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‘Trap’ Review: Pop Goes the Thriller

Josh Hartnett stars as a father with a secret in this M. Night Shyamalan film set at a concert.

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A man and his daughter stand together at a concert. The arena is bathed in red and the girl his holding up her phone to record the performer.

By Amy Nicholson

“Dad, this is the literally the best day of my life,” the teenager Riley (Ariel Donoghue) beams to her doting father, Cooper (Josh Hartnett), in the opening minutes of M. Night Shyamalan’s “Trap.” That feeling won’t last — but for the first half of this mischievous thriller, we’re also having fun.

Riley is ecstatic to have stadium floor seats for her favorite pop icon, Lady Raven (Saleka). The child’s attention is on the stage. Ours is on her father who is having visible difficulty concentrating on the show. He’s clocking the cameras, the exits, the unusual number of cops, the no-nonsense F.B.I. profiler (Hayley Mills) muttering into her walkie-talkie. The police are hunting a serial killer named the Butcher, but all they’ve got to go on is that he’s a middle-aged man in this majority girl crowd. Underneath the thumping bass and the squeals, Shyamalan wordlessly clues us in that the unassuming Cooper is also a slayer desperate to escape.

Instead of telegraphing evil, Hartnett cranks up that gee-willikers likability that once trapped him as one of Hollywood’s factory-stamped generic leading men. At his most devilish, he’s all apple cheeks, grinning so amiably that a merch salesman (Jonathan Langdon) reveals that the Butcher has his own obsessives. When no one’s watching, Cooper’s eyes narrow at whatever is on his mind. Should he pull the fire alarm? Slip through the hydraulic lift in the floor? Can his daughter tell he’s acting weird?

It takes cleverness and control to pull off this unspoken tension. Shyamalan boasts the former and feigns the latter for a while before his hotdogging impulses take over. He’s like a guy who karaokes Hitchcock and then starts ad-libbing his own tune. We’re never onboard with the premise that a 20,000-plus crowd is the perfect place to arrest an unknown man. But we’re willing to play along until it starts to feel like Shyamalan so enjoys being inside Cooper’s head that he doesn’t want to leave. One fairly satisfying ending launches into encore after encore, with Shyamalan holding court past the time the audience is antsy to wrap up.

The plot is at its best when it’s simply a dad, a daughter and the puzzle he must solve to stay in her life. Hartnett and Donoghue have an affectionate, believable chemistry that’s boosted by the young actor’s natural charm — she doesn’t hit a phony note. To root for Riley’s happiness means rooting for Cooper’s, so every so often, particularly after we’ve cheered his latest brazen bit of genius, we’re reminded there’s a victim (Mark Bacolcol) handcuffed in his murder house. Worse, whenever Cooper needs a diversion, he’s willing to send a stranger’s daughter to the E.R.

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youth marathi movie review

Heartfelt and hilarious coming-of-age film Didi proves there’s no such thing as wasted youth

youth marathi movie review

Izaac Wang, left, and Mahaela Park in a scene from Didi. Courtesy of Focus Features / Talking Fish Pictures/The Associated Press

Written and directed by Sean Wang

Starring Izaac Wang, Shirley Chen and Joan Chen

Classification 14A; 91 minutes

Opens in select theatres Aug. 2

Critic’s Pick

A wonderfully uncomfortable, deeply hilarious coming-of-age movie, the new film Didi plays like an extended and surprisingly welcome visit to the filmmaker’s childhood bedroom, if it happened to be preserved in the amber-ooze of Mountain Dew Code Red circa 2008.

That is the year – the summer, specifically – in which 13-year-old Chris, a.k.a. Didi (Izaac Wang), is trying to figure out so much of himself and his ever-changing surroundings. Living with his Taiwanese single mother Chungsing (Joan Chen), college-bound sister Vivian (Shirley Chen), and nai nai/grandmother (Chang Li Hua) in the suburbs of Fremont, Calif., Didi doesn’t seem to be interested in much other than arguing with his family, skateboarding and trying to get closer to his crush, Madi (Mahaela Park).

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There are awkward house parties, furtive conversations over AOL Messenger, and brief flirtations with videography, the latter coming along after Didi convinces a group of older boys that he can record their skateboarding tricks like a young Spike Jonze (who offers a quick voice cameo here as a, well, dead squirrel). But mostly, this is a film of atmosphere, vibes and character. And that is all writer-director Sean Wang, in his feature-length debut, really needs.

youth marathi movie review

The young, relatively untested Wang is a true find, managing to hold his own against screen veteran Joan Chen, left, who plays Chungsing as if she is carrying the entire family’s myriad shames and secrets on her shoulders. Courtesy of Focus Features / Talking Fish Pictures/The Associated Press

Very obviously mining his own youth for the material, Wang does a remarkable job of digging deep into the uglier, more cringeworthy corners of his memory, a courageous route given that so many other storytellers might instead choose to sit in the comfortable corners of sun-dappled nostalgia.

