Career Success Australia

Best Cover Letter Example Template for Australia

cover letter example templates for australia

The Best Cover Letter examples in Australia in 2022 will prompt a prospective employer to read your Resume. They do this by demonstrating how your skills and experience align with those sought after by the employer.

By briefly outlining how you can add value to their business, the hiring manager will see that you are someone worth investigating further.

Oftentimes, however, an application will be dismissed before the Resume is even read, as a result of mistakes in the Cover Letter.

Cover Letters play a massive role in whether you get called in for an interview or not. According to a survey conducted by ResumeLab, 83% of recruiters believe that Cover Letters are important in making hiring decisions, and can even convince recruiters to schedule an interview with an applicant despite a poor Resume.

While writing your Cover Letter, you may not be realising that you are making mistakes that are severely impacting your chances at securing the job. Our experts have analysed 100+ Cover Letter examples to highlight the most common mistakes to avoid.

It’s good to get into the habit of understanding these mistakes now before you jeopardise your chances of securing employment any further!

Here are the most important Cover Letter mistakes to avoid:

Best Cover Letter Examples: Avoid Typographical Errors

Page Contents

Most hiring companies in Australia are looking for people with outstanding communication skills.

Communication skills are one of the most important soft skills to have when looking for a job. Demonstrating high-quality communication skills helps to build trust, boost teamwork and furthers your professional relationships.

This will usually include written skills, as well as, verbal communication skills. Your Cover Letter is your first opportunity to show your prospective employer that you have the necessary language capabilities.

Typographical and grammatical errors will often see your application rejected immediately.

Here are some tips:

  • Make sure to use a spellchecker after drafting your Cover Letter . This is an easy step that you shouldn’t overlook! If your Cover Letter contains any spelling errors or typos, this immediately sends the message that the rest of your application is weak too.
  • Re-read it to make sure the content is grammatically and contextually correct. Present yourself in a strong and accurate way!
  • Ask someone else to read through it as well. Sometimes we can miss some obvious mistakes as we have read the content a number of times and are ‘too close to it’. Having someone else read your Cover Letter to check for any mistakes is always a fantastic idea!

Best Cover Letters in Australia: Avoid using a standard or generic Cover Letter

You need to tailor your Cover Letter to the position you are applying for, and the best Cover Letter examples in Australia have shown that.

One of the quickest ways to have your application overlooked is to send out a generic Cover Letter which does not address the specific key selection criteria or skill set required.

Things to include in a tailored Cover Letter in Australia are:

  • Your contact information like email address, mobile number and LinkedIn Profile
  • The position you are applying for
  • The skills and experience you have which qualify you as being suitable for this specific job
  • An example of how you applied as many of those skills in a previous role – this should directly tie in with one of the key selection criteria listed in the job advertisement
  • The name of the organisation you are applying to; the name of the hiring manager and change the date of your Cover Letter if you are using a template from a previous application

Best Cover Letters Template Tips: Don’t write too much!

Your Cover Letter should be concise, encouraging the hiring manager to want to learn more about you by reading your Resume, and, ultimately, inviting you to an interview.

By rambling on too much and including unnecessary information, you risk alienating yourself and having your application dismissed. Recruiters love simple, short and concise Cover Letters. Get to the point!

Keep your Cover Letter to one page, highlighting your most relevant achievements and skills, always ensuring they match the key selection criteria stated in the position description.

Best Cover Letters in Australia: Avoid buzzwords

Using Buzzwords or clichés in your Cover Letter shows a lack of imagination and effort. You don’t want to give off the impression to recruiters of being unoriginal or lazy, do you?

Simply recycling those qualities listed in a job ad word-for-word and attributing them to yourself won’t do you much good. Without giving concrete examples of how they apply to you will see your application immediately brushed aside. Examples of such buzz words include: “team player”, “good communication skills”, “hard worker”, and “detail-oriented”.

Don’t just tell them you’re a hard worker, show them! Back-up your statements. You can do this by detailing specific tasks and outcomes you were responsible for, and successful at, while in your previous role(s).

Your Cover Letter and Resume may promise a certain level of personality or value, which is what will get you an interview, but once you’re face-to-face with a recruiter, that level of value will need to be made evident.

Best Cover Letters: Include appropriate personal details

Personal details such as your age, hobbies, and marital status should not be included in your Cover Letter .

Not only are they usually irrelevant to the job you are applying for, but they could also give the person reading your Cover Letter an excuse to dismiss your application without having read your Resume.

An employer wants to see how your previous work experience relates to the position on offer.  So, unless your outside interests are pertinent to the role, it’s best to not include them in your Cover Letter.

Best Cover Letters: Don’t exaggerate or lie about skills or experience

Sometimes job seekers are tempted to exaggerate their skills or experience to improve their chances of obtaining an interview. This is a big mistake.

Whether the prospective employer asks you about it during an interview or calls your previous employer to ask them, you will nearly always be found out.

It is much better to really think about how your actual experience relates to the qualities and key selection criteria being sought after. Once you have found qualitative and quantitative examples of this experience, aim to express this honestly and in your own words.

Even if you don’t have enough experience required for the job you’re applying for, you can overcome this by selling yourself in other ways.

A Cover Letter that highlights your achievements and includes similar projects or relatable experience can work in your favour. This will provide evidence of your value in terms of accomplishments which is what recruiters want to know about.

Also, if you’re qualified in any way, you can sell this in a Cover Letter or in the interview to convince recruiters of your value, regardless of any gaps in your experience, skill set or job history.

Download our Cover Letter Example Template For 2022 

To conclude, a good Cover Letter is a pivotal factor in the job application and job interview process. A Cover Letter should be well-written and engaging, and should convince the hiring manager that you are the best candidate.

A Cover Letter is a brief introduction of a job applicant that captures the employer’s attention and conveys competence, professionalism, and enthusiasm. The Cover Letter should provide some basic facts about the applicant such as their current position, career goals, and key skills.

To help you develop the perfect Cover Letter, download our free Cover Letter Template today to get started! Our Cover Letter template includes tips and advice from top Australian recruiters which will help you catch the recruiter’s attention – so you land a job in 2022.

The template can be customised to apply for jobs in all industries including Information Technology, Engineering, Business, Finance, and Accounting.

cover letter example template download 2021

If you would like one-to-one support to create a high-quality and impactful Cover Letter to get more job interviews and jobs in Australia, please feel free to get in touch.

We wish you all the best in your job search! Careers Team, Career Success Australia

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Man writing notes down for a perfect cover letter for his job search

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How to write a good cover letter

How To Write A Great Cover Letter For A Job [Top Tips]

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Bad Cover Letters vs. Good Cover Letters

cover letter cv example australia

Hello, It’s been a real challange finding job(s) that DON’T require vaccinations. How does one succeed in getting THAT job where this isn’t a requirement?

While the initial advertisment for a job doesn’t mention the need for a double vaccantion, it isn’t until the end or indeed, when one is called for a interview, that the question arises.

What can I, as one that has been stood down from a 15 year job, do to succeed in getting a job? And one where the mandate hasn’t been implemented or has been rescinded. It just seems so prejudicial.

Many thanks, Armand Haine

cover letter cv example australia

Hi Armand, yes, we have heard of many cases where the person hasn’t been able to have the vaccination due to medical reasons. At some point in time the vaccination certificate requirement that some companies ask for will phase out. What you can do Armand is increase the number of job interviews you attend. The more interviews you get, the more offers you will get which means you may find an employer that does not require the vaccination certificate. Also, it depends which industry you are trying to get into. Some industries require it, others, not so much. Feel free to contact us if you would like to discuss your case in detail. Best wishes, Career Success Australia

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  • How To Write A Cover Letter (Examples, Templates & Guide)

Write a cover letter that impresses hiring managers.

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Contributing Editor | HR, careers & job search

I founded three separate companies over the past decade to help leaders and organisations do their best work. Arielle Executive helps leaders get noticed while Arielle Partners & Talent Avenue connect organisations to Australia's best leadership talent.

Arielle Executive - Sydney, Melbourne, New York

Editor | Business & Investing

I lead a team of writers and editors to build Arielle's Think Big blog. Together, we share an audacious goal: create Australia's #1 publication for high-performance individuals.

Last updated: April 21st, 2024

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Australia’s job market is competitive. You will sell yourself short if you don’t submit a compelling cover letter in your job application.

Your application must give hiring managers confidence that you’re the ideal person to meet their needs — even if your skills and experience aren’t a perfect match.

Sure, you can download a cover letter template and plug in some generic information.

But a better strategy is to use the best cover letter examples and templates (including ours below) as a starting point for crafting a tailored and impactful cover letter.

Do This To Impress Employers (Before You Start Writing Your Cover Letter).

A cover letter is an introductory note that accompanies your resume as part of a job application, to communicate why you’re the best candidate for a job.

This isn’t a business document. It’s a reflection of your personal brand .

Expert Tip.

You’re personally writing to another human being, so use personal pronouns like ‘I’ and ‘you’. And keep your language natural – resist the temptation to sound like a corporate robot.

To articulate why you’re the best fit — before you start typing — take the time to:

  • Research the role and the company. Read the job description and learn about a company’s goals, challenges, values, industry and customer base so you can write intelligently about how you’ll add value (e.g., is the company vying for an IPO?).
  • Gather your best examples. Collate examples of projects you ran and the impact you made. Quantify as much as possible (e.g., reduced CRM costs by 35%, raised employee retention by 13%, closed $5m of sales in 2023).

Use your company research to identify the best person to address your cover letter to (if it’s not listed in the ad). This personalises your approach and makes you seem clued in and ready to step into a team.

How To Write A Cover Letter For Australian Employers.

Unless you have an insider connection, your cover letter can make or break your chances of  getting an interview . Every word needs to earn its place.

Here’s what to include and avoid as you write each part of your cover letter.

1. Write Contact Details And Salutation.

What to include:

  • A header with your name a a career tagline, e.g., Senior Sales Director.
  • Your contact details – limit this to your email address and mobile phone number.
  • A personal salutation , such as ‘Dear Peter,’.

Here’s an example:

Avoid the salutations “Dear Hiring Manager”. If you can’t find their name, use “To Whom It May Concern” as a last resort.

2. Write The First Paragraph.

Don’t waste space reiterating where and when you saw the job listing, as this will be tracked online and makes you appear out of touch with the market and digital job search.

Instead, launch into your main value proposition and the most powerful evidence of your suitability for the role.

Here’s an example of a strong introductory paragraph:

What to avoid:

  • Bragging , or coming across as arrogant or selfish will likely backfire on you. For example: “Australia’s best salesperson who consistently out-sells teammates with my take-no-prisoners attitude.” No one wants to work with a jerk.
  • Fake enthusiasm. Leading with how thrilled you would be to get the job smacks of insincerity and mediocrity – as though you have nothing substantive to say. Worse, it will make you sound just like every other applicant.

