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Amerika’da Doktora Eğitimi Alın

Amerika’da phd eğitiminize başlamak için bilmeniz gereken her şey.

Amerika’dan bir Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) diploması almak, birçok eğitim alanında Amerikan üniversiteleri ve kurumları için en büyük derece sayılmaktadır ve birçok uluslararası öğrencinin hayalindedir.

PhD derecesi genellikle üst düzey yönetim işleri, hükümet uzmanı pozisyonları ve üniversite profesörlüğü, araştırmacı ya da birçok alanda bilim insanı olmak gibi kariyerler sunar.

Amerika’daki en iyi PhD programları

Amerika’da PhD diploması teknik alanlar, sosyal bilimler ve beşeri bilimler dahil olmak üzere birçok çalışmalar için sunulmaktadır.

Amerika’da PhD diploması için eğitim kaç sene sürmektedir?

Amerika’da PhD eğitimi birbirini takip eden üç aşamadan oluşur , buradaki birinci aşamanın tamamlanması 1 – 3 yıl gerektiren bir bölüm çalışmasıdır ve başlangıç, kapsamlı araştırma ya da eklenerek artan, kümülatif bir araştırma serisi olarak ilerler.

İlk aşamada, araştırmanın odak noktası konunun derinliği yerine genişliğidir. Orijinal ve insanlığın bilimsel gelişimine katkısı olacak yazılı bir bilimsel tez için genellikle 2 ila 8 yıl gereklidir.

Çalışma alanınıza göre, lisans alanındaki mezuniyetinizden sonra PhD programını bitirmeniz 4 ila 8 yılı bulacaktır. Eğer hali hazırda bir Master diplomanız varsa, PhD diploması için 2 ya da daha az yıl süreye ihtiyacınız olacaktır.

Amerika’da PhD ücretleri ne kadardır?

ABD üniversitelerinde doktora programları için birçok burs imkanı sunulmaktadır. Ancak genel olarak belirtmek gerekirse, Amerika’da doktora eğitiminin ücretleri, eğitim programına, uzmanlığa ve üniversiteye bağlı olarak yıllık 28.000 – 55.000 $ olarak değişmektedir.

Amerika’da yaşam ve eğitim masrafları hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin

Amerika’da doğru bir üniversite nasıl seçilir?

Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde doktora derecesi veren 282 üniversite bulunmaktadır. Bunlar içerisinde eğitim için size en uygun üniversiteyi seçmek için göz önünde bulundurulması gereken faktörler:

Programın geçerliliği

Üniversite sıralaması

Fakülte ve çalışanlarının itibarı

Araştırma tesisleri

Üniversite tarafından sağlanan burs ve finansman seçenekleri

Mezun öğrencilerinin iş edinme oranları

Eğitim ücretleri

Amerika’da PhD Başvurusu İçin Gerekenler

Amerika’da PhD başvurusu için gerekenler üniversiteye ve çalışmak istediğiniz alana göre değişiklik gösterebilir. Ancak genel olarak, Amerika’daki birçok üniversite PhD başvurusu için uluslararası öğrencilerden aşağıdaki belgeleri talep etmektedir:

Tamamlanmış başvuru formu

Üniversite transcriptleriniz

Niyet mektubu

GMAT ya da GRE skorları

Referans mektupları

İngilizce dil yeterlilik sınavları, IELTS ya da TOEFL.

Başvuru ücreti

Amerika’da PhD yaparken aynı zamanda çalışabilir miyim?

F-1 öğrenci vizesi, akademik yılda haftada 20 saat, tatil zamanları da tam zamanlı olarak kampüs içerisinde çalışmanıza izin verir. Ayrıca, bir doktora öğrencisi olarak Müfredat Uygulamalı Eğitim (Curricular Practical Training – CPT) sizin doktora programınızın zorunlu bir parçası olan iş yerleşimi ve fırsatları sunabilir.

Bununla birlikte, pratik olarak söylemek gerekirse, eğer çok çalışkan biriyseniz, alakasız bir işte tam zamanlı çalışmakla asgari bir doktora çalışması yapabilirsiniz. Gerçi bu kısım büyük bir “belki”. Tam zamanlı çalışmanın tehlikesi, sürekli telaşlı bir çaba göstermeden ilerleme kaydedememeniz olacaktır. Bu nedenle, doktora derecenizle yapmayı hedeflediğiniz mütevazı hedefleriniz yoksa, doktora eğitimi alırken tam zamanlı bir işte çalışmanız genellikle tavsiye edilmez.

Amerika öğrenci vizesiyle ilgili daha fazla bilgi alın

Amerika’daki eğitim yolculuğunuza başlayın! IDP Education danışmanınızla görüşün ve eğitim hayalinizi gerçeğe dönüştürün!

amerikada phd

  • PhD in USA – A Guide for 2024/25
  • Finding a PhD

A PhD in USA takes approximately 5 – 6 years of full-time study and can cost between $12,000 – $45,000 per academic year. PhD programs in USA differ from that in the UK and Europe in that students must first take taught classes, coursework and exams before starting their research project.

Why Do a PhD in USA?

The United States has long had some of the most distinguished universities and advanced PhD programmes in the world. Combined with curriculum flexibility, rigorous teaching methods, vast funding opportunities, breathtaking campuses and significant career prospects, it’s no wonder that it is one of the most sought-after study destinations for research students.

In addition to comprehensive training standards, here are a few other reasons why a student may choose to undertake their PhD in the United States:

  • Longer learning timeframes – A PhD in the US lasts longer than a PhD in the UK or Europe. This allows students to more confidently transition from undergraduate to postgraduate studies; more commonly referred to as ‘graduate studies’ in the US. This gives you the opportunity to learn more about your subject, research methods and academic writing in general before starting your research project.
  • World-class universities – It’s no secret that some of the most well-known higher education institutions that continue to dominate global rankings are based in the United States. Although many factors go into determining whether a position is right for you, a PhD at a high-ranking American university will undeniably have many benefits, from excellent learning standards to access to innovative equipment and deep expertise.
  • International network – The US has long been a popular choice among PhD students around the world. As such, the US hosts a diverse and multicultural learning environment in which many research students will quickly feel at home.
  • Opportunities – With over 4,000 universities in the US, we can safely say you will have plenty of opportunities to find the ideal combination of project, supervisor and university that works for you.

Universities in USA

Universities in the United States can be divided into two types: public universities and private universities.

Public universities are financed by the state in which they are based. Because of this, public universities charge less for students from within the state and more for students from outside the state, including international students.

Private universities are not financed by their state, but by private donors, research funds and tuition fees. For this reason, private universities generally charge higher tuition fees than public universities and require all students to pay the same amount, regardless of whether they come from out-of-state or abroad.

According to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024 , eight of the top ten universities in the world are located in the United States. These are:

1 UK University of Oxford
2 USA Stanford University
3 USA Massachusetts Institute of Technology
4 USA Harvard University
5 UK University of Cambridge
6 USA Princeton University
7 USA California Institute of Technology
8 UK Imperial College London
9 USA University of California, Berkeley
10 USA Yale University

Method of Study

The main difference between a PhD in the US and a PhD in Europe lies in the program structure. Whereas a European PhD essentially consists of a single phase lasting three to four years , an American PhD consists of three different phases, each with its own time frame.

  • Phase One – The first phase lasts approximately two years and focuses on building a basic foundation for the doctoral student. This phase consists largely of taught components such as lectures, tutorials and laboratory sessions, in which the student learns more about theoretical concepts and research methods within their discipline.
  • Phase Two – The second phase can be considered an assessment phase, which runs both periodically alongside and at the end of the first phase. Here, students complete coursework and take exams on the basis of the material they have covered of which they must pass in order to proceed to the third phase.
  • Phase Three – The third phase lasts approximately three years and resembles the European PhD structure. During this period, the student undertakes an independent research project, including forming a research design, conducting experiments, writing a thesis (more commonly referred to in the USA as a dissertation) and sitting a viva exam.

Teaching Requirements

Besides structure, a key difference between a PhD program in the US and in Europe is the focus on teaching requirements. In the US, doctoral students are expected to lecture, lead tutorials, host laboratory sessions, mark coursework and provide office hours for undergraduate students. Although students studying in European will likely contribute to these at some point during their study, this would normally be on a voluntary basis and involve less time commitment.

Research Flexibility

Another difference is project flexibility. In Europe, students typically apply to a PhD project predetermined by a supervisor, and although there may be some scope to adapt the project, depending on the funding provider , it will usually be limited to how the project is carried out rather than what it is about. In the US, however, a student applies to become a doctoral candidate within a department rather than applying for a particular research project. This is because students are expected to decide on their thesis topic (also commonly referred to as a dissertation research topic) near the end of their first phase after they have developed a better understanding of their subject and know where their interests lie. Therefore, research students in the US generally have more flexibility and influence in the direction of their research than students in the United Kingdom or Europe.

PhD Admission Requirements in USA

PhD admission into US universities can be highly competitive, both because of the limited number of positions and the large number of annual applicants.

