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Introduction to Education (BETA)

(8 reviews)

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Jennifer Beasley, University of Arkansas

Myra Haulmark, University of Arkansas

Copyright Year: 2021

Publisher: University of Arkansas

Language: English

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topic about education pdf

Reviewed by Jessica Urbaniak, Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin - Superior on 10/30/23

Nearly all content is included in the textbook. Here were some areas that I thought there could be some improvement: It does not go in-depth on the history of education, which other textbooks do. The textbook has an effective table of contents. read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

Nearly all content is included in the textbook. Here were some areas that I thought there could be some improvement: It does not go in-depth on the history of education, which other textbooks do.

The textbook has an effective table of contents.

Content Accuracy rating: 1

Problematic language portrays bias: "Alcohol can cause mental retardation, slower physical development, severe learning, and cognitive disabilities." Sadly, the use of the r-word in a current textbook makes this unacceptable to ask students to read.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 2

In almost all cases except the use of the r-word. There is person-first language in other areas of the book. I'm not sure how this slipped through. This, in my view, makes the test obsolete.

Clarity rating: 3

There are links to videos where it may be more helpful for the reader if they were embedded.

Consistency rating: 5

I did not see any inconsistencies.

Modularity rating: 4

The book is cleanly organized into sections and subsections. Some pages were very long and could have been divided into two chapters (ethics chapter in particular - there could have been a different chapter on laws).

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

The topics are presented in a clear, logical fashion.

Interface rating: 5

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

No grammatical errors spotted.

Cultural Relevance rating: 3

Some of the language used doesn't portray any nuance to situations which some may find problematic. Here is an example: "Homeless students are battered psychologically and emotionally"

Reviewed by Joanna Koch, Assistant Teaching Professor, North Carolina State University on 8/29/23

Overall, the Introduction to Education textbook provides a solid introduction to the major themes in the field of education. This textbook would serve as a resource for an introductory education course because the topics, terms, and issues are... read more

Overall, the Introduction to Education textbook provides a solid introduction to the major themes in the field of education. This textbook would serve as a resource for an introductory education course because the topics, terms, and issues are relevant and necessary to discuss with pre-service teachers. One of the strengths of the textbook is having essential questions at the beginning of each chapter. Then, throughout the chapter, the content provides answers to those essential questions. Also, the textbook provides different "scenarios" for students to apply their understanding in situations they may encounter in their future careers. An area for consideration would be providing more information through visual aids, diagrams, or charts throughout the different chapters. For instance, Chapter 2 would benefit from a table noting the differences between elementary, middle, and high school, which would serve as a quick reference and a representation of the differences between those types of schools. Altogether, the textbook provides the reader with an overview of the education field.

Content Accuracy rating: 4

Generally, most of the book’s content is accurate. However, I would agree with previous reviewers' comments concerning inaccuracies. Additionally, Chapter 6 opens with a question of “excellence or equity - is one more important than the other?”. In reflecting on this chapter’s title, I would suggest changing the chapter to “Equality vs. Equity – What is the difference?” because this is a common question discussed in education courses. Furthermore, pre-service teachers will encounter situations of inequity and inequality and need to understand the differences in order to respond effectively.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 4

The arrangement of the text is relevant. In particular, I appreciate how the chapters build upon each other to make the text relevant to teaching experiences both in the past and present. One suggestion is to update the websites to make sure the websites reflect data that is current, such as the teacher pay in chapter one. Understandably, websites can change over time, so it might be necessary to have more inquiry-based questions for students to explore the web. For instance, the chapter text could have the reader explore the web for their state’s curriculum standards and have reflection questions that guide the students in exploring the state education standards. In doing so, the websites in the text would not need to be continuously updated.

Clarity rating: 4

When reviewing the textbook, the text was a straightforward read that included student-friendly vocabulary. I appreciate when an introduction textbook provides students with clearly worded terms that students can understand and apply in appropriate contexts. One suggestion is to make sure all vocabulary terms are bolded in the text for easy reference. Bolding the vocabulary terms can assist students in applying them during assignments and studying them for assessments.

The chapters flowed well together and the text was very consistent in the format. One of the text's strengths was including an essential question at the beginning of the chapter that is answered throughout the chapter. In doing so, the book modeled effective teaching practices. I appreciate how the textbook's format was consistent in its framework and layout.

In reflecting upon the textbook holistically, it would be helpful if the "Philosophy", "History", and "Effective Teachers" chapters were earlier in the textbook. Introduction to Education courses typically teach this content during the early to middle part of the semester in order to set up the foundation of education for their students. Also, these chapters can be referenced back to when discussing more current policies and practices. Additionally, the "Classroom Management" chapter was a detailed chapter, which makes me wonder if some of the earlier, shorter chapters could include more information and content.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 4

The text's organization flows well with the chapters having similar setups. In other words, the text's format was organized with a familiar layout for each chapter, so readers will feel comfortable using and referencing the text. As mentioned previously, some of the philosophical and historical chapters could be discussed earlier and then referenced in the curriculum chapter later in the book.

Interface rating: 4

Overall, there were no major issues with the text regarding navigating to different chapters. Additionally, the text's features would not be confusing for the reader. However, some of the images/charts were distorted or cut-off. It would be helpful to update the text to ensure the images/charts were on one page.

Grammatical Errors rating: 4

As mentioned by previous reviewers, the book would benefit from another round of proofreading to ensure there are no words missing from the text.

Cultural Relevance rating: 4

When updating the text, it would be beneficial to include a variety of individuals in the images, such as on page 26, “Erikson’s Eight Stages of Psychosocial Development”. It had the same individual in visual. Furthermore, it would be helpful if the textbook was updated with more representation of teachers and students from a variety of cultures.

The Introduction to Education text will provide the reader with an introduction to the field of education by exploring relevant topics, concepts, and issues.

Reviewed by Roberta Freeman, Instructor, Minnesota State Community and Technical College on 3/9/23

Beasley and Haulmark's Introduction to Education: Becoming a Professional covers similar content to other education texts I have examined and/or adopted. While most of the chapters are thorough, I did note a few that could have been expanded upon.... read more

Beasley and Haulmark's Introduction to Education: Becoming a Professional covers similar content to other education texts I have examined and/or adopted. While most of the chapters are thorough, I did note a few that could have been expanded upon. For example, adding a brief overview of the history of schools may provide more depth when discussing the purpose of schools in Chapter 2. Further, addressing current education reform may offer a broader perspective about what a new teacher can expect in Chapter 11. Finally, since some Introduction to Education courses require students to complete a certain number of field experience hours in K-12 classrooms and compile a portfolio, brief tips or questions could be added to the "What do you think?" sections at the end of the chapter.

