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Canada Graduate Scholarships — Doctoral program

$35,000 per year
36 months
Canadian institutions only
 Contact your institution (often significantly earlier than the agency’s deadline)
 October 17
Refer to the section below.
April 30
NSERC: and
CIHR: and
SSHRC: and


Agency-specific doctoral awards, eligibility, program of study, application procedures, application deadlines, selection process, indigenous student researchers, black student researchers, selection criteria, san francisco declaration on research assessment, notification of results, conditions of the award, official languages, related opportunities.

The objective of the Canada Graduate Scholarships — Doctoral (CGS D) program is to promote continued excellence in Canadian research by rewarding and retaining high-calibre doctoral students at Canadian institutions. By providing support for a high-quality research training experience to awardees, the CGS D program strives to foster impacts within and beyond the research environment.

The Canada Graduate Scholarships — Doctoral (CGS D) program is a federal program of scholarships administered by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). Scholarships are awarded through national competitions by these three granting agencies.

The CGS D program supports and promotes research excellence in a wide variety of disciplines and broad fields of natural sciences and engineering, health and social sciences and humanities, including interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research. This support allows scholars to concentrate on their doctoral studies more fully, to seek out the best research mentors in their chosen fields and to contribute to the Canadian research ecosystem during and beyond the tenure of their awards.

In addition to the CGS D, each agency has its own doctoral awards.

For all three agencies, only one application must be completed and submitted to be considered for both a CGS D award and either an agency-specific doctoral award (for NSERC/SSHRC applications) or any available doctoral Priority Announcements (for CIHR applications). CGS D awards are then offered for the top-ranked eligible applications in each agency’s competition.

CIHR applicants who intend to hold their doctoral award abroad need to apply to the Doctoral Foreign Study Award (DFSA ) program.

Some eligibility requirements for CGS D differ from those of the agency-specific doctoral awards. Refer to the appropriate literature for NSERC , CIHR and SSHRC for further details as well as information on doctoral awards tenable at foreign institutions.

Consult the eligibility flowchart to confirm your eligibility.

To be eligible to apply, you must

  • be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada or a Protected Person under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) as of the application deadline
  • have completed no more than 24 months of full-time study in your doctoral program or the PhD portion of your joint professional undergraduate/PhD program (such as MD/PhD, JD/PhD, DVM/PhD) by December 31 of the calendar year of application if previously enrolled in a graduate program
  • direct-entry applicants who are not enrolled in their doctoral program should contact the appropriate agency for further guidance.
  • if you have not previously completed or enrolled in another graduate program, you must be enrolled in your joint MD/PhD program at the time of application
  • if you fall into this category, you have access to the 36-month window whether or not you were previously enrolled in a master’s program

Note: If you are eligible to apply to the Canada Graduate Scholarships – Master’s (CGS M) program, you may be able to maximize your potential period of funding by applying to the CGS M program for your first year of doctoral funding instead of the CGS D program. You are responsible for choosing the type of award for which you apply. See Other restrictions below for more information.

Number of months

Eligibility for CGS D is based on the number of months of full-time study, including summer months, toward the degree for which you are requesting funding by December 31 of the calendar year of application . Two terms of part-time study count as one term of full-time study.

Note: The agencies count all studies toward the doctoral degree for which funding is requested, whether or not they were completed in the same program or at the degree-granting institution.

Fast-track and joint programs

Fast-track: If you were registered in a master’s program and subsequently transferred to a doctoral program (fast-track), the months of study completed are calculated starting from the date on which you transferred into the doctoral program.

Joint programs: If you are registered in a joint program and a master’s degree is obtained as part of the program (for example, MA/PhD, MSc/PhD), the months of study are calculated starting from the date on which you officially registered in either portion of the joint program (including the master’s portion of the program).

If you are registered in a joint professional undergraduate/PhD program (such as MD/PhD, JD/PhD, DVM/PhD), only the months of study in the PhD portion will be counted.

Other restrictions

  • You can submit a maximum of one scholarship or fellowship application per academic year to either NSERC, CIHR or SSHRC. Should more than one application be submitted, the eligible application submitted first chronologically will be retained. Nominations to the Vanier CGS program and applications to the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program do not count toward this limit (other exceptions may apply to CIHR internships)
  • You cannot have already received a doctoral-level scholarship from NSERC, CIHR or SSHRC (does not apply to CIHR Fellowships)
  • You cannot hold a tenure or tenure-track appointment or be on leave from such an appointment concurrently with your CGS D award

An eligible doctoral program must include a significant research component that leads to the completion of a thesis, major research project, dissertation, scholarly publication, performance, recital and/or exhibit that is merit/expert-reviewed at the institutional level as a requirement for completion of the program.

Joint programs with a professional degree (for example, MD/PhD, DVM/PhD, JD/PhD, MBA/PhD), as well as clinically oriented programs of study , including clinical psychology, are eligible if they have a significant autonomous research component as described above.

For programs that include arrangements with universities abroad (for example, exchanges or cotutelles), your primary institution must be an eligible Canadian institution.

Selecting the appropriate agency

You should complete the agency application that is best aligned with your research subject matter to ensure that it is reviewed by experts in disciplines closest to your field(s) of study. For more information, refer to  Selecting the appropriate federal granting agency . If you are still unsure after consulting this resource, contact the relevant agencies.

To complete the application process, refer to the appropriate agency’s application website and instructions.

NSERC: Online system and instructions CIHR: ResearchNET and instructions SSHRC: Online system and instructions

Your application must be complete to advance in the competition.

Where to submit an application

You must apply either through a Canadian institution or directly to the appropriate agency, depending on your registration status on the application deadline date and/or your registration status during the calendar year of application. Where you intend to hold the award has no impact on the channel through which you must apply. Failure to submit an application through the correct channel will result in your application being rejected .

To determine the correct channel, you must

  • determine your registration status for the calendar year of application
  • determine if that institution has a  quota  for your selected agency
  • refer to the chart and supporting information in the three-page document,  Where should I submit my application?  

If you are unsure of your registration status in the calendar year of application, contact your faculty of graduate studies (or its equivalent).

The term “quota” refers to the maximum number of applications an institution can forward to each agency’s national competition. Institutions receive separate quotas from each agency ( NSERC , CIHR and SSHRC ).

Late applications will not be accepted.

Institution deadlines

If you are applying through an institution, you must submit your application by the deadline set by the institution, which may be well in advance of the agency deadline.

For more information about institutional deadlines, you should contact your faculty of graduate studies (or its equivalent).

Agency deadlines

If you are eligible to apply directly to one of the agencies (consult the three-page document: Where should I submit my application? ), you must submit your application using the appropriate agency application portal before 8:00 p.m. (ET) on October 17. If the deadline falls on a weekend, applications can be submitted the following business day before 8:00 p.m. (ET).

Institutional review

The faculty of graduate studies (or its equivalent) at each Canadian institution is responsible for coordinating the institutional evaluation of CGS D applications. Institutions then submit applications according to their  quotas  to each agency for consideration.

Agency review

Agency review committees evaluate applications (whether sent directly to the agencies or via the institutions).

Institutions may recommend applications from self-identified Indigenous student researchers to the doctoral awards competition beyond their application quota. Self-identified Indigenous student researchers must agree to their personal information being used for this purpose by making the appropriate selection in the application form.

The Government of Canada has deployed additional funds to  increase direct support for Black student researchers . CGS D applicants who self-identify as Black and provide consent to be considered for funds targeted toward specific groups may be selected to receive this funding. Each agency has a limited number of additional CGS D awards reserved for this initiative.

For more information, consult the Frequently asked questions about the new Black scholars funding .

The evaluation of CGS D applications, whether by institutions or the agencies, is based on the following criteria:

Selection criteria Description Weight
Research ability and potential

Indicators of research ability and potential:

Relevant experience and achievements obtained within and beyond academia

Indicators of relevant experience and achievements obtained within and beyond academia:


In 2019, NSERC, CIHR and SSHRC, along with other Canadian research funding agencies, signed the  San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) . The agencies are committed to meaningful assessment of excellence in research funding and to ensuring that a wide range of research results and outcomes are considered and valued as part of the assessment process. They will continue to work to ensure that their strategies, policies and guidance align with DORA.

You will be notified of the results by April 30 if your application was submitted to the agencies directly or via your institution.

The agencies will publish the names (and other basic award information) of scholarship recipients on their respective websites.

For more information, see the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act .

Award holders must comply with the policies and guidelines set out in the Tri-agency research training award holder’s guide and in any other documents related to scholarship applications and awards.

The agencies reserve the right to interpret and enforce the policies and guidelines for their funding opportunities set out in their published materials.

Award holders may be eligible to hold their awards part time. Refer to the Tri-agency research training award holder’s guide for further information.

You may submit your application in the official language of your choice; institutions must have mechanisms in place to review both English and French applications. For concerns about the review of applications in the official languages, applicants and institutions may contact the agencies.

CGS D holders may be eligible for:

  • Canada Graduate Scholarships—Michael Smith Foreign Study supplements
  • Canada Graduate Scholarships to Honour Nelson Mandela
  • SSHRC supplements and related initiatives
  • NSERC supplements
  • CIHR related initiatives

For further information, contact the appropriate agency:

NSERC [email protected]

CIHR contact centre [email protected]

SSHRC [email protected]


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How to Study a PhD in Canada

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Sabrina Collier

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Table of contents

  • Introduction

What are the admission requirements?

How long are phds in canada, how do i apply for a phd in canada, how much does it cost to study a phd in canada, what phd scholarships and other funding opportunities are available, can i work in canada part-time during my studies, can i stay and work in canada after my phd.