3. Write The Middle Paragraphs.

Continue to expand on your value proposition. In other words, add secondary and tertiary reasons that confirm your suitability for the role.

Effective ways to flesh out this section include:

  • A list of 3 or more achievements that offer tangible proof of your capabilities. (Learn how to radically increase the power of your achievements ) .
  • A good story , if you have one. Is there a unique experience you’ve had with their brand that can be described succinctly? A sincere way to create an emotional connection?

Take a look at this example:

Don’t repeat the achievements from your resume verbatim. You can use the same achievement in your resume and cover letter but you must find a different way to frame it.

  • Apologies. Perhaps you don’t tick every box — don’t downplay yourself. Explain why you are still the best candidate despite whatever obstacles you perceive in your background.
  • Flowery language and cliches. Assume everyone thinks they’re a “seasoned professional”, “team player”, or “dynamic”, “energetic”, or “proven” leader. Delete all buzzwords from your cover letter.

4. Write Your Concluding Statements.

If there’s room, throw in a few more value points — again, ensuring they’re relevant to the job ad/description. Finally, thank the potential employer for the opportunity.

Free Cover Letter Templates [Download].

Even though you’re learning how to write a unique cover letter, there’s nothing wrong with drawing inspiration from a cover letter template.

In fact, they’re really handy for guidance on the basic structure. And they can be a great way to organise your thoughts – freedom in a frame, so to speak.

Below are two cover letter templates for you to choose from. (Ensure you have a recent version of Word installed on your computer).

1. Contemporary Cover Letter Template.

Download Now :

2. Classic Cover Letter Template.

Download Now:

How Does Your Cover Letter Interact With Your Resume?

You’ll probably need to tweak your cover letter alongside your resume, and constantly cross-check to ensure they work together to convey your strengths.

A good cover letter should:

  • Dovetail with your resume: Ensure you reinforce what you say in your cover letter through the details you include on your resume. A disconnect between the two will either create confusion or arouse suspicion.
  • Close gaps left by your resume: It’s hard to explain nuanced life choices via dot points on a resume. Use your cover letter to provide context for major pivots between job types/industries, or periods of unemployment.

To ensure your resume hits all the right notes, consider using my recommended free resume builder . Or hire one of my top-rated resume writers if you want us to handle everything.

How Long Should Your Cover Letter Be?

Your cover letter is a teaser. It needs to pique the recruiter’s interest so they’ll pay closer attention to your resume.

Attention spans are short. Keep it punchy, with only the most relevant details, context and your most impressive achievements.

Ensure that the achievements you spotlight in your cover letter align with the role you’re applying for. Most job seekers fail to make the right impression by including the same achievements on their every job application.

Before You ‘Hit Send’ On Your Cover Letter.

Before you submit your application, use this checklist to ensure your cover letter includes key details:

Does it flow and make sense?
Have you spelt the hiring manager’s name right?
Is the cover letter aligned with the role? And your resume?
Break up and simplify dense or verbose sections. Make your cover letter look approachable and scannable.

A second set of eyes is always helpful when it comes to spotting mistakes or inconsistencies. Ask someone with superior writing skills to proofread your letter.

Additionally, I recommend sharing it with 2-3 people in your network to get their general feedback on whether you’ve made a compelling case to be hired.

There’s nothing like fresh eyes to speed up, and dial in, your final draft.

How Should You Format Your Cover Letter?

Here’s a quick tip that will double the impact of your job application – keep your cover letter’s design and format consistent with that of your resume.

This achieves a couple of objectives:

  • It helps you  build and reinforce your personal brand.
  • It helps the recruiter  with visual recognition of your application.

Don’t go too fancy or complex with your cover letter design or formatting, as it will distract the reader from the meat of your content.

See below for a side-by-side example of a branded set (resume and cover letter):

Here’s the best news. Remember the free cover letter templates that I gave you earlier? Well, I’ve created a matching set of resume templates, which you can download here .

Wait, Do Recruiters Even Read Cover Letters?

One reason that some recruiters don’t read cover letters is because they’re too generic, long-winded and boring.

A 2024 survey found that most people gloss over the cover letter and focus their attention on the CV/resume.

Regardless of  recruiter behaviour , you need to decide whether or not a cover will be valuable for your situation. You have 3 options:

  • Don’t write a cover letter. Let your resume promote you on its own. Maybe it will be seen, maybe not.
  • Write a quick’n’nasty cover letter. If it gets read, your resume likely won’t be.
  • Craft a unique, impactful & thoughtful cover letter. Invest the time and, chances are, both your cover letter and resume will see the light of day.

You’re probably better off not writing a cover letter than writing a bad one. However, going the extra mile to write a great cover letter puts you well above candidates who choose options 1 and 2.

Can AI Write A Good Enough Cover Letter For You?

If you’re keen to use AI as a writing tool, we recommend that you only use it to produce a quick first draft that you can then edit and enhance using your human smarts.

Depending on how skilled you are with prompts, a cover letter composed by an AI — such as ChatGPT or Google Bard — could provide a starting point and mimic the right professional tone.

So, you’ll need to review every sentence to add personality and specificity, and align the message with what the job-poster is looking for.

Do You Have More Questions?

By now, I’m trusting that most of your questions have been answered when it comes to writing a cover letter to accompany your resume for a specific job application.

But cutting through the candidate clutter is no easy feat. And unless you’re a professional writer, the task of creating a standout cover letter can feel overwhelming.

If that’s you, I’m here for you. If you have more questions about how to write a cover letter, feel free to ask me in the comments below.

Wishing you all the best in your upcoming job search, and your career.

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Cover Letters and Resume Samples

Cover Letter for Jobs in Australia: Sample & Tips

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on writing a cover letter for a job application in Australia. Crafting a compelling cover letter is crucial for landing your dream job and showcasing your skills and qualifications to potential employers.

In this guide, we will provide you with a detailed sample cover letter that you can use as a reference when drafting your own. We will also offer valuable tips and insights to help you tailor your cover letter specifically for the Australian job market.

Whether you’re a local candidate or an international applicant seeking opportunities in Australia, our expert advice will help you create a standout cover letter that highlights your unique strengths and experiences.

Let’s dive in and learn how to create a compelling cover letter that will make a lasting impression on employers in Australia.

Note:  This is a general guide for writing a cover letter for jobs in Australia. It is recommended to customize your cover letter based on the specific requirements of the employer and the job you are targeting.

Recommended: Canadian Cover Letter Sample

Australian Jobs Cover Letter Sample

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the job position at your company. I recently came across the job listing on your website and was immediately drawn to the exciting opportunities that your organization offers.

I am a highly motivated and qualified candidate with [number of years] years of experience in [industry/field]. I have a strong background in [specific skills/qualifications relevant to the job], which I believe would make me a valuable asset to your team.

Having recently relocated to Australia, I am eager to contribute my skills and expertise to the local job market. I am impressed by your company’s commitment to [specific values/goals], and I am confident that my skill set aligns well with your requirements.

Throughout my career, I have consistently demonstrated my ability to [mention key achievements/experiences that prove your competence]. I am a quick learner, adaptable, and thrive in fast-paced environments. Additionally, my strong communication and problem-solving skills have allowed me to successfully collaborate with cross-functional teams and deliver exceptional results.

I am particularly interested in the opportunity to work at your company because of [mention specific aspects of the company that you find appealing, such as its culture, mission, or reputation]. I believe that my passion for [mention relevant industry or field] and my dedication to continuous learning would make me a great fit for your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I have attached my resume for your review. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my qualifications and experience align with your company’s needs in more detail. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience.

I look forward to the possibility of joining your team and contributing to your continued success.

[Your Name]

How to Write a Great Cover Letter for a Job in Australia?

Writing a cover letter for jobs in Australia follows a similar structure and format as cover letters in other countries. Here are 10 key tips to help you craft an effective cover letter to apply for a job in Australia:

1. Contact Information:  Include your full name, address, phone number, and email address at the top of the page.

2. Salutation:  Begin your cover letter with a formal salutation, such as “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name]”

3. Introduction:  Start by introducing yourself and stating the position you are applying for. Mention how you learned about the job opening and express your enthusiasm for the opportunity.

4. Highlight Your Skills and Experience:  In the body paragraphs, showcase your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements. Draw attention to specific accomplishments that demonstrate your suitability for the role. Use bullet points or paragraphs to present this information clearly.

5. Research the Company:  Take the time to research the company and understand its values, goals, and culture. Mention specific aspects that align with your background or career aspirations.

6. Explain Your Motivation:  Explain why you are interested in working for the company and why you believe you are the right candidate for the position. It’s important to demonstrate your passion and commitment.

7. Customize for Each Application:  Tailor each cover letter to the specific job you are applying for. Highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the position.

8. Closing:  Conclude your letter by thanking the hiring manager for considering your application and expressing your interest in further discussing your qualifications.

9. Signature:  End the letter with a professional closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards,” followed by your full name.

10. Proofread and Edit:  Before sending your application, thoroughly proofread your cover letter for any grammar or spelling errors. Read it aloud or ask someone else to review it as well.

Final Thought

Congratulations! You have now acquired the knowledge and tools to create an outstanding cover letter for job applications in Australia. By following our sample and utilizing the tips provided, you can confidently put together a document that effectively showcases your skills and qualifications.

Remember, a well-crafted cover letter is your opportunity to make a strong first impression on potential employers and separate yourself from the competition. Tailoring your letter to the Australian job market will demonstrate your understanding of local expectations and increase your chances of success.

As you begin drafting your own cover letter, keep in mind the importance of personalization, showcasing your relevant skills, and conveying your enthusiasm for the job. Take the time to proofread and review your letter before sending it off, ensuring that it is error-free and clearly communicates your value as a candidate.

Best of luck with your job application in Australia! We are confident that with the information provided in this guide, you will be able to create a compelling cover letter that catches the attention of employers and sets you on the path to career success.

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  • Resumes Cover Letters

Cover Letters: A Comprehensive Guide [+ Templates and Samples]

In this post, free cover letter template, cover letter examples for different kinds of jobs, creative cover letter design template, how to message a recruiter on linkedin.

Claudia Reiners

In this post Show

Write the perfect cover letter for a job application in every industry. Download our free cover letter templates and examples to impress the hiring manager and nab the job you want.

The purpose of a cover letter is to convince a hiring manager or recruiter to read your resume. Your cover letter tells the story of why you’re applying, and why you’re a great fit for the role. Then your resume backs it up with essential data and details.

But for a new or inexperienced job seeker, figuring out how to write an effective cover letter can be super confusing.

That’s why we’ve created various cover letter templates for you to download and use. They’re no-fuss, easy to edit and are even targeted at certain jobs (so you know they have the right information).

Use these cover letter templates as a starting point and personalise them however you want.

Are cover letters still relevant in 2021?

