumers to push themselves beyond their limits and achieve their goals. Nike has used the campaign to showcase its products as tools that help people achieve their athletic potential. The “ Just Do It” campaign has also featured famous athletes, such as Michael Jordan and Serena Williams, who embody Nike’s brand values of determination, perseverance, and excellence.

15. Google’s Year in Search

Google’s “Year in Search” campaign is an annual PR campaign that showcases the top trending searches of the year. The campaign has been successful because it taps into people’s emotional connections to current events and showcases Google’s ability to capture the pulse of the world through search data. The campaign is also highly shareable and creates a sense of community around the shared experience of looking back at the year’s top moments. The campaign reinforces Google’s brand identity as a company that is at the forefront of technology and innovation.

16. Red Bull’s ‘Stratos’ Campaign

In 2012, Red Bull sponsored Felix Baumgartner’s record-breaking jump from the edge of space called the “ Red Bull Stratos. ” The campaign was a massive success, generating over 52 million views on YouTube and millions of dollars in earned media coverage. The campaign was successful because it showcased Red Bull’s brand values of extreme sports and adventure while also breaking a world record. The campaign was a testament to the power of experiential marketing and how brands can leverage events to create memorable and impactful campaigns.

17. Chipotle’s ‘Food with ‘Integrity’ campaign

Chipotle’s “ Food with Integrity” campaign was an innovative marketing campaign that aimed to differentiate the company from other fast-food chains by highlighting its commitment to sourcing sustainable and ethically produced ingredients for its menu. The campaign featured a series of advertisements that showcased Chipotle’s use of fresh, locally sourced, and sustainably-raised ingredients and its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint.

What made the campaign innovative was that it was not just a marketing gimmick; Chipotle really did change its sourcing practices to live up to the promises it made in the ads. The company worked directly with farmers and producers to develop sustainable farming practices, and it paid premium prices to ensure that the farmers were able to make a living wage. The success of the campaign was due to its resonance with consumers who valued healthier, more sustainable food options and appreciated Chipotle’s mission as much as its food.

18. Patagonia Says ‘Don’t Buy This Jacket’

Patagonia’s “ Don’t Buy This Jacket” campaign was an innovative marketing campaign that aimed to encourage customers to buy less and reduce their environmental impact. The campaign was launched in 2011 and featured a full-page ad in The New York Times that showed one of Patagonia’s best-selling jackets with the headline “Don’t Buy This Jacket.” The ad went on to explain the environmental impact of the jacket’s production and encouraged customers to think twice before making a purchase.

What made the campaign innovative was that it went against the traditional marketing strategy of encouraging customers to buy more. Instead, Patagonia wanted to use its platform to raise awareness about the environmental impact of consumerism and to encourage customers to make more conscious choices. The campaign also reflected Patagonia’s long-standing commitment to sustainability and its belief that the company had a responsibility to minimize its environmental impact. The campaign was a success and helped to solidify Patagonia’s reputation as a leader in sustainability and environmental activism.

19. Airbnb’s ‘Belong Anywhere’ Campaign

This PR campaign was an innovative campaign that aimed to position the company as a global community that offered unique and authentic travel experiences. The campaign focused on Airbnb’s ability to connect people from different cultures and backgrounds, highlighting the role of welcoming and knowledgeable local hosts. The campaign was successful because it tapped into the growing trend of experiential travel and emphasized the community aspect of travel. It helped establish Airbnb as a disruptor in the travel industry and drove significant growth for the company.

Creating an innovative, successful PR campaign requires a team of experts who know your brand inside and out. If you’re looking for help making your next PR campaign stand out, get in touch with Zen ! 

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  • business marketing strategies , Online Marketing , pr campaign , public relations

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What is a case study?

The case study is a descriptive, qualitative research  method that analyzes in great detail a person, an organization, or an event. Case studies are found in most applied areas, such as business, law, and marketing, and offer insight into practices and tactics. The case study's major advantage is the detail and analysis it provides of a specific person, organization, or event. Its major disadvantage is that it cannot be generalized to situations other than the one that was studied.                     Encyclopedia of Public Relations

In Public Relations, case studies:

  • Identify the challenge a particular customer faces
  • Describe the solution provided by the company
  • Illustrate the measurable results gained from using the service

Databases to Find Case Studies & Industry Info

  • WARC This link opens in a new window Warc provides intelligence solutions for students, faculty and staff in marketing, advertising and mass communications. more... less... WARC includes over 6,000 global case studies, and articles, opinion pieces and conference reports. It also contains comprehensive historic and forecast advertising expenditure data together with global media cost data.

Provides access to full-text, peer-reviewed business publications, as well as indexing and abstracts for many scholarly business journals.

Business Source Complete (BSC) is the world's most comprehensive scholarly business database that provides full-text access to almost 4,000 business and scholarly journals, plus indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals dating back as far as 1886. Select journals included in this database are: Harvard Business Review, California Management Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, and Administrative Science Quarterly. Additional full-text content includes financial data, books, monographs, major reference works, book digests, conference proceedings, case studies, investment research reports, industry reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses, faculty seminars (videos), and more. BSC is an important resource for researchers interested in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance, and economics. Updated monthly.

  • IBISWorld This link opens in a new window IBISWorld provides access to detailed industry reports for over 700 plus United States industries. Each report includes industry structure, market characteristics, product and customer segments, cost structure, industry conditions, major players, market share, supply chain structure, and 5-year revenue forecasts.

Online Resources

  • Case Studies in Strategic Communication Dedicated to the study of strategic communication through the case study form. Case studies illustrate the strategies, tactics, and execution of communication campaigns through in-depth coverage of a single situation. CSSC is a peer-reviewed publication housed at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism.
  • Institute for Public Relations Research Letter The Institute for Public Relations is dedicated to the science beneath the art of public relations™. We focus on research that matters to the practice, providing timely insights and applied intelligence that professionals can put to immediate use.
  • Arthur W. Page Society Includes case studies written by students for the Case Study Competition. Scroll to the bottom to load case studies from past competition winners.
  • PR Council -- Case Studies The Council is dedicated to strengthening the recognition and role of public relations firms in corporate strategy, business performance and social education; to serve as an authoritative source of information and expert comment and to help set standards for the industry.

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Why use case studies? 

Case studies are detailed investigations of individuals or groups. Case studies can be qualitative or quantitative in nature and often combine elements of both. In Public Relations, case studies:

  • Identify the challenge a particular customer faces
  • Describe the solution provided by the company
  • Illustrate the measurable results gained from using the service
  • Arthur W. Page Society (Note: Case study archives are accessed from the bottom of the page.) Includes original case studies written by students enrolled in an accredited school of business, communication or journalism and who are pursuing a degree that is focused on corporate communications and the practice of public relations.
  • PR Council Free access to case studies from over 100 of America’s leading communications firms.
  • PRSA Case Studies The PRSA website includes a searchable database of Silver Anvil case studies. PRSA membership account information is needed to view the complete case studies.
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Cases in Public Relations Management

Cases in Public Relations Management

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Now in its third edition, Cases in Public Relations Management uses recent cases in strategic communication designed to encourage discussion, debate, and exploration of the options available to today's strategic public relations manager, with the help of extensive supplemental materials.

Key features of this text include coverage of the latest controversies in current events, discussion of the ethical issues that have made headlines in recent years, and strategies used by public relations practitioners. The problem-based case study approach encourages readers to assess what they know about communication theory, the public relations process, and management practices.

New to the third edition:

  • Eighteen new cases including Snap, Wells Fargo, SeaWorld, United Airlines, and Starbucks.
  • Additional emphasis on social media and social responsibility for communication management today.
  • End-of-chapter activities that reinforce concepts.

Developed for advanced students in strategic communication and public relations, this book prepares them for their future careers as communication and public relations professionals.

The new edition features a fully enhanced companion website that includes resources for both instructors and students. Instructors will find PowerPoint Lecture Slides, Case Supplements, Instructor Guides, and Answer Keys for Quizzes and End-of-Chapter Activities. Students will benefit from Quizzes, a Glossary, and Case Supplements.


Chapter chapter 1 | 17  pages, a brief introduction to public relations, chapter chapter 2 | 30  pages, ethics and the law, section 1 | 3  pages, what would you do, section 2 | 10  pages, chocolate milk study’s news release brings unwanted attention, section 3 | 10  pages, disclosure is always in style, section 4 | 4  pages, product packaging for e-liquids, chapter chapter 3 | 55  pages, corporate social responsibility, section 5 | 23  pages, food for thought, section 6 | 16  pages, apple iproblem, section 7 | 12  pages, developing wines with a conscience, chapter chapter 4 | 65  pages, media relations, section 8 | 9  pages, #chevyguy knows his #technologyandstuff, section 9 | 13  pages, when every drop counts, section 10 | 14  pages, section 11 | 10  pages, domino’s pizza, section 12 | 10  pages, the largest state-owned utility publicizes going digital, chapter chapter 5 | 89  pages, conflict management, section 13 | 15  pages, flying the unfriendly skies, section 14 | 23  pages, “lean finely textured beef” or “pink slime”, section 15 | 18  pages, the politics of pink, section 16 | 26  pages, deepwater horizon blowout, chapter chapter 6 | 73  pages, section 17 | 16  pages, section 18 | 18  pages, section 19 | 16  pages, “beyond disgusting”, section 20 | 8  pages, guitar hero strikes a chord, section 21 | 10  pages, break the silence. make the call, chapter chapter 7 | 48  pages, consumer relations, section 22 | 20  pages, section 23 | 8  pages, keep calm and carry on, with or without chicken, section 24 | 17  pages, making the potato top of mind, chapter chapter 8 | 73  pages, entertainment and leisure, section 25 | 20  pages, concussions, section 26 | 21  pages, penn state fumbles, section 27 | 12  pages, the five seasons of salem, section 28 | 15  pages, sony playstation, chapter chapter 9 | 38  pages, community relations, section 29 | 9  pages, take ’em down nola civic activism and political leadership confront the lost cause, section 30 | 16  pages, i’m watching you …, section 31 | 10  pages, “it’s the real thing”, chapter chapter 10 | 30  pages, cultural and other considerations, section 32 | 11  pages, finding authentic moments; avoiding #epicfails, section 33 | 9  pages, containing the deadly marburg virus, section 34 | 7  pages, shark fin soup, chapter chapter 11 | 59  pages, financial communications and investor relations, section 35 | 17  pages, initial public offering—it’s a snap, section 36 | 17  pages, part 1: wells fargo, section 37 | 15  pages, part 2: wells fargo, section 38 | 4  pages, paychex, inc., sees big payoff in first investor relations day.

