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124 Black Death Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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The Black Death is undoubtedly one of the most significant events in human history. This devastating pandemic, also known as the Bubonic Plague, swept through Europe in the 14th century, resulting in millions of deaths and leaving a lasting impact on society. If you are tasked with writing an essay on this historical event, you may be searching for inspiration and topic ideas. In this article, we have compiled a list of 124 Black Death essay topics and examples to help you get started.

  • The causes and origins of the Black Death.
  • The impact of the Black Death on medieval Europe.
  • The role of rats and fleas in spreading the disease.
  • Comparing the Black Death to other major pandemics in history.
  • The social and economic consequences of the Black Death.
  • The Black Death's influence on art and literature.
  • The medical understanding of the Black Death during the 14th century.
  • The role of religious institutions during the Black Death.
  • The psychological effects of living through the Black Death.
  • The impact of the Black Death on the feudal system.
  • The Black Death's impact on labor and the workforce.
  • The Black Death's effect on the status of women in medieval society.
  • The political consequences of the Black Death.
  • The Black Death's influence on the development of medicine.
  • The role of quarantine measures during the Black Death.
  • The Black Death's impact on urbanization and migration.
  • The Black Death's influence on artistic representations of death.
  • The response of different European countries to the Black Death.
  • The Black Death and its relationship to climate change.
  • The role of superstitions and religious beliefs during the Black Death.
  • The impact of the Black Death on trade and commerce.
  • The Black Death's effect on the educational system.
  • The Black Death's impact on religious practices and beliefs.
  • The role of social class during the Black Death.
  • The Black Death's influence on the emergence of public health measures.
  • The Black Death and its impact on the development of cities.
  • The Black Death's effect on the psychological well-being of survivors.
  • The role of medical practitioners during the Black Death.
  • The Black Death's influence on the perception of death.
  • The Black Death's impact on the decline of feudalism.
  • The Black Death's effect on population growth and demographics.
  • The role of art in commemorating the victims of the Black Death.
  • The Black Death's influence on religious art and iconography.
  • The Black Death's impact on religious pilgrimage.
  • The Black Death's effect on family structures and dynamics.
  • The role of women in nursing and caregiving during the Black Death.
  • The Black Death's influence on the development of public health policies.
  • The Black Death's impact on social mobility and upward mobility.
  • The Black Death's effect on the perception of physical beauty.
  • The role of religious rituals and practices during the Black Death.
  • The Black Death's influence on religious sects and heresy.
  • The Black Death's impact on the perception of time and mortality.
  • The Black Death's effect on the development of cemeteries and burial practices.
  • The role of architecture in responding to the Black Death.
  • The Black Death's influence on the emergence of hospitals.
  • The Black Death's impact on the development of public sanitation systems.
  • The Black Death's effect on the funeral industry.
  • The role of music and dance during the Black Death.
  • The Black Death's influence on the development of mortuary practices.
  • The Black Death's impact on the perception of personal hygiene.
  • The Black Death's effect on the portrayal of death in literature.
  • The role of government and leadership during the Black Death.
  • The Black Death's influence on the emergence of quarantine laws.
  • The Black Death's impact on the development of art as a form of therapy.
  • The Black Death's effect on the perception of authority and power.
  • The role of religion in providing comfort during the Black Death.
  • The Black Death's influence on the development of medical textbooks.
  • The Black Death's impact on the perception of illness and disease.
  • The Black Death's effect on the concept of personal identity.
  • The role of women in herbal medicine during the Black Death.
  • The Black Death's influence on the development of personal hygiene practices.
  • The Black Death's impact on the perception of physical suffering.
  • The Black Death's effect on the portrayal of death in visual arts.
  • The role of public spaces during the Black Death.
  • The Black Death's influence on the development of healthcare infrastructure.
  • The Black Death's impact on the perception of bodily decay.
  • The Black Death's effect on the concept of community and solidarity.
  • The role of folklore and folk remedies during the Black Death.
  • The Black Death's influence on the development of medical education.
  • The Black Death's impact on the perception of personal space and boundaries.
  • The Black Death's effect on the portrayal of death in theater.
  • The role of government propaganda during the Black Death.
  • The Black Death's influence on the development of public health campaigns.
  • The Black Death's impact on the perception of physical beauty and aesthetics.
  • The Black Death's effect on the concept of individualism.
  • The role of midwives during the Black Death.
  • The Black Death's influence on the development of public hygiene practices.
  • The Black Death's impact on the perception of bodily functions.
  • The Black Death's effect on the portrayal of death in music.
  • The role of religious relics and artifacts during the Black Death.
  • The Black Death's influence on the development of medical research.
  • The Black Death's impact on the perception of spirituality and afterlife.
  • The Black Death's effect on the concept of personal responsibility.
  • The role of women in caregiving and nursing during the Black Death.
  • The Black Death's influence on the development of personal protective equipment.
  • The Black Death's impact on the perception of physical pain and suffering.
  • The role of public executions during the Black Death.
  • The Black Death's influence on the development of public health regulations.
  • The Black Death's impact on the perception of physical disability.
  • The Black Death's effect on the concept of mortality and immortality.
  • The role of religion in consoling the bereaved during the Black Death.
  • The Black Death's influence on the development of medical treatments.
  • The Black Death's impact on the perception of aging and senescence.
  • The role of religious processions and rituals during the Black Death.
  • The Black Death's influence on the development of personal hygiene products.
  • The Black Death's impact on the perception of physical attractiveness.
  • The Black Death's effect on the concept of fate and destiny.
  • The Black Death's influence on the development of personal cleanliness practices.
  • The Black Death's impact on the perception of physical health.
  • The role of government censorship during the Black Death.
  • The Black Death's influence on the development of medical ethics.
  • The Black Death's impact on the perception of human fragility.
  • The Black Death's effect on the concept of suffering and resilience.
  • The role of women in herbal remedies during the Black Death.
  • The Black Death's influence on the development of personal care products.
  • The Black Death's impact on the perception of physical strength.
  • The role of religious relics and symbols during the Black Death.
  • The Black Death's influence on the development of medical breakthroughs.
  • The Black Death's impact on the perception of spirituality and transcendence.
  • The Black Death's effect on the concept of human interconnectedness.
  • The role of midwives and female healers during the Black Death.
  • The Black Death's influence on the development of personal hygiene habits.
  • The role of public health officials during the Black Death.
  • The Black Death's influence on the development of medical regulations.
  • The Black Death's impact on the perception of physical cleanliness.
  • The Black Death's effect on the concept of mortality and meaning of life.
  • The role of religion in providing solace and hope during the Black Death.

These essay topics provide a wide range of ideas to explore the various aspects and impacts of the Black Death. Remember to conduct thorough research, gather reliable sources, and structure your essay appropriately to create a comprehensive and engaging piece of writing. Good luck with your essay!

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Impact of the Black Death Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Social impacts of the black death, economic impacts of the black death, political impacts of the black death, reference list.

The Black Death was, no doubt, the greatest population disaster that has ever occurred in the history of Europe. The name is given to the bubonic plaque that occurred in the fourteenth century in Europe killing millions of people. The plaque began in the year 1348, and by the year 1359, it had killed an approximate 1.5 million people, out of an estimated total population of about 4 million people.

So terrifying was the Black Death that peasants were blaming themselves for its occurrence, and thus some of them resulted to punishing themselves as a way of seeking God’s forgiveness. The bubonic plaque was caused by fleas that were hosted by rats, a common phenomenon in the cities and towns. The presence of rats in the cities and towns was due to the fact that the towns were littered, and they were poorly managed.

The worst part of it is the fact that the medieval peasants did not know that the plaque was caused by the pleas hosted by the rats. They actually believed that the plague was caused by the rats themselves. As more and more people died from the Black Death, the impacts of the plague became more profound.

The plague affected the demographic composition of the society, and thus it had far-reaching effects on the social, economic, political and even cultural realms of the medieval society. To this day, the Black Death is remembered as the worst demographic disaster to be ever experienced in European history (Robin, 2011). This paper is an in-depth analysis of the impacts of the Black Death.

