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A Guide to ChatGPT (AI) for Medical Students

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ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot developed by OpenAI. It can understand and respond to text-based instructions  (called prompts ). 

ChatGPT can be a powerful tool for medical students. It can act as a personal learning assistant  and help you understand complex medical topics and prepare for medical school exams. 

In this guide, we’ll discuss how to use ChatGPT in your medical education. We’ve included specific examples and custom prompts to help you set up ChatGPT effectively. This guide is suitable for users of the free version of ChatGPT (GPT 3.5).

This guide will also be helpful for medical school staff and faculty looking to use ChatGPT in their institutions or with their students.

Limitations of ChatGPT

Although it can be a powerful tool for medical education, ChatGPT does have some limitations :

  • ChatGPT is an AI language model and not a medical expert ; it can’t understand the nuances of medical practice as a qualified doctor would.
  • It can occasionally generate responses that are ambiguous , incorrect or misleading
  • ChatGPT’s data may not be fully up-to-date or may lack information on specialised medical topics
  • It can struggle with  complex tasks , especially the free version of ChatGPT (3.5)
  • The more powerful version ( ChatGPT Plus, or GPT-4 ) is not available unless you sign up for a paid subscription

Remember, ChatGPT generates responses based on a computer algorithm , and although these responses can seem ‘human-like’, it does not understand human behaviour or have any ‘real world’ lived experience! 

Setup custom instructions

Before you start using ChatGPT, it is helpful to set up custom instructions to help improve the quality of the responses. An important concept to understand is that ChatGPT does not understand your circumstances and context.

For example, ChatGPT will not know you are a medical student, your stage of study, or the type of responses you find helpful. It will not know that you are using it to help understand medical concepts or prepare for medical school exams.

This can make the quality of ChatGPT’s responses less useful for you. For example, ChatGPT may use non-medical terminology or use American medical language. 

To avoid this, you can set up  custom instructions which tell ChatGPT about you, the context in which you are using it, and the type of responses you are looking for.

Example of custom instructions for medical students

What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses?

I am a third-year medical student in the United Kingdom. I am studying for my medical school exams.

How would you like ChatGPT to respond?

Always use British English and British spelling of medical words. Do not use American medical terminology or colloquialisms. When answering medical questions or providing medical information, you must use UK guidelines and UK sources. Your answers should reflect UK medical practice. Do not use lay terminology, always use precise medical language.

Writing ChatGPT prompts

In ChatGPT, a prompt refers to the initial question or statement input into the model to elicit a specific response . In other words, a prompt is what you ask ChatGPT to do. 

It serves as a directive for the AI, guiding it on what information is being sought (e.g. asthma symptoms) or what task needs to be accomplished (e.g. generating a question on asthma).

The quality and clarity of the prompt can significantly impact the accuracy and relevance of the response. Remember, ChatGPT doesn’t know how you want it to respond unless it is included in the prompt! Therefore, formulating a well-thought-out prompt is essential for obtaining a useful response.

Examples of ChatGPT prompts

In general, more detail in the prompt is better. If you can, be specific and tell ChatGPT precisely what you’re looking for and how you want it to respond. 

Asthma symptoms

You are revising for your medical school exams and want to include a list of asthma symptoms in your revision notes.

Lower quality prompt : “Tell me about the symptoms of asthma”

  • This prompt is broad (“tell me about”) and may lead to a lower quality response

Higher quality prompt : “List the key symptoms of asthma in bullet point format and include brief information about the nature and relevance of each symptom”

  • This prompt gives clear instructions to ChatGPT, and will likely lead to a more useful output

Understanding Rinne’s test

You are revising for an upcoming OSCE, and you are finding it difficult to understand how to interpret Rinne’s and Weber’s tests .

Lower quality prompt : “What is Rinne’s test?/What is Weber’s’s test?”

  • This broad prompt may lead to ChatGPT including lots of irrelevant information when we want it to focus on interpreting these tests.

Higher quality prompt : “I’m struggling to understand how to interpret the findings of Rinne’s test/Weber’s. Can you explain how to interpret this test?”

  • This prompt gives ChatGPT extra context and tells it which area (interpretation of the tests) to focus on 

Explain medical concepts and conditions

You can ask ChatGPT to explain medical concepts, diagnoses and conditions. ChatGPT can help explain complex topics which you are struggling to understand.

For example, ChatGPT can:

  • Produce a summary of a medical condition you haven’t encountered before
  • Explain how to interpret clinical signs
  • Explain a medical concept
  • List clinical features associated with a diagnosis
  • Summarise content from textbooks and guidelines to highlight relevant investigations and management options

Using ChatGPT to generate an overview of a medical condition

Your prompt  to ChatGPT will depend on the topic or concept you wish to explore. The prompts above are simple questions. However, you may wish to give ChatGPT more information (e.g. if you are struggling to understand a particular topic area).

Generate differential diagnoses

ChatGPT can help you develop your  clinical reasoning skills by generating lists of differential diagnoses. For example, you can give ChatGPT a patient scenario and ask it to consider some differentials.

Alternatively, you can ask ChatGPT to generate differential diagnoses for a particular medical condition.

Asking ChatGPT to generate a list of differential diagnoses for epigastric pain

Create memory aids and mnemonics

If you use memory aids and mnemonics when revising, ChatGPT can help you generate these. Medical mnemonics are a popular way of remembering high-yield facts. Some medical mnemonics are timeless, such as the mnemonic for remembering the carpal bones or the causes of pancreatitis . 

ChatGPT can help you generate new mnemonics and tips for remembering concepts. You may not find all of the mnemonics it generates useful. However, you can improve the quality of the mnemonics it generates by giving ChatGPT more information in the prompt. 

Using ChatGPT to generate medical mnemonics

Test your knowledge

You can use ChatGPT to test your knowledge by asking questions about a topic or a condition. You can ask ChatGPT to focus on a specific area (e.g. pathophysiology).

Socratic questioning involves teaching by asking specific questions, and ChatGPT can take on the role of a ‘Socratic tutor’ by asking you a series of questions on a topic. 

Using ChatGPT to test knowledge of COPD

Writing medical questions

ChatGPT can generate medical questions to help to prepare for medical exams.

You can ask ChatGPT to generate questions in any format, including traditional multiple choice questions (MCQs), single best answer (SBA) questions , extended matching questions (EMQs) and true/false questions.

When asking ChatGPT to generate questions, the prompt needs to contain instructions for the structure of the question and the topic to be tested . To reduce the likelihood of ChatGPT providing incorrect or misleading questions, it is also helpful if you provide it with a summary of specific content that you would like it to test you on – for example, from the NICE guidelines:

ChatGPT - question output

Although we have used a relatively short summary here, ChatGPT supports longer prompts. Feel free to experiment with giving it as much helpful context as you can!

Practise for OSCEs

We’ve used the underlying technology which powers ChatGPT to provide AI-powered simulated patients , available as part of our OSCE Stations subscription .

You can chat with our virtual patients  anytime , letting you practise OSCEs on the go. You can choose to interact by typing , or you can  speak into your microphone to simulate a real-life consultation. 

AI history taking example

Dr Jack O’Sullivan

Doctor and ed-tech consultant

  • OpenAI. Introducing ChatGPT . Published in November 2022. Available from: [ LINK ]
  • OpenAI. Best practices for prompt engineering with OpenAI API. Published in 2023. Available from: [ LINK ]

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Med School Insiders

ChatGPT and the Future of AI in Medical School Applications

  • By Kevin Jubbal, M.D.
  • May 20, 2023
  • artificial intelligence , Medical School Application

Can ChatGPT write, or at least improve your medical school application? Artificial intelligence tools are taking the world by storm, and medical school admissions is not immune.

