
Essay on Perseverance

Students are often asked to write an essay on Perseverance in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Perseverance

Understanding perseverance.

Perseverance means to continue doing something despite difficulties. It’s like a small boat in a stormy sea, not giving up but fighting against the waves.

The Importance of Perseverance

Perseverance is crucial in life. It helps us overcome challenges and reach our goals. Without it, we may give up too soon and miss opportunities.

Perseverance in Action

Imagine you’re learning to ride a bike. You’ll fall many times, but if you persevere, you’ll eventually succeed. This is the power of perseverance.

In conclusion, perseverance is the key to success. It helps us to stay focused and achieve our dreams.

250 Words Essay on Perseverance


Perseverance is an invaluable human trait, often seen as the ability to steadfastly endure hardships to achieve goals. It serves as the backbone of success, enabling individuals to navigate through life’s challenges and uncertainties.

The Essence of Perseverance

Perseverance metamorphoses dreams into reality. It is not about the absence of failures or difficulties, but rather the resilience to continue despite them. It’s the audacity to keep trying, the tenacity to keep pushing, and the endurance to withstand the storm. It’s the grit that transforms ordinary individuals into extraordinary achievers.

Perseverance and Success

Perseverance is often the distinguishing factor between success and failure. It is the driving force that propels individuals to overcome obstacles and reach their goals. Success is seldom achieved overnight; it’s the culmination of consistent effort, unwavering dedication, and relentless pursuit.

Perseverance in the Face of Failure

Failure is an inevitable part of life. However, perseverance teaches us to view failure not as a dead-end but as a stepping stone to success. It encourages us to learn from our mistakes, adapt, and persist in the face of adversity.

In conclusion, perseverance is the lifeblood of achievement. It is the force that fuels the pursuit of dreams, the courage that confronts failure, and the resilience that transforms adversity into opportunity. It is, indeed, the key to unlocking the door to success.

500 Words Essay on Perseverance

The significance of perseverance.

Perseverance is a critical determinant of success. Whether in academics, sports, business, or personal life, perseverance plays a pivotal role. It is the driving force that keeps us going even when the odds are stacked against us. It is perseverance that turns the impossible into possible, the unattainable into attainable.

Perseverance is also a testament to one’s character. It shows a person’s resilience, determination, and tenacity. It is a reflection of one’s belief in their goals and their willingness to work hard for them.

Perseverance and Failure

Thomas Edison, the inventor of the electric light bulb, failed a thousand times before he succeeded. When asked about his failures, Edison famously said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” This statement epitomizes the essence of perseverance.

Perseverance in the Modern World

In the fast-paced, result-oriented modern world, perseverance is more important than ever. In a culture that often values quick results and instant gratification, the ability to stay committed to long-term goals is crucial.

Perseverance is a virtue that can be cultivated and nurtured. It requires a shift in mindset, viewing challenges as opportunities rather than obstacles. It requires the ability to stay focused on our goals, even when progress seems slow or non-existent.

In the end, perseverance is not just about achieving our goals. It is about who we become in the process. It builds character, fosters resilience, and teaches us the value of hard work and dedication. As the saying goes, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” It is perseverance that ensures we keep taking those steps, no matter how difficult the journey may be.

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Perseverance Essay Examples

Perseverance is the ability to persist in the face of challenges and setbacks. It is a trait that is often associated with successful people, as they are the ones who never give up on their dreams, even when the going gets tough. Writing an essay on perseverance can be a great way to explore this important quality and its role in our lives. In this article, we’ll take a look at some examples of perseverance essay examples and provide tips on how to write a great essay on this topic.

One of the perseverance essay ideas is to focus on a real-life example of someone who embodies this trait. For example, you could write about a historical figure who overcame great odds to achieve their goals, such as Abraham Lincoln or Mahatma Gandhi. Alternatively, you could write about someone you know personally, such as a family member or friend, who has demonstrated perseverance in their own life.

Another approach to writing a perseverance essay is to focus on the importance of this trait in our lives. You could write about how perseverance can help us achieve our goals, both personal and professional. You could also explore how perseverance is related to other important traits, such as resilience and determination.

When writing your perseverance essay, it’s important to keep in mind some key tips. First, be sure to clearly define what perseverance means to you and how it relates to your life. Second, provide specific examples and anecdotes to illustrate your points. Whether you choose to focus on a specific example or explore the topic more broadly, be sure to provide clear and compelling arguments that demonstrate the value of perseverance. By doing so, you’ll be able to inspire others to persevere in their own lives and achieve their goals, no matter what challenges they may face.

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Best topics on Perseverance

1. Courage And Perseverance In Our Lives

2. Personal Experience Essay About Perseverance In Everyday Life

3. The Power of Perseverance in Literature and Movies

4. Perseverance As a Better Option

5. The True Meaning Of Courage And Perseverance

6. Perseverance Is The Key To Life

7. Role of Hope and Perseverance in the Survival in the Novel ‘Hatchet’

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Essay on Perseverance

Essay on Perseverance | Meaning, Value & Importance

The word persevere means to persist in anything undertaken so as to withstand wear, tear or discouragement. It has become common parlance nowadays due to its very useful capacities to succeed in life. Read the following essay on Perseverance and its importance in life, for children and students

Essay On Perseverance | Importance of Perseverance in Life

The word Perseverance means to hold on, not to give up. The act of not giving up when faced with difficulty is what most people think it is, but there’s more than that. Perseverance goes beyond the fight against external forces; showing dogged determination in the face of adversity. It does not mean simply pushing through hard times.

Essay on Perseverance

The perseverance means hanging in there when things get tough; it is our ability to keep doing what we already know how to do, even when the voice within us begs “please stop!”

Perseverance is not just running toward your goal. It’s also running away from your fears. It’s staying the course when your Inner Critic tells you that you are not good enough. It’s being committed to your vision, even when it seems too risky or impractical.

It is resolutely plodding ahead in the face of adversity without fear of failure.  Which means anything but taking the easy way out. Perseverance is acting despite our fears and doubts , believing in ourselves when we have no reason to.

Perseverance is being more stubborn than our limitations, and more tenacious than the obstacles that face us. It is a powerful force that propels us forward in spite of ourselves.

Perseverance is the Key to Success

There are many qualities that are required to pursue a successful life, but one quality rises above all others. Perseverance is the foundation of every major success story. Perseverance exemplifies how dreams become reality; it’s the direct manifestation of our resolve and commitment to keep going, even in the face of adversity.

Perseverance is what helps us get up after being knocked down, it is the fuel that keeps our dreams alive. If you want to be successful at anything in life, you must have perseverance.

Successful people are obsessed with success, but they are even more obsessed with staying on top once they accomplish something great. They have a need to keep succeeding. It is perseverance that fuels this obsession, and it is their ability to fail, lose and fight even harder for what they want which makes them unstoppable.

Success comes as a result of commitment, not as a destination. And the only way to achieve such high levels of success is through absolute and unwavering dedication.