The Black Death had far reaching social impacts on the people who lived during the fourteenth century. An obvious social impact of the plague is the fact that the Black Death led to a significant reduction in the human population of the affected areas. This had extensive effects on all aspects of life, including the social and political structure of the affected areas.

Before the plague, feudalism, the European social structure in medieval times, had created a society in which inequality was rife, with many poor peasants, and rich lords. This fuelled overpopulation, which was a catalyst for the mortality of the plaque. After the plaque, a large number of the overpopulated peasants became victims of the plaque, and thus the lords lacked labourers in their farms. This also led to a significant reduction in the population (Bryrne, 2011).

The people who were spared by the plague lived full lives. They regarded themselves as the next victims of the bubonic plague. This led to immoral behaviour that saw societal codes like the sexual codes broken. People did not care about having virtues anymore because they knew that death was approaching fast. As people lost their partners to the plague, the marriage market grew, fuelling more sexual immorality (Carol, 1996).

Also among the immediate social impacts is the fact that at one point, the number of people who were dying from the bubonic plague was seemingly more than the number of the living. This made it virtually impossible for the living to take care of the ailing, or even for the living to bury the deceased. This was a social crisis that has remained in the books of history as a remarkable impact of the bubonic plague.

Immediately after the occurrence of the Black Death, all economic activities were paralysed. The first economic activity to suffer substantially from the plaque was trade. Although people were not aware that it was the infectiousness of the plaque that was making it to kill more people, they were afraid to travel to plagued areas for fear of coming into contact with rats, which they believed was the source of the disease. This substantially affected trade ties between villages and communities in the medieval European society.

After the occurrence of the Black Death, other impacts of the plague started affecting the community. The population of the European parts affected by the plaque reduced drastically, leading to a severe shortage of labour for the farms. The demand of peasant farmers increased, with the lords competing for them by relocating them from their villages to the farms of the latter. This made the peasants have a competitive economic edge, as they were able to negotiate for better salaries.

As the Black Death claimed more lives, farms were left unattended because the peasants who were responsible for ploughing had fallen victims of the plague. Where the lords were lucky to have had some harvest, it was challenging to bring it home due to a serious shortage of manpower.

Some harvest got destroyed in the field as there were no men to bring it home. Some animals got lost because the people who used to look after them had also fallen victims of the plague. These problems led to a number of other impacts in the medieval society of the fourteenth century (Bridbury, 1973).

As farms went unploughed and some harvest remained in the fields, people in the villages starved for food. Cities and towns also faced severe shortages of food since the farming villages around the towns did not have sufficient foodstuffs. Lords had to strategize economically in order to survive, and thus most of them resulted to keeping sheep since it was easier without the manpower.

Economic activities that required the presence of large numbers of peasants like the farming of grains lost their popularity. This, in turn, led to serious shortage of basic commodities like bread. This, coupled with the fact that the production of all kinds of foodstuffs had decreases, led to inflationary prices on commodities (“The Black Death And Its Effects”, 1935). The poor were left thriving in an environment full of hardships as the prices of foods skyrocketed.

The Black Death had a number of political impacts. First of all, the feudal social system of the fourteen-century European population demanded that peasants could not relocate from their villages at will. For a peasant to relocate from his/her village, he/she had to seek the permission of his/her lord.

After the Black Death, it became increasingly difficult for lords to get the number of peasants they required to provide them with the labour for their farms. This made lords to disregard the law, and relocate peasants to their villages so that they could work in their farms. Most of the times, the lords even declined to return the latter to their rightful villages in a bid to get maximum benefit from their labour.

Another political impact of the Black Death also stems from the reduced population of the affected areas. This is because after the number of peasants reduced, and they were able to negotiate salaries and even relocate from their villages, contrary to feudal law, the government imposed stricter rules to regulate the way peasants offer their manpower to the lords.

This was done by the introduction of the 1351 “statute for labourers” (Bridbury, 1973). The statute provided that payments to peasants were to be made with reference to the payments that were made in 1346. This meant that peasants would receive payments using the terms that were prevailing before the plague occurred.

The statute was structures such that both the lord and the peasant could be accused of breaking the law by either the peasant receiving a higher payment, or the lord giving the same. The effect of this statute was that a good number of peasants disobeyed it, leading to, arguably inhumane punishment. This fuelled revolt among the peasants who sought to fight for their rights in the 1381 Peasants Revolt (Bentley et al., 2008).

After oppressive statutes like the statute for labourers came into force, peasants started to be resistant. They therefore organized a number of revolts in a bid to attract the attention of legislators to their plea of fairness. The most serious of these revolts was the aforementioned 1381 peasant revolt. The peasants had gathered in huge numbers and marched to London. They killed senior officials of the King and took control over the tower of London.

Among their main grievances was the fact that, thirty-five years after the occurrence of the Black Death, the population had reasonably grown and the pre-existent demand for labour had substantially reduced. The lords were therefore threatening to withdraw the privileges they had given to peasants since their demand was no more. This led to the revolt as the peasants sought to fight for their privileges.

From the discussion above, it is evident that the Black Death had a lot of impacts on the European medieval society. It changed the demographic set-up of the community and thus it substantially affected the social activities of the peasants. This can be evidenced by the aforementioned increase in cases of sexual immorality as people had lost their partners in the plague.

The Black Death also had a number of economic impacts which resulted from the drastic decrease in the population of peasants. This can be evidenced by the aforementioned change by lords from grain farming to sheep farming. Lastly, the Black Death had a number of political impacts which can be exemplified by the development of the aforementioned statute for labourers.

Studies of the impacts of the bubonic plague are still ongoing. This is despite the fact that most of the impacts were realized immediately after the plague and their effects on the society analyzed. Political activists during the time, who were mostly lords, had observed the effects of the plague and made societal changes that were bound to benefit them.

However, scientists still believe that the European society still suffers significant effects of the bubonic plague. For instance, it has been established that England, where the greatest effects of the bubonic plague were perhaps felt, has significantly lower genetic diversity than it is suspected to have had in the eleventh century. Geneticists explain this by the argument that the deaths that resulted from the Black Deaths were the cause of the low genetic variation in Europe.

Bentley, Jerry H., Ziegler, Herbert F., Streets, Heather E. (2008) Traditions and

Encounters: A Brief Global History, ch9,15,19, McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Bridbury, A. (1973). The Black Death. The Economic History Review, 26: 577 – 592.

Bryrne, J. (2011). Black Death. World Book Advanced. Web.

Carol, B. (1996). Bubonic Plague in the nineteenth-century China.

Robin, N. (2011). Apocalypse Then: A History of Plague. Special Report. World Book Advanced. Web.

The Black Death And Its Effects. (1935). Readings in English History Drawn from the Original Sources: Intended to Illustrate a Short History of England. Boston: Ginn.

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  • The Year 1000’ by Robert Lacey and Danny Danziger
  • Chicago (A-D)
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IvyPanda. (2018, August 22). Impact of the Black Death. https://ivypanda.com/essays/impact-of-the-black-death/

"Impact of the Black Death." IvyPanda , 22 Aug. 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/impact-of-the-black-death/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Impact of the Black Death'. 22 August.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Impact of the Black Death." August 22, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/impact-of-the-black-death/.

1. IvyPanda . "Impact of the Black Death." August 22, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/impact-of-the-black-death/.


IvyPanda . "Impact of the Black Death." August 22, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/impact-of-the-black-death/.

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Writing Prompts about Black Death

  • 🗃️ Essay topics
  • ❓ Research questions
  • 📝 Topic sentences
  • 🪝 Essay hooks
  • 📑 Thesis statements
  • 🔀 Hypothesis examples
  • 🧐 Personal statements

🔗 References

🗃️ black death essay topics.