An increasingly attractive and multicultural study destination, Canada is a great option to consider for your PhD studies, offering a wealth of research opportunities to help you expand your expertise. More than a third of the country’s overall research is conducted at Canadian universities, and this work contributes billions to the country’s economy.

The requirements to study in Canada at doctorate level vary between universities and courses, but you generally need the following:

  • A master’s degree in a related field, with strong grades and proven research ability and potential.
  • Proof of language ability, depending on whether you study in English or French, if either language is not your first language and you haven’t previously studied in either language. (Some programs in French-speaking Quebec are conducted in both languages).
  • A strong score in a graduate admissions test such as the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE).

In exceptional cases, you may be able to study a PhD with “accelerated admission” – that is, without a master’s degree. In this process, you’ll need to have outstanding grades in the last two years of your bachelor’s degree (a first-class average) and other demonstrations of your high academic potential, such as research publications.

Most PhDs in Canada take about four to six years to complete.

Although the admissions process can vary between Canadian universities, you’ll generally need to follow the following steps to apply for a PhD:

1.  Decide which PhD course you’d like to apply for , identifying your supervisor and chosen research topic. This may be an advertised, structured PhD in which the scope of the research is already outlined by the university (particularly in the sciences), or alternatively (particularly in arts and humanities) you could suggest and outline your own research project with an open PhD. Once you’ve found a supervisor, some universities may ask for a letter of support from your chosen supervisor to be included in your application documents.

2. If applying for an open PhD, you’ll need to submit a research proposal following the guidelines set by your university and generally outlining what you want to research, and why this is a worthwhile project.

3. Apply online, paying the appropriate application fee and attaching the necessary documents to your application. This could be all or some of the following:

  • Statement of purpose – this should outline your background and academic/professional experience, including any awards, publications or relevant experience you can offer. You should also discuss your career goals and anything else stipulated by the university, keeping to the word limit.
  • Two or three letters of reference (including one from your intended supervisor). Your referees should be academic, where possible.
  • Academic transcripts and degree certificates – Canadian universities may require that your university mails an official transcript, which should be in English or accompanied by a perfectly translated document.
  • Writing sample (most likely for arts and humanities PhDs)
  • Your Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Language test results, if needed
  • Portfolio of creative work (if applying for an arts/humanities PhD)

Some Canadian universities may also ask you to attend an admission interview .

4. Once accepted, the next step is to apply for your study permit , which acts as your student visa for your stay. You should also take out health insurance, and check your university’s website for orientation advice.

Tuition fees for a PhD in Canada vary between universities and courses, and will generally be around twice that of fees for Canadian students. An exception to this is the University of Toronto , where most international PhD students will pay the same tuition fees as domestic students, starting from fall 2018.

To give you an example of the cost of a PhD in Canada, the  University of British Columbia charges CA$7,641 (~US$5,760) per year for Masters by Research or PhDs, while PhDs are CA$$10,240 (~US$7,700) in years one and two at the  University of Manitoba .

Thankfully, many PhD scholarships are available to help make studying in Canada more affordable to international students, with many awards based on academic merit. The Canadian government runs a useful website with a  search tool  to find scholarships based on your country of origin. Other good places to look are the official websites of Canadian universities, which may provide their own scholarships search tool to help you find one relevant to your situation and country of origin.

Some examples of PhD scholarships to study in Canada include:

  • The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships , which award CA$50,000 (~US$37,700) per year to highly-qualified international and home PhD students in the fields of social sciences and/or humanities, natural sciences and/or engineering and health.
  • The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation doctoral scholarships , which at the time of writing is currently in the process of being reworked.
  • The University of British Columbia Four Year Doctoral Fellowship  provides a stipend of at least CA$18,200 (~US$13,700) per year plus full tuition for outstanding international/home doctoral students for all four years of their studies.

Teaching/research assistantships

Many students also decide to fund their studies by taking part in a research or teaching assistantship – in these, you can work as a teaching or research assistant in exchange for a stipend and/or have your tuition fully or partially covered.

As a research assistant, you’ll work to help a faculty member (which may be your supervisor) by assisting with data collection, analysis, report writing, lab/office organization and other tasks. As a teaching assistant, you’ll support your department with its undergraduate programs, teaching one or more sections of the course, conducting laboratory sections, holding office hours and grading undergraduate papers. To become a teaching assistant, you’ll need to demonstrate your mastery of the course and ability to effectively facilitate students’ learning.

To apply for a research or teaching assistantship, you’ll need to check the information posted by your university and likely fill in an online application form.   


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Yes, all full-time students with a valid study permit can work part-time on or off campus for up to 20 hours per week during university semesters and full time during semester breaks. However, some PhD courses may stipulate that you shouldn’t work for more than 10 hours per week during term time – particularly if you’ve been granted funding to study in Canada. It’s also important to consider that your PhD will take up a considerable amount of time and challenging work, so you might prefer to focus entirely on your studies. Also, it’s not advised to rely on part-time work to fund your living expenses. You’ll need a Social Insurance Number to work in Canada.

Yes – if you’d like to stay after graduation to find work in Canada, you can apply for the P ost-Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWPP) which allows you to stay and gain valuable work experience for a maximum of three years. And if you’re interested in becoming a permanent resident, this post-graduation work experience helps you to qualify to apply for permanent residency in Canada via Express Entry. Find out more here .

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This article was originally published in April 2017. It was updated in June 2018.

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The former Assistant Editor of TopUniversities.com, Sabrina wrote and edited articles to guide students from around the world on a wide range of topics. She has a bachelor's degree in English Literature and Creative Writing from Aberystwyth University and grew up in Staffordshire, UK. 

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Bureau des bourses et de l'aide financière (BBAF)

Université Laval

Doctoral program funding

10,200 scholarships have been awarded in 2022-2023 for a total of $36.1 million

Admission Scholarships

Scholarships for students, research scholarships, other sources of funding, other international programs.

  • Sample annual expenses


Supplemental tuition fee exemption scholarships

Citizens of the world scholarships.

Scholarship Directory

Search engine for finding scholarships that match your profile.

FGPS Student Success Scholarships

The FGPS Success Scholarships support students at every stage of their graduate studies.

Find out about your award plan

Merit Scholarship

The Government of Québec awards merit scholarships to international students for doctoral studies and postdoctoral fellowships.

Funding from your research supervisor

In many fields, research supervisors provide funding to students who work on their research projects. For information, contact your faculty program director.

On-campus jobs

Allows students to obtain subsidized employment on campus.

Available to undergraduate and graduate students

Jobs helping teaching staff or research teams with course- or research-related tasks. Learn more

Government of Canada International scholarships

China Scholarship Council (CSC) scholarship program

Université Laval (UL) and the China Scholarship Council (CSC) have signed an agreement to offer a joint grant program allowing Chinese students who are eligible for UL programs to pursue higher education in research. The grants cover tuition fees, living expenses, and health insurance for up to 48 months, as well as a round-trip flight to Québec City (by the least expensive route) and visa application fees.

Scholarship programs resulting from agreements with the CALDO consortium

Agreements signed between the CALDO consortium, of which Université Laval is a member, and the governments of certain Latin American countries with a view to providing scholarships to resident students so they can pursue their studies and develop their expertise in their field at our university. The signatory countries at this time are Brazil , Chile , Colombia , Costa Rica ,  Ecuador , Mexico , Panama , Paraguay , Peru and Uruguay .

For more information, please email us at: [email protected] .

Consult the CALDO consortium website for more details .

Sample annual expenses – Person from abroad

Nora’s expenses for a year of her doctoral program at université laval.

funded phd in canada

Moroccan Doctoral’s degree, Faculty of Social Sciences

2023–2024* tuition fees for 1 academic year 


(24 credits)


*Tuition fees are indexed annually. They vary based on the student’s legal and resident status and program of study.  .


Health and hospital insurance $1,068


ULaval residences or shared off-campus housing


Make sure to reserve your place before your arrival.

$4,920 to $7,900
Groceries $6,100
Public transit for Québec City and Lévis for the fall and winter semesters Pass included in tuition fees
Health care (medication and personal care) $1,300
Academic and personal expenses (sports, leisure, clothes, books, immigration document renewal, etc.) $3,700
Application fee $97
Québec Acceptance Certificate (CAQ) $128
Study permit $150
Travel upon arrival and temporary accommodation (if required), etc. $500
Used furniture and accessories for off-campus housing $800
Winter clothing and accessories $500 to $800
Computer $800

Last updated on July 31 st , 2024.

Amounts are in Canadian dollars. This budget reflects a modest lifestyle and is only meant to serve as a guide. It may vary depending on the economic context and the student’s situation.

**Université Laval has a Supplemental Tuition Fee Exemption Scholarship Program for doctoral students so that all international students enrolled in a full-time regular PhD program are eligible. Find out more about the terms and conditions .


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Pursue PhD in Canada: Make a Difference in Research

Smruti Das

Updated On Feb 12, 2024


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 Pursue PhD in Canada: Make a Difference in Research

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Table of Contents

Why study ph.d. in canada, overview of ph.d. programs in canada, list of top 5 universities to pursue phd programs in canada, eligibility criteria & admission requirements to study phd in canada, cost of studying phd in canada for international students, top 5 ph.d. scholarships in canada for international students, job opportunities after pursuing ph.d. in canada, take off your dream career in canada with getgis.

Did you know every year, Canada welcomes over 80,000 international students eager to dive into the world of cutting-edge research and pursue their PhD dreams? With world-renowned universities, groundbreaking innovation, and a supportive research environment, Canada has become a magnet for aspiring academics from around the globe.

But navigating the path to a Ph.D. in Canada can feel like trekking through an unfamiliar forest. Well, breathe easy, future Dr.! This comprehensive guide is your compass, ready to clear the path and lead you on a smooth journey to securing your PhD spot in Canada. Let’s begin!