The eligibility requirements for a doctoral program in the USA can generally be divided into four sections:

How to Apply for a PhD in USA

  • Grade Point Average ( GPA ) – in the US, a scoring system known as Grade Point Average is used to measure academic ability. A student’s GPA is calculated as a weighted score of the subjects they study during their undergraduate degree; an equivalent score is calculated by universities for international applicants. Although universities rarely set minimum GPA requirements for doctoral study, it’s worth being aware that a GPA of 3.0 is equivalent to a UK second class honours (2:1); the typical entry requirement for UK universities.
  • Graduate Records Exam (GRE) – most universities will require you to take a series of examinations known as Graduate Records Exams, which are used to determine your suitability for graduate study. GREs will assess your analytical, reasoning and critical thinking skills as well as your depth of your subject.
  • Student aptitude – in addition to academic ability, US universities also look for characteristics of a strong researcher. These include traits such as engaging in the subject in your own time, e.g. by attending talks and conferences, demonstrating a high degree of independence and enthusiasm, and a general passion for your subject.
  • English Language Proficiency – international students whose first language is not English must sit language exams such as IELTS or TOELF to demonstrate their English language proficiency.

International students will also require a F1 student visa in order to study in the US, however, you would typically apply for this after you have secured a place into a doctorate program.

How to Apply for PhD in USA

When applying for a PhD position at a graduate school, the application process will differ between universities, however, they will all typically ask for the following:

  • Academic CV – a short document summarising your educational background and current level of experience .
  • Personal statement – a document which outlines why you believe you are suitable for PhD study and your passion for the subject.
  • Academic transcripts – a complete breakdown of the modules and their respective marks you have taken as part of your previous/current degree.
  • GRE scores – a transcript of your Graduate Records Exam results.
  • Research statement – a condensed version of a research proposal outlining your general research interests, if required.
  • Recommendation letters – references from several academic referees who endorse your qualities as a person, your abilities as a student and your potential as a doctoral researcher.

Application Deadlines and Fees

Since PhD programs in the United States have taught components, they commence at the same time as all other taught degrees, and therefore share the same application deadlines and start dates. This corresponds to an application period that typically begins in August and ends in February. Admission decisions are typically made in April, with successful students starting in August/September.

When you apply to a graduate school, you will be expected to pay a fee for each doctorate application to cover the school’s administrative costs for processing your application. The fee varies from university to university, but typically ranges from $50 to $100 .

Funding your PhD in USA

It’s very common for a PhD student to receive financial aid in the form of a PhD scholarship; in fact, this will be the case for the vast majority of students in the US.

PhD funding can be ‘fully funded’ covering the student’s graduate program tuition fees, accommodation and living costs, or ‘partially funded’ covering the student’s tuition fee only in part or full.

Besides funding, a graduate student can take on an assistantship, such as a graduate teaching assistant or research assistant, in which they take on a part-time salaried position at the university alongside their studies.

Due to the international and collaborate nature of American universities, there are also a number of international scholarships available, such as the Fulbright Scholarship and the AAUW International Fellowship .

PhD Duration in USA

In the US, a PhD takes approximately 5 – 6 years to complete if studying full-time, and 8 – 10 years if studying part-time.

If you already have a Master’s degree, your first phase can be shortened by one year at the discretion of the university.

Cost of a PhD in USA

The cost of a PhD program in the US can vary considerably depending on the type of university, i.e. whether it’s a public or private university, the doctoral course, i.e. whether it’s in a STEM subject such as computer science, engineering or a non-STEM subject, and whether you are a home or international student.

In general, however, the typical annual tuition fee for a PhD in the US is between $12,000 and $45,000 per academic year.

As with any doctoral degree, additional costs may include travel for collaborations, bench fees, accommodation and living expenses.

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Studying a PhD in The USA - The Complete Guide

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The USA is a favourable postgraduate study destination for international students due to the high standard of academic study and the wide variety of subjects. By undertaking a PhD in the USA, you will find yourself becoming an internationally recognised expert in your chosen field.

A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from the USA is considered the highest awarded degree in many US universities and institutes for most fields of study. For many international students, it's a dream course that offers an exciting new life chapter.

Attending Grad School for a PhD in the USA is not the same as undertaking a PhD in Europe or the UK , it can often be a different experience. However, studying abroad will improve your global cultural understanding in addition to your network of contacts for your future career. A PhD degree is often required when you apply for high-level management jobs, government expert positions, and careers like a university professor, researcher, or scientist in many fields.

There are a multitude of reasons why the United States is a fantastic choice for your PhD studies. Here’s everything you need to know about studying a PhD in the USA.

Studying a PhD in the USA

1. PhD course length

The total length of a PhD in the USA is between 4-8 years for full-time students and 8-10 years for part-time students, depending on your field of study. PhDs can be completed in 4-5 years for students with a masters degree in an appropriate subject. Students typically dedicate 1-4 years on coursework, followed by 2-4 years of dissertation work. In the USA, the academic year is divided into two teaching semesters: August to December and January to May. 

Having a longer duration for your PhD allows for greater opportunities to adjust to your course and find your footing. This enables you to concentrate on developing a more comprehensive understanding of your chosen subject at a more relaxed pace.

2. World-class universities

The US repeatedly tops the charts of worldwide ranking universities , so what better place to do your PhD studies? Although rankings shouldn’t be the main deciding factor when making your PhD choice, they're a great indicator of educational expertise.

There are many factors to consider when choosing the location for your PhD. Does the university have a high employability rate after graduation? Are you wanting to go public or private university? What kind of research facilities do they have? 

Be sure to do some research before making a decision on your perfect place of study.

3. International community

The United States is a popular choice for international students from all over the world – making it an inspirational and cosmopolitan choice for your PhD studies. No matter what your choice of academic study is, you are guaranteed to find a diverse community that welcomes students from all backgrounds. 

4. Affordable tuition fees 

There are various tuition fee options available for PhD students regardless of your budget. The American higher education system is often associated with high fees and substantial student debt, but in fact, studying at an American university isn't always expensive, and many institutions offer affordable courses. For instance, PhD costs range from $28,000 to $55,000 annually, which shows that finding a PhD course that’s more affordable is possible. 

5. Student experience

American universities typically have vibrant campus communities with a wide range of extracurricular activities, clubs and organisations. As a student, you will have the opportunity to engage in various social, cultural and recreational activities alongside your academic studies.

6. Student support

American universities typically provide comprehensive support services to assist you on your PhD journey. These services may include academic advising, counselling, career services, libraries, writing centres and various student organisations aimed at fostering your personal and professional development.

7. Land of opportunity

It's fair to say that student life in the USA offers something for everyone, regardless of what you're looking for from a PhD. With 50 states, six time zones, and thousands of higher-education providers, there's an opportunity waiting for every individual across the globe.

So let’s take a look at some of the key factors to consider when studying for a PhD in the USA.

Studying a PhD in the USA: top tips

Who is eligible for a phd in the usa.

To be eligible for PhD in the USA, generally students should have completed a graduate degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0, provide proof of English language proficiency, GRE scores and other supporting documents.  The eligibility criteria for a PhD in the USA can vary depending on the specific university and program. 

Can I get a PhD without a masters degree?

Yes, you can pursue a PhD without having a masters. Universities in the USA do not require a masters for you to apply. Because of the graduate programs in the US, you will receive your masters degree once you have completed your coursework stage. This practice combines the masters and PhD into one.

The eligibility criteria and requirements for direct entry PhD programs vary among institutions and fields of study, so it is advisable to check the entry requirements of the specific university or course you are interested in.

How to apply for a PhD in the USA

When applying for your chosen subject in the USA, you should expect to provide relevant information and statements to the university. This will include:

Completed application form – provided by your preferred university.

A personal statement – on why you want to study the subject, your research interests and career goals. Be sure to include any extracurricular activities and achievements within the body of your statement.

References – universities will expect that your referees will recommend you for the chosen course.

Test scores and grades – you will generally need to submit scores from standardised tests like the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT). 

English language proficiency – international applicants whose native language is not English usually need to provide proof of English language proficiency through tests like the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). It varies from institution to institution, but international students in the USA are required to have a TOEFL score of about 90.

Samples of work – it is recommended that you provide some work you have done that is relevant to your chosen subject. You may even be asked to complete a small task during the application process.

The application fee. 

Method of study

Compared to the UK and Europe , studying a PhD in the USA involves several key differences. Students in the USA are usually in direct contact with their professor, compared with those in the UK where students might find that their PhD program is headed by a professor who gives them a little less flexibility to change their research and study areas. There can be several cultural differences between UK, Europe, and USA university lifestyles. US students are expected to undertake a great deal of teaching and marking, as opposed to PhD students in Europe. 

As a result, you may have less free time outside of the university when pursuing a PhD in the USA.

Application for PhD In USA

When applying for your chosen subject, you should expect to provide relevant information and statements to the university. This might include:

A personal statement on why you want to study the subject. Be sure to include any extra-curricular activities and achievements within the body of your statement.

References. Universities will expect that your referees will recommend you for the chosen course.

Test scores and grades. It is important that you provide a list of your awarded grades from previous courses you have studied.

Samples of work. It is recommended that you provide some work you have done that is relevant to your chosen subject. You may even be asked to complete a small task during the application process.