  • The impact of the Black Death on medieval european society.
  • Comparing the Black Death and COVID-19.
  • Exploring the causes and origins of the Black Death pandemic.
  • The role of trade and globalization in spreading the Black Death.
  • The Black Death’s effect on religious beliefs and practices.
  • Social and economic consequences of the Black Death.
  • Medical knowledge and responses to the Black Death in the middle ages.
  • The Black Death’s influence on art and literature.
  • Black Death and the decline of feudalism.
  • Women’s role and experiences during the Black Death.
  • “The plague” by Albert Camus: the basic existential principles.
  • The Black Death’s impact on labor and workforce dynamics.
  • Quarantine measures and public health responses to the Black Death.
  • The Black Death’s effects on urbanization and demographic shifts.
  • Cultural and psychological trauma caused by the Black Death.
  • Black Death’s influence on architecture and urban planning.
  • Comparing different strains of the Black Death.
  • The Black Death’s influence on political structures and governance.
  • Trade and commerce recovery after the Black Death.
  • The spread of Black Death in non-european regions.
  • Black Death and its impact on education and intellectual history.

❓ Research Questions about Black Death

  • What were the primary causes and origins of the Black Death pandemic?
  • How did the Black Death impact the social structure and hierarchy of medieval European society?
  • What were the different strains of the Black Death (bubonic, pneumonic, septicemic)?
  • How did trade and globalization facilitate the spread of the Black Death across different regions?
  • What were the major medical responses and treatments employed during the Black Death?
  • What were the religious beliefs and practices during the Black Death?
  • How did the Black Death affect urbanization patterns and population distribution in medieval Europe?
  • What were the long-term economic consequences of the Black Death on European societies?
  • How did different cultures and regions outside of Europe experience and respond to the Black Death?
  • How did the Black Death influence political structures, governance, and leadership during the crisis?
  • How did the Black Death affect women’s roles and experiences in medieval society?
  • What were the major misconceptions and theories surrounding the cause and spread of the Black Death?
  • How did the Black Death impact agriculture, food production, and food availability?
  • What lessons can be learned from the Black Death that are applicable to modern epidemiology and public health?
  • What were the educational and intellectual responses to the Black Death?

📝 Topic Sentences on Black Death

  • The Black Death, a devastating pandemic that struck Europe in the 14th century, profoundly altered the social fabric of medieval society, leading to significant shifts in power dynamics and economic structures.
  • Examining the transmission and mortality rates of different strains of the Black Death, such as bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemic, provides crucial insights into the varied and complex nature of this historic plague.
  • The Black Death’s impact on art and literature during the Middle Ages reflects a powerful expression of human suffering, mortality, and religious beliefs, leaving a lasting cultural legacy that continues to resonate in modern times.

🪝 Top Hooks for Black Death Paper

📍 definition hooks on black death for essay.

  • Black Death, also known as the Bubonic Plague, was a catastrophic pandemic that ravaged Europe during the 14th century. This deadly disease, caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, decimated populations, leaving a lasting impact on society, culture, and public health.
  • The Black Death, an infamous historical catastrophe, was a devastating pandemic that swept through Europe during the 14th century. This deadly plague, caused by the Yersinia pestis bacterium, caused immense suffering, leaving an indelible mark on the course of human history.

📍 Statistical Hooks for Essay on Black Death

  • During the Black Death, the mortality rates reached staggering heights, with estimates suggesting that between 75 to 200 million lives were claimed in Europe alone. This harrowing statistical data underscores the magnitude of the deadliest pandemic in recorded history.
  • The Black Death, an unprecedented catastrophe, unleashed its deadly grip across Europe, resulting in a staggering death toll of approximately 30-60% of the continent’s population. These alarming statistics illustrate the sheer devastation and magnitude of this historic pandemic.

📍 Question Hooks about Black Death for Essay

  • What were the devastating consequences of medieval the Black Death pandemic, and how did it reshape societies, ignite cultural transformations, and leave an indelible mark on the course of human history?
  • How did the merciless outbreak of the Black Death in the Middle Ages forever alter demographics, economics, and medicine, leaving an enduring impact on civilization and shaping the world we know today?

📍 Quotation Hooks on Black Death

  • “In the midst of darkness and despair, the Black Death emerged as a relentless force, ‘ringing the knell of universal destruction,’ leaving behind a trail of devastation and sorrow that echoed through the annals of time.” – Giovanni Boccaccio, “The Decameron”.
  • “Amidst the haunting silence, the Black Death unleashed its relentless fury, ‘Death came into our midst like black smoke, a plague which carried off to the next world the majority of a city’s inhabitants.'” – Ibn al-Wardi, 14th-century historian.

📑 Best Black Death Thesis Statements

✔️ argumentative thesis about black death.

  • The Black Death’s devastating impact on medieval Europe serves as a historical cautionary tale, illustrating the importance of public health measures, swift responses to pandemics, and the necessity of preserving knowledge to combat future global health crises.
  • The Black Death’s cataclysmic effects on medieval society, including significant demographic shifts, economic transformations, and religious upheaval, underscore its pivotal role in reshaping the course of history and serve as a critical reminder of the importance of disease prevention and preparedness.

✔️ Analytical Thesis Samples about Black Death

  • By analyzing the multifaceted causes and far-reaching consequences of the Black Death on medieval Europe, this study aims to shed light on the complex interplay between disease, society, and culture, unraveling the profound and lasting impact of this devastating pandemic.
  • Through a comprehensive examination of the Black Death’s origins, transmission, and impact on various aspects of medieval society, this analysis seeks to deepen our understanding of the plague’s role in shaping historical, social, and economic developments during that tumultuous period.

✔️ Informative Thesis Examples on Black Death

  • The Black Death, a medieval pandemic caused by the bubonic plague, struck Europe with unparalleled ferocity, decimating populations and altering societal structures. This informative study explores its origins, transmission, and far-reaching consequences on medieval civilization and beyond.
  • The Black Death, an infamous plague of the 14th century, had a profound and lasting impact on European society, reshaping demographics, economy, and cultural perceptions. This informative analysis delves into the origins, spread, and far-reaching consequences of this devastating pandemic.

🔀 Black Death Hypothesis Examples

  • The Black Death had a significant impact on the decline of feudalism and the rise of the Renaissance in Europe.
  • The Black Death altered the dynamics of labor and led to economic changes, ultimately contributing to the transformation of medieval society.

🔂 Null & Alternative Hypothesis on Black Death

  • Null hypothesis: The Black Death did not have a significant impact on European society and its historical development.
  • Alternative hypothesis: The Black Death had a profound and transformative effect on European society, leading to demographic shifts, economic changes, and the restructuring of social and cultural norms.

🧐 Examples of Personal Statement about Black Death

  • As a history enthusiast, the Black Death has always captivated my curiosity and imagination. Learning about this devastating pandemic that swept through medieval Europe has shown me the immense power of historical events in shaping societies. The Black Death serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of human existence and the resilience of human spirit in the face of unimaginable hardships. Studying the Black Death has also given me a deeper appreciation for the importance of public health and the impact of disease outbreaks on communities.
  • The Black Death, a harrowing chapter in history, has always fascinated me as a student of the past. Exploring the devastating impact of this medieval pandemic on European society has sparked my passion for understanding how historical events shape the world we live in today. The Black Death serves as a stark reminder of the resilience of humanity and the profound importance of public health. Witnessing how this catastrophic outbreak reshaped communities and economies, I am driven to pursue a career in public health, dedicating myself to preventing and managing infectious diseases in modern times.
  • The Black Death And The Future Of Medicine
  • Insufficient evidence for natural selection associated with the Black Death
  • The Black Death and its effect on fourteenth- and fifteenthcentury art
  • The Economic Impact of the Black Death
  • Pandemics and Cities: Evidence from the Black Death and the Long-Run

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  • Chicago (A-D)

AssignZen. (2023, July 23). Writing Prompts about Black Death. https://assignzen.com/writing-prompts/black-death-essay-ideas/

"Writing Prompts about Black Death." AssignZen , 23 July 2023, assignzen.com/writing-prompts/black-death-essay-ideas/.