Here’s the good and bad of how AI is already changing med school apps, and how you need to prepare.

1 | Will AI Revolutionize Med School Apps?

Medical schools have not yet fully adopted AI in the admissions process, but it will continue to be integrated as the software continues to develop. AI is an impressive tool for categorizing high volumes of information, and it does appear to be effective at choosing strong candidates .

However, medical schools do need to be wary of implementing AI too quickly, as it’s possible AI could have ingrained biases. After all, AI is still developed by human beings, and human beings are inherently biased.

It will take a few application cycles to understand the impact of AI tools on medical school admissions, so students applying soon likely do not need to worry too much about it right now. However, things may evolve by the time they reach residency.

2023 vs 2027 - The Future of AI & Medical Admissions

On the student side, AI tools could potentially help with the many essays you need to write during the application process. However, it’s unlikely this ability will revolutionize the application process, as personal statements are, as the name suggests, incredibly personal. It’s not your way with words that will get you noticed by admissions committees; it’s your authenticity and unique story.

Adcoms are not looking for poets or novelists. They’re looking for qualified candidates who possess a strong work ethic coupled with integrity and maturity. While AI tools can help get your essays started, relying on them exclusively will have you sounding generic and, in a word, robotic.

2 | Using ChatGPT to Craft Essays

AI tools could help level the playing field for premeds who can’t afford personalized essay editing services. However, given the extremely personal nature of medical school essays, AI can only help so much.

The same is true of bots like Grammarly and other spell checking tools. Grammarly can help ensure your grammar and spelling are correct, but you cannot rely on it exclusively. Even simple grammar editing tools make mistakes and can give wrong suggestions. It’s up to you to look at the suggestions, consider them, and choose which corrections are accurate based on the context of your writing.

Bots do not have a concept of self-perception, nor will they understand how the personal statement fits in the larger context of your application’s overall narrative . Your application essays will come off both basic and robotic if you rely heavily on AI. In many cases, at least for now, what an AI tool writes may require so much editing on your part that you are better off simply writing it yourself.

Strong applicants are unique applicants. AI tools can’t tell your story for you, and they rob you of your own voice. If you are using the tools to come up with your story, you’re going to have a hard time during the next phases of the process as you continue to answer questions about your journey in secondary applications and interviews.

The best applicants see every single piece of the application process as one more opportunity to stand out and win over admissions committees.

3 | Can Admissions Committees Tell If You Used AI?

bot essay prescribed for medical students

Since ChatGPT and other AI writing tools are relatively new, it’s unlikely admissions committees are utilizing technology to detect if your essays are written by an AI. However, these tools are far from perfect, and as AI writing software improves, so will AI detection software.

Assume admissions committees have plagiarism software and will continue to invest in it as time goes on. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. By that same token, where there’s AI writing tools, there’s AI detection software.

Beyond detection software, you also run the risk of having a personal statement that’s too similar to someone else’s. If you are using software to cut corners, there’s a good chance other premeds are doing the same. This can result in a number of personal statements that share similar themes, stories, and sentence structure. It’s possible the similarities may trigger a program’s plagiarism detection software.

If it’s not caught in the early phases, it could be during interviews. You won’t be able to speak as clearly about your personal journey and extracurriculars if you weren’t the one who wrote about them. Everything you include in your application is fair game to be asked about. If you’re unable to speak about an experience you detailed on your application, that’s an automatic red flag .

However, an admissions committee’s plagiarism software should not be your concern; all you need to be concerned about is presenting your authentic self and delivering your application with integrity.

A doctor’s code of ethics is sacred. If you’re going against the core values of what it means to be a doctor before you even get into medical school, that’s a big problem. Bending or breaking the rules of the medical profession to become a part of it does not bode well for your future career.

The medical school application process is difficult for a reason. If it’s too easy, people will be blindsided by the difficulty of medical school. It takes hard work, dedication, and grit to succeed during the long and arduous application process. The difficulty of applying is an indicator of whether or not you can handle the rigors of medical school.

4 | Are There Rules Against Using AI for Med School Apps?

There are no hard rules against using AI yet, but they may be on their way. ChatGPT is relatively new on the scene. It’s likely some schools will make it a policy that you can’t use AI to write your essays.

While it would be difficult for schools to enforce this rule, they may be able to do so with detection software. If you get sloppy about using AI writing tools, there could be clues that you didn’t write it yourself, and you could face consequences.

Check the rules of each school you apply to and always fall back on the instructions they provide.

Learn more: Do NOT Go to Medical School (If This is You) .

If you’re not applying to medical school until a future application cycle, the rules around using the tools is something to keep your eye on. How AI will be used by admissions committees and the rules around how students can utilize these tools will continue to evolve in the years to come.

5 | How Can AI Tools Help Students?

Using AI isn’t all bad. In some ways, it may level the playing field for people who can’t afford to pay for essay editing services or for those whose upbringing puts them at a disadvantage when it comes to the English language or writing in general.

These tools can synthesize and organize information, give you ideas for how you might tell your story, and help with potential sentence structure. But if you use it for class work and rely on it to write your essays for you, you’re using it wrong. Plug in beats from the story you want to tell and see how things go. But don’t stop there. Work with the language and adapt it to your own voice. The story must feel like it’s authentically you.

AI tools may also help you save time in other areas of your life, such as emails and other correspondence, so that you have more time to dedicate to your application.

If you believe AI software will magically generate a persuasive personal statement without you having to lift a finger, you’re sadly mistaken. Successful personal statements and medical school essays are authentic. Admissions committees want to see the real you. If you let a robot do the talking for you, it defeats the purpose. You’re much more likely to come off as bland and generic as opposed to uniquely you.

The Future of Med School Applications

AI & Medical Admissions - robot writing

If AI can successfully and unbiasedly get more applications sorted in a faster amount of time, that’s a win. It can free up time for adcoms to further develop other aspects of the application process, like interviews.

On the student side of things, both premeds and medical students need to tread carefully when it comes to utilizing AI tools for writing. You may be able to use them effectively for synthesizing notes, drafting correspondence, social media posts, and other simple forms of writing, but your personal statement is not something you want to cut corners on.

Ultimately, medicine and medical school admissions are still highly human endeavors, and there are no effective shortcuts. While AI has its place as a tool, it’s easy to be seduced by unrealistic expectations of its utility.

Admissions committees are made up of people, including doctors, who want to select candidates who will be assets to the incoming medical school class, and ultimately become great physicians. One of the most powerful ways to wow adcoms is with a cohesive narrative-based approach to the application, whereby all aspects of your med school app—from your personal statement to work and activities to secondaries to interviews, and more, all align with your central story.

The narrative-based application is what we specialize in at Med School Insiders, and is what we’ve used to help over 6,000 successful applicants get into their dream programs. Putting your best foot forward is mission critical in the competitive landscape of medical school admissions, and even more so if you’re aiming for a top program or you want to earn merit-based scholarships to reduce your loan burden.

If you want to work with a real physician who has actually served on medical school admissions committees, who can help coach and guide you on how to stand out and earn the adcom’s approval, visit our services page to learn more. There’s a reason we’ve become the fastest growing company in the space and earned industry-leading satisfaction ratings. We’d love to help you not only become a future physician but surpass your expectations of yourself in the process of doing so.