UK and Europe students decide on their PhD thesis subject area before they apply . While taking classes at a graduate level, prospective PhD students in the USA spend up to a year or two deciding on their specific research subject. It is normal to apply for up to six institutions for a PhD in the USA, and students apply to each institution separately as there is no central organisation. 

Students in the UK and Europe are expected to apply with an understanding of the subject already, usually in the form of a masters degree, and be ready to start studying at the PhD level straight away. In the USA it is expected that students do not have an in-depth understanding of their subject as they usually only have an undergraduate degree when they apply. 

When should I start applying for a PhD in the USA?

Deadlines for applications to PhD programs in the USA tend to be between December and February, and institutions should let you know about your application by April. Most US institutions recommend that you apply as far in advance as you possibly can to give them, and you, plenty of time to make arrangements. 

Universities in the USA do not require a masters for you to apply as well. Because of the graduate programs in the US, you will receive your masters degree once you have completed your coursework stage. This practice combines the masters and PhD into one.

It varies from institution to institution, but international students in the USA are required to have a TOEFL score of about 90.

Funding your PhD in USA

PhD students are very likely to receive financial support in the form of PhD scholarships ; some USA PhD students also receive PhD studentships .

Making your PhD application in plenty of time allows you more time to apply for and arrange your PhD funding. Many students find that funding can cover much, or all, of the cost of their PhD studies in the USA, which ranges between $28,000 and $40,000. Deadlines for funding applications can be as early as December before starting your studies in the Autumn/Fall. 

There are two types of PhD funding: fully funded, which pays for the student's graduate school tuition fees, accommodation, and living expenses, or partially funded, which pays for the student's tuition only partially or fully.

Can a PhD be fully funded?

Yes, many top universities in the USA offer fully funded PhD programs for eligible students. This funding pays for the student's graduate school tuition fees, accommodation and living expenses. Partially funded PhDs only cover the student's tuition in part or in full.

Some PhD students will receive a stipend from their institution with an assistantship position, but this varies between institutions and between departments within institutions. Other students can find funding from both their own and the American government, and there are plenty of American government schemes like The Fulbright Program that offer funds.

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How long does it take to study a PhD in the USA?

For part-time students in the USA, a PhD can take eight to ten years, but it usually takes five to six years for full-time students. PhDs can be completed in four to five years rather than five or six for students with a masters degree in an appropriate subject.

Top 10 ranked American universities

Based on 2024 Times Higher Education's World University Rankings data, the following table shows which US universities rank the highest.



Stanford University



Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)



Harvard University



Princeton University



California Institute of Technology (Caltech)



University of California, Berkeley



Yale University



University of Chicago



John Hopkins University



University of Pennsylvania

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PhD in USA: Fees 2024, Top Colleges, Placements & Salaries

amerikada phd

Jasmine Grover

Content Strategy Manager | Updated On - Apr 30, 2024

You must show your English proficiency by submitting scores for IELTS (7 to 7.5) and TOEFL (90 to 100).  When pursuing your PhD in USA, you've got 10 years to wrap up your thesis even though the program is 6 years. The cost of a PhD in the USA can vary quite a bit, ranging from USD 24,800 to 80,390 (INR 20.6 Lakhs to 66.9 Lakhs) . Though it can be costly, a PhD in USA offers a great return on investment as you can earn salaries ranging from USD 59,506 to USD 92,179 .

Some  top universities to aim for your PhD in the USA are MIT, Harvard University, Stanford University, and University of California, Berkeley. With a doctorate in hand, you can easily get a job at top-notch companies like Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, and more. 

PhD in USA: Program Highlights

Popular PhD Courses in USA Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering | Ph.D. in Business Administration | Ph.D. in Applied Physics | Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering
Degree Requirement 4-year Bachelor’s degree Or Master’s degree in a relevant stream from a recognized university
GPA Requirement 2.7 to 3.9 on a scale of 4 (80 – 94%)
English Proficiency Requirements IELTS: 7.0 to 7.5 overall score | TOEFL iBT: 90 to 100 overall score
Annual Tuition Fees USD 24,800 to 80,390 (INR 2.05 to 66.66 lakhs)
Annual Salary Range USD 59,506 to 92,179 (INR 49.29 to 76.36 lakhs)
Top Recruiters Apple, Amazon, CISCO, Microsoft, PayPal, Deloitte, EY, etc.


Top Universities for PhD in USA

When it comes to pursuing a PhD in USA, there's no shortage of top-notch universities to choose from. Here are a few universities that consistently rank high and offer exceptional programs:

1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) PhD in Aeronautics and Astronautics | PhD in Architecture | Chemical Engineering PhD December 2024 |13 November 2024
4 Harvard University Applied Mathematics | Applied Physics | Computer Science 15 December 2024
5 Stanford University Learning Sciences | Developmental and Psychological Sciences | Data Science 1 December 2024
10 University of California, Berkeley Applied Science & Technology | Architecture | Business Administration 4 December 2024 | 1 December 2024
11 University of Chicago Economics | Accounting | Finance 15 December 2024
12 University of Pennsylvania Accounting | Bioengineering | Learning Sciences and Technologies 15 December 2024
13 Cornell University Applied Mathematics | Computer Science | Electrical and Computer Engineering 15 December 2024
15 California Institute of Technology Applied Physics | Space Engineering 15 December 2024    
16 Yale University Applied Mathematics | Applied Physics | Architecture 15 December 2024
17 Princeton University Computer Science | Environmental Studies | Mathematics 15 December 2024
23 Columbia University Chemical Physics | Architecture | Economics 14 December 2024
28 John Hopkins University Applied Mathematics and Statistics | Computer Science 15 December 2024
33 University of Michigan Computer and Information Sciences | Industrial and Systems Engineering | Mechanical Sciences and Engineering  1 December 2024 | 15 December 2024    
38 New York University Data Science | Physics 5 December 2024 | 30 December 2024
47 Northwestern University Finance | Economics | Clinical Psychology | Health Sciences  15 December 2024
57 Duke University Biological and Biomedical Sciences | Humanities | Physical Sciences and Engineering | Social Sciences December 2024
285 University of Arizona Aerospace Engineering | Applied Mathematics | Audiology 1 January 2024

Why study PhD in USA?

Studying for a PhD in the USA is a top choice for many aspiring scholars. Here's why pursuing your doctoral studies in USA might be the best choice:

  • PhD in USA is offered by well-ranked and globally accredited universities such as Harvard, MIT, and Stanford. 
  • You don't need to spend years working on a master's degree before you can pursue PhD in USA. Some universities in USA offer admission to the PhD program right after bachelor's.
  • USA universities offer PhD students generous stipends, scholarships, and fellowships, covering tuition fees and living costs.
  • The USA boasts a lower unemployment rate of only 3.9% compared to many other countries.
  • Over 280 universities in USA offer PhD programs for engineering, business, arts, or sciences.

The USA is a global innovation, technology, finance, and entertainment powerhouse. Whether you dream of working in Silicon Valley, Wall Street, or Hollywood, studying in the US puts you right in the middle of some of the world's most exciting hubs of opportunity.

Duration 3-5 years 3-6 years
Average Salary USD 59,506 to 92,179 (INR 49.29 to 76.36 lakhs) CAD 95,364 (INR 58.44 lakhs)
Qualification Required Bachelors or Masters Masters
Unemployability Rate  3.9% 5.7%

So, if you're ready to take your academic journey to the next level and set yourself up for success, a PhD in the USA could be the right choice.

Popular PhD in USA Programs for Indian Students

Some popular programs of PhD in USA for Indian students:-

Stream Popular Programs Popular Universities
Engineering Aeronautics and Astronautics, Biochemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, MIT, Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania, Yale University
Business and Management Economics, Accounting, Marketing, Financial Economics, Organization and Management Yale University, MIT, University of California, Berkeley
Science Computer Science, Applied Physics, Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Cell Biology, Environmental Health Sciences, Mathematics Princeton University, MIT, University of Michigan, The University of Arizona, Stanford University
Humanities American Studies, History, Philosophy, Medieval Studies, Music, Religious Studies, Italian Studies Yale University, University of California, Berkeley, Harvard University, Stanford University

Course Curriculum

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in USA is a popular degree sought after by many international students. It is considered the highest academic achievement in most fields of study. The PhD program in the USA consists of three main phases:

  • Coursework Phase: Involves advanced courses over 1 to 3 years to build foundational knowledge and research skills.
  • Preliminary Examination : Assess students' breadth of knowledge in their field after completing coursework.
  • Dissertation Phase : Lasts 2 to 8 years for independent research, culminating in a written dissertation.

The duration of the PhD program varies depending on the field of study and the student's academic background. On average, it takes 4 to 8 years to complete a PhD program after obtaining a bachelor's degree. However, students who already hold a master's degree may complete the program in a year or two less, depending on their prior coursework and research experience.

PhD in USA Admission

Admission to most universities in the USA remains open during December and January. Students must submit applications before the deadlines are passed. You can go through the sections below to check the eligibility criteria and other requirements for PhD in USA.