The journey to a Ph.D. is about pushing boundaries, delving deep into your field, and making a splash in the world of knowledge. But where you choose to start on this exciting quest matters. Let's find out why Canada is your ideal destination for pursuing a PhD program.

  • Canada ranks 13th in the Global Innovation Index 2023 , boasting top-notch research facilities and a collaborative environment.
  • With 19 universities among the top 200 in QS World University Rankings 2024 , Canada boasts a stellar track record of producing research superstars.
  • With over $4 billion invested in health research annually , Canada offers generous funding opportunities for qualified PhD students.
  • Completing your PhD grants you valuable Canadian experience and opens doors to permanent residency , making it a strategic investment in your future career.
  • With a 12% job growth rate predicted for clinical research professionals, and competitive salaries averaging over $65,000 per year , Canada offers rewarding opportunities to put your expertise to work.

Explore: Is It Worth Moving to Canada from India?

Canada stands as a beacon for pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree, offering a diverse range of programs across various disciplines. Here's a comprehensive overview of PhD programs in the Great White North.

Canada is home to world-renowned institutions that offer exceptional Ph.D. programs across diverse disciplines. Here are the top 5 universities known for their excellence in research and academic prowess.

1. University of Toronto

University of Toronto

As Canada's leading institution, the University of Toronto consistently ranks among the top global universities. With a robust commitment to research, it provides a conducive environment for pursuing a PhD across a multitude of fields.

2. University of British Columbia (UBC)

University of British Columbia

The University of British Columbia is acclaimed for its innovative research and academic excellence. Its picturesque Vancouver campus attracts scholars from around the world. UBC offers a wide range of PhD programs with a focus on interdisciplinary research.

3. McGill University

McGill University

Situated in the vibrant city of Montreal, McGill University is renowned for its research-intensive programs. With a diverse and inclusive academic community, McGill provides an excellent platform for pursuing a PhD with global recognition.

4. McMaster University

McMaster University

McMaster is known for its strong emphasis on research and discovery. Located in Hamilton, Ontario, McMaster offers a collaborative environment for doctoral candidates, fostering innovation and critical thinking.

5. University of Montreal

University of Montreal

The University of Montreal, a French-language institution, is a hub for cutting-edge research. With a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary studies, it offers a dynamic platform for pursuing a Ph.D. in a vibrant academic setting.

Pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Canada is a rewarding endeavor, but it requires meeting specific eligibility criteria and fulfilling admission requirements. Here's a breakdown of what aspiring PhD candidates need to consider.

  • Educational Qualifications: Candidates must hold a relevant master's degree from a recognized institution. Some programs may accept exceptional candidates with an outstanding bachelor's degree.
  • Research Proposal: A well-crafted research proposal outlining your intended area of study is often a crucial part of the application. This should highlight your research goals, methodology, and expected contributions to the field.
  • Academic Transcripts: Submit comprehensive academic transcripts from all previous institutions attended. These transcripts should demonstrate a strong academic record, particularly in relevant courses.
  • Letters of Recommendation (LOR) : Provide letters of recommendation from professors or professionals who can attest to your academic and research capabilities. These letters should emphasize your potential for successful doctoral research.
  • Language Proficiency: Demonstrate proficiency in English or French, depending on the language of instruction at your chosen institution. Most universities accept scores from language proficiency tests such as IELTS or TOEFL. (TOEFL - Overall 107/20, IELTS - Overall 7.5)
  • CV/Resume: Submit a detailed curriculum vitae (CV) or resume highlighting your academic achievements, research experience, publications, and any relevant work experience.
  • Statement of Purpose (SOP) : Craft a compelling Statement of Purpose detailing your motivation for pursuing a Ph.D., your research interests, and how the program aligns with your career goals.
  • Entrance Exams: While not universally required, some programs may mandate standardized entrance exams, such as the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or discipline-specific exams.
  • Portfolio of Research Work: If applicable, include a portfolio showcasing your previous research work, publications, or projects. This can strengthen your application and demonstrate your research capabilities.
  • Interview: Be prepared for an interview, either in-person or virtually, where you may discuss your research proposal, academic background, and motivation for pursuing a PhD.
  • Proof of Financial Support: Some institutions may require proof of financial support to ensure you can cover your tuition and living expenses throughout the duration of your PhD program.

Note: It's crucial to carefully review the specific requirements of the chosen university and PhD program, as these may vary.

Understanding the comprehensive cost of studying for a PhD in Canada enables international students to plan their finances effectively. Here's a breakdown of the financial considerations.

1. Tuition Fees

Tuition fees for Ph.D. programs in Canada vary by institution and program. On average, international students can expect to pay between 8,000 CAD to 16,000 CAD per year. This cost is influenced by factors such as the university's reputation and the field of study.

2. Living Expenses

The cost of living in Canada also varies based on the city and lifestyle. As a general estimate, international students should budget around 15,000 CAD to 20,000 CAD per year for accommodation, food, transportation, and other personal expenses.

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3. Health Insurance

International students are required to have health insurance coverage in Canada. The cost of health insurance varies, and international students should budget approximately 600 CAD to 1,000 CAD per year for this mandatory expense.

4. Books and Supplies

Ph.D. programs often entail additional expenses for books, research materials, and supplies. International students should allocate around 1,000 CAD to 2,000 CAD annually for these academic resources.

5. Miscellaneous Fees

Institutions may charge miscellaneous fees covering services like access to recreational facilities, student unions, and other campus resources. This can range from 500 CAD to 1,000 CAD per year.

Canada offers a plethora of prestigious scholarships for international PhD students. Here are some notable options that can pave the way for your doctoral journey

1. Ontario Trillium Scholarship (Western University)

Administered by Western University, this scholarship provides substantial financial support for international PhD students, covering tuition and living expenses.

Scholarship Amount: 40,000 CAD/year, renewable for up to 4 years.

2. University of Alberta Graduate Entrance Scholarships

A one-time award for outstanding international PhD candidates entering the University of Alberta. While not renewable, it provides a significant boost to initial finances.

Scholarship Amount: 21,000 CAD, cannot be renewed.

3. Doctoral Scholarship at the University of Montreal

Designed for doctoral candidates at the University of Montreal, this scholarship offers financial assistance for the first year, with the option for renewal for a second year.

Scholarship Amount: 7,000 CAD, renewable once.

Also, read: Best PhD Scholarships for Indian Students Abroad

4. 4-Year Doctoral Fellowship - University of British Columbia

This prestigious fellowship at the University of British Columbia supports international Ph.D. students with a substantial stipend and full coverage of tuition fees throughout the 4-year program.

Scholarship Amount: 18,200 CAD (annual stipend), covers full tuition fees for up to 4 years.

5. Graduate Entrance Scholarship - University of Windsor

Awarded to exceptional international PhD candidates entering the University of Windsor, this scholarship provides financial support for the first year, with the possibility of renewal for three additional years.

Scholarship Amount: 7,500 CAD, renewable for up to 4 years.

Note: Before applying, ensure you thoroughly review the specific eligibility criteria, application requirements, and renewal conditions for each scholarship.

Job Opportunities after Pursuing Phd in Canada

Completing a Ph.D. in Canada not only signifies academic achievement but also opens doors to diverse and rewarding career opportunities. Here are some compelling job prospects for Ph.D. graduates in Canada.

Starting a PhD journey in Canada is a transformative experience, offering academic excellence, diverse research opportunities, and a welcoming environment. Remember that thorough planning and guidance are essential for a successful academic and immigration journey. Navigating visa applications, work permits, and residency options can be complex. That's where GetGIS comes in.

GetGIS stands as a reliable partner in your quest for a seamless transition to Canada. Our dedicated team understands the nuances of the Canadian immigration landscape and is poised to guide you through every step. Don’t wait!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I settle in Canada after PhD?

Are PhD fully funded in Canada?

Can I work full-time while doing a PhD in Canada?

Which PhD is most in demand in Canada?

How much is a PhD stipend in Canada?

Smruti Das

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Smruti is a passionate and highly skilled content writer working in this field for the past 2 years. She is known for her ability to craft compelling and engaging content. With a keen eye for detail and a deep love for words, Smruti has expertized herself with the latest industry trends. Her commitment to producing high-quality content that resonates with audiences is highly valued.

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6 Canadian PhD scholarships for international students in 2022


There are many excellent countries for international students wishing to pursue their PhD studies on a scholarship. Canada is one of them – it has been voted the most attractive study destination by agents in the 2021 survey , thanks to how well the Trudeau administration took care of international students at the height of the pandemic last year.

Canada is well-known for being a safe, stable, open and welcoming country as well. In the same 2021 survey, Canada emerged as tops for safety and openness – factors that are critical to all migrants seeking a life in a foreign land, especially for international students.

Understandably, a PhD can involve great costs since it takes on average three to four years to complete; if you are an international student, from a country with less global spending power, living and travel costs, will add up too.

Study in Canada

International students wanting to study in Canada can now apply to these excellent Canadian PhD scholarships. / Source: Vaughn Ridley/AFP

Fortunately, Canada has several scholarships that can help alleviate these, offered by provinces and universities alike – both provincial and university-specific ones. We round up a list of six Canadian PhD scholarships to help you start your application for the 2022 academic year.

Ontario Trillium Scholarship – Western University

The Ontario Trillium Scholarship (OTS) aims to attract outstanding candidates to come to Ontario for their PhD studies. Particularly, if you want to apply to Western University , you should express your interest to the graduate programme chair (Director or Associate Dean) of your admitting programme in order to be nominated for the OTS.

To be eligible for applying, you should be an international student, be willing to be physically present at the university at the time of studies, is not registered with any other Canadian institution, have an excellent academic record and research experience, and need to have achieved a minimum of 80% in two of your most recent years of full-time study. You may be required to demonstrate English language proficiency as well.