Picture of Kevin Jubbal, M.D.

Kevin Jubbal, M.D.

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ChatGPT: the AI Companion for Med Students

As a medical student, it can be challenging to keep up with the ever-changing landscape of medicine. With new discoveries and treatments constantly emerging, staying on top of the latest advancements in the field can feel overwhelming. However, with the rise of online resources, it has become easier to access valuable information from anywhere at any time. One such resource is ChatGPT. ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot that uses natural language processing to understand and respond to user inquiries. It has been designed to provide personalized learning experiences for users across various domains, including medicine.

Explanation of ChatGPT

ChatGPT uses a state-of-the-art deep learning model called GPT-3, which has been trained on massive amounts of text data to generate human-like responses. This means that users can ask complex questions in natural language and receive comprehensive answers that are tailored to their needs. Unlike traditional study methods like textbooks or lectures, ChatGPT provides a more interactive and engaging way to learn. With its conversational interface, students can engage in dialogue with the bot as they would with a teacher or peer.

Importance of Online Resources for Medical Students

The importance of online resources for medical students cannot be overstated. These resources provide access to vast amounts of information that may not be available through traditional study methods. In addition, they enable students to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule. Online resources are particularly useful for medical students who may not have access to high-quality educational institutions or experienced mentors. They level the playing field and provide opportunities for students from all backgrounds to advance their knowledge and skills in the field.

Thesis Statement: "As a medical student, using ChatGPT can be a valuable resource for learning and expanding knowledge in the field."

Overall, ChatGPT can be an invaluable resource for medical students. Its ability to provide personalized learning experiences and access to up-to-date information can help students stay on top of the latest advancements in the field. In the following sections, we will explore specific areas where ChatGPT can be particularly useful for medical students, including anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, and clinical skills. We will also delve into some lesser-known details about how chatbots like GPT-3 are revolutionizing medical education.

Overview of ChatGPT

As a medical student, it's essential to find innovative and interactive ways to expand your knowledge and understanding of the field. Fortunately, technology is constantly evolving, and AI chatbot technology has emerged as one of the most promising tools for medical students worldwide. ChatGPT is an exceptional platform that uses AI technology to respond intelligently to your queries. In simple terms, ChatGPT is an AI model that answers questions based on a vast database of information. It's designed to understand natural language and context-specific queries in the same way that humans do. This means you can ask complex questions about anatomy, pharmacology or any other topic related to medicine and receive accurate responses.

The Advantages of Using ChatGPT Over Traditional Study Methods

Traditional study methods such as textbooks, lectures or flashcards have been part of medical education for centuries. However, they're not always effective in helping students retain information long-term. In contrast, using ChatGPT has numerous advantages over traditional study methods. Unlike textbooks or lectures where you're forced to learn at someone else's pace, using ChatGPT allows you to learn at your own speed. You can ask as many questions as you want without feeling embarrassed or judged by others who may already know the answer. Additionally, ChatGPT provides personalized feedback based on individual learning styles; this makes it easier for students with different needs and learning styles take advantage of the platform. Moreover, with traditional study methods such as Blackboard or Moodle, there are often limited interaction opportunities between teachers or other experts in the field making it difficult for medical students to get answers or insights into certain topics in medicine; however with ChataGPt you can access expertise from professionals around the world.

How ChatGPT Can Be Tailored To Individual Learning Needs

One great feature about using chatbots like ChatGPT is that they can be customized to fit individual learning needs. For example, if you prefer visual aids or interactive quizzes and games, ChatGPT has got you covered. The platform offers a wide range of learning resources from engaging quizzes, simulations to visual aids, that are designed to help students understand complex concepts. Furthermore, ChatGPT provides access to up-to-date drug information and personalized recommendations for drug interactions; this is particularly useful for medical students who may struggle with memorizing long lists of drugs or understanding their interactions with other medication. This advanced technology allows medical students to get quick and reliable answers without having to spend hours researching. Using ChatGPT as a medical student can be a valuable resource for expanding your knowledge in the field. The platform's AI chatbot technology makes it easier for students to personalize their learning experiences based on their individual needs and learning styles. With its vast database of information spanning various topics like anatomy, pharmacology and clinical skills among others, it's no wonder that more and more medical students are turning towards ChatGPT for support in their studies.

Anatomy and Physiology

Unleash your memorization power with chatgpt.

As a medical student, you know very well that memorization is one of the most critical skills that you need to acquire. The amount of information about anatomy and physiology can be overwhelming, but ChatGPT is the perfect resource to help you get through all of it. One thing I particularly like about ChatGPT is its ability to provide personalized learning. This means that it can tailor the content to your individual needs and preferences. For example, if you're struggling with memorizing certain parts of the body, ChatGPT can help by providing targeted materials that focus on those areas. But what makes ChatGPT even more powerful is its interactive quizzes and games feature. These tools are designed to engage you in a fun and educational way, helping you retain information more efficiently. Gone are the days when you have to rely on tedious study methods like reading long textbook chapters or making flashcards.

Get Engaged with Interactive Quizzes and Games

While traditional study methods are still viable options for learning, online resources such as ChatGPT take it up a notch by incorporating interactive quizzes and games into their platform. With these features, medical students no longer have to struggle with memorizing extensive anatomical terms or concepts. These quizzes may range from simple multiple-choice questions to visual matching exercises or even timed games that enhance quick thinking abilities while educating at the same time. You will be able to track your progress through these activities systematically while having fun along the way.


No more struggle for up-to-date drug information.

One significant advantage of using ChatGPT as a medical student resource for pharmacology is its easy access to up-to-date drug information. With every passing day, new drugs are introduced into the market, and it can be challenging to keep track of all of them. ChatGPT provides you with current information on different types of drugs, their characteristics, side effects, indications, and contraindications. This saves you a lot of time and effort that you would have otherwise spent on researching or reading through various sources.

Personalized Recommendations for Drug Interactions

Another useful feature provided by ChatGPT is its ability to generate personalized recommendations for drug interactions. As a medical student, it's crucial to understand how different drugs interact with one another and what kind of effects they may have on the body. The platform's AI-driven system allows for unique recommendations based on individual patient needs or conditions. These recommendations are tailored to specific cases and involve information like patient age, sex, weight, and any underlying medical conditions. With this level of personalization at hand, students can learn about drug interactions in-depth without worrying about missing critical details.

Clinical Skills

Practice procedures with virtual simulations.

One helpful feature provided by ChatGPT is virtual simulations that allow students to practice procedures safely. These simulations offer an opportunity to hone clinical skills without putting actual patients at risk. Virtual simulations come in different forms depending on the procedure you want to practice. For instance, if you want to learn how to perform an arterial blood gas test or intubation techniques in a stress-free environment before applying them practically in real life settings; ChatGPT offers these virtual scenarios for your convenience. With virtual simulations being readily available online via ChatGPT platform, students can take their time learning each step thoroughly without having instructors breathing down their necks or weighing productivity over proper skill acquisition.

