Rooms Of The House PPT

Download this rooms-of-the-house PPT and use it in class today. This rooms of the house PowerPoint lesson includes rooms of the house vocabulary and expressions such as ‘Where’s mom?’ – ‘She’s in the living room.’ Rooms of the house include living room, kitchen, dining room, bedroom, bathroom, garden, and laundry room. See below to preview and download this ppt, and check the bottom of the page for related resources.

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My house presentation


Sep 23, 2014

901 likes | 1.72k Views

My house. Mgr. Mária Halečková. upstairs. bedroom. bedroom. bathroom. downstairs. living room. kitchen. dining room. garage. This is my house. There are two bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs. There´s a living room and a kitchen and a dining room downstairs. I like my house.

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  • lopta je pod stolom


Presentation Transcript

My house Mgr. Mária Halečková

upstairs bedroom bedroom bathroom downstairs living room kitchen dining room garage This is my house. There are two bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs. There´s a living room and a kitchen and a dining room downstairs. I like my house.

Help me arrange rooms bedroom bathroom kitchen living room obsah

kitchen cupboard picture clock window microwave cooker sink fridge toaster chair kitchen kuchyňa table

living room books picture shelf telephone photograph dresser plant lamp pillow sofa TV CD player table armchair living room obývacia izba

bedroom curtains clock poster lamp shelf mirror dresser wardrobe bookcase bed computer chair rug desk

bathroom mirror toilet paper toothbrush toothpaste sink towel soap shampoo bath toilet

VOCABULARY bedroom /bedrum/ spálňa living room /living rum/ obývačka dining room /daining rum/ jedáleň kitchen /kičin/ kuchyňa bathroom /basrum/ kúpelňa

VOCABULARY wardrobe /vardrob/ cupboard /kabd/ cooker /kukr/ drawer /dror/ sofa /souf/ picture /pikčr/ fridge /fridž/ bed /bed/ sink /sink/ chair /čer/ toilet /toilet/ plant /plant/ bath /bas/

upstairs bedroom bathroom bedroom downstairs kitchen dining room living room garage 1.There´s a bed and a dresser in the bedroom. The bag is on the bed. 2. There´s a sink in the bathroom. 3. There´s a cupboard and big fridge in the kitchen.4. There are two chairs and table in the dining room.5.There´s a cupboard and a sofa in the living room.

1 2 3 Describe rooms. 4 5 6

cupboard chair sofa poster sink lamp bed desk dresser bookcase wardrobe

ba__ __ t h __ ard__ob__ w r e d__ess__r r e t __o__let i __o__a s f s __i__k n l __a__p m d cu__bo__rd p a __ e __ k s ch __ __ir a boo__ka__e k s


. The ball is on the table. Where is my ball? Lopta je na stole.

. The ball is in the box. Where is my ball? Lopta je v škatuli.

. Where is my ball? The ball is behind the table. Lopta je za stolom.

. Where is my ball? The ball is under the table. Lopta je pod stolom.

. Where is my ball? The ball is above the table. Lopta je nad stolom.

v - in /in/ na - on /on/ pod - under /andr/ za - behind /bihaind/ pred - in front of /in frant ov/ vedľa - next to /nekst tu/ nad - above /ebav/

bedroom Where is my computer? Where is my lamp? Where is my chair? Where is my poster? Where is my coat? Where is my guitar? Where is my doll? Where is my window? Where is my cap? Where is my paper? Where is my book? Where is my umbrella? Where is my ball? Where is my ball?

What is under the clock? 1 2 3 4 5

TRANSLATE Kniha je na stole. Lopta je pod oknom. Knihy sú na polici. Dáždnik je v skrini. Papier je v škatuli. Stolička je vedľa stola. Gitara je za posteľou. Plagáty sú nad skrinkou. The book is on the desk. The ball is under the window. Books are on the shelf. The umbrella is in the wardrobe. The paper is in the box. The chair is next to the desk. The guitar is behind the bed. Posters are above the desk.

This is my house. There are two bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs. There´s a living room and a kitchen and a dining room downstairs. I like my house. The living room is downstairs. True False The kitchen is upstairs. True False There is a bag in the bedroom. True False There´s a picture in the living room. True False There´s a TV in the dining room. True False There´s a toilet in the baathroom. True False

upstairs downstairs Where is the livingroom? Livingroom is under the bedroom.

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MY HOUSE! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

my house presentation

... like, and I like to glance at something and think: 'good film', or 'amazing band' ... sat up here with friends writing songs on an acoustic guitar and plastic tub. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