PhD in USA: Eligibility Criteria

As the entry requirements vary within the field of study, it becomes very difficult to group this data into a piece of the overall information. However, the following eligibility criteria are followed by a majority PhD universities in USA:-

  • 4-year Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree
  • A minimum GPA of 3 out of 4.
  • 2 academic and 1 professional Letter of Recommendation (LOR)
  • A 500-750 word Statement of Purpose (SoP)
  • Updated Resume or CV
  • A valid passport
  • F-1 or J-1 US Student Visa
  • Valid Passport
  • Student Visa

PhD in USA: University Requirements

To get admission to PhD programs in the USA, students must have a minimum GPA of 2.7 to 3.9 based on various universities. Students must also have English language proficiency scores of IELTSand TOEFL. The various requirements for PhD admission in USA in some of the popular universities are tabulated as follows:-

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3.8-3.9  7.0 100
Harvard University 3.0 7.5 100
Stanford University B 7.5 100
University of California, Berkeley 3.0 7.0 90
University of Chicago 3.25 7.0-7.5 90-104
University of Pennsylvania 3.0 7.0 100
Cornell University 2.7 7.0 Speaking: 27+, Reading: 20+, Listening: 15+, Writing: 20+
California Institute of Technology 3.5 - -
Yale University 3.7 7.5 -
Princeton University 3.8 - -

Cost of PhD in USA

Students who wish to get admission to PhD courses in the USA must have enough funds to support their studies in the USA. Based on various top universities offering PhD courses, the total cost of study in the USA is around USD 70,573 to 1,26,163 (INR 58.47 lakhs to 10.45 million) including tuition fees and living costs.

PhD in USA Tuition Fee

The cost of PhD in USA varies with the specialisation or the preferred field of study. However, on average, the annual tuition fees range from USD 24,800 to 80,390 (INR 2.05 to 66.66 lakhs). The following table presents the university-wise distribution of the average tuition costs for opting PhD in USA:-

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 80,390 66.66 lakhs
Harvard University 54,032 44.76 lakhs
Stanford University 58,746 48.67 lakhs
University of California, Berkeley 37,022 30.67 lakhs
University of Chicago 70,056 58.04 lakhs
University of Pennsylvania 46,600 38.60 lakhs
Cornell University 24,800 2.05 lakhs
California Institute of Technology 63,402 52.53 lakhs
Yale University 48,300 40.01 lakhs
Princeton University 62,400 51.69 lakhs

PhD in USA Fees

Cost of Living in USA

USA is the most popular as well as the costliest study abroad destination for PhD in USA as well as other programs. This corresponds to the quality of education, safety, ambience, and health services the country offers. Based on some of the top universities in the USA, students admitted to PhD courses will face an average living cost of USD 45,773 (INR 37.92 lakhs) based on various parameters mentioned below.

Accommodation 24,043  19.92 lakhs
Meals 8,980 7.44 lakhs
Transportation 2,390 1.98 lakhs
Health Insurance 2,600 2.15 lakhs
Personal Expenses 7,760 6.42 lakhs
Total 45,773 37.92 lakhs

Cost of Living in USA

PhD in USA with Scholarship

At Universities in the USA, students are offered various scholarships and fellowships allowing students to ease their financial burden. You can check various fellowships offered by US universities in the table below.

Capitol Fellowship United States Capitol Historical Society (USCHS) Students enrolled in a doctoral program 30,000
Dissertation Year Fellowship Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire Students in the completion stage of their Ph.D. program 15,000
Newkirk Fellowship National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Students must be enrolled full-time in a university graduate program having common interest with HAO research goals. Varies
Guru Gobind Singh Fellowship Competition University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) For graduates of Indian and Pakistani enrolled in PhD programs at UC. 30,000
Graduate Research Assistant Program Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Current graduate students working on doctoral dissertation with a GPA of 3.2 on a 4.0 scale Varies
Research Awards in Educational Advancement CASE Research Awards Students working on doctoral dissertation Varies
NVIDIA Research Graduate Fellowship NVIDIA Candidates must have completed the first year of their PhD 50,000
Google PhD fellowship Google Full-time graduate students pursuing a PhD in the research areas represented by the fellowships Tuition fees+books+stipend

Also Check : Education Loans to Study in USA

PhD in USA Placements

After completing the Ph.D. program at Universities in the USA, students are offered various job profiles based on their field of study and research. The average salary offered for various job profiles listed below ranges from USD 59,506 to 92,179 (INR 49.29 to 76.36 lakhs).

Assistant Professor 74,670 61.85 lakhs
Business Analyst 67,503 55.92 lakhs
Biomedical Scientist 83,047 68.79 lakhs
Professor 92,179 76.36 lakhs
Economist 89,130 73.83 lakhs
Research Associate 59,506 49.29 lakhs

PhD in USA: Placements

PhD in USA: Return on Investment

After completing the PhD programs in the USA, students are placed in various sectors. Graduates from US Universities receive an annual average salary ranging from USD 65,070 to 1,75,090 based on various top universities as mentioned below.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 80,390 65,070
Harvard University 54,032 1,75,000
Stanford University 58,746 88,000
University of California, Berkeley 37,022 1,47,578
University of Chicago 70,056 77,000
University of Pennsylvania 46,600 88,900
Cornell University 24,800 1,15,891
California Institute of Technology 63,402 1,18,000
Yale University 48,300 76,359
Princeton University 62,400 1,03,000


The availability of stipends, scholarships, and fellowships allows students to pursue a PhD in USA without any financial pressure. With an unemployability rate of just 3.9%, the USA allows graduates to work in their core fields after completing the Ph.D. programs. Companies like Apple, Amazon, CISCO, Microsoft, etc. offer students a salary range of USD 59,506 to 92,179 (INR 49.29 to 76.36 lakhs) based on different job profiles. 

Ques. How much does PhD cost in USA?

Ans. The cost of studying PhD in USA includes tuition costs and living costs as mentioned below.

  • Tuition cost for PhD in USA ranges from USD 24,800 to 80,390 (INR 2.05 to 66.66 lakhs)
  • Living costs for PhD in USA is around USD 45,773 (INR 37.92 lakhs).

Ques. How many years is PhD in USA?

Ans. Students enrolled in US universities have 10 years to complete their doctoral thesis, even though the course duration is 6 years .

Ques. What is the eligibility for PhD in USA?

Ans. To pursue PhD in USA, you must fulfil the below requirements.

  • Students must have a bachelors or masters degree in relevant field.
  • Students must have secured a GPA 2.7 to 3.9 on a scale of 4 (80-94%).
  • Students must have valid scores of IELTS 7.0-7.5, TOEFL 90-100, etc.

Furthermore, for some of the specialisations, candidates will be required to submit GMAT or GRE scores.

Ques. Can I work while pursuing a PhD in USA?

Ans. Individuals pursuing a PhD in USA are allowed to work for a maximum of 20 hours per week on a part-time basis. They may start full-time working during vacations or holidays.

Ques. What are the top PhD programs to study in USA?

Ans. The following are some of the popular streams for pursuing a PhD in USA:-

  • Engineering
  • Biological Sciences

Ques. What can I do after completing a PhD in USA?

Ans. After pursuing a Ph.D. program in USA candidates may work under the following job profiles:-

  • Research Scientist
  • Data Analyst
  • Assistant Research Engineer
  • Teaching Assistant Professor
  • Field Biologist
  • Economist, etc.

Ques. Is post graduation necessary for pursuing PhD in USA?

Ans. For a majority of institutions, post graduation or a Master’s degree is not required for studying PhD in USA. Only an undergraduate degree with at least a 3.0 GPA (85%) is sufficient for applying to these colleges.

Ques. What is the salary after PhD in USA?

Ans. Graduates of PhD programs in USA can earn an impressive average annual salary ranging from USD 55,200 to USD 101,100 (INR 45.5 Lakhs to INR 83.4 Lakhs).


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We have 26 PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in USA

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PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in USA

Solid mechanics (electrochemo-mechanics) and machine learning, phd research project.

PhD Research Projects are advertised opportunities to examine a pre-defined topic or answer a stated research question. Some projects may also provide scope for you to propose your own ideas and approaches.

Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

This project has funding attached, subject to eligibility criteria. Applications for the project are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates, but its funding may be restricted to a limited set of nationalities. You should check the project and department details for more information.

PhD International Relations

Self-funded phd students only.

This project does not have funding attached. You will need to have your own means of paying fees and living costs and / or seek separate funding from student finance, charities or trusts.

PhD in Sustainability

Edd in global education, astrophysical sciences and technology ph.d., physics ph.d., mathematical modeling ph.d., business administration ph.d., cognitive science phd, color science ph.d., mechanical and industrial engineering ph.d., sustainability ph.d., microsystems engineering ph.d., electrical and computer engineering ph.d., computing and information sciences doctor of philosophy (ph.d.) degree.

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American Studies, Ph.D.


The Department of American Studies at Saint Louis University  is committed to excellence and originality in research, teaching and service.

Our Ph.D. program combines the rigors of training in theory and methods with the development of skills in critical analysis, writing and research design. At the same time, we provide flexibility in our curriculum for students to pursue their own focused interests, and to connect their work with scholarly communities and public institutions. Finally, we maintain a strong commitment to the sound, ethical and broad professional development of every graduate student that comes through our department.