Overall, the content is accurate. I noted a minor error at the end of Chapter 3. The information following "Who are today's students?" (p. 33 of downloaded text) seemed to be related to the first chapter.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

The arrangement of the text makes it easy to update information or videos. I appreciated the relevant content the authors included, such as using movement and considering furniture choices to manage the learning environment.

Clarity rating: 5

I found this text to be conversational, engaging, easy to digest, and honest. Without mention of the current teacher shortage, the authors clearly explain the demands of teaching while also reflecting on the rewards of the profession.

Chapters in the text follow a similar organizational structure, making it consistent and predictable. However, the use of a variety of videos, links, and assignments keeps each chapter fresh and interesting.

Modularity rating: 5

The two sections of the text makes it easy to realign topics and chapters. For example, when teaching Introduction to Education, I often discuss educational philosophy before the midterm exam, so I would most likely assign Chapter 9 earlier on the syllabus without being disruptive to students.

The overall organization of the text was clear although some of the content in the shorter chapters could be integrated into another chapter. For example, some information about educational philosophy in Chapter 9, which is a brief chapter, could be incorporated into Chapter 5 about what is taught. The same could be true about Chapter 10 on excellence or equity.

Although some charts were small and difficult to read, the visual images were aptly chosen. Being able to enlarge them could be helpful to students.

The book contains a few minor errors, such as omitting an occasional word. For example, on p. 98 of the downloaded text, the word "be" should appear in this sentence: "...others may ruminating about...(p. 98).

Although the text includes chapters about today's students and social issues, I prefer a stronger focus on and examples of inclusiveness within each chapter, particularly with the increasing diversity and variety of students in our classrooms and a decreasing variety of teachers.

Reviewed by Jessica Fortner, Curriculum & Program Improvement Coordinator, Hutchinson Community College on 3/4/22

This book is comprehensive in that it covers many of the most current view of the daily life of a teacher while braiding in the historical background of education in the United States and theories of child development and teaching and learning. ... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less

This book is comprehensive in that it covers many of the most current view of the daily life of a teacher while braiding in the historical background of education in the United States and theories of child development and teaching and learning. The textbook covers what it means to teach and finishes with useful tools on ethics, curriculum and instruction, and classroom environment.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

Content is up to date and sources of information are cited throughout each chapter. A comprehensive list of sources is found at the end of the book. At the end of the chapter students have the option to "dig deeper" into the content and learn more from sources or with searchable terms like "Individuals with Disabilities Act, 20 U.S.C. 1400 (200)". I would suggest in the spirit of sharing current terms in education that the authors may want to mention the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act in chapter 4 under the the heading "Homelessness".

The authors cover relevant topics like Special Education law, Maslow's Heirarchy of Need, differentiated instruction, and socio-economic status. Each of these relevant topics are explained in adequate detail along with a connection to its impact on the daily life of a teacher. The presentation of information is broken up so that revisions and updates can be made without impacting the flow of information. Chapter 9 does discuss Danielsen's framework of teaching which is used in some states. Some states, however, measure teacher effectiveness using different measurements. I would say similarities can be found that are transferrable.

The textbook is written with the mindset of a true introduction. Information is shared in a conversational pattern which makes it easy to read. Any technical vocabulary is defined in understandable terms within the text. I do think bolding the key terms would be useful for readers.

Each chapter begins with a question that is answered throughout the chapter. Key terms and objectives are presented prominently following and introductory paragraph. Information progress with headings, videos, charts, images, videos, and links to further information. Each chapter ends by summarizing the answer to the chapter question, key term interactive flashcards, and the "dig deeper" section.

The textbook is broken into logical and appropriate lengths by chapters and headings. The presentation of information can easily broken into parts for instructors to mold and use alongside their own syllabus.

Each chapter follows a predictable pattern. The organizational pattern makes it easy to read and navigate.

Overall the text is easily navigated. I found the charts titled "Erikson's Eight Stages of Psychosocial Development" and Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs in chapter 3 hard to see. It would be nice if they were larger or if you could click on them and they would be magnified so you can read the fine print. White text on colored background can be hard for some readers. It may also be useful to bold the titles and headings.

The textbook was free of grammatical errors from my observation.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

The authors have presented information on diversity and culture differences in a unbiased and positive way. Again, they reference the changes that the educational system has undergone through the last several years which includes creating inclusive environments.

In my personal opinion, this textbook is a great introductory text. This approach allows the reader to make connections and reflect on new information in a way that is productive and positive about education. In order to be a teacher today, it is essential for new teachers to have a wholistic view of education that makes sense at an introductory level. This will help them know what is ahead.

Reviewed by Teri Eckhoff, Academic Advisor with part time teaching responsibilities, Hutchinson Community College on 3/1/22

For students considering majoring in education the book is comprehensive, covering a myriad of topics they should consider as they decide, "Do I want to be a teacher?" The book begins by asking "Why Teach?" asking the students to examine their... read more

For students considering majoring in education the book is comprehensive, covering a myriad of topics they should consider as they decide, "Do I want to be a teacher?" The book begins by asking "Why Teach?" asking the students to examine their motives for teaching. After the students read through the following chapters they are presented with a final chapter on "What can the new teacher expect?" By the time they cover the content of the book that discusses many of the areas they probably haven't considered they should be able to make an informed decision about pursuing a career in education. In addition, the authors provide additional resources at the end of each chapter to allow students to "dig deeper."

Students are presented with relevant and timely content based on best practices in education including differentiated instruction, classroom management strategies, the importance of the school environment, connecting with families, etc. In addition, background knowledge students should have, but may not possess, is shared such as Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and Erikson's Eight States of Psychosocial Development.

The information in the textbook is up-to-date and informs the students not only about foundational topics in education but more recent information such as the ethics of teaching and current practices in teaching that have proven beneficial for student learning. The linked resources are from within the last few years providing timely information. The information is presented in such a manner that when updates are needed they can be done with relative ease.

The content of the textbook is presented in a way that students should understand it. Each chapter title is presented as a question and a very brief overview is given at the beginning of the chapter. In addition, the chapter objectives and key terms are given to the students within a framed window making them very clear to the students. While the key terms are identified within the colored window at the beginning of the chapter, they are not highlighted throughout the text of the chapter. In some cases, when doing a search, the term wasn't found within the text of the chapter. An example of this is in the chapter "How do social issues affect students?" the key terms "at-risk" and "socioeconomic status" were not found within the text of the chapter. However, each key term for the chapter is found in interactive flashcards at the end of the chapter. The text clarifies difficult to understand information by explaining it in terms students can understand.