Frequently selfish and an inveterate liar – not to mention being unbearably cruel to his lonely mother over and over again – Didi can be a hard character to root for. But that’s exactly why Wang’s film hits as hard as it does. Didi might be a jerk, but who wasn’t at his age? There is a relatability here that is both painful and poignant to recognize, and should send more than a few men, and women, in the audience straight to their mother’s house to deliver some belated adolescent apologies.

As the title character, Wang offers a delicate and edgy performance. The young, relatively untested actor is a true find. He even manages to hold his own against screen veteran Chen ( The Last Emperor , Twin Peaks ), who plays Chungsing as if she is carrying the entire family’s myriad shames and secrets on her shoulders.

Wang’s ability to conjure memories and moods extends to the film’s era-appropriate aesthetic. This is a movie that feels sticky, lived-in, rough around the edges, just like Didi’s well-kept but dated middle-class home. The set design is also so perfect that it hurts, crammed as it with so many early-aughts fashion and tech that it’s mortifying to realize that these were the standards of the time. More than once – whether it was when Didi was trading random insults with his friends online or watching, and rewatching, the same early YouTube clips – I muttered to myself that I, too, had wasted so much of my teenage life.

Except in Wang’s case, nothing was wasted. Moviegoers now have Didi , after all.

youth marathi movie review

Didi's set design is so perfect that it hurts, crammed as it with so many early-aughts fashion and tech that it’s mortifying to realize that these were the standards of the time. Courtesy of Focus Features / Talking Fish Pictures/The Associated Press

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मराठीचे तपशील

1234 movie review: वयाच्या २३व्या वर्षी चार मुलांचे आई-बाबा होणाऱ्या सायली-समीरची गोष्ट

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Ek Don Tin Char marathi movie review: गेल्या काही दिवसांपासून एका वेगळ्या विषयावर आधारित असलेला 'एक दोन तीन चार' हा चित्रपट चर्चेत आहे. या चित्रपटात काही तरी वेगळी कथा पाहायला मिळणार असल्यामुळे प्रेक्षकांमध्ये उत्सुकता शिगेला पोहोचली होती. अखेर अभिनेत्री वैदेही परशुरामी आणि अभिनेता निपुण धर्माधिकारी महत्त्वाच्या भूमिकेत असणारा हा चित्रपट प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीला आला आहे. आता या चित्रपटाची कथा काय आहे चला जाणून घेऊया...

काय आहे कथा?

'एक दोन तीन चार' या चित्रपटात सायली आणि समीर या अल्लड कपलची कथा दाखवण्यात आली आहे. कॉलेजमध्ये एकमेकांच्या प्रेमात बुडालेले हे कपल लग्न करते. सायली ही पीएचडी करत असते आणि दुसरीकडे जर्मन भाषेची ट्रांसलेटर म्हणून काम करत असते. तर समीर हा एक कंपनीमध्ये एचआर असतो. दोघेही त्यांनी उभ्या केलेल्या विश्वात अतिशय आनंदी असतात. पण एक दिवस अचानक सायली आणि समीरच्या आयुष्यात बॉम्ब फुटतो. सायली प्रेग्नंट असल्याचे त्यांना कळते. इथून त्यांच्या लव्हीडव्ही लव्हस्टोरीला थोडे वेगळे वळण येते. ते दोघेही डॉक्टरांकडे चेकअपसाठी जातात. हे डॉक्टर सायलीच्या दिवंगत बाबाचे मित्र असतात.

डॉक्टरांकडे गेल्यावर कळते की सायलीला एक दोन नाही तर एकाच वेळी चार मुले होणार असतात. दोघांना आनंद होतो पण तितकाच धक्का देखील बसतो. समीर आणि सायली मित्रांना सांगण्यासाठी पार्टी ठेवतात. या सगळ्यात समीरच्या अगदी जवळचा मित्र दाढी मदत करत असतो. जेव्हा त्याला कळते की समीरला चार मुले होणार तेव्हा त्याला मोठा धक्का बसतो. नंतर समीरच्या आई-वडिलांना याविषयी कळते. दोघेही आनंदी होतात. मात्र, सायलीची आई जी तिला वडिलांच्या निधनानंतर दीड वर्षांची असताना सोडून गेलेली असते तिला हा निर्णय पटत नाही. ती दोघांनाही यावर पुन्हा विचार करण्यास सांगते. तसेच वयाच्या २३व्या वर्षी बाबा होणाऱ्या समीरला चार मुलांच्या भविष्याचा विचार करुन भीती वाटू लागते. आता समीर आणि सायली यांनी चारही मुलांना जन्म देण्याचा निर्णय घेतला की त्यांच्या डोक्यात सुरु असलेल्या इतर गोष्टी ते करतात हे तुम्हाला चित्रपट पाहिल्यावर कळणार आहे.