  • By Matt Wragg.
  • My house is indeed the quintessential 1970s style suburbs but in the country style house which were quickly erected in, aptly, the 1970s.
  • It is made of bricks and morter, and has white, wooden panelling-trimming-decorative bordering around the top of it.
  • Due to its nature, my house looks very similar to the other houses around where it is, we live on an estate called Blackthorpe due to its close situation to the well known, in the region, Blackthorpe Barns.
  • Each house, though, has their own quirky little individual quality, e.g. some have painted panelling, some extensions and some even solar panels and a small turbine.
  • Our unique quality was not designed or chosen by us as we have only lived here for 9 years.
  • The changes that we have made to the house though are visible as we have replaced ALL the windows and doors and have re-organised/demolished parts of the garden to make way for patioing and open space for lounging around.
  • To stop this turning into the story of my house, which is frankly quite plain and Im sure would bore you all, I will now explain a little about my family (or atleast the family I live with/see on a daily basis).
  • The breadwinner and all-round AWESOMENESS (thats not a real word so dont quote it please) of the house. She supports and helps myself and my brother at all crucial points and is everything I could ask for in a mother, she even drives us everywhere ?.
  • Because of my parents divorce when myself and my brother were both quite young, my mum is very attached to Tim (thats my brother) and I. This is not a bad thing though as she is never restrictive of what we do and is a very friendly and loving person.
  • And at the end of it all, she always has our best interests at heart cue awwww.
  • My little brother and the care-free young one of the household.
  • He is in his 8th year of schooling and is about to make the move to upper-school (wish him luck!).
  • What he lacks in common sense he makes up in his honesty and niceness (again, dont quote that non existent word please), even though many people will comment on mine and his lack of a, urm, brotherly (or fraternal for a fancy word D) relationship. Except that of a biological one.
  • Im pretty sure you know who I am by now, and if you dont well then I wish we had talked more when you were over on the exchange (thats directed at the Belgians, if another school is looking at this, then hey waves).
  • If you would like to know me though, ask anyone who was on the exchange and Im sure they will have one opinion or another, in which case ask around, I wouldnt want you to only think I was really nice or really horrid.
  • Although we are a tight knit family, we rarely spend time together because that is just the way things have developed.
  • Nothing is wrong with how we live though and, although many people say we would prefer each others company of we did spend more time together, we enjoy each others company and this is what I call family.
  • Im not going to do every room in the house, as my mother and brother would hardly like everyone in their rooms, and no one really likes looking at other peoples bathrooms (and if you do then dont be nosey!).
  • I shall, though, do the rooms which are most important to me. My room, the living room, the music room, and the loft.
  • My room is a cluttered collection of ticket stubs, posters, school work, rugbystuff and things normally associated with a teenage lifestyle.
  • My room is where i tend to spend most of my time, that and running into the music room to play drums.
  • I have in my possession in excess of 100 dvds and 300 cds, I am unaware of how this happened, but it has, so I have found room, along with my miniature library of books and essays I have downloaded of the internet Nerd.
  • I love my room, and it is my favourite room in the house because of what it is, it is a place of bliss and escapement from everything else. My own little haven.
  • I have a lot of posters as memories of things I have done, and the ticket stubs for the paces I have been, bands I have seen and through respect for friends I no longer see that I went to some of these places with.
  • The general collage look of my bedroom is something I take pride in. Underneath this the walls are a bland creamy colour which is of no interest to anyone.
  • The posters also reflect my general interests. I think one of the reasons I put so many up is because I like what I like, and I like to glance at something and think good film, or amazing band.
  • Id also like to point out, I only like Enter Shikaris first album.
  • I also LOVE Sin City and have GENUINE still shots from the original film reel D as well as all the novels again, NERD.
  • I also have even more posters on the ceiling.its a bit of a joke.
  • This is where we tend to spend most of our time together as a family, talking, watching TV, generally socialising and spending time with the relatives.
  • This said, we do not spend a lot of time in there together because we all prefer to do our own separate things.
  • This is what you could call our family room. We spend christmas together here, which is always fun because of the television on around christmas, and were we spend birthdays.
  • I guess my brother likes it because it has the big tv and my mum likes it because its were we spend time together.
  • OR the more appropritely named Room-with-all-the-instruments-in-but-only-Matt-can -actually-play-any-of-them.
  • This is were I play/practice and generally do anything with the drums.
  • Because they take up so much room we gave them their own little room so that I had enough room in my bedroom.
  • This used to be my bedroom though, which is why the walls are so bad, because I had posters up in here, but it was too small so I moved rooms.
  • I tend to spend a lot of time in here looking after my drums as much as I do playing them, it is better to care about then it is to wear out!
  • Before you ask yes, that is toast on one of my drums.
  • The loft is quiet and cool, which is why I like it. Its a good place to read, or listen to music, or write music and I have spent many times sat up here with friends writing songs on an acoustic guitar and plastic tub.
  • This said, its gets very cold very quick, so trying to read a book isnt recommended as you will soon need to leave.
  • It has had its series of bad incidents though. My mum fell out of the loft, and my little brother fell asleep up here and we thought we had lost him, and then I always lose things up here. So as good as it is, its a bit of a menace really. is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.

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Last updated by Linda Kamp on August 19, 2024 • Leave a Comment

8 Parent Forms and Back to School Night Handouts Every Teacher Needs

Here are eight parent forms and Back to School Night handouts that every teacher needs to plan a stress-free open house . Whether your school calls it Meet the Teacher Night, Curriculum Night, or something else, teachers need to collect a lot of information from parents and caregivers and having the right forms is important.

Back to School Night handouts for parents

back to school parent forms and handouts

Parent sign-in sheet

When setting up for back to school night, the first thing I do is put a parent sign-in sheet by the door. That way I can easily see which parents did not attend so I can send any important handouts or parent forms home with their student the next day.

parent sign in sheet

chalk & burlap Meet the Teacher forms

Parent forms and handouts

I keep a student information form for every student handy. These forms include parent contact information, the student’s address, any allergies, family information that parents need me to be aware of like who has permission to pick the child up from school.

I also include a space to list any siblings at the school. This comes in handy if a student is absent and you need to send home something important. I can then send it home with a sibling.

I send happy mail to each student at least once during the school year, and some years I send winter-themed holiday or Happy New Year cards to my families over winter break.

classroom volunteer sign up sheet

parent forms source

Meet the Teacher Newsletter

Create a Meet Your Teacher letter that tells families a little bit about you. You might include a picture of yourself and your pet. Students love to learn “fun facts” about their teacher!

Meet the teacher newsletter

editable meet your teacher newsletter

Back-to-School Night parent presentation

Use PowerPoint or Google Slides to prepare a presentation with important dates and school or classroom information.

If your school combines back-to-school night and Curriculum Night, you’ll want to provide parents with information on the curriculum you will be using, as well as handouts with the dates for quarterly benchmark testing, and state testing. Once you decide what to include in your parent presentation , find editable PowerPoint templates in these classroom kits to customize to fit your classroom.

Meet Your Teacher PowerPoint template on a laptop for back to school night open house

PowerPoint template source

Classroom information brochure

One of the most helpful back to school night handouts for parents is a brochure or a parent letter. You can create your own brochure or simply staple all of the different classroom information sheets together into a booklet that gives parents/caregivers an overview of the classroom rules and procedures, classroom management plan, dismissal routine , classroom schedules, supply lists, and homework requirements.