Each chapter of the book is consistent in presenting the same format for students, so there are no surprises mid-way through the textbook. Students first encounter the ideas of the chapter in a question form with the title presented as a question. Then they read a short introduction followed by the chapter objectives and key terms and another paragraph or two on the topic after which they are asked the question, "What do you think?" After pondering their thoughts they dive into each concept within the chapter. Occasionally there is a link to an outside source or a video for them to watch, and/or an interactive activity for them to engage in. Once they read through the content they may encounter a summary or conclusion followed by the heading "Thoughts" in which they are given an idea to ponder. The end of the chapter also contains the interactive flashcards of the key terms.

Overall, the textbook is divided into two sections which can be seen in the sidebar menu. Each of the main sections has a drop down menu allowing students to see and access the specific chapters within the section. The sequence of the material is logical. The students have access to additional information via links that are provided which access additional articles about the topics being covered. In addition, the textbook chapters are segmented in ways making them accessible and allowing students to easily find sections to read if they are not assigned an entire chapter.

The textbook is divided into two sections: Foundations of Schools and Their Students and Teachers and the Profession. This organization allows the student to learn foundational information about education first and then follow that with more teacher-centric information. In order for students to gain an understanding of the "Teacher and the Profession" information having the foundational knowledge will be beneficial.

When working my way through the textbook, I didn't not experience any problems with the interface. All of the links were working, the images, charts, etc. were not distorted in any way and the interactive components worked effectively. I was able to navigate chapters non-sequentially by using the menu in the side-bar. After navigating my way through the textbook, I would not anticipate that the students would have any problems.

The text contained no grammatical errors and was easy to read and follow.

Students who read this textbook will gain an understanding of the importance of diversity, inclusiveness, and equity in education. The information provided is presented in a manner in which students are able to "digest" the information and it's relevance to education. The book also represents different cultures in the images and videos students will see.

I am confident if I used this OER Introduction to Education textbook the students would gain a valuable understanding of the concepts and be able to apply the relevant information to past educational experiences allowing them to move forward with their studies in education with a solid base of knowledge regarding key points in education.

Reviewed by Connie Phelps, Professor, Emporia State University on 1/5/22

Beasley and Haulmark provide a comprehensive introduction to P-12 education with 11 chapters in 2 parts: Foundations of Schools (Chapters 1-6) and Teachers and the Profession (Chapters 7-11). Each chapter includes objectives and keywords on key... read more

Beasley and Haulmark provide a comprehensive introduction to P-12 education with 11 chapters in 2 parts: Foundations of Schools (Chapters 1-6) and Teachers and the Profession (Chapters 7-11). Each chapter includes objectives and keywords on key topics in the field with links to Wikibooks, videos, and other relevant sources. A concluding reference section includes all sources in a chapter by chapter listing.

The authors present material from credible sources that exemplify inclusiveness, equity, and diversity in chapter narratives and linked material. External sources include primary and secondary materials relevant to today's schools, students, and teachers. The authors include special education law and prepares teachers to work effectively in Arkansas as well as schools nationally. The course highlights knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to begin a teaching career successfully.

By constructing the course in two distinct parts related to schools/students and teachers, the authors can update chapters easily as laws and protocols change. The chapters introduce topics clearly and and engage participants in short activities that provide immediate reinforcement of concepts and terms. Each chapter includes key terminology as flashcards for review and reinforcement. All chapters provide additional reading for a deeper dive, and some chapters include short quizzes or questionnaires to engage learners in relevant topics.

The authors use an appropriate level of terminology and phrasing with illustrations, photos, and documents to reinforce learning. Mini-quizzes with key points and flashcard vocabulary provide short exercises to ensure learners acquire needed knowledge, skills, and dispositions for each topic. Some chapters include case studies written conversationally for more depth on topics.

The authors organize chapters consistently with primary and secondary headings, thought-provoking quotations, and adequate white space between sections. All chapter titles pose relevant questions that orient the learner to its purpose. Common features in chapters include Objectives and Key Terms, What do you think? exercises, Test Your Vocabulary Skills, Dig Deeper, and credits and citations.

Learners easily access the Contents as a sidebar on the left side of the page. The two course sections function with separate dropdown menus for each chapter that show or hide contents, as the learner prefers. Each chapter narrative scrolls down easily with chapter sections clearly indicated by primary and secondary headings. Hot links for supplemental information keep the chapter narrative uncluttered and focused. Each chapter seems manageable individually and clearly distinguished as an integral part of its respective section and context.

The course begins with the broader context of the school/student, then focuses on the teacher/profession. Within these two parts, chapter titles pose a short essential question to orient the learner. The foundations part avoids overlap of content by addressing a rationale for teaching (Ch. 1), purpose of schools (Ch. 2), today's students (Ch. 3), social issues (Ch. 4), education philosophy (Ch. 5), and excellence and equity (Ch. 6). The second part applies foundational understanding to ethics and legal issues (Ch. 7), elementary and secondary curricula (Ch. 8), effective teaching (Ch. 9), classroom environment (Ch. 10), and expectations of new teachers (Ch. 11). The course organizes these topics logically, clearly, and relevantly for persons entering the field of education.

Given 10 or more hot links in each chapter, only one in Chapter 7 ( failed to open. When I requested access to a Google Document, the author sent the direct link within hours of the request. In Chapter 3, clearer images of the Erikson and Maslow models--or hot links--would reduce distortion. A limitation imposed by the New York Times prevent access to content in Chapter 6. In Chapter 9, I wondered if learners type in responses for their respective definitions of effective teachers. In Chapter 10, the chapter quiz link appeared missing. The Chapter 11 quiz seemed to indicate one response, yet all response selections applied. The references for each chapter help learners further study important topics.

The authors write clearly connecting narrative without grammatical errors. In some cases, current APA style and formatting might update citations and references.

The text narrative seems learner-friendly and engaging for diverse learners, and the authors provide relevant resources that promote diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging for today's schools, classrooms, and teachers. The course provides an excellent orientation to dispositions needed for beginning elementary and secondary teachers to succeed in their chosen profession.

The collaboration of two seasoned educators contributes to the tone, content, and practice provided in the course. Each author contributes their unique perspective and background as a Director of Teacher Education (Beasley) and Director of Teacher Licensure (Haulmark). The blending of their respective roles contributes to a readable and engaging course to prepare teacher candidates for today's diverse primary and secondary schools.