Perseverance is what allows you to overcome the challenges that face you. It’s not just about getting through hard times, it’s also about helping you stick with your goals even when things get tough.

Perseverance is turning obstacle into opportunity. Obstacles are great for making us stronger and more resourceful than we thought we could ever be. Perseverance might not guarantee success, but it certainly guarantees that you will never fail for lack of trying.

Developing Perseverance

Perseverance cannot be developed overnight, it gets built up gradually through trial and error. It nullifies the procrastination and laziness.  It does not come from reading a book or from listening to motivational speeches.

You must start small and work your way up, you must give it time and effort to be able to succeed. It’s okay if you fail over and over again, but never give up. The more mistakes we make and the closer we get to failure, the closer we also get to triumph and glory. We must learn not to shy away from challenges that cross our path, but rather, to embrace them.

Understanding what perseverance is, and learning how to develop it are crucial steps in our journey of becoming successful. If you want to achieve anything worthwhile in life, you must be able to maintain your focus when the obstacle inevitably crosses your path. It is only by means of consistency you may be able to reach at your goal in life

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Perseverance in Psychology: Meaning, Importance & Books

Perseverance in Psychology

In the Values in Action Inventory of Strengths , perseverance is defined as “ finishing what one starts; persevering in a course of action despite obstacles; ‘getting it out the door’; taking pleasure in completing tasks .”

It is closely related to a range of other concepts including resilience, motivation, drive, determination, grit, passion, and conscientiousness.

Various studies have shown that perseverance is an essential quality for success in life (Duckworth, 2016). It often tops aptitude and raw talent and is a more accurate predictor of achievement.

Our ability to stick with our tasks, goals, and passions is vital. Persevering entails effort and practice. It also involves our ability to learn from failure and try again when thrown off our horses until we get thrown off no more (Dweck, 2017).

Before you continue, we thought you might like to download our three Strengths Exercises for free . These detailed, science-based exercises will help you or your clients realize your unique potential and create a life that feels energized and authentic.

This Article Contains:

What is perseverance in psychology, perseverance as a character strength, 5 real-life examples of perseverance, the link between perseverance and resilience, ways to improve perseverance, 4 books on the topic, positivepsychology.com helpful resources, a take-home message.

We can understand perseverance as a continuous drive to reach our goals and improve our skills and performance through persistent effort. It is a form of purposefulness and goal-orientation , which requires long-term commitment and discipline. It is fueled by passion.

While perseverance is distinct from motivation and determination, it includes elements of both. As Angela Duckworth’s research has shown, success at something requires persistence through some form of discomfort, an ability to push through when confronted with complications (Duckworth, Kirby, Tsykayama, Berstein, & Ericsson, 2010).

In that sense, perseverance is related to our ability to delay gratification, self-regulate, and practice self-control. All of these are required to honor our commitment to a longer term goal. Perseverance means that we prioritize sustainable future rewards over short-term pleasures in the present.

Crucially, all forms of learning and mastery require perseverance (Duckworth et al., 2010; Ericsson, 2006). If we did not persist with our efforts to speak; walk; master a bike, new language, or instrument; or overcome anxieties or beliefs that hold us back, we would all remain stuck.

It would halt our cognitive, physical, and psycho-social development. There would be no progress. Persistence – another facet of perseverance – can also be understood as a personality or temperamental trait (Cloninger, Svrakic, & Przybeck, 1993). As such, it is related to effort, ambition, and perfectionism.

In the Big Five or Five-Factor Model, core aspects of perseverance map onto features of conscientiousness. Researchers such as Markus Credé argue that the notion of grit is not so different from conscientiousness, which includes goal-setting, self-discipline, orderliness, and care (Credé, Tynan, & Harms, 2017).

Perseverance as a character strength

Passion here is understood as a strong consistency of interest that provides the underlying motivation for reaching long-term goals.

In her bestselling book Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance (2016), Duckworth has shown that grit is an essential quality for success in life. Although our natural talent matters, perseverance is much more critical than pure ability as a predictor of our achievement. However, most of us falsely believe that inborn talent is the core driver of success.

“ Our potential is one thing. What we do with it is quite another ,” Duckworth writes (2016, p. 17). While aptitude, skills, and a basic degree of talent are important as determiners of success, they are not as significant as hard work and trying, again and again, to improve what we do.

Duckworth has conducted numerous studies that show that people with grit are much more likely to succeed than individuals who lack it (Duckworth, Peterson, Matthews, & Kelly, 2007). These results are most evident in academic contexts, where grittier students achieve better grades, higher educational attainment levels, and greater success in competition (Duckworth & Quinn, 2009).

We can consider the combination of passion and perseverance that Duckworth describes as grit as a dispositional tendency. We might even wish to consider it a character strength . But crucially, Duckworth believes that grit can be learned . In other words, we can all practice becoming grittier and work on our ability to persevere.

Perseverance – more than inspirational words – Skillsoft

Let’s look at how perseverance can be found in practical applications.

1. J. K. Rowling

J. K. Rowling, author of the hugely successful Harry Potter series, wrote her first manuscript under great hardship. A single mother, she lived in dire poverty and depended on welfare. She used every spare minute she had for writing.

When completed, her novel was rejected by numerous agents. But she did not give up. Eventually, she found one who took her on. Soon after, her agent found a publisher, and her books became global bestsellers that have been adapted into various blockbuster movies. She is now one of the richest women in the world.

2. Thomas Edison

Another true paragon of perseverance is Thomas Edison. The inventor of the electric lightbulb, he revolutionized modern life. Edison tried relentlessly to realize his vision of the lightbulb. He failed hundreds, perhaps thousands, of times before he had his breakthrough moment.

He was reported to have said while still experimenting:

I have not failed; I’ve just found 10,000 ways to make a lightbulb that won’t work.

Crucially, then, he considered the negative results just as valuable as any positive results. Understanding what does not work, and why, was simply part of the process of eventually finding out what does. He also believed that “ Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration .”

3. Walt Disney

Walt Disney’s success, too, did not come easily. As a young man, he was fired from the local newspaper, where he worked as a cartoonist. His boss believed he lacked creativity.

An early animation company of his failed, leaving him in dire financial difficulties. At one moment in his life, when he was unable to pay his bills, he was even reported to have eaten dog food to survive.

Despondent and with nothing to lose, Walt Disney traveled to Hollywood. There, too, things were not easy. He faced a barrage of rejection, was told he would never make it, and that Mickey Mouse – his passion project – was destined to fail. Well, it did not.

definition essay about perseverance

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4. Henry Ford

Another great icon, Henry Ford, is known as the inventor of the assembly line, and it is he who revolutionized industrial production. Henry Ford had gone bankrupt numerous times before he turned the Ford Motor Company into a success.

5. Sir Richard Branson

Sir Richard Branson, who has dyslexia, struggled in school. He failed many of his exams and was considered a problem student. However, rather than dwelling on his academic challenges, he focused on his strengths .

Through grit and creativity , combined with a hefty dose of passion and excellent entrepreneurial skills, Branson is now one of the most successful businessmen in the United Kingdom.