Use the editable brochure included in this kit with directions for how to log in to any platforms you use, like Class Dojo, the attendance office for absence reporting etc.

classroom information parent brochure

editable parent brochure source

This FREE Parent Brochure gives parents ideas for helping their child with homework.  It also lists ways parents can support their student’s learning in every subject at home. Download this brochure to add to your back to school night handouts for next year if you have already started school.

homework helper parent brochure

FREE parent brochure

Teacher contact information

Let parents know how and when they can contact you whether it be via email, a note in their child’s homework folder, or any digital platform you use. Make simple magnets with your contact info that parents can hang on a refrigerator at home or a filing cabinet at work. Building positive parent communication is important and you want parents to feel that you are accessible during the times you have set.

Volunteer signup sheet

Probably the second most important parent form to have (after the students information sheet) is a volunteer sign up sheet. Not all parents can come into the classroom to volunteer. They may have very young children at home or work during school hours. Provide ways parents can help from home if possible like prepping materials, labeling items, cutting out lamination, prepping center games etc. Find helpful tips on how to manage classroom volunteers  and make their time the most productive.

Help me get to know your child

I always appreciate anything a parent or caregiver can tell me about my new students. I use this form to ask parents to tell about any concerns they or their child has, what the child’s interests are, their strengths, and anything else they would like to make me aware of.

How students go home chart

Have a single-page form to see at a glance how each student will go home.  Are they bus riders, parent pickup, do they go to a daycare or another after school program? This information will also be on your student information forms but it is very helpful to have a list that you can keep by your desk or scan to make a digital copy to share with a substitute teacher.

meet teacher student forms

  parent information sheets source

As you prepare for Back-to-School Night, remember that these parent handouts and forms not only save you time, but also give you the information you need to begin building strong parent partnerships. By equipping parents with essential information and creating opportunities for open communication, you foster an environment where both students and families feel valued and informed. So, take a deep breath, and enjoy a successful open house that sets the stage for a fantastic year ahead!

If you’ve found this post helpful, please share it with your teacher friends! Save Pinterest and so you have when you plan!

Back to School Night parent handouts

Visit these posts for more open house and back-to-school management tips!

10 Tips for Managing Meet the Teacher Like a Pro!

Tips for managing meet the teacher night.

How to Do First Day of School Lesson Plans

How to Plan the First Day of School blog post featured image.

They’re Finally Here! Our First Week of School

You're Finally Here first day of school activities.

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Back to school grammar review activities for 2nd grade

Back to School

Free Grammar Review Activities!

Start the year in grammar off right! Grab a full week of lesson plans, teaching slides, and printables to review and practice parts of speech!

Back to school grammar review activities for 2nd grade

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I’m Linda Kamp, a 20 year primary grade teacher with a passion for creating educational materials that excite students and make learning fun! I'm so glad you're here!

Linda Kamp

The Alabama Cooperative Extension System operates as the primary outreach organization that ensures all people have access to information that improves their quality of life and economic well-being.

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Alabama 4-H

  • August 23, 2024
  • Posted by: Joy Scott
  • in Alabama 4-H
  •     PDF Download (Opens in a new window)

Alabama 4-H Interior Design; art sketch and fabric swatches

Wherever you live—country or city; house, apartment, or mobile home; private bedroom or one you share with a brother or sister—there are things to learn and do to make your home more enjoyable.

Interior Design is a great way to learn about design, color, texture, and space. It will help you make your personal space a fun and comfortable place to be and a space that you are proud to show off!

What You Will Do

  • Use your imagination and creativity.
  • Take a glimpse into new career opportunities.

What You Will Learn

  • Use the basic elements of design: line, shape, texture, pattern, light, color, and space.
  • Select and care for quality furnishings and accessories.
  • Recognize the variety and quality of products relating to the home environment (carpet, fabric, wall coverings).
  • Create a budget.

Levels of Competition

Junior Level I:  9 to 11 years old on December 31 of the current calendar year (compete only at local and regional levels).

Intermediate:  12 to 13 years old on December 31 of the current calendar year (compete only at local and regional levels).

Senior Level I:  14 to 15 years old on December 31 of the current calendar year.

Senior Level II:  16 to 18 years old on December 31 of the current calendar year.

Refer to  Alabama 4-H Competitive Events on the Alabama Extension website (  to review the Competitive Events General Policy and the Age & Eligibility Chart.

Identification of Entry

Name, county, and level of participation should be displayed with each entry. An introduction at the beginning of your time would be appropriate.

Rules for Interior Design

1. Compete by yourself or on a two-person team to design a room of your choice. Youth on teams should be the same 4-H age level (e.g., Senior Level II).

2. Your design board is a tool to display the color scheme and furniture arrangement. Use a three-panel foam display board that is 36 inches × 48 inches. These are available at most craft and school supply stores and most large chain stores.

3. Use swatches of carpet, flooring samples, paint samples, or sample wall treatments (free at most building supply stores). Mount these to your board to show what type of floor and wall treatments you will use. You must have at least one example each for floors and walls. You may have more (for example, ceilings or two different wall treatments in one room).

4. Fabrics: Include two swatches of fabric that will be used in the room (for example, pillows, curtains, and chairs). Fabric samples should reflect your color scheme and coordinate with your paint color. Samples should be wrapped. To wrap fabric, cut a square from poster board or cardboard. Wrap fabric around this square, securing raw edges to the back of the square.

5. Labels: Label the board (for example, Office) and any swatches of fabric, paint, or floor samples for their use (for example, pillows, curtains, etc.). For examples on creating a design board, search “Interior Design Boards” on the internet.

6. Furniture arrangement: Use the room template and furniture template (included) to organize the room layout. The furniture layout will be judged on creativity, proper use of space and lighting, neatness, and accuracy of the scaled drawing.

7. You have a $7,000 budget to complete your room. Use the budget form to show how you used your money.

8. NEW: You may use props and other design elements as part of your display. These elements must stay within the parameters of your design board.

Rules for 4-H Interior Design Board Presentation

1. Tell who you designed the room for: child, adult, or teen.

2. Tell what type of color scheme you are using in the room. Is it monochromatic, complementary, or adjacent?

3. Tell about the furniture arrangement and about the traffic patterns of the room. Also tell how you applied the principles of design to your plan.