कोणते कलाकार दिसतायेत

'एक दोन तीन चार' या चित्रपटात सायली ही भूमिका वैदेही परशुरामीने साकारली आहे. तर तिच्या पतीची म्हणजे समीरची भूमिका निपूर धर्माधिकारी वठवताना दिसत आहे. सायलीच्या आईची भूमिका ही मृणाल कुलर्णीने केली आहे. समीरच्या मित्राच्या भूमिकेत करण सोनावणे दिसत आहे. तर पाहुण्या कलाकाराच्या भूमिकेत अमेय वाघची एण्ट्री होते.

'एक दोन तीन चार' या चित्रपटात वैदेहीने अतिशय उत्कृष्ट अभिनय केला आहे. कॉलेजमध्ये असणारी बिनधास्त मुलगी त्यानंतर एखादी महिला प्रेग्नंट असल्यानंतर तिचे सतत बदलणारे मूड, तिचे वाढणारे वजन या सगळ्या गोष्टींमधून येणारे नैराश्य या सगळ्या छटा वैदेहीच्या अभिनयात पाहायला मिळाल्या आहेत. दुसरीकडे निपूण अगदी साधा, सरळ आणि शांत नवरा दिसत आहे. त्याची भूमिका देखील प्रेक्षकांना नक्कीच आवडेल. या चित्रपटाची जमेची बाजू म्हणजे त्यातील डायलॉग. मध्यांतापर्यंत निपुण, करण आणि वैदेही प्रेक्षकांना हसवण्यात यशस्वी झाले आहेत. पुढे चित्रपट थोडे भावनिक वळण घेते.

वाचा: 'तौबा तौबा'ची हूक स्टेप कतरिनाला आवडल्यानं विकीला आभाळ ठेंगणं; म्हणाला, ऑस्कर मिळाल्यासारखं वाटलं!

चित्रपटात समीर आणि वैदेही यांना चार मुले होणार असतात. त्यांना सांभाळण्याची सवय व्हावी म्हणून ते चार बाहुल्या मागवतात. त्या बाहुल्यांसोबतचे सायली आणि समीरचे कनेक्शन कदाचित प्रेक्षकांना खटकणारे आहे. बाकी एकंदरीत चित्रपटात दाखवण्यात आलेले सीन अतिशय सुंदर आहेत. तसेच वापरण्यात आलेल्या रंग छटा, दिग्दर्शन अतिशय छान वाटते. पुण्यात राहणाऱ्या कपलची कथा असल्यामुळे तेथील दवाखाने, कॉलेज, वागण्याची बोलण्याची पद्धत दिग्दर्शकाने तंतोतंत दाखवण्याचा प्रयत्न केला आहे. चित्रपटातील गाणे हे परिस्थितीली अगदी साजेसे आणि तुम्हाला आवडणारे आहे.

हिंदुस्तान टाइम्स मराठीकडून 'एक दोन तीन चार' या चित्रपटाला तीन स्टार्स


Youth Marathi Movie Review

Photo of Manoj L

Social Drama Dies Down and Romance Prevail

In a double delight release in M Town, Youth is one of the movies that hit the theatres this Friday. The film is a social drama has Akshay Waghmare, Neha Mahajan, Akshay Mhatre, Meera Joshi, Shashank Jadhav, Ketaki Kulkarni, Satish Pulekar and Vikram Gokhale in the lead and supporting roles. The film is directed by Rakesh Kudlakar and produced by Sunder Seturam. The music comes from Vishal-Jagdish whereas it is a multi-genre film having drama, romance, action and suspense. Time to have a peep in the film to get the gist of the movie as under, let’s check them out as under:

Yuvraj played by Akshay Waghmare is a son of a politician, while Yutika played by Neha Mahajan is an activist in the group of friends that include Uday or Bunty played by Mhatre, Twishe played by Joshi, Oudi playe dKetaki Narayan and Harsh played by Shashank Jadhav. Once when they are to a trip to Goa, this bunch of friends comes across a village, which has never received rains since long and thus fights over water are a usual phenomenon. Gauging the plight of the villagers, Yuvraj who happens to be the son of politician calls his father and narrates the conditions asking him to help the villagers. He soon announces aid for the area; however, politics overpowers the same giving nothing to the villagers. Soon the group realizes about the same as they visit the place, which makes them to take things in their hand. So, what happens next is interesting to explore.

For topical films like these a good timing to release the movie is important for the audience. The film Youth has two strong elements the presence of too many youth actors in it along with taking up the social issue of water conservation to avoid drought hit situations. However, the irony of such subjects chosen for films like Youth, the filmmakers tend to lose the track soon as the protagonists announce to take thing in their hands to pursue some ambitious dreams. Perhaps the director of the film wanted Youth to be the Rang De Basanti kind of movie in M Town, but sadly he failed in his attempt to do so. He lost the track in the midway. The result came in the form of dumbfounding blend of social responsibility and romance, moral science and politics. It can be done perfectly without losing the plot unlike we have seen in the Aamir Khan Starrer film Rang De Basanti.