Reviewed by Rachael Hoffert, Professor of Education, Grace College on 11/15/21

This textbook presented a thorough review of the teaching profession to students considering the field of education. Each chapter is organized by guiding questions regarding the purpose of school, student demographics, qualities of an effective... read more

This textbook presented a thorough review of the teaching profession to students considering the field of education. Each chapter is organized by guiding questions regarding the purpose of school, student demographics, qualities of an effective teachers, and issues facing educators in today’s society. The textbook provides opportunities for students to reflect on chapter content with interactive multiple-choice questions. Upon completion of the textbook, students will gain a better understanding of the demands and rewards of the teaching profession.

The textbook presented an accurate representation of the role of a teacher in today’s educational field. High leverage practices were incorporated throughout the textbook. These practices included student- centered instruction such as learning centers, choice boards, and explicit instruction. The importance of differentiating instruction to meet the diverse needs of learners was described. The practices and theories explained in this textbook are implemented in schools and classrooms throughout today’s society.

The content in this textbook is up to date and directly relates to today’s teaching profession. However, the content could easily be altered as the teaching profession continues to change to meet the needs of today’s learners. The content presented in this textbook answers big questions about education and the teaching profession. Due to this unique organization, the textbook could easily be updated to change instructional strategies, add technology teaching components or revise information regarding standards or student demographics.

The textbook language was concise and applies directly to the audience of preservice teachers. Each chapter begins with a relevant question and continues with student friendly objectives. Key terms are also presented in the beginning of each chapter allowing readers to preview important concepts. The chapter text is organized in paragraphs and contains bullets and charts for a variety of learners. Presentation of content is not overwhelming. An interactive vocabulary activity is available at the end of each chapter to review learning.

Students will appreciate the simplistic and expected format of each textbook chapter. Each chapter has a guiding question, objectives, terms, explanations and thinking prompts. In addition, each chapter provided students an opportunity to check their understanding of key concepts. Practical examples were also provided throughout the textbook.

This book could easily be divided into syllabus course topics and assigned readings. The textbook provides an overall view of the field of education. However, each topic is thoroughly explained regarding the role of an effective teacher, curriculum development, today's students.

Topics are presented in a logical and clear fashion making content accessible to grasp. The textbook begins with a broad understanding of education and moves to specific roles of teachers along with characteristics of today's students. In addition, the textbook presents ethical issues within the profession and how to develop a personal philosophy of education. Textbook organization moves from basic understanding to application.

I had no interface or navigation issues when reviewing this textbook. I was able to navigate easily through the chapter and all text features displayed properly. The interactive questions and vocabulary reviews were easy to use in order to review textbook content. The interface was not confusing.

The text contained no grammatical errors and was written in a way that was easy to understand and comprehend. There was varied sentence structure and relevant examples to ensure the readers' attention. I have no suggestions for grammatical edits.

I appreciated how the text addressed diversity regarding today's students. Family structure, cultural, language, socioeconomic status were examples of diversity included throughout the textbook in an inclusive and sensitive manner. The importance of equity and inclusiveness in the classroom was a priority.

This textbook provides a strong introduction to the field of education!

Reviewed by Jennifer Richardson, Assistant Professor of Reading, Pittsburg State University on 10/22/21

I think it is quite difficult to present an exhaustive view of teaching. I think the text was quite comprehensive, given it's an introduction. Other books are more narrow in scope. The First Days of School, by Wong and Wong, is generally... read more

I think it is quite difficult to present an exhaustive view of teaching. I think the text was quite comprehensive, given it's an introduction. Other books are more narrow in scope. The First Days of School, by Wong and Wong, is generally considered the gold standard for new teachers, but this is a good first look at teaching, in general.

I found no evidence of inaccuracy in the text. There were places I didn't agree with whole-heartedly, as I retired from 25 years of public school teaching, all in Title I schools. I have dealt with a lot of the topics they mention regarding poverty. I wouldn't say the authors' information is inaccurate, just different than my view.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 3

The world of education has changed a great deal in a short period of time. Prospective teachers must also be masters of the Zoom parent-teacher conference, communicate via text message, and open their classrooms to scrutiny, like never before. That said, this text does cover teaching fairly comprehensively. I appreciated the references to Linda Darling-Hammond, to Hirsch, but was surprised that Wiggins and McTighe weren't mentioned. Most new teachers will have some accountability for backwards design, especially if their schools have adopted project-based learning and STEAM. I also missed the mention of Multi-Tiered Support Systems, having evolved from the simpler Response to Intervention model. Most new teachers will also be accountable for MTSS or RTI with the added behavior interventions. It's a new world in education. I believe with a few revisions to reflect the major changes, this text will be an excellent resource for pre-program teaching candidates to decide whether a teaching career is right for them.

The text appears to be written for a pre-program teacher candidate, possibly a high school senior. While there were some specific vocabulary that might be challenging for someone who is not a teacher, there were explanations and additional resources to add to the reader's growing understanding of teaching.

The book was arranged helpfully with initial objectives for reading and follow-up thinking prompts. Each chapter followed a predictable structure.

I prefer a book that can be easily segmented. This text has solid, stand-alone chapters yet supportive of the central message.

For the most part, this text is organized in a clear fashion. Chapter 6: What Makes an Effective Teacher, might be useful if directly following Chapter 1, Why Teach? The two chapters build very well on one another. Because each chapter is a fairly good stand-alone, however, this isn't a huge issue as a reader.

Interface rating: 3

There were some readability issues with graphs and charts. For instance, the t-chart on page 14 was cut off, and on page 74 I could not see the Fixed Mindset portion of the chart.

I found no significant areas for revision of grammar.

The text addresses topics that relate to culture, equity, and inclusion, however there have been significant changes in policy and norms. I'm wondering if these chapters should be moved up towards the beginning and double-checked for content.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Why Teach?
  • 2. What is the Purpose of School?
  • 3. Who are Today's Students?
  • 4. How Do Social Issues Affect Students?
  • 5. What is Taught?
  • 6. What Makes an Effective Teacher?
  • 7. What is a Positive Classroom Environment?
  • 8. What are the Ethical and Legal Issues in Schools?
  • 9. What is an Educational Philosophy?
  • 10. Excellence or Equity...Which is More Important?
  • 11. What Can a New Teacher Expect?

Ancillary Material

About the book.

This book was written to provide students with an introduction to the field of education. The book is broken into chapters that focus on questions students may have about education in general. Although some chapters may go into more depth than others, this is created as an introductory text.