Successful applicants starting their PhD programme will get 40,000 Canadian dollars each year, which can be renewed for up to four years.

University of Alberta

Next on the list of Canadian PhD scholarships is the University of Alberta Graduate Entrance scholarship . Located in Alberta, the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research at  University of Alberta disburses around CA$26 million in scholarships every year. 

If you plan to register for doctoral studies at the University of Alberta, you are eligible for this one-off Graduate Entrance scholarship worth CA$21,000. This may commence either on Jan. 1 or Sep. 1, and cannot be renewed at all.

You are allowed to hold any number of University of Alberta awards concurrently with this scholarship but not the Tri-Council Top-up awards at the same time. Examples include the Walter H Johns Graduate Fellowship and President’s Doctoral Prize of Distinction and the Graduate Entrance 14 Scholarship tuition fee top up at the same time.

University of Montreal

The third Canadian PhD scholarship offering is administered by the University of Montreal in Quebec. Ranked 88th in the world (Times Higher Education ranking 2022) and fourth in Canada for volume of research activities, this university attracts over 45,000 students out of which 8,500 are international.

In addition to the Doctoral Scholarship (CA$7,000 – renewable once, for students who have done their master’s degree at this university), you can apply for the Mackenzie King Scholarship (CA$8,500 for one year – application deadline is Feb. 1, 2022). You can submit an application for the University of Montreal exemption grant (ranging from CA$ 2,078.10 to CA$12,465.60 depending on your academic record, no separate application needed) as well.

For more information on other scholarships, you may check out the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies page.

University of British Columbia

One of the top 20 public universities in the world, the University of British Columbia is ranking 37th by the Times Higher Education rankings 2022, and one of three Canadian universities to make it to the top 50. Over 56,000 students study at the University’s two campuses in the Okanagan Valley and Vancouver.

For students wanting to do a PhD at this University, the Four Year Doctoral Fellowship (4YF) is an outstanding choice. You will receive CA$18,200 as your annual stipend, and full tuition coverage for up to four years of your PhD studies.

You can apply to your preferred Graduate Programme; all PhD applicants are qualified to apply for this Scholarship. Upon selecting the best applicants, the Graduate Programme will inform Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies about their choices.

University of Lethbridge

Located in Southern Alberta, the University of Lethbridge is one of Canada’s top three research universities, a record they have held for the past four consecutive years. The University is ranked among the 6% of world universities for research performance as well.

That is why the University of Lethbridge Graduate Research Award has been designed for incoming graduate applicants of all disciplines except Education. With a value up to CA$21,000, you can combine this Award with the Graduate Assistantship and/or any Research Stipend provided by a Faculty Member, but not with other scholarships such as the Dean’s Scholarship.

University of Windsor

The University of Windsor is the final university on this list of Canadian PhD scholarships. As a comprehensive university located in Canada’s southernmost city overlooking the Detroit River, the University of Windsor offers their 16,000 students a wide variety of courses.

PhD applicants can apply for the Graduate Entrance Scholarship worth CA$7,500 for up to four years. This Scholarship has three application deadlines: the first day of January, May and September – you must have achieved a minimum of 80% average as well.

Other awards for international PhD applicants include the Ontario Graduate Scholarship . Depending on how many months you have completed your PhD studies at the time of application, you may receive up to CA$15,000 (three terms of CA$5,000 each) of funding – the application deadline is Jan. 12, 2022.

All in all, these are great Canadian PhD scholarships if you are an international student looking to start your PhD studies in safe and stable Canada in 2022.

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International doctoral scholarship

This scholarship is intended for international doctoral students. An important contribution to the financing of their studies.

The information on this page is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment from the University of Ottawa.

As of May 2023

A value of $45,000 over five (5) years, the International Doctoral Scholarship supports  full-time international students, admitted in May 2023 or beyond, during their doctoral studies. A maximum value of $3,000 per term, for 15 consecutive terms, will be credited to the student account. Please note that the scholarship will only be paid if international tuition fees are charged.

Before May 2023

If you began your  full-time doctoral studies at uOttawa before May 2023  and you’ve received the International Doctoral Scholarship, your tuition fees are equivalent to those for Canadian students residing outside Ontario.

NB This scholarship cannot be combined with the Differential Tuition Fee Waiver or the Tuition Fee Exemption Scholarship.

Top 10 PhD Scholarships In Canada!

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Top 10 PhD Scholarships In Canada!

You're in for an academic journey if you've decided to pursue a PhD and the maple leaf is calling your name. With its stunning scenery and welcoming, multicultural communities, Canada is more than simply a destination to study—it's a place where your research aspirations can come true. We're exploring the world of PhD scholarships in Canada in this blog, which is meant to serve as a resource for all of you intelligent people looking for the ideal chance to establish yourself in Canadian academia. 

Why Study PhD in Canada?

Ever wondered why so many folks choose Canada for their Ph.D. journey? Well, let's spill the tea on that! Here are some cool reasons why students pick the Great White North for their study abroad:

1. Top-Notch Universities : Canada houses some of the coolest universities globally, and many of them rock the charts in the top 100.

2. Work Perks : Now, this is a game-changer! In Canada, PhD students not only get paid during their studies (score!), but they can also hustle up to 10 hours a week. And guess what? After you complete your PhD, you get a shot at staying for up to 3 more years with a post-graduation work permit. Talk about levelling up your game!

3. Budget-Friendly Vibes : Let's be real – PhD adventures in countries like the US or the UK can put a dent in your wallet. But fear not, pursuing a PhD won't break the bank in Canada. Tuition fees range from a sweet CAD 6,000 to 30,000, making it a pocket-friendly option compared to some other academic hotspots. Adding to that, students can find a plater of PhD scholarships in Canada for international and domestic students.

If you’re keen to know more about why you should pursue a PhD, here are some great advantages of getting a PhD in 2024!

PhD Funding in Canada 

Canada, being the second-largest country globally, flaunts its impressive size, including a lake bigger than Denmark, Scotland, and Switzerland. Now, let's connect the dots to PhD scholarships in Canada. Canada's vastness, split into provinces and territories, brings nuances to funding. Student loans, mainly for citizens or residents, play a role. With 10 provinces shaping their educational policies, funding options vary among universities. While international doctoral fees are often higher, some universities opt for fairness, charging the same for everyone. Notably, certain institutions establish a baseline funding standard, ensuring every PhD student receives minimum support. Explore our guide for a deeper dive into PhD scholarships in Canada!

Universities that offer PhD Scholarships in Canada: 

1. university of alberta scholarships.

Award Grant: CA$ 21,000 (an additional CA 10,000 for international students) Offered By: University of Alberta Deadline: March 28, 2024 Type of Scholarship: Merit-based Duration/Time Period: Full time

This is one of Canada's best PhD scholarships. Due to its numerous funding alternatives, the University of Alberta, which was established in 1908, is a well-liked option for international students. PhD candidates can get a large CA$ 21,000 stipend through the Graduate Entrance Scholarship, which is open to master and doctorate candidates.. International applicants will also get an additional CA$ 10,000 to help with tuition. Good news: this year, applicants from a wide range of nations will not need to take the IELTS exam. Be quick—the scholarship deadline differs depending on when you are admitted. Come experience an engaging academic adventure with us at U of A!

Eligibility requirements for this PhD scholarship in Canada:

  • You have to be admitted in Jan 2024, May 2024, July 2024 and Sept 2024
  • You have to be newly admitted in one of the above-mentioned terms in a doctoral program
  • You must have a GPA of 3.7 or higher 
  • You have to be a full-time student

2. University of Waterloo Scholarships  

Award Grant: $10,000

Offered By: University of Waterloo Deadline: Depends on your course, check out here Type of Scholarship: Merit-based Duration/Time Period: Full time

This is considered one of the best PhD scholarships in Canada for international students. Ranked 8th as the Best Global University in Canada, the University of Waterloo is a top choice for students worldwide. Offering fully funded PhD scholarships in Canada, including the University of Waterloo Graduate Scholarship worth up to $10,000, the perks extend to the International Master’s Award of Excellence, valued at $2,500 per term for a maximum of 6 terms. Deadlines vary by program, so check for yours and seize the opportunity to make your academic journey exceptional!

  • You have to take a full-time program.
  • Your cumulative average must be at least 80% or first class in your current program.
  • You will be nominated by the department based on your allocation of funds.

3. University of Saskatchewan Scholarships

Award Grant: CA$ 20,000 Offered By:  University of Saskatchewan Deadline: Type of Scholarship: Merit-based Duration/Time Period: Full-time

Discover excellence at the University of Saskatchewan, a leader in collaborative research and Canada's top for water research. Deemed among the finest fully funded PhD scholarships in Canada. Recognised as an outstanding PhD scholarship in Canada, you can unlock opportunities with the fully funded University of Saskatchewan Graduate Scholarship, available for all international master's and Ph.D. students. Here's the kicker: PhD candidates can snag up to CA$ 20,000 over 36 months. No extra paperwork – once you're in, your academic achievements and financial needs automatically put you in the running for this fantastic scholarship!

  • You must have a cumulative of 80% grade point average 
  • You should have completed your masters in a relevant study field form a well known university

Amberscholar September 2024 Edition is Here!

4. mcgill university scholarships in canada.

Award Grant: CA$ 3,000 annually Offered By: McGill University Deadline: Canadian students can apply by  27 Sept, other applicants have to apply by 24th Aug. Type of Scholarship: Merit-based Duration/Time Period: Full time

Join the ranks of excellence at McGill University, placed at #31 globally by QS World University Rankings 2023. Striving for accessibility, McGill provides scholarships for international students across undergraduate, master's, and Ph.D. programs. Specifically for Ph.D. aspirants, there are modest bursaries to ease financial burdens. Act promptly, as scholarship deadlines align with your admission schedule. Make your mark at McGill – where world-class education meets support for your academic journey! This stands out as a leading PhD scholarship in Canada.