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Public Relations Case Studies from around the World - 2nd edition

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Why use case studies? 

Case studies are detailed investigations of individuals or groups. Case studies can be qualitative or quantitative in nature and often combine elements of both. In Public Relations, case studies:

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Public relations case studies from around the world

Profile image of Kirsten Mogensen

Public Relations Case Studies From Around The World. Judy VanSlyke Turk, Jean Valin, and John Paluszek, eds. New York: Peter Lang, 2014. Published in Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly Vol. 92 (2). June 2015.

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3rd Edition

Public Relations Cases International Perspectives

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This unique collection of contemporary international public relations (PR) case studies gives the reader in-depth insight into effective PR practice in a range of organizational contexts. The global cases demonstrate the breadth and sophistication of the public relations function, both in public and private sector organizations. This fully updated third edition of Public Relations Cases offers fresh perspectives on the changing face of contemporary public relations and the development of PR and communication strategies. Addressing the gap in PR literature, it examines political systems, climate, media ownership and structures, as well as the social values and economic conditions which shape the role and work of PR practitioners. The book follows a four-part analytical model CDAO (Context, Decisions, Actions and Outcomes) to successfully identify the key points of comparison between cases to uncover how and why particular events occur and, critically, identifies what key factors and actions we can learn from in future decision-making. Featuring updated cases from across industries and around the world, including South East Asia, Latin America, the UK and the US, this book is an invaluable resource for researchers, postgraduate and executive education students studying public relations, corporate communication and public affairs.

Table of Contents

Danny Moss , PhD, is Professor of Corporate & Public Affairs at the University of Chester Business School and Co-Director of the International Centre for Corporate & Public Affairs Research. He has played a leading role in establishing Master’s level education in public relations in the UK at the University of Stirling and then at Manchester Metropolitan University and the University of Chester. He was one of the co-founders of the Bled PR Research Symposium and co-founder and co-editor of the Journal of Public Affairs , and has authored and edited many books, journal articles and conference papers including Public Relations: A Managerial Perspective ; Public Relations Cases : An International Perspective  and Perspectives on Public Relations Research . Barbara DeSanto , EdD, APR, Fellow PRSA, is emeritus director of graduate studies and research at Kansas State University. She played a leading role in Master's education at several universities, and established the online Master's degree at Kansas State University. She also developed and lead study abroad programs to Europe, Central America and Australia. Along with journal articles and conference presentations, she has co-authored Public Relations: A Managerial Perspective ; Public Relations Cases: An International Perspective and the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Learning to Teach .

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Advancing the Profession and the Future Professional

Case Studies: The Practice Field for Public Relations

As PRSSA celebrates Ethics Month, it is important to consider how to become ethical public relations practitioners. While we face a wide range of ethical issues in internship and classroom settings, few of us are placed in situations where our ethical decisions directly affect the entire reputation and success of a company. So, how can we as students begin to prepare for the future? How do we practice making the right ethical decision when the pressure is on?

One of the best ways to practice making ethical decisions is through case studies. Real-life examples and scenarios are a great way for students to break down real situations and approach them in a setting that allows us to refine our skills and understand the correct steps to making ethical decisions.

“Case studies provide empirical evidence of strategies that work and responses that fail,” says Dr. Tiffany Gallicano, a communications faculty member at UNC-Charlotte whose research focuses on ethics in public relations.

“As Walter Fisher says, we are all storytellers ,” Gallicano said. “We live our lives through stories. They are an engaging format for how we generate meaning in the world.”

Completing a case study requires discipline, and as you successfully master the details of each case study you develop habits that lay the foundation for a successful career in public relations.

As an intern working for my school’s athletic department, one of my responsibilities includes assisting in media operations following football practices. During the hot days of late summer and early fall, I’ve watched the players as they practice and prepare for the upcoming season. The work on the practice field is accompanied by weightlifting, team meetings and film sessions. These practices can be physically grueling, but a large portion of the work is mental as players learn new plays for the offense, drill defensive schemes and perfect their special teams formations.

As PRSSA members, we are practicing and honing our skills through classes, jobs, internships, Student-run Firm participation and PRSSA activities as we prepare for graduation. During this time, it is important for us to consider how we can boost our own experience as we prepare for the professional world. In addition to the many skills and abilities required to succeed in public relations, it is vital to remember to practice and hone your own personal ethical decision-making ability.

“Ethical issues can seem easy to handle when treated in a general way,” Gallicano said. “Putting them into context helps students learn about the pressures involved in the situation and how to respond to the situation.”

In celebration of Ethics Month, PRSSA will hold a case study competition to assist students interested in improving their ethical decision-making skills. I encourage each of you to take the time to put in the practice so that when game day comes, you’ll be confident in your abilities to perform at the highest levels.

Andrew Cook is the PRSSA 2016–2017 vice president of advocacy and a senior studying public relations at Brigham Young University. Follow him on Twitter @adcook22 .

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Krista Watson

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Case Studies

Sparkling Ice

Sparkling Ice

Sparkling Ice, the leading sparkling water in Talking Rain Beverage Company's portfolio, has always been passionate about giving back and supporting local communities...


Webull is an easy-to-use, zero commission brokerage and market data platform for traders of all experience levels...

Foxwoods Resort Casino

Foxwoods Resort Casino

Foxwoods Resort Casino celebrated its 30th anniversary by introducing a variety of new...


Ampersand is a technology and data company that is the largest source of information and...


Known for their colorful, instantly recognizable and influencer-favorite countertop appliances, Italian kitchen brand SMEG tasked 5W with...



5W Digital client, SmartThings by Samsung, offers customers the option to connect devices and technologies to achieve one connected smart home...



As agency-of-record for the largest black-owned and operated multi-media company, 5W has been instrumental in the enormous momentum of this hip-hop platform...


Zeta Global, the AI-Powered Marketing Cloud founded by serial tech entrepreneur David A. Steinberg and...


Casio's famously indestructible G-SHOCK watch is celebrating its 40th anniversary.


Xaxis combines unique brand-safe media access, unrivaled programmatic expertise, and 360-degree data with proprietary artificial intelligence to help global brands achieve the outcomes they value from their digital media investments...



ThriftBooks is the largest online seller of previously owned books. The team was hired to...

Rainbow Light

Rainbow Light

Rainbow Light Nutritional Systems, the number-one most trusted natural vitamin brand, entered the vitamin and supplement industry more...



AvidXchange is the industry leader in automating invoice and payment processes for mid-market businesses...


Sedgwick is a global, third-party claims administrator that works with 78 of the Fortune...

The Paley Center For Media

The Paley Center For Media

To celebrate the holiday season, the Paley Center for Media - the iconic cultural institution that has...


E2open is a leading network-based provider of mission-critical, cloud-based...

Samuel Adams

Samuel Adams

5W worked to breathe new life into the existing Brewer Experienceship program from Samuel Adams Brewing the American Dream, in order to secure national visibility and amplify program awareness...


Axiom Space represents a vision of the highest order: to advance human progress via access to the frontier of space...



5W Digital was tasked with increasing brand awareness and consideration of GetYourGuide travel experiences as the perfect gift for travel lovers...

It's a 10!

It's a 10 Haircare is the go-to haircare brand for salon professionals and clients across the world... offers an e-commerce platform that is changing the way drivers shop for auto parts and repair their vehicles...

The Pioneer Woman Collection

The Pioneer Woman Collection

Ree Drummond, known as The Pioneer Woman, tasked 5W with establishing her lifestyle produc...

Check Point

Check Point

For the last three decades, Check Point Technologies has set the standard for...

Harvest Host

Harvest Host

Harvest Hosts, a membership club for RVers, offers unique overnight...

The Mane Choice

The Mane Choice

5W was tasked with boosting the presence of the multicultural hair care brand, The Mane Choice, and its CEO & Founder...


RealPage is a leading global provider of software and data analytics to the real estate industry...


Founded by a breastfeeding mom, Lansinoh has been dedicated to supporting new moms for nearly 40 years...

Career Builder

Career Builder

CareerBuilder is a leading talent acquisition company that helps companies find and hire great talent and supports job seekers as they build their careers...


PopSockets, founded by a philosophy professor, created the expandable phone grip category-...


Hibob is an online software that allows companies to bridge the gap between mangers, employees, and HR teams. The platform resembles...

Delta Children

Delta Children

Over 50 years ago, Delta Children was founded by Louis Shamie Sr. to revolutionize the idea of making safe...


goTRG transforms returns into profit-driven opportunities for the world's largest retailers an...