1. AssignZen . "Writing Prompts about Black Death." July 23, 2023. https://assignzen.com/writing-prompts/black-death-essay-ideas/.


AssignZen . "Writing Prompts about Black Death." July 23, 2023. https://assignzen.com/writing-prompts/black-death-essay-ideas/.

AssignZen . 2023. "Writing Prompts about Black Death." July 23, 2023. https://assignzen.com/writing-prompts/black-death-essay-ideas/.

AssignZen . (2023) 'Writing Prompts about Black Death'. 23 July.


Topics on Black Death to Inspire You


Occasionally, maybe in movies, history books, novels, or plays, you might have probably encountered the term Black Death. Of course, it brings to mind the pain, grim memories, and suffering in ancient times. Talk of chaotic mass graves, madness-allover, and devastation in the medieval city, there were many catastrophic effects of the Black Death.

Not even modern science has unearthed the casualties of the Black Death epidemic. However, there are claims and anecdotal evidence to suggest that it killed nearly twice as many people like those who lost their lives to World War II.

Could there at least be positive consequences you may ask? Well, maybe this list of Black Death essay topics will tell us more. If you come across bubonic plague essay topics, they are the same thing. However, for now; be our guest. In a few minutes as we take you through different categories of Black Death, essay topics.

What is the Black Death?

The Black Death was an epidemic that killed upward of one-third of the population of Europe between 1346 and 1353 (more on proportional mortality below). The Black Death was the Great Plague of 1665, which by some estimates killed fifteen to twenty percent of the population in certain locales.

Surprisingly, the medieval European social-demographic system rebounded from the Black Death. A common misconception is that black refers to skin discolorations accompanying the disease. However, Black is meant in the metaphorical sense of terrible. It is what we know as pestilence, in modern times.

If you are confused about the best Black Death essay thesis, find out more about Black Death by reading:

  • Sample black death essay
  • Sample Black Death book review of Black Death : The book is The Black Death, 1346:1353: The complete history by Ole J. Benedictow.

Our writers can also help you come up with a Black Death thesis statement that will catch the eyes of your professor. Talk to us.

Cause and Effects Topics on the Bubonic Plague

  • The impacts of the Black Death in the emancipation of the European counties post the pandemic period.
  • The main effects of the bubonic plague in China
  • The causes and effects of the Black Death
  • The role of Black Death in Protestant Reformation, a cause and consequences analysis
  • Did the pandemics during medieval times affect the genes of Europeans
  • Myths surrounding the Black Death
  • Impacts of Black Death on Western Civilization
  • Black Death and Religion
  • The economic consequences of the Black Death
  • How black death affected Feudalism
  • Impacts of Black Death on society
  • Social Responses to the Black Death
  • How black death affected families
  • The consequences of the Black Death on international relations
  • Did the Black Death lead to the strengthening of medical research?
  • The consequences of the bubonic plague on the European Export market
  • Black Death as the genesis of the end of the Middle Ages
  • Impacts of the Black Death on the Industrial Revolution
  • Cultural and Spiritual consequences of the Black Death in the late Middle Ages
  • Factors that led to the spread of the Black Death in Europe
  • The genesis of the Black Death
  • The impacts of Black Deaths on Disease Control and Emergency Management
  • The impacts of the Black Death on immigration

Related Reading: Argumentative essay topics and ideas.

Compare and Contrast Black Death Topics

  • Can Black Death be equated to Ebola or Coronavirus outbreak?
  • Compare the management of the bubonic plague and a devastating international communicable disease outbreak (Zika Virus, Ebola, Coronavirusetc.)
  • Compare the impacts of the Black Death on urban and rural populations
  • Compare and contrast pneumonic plague and the bubonic plague
  • Compare the position of the Catholic and Protestant churches pre-and post-bubonic plague
  • Compare and contrast the perception of the Black Death among different cultures
  • Compare and contrast modern and medieval definition and control of the bubonic plague
  • Compare and contrast black death and smallpox
  • How were the Great Plague and Black Death Similar?
  • Black Death Vs. Ebola outbreak
  • Justinian plague vs. Bubonic Plague

Expository Topics on Black Death/Bubonic Plague

  • Black Death in London
  • Black Death in India
  • What caused the Black Death?
  • Life during the Black Death
  • Religious effects of Black death
  • How Black Death inspired art
  • Black death and its impact on agriculture and architecture
  • How the black death changed medicine
  • How did the Black Plague end?
  • What were the perceptions of people on the Black Death?
  • Bulbous Plague
  • Positive impacts of Black Death
  • Social effects of Black Death
  • Bubonic Plague in New York
  • How the Black Death affected Trade
  • Was Black Death a hemorrhagic fever?
  • Black Death and the Magna Carta
  • Septicemic plague and treatment approaches
  • How the Black Death response changed Emergency Response by nations
  • Etiology of the Black Death
  • White Penitents movement during the 17th-century pandemics
  • Quarantine strategies used by Medieval cities during the Black Plague
  • Does bubonic plague pose danger to modern society?
  • Hypotheses of the Medieval people on the cause of Black Death
  • Symptoms and progression of the Black Death
  • Why Black Death stopped
  • Is the black plague the first biological weapon?
  • Main victims of persecutions during the pandemics
  • Origins of the names Great Plague and Black Death
  • The image of a plague doctor in modern pop culture
  • Flagellants and the interpretation of Black Death
  • How Medieval Europe could have managed the bubonic plague
  • Italian cities' response to the Black Plague
  • Black Death and Slavery
  • Cultural effects of the Black Plague

English and Literature Topics on Black Death

  • Influence of black death on medieval literature
  • Canterbury tales of the black death
  • The Influence of the Black Death on Medieval Literature and Language
  • Analysis of Science, Alchemy, and the Great Plague of London by Scott Shelly
  • The symbolism used in the painting Plague by Arnold Böcklin.
  • Analysis of The Black Death poem by Matthew Henning
  • Famous Black Death Paintings
  • Black Death and Renaissance beliefs on death
  • Black Death artifacts
  • Famous poems about Plagues
  • Guillaume de Machaut's Poem Jugement dou and Black Death

Important Books the Document the Black Death

  • The Plague Pamphlets of Thomas Dekker By Thomas Dekker; F. P. Wilson
  • Plagues, Healers, and Patients in Early Modern Europe by Eamon, William
  • Hunting the Double Helix: How DNA Is Solving Puzzles of the Past by Anna Meyer
  • The Black Death in Egypt and England: A Comparative Study by Stuart J. Borsch
  • The Later Middle Ages, 1272-1485 by George Holmes
  • Plantagenet England, 1225-1360 by Michael Prestwich
  • The Story of Rats: Their Impact on Us, and Our Impact on Them by S. Anthony Barnett
  • The Black Death: An Essay on Traumatic Change by Atlas, Jerrold
  • Plague Bug Wasn't All That Fierce: DNA Analysis Suggests Living Conditions Fed Black Death by Bascom, Nick
  • What a Pest: Why the Black Death Still Won't Die by Anthes Emily
  • Historical Dictionary of Late Medieval England, 1272-1485 by Ronald H. Fritze and William B. Robison
  • The Black Death: The Greatest Catastrophe Ever: Ole J. Benedictow Describes How He Calculated That the Black Death Killed 50 Million People in the 14th Century, or 60 percent of Europe's Entire Population by Benedictow, Ole J
  • The Prospect of Global History by James Belich ; John Darwin; Margret Frenz; Chris Wickham
  • Events That Changed Great Britain, from 1066 to 1714 by Frank W. Thackeray; John E. Findling
  • Science, Alchemy, and the Great Plague of London by Scott Shelley
  • The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio
  • Death and the Pearl Maiden: Plague, Poetry, England by David K. Coley
  • The Black Death by Rosemay Horrox
  • Encyclopedia of the Black Death, Volume 1 , by Joseph Patrick Byrne

Parting Shot!