  • Enrolled full-time at the University
  • Apply for and accept maximum government student aid
  • Maintain satisfactory academic standing
  • Show financial need

5. Montreal University Fully Funded Scholarship

Award Grant: CA$ 21,593.35 annually Offered By: Montreal University Deadline: 1st February 2024 Type of Scholarship: Merit-based Duration/Time Period: Full time

This holds a distinguished position as one of the top fully funded PhD scholarships in Canada. Meet the University of Montreal, the second-largest in Canada with 36,000 students. The UdeM Exemption Scholarship opens doors for global students, ensuring access to a top Canadian research hub. Open to all international students in undergrad, master's, or PhD programs, the Montreal University Scholarships offer up to CA$ 21,593.35 annually. 

  • International student (not Canadian citizen or resident)
  • Admitted to full-time program at UdeM
  • Meet the academic requirements of the university and chosen program

Want to know more about PhD in Canada? Here’s a guide that tells you all! Dive into more university and scholarship options using this guide on PhD In Canada .

Top 5 Scholarships to Study in Canada

1. vanier canada graduate scholarships.

Award Grant: CAD 50,000 Offered By: the Canadian Institutes of Health Research [CIHR], the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council [NSERC] and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council [SSHRC]) Deadline: 1 November 2023 Type of Scholarship: Merit-based Duration/Time Period: Full time

Considered one of the elite PhD scholarships in Canada, the Vanier CGS program wants awesome doctoral students! They're all about helping those with leadership skills and excellent academic achievements in social sciences, humanities, natural sciences, engineering, and health. Here's the cool part: Vanier encourages you to explore beyond where you got your last degree. If you're a smart cookie in social sciences, humanities, natural sciences, engineering, or health, the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships might just be waiting for you! Time to step into the world of research with Vanier!

  • Nominated by a Canadian institution with a Vanier CGS quota
  • Pursuing first doctoral degree (only eligible for PhD part of combined degree)
  • Completed less than 20 months of doctoral studies by May 1, 2024
  • Maintained a first-class average in two years of full-time study

2. The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarships

Award Grant: CAD 40,000 per year to cover tuition and reasonable living expenses and CAD 20,000 per year as research and travel allowance Offered By:   Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation  Deadline: December 1, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. EST Type of Scholarship: Merit-based Duration/Time Period: Full time

Many students highly respect this PhD scholarship in Canada, which is considered to be among the best. International students studying in Canada through the University of Waterloo may apply for the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarships. For people now enrolled in two- or three-year PhD studies in social science or the humanities, there is a chance. Your doctoral research ought to be connected to topics such as responsible citizenship, human rights, Canada and the world, or people and their natural environment. The scholarship comes with a pretty sweet package: CAD 20,000 for research and travel, plus CAD 40,000 for tuition and living expenses annually. 

  • Enrolled or accepted into a full-time doctoral program, expecting to finish studies in 2027 or later.
  • Studying humanities or human sciences relevant to Canada's future.
  • Doctoral work linked to Foundation's Themes: Human Rights, Citizenship, Canada in the World, and Natural Environment.
  • Canadian citizen or non-Canadian in a Canadian doctoral program.

3. Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships  

Award Grant: CAD 70,000 Offered By: (CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC) Deadline: September 20, 2023 (20:00 EDT) Type of Scholarship: Merit-based Duration/Time Period: Full time

This PhD scholarship in Canada is for both Canadian and international students who are doing amazing research in healthcare, natural science, social science, and economics for their PhD. The deal? Well, the Canadian university is giving out funds to 70 lucky students, and they get a sweet CAD 70,000 each. Keep in mind it's taxable, and you get this support for two years. It's like a boost for your awesome research journey! 

  • Non-Canadian citizens must hold Banting Fellowship at a Canadian institution.
  • Canadians who earned their degree abroad must have Fellowship in Canada.
  • Canadians who earned their degree in Canada can choose Canadian or foreign institution for their Banting Fellowship.

4. Ontario Trillium Scholarship

Award Grant: CAD 40,000  Offered By: Government bodies Deadline: November 24 for the year of 2024-25 Type of Scholarship: Merit-based Duration/Time Period: Full time

The Ontario Trillium Scholarship (OTS) is Ontario's way of helping international Ph.D. students financially. The Ontario Trillium Scholarship is acknowledged as one of the most esteemed PhD scholarships in Canada. Since 2010, this initiative has been supporting scholars with a 2/3 government to 1/3 institution funding setup. Each year, 15 Ontario Trillium Scholarships go to Ph.D. students at the University of Toronto. Eligible universities in Ontario pick candidates based on program criteria and merit. The scholarship lasts four years and gives partial funding for a PhD in any subject at Ontario's top universities. To qualify, you need to be an international student, good in English, not currently in an Ontario school, and have a strong academic record.

  • International student with a Canadian student visa.
  • Proficient in English during application.
  • Intent to join a full-time doctoral program.
  • Cannot hold other Canadian scholarships, like QEII-GSST, UW Provost.
  • Willing to enroll in an Ontario university's doctoral program.
  • Minimum 8.0 average in a full-time master’s degree.
  • Not completed a degree in Ontario post-application.
  • Not currently a student in Ontario.

5. Ontario Graduate Scholarship

Award Grant: CAD 5,000 per term Offered By: Province of Ontario and the University of Toronto Deadline: January 31 for the year 2024-25 Type of Scholarship: Merit-based Duration/Time Period: Full time

This is acclaimed as a standout PhD scholarship within the Canadian context. The Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) program is all about cheering on awesome graduate students in Ontario's universities. Since 1975, OGS has been giving out merit-based scholarships to the brightest minds across all academic fields. At U of T, this scholarship team-up is powered by both the Province of Ontario and the University of Toronto. The Province shares OGS awards with universities, saying how many each can give their students every year. If you've been to one of Ontario's universities, whether you're from there or from afar, OGS is there to support you in any subject you're passionate about!

  • Enrolled in a full-time graduate program in Ontario.
  • Academic excellence with at least an A- average.
  • Must be in a master's or doctoral program for 2 or 3 years.
  • Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or international student with a valid study permit.
  • Submit an OGS application by the university's deadline.

To sum it up, fully funded PhD scholarships in Canada open doors to diverse academic journeys. From financial aid to research opportunities, these scholarships not only support your studies but also fuel your passion for exploration and knowledge. Canada welcomes you to a world of educational excellence and promising research endeavours! 

Now that you are looking for Scholarships for PhD in Canada, you should know the best university you can apply to, right? To help you out, here are the 10 best universities in Canada .

Frequently Asked Questions

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We have 18 canada PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

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canada PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Funded phd / msc in advanced electron microscopy, phd research project.

PhD Research Projects are advertised opportunities to examine a pre-defined topic or answer a stated research question. Some projects may also provide scope for you to propose your own ideas and approaches.

Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

This project has funding attached, subject to eligibility criteria. Applications for the project are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates, but its funding may be restricted to a limited set of nationalities. You should check the project and department details for more information.

Funded fellowship opportunities in Algorithms and Bioinformatics

Funded phd programme (students worldwide).

Some or all of the PhD opportunities in this programme have funding attached. Applications for this programme are welcome from suitably qualified candidates worldwide. Funding may only be available to a limited set of nationalities and you should read the full programme details for further information.

Canada PhD Programme

A Canadian PhD usually takes 3-6 years. Programmes sometimes include taught classes and training modules followed by a comprehensive examination. You will then carry on to research your thesis, before presenting and defending your work. Programmes are usually offered in English, but universities in Québec and New Brunswick may teach in French.

Shaping Tomorrow: PhD Opportunity in Social Robotics and AI Research

Self-funded phd students only.

This project does not have funding attached. You will need to have your own means of paying fees and living costs and / or seek separate funding from student finance, charities or trusts.

Study of ionospheric propagation disturbances

Funded phd project (european/uk students only).

This project has funding attached for UK and EU students, though the amount may depend on your nationality. Non-EU students may still be able to apply for the project provided they can find separate funding. You should check the project and department details for more information.

FIND-BACT Study: Finding INnovative Diagnostics for BACTerial infections in children

Funded phd project (uk students only).

This research project has funding attached. It is only available to UK citizens or those who have been resident in the UK for a period of 3 years or more. Some projects, which are funded by charities or by the universities themselves may have more stringent restrictions.

Funded fellowship opportunities in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Visualization and Graphics

Political marketing: applied analysis of the use of marketing by campaigns, parties and governments, scotland’s diaspora – was there social justice for the ‘failed’ immigrant in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, visual swarming for gps denied uav operations, visual guidance for ship launch and recovery of unmanned aerial vehicles, dark matter searches with news-g and future experiments, competition funded phd project (uk students only).

This research project is one of a number of projects at this institution. It is in competition for funding with one or more of these projects. Usually the project which receives the best applicant will be awarded the funding. The funding is only available to UK citizens or those who have been resident in the UK for a period of 3 years or more. Some projects, which are funded by charities or by the universities themselves may have more stringent restrictions.

Advanced bubble-particle interaction modelling for sustainable resource recovery

Space-time-varying superconducting surfaces for next-generation quantum computers, epilepsy and the ageing brain, wildland fire modelling and risk assessment (phd).

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UBC Four Years Doctoral Fellowship Program (4YF) 2025 (Fully Funded)

Pursue your studies in Canada. Good news! University of British Columbia Scholarship is currently open. In this article we will explain in detail about this scholarship, its benefits and step by step application process.