Faculty and graduate students work toward these goals by building strong mentoring relationships; establishing dynamic and innovative classroom experiences; and disseminating research through conferences, workshops, exhibits and publications.

Our award-winning faculty members are trained specifically in the discipline. Most have earned a Ph.D. in American studies and all have worked extensively in the field as scholars and teachers. Our time and effort as teaching faculty are focused on American studies students. At the same time, we enjoy productive and cordial relations with our colleagues in other departments who teach and conduct research in related fields. Students may take carefully selected courses in those departments, as students in other departments do in American studies.

The faculty is especially strong in several areas, including:

  • Transnational American studies
  • Cultural studies and visual culture
  • African American literature, history and culture
  • U.S. intellectual history
  • Urban cultural studies
  • Race, ethnicity and gender theories and studies
  • Religious studies
  • 20th-century U.S. society and culture

These specialties do not exhaust the range of faculty competence, but they give an idea of the unique character of this interdisciplinary field as practiced at Saint Louis University.

Curriculum Overview

The Doctor of Philosophy is the terminal research degree in American studies. A total of 45 credits of coursework beyond the B.A. degree, plus 12 credits of dissertation writing, is required. Students with M.A. degrees may be able to count up to 12 credits of their previous relevant coursework.

Graduate Handbook

Fieldwork and Research Opportunities

American studies graduate students at SLU benefit from the rich archival and institutional resources available in St. Louis, including relationships with sites such as the Missouri Historical Society, Gateway Arch National Park, Circuit Court Records Project, Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts, Sheldon Galleries, Contemporary Art Museum, Saint Louis Art Museum, Missouri Botanical Garden and Historic Landmarks Association.

American studies graduates from Saint Louis University go on to a wide range of careers in academia, educational administration, museums, libraries, archives, civic organizations, religious orders and ministry, journalism and public agencies.

Admission Requirements

An undergraduate degree or equivalent in a humanities or social science area is required; additional prerequisite work may be required at the department's discretion. Students with relevant M.A. degrees may be granted advanced standing for some of that work, but all Ph.D. students will earn an M.A. as well.

Application Requirements

  • Application form and fee
  • Transcript(s)
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Goal statement
  • Writing sample
  • Interview (scheduled in January)

All written materials are due by Dec. 15 for admission the following fall.

Requirements for International Students

All admission policies and requirements for domestic students apply to international students. International students must also meet the following additional requirements:

  • Demonstrate  English Language Proficiency
  • Courses taken and/or lectures attended
  • Practical laboratory work
  • The maximum and minimum grades attainable
  • The grades earned or the results of all end-of-term examinations
  • Any honors or degrees received.
  • WES and ECE transcripts are accepted.
  • A letter of financial support from the person(s) or sponsoring agency funding the student's time at Saint Louis University
  • A letter from the sponsor's bank verifying that the funds are available and will be so for the duration of the student's study at the University

Assistantship Application Deadline

All students who indicate a need for financial assistance and submit a complete application by Dec. 15 will be considered for a graduate assistantship.

American Studies Application Review Process

A faculty committee reviews all applications. Qualifying applicants will be contacted for an online video interview by early January. Follow the department link above for more information about our graduate program, funding and activities.

Tuition Per Credit
Tuition Cost Per Credit
Graduate Tuition $1,370

Additional charges may apply. Other resources are listed below:

Net Price Calculator

Information on Tuition and Fees

Miscellaneous Fees

Information on Summer Tuition

Scholarships, Assistantships and Financial Aid

For priority consideration for a graduate assistantship, apply by the program admission deadlines listed. Fellowships and assistantships provide a stipend and may include health insurance and a tuition scholarship for the duration of the award. 

Explore Scholarships and Financial Aid Options

1. Students will explain the contexts—such as historical, political, geographic, literary, artistic, social, or intellectual—that shape American cultural practices, expressions, and ideas.

2. Students will assess how American cultural practices, expressions, or ideas shape or are shape by axes of power, such as race, gender, sexuality, class, nation, or ability.

3. Students will synthesize two or more disciplinary approaches in analyses of American cultural practices, expressions, or ideas.

4. Students will effectively articulate arguments and information for an American Studies audience.

5. Students will identify how their research extends, diverges from, or speaks to prior American Studies scholarship.

6. Students will construct a usable portfolio of professional documents, such as cover letters, CVs, sample syllabi, statements of teaching philosophy, conference proposals, and grant applications.

Course List
Code Title Credits
Required Courses9
Perspectives in American Studies
Practice of American Studies
Dissertation Colloquium
Elective Courses
Select twelve graduate elective courses, for example:36
African American Politics, Culture & Identity
Frontiers & Borderlands: Contact & Conquest in the American Imagination
Metropolitan America
Practice of American Studies
Special Topics
Graduate Reading Course
Many Midwests: Race and Citizenship in the Heartland
American Political Thought
Visual Culture Theory
The Cultural Studies Movement: Origins and Contemporary Practice
Transnational America
Visions of U.S. Empire
Cold War Cultural Politics and the "American Century"
Graduate Internship
Special Topics
Graduate Reading Course
Dissertation Research12
Dissertation Research
Total Credits57

Non-Course Requirements

Portfolio paper.

During their second year, all Ph.D. students will complete a portfolio paper, generally a revised and expanded version of a seminar paper, written as a publishable article. Portfolio requirements are the same as for students in the stand-alone M.A. program; there is no thesis option for M.A.-to-Ph.D. students. The written paper is then defended before a committee. The portfolio paper and 30 credits qualify all students for an M.A. but are also required for the Ph.D. program.

Comprehensive Exams

Written exam.

After completing the portfolio paper, students create a three-person committee (one chair and two additional faculty readers). Working closely with the committee members, students develop three literature­ review papers, each based in intensive reading in a discrete field or subject area.

After the three-person committee has accepted the final drafts of the written exam, the student schedules a 90-minute oral exam. The accepted versions of the written exam materials must be supplied to all committee members at least two weeks before the oral exam.  In general, full-time students aim to take their oral exams at the end of their third year. Funded students must complete the comprehensive exam within one calendar year of completing coursework or they may be deemed ineligible for further assistantship support from the department.

After students successfully complete the comprehensive exams and all other requirements, the Office of Graduate Education advances them to candidacy.

Dissertation Proposal and Proposal Presentation

Students must submit a dissertation proposal by the end of the second semester following the successful completion of their comprehensive exams, using the template provided by the department. After the three­-person committee has accepted the final version of the proposal, the student schedules a one-hour oral presentation of the proposal before the student's committee and additional faculty. The accepted version of the proposal must be supplied to all department faculty members at least two weeks before the presentation. Proposal presentations are typically scheduled for one or two days per semester and are open to the public.

Dissertation and Defense

Students write their dissertations working closely with their committee. When the student and committee agree that the dissertation is satisfactory, the student schedules a public defense of the dissertation. Students must submit the final version of the dissertation to their committee at least two weeks before their defense date. In order to obtain a degree in the spring semester, dissertations should be submitted by Feb. 15. For the fall semester, dissertations should be submitted by Oct. 15. Summer defenses are only scheduled under extenuating circumstances.

Continuation Standards

Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 in all graduate/professional courses.

Roadmaps are recommended semester-by-semester plans of study for programs and assume full-time enrollment unless otherwise noted.  

Courses and milestones designated as critical (marked with !) must be completed in the semester listed to ensure a timely graduation. Transfer credit may change the roadmap.

This roadmap should not be used in the place of regular academic advising appointments. All students are encouraged to meet with their advisor/mentor each semester. Requirements, course availability and sequencing are subject to change.

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
Perspectives in American Studies (Required) 3
Two additional American Studies grad seminars 6
Three American Studies grad seminars 9
Qualifying Exam  
Year Two
Three American Studies grad seminars 9
Portfolio Paperwork  
Practice of American Studies 3
Two additional American Studies grad seminars 6
Complete Checklist for MA graduation  
Complete MA Portfolio Paper and Oral Exam  
Year Three
2 American Studies grad seminars 6
Select Literature Review topics and advisors; Begin to put reading lists together  
Dissertation Colloquium 3
Prepare literature reviews for oral exams  
Year Four
Defend Literature reviews in Oral Exams  
Dissertation Research 6
Prepare Prospectus  
Dissertation Research 6
Remaining semesters are dedicated to dissertation research and writing.  
 Total Credits57

Up to two courses outside of the department may be substituted for ASTD seminars, with the approval of the advisor and graduate coordinator.

Last week of classes or during exam week.

Required (must take when offered in the second or third year.)

Oral exams must be completed within two semesters of completing coursework, not including ASTD 6100 Dissertation Colloquium (3 cr) which is sometimes taken after orals.

Program Notes

Students can but are not required to use the summers to take their foreign language requirement, take an outside course, pursue an internship for credit or work on their oral exams.

For additional information regarding admissions and graduate programs in American Studies, please contact  [email protected] .

Kate Moran Graduate Coordinator

Mark Cange Administrative Assistant ​314-977-2911

American Studies

You are here, graduate program overview.

Graduate students enter either the Ph.D. program or the one year M.A. program. Students in the Ph.D. program earn the M.A. en route to the doctorate. The MA concentration in Public Humanities is open only to our Ph.D. students.