Soon you can find the plot jumping from water conservation to romance in the most abrupt fashion making the audience as to how it can happen in a serious kind of films like this. You will keep on asking to yourself too many times during the film screening without getting the answer. The bunch of actors mostly young in the film is certainly not a treat to catch up in the film though some of them are seen with the spark in them. The veteran actor like Vikram Gokhale is simply wasted in the film as seems to have kept adding the star value of the film.

Youth Last Word

The film Youth is seen doing a great disservice to serious subjects like these. Thanks to the bad filmmaking and poor performance. Watch only when you have loads of patience to digest a movie like this where social message dies down but romance and other elements prevail.

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youth marathi movie review

Bigg Boss Marathi Season 5: Kirtankar Purushottam Patil Becomes First Evictee

Curated By : Entertainment Bureau

Local News Desk

Last Updated: August 05, 2024, 16:30 IST

Mumbai, India

He had a 'thrilling' journey in the house.

He had a 'thrilling' journey in the house.

The folk singer’s name was announced by Riteish during the August 4 episode of the show.

Bigg Boss Marathi Season 5 commenced on July 28 with a grand opening ceremony, which premiered on Colours Marathi and JioCinema. Riteish Deshmukh has taken the reins as the host of the show for the first time, generating immense excitement among fans. A week later, the house has already experienced its first eviction.

The first unfortunate contestant to get evicted from the Bigg Boss house in the first week is Kirtankar Purushottam Patil. The folk singer’s name was announced by Riteish during the August 4 episode of the show. The man bid adieu to the housing chanting the words, “Ram Krishna Hari,” reports stated. His eviction announcement made the other contestants emotional, as they extended their goodbyes to the man.

After leaving the place, Purushottam shared his feelings about being part of the Bigg Boss Marathi house. He stated, “I have come up with a different experience of Bigg Boss Marathi. I don’t think I’ve done anything wrong.” The singer added that he entered the house unprepared. According to him, the whole experience has been “thrilling” for him; a journey that will help one discover themselves.

Purushottam admitted that he was unable to “resist” some situations in the house and stood for himself where he could. He further stated, “Moving forward, I will watch the remaining housemates as friends. Getting a chance to be in the Bigg Boss Marathi house is the most important thing for me.” “I think Abhijeet Sawant can win this season of Bigg Boss Marathi,” added the folk singer concluding Suraj Chavan was the weakest player of the week.

In the first week, a nomination task led to six people being nominated for eviction, including Varsha Usgaonkar, Yogita Chavan, Ankita Walawalkar, Suraj Chavan, Dhananjay Pawar and Purushottam Patil. While the contestants left in the bottom three were Purushottam Patil, Ankita Walawalkar and Yogita Chavan.

The Bigg Boss Marathi house is now left with 15 contestants. After the surprise eviction, the viewers are eager to find out who will be next.

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Youth (2016)

Photo of justmarathi

These days you can find a new trend in M Town dominating the movies releasing in the recent past. The trend is having an English title seems to be on a higher side as most of the film are released with a English title and Youth is no exception. The film is directed by Rakesh Kudalkar, while produced by Sunder Seturaman under the banner of Victory Films. The actors in the main and supporting role include Akshay Waghmare, Neha Mahajan, Akshay Mhatre, Meera Joshi, Shashank Jadhav, Ketaki Kulkarni, Satish Pulekar and Vikram Gokhale. The interesting star cast along with talented crew of the film will give the audience a subtle entertainment stuff to the Marathi audience.

The film Youth is all about showcasing young people, their life, views and ideas they have in this contemporary developing world. The movie has showcased how the power of youth can make or mar any society. The film is shot in places like Goa and Kolhapur. Though the film is completed and was supposed to release in January 2016, however, it was pushed forward to release in February but again was postponed with no release date. May be the filmmakers are unable to find a suitable date for the film which is the key reason of the delay in its release. Keep checking the updates with us.

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Age Ratings : All Ages Youth is an inspiring story of a group of friends who try to contribute toward water conservation in one of Maharashtra’s drought-hit areas and the obstacles they overcome together.

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Age Ratings : All Ages Youth is an inspiring story of a group of friends who try to contribute toward water conservation in ... more

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By Peter Travers

Peter Travers

Fasten your seat belts for Jane Fonda , who gives a seismic jolt to Paolo Sorrentino’s exquisite meditation on art and aging. She plays Brenda Morel, a Hollywood star who visits filmmaker Mick Boyle (Harvey Kei­tel) at a lush Swiss resort. He needs her star power to get his new film financed. Instead, she lowers the boom. “The future is television – so’s the present,” she tells Mick. “Not your cinema bullshit.” It’s a juicy role, and a full-force Fonda plays the hell out of it.