In addition to these well-known examples, there are numerous other stories of people who have conquered great adversity, held on to their dreams, battled against the odds, and eventually achieved great successes.

Perseverance and resilience

Resilience denotes our ability to recover from difficulties, to pick ourselves up after we have encountered adversity.

The more resilient we are, the faster we can manage to return to a formerly resourceful state. It means that we do not let ourselves dwell in self-pity for too long, or else attack ourselves with self-blaming or self-sabotaging thoughts. The Japanese saying “ Fall seven, rise eight ” beautifully captures the role of resilience in grit.

Perseverance and resilience are also closely related to our ability to learn from our failures. Perseverant and resilient people deal more productively with failure.

Rather than being embarrassed or put off by it, they see it as a learning opportunity. While they will be disappointed by setbacks, they will always try to find out what went wrong. Genuinely curious about feedback, they incorporate it and adapt their behavior accordingly to avoid failing again in the future.

These people tend to have what the psychologist Carol S. Dweck calls a “ growth mindset ” rather than a “ fixed mindset .” Dweck argues that a growth mindset is defined by a “ passion for stretching yourself and sticking to it, even (or especially) when it’s not going well ” (2017, p. 7).

People with a growth mindset strongly believe in learning and continually developing their abilities. People with a fixed mindset, by contrast, believe in a predetermined set of capabilities. They think we are born with specific qualities and that these are more or less written in stone.

Naturally, people with a fixed mindset also tend to be much less optimistic about the effects of their efforts on their performance.

definition essay about perseverance

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Angela Duckworth argues that growing grit from the inside requires four essential ingredients:

We must, first of all, follow our passion. That entails discovering what our core passions are. This process involves curiosity, trying new things, experimenting, and actively seeking to develop and stay with our interests .

Then, we have to practice . But we must practice deliberately, by honing in on our weaknesses and Achilles heels, setting challenging stretch goals, and incorporating feedback.

Purpose refers to our desire to contribute to making the world a better place and to helping others. It can be a core driving force for passion.

Hope , the fourth and final ingredient, is related to the belief that our efforts matter and that they can improve our future (Duckworth, 2016).

We can also try to foster perseverance from the outside. As parents, for example, we may wish to signal that we have high expectations and give all the support we can so that our children can reach them. This includes instilling in them a fundamental belief that they can live up to our expectations.

We should also encourage our children to do difficult things that interest them and stay (at least for a while) with the extracurricular activities they have chosen. In organizations, we can try to establish a gritty work culture that is based on similar principles: high expectations, coupled with increased support (Duckworth, 2016).

1. Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance – Angela Duckworth (2016)

Grit The Power of Passion and Perseverance

The best book on the topic is no doubt Angela Duckworth’s New York Times bestseller Grit . Based on findings from years of passion and resilience research, it is an easy and yet gripping read.

The book combines scientific explanations with practical tips about why these findings should matter to us and how we can apply them in our own lives.

It has firmly established the concept of “grit” into the popular imagination.

Find the book on Amazon .

2. Mindset: Changing the Way You Think to Fulfill Your Potential – Carol S. Dweck (revised edition 2017)


Carol Dweck’s Mindset  is another classic.

Dweck explains in easy-to-follow prose the core difference between growth mindsets and fixed mindsets. The consequences of these mindsets are staggering.

She, too, bases her arguments on solid research while showing us how we can work on changing our mindset.

3. Black Box Thinking: Marginal Gains and the Secrets of High Performance – Matthew Syed (2015)

Black Box Thinking

Matthew Syed’s book goes well with Dweck’s. By drawing on numerous anecdotes and case studies, he demonstrates the crucial importance of learning from failure.

It is a prerequisite for all progress and learning processes. It is a widely accepted principle in the aviation industry, while other sectors (such as medicine) still need to develop effective principles for incorporating lessons from failure.

4. Kaizen: The Japanese Method for Transforming Habits One Small Step at a Time – Sarah Harvey (2019)


This is a lovely book that explains the Japanese way of gradual and incremental improvement.

It explores the cultural origins of the philosophy and then demonstrates how we could integrate kaizen into our own lives.

Explore the Meaning and Valued Living Masterclass© . This inspiring coaching Masterclass helps you find meaning and provides you with the tools to live a genuinely value-based life. Connecting with our values is a core prerequisite for developing our ability to persevere and follow long-term goals.

You may also find this inspiring blog post on Self-Discipline Exercises useful.

Have a look at this Applying Self-Efficacy Theory text – another very relevant read.

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The ancient virtue of fortitude explicitly combines perseverance with courage.

Interestingly, courage is under-emphasized in modern definitions of perseverance, yet it is crucial to overcome adversity and persist when faced with obstacles.

My favorite way of integrating perseverance into my own life is via the Japanese concept of kaizen . Kaizen translates as “ good improvement ” and refers to the idea of gradual and incremental long-term improvement (Harvey, 2019).

A slow and steady approach to sustainable habit change, kaizen is a philosophy of continual improvement. It focuses on small details. In fact, no aspect of our performance is considered too small to be worthy of improvement.

The emphasis is on persistent reform rather than flamboyant revolution. In other words, kaizen encourages us simply to persevere with the task of improving ourselves, no matter how tiny the improvements may be.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Don’t forget to download our three Strengths Exercises for free .

  • Cloninger, C. R., Svrakic, D.M., & Przybeck, T.R. (1993). A psychobiological model of temperament and character. Archives of General Psychiatry , 50(12) , 975–990.
  • Credé, M., Tynan, M. C., & Harms, P. D. (2017). Much ado about grit: A meta-analytic synthesis of the grit literature. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 113(3) , 492–511.
  • Duckworth, A. L. (2016). Grit: The power of passion and perseverance . London: Vermilion.
  • Duckworth, A. L., Kirby, T., Tsykayama, E., Berstein, H., & Ericsson, K. (2010). Deliberate practice spells success: Why grittier competitors triumph at the National Spelling Bee. Social Psychology and Personality Science , 2 , 174–181.
  • Duckworth, A. L., Peterson, C., Matthews, M. D., & Kelly, D. R. (2007). Grit: Perseverance and passion for long-term goals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 92 , 1087–1101.
  • Duckworth, A. L., & Quinn, P. D. (2009). Development and validation of the Short Grit Scale (Grit-S). Journal of Personality Assessment , 91 , 166–174.
  • Dweck, C. S. (2017) Mindset: Changing the way you think to fulfill your potential . Revised edition. London: Robinson.
  • Ericsson, K. A. (2006). The influence of experience and deliberate practice on the development of superior expert performance. In K. A. Ericsson, N. Charness, P. J. Feltovich, & R. R. Hoffman (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of expertise and expert performance (pp. 683–703). Cambridge University Press.
  • Harvey, S. (2019). Kaizen: The Japanese method for transforming habits one small step at a time . London: Bluebird.
  • Syed, M. (2015). Black box thinking: Marginal gains and the secrets of high performance . London: John Murray.
  • Vansteenkiste, M., Simons, J., Lens, W., Sheldon, K. M., & Deci, E. L. (2004). Motivating learning, performance, and persistence: The synergistic effects of intrinsic goal contents and autonomy-supportive contexts. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 87 , 246–260.
  • VIA Institute on Character. Retrieved on June 23, 2020 from https://viacharacter.org/about.