Analyze Cases like Experts with Case Studies

Medical case studies come in plenty but finding quality ones that provide insights into diagnosis and treatment can often be an impossible task. ChatGPT, however, offers a solution to this problem with its repository of case studies featuring expert analysis. These case studies are carefully selected to provide students with valuable learning experiences that showcase how professionals approach real-life medical scenarios. Students can study the cases in detail and learn about different ways of approaching diagnosis and treatment while also learning about the underlying pathology. ChatGPT is an excellent resource for medical students looking to expand their knowledge base in various niche areas. It provides personalized learning options through its interactive quizzes, virtual simulations, and expert analysis on case studies on topics like anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, and clinical skills. With its AI-driven system, ChatGPT will offer insights into specific topics that are customized based on individual needs. With so many advantages at your disposal as a medical student seeking to unlock your potential in the field; there's no reason why you shouldn't consider using ChatGPT today!

Rarely Known Small Details about ChatGPT as a Medical Student Resource

How chatbots like gpt-3 are revolutionizing medical education..

Gone are the days of heavy, dusty textbooks and monotonous lectures. The integration of chatbots like GPT-3 into medical education is changing the game. With their ability to understand natural language and provide interactive feedback, chatbots allow students to learn at their own pace and on their own terms. Instead of memorizing information for an exam, students can now engage in deeper learning experiences that foster critical thinking skills.

Chatbots like GPT-3 are able to provide personalized feedback based on individual learning styles.

One of the most significant benefits of using ChatGPT as a medical student is its ability to provide personalized feedback based on individual learning styles. By analyzing a student's responses and engagement with the platform, GPT-3 can tailor its recommendations and explanations to better suit the student's needs. This means that students can spend less time studying material they already understand and more time working through areas where they need more support.

Chatbots like GPT-3 are able to provide 24/7 support

Another advantage of using ChatGPT is its availability - it provides 24/7 support which allows students to review materials at a time that suits them best. Unlike traditional study methods where students need to wait for office hours or class schedules, ChatGPT allows flexibility in scheduling and provides answers as soon as you ask questions.

As we have seen in this article, there are many compelling reasons why medical students should consider using ChatGPT as an additional resource for their studies. By providing personalized feedback, interactive lessons, accessibility round-the-clock and tailored support services; it stands out amongst others in enhancing medical education. ChatGPT is changing the way medical students learn and retaining information, allowing for deeper understanding, and a more engaging learning experience. As the field of artificial intelligence continues to develop, we can expect even more exciting changes in medical education with chatbots leading the way.

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Chatbots for future docs: exploring medical students' attitudes and knowledge towards artificial intelligence and medical chatbots


  • 1 University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany.
  • 2 Institute for Neuro- and Bioinformatics, University of Luebeck, Luebeck, Germany.
  • 3 Institute for Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics, University of Tuebingen, Germany.
  • 4 Department of Internal Medicine VI/Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, University Hospital Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany.
  • PMID: 36855245
  • PMCID: PMC9979998
  • DOI: 10.1080/10872981.2023.2182659

Artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine and digital assistance systems such as chatbots will play an increasingly important role in future doctor - patient communication. To benefit from the potential of this technical innovation and ensure optimal patient care, future physicians should be equipped with the appropriate skills. Accordingly, a suitable place for the management and adaptation of digital assistance systems must be found in the medical education curriculum. To determine the existing levels of knowledge of medical students about AI chatbots in particular in the healthcare setting, this study surveyed medical students of the University of Luebeck and the University Hospital of Tuebingen. Using standardized quantitative questionnaires and qualitative analysis of group discussions, the attitudes of medical students toward AI and chatbots in medicine were investigated. From this, relevant requirements for the future integration of AI into the medical curriculum could be identified. The aim was to establish a basic understanding of the opportunities, limitations, and risks, as well as potential areas of application of the technology. The participants ( N = 12) were able to develop an understanding of how AI and chatbots will affect their future daily work. Although basic attitudes toward the use of AI were positive, the students also expressed concerns. There were high levels of agreement regarding the use of AI in administrative settings (83.3%) and research with health-related data (91.7%). However, participants expressed concerns that data protection may be insufficiently guaranteed (33.3%) and that they might be increasingly monitored at work in the future (58.3%). The evaluations indicated that future physicians want to engage more intensively with AI in medicine. In view of future developments, AI and data competencies should be taught in a structured way during the medical curriculum and integrated into curricular teaching.

Keywords: Medical students; applications in education;; artificial intelligence; chatbot; human-computer interface; teaching/learning strategies.

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Attitudes of medical students toward AI in medicine (fears about AI in various…

Attitudes of medical students toward AI in medicine (statements about the use of…

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Mar 30, 2024

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How AI is helping doctors communicate with patients

Hospitals are using chatbots to monitor patient health at home and to reply to patient messages. do the benefits outweigh the risks.

Artificial intelligence chatbot on mobile device

Posted in: Applying to Medical School

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ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence tools are transforming the globe, and the healthcare field is no exception.

Artificial intelligence is a multi-faceted concept encompassing machine learning , deep learning , neural networks , natural language processing ( NLP ), data science , predictive analytics , and even robotics. Ultimately, these can all benefit healthcare systems and patient health outcomes .

Some also question the ethics of certain AI practices, and rightly so — this area can get very complicated, very fast. Patient permission and AI accountability are other ethical questions that need answering as we integrate the use of this powerful tool in our field.

ChatGPT has the ability to write medical school applications . Future patient behaviors can often be predicted by medical records .

Below, we’ll discuss applications of AI in healthcare , its benefits, and the potential downsides.

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How is artificial intelligence used in healthcare?

The world of AI is evolving quickly, so it’s unclear to what extent we’ll see it used in our day-to-day professional lives in the future. However, research is booming and gives us many ideas for what this will look like very soon.

As artificial intelligence gets more and more advanced, AI will be useful in healthcare to:

  • Automate communication and telemedicine with patients, clinicians, and administrators.
  • Diagnose diseases based on medical imaging , such as X-rays.
  • Predict injuries using AI algorithms and long-term patient data sets.
  • Recommend clinical decisions, such as drugs or medical devices for treatment.
  • Compose medical school essays or personal statements .
  • Find and recruit individuals for clinical trials.
  • Formulate clinical trials on precision medicine, drug discovery, telehealth, and mental health.
  • Compile big data into meaningful metrics relevant to any number of stakeholders, from patients to hospital administrators and everyone in between.

Conversely, AI in its current form can make provider communications feel less human and individualized. Medical students who use AI to write content for their med school or residency applications may be perceived as robotic or lacking passion. AI may weaken trust between payers and healthcare professionals.

4 Benefits of AI in Healthcare

There are many potential benefits of AI solutions in healthcare, including:

  • Quick text composition. AI tools like ChatGPT or Jasper help compose communications with patients and healthcare workers. Medical school students may use AI tools to outline, write, or edit personal statements or essays. In a live healthcare setting, quick text composition can also result in rapid patient care, allowing patients to chat with intelligent healthcare bots about symptoms, treatments, .
  • Faster, more accurate insights. Machine learning algorithms can help healthcare organizations find real insights more quickly. Natural language processing may help get those insights to doctors or patients faster. In turn, patient outcomes will improve. One radiology-specific use case is that AI decision-making outperforms radiologists in identifying malignant tumors .
  • Connecting disparate data. Healthcare data is fragmented in different formats. Machine learning technologies bring together different data to build a more unified picture for the individuals represented by that medical data. Connecting different data may improve accurate diagnoses, treatment plans, and health outcomes. (To put it in context: AI software can read, organize, and interpret data that would take a single human being multiple lifetimes just to read. This is accomplished in minutes, not years.)
  • Efficiency improvement. AI can increase efficiency of healthcare organizations and electronic health record systems (EHRs) administrative workflows, communications, and financial operations. Improved efficiency may increase revenue and allow for lower cost to patients.