4. Tell what type of floor and wall treatments will be used.

5. Tell how the fabrics you chose will be used in the room.

6. Tell what you like most about the room.

7. Tell about how you used your budget.

8. Neatness of the board will be judged.

9. Presentation skills will be judged.

  • If you are competing on a two-person team, both team members must participate in the presentation.

Disqualification of Entry

  • Youth are cautioned that language, gestures, and subject matter should be appropriate for the age level and the audience. Disqualification may occur if the facilitator and the event review committee consider the material inappropriate.
  • Senior Level not completing and submitting a community service report.

Deductions of Entry

  • Deductions will be made for exceeding the time limit.

Thinking About Interior Design

Design is “an orderly arrangement” or “a plan.” Design is described as the selection and arrangement of material with two aims—order and beauty. Interior design refers to the inside space of a room or building. It is the art that deals with the organization, selection, and arrangement of the elements of design.

The Elements of Design

Lines: Lines may be straight, curved, or a combination of both. When you enter a room, lines help to make it easier for you to look from one part of the room to another.

  • Long, horizontal lines can make a piece of furniture seem restful.
  • Vertical lines seem to be more formal.
  • Diagonal lines create action and restless movement.
  • Objects in a room can be made to look taller or wider with the direction of lines. For example, vertical stripes at a tall window will make it look taller.

Space: Space is an essential element of any design. Your personal space is limited by walls, window, fabrics, furniture, and other objects. The challenge is to use space effectively, especially in high traffic areas.

Color: Use color to an advantage in planning a scheme for your room according to one of these blendings:

  • Monochromatic: when one color is used in shades, tints, and tones.
  • Complementary: using two colors opposite of each other on the color wheel, such as red and green.
  • Adjacent: when adjoining or related colors are used, such as yellow and yellow-green.

Where Do I Start?

There are many different ways to decide how you want to decorate your room. If you have a clear idea in mind, you might just start shopping for materials. If you like to use a computer, you might start playing with a design program. Or you might try the approach we have written out here.

Let your imagination flow. Look at interior design magazines. Following are some examples:

  • Better Homes & Gardens
  • House Beautiful
  • Martha Stewart Living
  • Pure Contemporary

You could watch some home makeover shows on television.

Sometimes, inspiration comes through nature, or finding one piece of fabric that you could build a room around.

It is also a good idea to check your local library for books on home and design. You could even check the yellow pages for a local interior designer.

Once you have something in mind, begin your board by finding your paint, fabric, and flooring samples. You can also cut pieces of furniture out of magazines that you would like to see in your room. Play with your floor plan and furniture arrangement to make sure that you will have enough room for your items. Once you have everything decided, begin putting your board together.

Keeping Track of Your Costs

The purpose of this section is to show that the total cost of a room is often more than just the furniture or paint. Since you are not actually purchasing the items for your room, you will need to estimate the costs for your room.

For Example: Bedroom

Community Service

Telling a great story, showcasing projects at a community library, speaking at the local nursing home, or organizing a community cooking or a building blocks workshop are great opportunities to serve others. Serving others helps build your academic skills, learn civic responsibility, and develop leadership. It may also give you a good opportunity to meet new people, publicize 4-H, and practice your communication skills. Alabama 4-H is now requiring all Senior Level 4-H members to add a community service component to all 4-H Competitive Events. Each Senior Level 4-H member will have to complete the 4-H Community Service Report as a part of their project. 4-H members will be disqualified if the community service report is not included.

It is important that you decide what service you can provide, not have a parent or 4-H leader make this decision for you. Groups of young people are encouraged to work together to discover how they can serve their community.

Other Documents

View the report form, score sheet, and floor plans for Interior Design in the corresponding PDF download below.

Joy Scott ,  Extension Specialist , 4-H and Youth Development, Auburn University.

Revised July 2024, Interior Design , 4HYD-2241-M

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Published by Beverly Greene Modified over 6 years ago

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Designed for your downtown life.

The developers of ONE and Saltaire in St. Petersburg and The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Sarasota are bringing a fresh new perspective to downtown living in St. Petersburg.



Panoramic skyline and water views, the finest shopping, dining, culture, and entertainment at your doorstep, five-star amenities and 24/7 services at your fingertips – Art House is where your downtown St. Petersburg life takes flight.

Distinctive architecture and forward-thinking amenities are tailored perfectly to today’s work-from-home demands while also delivering priceless moments of indulgence and relaxation that let you experience the elusive work-life balance we all crave.

Inspired by the rich art and spectacular waterfront that surrounds it, Art House is a bold new brushstroke on the canvas of St. Petersburg. A sleek, soaring 42-story tower where sophistication reaches new heights and you discover everything you need for the way you want to live, work, and relax right at your doorstep.

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All County® Suncoast Property Management offers property management and leasing services for your rental property. If you currently need assistance with the management and leasing of your home All County Property Management has been your solution in Pinellas County for over 35 years. From lease negotiations to rent collection and maintenance coordination we handle it all.

If you own a single family home, townhouse, condominium, house, or apartment building and need services in Southern Pinellas County including St. Petersburg, Gulfport, Tierra Verde, Kenneth City, Pinellas Park, Lealman, Treasure Island, St. Pete Beach, or the surrounding areas of the gulf coast of Pinellas County. Contact us today in regards to our property management and rental service.

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Property Search

Luxury Condos

Luxury Homes

New Developments

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  • Address: 235 1st Ave S, Saint Petersburg, FL 33701
  • Price Range: $1,249,000-$6,699,000
  • Status: Re-Sales/Pre-Construction
  • Year Built: 2025
  • Developer: Kolter Group
  • Architect: SB Architects
  • Bedrooms: 2 - 3
  • Waterfront: Downtown Bay
  • Total Units: 248
  • Unit Size: 1,350-3,000
  • PH Size: 3,150 - 4,000 SqFt

Request Information

  • Average Listing Price $2,558,000
  • Description
  • Other Information
  • Floor Plans

Art House Condominium – Coming Soon to Downtown St Petersburg!