Servcorp is a leading provider of office space solutions for businesses, offering both shared...


Founded in 2005 by Tiffany R. Warren, ADCOLOR is the premier organization dedicated to celebrating and championing diverse professionals in the creative industries...


CommerceIQ is a leading retail e-commerce management platform, unlocking profitable...


Over 4 million babies are born in the U.S. each year, making new and expecting parents one of the biggest consumer markets of purchasing...


5W began its strategic partnership with RxAdvance to build an industry-leading media profile for the company and executive team, including Ravi Ika, CEO and John Sculley, CMO...


Petsmile© is the first pet toothpaste awarded the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC) seal.


RENPHO is a global technology and wellness brand with a mission to create an ecosystem of...

H&H Bagels

H&H Bagels, an iconic New York City brand since 1972, has announced for the first time in its 50-...



Storyblocks, a stock media company that was recently recognized by Inc. Magazine as the fourth fastest growing media company in the...



CBDistillery™, the flagship brand of Balanced Health Botanicals, was founded in 2016 with the...


CoinFlip is the leading Bitcoin ATM operator globally, with over 2,500 machines across 47...

Luna Park

Every April, Luna Park in Coney Island celebrates the official opening of the Coney Island Amusement District....


Across sixteen countries worldwide, Adzuna is a top job search engine that helps pair eager job-...


New York Cruise Lines is the parent company of the iconic Circle Line and other industry-leading travel, hospitality and restaurant businesses...


Sezzle, the fastest growing, buy now, pay later platform, tasked 5W with publicizing their initial public offering...


VIZIO is the #1 American-based TV brand and America's #1 Sound Bar Company...


5W was engaged by Solidify Sinclair, one of the nation's leading broadcasters, to leverage...


Founded in 1956, Payless has focused on creating trend-right comfortable footwear at a great value...


To celebrate International Trading Card Day, Topps launched its second annual cross-country pop-up truck tour to honor the love of trading card collecting nationwide...


To promote brand awareness and recognize World AIDS Day and AIDS Awareness Month.

Duane Reade

Duane Reade

Duane Reade, a subsidiary of the Walgreen Company, is the New York metro area's largest...

Spring Owl

Jason Ader is CEO of SpringOwl Asset Management LLC, a New York-based independent sponsor and buyout firm...


Ethique is on a mission to rid the world of plastic waste with its zero-waste bars, from shampoo to serum to baby care and home products....


Avant, a fast growing marketplace platform that is lowering the costs and barriers of borrowing fo...


KRUPS is a brand dedicated to precision and technical perfection...


Bespoke Companies are comprised of ultra-luxury high-end real estate and marketing firms led by Zachary and Cody Vichinsky...


ZICO Coconut Water, owned by the Coca-Cola company...

Santa Margherita

Santa Margherita

World-renowned Italian winery, Santa Margherita, partnered with 5W to help the brand stand out in a crowded wine category and Increase brand awareness, drive sales, and position...


SodaStream, the makers of in-home sparkling water machines, tasked 5W to promote their limited-edition '90s-style machine through...


Payoneer, a financial services company that facilitates cross-border B2B...

Green Beret

Green Beret

The Green Beret Foundation, a premier organization dedicated to supporting soldiers...


Founded in 2018, Choco is a free digital tool and app for restaurants and their suppliers to engage in a more efficient...


Cortera, a big data provider, had been around for a decade. They collect timely spending information from more than a million small and medium-sized companies, stretching across 100 industries...

Jerusalem Venture Partners

Jerusalem Venture Partners

Founded in 1993 under the famed Yozma program by Dr. Erel Margalit, Jerusalem Venture...



5W was tasked with elevating premier online trading platform TradeStation's...

Ashley Stewart

Ashley Stewart

Ashley Stewart, a global fashion and lifestyle brand, has propelled itself to be on the vanguard of social commerce...

Camp Bow Wow

Camp Bow Wow

Camp Bow Wow is a leading Doggy Day and Overnight Camp providing...


T-fal, the leading global manufacturer of non-stick cookware and small kitchen appliances,...


AirHelp, a Berlin-based air passenger rights company, engaged 5W Public Relations to build its..

Cooks Venture

Cooks Venture

Cooks Venture is a food startup committed to regenerative agriculture practices, meaning the...


5W was tasked by My/Mo Mochi Ice Cream to ideate and create...


TUSHY is a toilet crusader, fighting for clean bums and reduce global wastefulness that comes from producing and...


All-Clad tasked 5W with executing an integrated launch campaign in support of the brand's newest electric introduction to the U.S. market, the Prep&Cook - a cooking food processor...

Baxter Of California

Baxter Of California

5W partnered with Baxter of California to grow awareness across a female demographic by...

Perry Mackin

Perry Mackin

Perry Mackin is a luxury lifestyle brand providing innovative baby products such as baby bottles, backpacks...


GAEA, leading Greek culinary brand, underwent a rebranding, transitioning away from celebrity-...

John Sculley

John Sculley

Former Apple and Pepsi CEO John Sculley approached 5WPR after having...

Ruby Love

Ruby Love is a pioneer in period apparel and the femtech industry. Founded in 2015, CEO Crystal Etienne developed a smart, intuitive...

Colman's Mustard

Colman's Mustard

Colman's Mustard, a brand in the Unilever portfolio, engaged 5W Public Relations to break...


CheapOair is the first flights-focused hybrid travel agency that enables consumers to book their accommodations online, on its...


Persona, a Nestle Health Science (NHSc) company, creates science-backed, uniquely...

Millenium Hotels

Millenium Hotels

5WPR was initially engaged to work specifically on the Millennium Broadway Hotel New York. Afte...


Lycored, the global leader in natural carotenoids for food, beverage and dietary supplement...

Jackie Robinson Foundation

Jackie Robinson Foundation

Established in 1973, the Jackie Robinson Foundation (JRF) is the nation's premier...


5W was tasked with the goal of securing widespread media coverage for search intelligence and premium intent data provider, Captify,...


Loacker, the #1 global wafer cookie brand, tasked 5W with creating a campaign that would bring awareness to the...


5W was tasked with activating a strategic product launch for Lagostina in partnership with celebrity chef, Giada De Laurentiis...

GNC Digital

GNC Digital

GNC, facing significant challenges due to dramatic changes in the retail industry and a series of product setbacks, unfortunately, filed for bankruptcy in 2020.


Datamaran is a data driven, materiality and ESG risk management platform that helps compani...


With the goal of generating national mainstream press interest, 5WPR convinced Emjay to offer a...


Epignosis is a trusted learning technology partner trusted by more than 70,000...

Columbia Care

Columbia Care

Columbia Care is one of the largest and most experienced cultivators, manufacturers and...

The Brotherhood Sister Sol

The Brotherhood Sister Sol

The Brotherhood Sister Sol (BroSis) is a Harlem-based social justice and youth organization where Black and Latinx youth claim the power of their history, identity and community to build the future they want to see...

William Murray Golf

William Murray Golf

Inspired by Bill Murray and his brothers' off-the-cuff mentality, William Murray Golf was built wit...


Our client CaratLane, the #1 Indian jeweler in the world, signed on with 5W Digital to improve...


Essence cosmetics provides user-friendly and affordable makeup options that bring joy to the often-serious world of beauty...

Extract Labs

Extract Labs

Extract Labs is an industry-leading purveyor of fine CBD products, including CBD oil tinctures and...


Lumenis, Inc., the world's largest energy-based medical device company for aesthetic, surgical,...


harmati is a modern home décor brand under Bedshe International Company, Ltd. Driven by...

Nations Photo Lab

Nations Photo Lab

Nations Photo Lab is a leading professional photo printing lab that offers the highest quality photo...

Standard General

Standard General

Standard General is a strategic investor focused on media and gaming industries...

740 Park Plastic Surgery

740 Park Plastic Surgery

Dr. Stafford Broumand is a New York-based, board-certified plastic surgeon who offers a...

Big Brothers Big Sisters of America

Big Brothers Big Sisters of America

Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBSA) is the largest and most experienced youth mentoring organization in the US with a mission to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth...

Xplor Technologies

Xplor Technologies

Xplor Technologies tasked 5W Digital to manage all global social media channels with the goal of...

Yoto Player

Yoto Player

Yoto Player is a screen-free audio speaker for kids designed to safely give children full control over their listening...


Nanobébé is the first and only baby bottle designed to preserve essential breastmilk...


Owlet Baby Care is a health technology company founded by a team of parents in 2013 focused o...


Tineco is an innovative technology company specializing in intelligent technology, a premium...


Inspired, designed and created by Whoopi Goldberg, DUBGEE is a newly launched national fashion and lifestyle brand...

Pacific Shaving

Pacific Shaving

Pacific Shaving Company began in 2002 with a clear goal: to radically improve the daily shavin...


AgAmerica is a non-bank lender that builds low-interest rate agricultural loans to provide...


cbdMD is one of the leading and most highly trusted and recognized CBD brands on the...


ThirdLove, approached 5W after noticing a sexist Calvin Klein billboard that had been erected in...


Intelligent marketing platform Skai powers brand insights, decisions, and execution for faster, more...



YellowHeart is an NFT mint and wallet system that allows for the issuance of large-scale commercial grade NFTs (non-fungible tokens)...

Balanced Health Botanicals

Balanced Health Botanicals

Fellow Barber

Fellow Barber

Fellow Barber, a brand of barbershops with 15+ locations across Los Angeles, New York City and...