About the Contributors

Jennifer Beasley has more than 25 years of experience in education as an elementary school teacher, gifted facilitator, university professor, and education consultant. She is currently the Director of Teacher Education at the University of Arkansas and a professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Beasley specializes in Gifted Education, Differentiated Instruction, Understanding by Design, Teacher Education, Professional Development, and the Integration of Technology in the Classroom.

Myra Haulmark began her 25 plus years in education as a speech pathologist and gifted programs coordinator in K-12 schools.  Myra is currently the Director of Teacher Licensure at the University of Arkansas and works with teacher candidates as they prepare for state licensure and provides training and support in the areas of reciprocity and teacher ethics to students during their educator preparation programs.

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Research Topics & Ideas: Education

170+ Research Ideas To Fast-Track Your Dissertation, Thesis Or Research Project

Private Coaching

I f you’re just starting out exploring education-related topics for your dissertation, thesis or research project, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll help kickstart your research topic ideation process by providing a hearty list of research topics and ideas , including examples from actual dissertations and theses..

PS – This is just the start…

We know it’s exciting to run through a list of research topics, but please keep in mind that this list is just a starting point . To develop a suitable education-related research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , and a viable plan of action to fill that gap.

If this sounds foreign to you, check out our free research topic webinar that explores how to find and refine a high-quality research topic, from scratch. Alternatively, if you’d like hands-on help, consider our 1-on-1 coaching service .

Overview: Education Research Topics

  • How to find a research topic (video)
  • List of 50+ education-related research topics/ideas
  • List of 120+ level-specific research topics 
  • Examples of actual dissertation topics in education
  • Tips to fast-track your topic ideation (video)
  • Where to get extra help

Education-Related Research Topics & Ideas

Below you’ll find a list of education-related research topics and idea kickstarters. These are fairly broad and flexible to various contexts, so keep in mind that you will need to refine them a little. Nevertheless, they should inspire some ideas for your project.

  • The impact of school funding on student achievement
  • The effects of social and emotional learning on student well-being
  • The effects of parental involvement on student behaviour
  • The impact of teacher training on student learning
  • The impact of classroom design on student learning
  • The impact of poverty on education
  • The use of student data to inform instruction
  • The role of parental involvement in education
  • The effects of mindfulness practices in the classroom
  • The use of technology in the classroom
  • The role of critical thinking in education
  • The use of formative and summative assessments in the classroom
  • The use of differentiated instruction in the classroom
  • The use of gamification in education
  • The effects of teacher burnout on student learning
  • The impact of school leadership on student achievement
  • The effects of teacher diversity on student outcomes
  • The role of teacher collaboration in improving student outcomes
  • The implementation of blended and online learning
  • The effects of teacher accountability on student achievement
  • The effects of standardized testing on student learning
  • The effects of classroom management on student behaviour
  • The effects of school culture on student achievement
  • The use of student-centred learning in the classroom
  • The impact of teacher-student relationships on student outcomes
  • The achievement gap in minority and low-income students
  • The use of culturally responsive teaching in the classroom
  • The impact of teacher professional development on student learning
  • The use of project-based learning in the classroom
  • The effects of teacher expectations on student achievement
  • The use of adaptive learning technology in the classroom
  • The impact of teacher turnover on student learning
  • The effects of teacher recruitment and retention on student learning
  • The impact of early childhood education on later academic success
  • The impact of parental involvement on student engagement
  • The use of positive reinforcement in education
  • The impact of school climate on student engagement
  • The role of STEM education in preparing students for the workforce
  • The effects of school choice on student achievement
  • The use of technology in the form of online tutoring

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Level-Specific Research Topics

Looking for research topics for a specific level of education? We’ve got you covered. Below you can find research topic ideas for primary, secondary and tertiary-level education contexts. Click the relevant level to view the respective list.

Research Topics: Pick An Education Level

Primary education.

  • Investigating the effects of peer tutoring on academic achievement in primary school
  • Exploring the benefits of mindfulness practices in primary school classrooms
  • Examining the effects of different teaching strategies on primary school students’ problem-solving skills
  • The use of storytelling as a teaching strategy in primary school literacy instruction
  • The role of cultural diversity in promoting tolerance and understanding in primary schools
  • The impact of character education programs on moral development in primary school students
  • Investigating the use of technology in enhancing primary school mathematics education
  • The impact of inclusive curriculum on promoting equity and diversity in primary schools
  • The impact of outdoor education programs on environmental awareness in primary school students
  • The influence of school climate on student motivation and engagement in primary schools
  • Investigating the effects of early literacy interventions on reading comprehension in primary school students
  • The impact of parental involvement in school decision-making processes on student achievement in primary schools
  • Exploring the benefits of inclusive education for students with special needs in primary schools
  • Investigating the effects of teacher-student feedback on academic motivation in primary schools
  • The role of technology in developing digital literacy skills in primary school students
  • Effective strategies for fostering a growth mindset in primary school students
  • Investigating the role of parental support in reducing academic stress in primary school children
  • The role of arts education in fostering creativity and self-expression in primary school students
  • Examining the effects of early childhood education programs on primary school readiness
  • Examining the effects of homework on primary school students’ academic performance
  • The role of formative assessment in improving learning outcomes in primary school classrooms
  • The impact of teacher-student relationships on academic outcomes in primary school
  • Investigating the effects of classroom environment on student behavior and learning outcomes in primary schools
  • Investigating the role of creativity and imagination in primary school curriculum
  • The impact of nutrition and healthy eating programs on academic performance in primary schools
  • The impact of social-emotional learning programs on primary school students’ well-being and academic performance
  • The role of parental involvement in academic achievement of primary school children
  • Examining the effects of classroom management strategies on student behavior in primary school
  • The role of school leadership in creating a positive school climate Exploring the benefits of bilingual education in primary schools
  • The effectiveness of project-based learning in developing critical thinking skills in primary school students
  • The role of inquiry-based learning in fostering curiosity and critical thinking in primary school students
  • The effects of class size on student engagement and achievement in primary schools
  • Investigating the effects of recess and physical activity breaks on attention and learning in primary school
  • Exploring the benefits of outdoor play in developing gross motor skills in primary school children
  • The effects of educational field trips on knowledge retention in primary school students
  • Examining the effects of inclusive classroom practices on students’ attitudes towards diversity in primary schools
  • The impact of parental involvement in homework on primary school students’ academic achievement
  • Investigating the effectiveness of different assessment methods in primary school classrooms
  • The influence of physical activity and exercise on cognitive development in primary school children
  • Exploring the benefits of cooperative learning in promoting social skills in primary school students