University of British Columbia (UBC) Four Years Doctoral Fellowship Program (4YF) 2025-2026 is a fully funded scholarship for international students. This scholarship is offered for Doctoral  studies. This scholarship is valued at $18,200 stipend plus full tuition coverage for four years.

University of British Columbia, Canada, invites applications for the Four Years Doctoral Fellowship (4YF) Program which is awarded to attract and support outstanding domestic and international PhD students, and provide those students with stable, base-level funding for the first four years of their PhD studies and research.

Also Apply for Chinese Provincial Government Scholarships

The Four Year Doctoral Fellowship (4YF) program will ensure UBC’s best PhD, DMA, and MDPhD students are provided with financial support of at least $18,200 per year plus tuition for up to four years of their Doctoral studies. This program allows UBC to continue to attract and support outstanding domestic and international Doctoral students, and provide those students with stable, base-level funding for their Doctoral studies and research.

Scholarship Summary

  • Level of Study: Doctoral (PhD)
  • Institution:  University of British Columbia
  • Study in: Canada
  • Program Period: Four Years
  • Deadline: No application deadline (Check Program specific deadlines here )

Scholarship Coverage

University of British Columbia Four Year Doctoral Fellowship (4YF) Program provide the recipient up to $18,200 stipend plus full tuition coverage for four years.

Eligibility Criteria for University of British Columbia Doctoral Fellowship

To be eligible for University of British Columbia Four Years Doctoral Fellowship (4YF) Program, these points should be considered:

  • Required Languages: English
  • Eligible Countries: All world countries.
  • Four Year Fellowships may be held by domestic and international students. In general, the fellowships are offered to students beginning their first year of PhD studies, but may be offered to continuing PhD students.
  • 4YF funding may be offered for up to four years, but the duration of funding may be less in some circumstances (please refer to the 4YF Guidelines for details).
  •  In all cases, funding is subject to satisfactory academic progress.
  • Students holding the following Tri-Agency awards automatically become 4YF designates:  Vanier Scholarships, Doctoral Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGSD), CIHR Doctoral Research Awards, NSERC Doctoral Postgraduate Scholarships (PGSD), and SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships. Doctoral students who obtain Tri-Agency scholarships may be eligible for 4YF tuition coverage and will receive 4YF stipend and tuition support once their external scholarship funding ends, to the end of the fourth year of PhD studies.
  • Other major external scholarship winners who are selected as 4YF designates may be eligible for 4YF tuition coverage and will receive 4YF stipend and tuition support once their external scholarship funding ends, to the end of the fourth year of PhD studies.

Also Apply for Fully Funded MEXT Scholarship

How to Apply for University of British Columbia Doctoral Fellowship?

Please follow the following instructions to apply for University of British Columbia Four Years Doctoral Fellowship Program:

  • To be considered for Four Year Fellowship funding, students submit an  application  for admission to the appropriate graduate program at UBC.
  • All PhD applicants offered admission are automatically considered for 4YF funding.
  • Each graduate program is allocated a number of Four Year Fellowships each year. Graduate programs review their incoming and continuing students and offer Four Year Fellowships to their very best students, with priority given to incoming students.
  • Graduate programs notify the Faculty of Graduate Studies which students have been chosen to receive a Four Year Fellowship by submitting a signed University Award Recommendation Form, listing award number 6456.
  • It is not necessary to list an award amount.
  • Recommendation forms should be submitted at least eight weeks before the requested 4YF start date.

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To know more about University of British Columbia (UBC) Doctoral Fellowship Canada, please visit the official website:

Official Website

For more scholarships in Canada, click here .

School of Graduate Studies

Management, phd, program overview.

The Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto is home to Canada’s premier management doctoral program, one of the top-ranked PhD programs in the world. The Rotman PhD program is a growing, vibrant, and intellectually rich environment for those interested in developing new insights in management. This close-knit community of scholars value and celebrate insightful, breakthrough research. ​

The PhD program offers specialization in seven fields:

  • Business Economics
  • Operations Management
  • Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management
  • Strategic Management

Quick Facts

Domestic International
Application deadline PhD:

Fall 2024 entry



Fall 2024 entry


Minimum admission average PhD:




Direct entry option from bachelor's to PhD? PhD:

Yes (Minimum GPA: A-)


Yes (Minimum GPA: A-)

Is a supervisor identified before or after admission? PhD:




If a supervisor is identified after admission (as per question above), is admission conditional upon securing a supervisor? PhD:




Is a supervisor assigned by the graduate unit or secured by the applicant? PhD:

Graduate Unit


Graduate Unit

Are any standardized tests required/recommended? PhD:




Sandra Barbosu

“I explore the movie industry's increasing use of big data to gain insights to influence product performance.”

  • Graduate School
  • Award Opportunities

Four Year Doctoral Fellowship (4YF)

Annual value, citizenship, degree level.

The Four Year Doctoral Fellowship (4YF) program will ensure UBC's best PhD, DMA, and MDPhD students are provided with financial support of at least $18,200 per year plus tuition for up to four years of their doctoral studies. This program allows UBC to continue to attract and support outstanding domestic and international doctoral students, and provide those students with stable, base-level funding for their doctoral studies and research.

4YF recipients : Please refer to the 4YF Guidelines for essential policies regarding holding 4YF funding.


Four Year Fellowships may be held by domestic and international students. In general, the fellowships are offered to students beginning their first year of full time PhD, DMA, or MDPhD studies, but may be offered to continuing students. 4YF funding may be offered for up to four years, but the duration of funding may be less in some circumstances (please refer to the 4YF Guidelines for details). In all cases, funding is subject to satisfactory academic progress.

Students holding the following Tri-Agency awards automatically become 4YF designates: Vanier Scholarships, Doctoral Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGSD), CIHR Doctoral Research Awards, NSERC Doctoral Postgraduate Scholarships (PGSD), and SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships. Doctoral students who obtain Tri-Agency scholarships may be eligible for 4YF tuition coverage and will receive 4YF stipend and tuition support once their external scholarship funding ends, until four years after the external award start date or until the end of their 5th year in Doctoral program, whichever comes first.

Other major external scholarship winners who are selected as 4YF designates may be eligible for 4YF tuition coverage and will receive 4YF stipend and tuition support once their external scholarship funding ends, until four years after the 4YF start date or until the end of their 5th year in Doctoral program, whichever comes first.

Evaluation Criteria

Selection based on academic excellence, upon the recommendation of the graduate program.

Application Procedures

To be considered for Four Year Fellowship funding, students submit an application for admission to the appropriate graduate program at UBC. For information about admission procedures and requirements visit the Application & Admission page.  All PhD, DMA, and MDPhD applicants offered admission are automatically considered for 4YF funding.  

Nomination Procedures

Each graduate program is allocated a number of Four Year Fellowships each year. Graduate programs review their incoming and continuing students and offer Four Year Fellowships to their very best students, with priority given to incoming students.

Graduate programs notify Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies which students have been chosen to receive a Four Year Fellowship by submitting a signed University Award Recommendation Form , listing award number 6456. It is not necessary to list an award amount. Recommendation forms should be submitted at least eight weeks before the requested 4YF start date.

Adjudication Procedures

4YF holders are required to apply for other funding to maintain their eligibility for 4YF funding.

(a) 4YF holders who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents are required to apply each year for Tri-Agency funding, if they are eligible. If they do not, they will forfeit their remaining 4YF funding.

(b) 4YF recipients who are international students are not required to submit an application to the annual Affiliated Fellowship competition (held each fall), but they are eligible to do so if they wish to compete for Affiliated Fellowships with higher stipends (such as the Killam Doctoral Fellowship).

Meet Award Holders

funded phd in canada

Jonathan Eaton

Doctor of Philosophy in Anthropology (PhD)

Exploring Cultural Heritage as an Opportunity for Recovery in the Aftermath of Disaster

funded phd in canada

Ife Adebara

Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics (PhD)

Inclusive by Design: Natural Language Technology for Africa

funded phd in canada

Braden Russell

Doctor of Philosophy in Germanic Studies (PhD)

Intersections of belonging and identity in queer Jewish German cultural products

Aarya Chithran, UBC graduate student

Aarya Chithran

Doctor of Philosophy in Neuroscience (PhD)

Role of axon guidance genes in the maintenance of adult nervous system

funded phd in canada

Jennifer Adkins

Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology (PhD)

Dismantling Racial Ideology Through Intimacy: A Cross National Investigation of Black/White Interracial Couples

funded phd in canada

Christina Howard

Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry (PhD)

Climate sensitive growth and suitability modeling of Québec tree species

funded phd in canada

Gabriel Currier

Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics (PhD)

Extremal combinatorics

funded phd in canada

Aysha Allard Brown

Investigating the effect of hemodynamic management and anticoagulation therapy on intraparenchymal hemorrhage after traumatic spinal cord injury

funded phd in canada

Julia Huggins

Doctor of Philosophy in Microbiology and Immunology (PhD)

Oxygen loss in our oceans and the environmental impacts of marine microorganisms

Further Information

4YF Interruption Form - 4YF payments may be interrupted for non-academic reasons (such as for relevant work experience or paid internships). This form is intended for 4YF recipients who do not intend to apply for a corresponding (professional) leave of absence from UBC.

4YF recipients: Please refer to the 4YF Guidelines for essential policies regarding holding 4YF funding.

funded phd in canada

Read tips on applying, reference letters, statement of interest, reaching out to prospective supervisors, interviews and more in our Application Guide!