4 Risks of AI in Healthcare

There are risks and downsides to the adoption of AI in healthcare, including:

  • Potential errors. AI tools are definitely known to be wrong, and patient injury may result. AI may recommend the wrong prescription, fail to recognize a growth in imaging, or base guidance on racially-biased data collection. If these AI tools become widespread, potential AI system errors could result in thousands of injuries — rather than a more limited number of injuries caused by a single healthcare provider’s error. These “ hallucinations ” occur when AI chooses what it believes to be a plausible answer that isn’t supported by its training data. (Sounds kind of human, doesn’t it?)
  • AI transparency. Artificial intelligence never stops collecting information, but people are usually unaware that their data is being collected for machine learning purposes. However, data collection guidelines are often buried in user agreements. Transparency increases trust by disclosing when collected data has been used to create a tool, application, or message automation. 
  • User transparency. Individuals who utilize AI tools to compose a personal statement, a med school application , or even an email often do not disclose that AI technology is being used. Ethically speaking, disclosing whenever AI tools are utilized may benefit everyone, especially in the healthcare community.
  • Loss of individuality. When communications — for example, between doctor and patient or administrator and nurse — are automated and AI-generated, a loss of humanity can worsen the recipient’s experience and even comprehension. Medical students who use AI to generate essays or applications may lose a sense of individuality crucial to standing out.

ChatGPT and Medical School Admissions

A growing issue in the healthcare sector is medical students who don’t put in the work that future doctors have done for decades. More and more med school students are using ChatGPT and similar NLP tools to fill out applications , write personal statements, and compose essays.

AI recognition software will continue to improve and weed out students who do not submit their own work — med schools are not looking for what a chatbot would say about you. Until then, students should be cautious in using AI tools to write for them.

Should you use ChatGPT to help with your medical school application? Here are the arguments for both answers.

  • Yes, you should use ChatGPT. ChatGPT may be beneficial in providing diverse ideas for jumping off points, editing your work for grammar and punctuation, or helping overcome writer’s block.
  • No, you should not use ChatGPT. ChatGPT doesn’t know or understand the personal stories that led to your passion for becoming a doctor. AI can’t authentically express compassion and empathy. It may destabilize your ethical footing, decrease the individuality of your writing, and hamper how much you’re learning. (And if that isn’t enough, medical schools will eventually be able to consistently verify use of AI to compose applications, which could drastically harm your career path.)

Here’s the reality: Beyond just impressive test scores, compelling human writing is the best way to stand out as a med school applicant. Physician advisors and writing advisors can help brainstorm, draft, or enhance your personal statement (on AMCAS , TMDSAS , or AACOMAS applications).

Will AI benefit the future of healthcare ?

Without question, artificial intelligence will benefit the future of healthcare , especially if we implement these tools with great care. Human error and human inefficiency will decrease while data collection and processing will better serve both patients and medical professionals .

However, humans and organizations using AI tools need to be more transparent and very conscious of the ethics of AI.

AI will not make healthcare perfect. Though AI will most likely improve the healthcare industry and patient care , everyone should be wary of big tech companies, startup companies, healthcare organizations , regulatory bodies, and policymakers promising perfection instead of simply a new status quo.

Need admission consulting or application prep? Check out the Admission Consulting Service by our friends at MedSchoolCoach. Their expert advisors help you identify your application’s strengths and weaknesses, write and edit a killer personal statement, practice interviewing for medical schools , and support you whenever you’re feeling under pressure.

PS: Just in case you were wondering, this article was, in fact, written by a human being and not a chatbot.

Picture of Sahil Mehta MD

Sahil Mehta MD

Dr. Mehta is the founder of MedSchoolCoach and has guided thousands of successful medical school applicants. He is also a practicing physician in Boston where he specializes in vascular and interventional radiology.

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbots in Medicine: A Supplement, Not a Substitute

Ibraheem altamimi.

1 College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, SAU

Abdullah Altamimi

2 Pediatric Emergency, Toxicology, King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, SAU

Abdullah S Alhumimidi

Abdulaziz altamimi.

3 College of Medicine, King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Riyadh, SAU

Mohamad-Hani Temsah

4 Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, King Saud University, Riyadh, SAU

This editorial discusses the role of artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots in the healthcare sector, emphasizing their potential as supplements rather than substitutes for medical professionals. While AI chatbots have demonstrated significant potential in managing routine tasks, processing vast amounts of data, and aiding in patient education, they still lack the empathy, intuition, and experience intrinsic to human healthcare providers. Furthermore, the deployment of AI in medicine brings forth ethical and legal considerations that require robust regulatory measures. As we move towards the future, the editorial underscores the importance of a collaborative model, wherein AI chatbots and medical professionals work together to optimize patient outcomes. Despite the potential for AI advancements, the likelihood of chatbots completely replacing medical professionals remains low, as the complexity of healthcare necessitates human involvement. The ultimate aim should be to use technology like AI chatbots to enhance patient care and outcomes, not to replace the irreplaceable human elements of healthcare.

The intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and healthcare has been a hotbed for innovative exploration. One area of particular interest is the use of AI chatbots, which have demonstrated promising potential as health advisors, initial triage tools, and mental health companions [ 1 ]. However, the future of these AI chatbots in relation to medical professionals is a topic that elicits diverse opinions and predictions [ 2 - 3 ]. The paper, "Will AI Chatbots Replace Medical Professionals in the Future?" delves into this discourse, challenging us to consider the balance between the advancements in AI and the irreplaceable human aspects of medical care [ 2 ].

The rise of AI chatbots in healthcare

AI chatbots are playing an increasingly transformative role in the delivery of healthcare services. Their ability to process vast amounts of data and detect patterns and trends far beyond human capability makes them ideal for managing routine tasks such as scheduling appointments, sending medication reminders, and providing general health information. By handling these responsibilities, chatbots alleviate the load on healthcare systems, allowing medical professionals to focus more on complex care tasks.

The rapid growth and adoption of AI chatbots in the healthcare sector is exemplified by ChatGPT. Within a mere five days of its launch, ChatGPT amassed an impressive one million users, and its user base expanded to 100 million users in just two months [ 4 ]. A study conducted six months ago on the use of AI chatbots among healthcare workers found that nearly 20 percent of them utilized ChatGPT [ 5 ]. This percentage could be even higher now, given the increasing reliance on AI chatbots in healthcare.

The swift adoption of ChatGPT and similar technologies highlights the growing importance and impact of AI chatbots in transforming healthcare services and enhancing patient care. As AI chatbots continue to evolve and improve, they are expected to play an even more significant role in healthcare, further streamlining processes and optimizing resource allocation.

Limitations of AI chatbots

While AI chatbots offer many benefits, it is critical to understand their limitations. Currently, AI lacks the capacity to demonstrate empathy, intuition, and the years of experience that medical professionals bring to the table [ 6 ]. These human traits are invaluable in effective patient care, especially when nuanced language interpretation and non-verbal cues come into play. AI chatbots are limited to operating on pre-set data and algorithms; the quality of their recommendations is only as good as the data fed into them, and any substandard or biased data could result in harmful outputs.