There you have it; these are some of the most common Black Death essay topics. However, we have twisted them around wittingly to help you write the best outlines for your term papers, thesis, research papers, and short essays on Black Death. If you have gone through the list and you feel like it is too much grim to write a paper on, we can help. You can order an essay online from us and we will assign the best writer. Gradecrest is the ultimate best when it comes to English essay writers !


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Black Death - List of Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

There is probably no person who has not heard of the most devastating pandemics in history. This tragic epidemic is known as the Bubonic Plague. It ravaged Europe during the 14th century, leaving a trail of death and destruction in its wake. Exploring this topic allows people to gain insight into the profound impact of this disease on society, culture, and medicine. If this theme is close to you, you can choose it among many other essay topics. As a sample paper, you can take someone’s research paper about the Black Death. There you can find valuable information about the origins of the bacteria that caused the plague. Alternatively, explore free essays about the Black Plague.

It is known that the infection of this disease spreads extremely quickly. It caused the death of 30% to 60% of infected people. Presenting such statistics in your text is an example that can be used for good hooks. A crucial element here is also the thesis statement for the Bubonic Plague. For instance, it could highlight the profound societal and economic upheaval caused by this deadliest pandemic. An essay on the Black Death is an opportunity to explore the social structure of the time, changes in medicine, and hygiene practices. Since a lot of literature has been written about this pandemic, you can easily find many examples to create a meaningful outline. Remember that the essay introduction and conclusion should reflect your thoughts and views on the topic.

Black Death DBQ

The Black Death happened in the context of immense trade network. It originated in China, in about 1346, but due to the many trade routes, it was able to spread to many parts of Europe and Asia in just 4 years. Large trade networks such as the Silk Road and the Indian Ocean trade have lots of people, from different backgrounds, travelling back and forth. The plague was composed of three parts; bubonic, pneumonic, septicemic, no matter what they had, […]

Famine and the Black Death

The famine set the stage in the Black Death, by infecting a lot of Europe's people into hunger and starvation. The famine made people more aware of what is happening around them and in European in the 1300's. Furthermore, in the 1347's, there was a horrible turning point that occurred in Europe called the Black Death. The plague began in a hot, dry summer, which caused a multitude of fleas and rats to come out from other places. The rats […]

Transition to a Better Life, a Better World

Viewing the world as is was from medieval to modern, there are various factors that conditioned the transition. The first part of knowing the factors of transition is the knowledge of when the transition took the first steps. The Renaissance, which is the improvement of economics and politics between the two time periods. This time came after Rome had fallen and the Black Death had swept the European region. The increase for wealth, land, and importance of political power, shaped […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

The Black Death and its Effect on the Change in Medicine 

Historians have argued if the Black Death in the 13th century advanced science and medicine or if it was just a terrible plague that wiped out most of the European population. The Black Death did in fact bring many discoveries to most of Europe. The aftermath of the plague led to advancements of medications and swayed everyone from their hardcore beliefs. Medical practices went from being theoretical, based on their theories of the human body, to being more based on […]

The Black Death and the Effects on Society

Introduction The focus of my essay is on the Bubonic Plague also known as the Black Death that struck Europe in 1348, and its many effects on the daily lives of the people. Specifically understanding how the churches came to lose their influence over the European people due to the epidemic and the medical advances that came from this. It is interesting to see how drastically the people's beliefs changed from something that they so deeply believed in, and to […]

West out of the Dark Ages and Modern Western Society

There was a chain of events that brought the West out of the Dark Ages and into Modern Western Society. The term “the Dark Ages” is affiliated to the time period taking place in the European Middle Ages from 5th to 15th century AD. Firstly, the Dark ages started with the fall of the Roman Empire which was then followed by the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery with a few major events in between. All these events led the […]

The Spread of the Black Death

The Black Death was a catastrophic event that caused many people to die, because of 3 different strains of plague. The plague was so strong it killed almost 60 percent of Europe's population, around 25 million people. The most common plague people would get was the Bubonic plague. The Bubonic plague is a bacterial infection that is transmitted by fleas or rodents, causing inflammation in the victim's lymph node. It presented swollen lymph nodes that grew as large as a […]

The Black Death the Importance to World History

The Black Death was a monumental epidemic that took millions of lives and spread its devastation throughout Europe and Afro-Eurasia countries. This devastating event began in the 1330s and didn't end up dying out until the mid-1350s. It was an infectious disease that affected a large part of Afro-Eurasia in the mid-fourteenth century with millions of people dying from the Black Death. This brought about a great change in many ways from culture to the general way of life in […]

Columbus Day as a National Holiday

Its Columbus Day. Let's talk about history. Columbus day is actually on October 12th every year because that's the anniversary of when he reached America. But the reason we're celebrating Columbus day 4 days early this year is because congress changed the official date to the Second Monday of October in 1971. Incidentally, October 8th is the absolute earliest that Columbus Day can take place. The day didn't start off as Columbus Day. Initially it began in 1792 as the […]

Plague: the Black Death in Europe

The Black Death began in Europe in 1347 and had an estimated death toll if 75 to 200 million people. The Black Death, also known as the Bubonic Plague was carried by fleas living on the back of rats, which were normally found on the merchant ships. The plague reached Sicily in October 1347. People gathered on the docks were met with sailors aboard the ships were dead, and those still alive were gravely ill, and covered in black boils […]

About the Black Death in History

Plague is one of the three epidemic diseases that is still a problem to the International Health Regulations and is reported by the World Health Organization. The bacteria Yersinia Pestis is said to be the agent that causes this disease. This type of bacteria is a zoonotic bacteria that is embedded in small animals and fleas (Plague, 2017).Yersenia Pestis bacteria is recognized by humans as being able of causing a pathogenic disease (Stenseth, et al., 2008). The plague has led […]

Muslims and Christians during the Black Death

As the Richter Scale measures earthquakes, the so-called ‘Foster Scale’ tries to quantify disasters. Conceived by Canadian geographer Harold D. Foster, it ranks calamities by tallying death tolls, physical damage, and emotional stress. According to Foster’s calculations, World War II (somewhat expectedly) tops the list of human disasters, but is closely followed by the Black Death, a plague epidemic of cataclysmic proportions, which repeatedly struck Europe in the second half of the fourteenth century. The disease wreaked such havoc that […]

Black Death in the Late Roman Empire

IN OCTOBER 1348, GENOESE TRADING SHIPS dropped anchor at the port of Messina, Sicily. The ships had come from the Black Sea port of Kaffa, now called Feodosiya. On board were goods from Central Asia, which was then controlled by the Mongol Empire. The sailors were afflicted with strange black swellings (buboes) the size of eggs that oozed blood and pus. These swellings followed by fevers, boils, and black blotches on the skin caused by internal bleeding, After four or […]

The Black Death and Ebola

In the 1300's a mysterious disease struck Europe, this disease was unknown to the people of Europe which left many people terrified. This mysterious disease spread throughout Europe like a wildfire and between 1347-1375 it infected European cities numerous times and virtually wiped out the European population (Fiero). Similar to this tragic ailment, a mysterious disease erupted in West Africa. In 2014 when this mysterious disease began to spread like the mystic disease in the 1300's it left many people […]

The Far-Reaching Effects of the Black Death on Medieval Europe

The Black Death, also referred to as the Bubonic Plague, stands as one of the most catastrophic pandemics in human history, indelibly altering the tapestry of medieval Europe. This calamitous event, peaking between 1347 and 1351, obliterated approximately one-third of Europe's populace, reshaping the continent's social, economic, and cultural paradigms. The ramifications of the Black Death were profound and multifaceted, influencing labor markets, religious practices, and artistic expressions. The immediate aftermath of the Black Death was a demographic catastrophe. Entire […]

Start date :1346
Deaths :75,000,000–200,000,000 (estimated)
Location :Afro-Eurasia
Disease :Bubonic plague