HomeLight is an essential technology platform used by hundreds of thousands of homebuyers and sellers to partner... Group (Nasdaq: GAMB) owns and operates more than 50 websites that give leads...


DailyPay is an on-demand financial platform that grants employees access to their earnings in real-time...

Neat Burger

Neat Burger

Neat Food Co., a food tech company offering ethical, sustainable, and delicious plant-based...


HIGHLANDER is the world's first and largest global long-distance hiking event series.

The Westminster Kennel Club

The Westminster Kennel Club

The Westminster Kennel Club, founded in 1877, is the oldest dog-sports organization in the U.S.,...

Death Wish Coffee

Death Wish Coffee

Death Wish Coffee, the World's Strongest Coffee, celebrated National Coffee Day with a suite of...

Chamber Magic

Chamber Magic

Chamber Magic, presented by Steve Cohen, the Millionaire's Magician, is an intimate, luxury...

The Children's Place

The Children's Place

5W worked as an extension of The Children's Place, Inc. team to brainstorm, develop and...

1800 Tequila

1800 Tequila

1800 Tequila, a once urban-centric brand, hired 5WPR to reposition the brand into the...

World Spa

Two high-velocity trends inspired the founders of World Spa. First: we live in a wellness-obsessed...


Quince was founded to challenge the existing idea that nice things must cost a lot.


5W was tapped to expand Veestro's notoriety on a national level while continuing to position the...

So Good So You

So Good So You

5W was tasked with positioning So Good So You as an industry leader within the plant-based...


McCafé tasked 5W to drive brand awareness around bottled McCafé Frappés while positionin...

Black Button Distilling

Black Button Distilling

5W was tasked with supporting the brand's cause-related initiatives throughout a multi-year...

Jung Lee

5W was tasked with promoting Jung Lee products in print and digital gift guides and driv...



5W was challenged with elevating Framebridge's media profile and boosting brand visibility on B2...

Salon Du Chocolat

Salon Du Chocolat

5W was tasked with creating media momentum leading up to the opening of Salon du Chocolat...

Field Roast

Field Roast

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Fellow Barber

Fellow Barber, a brand of barbershops with more than 15 locations across Los Angeles, New York City and...

Freight Farms

Freight Farms

Freight Farms pioneered the concept of the container farm, an innovation that set the stage...

G-Shock Digital

G-Shock Digital

G-SHOCK was introduced in 1983, which is officially defined as the paleolithic era of...


The agency was hired to close the digital divide between BUILT's then-current social marketing...



Dr. Shelby Harris is a NY-based sleep expert and clinical phycologist who specializes in behaviora...


Boost the presence and encourage purchases of South Korean beauty brand Medicube's medical-gradedevices and skincare products following their U.S. launch.

Brooklyn Bedding

Brooklyn Bedding

5W used media relations tactics to successfully execute 10+ new product launches and garner more than 1B media impressions for Brooklyn Bedding.

Fairmont Tazi Palace Tangier

Fairmont Tazi Palace Tangier

Fairmont Tazi Palace Tangier is one of the finest and newest 5-star hotels in Morocco that mirrors Tangier's seductive charm with luxurious hospitality.


SAP National Security Services Inc. (SAP NS2), a subsidiary of the Fortune 500 software company SAP...


VIZIO is a leading HDTV company and the #1 sound

Female Beauty Execs

Female Beauty Execs

The 5W Beauty division has done a fantastic job of highlight its female CEOs and founders as a way to elevate their brands...

Rheem Bell

Edward Mermelstein is a real estate attorney, international consultant, and co-founder of the international boutique law firm Rheem Bell...

Robert Amsterdam

Robert Amsterdam

Robert Amsterdam is a renowned international attorney with London and Washington, D.C.-based Amsterdam & Partners. Mr. Amsterdam...


Triangle Assets, a premier, New York City-based commercial real estate developer, came to 5W with two objectives...


Verzasca Group, a South Florida-based residential and commercial...

Sergeant's Benevolent Association

Sergeant's Benevolent Association

The NYPD's Sergeants Benevolent Association (SBA) is the...

Disaster Recovery Institute DRI

Disaster Recovery Institute DRI

5W Public Relations represents Disaster Recovery Institute International (DRI), the largest disaster preparedness and recovery certification...

Indie Beauty Expo

Indie Beauty Expo

Indie Beauty Expo (IBE) is the largest professionally-curated exposition of independent beauty,...

Millennium Hotels

Millennium Hotels

5WPR was initially engaged to work specifically on the Millennium Broadway Hotel New York...

Tropical Smoothie Café

Tropical Smoothie Café

Tropical Smoothie Cafe is on a mission to inspire a healthier lifestyle by serving food and smoothies with a bit...

Fitz & Floyd

Fitz & Floyd

Over the past 50 years, Fitz and Floyd has become a leader in the...

Miami Fashion Week

Miami Fashion Week

Miami Fashion Week is the second largest fashion event...

Two Roots

Two Roots Brewing Co., the world's first line of non-alcoholic...


In our second year working with Vangst, a leading recruitment...

New York Comedy Festival

New York Comedy Festival

The New York Comedy Festival, produced by 5W's client Caroline's on Broadway, is a week-long event featuring over 200 comedians...


Wendy Williams is a media mogul, actress, comedian, entrepreneur, designer, and New York Times best-selling author, who...

Voices Against Brain Cancer

Voices Against Brain Cancer

Voices Against Brain Cancer's mission is to help find for a cure for brain cancer...


Loosid, an innovative app for the sober community, tasked 5W to facilitate their New York City launch event...


As agency of record for Decléor Paris, 5W Public Relations was tasked to...

Cure Urgent Care

Cure Urgent Care

The urgent care trend continues to surge nationwide as the delivery model for health care to shift...

Electra Meccanica

Electra Meccanica

Founded in 2015, Electra Meccanica is a designer and manufacturer of electric vehicles. With a passion to develop affordable...


GNC is a leading global health and wellness brand that provides high quality science-based products and solutions...


Increase Jamf's media presence and solidify the company as the standard in Apple Enterprise Management software....


Five9 is an industry-leading provider of cloud contact center solutions, bringing the power of cloud...

Acker Wines

Acker Wines

Established in 1820, Acker is the oldest wine shop in America and the world's largest fine and rare wine auction house...


Based in Palo Alto, California, Archer is creating the world's first electric airline to quickly, sustainably and cost-effectively move people in and around dense cities.

Big Cork Vineyards

Big Cork Vineyards

Big Cork Vineyards makes award-winning Maryland wine under the guidance of master winemaker David Collins.

Bitcoin IRA

Bitcoin IRA

Bitcoin IRA, is the world's first, largest, and most secure digital asset IRA technology platform that allows users to purchase...

Bowlero Corporation

Bowlero Corporation

Bowlero Corporation (formerly Bowlmor AMF) is the largest owner and operator of bowling centers...

Gray Line New York

Gray Line New York

Gray Line New York, New York City's iconic double-decker tour bus company has been a proud staple of the New York City tourism industry since...

Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr.

5W Public Relations was hand-picked by the Washington, DC Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial Project to lead...

The Buoniconti Fund - Destination Fashion

The Buoniconti Fund - Destination Fashion

The Buoniconti Fund to Cure Paralysis (TBF), a non-profit organization, is the fundraising arm of The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis

Pritikin Center

Pritikin Center

Pritikin Longevity Center & Spa is a world-renowned health center in Miami, FL.


Cleancult is a leader in the zero waste cleaning category, using only non-toxic, natural ingredients, and zero plastic.


CLMBR, maker of the first connected vertical climbing machine with on-demand, instructor-led classes and an ergonomic design


Since 1972 CURAPROX has stood for knowledge, and the transfer of skills to ensure perfect oral care and oral health


Curated Mental Health is an innovative psychiatric practice that prioritizes accessibility for patients and provides quality mental health care for... is at the forefront of the online dating world, offering an unmatched global reach. Launched in 1993.

The Kellman Center

The Kellman Center

Raphael Kellman, MD and Founder of the Kellman Center, is a functional and integrative medicine expert

Dragontail Systems

Dragontail Systems

Dragontail Systems is revolutionizing the Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) and foodservice industry, through software that optimizes the entire restaurant kitchen, order and delivery process for global brands and local mom and pops.


For almost 50 years, Epicor Software Corporation has specialized in helping its customers grow their businesses, expand their capabilities, increase their productivity, and improve efficiencies


GoPuff is an on-demand convenience store delivery service available in 23 cities.


GRUBBRR is a technology company delivering ordering solutions for small to large companies across different verticals including QSR and fast-casual restaurants, stadiums, movie theaters, casinos, retailers, and more.

Gulliver's Gate

Gulliver's Gate

Gulliver's Gate is a tourist attraction in Times Square featuring more than 300 built-to-scale models of scenes from around the world

Usana Health Sciences

Usana Health Sciences

USANA challenged 5W Public Relations to produce a strategic PR campaign that emphasizes its category leadership, as well as leverages its U.S. marketing initiatives to garner effective media coverage.

MVP Collections

MVP Collections

MVP Collections creates clothing for the big and tall man who's looking for stylish options

Nations Photo Lab

Nations Photo Lab is a leading professional photo printing lab that offers the highest quality photo gifts & prints.

Newport Academy

Newport Academy

Newport Academy, leading nationwide healing centers for adolescents and families struggling with mental health issues

Paris Baguette

Paris Baguette

Paris Baguette is a global brand operating corporate and franchise bakery-cafés, focused on handmade quality product, meticulous craftsmanship, and reliability.