The irreplaceable role of medical professionals

The role of a medical professional is far more multifaceted than simply diagnosing illnesses or recommending treatments. Physicians and nurses provide comfort, reassurance, and empathy during what can be stressful and vulnerable times for patients [ 6 ]. This doctor-patient relationship, built on trust, rapport, and understanding, is not something that can be automated or substituted with AI chatbots. Additionally, while chatbots can provide general health information and manage routine tasks, their current capabilities do not extend to answering complex medical queries. These queries often require deep medical knowledge, critical thinking, and years of clinical experience that chatbots do not possess at this point in time [ 7 ]. Thus, the intricate medical questions and the nuanced patient interactions underscore the indispensable role of medical professionals in healthcare.

Examples of AI chatbots use in healthcare limitations and capabilities

AI chatbots have been increasingly integrated into the healthcare system to streamline processes and improve patient care. While they can perform several tasks, there are limitations to their abilities, and they cannot replace human medical professionals in complex scenarios. Here, we discuss specific examples of tasks that AI chatbots can undertake and scenarios where human medical professionals are still required.

AI Chatbot Capabilities

Appointment Scheduling: AI chatbots can manage appointments, allowing patients to easily book, reschedule, or cancel appointments without human intervention.

Prescription Refill Reminders: Chatbots can send timely reminders to patients to refill their prescriptions, enhancing medication adherence.

Symptom Checker: AI chatbots can analyze the symptoms reported by patients and provide possible diagnoses based on the input.

Patient Triage: Chatbots can classify patients based on the severity of their condition, helping healthcare providers prioritize cases and allocate resources efficiently.

Mental Health Support: AI chatbots can offer psychological support, providing users with coping strategies and resources for mental health issues.

Medical Research Assistance: AI chatbots can support medical research by helping researchers find relevant literature, analyze data, and generate summaries or reports. They can also aid in writing research papers, grant proposals, or reviews by providing suggestions, identifying gaps in knowledge, and offering language assistance [ 5 ].

Complex scenarios requiring human medical professionals

Diagnosis of Rare or Complex Conditions

While AI chatbots can provide preliminary diagnoses based on symptoms, rare or complex conditions often require a deep understanding of the patient's medical history and a comprehensive assessment by a medical professional.

Surgical Procedures

AI chatbots cannot perform surgeries or invasive procedures, which require the expertise, skill, and precision of human surgeons.

Counseling and Empathy

Although AI chatbots can provide support and resources for mental health issues, they cannot replicate the empathy and nuanced understanding that human therapists offer during counseling sessions [ 6 , 8 ].

Interpretation of Complex Diagnostic Tests

Some diagnostic tests, such as MRIs, CT scans, and biopsy results, require specialized knowledge and expertise to interpret accurately. Human medical professionals are better equipped to analyze these tests and deliver accurate diagnoses.

Treatment Plan Development

While AI chatbots can provide general recommendations, developing personalized treatment plans based on a patient's unique circumstances, medical history, and preferences often requires the judgment and expertise of human healthcare providers.

Ethical and legal considerations

Integrating AI into healthcare presents various ethical and legal challenges, including questions of accountability in cases of AI decision-making errors. These issues necessitate not only technological advancements but also robust regulatory measures to ensure responsible AI usage [ 3 ]. The increasing use of AI chatbots in healthcare highlights ethical considerations, particularly concerning privacy, security, and transparency. To protect sensitive patient information from breaches, developers must implement robust security protocols, such as encryption. Ethical considerations extend to ensuring transparency in chatbot interactions, obtaining proper consent for data collection and use, and establishing clear guidelines for chatbot use in clinical settings to prevent misuse or misinterpretation. Addressing these ethical and legal concerns is crucial for the responsible and effective implementation of AI chatbots in healthcare, ultimately enhancing healthcare delivery while safeguarding patient interests [ 9 ].

Future prospects- collaboration over replacement

AI chatbots are undoubtedly valuable tools in the medical field, enhancing efficiency and augmenting healthcare professionals' capabilities. They could be particularly beneficial in areas with limited healthcare access, offering patient education and disease management support. However, considering chatbots as a complete replacement for medical professionals is a myopic view. The more plausible and beneficial future lies in a symbiotic relationship where AI chatbots and medical professionals complement each other. Each, playing to their strengths, could create an integrated approach to healthcare, marrying the best of digital efficiency and human empathy. As we journey into the future of medicine, the narrative should emphasize collaboration over replacement. The goal should be to leverage both AI and human expertise to optimize patient outcomes, orchestrating a harmonious symphony of humans and technology.

While advancements in AI and machine learning could lead to more sophisticated chatbots, their potential to entirely replace medical professionals remains remote. The integration of AI chatbots and medical professionals is more likely to evolve into a collaborative approach, where professionals focus on complex medical decision-making and empathetic patient care while chatbots supplement these efforts. This future, however, depends on various factors, including technological breakthroughs, patient and provider acceptance, ethical and legal resolutions, and regulatory frameworks.

In conclusion, it is paramount that we remain steadfast in our ultimate goal of improving patient outcomes and quality of care in this digital frontier. By restating the main themes discussed around the complementary role of AI chatbots and the need for collaboration between AI and medical professionals, we emphasize that AI chatbots represent a powerful supplement to healthcare, but they should not be seen as a complete substitute for the irreplaceable role of medical professionals.

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Chatbots in Healthcare , Healthcare

Medical Chatbot – A Guide for Developing Chatbots in Healthcare


Introduction: The Rising Role of Medical Chatbot  

See Contents

  • 1 Introduction: The Rising Role of Medical Chatbot 
  • 2 Step-by-Step Process of Developing and Implementing Chatbots in Healthcare
  • 3 Benefits of Chatbots in Healthcare
  • 4 FAQ’s

In recent years, the healthcare landscape has witnessed a transformative integration of technology, with medical chatbots at the forefront of this evolution. Medical chatbots also referred to as health bots or medical AI chatbots, have become instrumental in reshaping patient engagement and accessibility within the healthcare industry. Hence, chatbots in healthcare are reshaping patient interactions and accessibility.

As we delve into the realm of conversational AI in healthcare, it becomes evident that these medical chatbot play a pivotal role in enhancing the overall patient experience. Beyond the conventional methods of interaction, the incorporation of chatbots in healthcare holds the promise of revolutionizing how patients access information, receive medical advice, and engage with healthcare professionals.  

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the step-by-step process of developing and implementing medical chatbot, shedding light on their crucial role in improving patient engagement and healthcare accessibility.


Step-by-Step Process of Developing and Implementing Chatbots in Healthcare

Technology is radically changing the way that patient care is provided in the quickly changing field of healthcare. The use of chatbots in healthcare is one of these technological developments that has gained popularity. These sophisticated conversational tools, sometimes known as medical chatbots or health bots, help patients and healthcare providers communicate easily. We will examine the methodical approach to creating and deploying chatbots in the healthcare industry in this post.

Step 1: Needs Assessment

In the first stage, a comprehensive needs analysis is conducted to pinpoint particular healthcare domains that stand to gain from a conversational AI solution. Comprehending the obstacles encountered by healthcare providers and patients is crucial for customizing the functionalities of the chatbot. This stage guarantees that the medical chatbot solves practical problems and improves the patient experience.

Step 2: Define Objectives and Scope

Clearly describing the needs and their scope is essential once they have been recognized. A clearly defined scope guarantees that the chatbot’s skills correspond with the intended results, whether those outcomes be expediting appointment scheduling, offering medical information, or aiding in medical diagnosis. The groundwork for a focused and efficient conversational AI in healthcare is laid by this action.

Step 3: Design Conversational Flow

A key component of creating a successful health bot is creating a conversational flow that is easy to understand. Transitional phrases like “furthermore” and “moreover” can be used to build a smooth conversation between the user and the chatbot. In order to enable a seamless interchange of information about medical questions or symptoms, interactions should be natural and easy to use.