Youth is superior cinema, ardent and artful. Sorrentino, an Oscar winner for The Great Beauty , fills every frame with ravishing images that evoke his idol, Fellini. Gloriously shot by Luca Bigazzi and scored by David Lang, the movie engulfs you like a dream.

Keitel, in peak form, seizes the role of a man who thirsts to make one last film “testament.” Mick is at the resort with his best friend, Fred Ballinger ( Michael Caine ), a composer who won’t come out of retirement even when the queen dangles a knighthood. Fred’s daughter and assistant, Lena (Rachel Weisz), is married to Mick’s son (Ed Stoppard), who has just dumped her for a pop star. Her distress is echoed by Jimmy Tree (an outstanding Paul Dano), an actor who doubts if he’ll ever get past the robot role that made him a star.

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Sorrentino eases us into these tormented lives, letting us breathe with them as their feelings flower or fade. Youth is a feast for actors. Caine and Keitel are wonders to behold. And the sublime Weisz has a rending scene in which she releases repressed anger and gives Daddy both barrels.

Caine, in the best and most moving performance of his later career, reflects the soul of a hypnotic and haunting film that attempts to reconcile youth and age, not set them apart. If that’s cinema bullshit, sign me up.

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"Youth" is a bombastic dramatic-comedy about emotions that are, to paraphrase Editor-in-Chief Matt Zoller Seitz, small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. Small gestures and inconsequential routines are routinely given momentous importance because ultimately, no one character is more wise than anyone else. "Youth" is, in that sense, an anti-elegiac film where characters mull over commonplace emotions—self-love, pride, survivor's guilt—but ultimately realize that their perspectives are limited by their individual circumstances. 

Co-writer/director Paolo Sorrentino (" The Great Beauty ," " This Must Be the Place ") leaves viewers with the certainty that they not only know as much as the characters played by Michael Caine , Harvey Keitel , Paul Dano , and Rachel Weisz play, but probably more. There's great comfort in reaching that conclusion: "Youth" climaxes with a beautiful, heart-breaking operatic medley entitled "Simple Songs." The piece's orchestration, like its lyrics—" I've got a feeling. I live near. I live for you now. "—is not remarkable unto itself. But the wealth of emotions that soprano singer Sumi Jo conveys through her heart-breaking performance confirms the deceptive power of "Youth," a big film about small sentiments.

Retirement has not bestowed magical gifts of hindsight to music composer Fred Ballinger (Caine). There is, however, an unquestionably romantic appeal to his solitude. Ballinger, like Mick Boyle (Keitel), a washed-up filmmaker and fellow self-sequestered exile, trundles through wild-flower-riddled, sun-dappled grassy fields at a Swiss spa. Fred shoos away appointments and offers made to him through daughter Lena (Weisz) and entertains hangers-on like jaded young actor Jimmy Tree (Dano) with pained bemusement. Fred sees Mick struggling with a comeback project—a script whose ending never seems satisfactorily profound—and feels better about turning down the Queen of England's invitation to perform his "Simple Songs" for the Prince. Life holds no mystery for Fred, and he's ok with that.

Sorrentino infrequently stumbles over one bald metaphor too many, like when Fred dismisses a Buddhist monk because he knows " [he] can't levitate " by sheer force of concentration/meditation. But more often than not, the strength of "Youth" comes from the isolated nature of its major set pieces. There are common themes that unite the film's quasi-Fellini-esque episodes, like the elderly couple who never talk at dinner, or the Miss Universe pageant winner who turns out to be smarter than she looks. But each imagistic sequence in "Youth" is like an island that happens to be united to other free-standing islands. Each scene has a life of its own.

In this way, Sorrentino allows viewers to enjoy Fred's cynical outlook without necessarily having to see the reason of it. He spends his days wondering if he'll take a piss, struggling to remember if he slept with a high school sweetheart, and watching everybody mess up around him. Characters state their gripes, their self-absorbed observations, and their thunderous pronouncements.

But few individual scenes feel like definitive, self-serious authorial testaments. These are the stray thoughts of characters on holiday, no matter how self-important, nor how frank. After all, how can one agree or disagree with Fred when he opines that " Levity is a perversion, " or that " All left-handed people are irregular "? More often than not, "Youth" rejects the notion that all metaphors are created equally, like when Fred rolls his eyes at Mick and facetiously praises him for being " quite the magician of metaphor. " More often than not, people talk in "Youth" for the sake of hearing themselves think.

This leaves much of the film's heavy-lifting in the hands of its capable cast, and Luca Bigazzi , Sorrentino's regular cinematographer. You have to feel the emotion in Caine's quavering voice, sullen facial expression, and placid body language to fully appreciate Fred's meaning when he says he composed his music " while I yet loved. " Sorrentino is a dedicated (albeit ostentatious) sensualist, so the meaning of his images are inscribed on their surface. Weisz and Jane Fonda , who plays a weary, but brutally honest former colleague of Mick's, go far with dialogue-driven scenes.