Dr. Anna Schaffner

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Boghos L. Artinian

Fly they must

It may seem futile, the flight of seagulls head on into winds blowing from the sea; yet fly they must, albeit oft backwards but more often forwards their destination being the sea.

Boghos L. Artinian

Vinay Mehta

A wonderful and exhaustive piece on perseverance, that I have read multiple times and also referred to many friends for pepping them up! Thank you!

Pili Ventura

Thank you for this article, it is what I’ve been meaning to read. You have such a way to connect these concepts. I am 15 and I have been having a (i call it) “disorganized patch” since I have been feeling unbalanced lately. Nevertheless, this article motivated me to put things in order and, rise once more.

Zekrali fatemi

I believe that flowers do not grow in a completely desert and waterless environment, but grow in a humid place with sunlight.

Sylvie Hendricks

Thank you so much for this very thorough and engaging article. I love that you tie in resilience and courage. Well done.

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definition essay about perseverance

Examples of Perseverance: 15 Famous Examples of Perseverance

Perseverance is the ability to keep trying despite obstacles or difficulties. For example, Thomas Edison persevered through thousands of failures before inventing the light bulb. Elon Musk persevered through many challenges and setbacks before launching SpaceX and Tesla. Nelson Mandela persevered for 27 years in prison and became the first black president of South Africa.

definition essay about perseverance

Sanju Pradeepa

examples of perseverance

Perseverance is an essential quality that can help us reach our goals and dreams, no matter how hard the journey may be. It is a quality that has been demonstrated by many famous figures in history, such as Mahatma Gandhi and Rosa Parks, as well as countless everyday people who have successfully achieved their goals through sheer determination.

In this article, we will explore the power of perseverance and its role in personal development and business success. We will look at some inspiring examples of perseverance, discuss why it is so important for achieving success, and provide readers with practical advice on how they can apply it to their own lives. By the end of this article, you’ll understand why perseverance is so vital for creating a fulfilling life and reaching your highest potential.

Table of Contents

What does it mean by perseverance.

Perseverance refers to the quality of continuing to do something even when it’s difficult or seems impossible. It involves determination, persistence, and dedication to achieving a goal despite setbacks or obstacles. Those who possess perseverance are often able to overcome challenges and achieve success in their endeavors.

Furthermore, perseverance is:

Overcoming personal challenges

Perseverance is not limited to grand achievements; it is also about conquering personal challenges that may seem insurmountable. Many individuals face difficult circumstances in their lives—physical ailments, mental health struggles, or personal setbacks. However, it is through perseverance that they find the strength to push forward and emerge stronger than before.

Consider the story of Jane, a young woman who battled anxiety for years. Every day was a struggle, but she refused to let her condition define her. With each setback, Jane sought therapy, developed coping mechanisms, and gradually regained control over her life. Her perseverance paid off when she finally overcame her anxiety and became an advocate for mental health, inspiring countless others to persevere in their own journeys.

Triumphing in Professional Pursuits

Perseverance is a key ingredient in achieving professional success. Countless entrepreneurs, inventors, and innovators faced multiple rejections and failures before finally reaching their goals. Their stories remind us that setbacks are not roadblocks; they are stepping stones toward growth and achievement.

Take the example of Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb. He faced numerous failures and setbacks throughout his journey. However, his unwavering perseverance enabled him to push through the challenges and eventually discover the right filament, which revolutionized the world. Edison’s story serves as a testament to the power of perseverance in the face of adversity .

You couldn't live with your own failure

You Couldn’t Live with Your Own Failure, So Learn from It

Making a difference in society.

Perseverance can also bring about positive change in society. When individuals join forces and persistently work towards a common goal, they can overcome societal injustices and make a lasting impact.

Consider the civil rights movement in the United States. Amidst immense adversity, leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks stood firm in their commitment to equality and justice. Their unwavering perseverance inspired countless others to join the fight, leading to groundbreaking advancements in civil rights that continue to shape society today.

Perseverance is the catalyst that transforms dreams into reality. Whether it is overcoming personal challenges, achieving professional success, or making a difference in society, examples of perseverance abound. These stories of resilience serve as a reminder that no matter the obstacles we face, with unwavering determination and a steadfast mindset, we can overcome them and accomplish remarkable feats. So, keep persevering, stay focused, and let your indomitable spirit guide you to the extraordinary.

benefits of perseverance

Benefits of Perseverance: 8 Reasons Why Perseverance Matters

Why do we need perseverance : examples of perseverance.

Perseverance is a powerful quality that can help us reach our goals and live our dreams. It is the key to success even in the face of adversity, as it enables us to stay focused on our objectives and remain committed to them no matter how difficult things might get. Perseverance involves discipline, such as creating a plan of action and regularly evaluating progress, but also taking time out for ourselves to celebrate small successes along the way. With enough dedication and determination, paired with perseverance, any goal is achievable.

We all need perseverance to reach our goals and realize our ambitions. Through the resilience gained through perseverance, we are better able to cope with setbacks or failures while learning from them. Perseverance allows us to persist despite any obstacle or discouragement that stands in our way, giving us the strength and drive needed for success. Everyone should nurture this quality within themselves if they want to reach their greatest potential in life.

Therefore, perseverance is an invaluable tool for anyone who desires to reach their goals and achieve success. It gives us the strength to keep moving forward despite any setbacks we may face. Moreover, it encourages us to learn from our mistakes and use failure as a means of growth. With perseverance, you can be sure that nothing will stop you from reaching your goals!

Why persistence important

Why Persistence is Important: 8 Benefits & 6 Ways to Develop

1. perseverance in everyday life:.

In addition to overcoming personal challenges, achieving professional success, and making a difference in society, perseverance plays a significant role in our everyday lives. It is the driving force that helps us navigate through the ups and downs and enables us to overcome obstacles that come our way.

Consider the example of a student preparing for a difficult exam. Despite facing countless hours of studying, challenging concepts, and moments of self-doubt, perseverance keeps them going. They are determined to succeed, which pushes them to keep studying, seek help when needed, and stay focused on their goal. Through their unwavering determination, they can conquer the exam and achieve academic success.

In the realm of relationships, perseverance also holds great importance. Building and maintaining healthy relationships requires effort and dedication. It is the commitment to open communication, understanding, and compromise that helps individuals navigate through conflicts and challenges. When faced with disagreements or setbacks, perseverance allows people to work through the issues, learn from them, and grow stronger together.

In the pursuit of personal health and well-being, perseverance is paramount. Whether it is adopting a healthier lifestyle, managing stress, or overcoming a physical setback, it is the determination to push through difficulties that leads to success . For instance, someone aiming to lose weight may face setbacks and plateaus along the way. However, through perseverance, they continue to make healthy choices, exercise regularly, and maintain a positive mindset. As a result, they achieve their desired fitness goals and improve their overall well-being.