Doctoral Program

Students accepted into the doctoral program are fully funded for five years through a combination of tuition, teaching, and fellowships. Health insurance and a stipend are also provided to all matriculating doctoral students. Please visit the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences for further information on financial aid and funding opportunities.

Doctoral students spend their first two years in coursework, completing a total of twelve courses. In the third year, students begin to teach, take their oral examinations, and write their dissertation prospectuses. The fourth year is typically spent teaching, researching, and writing the dissertation. The University Dissertation Fellowship (UDF), awarded to all students, is usually taken in years five or six and allows candidates to dedicate themselves exclusively to the completion of the dissertation. Many of our students apply for and win external fellowships, allowing them to defer their UDF until the sixth year and thus secure additional time in which to research and write the dissertation.

Masters Program

Students in the M.A. program take 7 term courses, including a special writing project, and complete the language requirement. They take the same courses as doctoral students. There is no financial support for this degree.

Teaching Fellow Program

“The Teaching Fellow Program (TFP) provides the principal framework at Yale in which graduate students learn, under faculty guidance, to become effective teachers and to evaluate student work. Such learning is integral to the preparation of graduate students for professional lives of teaching and scholarship.”


The American Studies program has three types of teaching opportunities for graduate teachers; most graduate students teach six semesters (two semesters each during their third and fourth year, and two semesters in their sixth year, following the University Dissertation Fellowship [UDF], if they remain in good standing).

1) The bulk of our teaching positions are to teach sections in gateway lecture courses. Graduate teachers attend all lectures, and independently lead discussion sections based on the lectures and the course readings, and evaluate student work. Faculty members are expected to meet weekly with the teaching fellows to guide them through the course, and to visit at least one session of each section.

For graduate teachers in their first year of teaching, we will try to allocate a position in an upper-level seminar taught by our ladder faculty. In these seminars, faculty members teach a seminar of their own design, while simultaneously modeling teaching practices for the teaching fellow. The work of the teaching fellow would vary, but may include: a) regular meetings to discuss strategies in designing and executing seminar sessions and to chart the progress of the course, the students, and the teaching fellow; b) specific sessions or segments of sessions led by the graduate teacher; c) forms of co-evaluation of student work (for example, joint or alternating grading); and d) supplementary office hours held by the graduate teacher to advise on specific assignments.

2 ) For advanced graduate teachers, each year we solicit applications to teach: a) a seminar of one’s own design; b) the endowed seminar on “Wilderness in the American Imagination”; and c) the program’s senior project colloquium, which offers supplemental guidance to undergraduate seniors working on independent senior projects with members of the ladder faculty. All of these give experienced and successful graduate teachers the opportunity to develop more advanced teaching experience, under the overall guidance of the Director of Undergraduate Studies. Advanced graduate teachers should also be aware of the Associates in Teaching program, which offers opportunities to develop courses jointly with faculty members: http://ctl.yale.edu/teaching/professional-development/associates-teaching-program

For further information and guidance on issues regarding teaching, graduate teachers may consult with the Director of Graduate Studies and the Director of Undergraduate Studies in American Studies, with the Graduate School’s general policies at    http://gsas.yale.edu/academic-professional-development/teaching-fellow-program ), with the Yale Center for Teaching and Learning ( http://ctl.yale.edu/ ).

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Graduate Program

The department seeks to promote understanding of the complex nature of American life and culture through examining how individual experience intersects with local, national and global contexts.

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  • Dual-Degree M.A. Historic Preservation and American Studies (HPAM)
  • Museum Scholarship and Material Culture Certificate
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  • Graduate Resources
  • Graduate Placement

In investigating issues such as identity, difference, representation, power and cultural and historical change, the department encourages the study of national, regional and local communities, and supports research focused within both contemporary and historical contexts.

The department offers students the opportunity to apply American studies theory and method to their own areas of research, while encouraging them to draw on the approaches of related disciplines in order to inform and enrich their work. In addition to 12 American studies department faculty, the program also provides students with access to a network of approximately 70 affiliate faculty from departments such as African American studies, anthropology, architecture, English, history, sociology and women, gender and sexuality studies. Regular departmental, core affiliate and affiliate faculty members are all eligible to direct dissertations and theses and to serve as advisors to graduate students in American studies.

Our connections with a wide variety of faculty from departments across campus offer American studies students a chance to take part in projects such as the Consortium on Race, Gender, and Ethnicity (CRGE), the David C. Driskell Center for the Study of the Arts and Culture of African Americans and the African Diaspora, or the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH), attend joint-sponsored lecture series and polyseminars and engage in a dialogue with the broader community of Americanists on campus. The Department of American Studies also offers students the opportunity to receive certificates in programs such as digital studies, historic preservation, the joint University of Maryland/Smithsonian Institution Program in Museum Scholarship and Material Culture and women, gender  and sexuality studies. Students can also make use of the extensive resources housed in the Smithsonian Institution, the National Archives, the Library of Congress and other museums, libraries and government agencies in the Baltimore-Washington, D.C. region.

The department is committed to supporting excellence and originality in scholarly research. It also seeks to foster community and professional relationships and encourage regional and national scholarly exchange through student and faculty participation in conferences, projects and workshops and through the publication of scholarly work.

Graduate students enter the program with a variety of skills, research interests, backgrounds and professional experience. Whether focused on careers in the academy, advocacy and public policy, government, media or cultural resource management, students find a community of scholars engaged with teaching and research and resources designed to complement their specific interests and goals and to develop their academic skills.

To apply, please visit the Graduate School’s Online Application and make sure to forward the necessary materials directly to the Graduate School.

For more information about the graduate Ph.D. or master’s programs, contact the AMST Director of Graduate Studies, Dr. Bayley J. Marquez

AMST By the Numbers

AMST PhD graduates


AMST faculty in a zoom meeting


Small, Intimate Department

Header research and innovation


 University-Wide Partnerships

Director of Graduate Studies

Bayley marquez.

Assistant Professor, Director of Graduate Studies, American Studies

3324 Tawes Hall College Park MD, 20742

Resources for Graduate Students

Off-campus research resources.

Library of Congress: Internationally renowned for its extensive collections, including collections of printed materials, prints, maps, photographs, sound recordings and film.

National Archives and Records Administration : NARA houses collections at various sites around the metro Washington, D.C. area and includes the state-of-the-art research facility Archives II in College Park, just minutes from the UMCP campus.

Smithsonian Institution Libraries : Includes those of the African Art Museum; National Gallery of Art; National Museum of American History, which includes the Office of American Folklife; the National Portrait Gallery; and the National Museum of American Art’s Archives of American Art, the world’s largest repository for primary source material documenting the history of the visual arts in the United States.

Other Area Resources

American Institute of Architects

National Building Museum, Archives and Collections

Annapolis Hall of Records

Enoch Pratt Free Library , Baltimore

Maryland Archives

Maryland Historical Society

Archaeological Society of Maryland, Inc

Maryland Historical Trust

Merrill Learning Center and Deaf Archives , Gallaudet University

Moorland-Spingarn Resource Center , Howard University : one of the largest repositories of African American historical documents in the area

The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library

University of Virginia collections

The US Army Center of Military History

US Government Libraries, including those of the federal departments of Labor , Housing and Urban Development , Commerce , and Interior

US Holocaust Memorial Museum

The Historical Society of Washington, D.C.

The Freedom Forum (Arlington, VA)

Campus Resources

The libraries on the College Park campus, consisting of the Theodore H. McKeldin library and six branch libraries, contain over 2.2 million volumes and subscribe to about 20,000 periodicals and newspapers. Additional collections of research materials are available on microfilm, microfiche, phonograph records, tapes, films and in electronic formats. Research at College Park is supported by a variety of technological tools. An online catalog identifies library materials from the collections of libraries on all campuses of the University of Maryland system. It provides access to information about articles in over 100,000 journals and through the fee-based CARS system for accessing hundreds of remote databases, as well as through the free use of over 60 automated reference tools in the library. Extensive inter-library loan services are available to obtain loans or photocopies of materials from other libraries not available at College Park.

Libraries and Collections at UMCP

Architecture Library; Art Library; Broadcast Pioneers and Public Broadcasting Collections; Maryland Room; Non Print Media Library; Performing Arts Library; and the National Trust for Historic Preservation Library, the largest preservation library in the United States.

Other Resources at UMCP

Our connections with a wide variety of faculty from departments across campus offer American studies students a chance to take part in projects such as the Consortium on Race, Gender, and Ethnicity (CRGE) , the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH) and the Center for Heritage Resource Studies , attend joint-sponsored lecture series and polyseminars and engage in a dialogue with the broader community of Americanists on campus.

News View All News

American studies welcomes new graduate cohort, new podcast episode takes a deep dive into the storied legacy of “plantation pedagogy” with dr. bayley marquez, outstanding arhu graduate students honored at awards reception, janelle wong honored by american academy of political and social science, american studies alumnus, dr. gary ford, honored for his work on the constance baker motley postage stamp, first bonnie thornton dill dean’s award supports doctoral student’s research on black americans’ mistrust of medical profession, three arhu faculty win do good innovator awards, mythical beasts and lucky dishes: lunar new year traditions, explained, inaugural ‘harmony fellows’ blend disciplines, forge new directions for arhu and umd, events view all events, byo-bag lunch & discuss what storm, what thunder, prospective student event: arts, humanities & you, “las muertes más bellas del mundo" (the most beautiful deaths in the world): film screening & conversation with featured artists, additional content.