But more often than not, "Youth" resonates because of Sorrentino and Bigazzi's typically fruitful collaboration. They invest a romantic, playful melancholy in their film's idyllic, secluded Swiss location, which allows their cast the freedom to disappear, wander, or pace about their characters' lavishly-realized set as if it were an elaborate menagerie. Their characters similarly circle profundity, but never quite own it.

And at some point, every character in "Youth" falls out of love with the way of seeing the world. That kind of anti-epiphany is major—not on a universal, but rather a personal scale. People age, lust after youth and try to become comfortable with their own vanities, and shortcomings. "Youth" charms you by simply acknowledging that saying something profound is just another stage in the never-ending process of finding meaning in everyday life.

Simon Abrams

Simon Abrams

Simon Abrams is a native New Yorker and freelance film critic whose work has been featured in  The New York Times ,  Vanity Fair ,  The Village Voice,  and elsewhere.

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Youth movie poster

Youth (2015)

Rated R for graphic nudity, some sexuality, and language.

118 minutes

Michael Caine as Fred Ballinger

Rachel Weisz as Lena Ballinger

Harvey Keitel as Mick Boyle

Paul Dano as Jimmy Tree

Jane Fonda as Brenda Morel

Mădălina Diana Ghenea as Miss Universe

Roly Serrano as Diego Maradona

Robert Seethaler as Luca Moroder

Alex MacQueen as Queen's Emissary

Paloma Faith as Herself

  • Paolo Sorrentino

Director of Photography

  • Luca Bigazzi
  • Cristiano Travaglioli

Original Music Composer

Production design.

  • Ludovica Ferrario

Costume Design

  • Carlo Poggioli

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Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In

Sammo Kam-Bo Hung, Louis Koo, Richie Jen, Philip Ng, and Raymond Lam in Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In (2024)

Follows troubled youth Chan Lok-kwun as he accidentally enters the Walled City, discovers the order amidst its chaos, and learns important life lessons along the way. Follows troubled youth Chan Lok-kwun as he accidentally enters the Walled City, discovers the order amidst its chaos, and learns important life lessons along the way. Follows troubled youth Chan Lok-kwun as he accidentally enters the Walled City, discovers the order amidst its chaos, and learns important life lessons along the way.

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  • Sammo Kam-Bo Hung
  • 18 User reviews
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  • 70 Metascore

Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In

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Richie Jen

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  • Trivia A life-sized replica of the Kowloon Walled City, said to be almost identical to the real one, was built for filming. The set was demolished immediately after filming wrapped.
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User reviews 18

  • 📜 The Premise is based on a book called City of Darkness, and the Film itself has Different Gangs Taking Over the Walled City for their own Interests.
  • 🙋🏼🙋🙋🏻Characters. Sammo Hung = Good, Louis Koo = Great
  • 🌆 The Walled City was such an Experience and Excellent to Watch and Be in. It was Gritty and Claustrophobic as Hell. The Filmakers did so well to Replicate The Real life Walled City in Kowloon
  • 🔉Sound Design and Impact Impact Sounds were very good. The Cyclone Sound design was such an experience. Utilising the Surround sound in the Auditorium.
  • 🥊⚡ Some of the Battles were Insane, with Absolutely Brilliant Bodily Movement, it had the Perfection of Running in a couple of the scenes. Philip Ng was Outstanding.
  • The Scene with the Ak47s was too much, they should of kept it to 0 Guns in the film.
  • DoNotComeToTheCinemaDepressed
  • May 28, 2024
  • August 9, 2024 (United States)
  • Cửu Long Thành Trại: Vây Thành
  • Entertaining Power
  • HG Entertainment Film Company
  • Lian Ray Pictures
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro
  • HK$300,000,000 (estimated)
  • $16,337,575

Technical specs

  • Runtime 2 hours 6 minutes
  • Dolby Digital
  • IMAX 6-Track
  • Dolby Atmos

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Sammo Kam-Bo Hung, Louis Koo, Richie Jen, Philip Ng, and Raymond Lam in Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In (2024)

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Time Please | Marathi Movie Review – Love Story Lagnanantarchi

After we covered the review of the play – Nava Gadi Nava Rajya , on which this movie is based, we thought the film adaptation would just be a repetition on the big screen. But boy were we wrong. The movie is so much better (or should we say ‘different’) than the play. And given the albeit sad fact that there’s a larger audience for movies than plays, we think that debutant director Sameer Vidwans has delivered a job well done. The movie is about the newly wed couple Rushikesh (Umesh Kamat) and Amruta (Priya Bapat) and how the share the sweet and sour moments of the first phase of their married life. Here we want to take a moment to shower accolades on the movie’s writer Kshitij Patwardhan for giving us a story that is run-of-the0mill in nature for some but doesn’t get boring even for a minute. Thanks to carefully crafted and casted characters. Every single one of them are just perfect for the role.