Furthermore, perseverance is evident in our day-to-day tasks and responsibilities. From juggling multiple deadlines at work to balancing household chores and personal commitments, ordinary people consistently demonstrate determination and resilience. They face challenges head-on, take necessary steps to overcome them, and consistently strive for improvement. Through their unwavering perseverance, they accomplish extraordinary things, even in seemingly mundane aspects of life.

Sources: Perseverance in Life

In conclusion, perseverance is not limited to extraordinary achievements; it is deeply ingrained in our daily lives. From academic pursuits to personal relationships, health goals to everyday responsibilities, the power of determination and resilience shapes our experiences and drives us towards success. By acknowledging the importance of perseverance in our daily lives, we can cultivate a mindset that embraces challenges, learns from setbacks, and ultimately achieves remarkable feats. So, let us continue to persevere, embrace the journey, and witness the extraordinary unfold in our everyday lives.

2. Perseverance in personal development

Perseverance is a powerful tool for personal development, as it gives us the strength and determination to keep going even when times are tough. It allows us to learn from our mistakes and keeps us motivated on our journey.

When applying perseverance to personal development, it’s important to create a plan of action that outlines your goals and how you intend to reach them. This can help you stay on track with your progress and allow you to measure how far you have come in achieving your goals . Additionally, it’s important to evaluate your progress regularly so that any setbacks or challenges can be addressed quickly. This will help ensure that you stay focused on reaching success.

It is also essential to take time out for yourself and celebrate the small successes throughout the journey; this will help maintain motivation levels and positive vibes throughout the process. When things seem too challenging, remind yourself why you started on this path in the first place, and take a break if needed—perseverance doesn’t mean working yourself into exhaustion!

Overall, understanding the power of perseverance can be immensely helpful for personal development. With enough commitment, dedication, and hard work, nothing can stop us from achieving our goals!

Personal growth and personal development

Personal Growth and Personal Development

3. perseverance in business and career:.

Perseverance is an invaluable quality for entrepreneurs and professionals, allowing them to reach new heights in their businesses and careers. It takes dedication, focus, self-discipline , risk-taking, patience, and resilience to succeed in any field. This section will explore how these qualities are essential for anyone who wants to make a lasting impact in the business world.

1. Elon Musk

Perseverance in Business and Career - Elon Musk

Success stories of entrepreneurs and professionals serve as excellent examples of how perseverance can lead to extraordinary things. Take Elon Musk, for example. He founded Tesla Motors and the auto industry by producing electric cars that were both stylish and eco-friendly. Despite numerous setbacks, including production delays and financial struggles, he persevered through tough times with unwavering commitment and eventually achieved his goal.

Sources: Elon Musk: The Inspirational Success Story Of Tesla’s CEO

Likewise, professional athletes like Michael Jordan have also demonstrated perseverance throughout their careers. After being cut from his high school basketball team at the first tryout due to a lack of height, Jordan worked hard on his game and persevered through criticism from others until he became one of the greatest basketball players of all time.

These success stories demonstrate that it is possible to achieve anything if you put your mind to it; you just need the determination and commitment that come with perseverance. The key is to create a plan of action that outlines your goals and how you’re going to reach them; evaluate your progress regularly; take risks when necessary; remain open-minded; stay flexible; be patient; have self-discipline ; take time out for yourself; and celebrate small successes along the way—all while never giving up on what you’re trying to achieve!

Entrepreneurial Mindset Examples

Entrepreneurial Mindset Examples: 27 Traits of Entrepreneurs

4. perseverance in sports and athletics.

Sports are not only a physical test of skill and talent but also a mental battle that requires unwavering determination and perseverance. Athletes who have overcome setbacks through their sheer willpower serve as powerful examples of the human spirit’s resilience and ability to triumph over adversity.

1. Serena Williams

Perseverance in sports and athletics - Serena Williams

One exceptional athlete who embodies the spirit of perseverance is Serena Williams. Throughout her illustrious tennis career, Williams has faced numerous setbacks, including injuries and moments of self-doubt . However, her unyielding determination and mental fortitude have allowed her to rise above these challenges and become one of the greatest tennis players of all time. Williams serves as an inspiration to athletes everywhere, reminding them that setbacks are temporary and that true champions never give up.

2. Michael Phelps

Perseverance in sports and athletics - Michael Phelps

Another athlete who exemplifies the mental aspect of sports and the role of determination is Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympian of all time. Behind his record-breaking achievements lies a story of perseverance and mental toughness. Phelps encountered various obstacles, including ADHD and personal struggles, but he never let these setbacks define him. Through his relentless dedication and commitment, Phelps became a symbol of what can be achieved through unwavering perseverance.

3. Michael Jordan:

Perseverance in sports and athletics - Michael Jordan

Jordan is widely regarded as one of the greatest basketball players of all time. However, his path to success was not always smooth. He was initially cut from his high school basketball team, but instead of giving up, he used that setback as motivation to work harder. His perseverance and relentless drive led him to win six NBA championships and become a global icon.

The mental aspect of sports plays a crucial role in an athlete’s success. It is the ability to stay focused, maintain a positive mindset, and overcome challenges that often differentiates the best from the rest. Athletes must cultivate mental resilience and develop strategies to cope with stress, setbacks, and self-doubt. Techniques like visualization, goal setting, and positive self-talk can enhance an athlete’s mental performance and help them push through difficult times.

The lessons learned from sports-related perseverance can extend beyond the playing field and be applied to various aspects of life. Here are a few tips on how readers can incorporate these principles into their own journeys:

  • Set goals: Just as athletes set goals to achieve greatness, individuals can set personal and professional goals to stay motivated and focused. Break these goals into smaller, achievable steps to maintain a sense of progress and prevent discouragement.
  • Embrace challenges: Instead of shying away from difficult situations, embrace them as opportunities for growth. Remember that setbacks and failures are part of the journey towards success. Use them as learning experiences and stepping stones towards personal development.
  • Cultivate a positive mindse t: Develop a resilient mindset that sees setbacks as temporary and believes in the power of perseverance. Practice positive self-talk, visualize success, and surround yourself with supportive people who uplift and inspire.

5. Famous examples of perseverance from History

Perseverance is a trait that transcends boundaries and resonates with people from all walks of life. It is the driving force that propels individuals to overcome challenges, push their limits, and ultimately achieve greatness. Let’s explore some inspiring examples of perseverance that highlight the indomitable human spirit.

Top 5 Inspirational Stories of Great Personalities

Top 10 Inspirational Stories of Great Personalities

1. thomas edison and the light bulb :.

Famous examples of perseverance from History - Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison’s quest to invent the incandescent light bulb was not an easy one. He faced countless failures and setbacks, but he never gave up. Edison famously said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. His relentless determination led to the eventual success of the light bulb, revolutionizing the way we illuminate our world.