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  • Study in Canada /

💵Top 10 PhD Scholarships in Canada


  • Updated on  
  • Nov 3, 2023

PhD Scholarships in Canada-07

Canada is an excellent option to consider for a PhD Degree . A PhD degree is a costly yet worthwhile investment. However, it is difficult for students to choose the right and affordable country to pursue a PhD. It is a well-known fact that Canada is among the most preferred study destinations in the world. PhD in Canada is a lot more affordable than in other countries like the US or the UK . To make it more affordable for international students who are excellent in their academics, the Canadian Government offers a lot of PhD scholarships . This blog includes everything you need to know about PhD Scholarships in Canada!

Have you heard about the popular Leverage Edu scholarship worth INR 7,00,00,000? Yes, you read it right, Leverage Edu is offering an overseas scholarship worth INR 7 Cr exclusively for Indian students. Apply now!

This Blog Includes:

Phd funding in canada, vanier canada graduate scholarships, the university of british columbia four-year doctoral fellowship, banting postdoctoral fellowships, ontario trillium scholarship, the ontario graduate scholarship, university of calgary graduate scholarships, the university of manitoba graduate fellowship, idrc research awards, the pierre elliott trudeau foundation doctoral scholarships, university of alberta scholarship, know the admission requirements, why study phd in canada.

Before discussing PhD scholarships in Canada, let’s take a look at the means of funding available to PhD students.

  • Canada offers student loans, but these are mostly available to Canadian citizens or other students with a PR (Permanent Residence) in Canada only.
  • You can expect some funding options to vary for different universities in different states. This variation is because Canada is divided into 10 provinces that are allowed to determine their own educational policies.
  • Some universities in Canada impose funding for PhD students so that everyone pursuing a PhD program can be provided with a minimum amount of support either by their graduate school, department or research group.

PhD Scholarships in Canada for International Students

Mentioned below is a list of PhD Scholarships in Canada offered by the Canadian Government to international students:

The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships are awarded to international and native students who are highly qualified in the following fields:

  • Social sciences 
  • Natural sciences 
  • Engineering  

Award Grant: CAD 50,000 (INR 29.791 Lacs) per year

The University of British Columbia offers this scholarship to excellent international and home students who are pursuing a PhD Degree. The scholarship is fully funded, and students are also provided with a yearly stipend of at least CAD 18,200 (INR 10.88 Lacs).

Also Read: Cost of Living in Canada

This Scholarship is offered to Canadian as well as International students as the PhD scholars contribute to the fields of healthcare, natural science, social science, and economics through research.

Under this fellowship scheme, the Canadian university offers funding to 70 students worth CAD 70,000, the amount is taxable for two years.

The application deadline for this PhD fellowship is in September every year, and the results are declared in mid-January or February.

Also Read: Part-time Jobs in Canada

The University of Waterloo offers the Ontario Trillium Scholarship to international students who hold a valid Canadian study permit and who have achieved a minimum of 80% in each of their last 2 years of full-time study. The student must be registered in a full-time degree-granting program in any Faculty to be eligible for this PhD scholarship in Canada.

Award Grant: CAD 40,000 (INR 23.93 lacs)

This scholarship is offered to international and home students in all disciplines who have attended any one of the following universities in Ontario:

  • Brock University
  • Carleton University
  • University of Guelph
  • Lakehead University
  • Laurentian University
  • McMaster University
  • Nipissing University
  • OCAD University
  • University of Ontario Institute of Technology
  • University of Ottawa
  • Queen’s University
  • Ryerson University
  • University of Toronto
  • Trent University
  • University of Waterloo
  • Western University
  • Wilfrid Laurier University
  • University of Windsor
  • York University

Award Grant: CAD 5,000 (INR 2.97 Lakhs) per term

The University of Calgary offers a Doctoral Recruitment scholarship that is available for international and home students who meet the eligibility criteria set by the University.

Award Grant: CAD 12,000 to CAD 35,000 (INR 7.17 lacs- 20.94 lacs)

This PhD scholarship in Canada is open to students from all nationalities. The scholarship is valued for a period of 12 months.

Award Grant: CAD 18,000 (INR 10.76 lacs)

Also Read: Brock University Graduate Programs

The IDRC Research Awards is awarded by the International Development Research Center to candidates who wish to pursue a master’s or doctorate in Canada. This financial aid is awarded to the permanent residents of Canada, Canadian citizens, and the candidates of the developing countries.

Award Grant: CAD 20,000 per year (INR 1211258.80 Lakhs)

The University of Waterloo offers the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarships to international students enrolled in a doctoral program at a Canadian institution. The student must be already enrolled in a 2-3 year doctoral program in the following subjects:

  • Social Science

In order to apply for this PhD scholarship in Canada, the doctoral work done by the student must be related to the following:

  • Human Rights and Dignity
  • Responsible Citizenship
  • Canada and the World
  • People and their Natural Environment

Award Grant: The scholarship includes the following awarded for up to 3 years of study:

  • CAD 40,000 (INR 23.92 Lacs) per year to cover tuition and reasonable living expenses
  • CAD 20,000 (INR 11.96 Lacs) per year as a research and travel allowance

Also Read: Fully-funded PhD in Canada

The University of Alberta provide scholarships for graduate and PhD courses to all eligible students. Students are automatically considered for the scholarships as soon as they enrol for the course. Students can also seek external funding such as teaching assistantships and research assistantships.

Award Grant: CAD 21,000 for international students

The eligibility requirements for obtaining a PhD Degree may vary for different courses and universities in Canada. Mentioned below are the general admission requirements for students who are considering Canada for their PhD studies:

  • The students must have obtained a master’s degree in a related field. The degree must come with good grades and demonstrate the student’s research ability and potential.
  • Proof of English Language Proficiency is a must. The student must take English Language Proficiency tests such as IELTS , PTE or TOEFL to prove their English proficiency.
  • The student must obtain an excellent score in graduate admissions tests such as the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) or GRE ( Graduate Record Examination).

Join Leverage Live to score high in English Language Tests such as IELTS TOEFL PTE .

Top-Class Universities

Canada is home to many universities that rank among the top 100 universities in the world. It provides students from around the world with excellent academic and research facilities.

Work Opportunities

PhD students are paid during their PhD studies. However, in Canada, students can work for up to 10 hours a week and stay for up to 3 years after completing their PhD studies in Canada using the post-graduation work permit .

Affordable Option

PhD in top countries like the US or the UK is a bit expensive. While in Canada, tuition fees for pursuing a PhD are quite affordable, ranging from CAD 6,000 to 30,000 (INR 3.58 lacs -17.94 Lacs).

Scholarships and Grants

Canada offers a variety of scholarships to highly qualified international students who want to pursue any doctoral degree in a Canadian University.

Relevant Blogs

Ans. A PhD Program in Canada is 4-6 years long.

Ans. Various Canadian Universities offer full scholarships to PhD candidates on the basis of their academic achievements and the objective of their research work in Canada for developmental purposes.

Ans. Yes, you can get a fully funded PhD in Canada worth $50,000 for a period of 3 years to fund your research. The scholarship amount is awarded on the basis of academic excellence, research proposal, financial needs, as well as leadership skills. 1 May 2024 is the deadline to apply for the PhD scholarships in Canada 2023-2024.

Ans. An overall score of 6.5 with no components less than 5.0 is the minimum IELTS requirement to study PhD in Canada.

Ans. Yes, Canada offers fully-funded PhD programs under some scholarships and funding schemes. Some of the fully-funded PhD schemes are Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships , NSERC Postgraduate scholarships , Anne Vallee Ecological Fund , Trudeau Scholarships and Fellowships , McGill University Scholarships and Student Aid .

We hope that, this blog helped you explore PhD scholarships available in Canada for Indian students. If finding the right scholarship still confuses you, feel free to call our Leverage Edu experts. We are here to help you select the best scholarship and funding options available to finance your dream of pursuing a PhD abroad! Sign up for a free career counselling session with us today. Call us immediately at 1800 57 2000 for a free 30-minute counselling session.

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Damanpreet Kaur Vohra

Daman is an author with profound expertise in writing engaging and informative content focused on EdTech and Study Abroad. With a keen understanding of these domains, Daman excels at creating complex concepts into accessible, reader-friendly material. With a proven track record of insightful articles, Daman stands as a reliable source for providing content for EdTech and Study Abroad.

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PhD program

Waterloo’s PhD in Political Science is the most innovative program of its kind in Canada, offering students considerable flexibility in core research activities, formal professional development for both academic and non-academic career paths, an experiential option (including access to the world’s largest co-op program of its kind, or other internship/placement experiences) and a teaching option (including mentored teaching experiences and formal pedagogical training).

Students will have the opportunity to work with internationally and nationally-renowned scholars in the discipline.

Students have the option of choosing from three major fields: Canadian Politics , International Relations , and Political Economy . For their secondary field, students may choose either a second major field or create their own ‘custom concentration’ based on coursework in a designated area of the discipline (for example: comparative politics, democratic theory, public policy, gender and politics) or from a subfield of their major field (for example: security, rights, etc.).

The program includes one year of coursework featuring a mandatory, team-taught methodology course, two courses in the student’s major field, two courses in the student's second major field or custom concentration, and one elective. Students must also complete the PhD Professional Development Seminar , a series of half-day seminars offered by the Department and additional workshops delivered by campus units like the Writing and Communications Centre , Centre for Career Development , or Centre for Teaching Excellence . Professional Development training gears students to both academic and non-academic job markets, fostering skills enhancements in research methods, communications to non-academic audiences, fieldwork, conferencing best practices, and career planning.

The capstone research project (the PhD thesis) requires students to complete and defend a thesis proposal. Students may choose a traditional dissertation (ranging from 200-350 page in length), or a ‘publication model’ consisting of at least three sole-authored (submitted, in press, or published) works and including an original introduction, conclusion and any necessary bridging chapters to reflect a coherent project. In rare cases, and with the approval of the student’s supervisor and the Department Graduate Committee, students may opt for a non-traditional thesis formal that meets the standards of an original doctoral-level contribution to knowledge but in a different form (for example, a documentary). The Department is especially cognizant of the potential for alternative approaches to knowledge generation and dissemination, such as Indigenous approaches to knowledge, as something to be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. Regardless of format, the completed thesis will be subject to an oral defence before a committee, including the supervisor(s), two other political science faculty members, an internal-external examiner from another department/program at Waterloo, and an external examiner.