Priya Bapat as the bubbly, carefree Amruta who doesn’t want to take life seriously – is a charm to watch on screen. She may remind you of Jab We Met’s Geet but set in a maharashtrian backdrop she is sure to win thousands of young hearts. Coupled with Umesh Kamat, who suits perfectly as the responsible, caring and concerned husband, together they make every scene of the film seem like something that could happen to each one of us.

As the story unfolds, we are introduced to one hurricane of a character – Himmatrao Dhondepatil (Siddharth Jadhav) who carries the movie single-handedly on his shoulders and makes up for most of our cheerful moments. We couldn’t help but say that it was a one-man show for him. He plays the character of Amruta’s childhood friend who has made it large in life without being detached to his roots. As a grown up he is a Oxford-return scientist who doesn’t like to make too big a deal of it. His strong bond of friendship with Amruta and their craziness when beside each other is what triggers the cold war between Rushi and Amruta. As we see their raw bond split apart, in comes Rushikesh’s colleague Radhika (Sai Tamhankar) who makes matters worse with her timely presence for Rushi who is in need of a friend who understands his matters. Her role as the troubled grownup who can’t pull herself as things get bitter is going to win her a lot of appreciation. But we say it again – it is the character of Himmatrao, who cracks us up non-stop and is fast getting popular as the ‘The Butterfly Man’, that is going to stay in our hearts for long.

For all those who say and believe in the phrase ‘opposites attract’ and have witnessed fights between the mature and the childish, this movie is a must watch and a total entertainer.

Most of us today have girl and guy friends. Do we drift apart from them or stay connected in the same college-going fun way after we get married – is the question that every young couple faces. And this is exactly the reason why this simple plot is going to strike a chord with today’s youth. The music of the movie given by Hrishikesh Kamerkar is impressive and befitting in the parts. After Butterfly Man, it is the sooting nature of the songs – ‘Nava Gadi An Nava Rajya’, ‘Aas Tu’ and ‘Kadhi Na Kadhi’ that will attract a lot of ears.

Lastly, we have excellent side roles played by Seema Deshpande as Amruta’s doting mother, who is brilliant in her small screen presence and Madhav Abhyankar as her father. There’s the evergreen Vandana Gupte who plays the role of Rushikesh’s Aunt as Mandodari Mavshi. Her roles can never go unnoticed.

For all those who say and believe in the phrase ‘opposites attract’ and have witnessed fights between the mature and the childish, this movie is a must watch and a total entertainer. The subtle combo of sensibility with appropriate doses of humor is what has won the movie houseful theaters. Don’t miss watching it with friends or family.

Overall rating- 3.5/5

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Wonder Boy ‘Manya’ should inspire rural youth

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Artha Motion Pictures Pvt. Ltd
Jaya B Patil, Ramila R. Gori, M.K. Sundaram, Chandresh J. Bhanushali
Sangramsinh Gaikwad
Harish Nayar
Aakashdip Pande
Nilesh Moharir
Rajesh Shringarpure, Amitriyan, Mayuri Wagh, Madhvi Juvekar, Vignesh Joshi, Uday Nene, Rishiraj Pawar, Sakshi Medgeri, Gayatri Sathe
Ulhas Shirke

Marathi film industry is in the process for a change. And, the best example is the latest released film ‘Manya’ – the wonder boy made by director Sangramsinh Gaikwad. The film presents a subject that is much needed to inspire the rural youth and at the same time open the eyes of the authorities to promote committed sportspersons from this neglected area. If provided with the right coach and facilities, the rural youth can aim at not only national level but also at international level. We have seen this happen in the case of wonder girl Kavita Raut, who excelled at international level.


His talent is noticed by the Coach, who is appointed by the sponsor and he takes interest in Manya. The committed Coach dedicates himself to make Manya a state level athlete. When he realizes that Manya needs special training, he boosts his confidence to attain that level. To make it possible, he also sells his car. Finally, Manya attains all that what his father had expected from him and also makes his Coach happy.

To give a cinematic look to this film totally based on sports, director Sangramsinh Gaikwad and screenplay writer Harish Nayar have included the characters like Jai- playing Manya’s childhood friend, besides his best friend Omya. There is a Patil who plays a negative role of a selfish father. There is a school teacher, a kind hearted principal and Manya’s supportive parents and sister.

The film takes off well, handling the emotion filled sequences well till the interval. But, it tries to deviate from the main theme by paying attention on Manya’s love story and the gimmicks played by the villain. The film does end with a sequence to inspire today’s kids and youngsters. This little more than two hour long film, should have been edited to fit into two hour length. Few flaws in the film can be ignored for the sincere effort of the film maker to make a film on the backdrop of sports training and to motivate young rural sportspersons.