Secondary Education

  • Investigating the effects of school discipline policies on student behavior and academic success in secondary education
  • The role of social media in enhancing communication and collaboration among secondary school students
  • The impact of school leadership on teacher effectiveness and student outcomes in secondary schools
  • Investigating the effects of technology integration on teaching and learning in secondary education
  • Exploring the benefits of interdisciplinary instruction in promoting critical thinking skills in secondary schools
  • The impact of arts education on creativity and self-expression in secondary school students
  • The effectiveness of flipped classrooms in promoting student learning in secondary education
  • The role of career guidance programs in preparing secondary school students for future employment
  • Investigating the effects of student-centered learning approaches on student autonomy and academic success in secondary schools
  • The impact of socio-economic factors on educational attainment in secondary education
  • Investigating the impact of project-based learning on student engagement and academic achievement in secondary schools
  • Investigating the effects of multicultural education on cultural understanding and tolerance in secondary schools
  • The influence of standardized testing on teaching practices and student learning in secondary education
  • Investigating the effects of classroom management strategies on student behavior and academic engagement in secondary education
  • The influence of teacher professional development on instructional practices and student outcomes in secondary schools
  • The role of extracurricular activities in promoting holistic development and well-roundedness in secondary school students
  • Investigating the effects of blended learning models on student engagement and achievement in secondary education
  • The role of physical education in promoting physical health and well-being among secondary school students
  • Investigating the effects of gender on academic achievement and career aspirations in secondary education
  • Exploring the benefits of multicultural literature in promoting cultural awareness and empathy among secondary school students
  • The impact of school counseling services on student mental health and well-being in secondary schools
  • Exploring the benefits of vocational education and training in preparing secondary school students for the workforce
  • The role of digital literacy in preparing secondary school students for the digital age
  • The influence of parental involvement on academic success and well-being of secondary school students
  • The impact of social-emotional learning programs on secondary school students’ well-being and academic success
  • The role of character education in fostering ethical and responsible behavior in secondary school students
  • Examining the effects of digital citizenship education on responsible and ethical technology use among secondary school students
  • The impact of parental involvement in school decision-making processes on student outcomes in secondary schools
  • The role of educational technology in promoting personalized learning experiences in secondary schools
  • The impact of inclusive education on the social and academic outcomes of students with disabilities in secondary schools
  • The influence of parental support on academic motivation and achievement in secondary education
  • The role of school climate in promoting positive behavior and well-being among secondary school students
  • Examining the effects of peer mentoring programs on academic achievement and social-emotional development in secondary schools
  • Examining the effects of teacher-student relationships on student motivation and achievement in secondary schools
  • Exploring the benefits of service-learning programs in promoting civic engagement among secondary school students
  • The impact of educational policies on educational equity and access in secondary education
  • Examining the effects of homework on academic achievement and student well-being in secondary education
  • Investigating the effects of different assessment methods on student performance in secondary schools
  • Examining the effects of single-sex education on academic performance and gender stereotypes in secondary schools
  • The role of mentoring programs in supporting the transition from secondary to post-secondary education

Tertiary Education

  • The role of student support services in promoting academic success and well-being in higher education
  • The impact of internationalization initiatives on students’ intercultural competence and global perspectives in tertiary education
  • Investigating the effects of active learning classrooms and learning spaces on student engagement and learning outcomes in tertiary education
  • Exploring the benefits of service-learning experiences in fostering civic engagement and social responsibility in higher education
  • The influence of learning communities and collaborative learning environments on student academic and social integration in higher education
  • Exploring the benefits of undergraduate research experiences in fostering critical thinking and scientific inquiry skills
  • Investigating the effects of academic advising and mentoring on student retention and degree completion in higher education
  • The role of student engagement and involvement in co-curricular activities on holistic student development in higher education
  • The impact of multicultural education on fostering cultural competence and diversity appreciation in higher education
  • The role of internships and work-integrated learning experiences in enhancing students’ employability and career outcomes
  • Examining the effects of assessment and feedback practices on student learning and academic achievement in tertiary education
  • The influence of faculty professional development on instructional practices and student outcomes in tertiary education
  • The influence of faculty-student relationships on student success and well-being in tertiary education
  • The impact of college transition programs on students’ academic and social adjustment to higher education
  • The impact of online learning platforms on student learning outcomes in higher education
  • The impact of financial aid and scholarships on access and persistence in higher education
  • The influence of student leadership and involvement in extracurricular activities on personal development and campus engagement
  • Exploring the benefits of competency-based education in developing job-specific skills in tertiary students
  • Examining the effects of flipped classroom models on student learning and retention in higher education
  • Exploring the benefits of online collaboration and virtual team projects in developing teamwork skills in tertiary students
  • Investigating the effects of diversity and inclusion initiatives on campus climate and student experiences in tertiary education
  • The influence of study abroad programs on intercultural competence and global perspectives of college students
  • Investigating the effects of peer mentoring and tutoring programs on student retention and academic performance in tertiary education
  • Investigating the effectiveness of active learning strategies in promoting student engagement and achievement in tertiary education
  • Investigating the effects of blended learning models and hybrid courses on student learning and satisfaction in higher education
  • The role of digital literacy and information literacy skills in supporting student success in the digital age
  • Investigating the effects of experiential learning opportunities on career readiness and employability of college students
  • The impact of e-portfolios on student reflection, self-assessment, and showcasing of learning in higher education
  • The role of technology in enhancing collaborative learning experiences in tertiary classrooms
  • The impact of research opportunities on undergraduate student engagement and pursuit of advanced degrees
  • Examining the effects of competency-based assessment on measuring student learning and achievement in tertiary education
  • Examining the effects of interdisciplinary programs and courses on critical thinking and problem-solving skills in college students
  • The role of inclusive education and accessibility in promoting equitable learning experiences for diverse student populations
  • The role of career counseling and guidance in supporting students’ career decision-making in tertiary education
  • The influence of faculty diversity and representation on student success and inclusive learning environments in higher education

Research topic idea mega list

Education-Related Dissertations & Theses

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a research topic in education, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses in the education space to see how this all comes together in practice.