Step 4: Integration with Electronic Health Records (EHR)

Integrating the chatbot with Electronic Health Records (EHR) is crucial to improving its functionality. By taking this step, you can make sure that the health bot has access to pertinent patient data, enabling tailored responses and precise medical advice. Smooth integration enhances the chatbot’s ability to diagnose medical conditions and enhances the provision of healthcare services in general.

Step 5: Testing and Optimization

Thorough testing is done beforehand to make sure the chatbot functions well in actual situations. The health bot’s functionality and responses are greatly enhanced by user feedback and data analytics. For medical diagnosis and other healthcare applications, the accuracy and dependability of the chatbot are improved through ongoing development based on user interactions.

Step 6: Compliance with Healthcare Regulations

A crucial stage in the creation of medical chatbot is guaranteeing adherence to healthcare laws. Adherence to laws such as HIPAA cannot be undermined in order to protect patient privacy and security. By taking this action, the use of chatbots to handle sensitive healthcare data is given credibility and trust.

Step 7: Multi-language and Accessibility Integration

It is critical to incorporate multilingual support and guarantee accessibility in order to serve a varied patient population. By taking this step, the chatbot’s reach is increased and it can effectively communicate with users who might prefer a different language or who need accessibility features.

Step 8: AI Training and Ongoing Education

It is important to consider continuous learning and development when developing healthcare chatbots. The health bot uses machine learning algorithms to adapt to new data, expanding medical knowledge, and changing user needs. hence it’s important to have the updates on the chatbot’s backend.

Step 9: Instruction and Training for Users

A successful implementation of the medical chatbot depends on informing users about its capabilities and limitations. Giving patients and medical professionals clear instructions and training materials guarantees that they utilize the chatbot to its full potential, which enhances the overall success

Step 10: Deployment and Monitoring

The chatbot has undergone extensive testing and optimization and is now prepared for use. It is crucial to keep an eye on its performance. With real-time monitoring, problems can be quickly identified, user feedback can be analyzed, and changes can be made quickly to keep the health bot working effectively in a variety of healthcare scenarios.

The overall functionality, dependability, and user experience of chatbots in the healthcare industry are improved by adding these extra steps to the development and deployment process. Through the adoption of a patient-centered technology strategy, healthcare providers can fully utilize medical chatbots to transform the way patients receive and receive care.

Benefits of Chatbots in Healthcare

The integration of chatbots stands out as a revolutionary force, reshaping the dynamics of patient engagement and information dissemination. Here, we explore the distinctive advantages that medical chatbots offer, underscoring their pivotal role in the healthcare landscape.


1. Seamless Patient Engagement through Healthcare Chatbots

Recognizing the diverse linguistic landscape, healthcare chatbots offer support for multiple languages, facilitating effortless and immediate interaction between patients and healthcare services. These medical chatbot serve as intuitive platforms, empowering individuals to access information, schedule appointments, and address health queries with ease.

2. Uninterrupted Availability for Health Queries

An inherent strength of medical chatbot lies in their 24/7 availability. Patients can obtain immediate and precise responses at any time of the day. This not only mitigates the wait time for crucial information but also ensures accessibility around the clock.

3. Streamlined Appointment Management via Medical Chatbot

Healthcare chatbots streamline the appointment scheduling process, providing patients with a convenient way to book, reschedule, or cancel appointments. This not only optimizes time for healthcare providers but also elevates the overall patient experience.

4. Elevated Patient Education Facilitated by Chatbots in Healthcare

Evolving into versatile educational instruments, chatbots deliver accurate and relevant health information to patients. This empowerment enables individuals to make well-informed decisions about their health, contributing to a more health-conscious society.

5. AI-Driven Symptom Checking and Preliminary Diagnosis

Infused with advanced AI capabilities, medical chatbot play a pivotal role in the initial assessment of symptoms. While not a substitute for professional diagnosis, this feature equips users with initial insights into their symptoms before seeking guidance from a healthcare professional.

6. Personalization through Electronic Health Records Integration

The integration of medical chatbot with Electronic Health Records (EHR) ensures personalized responses. Access to patient information enables chatbots to tailor interactions, providing contextually relevant assistance and information.

7. Optimal Medication Adherence with Chatbots

Medical chatbots contribute to optimal medication adherence by sending timely reminders and alerts to patients. This proactive approach minimizes the risk of missed doses, fostering a higher level of patient compliance with prescribed treatment plans.

8. Cost Efficiency through Automated Administrative Tasks

Deploying chatbots in healthcare leads to cost efficiency by automating routine administrative tasks. This operational streamlining enables healthcare staff to allocate resources effectively, focusing on delivering quality patient care.

9. Efficient Triage and Patient Prioritization

Medical chatbot aid in efficient triage, evaluating symptom severity, directing patients to appropriate levels of care, and prioritizing urgent cases. This ensures that critical cases receive timely attention.

10. Inclusivity through Multi-language Support

Healthcare chatbots, acknowledging the varied linguistic environment, provide support for multiple languages. This inclusive approach enables patients from diverse linguistic backgrounds to access healthcare information and services without encountering language barriers.


Overall, the integration of chatbots in healthcare, often termed medical chatbot, introduces a plethora of advantages. From heightened patient interactions to streamlined healthcare processes, these chatbots play a pivotal role in delivering efficient, accessible, and patient-centric care in our technologically advancing healthcare landscape.


1. how can we implement chatbots in healthcare systems to enhance patient engagement without causing disruptions to existing workflows.

To seamlessly implement chatbots in healthcare systems, a phased approach is crucial. Start by defining specific objectives for the chatbot, such as appointment scheduling or symptom checking, aligning with existing workflows. Identify the target audience and potential user scenarios to tailor the chatbot’s functionalities. Integration with electronic health record (EHR) systems streamlines access to relevant patient data, enhancing personalized assistance. Regularly update the chatbot based on user feedback and healthcare advancements to ensure continuous alignment with evolving workflows.  

Find more  Patient Engagement Solutions – Empowering Patients through Technology Innovations

2. What strategies can be employed to ensure the privacy and security of patient data when utilizing chatbots in healthcare applications?

Ensuring the privacy and security of patient data with healthcare chatbots involves strict adherence to regulations like HIPAA. Employ robust encryption and secure authentication mechanisms to safeguard data transmission. Regularly update and patch security vulnerabilities, and integrate access controls to manage data access. Comply with healthcare interoperability standards like HL7 and FHIR for seamless communication with Electronic Medical Records (EMRs). Proactive monitoring and rapid issue resolution protocols further fortify the security posture.  

3. How do we design chatbot interfaces to provide valuable medical information to users while avoiding the risk of misinformation and maintaining accuracy in responses?

Designing chatbot interfaces for medical information involves training the Natural Language Processing (NLP) model on medical terminology. Implement dynamic conversation pathways for personalized responses, enhancing accuracy. Regularly update the chatbot’s knowledge base to incorporate new medical knowledge. Implement user feedback mechanisms to iteratively refine the chatbot based on insights gathered. By prioritizing NLP training, dynamic responses, and continuous learning, the chatbot interface minimizes the risk of misinformation and ensures accuracy.  

4. What measures can be taken to integrate chatbots into healthcare platforms for improved patient communication, while minimizing the risk of user frustration or dissatisfaction?