Pildora, the world's first luxury lifestyle brand dedicated to sustainable fashion and entertainment, launched the

Rand Luxury

Rand Luxury

RAND Luxury hosts The Luxury Escape each year during the Sundance Film Festival, which offers a unique experience of

Sparkling Ice

Sparkling Ice beverages are made with sparkling water, real fruit flavor, vitamins, antioxidants, and naturally sourced colors.

Stand Up For Heroes

Stand Up For Heroes

New York's annual Stand Up For Heroes event is a night of giving back, where top comedians and musical


Tappit, the global cashless and data experts, is on a mission to help bring live event organizers, sports teams and venues closer to their customers.

Tavern On The Green

Tavern On The Green

As a Central Park staple, the historic Tavern on the Green has been capturing the spirit of New York City since 1934. In 2014

Ventus At Marina EL CID SPA & Beach Resort

Ventus At Marina EL CID SPA & Beach Resort

El Cid Resorts is where authentic Mexican hospitality sets the stage for extraordinary vacations. The family-owned resort operates

Disaster Recovery Institute

Disaster Recovery Institute


Verzasca Group

Rheem Bell & Mermelstein

Rheem Bell & Mermelstein

Robert Amsterdam

The Lumistella Company

The Lumistella Company, home to the iconic The Elf on the Shelf, has grown from a successful product-focused business into a "story-first" global IP company.



Powered by AI-driven proprietary technology, Blackbird.AI protects organizations from narrative attacks created by misinformation and disinformation that cause financial and reputational harm.


Bark is a digital safety solution and app that uses advanced algorithms to detect and proactively alert parents to issues their children face online such as cyberbullying, sexting, signs of depression and signs of suicidal thoughts.


Award-winning hair care brand DevaCurl aimed to generate authentic storytelling...

The Doux

Amplifying inspirational founder voices is a crucial approach to elevating brand connection and visibility...


Best known for its viral Thermal Brush with over 150M+ views on TikTok...

Manuba Health

Manuba Health

In launching Manuka Health's new skincare category to market, 5W ideated and...


epres asked 5W to launch its innovative hair care brand to market...

e.l.f. Beauty

e.l.f. Beauty

Trend-driven mass beauty for every eye, lip, and face...

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3EPR - Public Relations

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Case Study: How PR Helped a Local Hospital Generate Positive News in a Pandemic

Amy stern - 02/18/2021.

By articulating the hospital’s unique selling proposition and distinguishing it from competitors, 3E Public Relations created a PR campaign that resulted in a windfall of media including local, regional and national news coverage.

case study about public relations

Research and Analysis: 3E Public Relations (3E PR) conducted primary and secondary perception studies to determine an effective media strategy that combined the needs of reporters with the unique selling proposition of Saint Peter’s University Hospital. The studies revealed that during COVID-19, news outlets were on overdrive, with every story somehow connected to the pandemic. As a healthcare institution, Saint Peter’s University Hospital in New Brunswick, New Jersey had its share of COVID-19 patients, but the challenge was how to be heard above the cacophony of media pitches, especially those from significantly larger healthcare systems with greater name recognition. Adding to the challenge was the fact that we didn’t want the news to be about patient deaths or the number of patients on ventilators. Rather, we wanted to educate the public about the quality medical treatment and compassionate patient care that Saint Peter’s University Hospital provides.

As a single, independent hospital, Saint Peter’s is competing for media opportunities against mega healthcare systems comprised of multiple hospitals across numerous geographic locations. Here’s how we crafted a PR strategy that generated positive news in a pandemic:

Planning: In developing pitches to garner media attention, we created a central theme, “Compassionate Care During Crisis,” and established clear objectives to communicate these tenets. These objectives included:

  • Establishing brand leadership – promote Saint Peter’s strengths: standout provider in the area of maternal health; staff that prioritizes compassionate care and interpersonal connections on par with medical excellence.
  • Conveying public trust – reinforce messaging that conveys that patient safety is a priority with specifics that include a clear explanation of sanitization procedures, temperature and distancing protocols and strict visitor policies.
  • Delivering optimism – deliver first-hand accounts of success stories amidst a crisis: sisters sharing in the excitement of each other’s delivery, long-standing relationship between doctor and patient, and selfless devotion to the sickest of the sick in the ICU.

Execution:  Using the above objectives to guide us, we researched and vetted case studies while also culling the hospital’s internal newsletter for insights that would allow us to illustrate how these objectives came to life. It should be noted that we did not write a single press release to garner the results achieved. All placements were the result of brief, impactful pitches.

Our research resulted in three human interest stories that were able to garner coverage in almost every local outlet while also piquing the interest of New York City’s NBC affiliate. Each of these stories was ultimately featured on WNBC-TV, Channel 4 during the regular news broadcast, allowing Saint Peter’s to advance its brand recognition beyond county and state borders. Our efforts allowed a single, independent hospital to out-pitch and outplace not only New York City’s top hospitals, but many of those same hospitals that rank in the top 10 nationwide.

The three case studies and resulting segments included:

  • Sisters Give Birth on the Same Day Amidst Pandemic – while separated from each other due to COVID, two sisters were able to communicate via FaceTime and tapping on the common hospital wall that divided them.

case study about public relations

  • OB/GYN Joins Forces with the Patient She Delivered 20 Years Ago to Improve Safety for Frontline Workers – Twenty years ago, Dr. Maureen Cernadas delivered Calista Kleintop. While a junior at Virginia Tech and majoring in material science and engineering, Kleintop used recyclable material provided by Cernadas to create surgical-grade masks for the hospital where she was born and Cernadas still practices.

Those human-interest stories brought the theme of “Compassionate Care During Crisis” to life with a focus on Saint Peter’s medical staff, as well as its patients. In addition, we secured two high-profile interviews for Saint Peter’s CEO by pitching a story with the hook , “A Different Perspective: Smaller Hospitals and How They are Navigating COVID-19.”

This pitch resulted in back-to-back placements in New Jersey’s leading business publications: ROI-NJ and NJBIZ. Our pitch presented the concept that there are countless COVID-19 stories about how hospitals are coping during the pandemic, especially from the perspective of big healthcare systems, but there is also value in understanding how a smaller hospital manages a crisis. Are the challenges the same as larger healthcare systems or even more taxing? Are there advantages to less bureaucracy? What’s the current status regarding available PPEs, nursing staff, beds, etc.?

Results: We achieved our objective to secure media that highlighted Saint Peter’s quality medical care and its staff’s compassionate care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Placements included local, regional and national coverage across print, broadcast and digital media.

  • WNBC-TV, New York Channel 4
  • WPIX, New York Channel 11
  • Home News Tribune
  • Courier News
  • Star Ledger
  • Metuchen Mirror
  • The Catholic Spirit
  • Tapinto New Brunswick

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How SaaS companies are using case studies to drive results [benchmarks]

Sword and the Script

AUGUST 8, 2023

SaaS companies have an average of 38 active cases studies that are between 500-1,000 words in both HTML and PDF format; here’s how they incentives customers, sales and customer success to solicit new case studies Case studies are a pillar of B2B marketing, particularly in technology circles like software-as-a-service (SaaS).

case study about public relations

Strategies for collaborating with marketing

JUNE 23, 2022

Strategy: Any strategy should be rooted in clear goals, so make sure both PR and marketing go through the objective-setting exercise first. Let’s take a look at a few different areas and opportunities for cross-functional synergies. Your strategy is the roadmap for achieving these goals and objectives.

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  • Mindful Marketing

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PR must grow up and appreciate the value of qualifications, learning and research

Stephen Waddington

DECEMBER 17, 2020

It blends theory and practice with critical analysis and case studies , campaigns, exercises , and discussion questions. It is the definitive textbook on public relations that has led the way over four editions in the field of public relations and strategic communication textbooks. Since the last edition Liz has retired.

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ESAs: The Fad-Free Way to Build Your Ethics Muscle

SEPTEMBER 13, 2021

In a way, the ESAs are for PR ethics what Silver Anvil case studies are for PR creativity and campaign planning. Thanks to countless hours of drafting and debate by BEPS members over the years, the exercise plan already exists in the ESAs. BEPS has made it easy for you to get started. The motivation, of course, is up to you.

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TikTok Trends

AUGUST 17, 2021

I’ve seen “sure cures” for this or that, new exercise programs, teeth whitening concoctions, fashion trends, and so much more. You’re a healthcare or health and wellness professional and they’re talking about a new exercise plan or a new eating regimen. Maybe you own a gym. You own a yoga studio.

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Moving the Diversity Needle Forward in the Classroom

OCTOBER 25, 2021

As a part of her course, McFarland engages students through the Privilege Bead Exercise . This exercise asks students to read a list of statements, and for every statement they can say yes to, they take a bead. The exercise allows her to talk with her students about privilege in a way that doesn’t feel attacking or accusatory.

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How I learned more than my students in my first semester of teaching

Communications Conversations

JANUARY 9, 2020

Case studies definitely kept me current. One big component to class was case studies . We had eight classes during the semester where I brought 2 current case studies from the real world into class for discussion. It really forced me to look harder at case studies –something I don’t normally do.

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B2B Sales Cycles Require 27 Interactions both Digital and Human [Study]

MAY 17, 2022

Buyers now exercise more due diligence than ever before, conducting more research and engaging in more conversations with vendors and third parties,” according to Forrester. Deals in B2B are increasingly complicated and more likely to be scrutinized by top executives and the finance department.

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The Altruism Advantage: How Helping Others Can Help Your Business

Stern + Associates

MARCH 16, 2023

She details the fascinating case studies that brought her to this conclusion in her award-winning book “ The Fear Factor: How One Emotion Links Altruists, Psychopaths, and Everyone In-Between ” (Basic Books, 2017).