Cover letters are a hotly-debated topic amongst job seekers, recruiters, and people giving career advice. Doubt that? Try searching ‘cover letters’ on Reddit and see how many different opinions are out there.

Almost every job application requires a cover letter. It’s the first thing that hiring managers see, and creates a first impression (whether positive or negative) that can determine whether your application makes it past the skimming stage.

No wonder we often dread writing them. It’s common to stress over how to write it, what to include, and wonder if they even matter at all.

How much time should you spend on it? Does anyone actually read cover letters in 2021? (Yes, they do).

The most challenging thing about writing one is that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Different industries and levels of seniority will have different sets of expectations.

If you’re applying for a position as a project manager in construction, your cover letter will sound very different than if you were applying for a customer service role. Likewise for roles in the creative industry, technology, and healthcare – they all have different flavours.

In 2021, cover letters are still very relevant, and many employers won’t even consider your application without one. But there are more modern ways of delivering them, as well as a few ways to make yours stand out.

cover letter cv example australia

Cover Letter Template

This is a generalised cover letter template that projects passion for any job. Just add your own information!

[Today’s Date]

[Your full name] [Your phone number] [Your email] [Your address, city, state, postcode] [Your LinkedIn]

[Hiring Manager’s Name] [Company Address, City, State] [Phone number] [Email address]

Dear [Hiring Manager],

RE: <insert role title> position

I am thrilled to submit my application for the <insert role title> role at <insert company name>. I believe I would be a perfect fit for the position as I am passionate about <insert your passion that aligns with the role you’re applying for> and possess the motivation and perseverance to overcome any challenge thrown my way.

Your company’s mission to <insert company mission you are passionate about> is inspiring, and I would be thrilled to contribute to this mission. I feel my relevant experience and skills match well with your company values, including:

<Experience: insert a sentence about your relevant experience. E.g.: Working in my role as XXX for X years, I’ve gained a deep understanding of XXX> <Skills: insert a sentence that covers your key technical skills relating to the job. Avoid talking about soft skills or personal traits here.> <Achievement: insert a sentence about an achievement or result that demonstrates your suitability for the role or exemplifies your work ethic.>

I can see myself vastly developing my skills and professional expertise at <company name>, which would be an exhilarating opportunity. I’m always hungry to improve myself and am dedicated to continuously learning.

From previous work experience at <insert company name>, I have learned valuable communication skills, problem solving, and teamwork. I thrive working in high-pressure situations and am a highly adaptable professional.

I am confident that I am a great candidate for this position and that I would be able to navigate the challenges of the <insert role title> role at <insert company name> successfully. I’d appreciate the chance to meet with you to further discuss this job opportunity. Thank you for considering my application.

[Your name]

How to Write a Cover Letter That’s Unique (Like You)

Got questions about editing your cover letter template? The answers are here.

Best Cover Letter Examples and Why They Work

Discover how to win over the hiring manager with just your cover letter.

Sometimes, you need an industry-specific cover letter, because generic ones just aren’t relevant to the positions you’re applying for. Here is a range of examples for the most commonly searched cover letter types.

cover letter cv example australia

Hospitality cover letter

Craft the perfect letter for a culinary or tourism job with this hospitality cover letter

cover letter cv example australia

Nursing cover letter

A sample to use when building your nursing cover letter.

cover letter cv example australia

Administration cover letter

Create the perfect application with this administration cover letter example.

cover letter cv example australia

Receptionist cover letter

Get noticed and hired using this receptionist cover letter example.

cover letter cv example australia

Retail cover letter

A quality sample of a cover letter for retail.

cover letter cv example australia

Customer service cover letter

Get a head-start on drafting the perfect customer service cover letter with this example.

How to address key selection criteria in a cover letter

Discover examples and templates to help you properly address key selection criteria.

If you’re looking to enter a creative industry, or a role where you’ll be expected to offer some creative flair, these templates have been designed for you. Submitting a well-designed cover letter not only feels more premium, but it demonstrates your passion for creativity and creating high quality work.

This kind of cover letter won’t be appealing to employers in all industries, so be discerning about whether it will make the right impression for the job you’re applying for.

cover letter cv example australia

Artistic Flair Cover Letter Template (Orange)

A cover letter with a bold design to get noticed. Perfect for design-centred jobs.

cover letter cv example australia

Artistic Flair Cover Letter Template (Beige)

cover letter cv example australia

Creative Communications Cover Letter Template

A cover letter perfect for communications jobs, pairing bold design with a professional style.

cover letter cv example australia

Modern Corporate Cover Letter Template

A sleek and professional cover letter that offers readability and style. Perfect for corporate jobs.

Because, after all: it’s not always what you know, it’s who you know.

Making a great impression through a LinkedIn DM can be tricky. But, done well, it has the potential to propel you to the top of the interview shortlist.

This is how to message a recruiter on LinkedIn:

Cold contact with a recruiter to ask about future job openings

Message title: speculative job application — [role title you’re interested in].

Hi <recruiter’s first name>,

I’m keen to connect with you to stay up to date on job openings with <company name>. As a recent <field of study> graduate, I’ve been on the lookout for a <specify the kind of role you want (e.g.: marketing assistant)> role in a company where I’ll be encouraged to strive for excellence in my work and have the chance to develop as a professional.

Through my research, I found <company name> to hold values that align with my own, and have a mission I feel passionately about pursuing myself. <Insert statement about how you relate to the company’s mission, or why you feel strongly about it.> Because of this, I feel we’d be a perfect fit for each other.

I have skills in <insert short list of key technical skills> founded in work experience at <company name>. I’m also dedicated to pushing for strong results, for example, <insert example of a situation where you’ve used one/multiple of these skills to push for an excellent result. Make sure it aligns with the role you want, and ensure you outline the result you achieved.>

I am a <insert snappy summary of who you are as a professional, e.g.: I am a proven writer with an adaptable mentality and a desire to exceed expectations and continuously learn.> I’d love the opportunity to work for <company name>. Although I can see there are no jobs advertised at the moment, I’d like to submit my resume for your future consideration.

If you’d like to discuss what else I can bring to <company name> as a <role title>, feel free to call me on <mobile number>.

Kind regards, <Your name>

(Remember to attach your resume.)

LinkedIn message to complement recently submitted job application

Message title: regarding the position of [role title] or concerning the recently advertised [role title] position.

I’ve recently applied for the position of <role title> with your organisation, and am keen to reach out to formally introduce myself. Working for your company has been a dream of mine since I began my studies in <field of study> X years ago. I have a deep respect for <something you respect about the company> and feel my own values align with this.

Through my studies and work experience at <insert company>, I’ve developed a broad skill set which would be highly beneficial in this role. For example, <insert example of a situation where you’ve used one/multiple of these skills to push for an excellent result. Make sure it aligns with the job description, and ensure you outline the result you achieved.>

I’ve outlined further examples of what I can bring to the company as a <role title> in my job application.

I hope we’ll have the opportunity to speak more about this role and what I can bring to it.

Regardless of whether I’m a successful candidate, it would be great to connect with you so I can stay on top of job opportunities with <company name>. Thank you for considering my application.

Warm regards, <Your name>

If you’re struggling to find the right person to message, check out this video tutorial.

cover letter cv example australia

So they’ve read your cover letter, and decided your resume is worth a look. Make sure it’s doing you justice!

Check out the Ultimate Guide to Resumes for templates, examples and more.

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Australia CV Tips & Format Requirements

Applying for a job in Australia? This guide has the tips, examples, & format requirements needed to write the perfect Australian CV. Create your VisualCV today!

Australia CV Requirements

As with most countries, Australia has its own specific work culture and set of expectations for CVs. When applying for a job in Australia, it is important to ensure that your CV adheres to Australian CV requirements and is tailored to impress Australian recruiters and employers.

Browse our gallery of resume examples here.

Australia CV Image

Australia CV Tips and Rules:

Australia CV Length: For experienced professionals, a three or four page resume is expected in Australia. If you are recently graduated or new to the workforce, two pages is sufficient, but as soon as your work history is robust enough for three to four pages, your resume should expand accordingly.

Australia CV Terminology: The terms ‘resume’ and ‘CV’ are used synonymously in Australia - they refer to the same document. The word ‘resume’ is used more commonly, however, so if in doubt, use that one.

Australia CV Language: When writing your resume, be sure to use correct Australian English - don’t forget those extra u’s, as in ‘colour’ and ‘labour’ (as opposed to the American spellings ‘color’ and ‘labor’).

Australia CV Format, Order and Layout:

Australia CV Photo: As a rule of thumb, it is best not to include a photo in your Australian CV. If you intend to host your resume online, or if you are in a creative industry where visuals are highly valued, then an image may be an asset. Be sure to do your research, however - if the company you are applying to isn’t expecting a photo, it can hurt your chances. As Australian HR and recruitment consultant Karalyn Brown says , “When you put your photo on your resume you are inviting a recruiter with their own set of prejudices, to consider how you look along with what you may have achieved.”

Australia CV Personal Information: The only personal information required for an Australian resume is your contact information - your name, address, phone number, mobile number and email address (which should be some variation of your name - keep it professional: [email protected] or something similar). Any other personal information such as age, marital status, and number of children is not relevant to your experience or job performance and should not be included.

import a resume example

Australia CV Objective: It is recommended, though not mandatory, that you include a Career Objective at the top of your resume. This can also be called a Career Profile or Summary . Your objective serves as a short introduction to you and to your resume and should give the hiring manager a reason to continue reading. According to Karalyn Brown , “A resume without a career objective is like a movie without a title, or a trailer.” Your objective should be brief - three to five lines - and should give a very clear description of the experience you are bringing to the position, and what your goals and ambitions are for the role you are applying to.

Australia CV Work Experience: Display your work experience in reverse-chronological order, with your most recent position at the top. Each entry should include the beginning and end date of your tenure, and be sure to account for gaps in your employment. Give details about your work experience , including your responsibilities and achievements in each role. Use quantifiable information wherever possible, and use powerful verbs like ‘delivered’, ‘trained’, and ‘promoted’.

Australian CV Education: List your relevant degrees and diplomas in reverse-chronological order , including dates. Include the name of the institution, your major, minor, and specialization, as well as any significant awards you may have received.

Resume template: Browse through our gallery of Australian resume templates .

3 Australian CV Examples

Hr australia cv example.

australian cv example human resources

Engineer CV Example Australia

engineer australia cv example

Australian CV example

australian cv example associate

Other sections for your Australian CV:

If you have information that you would like to display that was not covered by the sections above, you can include them in a separate section on your resume. Other sections include:

Skills: It is common to include a simple list of skills kept separate from your work history. This is to provide a quick, at-a-glance look at what you excel at, without delving into your experience too much.

Volunteer Experience: Volunteering experience should be noted on your resume. If you prefer, you can include volunteer experience in your Work History section, but be sure to note when a role is a volunteer position. Languages: If you are fluent in multiple languages, noting them may be an asset.