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Amerika'da burslu doktora/PhD yontemini anlatiyorum

Aslinda uzun bir suredir bunu yazmak istiyordum ve yurtdisina nasil cikabilirim diye bir suru post gordugum icin yazma vakti geldigini dusundum. Ozellikle de Amerika'da doktora yapmayi dusunenler olabilir ama bu konuda ne yapacaginizi bilmiyorsaniz hem zaman hem de buyuk bir masraf harcarsiniz ve cogu da bosa gider.

Bastan soylemeliyim belki: Cok da basit bir yontem degil ama ozellikle de doktora yapmak istiyorsaniz ve para vermemek istiyorsaniz (yani tam tersi burs almak istiyorsaniz), belki bu post ile yardimim olabilir size.

Oncelikle bir on bilgi vereyim: Amerika'ya kacak giderim, sonrasinda kesin bir is bulurum ve dunyanin parasini kazanirim fikrine kapilmayin. Bazi gruplarda bu sekilde Amerika'ya bir sekilde adim atmis kisilerin postlarini gorebilirsiniz: calisma iznim yok, isim yok, kalacak yerim yok, lutfen birisi yardim etsin yalvaririm diye mesajlar atiyorlar. Youtube'daki ve sosyal medyadaki hayal tacirlerine kanmayin lutfen. Amerika'ya kacak yolla gelip 3 saat calistim ve iphone 14 pro max super ultra jumbo aldim hikayelerine kanmayin. Hayatinizi ve geleceginizi yakmayin.

Amerika'da (doktora icin) sistem su sekilde isler: Hocalar proje alirlar, butce bulurlar ve ogrenci desteklerler. Bu ogrenciler de proje uzerinde calisirlar. Karsiliginda da proje butcesinden ogrencinin okul masraflari karsilanir ve de ogrencinin gecinmesi icin bir miktar para verilir. Buna Research Assistantship (RA) deniyor. Bunun disinda da Teaching Assistantship (TA) var; onda da derslerin lablarina girip veya derslere bizzat girip ders veriyorsunuz ve okul, sizin masraflarinizi karsiliyor. Her ne kadar sizin okula karsi sorumlulugunuz olsa da bir doktora ogrencisi yine de ek olarak arastirma yapmali ve mezun olmaya calismali bir hoca ile. Bunlara ek olarak da grader diye bir pozisyon var ki bu gorev genelde odevleri okumak icin oluyor.

RA ve TA'de elinize gececek para cok fazla bir para olmayacaktir, onu bastan soylemek gerekli. Sehrine, okuluna, bolumune, hocasina/projesine gore degisecektir. Sadece ogrenci hayati surmenize yeter diye dusunuyorum. Grader pozisyonunda ise verilen para sadece harclik olacaktir ama bazi bolumler/okullar sizin tuitioninizi in-state tuition'a ceviriyorlar (yani okula vermeniz gereken para gercekten de azaliyor), yine de tuition (okula verilmesi gereken miktar) TR imkanlarinda yuksek bir ucret olacaktir. O yuzden de grader konusu uzerinde cok durmayacagim.

Ogrenciyken belli bir miktara kadar (ozellikle de yazlari) staj imkaniniz da olacak ve eger sansiniz yolunda giderse stajdan duzgun bir miktar para kazanabilirsiniz ve belki de makale cikarabilirsiniz. Sonrasinda size is teklifinde bile bulunabilirler. Ama diger taraftan da okulunuza odaklanip olabildigince hizli mezun olmayi da dusunebilirsiniz.

Mezun olduktan sonra devlet 1 sene calisma izni veriyor. Eger ki STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) konularindan mezunsaniz, bunun ustune de 2 senelik bir uzatma veriyor devlet. Yani toplamda mezun olduktan sonra 3 sene yasal olarak calisabiliyorsunuz, sadece mezun oldugunuz bolumle alakali bir yerde calisma gereksinimi var. Sonrasinda da calistiginiz yer H1Bye basvurursa yasal olarak 6 seneye (3 + 3 seklinde) kadar calisma izniniz oluyor. Bu surec icerisinde de green card almak icin farkli yontemleri deneyip permanent resident olmayi deneyebilirsiniz (lottery, isveren tarafindan basvuru veya kendiniz basvurabiliyorsunuz).

Bu ozeti verdikten sonra doktora basvurusunun nasil yapildigina geleyim: Oncelikle unutmamak gerekir ki her okulun ve bolumun farkli gereksinimleri var. Bunlar genelde su sekilde oluyor: GPA (not ortalamasi), GRE (sinav) ve dil yeterliligi (farkli sinavlar var TOEFL, IELTS, Duolingo gibi). Bunlar olmazsa olmaz diyemem ama bunlar cok etkili olacaktir. Eger dusuk bir not ortalamaniz varsa, sansiniz dusebilir. Ayni sekilde sinavlardan cok dusuk alirsaniz sansiniz da cok duser. Bu gereksinimler ozellikle de TA pozisyonu icin cok ama cok onemli olacaktir. Nedeni de sizin okul/bolum tarafindan destekleniyor olmaniz. RA pozisyonu ise biraz daha farkli: Burada bir hocanin sizinle calismak istemesi gerekiyor ve basvurdugunuzda da okula ben bu ogrenciyi biliyorum, beraber calisacagiz demesi gerekli. Bu nasil olacak peki? Amerika'daki bir hoca sizi nasil isteyecek? Oncelikle hocayla iletisime gecmeniz gerekli. Genelde bir konferansta tanismak sansinizi son derece arttiracaktir ama bu cok da mumkun degil. O yuzden de buldugunuz (beraber calisabileceginiz) hocaya email atip onunla calismak istediginizi soylemeniz gerekli. Ama bu kadar basit degil tabii ki. Cunku hocalara surekli email atanlar var zaten ve bu emailler genelde su sekilde oluyor: 'Benim okulum su, mezun oldum, surada su kadar calistim, sizden RA lik veya TA lik istiyorum.' Boyle olunca da bu emailleri pek okumuyor hocalar. Yerine bir hocaya mail attiginiz zaman kendinizi en iyi sekilde tanitmali ve hocanin isine nasil yarayacaginizi belirtmeniz gerek ve bunu yaparken de cok uzun bir email atmayin (asiri uzun emailleri kimse sevmez). Bu emailin en onemli kismi, o hocanin isine nasil yarayacaginizi anlatmaniz, yani soyle bir sey demeniz gerekiyor: Siz su konuda calisiyormussunuz, ben su dersleri aldim ve ek olarak bu projeleri yaptim, sizin makalelerinizi de okudum ve bu makalede su sekilde bir yenilik getirebilirim, su yontemleri uygulayabilirim. Bu tur bir email sizin arastirma yapmak icin gerekli alt yapiyi zaten yaptiginizi gosterecegi icin sansiniz birden tavan yapacaktir.

Bir diger yol da okudugunuz yerdeki hocalarin tavsiyesi uzerine basvurmak. Eger bir hoca ile zaten calisiyorsaniz (lisans seviyesinde bile bir hoca ile calisip bir arastirma projesinin ucundan tutabilirsiniz) ve onun da yurtdisinda baglantilari varsa ve sizi o baglantilara tavsiye ederse, sansiniz gayet iyi artacaktir. MS yaparken de tezli MS > tessiz MS -- zaten research yapmis oluyorsunuz tezli MS yaptiginizda ve bu da sansinizi arttiracaktir.

Diger taraftan TAlik ise biraz farkli isliyor: Size destek hocadan degil ama bir bolumden veya okuldan veriliyor. O yuzden bir onceki adim isimize yaramaz diyebilirsiniz. Ama soyle bir sey var: Bir hoca sizi almak istiyorsa ve butcesi yoksa okuldan sizin icin TAlik isteyebilir. Bu noktada da bir hoca ile iletisime gecmek cok yerinde olacaktir. Eger ki GPA, GRE, Ingilizce yeterlilik konusunda herseyi yaptiysaniz, yine de bir hoca ile iletisime gecin ve bir onceki paragrafta anlattiklarimi yapin. Ayrica TAlik icin degerlendirilmeniz durumunda bile bir hocanin desteginin olmasi sizin sansinizi arttirir.

Unutmadan, basvuru yaparken gerekli olan diger evraklardan birisi de Statement of Purpose, yani ne yapmak istediginizi ve nedenini anlattiginiz 1-2 sayfalik bir mektup. Bunu yazarken cok dikkatli olmak gerekli: her isi yaparim demek basvurunuza yapacaginiz en buyuk kotuluk olur. Yerine ben su konuda doktora yapmak istiyorum, su nedenlerle, ve sonrasinda da sunlari yapmak istiyorum. Bu konuda calisan hocalardan da su hoca ile calismak istiyorum, zaten kendisi ile iletisime de gectim ve basvurmami tavsiye etti diyebilmeniz gerekli.