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Essay About Black Death Have you ever been so sick that it hurt just to move and technology did not provide a cure? The black death did that to people every day of the dark ages and it killed over one-third of the population. It was during the Renaissance Era so there were not many medicines for much of anything back then. Most people were using home remedies to try and cure their loved ones while getting infected with the same terrifying virus. They fought against the disease for their family instead of protecting themselves, and sadly for a lot of them, it cost them their lives. The Black Death killed many people and was a ruthless virus that stopped at nothing to kill everything in its path. The Black Death first came around in the early Renaissance period and wreaked havoc on the people of Europe and all over the eastern side of the world. It was transferred by fleas that came off of mice that came in on the ships that supplied towns. The fleas carried bacteria that resulted in an infection that later turned into the plague. The mice were the breeding ground for the fleas which spread the disease from person to person. ¨The Black Death is widely believed to have been the result of plague, caused by infection with the bacterium Yersinia pestis¨ (“Black Death”). (¨Pandemic in Medieval¨). It was believed to have been transferred from China and Asia destroying everything in its past as it rolled across the Earth. Having originated in China and Inner Asia, the Black Death decimated the army of the Kipchak Khan Jani Beg while he was besieging the Genoese Trading port of Kaffa (now Feodosiya) in Crimea (1347). With his forces disintegrating, Jani Beg catapulted plague-infested corpses into the town in an effort to infect his enemies (¨Pandemic in Medieval¨). The Chinese people used the plague to their advantage in battles with a village that had walls. They would catapult the bodies over the walls so that the people inside would be infected. It was a war tactic that worked really well, except for the flaw that the army that threw the bodies over was already infected. The armies or even civilians would also get sick by taking the clothes of the deceased, not knowing it would infect them because of the passengers on the fabric. This was another fatal mistake that helped in spreading the disease. The Black Death was not the only disease killing people during the renaissance period, but it was the most well-known. ¨Most infamous of all diseases of the time was the Black Death, a medieval pandemic that swept through Asia and Europe. It reached Europe in the late 1340s, killing an estimated 25 million people¨ (“Plague”). (National Geographic). The Bubonic Plague was relentless and the most common caused bubonic boils around the lymph nodes. ¨Bubonic plague, the disease's most common form, refers to telltale buboes—painfully swollen lymph nodes—that appear around the groin, armpit, or neck. Septicemic plague, which spreads in the bloodstream, comes either via fleas or from contact with plague-infected body matter¨ (National Geographic). The Plague does different things to different individuals, mostly because there are three types, but also because everyone's body works differently to protect itself. The third type of Plague is known as Pneumonic Plague and it is the most significant form of the disease. This form is the only form that can be transferred from person to person through air droplets. ¨Yersinia pestis is extraordinarily virulent, even when compared with closely related bacteria. This is because it is it's a mutant variety, handicapped both by not being able to survive outside the animals it infects and by an inability to penetrate and hide in its host's body cells¨ (National Geographic). The Bubonic Plague automatically makes everyone think of the Dark Ages whenever it is mentioned by anyone. ¨The very idea of the bubonic plague is something we associate with the Dark Ages when tens of millions were killed in the wake of the 'Black Death' which consumed Asia, Africa, and Europe in the 14th century¨ (Kugler). When the disease woke up, it did not intend to go back to sleep without causing too much hurt during the century. The disease is still around today but back then technology was not advanced enough to cure it as well as the recent medical technologies can. The reason it was such a deadly disease is that it traveled through the infected person´s lymphatic system. ¨When a human is infected with Y. pestis, the bacteria travel through the lymphatic system and end up in the lymph nodes where it causes painful, boil-like enlargements called buboes¨ (Kugler). These buboes were probably the most painful part of dying from this disease, and they would cause pain every time the person coughed, sneezed, or even moved.¨Without treatment, the bubonic plague will result in death in 60 percent to 90 percent of cases, usually within 10 days¨ (Kugler). In reality, the Bubonic Plague, or the Black Death as it is widely known, was an incredibly ruthless pathogen that spread across the European continent. It caused a lot of pain and suffering that could have been prevented with the current medicines we have today. Today’s technology has discovered that the Black Death could have could've been cured so easily if the right medicines existed back then. The world population at the time was severely threatened and a lot of the human species was decimated. All hope was lost and some people even thought that it was the end of times, but luckily, after years in turmoil, the disease lifted its hold on the human race.

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black death essay questions

Inquiries Filed Under:

Black Death

About the inquiry.

This inquiry is framed by the compelling question “Can disease change the world?” Among the many catastrophic global pandemics in history, perhaps none achieved the notoriety of the Black Death. The Black Death was a massive outbreak of the bubonic plague caused by infectious bacteria. Thought by scientists to have been spread by contaminated fleas on rats and/or other rodents, the Black Death quickly decimated entire families and communities. In doing so, the Black Death led more than one observer of the time to ponder whether the apocalypse had begun. The Black Death began and first spread on the Silk Roads through central Asia in the early 14th century, and by mid-century moved via merchant ships into North Africa and Europe, where it would kill nearly one-half of the population. It took almost 150 years for Europe’s population to recover. By investigating the compelling question “Can disease change the world?” students consider the causes, symptoms, and reasons for the rapid geographic expansion of the disease and how this pandemic affected people of the 14th century and beyond. Through their investigation of sources in this inquiry, students should develop an understanding of the consequences of the Black Death and an informed awareness of the importance of preparing for future diseases and possible pandemics.

Compelling Question

Can Disease Change the World?

Staging Question

Discuss an example of a recent outbreak of infectious disease and how public officials responded to the outbreak.

What was the Black Death?

Write a description of the Black Death that includes its symptoms and where outbreaks occurred in Europe and Asia.

Source A: Excerpts from Decameron<br /> Source B: Illustration of the Black Death

How did the Black Death spread so quickly?

Construct a diagram illustrating how the Black Death spread.

Source A: Plague Ecology visual<br /> Source B: Map depicting spread of the Black Death

How did the Black Death affect people in the 14th century?

Create an annotated illustration depicting how the Black Death affected different groups of people in the 14th century.

Source A: Bubonic plague statistics<br /> Source B: Illustration of the persecution of Jews during the Black Death<br /> Source C: Social and Economic Effects of the Plague

Summative Performance Task

Argument: Can disease change the world? Construct an argument (e.g., detailed outline, poster, essay) that discusses the impact of the Black Death using specific claims and relevant evidence from historical sources while acknowledging competing views that people had about the nature of the Black Death in the 14th century.

Taking Informed Action

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45 Black Death Essay Topics That Will Freak You Out

What comes to your mind when you hear the expression “Black Death”? Probably horrible pictures of devastated medieval cities, chaotic mass graves, and all-around madness. Modern scientists can’t give a precise number of people who died from this disease, but it certainly killed more people than World War II.

You might be surprised, but all these horrors actually had some positive consequences. Really, this is no joke. If you want to know more, read our list of bubonic plague essay topics and learn something new, pal! You can use them for writing your own paper, or to buy cheap essays from qualified writers.

Analytical Black Death Essay Topics

  • The semantics of the word “plague” in modern English.
  • The Black Plague – the first biological weapon in human history.
  • The main symptoms of the bubonic plague.
  • Who became the main victims of persecutions during the pandemics, and why?
  • Medieval hypotheses about the reasons for the plague.
  • Effective and useless means of protection against the plague in medieval cities.
  • Medical treatment of the plague in the Middle Ages.
  • How could medieval Europeans decrease the risk of spreading the disease?
  • The image of a plague doctor in modern popular culture.
  • The movement of the White Penitents during the pandemics.
  • The origins and use of the expressions “Black Death” and “Great Plague.”
  • The pattern of the third plague pandemic in the 19th century.
  • Explain the etiology of the Black Plague.
  • Quarantine measures in Italian cities against the Black Plague.
  • Who were the Flagellants? How did these practitioners interpret the Black Death?
  • Explain the term “choreomania.” How is this phenomenon related to the Black Plague?
  • Why was the bubonic plague called the Black Death?
  • Was the costume of a plague doctor actually helpful?
  • Is the bubonic plague dangerous today?
  • Why did the Black Death stop?