The Kolter Group, the developer behind the ONE St. Petersburg condominium is delivering another luxury condo product in downtown St. Pete. Art House St. Pete is perfectly situated on Central Ave just two blocks from Beach Drive.

Soaring 41-stories, the new Art House condominium St. Pete will be constructed on the surface parking lot adjacent to the 200 Central office building. The physical address is 235 1st Ave S, Petersburg, Florida, .

The Kolter Group is working with San Francisco-based SB Architects, which designed Kolter’s 41-story ONE St. Petersburg , Saltaire waterfront condo development and the 18-story Ritz-Carlton Residences .This contemporary development is estimated to cost roughly $140 million and will consist of 248 luxury condominium residences offering a variety of different floorplans. The units will be as large as 3,000 square feet and will offer two- to three-bedroom floorplans plus larger two-story penthouse units. Residences will feature floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors, green-laminated glass windows and large balconies with endless downtown, gulf, and bay views.

The The Art House St Pete Amenities located on the ninth-floor level will include a state-of-the-art fitness and wellness center, a large pool deck, spa, social spaces, two guest suites, and a game/movie room with a golf simulator. The project will include co-working space for residents as a large part of the workforce has fully transitioned to the work-from-home model. Additionally, there will be 6,100 square feet of ground-floor retail space, which will face Central Avenue while the residential entrance will be located on 1st Ave. South. The 482-space parking garage will be on levels two through eight and will be concealed behind textured screens.

Art House St. Petersburg Condos for Sale

Contact Steve Samuels, 813-253-0643 for more information including pricing and floor plans for this exciting new project and be among the first to preview of and reserve your ART HOUSE ST. PETERSBURG Condo! For the most up-to-date project information, click here to be placed on our ART HOUSE CONDOMINIUM VIP Notifications Lis t. We'll also be glad to provide Up-To-Date Information on Other Pre-Construction , New, or existing property you may be interested in, in the St. Petersburg and surrounding condo markets.

Interested in Selling your Art House Property?

We are Florida's leading home and condo sales experts. We will sell your Art House property fast! With the expertise and proven track record, we market and sell properties quickly, and for top dollar! Contact me at: 813-253-0643 or Click Here to get a FREE property market analysis

Please contact St. Petersburg luxury condo Realtor Steve Samuels for help buying, selling or renting a Art House luxury property.


  • St. Petersburg’s Newest residential tower
  • Modern 41-story building located in the heart of bayfront downtown
  • Designed by world-renowned SB Architects of San Francisco & Miami
  • Interiors by ID & Design Intl. of Ft. Lauderdale
  • Landscape design by Kimley-Horn
  • Full-height glass walls and spacious balconies
  • Residence & Amenities levels showcase gorgeous city, bay, & downtown skyline views
  • 28’ covered arrival plaza with sculptural elements
  • Contemporary 2-story Grand Lobby with separate residence entrance
  • Gathering space featuring lounge seating, signature lighting & artwork
  • Secure, private parking garage for owner’s vehicles & access-controlled elevators
  • Emergency generator in the event of power outage
  • Humidity-controlled storage rooms
  • Secure bike storage
  • Over 6,000 square feet of ground floor retail and restaurant space
  • Decorator-furnished guest suites, available for resident guest use


  • Full floor of Private, 9th Level Amenities including:
  • State-of-the-art Fitness Center sauna /steam room, spin /movement studio
  • Elevated oasis Pool deck iincluding: intimate cabanas, water spa, firepit lounge area, BBQ grills and intimate seating
  • Clubroom with private dining room, catering kitchen, wine wall, and bar
  • Game room with state-of-the-art gaming simulator
  • Theatre/performing room
  • Covered dog park and pet washing station


  • The Hub, a shared area for work-from-home activities,
  • Features communal spaces with private and semi-private glass cubicles,
  • Soundproof telephone pods and Conference Room
  • Board Room with audio-visual equipment for meetings


  • 24/7 Manned lobby will control access to the property.
  • Access-controlled entry points are included for residential lobbies,
  • Garage, and all residential amenities
  • On-site Property Management and services personnel ensure an
  • Effortless lifestyle and a rapid and through response to each owner’s needs
  • Valet Services or limited self-parking available for residents.


  • 41 stories luxury new construction residences featuring floor to ceiling glass
  • Residences will feature gorgeous Bay, Downtown and Gulf views
  • Typical unit will range from 1,300+ sf (ac) to over 2,600 sf (ac)
  • Two floors of PH units 3,100+sf to 4,000 sf
  • Central location in the heart of Downtown St. Petersburg
  • 10,000 sf of retail space on ground level


  • Modern open plans provide the luxury of seamless indoor-outdoor living with spacious terraces
  • Chef-inspired kitchen,
  • Flexible den/work-from home spaces, and opulent owner’s
  • Suites featuring spa-like bathrooms retreats
  • 248 luxury condominium residences including
  • Penthouses with modern open plans featuring glass wall and
  • Generous terraces showing spectacular cityscape e and view of St. Pete & Tampa Bay.
  • Up to 10’ ceilings in the main living areas
  • Expansive interiors dominated by breathtaking views with natural lighting
  • Full-height sliding glass doors and windows
  • Spacious terraces with panoramic views of the city and bay
  • 8 Penthouses on top two floors
  • Choice of designer finish packages offered in a variety of refined styles
  • Rich, premium finishes, flooring, countertops, and fixtures
  • 8’ Entry doors and 8’ solid core interior doors
  • Pre-wiring that allows owners to finish residences with their personal touch
  • Energy efficient living and design
  • 24/7 staffed front desk
  • Concierge services including dry cleaning & pre-arrival residences preparation
  • Limited self-parking or utilization of 24-hour valet service
  • On-site Property Management
  • Large mail room with package storage in lobby


  • Premium European-style cabinetry
  • Quartz countertops and large format porcelain
  • Stainless steel appliances packages including:
  • Built-in, panel-ready refrigerator
  • 30” double oven microwave/convection
  • Gourmet 36” electric cooktop
  • 36” exterior venting stainless steel canopy hood
  • European-style range and microwave drawer
  • Dishwasher with “Quit System” and stainless interior
  • Front load washer and dryer with
  • European-style cabinetry and quartz countertop


  • Spa-like owner’s bath with glass showing and lavatory enclosures
  • Beautifully coordinated porcelain surfaces
  • Elegant vanities and premium Grohe fixtures

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  • For Sale 10
  • Street View
  • School Information
  • Area: St. Petersburg

Contact Steve Samuels Now!