References: A simple ‘References available on request’ note will do here. It is not necessary to provide references until requested to by an employer or recruiter.

Does Australia Use CV or Resume?

In Australia, CV and Resume are used interchangeably. So you are free to select between either as your word of choice.

How do I Write a Good Australian CV?

Important things to keep in mind while writing your Australian CV is that your CV should be more than 1 page, you should follow Australian English, avoid including a photo and customize your CV for each job that you are applying to.

What is the Right Length for an Australian CV?

Most Australian hiring managers expect a CV to be more than 1 page long. An Australian CV should expand in number of pages as the experience of the job applicant increases.

Should I Put Address on my Australian CV?

While we recommend that you add your current location on your Australian CV, adding the full address isn’t advisable. Avoid listing the street name and simply list the city and the state you live in instead.


A well written and correctly formatted resume is integral to your job search. When applying for positions in Australia, it is important to tailor your resume to suit Australian CV requirements and expectations. Don’t let a poor resume stand between you and a great career in Australia!

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Free cover letter templates

Cover letter template Australia

Your ultimate professional cover letter template resource

Best cover letter examples & templates, how do i write the perfect cover letter, tips for an excellent cover letter.

  • Find the hiring manager's name and address them personally.  
  • Ensure your cover letter is completely free of mistakes.  
  • Take the time to proofread, and ask someone else to have a look – a fresh pair of eyes might catch that small error you’ve read over hundreds of times.  
  • Be professional, but also find small ways for your personality to come through.  
  • Start out strong in your opening statement, including a compelling reason for why you are an excellent fit for the job or company you are contacting. Then use the next few lines to elaborate on your skills and experience that back up that claim.  
  • Align your writing to the keywords used in the job advertisement.

What should be included in all cover letters?

  • An opening that is unique, personable, and gives a bit of insight into your personality and best skills and experience.  
  • Highlights of both professional and personal experiences and specialised knowledge of your industry.  
  • Strong closing which includes a summary of why you are an excellent candidate.

Writing not just a good cover letter, but a great one

Template 1: generic cover letter template, cover letter sample:, template 2: cover letter template for a job ad, template 3: cold cover letter template, template 4: recruiter cover letter template, guidelines for success, looking for more resources.

  • All the resume tips and tricks you need  
  • How to write a winning resume  

Selecting and preparing referees

Ready to make your next career move? Our Job Match tool enables you to easily find the perfect job, or set up job alerts to stay on top of new opportunities.

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  • applying for a job
  • Useful Templates

Writing a cover letter can be a daunting task. Once you have the cover letter ready, read through these other resources to ensure your job application stands out from the crowd. 

All the resume tips and tricks you need

How to write a winning resume

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Quickly find jobs that match your CV with our Job Match tool.

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Resume templates and cover letter examples

Get inspired by browsing CVs and cover letters for different industries and career stages.

You can also browse these resources by career stage to view the fictional profile and job advertisement used to draft the sample documents.

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  • Resume template: Year10/earlier + work experience
  • Resume template: VCE + no work experience
  • Resume template: VCE + work experience
  • Resume template: Uni or TAFE + no work experience
  • Resume template: Uni or TAFE + work experience
  • How to apply for jobs online
  • How to choose a referee
  • How to stand out without work experience

Sample resumes and cover letters

  • Sending job applications
  • What employers want
  • How to write a cover letter
  • Cover letter when no job is advertised
  • Cover letter when no resume is needed
  • Cover letter: No work experience
  • Cover letter: Some work experience
  • Job scams and dodgy ads
  • 6 ways to find jobs online
  • Employment agencies
  • Find a job by networking
  • How to find government jobs
  • Manage your online image
  • Tips for successful cold calling
  • What is cold calling?
  • What job skills are in demand?
  • What are your job options?
  • Working Overseas
  • Graduate recruitment programs
  • Industry Based Learning
  • How to find volunteer work
  • Organisations that are seeking volunteers
  • Volunteer for an annual event
  • What is volunteering?
  • What are internships?
  • What are student work placements?
  • How to find work experience
  • Work experience: Your rights and responsibilities
  • 8 job skills you should have
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  • Event Guide
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  • Deep As F*X
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You can use our sample resumes and cover letters as a starting point for your own job application.

These samples cover all kinds of situations, including: 

  • high school students
  • early school leavers
  • uni or TAFE students/graduates
  • people who have had paid jobs before
  • people who don't have any (or not much) work experience.

Just pick the one that suits your situation best, download it and get started.

Sample resumes

These samples show what information to put on your resume and how to present it. Don't forget to switch out the information in these samples with information about yourself! 

Choose the sample resume that best matches: 

  • your level of work experience
  • your current or highest level of study.

No work experience + Year 10 or earlier

Sample resume: No work experience + Year 10 or earlier - Word (610 KB) Sample resume: No work experience + Year 10 or earlier - .pdf (136 KB)

Work experience + Year 10 or earlier

Sample resume: Work experience + Year 10 or earlier - Word (657 KB) Sample resume: Work experience + Year 10 or earlier - .pdf (137 KB)

No work experience + Year 12

Sample resume: No work experience + Year 12 - Word (647 KB) Sample resume: No work experience + Year 12 - .pdf (138 KB)

Work experience + Year 12 

Sample resume: Work experience + Year 12 - Word  (650 KB) Sample resume: Work experience + Year 12 - .pdf  (160 KB)

No work experience + Uni/TAFE

Sample resume: No work experience + Uni/TAFE - Word (602 KB) Sample resume: No work experience + Uni/TAFE - .pdf (167 KB)

Work experience + Uni/TAFE

Sample resume: Work experience + Uni/TAFE - Word (650 KB) Sample Resume: Work Experience + Uni/TAFE - .pdf (166 KB)

Sample cover letters

These samples show what information to include in your cover letter and how you might write it. Don't forget to switch out the information in these samples with information about yourself! 

Choose a sample cover letter that best suits:

  • whether the job has been advertised
  • the way you're applying (e.g., by email or without a resume).

No work experience + applying for an advertised job

Sample cover letter: No work experience + advertised job - Word (597 KB) Sample cover letter: No work experience + advertised job - .pdf (87 KB)

Work experience + applying for an advertised job 

Sample cover letter: Work experience + advertised job - Word  (599 KB) Sample cover letter: Work experience + advertised job- pdf  (90 KB)

No resume needed + applying for an advertised job

If you don't have any paid work experience, use this sample:

Sample cover letter: Cover letter only + no work experience - Word (593 KB) Sample cover letter: cover letter only + no work experience - .pdf (88 KB)

If you have some paid work experience, use this sample:

Sample cover letter: Cover letter only + work experience - Word  (593 KB) Sample cover letter: Cover letter only + work experience - .pdf  (87 KB)

Email cover letter + applying for an advertised job

Sample cover letter: Email + no work experience - Word (598 KB) Sample cover letter: Email + no work experience - pdf (88 KB)

Sample cover letter: Email + work experience - Word  (597 KB)​ Sample cover letter: Email + work experience - .pdf  (89 KB)

Applying if there are no jobs advertised (cold calling)

Use these sample cover letters if you're contacting a business to ask about jobs that might be available. Also have a read of our Cold calling - What is it?  page.

Sample cover letter: Cold calling - No work experience - Word (591 KB) Sample cover letter: Cold calling - Paid work experience - Word (591 KB)

More information

For more about resumes and cover letters, visit:

  • Who can be my referee? 

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cover letter cv example australia

Using a Cover Letter to Get a Job in Australia as a Junior Doctor in 2023

When applying for jobs in Australia as a junior doctor from the UK, you will usually have an opportunity to share a cover letter alongside your CV. This is a great way to give a personal flavour to your application and another opportunity to stand out against other candidates.

But, many doctors don't bother! And those that do often don't make their cover letter as impactful as it could be. To help you craft the perfect cover letter, in this article, we will explain:

👉  When you can submit a cover letter 👉  What it should typically include, and why 👉  A full example to give you inspiration for your own cover letter

Make sure also to check out our article on how to write the CV that will secure your job in Australia .

📜  What is the purpose of a cover letter?

A CV focuses on the “facts” about your education, experience, skills and other achievements. So, it tends to be very dense and quite impersonal document. Therefore, it leaves little space to explain the more personal side of your situation.

A cover letter allows you to write in a longer-form and more personal way about your background, your career so far, your motivations for applying to that particular job, and your longer-term career aspirations.

Paired with your CV, the reader should be able to understand these areas and feel very excited about interviewing you!

🤔  When will I need a cover letter?

If you are not familiar with the paths to applying for jobs in Australia, check out this article which breaks down the four routes to finding a job in Australia and explains how each works.

Direct applications and job boards

You will definitely need a CV in this situation. Since you are introducing yourself to the department, there are no ‘rules’ around what is and isn’t allowed and so you can take the opportunity to include a cover letter.

State recruitment

Each state's recruitment process is different, but in most cases you will be given an opportunity to write a cover letter or personal statement of some kind.

A cover letter is not always needed but, ultimately, it can’t harm your chances of receiving an interview. Your agency will appreciate the effort you've taken to trying to help them secure you interviews, and can help to tailor the letter to each hospital they are introducing you to. 

📃  Can I use the same letter for all jobs?

In our article, How to Write a Great CV for Moving to Australia , we explain that adapting your CV to a specific specialty and/or job is much better than sending a generic document.

The same applies to cover letters. Take the time to adapt this to each job you are applying for. At a minimum, you should change the names it’s addressed to, and ideally, write something personalised in the “why I chose to apply to this hospital” section. See more on that below.

So expect to be writing a lot of cover letters! It is useful to create a generic template which you can then adapt to the particular hospital you are applying to. 

✍️  What should my cover letter include?

✅   an introduction.

Your letter should be addressed personally to the recruitment contact at the hospital and/or the lead Consultant of the department. Do some research to get their names, and avoid writing “To Whom It May Concern”. 

Summarise your career so far and why you are writing to them. This can be similar to the Summary Statement of your CV.

Due to differences in the nomenclature of different grades between the UK and Australia, be sure to include your grade as a postgraduate level at the time you will be commencing work there. For example, "as of August, I will be PGY3". If you are unsure about how grades in Australia work, you can read out guide to grades here .

✅  Short summary of your experience

This is covered in detail in your CV, but it is useful to summarise it here. Elaborate on how much experience you have overall and in the relevant specialty.

It helps to know what Australian hospitals are looking for - extra-curriculars, audits and publications are great but they tend to carry less weight in Australia. Instead focus on your clinical practice.

If you’ve been asked to come back to a particular department to locum, include this as it is a great way to demonstrate you were liked and deemed competent. All most departments want a safe pair of hands who will gel well with the clinical team.

Another great way to apply this in practice is the phrase: ‘In feedback, I have been deemed…’ or similar.