2. J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter :

Famous examples of perseverance from History - J.K. Rowling

Before J.K. Rowling became a household name, she faced multiple rejections from publishers for her manuscript of Harry Potter. Despite the setbacks, she persevered and believed in her story. Finally, Bloomsbury Publishing took a chance on her, and the rest is history. Rowling’s resilience and unwavering faith in her work turned her into one of the most successful authors of all time.

3. Nelson Mandela and Apartheid :

Famous examples of perseverance from History - Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela’s fight against apartheid in South Africa is a testament to the power of perseverance in the face of adversity. Despite spending 27 years in prison, Mandela never wavered in his pursuit of justice and equality. His unwavering commitment to his cause eventually led to the dismantling of apartheid and his election as the first black president of South Africa.

5. Mahatma Gandhi

Famous examples of perseverance from History - Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi was an inspirational leader who led India’s fight for independence from British colonial rule. He used peaceful resistance tactics such as hunger strikes and non-violent protests to advocate for Indian rights. His unwavering dedication to his cause even earned him the nickname ‘Father of the Indian Nation’.

6. Rosa Parks

Famous examples of perseverance from History - Rosa Parks

She also made history with her courageous stand against racial segregation in Montgomery, Alabama. Her refusal to give up her seat on a bus sparked the historic Montgomery Bus Boycott, which eventually led to the end of racial segregation on public buses across America. She is remembered as a symbol of courage and hope for future generations.

7. Winston Churchill

Famous examples of perseverance from History - Winston Churchill

He was another example of someone who exemplified perseverance during WWII when he became Prime Minister at a time when Britain needed leadership more than ever before. Despite facing huge odds, Churchill remained undaunted and rallied the nation with his speeches, ultimately leading Britain to victory over Nazi Germany and winning himself a Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953 for his inspiring messages throughout WWII.

8. Walt Disney:

Famous examples of perseverance from History - Walt Disney

Disney’s journey to success was filled with setbacks and disappointments. He faced bankruptcy, multiple business failures, and even had his ideas rejected. However, his unwavering belief in his vision led to the creation of the iconic Disney brand, bringing joy to millions of people worldwide.

9. Oprah Winfrey:

Famous examples of perseverance from History - Oprah Winfrey

Despite a challenging upbringing, Winfrey overcame numerous obstacles to become one of the most influential media personalities. She faced adversity and discrimination but never allowed them to define her. Through hard work and perseverance, she built a media empire and became a voice for empowerment and positivity.

10. Steve Jobs:

Famous examples of perseverance from History - Steve Jobs

Jobs faced numerous obstacles and setbacks throughout his career, including being fired from his own company. However, he never gave up on his vision and returned to Apple, transforming it into one of the most valuable companies in the world. His perseverance and determination revolutionized the technology industry and inspired a generation of innovators.

11. Malala Yousafzai:

Famous examples of perseverance from History - Malala Yousafzai

Yousafzai’s fight for girls’ education in Pakistan made her a target for the Taliban. Despite surviving an assassination attempt, she continued to advocate for education and became the youngest-ever Nobel Prize laureate. Her courage and perseverance have made her a symbol of hope and empowerment for girls around the world.

12. Helen Keller:

Famous examples of perseverance from History - Helen Keller

Keller, who was both blind and deaf, overcame tremendous challenges to become a renowned writer, activist, and lecturer. With the help of her teacher, Anne Sullivan, she learned to communicate and became an advocate for the rights of people with disabilities.

These examples serve as a reminder that it is the key to turning dreams into reality. It is the unwavering belief in oneself, the refusal to succumb to difficulties, and the grit to keep going when the going gets tough. By staying resilient and determined , we can overcome any obstacle that stands in our way.

So, as you continue your journey, remember these incredible stories of perseverance. Let them fuel your motivation and ignite your passion. No matter what challenges

These examples highlight the power of perseverance in the face of adversity. They remind us that setbacks are not the end but rather stepping stones on the path to success. Perseverance fuels our determination, enabling us to overcome obstacles, learn from failures, and ultimately achieve our goals.

In our own lives, we can draw inspiration from these stories and apply the same level of perseverance. Whether it’s pursuing a career, starting a business, or working towards personal growth, it will be a key factor in our journey to success.

Remember, when times get tough, it’s important to stay focused, celebrate small wins, learn from failures, take breaks when needed, and surround ourselves with a supportive community.

For those looking to apply this trait to their own lives, developing a plan of action is essential. This should outline your goals and how you intend to achieve them. Also, remember to take time out for yourself and celebrate small successes along the way; this will motivate you to keep going even when things get tough!

Perseverance gives us the strength and courage needed to make it through any obstacle we might face on our journey, which inspires success. With perseverance, nothing is impossible, so don’t let anything stop you from reaching your dreams! Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post. We hope it has been helpful in inspiring your own journey towards success.

  • Why Perseverance Is Essential To Finding Success As An Entrepreneur by Josh Felber from Forbes
  • 50 Encouraging Quotes to Persevere in Life and Motivate You to Succeed – Life is full of ups and downs. Here are some quotes to help keep you moving toward success and happiness. BY  PETER ECONOMY ,  from INC magazine
  • 20 Reasons Why Perseverance Is Important (+ Tips and Examples) By  Jessa Claire from Upjourney
  • Rosa Parks’s handwritten letter about Martin Luther King Jr. goes up for sale By  Allen Kim , CNN

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Definition of perseverance

Examples of perseverance in a sentence.

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'perseverance.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

Middle English perseveraunce, borrowed from Anglo-French parseverance, parsevrance, borrowed from Latin persevērantia, noun derivative of persevērant-, persevērans "persisting in a course of action, steadfast," from present participle of persevērāre "to persist in a course of action or an attitude in spite of opposition, keep on" — more at persevere

14th century, in the meaning defined above

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“Perseverance.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/perseverance. Accessed 22 Aug. 2024.

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Determination and Perseverance: The Parents Of Success

Maverick Opeyemi

Maverick Opeyemi

10 Min Read

Every successful being who attain their goals have the qualities of Determination and Perseverance within them.

As an Entrepreneur or any goal-minded person – it is easy to set up a plan and hallucinate a big dream that will make you smile.

But attaining these dreams and goals is not as easy as many people think.

You have to pass through some hurdles before you can achieve success and claim victory.

Determination and Perseverance are the parents that can feed, clothe and house you in life until you can achieve success.

And the only way they can do all these for you is only if you accommodate them within yourself.

There are a lot of inner forces that can stop you from achieving success in life.

That is why any entrepreneur or a goal-minded person needs to have in mind that they are their worst enemy.

Forget all the competitions around you because they are controllable – you can easily get to work and break any record.

But when it comes to yourself, it is very difficult to control yourself from quitting.

There are a lot of inner forces that will stop you from achieving success – but the only gift you can give yourself is to inculcate the attitude of Determination and Perseverance.

Let us quickly look at the definition of Perseverance and That of Success.

After that, we will discuss briefly the forces that can hinder you from attaining success and achieving your goals.