Call or Txt me +1 305-494-1767

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High School Football is back! Watch the game streaming LIVE tonight at 7 p.m.

  • Click HERE to watch!

Time management tips for moms when the kids are at school

by Fresh Living

Time Management for Moms

KUTV — Are you finding yourself at a loss for how to start your day now that your kids are out of the house? Jessi Berger from Time Management for Moms came into the Fresh Living studio to chat with Elora Murray about her best tips!

Management tips for Moms when the kids aren’t home

1. Decide your priorities . Lots of moms skip right over this, but it’s really the most crucial step to a fulfilling life and spending your time wisely. Make some time- really only 20-30 minutes- and decide what is important to you. Do you need or want to work? Do you have some volunteering you would like to do? Do you need to get your home organized? Have you lost some friendships you’d like to rebuild? Knowing what is important to you will help you know how to spend your time.

2. Make a schedule . There are a thousand different ways to do this, but it is essential. Whether it’s in your planner or in your phone or on a piece of paper doesn’t matter. You need to write down everything you need to do somewhere. This helps in two ways:

  • It shows you everything you have scheduled so you don’t forget anything. Mom brain is real!
  • It gives you a list to work off of so you don’t always have to be trying to think of what needs to be done. That’s the hardest part, remembering everything! So write it down and just move along completing the tasks.
  • Side note: Find one place to keep it all. Sticky notes and writing on the backs of envelopes is not a system. At the very least have a notes app or a paper notebook where you write everything.

3. Break your day into section s. Structure the sections into what works for your family.

  • Before school, during school, after school and nighttime. Then place tasks into each of those sections.
  • Example- mine is a little different but for me it’s getting all my personal care done by 10:00 am (workout, shower, personal study). Then 10:00-2:30 is for errands and projects. 2:30 is when my first kid gets home so 2:30-7:00 is all kid things like carpools and homework and projects and dinner. Then 7:00 on is miscellaneous for anything I feel like still needs to be done. And if it’s all done then the evenings are just for relaxing.

For more information visit @timemanagementformoms on Instagram

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Downtown St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg real estate & homes for sale

215 Central Ave Apt 3F, Saint Petersburg, FL 33701

  • 1,100 sqft 1,100 square feet
  • 0.4 acre lot 0.4 acre lot

301 1st St S Unit 3204, Saint Petersburg, FL 33701

  • 2,036 sqft 2,036 square feet

Cats Red Apple

  • 1,762 sqft 1,762 square feet
  • 3,707 sqft 3,707 square feet
  • 965 sqft 965 square feet
  • 743 sqft 743 square feet
  • 2,006 sqft 2,006 square feet

Facts about Downtown St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, FL

Schools in downtown st. petersburg, st. petersburg, fl.

  • North Shore Elementary School
  • View homes for sale
  • Campbell Park Elementary School
  • Tomlinson Adult Learning Center

Home values for neighborhoods near Downtown St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, FL

  • Historic Old Northeast Homes for Sale $1,325,000
  • Coquina Key Homes for Sale $368,999
  • Snell Isle Homes for Sale $2,595,000
  • North East Park Homes for Sale $630,750
  • Historic Kenwood Homes for Sale $744,637
  • Bartlett Park Homes for Sale $350,000
  • North Kenwood Homes for Sale $567,500
  • Lakewood Terrace Homes for Sale $419,500
  • Old Southeast Homes for Sale $869,000
  • Melrose - Mercy Homes for Sale $360,000
  • Greater Woodlawn Homes for Sale $792,475
  • Lake Maggiore Shores Homes for Sale $382,250
  • Harbordale Homes for Sale $375,000
  • Euclid Place - St. Paul Homes for Sale $904,517

Home values for cities near Downtown St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, FL

  • St. Petersburg Homes for Sale $479,900
  • Clearwater Homes for Sale $375,000
  • Largo Homes for Sale $398,999
  • Palmetto Homes for Sale $425,000
  • Apollo Beach Homes for Sale $514,900
  • Ruskin Homes for Sale $377,000
  • Pass A Grille Homes for Sale $755,000
  • Pass A Grille Beach Homes for Sale $755,000
  • St Petersburg Beach Homes for Sale $755,000
  • Seminole Homes for Sale $419,900
  • Rocky Point Homes for Sale $399,900
  • Town 'n' Country Homes for Sale $413,450
  • Pinellas Park Homes for Sale $339,000
  • St. Pete Beach Homes for Sale $730,000
  • West Lealman Homes for Sale $251,500
  • Treasure Island Homes for Sale $787,000
  • Gulfport Homes for Sale $412,450
  • Madeira Beach Homes for Sale $879,950
  • Lealman Homes for Sale $313,000
  • Safety Harbor Homes for Sale $649,000

Home values for counties near Downtown St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, FL

  • Hendry Homes for Sale $342,000
  • Indian River Homes for Sale $439,900
  • Clay Homes for Sale $375,000
  • Flagler Homes for Sale $420,500
  • Bradford Homes for Sale $325,000
  • Gilchrist Homes for Sale $349,500
  • Highlands Homes for Sale $309,900
  • Glades Homes for Sale $345,000
  • Citrus Homes for Sale $319,975
  • Lake Homes for Sale $410,000
  • Brevard Homes for Sale $389,900
  • Alachua Homes for Sale $349,900
  • Hillsborough Homes for Sale $429,900
  • Collier Homes for Sale $749,500
  • DeSoto Homes for Sale $349,950
  • Charlotte Homes for Sale $395,725
  • Hernando Homes for Sale $350,000
  • Hardee Homes for Sale $380,000
  • Lafayette Homes for Sale $420,000
  • Dixie Homes for Sale $386,000