Integrating chatbots into healthcare platforms requires a user-centric approach. Design intuitive interfaces for seamless interactions, reducing the risk of frustration. Map out user journeys for different scenarios, ensuring the chatbot’s adaptability. Implement multi-modal interaction options, such as voice commands or graphical interfaces, to cater to diverse user preferences. Regularly update the chatbot based on user feedback to address pain points and enhance user satisfaction. By prioritizing user experience and flexibility, chatbots become effective communication tools without risking user dissatisfaction.  

5. How can we seamlessly integrate chatbots into electronic health record (EHR) systems to streamline administrative tasks for healthcare professionals, avoiding any potential data input errors?

Seamless integration of chatbots into EHR systems involves compliance with healthcare standards like HL7 and FHIR. Develop interfaces that enable the chatbot to access and retrieve relevant information from EHRs. Prioritize interoperability to ensure compatibility with diverse healthcare applications. Implement encryption protocols for secure data transmission and stringent access controls to regulate data access. Regularly update the chatbot based on advancements in medical knowledge to enhance its efficiency. This integration streamlines administrative tasks, reducing the risk of data input errors and improving overall workflow efficiency.  

6. What strategies should be adopted to ensure the compliance of healthcare chatbots with industry regulations and standards, thereby avoiding legal challenges for our clients?

Ensuring compliance with healthcare chatbots involves a meticulous understanding of industry regulations, such as HIPAA. Implement robust encryption, secure authentication mechanisms, and access controls to safeguard patient data. Regularly update security protocols to align with evolving regulations and standards. Conduct regular audits to identify and patch vulnerabilities, ensuring the chatbot’s adherence to legal requirements. Proactively monitor regulation changes and update the chatbot accordingly to avoid legal challenges for clients.  

7. How can we design chatbot functionalities that facilitate remote patient monitoring without compromising the accuracy and timeliness of health data collection?

Designing chatbot functionalities for remote patient monitoring requires a balance between accuracy and timeliness. Implement features that allow the chatbot to collect and analyze health data in real-time. Leverage machine learning algorithms for adaptive interactions and continuous learning from user inputs. Ensure compatibility with remote monitoring devices for seamless data integration. Regularly update the chatbot’s knowledge base to incorporate advancements in remote monitoring technologies. By prioritizing real-time data collection and continuous learning, the chatbot facilitates remote patient monitoring without compromising accuracy.  


8. How can you customize healthcare chatbots for different user demographics, ensuring inclusivity and avoiding potential disparities in user experience?

Customizing healthcare chatbots for different user demographics involves a user-centric design approach. Consider diverse user preferences, language preferences, and accessibility needs. Implement multilingual support and inclusive design features, such as compatibility with assistive technologies. Leverage analytics to gather insights into user interactions and preferences. Iteratively refine the chatbot based on user feedback to address potential disparities in user experience. By embracing inclusivity in design and continuous refinement, healthcare chatbots become versatile and cater to diverse user demographics effectively.

Before you go here is an interesting read –  Integrated Health Solutions – Advancing Healthcare Delivery

Written by Emorphis

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Anyone using AI for learning?

Hello everyone! I'm curious, has anyone tried using AI (e.g. chatGPT) for improving their medical learning? And if so, how?

I know there's a lot of potential there, but I'm not sure how to go about it. Have any of you found great ways to incorporate AI into your studies? Or maybe you've stumbled upon it while searching for answers to your medical questions?

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Reading the Self: Medical Students’ Experience of Reflecting on Their Writing Over Time

Cunningham, Hetty MD 1 ; Taylor, Delphine S. MD 2 ; Desai, Urmi A. MD, MS 3 ; Ender, Katherine L. MD 4 ; Glickstein, Julie MD 5 ; Krishnan, Usha S. MD 6 ; Richards, Boyd F. PhD 7 ; Charon, Rita MD, PhD 8 ; Balmer, Dorene F. PhD 9

1 H. Cunningham is associate professor of pediatrics, Division of Child and Adolescent Health, Department of Pediatrics, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Columbia University, New York, New York; ORCID: .

2 D.S. Taylor is associate professor of medicine, Department of Medicine, Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, New York; ORCID: .

3 U.A. Desai is assistant professor of medicine, Center for Family and Community Medicine, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Columbia University, New York, New York.

4 K.L. Ender is assistant professor of pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Columbia University, New York, New York.

5 J. Glickstein is professor of pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Columbia University, New York, New York.

6 U.S. Krishnan is professor of pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Columbia University, New York, New York; ORCID: .

7 B.F. Richards is professor of pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah; ORCID: .

8 R. Charon is professor of medicine, Department of Medicine, and professor of medical humanities & ethics, Department of Medical Humanities & Ethics, Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, New York; ORCID: .

9 D.F. Balmer is associate professor of pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; ORCID: .

Supplemental digital content for this article is available at .

Other disclosures: None reported.

Funding/Support: A Vanneck-Bailey Scholar award supported part of the time of H. Cunningham and D.F. Balmer.

Ethical approval: Ethical approval for this study was granted according to Columbia University Institutional Review Board protocol AAAF3184(M02Y04) to allow for the collection and study of faculty and student creative writing. Last approved December 7, 2017.

Previous presentations: Preliminary findings from this analysis of student focus groups were presented as a poster at the Association of American Medical Colleges Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, November 6, 2018, and at the 2018 Medical Education Subway Summit, New York, New York, June 20, 2018.

Correspondence should be addressed to Hetty Cunningham, Division of Child and Adolescent Health, Columbia University, 622 W 168th St., VC 417, New York, NY 10032; telephone: (212) 305-6227; email: [email protected] .


To investigate students’ experience (over time) with meta-reflection writing exercises, called Signature Reflections. These exercises were used to strengthen reflective capacity, as part of a 4-year reflective writing portfolio curriculum that builds on a recognized strategy for reflection (narrative medicine) and employs longitudinal faculty–mentors.


In 2018, the authors conducted 5 focus groups with 18 third-year students from the Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons class of 2019 to examine students’ experience with Signature Reflections. Using an iterative, thematic approach, they developed codes to reflect common patterns in the transcripts, distilled conceptually similar codes, and assembled the code categories into themes.


Three core themes (safe space, narrative experience, mirror of self) and 1 overarching theme (moving through time) were identified. Students frequently experienced relief at having a safe reflective space that promoted grappling with their fears or vulnerabilities and highlighted contextual factors (e.g., trusted faculty–mentors, protected time) that fostered a safe space for reflection and exploration. They often emphasized the value of tangible documentation of their medical school journey (narrative experience) and reported using Signature Reflections to examine their emerging identity (mirror of self). Overlapping with the core themes was a deep appreciation for the temporal perspective facilitated by the Signature Reflections (moving through time).


A longitudinal narrative medicine-based portfolio curriculum with pauses for meta-reflection allowed students, with faculty support, to observe their trajectory through medical school, explore fears and vulnerabilities, and narrate their own growth. Findings suggest that narrative medicine curricula should be required and sufficiently longitudinal to facilitate opportunities to practice the skill of writing for insight, foster relationships with faculty, and strengthen students’ temporal perspectives of their development.

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Entries Open: Medical Student Essay Prize

Attention all UK Medical Students!

We are thrilled to announce that entries are now open for the BSPRM Medical Student's Essay Prize.

The winner of the prize will receive £250 and will also have a prestigious platform to showcase their innovative ideas in the medical field.

To read the award criteria and to submit your entry, please click HERE.

Entries will close on 2 September 2024

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