What is Determination?

Determination is the inner drive that is composed to foresee a certain goal and take adequate effort towards achieving success with the goal.

What is Perseverance?

Perseverance is the continuous effort made towards attaining success with your goal even with the obstacles faced along the way.

So, with this definition given to you by me, you can easily see that the parent of success is both determination and Perseverance.

Because without them, it will be difficult to achieve success.

definition essay about perseverance

You can see that it is uneasy for anyone who embarks on a certain journey – but when we want to start a journey.

We look at it as if it is easy – but by the time you start to go deeper into your goal. You will realize that’s it’s not easy.

Inner Forces That Stops You From Achieving Success

There are a few forces that are enemies to accommodate Perseverance and Determination within us.

And we will quickly look into them below.


Let us discuss them briefly,


Comfortability is the first inner force that can deny you from attaining success in life.

Many people have grown so sluggish that they are just comfortable with their zone.

They don’t even want to leave their comfort zone and prefer to shine beneath the light.

No one will notice if you are exiting – the majority of people who are making waves and gain popularity are not truly the best in their field.

They only attain success because they left their comfort zone and go into the world.

Because the world is where you can shine your glory and attain success.

But because many beginner entrepreneurs don’t want to leave their comfort zone. They easily delay or kill their success.

Determination and Perseverance cannot keep you long as your parent if you don’t want to leave your comfort zone.

Because they will get tired and you will lose interest because whatever you are doing beneath will not shine.

The moment you spend months doing whatever you are doing in your comfort zone – you realize that you’re tired.

Why? Because no one notice you – when people check your portfolio – it is empty.

That’s why you have to leave your comfort zone so as to achieve success with Determination and Perseverance.

Fear of failure is what made many people keep shinning under the light without popping.

Fear will only shrink your determination and Perseverance and deny you access to achieve success.

It is normal for every person who wants to embark on any successful journey to have fear at first.

Many things will come into your mind concerning failure and you might feel exhausted.

But it shouldn’t stop you from doing whatever you want to do or continuing your journey.

Many people have embarked on an entrepreneurship journey and just because they experience an obstacle – they fear to continue.

They forget that they will still live to fight the battle another day. Just because this battle has hindered them from progressing now.

They will quit and later come back to what they ran away from.

While the person who stood still and fought the battle will have achieved success.

What I just wrote here is very easy to digest but difficult to comprehend in a real-life situation.

You will see someone start a journey with another person and 5 years is gone very quickly.

The one who fought his battle will become rich while the one who keeps running from one journey to another will be struggling financially.

Just the FEAR to challenge their obstacles is making them quit and keep running from one opportunity to another.

And the internet is filled with so many opportunities – if you wait for one today… you can easily start another.

But what happens? What Changes? Nothing – you keep moving along the same circle without any clear path.

So, always face your challenges and fight every battle. Don’t let your FEAR overcome you. You are a warrior.

Another inner force that many people find easy to accept and accommodate which will chase away their determination and Perseverance is EXCUSE.

An excuse is something very easy to make and it is an achievement on its own – but leads to failure.

Giving of excuse is what we all find easy to do – I can easily shift the blame on something as to why I can’t publish this content.

Before I was approved as a coordinator in Thrive Global – I can easily say I can’t do it because I don’t feel capable.

“Feeling capable” is an excuse on its own and the excuse will accept my proposal and I stay relieved.

But what happens? Nothing! I will keep circulating in the same aspect without any movement.

So, the act of giving excuses is what we all find very easy to make.

Sometimes, someone will ask me for something and I will provide an answer.

But when I ask why they haven’t kickstart and why should they delay that much.

The next answer is that “I don’t have time”. That alone is an EXCUSE and it’s the most common one.

People always don’t have time – you will see someone sleeping all day or scrolling through social media all day.

And when you ask the person why he or she hasn’t embark on a journey – they will say “They don’t have time”.

And for sure, they don’t have the time because they are investing it in something.

But is it productive? No! So, you have to know that whatever you are doing.

You are investing your time into it – but you just have to channel your time on what is more productive than what is not productive.

Because before you realize – a year and two years are already gone. And you will still keep lamenting you don’t have time.

The clock is always ticking and will await nobody. So, you just have to invest your time in what is more productive.

And to wrap up this section – you should stop giving excuses or blaming anything for your mistakes.

Instead, blame yourself…

Because if YOU are not YOU. What happened wouldn’t have happened. Read that again.


The attitude of shifting things till the later time is not new but a popular character among majorly everyone.

Is there someone who doesn’t procrastinate in life? No one.

We all procrastinate but those who know the consequences of procrastination immediately control themselves.

Those who don’t know the consequences blame it on EXCUSE.

The thing is that you have to eliminate the attitude of procrastination in you.

You can decide to do something – but you will procrastinate it once you see that it’s not even working out as you planned.

When you started that journey of your life – you were like, you can quickly become successful within 3 months.

But now the 3 months is here and nothing has changed – all your plans look like a failure.

So, you procrastinate and blame it all on EXCUSE. This will never take you far in life.

You have to control yourself when it comes to procrastination and always takes that action.

Some people would have created an empire that will make them become a benchmark to other people.

But because of the attitude of PROCRASTINATION – they have failed to achieve their dreams.

Whatever reason you have towards you not taking an action – in as much as you are not dead sick on the hospital bed.

You should always take an action and quit the attitude of procrastination. Because it is your worst enemy.

Best Practices To Seal Your Determination and Perseverance

To Wrap This Up, Let me quickly take you on some best practices you can take to seal your Determination and Perseverance in Life – so as for you to attain success.

  • See Mistakes and Failure As A Process.
  • Learn From Mistakes.
  • Tell Your Story.

See Mistakes and Failure As A Process:

You have to always see every mistake and failure as a normal process along your way to success.

No one ever got it once. If it’s easy to get at once then many people would have become successful.

Almost everyone will now become a millionaire and a billionaire in their line of expertise.

So, you shouldn’t settle for less – aim for the best and you will always see failure as a stepping stone.

Learn From Your Mistakes & Failure:

Another top I have for you is to always learn from your mistakes and failures.

Since you have made the mistake – always learn from it because you just gained an experience.

The fact is that experience is the best teacher. No matter how good your tutor is…

…he or she will only teach you based on the experience gotten from life.

But your journey is different from their journey – even though you are aiming for the same destination.

So, you should always learn from your mistakes because that is what will take you to achieve success.

Tell Your Story:

You should always tell your story as you are going through your journey to success.

People resonate with stories a lot – when you tell your story. It makes people want to cling to you.

They will feel inspired because they want someone who has already passed through what they are experiencing.

So, always tell your story along your way to success.

Here is one thing that you have to know – Whatever you have experienced – Someone else you look up to has already experienced it.

So, Don’t ever think of quitting in life – Grow your Determination and Perseverance and you will see yourself achieving success.

definition essay about perseverance

What Is Perseverance?

Nobody knew what the year 2020 had in store. As the COVID-19 pandemic hit, everything changed in and around our…

What Is Perseverance?