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The Hidden Assets That Drive Growth for High-Performance Companies

APRIL 27, 2023

He examines how most companies treat purpose as a superficial public relations exercise , while only a few go deep with it. His research was sparked by a curiosity to understand how a few small and large companies can leverage purpose in fundamental ways to transform themselves and drive performance.

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Teaching Crisis Communication: Embracing the Research to Practice Model

Melissa Agnes

AUGUST 7, 2014

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NFTs in and out of the Classroom

Karen Freberg

OCTOBER 16, 2021

Here are some ideas: Case studies . So, case studies for the class can share some great information and insights for the future. This could be an interesting exercise for classes to discuss in a debate situation. So, how can we incorporate NFTs into our classes? Some will, some won’t.

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Exploring the Transformative Powers of Artificial Intelligence for Communicators

MAY 10, 2021

On June 9, Eric Koefoot, president and CEO of media analysis firm PublicRelay , is hosting a Case in Point for PRSA titled “Catching the AI Wave in Communications.” AI to date is almost entirely an exercise in statistical probability, and it works with words or sets of words but not concepts.

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Why Some B2B Tech Companies Fail at Marketing [guest post]

JULY 20, 2021

The buyer personas exercise helps you get into the minds of your buyers and understand their background, challenges, motivations and objections. Customer case studies , testimonials and reviews. Your audience should always be at the center of all of your marketing strategies and tactics. Comparisons between solution types.

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12 Questions You Should Ask Google Analytics Every Month

NOVEMBER 28, 2022

Next up, if you’re blogging, asking similar questions about your blog traffic is a valuable exercise considering the impact it can have on site performance. Case Study : How We Grew Blog Traffic and Leads 110%: 543 pageviews (+20.9%). Case Study : How we grew blog traffic and leads: 13 (-13.3%). Subscribe: 37 (0.0%).

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Can you Profit Directly from Content Marketing? Proceed with Caution

DECEMBER 5, 2017

The authors have documented case studies used to support the notion of profitable content marketing. However, these all stem from the usual suspects for marketing case studies (i.e. 3 Case Studies where Marketing Profits . Here are a few that I’ve discovered: 1) Case study : Rainbow Play Systems.

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In 2018, Four Books That Make You Go Hmmm …

Deirdre Breakenridge

JANUARY 3, 2018

In the book, the case studies highlight leaders who have exhibited mental readiness and, as a result, moved forward in a more positive direction. In other cases , some leaders learned valuable lessons from challenging experiences. E = Exercise . Clear thinking means accurately naming the problem to be solved.

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6 Steps To A Better PR RFP Process

ImPRessions - Crenshaw Communications

MARCH 14, 2017

Every agency is going to put forth terrific case studies and references, but what most organizations want are assurances that the relationship will be successful. This exercise doesn’t need to be an enormous, time-intensive challenge, but it should offer enough flexibility for the agency teams to show their range.

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Land Stories


So things related to the New Year, healthy habits, healthy eating , exercise , organization. Now, if you’re interested in landing in a national publication, you need to start looking at stories related to January. I know you’re thinking, “it’s September!” But they really are four months out. What are those things in January?

APRIL 23, 2019

Next up, if you’re blogging, asking similar questions of your blog traffic is a valuable exercise considering the impact it can have on site performance. Case Study : How We Grew Blog Traffic and Leads 110%: 543 pageviews (+20.9%). Case Study : How we grew blog traffic and leads: 13 (-13.3%). Subscribe: 37 (0.0%).

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The APR Is a Mountain You Can Climb

NOVEMBER 17, 2016

I also created flashcards on Quizlet and invested in several of the recommended books for studying , especially Cutlip & Center’s “Effective Public Relations.”. Lastly, I fully invested in the APR online study course. I often downloaded the weekly webcasts to listen to while I was driving or exercising .

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Marketing Content: A Decision Matrix for Reviews and Approvals Done

AUGUST 25, 2020

In an ensuing training exercise , and in the absence of access to higher-level leaders, I launched rotary-wing attack aviation in response to an enemy incident. Document all the content your organization develops regularly: blog posts, press release, case studies , sales sheets, and so on. Give our services a try.


MARCH 24, 2020

The goal for field is not to only be aware of what is familiar, but I’m covered new ideas, case studies , stories, and best practices that will help Advance our understanding and application of our ideas in the field. . We have a lot of resources, exercises , activities, case studies , and stories to share.

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Eight Questions to Answer Before Accepting an Internship

PR Job Coach

SEPTEMBER 10, 2013

If you decide to go the internship route while you job hunt, exercise caution in doing internships that do not help fulfill your career goals and strategy. Assisting an organization to sell books or some other product or service is not. As young professionals, your goal is to secure a full time professional position in public relations.

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5 Best Practices For Social Lead Generation

MARCH 14, 2016

Facebook (by size, time-on-site and revenue per user ) is still the behemoth social platform, yet lead generation with Pages is an exercise in futility. White papers, ebooks, webinars nd case studies have all been successful ways for businesses to entice prospects to give up their email addresses.

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Make PR Measurement A Priority

MARCH 28, 2017

At that point, we altered our focus to target female runners concerned about safety while exercising outdoors. The report can also serve as the basis for creating case studies and award entries. This strategy paid off when retailers like Best Buy and Fleet Feet began stocking Wearsafe. Identify the “core measures.”

LISTEN UP! How Listening Reveals and Strengthens Reputation

Reputation Us

MARCH 4, 2019

Case Studies : Dive deeper into a customer or their individual story to obtain insights that may not be readily apparent from just sales or marketing data points. This is an exercise that frankly should not be performed internally by the company, but rather outsourced. INCREASING OPPORTUNITIES AND INNOVATION.

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Digital PR Strategy: Industry Insights and The Methods That Secure Coverage in 2021

FEBRUARY 3, 2021

You may not use any of the concepts from this exercise in your final piece, but they may stem thoughts that you turn into ideas. For example a campaign about exercise and mental health for a sportswear brand could holistically discuss the benefits of exercise and good wellbeing, without it being about their products or sportswear directly.

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A New Approach to New Year’s Resolutions

JANUARY 7, 2019

Sure, some of the results of this exercise were silly (wishes for new pets like a Flemish giant rabbit and more time playing video games), but they were also revealing, encouraging and important (read more books, earn and save $1,000 from chores, be more present every day). Publish at least one results-heavy customer case study per quarter.

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6 Best Practices for Identifying and Reacting to a PR Crisis

MARCH 1, 2016

Take for example one of Business Week’s “2012 Year in Crisis PR” case studies : Facebook. In other words, we don’t know the impact that changes to customer perception may have on our business. So we may be in “crisis” far more often than we are in crisis.

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Using the PARLA Technique to Improve Business Processes

JANUARY 10, 2017

The more specific you can be in laying out the exact series of actions that were taken, the more your team will benefit from the exercise . If you’re stuck on where to start with the PARLA technique, consider these business applications: Case Studies . What steps did you take, and what individuals were involved?

LISTEN UP! How Listening Reveals Reputation

Case Studies : Dive deeper into a customer or their individual story to obtain insights that may not be readily apparent from just sales or marketing data points. This is exercise that frankly should not be performed internally by the company, but rather outsourced. INCREASING OPPORTUNITIES AND INNOVATION.

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Visibility Marketing Book Helps Fix Messaging that “Probably Sucks”

David PR Group

JULY 20, 2016

Avrin offers a number of ideas and even includes exercises at the end of each chapter in his book to help you figure it out. In the book, he offers exercises on how to develop differentiators for your business. According to Avrin, the new normal is that everyone is good, and offering a quality product or service is table stakes.

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Some [exciting!] news to share!

MARCH 2, 2018

Each chapter doesn’t begin with a case study , but a story from a leading professional in the industry. Yes, we have heard all about these various case studies , but we have to remember there are PEOPLE behind each of these brands and they are doing amazing things. Oh – well, there is that!

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Did Qatar Get Its $300 Million Worth in World Cup PR?

Katie Paine's Measurement Blog

MAY 23, 2023

We asked Fullintel ’s Head of Insights Angela Dwyer to partner with us in this exercise . Qatar’s $300 million investment in hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup provides a perfect example of how to apply those criteria. How did its World Cup PR pay off?

Reflections from a #SMprofs on teaching SM: Lessons and some exciting developments

APRIL 30, 2018

The first one was a workshop exercise . This exercise helped them give them the confidence they needed to venture out in this particular area within the industry. It’s interesting to see what is in, what’s out, and what are some challenges and case studies that need to be noted.

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How does a PESO framework help future comms?

The Resolution Blog

JUNE 21, 2015

I feel that events like FutureComms often present some good theories, but there isn't enough 'how to' or case studies to understand how new tactics work. And if our PR campaigns don't have any impact on our client's business it has probably been a pointless exercise .

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Updates to note for social media professors: Teaching resources

JULY 18, 2017

There should be some room to experiment around with these tools, and see what exercises and assignments work for your classes. Case studies of brands using Meltwater (Meltwater). Without a doubt, there are going to be more changes and case studies to explore. Snaphat geofilters). we need to be aware of these.

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Best and Worst of Sword and the Script in 2015

DECEMBER 29, 2015

Here’s one such case . Avoid the Noid: A Mascot that Became a PR Crisis Case Study . Clearly, I haven’t hit any strides in motivational speaking: The Steep Mental Exercise of Child’s Hill. Fictional characters don’t have any skeletons, but they are also not immune to criticism, lampoon or even tragedy.