Cause and Effect Bubonic Plague Essay Topics

  • What consequences did the bubonic plague have for medieval Europe?
  • The rapid development of medicine as a result of the Black Death.
  • Was the bubonic plague one of the reasons for the Protestant Reformation?
  • The cultural consequences of the Black Death in the Late Middle Ages.
  • How did the Black Plague get to Europe, and what factors accelerated its spread?
  • The effects of the Black Plague on the Industrial Revolution.
  • The influence of the pandemics on the genes of Europeans.
  • How did the Black Death contribute to the end of the Middle Ages?
  • What were the main effects of the plague on China?
  • How did the Black Death influence the emancipation in European countries after the pandemics?

Compare and Contrast Bubonic Plague Topics

  • Compare and contrast the state of urban and rural populations after the Black Plague.
  • Compare and contrast the bubonic plague and pneumonic plague: symptoms, course of the disease, and treatment.
  • Compare and contrast the medieval and modern medical description of the bubonic plague.
  • Compare and contrast the state of the Catholic Church before and after the pandemic.
  • Compare and contrast the perception of the Black Death in different religions.

Black Death Essay Topics: Art and Literature

  • The basic principles of existentialism in the novel “The Plague” by Albert Camus.
  • What role does the plague play in “The Decameron” by Giovanni Boccaccio?
  • The caricature of feudal society in the fable “The Animals Sick of the Plague” by Jean de La Fontaine.
  • The history of the plague doctor’s mask in culture.
  • The role of the plague in the movie “The Seventh Seal” directed by Ingmar Bergman.
  • What techniques make the novel “A Journal of the Plague Year” written by Daniel Defoe realistic?
  • How does the plague and its consequences drive the plot in the novel “The Betrothed” by Alessandro Manzoni?
  • What is a greater evil portrayed in the movie “Black Death” – the plague, or human viciousness?
  • Define the term “The Danse Macabre.” What is the connection between this allegory and the Black Plague?
  • Symbolism of the painting “Plague” by Arnold Böcklin.

These Black Death essay topics are enough to compose an outline for a dissertation, let alone for an essay. But if your heart tells you to have some rest and watch “Game of Thrones” – listen to it! Pay for an essay at EssayBulls.com from professional experts, or buy coursework essay or any other paper types. And be bullsome!

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Black Death

What were the symptoms of the Black Death?

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Black Death

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  • Gresham College - The Black Death
  • The University of Iowa Libraries - The Black Death: The Plague, 1331-1770
  • History Today - The Black Death: The Greatest Catastrophe Ever
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  • Ohio State University - Origins - The Black Death and its Aftermath
  • EH.net - The Economic Impact of the Black Death
  • Black Death - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up)
  • Table Of Contents

Black Death

How many people died during the Black Death?

It is not known for certain how many people died during the Black Death. About 25 million people are estimated to have died in Europe from the plague between 1347 and 1351.

What caused the Black Death?

The Black Death is believed to have been the result of plague , an infectious fever caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis . The disease was likely transmitted from rodents to humans by the bite of infected fleas.

Where did the Black Death originate?

The plague that caused the Black Death originated in China in the early to mid-1300s and spread along trade routes westward to the Mediterranean and northern Africa. It reached southern England in 1348 and northern Britain and Scandinavia by 1350.

Yersinia causes three types of plague in humans: bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemic. Although there is DNA evidence that Yersinia was present in victims of the Black Death, it is uncertain which form the majority of the infection took. It is likely that all three played some role in the pandemic.

Bubonic plague causes fever, fatigue, shivering, vomiting, headaches, giddiness, intolerance to light, pain in the back and limbs, sleeplessness, apathy, and delirium. It also causes buboes: one or more of the lymph nodes become tender and swollen, usually in the groin or armpits.

Pneumonic plague affects the lungs and causes symptoms similar to those of severe pneumonia: fever, weakness, and shortness of breath. Fluid fills the lungs and can cause death if untreated. Other symptoms may include insomnia, stupor, a staggering gait, speech disorder, and loss of memory.

Septicemic plague is an infection of the blood. Its symptoms include fatigue, fever, and internal bleeding.

The effects of the Black Death were many and varied. Trade suffered for a time, and wars were temporarily abandoned. Many labourers died, which devastated families through lost means of survival and caused personal suffering; landowners who used labourers as tenant farmers were also affected. The labour shortage caused landowners to substitute wages or money rents in place of labour services in an effort to keep their tenants, which benefited those surviving tenants. Wages for artisans and other workers also increased. Art in the wake of the Black Death became more preoccupied with mortality and the afterlife. Anti-Semitism greatly intensified throughout Europe, as Jews were blamed for the spread of the Black Death, and many Jews were killed by mobs or burned at the stake en masse.

The Black Death has also been called the Great Mortality, a term derived from medieval chronicles’ use of magna mortalitas . This term, along with magna pestilencia (“great pestilence”), was used in the Middle Ages to refer to what we know today as the Black Death as well as to other outbreaks of disease. “Black Plague” is also sometimes used to refer to the Black Death, though it is rarely used in scholarly studies.

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Know the investigations of researchers using genomic information to reconstruct the cause and transmission routes of the bubonic plague and the Black Death

Black Death , pandemic that ravaged Europe between 1347 and 1351, taking a proportionately greater toll of life than any other known epidemic or war up to that time.

black death essay questions

The Black Death is widely believed to have been the result of plague , caused by infection with the bacterium Yersinia pestis . Modern genetic analyses indicate that the strain of Y. pestis introduced during the Black Death is ancestral to all extant circulating Y. pestis strains known to cause disease in humans. Hence, the origin of modern plague epidemics lies in the medieval period. Other scientific evidence has indicated that the Black Death may have been viral in origin.

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Stop Blaming Rats: The Real Black Death Causes

By: Jennie Cohen

Updated: August 30, 2018 | Original: August 18, 2011

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After 10 years of poring over documents and archaeological evidence attesting to the Black Death ’s devastation of London in the late 1340s, Barney Sloane smelled a rat. Or rather, he failed to catch a whiff of the flea-infested rodent armies most scholars have charged with spreading the fatal disease. In a book published i n 2011, Sloane paints a revised picture of England’s most populous city in the throes of the terrifying pandemic, suggesting, among other things, that some of history’s most vilified pests deserve an apology.

Typically considered an outbreak of the bubonic plague, which is transmitted by rats and fleas, the Black Death wreaked havoc on Europe, North Africa and Central Asia in the mid-14th century. It killed an estimated 75 million people, including 30 to 60 percent of Europe’s population. According to the traditional narrative, the crisis reached England in the spring of 1348 and began assailing its capital by late summer. Scores of Londoners developed painful swellings that oozed blood and pus before suffering fevers, chills, vomiting and severe aches and pains that often heralded their imminent deaths.

Read More: Is the Black Death the Ancestor of All Modern Plagues?

In the course of his book research, Sloane, who handles research grants for the organization English Heritage, uncovered clues that cast doubt on certain aspects of this account. First, using previously untapped archival sources, he adjusted the timeline of the plague’s sojourn in London in 1348 and 1349. “The evidence shows the plague appeared in November and reached its height in April,” he explained, “so it spread right through the cold winter months when rats and fleas should not be so active.” If vermin played a significant role and were truly one of the Black Death causes, he theorized, plague cases would have petered out, not snowballed, when temperatures began to fall.

A former field archaeologist at the Museum of London, Sloane also found that excavations in the city have turned up little evidence of a massive rat die-off coinciding with the plague. “Tens of thousands of people died,” he said. “If it was rats [that spread the disease], they too should have died in the thousands, and we would expect to see a significant number of rat bones in waterlogged 14th-century contexts. Instead, we see generally low levels of bones, which is suspicious.”

Finally, wills hastily drafted by panic-stricken Londoners as the Black Death ravaged their communities revealed that the disease proliferated like wildfire; in many affected households, people died within hours or days of signing, and their beneficiaries followed them to the grave in short order. In Sloane’s view, this rapid rate of transmission suggests that the plague spread from person to person, not through bites from rat-borne fleas. Therefore, it's unlikely that rats were one of the Black Death causes. 