✅  Why you chose to apply to this hospital

Explain why you want to work at the specific hospital you are applying to. Make them feel special and see that you’ve taken the time to research the institution. Most doctors can’t be bothered to do this, so you will really stand out. 

It is a good idea to look up what the hospital is known for and reference this when tailoring the letter - for example, if you are applying to a transplant centre and you find this interesting, be sure to mention this!

Specific reasons to work at a certain hospital could include:

🙌  You’re interested in working in a specific specialisation or clinical focus that the hospital offers 🙌  The size of the hospital whether it is large or small 🙌  The location of the hospital, especially if it is for personal reasons (e.g. you have family that lives locally)

✅  Why you want to move to Australia

As we explain in the CV article, it is essential that they understand that you are committed to moving to Australia and have carefully considered the move. Many doctors make speculative applications and then drop out, wasting time for the hospital and creating a gap at short notice. You want to make it clear that this isn’t you!

So, be sure to explain your motivations for moving to Australia, both professional and personal.

✅  What you are looking for and why

Explain your timeline for moving and how flexible or fixed this is. This is useful in helping them evaluate your application.

Also, explain what kinds of roles you are applying for, and if you are open to multiple specialties, you can elaborate on this here. If you have particular preferences around the grade that you want to work in , you can also explain this here.

Finally, if you are applying alongside a partner, mention this! It is usually seen as an attractive quality: the hospital gets ‘two for the price of one’, and couples are more likely to stay in one place rather than leave to be with friends if they get homesick. As an added bonus, if you are upfront about this from the offset you are more likely to be placed on a paired roster, where you will work the same shift patterns as your partner.

🤓  Here is an example of a CV that covers everything we mentioned: 

1 January 2022 Dear Ms Smith and Dr Jones, By way of introduction, my name is Dr John Doe and I would like to express my interest in working in the Emergency Department at the Royal North Shore Hospital. I am a British Emergency Medicine doctor, currently working at a PGY4 level in the NHS in the UK. I have a passion for Emergency Medicine with a particular interest in Paediatric Emergency Medicine, and I am seeking an ED role in Australia starting from February 2023. I have a total of 16 months of experience in Emergency Medicine. This comprises a four-month rotation in a busy trauma centre during my PGY2 year, followed by 12 months of work as a locum Emergency Medicine SHO in several centres across the NHS. I have extensive experience in majors in particular, but also with minors, paediatric A&E and urgent care. Through my locum work, I am comfortable adapting to new environments and teams quickly.  I have also attached my CV for your consideration, including more information on my professional experience and specific competencies. My desire to move to Australia stems from a desire to challenge myself working in a country with different disease burdens, epidemiology and demographics. I undertook my medical student elective in Darwin, NT, so I have some experience with the Australian healthcare system. I have chosen to apply to the Royal North Shore Hospital specifically because I believe that I would be well suited to working in a large and busy Emergency Department with a significant major component. I am also interested in Paediatric Emergency Medicine and understand that you are the local centre for this. Finally, I have family who live in North Sydney nearby, making this a natural choice for me too. I am available from February 2023, but I am open to roles starting between then and May 2023. Due to my previous experience, I am seeking roles at either a PHO or Junior Registrar grade, but I would be open to accepting an RMO-level job initially, too. Many thanks for taking the time to consider my application. I look forward to hearing back from you. Kind regards Dr John Doe [email protected] +447987654321

📚 Continue Reading

🚀 This article is part of Messly's Ultimate Guide to Working in Australia . The guide covers all you need to know as a UK doctor to understand your options, research your move, find work, get registered and move out to Australia. ‍ ❓ If you are still weighing up whether a move to Australia is right for you, our article To Aus or not to Aus breaks down the pros and cons, so you can make an informed decision. Read this with Common Questions on Moving to Australia as a UK Junior Doctor . ‍ 🤔 Confused about how the grades work in Australia, and which roles you should be applying for? This article breaks down the grade system and explains which roles might be suitable for you. ✈️  There are four routes to finding a job in Australia. In this detailed guide , we explain how each works and the pros and cons of each, so you can kick-start your search for your dream job Down Under

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Top CV Mistakes to Avoid in 2024

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Top CV Mistakes to Avoid in 2024 - a CV / resume hovering over a laptop with a series of mistakes crossed out with x's.

Stand out to hiring managers for all the right reasons by knowing the 12 top CV mistakes to avoid in 2024.

You’ve found a dream job and created what you believe is a perfect CV to apply for the position. Oops, once again, you’ve been rejected. The thing is that your resume was perfect for you, but the hiring manager thought it was a disaster. Crafting a CV is a skill that requires contact enhancement, as this field is also evolving. To stay current, you need to understand the latest trends and techniques. In this article, you’ll learn 12 top CV mistakes to avoid when designing your professional profile to secure the desired offer in 2024.

What Is a CV, and Why Do You Need It?

A CV is a snapshot of your background, the best skills, experience, and certificates you send to HR. A well-crafted resume will:

  • Focus on honest, relevant experience. Include your previous employment history and achievements that will be beneficial to the job.
  • Highlight accomplishments. Showcase specific successes and contributions, using measurable results whenever possible.
  • Keep it clear and organized. Use clear sections, bullet points, and a logical flow to make it easy to read.
  • Present professionally. Ensure your document has a polished appearance, consistent formatting, and proper layout.

Recruiters review dozens, if not hundreds, of resumes for each job position during the recruitment process . A CV enables you to showcase your relevant professional and academic background. Basically, it serves as proof to an employer that you are the ideal candidate. So, knowing how to properly design a perfect CV is vital in the dynamic job market .

For example, if you are applying for a position as a data strategy consultant , it’s essential to highlight your experience in developing and implementing data strategies , as well as any successful projects you have led in this field.

12 Top CV Mistakes You Should Avoid to Secure a Desired Job Source

Human resource and hiring managers are very busy with daily tasks and studying numerous job applications. In fact, you have only 7.4 seconds to draw the attention of the HR. What are the dealbreakers when designing a professional profile? What should you include, and what to omit? Let’s take a look at the 12 top CV mistakes to avoid in 2024.

1. Neglecting to Customize Your CV for a Specific Role

From the moment you read this article, you must take your CV seriously and take a unique approach to every position you’re applying for. Failure to tailor your professional profile to a specific employment profile will significantly reduce your prospects. 

Each application must address the company’s unique requirements, showcasing suitable skills, experiences, and success stories. Of course, such a diligent approach may be time-consuming. Nevertheless, you don’t get something for nothing. Putting in a lot of work in creating a worthwhile, customized CV will significantly increase the chances of getting an interview.

For certain industries, customizing your CV also means highlighting specific certifications or insurance coverage. For instance, contractors in various trades (such as electricians, plumbers, or carpenters) often need to demonstrate they have appropriate insurance coverage. Including this information can show potential employers that you understand industry requirements and are prepared for the job. Websites like ContractorNerd provide valuable information about insurance needs for different trades, which can help you understand what to highlight on your CV when applying for contractor positions.

In contrast, sending a generic, one-size-fits-all resume may appear easy for submitting to various job postings. However, in most cases, it’ll result in rejection. According to studies, 63% of recruiters prefer applicants who spend time tailoring their CVs to the job needs.

2. Forgetting to Include a Resume Headline

One of the critical elements to include is the headline . It’s the first thing a hiring manager sees, proving why your experience matches the position requirements. Basically, it’s a brief statement that highlights your essential talents and accomplishments. It may go like “Creative Graphic Designer with an Award-Winning Logo Portfolio.” A well-written headline is vital. Without one, your chances of making the callback list are considerably reduced.

If you’re looking for companies that hire iOS developers , for example, a strong headline will quickly convey your technical expertise and past achievements, making them stand out in a competitive market.

3. Ineffective Career Summary or Resume Objective

When composing your career summary, try to make it catchy so that the reader is immediately piqued by it. Avoid using generic phrases and clichés, since they waste space on your resume and disrespect the recruiter’s time — a major CV mistake.

Instead, focus on being precise, addressing both the employer’s demands as stated in the job posting and your own career goals . This strategy guarantees that your summary is compelling and relevant.

4. Adding Unnecessary Photos

In certain countries, including your picture on your resume is normal. Meanwhile, in others, it’s even recommended to avoid it. As a general rule, it’s usually advisable to post your photo on social media profiles such as LinkedIn and, if relevant, your own website. Most times, recruiters will check for it there. However, in fields where pictures are essential, like broadcast journalism or the performing arts, having a photograph is typically not just permissible, but also required.

5. Grammar Neglect

Alright, let’s address the obvious here. Your letter of application must be excellent in terms of grammar, spelling, and overall clarity. If it doesn’t meet the required standards, HR will most likely conclude that you’re not that passionate about occupying that position.

A CV with obviously poor presentation not only looks horrible but also indicates that you are careless. And if you don’t take the time to polish your self-presentation, would they want to know if you’ll put in the same effort on the job? Companies don’t want that attitude. Thus, a whopping 61% of recruiters will dismiss your application without a second thought.

6. Missteps in Skill Acquisition

When incorporating a skills section on your resume, be sure to separate them into hard and soft skills . This segment enables potential employers to readily recognize your expertise. 

For example, if you’re applying for a role at a software development company , highlighting specific technical skills relevant to the industry can be particularly advantageous. If you have various valuable technical skills, try including them in a separate section. This will make them stand out successfully.

Opt for the other approach if your skill set is still evolving . In this case, mention relevant talents in your job experience section and in your cover letter. This guarantees that hiring supervisors recognize your skills, regardless of any limitations.

7. Resume Length: Balancing Detail or Brevity

It’s typical for job searchers to pack their whole life narrative onto one page, assuming that resumes must be one page long. This frequently results in difficult judgments on what to take out, risking the loss of significant achievements. On the other hand, some people obsess with minutiae, sometimes many, too many. So, what’s the correct approach?

Your resume should be no more than two pages long, but it might be lengthier if there’s relevant information to add. Finally, don’t force it; if everything fits nicely on one page , that’s excellent. However, don’t eliminate important information solely to fit some phantom one-page guideline.

It’s worth mentioning that you really need to focus on relevancy. Your CV should clearly demonstrate why you are the best match for the position. If that requires a second page, go for it.

8. Doing Too Much

When crafting your professional profile, it’s great to stand out, but going too wild with colorful graphics can hurt more than help. ATS systems and busy recruiters might miss key info amidst all the visual dazzle. Save the artsy stuff for your portfolio! In creative fields, your portfolio should steal the show.

Also, skip the scales and bars to rate your skills – it’s subjective and can send mixed signals. Keep your CV clean and straightforward, and let your skills speak for themselves.

9. Not Including Keywords

The second critical item to examine is ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems), which many businesses use to expedite their recruiting procedures. While ATS are helpful for effectively managing high numbers of applications, it may also be challenging.