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Announcing The Social PR Apprentice™ Training Program

Waxing UnLyrical

FEBRUARY 26, 2017

Quizzes and exercises throughout the training to help you test your newfound knowledge AND apply it at work. In-depth case studies that show you how to apply Social PR smarts in ANY situation. 10+ unbelievably useful and effective handouts, worksheets, mind maps, cheat sheets, AND slide decks for all the lessons.

Approaching Teaching Social Media In the New Academic Year

AUGUST 15, 2017

How do you try to integrate ALL of the latest changes, case studies , advances, and resources from the previous semester? What is exciting always is to see what professors have come up with to integrate new forms of technologies, platforms, and exercises to teach their students all about social media.

Keep It Simple In Marketing. Go Deeper In Sales.

APRIL 8, 2015

Perhaps you cite a successful example, a simple case study , of how you helped one of your existing clients achieve success. In fact, when you leave a first meeting, a good exercise is to reflect back on the meeting and ask yourself, “Who did more of the talking? The prospect or I?”.

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The Facebook Frozen Frog and Fodder for Content Marketing

FEBRUARY 9, 2016

Given that most website traffic comes from organic search , in fact, more than half , this exercise bears several important, if not transcending, lessons in content marketing. The Frozen Frog Lesson of Content Marketing. Organic search is target marketing.

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10 Crisis Communication Tips Every Business Needs


DECEMBER 17, 2021

There are several actions that can be taken during a post crisis review to ensure that public opinion is firmly on your side, including implementing a compensation strategy, providing trauma counseling, and conducting exercises to ensure that it is unlikely that any further damage will occur. Crisis communication case studies .

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Agility PR Solutions

The role of healthcare PR in managing reputation—strategies, challenges and trends

by Divashree | Jul 25, 2024 | Public Relations

Nurses Healthcare Heroes

In the modern healthcare landscape, reputation stands as a critical pillar upon which the success of healthcare organizations is built. Healthcare public relations plays a pivotal role in managing and shaping this reputation, ensuring that hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare providers maintain the trust and confidence of their patients, stakeholders, and the public at large. 

Unlike general PR, healthcare PR deals with unique challenges, including the need to navigate strict regulatory environments and address sensitive issues related to patient care and confidentiality. 

Effective healthcare PR strategies encompass a range of activities from proactive communication and crisis management to patient engagement and education. The importance of a positive reputation in healthcare cannot be overstated, as it directly influences patient loyalty, regulatory compliance, and the ability to attract and retain top talent. 

By leveraging various tools and techniques, healthcare PR professionals work diligently to foster transparency, build strong media relationships, and manage digital presence. 

As the industry evolves with advancements like telehealth and increased data security concerns, the role of healthcare PR will continue to adapt , ensuring that healthcare organizations remain resilient and reputable in an ever-changing environment.

Understanding Healthcare PR

Healthcare public relations encompasses the strategic communication processes aimed at building and maintaining a positive image for healthcare organizations, including hospitals, clinics, pharmaceutical companies, and health tech firms. 

Unlike general PR, healthcare PR requires a specialized approach due to the industry’s regulatory environment and the sensitivity of patient information. It involves not only promoting services and achievements but also ensuring that communication is accurate, ethical, and compliant with healthcare laws such as HIPAA in the United States.

Key stakeholders in healthcare PR include patients, healthcare professionals , regulatory bodies, and the general public. Effective healthcare PR fosters trust and transparency, essential for maintaining patient confidence and satisfaction. 

It involves proactive communication to educate and inform patients about services, treatments, and health initiatives, as well as reactive strategies to manage crises and mitigate negative publicity. 

healthcare PR

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Healthcare PR also involves relationship building with media outlets to ensure accurate and favorable coverage of health-related news. In an era where digital and social media play a significant role, healthcare PR must adeptly navigate these platforms to engage with a broader audience, disseminate important health information, and counteract misinformation.

Thus, healthcare PR is integral to shaping public perception and ensuring the credibility and reliability of healthcare institutions.

Importance of Reputation in Healthcare

Reputation in healthcare is pivotal, significantly influencing patient trust and loyalty. A positive reputation assures patients of quality care, encouraging them to choose and stay with a healthcare provider. Trust is crucial in healthcare, where patients often deal with sensitive and life-altering issues. 

A strong reputation also facilitates regulatory compliance and approvals, as regulatory bodies are more inclined to collaborate with well-regarded institutions known for adhering to standards and ethical practices.

Additionally, a good reputation enhances partnerships and collaborations. Pharmaceutical companies, research institutions, and other healthcare entities prefer associating with reputable organizations to maintain their own standing and achieve mutual goals efficiently. This collaborative advantage can lead to cutting-edge research, innovative treatments, and better patient outcomes.

healthcare PR

Moreover, reputation plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining top talent. Skilled healthcare professionals seek employment in esteemed institutions that offer not only professional growth but also a respected and ethical working environment. Employee satisfaction, in turn, contributes to better patient care and organizational stability.

In an industry where word-of-mouth and online reviews hold substantial sway, maintaining a positive reputation is essential. Healthcare organizations must invest in effective public relations strategies to build and preserve their reputation, ensuring sustained success and community trust.

Key Strategies in Healthcare PR

Effective healthcare PR relies on several key strategies to manage and enhance reputation. Firstly, proactive communication and transparency are crucial. Healthcare organizations must provide clear, accurate information about their services, treatments, and policies to build trust with patients and stakeholders. This includes regular updates on advancements, changes, and improvements within the organization.

Crisis management and response planning are essential for addressing potential issues swiftly and effectively. Preparing for crises, such as medical errors or public health scares, helps mitigate damage and maintain public confidence. Having a well-documented crisis communication plan ensures that the organization can respond quickly and cohesively.

Building and maintaining relationships with the media is another critical strategy. Positive media coverage can significantly enhance reputation, while negative press can be detrimental. Establishing strong, positive relationships with journalists and media outlets helps ensure fair and accurate reporting.

Leveraging digital and social media platforms is increasingly important. These channels allow healthcare organizations to engage directly with patients and the public, share timely information, and address concerns in real-time. Social media also offers a platform for highlighting patient success stories and positive organizational achievements.

Finally, patient engagement and education initiatives are vital. Educating patients about their health, treatments, and preventive measures fosters a sense of empowerment and trust. Engaging patients through seminars, workshops, and informative content helps build a loyal patient base and a positive reputation.

Managing healthcare PR tasks consumes much time and requires a large team. These tasks can overwhelm in-house resources. Outsourcing to a healthcare BPO might be valuable. It offers an affordable and effective solution.

Implementing Zoominfo best practices can enhance these efforts by providing valuable insights into patient demographics and preferences, enabling more targeted and effective engagement strategies.

Case Studies

Examining case studies provides valuable insights into the practical application of healthcare PR strategies and the outcomes they produce. One notable example is the Cleveland Clinic’s PR campaign, which successfully enhanced its reputation through transparency and patient engagement. 

By sharing patient stories and medical advancements via social media and traditional media outlets, the Cleveland Clinic humanized its brand and built a strong emotional connection with its audience. This approach not only increased patient trust but also attracted media attention, positioning the clinic as a leader in healthcare innovation.

In contrast, the PR crisis faced by Johnson & Johnson during the Tylenol contamination incident in the 1980s serves as a classic example of effective crisis management. 

The company’s swift and transparent response, including a nationwide recall and the introduction of tamper-proof packaging, restored public trust and set new industry standards for product safety.

On the flip side, the negative fallout from the handling of the opioid crisis by Purdue Pharma highlights the consequences of poor PR management. The company’s failure to address concerns about OxyContin’s addictive properties and aggressive marketing tactics led to a damaged reputation and significant legal repercussions.

These case studies underscore the importance of strategic communication, transparency, and swift action in managing and protecting the reputation of healthcare organizations.

Tools and Techniques in Healthcare PR

Healthcare PR relies on a variety of tools and techniques to effectively manage and enhance the reputation of healthcare organizations. Press releases and media kits are fundamental tools, enabling the dissemination of important information and updates to the media, ensuring accurate and timely coverage. These tools help shape the narrative and maintain transparency with the public.

Social media management tools are crucial for monitoring and engaging with audiences on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. These tools allow healthcare PR professionals to manage content, respond to inquiries, and track public sentiment in real-time, facilitating immediate response to potential issues.

Patient feedback systems and surveys provide invaluable insights into patient experiences and satisfaction levels. This feedback helps organizations identify areas for improvement and address concerns proactively, thus fostering trust and loyalty.

Monitoring and analytics tools are essential for tracking the organization’s reputation across various channels. Tools like Google Alerts, Hootsuite, and Brandwatch enable healthcare PR teams to monitor mentions, assess the impact of PR campaigns, and identify emerging trends or potential crises.

Additionally, content creation tools, such as Canva and Adobe Creative Suite, assist in developing visually appealing and informative materials for campaigns. By leveraging these tools and techniques, healthcare PR professionals can effectively manage reputation, engage with key stakeholders, and enhance the overall image of healthcare organizations.

Challenges in Healthcare PR

In healthcare PR, navigating challenges is crucial due to the industry’s sensitive nature and high stakes. One significant challenge is managing misinformation and addressing public concerns effectively. 

With the rapid spread of information through social media and online platforms, false or misleading information can quickly damage an organization’s reputation or create public panic. PR professionals must develop strategies for monitoring and responding swiftly to misinformation while upholding transparency and credibility.