Nobody knew what the year 2020 had in store. As the COVID-19 pandemic hit, everything changed in and around our lives. As the world continues to adjust to the new normal, it’s important to reflect on the various ways we have created opportunities. From online education to working from anywhere, the world is navigating the crisis in the best ways possible.

Most of all, we have been able to come so far because of perseverance. Our willingness and determination make all the difference. So, what does perseverance mean? Read on!

Why Is Perseverance Important?

The importance of perseverance in current times, how to develop perseverance, practice excellence, strengthen perseverance.

At its simplest, perseverance is the act of working toward your goal despite challenges and setbacks. It’s the persistence you display, even if there is a delay in achieving goals or success. People who have long-term goals often lose focus and direction. It’s difficult not to lose motivation and enthusiasm after a certain point; however, perseverance teaches you how to continue working hard until you succeed.

Perseverance boils down to the drive and resilience you display while completing an objective. Irrespective of the challenges that emerge or the time it takes you to complete the task, you persist tirelessly and pursue your set goal(s). It’s an important quality in life as it allows you to stay in the game even though everything else says it’s time to call it quits. Perseverance helps you achieve your life’s dreams, goals and vision.

Let’s look at some famous examples of perseverance and see how hard work eventually paid off for these individuals:

Shivaji Rao Gaekwad, popularly known as Rajnikanth, is one of the most renowned actors of our time. Did you know that he used to be a bus conductor? His desire to become an actor pushed him to pursue theater and eventually enter the Indian film industry.

Before Indra Nooyi joined PepsiCo as the senior vice president of corporate strategy, she worked as a receptionist. It helped her save enough money to buy formal wear and appear for interviews with confidence. In PepsiCo, her hard work and steady determination helped her drive success and she was widely recognized for her exceptional leadership skills.

Milkha Singh, also known as the Flying Sikh, became the first Indian man to compete in an Olympics athletic event. He lost his family to the brutal violence that followed the partition of India. He brought discipline and direction to his life when he joined the army and decided to compete in athletics. His determination became critical to his success.

As we can see, perseverance can do wonders and it’s one of the most important qualities of successful individuals.

Perseverance in the face of challenges indicates leadership qualities . As already highlighted in the above examples of perseverance, individuals who demonstrate perseverance are more likely to succeed in life, especially professional life. Perseverance is a sign of stepping outside your comfort zone and staying focused on your efforts. It also means that you have a growth mindset, that is, the belief that you can develop essential qualities through your efforts. This is a highly valuable quality that organizations actively seek when they’re hiring.

Here’s why you need to prioritize perseverance and take steps toward developing this quality in your life:

Leads to mastery.

You may not know how to do something, even though you’re passionate about it. It’s perseverance that’ll help you attempt and pursue something, in addition to doing your best. Rome wasn’t built in a day; you need to be patient because hard work will eventually pay off. Sustained efforts over time can even lead you to master a new skill. You can excel as long as you stay determined.

Makes You Resilient

Say you were rejected after five job interviews. You can either quit looking for a job or refuse to give up. Perseverant people don’t quit easily. They will continue to rise up to challenges and continue to work hard. Therefore, you become resilient as you power through difficulties and continue to step outside your comfort zone. You continue to grow emotionally as well.

Teaches How To Manage Crises

Perseverance teaches you how to focus on solutions instead of problems. For example, if something goes wrong, perseverant individuals will identify ways to mitigate a crisis. They know how to stay calm and carry on. In other words, they look at the bigger picture and not abandon a situation or responsibility midway.

The importance of perseverance lies in the fact that it makes you optimistic about the future. You learn not to give up because you believe that the power remains in your hand, as long as you keep at it.

The Importance Of Perseverance In Current Times

With the rise of small businesses and start-up enterprises, the scope of entrepreneurship continues to expand. However, only a few businesses take flight and succeed in establishing themselves. There are several qualities required in starting and running your own business. Some of them include ambition, intelligence and creativity but most of all, you need perseverance. Without it, sometimes, even the best among us gets it wrong.

Perseverance skills can teach you how to bounce back from disappointment or failure. If you’re a professional, consider these qualities of perseverant leaders to effectively navigate business environments and career advancement:

They Keep Asking Why

People who persevere are the ones who continue to ask ‘why’. It serves as a constant motivator and keeps you on track. It can be as simple as: why am I doing this? The more you remind yourself, the clearer your purpose gets. This is what keeps pushing you.

They Have Self-Belief

You may have heard people say: if you don’t believe in yourself, how will they? If you want to achieve anything, you need to believe in your skills and qualities. Every successful leader believes in themselves and believes in the change they want to make in the world. Fostering your self-belief can help you persevere better.

They Make Room For Vulnerability

It isn’t easy to face your failures and it especially isn’t easy to ask for help. Successful people persevere because they know how to learn from their mistakes and overcome setbacks. Instead of giving up easily, they know how to pick themselves up and ask for help. They aren’t afraid of being vulnerable and connect with others in times of need. It’s okay to share your struggles with people you can trust.

It’s important to remember that perseverance is the direct result of our habits. The more we overcome our fears and challenges, the more resilient we become.

As we’ve already established, perseverance skills are critical to workplace success. Moreover, these skills can be developed over time through patience and practice. Let’s look at several ways in which you can improve your perseverance skills:

Reject The Urge To Quit

The first step to build a perseverance mindset is to reject the urge to give up or quit. If you’re unable to accomplish something, give yourself time. Start again the next day. Remind yourself of the reason you’re doing it and the ultimate objective you want to achieve.

Create An Action Plan

A detailed action plan can help you remain focused on every objective. It should account for your journey from start to completion. The primary benefit of the plan is that it holds you accountable and helps you keep track of your progress. The more you monitor, the easier it is to stay motivated.

Prioritize Improvement

At the core of perseverance lies the act of getting out of your comfort zone. You need to make peace with the fact that you need to work on self-improvement. Establishing higher standards of excellence for yourself is a good place to start. As you continue to strengthen perseverance, you continue to grow as a well-rounded individual.

While these strategies are useful in keeping you focused on your goals, it’s equally important to accommodate things that you care for. When you’re passionate about something and enjoy doing those tasks, it’s easier to stay on track; otherwise, it may start to feel like a burden.

Perseverance is a skill that employers highly value because they need people who can power through tough circumstances. If you want to sharpen your focus and remain persistent in your efforts, Harappa’s  Practicing Excellence course can help you achieve it. The course will help you learn how to continuously improve your performance and deliver excellence consistently. The 1% Rule framework, in particular, will teach you how to make small improvements for better performance. Exceed expectations at work by choosing Harappa today!

Explore Harappa Diaries to learn more about topics such as How To Show That You’re  Detail-Oriented , the  Constructivist Learning Theory ,  Asynchronous And Synchronous Learning , What Is The  Pomodoro Technique  & The Importance Of  Time Management  that will help you achieve the highest levels of performance.


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Cultivating Courage and Perseverance: The Power of Resilience

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