Home values for zips near Downtown St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, FL

  • 33706 Homes for Sale $755,000
  • 33708 Homes for Sale $667,500
  • 33707 Homes for Sale $410,000
  • 33709 Homes for Sale $254,000
  • 33703 Homes for Sale $507,000
  • 33702 Homes for Sale $379,000
  • 33715 Homes for Sale $549,000
  • 33705 Homes for Sale $440,000
  • 33710 Homes for Sale $395,000
  • 33713 Homes for Sale $459,450
  • 33701 Homes for Sale $940,000
  • 33711 Homes for Sale $359,900
  • 33714 Homes for Sale $300,000
  • 33777 Homes for Sale $350,000
  • 33704 Homes for Sale $1,249,500
  • 33782 Homes for Sale $320,000
  • 33616 Homes for Sale $499,950
  • 33760 Homes for Sale $254,000
  • 33712 Homes for Sale $427,000
  • 33781 Homes for Sale $341,000

How to buy a home in Downtown St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, FL

Be prepared to buy, moving cost calculator, downtown st. petersburg, st. petersburg, fl real estate & homes for sale.

Homes for sale in Downtown St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, FL have a median listing home price of $1,112,500. There are 164 active homes for sale in Downtown St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, FL, which spend an average of 99 days on the market. Some of the hottest neighborhoods near Downtown St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, FL are Historic Old Northeast , Coquina Key , Snell Isle , North East Park , Historic Kenwood . You may also be interested in single family homes and condo/townhomes for sale in popular zip codes like 33706 , 33708 , or three bedroom homes for sale in neighboring cities, such as St. Petersburg , Clearwater , Largo , Palmetto , Apollo Beach .

Top real estate markets in Florida

  • Orlando homes for sale
  • Tampa homes for sale
  • Jacksonville homes for sale
  • Sarasota homes for sale
  • Ocala homes for sale
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  • The Villages homes for sale
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  • Clearwater homes for sale
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Colgate-palmolive webcasts presentation at the barclays 2024 global consumer staples conference.

Colgate-Palmolive (NYSE:CL) Chairman, President and CEO, Noel Wallace, will present on Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 10:30 a.m. ET at the Barclays 2024 Global Consumer Staples Conference.

Investors may access a live webcast of this presentation and the presentation slides on Colgate’s website at . For those unable to participate during the live webcast, a recorded version of the webcast will be made available through the Investor Center page of Colgate’s website.

Colgate-Palmolive Company is a caring, innovative growth company that is reimagining a healthier future for all people, their pets and our planet. Focused on Oral Care, Personal Care, Home Care and Pet Nutrition, we sell our products in more than 200 countries and territories under brands such as Colgate, Palmolive, elmex, hello, meridol, Sorriso, Tom’s of Maine, EltaMD, Filorga, Irish Spring, Lady Speed Stick, PCA SKIN, Protex, Sanex, Softsoap, Speed Stick, Ajax, Axion, Fabuloso, Murphy, Soupline and Suavitel, as well as Hill’s Science Diet and Hill’s Prescription Diet. We are recognized for our leadership and innovation in promoting sustainability and community wellbeing, including our achievements in decreasing plastic waste and promoting recyclability, saving water, conserving natural resources and improving children’s oral health through the Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures program, which has reached approximately 1.7 billion children and their families since 1991. For more information about Colgate’s global business and how we are building a future to smile about, visit . CL-C

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  2. PPT

    my house presentation

  3. PPT

    my house presentation

  4. My House Vocabulary PowerPoint Game (teacher made)

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  5. My house presentation by Amalie Kåstad on Prezi

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  6. My dream house

    my house presentation


  1. 60 My house English ESL powerpoints

    It's a vocabulary activity about the different rooms in a house. First you can learn about the rooms through an empty house, second you have to choose the right option. Solu... 738 uses. Scx. My house. This is a powerpoint presentation about the different types of houses, the rooms and the furniture that you can find in a house.

  2. Rooms Of The House PPT

    Download this rooms-of-the-house PPT and use it in class today. This rooms of the house PowerPoint lesson includes rooms of the house vocabulary and expressions such as 'Where's mom?' - 'She's in the living room.'. Rooms of the house include living room, kitchen, dining room, bedroom, bathroom, garden, and laundry room.

  3. My house

    This video helps K-12 EFL students describe their house.Click on the link below to download a lesson you can use together with the video.

  4. 286 House English ESL powerpoints

    My House. I use this powerpoint for my kindergarten students to help them identify house vocabulary, to practice the structure. They can practice speaking by asking and an... This is a presentation of the rooms in a house. I use it for the beginning after we've watched/sung a song about the rooms. Learners complete the sentences.

  5. 44 Rooms in the house English ESL powerpoints

    Rooms in the house. 44 Rooms in the house English ESL powerpoints. SORT BY. Most popular. TIME PERIOD. All-time. Herber. PARTS OF THE HOUSE P. This interactive Pow. 60042 uses. ma.maricel. ... ppt about romos in t. 3985 uses. seredushka94. Rooms and furniture. In this presentation. 3735 uses. tocatelsovaris.

  6. My house.

    Presentation on theme: "My house."— Presentation transcript: 1 My house. 2 In my house there are: - three bathroom - three bedroom - one kitchen-one office-balcony-one living room-hall-one corridor. 3 hall * there is a bench * there is a sideboard * there is a coat stand * there is a mirror * there is a ...

  7. My House

    my house ppt - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This document provides a list of 6 rooms in a house: bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen, garden, and garage. It outlines the basic layout and components of a typical home, from private spaces like the bedroom to common areas like the living room, to ...

  8. My house.

    Presentation on theme: "My house."— Presentation transcript: 1 My house. 2 [ a: ] - carpet, armchair, bath [ u: ] - room, bathroom, living room Phonetic drill [ a ... Лексика по теме "My house" (интерактивный плакат) Автор: Залипаева Ирина Юрьевна, учитель ...