Additionally, navigating regulatory constraints poses another hurdle. Healthcare PR campaigns must comply with stringent regulations concerning patient privacy (HIPAA), advertising standards, and medical ethics. 

This requires PR practitioners to be well-versed in legal guidelines and collaborate closely with legal teams to ensure compliance without compromising messaging effectiveness.

Moreover, ethical concerns in healthcare PR demand careful consideration. Balancing the promotion of healthcare services with patient confidentiality and informed consent requires a nuanced approach. 

PR professionals must uphold ethical standards in all communications, fostering trust among stakeholders while promoting the organization’s values and commitments to patient welfare. 

Successfully managing these challenges requires proactive planning, agility in response, and a deep understanding of both healthcare intricacies and PR best practices.

Future Trends in Healthcare PR

The landscape of healthcare PR is rapidly evolving, influenced by technological advancements and changing patient expectations. One significant trend is the rise of telehealth , which has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

healthcare PR

As telehealth becomes more mainstream, healthcare PR must adapt to promote these services, ensuring patients understand their benefits and know how to access them.  Additionally, integrating Healthcare CRM systems is increasingly important for managing patient relationships and communications.

Data security and privacy are increasingly important, given the sensitive nature of health information. PR strategies must emphasize an organization’s commitment to protecting patient data, and addressing any breaches swiftly and transparently to maintain trust .

Artificial intelligence (AI) and big data are transforming how PR professionals analyze and engage with their audiences. AI can help tailor communications to individual patient needs, while big data offers insights into patient behaviors and preferences, enabling more effective and targeted PR campaigns.

Patient expectations are also evolving. Today’s patients seek more engagement and transparency from healthcare providers. They expect to be informed and involved in their care decisions. PR must focus on creating open lines of communication, providing clear and accessible information, and actively engaging with patients through various digital platforms.

By staying ahead of these trends, healthcare PR can continue to play a pivotal role in managing and enhancing the reputation of healthcare organizations.

In the realm of healthcare, the crucial role of public relations in managing reputation cannot be overstated. Effective healthcare PR goes beyond mere image management; it cultivates trust among patients, healthcare professionals, regulatory bodies, and the broader community. 

By maintaining transparency, fostering open communication channels, and strategically addressing challenges, PR professionals uphold the integrity and credibility of healthcare organizations. In an era where information spreads rapidly through digital platforms, PR plays a pivotal role in shaping public perception and influencing decision-making processes.

Looking ahead, the future of healthcare PR promises to be increasingly dynamic and challenging. As technologies evolve and patient expectations shift, PR strategies must adapt to safeguard reputations while embracing innovation. 

Whether navigating crises, engaging with diverse stakeholders, or leveraging digital tools for outreach, the core principles of integrity and ethical conduct remain foundational. 

Ultimately, effective healthcare PR not only protects and enhances reputations but also contributes to the broader goals of improving patient outcomes and advancing public health initiatives. 

As healthcare continues to evolve, so too must the strategies and approaches of PR professionals to ensure trust, transparency, and credibility endure as hallmarks of the industry.



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College of Arts and Sciences

Public affairs discussion group, civil-military relations in egypt.

  • June 10, 2024

Dear Colleagues:

Before all heck broke loose on the Gaza/Israel border, I discovered an opportunity to learn about 

The opportunity is that Dr. Dina Rashed will be making occasional visits to Cleveland The subject is  , to what effect. Egypt has the largest population in the region (more than 20 million larger than Iran or Turkey); is more than twice as large as any other country that has Arabic as an official language; shares an extensive border with Israel; and has the world’s tenth-largest military. It was at the heart of mid-20th-century Arab nationalism and the controversy with Israel during that era. The   between Israel and Egypt won the Nobel Peace Prize for its signers, Egypt’s Anwar Sadat and Israel’s Menachem Begin and transformed the Arab/Israeli conflict (whatever you may think of the result). The   began in Tunisia and failed in bloodiest fashion in Syria, but surely the fall of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak earned the most international attention, seemed the most dramatic change, and I would argue led to the most dramatic reversal of fortune.

That occurred on July 3, 2013, when General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi led a coup that deposed President Mohammed Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood – led government. Sisi became President on June 8, 2014, and it seems fair to say that his government has attracted a barrage of criticism. By some accounts it has been  . By another, the regime has created an  , undermined by “economic frustration and a loss of dignity.” Or Sisi is “ ” by “systematically destroying the capacity of Egyptian civil society to sustain any shred of political life.” Or   and excessive, “Pharaonic” spending means “Egypt must increasingly rely on foreign credit for economic survival,” while the “military’s gobbling up… numerous profitable private enterprises.”

The latter criticism might be interpreted as explaining why the regime survives: that it is based largely on the support of Egypt’s large military. But the relationship between Egypt’s politics and the military is actually lengthy and complicated.   that the military’s right to intervene is part of the 2019 constitution, and el-Sisi has bought support with a range of economic privileges. But he also has been able to replace many leaders and discourage internal opposition.

The security of el-Sisi’s base in the military therefore is one of the basic questions about Middle-Eastern politics. We’re more likely to understand that if we know about the history of the relationship between civil and military powers in Egypt. That begins with the fact that, as  , military men have normally held the nation’s presidency. It requires an appreciation of the interests of the officer corps as its members perceive that – which surely involves some dimensions of status, respect and economic well-being – and political tensions within the military. It involves the relationships among the mainline military, intelligence services, and domestic police services. In the early Sisi years it involved the military “winning the major construction projects financed by the wealthy Gulf states” and the regime using “ultranationalist rhetoric” that “has glorified the military as the guardian of the nation and supporter of the nation’s will.”

 As I mentioned above, 

Please join us for what should be a particularly interesting discussion.

The discussion begins at 12:30 p.m., but the room should be open no later than Noon. We try to have beverages and refreshments set up soon after that. Participants should be able to sign on to Zoom also by Noon. But please remember not much will be happening online until the talk begins at 12:30 pm. Please also be prepared to show identification when entering Kelvin Smith Library.

Zoom participants should speak up when asked for questions or comments, or submit thoughts through Zoom’s chat function. Please keep yourself muted until you are choosing to speak.

I apologize to those participants who got stuck waiting on November 17 that were entirely my fault. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. It should not happen again.

 When you register, you will automatically receive from the Zoom system the link to join the meeting. If you do not get the newsletter, you should also be able to get the information each Monday by checking   Then if you choose you can use the contact form on that website to request the registration link.

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Please also e-mail   if you have questions about arrangements or any suggestions. Or call at 216 368-2426 and we’ll try to get back to you. We are very pleased to be partnering this semester with the   to share information about the discussions.

Best wishes for safety and security for you and yours,

Joe White
Luxenberg Family Professor of Public Policy and Director, Center for Policy Studies

 earned her B.Sc. in Political Science from Cairo University, M.A. in International Studies from DePaul University, and her M.A. and Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Chicago. Her research specializes in civil-military relations, state-society dynamics, and Middle East Politics. She probes how domestic and foreign factors influence patterns and structures of power among presidencies, militaries, and police forces. This work draws upon experiences of political development in Egypt and other nations of the Global South. She is currently working on a project investigating   in North Africa with the European Institute of the Mediterranean.

Dr Rashed serves as Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs of the College of the University of Chicago. She is also a non-resident Scholar with the Middle East Institute, and President of the Board of the Egyptian American Society of Chicago. In addition to academic articles and book chapters, her commentary has been featured in media outlets including the   and  .

* Kelvin Smith Library requires all entrants to show identification when entering the building, unless they have a university i.d. that they can magnetically scan. We are sorry if that seems like a hassle, but it has been Library policy for a while in response to security concerns. Please do not complain to the library staff at the entrance, who are just doing their jobs.

 With  , Distinguished University Professor and Perkins Professor of Physics Emeritus.

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Israel news features every important moment from the Jewish State involving politics, celebrities, and innovation. This is the hard hitting, fast paced news that represents the Jewish nation in an un bias frame so that truth about Israel is represented in the media. There is no other substitute for the best Israel news on the web...

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Israelis identify total war as top tactic for ending the Hezbollah conflict in the North

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    It blends theory and practice with critical analysis and casestudies, campaigns, exercises, and discussion questions. It is the definitive textbook on public relations that has led the way over four editions in the field of public relations and strategic communication textbooks. Since the last edition Liz has retired. Case Study 201.

  23. PDF Public Relations Ethics Case Study

    Public Relations Society of America. Board of Ethics and Professional Standards Code of Ethics Case Studies 2001-2002. 3. Identify key values. Honesty - We adhere to the highest standards of accuracy and truth in advancing the interests of those we represent and in communicating with the public. Independence - We are accountable for our ...

  24. The role of healthcare PR in managing reputation—strategies, challenges

    Healthcare public relations plays a pivotal role in managing and shaping this reputation, ensuring that hospitals, ... Case Studies. Examining case studies provides valuable insights into the practical application of healthcare PR strategies and the outcomes they produce. One notable example is the Cleveland Clinic's PR campaign, which ...

  25. Civil-Military Relations in Egypt

    About Our Guest. Dina Rashed Ph.D. earned her B.Sc. in Political Science from Cairo University, M.A. in International Studies from DePaul University, and her M.A. and Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Chicago.Her research specializes in civil-military relations, state-society dynamics, and Middle East Politics. She probes how domestic and foreign factors influence patterns and ...

  26. Israel News: Updates on Israeli Politics, Security & Diplomacy

    The Jerusalem Post Customer Service Center can be contacted with any questions or requests: Telephone: *2421 * Extension 4 Jerusalem Post or 03-7619056 Fax: 03-5613699 E-mail: [email protected]