The criteria for various systems vary. Nevertheless, there are certain crucial considerations when submitting your application. ATS often examine resumes for specific keywords ; failure to include them might result in rejection. Moreover, these systems are very harsh of errors or improper language due to their exact programming.

10. Lack of Portfolio

In 2024, not including a portfolio in your professional profile remains a major no-no and a common CV mistake. A portfolio serves as documentation of your talents and achievements, demonstrating to companies what you can genuinely perform. Without one, you risk seeming untrustworthy or unable to successfully demonstrate your expertise. 

A strong portfolio will be a big plus if you’re seeking employment in highly competitive fields. By providing examples highlighting your importance for previous projects, you can demonstrate your knowledge, problem-solving abilities, and track record of achievement.

11. Presenting Plain Facts

If your professional profile is packed with information but lacks the impact of your accomplishments, it’s time for a rework. Numbers are excellent, but they require context to shine. Why? Because impact turns a boring list into an engaging tale, and including a boring list is definitely a CV mistake.

Employers want to know not just what you did, but also why it was effective. Listing soft skills such as “creativity, communication, and time management” may not be compelling for an offer. Instead, you should demonstrate the influence of those character traits on your performance. For instance, describe how you carried out several projects simultaneously and completed them all on schedule during a critical campaign.

12. Using an Inappropriate Email Address

Consider receiving a job offer from an email address like [email protected]. Your immediate instinct will be to reject it as a joke or a scam. The same is true for hiring managers who get CVs from candidates using unprofessional email addresses.

When submitting a job application, take your time to choose an appropriate email account that contains your first and last name. Save casual or hilarious addresses for use with relatives and friends. This single action can significantly impact how your application is regarded.

After applying for a bunch of positions and hearing crickets, you may start feeling like you’re stuck in a rut. Also, you may be wondering if your CV has gone into a void. It’s disappointing to receive no feedback. Consequently, crafting the perfect professional profile may appear like a maze of rules and norms to you. Yet, most probably, you may have neglected the fundamental principles of crafting a compelling CV. In the present highly competitive job market, even minor problems, like typos, poor formatting, or using an unprofessional email address, may result in immediate rejection. Knowing the top CV mistakes to avoid in 2024 will help you secure your dream job in 2024!

Image - Roy Emmerson

Roy Emmerson

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Letter of Introduction: What Is It & How to Write One (+Templates)

  • Klara Cervenanska , 
  • Updated August 13, 2024 8 min read

Ever heard of a letter of introduction? If not, you’re not alone. While most people are familiar with resumes, cover letters, and even motivation letters, the letter of introduction remains a bit of a hidden gem in the professional world. 

And that’s exactly why it could be your secret weapon .

Because it’s less common, sending one can really make you stand out and leave a lasting impression. 

Writing a letter of introduction isn’t quite like drafting other career documents, but don’t worry—we’ll walk you through it step-by-step and share some examples you can use for yourself .

Table of Contents

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What is a letter of introduction?

Letter of introduction vs. cover letter vs. motivation letter, when should you write a letter of introduction , how to write a letter of introduction (7 simple steps), letter of introduction example, letter of introduction template, key takeaways: letter of introduction.

A letter of introduction is a brief letter used to introduce yourself or someone else to a third party, whether that’s a potential employer, business contact, or client. 

It's a simple yet powerful tool that often flies under the radar in the professional world.

Unlike a cover letter or resume , a letter of introduction isn’t tied to a specific job application. 

Instead, it’s more about opening doors and starting conversations. Think of it as a way to make connections that can lead to new opportunities, without the formalities that come with other career documents.

You might feel it sounds a bit similar to a cover letter or even a motivation letter .

While there are many similarities between these documents, the key difference lies in their purpose, main focus, and the target audience. 

While a cover letter serves as an extension of your resume and is tailored to a specific job posting, a motivation letter is typically used in academic settings, such as when applying for educational programs or scholarships.

In contrast, a letter of introduction is primarily used for connecting and networking , without the immediate goal of securing a specific job or degree.

Let's take a closer look at what these documents are, when you should write them, and to whom:

Cover letter

  • Purpose: Accompanies your resume to express interest in a specific job.
  • Main focus: Adds more details to what’s already in your resume. Use it to explain why you’re the right fit for the job, highlight your skills, and achievements.
  • Target audience: Employers, HR managers.

And if you want to learn more about writing a good cover letter, here's the only cover letter guide you'll ever need.

Letter of introduction

  • Purpose: Introduces yourself or someone else to a company, potential client, or business partner without a specific job in mind.
  • Main focus: Introduces your skills and experience to build a connection and make a positive first impression. If written for someone else, it highlights their qualifications and explains why they’re worth connecting with. This letter is flexible, useful for exploring job opportunities or business partnerships.
  • Target audience: Potential employer, client, business partner, or collaborator. 

Motivation letter

  • Purpose: Explains why you're applying for a specific job, scholarship, or university program. 
  • Main focus: Focuses on your passions, goals, and reasons why you're interested in this job or educational programme. Highlights why this opportunity would enrich your work life and enhance your skills. 
  • Target audience: Academic institutions, NGOs, or employers.

A letter of introduction serves a different purpose compared to other career documents like a cover letter or a resume. 

Whether you’re looking to introduce yourself to a company, recommend someone else, or explore new professional relationships, there are several situations where a letter of introduction is the ideal tool. 

Here are some key scenarios when you might consider writing one:

  • You want to reach new clients and customers. Writing a letter of introduction for customers or new clients helps build a personal connection. It also explains how your products or services can meet their needs.
  • You're looking for a new job. It helps you introduce yourself to a potential employer, show your interest and enthusiasm for the company, and highlight how your skills could be a good fit. Even if there's no job opening posted.
  • You just started a new job. When you start a new job, a letter of introduction helps your coworkers or teammates get to know you. Your manager might also send a letter to introduce you to the team.
  • You're looking for a business partner/collaborator. An introduction letter is often used as the first point of contact with a potential business partner or collaborator who shares your interests or industry. Its goal is to expand your network, which could lead to mutually beneficial opportunities, such as joint ventures, partnerships, or new projects.
  • Someone you know recommended you. If someone you know recommends you to others, an introduction letter can be a great way to follow up and explore collaboration or job opportunities.
  • Someone asked you to recommend them. You would introduce the person to your team or employer trying to highlight their skills and qualifications. The goal is to create a connection between your company or team and the person you’re introducing.

Depending on the scenario, a letter of introduction can vary in tone and content, but the core structure remains the same.

These 7 simple steps will guide you in writing a clear and effective letter, no matter the situation:

Start with a header that includes your contact details—it's an obvious but important step. Make sure to list your name, address, phone number, and email at the top of the letter. You can also add the date and the recipient's information, like their name, company, and address.

Always address the recipient. If you're addressing someone you already know or who knows of you, start with a warm, friendly greeting. Typically, you’d use "Dear [Name],". If you don’t know the recipient, "Dear Sir/Madam," works just fine.

Start with introducing yourself and explaining why you're writing. Share who you are, why the company is relevant to you, and why you decided to reach out. Mention how you found out about the company or who referred you, and briefly introduce the person who connected you.

This is where you get straight to the point. Explain why the company or work is important to you and what you hope to achieve from this connection. Highlight the benefits and the potential value this relationship could bring.

Mention your previous work to show your credibility and what you can bring to the table. You should also briefly highlight your accomplishments. Understanding your background can help you stand out and be seen as a valuable candidate for the job.

End your letter with a polite conclusion, suggesting further communication. Highlight how excited you are to talk again and share when you have time to meet.

Now, all you have to do is sign off. Professionally, of course. A simple “ Looking forward to hearing from you ” does the trick every time.

We’ve covered the 7 key steps to writing a letter of introduction in theory. 

Now, let’s take a look at an example that brings all these steps together.

BTW, this example was created using Kickresume’s cover letter builder tool . Even though it’s meant for writing cover letters, you can use it to write your letter of introduction, instead. The tool won't mind :)

We also prepared a few letter of introduction templates you can copy & paste and personalize. 

Just pick one that suits your situation the best. 

#1 For when you want to reach new clients and customers

#1 letter of introduction template.

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is [Your Name] , and I’m reaching out because I believe [Recipient’s Company Name] could benefit from the products I offer. I recently came across your company on social media and was impressed by the work you’re doing in [mention the industry or a specific area of interest].

At [Your Company Name] , we specialize in [briefly describe your product or service], and we’ve had great success helping businesses like yours [mention a specific benefit or outcome, e.g., “increase efficiency,” “enhance customer satisfaction,” “save time and money,” etc.] . I’m confident that what we offer could add real value to your operations.

I’d love the opportunity to discuss how we can work together and explore ways my product can support your business goals. If you’re interested in learning more, I’m available for a quick chat at your convenience.

Thank you for considering this, and I look forward to the possibility of collaborating with you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Company Name]

[Phone Number]

[Email Address]

#2 For when you just started a new job

#2 letter of introduction template.

Subject: Excited to join the team!

I hope this message finds you well. My name is [Your Name] , and I’m thrilled to be joining [Company Name] as the new [Your Job Title] . I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and say how excited I am to work with all of you.

A bit about me: I come from [mention your previous company or industry if relevant] , where I [briefly describe your previous role or experience] . I’m really passionate about [mention something relevant to your new role] , and I’m eager to contribute to the great work being done here.

I’ve heard wonderful things about the team, and I’m looking forward to getting to know each of you and learning from your experiences. Collaboration is something I value deeply, so please don’t hesitate to reach out if there’s anything I can help with or if you just want to chat.

Looking forward to meeting everyone and working together to achieve our goals!

Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Job Title] [Your Contact Information if needed]

#3 When someone you know recommended you

#3 letter of introduction template.

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Phone Number] [Email Address] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name] ,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is [Your Name] , and I’m reaching out because [Mutual Contact’s Name] spoke highly of you and your work in [mention the field or industry] . Given our shared interests and expertise, I’m excited about the possibility of collaborating.

At [Your Company or Your Current Position] , I’ve been focused on [briefly describe your work or area of expertise ], and I believe there’s significant potential for us to create something impactful together. [Mutual Contact’s Name] mentioned that you’re also passionate about [mention a specific area or project relevant to both] , and I think we could really complement each other’s skills and experiences.

I’d love to explore how we might work together on [mention a specific type of project, collaboration idea, or area of mutual interest] . If you’re interested, I’d be happy to set up a time to chat and see how we could make this happen.

Thank you for considering this, and I’m looking forward to the possibility of collaborating with you.

Best regards, [Your Name] [Phone Number] [Email Address]

#4 For when you're looking for a new job

#4 letter of introduction template.

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is [Your Name] , and I’m currently exploring new career opportunities. [Former Colleague’s Name] , who previously worked with me at [Your Previous Company] , highly recommended [Recipient’s Company Name] as an excellent place to grow and contribute.