  9. My house presentation worksheet

    My house presentation My house presentation. Loading ad... MissGloriaP Member for 3 years 11 months Age: 7-8. Level: 3rd. Language: English (en) ID: 2023219. 05/05/2022. Country code: PE. Country: Peru. School subject: English as a Second ...

  10. PPT

    This is my house. There are two bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs. There´s a living room and a kitchen and a dining room downstairs. I like my house. The living room is downstairs. True False The kitchen is upstairs. True False There is a bag in the bedroom. True False There´s a picture in the living room.

  11. MY HOUSE!

    MY HOUSE! By Matt Wragg. 2. Introduction to MY HOUSE. My house is indeed the quintessential 1970s. style suburbs but in the country style house. which were quickly erected in, aptly, the 1970s. It is made of bricks and morter, and has white, wooden panelling-trimming-decorative bordering.

  12. My House Vocabulary PowerPoint Game (Teacher-Made)

    Play with this PowerPoint game and review the parts of a house. Juega con este PowerPoint para practicar las parte de una casa en su parte exterior. Encuentra recursos similares en nuestra sección de Vocabulary Flashcards en inglés . Twinkl España Inglés Temas Hogar y entorno. Play with this PowerPoint game and review the parts of a house.

  13. MY HOUSE: English ESL powerpoints

    This is a presentation of the rooms in a house. I use it for the beginning after we've watched/sung a song about the rooms. Learners complete the sentences. Sometimes we put pictures of rooms around the class, and they have to go to a certain "room" or they walk around on music, when i stop they have to stop and say where they are. Hope you find this useful. :)

  14. 8 Parent Forms and Back to School Night Handouts Every Teacher Needs

    Here are eight parent forms and Back to School Night handouts that every teacher needs to plan a stress-free open house.Whether your school calls it Meet the Teacher Night, Curriculum Night, or something else, teachers need to collect a lot of information from parents and caregivers and having the right forms is important.

  15. How to Arrange Houseplants for a Stylish Presentation

    Not sure where to put plants in your house? With the right styling, houseplants can make any room feel bright and refreshed!

  16. Interior Design

    7. You have a $7,000 budget to complete your room. Use the budget form to show how you used your money. 8. NEW: You may use props and other design elements as part of your display. These elements must stay within the parameters of your design board. Rules for 4-H Interior Design Board Presentation. 1.

  17. MY HOUSE.

    Presentation on theme: "MY HOUSE."— Presentation transcript: 1 MY HOUSE. 2 Rooms in the house You can see many rooms in the house: a living-room, a bedroom, a children room, a ... My house has two floors, I live on one floors, it's has one garden and one garage, It's has four windows. My HOUSE Ivanovo, 2 Bereznikovskaya street, 38 ...

  18. Art House St Petersburg

    Inspired by the rich art and spectacular waterfront that surrounds it, Art House is a bold new brushstroke on the canvas of St. Petersburg. A sleek, soaring 42-story tower where sophistication reaches new heights and you discover everything you need for the way you want to live, work, and relax right at your doorstep. EXPLORE THE RESIDENCES.

  19. All County Suncoast

    Your All County: 1700 66th St. N, Suite #402, Saint Petersburg, FL 33710 | 727-541-2578 Get in touch

  20. 200 CENTRAL AVE ST Petersburg Fl 33701

    Art House St. Petersburg Condos for Sale. Contact Steve Samuels, 813-253-0643 for more information including pricing and floor plans for this exciting new project and be among the first to preview of and reserve your ART HOUSE ST. PETERSBURG Condo! For the most up-to-date project information, click here to be placed on our ART HOUSE CONDOMINIUM VIP Notifications List.

  21. 84 House vocabulary English ESL powerpoints

    MY HOME (parts of house) This powerpoint includes the parts of the house. Garage, garden, kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom, dining room, play room, roof, stairs etc. I hope you like it. 5814 uses. A selection of English ESL house vocabulary ppt slides.

  22. Time management tips for moms when the kids are at school

    Then 10:00-2:30 is for errands and projects. 2:30 is when my first kid gets home so 2:30-7:00 is all kid things like carpools and homework and projects and dinner.

  23. Downtown St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg real estate & homes for sale

    1 bath. 983 sqft. 1.77 acre lot. 470 3rd St S Unit 501. Saint Petersburg, FL 33701. Email Agent. Brokered by MCBRIDE KELLY. Condo for sale. $675,000.

  24. 'We have him on the run now': Hillary Clinton slams Trump during DNC

    In her speech at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton received a standing ovation, praised Vice President Kamala Harris and slammed former ...

  25. My House discussion starters, speaki…: English ESL powerpoints

    I use this powerpoint for my kindergarten students to help them identify house vocabulary, to practice the structure. They can practice speaking by asking and answering questions. Normally ı don't use any letter as they cannot read. But ı wrote them for you to see. İf you want, you can delete the sentences from the powerpoint.

  26. 2024-08-21

    Colgate-Palmolive (NYSE:CL) Chairman, President and CEO, Noel Wallace, will present on Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 10:30 a.m. ET at the Barclays 2024 Global Consumer Staples Conference. Investors may access a live webcast of this presentation and the presentation slides on Colgate ...

  27. Florida House District 5 Republican primary election results and ...

    County-level results from the 2024 Florida Republican House District 5 primary.

Item: Furniture & Unit #Unit CostTotal Cost
Desk Chair75.00
Side Tables (2)150.00 each300.00
Wing Chair200.00
Hardwood Floors: 300 sq. ft.2.49 / sq. ft.747.00
Paint: 2 gallons25.00 / gal.50.00
Crown Molding: 9 pieces11.92 / 8ft.107.28
Duvet Cover: 13 yards12.49 /yd162.37
Pillow Shams: 3 yards12.49 / yd37.47
Window Treatments: 12 yards12.49/ yd149.88
Wall Art (3)33.00 each100.00
Lamps (3)50.00 each150.00
Throw Pillows (5)20.00 each100.00
Picture Frames (4)10.00 each40.00
Other Miscellaneous Items100.00
Flat-Screen Television (32 in)500.00
Queen-Size Bed Sheets60.00