Genelde gordugum hatalardan birisi su sekilde oluyor: TR'de iyi bir okuldan mezun olup (Bogazici, Bilkent, ODTU, ITU gibi) asiri derecede ozguven zehirlenmesi gecirenler olabiliyor, 'Zaten cok iyi bir okuldan mezunum hemen beni alacaklardir, pesimde kosacaklardir' bakis acisiyla basvurup hic bir yerden kabul almayanlar cok ne yazik ki. Bu bakis acisiyla davranip, hic bir hocayla iletisime gecmezseniz sansinizi kendi ellerinizle oldurursunuz. Basvurdugunuz departman (daha dogrusu kabul komitesi) sizin okulu cok iyi bilmiyorsa hepsi TR'de bir okul olarak degerlendirebilir. Ancak bir Turk tanidigina nasil bu okul diyecektir hoca. Diger taraftan da TR'de cok iyi bir universitede okumuyorsaniz sansiniz yok degil; hala sansiniz var, sadece kendinizi olabildigince gelistirmeniz ve anlattiklarimi yapmaniz gerekli.

Ozellikle de yeni universite okuyan arkadaslara sesleniyorum: Isi ciddiye alin ve 3. seneye kadar derslerinizi yuksek tutun, olabildigince de proje yapin. 3. sene sonunda bu sinavlari da halletmeniz gerekiyor ve de ayni zamanda hocalarla iletisime gecmeye baslamaniz gerekiyor. Boylelikle 4. senede basvurunuzu yapin ve bir okula MS+PhD icin sansiniz olsun. Universite sadece gezme, eglenme yeri degil. Bunlari yapin ama oraya kariyerinizi olusturmak icin gittiginizi unutmayin.

Su an TR'de MS yapan ve ozellikle de Amerika'da doktora dusunen varsa, tavsiyem en kisa zamanda bir arastirma projesine baslamaniz, bir hocayla calismaniz ve olasi hocalarin bir listesini cikarmaniz olur.

Bir diger soru da su olacaktir: Basvuracagimiz, iletisime gececegimiz hocalari nasil bulabiliriz? Daha once bahsettigim gibi bir hoca ile bir konferansta tanismak sansinizi arttirir ama bu da her zaman ise yaramaz. Onun yerine ilk basta calisma konusu sizin ilgilerinizi ceken hocalarin listesini olusturun derim. Bunu yaparken de cesitli okullarin departmanlarindaki hocalari inceleyebilirsiniz. Sonrasinda da hocalarin son zamanlarda neler uzerine makale cikardigina bakin ve eger son 2-3 yilda hic makale cikarmamissa bir hoca, hemen es gecin. Makalelerine Google Scholar'dan bakabilirsiniz. Sonrasinda da neler yaptiklarina gore bir mail atabilirsiniz.

Bir baska hata da su sekilde oluyor: Doktora yapacaksam en iyi okullarda olmali. Kusura bakmayin da bu biraz utopik bir hayal. Stanford, MIT, Caltech gibi yerlerde sansiniz olmaz demiyorum ama cok ama cok daha dusuk olacaktir. Cunku, en az sizin kadar donanimli onlarca kisi basvuruyor bir hocaya. Ayrica calisma izni verilirken en iyi okuldan mezunsan daha uzun bir calisma izni verecegiz demiyor kimse.

Hocalara bakarken, US News listesinden universitelere bakabilirsiniz. Ilk 10 ve hatta ilk 50 icin bile guzel bir calisma olusturmaniz gerekli. O yuzden ilk 50'yi gecip sonraki okullara bakmaya baslayabilirsiniz de.

Evet, uzun bir post oldu cunku uzun bir yol. Ve belki aklima gelmeyen daha neler vardir. Ama belki birisine yardimi olur.

Bir not daha: Her ne kadar yurtdisinda olsaniz da vataninizi sevmeye devam edin. Ona hizmet etmek illa TR'de iken olmaz, yurtdisinda da ona hizmet edebilirsiniz. Insanlari (gerek Turk gerek yabanci) bilgilendirebilir, yol gosterebilirsiniz, ulkenizin guzelliklerini tanitabilirsiniz.


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    Our PhD programs position students in the national center of influence and relevancy. Here in our nation's capital, they dive into research that addresses today's most pressing challenges and produce scholarship with real-world connection and immediate impact. Our doctoral programs are full-time, cohort-based degrees that draw from the ...

  9. PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in USA

    Rochester Institute of Technology USA Saunders College of Business. The Ph.D. in business administration is designed to inspire and train scholars to identify, investigate, and solve novel business challenges that influence business and society, particularly, those that are triggered by technological changes. Read more.

  10. Doctorate Degrees and PhD Programs in United States

    A Doctorate, or Doctoral Degree, is the highest level of academic degree awarded by a university. A doctorate typically signifies that the individual is qualified to teach at the post secondary level or work in a specific field of profession. There are two major types of doctoral degrees; the research oriented degree, and the professional ...

  11. Ph.D. Program

    Program of Study. Doctoral students entering the program with a master's degree take a minimum of 30 hours (beyond the master's degree), consisting of courses in American studies and related disciplines and a minimum of 12 hours of AMST899: "Doctoral Dissertation Research.". In certain cases, students may petition to receive up to six ...

  12. List of fields of doctoral studies in the United States

    This is the list of the fields of doctoral studies in the United States used for the annual Survey of Earned Doctorates, conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago for the National Science Foundation and other federal agencies, as used for the 2015 survey. [1]These are fields of research-oriented doctoral studies, leading mostly to Ph.D.s - in the academic year 2014-15, 98% of the ...

  13. PhD

    SIS is committed to maintaining, both among its faculty and within its doctoral program, the expertise needed for the rigorous analysis of critical issues in international affairs. The PhD program requires 39 credit hours of approved graduate coursework, plus the successful defense of a dissertation.

  14. Doctoral Degrees

    Doctoral Degrees. Whatever your ambition, a PhD from AUS can set you apart, and prepare you for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Working under the supervision of our world-class faculty, AUS doctoral students pursue cutting-edge research that has regional relevance and global impact. The coursework in our PhD programs provides ...

  15. PhD in Economics

    PhD in Economics. At a Glance. 45 credit hours of course work, completed in as little as 2.5 years. Study diverse theoretical perspectives, including post-Keynesian, intuitionalist, evolutionary, and feminist economics. Tailor your field coursework to best match your research interests. Program Director: Professor Nathan Larson.

  16. American Studies, Ph.D.

    American Studies, Ph.D. The Department of American Studies at Saint Louis University is committed to excellence and originality in research, teaching and service. Our Ph.D. program combines the rigors of training in theory and methods with the development of skills in critical analysis, writing and research design.

  17. Graduate Program Overview

    The American Studies program has three types of teaching opportunities for graduate teachers; most graduate students teach six semesters (two semesters each during their third and fourth year, and two semesters in their sixth year, following the University Dissertation Fellowship [UDF], if they remain in good standing).

  18. Amerika'da Tıp Okumak 102: MD/PhD Programları ve Burslu ...

    Bugün MD/PhD programlarının neler olduğunu ve kimlere uygun olduğunu tartışıyoruz. Çifte doktor olmak ne demek, Amerika'da burslu tıp okumanın tek yolu bu mu...

  19. Graduate Program

    Director of Graduate Studies. Assistant Professor, Director of Graduate Studies, American Studies. 3324 Tawes Hall. College Park MD, 20742. The department seeks to promote understanding of the complex nature of American life and culture through examining how individual experience intersects with local, national and global contexts.

  20. Admissions & Requirements, PhD in Economics

    Admissions at a Glance. Deadlines. Fall semester: January 15. Spring semester: October 1 (September 15 for international students) Entrance Requirements. Minimum Grade Point Average of 3.3 (4.0 scale) in all undergraduate coursework. Coursework in Intermediate Macroeconomics and Intermediate Microeconomics (or their equivalent), Statistics and ...

  21. Yüksek Lisans (master) yapmadan doktora (phD) yapabilirsiniz

    Bu haftamın konuğu Amerika'da bilim insanı olarak çalışan Burak Gülen. Burak bizlerin doktora kabulüyle ilgili doğru bildiğimiz yanlışları ve doktora tecrüb...

  22. amerika'da doktora yapmak

    amerika'da master ogrencisi olmak sagladıgı fırsatlar acısından oldukca caziptir.ilk basta bastırılması gereken dolarların karsılıgını hem okuyup hem de okudugun yer de stajer egitmenlik yaparak cıkarmak mumkundur. en rahat doktora yapılabılecek ulkelerden bırıdir amerika yani egitimi fazla zorlamaz ama buna ragmen tum dunyada ...

  23. Amerika'da burslu doktora/PhD yontemini anlatiyorum : r/Turkey

    Amerika'da burslu doktora/PhD yontemini anlatiyorum. Aslinda uzun bir suredir bunu yazmak istiyordum ve yurtdisina nasil cikabilirim diye bir suru post gordugum icin yazma vakti geldigini dusundum. Ozellikle de Amerika'da doktora yapmayi dusunenler olabilir ama bu konuda ne yapacaginizi bilmiyorsaniz hem zaman hem de buyuk bir masraf ...