With a strong background in [briefly mention your field or area of expertise], I’m confident that my skills and experience align well with the needs of your team. At [Your Previous Company] , I [mention a key accomplishment or responsibility] , which I believe demonstrates my ability to [mention how you can add value to the new company] .

I’m particularly drawn to [Recipient’s Company Name] because of [mention something specific about the company that excites you or aligns with your goals] . I would love the chance to discuss how I could contribute to your team and support your company’s objectives.

If you’re open to it, I’d be thrilled to chat further about any opportunities that might be available. Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to the possibility of joining your team.

A letter of introduction is a valuable tool for making new connections, reaching out to potential employers, or helping you during your job hunt.

There are a couple of different situations when writing a letter of introduction is appropriate. 

For example when:

  • You want to reach new clients and customers
  • You just started a new job
  • Someone you know recommended you to someone
  • Someone asked you to write one for them
  • You're looking for a new job
  • You're looking for a business partner/collaborator

The details may vary slightly depending on the context, but following these 7 steps will help you prepare a strong letter of introduction in any scenario:

  • Add a header with contact information
  • Include a salutation
  • Introduce yourself and your contact (if applicable)
  • State the purpose of the letter
  • Highlight your accomplishments or previous relevant work
  • Close the letter by suggesting further communication
  • Sign off professionally

If you’re still in doubt about writing your letter of introduction, don’t hesitate to use the templates provided in the article.

Klara graduated from the University of St Andrews in Scotland. After having written resumes for many of her fellow students, she began writing full-time for Kickresume. Klara is our go-to person for all things related to student or 'no experience resumes'. At the same time, she has written some of the most popular resume advice articles on this blog. Her pieces were featured in multiple CNBC articles. When she's not writing, you'll probably find her chasing dogs or people-watching while sipping on a cup of coffee.

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Resume Guidelines and Samples

Wellesley Career Education logo

Resume Samples

Purpose of resume (overview), resume header, education section of resume, experience section of resume, skills section of resume, resume checklist.

Download resume guidelines as a pdf List of resume action verb How to write effective resume bullets

How to have your resume reviewed

  • 4 Resume Samples  (PDF format)  
  • Sasha Cazenove
  • Seona Bates
  • Sierra Tower
  • Sophie McAfee

Your resume is generally a one-page document that clearly presents your current and past experiences and accomplishments so that your reader can understand the unique value that you bring to the table. As you begin to draft your resume, consider the following. Your resume is:

  • Your first opportunity to make an impression. Step back from the details to consider what story you want to communicate.
  • Foremost, about the content and demonstrating your experiences. Begin by writing your resume in Google docs or Word, and avoid using templates that focus on form over content.
  • A living document that you will tailor to specific positions and will evolve throughout your career.
  • Not a laundry list of every experience; it is a carefully curated list of relevant experiences. 
  • Easy to read. Consider font type and size, formatting, and a balance of text and white space.
  • Shared with potential employers as a pdf document.

The header provides your full name and contact information (email address & telephone number). This section should not include personal information (e.g., sex, date of birth, marital status). Items that may be included in your header:

  • Wellesley and/or home address: If you choose both, be sure to label each address accordingly. 
  • Personal website, links to professional social media (Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn) 

If you are a current student or recent alumna, the education section should be just below the heading, with the most recent education listed first. Generally, you should not include your high school on your resume; however, first-year college students may include relevant high school experiences. Necessary information includes:

  • Your institution and its location (City/Town and State) 
  • Your degree (Bachelor of Arts), any major(s) and/or minor(s) 
  • Expected graduation date. 
  • Optional: Study abroad programs and institutions where you cross-registered for classes. 

In this section, provide details about your various experiences, highlighting accomplishments, learning outcomes, and transferable skills. “Experience” is broadly defined and can include full- or part-time work, summer jobs, internships, research, academic projects, campus leadership, volunteer opportunities, etc. Describe your experiences using strong, specific verbs, and emphasize the results and impact of your work. You can create separate and distinct Experience sections to highlight those positions or skills (e.g., Research, Leadership, Extracurricular, or Volunteer). 

  • List experiences in reverse chronological order (most recent first). 
  • Include name and location of the organization where this experience took place and the title of your role. 
  • Include start and end date for your experience. If it is ongoing, list your end date as “Present.” 
  • Describe your experience in accomplishment statements, using short phrases starting with a strong verb. Be specific and quantify your experiences whenever you can. 
  • Create 2-5 accomplishment statements for each experience. 

This section provides an immediate view of the kinds of tasks you are ready to undertake. While you will want to be selective and only list relevant skills, these might range from technical skills, like expertise using a digital tool, to experience-based skills, like project management or database design. This section can also include certifications, languages, etc. In general, it’s best to avoid general skills like people skills, time management or critical thinking. As this section grows, you may divide it into several distinct skills sections, like Software Expertise, Language Skills, Teaching Skills, Design Skills, etc.

Is your resume... 

☐ Easy to read? 

☐ Simple, clean font (e.g. Times, Arial, Garamond) 

☐ 10 to 12 pt. font 

☐ 0.5 to 1 in. margins 

☐ Error free (grammar & spelling)? 

☐ Devoid of personal pronouns (I, me, my, we)? 

☐ Concise? 

☐ Reverse chronological? 

☐ Tailored to the type(s) of opportunities you are seeking?

Does your resume… 

☐ Effectively communicate your relevant skills and experience? 

☐ Effectively communicate your personal brand? 

☐ Use consistent formatting for dates, job accomplishments, etc.? 

☐ Display your strongest or most relevant qualifications near the top of the page or section? 

☐ Highlight all your related/transferable experience? 

☐ Utilize action verbs and results-oriented language to describe your experience?

☐  Display on the screen without formatting errors as a pdf attachment?

Related resources

Virtual or in-person appointments and Career Chats in the Career Cube will be available throughout the summer. Suit-A-Bull is open by appointment only . 

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Sample Cover Letters

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Interview Questions and Strategies for NHS Job Applicants

by Will Campbell

  • Job interview
  • · August 19 2024
  • · 10 min read

NHS interview questions

Table of contents

The NHS is one of the UK's largest employers, providing a diverse range of roles and not just limited to medical positions. Opportunities span from catering assistants and cleaners to receptionists and electricians .

With rewarding and lifelong career opportunities ahead, this article offers practical advice and real examples to help you prepare for upcoming NHS interview questions. So, keep your pre-interview nerves in check and prepare to ace your interview with our easy-to-follow advice and examples.

The NHS is also one of the UK's largest employers of overseas applicants. So, be encouraged to apply as an international student or if this is your first job application in the UK .

In this article, we cover: What to expect in an NHS interview How to answer NHS interview questions Real examples of interview questions and answers Next steps for your NHS job application

Enhance your job application with CVMaker, the ultimate tool for creating a professional CV template tailored to your needs.

NHS interviews: What to expect

Roles within the NHS are diverse, from doctors , dentists and midwifes , to gardeners or call centre agents . Therefore, expect a structured and standardised interview process ensuring all candidates are assessed fairly and consistently.

This thorough approach is in place to give everyone an equal chance of securing their dream position while maintaining the high standards of care and service the NHS is known for. Whether you are applying for apprenticeships to more senior roles, your interview experience will follow this approach.

Use the NHS interview process to show you have the sought-after skills and experience and align with core NHS values : compassion, respect, commitment to quality of care and working together for patients.

This well-defined way of interviewing works in your favour and gives you a steady platform to show your core competencies and what a good fit you are for the job. More on that later.

How NHS interviews are scored

NHS interviews are scored based on predefined criteria aligned with the competencies required for the role. Each response is evaluated for its relevance, clarity and alignment with NHS values.

Interviewers use a scoring rubric to assess answers , often on a scale (e.g., 1-5), where higher scores indicate a better fit with the job requirements and values. Feedback is typically provided to help candidates understand their performance and areas for improvement.

Overview of the NHS application process

Online application : Complete an application form on the NHS Jobs website . This form includes personal details, employment history and supporting information demonstrating how you meet the job’s person specification.

Shortlisting : Applications are reviewed and scored against the person specification . Successful candidates are invited for an interview.

Interview : Interviews can be face-to-face, telephone interviews or video interviews . They are usually panel-based, consisting of two or more interviewers. Interviews are structured to assess your competencies, values and suitability for the role.

Assessment centres : Some roles may require additional assessments, such as written tests, practical tasks or group exercises.

Scoring and feedback : Interview performance is scored based on predefined criteria. Feedback is often provided, whether successful or not.

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CV Template

Key elements of an NHS CV

Similar to other professions inside and outside the health service, such as accountant , biomedical scientist or IT , knowing how to write a good CV is crucial for landing an invitation to interview and achieving your career goals .

The different sections for a CV might be familiar already. However, when crafting a CV for an NHS job, try to make each section as relevant as possible for your target area or department.

Must-have sections of an NHS CV include:

Personal information: Include your name, contact details and professional title.

Personal profile : A concise summary of your professional background, skills and career goals tailored to the NHS role.

Work experience : Detail your relevant employment history starting with the most recent first. Focus on roles that highlight your skills and experience pertinent to the NHS job.

Education and qualifications : List your educational background, relevant qualifications, and training.

Skills : Highlight key skills, particularly in-demand soft skills relevant to the NHS role, such as communication, teamwork and problem-solving.

Achievements and memberships : Include relevant achievements and memberships to professional bodies.

References : Provide details of referees who can vouch for your suitability for the role.

must-have CV sections for an NHS job

Explore more job-specific CV for different roles within the NHS:

Human resources

Plastic surgeon

Support worker

Data analyst

Data scientist.

How to answer NHS interview questions

Whether you're applying for a role as an optometrist , or plumber , answering questions in an NHS interview succinctly and confidently is key. Do this by connecting your experience to the specific health, administrative or social care role you are applying for. Use your examples and reflect on your learning rather than providing generic or unstructured answers.

The best way to keep your thoughts clear and your answers neat in a healthcare interview is by using the STAR method ( Situation, Task, Action, Result ).

This useful framework describes your experiences and demonstrates how they relate to the job you are interviewing for whilst weaving in NHS values.

STAR method NHS interview question example

Can you describe a time when you worked under pressure.

Interviewer ,

NHS from UK

Situation : "In my previous role as a nurse, we experienced a sudden influx of patients due to a local accident. Task : I was responsible for triaging patients quickly while ensuring high standards of care. Action : I prioritised patients based on the severity of their conditions, communicated effectively with the team, and ensured everyone was aware of their roles. Result : We managed to provide timely care to all patients, and the feedback from both patients and staff was very positive."

Example of an NHS interview question and answer

Remember to use the STAR method when it is appropriate or when talking about a specific situation. When asked more general questions, about your motivations for example, feel free to answer more naturally and link your response back to NHS values:

Why do you want to work for the NHS?