For further details on the program, please visit the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar .

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Doctoral Student Funding Opportunities

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Award Citizenship Student Status Field of Study
No restriction Incoming students All fields
** Some restrictions Current students Computer Science, Engineering, or Management
No restriction Graduating students All fields
Canadian Citizens & Permanent Residents, and protected persons only Incoming and current students All fields
No restriction Current students All fields
No restriction Current students All fields
Canadian/US Incoming students All fields
** Some restrictions Current students Natural Sciences & Engineering
No restriction Incoming and current students Natural Sciences & Engineering
No restriction Incoming and current students Health Sciences
No restriction Incoming and current students Social Sciences, Humanities and Fine Arts


No restriction Current WOMEN Students All fields
No restriction  Incoming and current students All fields 
No restriction Incoming students All fields
No restriction Current students Humanities and Social Sciences
No restriction Incoming and current students All fields
Canadian Citizens & Permanent Residents only Incoming and current students Chemistry, Physics or Electronics
No restriction Current students All fields

International Students

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Funding opportunities specifically for International Students

funded phd in canada

Funding available for graduate student mobility.

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Graduate and postdoctoral studies.



    funded phd in canada

  2. PhD Scholarships Fully Funded in Canada for International Students of

    funded phd in canada

  3. Fully Funded PhD Programs in Canada I Leverage Edu

    funded phd in canada

  4. FREE Study in Canada

    funded phd in canada

  5. Fully funded International PhD Program at INRS University du Quebec

    funded phd in canada

  6. How to Get a Fully Funded PhD Scholarship in Canada 🇨🇦

    funded phd in canada


  1. Universities Offering Fully Funded Scholarships #freeeducation #studyusa #phd #usastudyvisa #visa


  3. How to Find a Masters or PhD supervisor in Canada

  4. Fully Funded PhD & Master's Programs with Cutting-Edge Research Opportunities

  5. Eligibility Criteria for PhD and Masters in universities in Canada, USA, UK, and Australia

  6. Fully Funded PhD in USA or Canada for International Students: 5 Easy Steps


  1. PhD programs

    Ph.D. at uOttawa: research community. "Supervising doctoral students is a privilege: it allows for the discovery of new research challenges and for the development of sustainable relationships.". Emmanuelle Bernheim, LL.D., PhD, Full professor, Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section.

  2. Canada Graduate Scholarships

    The objective of the Canada Graduate Scholarships — Doctoral (CGS D) program is to promote continued excellence in Canadian research by rewarding and retaining high-calibre doctoral students at Canadian institutions. By providing support for a high-quality research training experience to awardees, the CGS D program strives to foster impacts ...

  3. PhD Funding in Canada

    A low cost of living and an emphasis on the importance of support for research students makes Canada a surprisingly affordable place to complete a PhD.The country's excellent research opportunities and international outlook only add to the appeal.. Canadian PhD funding can take the form of government fellowships, independent research scholarships or graduate assistantships offered by ...

  4. PhD Study in Canada

    The Canadian PhD process. PhD study in Canada has more in common with the UK than the neighbouring USA. The US PhD normally begins with taught classes and examinations. However, like in the UK, a Canadian PhD is more research-focused from the outset. However, it is also common for universities to offer structured courses within PhD programmes.

  5. PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Canada

    Dalhousie University Faculty of Computer Science. Computer science education is an interdisciplinary field of research that leverages advances in theories and methods from education, psychology, computer science, and engineering. Read more. Funded PhD Programme (Students Worldwide) Canada PhD Programme. More Details.

  6. Ph.D scholarships in Canada for International students 2024-2025

    The Government of Canada launched the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (Vanier CGS) program in 2008 to strengthen Canada's ability to attract and retain world-class doctoral students and establish Canada as a global centre of exc. Published: 27 Jun 2024 Type: PhD Study in: Canada Value: $50,000 Deadline: 30 Oct 2024.

  7. How to Study a PhD in Canada

    However, some PhD courses may stipulate that you shouldn't work for more than 10 hours per week during term time - particularly if you've been granted funding to study in Canada. It's also important to consider that your PhD will take up a considerable amount of time and challenging work, so you might prefer to focus entirely on your ...

  8. 1342 PhD programmes in Canada

    Find the best PhD programmes from top universities in Canada. Check all 1342 programmes.

  9. Doctoral program funding

    Admission Scholarships Scholarships for students Research scholarships Other sources of funding Other international programs Sample annual expenses Admission Scholarships Supplemental tuition fee exemption scholarships Available to ALL international students enrolled in a doctoral program. Nearly $49,000 Citizens of the World scholarships Excellence scholarships In support of academic ...

  10. 473 Phd Scholarships in Canada

    Both partially-funded and fully-funded scholarships abound for those that want to study in Canada. Universities in Canada and Government of Canada offer scholarships to local citizens and international students every year. By 2020, the number of international students on scholarships in Canada is expected to rise to 500,000 from 350,000 in 2015.

  11. PhD Public Health Sciences

    PhD students in the School of Public Health Sciences can pursue a designated field to exemplify an area of expertise within their broader program. Fields include epidemiology and biostatistics, health evaluation, health informatics, health and environment, global health, aging and health and work and health. The University of Waterloo's unique ...

  12. PhD in Canada for International Students: A Complete Guide

    Tuition fees for Ph.D. programs in Canada vary by institution and program. On average, international students can expect to pay between 8,000 CAD to 16,000 CAD per year. This cost is influenced by factors such as the university's reputation and the field of study. 2.

  13. Scholarships for international and Canadian students

    News. Stay on top of the latest news about scholarship opportunities in Canada and abroad. - The deadline to apply for the 2024-2025 Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships is September 17, 2024, at 20:00 (EDT). - The Government of Mexico has launched a call for applications for the 2024 Mexican Government Call for Projects from Canadian ...

  14. 6 Canadian PhD scholarships for int'l students 2022

    Other awards for international PhD applicants include the Ontario Graduate Scholarship. Depending on how many months you have completed your PhD studies at the time of application, you may receive up to CA$15,000 (three terms of CA$5,000 each) of funding - the application deadline is Jan. 12, 2022. All in all, these are great Canadian PhD ...

  15. International doctoral scholarship

    A value of $45,000 over five (5) years, the International Doctoral Scholarship supports full-time international students, admitted in May 2023 or beyond, during their doctoral studies. A maximum value of $3,000 per term, for 15 consecutive terms, will be credited to the student account. Please note that the scholarship will only be paid if ...

  16. Top Universities for PhD Study in Canada

    There are 10 Canadian provinces whose universities offer PhD study: Alberta is a landlocked province in western Canada, famous for its vast forests, prairies and mountain ranges. There are 5 universities offering PhDs in Alberta and the official language is English. British Columbia is Canada's westernmost province.

  17. Top 10 PhD Scholarships In Canada!

    Offering fully funded PhD scholarships in Canada, including the University of Waterloo Graduate Scholarship worth up to $10,000, the perks extend to the International Master's Award of Excellence, valued at $2,500 per term for a maximum of 6 terms. Deadlines vary by program, so check for yours and seize the opportunity to make your academic ...

  18. canada PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

    Shaping Tomorrow: PhD Opportunity in Social Robotics and AI Research. Join us in defining the future of responsible artificial intelligence (AI) in social robotics. Edinburgh Napier University's School of Computing, Engineering & the Built Environment invites self-funded PhD students to contribute to ground-breaking research in social robotics ...

  19. UBC Four Years Doctoral Fellowship Program (4YF) 2025 (Fully Funded)

    University of British Columbia (UBC) Four Years Doctoral Fellowship Program (4YF) 2025-2026 is a fully funded scholarship for international students. This scholarship is offered for Doctoral studies. This scholarship is valued at $18,200 stipend plus full tuition coverage for four years. University of British Columbia, Canada, invites ...

  20. Management, PhD

    Program Overview. The Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto is home to Canada's premier management doctoral program, one of the top-ranked PhD programs in the world. The Rotman PhD program is a growing, vibrant, and intellectually rich environment for those interested in developing new insights in management.

  21. Four Year Doctoral Fellowship (4YF)

    Four Year Fellowships may be held by domestic and international students. In general, the fellowships are offered to students beginning their first year of full time PhD, DMA, or MDPhD studies, but may be offered to continuing students. 4YF funding may be offered for up to four years, but the duration of funding may be less in some circumstances (please refer to the 4YF Guidelines for details).

  22. Top 10 PhD Scholarships in Canada

    Yes, you can get a fully funded PhD in Canada worth $50,000 for a period of 3 years to fund your research. The scholarship amount is awarded on the basis of academic excellence, research proposal, financial needs, as well as leadership skills. 1 May 2024 is the deadline to apply for the PhD scholarships in Canada 2023-2024.

  23. PhD program

    PhD program. Waterloo's PhD in Political Science is the most innovative program of its kind in Canada, offering students considerable flexibility in core research activities, formal professional development for both academic and non-academic career paths, an experiential option (including access to the world's largest co-op program of its ...

  24. Doctoral Student Funding Opportunities

    Incoming and current students. Social Sciences, Humanities and Fine Arts. Senior Women Academic Administrators of Canada (SWAAC) **Next round - 2025**. No restriction. Current WOMEN Students. All fields. Stavros S. Niarchos Foundation Fellowships for Excellence in Graduate Education. No restriction.