Rajesh Shjringarpure does very well in the role of a Coach. Vighnesh Joshi and Madhavi Juvekar perfectly fit into the characters of Manya’s parents. Amiitriyan is a perfect choice to play the senior Manya, but it is Rishiraj Pawar as young Manya, more impressive. Mayuri Wagh , Abhijeet Chavan and others have supported well. Music by Nilesh Mohrir is fine for two songs. But, it is the photography by Akashdeep Pande that captures the attention. It is indeed disheartening that the film has not received much response at multiplexes in Mumbai, with some of the shows cancelled for the reasons best known to the theatre owners. But, the film should click at small towns, if promoted and marketed properly by the makers and distributors. The film should be made tax free by the Maharashtra Government.

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Youth Marathi Movie Review: Lost in the track

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A group of six college friends plan a trip to Goa. On their way, this bunch of friends comes across a drought-hit village. Yuvraj (Akshay Waghmare) who happens to be the son of politician(Vikram Gokhale), decides to help the villagers with his friends Yutika(Neha Mahajan), Bunty(Akshay Mhatre), Twishe(Meera Joshi), Oudi(Ketaki Kulkarni) and Harsh(Shashank Jadhav). They stay back in the village and try to resolve the situation with the help of a local villager(Satish Pulekar).Their work gains popularity and media attention. So, what happens next is interesting to explore.

The film Youth does handle the social issue of water conservation to avoid drought hit situations. With too many young actors present, Youth does have noble intention but lost the track in the midway. Neha Mahajan is okay as Yutika. Akshay Waghmare, who is grandson of Dada Kondke, is promising but he has to choose his films carefully.


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Rating : 2.5/5

Party review (marathi movie):.

The overall takeaway from Sachin Darekar directorial ‘Party’ is pleasant in a way that you feel after a long time Marathi cinema has somehow come closer to the aura of ‘Duniyadari’, though a heavily flawed film ‘Duniyadari’ had created an aura around it & a group of dedicated fans. ‘Party’ too has the potential to become a cult among young film audiences who have loved recent youth centric entertainers too.

But when looked from an analytical point of view, Party has quite a few major problems. The first & foremost is the conflict in the second half. Somehow it works as a personal tragedy of a character but it doesn’t serve the purpose of the larger point the film wanted to make. This association of a personal tragedy to the larger point of the film worked better in ‘Duniyadari’, here it is weaker. The humor in the first half is too forceful at times, unnecessarily using many stereotypical characters like a ‘bhabhi’ & a clown like local goon-politician. In fact, the whole deliberate effort by the film to become funny affects the film adversely. Had it not been bothered to make people laugh, it would have turned a better film.

Out of the ensemble cast, Suvrat Joshi is surprisingly both the strongest & the weakest suit of the film! The story has two timelines, the present & the flashback. Suvrat Joshi is the strongest in the flashback but appears just unsuitable in the ‘devdas-mode’ of the present. There’s an underlying character development that the film doesn’t justify (well it doesn’t need to as 18 years have passed by in the lives of those characters). But the idea of an unserious guy turning responsible & the smarter guy losing everything has an inherent power in it. The film could have explored it better, but it stays faintly in the background.

One of the friends, played by debutant Stavan Shinde is shown as a Cricketer who plays for India (in the present), but not even once do we see any crowd wanting a selfie or an autograph from him! Secondly, the film keeps stressing that friends need to look after each other even when one of our friends is drowning himself wasting his life. The other friends seem to regret that didn’t look after him, but at the same time in a major montage sequence, we can clearly notice that those friends have looked after him many a time in different scenarios! By the end ‘Party’ wishes to become a thought-provoking tragedy, but it hardly scratches the surface.

The actors have done their parts well, but most of them are few notes loud especially in supposedly humorous scenes. For example when Chakrya (Akshay Tanksale) & Manya’s (Rohit Haldikar) father & mother (respectively) hit them a couple of times. The backdrop of a chawl seems realistic but the enactment of many such moments is loud & plastic. None of the performances really make a long-lasting impact on us. The music is good though, but again not quite that great as say ‘Duniyadari’.

Had ‘Party’ been written & executed to express than to forcefully impress, it had the potential to become a better film. A film that could deal with the growing away of friends in a more specific way & how time changes people.

Having said all that, ‘ Party ’ is a film that can still entertain most of the audiences who don’t mind a certain tone-deaf humor & the whole idea of friends being there for each other. And it does succeed in creating that bond among the characters.

  • Akshay Tanksale
  • Manjiri Pupala
  • marathi movie review
  • Movie Review
  • Party Marathi Movie
  • Prajakta Mali
  • Rohit Haldikar
  • Sachin Darekar
  • Stavan Shinde
  • Suvrat Joshi

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