Sloane said his findings call into question the theory that bubonic plague—caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis—was responsible for decimating medieval Europe. Other researchers, including James Wood of Penn State University, have expressed similar doubts, pointing out that the pandemic’s hallmark symptoms occur in many other diseases that spread quickly among human carriers. In October 2010, a group of European scientists claimed to have settled the debate by using DNA analysis to implicate Yersinia pestis in the outbreak. But their study did not encompass pre-1348 graves, so it is possible that the bacterium was present but not the actual killer, said Sloane. “On balance, I am suggesting we need to be more scientific and do more work before claiming we have solved the mystery,” he explained.

Read More: Medieval Black Death Was Airborne, Scientists Say

In his book, Sloane challenges other prevailing assumptions about the Black Death in London as well, including its casualty count. “London’s population was maybe 60,000,” Sloane said. “I believe firmly that something like 35,000 people died in nine months—up to 60 percent of the population. This is considerably higher than the 35 to 45 percent normally suggested.”

He also explores how the aftermath of the plague, which left its ghastly stamp on England and Europe for decades, shaped the social and moral context of the era. “It clearly changed how Londoners at least approached death, burial and charity to their fellows,” he said. “Survivors tended to give more away to good causes in their wills; they included more instructions to be buried close to loved ones; and they made more bequests to particular social groups such as lepers, prisoners and hermits.”

Read More: Rats Didn't Spread the Black Death- It Was Humans

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The Black Death: A Personal History Essay Questions

By john hatcher, essay questions.

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The black death plague was not a health issue but rather a religious issue Show how the writer presents the plague as a religious crisis rather than a health crisis in The Black Death: A Personal History

Written employing the point of view of the local priest, Master John, the book follows the happenings as a result of the black death plague. Through the priest’s eyes and those of the other people, the book examines the question of whether the crisis is a health one as opposed to being a religious one. Throughout the pages, Master John and the other priests struggle in an attempt to find the reason and religious meaning behind the plague. In this sense, these characters are of the idea that the plague is a religious issue. There is a hovering assertion that the plague was sent by God as a punishment. The assertion of the disease being religious-related is thus valid as an argument as it clearly presents the politics affecting the Catholic church.

Show the role that the black death epidemic plays in resulting in economic inequality as presented in John Hatcher’s The Black Death: A Personal History .

The black death as an epidemic spread quickly and widely being transferred from one individual to another and across villages. In so doing, the disease is presented as being responsible for wiping out and eradicating fairly large proportions of people a situation that results into the introduction of unfairness in the distribution of economic resources in the society in which the story is set. This resulted in a different way of doing things. Upon its climax, the poor became poorer and class struggles are implicit. Europe thus required rebuilding as the system was essentially broken.

What role do the historical account at the beginning of chapters in The Black Death: A Personal History play?

In this work, the black death epidemic is brought out quite vividly through the writer’s employment of the perception of Master John as well as other characters. However, the writer also includes a historical account and explanation of events as they were, which plays the role of being the backdrop to the unfolding events through the book.

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Essays on Black Death

When it comes to writing an essay on the Black Death, also known as the Bubonic Plague, it’s crucial to choose a topic that is not only interesting but also relevant and impactful. The Black Death was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, and its impact on society, culture, and economy was immense. Therefore, selecting the right essay topic is essential to ensure that you can delve deeper into this historical event and provide valuable insights to your readers.

The Black Death had a profound and lasting impact on European society. It led to widespread death and suffering, economic collapse, and significant shifts in religious and cultural practices. As a result, studying the Black Death is crucial for understanding the broader historical context of the period and its long-term consequences. By choosing the right essay topic, you can contribute to the ongoing scholarly conversation about the Black Death and its impact on human history.

When selecting a Black Death essay topic, it’s important to consider your interests, the available research material, and the specific angle or perspective you want to explore. Whether you’re interested in the medical, social, economic, or cultural aspects of the Black Death, there are plenty of thought-provoking essay topics to choose from.

Recommended Black Death Essay Topics

There are numerous topics to consider in the Black Death essays. Whether you are interested in the history, social impact, or scientific aspects of this devastating pandemic, there is a wide range of topics to explore. Below is a list of Black Death essay topics categorized by different themes.

Medical Aspects

  • The spread of the Black Death: causes and transmission
  • The impact of the Black Death on medieval medicine
  • The role of physicians and healers during the Black Death
  • Comparing the Black Death to modern-day pandemics

Social and Economic Impact

  • The demographic consequences of the Black Death
  • The economic repercussions of the Black Death
  • Changes in labor and land ownership after the Black Death
  • The Black Death and the decline of feudalism

Religious and Cultural Effects

  • Religious responses to the Black Death
  • The portrayal of the Black Death in art and literature
  • The Black Death and the development of public health measures
  • The impact of the Black Death on social and cultural norms

Global and Comparative Perspectives

  • The Black Death and its impact beyond Europe
  • Comparing the Black Death to other historical pandemics
  • The Black Death in the context of global trade and travel
  • The Black Death and its legacy in different regions of the world

These are just a few examples of the wide range of essay topics that you can explore when writing about the Black Death. By choosing a topic that resonates with your interests and expertise, you can produce an engaging and insightful essay that contributes to our understanding of this pivotal moment in history.

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1346 - 1353

Eurasia, North Africa

The Pestilence, the Great Mortality, the Plague.

The Black Death was a bubonic plague pandemic occurring in Afro-Eurasia, and became the most fatal pandemic recorded in human history. The Black Death had profound effects on the course of European history.

The Black Death is believed to have been the result of plague, caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, but it may also cause septicaemic or pneumonic plagues. The disease was likely transmitted from rodents to humans by the bite of infected fleas. The Definitive appearance of the Black Death was in Crimea in 1347 and reached southern England in 1348.

Yersinia pestis causes three types of plague in humans: bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemic, and it is likely that all three played some role in the pandemic. The Bubonic Plague causes fever, chills, vomiting, diarrhea, terrible aches and pains. Also, it attacks the lymphatic system, causing swelling in the lymph nodes. The disease was also terrifyingly progressive, people who went to bed at night could be dead by morning. The bacillus travels from person to person through the air.

The Black Death estimated to have killed 30 percent to 60 percent of the European population. The bacterial infection still occurs but can be treated with antibiotics. The Black Death had profound effects on the course of European history.

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The Black Death

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Discussion Questions

How did the unknown origin of the plague, as well as the inability to find a cure, affect the lives and attitudes of the citizens of Europe?

Research another pandemic—either the Spanish Flu of 1918, or the Covid pandemic of 2020. How has reading The Black Death contributed to your understanding of how a society should react to a global pandemic or health crisis? How were medieval reactions to the Black Death similar to those of the recent past? How were they different?

How did the limited state of medieval medical knowledge contribute to the spread of the Black Death? Why did superstition and disinformation spread in the absence of scientific understanding?

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    Our semester plans gives you unlimited, unrestricted access to our entire library of resources —writing tools, guides, example essays, tutorials, class notes, and more. Get Started Now. At paperdue.com, we provide students the tools they need to streamline their studying, researching, and writing tasks. [email protected].

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    After 10 years of poring over documents and archaeological evidence attesting to the Black Death 's devastation of London in the late 1340s, Barney Sloane smelled a rat. Or rather, he failed to ...

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    Written by people who wish to remain anonymous. 1. The black death plague was not a health issue but rather a religious issue Show how the writer presents the plague as a religious crisis rather than a health crisis in The Black Death: A Personal History. Written employing the point of view of the local priest, Master John, the book follows the ...

  19. Essays on Black Death

    Recommended Black Death Essay Topics. There are numerous topics to consider in the Black Death essays. Whether you are interested in the history, social impact, or scientific aspects of this devastating pandemic, there is a wide range of topics to explore. Below is a list of Black Death essay topics categorized by different themes.

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