Below, we’ve included a selection of education-related research projects to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • From Rural to Urban: Education Conditions of Migrant Children in China (Wang, 2019)
  • Energy Renovation While Learning English: A Guidebook for Elementary ESL Teachers (Yang, 2019)
  • A Reanalyses of Intercorrelational Matrices of Visual and Verbal Learners’ Abilities, Cognitive Styles, and Learning Preferences (Fox, 2020)
  • A study of the elementary math program utilized by a mid-Missouri school district (Barabas, 2020)
  • Instructor formative assessment practices in virtual learning environments : a posthumanist sociomaterial perspective (Burcks, 2019)
  • Higher education students services: a qualitative study of two mid-size universities’ direct exchange programs (Kinde, 2020)
  • Exploring editorial leadership : a qualitative study of scholastic journalism advisers teaching leadership in Missouri secondary schools (Lewis, 2020)
  • Selling the virtual university: a multimodal discourse analysis of marketing for online learning (Ludwig, 2020)
  • Advocacy and accountability in school counselling: assessing the use of data as related to professional self-efficacy (Matthews, 2020)
  • The use of an application screening assessment as a predictor of teaching retention at a midwestern, K-12, public school district (Scarbrough, 2020)
  • Core values driving sustained elite performance cultures (Beiner, 2020)
  • Educative features of upper elementary Eureka math curriculum (Dwiggins, 2020)
  • How female principals nurture adult learning opportunities in successful high schools with challenging student demographics (Woodward, 2020)
  • The disproportionality of Black Males in Special Education: A Case Study Analysis of Educator Perceptions in a Southeastern Urban High School (McCrae, 2021)

As you can see, these research topics are a lot more focused than the generic topic ideas we presented earlier. So, in order for you to develop a high-quality research topic, you’ll need to get specific and laser-focused on a specific context with specific variables of interest.  In the video below, we explore some other important things you’ll need to consider when crafting your research topic.

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If you’re still unsure about how to find a quality research topic within education, check out our Research Topic Kickstarter service, which is the perfect starting point for developing a unique, well-justified research topic.

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Watson Kabwe

This is an helpful tool 🙏

Musarrat Parveen

Special education

Akbar khan

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Trishna Roy

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Nasiru Yusuf

How are you

Oyebanji Khadijat Anike

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Angel taña

Research title related to students

My field is research measurement and evaluation. Need dissertation topics in the field

Saira Murtaza

Assalam o Alaikum I’m a student Bs educational Resarch and evaluation I’m confused to choose My thesis title please help me in choose the thesis title

Ngirumuvugizi Jaccques

Good idea I’m going to teach my colleagues

You can find our list of nursing-related research topic ideas here:


Write on action research topic, using guidance and counseling to address unwanted teenage pregnancy in school

Samson ochuodho

Thanks a lot


I learned a lot from this site, thank you so much!

Rhod Tuyan

Thank you for the information.. I would like to request a topic based on school major in social studies

Mercedes Bunsie

parental involvement and students academic performance

Abshir Mustafe Cali

Science education topics?


plz tell me if you got some good topics, im here for finding research topic for masters degree

Karen Joy Andrade

How about School management and supervision pls.?


Hi i am an Deputy Principal in a primary school. My wish is to srudy foe Master’s degree in Education.Please advice me on which topic can be relevant for me. Thanks.

Bonang Morapedi

Thank you so much for the information provided. I would like to get an advice on the topic to research for my masters program. My area of concern is on teacher morale versus students achievement.

NKWAIN Chia Charles

Every topic proposed above on primary education is a starting point for me. I appreciate immensely the team that has sat down to make a detail of these selected topics just for beginners like us. Be blessed.

Nkwain Chia Charles

Kindly help me with the research questions on the topic” Effects of workplace conflict on the employees’ job performance”. The effects can be applicable in every institution,enterprise or organisation.

Kelvin Kells Grant

Greetings, I am a student majoring in Sociology and minoring in Public Administration. I’m considering any recommended research topic in the field of Sociology.

Sulemana Alhassan

I’m a student pursuing Mphil in Basic education and I’m considering any recommended research proposal topic in my field of study


Research Defense for students in senior high

Kupoluyi Regina

Kindly help me with a research topic in educational psychology. Ph.D level. Thank you.

Project-based learning is a teaching/learning type,if well applied in a classroom setting will yield serious positive impact. What can a teacher do to implement this in a disadvantaged zone like “North West Region of Cameroon ( hinterland) where war has brought about prolonged and untold sufferings on the indegins?

Damaris Nzoka

I wish to get help on topics of research on educational administration

I wish to get help on topics of research on educational administration PhD level


I am also looking for such type of title

Afriyie Saviour

I am a student of undergraduate, doing research on how to use guidance and counseling to address unwanted teenage pregnancy in school


the topics are very good regarding research & education .


Am an undergraduate student carrying out a research on the impact of nutritional healthy eating programs on academic performance in primary schools

William AU Mill

Can i request your suggestion topic for my Thesis about Teachers as an OFW. thanx you


Would like to request for suggestions on a topic in Economics of education,PhD level

Aza Hans

Would like to request for suggestions on a topic in Economics of education


Hi 👋 I request that you help me with a written research proposal about education the format

Cynthia abuabire

Am offering degree in education senior high School Accounting. I want a topic for my project work

Sarah Moyambo

l would like to request suggestions on a topic in managing teaching and learning, PhD level (educational leadership and management)

request suggestions on a topic in managing teaching and learning, PhD level (educational leadership and management)

Ernest Gyabaah

I would to inquire on research topics on Educational psychology, Masters degree

Aron kirui

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D.Newlands PhD.

Look at British Library as they keep a copy of all PhDs in the UK to access Open University and 6 other university e-archives, pdf downloads mostly available, all free.


May I also ask for a topic based on mathematics education for college teaching, please?


Please I am a masters student of the department of Teacher Education, Faculty of Education Please I am in need of proposed project topics to help with my final year thesis


Am a PhD student in Educational Foundations would like a sociological topic. Thank

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Greetings and Regards I am a doctoral student in the field of philosophy of education. I am looking for a new topic for my thesis. Because of my work in the elementary school, I am looking for a topic that is from the field of elementary education and is related to the philosophy of education.

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Masters student in the field of curriculum, any ideas of a research topic on low achiever students


In the field of curriculum any ideas of a research topic on deconalization in contextualization of digital teaching and learning through in higher education

Omada Victoria Enyojo

Amazing guidelines


I am a graduate with two masters. 1) Master of arts in religious studies and 2) Master in education in foundations of education. I intend to do a Ph.D. on my second master’s, however, I need to bring both masters together through my Ph.D. research. can I do something like, ” The contribution of Philosophy of education for a quality religion education in Kenya”? kindly, assist and be free to suggest a similar topic that will bring together the two masters. thanks in advance


Hi, I am an Early childhood trainer as well as a researcher, I need more support on this topic: The impact of early childhood education on later academic success.


I’m a student in upper level secondary school and I need your support in this research topics: “Impact of incorporating project -based learning in teaching English language skills in secondary schools”.