Correct answer:

"I am passionate about providing high-quality care and support to patients. Working for the NHS aligns with my values of compassion and dedication to public health. I am eager to contribute to the community and develop my career within an organisation renowned for its commitment to excellence."

Incorrect answer:

"I’m pretty good with people. This looks like a stable job and the NHS offers good benefits."

Get prepared for common NHS interview questions

Prepare to succeed by researching the goals and challenges of the NHS Trust or organisation you are joining and knowing the job description inside out. During the interview, you will typically be interviewed by two or more people who will ask a variety of questions.

Examples of these could be: 

Competency-based questions: These questions focus on assessing your skills and behaviour in past situations. The interviewer wants to understand how you have demonstrated specific competencies, such as teamwork, leadership or problem-solving. They aim to predict how you would handle similar situations in the future, based on your previous actions.

Example : "Can you give an example of a time when you worked under pressure?"

Strengths-based questions: Strengths-based questions are designed to identify what you naturally do well and enjoy. The interviewer is looking for insight into your core strengths and how these will help you perform effectively in the role. These questions assess whether your personal attributes align with the job's requirements.

Example : " What do you enjoy doing most at work?"

Technical questions: These questions assess your knowledge and skills related to the specific technical aspects of the role. The interviewer wants to evaluate your proficiency in the technical duties required, such as understanding procedures, equipment or regulations relevant to your job.

Example : " What steps do you take to ensure the accuracy of lab results?"

Situational judgement questions: Situational judgement questions present hypothetical scenarios and ask how you would respond. The interviewer is looking to assess your decision-making, problem-solving and judgement skills, particularly in situations you are likely to encounter on the job.

Example : "What would you do if you noticed a colleague making a mistake with a patient’s medication?"

Values-based questions : These questions explore how your personal values align with NHS values, such as compassion, respect and commitment to patient care. The interviewer wants to ensure that your principles are in line with the organisational culture of the NHS, which is vital for delivering quality care.

Example : " How do your personal values align with the NHS’s commitment to putting patients first?"

Motivational questions: Aim to uncover what drives you and how you handle challenges, such as feedback and criticism. The interviewer wants to understand your inner motivations and how these will help you thrive in the role, as well as how you cope with setbacks.

Example : " What motivates you to perform well in your job, and how do you respond to constructive criticism?"

Your interviewers will take notes and assess your answers against predefined criteria, often using a scoring system. The interview will be conducted privately, either in person or via video call. Some roles may also require additional assessments such as presentations or clinical discussions.

Don’t hesitate to ask for clarification if you don’t understand a question. It’s better to seek clarity than to provide an irrelevant answer. You can ask for questions to be repeated or write them down to ensure you respond appropriately. In some cases, you might receive the questions in advance.

Remember to sell yourself and your experiences as a professional, ensuring they are relevant to the job. Prepare questions to ask about the role and how you will integrate into the team. For example, inquire about the support available for transitioning from a different country.

Research the the latest policies affecting the NHS and healthcare such as current policy, the NHS long-term plan and UK guidelines relevant to the area you are applying for.

6 examples of NHS interview questions

Competency-based question example:, how do you handle a difficult patient.

"I remain calm and patient, listening actively to their concerns. I empathise with their situation and try to understand the root of their frustration. By communicating clearly and showing respect, I work towards finding a solution that addresses their needs while maintaining a professional demeanour."
"I tell them to calm down and wait their turn."

Situational question example:

Can you give an example of a time when you worked as part of a team.

"During a particularly busy shift, our team had to coordinate quickly to manage an overflow of patients. I took the initiative to organise a brief team meeting, delegate tasks based on everyone's strengths, and ensure open communication. As a result, we managed the workload efficiently and received commendations for our teamwork."
"I usually prefer to work alone, but I help out if necessary."

Technical question example:

You are working as a radiographer and a patient is concerned about the radiation exposure during a ct scan. how would you explain the safety measures in place.

"I would reassure the patient that the radiation dose used in CT scans is kept as low as possible and that safety measures, like lead shielding, are in place to protect them. I would explain the benefits of the scan for accurate diagnosis and make sure the patient feels informed and comfortable."
"Sometimes worried patients just need a little push. I would tell them not to worry and that the scan is quick."

Example of an interview question for an NHS nursing role:

How do you ensure patient confidentiality.

Correct answer :

"I adhere strictly to the NHS confidentiality guidelines. This includes discussing patient information only with relevant team members, ensuring records are secure, and being mindful of conversations in public areas."

Incorrect answer :

"I pride myself on being able to keep sensitive information secret. I don’t gossip and I always keep papers either at home or in my desk drawer at work."

Example of an interview question for an NHS administrative role:

How do you manage multiple priorities.

"I use a combination of prioritisation techniques, such as creating to-do lists, setting deadlines, and using digital tools for task management. By regularly reviewing and adjusting priorities, I ensure that urgent tasks are completed timely without compromising the quality of my work."
"Sometimes people have to be told to wait. However, I pick the task I think I can get done quickest first so they’re not waiting as long."

Example of an interview question for an NHS lab technician role:

How do you ensure accuracy and quality control in lab results.

"I follow strict protocols for sample handling, equipment calibration and record-keeping. I double-check results and participate in regular quality control checks to ensure that all tests meet the highest standards of accuracy and reliability."
"I’ve done this type of work for a while, so I know how to be careful when handling samples."

How to demonstrate NHS competencies

Interviews within the NHS are generally competency-based, where interviewers are looking for tangible examples of core traits needed to succeed in the role. The NHS provides tips and guidance on how to perform well in these interviews. Competency-based interviews are perfect for those navigating a career change or recent graduates entering the workforce . Giving concrete examples of these competencies can significantly impact your interview success.

Communication : Provide examples where you communicated effectively with patients, colleagues, or other stakeholders. Highlight your ability to listen, convey information clearly, and adapt your communication style.

Teamwork : Share instances where you worked collaboratively with others to achieve a common goal. Emphasise your role in the team, how you supported others, and the outcome of your collective efforts.

Problem-solving : Describe situations where you identified a problem, analysed possible solutions, and implemented a successful resolution. Highlight your analytical thinking and creativity.

Compassion and care : Give examples of times you showed empathy and provided high-quality care or support to patients. Explain the impact of your actions on patient well-being.

Adaptability : Illustrate your ability to adapt to changing circumstances or new challenges. Share examples of how you stayed effective and maintained standards in a dynamic environment.

Be yourself in the interview. It’s easy to get caught up in giving the 'right' answers, but showing your true personality and sharing honest experiences can make a stronger impression. Remember, they’re not just hiring your skills - they’re hiring you.

Key takeaways

Use the STAR method : Structure your answers using Situation, Task, Action, and Result to provide clear and comprehensive responses.

Understand NHS values : Familiarise yourself with the NHS core values and reflect them in your answers.

Prepare for various question types : Be ready for competency-based, values-based, and situational judgment questions.

Highlight relevant experience : Use specific examples from your past work to demonstrate your skills and suitability for the role.

Seek feedback : Always ask for feedback after the interview to improve your performance for future opportunities.

After the interview, reflect on your performance and consider any feedback received. Don’t be discouraged if you were unsuccessful at the first (or even second or third) attempts. Continue to improve your interview skills and stay updated with the latest NHS policies and guidelines.

Next steps?

Before landing an invitation to interview, you’ll need a top-notch CV to showcase your abilities and grab the attention of hiring managers. Be inspired by our library of free CV templates from jobs like pharmacist and physiotherapist to psychologist and radiologist . Prepare for your upcoming interview date by looking through our job interview blog for more advice on preparation and acing your next assessment.

What questions should I ask at an NHS interview?

There are plenty of specific questions which will likely come up after researching the NHS Trust or specific area you want to work for. However, some good all-rounders are worth having in your pocket:

"Can you tell me more about the team I would be working with?"

"What opportunities for professional development are available?"

"How does the NHS support staff well-being?"

What happens after an NHS interview?

After an interview, you will typically receive feedback on your performance. Successful candidates will be contacted with a job offer, while others will receive constructive feedback to help improve future applications.

What to wear for an NHS interview?

Dress in professional, smart attire. For most roles, this means business wear such as a suit or a dress with a blazer. Ensure your clothing is clean, neat, and appropriate for the role.

How are NHS interviews scored?

Interviews are scored based on predefined criteria aligned with the role’s competencies and person specification. Each answer is evaluated for its relevance, clarity, and alignment with NHS values.

How long does it take to hear back from an NHS interview?

The timeline for feedback can vary, but typically you should hear back within a few weeks. If you haven’t heard back within this period, it’s appropriate to follow up with the HR department.

Start creating your CV

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Updated August 19 2024

Will Campbell has over 10 years' experience writing for startups, employment, education and global brands. With a rich work history of over 30 part-time jobs, Will has become exceptionally skilled in advising others on how to write an interview-getting CV. When not tapping away at his keyboard, he can be found running or playing the nearest guitar. Connect via LinkedIn

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  24. Letter of Introduction: What Is It & How to Write One (+Templates)

    A letter of introduction serves a different purpose compared to other career documents like a cover letter or a resume. Whether you're looking to introduce yourself to a company, recommend someone else, or explore new professional relationships, there are several situations where a letter of introduction is the ideal tool.

  25. Resume Guidelines and Samples

    4 Resume Samples (PDF format) ... Cover Letter Guidelines and Samples. CV (curriculum vitae) Guidelines. More from Wellesley. Let's Talk. Contact. T. (781) 283-2352 [email protected]. Green Hall 441 106 Central Street Wellesley, MA 02481. Career Education is available for virtual and in-person appointments.

  26. PDF

  27. Sample Cover Letters

    Share This: Share Sample Cover Letters on Facebook Share Sample Cover Letters on LinkedIn Share Sample Cover Letters on X; Copy Link; Sample 1. Sample 2. Sample 3. Sample 4. ... Cover Letter & Resume Templates. Resume Samples; Contact & Location. Phone. 813-974-2171. Email. [email protected]. Address. 4202 E. Fowler Avenue, SVC 2088

  28. How to Write a CV (With Templates and Examples)

    Here are six steps you can follow to write a CV: 1. Create a CV header. You can start your CV with a header at the top of the document that outlines who you are and how a potential employer can reach you. It can include your name and surname, contact number and email address.

  29. NHS interview questions 2024

    The NHS is one of the UK's largest employers, providing a diverse range of roles and not just limited to medical positions. Opportunities span from catering assistants and cleaners to receptionists and electricians.. With rewarding and lifelong career opportunities ahead, this article offers practical advice and real examples to help you prepare for upcoming NHS interview questions.

  30. Resume Format Guide (2024 Examples)

    If you are formatting a resume before you write it, pay attention to how the information looks on the page and adjust as needed. Here are the key steps to formatting a resume: Apply appropriate margins. Select a professional, readable font. Make your font size 10-12 points. Feature section headers.