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Inclusive Education: What, Why, and How: A handbook for program implementers

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Heijnen-Maathuis, Els

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A Level Sociology Education Topic: ROLE OF EDUCATION - Student booklet and teaching slides (AQA)

A Level Sociology Education Topic: ROLE OF EDUCATION - Student booklet and teaching slides (AQA)

Subject: Sociology

Age range: 16+

Resource type: Lesson (complete)

Sociology AQA resources

Last updated

2 September 2024

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topic about education pdf

This is a fantastic teaching resource that covers the Role of Education topic within the AQA Sociology A Level Education Module (and AS Level).

The Booklet is to be filled in by pupils within lessons and includes a range of activities, specification content and exam style questions. The booklet offers comprehensive coverage of the topic and would enable a student to gain a complete knowledge of this module.

This resource covers about 6 - 10 hours of lesson time.

The slides can be used to teach from and accompany the booklet.

This resource could also be used by a student to revise this topic.

Specification links: The role and functions of the education system, including its relationship to the economy and to class structure.

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    Education is a key to escaping poverty, fostering tolerance and promoting lifelong learning. Learn about the progress, challenges and goals of ensuring inclusive and quality education for all.

  3. PDF The Concept of Quality in Education: a Review of The 'International


  4. PDF Introduction to Education

    This book is a resource for introductory education courses that covers various topics related to teaching and learning. It includes objectives, key terms, interactive questions, video content, and suggested readings for each chapter.

  5. PDF Foundations of Education

    Education has always been a dynamic force, adapting to the changing needs of societies and the aspirations of individuals. In the pursuit of knowledge, students have always been at the center, eager to unravel the ... the restriction of curriculum in certain states within the U.S. is a topic that cannot be ignored. Education, often considered a ...

  6. PDF An Introduction to Education

    This book is a collection of eight chapters on various aspects of education, such as fundamental concepts, theories, philosophy, psychology, policy, and comparative systems. It is edited by Hasan Arslan and published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing in 2018.

  7. (Pdf) Exploring Current Trends in Education: a Review of Research

    exploring current trends in education: a review of research ...

  8. PDF Introduction to Education 2013 c

    This document is a course syllabus for an elective class that introduces the foundations of American education. It covers the philosophical, historical, legal, and societal aspects of teaching and learning, and includes various texts, supplemental materials, and multimedia resources.

  9. Introduction to Education (BETA)

    A free online textbook that covers various topics related to education, such as teaching, learning, students, social issues, ethics, and philosophy. Written by Jennifer Beasley and Myra Haulmark, both professors at the University of Arkansas.

  10. (PDF) What Is "Education"?

    Education is a series of activities that take place in various places with the aim of developing knowledge, understanding, assessment, growing, caring and behaving (Chazan, 2022). In practice ...

  11. PDF Introduction to Education

    Introduction to Education. dge, Practice, EngagementIntroduction to Education provides pre-service teachers with an overview of the context, craft and practice of teaching in Australian schools as they commence the journey from lea. ner to classroom teacher. Each chapter poses questions about the nature of teaching students, and guides readers ...

  12. PDF Theories of Learning and Teaching What Do They Mean for Educators?

    This paper explores contemporary ideas about learning and teaching, and their implications for educators. It identifies three aspects of teaching and learning that benefit from theoretical knowledge: learning as a process of active engagement, learning as a social phenomenon, and learner differences as resources.

  13. PDF What Is "Education"?

    that education is a practice, and in practice we need some very specic tools and toolkits to help us proceed, I have searched over time for a de-nition of "education" that I regard as both descriptively and programmati-cally useful for the educational practitioner. Ultimately, the denition that

  14. PDF CHAPTER 1 What Is Sociology of Education?

    This book introduces the basic concepts and theories of sociology of education, a field that studies the interactions, structures, and processes of educational systems. It covers topics such as socialization, stratification, inequality, and global education, with readings from classical and contemporary theorists.


    This book provides a foundation for all educational research, exploring the concepts, contexts, methods and perspectives of the discipline. It also challenges the myths and mysteries of research, and invites you to embark on your own quest for truth and knowledge.

  16. PDF Education for Sustainable Development SOURCEBOOK

    A publication for teachers and decision-makers on how to integrate sustainability into primary and secondary schooling. It includes briefs on what is sustainable development, how to reorient curriculum, teaching techniques, lesson plans, assessment and extra-curricular activities.

  17. PDF Sustainable Development Begins With Education

    How education can contribute to the proposed post-2015 goals for poverty reduction, nutrition improvement, health, education, gender equality, water and sanitation, and more. Learn how education is a fundamental right and a catalyst for development in the 21st century.


    the t est o rientated high pressure schooling environment) (Hur ley, 2016). T eaching students how to be mindful, a nd. practice methods of peaceful and logical thought would be of huge benefi t ...

  19. 170+ Research Topics In Education (+ Free Webinar)

    Find inspiration for your education-related research project with this list of 170+ topics and ideas, ranging from broad to specific contexts. Learn how to refine your topic, identify a research gap, and get extra help from Grad Coach.

  20. Inclusive Education: What, Why, and How: A handbook for program

    pdf. Content type. Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance. Topics. Education. Keywords. Early childhood care and development (ECCD), Inclusive education. ... Inclusive education is one dimension of a rights-based quality education which emphasizes equity in access and participation, and responds positively to the individual learning needs and ...

  21. PDF The National Academies Press

    The National Academies Press

  22. PDF Current Educational Topics

    UNITED STATES BUREAU OF EDUCATION BULLETIN, 1912, NO. 15 WHOLE NUMBER 487 CURRENT EDUCATIONAL TOPICS No. II Abstracts of Papers presented at St. Louis, Mo., February 26-29, 1912, before The National Council of Education of the National Education Association The Department of Superintendence of the National Education Association

  23. A Level Sociology Education Topic: ROLE OF EDUCATION

    pdf, 987.66 KB docx, 4.52 MB pptx, ... This is a fantastic teaching resource that covers the Role of Education topic within the AQA Sociology A Level Education Module (and AS Level). The Booklet is to be filled in by pupils within lessons and includes a range of activities, specification content and exam style questions. The booklet offers ...

  24. (PDF) What is an education?

    education is the formation of the spiritual culture of personality, that is, the formation of the supremacy of reason over the disp osition of men. 4. SOCRATES' CONCEPTION OF HUMAN'S FREEDOM ...

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    Explore guided resources and trainings led by industry experts. Bring learning to life as you dive into tools and teachings created by masters of their craft.